Search results for: professional discourse for LSP translation teaching
5037 Cognitive Semantics Study of Conceptual and Metonymical Expressions in Johnson's Speeches about COVID-19
Authors: Hussain Hameed Mayuuf
The study is an attempt to investigate the conceptual metonymies is used in political discourse about COVID-19. Thus, this study tries to analyze and investigate how the conceptual metonymies in Johnson's speech about coronavirus are constructed. This study aims at: Identifying how are metonymies relevant to understand the messages in Boris Johnson speeches and to find out how can conceptual blending theory help people to understand the messages in the political speech about COVID-19. Lastly, it tries to Point out the kinds of integration networks are common in political speech. The study is based on the hypotheses that conceptual blending theory is a powerful tool for investigating the intended messages in Johnson's speech and there are different processes of blending networks and conceptual mapping that enable the listeners to identify the messages in political speech. This study presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of four speeches about COVID-19; they are said by Boris Johnson. The selected data have been tackled from the cognitive-semantic perspective by adopting Conceptual Blending Theory as a model for the analysis. It concludes that CBT is applicable to the analysis of metonymies in political discourse. Its mechanisms enable listeners to analyze and understand these speeches. Also the listener can identify and understand the hidden messages in Biden and Johnson's discourse about COVID-19 by using different conceptual networks. Finally, it is concluded that the double scope networks are the most common types of blending of metonymies in the political speech.Keywords: cognitive, semantics, conceptual, metonymical, Covid-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 1305036 ILearn, a Pathway to Progress
Authors: Reni Francis
Learning has transcended the classroom boundaries to create a learner centric, interactive, and integrative teaching learning environment. This study analysed the impact of iLearn on the teaching, learning, and evaluation among 100 teacher trainees. The objectives were to cater to the different learning styles of the teacher trainees, to incorporate innovative teaching learning activities, to assist in peer tutoring, to implement different evaluation processes. i: Identifying the learning styles among the teacher trainees through VARK Learning style checklist was followed by planning the teaching-learning process to meet the learning styles of the teacher trainees. L: Leveraging innovations in teaching- learning by planning and creating modules incorporating innovative teaching learning and hence the concept based year plan was prepared. E: Engage learning through constructivism using different teaching methodology to engage the teacher trainees in the learning process through Workshop, Round Robin, Gallery walk, Co-Operative learning, Think-Pair-Share, EDMODO, Course Networking, Concept Map, Brainstorming Sessions, Video Clippings. A: Assessing the learning through an Open Book assignment, Closed book assignment, and Multiple Choice Questions and Seminar presentation. R: Remediation through peer tutoring through Mentor-mentee approach in the tutorial groups, Group work, Library Hours. N: Norming new standards. This was done in the form of extended remediation and tutorials to understand the need of the teacher trainee and support them for further achievements in learning through Face to face interaction, Supervised Study Circle, Mobile (Device) learning. The findings of the study revealed the positive impact of iLearn towards student achievement and enhanced social skills.Keywords: academic achievement, innovative strategy, learning styles, social skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 3565035 Current Situation of Midwifery Student Organization in Turkey
Authors: Yeliz Cakir Kocak, Hafize Ozturk Can, Sibel Icke, Ummahan Yucel, Esin Ceber Turfan
Introduction: Midwifery organization in Turkey became official in 1954 with the foundation of Midwifery Association. Today there are two Professional organizations representing midwives: ‘Midwifery Association’ and ‘Association for Education, Research and Development in Midwifery (AERDM)’. In recent years, conjuction with the increase in the numbers of midwives, professional consciousness and professional organization conscious is increasing. The undergraduates of Midwifery Department of Ege University İzmir Ataturk School of Health have come together for their professions when they’re stil students, so they founded ‘Midwifery Community of Ege University (MCEU) (EGEBET in Turkish)’ in counseling within structors and the confirmation of the university in 2013. Objective: The aim of this presentation is to reveal the activities and grades of an undergraduate community in-three-years, founded by the undergraduates in order to raise awareness in pregraduate Professional organization. Thus it is aimed to be aware towards postgraduate Professional organization, and to reflect Professional unity and solidarity, alongside personal development to midwifery services by maintaining Professional development. In-the-presentation it is aimed to explain what dimension the organization of midwifery students in Turkey is, and to be a stimulus so that ICM can be more active on undergraduate communities. Findings: MCEU’s an activity that has launched in the scope of Social Responsibility Lecture instructed in curricula of second grade in the Midwifery Department. The community have performed lots activities to reach their objectives between the years of 2013-2016. MCEU have had 65 members in a very-soon period. Today the community that goes on its activities on social network in order to abolish the distances and reach more midwifery students’ve 444 members. MCEU aiming to make all the students of the Midwifery Department a member of this association also accepts the applications of national and international midwifery students. More over the community has published two student periodical magazine and carries out activities on Midwifery Day each year. Conclusion: In conjuction with the national introduction of MCEU in the student congress in 2013, it has received consultancy from the members of MCEU as a sample model in the student organization of midwifery department of other universities in Turkey, and stil remains receiving. Furthermore a student community has been founded under the roof of association with the demand of community’s members. Also academician has a responsibility to give direction to the future and shape the future. Therefore, it is thought that the study can be an instance for all branches of science students and academics. Acknowledgment: We thank to founder members of MCEU and all the other students remaining to perform activities because of their contributions to Professional organization.Keywords: current situation, midwifery, organization, student
Procedia PDF Downloads 2125034 Collaborative Learning Aspect for Training Hip and Knee Joint Anatomy
Authors: Nasir Mustafa
One of the prerequisites required for an efficient diagnosis in a medical practice is to have a strong command of both functional and clinical anatomy. In this study, we introduce a new collaborative approach to the effective teaching of the knee and hip joints. In the present teaching model, anatomists, orthopedists and physical therapists present the anatomy of the hip and knee joints in small groups. Courses for the hip and knee joints were scheduled during the early stages of the medical curriculum. Students of nursing and physical therapy were grouped together to sensitize to the importance of a collaborative effort. The study results clearly demonstrate that nursing students and physical therapy students appreciated this teaching approach. The collaborative approach further proved to be a suitable method to teach both functional and clinical anatomy of the hip and knee joints. Aside from this training, a collaborative approach between medical students and physical therapy students was also successful for a healthcare organization.Keywords: hip and knee joint anatomy, collaborative, Anatomy teaching, Nursing students, Physiotherapy students
