Search results for: social work implication
20968 The Effect of Coronavirus on Social Adjustment and Depression of Arak University Students
Authors: Mansour Abdi
The aim of this study has been the investigation of coronavirus influence/impact on social adjustment and depression of Arak University students. The samples of study are 100 available female students at Arak University. They were assessed by the Bell Social Adjustment Questionnaire and Beck Depression. They were asked to answer two situations before the corona outbreak and the present. The result of evaluating/assessing the difference between social adjustment before and after coronavirus was not significant but, the averages indicate a decrease in the adjustment of students before and after the coronavirus. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in depression findings but, in the present, the average amount of depression indicated an increase than its amount before the corona.Keywords: depression, social adjustment student, coronavirus, student
Procedia PDF Downloads 12020967 The Role of Social Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Performance
Authors: Obasan Kehinde
Social Infrastructure such as transport, telecommunications, energy, water, health, housing, and educational facilities have become part and parcel of human existence and have since been seen as prerequisite for the development of any economy. It is difficult to imagine a modern world without these facilities. Using a survey research design, data was gathered through a multi-stage sampling and a random sampling method from a total of 117 respondents, the study investigates the role of social infrastructure on the performance of entrepreneurs drawn from 10 Local Government Areas across two carefully selected states in the South-West, Nigeria. The data was analyzed using a descriptive statistical analysis and a t-test. The result shows that the impact of social infrastructure on entrepreneur performance is significant at 0.00 level of significant. Thus, this study recommends that entrepreneurs should take note of the social infrastructures available in the environment for the purpose of citing business in order to reduce the cost of production and other business costs.Keywords: social infrastructure, entrepreneur performance, entrepreneurship, business
Procedia PDF Downloads 39820966 Young Social Beings: An Investigation into the Social Interactions and Relationships of a Year Five Class
Authors: A. Sewell
The paper reports a research project which investigated the social interactions of nine to ten-year-olds in a mainstream primary school. The project implemented an adaption of a whole class, behavioural intervention known as 'The Good Behaviour Game (TGBG)'. TGBG is an evidence-based intervention traditionally used to reduce low-level disruptive behaviours in a classroom setting. TGBG was adapted to encourage pupil’s engagement in pro-social behaviour during lessons. A mixed methods research design was employed to evaluate intervention effects and pupil’s perceptions of their social interactions and relationships with others. Single-case research design was used to evaluate behaviour change, and Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) repertory grids were used to explore pupil’s perceptions. The findings demonstrated that TGBG could be successfully adapted to positively influence pupil’s engagement in pro-social behaviours. The findings from the PCP repertory grid interviews revealed the complexities of how children construct their social interactions and relationships with others, and how an understanding of these could be used to design better social skills interventions. It is concluded that TGBG is a cost-effective, simple to implement intervention for promoting positive social interactions and relationships at the whole class level. The paper presents the aims, design, findings, and conclusions of the study in further detail and relates limitations and potential future extensions of the research. The outcomes have direct application and relevance for practitioners interested in children’s social development and how to promote positive outcomes in this critical aspect of childhood.Keywords: social skills, social development, social competency, the good behaviour game
Procedia PDF Downloads 17020965 Mealtime Talk as a Context of Learning: A Multiple Case Study of Australian Chinese Parents' Interaction with Their Preschool Aged Children at Dinner Table
Authors: Jiangbo Hu, Frances Hoyte, Haiquan Huang
Research identifies that mealtime talk can be a significant learning context that provides children with rich experiences to foster their language and cognitive development. Middle-classed parents create an extended learning discourse for their children through sophisticated vocabulary, narrative and explanation genres at dinner table. However, mealtime opportunities vary with some parents having little interaction with their children and some parents focusing on directive of children’s behaviors. This study investigated five Chinese families’ parent-child interaction during mealtime that was rarely reported in the literature. The five families differ in terms of their living styles. Three families are from professional background where both mothers the fathers work in Australian companies and both of them present at dinner time. The other two families own business. The mothers are housemakers and the fathers are always absent at dinner time due to their busy business life. Employing case study method, the five Chinese families’ parent-child interactions at dinner table were recorded using a video camera. More than 3000 clauses were analyzed with the framework of 'systems of clause complexing' from systemic functional linguistic theory. The finding shows that mothers played a critical role in the interaction with their children by initiating most conversations. The three mothers from professional background tended to use more language in extending and expanding pattern that is beneficial for children’s language development and high level of thinking (e.g., logical thinking). The two house making mothers’ language focused more on the directive of their children’s social manners and dietary behaviors. The fathers though seemed to be less active, contributing to the richness of the conversation through their occasional props such as asking open questions or initiating a new topic. In general, the families from professional background were more advantaged in providing learning opportunities for their children at dinner table than the families running business were. The home experiences of Chinese children is an important topic in research due to the rapidly increasing number of Chinese children in Australia and other English speaking countries. Such research assist educators in the education of Chinese children with more awareness of Chinese children experiences at home that could be very unlike the settings in English schools. This study contributes to the research in this area through the analysis of language in parent-child interaction during mealtime, which is very different from previous research that mainly investigated Chinese families through survey and interview. The finding of different manners in language use between the professional families and business families has implication for the understanding of the variation of Chinese children’s home experiences that is influenced not only by parents’ socioeconomic status but their lifestyles.Keywords: Chinese children, Chinese parents, mealtime talk, parent-child interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 23420964 Inequality of Opportunities and Dropping Out of High School: Perspectives for Students from a Public School and a Private School in Brazil
