Search results for: Extended Park´s vector approach
15492 Sustainability Innovation Capacity Building Framework for UN Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: C. Park, H. Lee, Y-J. Lee
Aim: This study aims to present the Sustainability Innovation Capacity Building Framework (SICBF) to enable the wider public to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) for a sustainable future. The intrinsically interwoven nature of sustainability requires systematic approaches to attain. However, there is a lack of an effective framework for capacity building that enables a systematic implementation approach for UN SDGs. The SICBF illustrates the six core components and their dynamics: 1. Momentum creation; 2. Exposure to diverse worldviews; 3. Serendipity/Eureka moment; 4. Creative problem solving; 5. Individual empowerment; 6. Systems thinking. Method: First, a structured literature review was used to synthesise existing sustainability competencies studies and generic innovation competencies. Secondly, the conceptual framework based on literature findings was tested with the participants' survey and interview data collected from four sets of MAKEathon events. The interview analysis and event observation data were used to further refine and validate the conceptual framework. Contributions: The scientific contribution of this study is to pave the way for SDGs specific capacity building framework that caters to the need for systematic approaches to allow the wider public aspiring to tackle the seemingly intractable sustainable development goals. The framework will aid sustainable development academics, educators, and practitioners in understanding the dynamics of how capacity building can be facilitated.Keywords: capacity building, sustainability innovation, sustainable development, systems thinking, UN SDGs
Procedia PDF Downloads 8315491 Parallel Hybrid Honeypot and IDS Architecture to Detect Network Attacks
Authors: Hafiz Gulfam Ahmad, Chuangdong Li, Zeeshan Ahmad
In this paper, we proposed a parallel IDS and honeypot based approach to detect and analyze the unknown and known attack taxonomy for improving the IDS performance and protecting the network from intruders. The main theme of our approach is to record and analyze the intruder activities by using both the low and high interaction honeypots. Our architecture aims to achieve the required goals by combing signature based IDS, honeypots and generate the new signatures. The paper describes the basic component, design and implementation of this approach and also demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach reducing the probability of network attacks.Keywords: network security, intrusion detection, honeypot, snort, nmap
Procedia PDF Downloads 57015490 Enhanced Face Recognition with Daisy Descriptors Using 1BT Based Registration
Authors: Sevil Igit, Merve Meric, Sarp Erturk
In this paper, it is proposed to improve Daisy descriptor based face recognition using a novel One-Bit Transform (1BT) based pre-registration approach. The 1BT based pre-registration procedure is fast and has low computational complexity. It is shown that the face recognition accuracy is improved with the proposed approach. The proposed approach can facilitate highly accurate face recognition using DAISY descriptor with simple matching and thereby facilitate a low-complexity approach.Keywords: face recognition, Daisy descriptor, One-Bit Transform, image registration
Procedia PDF Downloads 36815489 The Prevalence and Profile of Extended Spectrum B-Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Enterobacteriaceae Species in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Setting of a Tertiary Care Hospital of North India
Authors: Harmeet Pal Singh Dhooria, Deepinder Chinna, UPS Sidhu, Alok Jain
Serious infections caused by gram-negative bacteria are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in the hospital setting. In acute care facilities like in intensive care units (ICUs), the intensity of antimicrobial use together with a population highly susceptible to infection, creates an environment, which facilitates both emergence and transmission of Extended Spectrum -lactamase (ESBL) producing Enterobacteriaceae species. The study was conducted in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) and the Pulmonary Critical Care Unit (PCCU) of the Department of Medicine, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Out of a total of 1108 samples of urine, blood and respiratory tract secretions received for culture and sensitivity analysis from Medical Intensive Care Unit and Pulmonary Critical Care Unit, a total of 170 isolates of Enterobacteriaceae species were obtained which were then included in our study. Out of these 170 isolates, confirmed ESBL production was seen in 116 (68.24%) cases. E.coli was the most common species isolated (56.47%) followed by Klebsiella (32.94%), Enterobacter (5.88%), Citrobacter (3.53%), Enterobacter (0.59%) and Morganella (0.59%) among the total isolates. The rate of ESBL production was more in Klebsiella (78.57%) as compared to E.coli (60.42%). ESBL producers were found to be significantly more common in patients with prior history of hospitalization, antibiotic use, and prolonged ICU stay. Also significantly increased the prevalence of ESBL related infections was observed in patients with a history of catheterization or central line insertion but not in patients with the history of intubation. Patients who had an underlying malignancy had significantly higher prevalence of ESBL related infections as compared to other co-morbid illnesses. A slightly significant difference in the rate of mortality/LAMA was observed in the ESBL producer versus the non-ESBL producer group. The rate of mortality/LAMA was significantly higher in the ESBL related UTI but not in the ESBL related respiratory tract and bloodstream infections. ESBL producing isolates had significantly higher rates of resistance to Cefepime and Piperacillin/Tazobactum, and to non β-lactum antibiotics like Amikacin and Ciprofloxacin. The level of resistance to Imipenem was lower as compared to other antibiotics. However, it was noted that ESBL producing isolates had higher levels of resistance to Imipenem as compared to non-ESBL producing isolates. Conclusion- The prevalence of ESBL producing organisms was found to be very high (68.24%) among Enterobacteriaceae isolates in our ICU setting as among other ICU care settings around the world.Keywords: enterobacteriaceae, extended spectrum B-lactamase (ESBL), ICU, antibiotic resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 27715488 The Development and Provision of a Knowledge Management Ecosystem, Optimized for Genomics
Authors: Matthew I. Bellgard
The field of bioinformatics has made, and continues to make, substantial progress and contributions to life science research and development. However, this paper contends that a systems approach integrates bioinformatics activities for any project in a defined manner. The application of critical control points in this bioinformatics systems approach may be useful to identify and evaluate points in a pathway where specified activity risk can be reduced, monitored and quality enhanced.Keywords: bioinformatics, food security, personalized medicine, systems approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 42415487 Optimizing the Location of Parking Areas Adapted for Dangerous Goods in the European Road Transport Network