Procedia PDF Downloads 945033 Experiences of Youth in Learning About Healthy Intimate Relationships: An Institutional Ethnography
Authors: Anum Rafiq
Adolescence is a vulnerable period for youth across the world. It is a period of new learning with opportunities to understand and develop perspectives on health and well-being. With youth beginning to engage in intimate relationships at an earlier age in the 21st century, concentrating on the learning opportunity they have in school is paramount. The nature of what has been deemed important to teach in schools has changed throughout history, and the focus has shifted from home/family skills to teaching youth how to be competitive in the job market. Amidst this emphasis, opportunities for them exist to learn about building healthy intimate relationships, one of the foundational elements of most people’s lives. Using an Institutional Ethnography (IE), the lived experiences of youth in how they understand intimate relationships and how their learning experience is organized through the high school Health and Physical Education (H&PE) course is explored. An empirical inquiry into how the actual work of teachers and youth are socially organized by a biomedical, employment-related, and efficiency-based discourse is provided. Through thirty-two qualitative interviews with teachers and youth, a control of ruling relations such as institutional accountability circuits, performance reports, and timetabling over the experience of teachers and youth is found. One of the facets of the institutional accountability circuit is through the social organization of teaching and learning about healthy intimate relationships being framed through a biomedical discourse. In addition, the role of a hyper-focus on performance and evaluation is found as paramount in situating healthy intimacy discussions as inferior to neoliberally charged productivity measures such as employment skills. Lastly, due to the nature of institutional policies such as regulatory guidelines, teachers are largely influenced to avoid diving into discussions deemed risky or taboo by society, such as healthy intimacy in adolescence. The findings show how texts such as the H&PE curriculum, the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) guidelines, Ministry of Education Performance Reports, and the timetable organize the day-to-day activities of teachers and students and reproduce different disjunctures for youth. This disjuncture includes some of their experiences being subordinated, difficulty relating to curriculum, and an experience of healthy living discussions being skimmed over across sites. The findings detail that the experience of youth in learning about healthy intimate relationships is not akin to the espoused vision outlined in policy documents such as the H&PE (2015) curriculum policy. These findings have implications for policymakers, activists, and school administration alike, which call for an investigation into who is in power when it comes to youth’s learning needs, as a pivotal period where youth can be equipped with life-changing knowledge is largely underutilized. A restructuring of existing institutional practices that allow for the social and institutional flexibility required to broach the topic of healthy intimacy in a comprehensive manner is required.Keywords: health policy, intimate relationships, youth, education, ruling relations, sexual education, violence prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 715032 Evaluating Gender Sensitivity and Policy: Case Study of an EFL Textbook in Armenia
Authors: Ani Kojoyan
Linguistic studies have been investigating a connection between gender and linguistic development since 1970s. Scholars claim that gender differences in first and second language learning are socially constructed. Recent studies to language learning and gender reveal that second language acquisition is also a social phenomenon directly influencing one’s gender identity. Those responsible for designing language learning-teaching materials should be encouraged to understand the importance of and address the gender sensitivity accurately in textbooks. Writing or compiling a textbook is not an easy task; it requires strong academic abilities, patience, and experience. For a long period of time Armenia has been involved in the compilation process of a number of foreign language textbooks. However, there have been very few discussions or evaluations of those textbooks which will allow specialists to theorize that practice. The present paper focuses on the analysis of gender sensitivity issues and policy aspects involved in an EFL textbook. For the research the following material has been considered – “A Basic English Grammar: Morphology”, first printed in 2011. The selection of the material is not accidental. First, the mentioned textbook has been widely used in university teaching over years. Secondly, in Armenia “A Basic English Grammar: Morphology” has considered one of the most successful English grammar textbooks in a university teaching environment and served a source-book for other authors to compile and design their textbooks. The present paper aims to find out whether an EFL textbook is gendered in the Armenian teaching environment, and whether the textbook compilers are aware of gendered messages while compiling educational materials. It also aims at investigating students’ attitude toward the gendered messages in those materials. And finally, it also aims at increasing the gender sensitivity among book compilers and educators in various educational settings. For this study qualitative and quantitative research methods of analyses have been applied, the quantitative – in terms of carrying out surveys among students (45 university students, 18-25 age group), and the qualitative one – by discourse analysis of the material and conducting in-depth and semi-structured interviews with the Armenian compilers of the textbook (interviews with 3 authors). The study is based on passive and active observations and teaching experience done in a university classroom environment in 2014-2015, 2015-2016. The findings suggest that the discussed and analyzed teaching materials (145 extracts and examples) include traditional examples of intensive use of language and role-modelling, particularly, men are mostly portrayed as active, progressive, aggressive, whereas women are often depicted as passive and weak. These modeled often serve as a ‘reliable basis’ for reinforcing the traditional roles that have been projected on female and male students. The survey results also show that such materials contribute directly to shaping learners’ social attitudes and expectations around issues of gender. The applied techniques and discussed issues can be generalized and applied to other foreign language textbook compilation processes, since those principles, regardless of a language, are mostly the same.Keywords: EFL textbooks, gender policy, gender sensitivity, qualitative and quantitative research methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 1955031 Discursive (Re/De)Construction of Objectivity-Subjectivity: Critiquing Rape/Flesh Trade-Documentaries
Authors: Muhammed Shahriar Haque
