Search results for: Buddhist cosmology
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 116

Search results for: Buddhist cosmology

56 Agegraphic Dark Energy with GUP

Authors: H. R. Fazlollahi


Dark Energy origin is unknown and so describing this mysterious component in large scale structure needs to manipulate our theories in general relativity. Although in most models, dark energy arises from extra terms through modifying Einstein-Hilbert action, maybe its origin traces back to fundamental aspects of ground energy of space-time given in quantum mechanics. Hence, diluting space-time in general relativity with quantum mechanics properties leads to the Karolyhazy relation corresponding energy density of quantum fluctuations of space-time. Through generalized uncertainty principle and an eye to Karolyhazy approach in this study we extend energy density of quantum fluctuations of space-time. Also, the application of this idea is considered in late time evolution and we have shown how extra term in generalized uncertainty principle plays as a plausible interaction term role in suggested model.

Keywords: generalized uncertainty principle, karolyhazy approach, agegraphic dark energy, cosmology

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55 Accelerated Expansion of a Matter-Antimatter Universe and Gravity as an Electromagnetic Force

Authors: Maarten J. Van der Burgt


A universe containing matter and antimatter can only exist when matter and antimatter repel each other. Such a system, where like attracts like and like repels unlike, will always expand. Calculations made for such a symmetric universe demonstrate that the expansion is consistent with Hubble’s law, the observed increase in the expansion velocity with time, the initial high acceleration and the foam structure of the universe. Conversely, these observations can be considered as proof for a symmetrical universe and for antimatter possessing a negative gravitational mass. A second proof can be found by reinterpreting the behavior of relativistic moving charged particles. Attributing their behavior to a charge defect of √(1-v2/c2) instead of to a mass defect of 1/√(1-v2/c2) makes it plausible that gravitation is an electromagnetic force, as already suggested by Feynman. This would automatically imply that antimatter has a negative gravitational mass. These proofs underpin the untenability of the Weak Equivalence Principle which states that in a gravitational field all structure less point-like particles follow the same path.

Keywords: celestial mechanics, cosmology, gravitation astrophysics, origin of structure, miscellaneous (matter and antimatter)

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54 The Debacle of the Social Pact: Finding a New Theoretical Framework for Egalitarian Justice

Authors: Abosede Priscilla Ipadeola


The quest for egalitarian justice requires a suitable theoretical foundation that can address the problem of marginalization and subjugation arising from various forms of oppression, such as sexism, racism, classism, and others. Many thinkers and societies have appealed to contractarianism, a theory that has been widely regarded as a doctrine of egalitarianism by some political theorists for about five centuries. Despite its numerous criticisms, the social contract still enjoys a prominent status as a key theory for egalitarian justice. However, Pateman and Mills have contended that the contractarian approach legitimizes gender and racial inequalities by excluding and marginalizing women and people of color from the original agreement. Therefore, the social contract is incapable of generating or fostering equality. This study proposes postcontractarianism, which is a viable alternative to the social contract. Postcontractarianism argues that the basis for egalitarianism cannot be grounded on agreement but rather on understanding. Postcontractarianism draws on Jorge Nef’s idea of mutual vulnerability and Obiri (an African theory of cosmology) to argue for the imperative of social equality.

Keywords: postcontractarianism, obiri, mutual vulnerability, egalitarianism, the social contract

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53 The Historical Background of Physical Changing Towards Ancient Mosques in Aceh, Indonesia

Authors: Karima Adilla


Aceh province, into which Islam convinced to have entered Indonesia in the 12th Century before spreading throughout the archipelago and the rest of Southeast Asia, has several early Islamic mosques that still exist until today. However, due to some circumstances, the restoration and rehabilitation towards those mosques have been made in some periods, while the background was diverse. Concerning this, the research will examine the physical changing aspects of 3 prominent historical mosques in Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh; those are, Indrapuri Mosque, Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, and Baiturrahim Mosque built coincided with the beginning of Islam’s development in Aceh and regarded as eventful mosques. The existence of Indrapuri Mosque built on the remains of the Lamuri Kingdom’s temple is a historical trace that there was Hindu-Buddhist civilization in Aceh before Islam entered and became the majority religion about 98% from Aceh total population. Also, there was the Dutch who colonialized Aceh behind the existence of two famous mosques in Aceh, namely Baiturrahman Grand Mosque and Baiturrahim Mosque, as the colonizer also assisted to rebuild those 2 sacred Mosques to quell the anger of the Acehnese people because their mosque was burnt by the Dutch. Interestingly, despite underwent a long history successively since the rise of Islam after the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom had collapsed, colonialization, conflict, in Aceh, and even experienced the earthquake and tsunami disaster in 2004, those mosques still exist. Therefore, those mosques have been considered as historical silent witnesses. However, it was not merely those reasons that led the mosques underwent several physical changes, otherwise economic, political, social, cultural and religious factors were also highly influential. Instead of directly illustrating the physical changing of those three mosques, this research intends to identify under what condition the physical appearance continuously changing during the sultanate era, the colonial period until post-independent in terms of the architectural style, detail elements, design philosophy, and how the remnants buildings act as medium to bridge the history. A framework will use qualitative research methods by collecting actual data of the mosque's physical change figures through field studies, investigations, library studies and interviews. This research aims to define every trace of historical issues embedded in the physical changing of those mosques as they are intertwined in collecting historical proof. Thus, the result will reveal the characteristic interrelation between history, the mosque architectural style in a certain period, the physical changes background and its impact. Eventually, this research will also explicate a clear inference of each mosque’s role in representing history in Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh specifically, as well as Aceh generally through architectural design concepts.