Authors: María Dolores Caro, Eugenio M. Fedriani, Ángel F. Tenorio
The transportation of dangerous goods by lorries throughout Europe must be done by using the roads conforming the European Road Transport Network. In this network, there are several parking areas where lorry drivers can park to rest according to the regulations. According to the "European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road", parking areas where lorries transporting dangerous goods can park to rest, must follow several security stipulations to keep safe the rest of road users. At this respect, these lorries must be parked in adapted areas with strict and permanent surveillance measures. Moreover, drivers must satisfy several restrictions about resting and driving time. Under these facts, one may expect that there exist enough parking areas for the transport of this type of goods in order to obey the regulations prescribed by the European Union and its member countries. However, the already-existing parking areas are not sufficient to cover all the stops required by drivers transporting dangerous goods. Our main goal is, starting from the already-existing parking areas and the loading-and-unloading location, to provide an optimal answer to the following question: how many additional parking areas must be built and where must they be located to assure that lorry drivers can transport dangerous goods following all the stipulations about security and safety for their stops? The sense of the word “optimal” is due to the fact that we give a global solution for the location of parking areas throughout the whole European Road Transport Network, adjusting the number of additional areas to be as lower as possible. To do so, we have modeled the problem using graph theory since we are working with a road network. As nodes, we have considered the locations of each already-existing parking area, each loading-and-unloading area each road bifurcation. Each road connecting two nodes is considered as an edge in the graph whose weight corresponds to the distance between both nodes in the edge. By applying a new efficient algorithm, we have found the additional nodes for the network representing the new parking areas adapted for dangerous goods, under the fact that the distance between two parking areas must be less than or equal to 400 km.Keywords: trans-european transport network, dangerous goods, parking areas, graph-based modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 28115486 Disclosing a Patriarchal Society: A Socio-Legal Study on the Indigenous Women's Involvement in Natural Resources Management in Kasepuhan Cirompang
Authors: Irena Lucy Ishimora, Eva Maria Putri Salsabila
The constellation on Indonesian Legal System that varies shows a structural injustice – as a result of patriarchy – exists from the biggest range as a country to the smallest such as a family. Women in their lives, carry out excessive responsibilities in the community. However, the unequal positions between men and women in the society restrain women to fulfill their constructed role. Therefore, increasing the chance for women to become the victim of structural injustice. The lack of authority given to women and its effects can be seen through a case study of the Cirompang Indigenous Women’s involvement in natural resources management. The decision to make the Mount Halimun-Salak as a National Park and the expansion itself did not involve nor consider the existence of indigenous people (Kasepuhan Ciromopang) – especially the women’s experience regarding natural resources management – has been significantly impacting the fulfillment of the indigenous women’s rights. Moreover, the adat law that still reflects patriarchy, made matters worse because women are restricted from expressing their opinion. The writers explored the experience of Cirompang indigenous women through in-depth interviews with them and analyzed it with several theories such as ecofeminism, woman’s access to land and legal pluralism. This paper is important to show how the decision and expansion of the National Park reduced the rights of access to land, natural resources, expressing an opinion, and participating in development. Reflecting on the Cirompang Indigenous Women’s conditions on natural resources management, this paper aims to present the implications of the regulations that do not acknowledge Indigenous women’s experience and the proposed solutions. First, there should be an integration between the law regarding indigenous people and traditional rights in a regulation to align the understanding of indigenous people and their rights. Secondly, Indonesia as a country that’s rich with diversity should ratify the ILO Convention no 169 to reaffirm the protection of Indigenous people’s rights. Last, considering the position of indigenous women that still experienced unjustness in the community, the government and NGOs must collaborate to provide adequate assistance for them.Keywords: Cirompang indigenous women, indigenous women’s rights, structural injustice, women access to land
Procedia PDF Downloads 21515485 A Prediction of Cutting Forces Using Extended Kienzle Force Model Incorporating Tool Flank Wear Progression
Authors: Wu Peng, Anders Liljerehn, Martin Magnevall
In metal cutting, tool wear gradually changes the micro geometry of the cutting edge. Today there is a significant gap in understanding the impact these geometrical changes have on the cutting forces which governs tool deflection and heat generation in the cutting zone. Accurate models and understanding of the interaction between the work piece and cutting tool leads to improved accuracy in simulation of the cutting process. These simulations are useful in several application areas, e.g., optimization of insert geometry and machine tool monitoring. This study aims to develop an extended Kienzle force model to account for the effect of rake angle variations and tool flank wear have on the cutting forces. In this paper, the starting point sets from cutting force measurements using orthogonal turning tests of pre-machined flanches with well-defined width, using triangular coated inserts to assure orthogonal condition. The cutting forces have been measured by dynamometer with a set of three different rake angles, and wear progression have been monitored during machining by an optical measuring collaborative robot. The method utilizes the measured cutting forces with the inserts flank wear progression to extend the mechanistic cutting forces model with flank wear as an input parameter. The adapted cutting forces model is validated in a turning process with commercial cutting tools. This adapted cutting forces model shows the significant capability of prediction of cutting forces accounting for tools flank wear and different-rake-angle cutting tool inserts. The result of this study suggests that the nonlinear effect of tools flank wear and interaction between the work piece and the cutting tool can be considered by the developed cutting forces model.Keywords: cutting force, kienzle model, predictive model, tool flank wear
