Search results for: attitudes of teachers
1175 The Effect of Video Games on English as a Foreign Language Students' Language Learning Motivation
Authors: Shamim Ali
Researchers and teachers have begun developing digital games and model environments for educational purpose; therefore this study examines the effect of a videos game on secondary school students’ language learning motivation. Secondly, it tries to find out the opportunities to develop a decision making process and simultaneously it analyzes the solutions for further implementation in educational setting. Participants were 30 male students randomly assigned to one of the following three treatments: 10 students were assigned to read the game’s story; 10 students were players, who played video game; and, and the last 10 students acted as watchers and observers, their duty was to watch their classmates play the digital video game. A language learning motivation scale was developed and it was given to the participants as a pre- and post-test. Results indicated a significant language learning motivation and the participants were quite motivated in the end. It is, thus, concluded that the use of video games can help enhance high school students’ language learning motivation. It was suggested that video games should be used as a complementary activity not as a replacement for textbook since excessive use of video games can divert the original purpose of learning.Keywords: EFL, English as a Foreign Language, motivation, video games, EFL learners
Procedia PDF Downloads 1791174 The Place of Instructional Materials in Quality Education at Primary School Level in Katsina State, Nigeria
Authors: Murtala Sale
The use of instructional materials is an indispensable tool that enhances qualitative teaching and learning especially at the primary level. Instructional materials are used to facilitate comprehension of ideas in the learners as well as ensure long term retention of ideas and topics taught to pupils. This study examined the relevance of using instructional materials in primary schools in Katsina State, Nigeria. It employed survey design using cluster sampling technique. The questionnaire was used to gather data for analysis, and statistical and frequency tables were used to analyze the data gathered. The results show that teachers and students alike have realized the effectiveness of modern instructional materials in teaching and learning for the attainment of set objectives in the basic primary education policy. It also discovered that reluctance in the use of instructional materials will hamper the achievement of qualitative primary education. The study therefore suggests that there should be the provision of adequate and up-to-date instructional materials to all primary schools in Katsina State for effective teaching and learning process.Keywords: instructional materials, effective teaching, learning quality, indispensable aspect
Procedia PDF Downloads 2531173 A Low-Cost Experimental Approach for Teaching Energy Quantization: Determining the Planck Constant with Arduino and Led
Authors: Gastão Soares Ximenes de Oliveira, Richar Nicolás Durán, Romeo Micah Szmoski, Eloiza Aparecida Avila de Matos, Elano Gustavo Rein
This article aims to present an experimental method to determine Planck's constant by calculating the cutting potential V₀ from LEDs with different wavelengths. The experiment is designed using Arduino as a central tool in order to make the experimental activity more engaging and attractive for students with the use of digital technologies. From the characteristic curves of each LED, graphical analysis was used to obtain the cutting potential, and knowing the corresponding wavelength, it was possible to calculate Planck's constant. This constant was also obtained from the linear adjustment of the cutting potential graph by the frequency of each LED. Given the relevance of Planck's constant in physics, it is believed that this experiment can offer teachers the opportunity to approach concepts from modern physics, such as the quantization of energy, in a more accessible and applied way in the classroom. This will not only enrich students' understanding of the fundamental nature of matter but also encourage deeper engagement with the principles of quantum physics.Keywords: physics teaching, educational technology, modern physics, Planck constant, Arduino
Procedia PDF Downloads 761172 Socioeconomic Values of Fertility in Islam
Authors: Mohamed Hamed Mohamed Ahmed Alameer
Population studies, essentially deals with the size, growth, and distribution of the population in a given area. Size, growth, and distribution are determined by three major factors, which are fertility mortality, and migration. Of these factors, fertility- as a number of live births a woman has actually had- is a potent socio-demographic force in vital process of population growth. So, fertility is a major component of population growth. It is one of the main determinants of population growth and has crucial role in population dynamic, because it measures the rate at which a population increased. In fact the levels of fertility are vary widely among nations, countries, geographic regions, ethnic, socio- economic groups, and religious groups. Fertility differential by religion have been empirically documented in a large numbers of countries. For instance, many researchers in developing and developed countries investigated the differential of fertility among Muslims and Non- Muslims. Most of them have found that fertility of Muslims is higher than fertility of non Muslims. And Muslims have a tendency for large families comparing to non- Muslims population. On the basis of this; Islam by it itself could play an important role in shaping attitudes and values of fertility, such as: sustainability of human kind, developmental reasons, religious Motivations, socioeconomic Motivations, and Psychological Motivation. Therefore, this paper investigates socio-economic values of fertility in Islam and compare it to Malthusian and neo Malthusian functionalists and conflict perspectives.Keywords: islam, fertility, socioeconomic values, social sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4751171 Snow Leopard Conservation in Nepal: Peoples` Perception on the Verge of Rural Livelihood
Authors: Bishnu Prasad Devkota