Authors: Joyce Mary Adam
The subject of youth and education has been on the agenda of both public policies and specific education policies. In this sense, this work aims to discuss, based on the conceptions of social capital and cultural capital, the possibilities of elaborating and putting into practice the life projects they build during secondary school. The critical view brought by the concepts of social capital and cultural capital considers that in the school environment, those who have social capital and cultural capital have more tools to continue their projects, while those who do not have such capital will consequently have fewer opportunities, a fact that directly contributes to the perpetuation of social and educational inequality. When the "Life Project" is discussed under the sole responsibility of the students, it is clear that it is the students who must "take their responsibilities and decisions", their success or failure. From this point of view, the success of the implementation of the Life Project is determined by how well the students have developed their "skills and competencies" and their capacity for entrepreneurship without promoting a critical reflection on the real economic difficulties of the majority of students at this level of education. This situation gives rise to feelings of self-blame and self-responsibility among young people, who are compelled to confront the reality that their expectations have not been fulfilled, that they have been unable to gain employment, and, in some instances, that they have been marginalized. In this regard, the research project aimed to gather data on the living conditions of students at a public school and a private school in Brazil through interviews. The research methodology was interviews with students from a public school and an elite private school. The main objective of the research was to analyze the students' cultural and social capital as a key element in their social and professional integration after completing this stage of education. The study showed that social and cultural capital has a significant influence on opportunities to continue studying or to find a satisfactory job. For young people from public schools and from lower economic classes, the need to enter the job market as soon as they finish or even before they finish high school is due to economic and survival issues. The hours of dedication to studies and the diversity of cultural activities such as trips, visits to museums, or the cultivation of artistic activities available to poorer students in state schools have proved to be rarer. In conclusion, we found that the difference in social and cultural capital between the young people taking part in the research has been shown to play an important role in the social and professional integration of the students and contributes to the maintenance of school and social inequality. This highlights the importance of public policies and support networks for young people leaving secondary school.Keywords: social capital, cultural capital, high school, life project, social insertion, professional insertion, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 3120963 Heritage Sharing Problems in Land Registry: Case Study of Konya, Turkey
Authors: Tayfun Cay, Sabahattin Akkus
Due to inheritance, urban areas can not be arranged in a planned and programmed manner. As a result of this, the social fabric is disrupted and the hostility is increasing among the people. This contradicts the understanding of the social state. The Turkish Civil Code and the Urban Development Law are effective in sharing heritage in urban areas in Turkey. Within the framework of this legislation; How to make heritage sharing and services in the title deed. In this study, these laws, regulations, and statutes are examined. In the frame of this legislation, land registry problems on inheritance are examined and the province of Konya - Selçuk district, is selected as an application place to solve the problems. In this study, the problems of heritage sharing in the land registry were investigated. The evaluation of the work is done and the results are determined and possible solutions are proposed.Keywords: land, land registry, heritage sharing, sharing problems of heritage
Procedia PDF Downloads 28620962 Combining Work and Study: A Solution for Stronger University-Industry Linkage
Authors: Payam Najafi, Behnam Ebrahimi, Hamid Montazerolghaem, Safoura Akbari-Alavijeh, Rasoul Tarkesh Esfahani
The combination of work and study has been recently gained lots of attention due to the crucial demand of industries to skillfully trained youth. Nevertheless, the distance between university and industry makes this combination challenging. According to the OECD (2012), in most countries, there is a limited link between students’ field of study and their area of work while studying. On the other hand, high unemployment rates among the specialized workforce, which is common in developing countries, highlights the need to strengthen this relationship. Innovative Center of Isfahan Chamber of Commerce has defined a project called 'POUYESH', which helps students to find related work opportunities to their field of study as well as supporting industries to supply their needed workforce. The present research is sought to explore the effect of the running project as a model of combining work and study on the university-industry linkage.Keywords: work and study, university-industry linkage, POUYESH project, field of study
Procedia PDF Downloads 18420961 Study of Information Technology Support to Knowledge Sharing in Social Enterprises
Authors: Maria Granados
Information technology (IT) facilitates the management of knowledge in organisations through the effective leverage of collective experience and knowledge of employees. This supports information processing needs, as well as enables and facilitates sense-making activities of knowledge workers. The study of IT support for knowledge management (KM) has been carried out mainly in larger organisations where resources and competitive conditions can trigger the use of KM. However, there is still a lack of understanding on how IT can support the management of knowledge under different organisational settings influenced by: constant tensions between social and economic objectives, more focus on sustainability than competiveness, limited resources, and high levels of democratic participation and intrinsic motivations among employees. All these conditions are presented in Social Enterprises (SEs), which are normally micro and small businesses that trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, and the environment. Thus, their importance to society and economies is increasing. However, there is still a need for more understanding of how these organisations operate, perform, innovate and scale-up. This knowledge is crucial to design and provide accurate strategies to enhance the sector and increase its impact and coverage. To obtain a conceptual and empirical understanding of how IT can facilitate KM in the particular organisational conditions of SEs, a quantitative study was conducted with 432 owners and senior members of SEs in UK, underpinned by 21 interviews. The findings demonstrated how IT was supporting more the recovery and storage of necessary information in SEs, and less the collaborative work and communication among enterprise members. However, it was established that SEs were using cloud solutions, web 2.0 tools, Skype and centralised shared servers to manage informally their knowledge. The possible impediments for SEs to support themselves more on IT solutions can be linked mainly to economic and human constraints. These findings elucidate new perspectives that can contribute not only to SEs and SE supporters, but also to other businesses.Keywords: social enterprises, knowledge management, information technology, collaboration, small firms
