Search results for: metering infrastructure
1183 Monitoring Public Attitudes Towards Tourism Valorisation of the Dinara Nature Park’s Dry Grasslands
Authors: Sven Ratković
The survey of public attitudes and knowledge was conducted as part of the Dinara back to LIFE project during June and July 2020. The aim of the research was to collect public opinions and knowledge on the topics of the biodiversity of Dinara, perception of tourist potential, sustainable development, and acceptance of the project. The research was conducted using the survey method in the cities of Sinj, Knin, Vrlika, and Trilj, and the municipalities of Hrvace, Otok, Kijevo, and Civljane, where a total of 404 people were surveyed. The respondents perceive the cultural and recreational potential of Dinara and recognize it as a potential for agriculture and tourism. According to respondents, the biological diversity of Dinara is most affected by fires and human activity. When it comes to nature protection, the majority of respondents don’t trust local self-government units and relevant ministries. The obtained results indicate the need for informing and educating the community, and they serve to adjust the project activities and better guide the touristic development of the project area. The examination will be repeated in the last project year (2023).Keywords: protected area tourism, Dinara Nature Park, dry grasslands, touristic infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011182 Techno-Economic Assessment of Distributed Heat Pumps Integration within a Swedish Neighborhood: A Cosimulation Approach
Authors: Monica Arnaudo, Monika Topel, Bjorn Laumert
Within the Swedish context, the current trend of relatively low electricity prices promotes the electrification of the energy infrastructure. The residential heating sector takes part in this transition by proposing a switch from a centralized district heating system towards a distributed heat pumps-based setting. When it comes to urban environments, two issues arise. The first, seen from an electricity-sector perspective, is related to the fact that existing networks are limited with regards to their installed capacities. Additional electric loads, such as heat pumps, can cause severe overloads on crucial network elements. The second, seen from a heating-sector perspective, has to do with the fact that the indoor comfort conditions can become difficult to handle when the operation of the heat pumps is limited by a risk of overloading on the distribution grid. Furthermore, the uncertainty of the electricity market prices in the future introduces an additional variable. This study aims at assessing the extent to which distributed heat pumps can penetrate an existing heat energy network while respecting the technical limitations of the electricity grid and the thermal comfort levels in the buildings. In order to account for the multi-disciplinary nature of this research question, a cosimulation modeling approach was adopted. In this way, each energy technology is modeled in its customized simulation environment. As part of the cosimulation methodology: a steady-state power flow analysis in pandapower was used for modeling the electrical distribution grid, a thermal balance model of a reference building was implemented in EnergyPlus to account for space heating and a fluid-cycle model of a heat pump was implemented in JModelica to account for the actual heating technology. With the models set in place, different scenarios based on forecasted electricity market prices were developed both for present and future conditions of Hammarby Sjöstad, a neighborhood located in the south-east of Stockholm (Sweden). For each scenario, the technical and the comfort conditions were assessed. Additionally, the average cost of heat generation was estimated in terms of levelized cost of heat. This indicator enables a techno-economic comparison study among the different scenarios. In order to evaluate the levelized cost of heat, a yearly performance simulation of the energy infrastructure was implemented. The scenarios related to the current electricity prices show that distributed heat pumps can replace the district heating system by covering up to 30% of the heating demand. By lowering of 2°C, the minimum accepted indoor temperature of the apartments, this level of penetration can increase up to 40%. Within the future scenarios, if the electricity prices will increase, as most likely expected within the next decade, the penetration of distributed heat pumps can be limited to 15%. In terms of levelized cost of heat, a residential heat pump technology becomes competitive only within a scenario of decreasing electricity prices. In this case, a district heating system is characterized by an average cost of heat generation 7% higher compared to a distributed heat pumps option.Keywords: cosimulation, distributed heat pumps, district heating, electrical distribution grid, integrated energy systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 1511181 Actually Existing Policy Mobilities in Czechia: Comparing Creative and Smart Cities
Authors: Ondrej Slach, Jan Machacek, Jan Zenka, Lucie Hyllova, Petr Rumpel
The aim of the paper is to identify and asses different trajectories of two fashionable urban policies –creative and smart cities– in specific post-socialistic context. Drawing on the case of Czechia, we employ the concept of policy mobility research. More specifically, we employ a discourse analysis in order to identify the so-called 'infrastructure' of both policies (such as principal actors, journals, conferences, events), with the special focus on 'agents of transfer' in a multiscale perspective. The preliminary results indicate faster and more aggressive spatial penetration of smart cities policy compared to creative cities policy in Czechia. Further, it seems that existed translation and implementation of smart cities policy into the national and urban context resulted in deliberated fragmented policy of smart cities in Czechia (pure technocratic view), which might be a threat for the future development of social sustainability, especially in cities that are facing increasing social polarisation. Last but not least, due to the fast spatial penetration of the concept and policies of smart cities, it seems that creative cities policy has almost been crowded out of the Czech urban agenda.Keywords: policy mobility, smart cities, creative cities, Czechia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711180 Survey on Fiber Optic Deployment for Telecommunications Operators in Ghana: Coverage Gap, Recommendations and Research Directions