Peoples` perception is reflected in their attitudes and presumably their behavior towards wildlife conservation. The success of wildlife conservation initiatives in the mountains of Nepal is heavily dependent on local people. Therefore, Nepal has emphasized the involvement of local people in wildlife conservation, especially in the mountainous region. Local peoples` perception towards snow leopard conservation in six mountainous protected area of Nepal was carried out conducting 300 household surveys and 90 face to face key informant interviews. The average livestock holding was 27.74 animals per household with depredation rate of 10.6 % per household per annum. Livestock was the source of 32.74% of the total mean annual income of each household. In average, the economic loss per household per annum due to livestock depredation was US $ 490. There was significant difference in people´s perception towards snow leopard conservation in protected areas of mountainous region of Nepal. These differences were due to economic, educational and cultural factors. 54.4% local people showed preference for snow leopard conservation. The perception of local people toward snow leopard was significantly difference by the economic status of local people. Involvement of local people in conservation activities had positive impact towards wildlife conservation in the mountain region of Nepal. Timely introducing incentive programs can be a supportive way for sustaining the conservation of snow leopards in the Nepalese Himalayas.Keywords: economic loss, livestock depredation, local people, perception, snow leopard
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521170 Basic Education Curriculum in South- South Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities of Quality Contents in the Second Language Learning
Authors: Catherine Alex Agbor
The modern Nigerian society is dynamic, divided in zones based on economic, political and educational resources often shared across the zones. The Six Geopolitical Zones in Nigeria is a major division in modern Nigeria, created during the regime of president Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida. They are North Central, North East, North West, South East, South South and South West. However, the zone used in this study is known as former South-Eastern State of Akwa-Ibom State and Cross-River State; former Rivers State of Bayelsa State and Rivers State; and former Mid-Western Region, Nigeria of Delta State and Edo State. Many reforms have taken place overtime, particularly in the education sector. Education is constantly presenting new ideas and innovative approaches which act to facilitate the rapid exchange of knowledge and provide quality basic education for learners. The Federal Government of Nigeria in accordance with its National Council on Education directed the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council to restructure its basic education curriculum with the hope to enable the nation meet national and global developmental goals. One of the goals of the 9-year Basic Education Programme is developing in the entire citizenry a strong consciousness for education and a strong commitment to its vigorous promotion. Another is ensuring the acquisition of appropriate levels of literacy, numeracy, manipulative, communicative and life-skills as well as the ethical, moral and civic values for laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning. Therefore, this article at the introductory stage is aimed to describe some key issues in Nigeria’s experience in the basic education curriculum. In this study, particular attention is paid to this very recent educational policy of the Nigerian government known as Universal Basic Education, its challenges and what can be done to make the policy achieve its desired objectives. It progresses to analyze modern requirements for second language teaching; and presents the challenges of second language teaching in Nigeria. Finally, it reports a study which investigated special efforts for appropriate achievement of quality education in language classroom in the south-south zone of Nigeria. One fundamental research question was posed on what educational practices can contribute to current understanding of the structure of language curriculum. More explicitly, the study was designed to analyze the extent to which quality content contributes to current understanding of the structure of school curriculum in the zone. Otherwise stated, it investigated how student-centred educational practices impact on their learning of French language. One hundred and eighty (180) participants (teachers) were purposefully sampled for the study. Qualitative technique was used to elicit information from participants. The qualitative method used was Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Participants were divided into six groups comprising of 30 teachers from each zone. Group discussions were based mainly on curriculum contents and practices. Information from participants revealed that the curriculum content, among others is inadequate and should be re-examined. Recommendations were proffered as a panacea to concrete implementation of the basic education in Nigeria.Keywords: basic education, quality contents, second language, south-south states
Procedia PDF Downloads 2431169 Attitudinal Change: A Major Therapy for Non–Technical Losses in the Nigerian Power Sector
Authors: Fina O. Faithpraise, Effiong O. Obisung, Azele E. Peter, Chris R. Chatwin
This study investigates and identifies consumer attitude as a major influence that results in non-technical losses in the Nigerian electricity supply sector. This discovery is revealed by the combination of quantitative and qualitative research to complete a survey. The dataset employed is a simple random sampling of households using electricity (public power supply), and the number of units chosen is based on statistical power analysis. The units were subdivided into two categories (household with and without electrical meters). The hypothesis formulated was tested and analyzed using a chi-square statistical method. The results obtained shows that the critical value for the household with electrical prepared meter (EPM) was (9.488 < 427.4) and those without electrical prepared meter (EPMn) was (9.488 < 436.1) with a p-value of 0.01%. The analysis demonstrated so far established the real-time position, which shows that the wrong attitude towards handling the electricity supplied (not turning off light bulbs and electrical appliances when not in use within the rooms and outdoors within 12 hours of the day) characterized the non-technical losses in the power sector. Therefore the adoption of efficient lighting attitudes in individual households as recommended by the researcher is greatly encouraged. The results from this study should serve as a model for energy efficiency and use for the improvement of electricity consumption as well as a stable economy.Keywords: attitudinal change, household, non-technical losses, prepared meter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1801168 Psychological Dominance During and Afterward of COVID-19 Impact of Online-Offline Educational Learning on Students
Authors: Afrin Jaman Bonny, Mehrin Jahan, Zannatul Ferdhoush, Mumenunnessa Keya, Md. Shihab Mahmud, Sharun Akter Khushbu, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Sheikh Abujar