Keywords: Aceh ancient mosques, Aceh history, Islamic architecture, physical changing

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52 Induced-Gravity Inflation in View of the Bicep2 Results

Authors: C. Pallis


Induced-Gravity inflation is a model of chaotic inflation where the inflaton is identified with a Higgs-like modulus whose the vacuum expectation value controls the gravitational strength. Thanks to a strong enough coupling between the inflaton and the Ricci scalar curvature, inflation is attained even for subplanckian values of the inflaton with the corresponding effective theory being valid up to the Planck scale. In its simplest realization, induced-gravity inflation is based on a quatric potential and a quadratic non-minimal coupling and the inflationary observables turn out to be in agreement with the Planck data. Its supersymmetrization can be formulated within no-scale Supergravity employing two gauge singlet chiral superfields and applying a continuous $R$ and a discrete Zn symmetry to the proposed superpotential and Kahler potential. Modifying slightly the non-minimal coupling to Gravity, the model can account for the recent results of BICEP2. These modifications can be also accommodated beyond the no-scale SUGRA considering the fourth order term of the Kahler potential which mixes the inflaton with the accompanying non-inflaton field and small deviations from the prefactor $-3$ encountered in the adopted Kahler potential.

Keywords: cosmology, supersymmetric models, supergravity, modified gravity

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51 The Concept of Dharma under Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh Religions: A Comparative Analysis

Authors: Venkateswarlu Kappara


The term ‘Dharma’ is complex and ubiquitous. It has no equivalent word in English Initially applied to Aryans. In Rig Veda, it appears in a number of places with different meanings. The word Dharma comes from the roots word ‘dhr’ (Dhri-Dharayatetiiti Dharmaha). Principles of Dharma are all pervading. The closest synonyms for Dharma in English is ‘Righteousness.’ In a holy book Mahabharata, it is mentioned that Dharma destroys those who destroy it, Dharma Protects those who protect it. Also, Dharma might be shadowed, now and then by evil forces, but at the end, Dharma always triumphs. This line embodies the eternal victory of good over evil. In Mahabharata, Lord Krishna says Dharma upholds both, this worldly and other worldly affairs. Rig Veda says, ‘O Indra! Lead us on the path of Rta, on the right path over all evils.’ For Buddhists, Dharma most often means the body of teachings expounded by the Buddha. The Dharma is one of the three Jewels (Tri Ratnas) of Buddhism under which the followers take refuge. They are: the ‘Buddha’ meaning the minds perfection or enlightenment, the Dharma, meaning the teachings and the methods of the Buddha, and the Sangha meaning those awakened people who provide guidance and support followers. Buddha denies a separate permanent ‘I.’ Buddha Accepts Suffering (Dukka). Change / impermanence (Anicca) and not– self (Annatta) Dharma in the Buddhist scriptures has a variety of meanings including ‘phenomenon’ and ‘nature’ or ‘characteristic.’ For Sikhs, the word ‘Dharma’ means the ‘path’ of righteousness’ The Sikh scriptures attempt to answer the exposition of Dharma. The main Holy Scripture of the Sikh religion is called the Guru Granth Sahib. The faithful people are fully bound to do whatever the Dharma wants them to do. Such is the name of the Immaculate Lord. Only one who has faith comes to know such a state of mind. The righteous judge of Dharma, by the Hukam of God’s Command, sits and Administers true justice. From Dharma flow wealth and pleasure. The study indicates that in Sikh religion, the Dharma is the path of righteousness; In Buddhism, the mind’s perfection of enlightenment, and in Hinduism, it is non-violence, purity, truth, control of senses, not coveting the property of others. The comparative study implies that all religions dealt with Dharma for welfare of the mankind. The methodology adapted is theoretical, analytical and comparative. The present study indicates how far Indian philosophical systems influenced the present circumstances and how far the present system is not compatible with Ancient philosophical systems. A tentative generalization would be that the present system which is mostly influenced by the British Governance may not totally reflect the ancient norms. However, the mental make-up continues to be influenced by Ancient philosophical systems.

Keywords: Dharma, Dukka (suffering), Rakshati, righteous

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50 An Examination of the Relationship between the Five Stages of the Yogacara Path to Enlightenment and the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures

Authors: Kyungbong Kim


This study proposed to compare and analyse the five stages of cultivating the Yogâcāra path and the spiritual journey in the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures. To achieve this, the study investigated the core concepts and practice methods of the two approaches and analysed their relations from the literature reviewed. The results showed that the end goal of the two approaches is the same, the attainment of Buddhahood, with the two having common characteristics including the practice of being aware of the impermanent and non-self, and the fulfilling benefit of sentient beings. The results suggest that our Buddhist practice system needs to sincerely consider the realistic ways by which one can help people in agony in contemporary society, not by emphasizing on the enlightenment through a specific practice way for all people, but by tailored practice methods based on each one's faculties in understanding Buddhism.

