Search results for: cultural conflict
3785 National Culture, Personal Values, and Supervisors’ Ethical Behavior: Examining a Partial Mediation Model of Merton’s Anomie Theory
Authors: Kristine Tuliao
Although it is of primary concern to ensure that supervisors behave appropriately, research shows that unethical behaviors are prevalent and may cost organizations’ economic and reputational damages. Nevertheless, few studies have considered the roles of the different levels of values in shaping one’s ethicality, and the examination of the possible mediation in the process of their influence has been rarely done. To address this gap, this research employs Merton’s anomie theory in designing a mediation analysis to test the direct impacts of national cultural values on supervisors’ justification of unethical behaviors as well as their indirect impacts through personal values. According to Merton’s writings, individual behaviors are affected by the society’s culture given its role in defining the members’ goals as well as the acceptable methods of attaining those goals. Also, Merton’s framework suggests that individuals develop their personal values depending on the assimilation of their society’s culture. Using data of 9,813 supervisors across 30 countries, results of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) indicated that national cultural values, specifically assertiveness, performance orientation, in-group collectivism, and humane orientation, positively affect supervisors’ unethical inclination. Some cultural values may encourage unethical tendencies, especially if they urge and pressure individuals to attain purely monetary success. In addition, some of the influence of national cultural values went through personal monetary and non-monetary success values, indicating partial mediation. These findings substantiated the assertions of Merton’s anomie theory that national cultural values influence supervisors’ ethics through their integration with personal values. Given that some of the results contradict Merton’s anomie theory propositions, complementary arguments, such as incomplete assimilation of culture, and the probable impact of job position in perceptions, values, and behaviors, could be the plausible rationale for these outcomes. Consequently, this paper advances the understanding of differences in national and personal values and how these factors impact supervisors’ justification of unethical behaviors. Alongside these contributions, suggestions are presented for the public and organizations to craft policies and procedures that will minimize the tendency of supervisors to commit unethical acts.Keywords: mediation model, national culture, personal values, supervisors' ethics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1993784 Teaching Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum (FLAC): Hybrid French/English Courses and their Dual Impact on Interdisciplinarity and L2 Competency
Authors: M. Caporale
French Curricula across the US have recently suffered low enrollment and have experienced difficulties with retention, thus resulting in fewer students minoring and majoring in French and enrolling in upper-level classes. Successful undergraduate programs offer French courses with a strong cultural and interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary component. The World Language Curriculum in liberal arts colleges in America needs to take into account the cultural aspects of the language and encourage students to think critically about the country or countries they are studying. Limiting the critical inquiry to language or literature narrowly defined provides and incomplete and stagnant picture of France and the Francophone world in today's global community. This essay discusses the creation and implementation of a hybrid interdisciplinary L1/L2 course titled "Topics in Francophone Cinema" (subtitle "Francophone Women on Screen and Behind the Camera"). Content-based interdisciplinary courses undoubtedly increase the profile of French and Francophone cultural Studies by introducing students of other disciplines to fundamental questions relating to the French and Francophone cultures (in this case, women's rights in the Francophone world). At the same time, this study determines that through targeted reading and writing assignments, sustained aural exposure to L2 through film,and student participation in a one-credit supplementary weekly practicum (creative film writing workshop), significant advances in L2 competence are achieved with students' oral and written production levels evolving from Advanced Low to Advanced-mid, as defined by the ACFL guidelines. Use of differentiated assessment methods for L1/L2 and student learning outcomes for both groups will also be addressed.Keywords: interdisciplinary, Francophone cultural studies, language competency, content-based
Procedia PDF Downloads 5013783 The Impacts of Foreign Culture on Yoruba Crime Films
Authors: Alonge Isaac Olusola
This paper focuses on the evolution and development of Yoruba theatre during the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial years and how Yoruba crime films have been influenced by foreign culture. It emphasizes on the transition of theatre from the ground to the stage and from the stage to the screen with emphasis on the contribution of late Chief Hubert Ogunde who is regarded as the doyen of Yoruba and the entire Nigerian theatre. Using the Theory of Post-colonialism, two modern Yoruba crime films are carefully selected from the numerous available ones to highlight and explain the various aspects of Yoruba films that have been greatly influenced by the foreign cultural practices. The questions to be answered here include 'Which attitudes or cultural practices are widely believed to be that of Yoruba?', 'To what extent are they projected in the selected Yoruba crime films?', 'Which attitudes or cultural practices are widely believed to be foreign among the Yoruba people?', 'To what extent are they projected in the selected Yoruba crime films?'. Although, the British colonial masters granted political independence to Nigeria on October 1, 1960, but a seed of multi-culture and counterculture had been sown into the lives of the Yoruba people. Under the literature review, there is an intensive illumination on some scholars’ ideas and views on what constitutes Yoruba culture, the evolution and development of drama, theatre and films in the Yoruba society and the nature of criminals and criminalities in the Yoruba society and the western world in the pre-colonial and post-colonial times. Furthermore, the processes of interaction between man, his values and his thoughts are also highlighted – a situation that procreates criminal or benevolent acts. Consequently, the paper dwells on how colonialism, despite its so-called merits put the gradual process of urbanization and civilization among the originally rustic, cohesive and moralistic Yoruba society on a supersonic speed that culminated in acquisition of attitudes that are alien to the Yoruba culture. Since a drama is nothing but the theatrical replication of what occurs in the real life, the paper then focuses on the submission that Yoruba crime films have experienced a serious foreign influence in form and content as a result of this encounter. In conclusion, the findings of the impact of foreign cultural practices on Yoruba crime films are highlighted and expatiated with a view to recommending a few steps that could be taken to retain the projection of the original Yoruba cultural practices in Yoruba films, especially the ones that have crime as a theme.Keywords: culture, films, theatre, Yoruba