Authors: Francis Padi, Solomon Nunoo, John Kojo Annan
The paper "Survey on Fiber Optic Deployment for Telecommunications Operators in Ghana: Coverage Gap, Recommendations and Research Directions" presents a comprehensive survey on the deployment of fiber optic networks for telecommunications operators in Ghana. It addresses the challenges encountered by operators using microwave transmission systems for backhauling traffic and emphasizes the advantages of deploying fiber optic networks. The study delves into the coverage gap, provides recommendations, and outlines research directions to enhance the telecommunications infrastructure in Ghana. Additionally, it evaluates next-generation optical access technologies and architectures tailored to operators' needs. The paper also investigates current technological solutions and regulatory, technical, and economical dimensions related to sharing mobile telecommunication networks in emerging countries. Overall, this paper offers valuable insights into fiber optic network deployment for telecommunications operators in Ghana and suggests strategies to meet the increasing demand for data and mobile applications.Keywords: survey on fiber optic deployment, coverage gap, recommendations, research directions
Procedia PDF Downloads 241179 Distributed Multi-Agent Based Approach on Intelligent Transportation Network
Authors: Xiao Yihong, Yu Kexin, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar
With the accelerating process of urbanization, the problem of urban road congestion is becoming more and more serious. Intelligent transportation system combining distributed and artificial intelligence has become a research hotspot. As the core development direction of the intelligent transportation system, Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (C-ITS) integrates advanced information technology and communication methods and realizes the integration of humans, vehicle, roadside infrastructure, and other elements through the multi-agent distributed system. By analyzing the system architecture and technical characteristics of C-ITS, the report proposes a distributed multi-agent C-ITS. The system consists of Roadside Sub-system, Vehicle Sub-system, and Personal Sub-system. At the same time, we explore the scalability of the C-ITS and put forward incorporating local rewards in the centralized training decentralized execution paradigm, hoping to add a scalable value decomposition method. In addition, we also suggest introducing blockchain to improve the safety of the traffic information transmission process. The system is expected to improve vehicle capacity and traffic safety.Keywords: distributed system, artificial intelligence, multi-agent, cooperative intelligent transportation system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2151178 Permissible Horizontal Displacements during the Construction of Vertical Shafts in Soft Soils at the Valley of Mexico: Case History
Authors: Joel M. De La Rosa R.
In this paper, the results obtained when monitoring the horizontal deformations of the soil mass are detailed, during each of the construction stages of several vertical shafts located in the soft soils of the Valley of Mexico, by means of the flotation method. From the analysis of these results, the magnitude and percentage relationship with respect to the diameter and depth of excavation of the horizontal deformations that occurred during the monitoring period is established. Based on the horizontal deformation monitoring system and the information provided by the supervisor's site log, the construction stages that have the greatest impact on deformations are established. Additionally, an analysis of the deformations is carried out, which takes into account the resistance and deformability characteristics of the excavated soils, as well as the prevailing hydraulic conditions. This work will allow construction engineers and institutions in charge of infrastructure works in the Valley of Mexico to establish permissible ranges for horizontal deformations that can occur in very soft and saturated soils, during the different construction stages; improving response protocols to potentially dangerous behaviors.Keywords: vertical shaft, flotation method, very soft clays, construction supervision
Procedia PDF Downloads 1891177 Human Centred Design Approach for Public Transportation
Authors: Jo Kuys, Kirsten Day
Improving urban transportation systems requires an emphasis on users’ end-to-end journey experience, from the moment the user steps out of their home to when they arrive at their destination. In considering such end-to-end experiences, human centred design (HCD) must be integrated from the very beginning to generate viable outcomes for the public. An HCD approach will encourage innovative outcomes while acknowledging all factors that need to be understood along the journey. We provide evidence to show that when designing for public transportation, it is not just about the physical manifestation of a particular outcome; moreover, it’s about the context and human behaviours that need to be considered throughout the design process. Humans and their behavioural factors are vitally important to successful implementation of sustainable public transport systems. Through an in-depth literature review of HCD approaches for urban transportation systems, we provide a base to exploit the benefits and highlight the importance of including HCD in public transportation projects for greater patronage, resulting in more sustainable cities. An HCD approach is critical to all public transportation projects to understand different levels of transportation design, from the setting of transport policy to implementation to infrastructure, vehicle, and interface design.Keywords: human centred design, public transportation, urban planning, user experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 1891176 Hierarchical Queue-Based Task Scheduling with CloudSim
Authors: Wanqing You, Kai Qian, Ying Qian