Keywords: transformation of consciousness to wisdom, enlightenment, the five stages of cultivating the Yogacāra path, the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures, transformation of the basis

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49 The Humanistic Buddhist Ideas of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: A Case Study of the Eighteen Arhats at the Buddha Museum

Authors: You Lu Shi


The Sixteen Arhats evolved around the third and fourth centuries based on a discourse expounded by the great Arhat Nandimitra, the text of which was translated into Chinese by Xuanzang in the mid-seventh century. The iconographical form emerged soon after, in the ninth century. Subsequently, two more Arhats were introduced, which gave rise to the Eighteen Arhats. Today, the Eighteen Arhats at the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum is not simply a recollection of the traditionally listed Eighteen Arhats; the roster includes three female Arhats as well. This paper aims to study the ideas that Venerable Master Hsing Yun envisioned when referring to these Eighteen Arhats, and what they represent in the modern world, in the context of Humanistic Buddhism. The differences between the traditional Eighteen Arhats and the new line-up erected at the Buddha Museum will be carefully examined.

Keywords: eighteen Arhats, humanistic Buddhism, Hsing Yun, Buddha Museum

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48 Incomplete Existing Algebra to Support Mathematical Computations

Authors: Ranjit Biswas


The existing subject Algebra is incomplete to support mathematical computations being done by scientists of all areas: Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Space Science, Cosmology etc. even starting from the era of great Einstein. A huge hidden gap in the subject ‘Algebra’ is unearthed. All the scientists today, including mathematicians, physicists, chemists, statisticians, cosmologists, space scientists, and economists, even starting from the great Einstein, are lucky that they got results without facing any contradictions or without facing computational errors. Most surprising is that the results of all scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, were proved by them by doing experiments too. But in this paper, it is rigorously justified that they all are lucky. An algebraist can define an infinite number of new algebraic structures. The objective of the work in this paper is not just for the sake of defining a distinct algebraic structure, but to recognize and identify a major gap of the subject ‘Algebra’ lying hidden so far in the existing vast literature of it. The objective of this work is to fix the unearthed gap. Consequently, a different algebraic structure called ‘Region’ has been introduced, and its properties are studied.

Keywords: region, ROR, RORR, region algebra

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47 Path Integrals and Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure

Authors: Revant Nayar


In this work, we recast the equations describing large scale structure, and by extension all nonlinear fluids, in the path integral formalism. We first calculate the well known two and three point functions using Schwinger Keldysh formalism used commonly to perturbatively solve path integrals in non- equilibrium systems. Then we include EFT corrections due to pressure, viscosity, and noise as effects on the time-dependent propagator. We are able to express results for arbitrary two and three point correlation functions in LSS in terms of differential operators acting on a triple K master intergral. We also, for the first time, get analytical results for more general initial conditions deviating from the usual power law P∝kⁿ by introducing a mass scale in the initial conditions. This robust field theoretic formalism empowers us with tools from strongly coupled QFT to study the strongly non-linear regime of LSS and turbulent fluid dynamics such as OPE and holographic duals. These could be used to capture fully the strongly non-linear dynamics of fluids and move towards solving the open problem of classical turbulence.

Keywords: quantum field theory, cosmology, effective field theory, renormallisation

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46 The Analysis of Cultural Diversity in EFL Textbook for Senior High School in Indonesia

Authors: Soni Ariawan


The study aims to explore the cultural diversity highlighted in EFL textbook for Senior High School grade 10 in Indonesia. The visual images are selected as the data and qualitatively analysed using content analysis. The reason to choose visual images because images are not always neutral and they might impact teaching and learning process. In the current study, cultural diversity aspects are focused on religion (Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian), gender (male, female, unclear), ethnic (Melanesian, Austronesian, Foreigner) and socioeconomic (low, middle, high, undetermined) diversity as the theoretical framework. The four aspects of cultural diversity are sufficiently representative to draw a conclusion in investigating Indonesian culture representation in EFL textbook. The finding shows that cultural diversity is not proportionally reflected in the textbook, particularly in the visual images.

