Search results for: leisure benefits
1194 Local Identities to Global in the Centre of Isan, Thailand: Promoting Local Development and Community Participation
Authors: Thammanoon Raveepong, Craig Wheway
Originating from a multifaceted research project beginning with the opening of the Green Market at Ban Laow sub-district, Kosum Phisai, Mahasarakham with the support of Kosum Phisai Governor. The project involves key stakeholders related to villagers who have become involved with linking local identity to a more global identity to help ameliorate falling agricultural incomes and casualised work. There have been fifteen formal meetings involving local government stakeholders that took place at the local university, local schools, a public meeting at Ban-Don-Toom and Village meeting shelters. These events hosted 176 local stakeholders consisting of the District Governor, 7 Chairpersons/Heads of the District Development Council, a Health Promotion group, District retired government staff, 4 sub-district local government members, the City Development Council, 2 representatives from Mahasarakham Provincial Culture Council, 4 principles of all local schools, 11 village heads, 15 scholars form local and national universities, 132 villagers and 4 staff from public relation units. The goal of the project was to initiate a variety of local projects including promotion of Local healthy food, farm/homestay accommodation, local uniqueness, Travel guides (in book form and guide youths) and the proposed development of community tourism with the aim to utilise local people and activities to tap into the growing alternative tourism market. This paper aims to document the progress thus far, and the challenges presented working with local communities that have lacked expertise in linking to the global economy to derive economic benefits for their communities.Keywords: Community-based tourism, community participation, local identity, mahasarakham province
Procedia PDF Downloads 3391193 Effect of Salvadora Persica Gel on Clinical and Microbiological Parameters of Chronic Periodontitis
Authors: Tahira Hyder, Saima Quraeshi, Zohaib Akram
Salvadora Persica (SP) is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-coagulant and anti-bacterial properties that may provide therapeutic benefits in the treatment of chronic periodontitis (CP). The current clinical trial was designed to investigate the clinical and anti-microbial effects of SP gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planning (SRP) in subjects with generalized CP. Sixty-six subjects with CP were randomized allocated into two groups: SRP + SP gel (test group) and SRP only (control group). Clinical parameters (periodontal pocket depth, gingival recession, clinical attachment level, bleeding score and plaque score) were recorded at baseline before SRP and at 6 weeks. At baseline and 6 weeks subgingival plaque samples were collected and periodontopathogen Porphyromonas Gingivalis (Pg) quantified using Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Both therapies reduced the mean periodontal pocket depth (PPD), plaque score (PS) and bleeding score (BOP) and improved the mean clinical attachment level (CAL) between baseline and 6 weeks. In subjects receiving adjunctive SP gel a statistically significant improvement was observed in BOP at follow-up compared to control group (15.01±3.47% and 22.81±6.81% respectively, p=0.001), while there was no statistically significant difference in periodontal pocket depth, gingival recession, clinical attachment level and plaque score between both groups. The test group displayed significantly greater Pg reduction compared to the control group after 6 weeks. The current study establishes that local delivery of SP gel into periodontal pocket in CP stimulated a significant reduction in bacteria Pg level and an improvement in gingival health, as evident from a reduced bleeding score, when used as an adjunct to SRP.Keywords: miswak, scaling and root planing, porphyromonas gingivalis, chronic periodontitis
Procedia PDF Downloads 881192 Research on Localized Operations of Multinational Companies in China
Authors: Zheng Ruoyuan
With the rapid development of economic globalization and increasingly fierce international competition, multinational companies have carried out investment strategy shifts and innovations, and actively promoted localization strategies. Localization strategies have become the main trend in the development of multinational companies. Large-scale entry of multinational companies China has a history of more than 20 years. With the sustained and steady growth of China's economy and the optimization of the investment environment, multinational companies' investment in China has expanded rapidly, which has also had an important impact on the Chinese economy: promoting employment, foreign exchange reserves, and improving the system. etc., has brought a lot of high-tech and advanced management experience; but it has also brought challenges and survival pressure to China's local enterprises. In recent years, multinational companies have gradually regarded China as an important part of their global strategies and began to invest in China. Actively promote localization strategies, including production, marketing, scientific research and development, etc. Many multinational companies have achieved good results in localized operations in China. Not only have their benefits continued to improve, but they have also established a good corporate image and brand in China. image, which has greatly improved their competitiveness in the international market. However, there are also some multinational companies that have difficulties in localized operations in China. This article will closely follow the background of economic globalization and comprehensively use the theory of multinational companies and strategic management theory and business management theory, using data and facts as the entry point, combined with typical cases of representative significance for analysis, to conduct a systematic study of the localized operations of multinational companies in China. At the same time, for each specific link of the operation of multinational companies, we provide multinational enterprises with some inspirations and references.Keywords: localization, business management, multinational, marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 521191 The Role of Metaphor in Communication
Authors: Fleura Shkëmbi, Valbona Treska
In elementary school, we discover that a metaphor is a decorative linguistic device just for poets. But now that we know, it's also a crucial tactic that individuals employ to understand the universe, from fundamental ideas like time and causation to the most pressing societal challenges today. Metaphor is the use of language to refer to something other than what it was originally intended for or what it "literally" means in order to suggest a similarity or establish a connection between the two. People do not identify metaphors as relevant in their decisions, according to a study on metaphor and its effect on decision-making; instead, they refer to more "substantive" (typically numerical) facts as the basis for their problem-solving decision. Every day, metaphors saturate our lives via language, cognition, and action. They argue that our conceptions shape our views and interactions with others and that concepts define our reality. Metaphor is thus a highly helpful tool for both describing our experiences to others and forming notions for ourselves. In therapeutic contexts, their shared goal appears to be twofold. The cognitivist approach to metaphor regards it as one of the fundamental foundations of human communication. The benefits and disadvantages of utilizing the metaphor differ depending on the target domain that the metaphor portrays. The challenge of creating messages and surroundings that affect customers' notions of abstract ideas in a variety of industries, including health, hospitality, romance, and money, has been studied for decades in marketing and consumer psychology. The aim of this study is to examine, through a systematic literature review, the role of the metaphor in communication and in advertising. This study offers a selected analysis of this literature, concentrating on research on customer attitudes and product appraisal. The analysis of the data identifies potential research questions. With theoretical and applied implications for marketing, design, and persuasion, this study sheds light on how, when, and for whom metaphoric communications are powerful.Keywords: metaphor, communication, advertising, cognition, action