The concepts of Cloud Computing provide users with infrastructure, platform and software as service, which make those services more accessible for people via Internet. To better analysis the performance of Cloud Computing provisioning policies as well as resources allocation strategies, a toolkit named CloudSim proposed. With CloudSim, the Cloud Computing environment can be easily constructed by modelling and simulating cloud computing components, such as datacenter, host, and virtual machine. A good scheduling strategy is the key to achieve the load balancing among different machines as well as to improve the utilization of basic resources. Recently, the existing scheduling algorithms may work well in some presumptive cases in a single machine; however they are unable to make the best decision for the unforeseen future. In real world scenario, there would be numbers of tasks as well as several virtual machines working in parallel. Based on the concepts of multi-queue, this paper presents a new scheduling algorithm to schedule tasks with CloudSim by taking into account several parameters, the machines’ capacity, the priority of tasks and the history log.Keywords: hierarchical queue, load balancing, CloudSim, information technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4241175 The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Issue and Ideological Congruence of Trump and Bolsonaro Administrations
Authors: Flavio Contrera, Paulo Cesar Gregorio
Recent political developments and government control actions in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic draw attention to the contrast between the duties of government and the demands of democratic representation. Elected by mobilizing far-right issues, Trump and Bolsonaro moved away from the WHO guidelines but had to accommodate demands on the health and on the social protection system on the one hand and demands from the economic sector on the other. This study used the MARPOR Project method to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the issue and ideological congruence between the electoral and governmental arena in both the Trump and Bolsonaro Administrations. Findings reveal issue congruence between arenas in "National Way of Life: Positive", "Law and Order," and "Technology and Infrastructure" for Donald Trump, and "Welfare State Expansion" for Bolsonaro. Ideological estimation results show that Trump and Bolsonaro positioned to the right in their presidential elections, initially moved to the center-right. However, welfare policies actions at high frequency during the COVID-19 pandemic moved the ideological estimations of both governments to the center-left, despite their denial rhetoric.Keywords: congruence, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro
Procedia PDF Downloads 2321174 The Impact of the Parking Spot’ Surroundings on Charging Decision: A Data-Driven Approach
Authors: Xizhen Zhou, Yanjie Ji
The charging behavior of drivers provides a reference for the planning and management of charging facilities. Based on the real trajectory data of electric vehicles, this study explored the influence of the surrounding environments of the parking spot on charging decisions. The built environment, the condition of vehicles, and the nearest charging station were all considered. And the mixed binary logit model was used to capture the impact of unobserved heterogeneity. The results show that the number of fast chargers in the charging station, parking price, dwell time, and shopping services all significantly impact the charging decision, while the leisure services, scenic spots, and mileage since the last charging are opposite. Besides, factors related to unobserved heterogeneity include the number of fast chargers, parking and charging prices, residential areas, etc. The interaction effects of random parameters further illustrate the complexity of charging choice behavior. The results provide insights for planning and managing charging facilities.Keywords: charging decision, trajectory, electric vehicle, infrastructure, mixed logit
Procedia PDF Downloads 721173 Embedded Test Framework: A Solution Accelerator for Embedded Hardware Testing
Authors: Arjun Kumar Rath, Titus Dhanasingh
Embedded product development requires software to test hardware functionality during development and finding issues during manufacturing in larger quantities. As the components are getting integrated, the devices are tested for their full functionality using advanced software tools. Benchmarking tools are used to measure and compare the performance of product features. At present, these tests are based on a variety of methods involving varying hardware and software platforms. Typically, these tests are custom built for every product and remain unusable for other variants. A majority of the tests goes undocumented, not updated, unusable when the product is released. To bridge this gap, a solution accelerator in the form of a framework can address these issues for running all these tests from one place, using an off-the-shelf tests library in a continuous integration environment. There are many open-source test frameworks or tools (fuego. LAVA, AutoTest, KernelCI, etc.) designed for testing embedded system devices, with each one having several unique good features, but one single tool and framework may not satisfy all of the testing needs for embedded systems, thus an extensible framework with the multitude of tools. Embedded product testing includes board bring-up testing, test during manufacturing, firmware testing, application testing, and assembly testing. Traditional test methods include developing test libraries and support components for every new hardware platform that belongs to the same domain with identical hardware architecture. This approach will have drawbacks like non-reusability where platform-specific libraries cannot be reused, need to maintain source infrastructure for individual hardware platforms, and most importantly, time is taken to re-develop test cases for new hardware platforms. These limitations create challenges like environment set up for testing, scalability, and maintenance. A desirable strategy is certainly one that is focused on maximizing reusability, continuous integration, and leveraging artifacts across the complete development cycle during phases of testing and across family of products. To get over the stated challenges with the conventional method and offers benefits of embedded testing, an embedded test framework (ETF), a solution accelerator, is designed, which can be deployed in embedded system-related products with minimal customizations and maintenance to accelerate the hardware testing. Embedded test framework supports testing different hardwares including microprocessor and microcontroller. It offers benefits such as (1) Time-to-Market: Accelerates board brings up time with prepacked test suites supporting all necessary peripherals which can speed up the design and development stage(board bring up, manufacturing and device driver) (2) Reusability-framework components isolated from the platform-specific HW initialization and configuration makes the adaptability of test cases across various platform quick and simple (3) Effective build and test infrastructure with multiple test interface options and preintegrated with FUEGO framework (4) Continuos integration - pre-integrated with Jenkins which enabled continuous testing and automated software update feature. Applying the embedded test framework accelerator throughout the design and development phase enables to development of the well-tested systems before functional verification and improves time to market to a large extent.Keywords: board diagnostics software, embedded system, hardware testing, test frameworks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471172 Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources to Reduce Fossil Energy Consumption in the Wastewater Treatment Process