Procedia PDF Downloads 3073782 Food Insecurity Assessment, Consumption Pattern and Implications of Integrated Food Security Phase Classification: Evidence from Sudan
Authors: Ahmed A. A. Fadol, Guangji Tong, Wlaa Mohamed
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of food insecurity in Sudan, focusing on consumption patterns and their implications, employing the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) assessment framework. Years of conflict and economic instability have driven large segments of the population in Sudan into crisis levels of acute food insecurity according to the (IPC). A substantial number of people are estimated to currently face emergency conditions, with an additional sizeable portion categorized under less severe but still extreme hunger levels. In this study, we explore the multifaceted nature of food insecurity in Sudan, considering its historical, political, economic, and social dimensions. An analysis of consumption patterns and trends was conducted, taking into account cultural influences, dietary shifts, and demographic changes. Furthermore, we employ logistic regression and random forest analysis to identify significant independent variables influencing food security status in Sudan. Random forest clearly outperforms logistic regression in terms of area under curve (AUC), accuracy, precision and recall. Forward projections of the IPC for Sudan estimate that 15 million individuals are anticipated to face Crisis level (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity conditions between October 2023 and February 2024. Of this, 60% are concentrated in Greater Darfur, Greater Kordofan, and Khartoum State, with Greater Darfur alone representing 29% of this total. These findings emphasize the urgent need for both short-term humanitarian aid and long-term strategies to address Sudan's deepening food insecurity crisis.Keywords: food insecurity, consumption patterns, logistic regression, random forest analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 763781 Evaluation of Cultural Landscape Perception in Waterfront Historic Districts Based on Multi-source Data - Taking Venice and Suzhou as Examples
Authors: Shuyu Zhang
The waterfront historical district, as a type of historical districts on the verge of waters such as the sea, lake, and river, have a relatively special urban form. In the past preservation and renewal of traditional historic districts, there have been many discussions on the land range, and the waterfront and marginal spaces are easily overlooked. However, the waterfront space of the historic districts, as a cultural landscape heritage combining historical buildings and landscape elements, has strong ecological and sustainable values. At the same time, Suzhou and Venice, as sister water cities in history, have more waterfront spaces that can be compared in urban form and other levels. Therefore, this paper focuses on the waterfront historic districts in Venice and Suzhou, establishes quantitative evaluation indicators for environmental perception, makes analogies, and promotes the renewal and activation of the entire historical district by improving the spatial quality and vitality of the waterfront area. First, this paper uses multi-source data for analysis, such as Baidu Maps and Google Maps API to crawl the street view of the waterfront historic districts, uses machine learning algorithms to analyze the proportion of cultural landscape elements such as green viewing rate in the street view pictures, and uses space syntax software to make quantitative selectivity analysis, so as to establish environmental perception evaluation indicators for the waterfront historic districts. Finally, by comparing and summarizing the waterfront historic districts in Venice and Suzhou, it reveals their similarities and differences, characteristics and conclusions, and hopes to provide a reference for the heritage preservation and renewal of other waterfront historic districts.Keywords: waterfront historical district, cultural landscape, perception, multi-source Data
Procedia PDF Downloads 1973780 Symbolic Status of Architectural Identity: Example of Famagusta Walled City
Authors: Rafooneh Mokhtarshahi Sani
This study explores how the residents of a conserved urban area have used goods and ideas as resources to maintain an enviable architectural identity. Whereas conserved urban quarters are seen as role model for maintaining architectural identity, the article describes how their residents try to give a contemporary modern image to their homes. It is argued that despite the efforts of authorities and decision makers to keep and preserve the traditional architectural identity in conserved urban areas, people have already moved on and have adjusted their homes with their preferred architectural taste. Being through such conflict of interests, have put the future of architectural identity in such places at risk. The thesis is that, on the one hand, such struggle over a desirable symbolic status in identity formation is taking place, and, on the other, it is continuously widening the gap between the real and ideal identity in the built environment. The study then analytically connects the concept of symbolic status to current identity debates. As an empirical research, this study uses systematic social and physical observation methods to describe and categorize the characteristics of settlements in Walled City of Famagusta, which symbolically represent the modern houses. The Walled City is a cultural heritage site, which most of its urban context has been conserved. Traditional houses in this area demonstrate the identity of North Cyprus architecture. The conserved residential buildings, however, either has been abandoned or went through changes by their users to present the ideal image of contemporary life. In the concluding section, the article discusses the differences between the symbolic status of people and authorities in defining a culturally valuable contemporary home. And raises the question of whether we can talk at all about architectural identity in terms of conserving the traditional style, and how we may do so on the basis of dynamic nature of identity and the necessity of its acceptance by the users.Keywords: symbolic status, architectural identity, conservation, facades, Famagusta walled city
Procedia PDF Downloads 3583779 De-Learning Language at Preschool: A Case of Nepal
Authors: Meenakshi Dahal
Generally, children start verbal communication by the age of eighteen months. Though they have difficulties in constructing complete sentences, they try to make their thought s understandable to the audience. By the age of 36 months, when they enroll in preschool, their Language and communication skills are enhanced. Children need plenty of classroom experiences that will help them to develop their oral language skills. Oral language is the primary means through which each individual child is enabled to structure, evaluate, describe and to express his/her experiences. In the context of multi lingual and multi-cultural country like Nepal, the languages used in preschool and the communities vary. In such a case, the language of instruction in the preschool is different from the language used by the children to communicate at home. Using qualitative research method the socio-cultural aspect of the language learning has been analyzed. This has been done by analyzing and exploring preschool activities as well as the language of instruction and communication in the preschools in rural Nepal. It is found that the language of instruction is different from the language of communications primarily used by the children. Teachers seldom use local language resulting in difficulties for the children to understand. Instead of recognizing their linguistic, social and cultural capitals teachers conform to using the Nepali language which the children are not familiar with. Children have to adapt to new language structures and patterns of usage resulting them to be slow in oral language and communication in the preschool. The paper concludes that teachers have to recognize the linguistic capitals of the children and schools need to be responsible to facilitate this process for all children, whatever their language background.Keywords: children, language, preschool, socio-culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933778 Heritage Tourism and the Changing Rural Landscape: Case Study of Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces
Authors: Yan Wang; Mathis Stock
The World Heritage Site of Honghe Hani rice terrace, also a marginal rural region in Southern China, is undergoing rapid change because of urbanization and heritage tourism. Influenced by out-migration and changing ways of living in the urbanization process, the place sees a tendency of losing its rice terrace landscape, traditional housings and other forms of cultural traditions. However, heritage tourism tends to keep the past, valorize them for tourism purposes and diversifies rural livelihood strategies. The place stands at this development trajectories, where the same resources are subjected to different uses by different actors. The research seeks to answer the questions of how the site is transformed and co-constructed by different institutions, practices and actors, and the how heritage tourism affects local livelihood. The research aims to describe the transformation of villages, rice terraces, and cultural traditions, analyze the place-making process, and assess the role of heritage tourism in local livelihood transition. The research uses a mixed of methods including direct observation, participant observation, interviews; collects various data of images, words, narratives, and statistics, and analyze them qualitatively and qualitatively. Theoretically, it is hoped that the research would reexamine the concept of heritage, the world heritage practice from UNESCO, reveal the conflicts it entails in development and brings more thoughts from a functional perspective on heritage in relation to rural development. Practically, it is also anticipated that the research could access the linkage between heritage tourism and local livelihood, and generate concrete suggestions on how tourism could engage locals and improve their livelihood.Keywords: cultural landscape, Hani rice terraces, heritage tourism, livelihood strategy, place making, rural development, transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2313777 Comparing Failure Base Rates on the TOMM-1 and Rey-15 in Romanian and Canadian Disability Applicants
Authors: Iulia Crisan
Objective: The present study investigates the cross-cultural validity of three North-American performance validity indicators (PVTs) by comparing base rates of failure (BRF) in Romanian and Canadian disability applicants. Methods: Three PVTs (Test of Memory Malingering Trial 1 [TOMM-1], Rey Fifteen Item Test free recall [Rey-15 FR], and Rey FR+Recognition [Rey COMB]) were administered to a heterogeneous Romanian clinical sample (N Ro =54) and a similar Canadian sample (N Can = 52). Patients were referred for assessment to determine the severity of their cognitive deficits. Results: We compared the BRF in both samples at various cutoffs. BRF on TOMM-1 at ≤ 43 was similar (Ro = 33.3% vs. Can = 40.4%); at ≤40, Ro = 22.2% vs. Can = 25.0%. Likewise, comparable BRF were observed on Rey-15 FR at ≤ 8 (Ro = 7.4% vs. Can = 11.5%) and ≤ 11 (Ro = 27.8% vs. Can = 23.1%). However, the Romanian sample produced significantly higher failure rates on the Rey COMB at variable cutoffs (p <.05), possibly because Romanian patients were significantly older than the Canadian sample. Conclusion: Our findings offer proof of concept for the cross-cultural validity of the TOMM and Rey-15 FR. At the same time, they serve as a reminder that the generalizability of PVT cutoffs to different populations should not be assumed but verified empirically. Employing the TOMM as a criterion measure for newly developed PVTs is discussed.Keywords: performance validity indicators, cross-cultural validity, failure base rates, clinical samples, cognitive dysfunction, TOMM-1, Rey-15, Rey COMB
Procedia PDF Downloads 723776 Integration problems of Dutch-Turkish Youngsters: A Qualitative Research
Authors: Ozge Karayalçin
This study tries to find out the reasons for the integration problems of third generation Dutch-Turkish youngsters by particularly focusing on the socio-cultural and socio-economic situations of these people in the Netherlands. The results obtained from the field research are summed up under four sections. These four sections are education and language, labour market, cultural factors, religion, and nationality. The underlying reasons of the integration problems are reflected from two different perspectives. The first one is the effects of social and economic enforcements implemented on the Turkish immigrant society. The second one is the traditional Turkish values that are quite different from Dutch values. The problems experienced by third generation Turkish origin Dutch youngsters are not one-sided. To conclude, solution-oriented advisements are asserted.Keywords: acculturation levels, Dutch-Turkish youngsters, integration, transnational migrants, identity conflicts
Procedia PDF Downloads 4223775 Folk Media and Political Movement: A Case Study on the Bodos of North East India
Authors: Faguna Barmahalia
Politics of ethnic identity in the north-east India is well-known phenomenon. The ethnic assertion in this region is mostly linguistic and cultural in nature. Most of the ethnic groups in the north-east region have been demanding either autonomous or separate state to maintain their socio-cultural identity. After the Indian Independence, the ethnic groups of people think that they have not developed till. Despite having many natural resources, North East India remained backward in terms of economic, education as well as politics. In this scenario, many educated and middle-class elite people have involved in working for the all-round development of their community. The Bodos are one of the major tribes in North Eeast India. In Assam, the Bodos are assumed by themselves to be exploited and suppressed by the Assamese Hindu society. Consequently, the socio-cultural identity movement has emerged among the Bodos.The main aims of my study are: i. to focus on how the Bodos of Assam are using the folk media in their political movement and iii. To analyse the role of folklore towards serving the ethnic unity and nationalism among the Bodos. Methodology: The study is based on the primary and secondary sources. Interview and observation method was conducted for collecting the primary data. For secondary source, some printed books, magazines and others materials published by the distinguished publishers and websites have been used.Keywords: media, culture, nationalism, politics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2243774 Sacred Spaces, Scarred Bodies: Understanding Forms of and Meanings Associated with Female Circumcision amongst Somali Women in Johannesburg
Authors: Z. Jinnah