Procedia PDF Downloads 991190 Biogas Production from Lake Bottom Biomass from Forest Management Areas
Authors: Dessie Tegegne Tibebu, Kirsi Mononen, Ari Pappinen
In areas with forest management, agricultural, and industrial activity, sediments and biomass are accumulated in lakes through drainage system, which might be a cause for biodiversity loss and health problems. One possible solution can be utilization of lake bottom biomass and sediments for biogas production. The main objective of this study was to investigate the potentials of lake bottom materials for production of biogas by anaerobic digestion and to study the effect of pretreatment methods for feed materials on biogas yield. In order to study the potentials of biogas production lake bottom materials were collected from two sites, Likokanta and Kutunjärvi lake. Lake bottom materials were mixed with straw-horse manure to produce biogas in a laboratory scale reactor. The results indicated that highest yields of biogas values were observed when feeds were composed of 50% lake bottom materials with 50% straw horse manure mixture-while with above 50% lake bottom materials in the feed biogas production decreased. CH4 content from Likokanta lake materials with straw-horse manure and Kutunjärvi lake materials with straw-horse manure were similar values when feed consisted of 50% lake bottom materials with 50% straw horse manure mixtures. However, feeds with lake bottom materials above 50%, the CH4 concentration started to decrease, impairing gas process. Pretreatment applied on Kutunjärvi lake materials showed a slight negative effect on the biogas production and lowest CH4 concentration throughout the experiment. The average CH4 production (ml g-1 VS) from pretreated Kutunjärvi lake materials with straw horse manure (208.9 ml g-1 VS) and untreated Kutunjärvi lake materials with straw horse manure (182.2 ml g-1 VS) were markedly higher than from Likokanta lake materials with straw horse manure (157.8 ml g-1 VS). According to the experimental results, utilization of 100% lake bottom materials for biogas production is likely to be impaired negatively. In the future, further analyses to improve the biogas yields, assessment of costs and benefits is needed before utilizing lake bottom materials for the production of biogas.Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas, lake bottom materials, sediments, pretreatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 3351189 Useful Characteristics of Pleurotus Mushroom Hybrids
Authors: Suvalux Chaichuchote, Ratchadaporn Thonghem
Pleurotus mushroom is one of popular edible mushrooms in Thailand. It is much favored by consumers due to its delicious taste and high nutrition. It is commonly used as an ingredient in several dishes. The commercially cultivated strain grown in most farms is the Pleurotus sp., Hed Bhutan, that is widely distributed to mushroom farms throughout the country and can be cultivated almost all year round. However, it demands different cultivated strains from mushroom growers, therefore, the improving mushroom strains should be done to their benefits. In this study, we used a di-mon mating method to hybrid production from Hed Bhutan (P-3) as dikaryon material and monokaryotic mycelium were isolated from basidiospores of other three Pleurotus sp. by single spore isolation. The 3 hybrids: P-3XSA-6, P-3XSB-24 and P-3XSE-5 were recognized from the 12 hybridized successfully. They were appropriate hybridized in terms of fruiting body performance in the three time cycles of cultivation such as the number of days until growing, time for pinning, color and shape of fruiting bodies and yield. For genetic study, genomic DNAs of both Hed Bhutan (P-3) and three hybrids were extracted. A couple of primer ITS1 and ITS4 were used to amplify the gene coding for ITS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rRNA. The similarities between these amplified genes and databases of DNA revealed that Hed Bhutan (P-3) was the Pleurotus pulmonarius as well as P-3XSA-6, P-3XSB-24 and P-3XSE-5 hybrids. Furthermore, Hed Bhutan (P3) and three hybrids were distributed to 3 small-scale farms, with mushroom farming experience, in the countryside. To address this, one hundred and twenty mushroom bags of each strain were supplied to them. The findings, by interview, indicated two mushroom farmers were satisfied with P-3XSA-6 hybrid and P-3XSB-24 hybrid, thanks to their simultaneous fruiting time and good yield. While the other was satisfied with P-3XSB-24 hybrid due to its good yield and P-3XSE-5 hybrids thanks to its gradually fruiting body, benefiting in frequent harvest. Overall, farmers adopted all hybrids to grow as commercially cultivated strains as well as Hed Bhutan (P-3) strain.Keywords: dikaryon, monokaryon, pleurotus, strain improvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 2541188 Carbon Footprint of Road Project for Sustainable Development: Lessons Learnt from Traffic Management of a Developing Urban Centre
Authors: Sajjad Shukur Ullah, Syed Shujaa Safdar Gardezi
Road infrastructure plays a vital role in the economic activities of any economy. Besides derived benefits from these facilities, the utilization of extensive energy resources, fuels, and materials results in a negative impact on the environment in terms of carbon footprint; carbon footprint is the overall amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) generated from any action. However, this aspect of environmental impact from road structure is not seriously considered during such developments, thus undermining a critical factor of sustainable development, which usually remains unaddressed, especially in developing countries. The current work investigates the carbon footprint impact of a small road project (0.8 km, dual carriageway) initiated for traffic management in an urban centre. Life cycle assessment (LCA) with boundary conditions of cradle to the site has been adopted. The only construction phase of the life cycle has been assessed at this stage. An impact of 10 ktons-CO2 (6260 ton-CO2/km) has been assessed. The rigid pavement dominated the contributions as compared to a flexible component. Among the structural elements, the underpass works shared the major portion. Among the materials, the concrete and steel utilized for various structural elements resulted in more than 90% of the impact. The earth-moving equipment was dominant in operational carbon. The results have highlighted that road infrastructure projects pose serious threats to the environment during their construction and which need to be considered during the approval stages. This work provides a guideline for supporting sustainable development that could only be ensured when such endeavours are properly assessed by industry professionals and decide various alternative environmental conscious solutions for the future.Keywords: construction waste management, kiloton, life cycle assessment, rigid pavement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011187 Advance Hybrid Manufacturing Supply Chain System to Get Benefits of Push and Pull Systems
Authors: Akhtar Nawaz, Sahar Noor, Iftikhar Hussain