As an offshoot of journalistic discourse, the documentary should be objective in nature without harbouring any preconceived notion to foster ulterior motifs. When it comes to a social issue like rape in South Asian countries, as media in recent times is inundated with this violent act in India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, how does one document it in terms of objectivity and subjectivity? The objective of this study is twofold: to document the history of documentaries, and to critically analyze South Asian rape/flesh trade-documentaries. The overall goal is to trace the (re/de)construction of objectivity-subjectivity in documentaries. This paper adopts a qualitative approach to documentarist discourse through the lens of critical discourse analysis (CDA). Data was gathered for 10 documentaries on the theme of rape and/or flesh trade from eight South Asian countries, predominantly the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. The documentaries were primarily categorised by using three frameworks based on six modes, six subgenres, and four basic approaches of documentary. Subsequently, the findings were critiqued from CDA perspective. The outcome suggests that there a two schools of thoughts regarding documentaries. According to journalistic ethics, news and/or documentaries should be objective in orientation and focus on informing the audience and/common people. The empirical findings tend to challenge ethical parameters of objectivity. At times, it seems that journalistic discourse is discursively (re)constructed to give an augmented simulation of objectivity. Based on the findings it may be recommended that if documentaries steer away from empirical facts and indulge in poetic naivety, their credibility could be questioned. A research of this nature is significant as it raises questions with regard to ethical and moral conscience of documentary filmmakers. Furthermore, it looks at whether they uphold journalistic integrity or succumb to their bias, and thereby depict subjective views, which could be tainted with political and/or propagandist ulterior motifs.Keywords: discursive (re/de)construction, documentaries, journalistic integrity, rape/flesh trade
Procedia PDF Downloads 1555030 Exploring Affordable Care Practs in Nigeria’s Health Insurance Discourse
Authors: Emmanuel Chinaguh, Kehinde Adeosun
Nigerians die untimely, with 55.75 years of life expectancy, which is 17.45 below the world average of 73.2 (Worldometer, 2020). This is due, among other factors, to the country's limited access to high-quality healthcare. To increase access to good and affordable healthcare services, the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) Bill 2022 – which repealed the National Health Insurance Scheme Act 2004 – was passed into law. Applying Jacob Mey’s (2001) pragmatics act (pract) theory, this study explores how NHIA seeks to actualise these healthcare goals by characterising the general situational prototype or pragmemes and pragmatic acts in institutional communications. Data was sourced from the NHIA operational guidelines, which has 147 pages and four sections, and shared posters on NHIA Nigeria Twitter Handle with 14,200 followers. Digital humanities tools, like AntConc and Voyant, were engaged in the data analysis for text encoding and data visualisation. This study identifies these discourse tokens in the data: advertisement and programmes, standards and accreditation, records and information, and offences and penalties. Advertisement and programmes pract facilitating, propagating, prospecting, advising and informing; standards and accreditation, and records and information pract stating, informing and instructing; and offences and penalties pract stating and sanctioning. These practs combined to advance the goals of affordable care and universal accessibility to quality healthcare services. The pragmatic acts were marked by these pragmatic tools: shared situational knowledge (SSK), relevance (REL), reference (REF) and inference (INF). This paper adds to the understanding of health insurance discourse in Nigeria as a mediated social practice that promotes the health of Nigerians.Keywords: affordable care, NHIA, Nigeria’s health insurance discourse, pragmatic acts.
Procedia PDF Downloads 865029 Divulging Discursive Constructions On Alcohol Consumption Among Filipino Men Who Are Recovering From Alcoholism: A Foucauldian Approach
Authors: Quervin Zacary M. Roldan, Gwyneth Gabrielle M. Fajardo, Carmela M. Maciar
Alcohol in the Philippines is regarded as a part of their culture however, it is also stigmatized, as alcohol addiction is prevalent among Filipino Males leading them to develop Alcohol Use Disorder. With this, Discourses of alcohol consumption from Individuals recovering from AUD from different rehabilitation centers in the Philippines were analyzed in the study to explore how they ‘talk’ about their alcohol consumption. By utilizing the Foucauldian Discourse Analysis following the six steps by Carla Willig, four (4) major discourses were major construed by the recovering individuals of AUD which are: (1) Being alcohol-free was a dream, (2) Drinking alcohol turns you into a demon that will destroy your life, (3) Drinking alcohol as ‘doing’ drugs and (4) Alcohol is a temporary solution. These discourses construct alcohol consumption as something that is being referred to as a 'bad' substance which is both normalized and stigmatized in Philippine society.Keywords: alcohol, alcohol consumption, alcohol-based beverages, psychological effects, discourse, alcohol use disorder, stigma
Procedia PDF Downloads 1595028 The Expression of the Social Experience in Film Narration: Cinematic ‘Free Indirect Discourse’ in the Dancing Hawk (1977) by Grzegorz Krolikiewicz
Authors: Robert Birkholc
One of the basic issues related to the creation of characters in media, such as literature and film, is the representation of the characters' thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. This paper is devoted to the social perspective (or the focalization) expressed in film narration. The aim of the paper is to show how social point of view of the hero –conditioned by his origin and the environment from which he comes– can be created by using non-verbal, purely audiovisual means of expression. The issue will be considered on the example of the little-known polish movie The Dancing Hawk (1977) by Grzegorz Królikiewicz, based on the novel by Julian Kawalec. The thesis of the paper is that the polish director uses a narrative figure, which is somewhat analogous to literary form of free indirect discourse. In literature, free indirect discourse is formally ‘spoken’ by the external narrator, but the narration is clearly filtered through the language and thoughts of the character. According to some scholars (such as Roy Pascal), the narrator in this form of speech does not cite the character's words, but uses his way of thinking and imitates his perspective – sometimes with a deep irony. Free indirect discourse is frequently used in Julian Kawalec’s novel. Through the linguistic stylization, the author tries to convey the socially determined perspective of a peasant who migrates to the big city after the Second World War. Grzegorz Królikiewicz expresses the same social experience by pure cinematic form in the adaptation of the book. Both Kawalec and Królikiewicz show the consequences of so-called ‘social advancement’ in Poland after 1945, when the communist party took over political power. On the example of the fate of the main character, Michał Toporny, the director presents the experience of peasants who left their villages and had to adapt to new, urban space. However, the paper is not focused on the historical topic itself, but on the audiovisual form of the movie. Although Królikiewicz doesn’t use frequently POV shots, the narration of The Dancing Hawk is filtered through the sensations of the main character, who feels uprooted and alienated in the new social space. The director captures the hero's feelings through very complex audiovisual procedures – high or low points of view (representing the ‘social position’), grotesque soundtrack, expressionist scenery, and associative editing. In this way, he manages to create the world from the perspective of a socially maladjusted and internally split subject. The Dancing Hawk is a successful attempt to adapt the subjective narration of the book to the ‘language’ of the cinema. Mieke Bal’s notion of focalization helps to describe ‘free indirect discourse’ as a transmedial figure of representing of the characters’ perceptions. However, the polysemiotic medium of the film also significantly transforms this figure of representation. The paper shows both the similarities and differences between literary and cinematic ‘free indirect discourse.’Keywords: film and literature, free indirect discourse, social experience, subjective narration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1315027 Attitudes of Academic Staff towards the Use of Information Communication Technology as a Pedagogical Tool for Effective Teaching in FCT College of Education, Zuba-Abuja, Nigeria