Procedia PDF Downloads 10915484 The Enhancement of Target Localization Using Ship-Borne Electro-Optical Stabilized Platform
Authors: Jaehoon Ha, Byungmo Kang, Kilho Hong, Jungsoo Park
Electro-optical (EO) stabilized platforms have been widely used for surveillance and reconnaissance on various types of vehicles, from surface ships to unmanned air vehicles (UAVs). EO stabilized platforms usually consist of an assembly of structure, bearings, and motors called gimbals in which a gyroscope is installed. EO elements such as a CCD camera and IR camera, are mounted to a gimbal, which has a range of motion in elevation and azimuth and can designate and track a target. In addition, a laser range finder (LRF) can be added to the gimbal in order to acquire the precise slant range from the platform to the target. Recently, a versatile functionality of target localization is needed in order to cooperate with the weapon systems that are mounted on the same platform. The target information, such as its location or velocity, needed to be more accurate. The accuracy of the target information depends on diverse component errors and alignment errors of each component. Specially, the type of moving platform can affect the accuracy of the target information. In the case of flying platforms, or UAVs, the target location error can be increased with altitude so it is important to measure altitude as precisely as possible. In the case of surface ships, target location error can be increased with obliqueness of the elevation angle of the gimbal since the altitude of the EO stabilized platform is supposed to be relatively low. The farther the slant ranges from the surface ship to the target, the more extreme the obliqueness of the elevation angle. This can hamper the precise acquisition of the target information. So far, there have been many studies on EO stabilized platforms of flying vehicles. However, few researchers have focused on ship-borne EO stabilized platforms of the surface ship. In this paper, we deal with a target localization method when an EO stabilized platform is located on the mast of a surface ship. Especially, we need to overcome the limitation caused by the obliqueness of the elevation angle of the gimbal. We introduce a well-known approach for target localization using Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) and present the problem definition showing the above-mentioned limitation. Finally, we want to show the effectiveness of the approach that will be demonstrated through computer simulations.Keywords: target localization, ship-borne electro-optical stabilized platform, unscented kalman filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 52115483 Improving Creative Problem Solving for Teams through a Web-Based Peer Review System
Authors: JungYeon Park, Jooyong Park
Brainstorming and discussion are widely used around the world as formal techniques of collaborative creative problem solving. This study investigated whether a web-based peer review system would improve collaborative creative problem solving. In order to assess the efficiency of using web-based peer review system before brainstorming and discussion, we conducted a between-group design study for two conditions (a web-based peer review system vs. face-to-face brainstorming only) using two different scenarios. One hundred and twenty participants were divided into teams of four and randomly assigned to one of the four conditions. The participants were given problems for them to solve. The participants in the experimental group first generated ideas independently for 20 minutes and wrote down their ideas. Afterwards, they reviewed the list of ideas of their peers and gave and received feedback for 10 minutes. These activities were performed on-line. The last activity was face-to-face brain-storming and discussion for 30 minutes. In contrast, the control group participated in brainstorming and discussion for 60 minutes. The quantity and the quality of ideas were measured as dependent variables of creative problem solving. Two evaluators rated the quantity and quality of the proposed ideas. Inter-rater agreement rate was good or strong. The results showed that both the average number of unique ideas and the average quality of ideas generated for the experimental condition were significantly higher than those for the control condition in both scenarios. The results of this study support the hypothesis that collaborative creative problem solving is enhanced when individuals write their thoughts individually and review ideas written by peers before face-to-face brainstorming and discussion. The present study provides preliminary evidence that a web-based peer review system can be instrumental in improving creative problem solving for teams. This system also offers an effective means to quantify the contribution of each member in collaborative team activity. We are planning to replicate these results in real-life situations.Keywords: brainstorming, creative problem solving, peer-review, team efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 15915482 Algorithm for Improved Tree Counting and Detection through Adaptive Machine Learning Approach with the Integration of Watershed Transformation and Local Maxima Analysis
Authors: Jigg Pelayo, Ricardo Villar
The Philippines is long considered as a valuable producer of high value crops globally. The country’s employment and economy have been dependent on agriculture, thus increasing its demand for the efficient agricultural mechanism. Remote sensing and geographic information technology have proven to effectively provide applications for precision agriculture through image-processing technique considering the development of the aerial scanning technology in the country. Accurate information concerning the spatial correlation within the field is very important for precision farming of high value crops, especially. The availability of height information and high spatial resolution images obtained from aerial scanning together with the development of new image analysis methods are offering relevant influence to precision agriculture techniques and applications. In this study, an algorithm was developed and implemented to detect and count high value crops simultaneously through adaptive scaling of support vector machine (SVM) algorithm subjected to object-oriented approach combining watershed transformation and local maxima filter in enhancing tree counting and detection. The methodology is compared to cutting-edge template matching algorithm procedures to demonstrate its effectiveness on a demanding tree is counting recognition and delineation problem. Since common data and image processing techniques are utilized, thus can be easily implemented in production processes to cover large agricultural areas. The algorithm is tested on high value crops like Palm, Mango and Coconut located in Misamis Oriental, Philippines - showing a good performance in particular for young adult and adult trees, significantly 90% above. The s inventories or database updating, allowing for the reduction of field work and manual interpretation tasks.Keywords: high value crop, LiDAR, OBIA, precision agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 40215481 Parameter Estimation of Gumbel Distribution with Maximum-Likelihood Based on Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno Quasi-Newton