Keywords: EFL textbook, cultural diversity, visual images, Indonesia

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45 Digital Subsistence of Cultural Heritage: Digital Media as a New Dimension of Cultural Ecology

Authors: Dan Luo


With the climate change can exacerbate exposure of cultural heritage to climatic stressors, scholars pin their hope on digital technology can help the site avoid surprises. Virtual museum has been regarded as a highly effective technology that enables people to gain enjoyable visiting experience and immersive information about cultural heritage. The technology clearly reproduces the images of the tangible cultural heritage, and the aesthetic experience created by new media helps consumers escape from the realistic environment full of uncertainty. The new cultural anchor has appeared outside the cultural sites. This article synthesizes the international literature on the virtual museum by developing diagrams of Citespace focusing on the tangible cultural heritage and the alarmingly situation has emerged in the process of resolving climate change: (1) Digital collections are the different cultural assets for public. (2) The media ecology change people ways of thinking and meeting style of cultural heritage. (3) Cultural heritage may live forever in the digital world. This article provides a typical practice information to manage cultural heritage in a changing climate—the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in the far northwest of China, which is a worldwide cultural heritage site famous for its remarkable and sumptuous murals. This monument is a typical synthesis of art containing 735 Buddhist temples, which was listed by UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites. The caves contain some extraordinary examples of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years - the architectural form, the sculptures in the caves, and the murals on the walls, all together constitute a wonderful aesthetic experience. Unfortunately, this magnificent treasure cave has been threatened by increasingly frequent dust storms and precipitation. The Dunhuang Academy has been using digital technology since the last century to preserve these immovable cultural heritages, especially the murals in the caves. And then, Dunhuang culture has become a new media culture after introduce the art to the world audience through exhibitions, VR, video, etc. The paper chooses qualitative research method that used Nvivo software to encode the collected material to answer this question. The author paid close attention to the survey in Dunhuang City, including participated in 10 exhibition and 20 salons that are Dunhuang-themed on network. What’s more, 308 visitors were interviewed who are fans of the art and have experienced Dunhuang culture online(6-75 years).These interviewees have been exposed to Dunhuang culture through different media, and they are acutely aware of the threat to this cultural heritage. The conclusion is that the unique halo of the cultural heritage was always emphasized, and digital media breeds twin brothers of cultural heritage. In addition, the digital media make it possible for cultural heritage to reintegrate into the daily life of the masses. Visitors gain the opportunity to imitate the mural figures through enlarged or emphasized images but also lose the perspective of understanding the whole cultural life. New media construct a new life aesthetics apart from the Authorized heritage discourse.

Keywords: cultural ecology, digital twins, life aesthetics, media

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44 Development of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for Detection of Garlic in Food

Authors: Ting-Ying Su, Meng-Shiou Lee, Shyang-Chwen Sheu


Garlic is used commonly as a seasoning around the world. But some people suffer from allergy to garlic. Garlic may also cause burning of mouth, stomach, and throat. In some Buddhist traditions, consuming garlic is not allowed. The objective of this study is to develop a LAMP based method for detection of garlic in food. We designed specific primers targeted on ITS1-5.8S rRNA-ITS2 sequence of garlic DNA. The LAMP assay was performed using a set of four different primers F3, B3, FIP and BIP at 60˚C in less than 60 mins. Results showed that the primer was not cross-reactive to other commonly used spice including Chinese leek, Chinese onion, green onion, onion, pepper, basil, parsley, pepper and ginger. As low as 2% of garlic DNA could be detected. Garlic still could be detected by developed LAMP after boiled at 100˚C for 80 minutes and autoclaved at 121˚C for 60 minutes. Commercial products labeled with garlic ingredient could be identified by the developed method.

Keywords: garlic, loop-mediated isothermal amplification, processing, DNA

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43 Rejuvenating Cultural Energy: Forging Pathways to Alternative Ecological and Development Paradigms

Authors: Aldrin R. Logdat


The insights and wisdom of the Alangan Mangyans offer valuable guidance for developing alternative ecological and development frameworks. Their reverence for the sacredness of the land, rooted in their traditional cosmology, guides their harmonious relationship with nature. Through their practice of swidden farming, ecosystem preservation takes precedence as they carefully manage agricultural activities and allow for forest regeneration. This approach aligns with natural processes, reflecting their profound understanding of the natural world. Similar to early advocates like Aldo Leopold, the emphasis is on shifting our perception of land from a commodity to a community. The indigenous wisdom of the Alangan Mangyans provides practical and sustainable approaches to preserving the interdependence of the biotic community and ecosystems. By integrating their cultural heritage, we can transcend the prevailing anthropocentric mindset and foster a meaningful and sustainable connection with nature. The revitalization of cultural energy and the embrace of alternative frameworks require learning from indigenous peoples like the Alangan Mangyans, where reverence for the land and the recognition of the interconnectedness between humanity and nature are prioritized. This paves the way for a future where harmony with nature and the well-being of the Earth community prevail.

Keywords: Alangan Mangyans, ecological frameworks, sacredness of the land, cultural energy

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42 Meditation, Mental States, Quantum Mechanics and Enlightenment

Authors: Ven. Bhikkhu Ananda


Mind emerged from the quantum field. The practice of mediation can take one to the state of enlightenment. During meditation, the change in the very behaviour of electrons, protons, and photons and their fields, known to be quantum fields, create mental states. This could well be expressed in the mathematical language of quantum mechanics. This paper qualifies and quantifies mental states created during meditation and is explained by quantum mechanics. In meditation, phenomenology can be seen as the process of enlightenment. In this process, the emptiness shown in Buddhist philosophy and the emptiness of quantum fields is compared. The methodologies used here are mindfulness meditation and metta mediation (compassion meditation ). The research findings suggest not only quantumness and change are consciousness, but well-founded behaviour of an individual in the society, which can amplify the positive behaviour caused by mental states, and that emptiness and impermanence of phenomenon are based on dependent arisings. The presence of quantum coherence indicates that quantum mechanics has a role in the evolution of the pure mind and the phenomenology created thereof in mediation.