Authors: Salako Emmanuel Adekunle
With numerous advantages of ICT in teaching such as using images to improve the retentive memory of students, academic staff is yet to deliver instructions adequately and effectively due to no power supply, lack of technical supports and non-availability of functional ICT tools. This study was conducted to investigate the attitudes of academic staff towards the use of information communication technology as a pedagogical tool for effective teaching in FCT College of Education, Zuba-Abuja, Nigeria. A sample of 200 academic staff from five schools/faculties was involved in the study. The respondents were selected by using simple random sampling technique (SRST). A questionnaire was developed and validated by the experts in Measurement and Evaluation, and reliability co-efficient of 0.85 was obtained. It was used to gather relevant data from the respondents. This study revealed that the respondents had positive attitudes towards the use of ICT as a pedagogical tool for effective teaching. Also, the uses of ICT by the academic staff included: to encourage closer relationship for attainment of higher academic, and to deliver instructions effectively. The study also revealed that there is a significant relationship between the attitudes and the uses of ICT by the academic staff. Based on these findings, some recommendations were made which include: power supply should be provided to operate ICT facilities for effective teaching, and technical assistance on ICT usage for effective delivery of instructions should be provided among other recommendations.Keywords: academic staff, attitudes, information communication technology, pedagogical tool, teaching, use
Procedia PDF Downloads 2415026 Interliterariness: Teaching Dystopia in the Arab Classrooms
Authors: Firas Al-Jubouri
Literature has been a subject of studying English at secondary, university, and postgraduate levels in many countries and for several decades. One of the prominent literary genres, which is being increasingly used in the literature classrooms, is dystopian literature. However, since teachers usually address the educational requirements of teaching canonical English literature to meet the expected objectives of the particular 1organisation, and the learner’s needs in the non- Anglophone context, they must also negotiate the issues of cultural differences, aesthetic values, literary significance, and the rationale of storytelling. This paper examines how teaching certain dystopian themes in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), an extremely influential dystopian canon, has to take into consideration the ideas, traditions, cultures, and means of literary interpretation inherent in the Arab Muslim world, with specific emphasis on the GCC region. It suggests the use of DionýzĎurišin’s (1929-1997) system of interliterariness in teaching world and comparative literature to help improve the interpretation of canonical literary texts in the international and inter-ethnic classrooms and contexts. Thus, this study helps to define a means of integrating global content and cross-cultural experiences into an effective teaching methodology that helps mitigate the major divides between the Anglophone text and the non-Anglophone readers.Keywords: anglophone, dystopia, brave new world, huxley, interliterariness
Procedia PDF Downloads 785025 Minimizing Learning Difficulties in Teaching Mathematics
Authors: Hari Sharan Pandit
Mathematics teaching in Nepal has been centralized and guided by the notion of transfer of knowledge and skills from teachers to students. The overemphasis on an algorithm-centric approach of mathematics teaching and the focus on ‘rote–learning’ as the ultimate way of solving mathematical problems since the early years of schooling have been creating severe problems in school-level mathematics in Nepal. In this context, the author argues that students should learn real-world mathematical problems through various interesting, creative and collaborative, as well as artistic and alternative ways of knowing. The collaboration-incorporated pedagogy is an distinct pedagogical approach that offers a better alternative as an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to learning that encourages students to think more broadly and critically about real-world problems. The paper, as a summarized report of action research designed, developed and implemented by the author, focuses on the needs and usefulness of collaboration-incorporated pedagogy in the Nepali context to make mathematics teaching more meaningful for producing creative and critical citizens. This paper is useful for mathematics teachers, teacher educators and researchers who argue on arts integration in mathematics teaching.Keywords: algorithm-centric, rote-learning, collaboration - incorporated pedagogy, action research
Procedia PDF Downloads 165024 Practices of Self-Directed Professional Development of Teachers in South African Public Schools
Authors: Rosaline Govender
This research study is an exploration of the self-directed professional development of teachers who teach in public schools in an era of democracy and educational change in South Africa. Amidst an ever-changing educational system, the teachers in this study position themselves as self-directed teacher-learners where they adopt particular learning practices which enable change within the broader discourses of public schooling. Life-story interviews were used to enter into the private and public spaces of five teachers which offer glimpses of how particular systems shaped their identities, and how the meanings of self-directed teacher-learner shaped their learning practices. Through the Multidimensional framework of analysis and interpretation the teachers’ stories were analysed through three lenses: restorying the field texts - the self through story; the teacher-learner in relation to social contexts, and practices of self-directed learning.This study shows that as teacher-learners learn for change through self-directed learning practices, they develop their agency as transformative intellectuals, which is necessary for the reworking of South African public schools.Keywords: professional development, professionality, professionalism, self-directed learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4305023 Nazi Propaganda and the 1930 Berlin Film Premiere of “All Quiet on the Western Front”
Authors: Edward C. Smith
Historical narration in literature and film is an act that necessarily develops and deforms history, whether consciously or unconsciously. Such “translation” suffers or thrives depending on its historical context and on the ability of the artist/artists to make choices that enhance or diminish social and political reality. This “translation” and its challenges is examined from within the historical and political context of the 1930 Berlin film premiere of “All Quiet on the Western Front,” a film based on Erich Maria Remarque’s 1928 best-selling novel. Both the film and the novel appeared during a period in which the “aestheticization” of reality predominated. This was an era in early 20th-century European society in which life was conceived of as innately artistic and structured like an art form. The emergence of this modern consciousness, one in which memory and history surrendered their former authority, enabled conservative propaganda of the period to denounce all art that did not adhere conceptually to its political tenets, with “All Quiet” becoming yet another of its “victims.”Keywords: documentary and propaganda film, film and TV audiences, international literature in film studies, popular culture and film