This paper considers advanced hybrid manufacturing planning both push and pull system in which each customer order has a due date by demand forecast and customer orders. We present a tool for model for tool development that requires an absolute due dates and customer orders in a manufacturing supply chain. It is vital for the manufacturing companies to face the problem of variations in demands, increase in varieties by maintaining safety stock and to minimize components obsolescence and uselessness. High inventory cost and low delivery lead time is expected in push type of system and on contrary high delivery lead time and low inventory cost is predicted in the pull type. For this tool for model we need an MRP system for the push and pull environment and control of inventories in push parts and lead time in the pull part. To retain process data quickly, completely and to improve responsiveness and minimize inventory cost, a tool is required to deal with the high product variance and short cycle parts. In practice, planning and scheduling are interrelated and should be solved simultaneously with supply chain to ensure that the due dates of customer orders are met. The proposed tool for model considers alternative process plans for job types, with precedence constraints for job operations. Such a tool for model has not been treated in the literature. To solve the model, tool was developed, so a new technique was required to deal with the issue of high product variance and short life cycles in assemble to order.Keywords: hybrid manufacturing system, supply chain system, make to order, make to stock, assemble to order
Procedia PDF Downloads 5641186 Unlocking the Potential of Phosphatic Wastes: Sustainable Valorization Pathways for Synthesizing Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks and Zeolites
Authors: Ali Mohammed Yimer, Ayalew H. Assen, Youssef Belmabkhout
This study delves into sustainable approaches for valorizing phosphatic wastes, specifically phosphate mining wastes and phosphogypsum, which are byproducts of phosphate industries and pose significant environmental challenges due to their accumulation. We propose a unified strategic synthesis method aimed at converting these wastes into hetero-functional porous materials. Our approach involves isolating the primary components of phosphatic wastes, such as CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 to fabricate functional porous materials falling into two distinct classes. Firstly, alumina and silica components are extracted or isolated to produce zeolites (including CAN, GIS, SOD, FAU, and LTA), characterized by a Si/Al ratio of less than 5. Secondly, residual calcium is utilized to synthesize calcium-based metal–organic frameworks (Ca-MOFs) employing various organic linkers like Ca-BDC, Ca-BTC and Ca-TCPB (SBMOF-2), thereby providing flexibility in material design. Characterization techniques including XRD, SEM-EDX, FTIR, and TGA-MS affirm successful material assembly, while sorption analyses using N2, CO2, and H2O demonstrate the porosity of the materials. Particularly noteworthy is the water/alcohol separation potential exhibited by the Ca-BTC MOF, owing to its optimal pore aperture size (∼3.4 Å). To enhance replicability and scalability, detailed protocols for each synthesis step and specific conditions for each process are provided, ensuring that the methodology can be easily reproduced and scaled up for industrial applications. This synthetic transformation approach represents a valorization route for converting phosphatic wastes into extended porous structures, promising significant environmental and economic benefits.Keywords: calcium-based metal-organic frameworks, low-silica zeolites, porous materials, sustainable synthesis, valorization
Procedia PDF Downloads 401185 The Nuclear Energy Museum in Brazil: Creative Solutions to Transform Science Education into Meaningful Learning
Authors: Denise Levy, Helen J. Khoury
Nuclear technology is a controversial issue among a great share of the Brazilian population. Misinformation and common wrong beliefs confuse public’s perceptions and the scientific community is expected to offer a wider perspective on the benefits and risks resulting from ionizing radiation in everyday life. Attentive to the need of new approaches between science and society, the Nuclear Energy Museum, in northeast Brazil, is an initiative created to communicate the growing impact of the beneficial applications of nuclear technology in medicine, industry, agriculture and electric power generation. Providing accessible scientific information, the museum offers a rich learning environment, making use of different educational strategies, such as films, interactive panels and multimedia learning tools, which not only increase the enjoyment of visitors, but also maximize their learning potential. Developed according to modern active learning instructional strategies, multimedia materials are designed to present the increasingly role of nuclear science in modern life, transforming science education into a meaningful learning experience. In year 2016, nine different interactive computer-based activities were developed, presenting curiosities about ionizing radiation in different landmarks around the world, such as radiocarbon dating works in Egypt, nuclear power generation in France and X-radiography of famous paintings in Italy. Feedback surveys have reported a high level of visitors’ satisfaction, proving the high quality experience in learning nuclear science at the museum. The Nuclear Energy Museum is the first and, up to the present time, the only permanent museum in Brazil devoted entirely to nuclear science.Keywords: nuclear technology, multimedia learning tools, science museum, society and education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3251184 Harnessing Community Benefits; Case Study of REDD+ in Ghana
Authors: Abdul-Razak Saeed
Addressing the climate change crisis that this generation faces has evolved to include the consideration of a policy mechanism referred to as reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation with plus components of conservation, sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). REDD+ emerged from the International level of UNFCCC but its implementation is by developing countries. It challenges the development paradigm of nations that depend on the unsustainable clearing of forests and land use change for economic development whilst posing as an opportunity or risk for forest community livelihoods, institutions and their interaction with the forest resources. As a novel policy mechanism, it is imperative to gain global insight into local contexts of its implementation and to understand local level mobilization of their agency for institutional sustainability as reconfigured by new carbon economy initiatives like REDD+. Using a systematic review process, as the initial stages of this study, secondary data of REDD+ projects across the globe were evaluated to pick up gaps in research and that of on ground REDD+ implementation. Primary data was gathered from 30 actors in the government, NGO, private sector and traditional authorities using face-to-face semi structured interviews in Ghana; participation in meetings and workshops and policy and strategy document reviews. Preliminary findings of the study include REDD+ knowledge being a key determinant of power distribution and affects who shapes the process; in Ghana, informal relationships are playing key roles in advancing REDD+ unlike in traditional forestry and a subjectivity shift of local communities from an 'emotive-link' of environmental care to one of 'economic self-seeking and enriching' domain of thought.Keywords: climate change, communities, forests, REDD+
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711183 Interaction between the Rio Conventions on Climate and Biodiversity: Analysis of the Integration of Ecosystem-Based Approaches and Nature-Based Solutions into the UNFCCC
Authors: Dieudonne Mevono Mvogo