In 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had led all the educational institutions to move to online learning platforms to ensure safety as well as the continuation of learning without any disruption to students’ academic life. But after the reopening of those educational institutions suddenly in Bangladesh, it became a vital demand to observe students take on this decision and how much they are comfortable with the new habits. When all educational institutions were ordered to re-open after more than a year, data was collected from students of all educational levels. A Google Form was used to conduct this online survey, and a total of 565 students participated without being pressured. The survey reveals the students' preferences for online and offline education systems, as well as their mental health at the time including their behavior to get back to offline classes depending on getting vaccinated or not. After evaluating the findings, it is clear that respondents' choices vary depending on gender and educational level, with female and male participants experiencing various mental health difficulties and attitudes toward returning to offline classes. As a result of this study, the student’s overall perspective on the sudden reopening of their educational institutions has been analyzed.Keywords: covid-19 epidemic, educational proceeding, university students, school/college students, physical activity, online platforms, mental health, psychological distress
Procedia PDF Downloads 2131167 A Study on the Factors Affecting Student Behavior Intention to Attend Robotics Courses at the Primary and Secondary School Levels
Authors: Jingwen Shan
In order to explore the key factors affecting the robot program learning intention of school students, this study takes the technology acceptance model as the theoretical basis and invites 167 students from Jiading District of Shanghai as the research subjects. In the robot course, the model of school students on their learning behavior is constructed. By verifying the causal path relationship between variables, it is concluded that teachers can enhance students’ perceptual usefulness to robotics courses by enhancing subjective norms, entertainment perception, and reducing technical anxiety, such as focusing on the gradual progress of programming and analyzing learner characteristics. Students can improve perceived ease of use by enhancing self-efficacy. At the same time, robot hardware designers can optimize in terms of entertainment and interactivity, which will directly or indirectly increase the learning intention of the robot course. By changing these factors, the learning behavior of primary and secondary school students can be more sustainable.Keywords: TAM, learning behavior intentions, robot courses, primary and secondary school students
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521166 Machine Learning Based Gender Identification of Authors of Entry Programs
Authors: Go Woon Kwak, Siyoung Jun, Soyun Maeng, Haeyoung Lee
Entry is an education platform used in South Korea, created to help students learn to program, in which they can learn to code while playing. Using the online version of the entry, teachers can easily assign programming homework to the student and the students can make programs simply by linking programming blocks. However, the programs may be made by others, so that the authors of the programs should be identified. In this paper, as the first step toward author identification of entry programs, we present an artificial neural network based classification approach to identify genders of authors of a program written in an entry. A neural network has been trained from labeled training data that we have collected. Our result in progress, although preliminary, shows that the proposed approach could be feasible to be applied to the online version of entry for gender identification of authors. As future work, we will first use a machine learning technique for age identification of entry programs, which would be the second step toward the author identification.Keywords: artificial intelligence, author identification, deep neural network, gender identification, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3241165 Monitoring of Sustainability of Extruded Soya Product TRADKON SPC-TEX in Order to Define Expiration Date
Authors: Radovan Čobanović, Milica Rankov Šicar
New attitudes about nutrition impose new styles, and therefore a neNew attitudes about nutrition impose new styles, and therefore a new kind of food. The goal of our work was to define the shelf life of new extruded soya product with minimum 65% of protein based on the analyses. According to the plan it was defined that a certain quantity of the same batch of new product (soybean flakes) which had predicted shelf life of 2 years had to be stored for 24 months in storage and analyzed at the beginning and end of sustainability plan on instrumental analyses (heavy metals, pesticides and mycotoxins) and every month on sensory analyses (odor, taste, color, consistency), microbiological analyses (Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, sulfite-reducing clostridia, Listeria monocytogenes), chemical analyses (protein, ash, fat, crude cellulose, granulation) and at the beginning on GMO analyses. All analyses were tested according to: sensory analyses ISO 6658, Salmonella spp ISO 6579, Escherichia coli ISO 16649-2, Enterobacteriaceae ISO 21528-2, sulfite-reducing clostridia ISO 15213 and Listeria monocytogenes ISO 11290-2, chemical and instrumental analyses Serbian ordinance on the methods of physico-chemical analyses and GMO analyses JRC Compendium. The results obtained after the analyses which were done according to the plan during the 24 months indicate that are no changes of products concerning both sensory and chemical analyses. As far as microbiological results are concerned Salmonella spp was not detected and all other quantitative analyses showed values <10 cfu/g. The other parameters for food safety (heavy metals, pesticides and mycotoxins) were not present in analyzed samples and also all analyzed samples were negative concerning genetic testing. On the basis of monitoring the sample under defined storage conditions and analyses of quality control, GMO analyses and food safety of the sample during the shelf within two years, the results showed that all the parameters of the sample during defined period is in accordance with Serbian regulative so that indicate that predicted shelf life can be adopted.w kind of food. The goal of our work was to define the shelf life of new extruded soya product with minimum 65% of protein based on the analyses. According to the plan it was defined that a certain quantity of the same batch of new product (soybean flakes) which had predicted shelf life of 2 years had to be stored for 24 months in storage and analyzed at the beginning and end of sustainability plan on instrumental analyses (heavy metals, pesticides and mycotoxins) and every month on sensory analyses (odor, taste, color, consistency), microbiological analyses (Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, sulfite-reducin clostridia, Listeria monocytogenes), chemical analyses (protein, ash, fat, crude cellulose, granulation) and at the beginning on GMO analyses. All analyses were tested according: sensory analyses ISO 6658, Salmonella spp ISO 6579, Escherichia coli ISO 16649-2, Enterobacteriaceae ISO 21528-2, sulfite-reducing clostridia ISO 15213 and Listeria monocytogenes ISO 11290-2, chemical and instrumental analyses Serbian ordinance on the methods of physico-chemical analyses and GMO analyses JRC Compendium. The results obtained after the analyses which were done according to the plan during the 24 months indicate that are no changes of products concerning both sensory and chemical analyses. As far as microbiological results are concerned Salmonella spp was not detected and all other quantitative analyses showed values <10 cfu/g. The other parameters for food safety (heavy metals, pesticides and mycotoxins) were not present in analyzed samples and also all analyzed samples were negative concerning genetic testing. On the basis of monitoring the sample under defined storage conditions and analyses of quality control, GMO analyses and food safety of the sample during the shelf within two years, the results showed that all the parameters of the sample during defined period is in accordance with Serbian regulative so that indicate that predicted shelf life can be adopted.Keywords: extruded soya product, food safety analyses, GMO analyses, shelf life
Procedia PDF Downloads 2961164 Efficacy of a Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum for Kindergarten and First Grade Students to Improve Social Adjustment within the School Culture
Authors: Ann P. Daunic, Nancy Corbett
Background and Significance: Researchers emphasize the role that motivation, self-esteem, and self-regulation play in children’s early adjustment to the school culture, including skills such as identifying their own feelings and understanding the feelings of others. As social-emotional growth, academic learning, and successful integration within culture and society are inextricably connected, the Social-Emotional Learning Foundations (SELF) curriculum was designed to integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) instruction within early literacy instruction (specifically, reading) for Kindergarten and first-grade students at risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties. Storybook reading is a typically occurring activity in the primary grades; thus SELF provides an intervention that is both theoretically and practically sound. Methodology: The researchers will report on findings from the first two years of a three-year study funded by the US Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences to evaluate the effects of the SELF curriculum versus “business as usual” (BAU). SELF promotes the development of self-regulation by incorporating instructional strategies that support children’s use of SEL related vocabulary, self-talk, and critical thinking. The curriculum consists of a carefully coordinated set of materials and pedagogy designed specifically for primary grade children at early risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties. SELF lessons (approximately 50 at each grade level) are organized around 17 SEL topics within five critical competencies. SELF combines whole-group (the first in each topic) and small-group lessons (the 2nd and 3rd in each topic) to maximize opportunities for teacher modeling and language interactions. The researchers hypothesize that SELF offers a feasible and substantial opportunity within the classroom setting to provide a small-group social-emotional learning intervention integrated with K-1 literacy-related instruction. Participating target students (N = 876) were identified by their teachers as potentially at risk for emotional or behavioral issues. These students were selected from 122 Kindergarten and 100 first grade classrooms across diverse school districts in a southern state in the US. To measure the effectiveness of the SELF intervention, the researchers asked teachers to complete assessments related to social-emotional learning and adjustment to the school culture. A social-emotional learning related vocabulary assessment was administered directly to target students receiving small-group instruction. Data were analyzed using a 3-level MANOVA model with full information maximum likelihood to estimate coefficients and test hypotheses. Major Findings: SELF had significant positive effects on vocabulary, knowledge, and skills associated with social-emotional competencies, as evidenced by results from the measures administered. Effect sizes ranged from 0.41 for group (SELF vs. BAU) differences in vocabulary development to 0.68 for group differences in SEL related knowledge. Conclusion: Findings from two years of data collection indicate that SELF improved outcomes related to social-emotional learning and adjustment to the school culture. This study thus supports the integration of SEL with literacy instruction as a feasible and effective strategy to improve outcomes for K-1 students at risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties.Keywords: Socio-cultural context for learning, social-emotional learning, social skills, vocabulary development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281163 Myths and Strategies for Teaching Calculus in English for Taiwanese Students: A Report Based on Three-Years of Practice
Authors: Shin-Shin Kao
This paper reviews the crucial situation in higher education in Taiwan due to the rapid decline of the birth rate in the past three decades, and how the government and local colleges/universities work to face the challenge. Recruiting international students is one of the possible ways to resolve the problem, but offering enough courses in English is one of the main obstacles when the majority of learners are still Taiwanese students. In the academic year of 2012, Chung Yuan Christian University determined to make its campus international and began to enforce two required courses for freshmen taught in English. It failed in the beginning, but succeeded in the following academic year of 2013. Using the teaching evaluations accumulated in the past three years, this paper aims to clarify the myths which had been bothering most faculties. It also offers some suggestions for college/university teachers interested in giving lectures in English to English as Second Language (ESL) learners. A conclusion is presented at the end of the paper, in which the author explained why Taiwanese students could learn their profession in English.Keywords: calculus, English, teaching evaluation, teaching strategy, vocabulary
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521162 Attitude and Perception of Multiple Sclerosis Patients toward Exercise
Authors: Ali Fuad Ashour