Authors: Hen Friman
Various categories of aqueous solutions are discharged within residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial structures. To safeguard public health and preserve the environment, it is imperative to subject wastewater to treatment processes that eliminate pathogens (such as bacteria and viruses), nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus), and other compounds. Failure to address untreated sewage accumulation can result in an array of adverse consequences. Israel exemplifies a special case in wastewater management. Appropriate wastewater treatment significantly benefits sectors such as agriculture, tourism, horticulture, and industry. Nevertheless, untreated sewage in settlements lacking proper sewage collection or transportation networks remains an ongoing and substantial threat. Notably, the process of wastewater treatment entails substantial energy consumption. Consequently, this study explores the integration of solar energy as a renewable power source within the wastewater treatment framework. By incorporating renewable energy sources into the process, costs can be minimized, and decentralized facilities can be established even in areas lacking adequate infrastructure for traditional treatment methods.Keywords: renewable energy, solar energy, innovative, wastewater treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1101171 Resilience Perspective on Response Strategies for Super-Standard Rain and Flood Disasters: A Case Study of the “Zhengzhou 7.20 Heavy Rain” Event
Authors: Luojie Tang
The article takes the "7.20 Heavy Rainstorm in Zhengzhou" as a starting point, collects relevant disaster data, reproduces the entire process of the disaster, and identifies the main problems exposed by the city in responding to super-standard rain and flood disasters. Based on the review of resilience theory, the article proposes a shift in thinking about the response to super-standard rain and flood disasters from the perspective of resilience, clarifies the differences in the emphasis on resilience at different stages of disasters, and preliminarily constructs a response system for super-standard rain and flood disasters based on the guidance of resilience theory. Finally, combined with the highlighted problems in the 7.20 Heavy Rainstorm in Zhengzhou, the article proposes targeted response strategies from three perspectives: institutional management, technological support, and infrastructure, under the perspective of resilience.Keywords: resilient city, exceedance-based stormwater management, disaster risk reduction, megalopolis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171170 Potential Effects of Green Infrastructures on the Land Surface Temperatures in Arid Areas
Authors: Adila Shafqat
Climate change and urbanization has changed the face of many cities in developing countries. Urbanization is linked with land use and land cover change, that is further intensify by the effects of changing climates. Green infrastructures provide numerous ecosystem services which effect the physical set up of the cities in the long run. Land surface temperatures is considered as defining parameter in the studies of the thermal impact on the land cover. Current study is conducted in the semi-arid urban areas of the Bahawalpur region. Accordingly, Land Surface Temperatures and land cover maps are derived from Landsat image through remote sensing techniques. The cooling impact of green infrastructure is determined by calculating land surface temperature of buffered zones around green infrastructures. A regression model is applied for results. It is seen that land surface temperature around green infrastructures in 1 to 3 degrees lower than the built up surroundings. The result indicates that the urban green infrastructures should be planned according to the local needs and characteristics of landuse so that they can effectively tackle land surface temperatures of urban areas.Keywords: climate change, surface temperatures, green spaces, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1221169 Evaluation of Urban Transportation Systems: Comparing and Selecting the Most Efficient Transportation Solutions
Authors: E. Azizi Asiyabar
The phenomenon of migration to larger cities has brought about a range of consequences, including increased travel demand and the necessity for smooth traffic flow to expedite transportation. Regrettably, insufficient urban transportation infrastructure has given rise to various issues, including air pollution, heightened fuel consumption, and wasted time. To address traffic-related problems and the economic, social, and environmental challenges that ensue, a well-equipped, efficient, fast, cost-effective, and high-capacity transportation system is imperative, with a focus on reliability. This study undertakes a comprehensive examination of rail transportation systems and subsequently compares their advantages and limitations. The findings of this investigation reveal that hybrid monorails exhibit lower maintenance requirements and associated costs when compared to other types of monorails, standard trains, and urban light rail systems. Given their favorable attributes in terms of pollution reduction, increased transportation speed, and enhanced quality of service, hybrid monorails emerge as a highly recommended and suitable option.Keywords: comparing, most efficient, selecting, urban transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 841168 Identification of Tangible and Intangible Heritage and Preparation of Conservation Proposal for the Historic City of Karanja Laad
Authors: Prachi Buche Marathe