The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) co-sponsored workshop report suggests that climate change and biodiversity loss are two of the most pressing issues of the Anthropocene. Research establishes the interconnection between climate change and biodiversity. On the one hand, the impact of climate change on biodiversity loss – 14 % over the past century – is projected to surpass other threats – land and sea use 34 % and direct exploitation of species 23 % – during the 21st century. Response measures to climate change also affect biodiversity negatively or positively. On the other hand, actions to halt or reverse biodiversity loss can enhance land and ocean capacity for carbon sequestration. These actions can also promote adaptation by ensuring adaptive capacity. This systemic interaction between climate change and biodiversity affects the human quality of life. The United Nations Secretariat's report entitled 'Gaps in international environmental law and environment-related instruments: towards a global pact for the environment,' released in 2018, states that cooperation and mutual support among agreements dealing with climate change, the protection of the marine environment, freshwater resources and hazardous waste are indispensable for the effective implementation of the Convention on the Biological Diversity (CBD). Since biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate, this study aims to evaluate the cooperative framework for the coherence and coordination between climate change and biodiversity regimes to provide co-benefits for climate and biodiversity crises. It questions the potential improvement regarding integrating ecosystem-based approaches and nature-based solutions – promoted by the CBD – into the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).Keywords: rio conventions, climate change, biodiversity, cooperative framework, ecosystem-based approaches, nature-based solutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321182 Adaptation of Smart City Concept in Africa: Localization, Relevance and Bottleneck
Authors: Adeleye Johnson Adelagunayeja
The concept of making cities, communities, and neighborhoods smart, intelligent, and responsive is relatively new to Africa and its urban renewal agencies. Efforts must be made by relevant agencies to begin a holistic review of the implementation of infrastructural facilities and urban renewal methodologies that will revolve around the appreciation and application of artificial intelligence. The propagation of the ideals and benefits of the smart city concept are key factors that can encourage governments of African nations, the African Union, and other regional organizations in Africa to embrace the ideology. The ability of this smart city concept to curb insecurities – armed robbery, assassination, terrorism, and civil disorder – is one major reason, amongst others, why African governments must speedily embrace this contemporary developmental concept whose time has come! The seamlessness to access information and virtually cross-pollinate ideas with people living in already established smart cities, when combined with the great efficiency that the emergence of smart cities brings with it, are other reasons why Africa must come up with action plans that can enable the existing cities to metamorphose into smart cities. Innovations will be required to enable Africa to develop a smart city concept that will be compatible with the basic patterns of livelihood because the essence of the smart city evolution is to make life better for people to co-exist, to be productive and to enjoy standard infrastructural facilities. This research paper enumerates the multifaceted adaptive factors that have the potentials of making the adoption of smartcity concept in Africa seamless. It also proffers solutions to potential bottlenecks capable of undermining the execution of the smart city concept in Africa.Keywords: smartcity compactibility innovation Africa government evolution, Africa as global village member, evolution in Africa, ways to make Africa adopt smartcity, localizing smartcity concept in Africa, bottleneck to smartcity developmet in Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 861181 Film Dosimetry – An Asset for Collaboration Between Cancer Radiotherapy Centers at Established Institutions and Those Located in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Authors: A. Fomujong, P. Mobit, A. Ndlovu, R. Teboh
Purpose: Film’s unique qualities, such as tissue equivalence, high spatial resolution, near energy independence and comparatively less expensive dosimeter, ought to make it the preferred and widely used in radiotherapy centers in low and middle income countries (LMICs). This, however, is not always the case, as other factors that are often maybe taken for granted in advanced radiotherapy centers remain a challenge in LMICs. We explored the unique qualities of film dosimetry that can make it possible for one Institution to benefit from another’s protocols via collaboration. Methods: For simplicity, two Institutions were considered in this work. We used a single batch of films (EBT-XD) and established a calibration protocol, including scan protocols and calibration curves, using the radiotherapy delivery system at Institution A. We then proceeded and performed patient-specific QA for patients treated on system A (PSQA-A-A). Films from the same batch were then sent to a remote center for PSQA on radiotherapy delivery system B. Irradiations were done at Institution B and then returned to Institution A for processing and analysis (PSQA-B-A). The following points were taken into consideration throughout the process (a) A reference film was irradiated to a known dose on the same system irradiating the PSQA film. (b) For calibration, we utilized the one-scan protocol and maintained the same scan orientation of the calibration, PSQA and reference films. Results: Gamma index analysis using a dose threshold of 10% and 3%/2mm criteria showed a gamma passing rate of 99.8% and 100% for the PSQA-A-A and PSQA-B-A, respectively. Conclusion: This work demonstrates that one could use established film dosimetry protocols in one Institution, e.g., an advanced radiotherapy center and apply similar accuracies to irradiations performed at another institution, e.g., a center located in LMIC, which thus encourages collaboration between the two for worldwide patient benefits.Keywords: collaboration, film dosimetry, LMIC, radiotherapy, calibration
Procedia PDF Downloads 751180 Hydrogen Production at the Forecourt from Off-Peak Electricity and Its Role in Balancing the Grid
Authors: Abdulla Rahil, Rupert Gammon, Neil Brown
The rapid growth of renewable energy sources and their integration into the grid have been motivated by the depletion of fossil fuels and environmental issues. Unfortunately, the grid is unable to cope with the predicted growth of renewable energy which would lead to its instability. To solve this problem, energy storage devices could be used. Electrolytic hydrogen production from an electrolyser is considered a promising option since it is a clean energy source (zero emissions). Choosing flexible operation of an electrolyser (producing hydrogen during the off-peak electricity period and stopping at other times) could bring about many benefits like reducing the cost of hydrogen and helping to balance the electric systems. This paper investigates the price of hydrogen during flexible operation compared with continuous operation, while serving the customer (hydrogen filling station) without interruption. The optimization algorithm is applied to investigate the hydrogen station in both cases (flexible and continuous operation). Three different scenarios are tested to see whether the off-peak electricity price could enhance the reduction of the hydrogen cost. These scenarios are: Standard tariff (1 tier system) during the day (assumed 12 p/kWh) while still satisfying the demand for hydrogen; using off-peak electricity at a lower price (assumed 5 p/kWh) and shutting down the electrolyser at other times; using lower price electricity at off-peak times and high price electricity at other times. This study looks at Derna city, which is located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (32° 46′ 0 N, 22° 38′ 0 E) with a high potential for wind resource. Hourly wind speed data which were collected over 24½ years from 1990 to 2014 were in addition to data on hourly radiation and hourly electricity demand collected over a one-year period, together with the petrol station data.Keywords: hydrogen filling station off-peak electricity, renewable energy, off-peak electricity, electrolytic hydrogen
Procedia PDF Downloads 2321179 Challenging the Traditional Practice of Continuous Abscess Cavity Packing – A Single Center, Single Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Lakmali Anthony, Bushra Oathman, Anshini Jain, Raaj Chandra