Keywords: meditation, mental states, quantum mechanics, enlightenment

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41 Analysing Industry Clustering to Develop Competitive Advantage for Wualai Silver Handicraft

Authors: Khanita Tumphasuwan


The Wualai community of Northern Thailand represents important intellectual and social capital and their silver handicraft products are desirable tourist souvenirs within Chiang Mai Province. This community has been in danger of losing this social and intellectual capital due to the application of an improper tool, the Scottish Enterprise model of clustering. This research aims to analyze and increase its competitive advantages for preventing the loss of social and intellectual capital. To improve the Wualai’s competitive advantage, analysis is undertaken using a Porterian cluster approach, including the diamond model, five forces model and cluster mapping. Research results suggest that utilizing the community’s Buddhist beliefs can foster collaboration between community members and is the only way to improve cluster effectiveness, increase competitive advantage, and in turn conserve the Wualai community.

Keywords: industry clustering, silver handicraft, competitive advantage, intellectual capital, social capital

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40 Buddha Images in Mudras Representing Days of a Week: Tactile Texture Design for the Blind

Authors: Chantana Insra


The research “Buddha Images in Mudras Representing Days of a Week: Tactile Texture Design for the Blind” aims to provide original tactile format to institutions for the blind, as supplementary textbooks, to accumulate Buddhist knowledge, so that it could be extracurricular learning. The research studied on 33 students with both total and partial blindness, the latter with the ability to read Braille’s signs, of elementary 4 – 6, who are pursuing their studies on the second semester of the academic year 2013 at Bangkok School for the Blind. The researcher opted samples specifically, studied data acquired from both documents and fieldworks. Those methods must be related to the blind, tactile format production, and Buddha images in mudras representing days of a week. Afterwards, the formats will be analyzed and designed so that there would be 8 format pictures of Buddha images in mudras representing days of the week. Experts will next evaluate the media and try out.

Keywords: blind, tactile texture, Thai Buddha images, Mudras, texture design

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39 Applying Multiple Intelligences to Teach Buddhist Doctrines in a Classroom

Authors: Phalaunnnaphat Siriwongs


The classroom of the 21st century is an ever changing forum for new and innovative thoughts and ideas. With increasing technology and opportunity, students have rapid access to information that only decades ago would have taken weeks to obtain. Unfortunately, new techniques and technology are not the cure for the fundamental problems that have plagued the classroom ever since education was established. Class size has been an issue long debated in academia. While it is difficult to pin point an exact number, it is clear that in this case more does not mean better. By looking into the success and pitfalls of classroom size the true advantages of smaller classes will become clear. Previously, one class was comprised of 50 students. Being seventeen and eighteen- year- old students, sometimes it was quite difficult for them to stay focused. To help them understand and gain much knowledge, a researcher introduced “The Theory of Multiple Intelligence” and this, in fact, enabled students to learn according to their own learning preferences no matter how they were being taught. In this lesson, the researcher designed a cycle of learning activities involving all intelligences so that everyone had equal opportunities to learn.

Keywords: multiple intelligences, role play, performance assessment, formative assessment

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38 The Existence of Field Corn Networks on the Thailand-Burma Border under the Patron-Client Contract Farming System

Authors: Kettawa Boonprakarn, Jedsarid Sangkaphan, Bejapornd Deekhuntod, Nuntharat Suriyo


This study aimed to investigate the existence of field corn networks on the Thailand-Burma border under the patron-client contract farming system. The data of this qualitative study were collected through in-depth interviews with nine key informants. The results of the study revealed that the existence of the field corn networks was associated with the relationship where farmers had to share their crops with protectors in the areas under the influence of the KNU (Karen National Union) and the DKBA (Democratic Karen Buddhist Army) or Burmese soldiers. A Mae Liang, the person who starts a network has a connection with a Thaokae, Luk Rai Hua Chai or the head of a group of farmers, and farmers. They are under the patron-client system with trust and loyalty that enable the head of the group and the farmers in the Burma border side to remain under the same Mae Liang even though the business has been passed down to later generations.

