Search results for: Mohamed Ibrahim Mabrouk
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2246

Search results for: Mohamed Ibrahim Mabrouk

1166 Recycling of Post-Industrial Cotton Wastes: Quality and Rotor Spinning of Reclaimed Fibers

Authors: Béchir Wanassi, Béchir Azzouz, Taher Halimi, Mohamed Ben Hassen


Mechanical recycling of post-industrial cotton yarn wastes, as well as the effects of passage number on the properties of reclaimed fibers, have been investigated. A new Modified Fiber Quality Index (MFQI) and Spinning Consistency Index (MSCI) for the characterization of the quality are presented. This index gives the real potential of spinnability according to its physical properties. The best quality of reclaimed fibers (after 7th passage) was used to produce rotor yarns. 100% recycling cotton yarns were produced in open-end spinning system with different rotor speed (i.e. 65000, 70000, and 80000 rpm), opening roller speed (i.e. 7700, 8200, and 8700 rpm) and twist factor (i.e. 137, 165, and 183). The effects of spinning parameters were investigated to evaluate a 100% recycling cotton yarns quality (TQI, hairiness, thin places, and thick places) using DOE method.

Keywords: cotton wastes, DOE, mechanical recycling, rotor spinning

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1165 Biomphalaria alexandrina Snail as a Bio-Indicator of Pollution With Manganese Metal and Its Effect on Physiological, Immunological, Histopathological Parameters and Larvicidal Potencies

Authors: Amina M. Ibrahim, Ahmed A. Abdel-Haleem, Rania G. Taha


Metal pollution results in many dangerous consequences to the environment and human health due to the bioaccumulation in their tissues. The present study aims to measure the bioaccumulation factor of the Manganese (Mn) heavy metal in Biomphlaria alexandrina snails' tissues and water samples. The present results showed the concentration of Mn heavy metal in water (87.5 mg/l) and its bioaccumulation factor in Helisoma duryi tissue was higher than that in tissues of Physa acuta and B. alexandrina snails. Results showed that 87.5 mg/l Mn concentration had miracidial and cercaricidal activities. Also, this concentration decreased the mean total number of the hemocytes after exposure for 24h or 48h, while increased both the mean mortality and phagocytic indices of the hemocytes of exposed snails. It caused alterations in the cytomorphology of the hemocytes of exposed snails after 24 or 48h, where, the granulocytes had irregular cell membrane, and forming pseudopodia. Besides, both levels of Testosterone (T) and Estradiol (E) were increased after exposure to 87.5mg/l Mn metal compared to the control group. Also, it increased MDA (Malonaldehyde) and TAC (Total antioxidant capacity) contents, while, decreased SOD (superoxide dismutase). Besides, it caused great histopathological damages in both hermaphrodite and digestive glands, represented in the degeneration of the gonadal, digestive, secretory cells and the connective tissues. Therefore, B. alexandrina might be used as sensitive bio-indicator of pollution with Mn heavy metal to avoid ethics rules; beside they are easily available and large in number.

Keywords: manganese metal, B. alexandrina, hormonal alterations, histopathology

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1164 Reduction of Rotor-Bearing-Support Finite Element Model through Substructuring

Authors: Abdur Rosyid, Mohamed El-Madany, Mohanad Alata


Due to simplicity and low cost, rotordynamic system is often modeled by using lumped parameters. Recently, finite elements have been used to model rotordynamic system as it offers higher accuracy. However, it involves high degrees of freedom. In some applications such as control design, this requires higher cost. For this reason, various model reduction methods have been proposed. This work demonstrates the quality of model reduction of rotor-bearing-support system through substructuring. The quality of the model reduction is evaluated by comparing some first natural frequencies, modal damping ratio, critical speeds and response of both the full system and the reduced system. The simulation shows that the substructuring is proven adequate to reduce finite element rotor model in the frequency range of interest as long as the numbers and the locations of master nodes are determined appropriately. However, the reduction is less accurate in an unstable or nearly-unstable system.

Keywords: rotordynamic, finite element model, timoshenko beam, 3D solid elements, Guyan reduction method

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1163 Effect of Different Types of Nano/Micro Fillers on the Interfacial Shear Properties of Polyamide 6 with De-Sized Carbon Fiber

Authors: Mohamed H. Gabr, Kiyoshi Uzawa


The current study aims to investigate the effect of fillers with different geometries and sizes on the interfacial shear properties of PA6 composites with de-sized carbon fiber. The fillers which have been investigated are namely; nano-layer silicates (nanoclay), sub-micro aluminum titanium (ALTi) particles, and multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT). By means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), epoxide group which defined as a sizing agent, has been removed. Sizing removal can reduce the acid parameter of carbon fibers surface promoting bonding strength at the fiber/matrix interface which is a desirable property for the carbon fiber composites. Microdroplet test showed that the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) has been enhanced with the addition of 10wt% ALTi by about 23% comparing with neat PA6. However, with including other types of fillers into PA6, the results did not show enhancement of IFSS.