Procedia PDF Downloads 27020960 Social Media, Society, and Criminal Victimization: A Qualitative Study on University Students of Bangladesh
Authors: Md. Tawohidul Haque
The main objective of this study is to explore the nature, types and, causes of the involvement of criminal activities of the university students using social media namely Social Networking Sites (SNS). The evidence shows that the students have greater chance to involve such criminal activities during sharing their personal messages, photos, and even sharing their academic works. Used qualitative case studies with six students from two universities, this study provides a detail information about the processes how this media provokes the students to commit to the criminal activities such as unethical pose, naked picture, post against persona’s prestige and dignity as well as social position, phone call at midnight, personal threats, sexual offer, kidnapping attitude, and so on. This finding would be an important guideline for the media persons, policy makers, restorative justice, and human rights workers.Keywords: social media, criminal victimization, human gathering scheme, social code of ethics
Procedia PDF Downloads 15620959 Moving Beyond the Limits of Disability Inclusion: Using the Concept of Belonging Through Friendship to Improve the Outcome of the Social Model of Disability
Authors: Luke S. Carlos A. Thompson
The medical model of disability, though beneficial for the medical professional, is often exclusionary, restrictive and dehumanizing when applied to the lived experience of disability. As a result, a critique of this model was constructed called the social model of disability. Much of the language used to articulate the purpose behind the social model of disability can be summed up within the word inclusion. However, this essay asserts that inclusiveness is an incomplete aspiration. The social model, as it currently stands, does not aid in creating a society where those with impairments actually belong. Rather, the social model aids in lessening the visibility, or negative consequence of, difference. Therefore, the social model does not invite society to welcome those with physical and intellectual impairments. It simply aids society in ignoring the existence of impairment by removing explicit forms of exclusion. Rather than simple inclusion, then, this essay uses John Swinton’s concept of friendship and Jean Vanier’s understanding of belonging to better articulate the intended outcome of the social model—a society where everyone can belong.Keywords: belong, community, differently-able, disability, exclusion, friendship, inclusion, normality
Procedia PDF Downloads 44920958 Social Business Evaluation in Brazil: Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Investor Practices
Authors: Erica Siqueira, Adriana Bin, Rachel Stefanuto
The paper aims to identify and to discuss the impact and results of ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluation initiatives in Brazilian Social Enterprises from the point of view of the entrepreneurs and investors, highlighting the processes involved in these activities and their aftereffects. The study was conducted using a descriptive methodology, primarily qualitative. A multiple-case study was used, and, for that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten entrepreneurs in the (i) social finance, (ii) education, (iii) health, (iv) citizenship and (v) green tech fields, as well as three representatives of various impact investments, which are (i) venture capital, (ii) loan and (iii) equity interest areas. Convenience (non-probabilistic) sampling was adopted to select both businesses and investors, who voluntarily contributed to the research. The evaluation is still incipient in most of the studied business cases. Some stand out by adopting well-known methodologies like Global Impact Investing Report System (GIIRS), but still, have a lot to improve in several aspects. Most of these enterprises use nonexperimental research conducted by their own employees, which is ordinarily not understood as 'golden standard' to some authors in the area. Nevertheless, from the entrepreneur point of view, it is possible to identify that most of them including those routines in some extent in their day-by-day activities, despite the difficulty they have of the business in general. In turn, the investors do not have overall directions to establish evaluation initiatives in respective enterprises; they are funding. There is a mechanism of trust, and this is, usually, enough to prove the impact for all stakeholders. The work concludes that there is a large gap between what the literature states in regard to what should be the best practices in these businesses and what the enterprises really do. The evaluation initiatives must be included in some extension in all enterprises in order to confirm social impact that they realize. Here it is recommended the development and adoption of more flexible evaluation mechanisms that consider the complexity involved in these businesses’ routines. The reflections of the research also suggest important implications for the field of Social Enterprises, whose practices are far from what the theory preaches. It highlights the risk of the legitimacy of these enterprises that identify themselves as 'social impact', sometimes without the proper proof based on causality data. Consequently, this makes the field of social entrepreneurship fragile and susceptible to questioning, weakening the ecosystem as a whole. In this way, the top priorities of these enterprises must be handled together with the results and impact measurement activities. Likewise, it is recommended to perform further investigations that consider the trade-offs between impact versus profit. In addition, research about gender, the entrepreneur motivation to call themselves as Social Enterprises, and the possible unintended consequences from these businesses also should be investigated.Keywords: evaluation practices, impact, results, social enterprise, social entrepreneurship ecosystem
Procedia PDF Downloads 12220957 The Attitude of Students towards the Use of the Social Networks in Education
Authors: Abdulmjeid Aljerawi
This study aimed to investigate the students' attitudes towards the use of social networking in education. Due to the nature of the study, and on the basis of its problem, objectives, and questions, the researcher used the descriptive approach. An appropriate questionnaire was prepared and validity and reliability were ensured. The questionnaire was then applied to the study sample of 434 students from King Saud University.Keywords: social networks, education, learning, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 27920956 Social Networking Sites and Narcissism among Generation Z
Authors: Christine Mappala
Social Networking Sites has an undeniable contribution but also a downgrading effect in our society when used inappropriately. It has effects on an individual’s physical, academic, social, emotional, and behavioral aspects in life, a reason to take account to the possible risks it can have with the future generations, specifically the Generation Z. Determining if SNS Usage has an effect on an individual’s Narcissistic Tendencies, how common narcissism is among these individuals and to provide additional information about the Generation Z in the Philippines is the purpose of this study. A total of 342 participants were gathered. Results indicated that there is a low significance of SNS as a predictor to Narcissism. Also, results showed that there is a low level of narcissism among Generation Z.Keywords: narcissism, social networking sites, Generation Z, normal narcissism