Keywords: existence, field-corn networks, patron-client system, contract farming

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37 The Evolving Changes of Religious Behavior: an Exploratory Study on Guanyin Worship of Contemporary Chinese Societies

Authors: Judith Sue Hwa Joo


Guanyin (Avalokiteśvara in Sanskrit), the Bodhisattva of Mercy and Compassion, is the most widely worshipped Buddhist Divinity in Chinese societies and is also believed by more than half of Asian populations across various countries. The most overwhelming reason for the popularity of Guanyin in Chinese societies is, according to the Lotus Sutra, that Guanyin would apperceive voices of those suffering from immense afflictions and troubles, and liberate them upon crying for his/her holy name with wholeheartedness. Its pervasive social influence has spanned more than two thousand years and is still deeply affecting the lives of most Chinese people. This study aimed to investigate whether Guanyin Worship has evolved and changed in modern Chinese societies across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan and China, albeit having the same language and culture, have been territorially divided and governed by two different political regimes for over 70 years. It would be scientifically intriguing to unveil any substantial changes in religious behaviors in the context of Guanyin Worship. A comprehensive anonymous questionnaire survey in Chinese communities was conducted from October 2017 to May 2019 across various countries, mostly in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong areas. Since the religious survey is officially prohibited in China, the study was difficult and could only be exercised by means of snowball sampling. Demographic data (age, sex, education, religious belief) were registered and Guanyin’s salvation functions under various confronting situations were investigated. Psychological dimensions of religious belief in Guanyin were probed in terms of the worship experience, the willingness of veneration, and egoistic or altruistic ideations. A literature review on documented functional attributes was carried out in parallel for comparison analyses with traditional roles. Effective 1123 out of 1139 samples were obtained. Statistical analysis revealed that Guanyin Worship is still commonly practiced and deeply rooted in the hearts of all Chinese people regardless of gender, age, education, and residential area, even though they may not enshrine Guanyin at home nowadays. The conventional roles of Guanyin Bodhisattva are still valid and best satisfy the real interests of lifestyles in modern times. When comparing the traditional Buddhist Sutra and the documented literature, the divine power of modern Guanyin has notably empowered to recover, protect and transform fetal and infant spirits due to the sexual liberation, increased abortion rate, gender awakening and enhanced female autonomy in the reproductive decision. However, the One-Child policy may have critically impacted the trajectory of Guanyin Worship so that people in China prevail over those in Taiwan praying for aborted lives or premature deaths. Furthermore, particularly in Hong Kong and Macao, Guanyin not only serves as the sea guardian for the fishermen but also additional services a new function as the God of Wealth. The divine powers and salvation functions of Guanyin are indeed evolving and expanding to comply with the modern psychosocial, cultural and societal needs. This study sheds light on the modernization process of the two-thousand-year-old Guanyin Worship of contemporary Chinese societies.

Keywords: Buddhism, Guanyin, religious behavior, salvation function

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36 A Study on Local Wisdom towards Career Building of People in Kamchanoad Community

Authors: Phusit Phukamchanoad, Thananya Santithammakul, Suwaree Yordchim, Pennapa Palapin


This research gathered local wisdom towards career building of people in Kamchanoad Community, Baan Muang sub-district, Baan Dung district, Udon Thani province. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with village headmen, community board, teachers, monks, Kamchanoad forest managers and revered elderly aged over 60 years old. All of these 30 interviewees have resided in Kamchanoad Community for more than 40. Descriptive data analysis result revealed that the most prominent local wisdom of Kamchanoad community is their beliefs and religion. Most people in the community have strongly maintained local tradition, the festival of appeasing Chao Pu Sri Suttho on the middle of the 6th month of Thai lunar calendar which falls on the same day with Vesak Day. 100 percent of the people in this community are Buddhist. They believe that Naga, an entity or being, taking the form of a serpent, named “Sri Suttho” lives in Kamchanoad forest. The local people worship the serpent and ask for blessings. Another local wisdom of this community is Sinh fabric weaving.

Keywords: local wisdoms, careers, Kamchanoad Community, career building

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35 Mechanism of Religion on Community Movement for Solid Waste Management

Authors: Sophaphan Intahphuak, Narong Pamala, Boonyaporn Yodkhong, Samuhavitayaa


The amount of solid waste increases each year as a result of population growth, urbanization and economic expansion; however, there was little public cooperation in the segregation of solid waste due to the lack of awareness. This study aims to encourage all sectors in the community to participate in the development of a suitable model to reduce environmental waste by emerging the cultural context that bares a close relationship with Buddhism through faith and merit-making. The monks, involving stakeholder in the entire waste management system, help publicize the campaign on Buddhist holy days, religious ceremonies and they also teach people to be responsible for the garbage problem in the community. As for the garbage brought for merit-making, they are sold and the money is used to help build the pavilion. It was found that people can separate recycled garbage and the amount of solid waste slightly decrease. The results obtained suggest that the religion is not only the moral center of the community, it is also the center of community empowerment to consciousness in waste management.

Keywords: community empowerment, religion’s role, waste management, recycled garbage

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34 The Explanation for Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Authors: Richard Lewis


The following assumptions of the Big Bang theory are challenged and found to be false: the cosmological principle, the assumption that all matter formed at the same time and the assumption regarding the cause of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The evolution of the universe is described based on the conclusion that the universe is finite with a space boundary. This conclusion is reached by ruling out the possibility of an infinite universe or a universe which is finite with no boundary. In a finite universe, the centre of the universe can be located with reference to our home galaxy (The Milky Way) using the speed relative to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) rest frame and Hubble's law. This places our home galaxy at a distance of approximately 26 million light years from the centre of the universe. Because we are making observations from a point relatively close to the centre of the universe, the universe appears to be isotropic and homogeneous but this is not the case. The CMB is coming from a source located within the event horizon of the universe. There is sufficient mass in the universe to create an event horizon at the Schwarzschild radius. Galaxies form over time due to the energy released by the expansion of space. Conservation of energy must consider total energy which is mass (+ve) plus energy (+ve) plus spacetime curvature (-ve) so that the total energy of the universe is always zero. The predominant position of galaxy formation moves over time from the centre of the universe towards the boundary so that today the majority of new galaxy formation is taking place beyond our horizon of observation at 14 billion light years.