Keywords: sub-micro particles, nano-composites, interfacial shear strength, polyamide 6

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1162 Low-Noise Amplifier Design for Improvement of Communication Range for Wake-Up Receiver Based Wireless Sensor Network Application

Authors: Ilef Ketata, Mohamed Khalil Baazaoui, Robert Fromm, Ahmad Fakhfakh, Faouzi Derbel


The integration of wireless communication, e. g. in real-or quasi-real-time applications, is related to many challenges such as energy consumption, communication range, latency, quality of service, and reliability. To minimize the latency without increasing energy consumption, wake-up receiver (WuRx) nodes have been introduced in recent works. Low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are introduced to improve the WuRx sensitivity but increase the supply current severely. Different WuRx approaches exist with always-on, power-gated, or duty-cycled receiver designs. This paper presents a comparative study for improving communication range and decreasing the energy consumption of wireless sensor nodes.

Keywords: wireless sensor network, wake-up receiver, duty-cycled, low-noise amplifier, envelope detector, range study

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1161 The Frequency of Q Fever Among Hospitalized Patients with Pyrexia

Authors: Hassan Ali Abood Nassrullah, Jabbar Fadeel Mahdi, Mohammed Salih Mahdi Alkurdi, Ali Al Mousawi, Saad Ibrahim Al-Ghabban, Abdul Amir H. Kadhum, Ahmed Al-Amiery


Background: Q fever is a zoonotic disease characterized by its clinical polymorphism and can present acutely as fever, pneumonia, hepatitis, and chronically as infective endocarditis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, or hepatitis. Objective: The aim of this study is To estimate the prevalence of cases of Q fever in hospitalized febrile patients in Imam Al Hussain Teaching Medical City in Karbala. Methods: One hundred patients with pyrexia were admitted to the medical ward from 1st August to 31st December 2019. Serological procedures fortified by Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay test. Patients were considered to have acute Q fever when the specific antibodies (IgM and IgG) of phase II of Coxiella burnetii were positive. Results: The mean age of the patients was 35.05±12.93 years; females constituted 60% of them. Eighteen patients (18%) showed positive results for IgM, a lower proportion (13% n=13) had positive IgG levels, and 9% showed equivocal results. Statistical analysis revealed a significant association between positive IgM levels of the female gender and in patients consuming unpasteurized milk. One patient (female aged 60 years) died in the hospital, while all other patients were discharged well. Two female patients were pregnant, and one of them had an abortion. Conclusions: Q fever is more common in febrile patients. The study indicates that this disease should not be overlooked in the differential diagnosis of acute fever. Serological testing should be performed in all patients with acute febrile illness with an unsettling diagnosis.

Keywords: antibodies, frequency, immunoglobulin IgM, Q fever

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1160 Effect of Depth on the Distribution of Zooplankton in Wushishi Lake Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Authors: Adamu Zubairu Mohammed, Fransis Oforum Arimoro, Salihu Maikudi Ibrahim, Y. I. Auta, T. I. Arowosegbe, Y. Abdullahi


The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of depth on the distribution of zooplankton and some physicochemical parameters in Tungan Kawo Lake (Wushishi dam). Water and zooplankton samples were collected from the surface, 3.0 meters deep and 6.0 meters deep, for a period of 24 hours for six months. Standard procedures were adopted for the determination of physicochemical parameters. Results have shown significant differences in the pH, DO, BOD Hardness, Na, and Mg. A total of 1764 zooplankton were recorded, comprising 35 species, with cladocera having 18 species (58%), 14 species of copepoda (41%), 3 species of diptera (1.0%). Results show that more of the zooplankton were recorded in the 3.0 meters-deep region compared to the two other depts and a significant difference was observed in the distribution of Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia laevis, and Leptodiaptomus coloradensis. Though the most abundant zooplankton was recorded in the 3.0 meters deep, Leptodiaptomus coloradesnsis, which was observed in the 6.0 meters deep as the most individual observed, this was followed by Daphnia laevis. Canonical correspondence analysis between physicochemical parameters and the zooplankton indicated a good relationship in the Lake. Ceriodaphnia dubia was found to have a good association with oxygen, sodium, and potassium, while Daphnia laevis and Leptodiaptomus coloradensis are in good relationship with magnesium and phosphorus. It was generally observed that this depth does not have much influence on the distribution of zooplankton in Wushishi Lake.