Procedia PDF Downloads 50120955 The Effect of Environmental CSR on Corporate Social Performance: The Mediating Role of Green Innovation and Corporate Image
Authors: Edward Fosu
Green innovation has emerged as a significant environmental concern across the world. Green innovation refers to the utilization of technological developments that facilitate energy savings and waste material recycling. The stakeholder theory and resourced-based theory were used to examine how stakeholders' expectations affect corporate green innovation activities and how corporate innovation initiatives affect the corporate image and social performance. This study used structural equation modelling (SEM) and hierarchical regression to test the effects of environmental corporate social responsibility on social performance through mediators: green innovation and corporate image. A quantitative design was employed using data from Chinese companies in Ghana for this study. The study assessed. The results revealed that environmental practices promote corporate social performance (β = 0.070, t = 1.974, p = 0.049), positively affect green product innovation (β = 0.251, t = 7.478, p < 0.001), and has direct effect on green process innovation (β = 0.174, t = 6.192, p < 0.001). Green product innovation and green process innovation significantly promote corporate image respectively (β = 0.089, t = 2.581, p = 0.010), (β = 0.089, t = 2.367, p = 0.018). Corporate image has significant direct effects on corporate social performance (β = 0.146, t = 4.256, p < 0.001). Corporate environmental practices have an impact on the development of green products and processes which promote companies’ social performance. Additionally, evidence supports that corporate image influences companies’ social performance.Keywords: environmental CSR, corporate image, green innovation, coprorate social performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 12720954 A Criterion for Evaluating Plastic Loads: Plastic Work-Tangent Criterion
Authors: Ying Zhang
In ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the plastic load is defined by applying the twice elastic slope (TES) criterion of plastic collapse to a characteristic load-deformation curve for the vessel. Several other plastic criterion such as tangent intersection (TI) criterion, plastic work (PW) criterion have been proposed in the literature, but all exhibit a practical limitation: difficult to define the load parameter for vessels subject to several combined loads. An alternative criterion: plastic work-tangent (PWT) criterion for evaluating plastic load in pressure vessel design by analysis is presented in this paper. According to the plastic work-load curve, when the tangent variation is less than a given value in the plastic phase, the corresponding load is the plastic load. Application of the proposed criterion is illustrated by considering the elastic-plastic response of the lower head of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and nozzle intersection of (RPV). It is proposed that this is because the PWT criterion more fully represents the constraining effect of material strain hardening on the spread of plastic deformation and more efficiently ton evaluating the plastic load.Keywords: plastic load, plastic work, strain hardening, plastic work-tangent criterion
Procedia PDF Downloads 35520953 Code – Switching in a Flipped Classroom for Foreign Students
Authors: E. Tutova, Y. Ebzeeva, L. Gishkaeva, Y.Smirnova, N. Dubinina
We have been working with students from different countries and found it crucial to switch the languages to explain something. Whether it is Russian, or Chinese, explaining in a different language plays an important role for students’ cognitive abilities. In this work we are going to explore how code switching may impact the student’s perception of information. Code-switching is a tool defined by linguists as a switch from one language to another for convenience, explanation of terms unavailable in an initial language or sometimes prestige. In our case, we are going to consider code-switching from the function of convenience. As a rule, students who come to study Russian in a language environment, lack many skills in speaking the language. Thus, it is made harder to explain the rules for them of another language, which is English. That is why switching between English, Russian and Mandarin is crucial for their better understanding. In this work we are going to explore the code-switching as a tool which can help a teacher in a flipped classroom.Keywords: bilingualism, psychological linguistics, code-switching, social linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 8320952 Framework for Explicit Social Justice Nursing Education and Practice: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Research
Authors: Victor Abu
Background: Social justice ideals are considered as the foundation of nursing practice. These ideals are not always clearly integrated into nursing professional standards or curricula. This hinders concerted global nursing agendas for becoming aware of social injustice or engaging in action for social justice to improve the health of individuals and groups. Aim and objectives: The aim was to create an educational framework for empowering nursing students for social justice awareness and action. This purpose was attained by understanding the meaning of social justice, the effect of social injustice, the visibility of social justice learning, and ways of integrating social justice in nursing education and practice. Methods: Critical interpretive methodologies and constructivist grounded theory research designs guided the processes of recruiting nursing students (n = 11) and nurse educators (n = 11) at a London nursing university to participate in interviews and focus groups, which were analysed by coding systems. Findings: Firstly, social justice was described as ethical practices that enable individuals and groups to have good access to health resources. Secondly, social injustice was understood as unfair practices that caused minimal access to resources, social deprivation, and poor health. Thirdly, social justice learning was considered to be invisible in nursing education due to a lack of explicit modules, educator knowledge, and organisational support. Lastly, explicit modules, educating educators, and attracting leaders’ support were suggested as approaches for the visible integration of social justice in nursing education and practice. Discussion: This research proposes approaches for nursing awareness and action for the development of critical active nurse-learner, critical conscious nurse-educator, and servant nurse leader. The framework on Awareness for Social Justice Action (ASJA) created in this research is an approach for empowering nursing students for social justice practices. Conclusion: This research contributes to and advocates for greater nursing scholarship to raise the spotlight on social justice in the profession.Keywords: social justice, nursing practice, nursing education, nursing curriculum, social justice awareness, social justice action, constructivist grounded theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 5820951 The Use of Social Media Sarcasm as a Response to Media-Coverage of Iran’s Unprecedented Attack on Israel
Authors: Afif J. Arabi