Introduction: Abscesses are traditionally treated by incision and drainage with the packing of the residual abscess cavity until healing. This method requires regular visits from community nurses for continuous wound packing upon discharge from the hospital and causes considerable patient discomfort. Whether abscess cavity packing offers any advantage over non-packing has not yet been adequately studied to the best of our knowledge. This study aims to determine if there are differences in clinical outcomes of time to healing, fistula formation and recurrence of abscess between abscess cavity packing vs. non-packing groups. Methods: This study was a single-center, single-blind, randomized controlled trial where patients were randomized into packing and non-packing arms. All patients over 18 years presenting to Eastern Health with an abscess requiring incision and drainage in the theatre were invited to participate. Those with underlying conditions that cause recurrent abscesses were excluded. Data were collected from December 2018 to April 2020. Results: There were 63 patients who had abscesses treated with incision and drainage that were enrolled in the study, 52 of which were suitable for analysis. Demographic characteristics were similar in both groups. The packing group had a significantly longer time to heal compared to the non-packing group. Rates of fistula formation and recurrence of abscess were low and there were no statistically significant differences between groups. The packing group had more patients with delayed healing (defined as >60 days) and required more follow-up visits compared to the non-packing group. Conclusion: This pilot study indicates that abscesses can not only be managed safely with incision and drainage alone without the need for continuous abscess cavity packing but also that non-packing may offer clinical benefits to patients with earlier healing of abscesses compared to continuous cavity packing.Keywords: abscess packing, subcutaneous, perianal, pilonidal
Procedia PDF Downloads 731178 The Effect of Second Language Listening Proficiency on Cognitive Control among Young Adult Bilinguals
Authors: Zhilong Xie, Jinwen Huang, Guofang Zeng
The existing body of research on bilingualism has consistently linked the use of multiple languages to enhanced cognitive control. Numerous studies have demonstrated that bilingual individuals exhibit advantages in non-linguistic tasks demanding cognitive control. However, recent investigations have challenged these findings, leading to a debate regarding the extent and nature of bilingual advantages. The adaptive control hypothesis posits that variations in bilingual experiences hold the key to resolving these controversies. This study aims to contribute to this discussion by exploring the impact of second language (L2) listening experience on cognitive control among young Chinese-English bilinguals. By examining this specific aspect of bilingualism, the study offers a perspective on the origins of bilingual advantages. This study employed a range of cognitive tasks, including the Flanker task, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Operation Span Task (OSPAN), and a second language listening comprehension test. After controlling for potential confounding variables such as intelligence, socioeconomic status, and overall language proficiency, independent sample t-test analysis revealed significant differences in performance between groups with high and low L2 listening proficiency in the Flanker task and OSPAN. However, no significant differences emerged between the two groups in the WCST. These findings suggest that L2 listening proficiency has a significant impact on inhibitory control and working memory but not on conflict monitoring or mental set shifting. These specific findings provide a more nuanced understanding of the origins of bilingual advantages within a specific bilingual context, highlighting the importance of considering the nature of bilingual experience when exploring cognitive benefits.Keywords: bilingual advantage, inhibitory control, L2 listening, working memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 131177 Engineering Education for Sustainable Development in China: Perceptions Bias between Experienced Engineers and Engineering Students
Authors: Liang Wang, Wei Zhang
Nowadays, sustainable development has increasingly become an important research topic of engineering education. Existing research on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (EESD) has highlighted the importance of perceptions for ethical responsibility to address sustainable development in practice. However, whether and how the professional engineering experience affects those perceptions has not been proved, especially in a Chinese context. Our study fills this gap by investigating the perceptions bias of EESD between experienced engineers and engineering students. We specifically examined what EESD means for experienced engineers and engineering students using a triple-dimensional model to understand if there are obvious differences between the two groups. Our goal is to make the benefits of these experiences more accessible in school context. The data (n=438) came from a questionnaire created and adapted from previously published studies containing 288 students from mechanical or civil engineering and 150 civil engineers with rich working experience, and the questionnaire was distributed during Fall 2020. T-test was used to find the difference in different dimensions between the two groups. The statistical results show that there is a significant difference in the perceptions of EESD between experienced engineers and inexperienced engineering students in China. Experienced engineers tend to consider sustainable development from ecological, economic, and social perspectives, while engineering students' answers focus more on ecology and ignore economic and social dimensions to some extend. The findings provide empirical evidence that professional experience is helpful to cultivate the cognition and ability of sustainable development in engineering education. The results of this work indicate that more practical content should be added to engineering education to promote sustainable development. In addition, for the design of engineering courses and professional practice systems for sustainable development, we should not only pay attention to the ecological aspects but also emphasize the coordination of ecological, economic, and socially sustainable development (e.g., engineer's ethical responsibility).Keywords: engineering education, sustainable development, experienced engineers, engineering students
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031176 Economic Important of Manta Ray Watching Tourism in Dampier Strait, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
Authors: Maulita Sari Hani, Abraham B. Sianipar, Jamaluddin Jompa, Natsir Nessa, Alan T. White
Manta ray is an icon for tourism in Raja Ampat. The tourist volume has been increased for the past ten years which up to approximately 23,000 tourists in 2017. Since 2013, Conservation International Indonesia deployed satellite and acoustic tags on manta ray in Dampier strait to track the species and identify the aggregation areas. These findings encourage the government and the local community to boost conservation through the management of marine protected areas for tourism purposes. Community in Dampier strait including the village of Arborek, Kurkapa, Kapisawar, and Sawingray involved in variety of small scale tourism business including homestay, dive shop, tour operator, and crafts. Working groups of related local businesses were established to support the local community and to ensure the sustainability of the economic viability and environmental sustainability. In order to analyze the economic benefits of manta ray tourism, this study was conducted to identify the number of local business in Dampier Strait and the economic impacts in terms of local finance security, social, humanity, individual, and physical assets. The results of this study identify 30 homestays, 2 dive shops, 10 tour operators, 30 women involved in crafts, and about 50 villagers worked for dive resorts. In addition to community assets, we confirmed the welfare of community has been improved in terms of food security, households, education for children, savings, and health insurance.Keywords: marine wildlife tourism, elasmobranch, conservation, ecotourism, co-management, economic viability, environmental sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2181175 Low-Impact Development Strategies Assessment for Urban Design