Introduction: Contrary to the common belief that physical training for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients might exacerbate fatigue and provoke other symptoms of the illness, it is now widely accepted that exercise can be actually beneficial in terms of activities of daily living, reduced fatigue, and improved quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess the attitude of MS patients toward exercise. Methodology: 112 MS patients who were recruited from the local community participated in this study. We utilised a self-developed questionnaire targeting attitudes and perceptions of MS patients towards physical exercise. The questionnaire was piloted and tested for validity and reliability. Results: Before being diagnosed with MS, 49.9% of our MS patients’ respondents used to engage in different types of physical activities and sports, namely aerobics/walking (35.3%), stretching exercise (18.7%), and strengthening exercise (11.4%). After being diagnosed with MS, 40.8% of our sample showed determination to remain physically active. The interest in sports activities was consistent after the diagnoses with MS and included aerobics/walking (33.8%), stretching exercise (22.6%), and strengthening exercise (19.7%). Discussion: The Kuwaiti respondents thought that lack of encouragement was the main reason for them not exercise. Aptly put, if they try to exercise, they will be discouraged by the loved ones lest the worse happens. On the other side, British patients are generally aware of the benefits of physical and mental health-promoting activities; they can seek help from a wide range of professionals and are more actively involved in the management of their condition. It is therefore important that the benefits of physical activity are promoted among MS patients, and that attitude towards MS and MS patients is changed through education.Keywords: perception, multiple sclerosis, exercise, physical training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1601161 The Correlation between Self-Regulated Learning Strategies and Reading Proficiency
Authors: Nguyen Thu Ha, Vu Viet Phuong, Do Thi Tieu Yen, Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha
This semi-experimental research investigated the correlation between 42 English as a foreign language (EFL) sophomores' self-regulated learning strategies (SRL) use and their reading comprehension in the Vietnamese context. The analysis from TOEIC reading tests with SPSS 25.0 indicated that there are substantial differences between the post-test reading scores between the experimental group and the control group; therefore, SRL impacts the reading comprehension of EFL participants. Contrary to the alternative hypothesis, teaching learners SRL approaches had a statistically significant influence on reading comprehension. The findings may aid educators in teaching reading comprehension as an essential skill and in using SRL to improve reading comprehension and achievement and enhance reading comprehension aids for language students and instructors. They should equip educators with a variety of instructional strategies which assist academics in preparing learners for lifetime language study and independence. Moreover, the results might encourage educators, administrators, and policymakers to capitalize on the effects of teaching SRL strategies by providing EFL teachers with preparation programs and experiences that help them improve their teaching methods and strategies, especially when teaching reading comprehension.Keywords: correlation, reading proficiency, self-regulated learning strategies, SRL, TOEIC reading comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 951160 Assessing EU-China Security Interests from Contradiction to Convergence
Authors: Julia Gurol
Why do we observe a shift towards convergence in EU-China security interests? While contradicting attitudes towards key principles of inter-state and region-to-state relations, including state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and intervention policies have ever since hindered EU-China inter-regional cooperation beyond the economic realm, collaboration in peace and security issues is now becoming a key pillar of European-Chinese relations. In addition, the Belt and Road Initiative as most ambitious Chinese foreign policy project explicitly touches upon several European foreign policy and security preferences. Based on these counterintuitive findings, this paper traces the process of convergence of Sino-European security interests. Drawing on qualitative text analysis of official Chinese and European policy papers and documents from the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1975 until today, it assesses the striking change over time. On this basis, the paper uses theories of neo-functionalism, inter-regionalism, and securitization and borrows from constructivist views in International Relations’ theory, to expound possible motives for the change in Chinese and respectively European preferences in the security realm. The results reveal interesting insights into the decisive factors and motives behind both countries’ foreign policies. The paper concludes with a discussion of further potential and difficulties of EU-China security cooperation.Keywords: belt and road initiative, China, European Union, foreign policy, neo-functionalism, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 2861159 Community Perception and Knowledge on Oral Cancer Screening Methods in Kuwait
Authors: Lavanya Dharmendran, Shenuka Singh, Sona Baburathanam
The aim of the study is to understand the level of awareness in a community of a specific region of Kuwait regarding oral cancer and its screening methods so as to enhance the uptake of oral cancer screening methods. This is a cross-sectional study comprising 100 adult participants residing in the governate of Farwaniya, Kuwait. Participants of above 18 years of both genders will be selected using convenience sampling. Data collection includes the administration of a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire comprises three sections, each section assessing the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the participants’ opinions about oral cancer and screening methods. Data will be analyzed using Humphris Oral Cancer Knowledge Scale. Inferential statistics will be done using Chi-Square or Fisher’s exact test for categorical data. A level of p<.05 will be established as being significant. All ethical considerations, such as respect for personal confidentiality and informed consent, will be applied in this study. This study revealed that although respondents were aware of the term oral cancer, more than half of the study participants were unaware of the symptoms associated with this condition. Smoking and alcohol were identified as risk factors for oral cancer, but the majority of participants did not identify the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as an added risk factor. This suggests a greater need for dental practitioners to include educational strategies in routine dental visits to ensure greater awareness of oral cancer.Keywords: oral cancer, oral screening, oral public health, oral health
Procedia PDF Downloads 731158 A Study of Flipped Classroom’s Influence on Classroom Environment of College English Reading, Writing and Translating
Authors: Xian Xie, Qinghua Fang