On April 15, 2024, Iran announced its unprecedented military attack by sending waves of more than 300 drones and ballistic missiles toward Israel. The Attack lasted approximately five hours and was a widely covered, distributed, and followed media event. Iran’s military action against Israel was a long-awaited action across the Middle East since the early days of the October 7th war on Gaza and after a long history of verbal threats. While people in many Arab countries stayed up past midnight in anticipation of watching the disastrous results of this unprecedented attack, voices on traditional and social media alike started to question the timed public announcement of the attack, which gave Israel at least a two-hour notice to prepare its defenses. When live news coverage started showing that nearly all the drones and missiles were intercepted by Israel – with help from the U.S. and other countries – and no deaths were reported, the social media response to this media event turned toward sarcasm, mockery, irony, and humor. Social media users posted sarcastic pictures, jokes, and comments mocking the Iranian offensive. This research examines this unique media event and the sarcastic response it generated on social media. The study aims to investigate the causes leading to media sarcasm in militarized political conflict, the social function of such generated sarcasm, and the role of social media as a platform for consuming frustration, dissatisfaction, and outrage passively through various media products. The study compares the serious traditional media coverage of the event with the humorous social media response among Arab countries. The research uses an eclectic theoretical approach using framing theory as a paradigm for understanding and investigating communication social functionalism theory in media studies to examine sarcasm. Social functionalism theory is a sociological perspective that views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. In the context of media and sarcasm, this theory would suggest that sarcasm serves specific functions within society, such as reinforcing social norms, providing a means for social critique, or functioning as a safety valve for expressing social tension.; and a qualitative analysis of specific examples including responses of SM commentators to such manifestations of political criticism. The preliminary findings of this study point to a heightened dramatization of the televised event and a widespread belief that this attack was a staged show incongruent with Iran’s official enmity and death threats toward Israel. The social media sarcasm reinforces Arab’s view of Iran and Israel as mutual threats. This belief stems from the complex dynamics, historical context, and regional conflict surrounding these three nations: Iran, Israel, and Arabs.Keywords: social functionalism, social media sarcasm, Television news framing, live militarized conflict coverage, iran, israel, communication theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 4720950 Work demand and Prevalence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Case Study of Pakistan Aviation Maintenance Workers
Authors: Muzamil Mahmood, Afshan Naseem, Muhammad Zeeshan Mirza, Yasir Ahmad, Masood Raza
The purpose of this research is to analyze how aviation maintenance workers’ characteristics and work demand affect their development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Guided by literature on task characteristics, work demand, and WMSDs, data is collected from 128 aviation maintenance workers of private and public airlines. Data is then analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. It is found that task characteristics have a significant positive effect on WMSDs and an increase in tasks performed by aviation maintenance workers leads to increase in WMSDs. Work demand did not have a significant effect on WMSDs. The task characteristics of aviation maintenance workers moderates the relationship between their work demand and WMSDs. This reveals that task characteristics of aviation maintenance workers enhance the effect of work demand on WMSDs. The task characteristics of aviation maintenance workers are challenging and unpredictable. Subsequently, WMSDs are prevalent among aviation maintenance workers. The work demand of aviation maintenance workers does not influence their development of WMSDs. Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority should minimize the intensity of tasks assigned to aviation maintenance workers by introducing work dynamisms such as task sharing, job rotation, and probably teleworking to enhance flexibility. Human Resource and Recruitment Department need to consider the ability and fitness levels of potential aviation maintenance workers during recruitment. In addition, regular physical activities and ergonomic policies should be put in place by the management of the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority to reduce the incidences of WMSDs.Keywords: work related musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomics, occupational health and safety, human factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 16620949 Emerging Social Media Presence of International Organisations - Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: Laura Hervai
One of the most significant phenomena of the 2000s was the emergence of social media sites and web 2.0 that revolutionized communication processes. Social networking platforms have fundamentally changed social and political participation of the public, which require organisations in the public and non-profit sector not only to adapt to these new trends but also to actively engage their audiences. Opportunity for interaction, freer expression of opinion and the proliferation of user generated content are major changes brought by web 2.0 technologies. Furthermore, due to the wide penetration of mobile technologies, social media sites are capable of connecting underdeveloped regions to the global flow of information. Taking advantage of these characteristics, organisations have the opportunity to engage much wider audiences, exploit new ways to raise awareness or reach out to regions that are difficult to access. The early adopters of these new communication tools soon recognized the need of developing social media guidelines for their organisations as well as the increased workload that they require. While ten years ago communication officers could handle their organisation’s social media presence, today it is a separate profession. International organisations face several challenges related to their social media presence. Early adopters have contributed to the development of best practices among which the ethics of social media usage still remained problematic. Another challenge for international organisations is to adapt to country-specific social media trends while they have to comply with the requirements of their parent organisation as well. However in the 21st century social media presence can be crucial to the successful operation of international organisations, their importance is still not taken seriously enough. The measurement of the effects and influence of social networking on the organisations’ productivity is an unsolved problem thus further research should focus on this matter. Research methods included primary research of major IGOs’ and NGOs’ social media presence and guidelines along with secondary research of social media statistics and scientific articles in the topic.Keywords: international organisations, non-profit sector, NGO, social media, social network
Procedia PDF Downloads 31020948 Emotion Detection in Twitter Messages Using Combination of Long Short-Term Memory and Convolutional Deep Neural Networks