International migration is associated with a disruption of social environments and social control. At the same time, the reproduction of cultural and social norms in the Diaspora provides a space for the (re)negotiation of gender roles, rights, and practices. This paper explores the relationship between mobility and the practice of female circumcision amongst Somalis in Johannesburg. Based on 4 years of ethnographic fieldwork, this paper explores the social determinants of cultural norms and practices, the linkages between class and tradition, and argues that the new social environment in South Africa conditions the ways in which Somali women relate to their bodies, and therefore understand the meanings associated with and practices of female circumcision.Keywords: migration, gender, Somali women, female circumcision, Johannesburg
Procedia PDF Downloads 3713773 The Socio-Culturals Factors Hindering Female Sport Participation, in the Centre for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science, University of Venda
Authors: P. Mambanga, Goon, L. O. Amusa
The purpose of the study was to investigate the socio-cultural factors hindering sport participation among female students in the Centre for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science, University of Venda. A descriptive survey of 100 female student selected by simple random sampling was used and utilises the close ended questionnaire designed in a likert format was use for data collection. Face and content validity was employed in which the supervisor went through the instrument and correct and accept it thus checking the validity of the instrument. The test-retest approach was used to test the reliability of the instrument. Ethical considerations were ensured and confidentiality respected. Data was collected and presented in tables and results interpreted. Chi square which is a measure of non-parametric investigation was employed in order to analyse the observed and expected scores, with the probability value was set at 0.05 levels of significance on a two-tailed test of the hypotheses formulated for the study. Findings of the study established significant socio-cultural factors that hinder female sport participation among female students in the Centre for Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science. The study concluded that the low level participation of female students at the University of Venda might be as a result of socio-cultural factors.Keywords: female students, sport participation, University of Venda, biokinetic
Procedia PDF Downloads 5183772 Nurturing Resilient Families: Strategies for Positive Parenting and Emotional Well-Being
Authors: Xu Qian
This abstract explores the importance of building resilience within families and offers evidence-based strategies for promoting positive parenting and enhancing emotional well-being. It emphasizes the role of effective communication, conflict resolution, and fostering a supportive environment to strengthen family bonds and promote healthy child development. Introduction: The well-being and resilience of families play a crucial role in fostering healthy child development and promoting overall emotional well-being. This abstract highlights the significance of nurturing resilient families and provides evidence-based strategies for positive parenting. By focusing on effective communication, conflict resolution, and creating a supportive environment, families can strengthen their bonds and enhance emotional well-being for both parents and children. Methods: This abstract draws upon a comprehensive review of existing research and literature on resilient families, positive parenting, and emotional well-being. The selected studies employ various methodologies, including surveys, interviews, and longitudinal observations, to investigate the factors contributing to family resilience and the strategies that promote positive parenting practices. The findings from these studies serve as the foundation for the strategies discussed in this abstract. Results: The results of the reviewed studies demonstrate that effective communication within families is a key factor in building resilience and promoting emotional well-being. Open and honest communication allows family members to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, fostering trust and understanding. Conflict resolution skills, such as active listening, compromise, and problem-solving, are vital in managing conflicts constructively and preventing negative consequences on family dynamics and children's well-being. Creating a supportive environment that nurtures emotional well-being is another critical aspect of promoting resilient families. This includes providing emotional support, setting clear boundaries, and promoting positive discipline strategies. Research indicates that consistent and responsive parenting approaches contribute to improved self-regulation skills, emotional intelligence, and overall mental health in children. Discussion: The discussion centers on the implications of these findings for promoting positive parenting and emotional well-being. It emphasizes the need for parents to prioritize self-care and seek support when facing challenges. Parental well-being directly influences the quality of parenting and the overall family environment. By attending to their own emotional needs, parents can better meet the needs of their children and create a nurturing atmosphere. Furthermore, the importance of fostering resilience in children is highlighted. Resilient children are better equipped to cope with adversity, adapt to change, and thrive in challenging circumstances. By cultivating resilience through supportive relationships, encouragement of independence, and providing opportunities for growth, parents can foster their children's ability to bounce back from setbacks and develop essential life skills. Conclusion: In conclusion, nurturing resilient families is crucial for positive parenting and enhancing emotional well-being. This abstract presents evidence-based strategies that emphasize effective communication, conflict resolution, and creating a supportive environment. By implementing these strategies, parents can strengthen family bonds, promote healthy child development, and enhance overall family resilience. Investing in resilient families not only benefits individual family members but also contributes to the well-being of the broader community.Keywords: childrearing families, family education, children's mental health, positive parenting, emotional health
Procedia PDF Downloads 853771 Evaluation of the Efficiency of French Language Educational Software for Learners in Semnan Province, Iran
Authors: Alireza Hashemi
In recent decades, language teaching methodology has undergone significant changes due to the advent of computers and the growth of educational software. French language education has also benefited from these developments, and various software has been produced to facilitate the learning of this language. However, the question arises whether these software programs meet the educational needs of Iranian learners, particularly in Semnan Province. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of French language educational software for learners in Semnan Province, considering educational, cultural, and technical criteria. In this study, content analysis and performance evaluation methods were used to examine the educational software ‘Français Facile’. This software was evaluated based on criteria such as teaching methods, cultural compatibility, and technical features. To collect data, standardized questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with learners in Semnan Province were used. Additionally, the SPSS statistical software was employed for quantitative data analysis, and the thematic analysis method was used for qualitative data. The results indicated that the ‘Français Facile’ software has strengths such as providing diverse educational content and an interactive learning environment. However, some weaknesses include the lack of alignment of educational content with the learning culture of learners in Semnan Province and technical issues in software execution. Statistical data showed that 65% of learners were satisfied with the educational content, but 55% reported issues related to cultural alignment with their needs. This study indicates that to enhance the efficiency of French language educational software, there is a need to localize educational content and improve technical infrastructure. Producing locally adapted educational software can improve the quality of language learning and increase the motivation of learners in Semnan Province. This research emphasizes the importance of understanding the cultural and educational needs of learners in the development of educational software and recommends that developers of educational software pay special attention to these aspects.Keywords: educational software, French language, Iran, learners in Semnan province