Keywords: zooplankton, standard procedures, canonical correspondence analysis, Wushishi, canonical, physicochemical parameter

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1159 Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon Sources Potential of Source Rock in the Ghadames Basin

Authors: Ibrahim Omran


One of the most important potential source rock intervals for the oils in the Ghadames Basin is the Tanezzuft shale. The Tanezzuft shale is very mature with respect to high oil generation. The aim of this project is to estimate the total yield of the source rocks in the Ghadames Basin, which is represented by the Tanezzuft Formation (oil shale interbedded with sandstone). To evaluate the source rock in the Ghadames Basin, we take one of the wells, which is G1-NC2; this well was chosen to give an initial idea about the status of the Tanezzuft source rock in the Ghadames Basin, and the Rock-Eval 6 devices used for this study. This study will use molecular geochemical techniques to compare 35 samples obtained from boreholes during drill well G1-NC2 in the Ghadames basin and compare the result with the GC result. The comparison showed the following: the TOC has fair hydrocarbon source rock potential where immature in the upper zone, but the lower zone has adequate organic carbon to generate hydrocarbon, and the source potential of kerogen has Type II, III oil porn. The GC result indicates that the origin of the oil is richer in lipids or algae than phytane chlorophyll or terrestrial matter for kerogen Type II and III, and the condition here is suboxic. The ratios of Pr/Ph are close together as well as nC17/Pr and nC18/Ph, the origin of oil is richer in lipid or algae than phytol chlorophyll or terrestrial that for kerogen Type II and the condition here is suboxic. It is noticeable when using the Talukdar graph that all the selected crude oil samples take position of kerogen type II and III and transition zone between oxidizing and reducing, and the source of oil mixed between algal and marine. This implies that the migration path was vertical rather than horizontal, so the oil comes from the source rocks in the same well G1-NC2.

Keywords: kerogen type, maturation, generation, migration

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1158 Numerical Analysis of Roughness Effect on Mini and Microchannels: Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer

Authors: El-Ghalia Filali, Cherif Gadouche, Mohamed Tahar


A three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow through mini and microchannels with designed roughness is conducted here. The effect of the roughness height (surface roughness), geometry, Reynolds number on the friction factor and the Nusselt number is investigated. The study is carried out by employing CFD software, CFX. Our work focuses on a water flow inside a circular mini-channel of 1 mm and microchannels of 500 and 100 μm in diameter. The speed entry varies from 0.1 m/s to 20 m/s. The general trend can be observed that bigger sizes of roughness element lead to higher flow resistance. It is found that the friction factor increases in a nonlinear fashion with the increase in obstruction height. Particularly, the effect of roughness can no longer be ignored at relative roughness height higher than 3%. A significant increase in Poiseuille number is detected for all configurations considered. The same observation can be done for Nusselt number. The transition zone between laminar and turbulent flow depends on the channel diameter.

Keywords: hydrodynamics, heat transfer, minichannel, microchannel, roughness

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1157 Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer Performance in an Inclined Cavity: Nanofluid and Random Temperature

Authors: Hicham Salhi, Mohamed Si-Ameur, Nadjib Chafai


Natural convection of a nanofluid consisting of water and nanoparticles (Ag or TiO2) in an inclined enclosure cavity, has been studied numerically, heated by a (random temperature, based on the random function). The governing equations are solved numerically using the finite-volume. Results are presented in the form of streamlines, isotherms, and average Nusselt number. In addition, a parametric study is carried out to examine explicitly the volume fraction effects of nanoparticles (Ψ= 0.1, 0.2), the Rayleigh number (Ra=103, 104, 105, 106),the inclination angle of the cavity( égale à 0°, 30°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°), types of temperature (constant ,random), types of (NF) (Ag andTiO2). The results reveal that (NPs) addition remarkably enhances heat transfer in the cavity especially for (Ψ= 0.2). Besides, the effect of inclination angle and type of temperature is more pronounced at higher Rayleigh number.

Keywords: nanofluid, natural convection, inclined cavity, random temperature, finite-volume

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1156 Application of Artificial Neural Network in Initiating Cleaning Of Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Authors: Mohamed Mokhtar, Mostafa F. Shaaban


Among the challenges facing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), dust accumulation on solar panels is considered the most severe problem that faces the growth of solar power plants. The accumulation of dust on the solar panels significantly degrades output from these panels. Hence, solar PV panels have to be cleaned manually or using costly automated cleaning methods. This paper focuses on initiating cleaning actions when required to reduce maintenance costs. The cleaning actions are triggered only when the dust level exceeds a threshold value. The amount of dust accumulated on the PV panels is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN). Experiments are conducted to collect the required data, which are used in the training of the ANN model. Then, this ANN model will be fed by the output power from solar panels, ambient temperature, and solar irradiance, and thus, it will be able to estimate the amount of dust accumulated on solar panels at these conditions. The model was tested on different case studies to confirm the accuracy of the developed model.