Authors: Dewi Retno Sari Saputro, Purnami Widyaningsih, Hendrika Handayani
Extreme data on an observation can occur due to unusual circumstances in the observation. The data can provide important information that can’t be provided by other data so that its existence needs to be further investigated. The method for obtaining extreme data is one of them using maxima block method. The distribution of extreme data sets taken with the maxima block method is called the distribution of extreme values. Distribution of extreme values is Gumbel distribution with two parameters. The parameter estimation of Gumbel distribution with maximum likelihood method (ML) is difficult to determine its exact value so that it is necessary to solve the approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the parameter estimation of Gumbel distribution with quasi-Newton BFGS method. The quasi-Newton BFGS method is a numerical method used for nonlinear function optimization without constraint so that the method can be used for parameter estimation from Gumbel distribution whose distribution function is in the form of exponential doubel function. The quasi-New BFGS method is a development of the Newton method. The Newton method uses the second derivative to calculate the parameter value changes on each iteration. Newton's method is then modified with the addition of a step length to provide a guarantee of convergence when the second derivative requires complex calculations. In the quasi-Newton BFGS method, Newton's method is modified by updating both derivatives on each iteration. The parameter estimation of the Gumbel distribution by a numerical approach using the quasi-Newton BFGS method is done by calculating the parameter values that make the distribution function maximum. In this method, we need gradient vector and hessian matrix. This research is a theory research and application by studying several journals and textbooks. The results of this study obtained the quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm and estimation of Gumbel distribution parameters. The estimation method is then applied to daily rainfall data in Purworejo District to estimate the distribution parameters. This indicates that the high rainfall that occurred in Purworejo District decreased its intensity and the range of rainfall that occurred decreased.Keywords: parameter estimation, Gumbel distribution, maximum likelihood, broyden fletcher goldfarb shanno (BFGS)quasi newton
Procedia PDF Downloads 32615480 Multi-Agent Approach for Monitoring and Control of Biotechnological Processes
Authors: Ivanka Valova
This paper is aimed at using a multi-agent approach to monitor and diagnose a biotechnological system in order to validate certain control actions depending on the process development and the operating conditions. A multi-agent system is defined as a network of interacting software modules that collectively solve complex tasks. Remote monitoring and control of biotechnological processes is a necessity when automated and reliable systems operating with no interruption of certain activities are required. The advantage of our approach is in its flexibility, modularity and the possibility of improving by acquiring functionalities through the integration of artificial intelligence.Keywords: multi-agent approach, artificial intelligence, biotechnological processes, anaerobic biodegradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 9015479 The Temporal Pattern of Bumble Bees in Plant Visiting
Authors: Zahra Shakoori, Farid Salmanpour
Pollination services are a vital service for the ecosystem to maintain environmental stability. The decline of pollinators can disrupt the ecological balance by affecting components of biodiversity. Bumble bees are crucial pollinators, playing a vital role in maintaining plant diversity. This study investigated the temporal patterns of their visitation to flowers in Kiasar National Park, Iran. Observations were conducted in Jun 2024, totaling 442 person-minutes of observation. Five species of bumble bees were identified. The study revealed that they consistently visited an average of 12-15 flowers per minute, regardless of species. The findings highlight the importance of protecting natural habitats, where their populations are thriving in the absence of human-induced stressors. This study was conducted in Kiasar National Park, located in the southeast of Mazandaran, northern Iran. The surveyed area, at an altitude of 1800-2200 meters, includes both forest and pasture. Bumble bee surveys were carried out on sunny days from June 2024, starting at dawn and ending at sunset. To avoid double-counting, we systematically searched for foraging habitats on low-sloping ridges with high mud density, frequently moving between patches. We recorded bumble bee visits to flowers and plant species per minute using direct observation, a stopwatch, and a pre-prepared form. We used statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a confidence level of 95% to examine potential differences in foraging rates across different bumble bee species, flowers, plant bases, and plant species visited. Bumble bee identification relied on morphological indicators. A total of 442 person-minutes of bumble bee observations were recorded. Five species of bumble bees (Bombus fragrans, Bombus haematurus, Bombus lucorum, Bombus melanurus, Bombus terrestris) were identified during the study. The results of this study showed that the visits of bumble bees to flower sources were not different from each other. In general, bumble bees visit an average of 12-15 flowers every 60 seconds. In addition, at the same time they visit between 3-5 plant bases. Finally, they visit an average of 1 to 3 plant species per minute. While many taxa contribute to pollination, insects—especially bees—are crucial for maintaining plant diversity and ecosystem functions. As plant diversity increases, the stopping rate of pollinating insects rises, which reduces their foraging activity. Bumble bees, therefore, stop more frequently in natural areas than in agricultural fields due to higher plant diversity. Our findings emphasize the need to protect natural habitats like Kiasar National Park, where bumble bees thrive without human-induced stressors like pesticides, livestock grazing, and pollution. With bumble bee populations declining globally, further research is essential to understand their behavior in different environments and develop effective conservation strategies to protect them.Keywords: bumble bees, pollination, pollinator, plant diversity, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 3315478 On the Relation between λ-Symmetries and μ-Symmetries of Partial Differential Equations