Climate change and land-use change caused by urban expansion increase the frequency of urban flooding. To mitigate the increase in runoff volume, low-impact development (LID) is a green approach for reducing the area of impervious surface and managing stormwater at the source with decentralized micro-scale control measures. However, the current benefit assessment and practical application of LID in Taiwan is still tending to be development plan in the community and building site scales. As for urban design, site-based moisture-holding capacity has been common index for evaluating LID’s effectiveness of urban design, which ignore the diversity, and complexity of the urban built environments, such as different densities, positive and negative spaces, volumes of building and so on. Such inflexible regulations not only probably make difficulty for most of the developed areas to implement, but also not suitable for every different types of built environments, make little benefits to some types of built environments. Looking toward to enable LID to strength the link with urban design to reduce the runoff in coping urban flooding, the research consider different characteristics of different types of built environments in developing LID strategy. Classify the built environments by doing the cluster analysis based on density measures, such as Ground Space Index (GSI), Floor Space Index (FSI), Floors (L), and Open Space Ratio (OSR), and analyze their impervious surface rates and runoff volumes. Simulate flood situations by using quasi-two-dimensional flood plain flow model, and evaluate the flood mitigation effectiveness of different types of built environments in different low-impact development strategies. The information from the results of the assessment can be more precisely implement in urban design. In addition, it helps to enact regulations of low-Impact development strategies in urban design more suitable for every different type of built environments.Keywords: low-impact development, urban design, flooding, density measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 3351174 Nano-Enhanced In-Situ and Field Up-Gradation of Heavy Oil
Authors: Devesh Motwani, Ranjana S. Baruah
The prime incentive behind up gradation of heavy oil is to increase its API gravity for ease of transportation to refineries, thus expanding the market access of bitumen-based crude to the refineries. There has always been a demand for an integrated approach that aims at simplifying the upgrading scheme, making it adaptable to the production site in terms of economics, environment, and personnel safety. Recent advances in nanotechnology have facilitated the development of two lines of heavy oil upgrading processes that make use of nano-catalysts for producing upgraded oil: In Situ Upgrading and Field Upgrading. The In-Situ upgrading scheme makes use of Hot Fluid Injection (HFI) technique where heavy fractions separated from produced oil are injected into the formations to reintroduce heat into the reservoir along with suspended nano-catalysts and hydrogen. In the presence of hydrogen, catalytic exothermic hydro-processing reactions occur that produce light gases and volatile hydrocarbons which contribute to increased oil detachment from the rock resulting in enhanced recovery. In this way the process is a combination of enhanced heavy oil recovery along with up gradation that effectively handles the heat load within the reservoirs, reduces hydrocarbon waste generation and minimizes the need for diluents. By eliminating most of the residual oil, the Synthetic Crude Oil (SCO) is much easier to transport and more amenable for processing in refineries. For heavy oil reservoirs seriously impacted by the presence of aquifers, the nano-catalytic technology can still be implemented on field though with some additional investments and reduced synergies; however still significantly serving the purpose of production of transportable oil with substantial benefits with respect to both large scale upgrading, and known commercial field upgrading technologies currently on the market. The paper aims to delve deeper into the technology discussed, and the future compatibility.Keywords: upgrading, synthetic crude oil, nano-catalytic technology, compatibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 4081173 Thriving Private-Community Partnerships in Ecotourism: Perspectives from Fiji’s Upper Navua Conservation Area
Authors: Jeremy Schultz, Kelly Bricker
Ecotourism has proven itself to be a forerunner in the advancement of environmental conservation all the while supporting cultural tradition, uniqueness, and pride among indigenous communities. Successful private-community partnerships associated with ecotourism operations are vital to the overall prosperity of both the businesses and the local communities. Such accomplishments can be seen through numerous livelihood goals including income, food security, health, reduced vulnerability, governance, and empowerment. Private-community partnerships also support global initiatives such as the sustainable development goals and sustainable development frameworks including those proposed by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (WTO). Understanding such partnerships assists not only large organizations such as the WTO, but it also benefits smaller ecotourism operators and entrepreneurs who are trying to achieve their sustainable tourism development goals. This study examined the partnership between an ecotourism company (Rivers Fiji) and two rural villages located in Fiji’s Upper Navua Conservation Area. Focus groups were conducted in each village. Observation journals were also used to record conversations outside of the focus groups. Data were thematically organized and analyzed to offer researcher interpretations and understandings. This research supported the notion that respectful and emboldening partnerships between communities and private enterprise are vital to the composition of successful ecotourism operations that support sustainable development protocol. Understanding these partnerships can assist in shaping future ecotourism development and re-molding existing businesses. This study has offered an example of a thriving partnership through community input and critical researcher analysis. Research has identified six contributing factors to successful ecotourism partnerships, and this study provides additional support to that framework.Keywords: community partnerships, conservation areas, ecotourism, Fiji, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1361172 Climate Variability and Its Impacts on Rice (Oryza sativa) Productivity in Dass Local Government Area of Bauchi State, Nigeria
Authors: Auwal Garba, Rabiu Maijama’a, Abdullahi Muhammad Jalam