Authors: Bahareh Golchin, Nooshin Riahi
One of the most significant issues as attended a lot in recent years is that of recognizing the sentiments and emotions in social media texts. The analysis of sentiments and emotions is intended to recognize the conceptual information such as the opinions, feelings, attitudes and emotions of people towards the products, services, organizations, people, topics, events and features in the written text. These indicate the greatness of the problem space. In the real world, businesses and organizations are always looking for tools to gather ideas, emotions, and directions of people about their products, services, or events related to their own. This article uses the Twitter social network, one of the most popular social networks with about 420 million active users, to extract data. Using this social network, users can share their information and opinions about personal issues, policies, products, events, etc. It can be used with appropriate classification of emotional states due to the availability of its data. In this study, supervised learning and deep neural network algorithms are used to classify the emotional states of Twitter users. The use of deep learning methods to increase the learning capacity of the model is an advantage due to the large amount of available data. Tweets collected on various topics are classified into four classes using a combination of two Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory network and a Convolutional network. The results obtained from this study with an average accuracy of 93%, show good results extracted from the proposed framework and improved accuracy compared to previous work.Keywords: emotion classification, sentiment analysis, social networks, deep neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 13920947 Trafficking of Women in International Migration: Issues and Major Challenges in Present Scenario
Authors: Neha Singh, Anshuman Rana
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination which reinforces inequalities between men and women. It is defined as violence that is directed against a person on the basis of gender. There has been increased attention to human trafficking that has exposed to illegal migration. Trafficking is complex, but it generally takes place due to “push and pull factors”. India is both a source as well as a transit country for trafficking. Women are bought and sold with impunity and trafficked to other countries. They are forced to work as sex worker, forced labour and other practices of slavery. Trafficked victims often suffer from serious abuse and physical exhaustion. The effects of violence on women vary widely. GBV typically has physical, psychological and social effects. They face unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages, high rate of infertility and sexually transmitted disease. The social exclusion of women is so great that it constitutes a new form of apartheid. Women are considered as lesser value and deprived of their fundamental rights. Violation of human rights and fundamental freedom such as- trafficking of women, girls for sex trade, forced prostitution and sex tourism have become the focus of internationally organized crimes. My paper will analyse the impact of violence on society as well. Law alone cannot change the scenario and problem of gender-biasness. The whole issue of gender violence needs social awakening and change in attitude of masses, so that due respect and equal status is given to women.Keywords: gender-based violence, trafficking, migration, violence impact, social exclusion, law enforcement
Procedia PDF Downloads 28320946 Puerto Rico and Pittsburg: A Social Psychology Perspective on How Perceived Infringement on Job and Cultural Identity Unite Racially Different Working-Class Groups
Authors: Reagan Rodriguez
With a growing divide between political echo chambers in the United States, exacerbated by race and income inequality, it might seem to be unfathomable to draw connections that tie working class in an industrial city and a U.S. territory. Yet, in regions where either the economy has been hit due to dwindling job infrastructure or natural disasters have left indelible marks on an island already once marked by colonial imperialism, a larger social shared identity is at play. Fracking has long been an intergenerational and stable work opportunity for many in the Pittsburg PA, yet the rising severity of global climate change may soon impact the policy and even presidential elections which could result in the reduction of jobs in the industry. Cock-fighting, considered a cultural mainstay within the island of Puerto Rico, has already had legislation banning activity and thus cutting out one of the most lucrative aspects of a severely injured economy. Insecurity, infringement, and isolation while being tied to a working-class bracket with no other opportunities in proximity have left both groups expressing similar frustration and while another larger shared identity politic is giving little other options to develop social mobility. This paper utilizes a thematic analysis and compares convergent and divergent themes on internet forums amongst unionized fracking workers in Pittsburg and cockfighters in Puerto Rico. This research examines how group identity in relation to job and cultural identity is most strong and at which points its most malleable; when intergenerational job identity becomes a part of one’s cultural identity, its override may be strongest when it is perceived as threatened. Final findings and limitations were comprehensively outlined.Keywords: identity threat, social psychology, group identity, culture and social mobility
Procedia PDF Downloads 15120945 Changing Subjective Well-Being and Social Trust in China: 2010-2020
Authors: Mengdie Ruan
The authors investigate how subjective well-being (SWB) and social trust changed in China over the period 2010–2020 by relying on data from six rounds of the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), then re-examine Easterlin’s hypothesis for China, with a more focus on the role of social trust and estimate income-compensating differentials for social trust. They find that the evolution of well-being is not sensitive to the measures of well-being one uses. Specifically, self-reported life satisfaction scores and hedonic happiness scores experienced a significant increase across all income groups from 2010 to 2020. Social trust seems to have increased based on CFPS in China for all socioeconomic classes in recent years, and male, urban resident individuals with higher income have a higher social trust at a given point in time and over time. However, when we use an alternative measure of social trust, out-group trust, which is a more valid measure of generalized trust and represents “most people”, social trust in China literally declines, and the level is extremely low. In addition, this paper also suggests that in the typical query on social trust, the term "most people" mostly denotes in-groups in China, which contrasts sharply with most Western countries where it predominantly connotes out-groups. Individual fixed effects analysis of well-being that controls for time-invariant variables reveals social trust and relative social status are important correlates of life satisfaction and happiness, whereas absolute income plays a limited role in boosting an individual’s well-being. The income-equivalent value for social capital is approximately tripling of income. It has been found that women, urban and coastal residents, and people with higher income, young people, those with high education care more about social trust in China, irrespective of measures on SWB. Policy aiming at preserving and enhancing SWB should focus on social capital besides economic growth.Keywords: subjective well-being, life satisfaction, happiness, social trust, China