Keywords: machine learning, dust, PV panels, renewable energy

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1155 Eco-Friendly Approach in the Management of Stored Sorghum Insect Pests in Small-Scale Farmers’ Storage Structures of Northern Nigeria

Authors: Mohammed Suleiman, Ibrahim Sani, Samaila Abubakar, Kabir Abdullahi Bindawa


Farmers’ storage structures in Pauwa village of Katsina State, Northern Nigeria, were simulated and incorporated with the application of leaf powders of Euphorbia balsamifera Aiton, Lawsonia inermis L., Mitracarpus hirtus (L.) DC. and Senna obtusifolia L. to search for more eco-friendly methods of managing insect pests of stored sorghum. The four most commonly grown sorghum varieties in the study area, namely “Farar Kaura” (FK), “Jar Kaura” (JK), “Yar Gidan Daudu” (YGD), and ICSV400 in threshed forms were used for the study. The four varieties (2.50 kg each) were packed in small polypropylene bags, mixed with the leaf powders at the concentration of 5% (w/w) of the plants, and kept in small stores of the aforementioned village for 12 weeks. Insect pests recovered after 12 weeks were Sitophilus zeamais, Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, and Oryzaephilus surinamensis. There were significantly fewer insect pests in treated sorghum than in untreated types (p < 0.05). More weight losses were recorded in untreated grains than in those treated with the botanical powders. In terms of varieties, grain weight losses were in the order FK > JK > YGD > ICSV400. The botanicals also showed significant (p < 0.05) protectant ability against the weevils with their performance as E. balsamifera > L. inermis > M. hirtus > S. obtusifolia.

Keywords: botanical powders, infestations, insect pests, management, sorghum varieties, storage structures, weight losses

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1154 Accounting and Auditing Standards Influence on Income Smoothing Perspective in Islamic Financial Institutions

Authors: Fatma Ezzahra Kateb, Neila Boulila Taktak, Mohamed Kabir Hassan


We examine the impact of Islamic accounting and auditing standards issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) on the income smoothing perspective of Islamic financial institutions located in the Middle East and North Africa region between 2013 and 2018. Based on General Least square regression for panel data, we find a significant and positive relationship between intentional income smoothing and earning persistence and cash flow predictability in all models. However, we discovered that AAOIFI accounting standards (FAS) had a negative and significant effect on intentional income smoothing and earning persistence. As a result, the income smoothing efficiency is lower for IFIs that use FASs than IFIs that use IFRSs. Our findings emphasize the need for specific standards to enhance the relevance of financial reports disclosed by Islamic financial institutions.

Keywords: AAOIFI, financial reporting quality, income smoothing perspective, MENA countries

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1153 Optimization of Passive Vibration Damping of Space Structures

Authors: Emad Askar, Eldesoky Elsoaly, Mohamed Kamel, Hisham Kamel


The objective of this article is to improve the passive vibration damping of solar array (SA) used in space structures, by the effective application of numerical optimization. A case study of a SA is used for demonstration. A finite element (FE) model was created and verified by experimental testing. Optimization was then conducted by implementing the FE model with the genetic algorithm, to find the optimal placement of aluminum circular patches, to suppress the first two bending mode shapes. The results were verified using experimental testing. Finally, a parametric study was conducted using the FE model where patch locations, material type, and shape were varied one at a time, and the results were compared with the optimal ones. The results clearly show that through the proper application of FE modeling and numerical optimization, passive vibration damping of space structures has been successfully achieved.

Keywords: damping optimization, genetic algorithm optimization, passive vibration damping, solar array vibration damping

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1152 Standard and Processing of Photodegradable Polyethylene

Authors: Nurul-Akidah M. Yusak, Rahmah Mohamed, Noor Zuhaira Abd Aziz


The introduction of degradable plastic materials into agricultural sectors has represented a promising alternative to promote green agriculture and environmental friendly of modern farming practices. Major challenges of developing degradable agricultural films are to identify the most feasible types of degradation mechanisms, composition of degradable polymers and related processing techniques. The incorrect choice of degradable mechanisms to be applied during the degradation process will cause premature losses of mechanical performance and strength. In order to achieve controlled process of agricultural film degradation, the compositions of degradable agricultural film also important in order to stimulate degradation reaction at required interval of time and to achieve sustainability of the modern agricultural practices. A set of photodegradable polyethylene based agricultural film was developed and produced, following the selective optimization of processing parameters of the agricultural film manufacturing system. Example of agricultural films application for oil palm seedlings cultivation is presented.