Variability in climate has affected the agricultural production all over the globe. This concern has motivated important changes in the field of research during the last decade. Climate variability is believed to have declining effects towards rice production in Nigeria. This study examined climate variability and its impact on rice productivity in Dass Local Government Area, Bauchi State, by employing Linear Trend Model (LTM), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis. Annual seasonal data of the climatic variables for temperature (min. and max), rainfall, and solar radiation from 1990 to 2015 were used. Results confirmed that 74.4% of the total variation in rice yield in the study area was explained by the changes in the independent variables. That is to say, temperature (minimum and maximum), rainfall, and solar radiation explained rice yield with 74.4% in the study area. Rising mean maximum temperature would lead to reduction in rice production while moderate increase in mean minimum temperature would be advantageous towards rice production, and the persistent rise in the mean maximum temperature, in the long run, will have more negatively affect rice production in the future. It is, therefore, important to promote agro-meteorological advisory services, which will be useful in farm planning and yield sustainability. Closer collaboration among the meteorologist and agricultural scientist is needed to increase the awareness about the existing database, crop weather models among others, with a view to reaping the full benefits of research on specific problems and sustainable yield management and also there should be a special initiative by the ADPs (State Agricultural Development Programme) towards promoting best agricultural practices that are resilient to climate variability in rice production and yield sustainability.Keywords: climate variability, impact, productivity, rice
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031171 Experiences Using Autoethnography as a Methodology for Research in Education
Authors: Sarah Amodeo
Drawing on the author’s research about the experiences of female immigrant students in academic Adult Education, in Montreal, Quebec, this paper deconstructs the benefits of autoethnography as a methodology for educators in Adult Education. Autoethnography is an advantageous methodology for teachers in Adult Education as it allows for deep engagement, allowing for educators to reflect on student experiences and their day-to-day realities, and in turn, allowing for professional development, improved andragogy, and changes to classroom practices. Autoethnography is a qualitative research methodology that cultivates strategies for improving adult learning. The paper begins by outlining the context that inspired autoethnography for the author’s work, highlighting the emergence of autoethnography as a method, while examining how it is evolving and drawing on foundational work that continues to inspire research. The basic autoethnographic methodologies that are explored in this paper include the use of memory work in episode formation, the use of personal photographs, and textual readings of artworks. Memory work allows for the researcher to use their professional experience and the lived/shared experiences of their students in their research, drawing on episodes from their past. Personal photographs and descriptions of artwork allow researchers to explore images of learning environments/realities in ways that compliment student experiences. Major findings of the text are examined through the analysis of categories of autoethnography. Specific categories include realism, impressionism, and conceptualism which aid in orientating the analysis and emergent themes that develop through self-study. Finally, the text presents a discussion surrounding the limitations of autoethnography, with attention to the trustworthiness and ethical issues. The paper concludes with a consideration of the implications of autoethnography for adult educators in juxtaposition with youth sector work.Keywords: artwork, autoethnography, conceptualism, episode formation, impressionism, memory work, personal photographs, and realism, realism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951170 Discussion on the Impact and Improvement Strategy of Bike Sharing on Urban Space
Authors: Bingying Liu, Dandong Ge, Xinlan Zhang, Haoyang Liang
Over the past two years, a new generation of No-Pile Bike sharing, represented by the Ofo, Mobike and HelloBike, has sprung up in various cities in China, and spread rapidly in countries such as Britain, Japan, the United States and Singapore. As a new green public transportation mode, bike sharing can bring a series of benefits to urban space. At first, this paper analyzes the specific impact of bike sharing on urban space in China. Based on the market research and data analyzing, it is found that bike sharing can improve the quality of urban space in three aspects: expanding the radius of public transportation service, filling service blind spots, alleviating urban traffic congestion, and enhancing the vitality of urban space. On the other hand, due to the immature market and the imperfect system, bike sharing has gradually revealed some difficulties, such as parking chaos, malicious damage, safety problems, imbalance between supply and demand, and so on. Then the paper investigates the characteristics of shared bikes, business model, operating mechanism on Chinese market currently. Finally, in order to make bike sharing serve urban construction better, this paper puts forward some specific countermeasures from four aspects. In terms of market operations, it is necessary to establish a public-private partnership model and set up a unified bike-sharing integrated management platform. From technical methods level, the paper proposes to develop an intelligent parking system for regulating parking. From policy formulation level, establishing a bike-sharing assessment mechanism would strengthen supervision. As to urban planning, sharing data and redesigning slow roadway is beneficial for transportation and spatial planning.Keywords: bike sharing, impact analysis, improvement strategy, urban space
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711169 Plant Water Relations and Forage Quality in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit and Acacia saligna (Labill.) as Affected by Salinity Stress
Authors: Maher J. Tadros
This research was conducted to study the effect of different salinity concentrations on the plant water relation and forage quality on two multipurpose forest trees species seedlings Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de wit and Acacia saligna (Labill.). Five different salinity concentrations mixture between sodium chloride and calcium chloride (v/v, 1:1) were applied. The control (Distilled Water), 2000, 4000, 6000, and 8000 ppm were used to water the seedlings for 3 months. The research results presented showed a marked variation among the two species in response to salinity. The Leucaena was able to withstand the highest level of salinity compared to Acacia all over the studied parameters except in the relative water content. Although all the morphological characteristics studied for the two species showed a marked decrease under the different salinity concentrations, except the shoot/root ratio that showed a trend of increase. The water stress measure the leaf water potential was more negative with as the relative water content increase under that saline conditions compared to the control. The forage quality represented by the crude protein and nitrogen content were low at 6000 ppm compared to the 8000 ppm in L. Leucocephala that increased compared that level in A. saligna. Also the results showed that growing both Leucaena and Acacia provide a good source of forage when that grow under saline condition which will be of great benefits to the agricultural sector especially in the arid and semiarid areas were these species can provide forage with high quality forage all year around when grown under irrigation with saline. This research recommended such species to be utilized and grown for forages under saline conditions.Keywords: plant water relations, growth performance, salinity stress, protein content, forage quality, multipurpose trees
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941168 High and Low Salinity Polymer in Omani Oil Field
Authors: Intisar Al Busaidi, Rashid Al Maamari, Daowoud Al Mahroqi, Mahvash Karimi