Procedia PDF Downloads 433770 The Role of Health Tourism in Enhancing the Quality of life and Cultural Transmission in Developing Countries
Authors: Fatemeh Noughani, Seyd Mehdi Sadat
Medical tourism or travel therapy is travelling from one country to another to be under medical treatment, utilizing the health factors of natural sector like mineral water springs and so on. From 1990s medical tourism around the world developed and grew because of different factors like globalization and free trade in the fields of health services, changes in exchange rates in the world economy (which caused the desirability of Asian countries as a medical tourist attraction) in a way that currently there is a close competition in this field among famous countries in medical services to make them find a desirable place in medical tourism market of the world as a complicated and growing industry in a short time. Perhaps tourism is an attractive industry and a good support for the economy of Iran, if we try to merge oil earnings and tourism industry it would be better and more constructive than putting them in front of each other. Moving from oil toward tourism economy especially medical tourism, must be one of the prospects of Iran's government for the oil industry to provide a few percent of the yearly earnings of the country. Among the achievements in medical tourism we can name the prevention of brain drain to other countries and an increase in employment rate for healthcare staff, increase in foreign exchange earnings of the country because of the tourists' staying and followed by increasing the quality of life and cultural transmission as well as empowering the medical human resources.Keywords: developing countries, health tourism, quality of life, cultural transmission
Procedia PDF Downloads 4363769 Indian Brands Speak Through Colors That Is ‘Culturally Vibrant’
Authors: Ranjana Dani
Brand communication narratives in India has evolved today to reflect the vibrant and intriguing tone of voice inspired by a rich cultural heritage while addressing the culturally alert attitude of the contemporary global Indian. Brands are strongly associated with the organization's values, vision, and mission and portray this through specific ‘look and feel’ and ‘tone of voice’. It is within the brand’s visual language that COLOUR has evolved to become a most powerful weapon in the designer’s arsenal. Color is big business in Brand Design! A brand is a ‘collection of perceptions’, meaningful brand connect is about striving to occupy head and heart space in consumers. The persona of the young Indian reflects a deep attachment to cultural roots as seen through the characteristic of ‘Indie Pride,’ blended with the ambitious, aspirational traits of a modern ‘global citizen’.Studies on ‘Color Perceptions’ indicate a trend that amplifies this, and hence brands reflect a GLOCAL palette, a Global and Local Blend. This paper establishes this through case studies that expand the inspirations, selection processes, and use of innovative color palettes crafted by some dynamic brand designers. This throws light on the role of color as it generates visual impact and recall for successful brands.Keywords: colour palettes, brand design and business, cultural context, colour perceptions, glocal, contemporaneity
Procedia PDF Downloads 763768 The Role of the Indigenous Radio Today and Its Impact on the Audience: The Case of Dambana FM in Sri Lanka
Authors: Dammika Bandara Herath
A group of people who inherits a long history of existence within a particular country may be known as early inhabitants or indigenous peoples. In other words, they have not migrated to the particular territory from another part of the world and at the same time, they have inhabited the territory in issue prior to the time of a major invasion/migration. According to the UN, there are a number of unique attributes of the indigenous peoples: Self-identification as indigenous people,Historical continuity with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies, Distinct social, economic or political systems, Distinct language, culture and beliefs, Form non-dominant groups of society, Resolve to maintain and reproduce their ancestral environments and systems as distinctive peoples and communities. Indigenous peoples constitute 5% of the world’s population. They are also known as tribal people, first people, native people, and indigenous people. Various indigenous communities can be found in about 90 countries in the world. Asia is home to approximately 70 % of these indigenous communities who have their own unique socio-cultural identities. Most indigenous communities remain isolated from the mainstream social, cultural, and economic institutions of their homeland. Yet, they inherited their own unique rights and responsible peculiar to their own group. These include: Protecting the socio-cultural heritage of the group, Protecting the unique identity of their community from socio-cultural changes in the mainstream communities,Protecting their land, Diffusing their cultural heritage to the future generation, Co-existing peacefully with other community .However, indigenous peoples encounter a lot of challenges as a result of socio-cultural change and legal restrictions in the world today. To assist the communities to face these challenges, the mass –media can play a significant role and the radio media has a purpose-built mechanism for this mission, known as the indigenous radio. In Sri Lanka, Dambana FM is such a radio channel based on the indigenous radio model. The target audience of this channel is the vedda / indigenous community of Sri Lanka. This study intends to the current role of the indigenous radio based on Dambana FM, of which the target audience is the indigenous community of Dambana. For the purpose of this study, interviews were conducted among fifty randomly selected respondents from the indigenous community of Dambana. As far as the findings of this study are concerned, problems in the quality of the programmed broadcasted and problems of transmission are the key issues faced by the indigenous radio in Sri Lanka. Based on the findings, the researcher seeks to develop a model to enhance the impact of the indigenous radio on its listeners in Sri Lanka.Keywords: indigenous, communities, radio, vedda, culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4113767 Manifestation of Hybridity in Marie Jones’s "Stones in His Pockets"
Authors: Mahsa Mahjoub Laleh, Nasser Dasht Peyma