Keywords: photodegradable polyethylene, plasticulture, processing schemes

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1151 The Popular Imagination through the Poem of “Ras B’Nadam”

Authors: Hirreche Baghdad Mohamed


One of the main texts in popular culture in Algeria is a symbolic and imaginary tale, through which the author was able to derive from the world and popular cultural stock and symbolic capital elements that enabled him to create a synthesis between a number of imaginary and real events. Thanks to the level of spirituality that the author was experiencing, he was able to go deep in order to redraw the boundaries of human life in view of its existence and status (life experiences, its end, and its fate). It is a text that is consistent with religious values and has a philosophical depth. This poem can be shared in official and unofficial meetings, during feasts, and during popular celebrations, such as circumcision ceremonies, marriage, and condolences. It has also the ability to draw attention and appeal to the listener and let him travel into the imaginary world. It is the text related to the story of "Ras b’nadem", or "the head of a man", or rather, a "human skull", for which only a few academic studies have been devoted, and there are two copies of it, one attributed to Lakhdar Ibn Khalouf as a matter of suspicion, while the other is attributed to Qadour Ibn Ashour Al-Zarhouni.

Keywords: ras B’Nadam, ras al mahna, lakhdar ibn khalouf, qadour ibn ashour, sufism, melhoun poetry, resistance poetry

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1150 Global Stability Analysis of a Coupled Model for Healthy and Cancerous Cells Dynamics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Authors: Abdelhafid Zenati, Mohamed Tadjine


The mathematical formulation of biomedical problems is an important phase to understand and predict the dynamic of the controlled population. In this paper we perform a stability analysis of a coupled model for healthy and cancerous cells dynamics in Acute Myeloid Leukemia, this represents our first aim. Second, we illustrate the effect of the interconnection between healthy and cancer cells. The PDE-based model is transformed to a nonlinear distributed state space model (delay system). For an equilibrium point of interest, necessary and sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability are given. Thus, we came up to give necessary and sufficient conditions of global asymptotic stability of the origin and the healthy situation and control of the dynamics of normal hematopoietic stem cells and cancerous during myelode Acute leukemia. Simulation studies are given to illustrate the developed results.

Keywords: distributed delay, global stability, modelling, nonlinear models, PDE, state space

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1149 Understanding the Mechanisms of Salmonella typhimurium Resistance to Cannabidiol

Authors: Iddrisu Ibrahim, Joseph Atia Ayariga, Junhuan Xu, Daniel Abugri, Boakai Robertson, Olufemi S. Ajayi


The emergence of multidrug resistance poses a huge risk to public health globally. Yet these recalcitrant pathogens continue to rise in incidence rate, with resistance rates significantly outpacing the speed of antibiotic development. This, therefore, presents an aura of related health issues such as untreatable nosocomial infections arising from organ transplants and surgeries, as well as community-acquired infections that are related to people with compromised immunity, e.g., diabetic and HIV patients, etc. There is a global effort to fight multidrug-resistant pathogens spearheaded by the World Health Organization, thus calling for research into novel antimicrobial agents to fight multiple drug resistance. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that Cannabidiol (CBD) was an effective antimicrobial against Salmonella typhimurium (S. typhimurium). However, we observed resistance development over time. To understand the mechanisms S. typhimurium uses to develop resistance to Cannabidiol (CBD), we studied the abundance of bacteria lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and membrane sterols of both susceptible and resistant S. typhimurium. Using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), we also analyzed the expression of selected genes known for aiding resistance development in S. typhimurium. We discovered that there was a significantly higher expression of blaTEM, fimA, fimZ, and integrons in the CBD-resistant bacteria, and these were also accompanied by a shift in abundance in cell surface molecules such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and sterols.

Keywords: antimicrobials, resistance, cannabidiol, gram-negative bacteria, integrons, blaTEM, Fim, LPS, ergosterols

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1148 A Dynamic Software Product Line Approach to Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithms

Authors: Abdelghani Alidra, Mohamed Tahar Kimour


Genetic algorithm must adapt themselves at design time to cope with the search problem specific requirements and at runtime to balance exploration and convergence objectives. In a previous article, we have shown that modeling and implementing Genetic Algorithms (GA) using the software product line (SPL) paradigm is very appreciable because they constitute a product family sharing a common base of code. In the present article we propose to extend the use of the feature model of the genetic algorithms family to model the potential states of the GA in what is called a Dynamic Software Product Line. The objective of this paper is the systematic generation of a reconfigurable architecture that supports the dynamic of the GA and which is easily deduced from the feature model. The resultant GA is able to perform dynamic reconfiguration autonomously to fasten the convergence process while producing better solutions. Another important advantage of our approach is the exploitation of recent advances in the domain of dynamic SPLs to enhance the performance of the GAs.