Procedia PDF Downloads 4065022 A Review of Lortie’s Schoolteacher
Authors: Tsai-Hsiu Lin
Dan C. Lortie’s Schoolteacher: A sociological study is one of the best works on the sociology of teaching since W. Waller’s classic study. It is a book worthy of review. Following the tradition of symbolic interactionists, Lortie demonstrated the qualities who studied the occupation of teaching. Using several methods to gather effective data, Lortie has portrayed the ethos of the teaching profession. Therefore, the work is an important book on the teaching profession and teacher culture. Though outstanding, Lortie’s work is also flawed in that his perspectives and methodology were adopted largely from symbolic interactionism. First, Lortie in his work analyzed many points regarding teacher culture; for example, he was interested in exploring “sentiment,” “cathexis,” and “ethos.” Thus, he was more a psychologist than a sociologist. Second, symbolic interactionism led him to discern the teacher culture from a micro view, thereby missing the structural aspects. For example, he did not fully discuss the issue of gender and he ignored the issue of race. Finally, following the qualitative sociological tradition, Lortie employed many qualitative methods to gather data but only foucused on obtaining and presenting interview data. Moreover, he used measurement methods that were too simplistic for analyzing quantitative data fully.Keywords: education reform, teacher culture, teaching profession, Lortie’s Schoolteacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 2315021 Burnout among Healthcare Workers in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Zbigniew Izdebski, Alicja Kozakiewicz, Maciej Białorudzki, Joanna Mazur
Work is an extremely important part of everyone's life and affects functioning in daily life. Healthcare workers (HCW) are suffering from negative actions in and out of the workplace, such as harassment, abuse, long working hours, mental suffering, exhaustion, and professional burnout. Staff burnout is detrimental not only in terms of individual employees but also to working with patients and to the healthcare institution as a whole. The purpose of this study was to explore the level of professional burnout among HCW working in medical institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. The extent to which selected sociodemographic factors and perceived stress increase the risk of professional burnout was assessed. In addition, the frequency of use of professional psychological help and less formal support groups by HCW in relation to the level of professional burnout was presented. The survey was conducted as part of a larger project on the humanization of medicine and clinical communication from February-April 2022. This study used a self-administered online survey (CAWI) technique and PAPI (pen and paper interview) technique. The BAT-12 scale was used to measure burnout, the PSS-4 scale was used to measure stress, and questions formulated by the research team were also used. For the purpose of analysis, the sample was limited to 2196 HCWs who worked on a daily basis with patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frequency distributions were analyzed, and multivariate logistic regression was performed. The mean scores (scores) of job burnout as measured by the BAT-12 scale ranged among the professional groups from 2.15(0.69) to 2.30 (0.69) and remained highest for the nurses' group. The groups differed significantly in levels of burnout (chi-sq=17.719; d.f.=8; p<0.023). In the final model, raised stress most likely increased the risk of burnout (OR=3.88; 95%CI <3.13-3.81>; p<0,001). Other significant predictors of burnout included: traumatic work-related experience (OR=1.91, p<0.001), mobbing (OR=1.83, p<0.001), and a higher workload than before the pandemic (OR=1.41, p=0.002). Only 7% of respondents decided to use various forms of psychological support during the pandemic. HCW experiences challenges in dealing with an unpredictable pandemic. Limited preparedness can lead to physical and psychological problems such as high-stress levels, anxiety, fear, helplessness, hopelessness, anger and stigma. The workload can lead to professional burnout, as well as threaten patient safety.Keywords: burnout, work, healthcare, healthcare worker, stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 805020 Implementing Contextual Approach to Improve EFL Learners’ English Speaking Skill
Authors: Samanik
This writing is correlated with English teaching material development, Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL). CTL is believed to facilitate students with real world challenge. Contextual Teaching and Learning is identified as a promising strategy that actively engages students and promotes skills development. It is based on the notion that learning can only occur when students are able to connect between content and context. It also helps teachers link between the materials taught with real-world situations and encourage students to make connection between the knowledge possessed by its application. Besides, it directs students to be critical and analytical. In accordance, this paper looks for the opportunity to improve EFL learners’ English speaking skill through tour guide presentation. A single case study will be conducted to highlight EFL learners’ experience of doing tour guide presentation in the English class room setting. The writer assumes that CLT will contribute positively to EFL learners’ English speaking skill.Keywords: English speaking skill, contextual teaching learning, tour guide presentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2655019 Development of Social Competence in the Preparation and Continuing Training of Adult Educators
Authors: Genute Gedviliene, Vidmantas Tutlys
The aim of this paper is to reveal the deployment and development of the social competence in the higher education programmes of adult education and in the continuing training and competence development of the andragogues. There will be compared how the issues of cooperation and communication in the learning and teaching processes are treated in the study programmes and in the courses of continuing training of andragogues. Theoretical and empirical research methods were combined for research analysis. For the analysis the following methods were applied: 1) Literature and document analysis helped to highlight the communication and cooperation as fundamental phenomena of the social competence, it’s important for the adult education in the context of digitalization and globalization. There were also analyzed the research studies on the development of social competence in the field of andragogy, as well as on the place and weight of the social competence in the overall competence profile of the andragogue. 