Authors: Teoman Ozer, Ozlem Orhan
This study deals with symmetry group properties and conservation laws of partial differential equations. We give a geometrical interpretation of notion of μ-prolongations of vector fields and of the related concept of μ-symmetry for partial differential equations. We show that these are in providing symmetry reduction of partial differential equations and systems and invariant solutions.Keywords: λ-symmetry, μ-symmetry, classification, invariant solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 31915477 Analysis of Filtering in Stochastic Systems on Continuous- Time Memory Observations in the Presence of Anomalous Noises
Authors: S. Rozhkova, O. Rozhkova, A. Harlova, V. Lasukov
For optimal unbiased filter as mean-square and in the case of functioning anomalous noises in the observation memory channel, we have proved insensitivity of filter to inaccurate knowledge of the anomalous noise intensity matrix and its equivalence to truncated filter plotted only by non anomalous components of an observation vector.Keywords: mathematical expectation, filtration, anomalous noise, memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 36215476 Predictive Analytics of Student Performance Determinants
Authors: Mahtab Davari, Charles Edward Okon, Somayeh Aghanavesi
Every institute of learning is usually interested in the performance of enrolled students. The level of these performances determines the approach an institute of study may adopt in rendering academic services. The focus of this paper is to evaluate students' academic performance in given courses of study using machine learning methods. This study evaluated various supervised machine learning classification algorithms such as Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, using selected features to predict study performance. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score obtained from a 5-Fold Cross-Validation were used to determine the best classification algorithm to predict students’ performances. SVM (using a linear kernel), LDA, and LR were identified as the best-performing machine learning methods. Also, using the LR model, this study identified students' educational habits such as reading and paying attention in class as strong determinants for a student to have an above-average performance. Other important features include the academic history of the student and work. Demographic factors such as age, gender, high school graduation, etc., had no significant effect on a student's performance.Keywords: student performance, supervised machine learning, classification, cross-validation, prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 12815475 Machine Learning Techniques in Bank Credit Analysis
Authors: Fernanda M. Assef, Maria Teresinha A. Steiner
The aim of this paper is to compare and discuss better classifier algorithm options for credit risk assessment by applying different Machine Learning techniques. Using records from a Brazilian financial institution, this study uses a database of 5,432 companies that are clients of the bank, where 2,600 clients are classified as non-defaulters, 1,551 are classified as defaulters and 1,281 are temporarily defaulters, meaning that the clients are overdue on their payments for up 180 days. For each case, a total of 15 attributes was considered for a one-against-all assessment using four different techniques: Artificial Neural Networks Multilayer Perceptron (ANN-MLP), Artificial Neural Networks Radial Basis Functions (ANN-RBF), Logistic Regression (LR) and finally Support Vector Machines (SVM). For each method, different parameters were analyzed in order to obtain different results when the best of each technique was compared. Initially the data were coded in thermometer code (numerical attributes) or dummy coding (for nominal attributes). The methods were then evaluated for each parameter and the best result of each technique was compared in terms of accuracy, false positives, false negatives, true positives and true negatives. This comparison showed that the best method, in terms of accuracy, was ANN-RBF (79.20% for non-defaulter classification, 97.74% for defaulters and 75.37% for the temporarily defaulter classification). However, the best accuracy does not always represent the best technique. For instance, on the classification of temporarily defaulters, this technique, in terms of false positives, was surpassed by SVM, which had the lowest rate (0.07%) of false positive classifications. All these intrinsic details are discussed considering the results found, and an overview of what was presented is shown in the conclusion of this study.Keywords: artificial neural networks (ANNs), classifier algorithms, credit risk assessment, logistic regression, machine Learning, support vector machines
Procedia PDF Downloads 10415474 Transcranial Electric Field Treatments on Redox-Toxic Iron Deposits in Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Models: The Electroceutical Targeting of Alzheimer’s Disease
Authors: Choi Younshick, Lee Wonseok, Lee Jaemeun, Park Sun-Hyun, Kim Sunwoung, Park Sua, Kim Eun Ho, Kim Jong-Ki
Iron accumulation in the brain accelerates Alzheimer’s disease progression. To cure iron toxicity, we assessed the therapeutic effects of noncontact transcranial electric field stimulation to the brain on toxic iron deposits in either the Aβ-fibril structure or the Aβ plaque in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A capacitive electrode-based alternating electric field (AEF) was applied to a suspension of magnetite (Fe₃O₄) to measure the field-sensitized electro-Fenton effect and resultant reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. The increase in ROS generation compared to the untreated control was both exposure-time and AEF-frequency dependent. The frequency-specific exposure of AEF to 0.7–1.4 V/cm on a magnetite-bound Aβ-fibril or a transgenic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) mouse model revealed the removal of intraplaque ferrous magnetite iron deposit and Aβ-plaque burden together at the same time compared to the untreated control. The results of the behavioral tests show an improvement in impaired cognitive function following AEF treatment on the AD mouse model. Western blot assay found some disease-modifying biological responses, including down-regulating ferroptosis, neuroinflammation and reactive astrocytes that eventually made cognitive improvement feasible. Tissue clearing and 3D-imaging analysis revealed no induced damage to the neuronal structures of normal brain tissue following AEF treatment. In conclusion, our results suggest that the effective degradation of magnetite-bound amyloid fibrils or plaques in the AD brain by the electro-Fenton effect from electric field-sensitized magnetite offers a potential electroceutical treatment option for AD.Keywords: electroceutical, intraplaque magnetite, alzheimer’s disease, transcranial electric field, electro-fenton effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 7115473 Direct Translation vs. Pivot Language Translation for Persian-Spanish Low-Resourced Statistical Machine Translation System