Keywords: self-adaptive genetic algorithms, software engineering, dynamic software product lines, reconfigurable architecture

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1147 Effects of Plumage Colour on Measurable Attributes of Indigenous Chickens in North Central Nigeria

Authors: Joseph J. Okoh, Samuel T. Mbap, Tahir Ibrahim, Yusuf P. Mancha


The influence of plumage colour on measurable attributes of 6176 adult indigenous chickens of mixed-sex from four states of the North Central Zone of Nigeria namely; Nasarawa, Niger, Benue, Kogi and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja were assessed. The overall average body weight of the chickens was 1.95 ± 0.03kg. The body weights of black, white, black/white, brown, black/brown, grey and mottled chicken however were 1.87 ± 0.04, 1.94 ± 0.04, 1.95 ± 0.03, 1.93 ± 0.03, 2.01 ± 0.04, 1.96 ± 0.04 and 1.94±0.14kg respectively. Only body length did not vary by plumage colour. The others; body weight and width, shank, comb and breast length, breast height (p < 0.001), beak and wing lengths (p < 0.001) varied significantly. Generally, no colour was outrightly superior to others in all body measurements. However, body weight and breast height were both highest in black/brown chickens which also had the second highest breast length. Body width, shank, beak, comb and wing lengths were highest in grey chickens but lowest in those with white colour and combinations. Egg quality was on the other hand mostly lowest in grey chickens. In selection for genetic improvement in body measurements, black/brown and grey chickens should be favoured. However, in view of the known negative relationship between body weight and egg attributes, selection in favour of grey plumage may result in chickens of poor egg attributes. Therefore, grey chickens should be selected against egg quality.

Keywords: body weight, indigenous chicken, measurements, plumage colour

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1146 Assessment of Solid Waste Management in General Mohammed Inuwa Wushishi Housing Estate, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Authors: Garba Inuwa Kuta, Mohammed, Adamu, Mohammed Ahmed Emigilati, Ibrahim Ishiaku, Kudu Dangana


The study sought to identify the problems of solid waste management in General Mohammed InuwaWushishi Housing Estate. The two broad types of data, the secondary and primary data were used in the study. Questionnaires and personal observations were also used to collect some of the data. Factors impeding the effective and efficient solid waste management were identified. The study revealed that sacks disposal method and open dumping are the most commonly used method of disposal, about 30.0% of the respondent use sacks disposal method in the estate while 24.9% dump their refuse on the floor. Wrong attitudes and perceptions of the people about sanitation issues contributed to solid waste management problems of General Mohammed InuwaWushishi Housing Estate. Majority of the households did not educate their members on the need to clean their surroundings and refuse to buy drum for waste disposal from Niger State Environmental Protection Agency (NISEPA) on the basis that the drums are expensive. Virtually, all the people depended on Niger State Environmental Protection Agency (NISEPA) facilities for the disposal of their household refuse. Solid waste management problems were partly the results of NISEPA’s inability to cope with the situation because of lack of equipment. It was recommended that there should be an increase in enlightenment to the people on domestic waste disposal to keep the surroundings clean.

Keywords: housing estate, assessment, solid waste, disposal, management

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1145 The Impact of Community Settlement on Leisure Time Use and Body Composition in Determining Physical Lifestyles among Women

Authors: Mawarni Mohamed, Sharifah Shahira A. Hamid


Leisure time is an important component to offset the sedentary lifestyle of the people. Women tend to benefit from leisure activities not only to reduce stress but also to provide opportunities for well-being and self-satisfaction. This study was conducted to investigate body composition and leisure time use among women in Selangor from the influences of community settlement. A total of 419 women aged 18-65 years were selected to participate in this study. Descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze the level of physical activity and the relationship between leisure-time use and body composition were made to analyze the physical lifestyles. The results showed that women with normal body composition seem to be involved in more passive activities than women with less weight gain and obesity. Thus, the study recommended that the government and other health and recreational agencies should develop more places and activities suitable for leisure preference for women in their community settlement so they become more interested to engage in more active recreational and physical activities.