Karanja Laad is a city located in the Vidarbha region in the state of Maharashtra, India. It has a huge amount of tangible and intangible heritage in the form of monuments, precincts, a group of structures, festivals and procession route, which is neglected and lost with time. Three different religions Hinduism, Islam and Jainism along with associations of being a birthplace of Swami Nrusinha Saraswati, an exponent of Datta Sampradaya sect and the British colonial layer have shaped the culture and society of the place over the period. The architecture of the town Karanja Laad has enhanced its unique historic and cultural value with a combination of all these historic layers. Karanja Laad is also a traditional trading historic town with unique hybrid architectural style and has a good potential for developing as a tourist place along with the present image of a pilgrim destination of Datta Sampradaya. The aim of the research is to prepare a conservation proposal for the historic town along with the management framework. Objectives of the research are to study the evolution of Karanja town, to identify the cultural resources along with issues of the historic core of the city, to understand Datta sampradaya, and contribution of Saint Nrusinha Saraswati in the religious sect and his association as an important personality with Karanja. The methodology of the research is site visits to the Karanja city, making field surveys for documentation and discussions and questionnaires with the residents to establish heritage and identify potential and issues within the historic core thereby establishing a case for conservation. Field surveys are conducted for town level study of land use, open spaces, occupancy, ownership, traditional commodity and community, infrastructure, streetscapes, and precinct activities during the festival and non-festival period. Building level study includes establishing various typologies like residential, institutional commercial, religious, and traditional infrastructure from the mythological references like waterbodies (kund), lake and wells. One of the main issues is that the loss of the traditional footprint as well as the traditional open spaces which are getting lost due to the new illegal encroachments and lack of guidelines for the new additions to conserve the original fabric of the structures. Traditional commodities are getting lost since there is no promotion of these skills like pottery and painting. Lavish bungalows like Kannava mansion, main temple Wada (birthplace of the saint) have a huge potential to be developed as a museum by adaptive re-use which will, in turn, attract many visitors during festivals which will boost the economy. Festival procession routes can be identified and a heritage walk can be developed so as to highlight the traditional features of the town. Overall study has resulted in establishing a heritage map with 137 heritage structures identified as potential. Conservation proposal is worked out on the town level, precinct level and building level with interventions such as developing construction guidelines for further development and establishing a heritage cell consisting architects and engineers for the upliftment of the existing rich heritage of the Karanja city.Keywords: built heritage, conservation, Datta Sampradaya, Karanja Laad, Swami Nrusinha Saraswati, procession route
Procedia PDF Downloads 1611167 Design of Electric Ship Charging Station Considering Renewable Energy and Storage Systems
Authors: Jun Yuan
Shipping is a major transportation mode all over the world, and it has a significant contribution to global carbon emissions. Electrification of ships is one of the main strategies to reduce shipping carbon emissions. The number of electric ships has continued to grow in recent years. However, charging infrastructure is still scarce, which severely restricts the development of electric ships. Therefore, it is very important to design ship charging stations reasonably by comprehensively considering charging demand and investment costs. This study aims to minimize the full life cycle cost of charging stations, considering the uncertainty of charging demand. A mixed integer programming model is developed for this optimization problem. Based on the characteristics of the mathematical model, a simulation based optimization method is proposed to find the optimal number and rated power of chargers. In addition, the impact of renewable energy and storage systems is analyzed. The results can provide decision support and a reference basis for the design of ship charging stations.Keywords: shipping emission, electricity ship, charging station, optimal design
Procedia PDF Downloads 631166 Irrigation and Thermal Buffering Mathematical Modeling
Authors: Yara Elborolosy, Harsho Sanyal, Joseph Cataldo
Two methods of irrigation, drip and sprinkler, were studied to determine the response of the Javits green roof to irrigation. The control study were dry unirrigated plots. Drip irrigation consisted of irrigation tubes running through the green roof that would water the soil throughout, and sprinkler irrigation used a sprinkler system to irrigate the green roof from above. In all cases, the irrigated roofs had increased the soil moisture, reduced temperatures of both the upper and lower surfaces, reduced growing medium temperatures and reduced air temperatures above the green roof relative to the unirrigated roof. The buffered temperature fluctuations were also studied via air conditioner energy consumption. There was a 28% reductionin air conditioner energy consumption and 33% reduction in overall energy consumption between dry and irrigated plots. Values of thermal resistance or S were determined for accuracy, and for this study, there was little change which is ideal. A series of infra-red and thermal probe measurements were used to determine temperatures in the air and sedum. It was determined that the sprinkler irrigation did a better job than the drip irrigation in keeping cooler temperatures within the green roof.Keywords: green infrastructure, black roof, thermal buffering, irrigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 721165 Breaking through Barricades to Enhance the University Library Infrastructure to Aid the Visually Challenged - Contemplated Based within the Sri Lankan Context
Authors: Wilfred Jeyatheese Jeyaraj