Authors: Benyamin Ahmadnia, Javier Serrano
In this paper we compare two different approaches for translating from Persian to Spanish, as a language pair with scarce parallel corpus. The first approach involves direct transfer using an statistical machine translation system, which is available for this language pair. The second approach involves translation through English, as a pivot language, which has more translation resources and more advanced translation systems available. The results show that, it is possible to achieve better translation quality using English as a pivot language in either approach outperforms direct translation from Persian to Spanish. Our best result is the pivot system which scores higher than direct translation by (1.12) BLEU points.Keywords: statistical machine translation, direct translation approach, pivot language translation approach, parallel corpus
Procedia PDF Downloads 48815472 Development of R³ UV Exposure for the UV Dose-Insensitive and Cost-Effective Fabrication of Biodegradable Polymer Microneedles
Authors: Sungmin Park, Gyungmok Nam, Seungpyo Woo, Young Choi, Sangheon Park, Sang-Hee Yoon
Puncturing human skin with microneedles is critically important for microneedle-mediate drug delivery. Despite of extensive efforts in the past decades, the scale-up fabrication of sharp-tipped and high-aspect-ratio microneedles, especially made of biodegradable polymers, is still a long way off. Here, we present a UV dose insensitive and cost-effective microfabrication method for the biodegradable polymer microneedles with sharp tips and long lengths which can pierce human skin with low insertion force. The biodegradable polymer microneedles are fabricated with the polymer solution casting where a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA, 50:50) solution is coated onto a SU-8 mold prepared with a reverse, ramped, and rotational (R3) UV exposure. The R3 UV exposure is modified from the multidirectional UV exposure both to suppress UV reflection from the bottom surface without anti-reflection layers and to optimize solvent concentration in the SU-8 photoresist, therefore achieving robust (i.e., highly insensitive to UV dose) and cost-effective fabrication of biodegradable polymer microneedles. An optical model for describing the spatial distribution of UV irradiation dose of the R3 UV exposure is also developed to theoretically predict the microneedle geometry fabricated with the R3 UV exposure and also to demonstrate the insensitiveness of microneedle geometry to UV dose. In the experimental characterization, the microneedles fabricated with the R3 UV exposure are compared with those fabricated with a conventional method (i.e., multidirectional UV exposure). The R3 UV exposure-based microfabrication reduces the end-tip radius by a factor of 5.8 and the deviation from ideal aspect ratio by 74.8%, compared with conventional method-based microfabrication. The PLGA microneedles fabricated with the R3 UV exposure pierce full-thickness porcine skins successfully and are demonstrated to completely dissolve in PBS (phosphate-buffered saline). The findings of this study will lead to an explosive growth of the microneedle-mediated drug delivery market.Keywords: R³ UV exposure, optical model, UV dose, reflection, solvent concentration, biodegradable polymer microneedle
Procedia PDF Downloads 16715471 Joint Probability Distribution of Extreme Water Level with Rainfall and Temperature: Trend Analysis of Potential Impacts of Climate Change
Authors: Ali Razmi, Saeed Golian
Climate change is known to have the potential to impact adversely hydrologic patterns for variables such as rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature and sea level rise. Long-term average of these climate variables could possibly change over time due to climate change impacts. In this study, trend analysis was performed on rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature and water level data of a coastal area in Manhattan, New York City, Central Park and Battery Park stations to investigate if there is a significant change in the data mean. Partial Man-Kendall test was used for trend analysis. Frequency analysis was then performed on data using common probability distribution functions such as Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), normal, log-normal and log-Pearson. Goodness of fit tests such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov are used to determine the most appropriate distributions. In flood frequency analysis, rainfall and water level data are often separately investigated. However, in determining flood zones, simultaneous consideration of rainfall and water level in frequency analysis could have considerable effect on floodplain delineation (flood extent and depth). The present study aims to perform flood frequency analysis considering joint probability distribution for rainfall and storm surge. First, correlation between the considered variables was investigated. Joint probability distribution of extreme water level and temperature was also investigated to examine how global warming could affect sea level flooding impacts. Copula functions were fitted to data and joint probability of water level with rainfall and temperature for different recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 600 and 1000 was determined and compared with the severity of individual events. Results for trend analysis showed increase in long-term average of data that could be attributed to climate change impacts. GEV distribution was found as the most appropriate function to be fitted to the extreme climate variables. The results for joint probability distribution analysis confirmed the necessity for incorporation of both rainfall and water level data in flood frequency analysis.Keywords: climate change, climate variables, copula, joint probability
Procedia PDF Downloads 36215470 Integer Programming-Based Generation of Difficulty Level for a Racing Game
Authors: Sangchul Kim, Dosaeng Park
It is one of the important design issues to provide various levels of difficulty in order to suit the skillfulness of an individual. In this paper we propose an integer programming-based method for selecting a mixture of challenges for a racing game that meet a given degree of difficulty. The proposed method can also be used to dynamically adjust the difficulty of the game during the progression of playing. By experiments, it is shown that our method performs well enough to generate games with various degrees of difficulty that match the perception of players.Keywords: level generation, level adjustment, racing game, ip
Procedia PDF Downloads 37515469 Escherichia Coli Producing Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase (ESBL) at the Tambacounda Regional Hospital Center (CHRT), Senegal
Authors: Assane Dieng, Abass Sarr, Gora Lo, Awa Ba, Halimatou Diop Ndiaye, Makhtar Camara