Keywords: body composition, community settlement, leisure time, physical lifestyles

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1144 Guests’ Perceptions of Service Quality Performance in Saudi Hotels: Testing the Relation with Brand Loyalty, and Gender through SERVPERF

Authors: Mohamed Mohsen


The purpose of this study is to explore the level of service quality performance from the perspectives of hotel guests. The aim is to examine hotel guests’ perceptions of service quality performance and its relation with their brand loyalty and gender. The study utilized the instrument of SERVPERF developed by Cronin and Taylor (1992) to measure service quality performance. The study was conducted in three upscale hotels in Saudi Arabia. The study found that service quality performance is significantly correlated to both brand loyalty and gender of hotel guests. The study also found that loyal and female hotel guests have perceptions of service quality performance than do non-loyal and male hotel guests. This research is the first empirical study in the Middle East that links service quality performance with brand loyalty and gender of hotel guests.

Keywords: service quality, SERVPERF, customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, gender

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1143 Development of a Roadmap for Assessment the Sustainability of Buildings in Saudi Arabia Using Building Information Modeling

Authors: Ibrahim A. Al-Sulaihi, Khalid S. Al-Gahtani, Abdullah M. Al-Sugair, Aref A. Abadel


Achieving environmental sustainability is one of the important issues considered in many countries’ vision. Green/Sustainable building is widely used terminology for describing a friendly environmental construction. Applying sustainable practices has a significant importance in various fields, including construction field that consumes an enormous amount of resource and causes a considerable amount of waste. The need for sustainability is increased in the regions that suffering from the limitation of natural resource and extreme weather conditions such as Saudi Arabia. Since buildings designs are getting sophisticated, the need for tools, which support decision-making for sustainability issues, is increasing, especially in the design and preconstruction stages. In this context, Building Information Modeling (BIM) can aid in performing complex building performance analyses to ensure an optimized sustainable building design. Accordingly, this paper introduces a roadmap towards developing a systematic approach for presenting the sustainability of buildings using BIM. The approach includes set of main processes including; identifying the sustainability parameters that can be used for sustainability assessment in Saudi Arabia, developing sustainability assessment method that fits the special circumstances in the Kingdom, identifying the sustainability requirements and BIM functions that can be used for satisfying these requirements, and integrating these requirements with identified functions. As a result, the sustainability-BIM approach can be developed which helps designers in assessing the sustainability and exploring different design alternatives at the early stage of the construction project.

Keywords: green buildings, sustainability, BIM, rating systems, environment, Saudi Arabia

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1142 Modelling and Technical Assessment of Multi-Motor for Electric Vehicle Drivetrains by Using Electric Differential

Authors: Mohamed Abdel-Monem, Gamal Sowilam, Omar Hegazy


This paper presents a technical assessment of an electric vehicle with two independent rear-wheel motor and an improved traction control system. The electric differential and the control strategy have been implemented to assure that in a straight trajectory, the two rear-wheels run exactly at the same speed, considering the same/different road conditions under the left and right side of the wheels. In case of turning to right/left, the difference between the two rear-wheels speeds assures a vehicle trajectory without sliding, thanks to a harmony between the electric differential and the control strategy. The present article demonstrates a complete model and analysis of a traction control system, considering four different traction scenarios, for two independent rear-wheels motors for electric vehicles. Furthermore, the vehicle model, including wheel dynamics, load forces, electric differential, and control strategy, is designed and verified by using MATLAB/Simulink environment.

Keywords: electric vehicle, energy saving, multi-motor, electric differential, simulation and control

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1141 PEA Design of the Direct Control for Training Motor Drives

Authors: Abdulatif Abdulsalam Mohamed Shaban


This paper states that the art of Procedure Entry Array (PEA) plan with a focus on control system applications. This paper begins with an impression of PEA technology development, followed by an arrangement of design technologies, and the use of programmable description languages and system-level design tools. They allow a practical approach based on a unique model for complete engineering electronics systems. There are three main design rules are implemented in the system. These are algorithm based fine-tuning, modularity, and the control act and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of PEAs is also given, followed by a short survey of PEA-based gifted controllers for recent engineering systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of a PEA implementation when using the proposed system modelling and devise attitude. These consist of the direct control for training motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven stand-alone generator with the help of logical design.

Keywords: control (DC), engineering electronics systems, training motor drives, procedure entry array

Procedia PDF Downloads 515
1140 Prediction of the Thermal Parameters of a High-Temperature Metallurgical Reactor Using Inverse Heat Transfer

Authors: Mohamed Hafid, Marcel Lacroix


This study presents an inverse analysis for predicting the thermal conductivities and the heat flux of a high-temperature metallurgical reactor simultaneously. Once these thermal parameters are predicted, the time-varying thickness of the protective phase-change bank that covers the inside surface of the brick walls of a metallurgical reactor can be calculated. The enthalpy method is used to solve the melting/solidification process of the protective bank. The inverse model rests on the Levenberg-Marquardt Method (LMM) combined with the Broyden method (BM). A statistical analysis for the thermal parameter estimation is carried out. The effect of the position of the temperature sensors, total number of measurements and measurement noise on the accuracy of inverse predictions is investigated. Recommendations are made concerning the location of temperature sensors.