Keywords: cosmology, dark energy, dark matter, evolution of the universe

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33 The Symbolism of Kolanut in Igbo Cosmology: A Re-Examination

Authors: Chukwudi Chidume


This paper considers the symbolism of kola nut according to Igbo worldview. How kola nut helps to shape the people’s philosophical ideology, especially in relation to religion. The roles of kola nut within the Igbo socio-cultural context and the values attached to these roles will be examined. The roles of kola nut as a means of socialization, education and transmission of cultural values from the preceding to succeeding generations will come under consideration. Equally, this paper looks at the traditional rules regarding not only the uses but more essentially the mode of kola nut presentation, blessing, breaking and sharing of kola nut. How these rules and kola nut have persisted in the face of social and cultural changes which have affected the Igbo people shall be reviewed. The roles played by kola nut in Igbo religion will come under study, which is to correct some of the misconceptions by writers who are motivated by eurocentric idealism but quite oblivious of the Igbo cultural setting and the place of kola nut in it. The onslaught of Western civilization causing the change of attitude among the young generation towards kola nut as a vital aspect of our culture tends to pose a threat to the future and survival of kola nut. Again, the study of Igbo culture as many have done rarely gives an in depth knowledge on the concept, roles and symbolism of kola nut as one of the sacred objects like Ofo and Shrines in Igboland. Mostly it is forgotten that without kola nut, shrines cannot be attended to. Many people think that the spiritual significance and sacramental symbolism are not worth exploring. They, therefore, refuse to try and discover the ritual ramifications, claiming that to probe into the mystery demystifies the matter. Kola nut symbolism is not mysteriously inexplicable. It is a revered symbol of social intercourse with deep social relevance.

Keywords: communion, consecration, Igbo, kola nut, religion

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32 Neurological Correlates of Spiritual Experiences Across Different Faith Traditions

Authors: Khader I. Alkhouri


This study investigates the neurological correlates of spiritual experiences across Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, and Jewish traditions using advanced neuroimaging techniques. Our findings reveal both common neural substrates and unique signatures associated with various spiritual practices and experiences. Consistent activation patterns were observed in the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and limbic system across traditions, while the default mode network emerged as a key player in spiritual states. Distinct neural correlates were identified for specific practices like meditation and prayer, and for mystical experiences. Long-term spiritual engagement was found to induce neuroplastic changes. The research highlights the complex interplay between brain function and spiritual phenomena, suggesting that while spiritual experiences have measurable neurobiological correlates, they are also shaped by specific practices and cultural contexts. These findings contribute to our understanding of the neural basis of spirituality and have implications for cognitive neuroscience, consciousness studies, and mental health while also bridging scientific and spiritual perspectives.

Keywords: neuroscience of religion, spiritual experiences, faith traditions, neuroimaging, meditation, prayer, mystical experiences

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31 Songkran Tradition: An Invented Tradition of Thai Buddhists and Thai Muslims for Peace and Happiness in Southern Thailand

Authors: Utit Sungkharat


Purpose: To investigate an invented tradition of Thai Buddhists and Thai Muslims for peace. Methods: The data for this qualitative research were collected from related documents and research reports, field data, and in-depth interviews with Buddhist and Muslim religious leaders and people in the community. Results: The results of the research revealed that Thai Buddhists and Thai Muslims in Tamod Community in the Southern part of Thailand who have lived in the same community and shared the same history of the community jointly invented the Songkran tradition holding on to the reason that they have lived in the same community founded by the same person. The reason for inventing this tradition is that Songkran is a tradition for paying respect to ancestors who passed away and people in Tamod have the same ancestor even though they believe in different religions. Therefore, paying respect to the ancestors can be performed together by people of the two religions. The invented tradition has not only united them and empowered them to drive their community to development but also brought peace and happiness to this community.

Keywords: invented tradition, Thai Buddhists, Thai Muslims, peace

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30 Unifying Heidegger and Sartre: A Way via Yogācāra Buddhism