In recent years, some research studies have been performed on the hybrid application of polymer and low salinity water flooding (LSWF). Numerous technical and economic benefits of low salinity polymer flooding (LSPF) have been reported. However, as with any EOR technology, there are various risks involved in using LSPF. Ions exchange between porous media and brine is one of the Crude oil/ brine/ rocks (COBR) reactions that is identified as a potential risk in LSPF. To the best of our knowledge, this conclusion was drawn based on bulk rheology measurements, and no explanation was provided on how water chemistry changed in the presence of polymer. Therefore, this study aimed to understand rock/ brine interactions with high and low salinity brine in the absence and presence of polymer with Omani reservoir core plugs. Many single-core flooding experiments were performed with low and high salinity polymer solutions to investigate the influence of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylic amide with different brine salinities on cation exchange reactions. Ion chromatography (IC), total organic carbon (TOC), rheological, and pH measurements were conducted for produced aqueous phase. A higher increase in pH and lower polymer adsorption was observed in LSPF compared with conventional polymer flooding. In addition, IC measurements showed that all produced fluids in the absence and presence of polymer showed elevated Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, K+, Cl- and SO₄²⁻ ions compared to the injected fluids. However, the divalent cations levels, mainly Ca²⁺, were the highest and remained elevated for several pore volumes in the presence of LSP. The results are in line with rheological measurements where the highest viscosity reduction was recorded with the highest level of Ca²⁺ production. Despite the viscosity loss due to cation exchange reactions, LSP can be an attractive alternative to conventional polymer flooding in the Marmul field.Keywords: polymer, ions, exchange, recovery, low salinity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141167 Combination Method Cold Plasma and Liquid Threads
Authors: Nino Tsamalaidze
Cold plasma is an ionized neutral gas with a temperature of 30-40 degrees, but the impact of HP includes not only gas, but also active molecules, charged particles, heat and UV radiation of low power The main goal of the technology we describe is to launch the natural function of skin regeneration and improve the metabolism inside, which leads to a huge effect of rejuvenation. In particular: eliminate fine mimic wrinkles; get rid of wrinkles around the mouth (purse-string wrinkles); reduce the overhang of the upper eyelid; eliminate bags under the eyes; provide a lifting effect on the oval of the face; reduce stretch marks; shrink pores; even out the skin, reduce the appearance of acne, scars; remove pigmentation. A clear indication of the major findings of the study is based on the current patients practice. The method is to use combination of cold plasma and liquid threats. The advantage of cold plasma is undoubtedly its efficiency, the result of its implementation can be compared with the result of a surgical facelift, despite the fact that the procedure is non-invasive and the risks are minimized. Another advantage is that the technique can be applied on the most sensitive skin of the face - these are the eyelids and the space around the eyes. Cold plasma is one of the few techniques that eliminates bags under the eyes and overhanging eyelids, while not violating the integrity of the tissues. In addition to rejuvenation and lifting effect, among the benefits of cold plasma is also getting rid of scars, kuperoze, stretch marks and other skin defects, plasma allows to get rid of acne, seborrhea, skin fungus and even heals ulcers. The cold plasma method makes it possible to achieve a result similar to blepharoplasty. Carried out on the skin of the eyelids, the procedure allows non-surgical correction of the eyelid line in 3-4 sessions. One of the undoubted advantages of this method is a short rehabilitation and rapid healing of the skin.Keywords: wrinkles, telangiectasia, pigmentation, pore closing
Procedia PDF Downloads 841166 An Educational Program Based on Health Belief Model to Prevent of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Among Iranian Women
Authors: Arezoo Fallahi
Background and purpose: Non-alcoholic fatty liver is one of the most common liver disorders, which, as the most important cause of death from liver disease, has unpleasant consequences and complications. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an educational intervention based on a health belief model to prevent non-alcoholic fatty liver among women. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was performed among 110 women referring to comprehensive health service centers in Malayer City, west of Iran, in 2023. Using the available sampling method, 110 Participants were divided into experimental and control groups. The data collection tool included demographic characteristics and a questionnaire based on the health belief model. In The experimental group, three one-hour training sessions were conducted in the form of pamphlets, lectures and group discussions. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21, by correlation tests, paired t-tests independent t-tests. Results: The mean age of participants was 38.07±6.28 years, and Most of the participants were middle-aged, married, housewives with academic education, middle-income and overweight. After the educational intervention, the mean scores of the constructs include perceived sensitivity (p=0.01), perceived severity (p=0.01), perceived benefits (p=0.01), guidance for internal (p=0.01) and external action (p=0.01), and perceived self-efficacy (p=0.01) in the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group. The score of perceived barriers in the experimental group decreased after training. The perceived obstacles score in the test group decreased after the training (15.2 ± 3.9 v.s 11.2 ± 3.3, (p<0.01). Conclusion: The findings of the study showed that the design and implementation of educational programs based on the constructs of the health belief model can be effective in preventing women from developing higher levels of non-alcoholic fatty liver.Keywords: health, education, believe, behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 541165 The Role of Institutions in Community Wildlife Conservation in Zimbabwe
Authors: Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa
This study used a sample of 336 households and community level data from 30 communities around the Gonarezhou National Park in Zimbabwe to analyse the association between ability to self-organize or cooperation and institutions on one hand and the relationship between success of biodiversity outcomes and cooperation on the other hand. Using both the ordinary least squares and instrumental variables estimation with heteroskedasticity-based instruments, our results confirmed that sound institutions are indeed an important ingredient for cooperation in the respective communities and cooperation positively and significantly affects biodiversity outcomes. Group size, community level trust, the number of stakeholders and punishment were found to be important variables explaining cooperation. From a policy perspective, our results show that external enforcement of rules and regulations does not necessarily translate into sound ecological outcomes but better outcomes are attainable when punishment is rather endogenized by local communities. This seems to suggest that communities should rather be supported in such a way that robust institutions that are tailor made to suit the needs of local condition will emerge that will in turn facilitate good environmental husbandry. Cooperation, training, benefits, distance from the nearest urban canter, distance from the fence, social capital average age of household head, fence and information sharing were found to be very important variables explaining the success of biodiversity outcomes ceteris paribus. Government programmes should target capacity building in terms of institutional capacity and skills development in order to have a positive impact on biodiversity. Hence, the role of stakeholders (e.g., NGOs) in capacity building and government effort should complement each other to ensure that the necessary resources are mobilized and all communities receive the necessary training and resources.Keywords: institutions, self-organize, common pool resources, wildlife, conservation, Zimbabwe
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