Procedia PDF Downloads 7720944 The Effect of Austenitization Conditioning on the Mechanical Properties of Cr-Mo-V Hot Work Tool Steel with Different Nitrogen Addition
Authors: Iting Chiang, Cheng-Yu Wei, Chin-Teng Kuo, Po-Sheng Hsu, Yo-Lun Yang, Yung-Chang Kang, Chien-Chon Chen, Chih-Yuan Chen
In recent years, it is reported that microalloying of nitrogen atoms within traditional Cr-Mo-V hot work tool steels can achieve better high temperature mechanical properties, which thus leads to such metallurgical approach widely utilized in the several commercial advanced hot work tool steels. Although the performance of hot work tool steel can be improved better by alloy composition design strategy, the influence of processing parameters on the mechanical property, especially on the service life of hot work tool steel, is still not fully understood yet. A longer service life of hot work tool steel can decrease the manufacturing cost effectively and thus become a research hot spot. According to several previous studies, it is generally acknowledged the service life of hot work tool steels can be increased effectively as the steels possessing higher hardness and toughness due to the formation and propagation of microcracks within the steel can be inhibited effectively. Therefore, in the present research, the designed experiments are primarily to explore the synergistic effect of nitrogen content and austenitization conditioning on the mechanical properties of hot work tool steels has been conducted and analyzed. No matter the nitrogen content, the results indicated the hardness of hot work tool steels increased as the austenitization treatment executed at higher temperature. On the other hand, an optimum toughness of hot work tool steel can be achieved as the austenitization treatment performed at a suitable temperature range. The possible explanation of such metallurgical phenomenon has been also proposed and analyzed in the present research.Keywords: hot work tool steel, Cr-Mo-V, toughness, hardness, TEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 5920943 Self-Supervised Learning for Hate-Speech Identification
Authors: Shrabani Ghosh
Automatic offensive language detection in social media has become a stirring task in today's NLP. Manual Offensive language detection is tedious and laborious work where automatic methods based on machine learning are only alternatives. Previous works have done sentiment analysis over social media in different ways such as supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised manner. Domain adaptation in a semi-supervised way has also been explored in NLP, where the source domain and the target domain are different. In domain adaptation, the source domain usually has a large amount of labeled data, while only a limited amount of labeled data is available in the target domain. Pretrained transformers like BERT, RoBERTa models are fine-tuned to perform text classification in an unsupervised manner to perform further pre-train masked language modeling (MLM) tasks. In previous work, hate speech detection has been explored in, which is a free speech platform described as a platform of extremist in varying degrees in online social media. In domain adaptation process, Twitter data is used as the source domain, and Gab data is used as the target domain. The performance of domain adaptation also depends on the cross-domain similarity. Different distance measure methods such as L2 distance, cosine distance, Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD), and CORAL have been used to estimate domain similarity. Certainly, in-domain distances are small, and between-domain distances are expected to be large. The previous work finding shows that pretrain masked language model (MLM) fine-tuned with a mixture of posts of source and target domain gives higher accuracy. However, in-domain performance of the hate classifier on Twitter data accuracy is 71.78%, and out-of-domain performance of the hate classifier on Gab data goes down to 56.53%. Recently self-supervised learning got a lot of attention as it is more applicable when labeled data are scarce. Few works have already been explored to apply self-supervised learning on NLP tasks such as sentiment classification. Self-supervised language representation model ALBERTA focuses on modeling inter-sentence coherence and helps downstream tasks with multi-sentence inputs. Self-supervised attention learning approach shows better performance as it exploits extracted context word in the training process. In this work, a self-supervised attention mechanism has been proposed to detect hate speech on This framework initially classifies the Gab dataset in an attention-based self-supervised manner. On the next step, a semi-supervised classifier trained on the combination of labeled data from the first step and unlabeled data. The performance of the proposed framework will be compared with the results described earlier and also with optimized outcomes obtained from different optimization techniques.Keywords: attention learning, language model, offensive language detection, self-supervised learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 10720942 Elderly in Sub Saharan Africa
Authors: Obinna Benedict Duru
This study focuses on the elderly and the challenges that confront them. The elderly are that particular segment of our population who by virtue of the aging process have attained the stage in most cases where they are confronted with the challenges of economic dependency and social marginality. These challenges are as a result of the physical and biological decline occasioned by social myths and realities which portray the elderly as a dependent population whose members could not and should not work and who need social assistance that the younger population is obliged to provide. From the moment of birth to the moment of death, our bodies are constantly changing. We are all enmeshed in the process of growing old, a transition from youthfulness to elderliness. In youth-oriented modern societies like ours, we tend to attach positive importance and significance to the biological changes that occur early in life and define later physical changes in negative terms. Children growing up and young adults receive more attention, greater responsibilities and more legal rights to reward them on their way. But few people are congratulated on getting old. We commiserate with people who are getting old and make jokes about their supposedly physical, mental and biological decline. Wrinkles, loss of weight and vitality are all parts of the aging process. In almost all parts of the world, earlier researches have shown that about fifty percent of the elderly who suffer from stroke, arthritis, senility and other age related diseases are the disengaged and neglected elderly. Rapid technological changes render the knowledge and skills of the elderly obsolete; education is geared toward the young and the generational competition for jobs leads to pressures on the elderly to retire. Control of initial resources are shifted to the middle-aged and older workers are pushed into positions of economic dependency. This study therefore, among other things tend to discover how some government policies have affected the elderly particularly in Africa. To discover the prospects and possibilities of the elderly for a better living. To make a comparison of the advances in healthcare giving made in the advanced western societies to the practice in Sub Saharan Africa etc. The hypotheses of this study include: that the elderly in Sub Saharan Africa are more vulnerable than their counterparts in Europe and America. The elderly are more prone to social isolation, and that the elderly are mostly affected by age-related sickness etc. With a survey method as the research design, and sample size of about 500 respondents,probability sampling technique was used. Data which were analyzed using chi-square and tables were collected through primary and secondary sources. The findings made include: that the elderly suffer pains of old age especially when disengaged from work or social activity. That loss of income condemn the elderly to a life of vegetable existence, and that those who do not have other means of re-integration usually see old age with regret and despair. It is therefore, recommended among other things that social welfare scheme and the process of re-integration at old age be introduced for the non pensionable elderly in Africa.Keywords: elderly, social isolation, dependency, re-integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 33720941 Signals Affecting Crowdfunding Success for Australian Social Enterprises