2) The empirical study is based on questionnaire survey method. The population of survey consists of 240 students of bachelor and master degree studies of andragogy in Lithuania and of 320 representatives of the different bodies and institutions involved in the continuing training and professional development of the adult educators in Lithuania. The themes of survey questionnaire were defined on the basis of findings of the literature review and included the following: 1) opinions of the respondents on the role and place of a social competence in the work of andragogue; 2) opinions of the respondents on the role and place of the development of social competence in the curricula of higher education studies and continuing training courses; 3) judgements on the implications of the higher education studies and courses of continuing training for the development of social competence and it’s deployment in the work of andragogue. Data analysis disclosed a wide range of ways and modalities of the deployment and development of social competence in the preparation and continuing training of the adult educators. Social competence is important for the students and adult education providers not only as the auxiliary capability for the communication and transfer of information, but also as the outcome of collective learning leading to the development of new capabilities applied by the learners in the learning process, their professional field of adult education and their social life. Equally so, social competence is necessary for the effective adult education activities not only as an auxiliary capacity applied in the teaching process, but also as a potential for improvement, development and sustainability of the didactic competence and know-how in this field. The students of the higher education programmes in the field of adult education treat social competence as important generic capacity important for the work of adult educator, whereas adult education providers discern the concrete issues of application of social competence in the different processes of adult education, starting from curriculum design and ending with assessment of learning outcomes.Keywords: adult education, andragogues, social competence, curriculum
Procedia PDF Downloads 1465018 Contemporary Issues in Teacher Education in Nigeria
Authors: Salisu Abdu Bagga
This paper attempts to discuss contemporary issues in teacher education and address challenges therein within the context of the Nigeria society. Teacher education is an educational programme aimed at producing the right crop of people (teachers) who will teach at various levels of schooling i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary. The programme targets to inculcate desirable knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and competencies in teachers with the prime motive of keeping them fully abreast with contemporary challenges such as overcrowded classrooms, inadequate instructional materials, ineffective teaching methodology in the teaching industry in Nigeria. Nigeria needs competent, skilful, knowledgeable and innovative classroom teachers for better teaching and learning.Keywords: teacher education, contemporary issues, competencies, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 4665017 A Case Study Comparing the Effect of Computer Assisted Task-Based Language Teaching and Computer-Assisted Form Focused Language Instruction on Language Production of Students Learning Arabic as a Foreign Language
Authors: Hanan K. Hassanein
Task-based language teaching (TBLT) and focus on form instruction (FFI) methods were proven to improve quality and quantity of immediate language production. However, studies that compare between the effectiveness of the language production when using TBLT versus FFI are very little with results that are not consistent. Moreover, teaching Arabic using TBLT is a new field with few research that has investigated its application inside classrooms. Furthermore, to the best knowledge of the researcher, there are no prior studies that compared teaching Arabic as a foreign language in a classroom setting using computer-assisted task-based language teaching (CATBLT) with computer-assisted form focused language instruction (CAFFI). Accordingly, the focus of this presentation is to display CATBLT and CAFFI tools when teaching Arabic as a foreign language as well as demonstrate an experimental study that aims to identify whether or not CATBLT is a more effective instruction method. The effectiveness will be determined through comparing CATBLT and CAFFI in terms of accuracy, lexical complexity, and fluency of language produced by students. The participants of the study are 20 students enrolled in two intermediate-level Arabic as a foreign language classes. The experiment will take place over the course of 7 days. Based on a study conducted by Abdurrahman Arslanyilmaz for teaching Turkish as a second language, an in-house computer assisted tool for the TBLT and another one for FFI will be designed for the experiment. The experimental group will be instructed using the in-house CATBLT tool and the control group will be taught through the in-house CAFFI tool. The data that will be analyzed are the dialogues produced by students in both the experimental and control groups when completing a task or communicating in conversational activities. The dialogues of both groups will be analyzed to understand the effect of the type of instruction (CATBLT or CAFFI) on accuracy, lexical complexity, and fluency. Thus, the study aims to demonstrate whether or not there is an instruction method that positively affects the language produced by students learning Arabic as a foreign language more than the other.Keywords: computer assisted language teaching, foreign language teaching, form-focused instruction, task based language teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 2525016 Towards Appreciating Knowing Body in the Future Schools: Developing Methods for School Teachers to Understand the Role of the Body in Teaching and Learning
Authors: Johanna Aromaa
This paper presents a development project aimed at enhancing student-teachers' awareness of the role of the body in teaching and learning. In this project, theory and practice are brought into dialogue through workshops of body work that utilize art-based and somatic methods. They are carried out in a special course for educating teachers in a Finnish University. Expected results from the project include: 1) the participants become aware of the multiple roles that the body has in educational encounters, and with it, develop a more holistic approach to teaching and learning, 2) the participants gain access to and learn to form bodily knowledge, 3) a working model on enhancing student-teachers' awareness of the role of bodily knowledge in teacher’s work is developed. Innovative methods as well as a radical rethinking of the nature of teaching and learning are needed if we are to appreciate knowing body in the future schools.Keywords: bodily knowledge, the body, somatic methods, teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 4395015 Determination of the Knowledge Level of Healthcare Professional's Working at the Emergency Services in Turkey about Their Approaches to Common Forensic Cases
Authors: E. Tuğba Topçu, Ebru E. Kazan, Erhan Büken
Emergency nurses are the first health care professional to generally observe the patients, communicate patients’ family or relatives, touch the properties of patients and contact to laboratory sample of patients. Also, they are the encounter incidents related crime, people who engage in violence or suspicious injuries frequently. So, documentation of patients’ condition came to the hospital and conservation of evidence are important in the inquiry of forensic medicine. The aim of the study was to determine the knowledge level of healthcare professional working at the emergency services regarding their approaches to common forensic cases. The study was comprised of 404 healthcare professional working (nurse, emergency medicine technician, health officer) at the emergency services of 6 state hospitals, 6 training and 6 research hospitals and 3 university hospitals in Ankara. Data was collected using questionnaire form which was developed by researches in the direction of literature. Questionnaire form is comprised of two sections. The first section includes 17 questions related demographic information about health care professional and 4 questions related Turkish laws. The second section includes 43 questions to the determination of knowledge level of health care professional’s working in the emergency department, about approaches to frequently encountered forensic cases. For the data evaluation of the study; Mann Whitney U test, Bonferroni correction Kruskal Wallis H test and