This paper explores Marie Jones’s Stones in His Pockets in the light of the postcolonial notion of hybridity. The play is a tragicomedy about a small village in Ireland where many of the locales are extras in a Hollywood film. The actions of the play revolve around a local teenager named Sean who has been vilipended by a famous film star. The Sean character commits suicide by drowning himself with stones in his pockets. This paper explored how the attempts to gain cultural identity is manifested in Marie Jones’s play and how authority causes a change in the culture and destiny of people. Apparently, the play demonstrates that the political, economic and social realities directly affect people’s destiny and identity.Keywords: cultural identity, hybridity, identity, postcolonial
Procedia PDF Downloads 4453766 The Connection between Qom Seminaries and Interpretation of Sacred Sources in Ja‘farī Jurisprudence
Authors: Sumeyra Yakar, Emine Enise Yakar
Iran presents itself as Islamic, first and foremost, and thus, it can be said that sharī’a is the political and social centre of the states. However, actual practice reveals distinct interpretations and understandings of the sharī’a. The research can be categorised inside the framework of logic in Islamic law and theology. The first task of this paper will be to identify how the sharī’a is understood in Iran by mapping out how the judges apply the law in their respective jurisdictions. The attention will then move from a simple description of the diversity of sharī’a understandings to the question of how that diversity relates to social concepts and cultures. This, of course, necessitates a brief exploration of Iran’s historical background which will also allow for an understanding of sectarian influences and the significance of certain events. The main purpose is to reach an understanding of the process of applying sources to formulate solutions which are in accordance with sharī’a and how religious education is pursued in order to become official judges. Ultimately, this essay will explore the attempts to gain an understanding by linking the practices to the secondary sources of Islamic law. It is important to emphasise that these cultural components of Islamic law must be compatible with the aims of Islamic law and their fundamental sources. The sharī’a consists of more than just legal doctrines (fiqh) and interpretive activities (ijtihād). Its contextual and theoretical framework reveals a close relationship with cultural and historical elements of society. This has meant that its traditional reproduction over time has relied on being embedded into a highly particular form of life. Thus, as acknowledged by pre-modern jurists, the sharī’a encompasses a comprehensive approach to the requirements of justice in legal, historical and political contexts. In theological and legal areas that have the specific authority of tradition, Iran adheres to Shīa’ doctrine, and this explains why the Shīa’ religious establishment maintains a dominant position in matters relating to law and the interpretation of sharī’a. The statements and interpretations of the tradition are distinctly different from sunnī interpretations, and so the use of different sources could be understood as the main reason for the discrepancies in the application of sharī’a between Iran and other Muslim countries. The sharī’a has often accommodated prevailing customs; moreover, it has developed legal mechanisms to all for its adaptation to particular needs and circumstances in society. While jurists may operate within the realm of governance and politics, the moral authority of the sharī’a ensures that these actors legitimate their actions with reference to God’s commands. The Iranian regime enshrines the principle of vilāyāt-i faqīh (guardianship of the jurist) which enables jurists to solve the conflict between law as an ideal system, in theory, and law in practice. The paper aims to show how the religious, educational system works in harmony with the governmental authorities with the concept of vilāyāt-i faqīh in Iran and contributes to the creation of religious custom in the society.Keywords: guardianship of the jurist (vilāyāt-i faqīh), imitation (taqlīd), seminaries (hawza), Shi’i jurisprudence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2263765 Religio-Cultural Ethos and Mental Health
Authors: Haveesha Buddhdev
The most important right for a human being in a society is the freedom of expression as stated by Article 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights pledged by member states of United Nations. Will it be fair to expect him/her to be of sound mental health if this right is taken away? Religion as a primary social institution controls many rights, freedoms and duties of people in a society. It does so by imposing certain values and beliefs on people which would either enhance quality of life or curb their freedom adversely thus affecting individual mental health. This paper aims to study the positive and negative role that religion plays in influencing one’s freedom of expression. This paper will focus on reviewing existing studies on the positive and negative impacts of religion on mental health. It will also contain data collected by the researcher about the impacts of religion on freedom of expression which will be obtained by surveying a sample of 30 adolescents and young adults. The researcher will use a Likert scale for these purpose, with response options ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree and quantify it accordingly. Descriptive statistics would be used to analyse the data. Such research would help to identify possible problems faced by adolescents and young adults when it comes to religio-cultural ethos and also facilitate further researches to study the role that religion plays in mental health.Keywords: cultural Ethos, freedom of expression, adolescent mental health, social science
Procedia PDF Downloads 4513764 Learning in Multicultural Workspaces: A Case of Aged Care
Authors: Robert John Godby
To be responsive now and in the future, workplaces must address the demands of multicultural teams as they become more common elements of the global labor force. This is especially the case for aged care due to the aging population, industry growth and migrant recruitment. This research identifies influences on and improvements for learning in these environments. Its unique contribution is to illuminate how culturally diverse workplaces can work and learn together more effectively. A mixed-methods approach was used to gather data about this topic in two phases. Firstly, the research methods included a survey of 102 aged care workers around Australia from two multi-site aged care organisations. The questionnaire elicited both quantitative and qualitative data about worker characteristics and perspectives on working and learning in aged care. Secondly, a case study of one aged care worksite was formulated drawing on worksite information and interviews with workers. A review of the literature suggests that learning in multicultural work environments is influenced by three main factors: 1) the individual workers themselves, 2) their interaction with each other and 3) the environment in which they work. There are various accounts of these three factors, how they are manifested and how they lead to a change in workers’ disposition, knowledge, or expertise when confronted with new circumstances. The study has found that a key individual factor influencing learning is cultural background. Their unique view of the world was shown to affect their approach to both their work and co-working. Interactional factors suggest that the high requirement for collaboration in aged care positively supports