The Sri Lankan legislative acts dictate several recommendations to improve accessibility of services for the visually challenged. But the main consideration here is the feasibility and extent to which these endorsements have been implemented in actuality within Sri Lankan academic libraries. This paper tends to assess the existent issues that impediment the implementation of accessibility features for the visually challenged in Sri Lankan academic libraries. Visually challenged students continually walk through immense challenges to step forth into their university life. Reaching their undergrad stage of their academic phase, they should be entitled to access information resources with ease and with equality in comparison to the sighted users of a university library. The current university libraries in Sri Lanka, have well improved services that they render to their users. But, what lacks in this scenario is the consideration as to whether these features offered by libraries are user-friendly and easily accessible by the visually challenged users as well. Hence, this paper tends to analyze the inhibitions in delivering services oriented towards the visually challenged and the sighted, and propose feasible alternatives to create a neutral high-end university library environment.Keywords: accessibility, university library, Sri Lanka, visually-challenged
Procedia PDF Downloads 2911164 Determinants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment: New Evidence from Bangladesh
Authors: Mohammad Maruf Hasan
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been increased at a remarkable position around the globe in which emerging economies are getting more FDI compared to industrialized economies. This study aims to examine the determinants of inward FDI flows in Bangladesh. To estimate the long and short-run impact of the FDI determinants for 1996-2020, we employed the Autoregressive-Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. Results show that: (1) macroeconomic determinants, such as economic growth, infrastructure, and market size, have a significant and strong positive effect.(2) Inflation exchange rate shows insignificant effects, while trade openness has mixed (short-run negative, long-run positive) effects on FDI inflows in both the long and short run. (3) Current institutional determinants rule of law has a positive effect on FDI inflows but is statistically insignificant, political stability has a negative, and the rule of law has a considerable beneficial impact on inflows of FDI. (4) The macroeconomic factors have been determined to impact Bangladesh's FDI inflows. Finally, a stable macroeconomic climate is more effective at luring FDI, as this study confirms. From a policy perspective, this study will help the government and policymakers to make a new investment policy.Keywords: determinants, FDI, ARDL, Bangladesh
Procedia PDF Downloads 741163 Urban Landscape for Walkability
Authors: Sara Khalifa, Dina Salem
Cities have become overly automobile-oriented which clearly accommodates driving at the expense of walking in an age of global concerns about emerging health issues (obesity, cancer, heart disease) and environmental disasters (global warming, depletion of resources) which makes sustainable solutions a necessity not an option. One of these sustainable solutions is creating walkable communities. Walking is a distinctive and fundamental human activity that plays an important role in achieving urban sustainability and yields incredible benefits to people and environment with its influence on transportation infrastructure, public health, economic development, and social equity. Considerable research supports the idea that the presence of green, natural settings and quality urban landscapes can enhance walking and other physical activity and travel behaviour. Stepping towards a sustainable future, requires rethinking our communities in terms of walkability enhancement for this purpose, this paper starts with defining walkable communities and their characteristics, benefits and related concepts then discusses the contribution of urban landscape quality in promoting walkability.Keywords: walkability, walkable community, liveable communities, urban landscape qualities
Procedia PDF Downloads 5061162 Heterogeneous Reactions to Digital Opportunities: A Field Study
Authors: Bangaly Kaba
In the global information society, the importance of the Internet cannot be overemphasized. Africa needs access to the powerful information and communication tools of the Internet in order to obtain the resources and efficiency essential for sustainable development. Unfortunately, in 2013, the data from Internetworldstats showed only 15% of African populations have access to Internet. This relative low Internet penetration rate signals a problem that may threaten the economic development, governmental efficiency, and ultimately the global competitiveness of African countries. Many initiatives were undertaken to bring the benefits of the global information revolution to the people of Africa, through connection to the Internet and other Global Information Infrastructure technologies. The purpose is to understand differences between socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged internet users. From that, we will determine what prevents disadvantaged groups from benefiting from Internet usage. Data were collected through a survey from Internet users in Ivory Coast. The results reveal that Personal network exposure, Self-efficacy and Availability are the key drivers of continued use intention for the socio-economically disadvantaged group. The theoretical and practical implications are also described.Keywords: digital inequality, internet, integrative model, socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged, use continuance, Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 4691161 Using Businesses for Governance and Creating Sustainable Cities
Authors: Parisa Toloue Hayat Azar
Businesses have been playing an important role in the economic growth and social welfare of cities; however, they generally have negative reputations regarding their impact on environmental issues regarding sustainability. However, some believe that by incorporating strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, businesses will be able to solve problems in society, including environmental ones. Besides economic, social and environmental aspects, governance is another essential pillar for creating sustainable communities and cities. Governance plays a key role in the success of sustainable projects or creating long lasting legacies; an example of this can be creating circular supply chain with collaboration between different businesses, which in the end results in positive economic, social and environmental outcomes for everyone. Governance is a very important parameter in creating the legacy of low carbon and environmentally friendly city due to the fact that, besides building energy efficient buildings and infrastructure, citizens who are also part of the success of this system should know about how to behave and collaborate with others to make the system work. By deploying the philosophy of cultural historical activity theory, this paper explains how influential businesses have been and can be still used as a mediating tool for governance purposes, and succeed in creating shared value and lasting legacy within society.Keywords: business, governance, CSR, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2281160 Vernacular Façade for Energy Conservation: Mashrabiya, A Reminiscent of Arab-Islamic Architecture