Chi Square tests have been used. According to study, it’s said that there is no forensic medicine expert in the foundation by 73.4% of health care professionals. Two third (66%) of participants’ in emergency department reported daily average 7 or above forensic cases applied to the emergency department and 52.1% of participants did not evaluate incidents came to the emergency department as a forensic case. Most of the participants informed 'duty of preservation of evidence' is health care professionals duty related forensic cases. In result, we determinated that knowledge level of health care professional working in the emergency department, about approaches to frequently encountered forensic cases, is not the expected level. Because we found that most of them haven't received education about forensic nursing.Postgraduates participants, educated health professional about forensic nursing, staff who applied to sources about forensic nursing and staff who evaluated emergency department cases as forensic cases have significantly higher level of knowledge. Moreover, it’s found that forensic cases diagnosis score is the highest in health officer and university graduated. Health care professional’s deficiency in knowledge about forensic cases can cause defects in operation of the forensic process because of mistakes in collecting and conserving of evidence. It is obvious that training about the approach to forensic nursing should be arranged.Keywords: emergency nurses, forensic case, forensic nursing, level of knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 2955014 Empowering Business Students with Intercultural Communicative Competence through Multicultural Literature
Authors: Dorsaf Ben Malek
The function of culture in language teaching changed because of globalization and the latest technologies. English became a lingua franca which resulted in altering the teaching objectives. The re-evaluation of cultural awareness is one of them. Business English teaching has also been subject to all these changes. It is therefore a wrong idea if we try to consider it as a diffusion of unlimited listing of lexis, diagrams, charts, and statistics. In fact, business students’ future career will require business terminology together with intercultural communicative competence (ICC) to handle different multicultural encounters and contribute to the international community. The first part of this paper is dedicated to the necessity of empowering business students with intercultural communicative competence and the second turns around the potential of multicultural literature in implementing ICC in business English teaching. This was proved through a qualitative action research done on a group of Tunisian MA business students. It was an opportunity to discover the potential of multicultural literature together with inquiry-based learning in enhancing business students’ intercultural communicative competence. Data were collected through classroom observations, journals and semi-structured interviews. Results were in favour of using multicultural literature to enhance business students’ ICC. In addition, the short story may be a motivating tool to read literature, and inquiry-based learning can be an effective approach to teaching literature.Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, multicultural literature, short stories, inquiry-based learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3345013 Overcoming Challenges of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Technical Classrooms: A Case Study at TVTC College of Technology
Authors: Sreekanth Reddy Ballarapu
The perception of the whole process of teaching and learning is undergoing a drastic and radical change. More and more student-centered, pragmatic, and flexible approaches are gradually replacing teacher-centered lecturing and structural-syllabus instruction. The issue of teaching English as a Foreign language is no exception in this regard. The traditional Present-Practice-Produce (P-P-P) method of teaching English is overtaken by Task-Based Teaching which is a subsidiary branch of Communicative Language Teaching. At this juncture this article strongly tries to convey that - Task-based learning, has an advantage over other traditional methods of teaching. All teachers of English must try to customize their texts into productive tasks, apply them, and evaluate the students as well as themselves. Task Based Learning is a double edged tool which can enhance the performance of both the teacher and the taught. The sample for this case study is a class of 35 students from Semester III - Network branch at TVTC College of Technology, Adhum - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The students are high school passed out and aged between 19-21years.For the present study the prescribed textbook Technical English 1 by David Bonamy was used and a number of language tasks were chalked out during the pre- task stage and the learners were made to participate voluntarily and actively. The Action Research methodology was adopted within the dual framework of Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Learning. The different tools such as questionnaires, feedback and interviews were used to collect data. This study provides information about various techniques of Communicative Language Teaching and Task Based Learning and focuses primarily on the advantages of using a Task Based Learning approach. This article presents in detail the objectives of the study, the planning and implementation of the action research, the challenges encountered during the execution of the plan, and the pedagogical outcome of this project. These research findings serve two purposes: first, it evaluates the effectiveness of Task Based Learning and, second, it empowers the teacher's professionalism in designing and implementing the tasks. In the end, the possibility of scope for further research is presented in brief.Keywords: action research, communicative language teaching, task based learning, perception
Procedia PDF Downloads 2405012 Learning-by-Heart vs. Learning by Thinking: Fostering Thinking in Foreign Language Learning A Comparison of Two Approaches
Authors: Danijela Vranješ, Nataša Vukajlović
Turning to learner-centered teaching instead of the teacher-centered approach brought a whole new perspective into the process of teaching and learning and set a new goal for improving the educational process itself. However, recently a tremendous decline in students’ performance on various standardized tests can be observed, above all on the PISA-test. The learner-centeredness on its own is not enough anymore: the students’ ability to think is deteriorating. Especially in foreign language learning, one can encounter a lot of learning by heart: whether it is grammar or vocabulary, teachers often seem to judge the students’ success merely on how well they can recall a specific word, phrase, or grammar rule, but they rarely aim to foster their ability to think. Convinced that foreign language teaching can do both, this research aims to discover how two different approaches to teaching foreign language foster the students’ ability to think as well as to what degree they help students get to the state-determined level of foreign language at the end of the semester as defined in the Common European Framework. For this purpose, two different curricula were developed: one is a traditional, learner-centered foreign language curriculum that aims at teaching the four competences as defined in the Common European Framework and serves as a control variable, whereas the second one has been enriched with various thinking routines and aims at teaching the foreign language as a means to communicate ideas and thoughts rather than reducing it to the four competences. Moreover, two types of tests were created for each approach, each based on the content taught during the semester. One aims to test the students’ competences as defined in the CER, and the other aims to test the ability of students to draw on the knowledge gained and come to their own conclusions based on the content taught during the semester. As it is an ongoing study, the results are yet to be interpreted.Keywords: common european framework of reference, foreign language learning, foreign language teaching, testing and assignment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1085011 Technology for Enhancing the Learning and Teaching Experience in Higher Education