learning in this context; however, it can be hindered by cultural bias and spoken accent. The study also found that environmental factors, such as disruptions caused by the pandemic, were another key influence. For example, the need to wear face masks hindered the communication needed for workplace learning. This was especially challenging due to the diverse language backgrounds and abilities within the teams. Potential improvements for learning in multicultural aged care work environments were identified. These include more frequent and structured inter-peer learning (e.g. buddying), communication training (e.g. English language usage for both native and non-native speaking workers) and support for cross-cultural habitude (e.g. recognizing and adapting to cultural differences). Workplace learning in cross-cultural aged care environments is an area that is not extensively dealt with in the literature. This study addresses this gap and holds the potential to contribute practical insights to aged care and other diverse industries.Keywords: cross-cultural learning, learning in aged care, migrant learning, workplace learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1603763 Shifting Paradigms of Culture: Rise of Secular Sensibility in Indian Literature
Authors: Nidhi Chouhan
Burgeoning demand of ‘Secularism’ has shaken the pillars of cultural studies in the contemporary literature. The perplexity of the culturally estranged term ‘secular’ gives rise to temporal ideologies across the world. Hence, it is high time to scan this concept in the context of Indian lifestyle which is a blend of assimilated cultures woven in multiple religious fabrics. The infliction of such secular taste is depicted in literary productions like ‘Satanic Verses’ and ‘An Area of Darkness’. The paper conceptually makes a cross-cultural analysis of anti-religious Indian literary texts, assessing its revitalization in current times. Further, this paper studies the increasing popularity of secular sensibility in the contemporary times. The mushrooming elements of secularism such as abstraction, spirituality, liberation, individualism give rise to a seemingly newer idea i.e. ‘Plurality’ making the literature highly hybrid. This approach has been used to study Indian modernity reflected in its literature. Seminal works of stalwarts are used to understand the consequence of this cultural synthesis. Conclusively, this theoretical research inspects the efficiency of secular culture, intertwined with internal coherence and throws light on the plurality of texts in Indian literature.Keywords: culture, indian, literature, plurality, secular, secularism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1063762 Cultural Boundaries and Mental Health Stigma: A Systemic Review of Interventions to Reduce Opposition of Mental Health Services in Asian American Families
Authors: Tanya L. Patimeteeporn, Murali D. Nair
There is a wide range of literature that suggests the factors that prevent Asian American families from utilizing mental health services. These factors arise from a combination of cultural perceptions of mental illness, and methods of treating them without the use of a mental health professional. Due to the increased awareness of Asian Americans’ stigmatization to mental health, there has been an effort to create culturally competent interventions for Asian American families that would reduce opposition to mental health services. Assessment of the effectiveness of these interventions reveals practices that integrate traditional healing methods with psychoeducation are more likely to promote receptiveness of mental health services by Asian American families. The documentary in this review, demonstrates these traditional healing methods from various ethnic enclaves in Los Angeles. In addition, mental health professionals who provide these interventions to Asian American families need to consider culture-bound syndromes and the various Asian health philosophies and belief systems in order to provide a culturally sensitive holistic treatment for their clients. However, because the literature on these interventions is limited, there is a need for a larger body of evidence to accurately assess the effectiveness of these culturally competent psychoeducation interventions.Keywords: Asian American, cultural boundaries, intervention, mental health stigma, psychoeducation, traditional healing
Procedia PDF Downloads 5493761 Analyzing Mexican Adaptation of Shakespeare: A Study of Onstage Violence in Richard III and Its Impact on Mexican Viewers
Authors: Nelya Babynets
Shakespeare and Mexican theatregoers have enjoyed quite a complex relationship. Shakespearean plays have appeared on the Mexican stage with remarkable perseverance, yet with mixed success. Although Shakespeare has long been a part of the global cultural marketplace and his works are celebrated all around the world, the adaptation of his plays on the contemporary Mexican stage is always an adventure, since the works of this early modern author are frequently seen as the legacy of a ‘high’, but obsolete, culture, one that is quite distant from the present-day viewers’ daily experiences and concerns. Moreover, Mexican productions of Shakespeare are presented mostly in Peninsular Spanish, a language similar yet alien to the language spoken in Mexico, one that does not wholly fit into the viewers’ cultural praxis. This is the reason why Mexican dramatic adaptations of Shakespearean plays tend to replace the cultural references of the original piece with ones that are more significant and innate to Latin American spectators. This paper analyses the new Mexican production of Richard III adapted and directed by Mauricio Garcia Lozano, which employs onstage violence - a cultural force that is inherent to all human beings regardless of their beliefs, ethnic background or nationality - as the means to make this play more relevant to a present-day audience. Thus, this paper addresses how the bloody bombast of staged murders helps to avoid the tyranny of a rigid framework of fixed meanings that denies the possibility of an intercultural appropriation of this European play written over four hundred years ago. The impact of violence displayed in Garcia Lozano’s adaptation of Richard III on Mexican audiences will also be examined. This study is particularly relevant in Mexico where the term ‘tragedy’ has become a commonplace and where drug wars and state-sanctioned violence have already taken the lives of many people.Keywords: audience, dramatic adaptation, Shakespeare, viewer
Procedia PDF Downloads 4603760 Creativity, Skill, and Intelligence as Understood by Tradition Rooted Craftspersons
Authors: Swasti Singh Ghai
Creativity is understood as an intersubjective phenomenon shaped by socio-cultural values and economic forces. Creativity as a means to achieve progress is a very modern concept, driven by a global capitalist market economy. The dominant urban, often first-world articulations of creativity, overshadow the rural, local and cultural notions of people in the developing nations. Artisanal practices of making grounded in preindustrial and pre-capitalist contexts hold varying cultural and region-specific concepts and standards for ascribing creativity to a person or product, or process. These notions reflect the underlying philosophy that constitutes their worldview. The process of colonization through western education has blurred or overlapped some of these key philosophical concepts. This article adopts a post-colonial stance to understand the perceptions of skill, intelligence and creativity among tradition rooted textile craft practitioners of Kutch, Gujarat in India. The artisans, while negotiating their space in the contemporary markets, are making efforts to include the modern categories of art, craft, and design in their worldview. The paper will first review theories of creativity that throw light on the link between skill, intelligence and creativity. Then the paper will use secondary research and data from interviews to share crafts person notions of skill, creativity and intelligence and their interrelationship.Keywords: traditional craft, textile, creativity, skill, intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1263759 Creative Practice and Consciousness in Juju Music: A Nigerian Musical and Cultural Perspective