Authors: Mai Yen Nhi Doan, Viet Le, Chamindika Weerakoon
Social enterprises have emerged as sustainable organisations that deliver social achievement along with long-term financial advancement. However, recorded financial barriers have urged social enterprises to divert to other financing methods due to the misaligned ideology with traditional financing capitalists, in which crowdfunding can be a promising alternative. Previous studies in crowdfunding have inadequately addressed crowdfunding for social enterprises, with conflicting results due to the unsuitable analysis of signals in isolation rather than in combinations, using the data from platforms that do not support social enterprises. Extending the signalling theory, this study suggests that crowdfunding success results from the collaboration between costly and costless signals. The proposed conceptual framework enlightens the interaction between costly signals as “organisational information”, “social entrepreneur’s credibility,” and “third-party endorsement” and costless signals as various sub-signals under the “campaign preparedness” signal to achieve crowdfunding success. Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis, this study examined 45 crowdfunding campaigns run by Australian social enterprises on StartSomeGood and Chuffed. The analysis found that different combinations of costly and costless signals can lead to crowdfunding success, allowing social enterprises to adopt suitable combinations of signals to their context. Costless signal – campaign preparedness is fundamental for success, though different costless sub-signals under campaign preparedness can interact with different costly signals for the desired outcome. Third-party endorsement signal was found to be the necessary signal for crowdfunding success for Australian social enterprises.Keywords: crowdfunding, qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), signalling theory, social enterprises
Procedia PDF Downloads 10620940 Social Distancing as a Population Game in Networked Social Environments
Authors: Zhijun Wu
While social living is considered to be an indispensable part of human life in today's ever-connected world, social distancing has recently received much public attention on its importance since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, social distancing has long been practiced in nature among solitary species and has been taken by humans as an effective way of stopping or slowing down the spread of infectious diseases. A social distancing problem is considered for how a population, when in the world with a network of social sites, decides to visit or stay at some sites while avoiding or closing down some others so that the social contacts across the network can be minimized. The problem is modeled as a population game, where every individual tries to find some network sites to visit or stay so that he/she can minimize all his/her social contacts. In the end, an optimal strategy can be found for everyone when the game reaches an equilibrium. The paper shows that a large class of equilibrium strategies can be obtained by selecting a set of social sites that forms a so-called maximal r-regular subnetwork. The latter includes many well-studied network types, which are easy to identify or construct and can be completely disconnected (with r = 0) for the most-strict isolation or allow certain degrees of connectivity (with r > 0) for more flexible distancing. The equilibrium conditions of these strategies are derived. Their rigidity and flexibility are analyzed on different types of r-regular subnetworks. It is proved that the strategies supported by maximal 0-regular subnetworks are strictly rigid, while those by general maximal r-regular subnetworks with r > 0 are flexible, though some can be weakly rigid. The proposed model can also be extended to weighted networks when different contact values are assigned to different network sites.Keywords: social distancing, mitigation of spread of epidemics, populations games, networked social environments
Procedia PDF Downloads 13520939 Entrepreneur Competencies: An Exploratory Study Applied to Educational Social Enterprise in South East Asia
Authors: D. Songpol, K. Taweesak, T. Sookyuen
A social enterprise is an organization that operates commercial business as a source of income with the aim of addressing social and environmental issues. Though it is clear that this kind of organization will benefit society and environment but in practice, it is found that most of social enterprises’ goals cannot be achieved. The most success factors of social enterprises usually rely on individual characteristics of entrepreneurs, especially in educational business. This study aims to find out the magnitude of influence from the components of entrepreneur competencies to social enterprises in education. There are developmental models of research demonstrating that knowledge, skills and attributes affect the success of social enterprises in term of sustainability, social opportunities and innovation leadership. The 5-scale questionnaire was used to collect data from the social entrepreneurs in education who operates in the South East Asian region of 135 samples and then processed by the methods of structural equation models. The results show that the competency of entrepreneurs in attributes has the greatest impact on the success of social enterprises while the skills and knowledge have respectively impact on the social enterprises’ success as well. The reason why attributes of entrepreneurs have the greatest impact on social enterprise success is because, social enterprise is an organization that does not motivate or provide attractive financial incentives to the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs, who succeed in developing their organizations, therefore need attribute factor higher than normal entrepreneurs, especially those in education sector that have somewhat few human resources to operate their businesses. More importantly, attribute’s traits such as entrepreneurial passion, self-efficacy, entrepreneurial identity and, innovativeness and perseverance will significantly affect the ideology and tolerance of the entrepreneurs once facing the problem in doing business. In conclusion, the education social enterprise would be successful depending on the performance of the entrepreneurs which derives from higher attributes competency.Keywords: education, entrepreneur competencies, social enterprise, South East Asia
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