Authors: Wing Cheuk Chan


It is well-known that Heidegger was highly critical of Sartre’s existential philosophy. In his famous “Letter on Humanism,” Heidegger not only draw a clear cutline between his thinking of Being and Sartre’s existentialism but also introduced a kind of anti-humanism. Such a hostile attitude towards Sartre’sExistentialism as Humanism seems to have created an unbridgeable gap between these them. Indeed, already in his Being and Nothingness, Sartre complained: Heidegger “has completely avoided any appeal to consciousness in his description of Dasein.”In reality, Sartre was mainly faithful to Husserlianphenomenology, in spite of his rejection of Husserl’s idealism. Thanks to the Japanese Buddhist scholar Yoshifumi Ueda’s work on the Old School of Yogācāra Buddhismas represented by Sthiramati and Paramārtha, we learn that in additional to thethesis of transforming vijñāna (knowing consciousness) into jñāna (wisdom), there is an idea of pṛṣṭa-labdha-jñāna (the subsequently acquired wisdom). According to Ueda, the latter is a “non-discriminative discrimination.” This gives rise to a possibility of synthesizing Heidegger’s thinking of Being and Sartre’s existential phenomenology. Structurally, this paper will firstshow that Heidegger focuses on the side of non-discrimination, whereas Sartre concentrates on the side of discrimination. It will then clarify in what sense thateach of them, in itself, remains incomplete. Finally, it will demonstratehow to synthesize them in term of the notion of “non-discriminative discrimination.”

Keywords: heidegger, sartre, phenomenology, yogācāra buddhism

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29 Resocializing Corporate Mindfulness and Meditation: A Relational-Sociological Account of Mindfulness Course Curricula in the Workplace

Authors: Katie Temple


This paper investigates how corporate actors forge commensurability between Buddhist-based mindfulness techniques and day-to-day organizational life. In-depth interviews were conducted with mindfulness instructors certified through Google’s Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI), an organization that designs corporate mindfulness program curricula based on their experiences guiding courses in Fortune 500 companies. Drawing from anti-essentialist sociology and interpretive data analysis, this paper describes instructors’ use of their standardized teacher guidebooks, a regulatory script all SIYLI-certified instructors must adhere to, and instructors’ reinterpretations of teaching protocols at the local level. Instructors mediate standardized rules through their embodied knowledge, perceived receptivity and effect of a given audience, and their political values. Instructors also resist standardizing practices by developing creative, under-the-radar tactics to deviate from the guidebook and assert their own spiritual autonomy. This research contributes to growing debates challenging critical and neoliberal accounts of capitalist abstraction.

Keywords: anti-essentialism, corporate culture, interpretive methods, mindfulness and meditation, relational sociology

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28 Investigation of Buddhology Reflected from Wall Paintings in Sri Lanka

Authors: R. G. D Jayawardena


The Buddha was known by great wise men from 6th century B.C up to date as a superhuman being born in the world beyond the omnipotent. The Buddha’s doctrinal descriptions reflect his deep enlightenment about imperial and metaphysical knowledge. Buddhology undertaken for this study is an unexposed subject in metaphysical points. The Buddhist wall painting in Sri Lanka depicts deep metaphysical meaning than its simple perspective of estheticism. Buddhology, in some perspectives, has been interpreted as a complete natural science discovered by the Buddha to teach the way of honorable living in perfect happiness and peace of mind till death. Such interpretations which emphasized are based on textual studies. The Buddhology conducted through literal tradition is depicted in wall paintings in Sri Lanka are in visual art with specific techniques rules. The Buddhology, which is investigated on wall paintings, portrays the Buddha in the form of a superhuman being and as an unparalleled person among the Devas, Brahmas, Yakshas, Maras, and humans. The Buddha concept is known to Sri Lankan Buddhists as a person attained to full awakening of wisdom. In personality, the Buddha is depicted as a supernormal person in the world and a rare birth. In brief, the paper will discuss and illustrate the Buddha’s transcendental position and the reality of what he experienced and its authenticity.

Keywords: Buddhology, Metaphysic, Sri Lanka, paintings

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27 Urban Catalyst through Traditional Market Revitalization towards the MICE Tourism in Surakarta

Authors: Istijabatul Aliyah, Bambang Setioko, Rara Sugiarti


Surakarta is one of the cities which are formed with the concept of Javanese cosmology. As a traditional town of Java, Surakarta is known as ‘the paradise’ of traditional markets. Since its establishment, Surakarta is formed with Catur Gatra Tunggal or Four Single-Slot concept (palace, square, mosques, and markets). Current development in Surakarta downtown today indicates that traditional markets have improved themselves in both physical and non-physical aspects. The efforts start from the market façade revitalization, restoration and the overall development of market; up to social activities, competition between traders or large celebrations in the neighbourhood market. This research was conducted in Surakarta, which is aimed at: identifying the role of traditional market revitalization efforts in the development of a city. This study employs several methods of analysis, namely: 1) Spatial analysis for mapping the distribution of traditional markets in the city constellation, 2) Category-Based Analysis (CBA) to classify the revitalization of traditional markets that has an influence in the development of the city, and 3) Interactive Method of Analysis. The results of this research indicate that the presence of a constellation of traditional markets in Surakarta is dominated by the presence of Gede Market, not only as the oldest traditional market, but also as a center of economic and socio-cultural activities of the community. The role of traditional market revitalization in the development of a town is as an Urban Catalyst towards a MICE city in the sense that the revitalization effort, even done in a relatively short time and not yet covering the overall objects, is able to establish brand image of Surakarta as a city of culture which is friendly and ready to be MICE tourism city.

Keywords: traditional market revitalization, urban catalyst, MICE tourism, Surakarta

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