This study used quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the characteristics of flipped classroom’s influence on classroom environment of college English reading, writing, and translating, and to summarize and reflect on the teaching characteristics of college English Reading, writing, and translating. The results of the study indicated that after the flipped classroom applied to reading, writing, and translating, students’ performance was improved to a certain extent, the classroom environment was improved to some extent, students of the flipped classroom are generally satisfied with the classroom environment; students showed a certain degree of individual differences to the degree of cooperation, participation, self-responsibility, task-orientation, and the teacher leadership and innovation. The study indicated that the implementation of flipped classroom teaching mode can optimize College English reading, writing, and translating classroom environment and realize target-learner as the center in foreign language teaching and learning, but bring a greater challenge to teachers.Keywords: classroom environment, college English reading, writing and translating, individual differences, flipped classroom
Procedia PDF Downloads 2651157 From an Elderly Middle-Aged Man to ‘a Scientist May Be Anyone’: Draw-A-Scientist-Test in Nepalese Context
Authors: Pragya Paneru, Prativa Paneru
This paper explores the attitude of high school Nepalese students toward scientists using a famous method named as Draw-A-Scientist-Test (DAST). A total of 145 students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 took part in this research and drew images of scientists. The findings indicated gender imbalance with male dominance in the images of scientists. The result also showed some usual stereotypes relating to hair, equipment, objects, use of eyeglasses, and lab coat in the drawings of scientists. Moreover, the influence of some mainstream western male scientists was widely seen in the drawings implying the exposure of limited male scientists to the students. In contrast to this, no real-life female scientists were mentioned by the participants demonstrating limited exposure of female scientists contributing to the gendered attitude toward the scientists. However, some of the findings also challenged the previous findings and depicted scientists with local features, positive expression, and working outdoors. Moreover, participants’ awareness that scientists could be anyone with an inquisitive mind was indicated by the variations in the characters in their drawings. The drawings indicated that scientists could be someone like a mother, themselves, a fashion icon, Buddha, or a crazy-looking person. This study recommends the inclusion of participants’ interviews, and exploration of their textbooks’ depiction of scientists to uncover additional details regarding their understanding of scientists. Also, a critical discussion of the stereotypical attitudes about scientists in class could help challenge the stereotypical assumptions of scientists.Keywords: scientists, drawings, stereotypes, gender, high school students
Procedia PDF Downloads 811156 LORA: A Learning Outcome Modelling Approach for Higher Education
Authors: Aqeel Zeid, Hasna Anees, Mohamed Adheeb, Mohamed Rifan, Kalpani Manathunga
To achieve constructive alignment in a higher education program, a clear set of learning outcomes must be defined. Traditional learning outcome definition techniques such as Bloom’s taxonomy are not written to be utilized by the student. This might be disadvantageous for students in student-centric learning settings where the students are expected to formulate their own learning strategies. To solve the problem, we propose the learning outcome relation and aggregation (LORA) model. To achieve alignment, we developed learning outcome, assessment, and resource authoring tools which help teachers to tag learning outcomes during creation. A pilot study was conducted with an expert panel consisting of experienced professionals in the education domain to evaluate whether the LORA model and tools present an improvement over the traditional methods. The panel unanimously agreed that the model and tools are beneficial and effective. Moreover, it helped them model learning outcomes in a more student centric and descriptive way.Keywords: learning design, constructive alignment, Bloom’s taxonomy, learning outcome modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881155 Effects of the Mathcing between Learning and Teaching Styles on Learning with Happiness of College Students
Authors: Tasanee Satthapong
The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between learning style preferences, teaching style preferences, and learning with happiness of college students who were majors in five different academic areas at the Suansunandha Rajabhat University in Thailand. The selected participants were 729 students 1st year-5th year in Faculty of Education from Thai teaching, early childhood education, math and science teaching, and English teaching majors. The research instruments are the Grasha and Riechmann learning and teaching styles survey and the students’ happiness in learning survey, based on learning with happiness theory initiated by the Office of the National Education Commission. The results of this study: 1) The most students’ learning styles were participant style, followed by collaborative style, and independent style 2) Most students’ happiness in learning in all subjects areas were at the moderate level: Early Childhood Education subject had the highest scores, while Math subject was at the least scores. 3) No different of student’s happiness in learning were found between students who has learning styles that match and not match to teachers’ teaching styles.Keywords: learning style, teaching style, learning with happiness
Procedia PDF Downloads 6921154 A Qualitative Student-Perspective Study of Student-Centered Learning Practices in the Context of Irish Teacher Education
Authors: Pauline Logue
In recent decades, the Irish Department of Education and Skills has pro-actively promoted student-center learning methodologies. Similarly, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning has advocated such strategies, aligning them with student success. These developments have informed the author’s professional practice as a teacher educator. This qualitative student-perspective study focuses on a review of one pilot initiative in the academic year 2020-2021, namely, the implementation of universal design for learning strategies within teacher education, employing student-centered learning strategies. Findings included: that student-centered strategies enhanced student performance and success overall, with some minor evidence of student resistance. It was concluded that a dialogical review with student teachers on prior learning experiences (from intellectual and affective perspectives) and learning environments (physical, virtual, and emotional) could facilitate greater student ownership of learning. It is recommended to more formally structure such a dialogical review in a future delivery.Keywords: professional practice, student-centered learning, teacher education, universal design for learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1961153 Factors Affecting Employee’s Effectiveness at Job in Banking Sectors of Pakistan