Authors: Sara M. Ismael, Ali H. Al-Badi
The rapid development and growth of technology has changed the method of obtaining information for educators and learners. Technology has created a new world of collaboration and communication among people. Incorporating new technology into the teaching process can enhance learning outcomes. Billions of individuals across the world are now connected together, and are cooperating and contributing their knowledge and intelligence. Time is no longer wasted in waiting until the teacher is ready to share information as learners can go online and get it immediately. The objectives of this paper are to understand the reasons why changes in teaching and learning methods are necessary, to find ways of improving them, and to investigate the challenges that present themselves in the adoption of new ICT tools in higher education institutes. To achieve these objectives two primary research methods were used: questionnaires, which were distributed among students at higher educational institutes and multiple interviews with faculty members (teachers) from different colleges and universities, which were conducted to find out why teaching and learning methodology should change. The findings show that both learners and educators agree that educational technology plays a significant role in enhancing instructors’ teaching style and students’ overall learning experience; however, time constraints, privacy issues, and not being provided with enough up-to-date technology do create some challenges.Keywords: e-books, educational technology, educators, e-learning, learners, social media, Web 2.0, LMS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2775010 How Best Mentors mentor: A Metadiscursive Study of Mentoring Styles in Teacher Education
Authors: Cissy Li
Mentorship is a commonly used strategy for career development that has obvious benefits for students in undergraduate pre-service teacher training programs. In contrast to teaching practicum, which generally involves pedagogical supervision and performance evaluation by teachers, mentorship is more focused on sharing experiences, supporting challenges, and nurturing skills in order to promote personal and professional growth. To empower pre-service teachers and prepare them for potential challenges in the context of local English language teaching (ELT), an alumni mentoring program was established in the framework of communities of practice (CoP), with the mentors being in-service graduates working in local schools and mentees being students on the teacher-training programme in a Hong Kong university. By triangulating audio transcripts of mentoring sessions delivered by three top mentors with data from questionnaire responses and mentor logs, this paper examines the mentoring styles of the three best mentors from the metadiscursive perspective. It was found that, in a community of practice, mentors who may seem to enjoy a relative more dominant position, in fact, had to strategically and pragmatically employ metadiscursive resources to manage relationships with the mentees and organize talks in the mentoring process. Other attributing factors for a successful mentoring session include mentor personality and prior mentorship experiences, nature of the activities in the session, and group dynamics. This paper concludes that it is the combination of all the factors that constitute a particular mentoring style. The findings have implications for mentoring programs in teacher preparation.Keywords: mentoring, teacher education, mentoring style, metadiscourse
Procedia PDF Downloads 925009 Morphological Analysis of Manipuri Language: Wahei-Neinarol
Authors: Y. Bablu Singh, B. S. Purkayashtha, Chungkham Yashawanta Singh
Morphological analysis forms the basic foundation in NLP applications including syntax parsing Machine Translation (MT), Information Retrieval (IR) and automatic indexing in all languages. It is the field of the linguistics; it can provide valuable information for computer based linguistics task such as lemmatization and studies of internal structure of the words. Computational Morphology is the application of morphological rules in the field of computational linguistics, and it is the emerging area in AI, which studies the structure of words, which are formed by combining smaller units of linguistics information, called morphemes: the building blocks of words. Morphological analysis provides about semantic and syntactic role in a sentence. It analyzes the Manipuri word forms and produces several grammatical information associated with the words. The Morphological Analyzer for Manipuri has been tested on 3500 Manipuri words in Shakti Standard format (SSF) using Meitei Mayek as source; thereby an accuracy of 80% has been obtained on a manual check.Keywords: morphological analysis, machine translation, computational morphology, information retrieval, SSF
Procedia PDF Downloads 3265008 Apathetic Place, Hostile Space: A Qualitative Study on the Ability of Immigration Detention in the UK to Promote the Health and Dignity of Detainees
Background: The UK has one of the largest immigration detention estates in Europe and is under increasing scrutiny, particularly regarding the lack of transparency over the use of detention and the conditions. Therefore, this research seeks to explore the professional perceptions of the ability of immigration detention in the UK to promote health and dignity. Methods: A phenomenological approach to qualitative methods were used, with social constructivist theorisations of health and dignity. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted using Microsoft Teams. Participants included a range of immigration detention stakeholders who have visited closed immigration detention centres in the UK in a professional capacity. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim, and analysis was data-driven through inductive reflexive thematic analysis of the entire data set to account for the small sample size. This study received ethical approval from University College London Research Ethics Committee. Results: Two global themes were created through analysis: apathetic place and hostile space. Apathetic place discusses the lack of concern for detainees' daily living and healthcare needs within immigration detention in the UK. This is explored through participants' perceptions of the lack of ability of monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure detainees are able to live with dignity and understand the unfulfilled duty of care that exists in detention. Hostile space discusses immigration detention in the UK as a wider system of hostility. This is explored through the disempowering impact on detainees, the perception of a failing system as a result of inadequate safeguarding procedures, and a belief that the intention of immigration detention is misaligned with its described purpose. Conclusion: This research explains why the current immigration detention system in the UK is unable to promote health and dignity, offering a social justice and action-orientated approach to research in this sphere. The findings strengthen the discourse against the use of detention as an immigration control tool in the UK. Implications for further research include a stronger emphasis on investigating alternatives to detention and culturally considerate opportunities for patient-centred healthcare.Keywords: access to healthcare, dignity, health, immigration detention, migrant, refugee, UK
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