Keywords: inverse heat transfer, phase change, metallurgical reactor, Levenberg–Marquardt method, Broyden method, bank thickness

Procedia PDF Downloads 334
1139 Comparative Analysis between Different Proposed Responsive Facade Designs for Reducing the Solar Radiation on the West Facade in the Hot Arid Region

Authors: Merna Ibrahim


Designing buildings which are sustainable and can control and reduce the solar radiation penetrated from the building facades is such an architectural turn. One of the most important methods of saving energy in a building is carefully designing its facade. Building’s facade is one of the most significant contributors to the energy budget as well as the comfort parameters of a building. Responsive architecture adapts to the surrounding environment causing alteration in the envelope configuration to perform in a more effective way. One of the objectives of the responsive facades is to protect the building’s users from the external environment and to achieve a comfortable indoor environment. Solar radiation is one of the aspects that affects the comfortable indoor environment, as well as affects the energy consumption consumed by the HVAC systems for maintaining the indoor comfortable conditions. The aim of the paper is introducing and comparing between four different proposed responsive facade designs in terms of solar radiation reduction on the west facade of a building located in the hot arid region. In addition, the paper highlights the reducing amount of solar radiation for each proposed responsive facade on the west facade. At the end of the paper, a proposal is introduced which combines the four different axis of movements which reduces the solar radiation the most. Moreover, the paper highlights the definition and aim of the responsive architecture, as well as the focusing on the solar radiation aspect in the hot arid zones. Besides, the paper analyzes an international responsive façade building in Essen, Germany, focusing on the type of responsive facades, angle of rotation, mechanism of movement and the effect of the responsive facades on the building’s performance.

Keywords: kinetic facades, mechanism of movement, responsive architecture, solar radiation

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1138 Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Carbon Quantum Dots as an Effective Adsorbent

Authors: Hebat‑Allah S. Tohamy, Mohamed El‑Sakhawy, Samir Kamel


Fluorescent carbon quantum dots (CQDs) were prepared by an economical, green, and single-step procedure based on microwave heating of urea with sugarcane bagasse (SCB), cellulose (C), or carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The prepared CQDs were characterized using a series of spectroscopic techniques, and they had small size, strong absorption in the UV, and excitation wavelength-dependent fluorescence. The prepared CQDs were used for Pb(II) adsorption from an aqueous solution. The removal efficiency percentages (R %) were 99.16, 96.36, and 98.48 for QCMC, QC, and QSCB. The findings validated the efficiency of CQDs synthesized from CMC, cellulose, and SCB as excellent materials for further utilization in the environmental fields of wastewater pollution detection, adsorption, and chemical sensing applications. The kinetics and isotherms studied found that all CQD isotherms fit well with the Langmuir model than Freundlich and Temkin models. According to R², the pseudo-second-order fits the adsorption of QCMC, while the first-order one fits with QC and QSCB.

Keywords: carbon quantum dots, graphene quantum dots, fluorescence, quantum yield, water treatment, agricultural wastes

Procedia PDF Downloads 133
1137 Hafnium Doped Zno Nanostructures: An Eco-Friendly Synthesis for Optoelectronic Applications

Authors: Mohamed Achehboune, Mohammed Khenfouch, Issam Boukhoubza, Bakang Mothudi, Izeddine Zorkani, Anouar Jorio


Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanostructures have been attracting growing interest in recent years; their optical and electrical properties make them useful as attractive and promising materials for optoelectronic applications. In this study, pure and Hafnium doped ZnO nanostructures were synthesized using a green processing method. The structural, optical and electrical properties of samples were investigated structural and optical spectroscopies and electrical measurements. The synthesis and chemical composition of pure and Hafnium doped ZnO were confirmed by SEM observation. The XRD studies of Hafnium doped ZnO demonstrate the formation of wurtzite structure with preferred c-axis orientation. Moreover, the optical and electrical properties of doped material have improved after the doping process. The experimental results obtained for our material show that Hf doped ZnO nanostructures could be a promising material in optoelectronic applications such as photovoltaic cell and light emitting diode devices.

Keywords: green synthesis, hafnium-doped-zinc oxide, nanostructures, optoelectronic

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