Authors: Sajid Aman
Jobs in the banking sector in Pakistan are perceived as very tough, due to which employee turnover is very high. However, the managerial role is very important in influencing employees’ attitudes toward their turnout. This paper explores the manager’s role in influencing employees’ effectiveness on the job. The paper adopted a pragmatic approach by combining both qualitative and quantitative data. The study employed an exploratory sequential strategy under a mixed-method research design. Qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. Five major themes, such as the manager’s attitude towards employees, his leadership style, listening to employee’s personal problems, provision of personal loans without interest and future career prospects, emerged as key factors increasing employee’s effectiveness in the banking sector. The quantitative data revealed that a manager’s attitude, leadership style, availability to listen to employees’ personal problems, and future career prospects and listening to employee’s personal problems are strongly associated with employees’ effectiveness at the job. However, personal loan without interest was noted as having no significant association with employee’s effectiveness at the job. The study concludes manager’s role is more important in the effectiveness of the employees at their job in the banking sector. It is suggested that managers should have a positive attitude towards employees and give time to listening to employee’s problems, even personal ones.Keywords: banking sector, employee’s effectiveness, manager’s role, leadership style
Procedia PDF Downloads 351152 Business Marketing Researches and Analysis Effect on Production
Authors: Mirna John Shawky Demian
Mobile phones are now one of the direct marketing tools used to reach hard-to-reach consumers. Cell phones are very personal devices that you can carry with you anytime, anywhere. This gives marketers the ability to create personalized marketing messages and send them at the right time and place. The study examined consumer attitudes towards mobile marketing, particularly SMS marketing. Unlike similar studies, this study does not focus on young people, but the field study included consumers between the ages of 18 and 70.The results showed that the majority of participants found SMS marketing destructive. The biggest problem with SMS marketing is subscribing to message lists without the recipient's consent; large number of messages sent; and the irrelevance of message content. Experiential marketing is an unforgettable experience that remains deeply anchored in the customer's memory. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is defined as the emotional response to the experience provided to the customer in relation to specific products or services purchased. Therefore, experiential marketing activities can influence the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.In this context, the study aims to examine the relationship between experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and loyalty to beauty products in Konya. The results of this study showed that experiential marketing is an important indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty and that experiential marketing has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty.Keywords: direct marketing, mobile phones mobile marketing, sms advertising, marketing sponsorship, marketing communication theories, marketing communication tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 471151 Examining the Drivers of Sustainable Consumer Behavioural Intention in the Irish Aviation Industry
Authors: Amy Whelan
This paper presents the reader with the overarching research topic: Examining the drivers to sustainable consumer behavioural intention in the Irish aviation industry. This research will examine the underlying factors that facilitate or hinder a consumer’s sustainable consumption pertaining to aviation, in order to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). The SDG’s were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a call to end poverty, to protect the planet and to ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by the year 2030. Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about environmental, social and economic issues, and are willing to act on those concerns. More recently, the impact of a consumers environmental footprint has led consumers to re-evaluate their purchase habits and in some cases consumers are more willing to spend more on products and services with environmental characteristics. Accordingly, this has pushed businesses to re-examine their sustainable efforts. However, although consumers may feel a moral responsibility to live sustainably, they cannot do so without effective support from governments, NGOs and the businesses with which they interact. Through the use of Ajzen’s amended TPB model, this research seeks to understand consumers attitudes and behavioural intention towards sustainable aviation and travel and examine the attitude-behaviour gap in sustainable tourism and aviation in Ireland. This research is a mixed methods study and will include an initial elicitation study in the form of focus groups supported by a quantitative survey to inform the initial findings of this research.Keywords: aviation, consumer behaviour, marketing, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 871150 Tectonics in Sustainable Contemporary Architecture: An Approach to the Intersection between Design and Construction in the Work of Norman Foster
Authors: Mafalda Fabiene Ferreira Pantoja, Joao Da Costa Pantoja, Rui Humberto Costa De Fernandes Povoas
The present paper seeks to present a theoretical and practical reflection about examples of contemporary architecture in the world context where concerns about the planet become prominent and increasingly necessary. Firstly, a brief introduction will be made on the conceptual principles of tectonics in architecture in order to apply such concepts in a perspective of analysis of the intersection between design and construction in contemporary examples of Norman Foster’s architecture, once his work has demonstrated attitudes of composition that concerns about the place, technology, materials, and building life. Foster's compositions are usually focused on the role of technology in the process of architectural design, making his works a mixture of place, program, construction, and formal structures. The main purpose of the present paper is the reflection on the tools of theoretical and practical analysis about tectonics, optimizing the resources that allow cultural anchoring and creation of identity. Also establishing relation between resources, building life cycle and employment of correct materials, in order to find out how the tectonic concept can elevate the status of contemporary architecture, making it qualitative in a more sustainable context and adapted to current needs.Keywords: contemporary architecture, norman foster, tectonic, sustainable architecture