Authors: Balpreet Singh Madan
The Middle Eastern countries have preserved their heritage, tradition, and culture in their buildings by incorporating vernacular features of Arab-Islamic Architecture. The harsh sun and arid climate in the Gulf region make their buildings and infrastructure extremely hot and challenging to live in. One such iconic feature of Arab architecture is the Mashrabiya, which has been refined and updated for both functional and aesthetic purposes. This feature helps reduce the impact of solar radiation in buildings and lowers the energy requirements for creating livable conditions. The incorporation of Mashrabiya in modern buildings in the region symbolizes the amalgamation of tradition with innovation and modern technology. These buildings depict Mashrabiya with refinements for its better functional performance and aesthetic appeal to make superior built forms. This paper emphasizes the study of Mashrabiya as a vernacular feature with its adaptability for Energy Conservation and Sustainability, as seen in some of the recent iconic buildings of the Middle East, through a literature review and case studies of renowned buildings.Keywords: energy efficiency, climate responsive, sustainability, innovation, heritage, vernacular
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031159 A Model to Assist Military Mission Planners in Identifying and Assessing Variables Impacting Food Security
Authors: Lynndee Kemmet
The U.S. military plays an increasing role in supporting political stability efforts, and this includes efforts to prevent the food insecurity that can trigger political and social instability. This paper presents a model that assists military commanders in identifying variables that impact food production and distribution in their areas of operation (AO), in identifying connections between variables and in assessing the impacts of those variables on food production and distribution. Through use of the model, military units can better target their data collection efforts and can categorize and analyze data within the data categorization framework most widely-used by military forces—PMESII-PT (Political, Military, Economic, Infrastructure, Information, Physical Environment and Time). The model provides flexibility of analysis in that commanders can target analysis to be highly focused on a specific PMESII-PT domain or variable or conduct analysis across multiple PMESII-PT domains. The model is also designed to assist commanders in mapping food systems in their AOs and then identifying components of those systems that must be strengthened or protected.Keywords: food security, food system model, political stability, US Military
Procedia PDF Downloads 1961158 Using Trip Planners in Developing Proper Transportation Behavior
Authors: Grzegorz Sierpiński, Ireneusz Celiński, Marcin Staniek
The article discusses multi modal mobility in contemporary societies as a main planning and organization issue in the functioning of administrative bodies, a problem which really exists in the space of contemporary cities in terms of shaping modern transport systems. The article presents classification of available resources and initiatives undertaken for developing multi modal mobility. Solutions can be divided into three groups of measures–physical measures in the form of changes of the transport network infrastructure, organizational ones (including transport policy) and information measures. The latter ones include in particular direct support for people travelling in the transport network by providing information about ways of using available means of transport. A special measure contributing to this end is a trip planner. The article compares several selected planners. It includes a short description of the Green Travelling Project, which aims at developing a planner supporting environmentally friendly solutions in terms of transport network operation. The article summarizes preliminary findings of the project.Keywords: mobility, modal split, multimodal trip, multimodal platforms, sustainable transport
Procedia PDF Downloads 4121157 Equity And Inclusivity In Sustainable Urban Planning: Addressing Social Disparities In Eco-City Development
Authors: Olayeye Olubunmi Shola
Amidst increasing global environmental concerns, sustainable urban planning has emerged as a vital strategy in counteracting the negative impacts of urbanization on the environment. However, the emphasis on sustainability often disregards crucial elements of fairness and equal participation within urban settings. This abstract presents a comprehensive overview of the challenges, objectives, significance, and methodologies for addressing social inequalities in the development of eco-cities, with a specific focus on Abuja, Nigeria. Sustainable urban planning, particularly in the context of developing eco-cities, aims to construct cities prioritizing environmental sustainability and resilience. Nonetheless, a significant gap exists in addressing the enduring social disparities within these initiatives. Equitable distribution of resources, access to services, and social inclusivity are essential components that must be integrated into urban planning frameworks for cities that are genuinely sustainable and habitable. Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, provides a distinctive case for examining the intersection of sustainability and social justice in urban planning. Despite the urban development, Abuja grapples with challenges such as socio-economic disparities, unequal access to essential services, and inadequate housing among its residents. Recognizing and redressing these disparities within the framework of eco-city development is critical for nurturing an inclusive and sustainable urban environment. The primary aim of this study is to scrutinize and pinpoint the social discrepancies within Abuja's initiatives for eco-city development. Specific objectives include: Evaluating the current socio-economic landscape of Abuja to identify disparities in resource, service, and infrastructure access. Comprehending the existing sustainable urban planning initiatives and their influence on social fairness. Suggesting strategies and recommendations to improve fairness and inclusivity within Abuja's plans for eco-city development. This research holds substantial importance for urban planning practices and policy formulation, not only in Abuja but also on a global scale. By highlighting the crucial role of social equity and inclusivity in the development of eco-cities, this study aims to provide insights that can steer more comprehensive, people-centered urban planning practices. Addressing social disparities within sustainability initiatives is crucial for achieving genuinely sustainable and fair urban spaces. The study will employ qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Data collection will involve surveys, interviews, and observations to capture the diverse experiences and perspectives of various social groups within Abuja. Furthermore, quantitative data on infrastructure, service access, and socio-economic indicators will be collated from government reports, academic sources, and non-governmental organizations. Analytical tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will be utilized to map and visualize spatial disparities in resource allocation and service access. Comparative analyses and case studies of successful interventions in other cities will be conducted to derive applicable strategies for Abuja's context. In conclusion, this study aims to contribute to the discourse on sustainable urban planning by advocating for equity and inclusivity in the development of eco-cities. By centering on Abuja as a case study, it aims to provide practical insights and solutions for the creation of more fair and sustainable urban environments.Keywords: fairness, sustainability, geographical information system, equity
Procedia PDF Downloads 831156 Highway Capacity and Level of Service
Authors: Kidist Mesfin Nguse
Ethiopia is the second most densely populated nation in Africa, and about 121 million people as the 2022 Ethiopia population live report recorded. In recent years, the Ethiopian government (GOE) has been gradually growing its road network. With 138,127 kilometers (85,825 miles) of all-weather roads as of the end of 2018–19, Ethiopia possessed just 39% of the nation's necessary road network and lacked a well-organized system. The Ethiopian urban population report recorded that about 21% of the population lives in urban areas, and the high population, coupled with growth in various infrastructures, has led to the migration of the workforce from rural areas to cities across the country. In main roads, the heterogeneous traffic flow with various operational features makes it more unfavorable, causing frequent congestion in the stretch of road. The Level of Service (LOS), a qualitative measure of traffic, is categorized based on the operating conditions in the traffic stream. Determining the capacity and LOS for this city is very crucial as this affects the planning and design of traffic systems and their operation, and the allocation of route selection for infrastructure building projects to provide for a considerably good level of service.Keywords: capacity, level of service, traffic volume, free flow speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 511155 Management Directions towards Social Responsibility in Special Population Groups by Airport Enterprises: The Case of Autism
Authors: Dimitrios J. Dimitriou, Maria F. Sartzetaki, Simoni K. Lintzerakou
Air transport links markets and individuals, promoting social and economic development. The review of management direction towards social responsibility and especially for the enhancement of passengers with autism is the key objective of this paper. According to a top-down approach, the key dimensions that affect the basic principles and directions of airport enterprises management towards social responsibility for the case of passengers with autism are presented. Conventional wisdom is to present actions undertaken in improving accessibility for special population groups and highlight the social dimension in the management of transport hubs. The target is to focus on transport hubs serving special groups of passengers such as passengers with autism and highlight good practices and motivate transport infrastructure management authorities and decision makers to promote the social footprint of transport. The highlights and key findings are essential for managers and decision makers to support actions and plans towards management of airport enterprises towards social responsibility, focusing on the case of passengers traveling with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).Keywords: social responsibility, special groups, airport enterprises, AUTISM
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291154 Performance Evaluation of Microcontroller-Based Fuzzy Controller for Fruit Drying System
Authors: Salisu Umar
Fruits are a seasonal crop and get spoiled quickly. They are dried to be preserved for a long period. The natural drying process requires more time. The investment on space requirement and infrastructure is large, and cannot be afforded by a middle class farmer. Therefore there is a need for a comparatively small unit with reduced drying times, which can be afforded by a middle class farmer. A controlled environment suitable for fruit drying is developed within a closed chamber and is a three step process. Firstly, the infrared light is used internally to preheated the fruit to speedily remove the water content inside the fruit for fast drying. Secondly, hot air of a specified temperature is blown inside the chamber to maintain the humidity below a specified level and exhaust the humid air of the chamber. Thirdly the microcontroller idles disconnecting the power to the chamber after the weight of the fruits is reduced to a known value of its original weight. This activates a buzzer for duration of ten seconds to indicate the end of the drying process. The results obtained indicate that the system is significantly reducing the drying time without affecting the quality of the fruits compared with the existing dryers.Keywords: fruit, fuzzy controller, microcontroller, temperature, weight and humidity
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