Introduction: Escherchia coli is one of the main beta-lactamase-producing bacteria. In Senegal, we are witnessing a weakness in the technical platform and a deficit in qualified personnel in laboratories, especially in rural areas. This is why there is little updated data on antibiotic bacterial resistance in rural areas. The objective is to study infections with Escherichia coli producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) at the Tambacounda Regional Hospital Center (CHRT), Senegal. Methodology: Samples were taken from patients consulted at the Tambacounda Regional Hospital Center (CHRT) from January to October 2024. The search for Escherichia coli was carried out by determining morphological, biochemical and cultural characteristics. The antibiogram was performed using the Mueller-Hinton (MH) agar diffusion method following the recommendations of the Antibiogram Committee of the French Society of Microbiology (CA SFM). ESBL production was detected using the double synergy method Results: A total of 287 germs were isolated during the study period, including 96 strains of Escherichia coli, 47 of which produced a broad-spectrum beta-lactamase. ESBL-producing E. coli strains were more common in men (61.2%). The most affected age groups were [60-79 years] and [20-39 years] with respective rates of 36.7% and 27%. ESBL-producing E. coli strains were isolated mainly in non-hospitalized patients (79%). Beta-lactamase-producing E. coli strains were mainly resistant to tetracycline (95.7%), norfloxacin (91.5%) and ciprofloxacin (87.2%).Conclusion: ESBL-producing E. coli strains are also present in rural areas Thus, to have more comprehensive data, qualified personnel as well as a high-level technical platform should be available in these laboratories.Keywords: E. coli, beta-lactamase, rural area, non hospitalized
Procedia PDF Downloads 815468 A Mixed Expert Evaluation System and Dynamic Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Selection Approach
Authors: Hossein Gitinavard, Mohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi
In the last decades, concerns about the environmental issues lead to professional and academic efforts on green supplier selection problems. In this sake, one of the main issues in evaluating the green supplier selection problems, which could increase the uncertainty, is the preferences of the experts' judgments about the candidate green suppliers. Therefore, preparing an expert system to evaluate the problem based on the historical data and the experts' knowledge can be sensible. This study provides an expert evaluation system to assess the candidate green suppliers under selected criteria in a multi-period approach. In addition, a ranking approach under interval-valued hesitant fuzzy set (IVHFS) environment is proposed to select the most appropriate green supplier in planning horizon. In the proposed ranking approach, the IVHFS and the last aggregation approach are considered to margin the errors and to prevent data loss, respectively. Hence, a comparative analysis is provided based on an illustrative example to show the feasibility of the proposed approach.Keywords: green supplier selection, expert system, ranking approach, interval-valued hesitant fuzzy setting
Procedia PDF Downloads 32915467 Ultra-Tightly Coupled GNSS/INS Based on High Degree Cubature Kalman Filtering
Authors: Hamza Benzerrouk, Alexander Nebylov
In classical GNSS/INS integration designs, the loosely coupled approach uses the GNSS derived position and the velocity as the measurements vector. This design is suboptimal from the standpoint of preventing GNSSoutliers/outages. The tightly coupled GPS/INS navigation filter mixes the GNSS pseudo range and inertial measurements and obtains the vehicle navigation state as the final navigation solution. The ultra‐tightly coupled GNSS/INS design combines the I (inphase) and Q(quadrature) accumulator outputs in the GNSS receiver signal tracking loops and the INS navigation filter function intoa single Kalman filter variant (EKF, UKF, SPKF, CKF and HCKF). As mentioned, EKF and UKF are the most used nonlinear filters in the literature and are well adapted to inertial navigation state estimation when integrated with GNSS signal outputs. In this paper, it is proposed to move a step forward with more accurate filters and modern approaches called Cubature and High Degree cubature Kalman Filtering methods, on the basis of previous results solving the state estimation based on INS/GNSS integration, Cubature Kalman Filter (CKF) and High Degree Cubature Kalman Filter with (HCKF) are the references for the recent developed generalized Cubature rule based Kalman Filter (GCKF). High degree cubature rules are the kernel of the new solution for more accurate estimation with less computational complexity compared with the Gauss-Hermite Quadrature (GHQKF). Gauss-Hermite Kalman Filter GHKF which is not selected in this work because of its limited real-time implementation in high-dimensional state-spaces. In ultra tightly or a deeply coupled GNSS/INS system is dynamics EKF is used with transition matrix factorization together with GNSS block processing which is well described in the paper and assumes available the intermediary frequency IF by using a correlator samples with a rate of 500 Hz in the presented approach. GNSS (GPS+GLONASS) measurements are assumed available and modern SPKF with Cubature Kalman Filter (CKF) are compared with new versions of CKF called high order CKF based on Spherical-radial cubature rules developed at the fifth order in this work. Estimation accuracy of the high degree CKF is supposed to be comparative to GHKF, results of state estimation are then observed and discussed for different initialization parameters. Results show more accurate navigation state estimation and more robust GNSS receiver when Ultra Tightly Coupled approach applied based on High Degree Cubature Kalman Filter.Keywords: GNSS, INS, Kalman filtering, ultra tight integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 28415466 Formation of the Investment Portfolio of Intangible Assets with a Wide Pairwise Comparison Matrix Application
Authors: Gulnara Galeeva