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221149 Stop Texting While Learning: A Meta-Analysis of Social Networks Use and Academic Performances
Authors: Proud Arunrangsiwed, Sarinya Kongtieng
Teachers and university lecturers face an unsolved problem, which is students’ multitasking behaviors during class time, such as texting or playing a game. It is important to examine the most powerful predictor that can result in students’ educational performances. Meta-analysis was used to analyze the research articles, which were published with the keywords, multitasking, class performance, and texting. We selected 14 research articles published during 2008-2013 from online databases, and four articles met the predetermined inclusion criteria. Effect size of each pair of variables was used as the dependent variable. The findings revealed that the students’ expectancy and value on SNSs usages is the best significant predictor of their educational performances, followed by their motivation and ability in using SNSs, prior educational performances, usage behaviors of SNSs in class, and their personal characteristics, respectively. Future study should conduct a longitudinal design to better understand the effect of multitasking in the classroom.Keywords: meta-regression analysis, social networking sites, academic Performances, multitasking, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791148 Barriers to Job Localization Policy in Private Sector: Case Study from Oman
Authors: Yahya Al Nahdi
Even though efforts to increase the participation of nationals in the workforce have been in place for more than a decade in the Sultanate of Oman, the results are not impressive. Citizens’ workforce participation – it is argued in the literature – is hindered by institutional, as well as attitudinal concerns. The purpose of this study was to determine barriers to Omanization (employment of Omani nationals) in the private sector as perceived by the senior managers in government and private sector. Data were collected predominantly through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with managers who directly deal with Omanization policies from both the public and private sector. Results from the data analysis have shown that the majority of participants acknowledged a work preference in the movement (public sector). The private sector employees' compensation and benefits package was perceived to be less attractive than that offered in the government (public sector). The negative perceptions (stereotypes) shared by expatriates regarding work attitudes and competencies of citizens in the local labour market was also overwhelmingly perceived as a major hindrance. Furthermore, institutional issues such as, ineffectiveness of rules and regulation regarding Omanization, inappropriate quota system and lack of public awareness towards private sector’s jobs, are also perceived problematic to successful Omanization. Finally, results from the data analysis were used in recommending strategies for potential consideration in the pursuit of a successful Omanization programme.Keywords: localization, job security, labour force structure, Omanization, private sector, public sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 3991147 Physical Education Curricula and Teaching Methodologies for Children with Disabilities: Scoping Review
Authors: Xavier Mc Creanor, Rowena Naidoo, Verusia Chetty
The exclusion of children with disabilities from physical education presents notable health risks and hinders their overall development. Despite the acknowledged significance of inclusive education, there remains a limited understanding of effective teaching methodologies and curricula tailored to this demographic. In this scoping review, existing literature on physical education curricula and teaching methodologies for children with disabilities was systematically mapped. A comprehensive search across various electronic databases, including Google Scholar, EBSCOhost, the Cochrane Library, PubMed, and Science Direct, yielded 5,361 potential articles. Following the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 relevant studies were examined. The review highlighted persistent barriers to inclusion, such as inaccessible facilities and negative attitudes among educators. Noteworthy findings underscored the necessity for comprehensive training for physical education instructors and the adaptation of curricula to accommodate diverse learning needs better. The analysis identified significant themes, including the impact of legislative frameworks, educator preparedness, and cultural factors influencing participation. Structural changes and effective teaching strategies are imperative to cultivate inclusivity in physical education for children with disabilities. This review underscores the ongoing need for educators to develop professionally and adapt physical education curricula to enrich the educational experiences of children with disabilities.Keywords: children with disabilities, special needs education, physical education, curriculum, teaching methodologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 311146 An Exploration of the Effects of Individual and Interpersonal Factors on Saudi Learners' Motivation to Learn English as a Foreign Language
Authors: Fakieh Alrabai
This paper presents an experimental study designed to explore some of the learner’s individual and interpersonal factors (e.g. persistence, interest, regulation, satisfaction, appreciation, etc.) that Saudi learners experience when learning English as a Foreign Language and how learners’ perceptions of these factors influence various aspects of their motivation to learn English language. As part of the study, a 27-item structured survey was administered to a randomly selected sample of 105 Saudi learners from public schools and universities. Data collected through the survey were subjected to some basic statistical analyses, such as "mean" and "standard deviation". Based on the results from the analysis, a number of generalizations and conclusions are made in relation to how these inherent factors affect Saudi learners’ motivation to learn English as a foreign language. In addition, some recommendations are offered to Saudi academics on how to effectively make use of such factors, which may enable Saudi teachers and learners of English as a foreign language to achieve better learning outcomes in an area widely associated by Saudis with lack of success.Keywords: persistence, interest, appreciation, satisfaction, SL/FL motivation
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