Authors: Olupemi E. Oludare
This paper investigates the creative practice engaged in Juju music, a Nigerian Neo-traditional genre of the Yoruba, and its influence on the consciousness of societal praxis. It takes a musical and cultural perspective, as representational indices of how the people’s religious, social, educational, and political consciousness is expressed in their music. The study adopts the historical cum descriptive design in its methodology, tracing the historical development of Juju music, the appropriation of musical and cultural materials in its creative process, and a descriptive analysis of its musical practice, in order to substantiate the role and function of Juju music and its musicians in the political, philosophical, and social consciousness of Nigeria’s pre- and post-independence epoch. Data were collected through oral interviews of selected Juju practitioners, stakeholders, and enthusiasts. It also employed the use of discography of Juju musicians. This paper discusses musical factors such as form, melodic and rhythmic patterns, and thematic materials, while highlighting cultural factors such as linguistic elements, with textual analysis, as a conscious avenue of expression. The study revealed that Juju musicians composed their music by engaging both indigenous and foreign musical materials, as a means of creative practice for musical entertainment, while expressing the people’s consciousness of their beliefs, values, and socio-political issues, hence the music functioning as a vehicle for social commentaries. The popularization and commercialization of Juju music brought the musicians national and international accolades, subsequently attracting contributions from contemporary musicians, which led to innovations of new brands, such as ‘Afro-Juju’, ‘Gospel-Juju’, ‘Hip-Hop-Juju’, etc., albeit retaining the basic musical elements of its progenitor, as a conscious music for socio-cultural functions. This study concludes that Juju music and its musicians remain germane in the musical scene of the nation’s social, educational, and political terrain, especially in the current Nigerian democratic climate. This paper recommends the promotion and patronage of the Juju music in its original form, to prevent its decline in current times, since it serves as an enrichment of national identity both in Nigeria, and Internationally.Keywords: appropriation, consciousness, creative practice, national identity, neo-traditional
Procedia PDF Downloads 4263758 Cross-Cultural Evangelism a Necessity in Contemporary Times: A Case Study of Mission of Diocese on the Niger Anglican Communion to Togo
Authors: Nnatuanya Chinedu Emmanuel
The focus of this research is to point out the importance of mission across nations, tribes, and languages. This is because the message of the gospel is global in nature and as a result, Christians of nations, irrespective of color and denomination, must strive to ensure that this message of transformation is extended to all, notwithstanding their region, locality and color. It is in response to this that this work investigates the evangelization activity of the Diocese on the Niger in Togo, their impacts and activities. The framework of qualitative research was adopted while findings indicate that much work has been done in the areas of human and societal development; notwithstanding, the problem of funding, language barrier, and manpower become a threat to the mission work.Keywords: cross–cultural Evangelism, diocese on the Niger, Anglican communion, Togo
Procedia PDF Downloads 923757 Touristification of Industrial Waterfronts: The Rocks and Darling Harbour
Authors: Ece Kaya
Industrial heritage reflects the traces of an industrial past that have contributed to the economic development of a country. This heritage should be included within the scope of preservation to remind of and to connect the city and its inhabitants to the past. Through adaptive conservation, industrial heritage can be reintroduced into contemporary urban life, with suitable functions and unique identities sustained. The conservation of industrial heritage should protect the material fabric of such heritage and maintain its cultural significance. Emphasising the historical and cultural significance of industrial areas, this research argues that industrial heritage is primarily impacted by political and economic thinking rather than by informed heritage and conservation issues. Waterfront redevelopment projects create similar landscapes around the world, transforming industrial identities and cultural significances. In the case of The Rocks and Darling Harbour, the goal of redevelopment was the creation of employment opportunities, and the provision of places to work, live and shop, through tourism promoted by the NSW State Government. The two case study areas were pivotal to the European industrial development of Sydney. Sydney Cove was one of the largest commercial wharves used to handle cargo in Australia. This paper argues, together with many historians, planners and heritage experts, that these areas have not received the due diligence deserved in regards to their significance to the industrial history of Sydney and modern Australia.Keywords: industrial heritage, post-industrial city, transformation of waterfronts, tourism, consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 2413756 Promoting Diversity in Leadership: Exploring Women's Roles in Corporate Governance, with a Focus on Saudi Arabia
Authors: Norah Salem Al Mosa
This paper critically examines the ethical position of academic scholarship concerning "women in leadership" in Saudi Arabia, focusing on the context of the Saudi Vision 2030 initiative. While this vision places a strong emphasis on empowering women and increasing their presence in the workforce, women still face significant cultural, organisational, and personal barriers to leadership roles. The existing literature highlights the challenges Saudi women encounter, including the male guardianship system, and international perspectives add complexity to the issue. The debate among scholars about considering cultural context versus highlighting ongoing challenges is explored. The paper underscores that despite efforts to enhance women's representation in leadership positions, progress has been slow due to cultural norms, the absence of legal quotas, and limited access to education and professional development. It raises questions about the seriousness of research efforts and the government's commitment to gender equality in leadership roles, emphasising the need for increased academic scrutiny in this area. Ultimately, the paper aims to enhance understanding of the challenges and opportunities for women in leadership roles, their contributions to corporate governance in Saudi Arabia, and potential implications beyond its borders.Keywords: female directors, gender diversity, women on executive positions, Saudi vision 2030
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