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is widely used in the economic and financial studies, including the formation of investment portfolios. In this study, a generalized method of obtaining a vector of priorities for the case with separate pairwise comparisons of the expert opinion being presented as a set of several equal evaluations on a ratio scale is examined. The author claims that this method allows solving an important and up-to-date problem of excluding vagueness and ambiguity of the expert opinion in the decision making theory. The study describes the authentic wide pairwise comparison matrix. Its application in the formation of the efficient investment portfolio of intangible assets of a small business enterprise with limited funding is considered. The proposed method has been successfully approbated on the practical example of a functioning dental clinic. The result of the study confirms that the wide pairwise comparison matrix can be used as a simple and reliable method for forming the enterprise investment policy. Moreover, a comparison between the method based on the wide pairwise comparison matrix and the classical analytic hierarchy process was conducted. The results of the comparative analysis confirm the correctness of the method based on the wide matrix. The application of a wide pairwise comparison matrix also allows to widely use the statistical methods of experimental data processing for obtaining the vector of priorities. A new method is available for simple users. Its application gives about the same accuracy result as that of the classical hierarchy process. Financial directors of small and medium business enterprises get an opportunity to solve the problem of companies’ investments without resorting to services of analytical agencies specializing in such studies.Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, decision processes, investment portfolio, intangible assets
Procedia PDF Downloads 26815465 REDD+ and Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities of the Landscape Governance Approach
Authors: Richard Mbatu
Implementation of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) program will not only lead to significant net gains in greenhouse gas reduction but also gains in biodiversity conservation. However, the looming paradigm shift in the program in the form of the proposed landscape governance approach could change this inclination. The concern lies with the fact that pursue of carbon credits by governments and private entities under the proposed landscape approach could encourage obstinate land use behaviors that are detrimental to the cause of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. Yet, the landscape approach could also stimulate governments to develop and implement land use management policies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Using two potential areas of land use under the proposed landscape approach – carbon farming in grasslands and carbon farming in plantations – this paper provides a balanced analytical review of conservation challenges and opportunities for forest governance and beyond under the proposed landscape approach to REDD+. The paper argues that such a balanced view will enable policymakers and other stakeholders to better present their arguments in their efforts to shape the course of the REDD+ program in the post-Paris Agreement era.Keywords: biodiversity conservation, REDD+, forest governance, grasslands, landscape approach, plantations
Procedia PDF Downloads 36815464 An Iberian Study about Location of Parking Areas for Dangerous Goods
Authors: María Dolores Caro, Eugenio M. Fedriani, Ángel F. Tenorio
When lorries transport dangerous goods, there exist some legal stipulations in the European Union for assuring the security of the rest of road users as well as of those goods being transported. At this respect, lorry drivers cannot park in usual parking areas, because they must use parking areas with special conditions, including permanent supervision of security personnel. Moreover, drivers are compelled to satisfy additional regulations about resting and driving times, which involve in the practical possibility of reaching the suitable parking areas under these time parameters. The “European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road” (ADR) is the basic regulation on transportation of dangerous goods imposed under the recommendations of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Indeed, nowadays there are no enough parking areas adapted for dangerous goods and no complete study have suggested the best locations to build new areas or to adapt others already existing to provide the areas being necessary so that lorry drivers can follow all the regulations. The goal of this paper is to show how many additional parking areas should be built in the Iberian Peninsula to allow that lorry drivers may park in such areas under their restrictions in resting and driving time. To do so, we have modeled the problem via graph theory and we have applied a new efficient algorithm which determines an optimal solution for the problem of locating new parking areas to complement those already existing in the ADR for the Iberian Peninsula. The solution can be considered minimal since the number of additional parking areas returned by the algorithm is minimal in quantity. Obviously, graph theory is a natural way to model and solve the problem here proposed because we have considered as nodes: the already-existing parking areas, the loading-and-unloading locations and the bifurcations of roads; while each edge between two nodes represents the existence of a road between both nodes (the distance between nodes is the edge's weight). Except for bifurcations, all the nodes correspond to parking areas already existing and, hence, the problem corresponds to determining the additional nodes in the graph such that there are less up to 100 km between two nodes representing parking areas. (maximal distance allowed by the European regulations).Keywords: dangerous goods, parking areas, Iberian peninsula, graph-based modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 58115463 The Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies Simulation for Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant
Authors: Chin-Hsien Yeh, Shao-Wen Chen, Wen-Shu Huang, Chun-Fu Huang, Jong-Rong Wang, Jung-Hua Yang, Yuh-Ming Ferng, Chunkuan Shih
In this research, a Fukushima-like conditions is simulated with TRACE and RELAP5. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) occurred the disaster which caused by the earthquake and tsunami. This disaster caused extended loss of all AC power (ELAP). Hence, loss of ultimate heat sink (LUHS) happened finally. In order to handle Fukushima-like conditions, Taiwan Atomic Energy Council (AEC) commanded that Taiwan Power Company should propose strategies to ensure the nuclear power plant safety. One of the diverse and flexible coping strategies (FLEX) is a different water injection strategy. It can execute core injection at 20 Kg/cm2 without depressurization. In this study, TRACE and RELAP5 were used to simulate Maanshan nuclear power plant, which is a three loops PWR in Taiwan, under Fukushima-like conditions and make sure the success criteria of FLEX. Reducing core cooling ability is due to failure of emergency core cooling system (ECCS) in extended loss of all AC power situation. The core water level continues to decline because of the seal leakage, and then FLEX is used to save the core water level and make fuel rods covered by water. The result shows that this mitigation strategy can cool the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) as soon as possible under Fukushima-like conditions, and keep the core water level higher than Top of Active Fuel (TAF). The FLEX can ensure the peak cladding temperature (PCT) below than the criteria 1088.7 K. Finally, the FLEX can provide protection for nuclear power plant and make plant safety.Keywords: TRACE, RELAP5/MOD3.3, ELAP, FLEX
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