Search results for: relative regional total energy
18679 Designing Ecologically and Economically Optimal Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Authors: Y. Ghiassi-Farrokhfal
The number of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing worldwide. Replacing gas fueled cars with EVs reduces carbon emission. However, the extensive energy consumption of EVs stresses the energy systems, requiring non-green sources of energy (such as gas turbines) to compensate for the new energy demand caused by EVs in the energy systems. To make EVs even a greener solution for the future energy systems, new EV charging stations are equipped with solar PV panels and batteries. This will help serve the energy demand of EVs through the green energy of solar panels. To ensure energy availability, solar panels are combined with batteries. The energy surplus at any point is stored in batteries and is used when there is not enough solar energy to serve the demand. While EV charging stations equipped with solar panels and batteries are green and ecologically optimal, they might not be financially viable solutions, due to battery prices. To make the system viable, we should size the battery economically and operate the system optimally. This is, in general, a challenging problem because of the stochastic nature of the EV arrivals at the charging station, the available solar energy, and the battery operating system. In this work, we provide a mathematical model for this problem and we compute the return on investment (ROI) of such a system, which is designed to be ecologically and financially optimal. We also quantify the minimum required investment in terms of battery and solar panels along with the operating strategy to ensure that a charging station has enough energy to serve its EV demand at any time.Keywords: solar energy, battery storage, electric vehicle, charging stations
Procedia PDF Downloads 22318678 A Critical Review of Assessments of Geological CO2 Storage Resources in Pennsylvania and the Surrounding Region
Authors: Levent Taylan Ozgur Yildirim, Qihao Qian, John Yilin Wang
A critical review of assessments of geological carbon dioxide (CO2) storage resources in Pennsylvania and the surrounding region was completed with a focus on the studies of Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP), United States Department of Energy (US-DOE), and United States Geological Survey (USGS). Pennsylvania Geological Survey participated in the MRCSP Phase I research to characterize potential storage formations in Pennsylvania. The MRCSP’s volumetric method estimated ~89 gigatonnes (Gt) of total CO2 storage resources in deep saline formations, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, coals, and shales in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, the US-DOE calculated storage efficiency factors using log-odds normal distribution and Monte Carlo sampling, revealing contingent storage resources of ~18 Gt to ~20 Gt in deep saline formations, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, and coals in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the USGS employed Beta-PERT distribution and Monte Carlo sampling to determine buoyant and residual storage efficiency factors, resulting in 20 Gt of contingent storage resources across four storage assessment units in Appalachian Basin. However, few studies have explored CO2 storage resources in shales in the region, yielding inconclusive findings. This article provides a critical and most up to date review and analysis of geological CO2 storage resources in Pennsylvania and the region.Keywords: carbon capture and storage, geological CO2 storage, pennsylvania, appalachian basin
Procedia PDF Downloads 5618677 Low Electrical Energy Access Rate in Burundi as a Barrier to Achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: Gatoto Placide, Michel Roddy Lollchund, Gace Athanase Dalson
This paper first presents a review of the current situation of energy access rate in Burundi, which is relatively low compared to other countries. The paper aims to identify the key gaps in improving the electrical energy access in Burundi and proposes a solution to overcome these gaps. It is shown that the electrical power grid is old and concentrated in north-west and in Bujumbura city while other regions lack access to national grids. Next to that, the link between electricity access and sustainable development in Burundi is clarified. Further, some solutions are suggested to solve energy access problems such as the electricity transmission lines extension and renovation, diversification of energy sources.Keywords: Burundi, energy access, hydropower, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 18918676 Probabilistic Model for Evaluating Seismic Soil Liquefaction Based on Energy Approach
Authors: Hamid Rostami, Ali Fallah Yeznabad, Mohammad H. Baziar
The energy-based method for evaluating seismic soil liquefaction has two main sections. First is the demand energy, which is dissipated energy of earthquake at a site, and second is the capacity energy as a representation of soil resistance against liquefaction hazard. In this study, using a statistical analysis of recorded data by 14 down-hole array sites in California, an empirical equation was developed to estimate the demand energy at sites. Because determination of capacity energy at a site needs to calculate several site calibration factors, which are obtained by experimental tests, in this study the standard penetration test (SPT) N-value was assumed as an alternative to the capacity energy at a site. Based on this assumption, the empirical equation was employed to calculate the demand energy for 193 liquefied and no-liquefied sites and then these amounts were plotted versus the corresponding SPT numbers for all sites. Subsequently, a discrimination analysis was employed to determine the equations of several boundary curves for various liquefaction likelihoods. Finally, a comparison was made between the probabilistic model and the commonly used stress method. As a conclusion, the results clearly showed that energy-based method can be more reliable than conventional stress-based method in evaluation of liquefaction occurrence.Keywords: energy demand, liquefaction, probabilistic analysis, SPT number
Procedia PDF Downloads 36918675 [Keynote Speech]: Competitive Evaluation of Power Plants in Energy Policy
Authors: Beril Tuğrul
Electrical energy is the most important form of energy and electrical power plants have highest impact factor in energy policy. This study is in relation with evaluation of various power plants including fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable energy based power plants. The power plants evaluated with regard to their overall impact that considered for establishing of the plants. Both positive and negative impacts of power plant operation are compared view of different arguments. Then calculate the impact factor by using variation linear extrapolation for each argument. With this study, power plants assessed with the different point of view and clarified objectively. Procedia PDF Downloads 52418674 An Energy-Efficient Model of Integrating Telehealth IoT Devices with Fog and Cloud Computing-Based Platform
Authors: Yunyong Guo, Sudhakar Ganti, Bryan Guo
The rapid growth of telehealth Internet of Things (IoT) devices has raised concerns about energy consumption and efficient data processing. This paper introduces an energy-efficient model that integrates telehealth IoT devices with a fog and cloud computing-based platform, offering a sustainable and robust solution to overcome these challenges. Our model employs fog computing as a localized data processing layer while leveraging cloud computing for resource-intensive tasks, significantly reducing energy consumption. We incorporate adaptive energy-saving strategies. Simulation analysis validates our approach's effectiveness in enhancing energy efficiency for telehealth IoT systems integrated with localized fog nodes and both private and public cloud infrastructures. Future research will focus on further optimization of the energy-saving model, exploring additional functional enhancements, and assessing its broader applicability in other healthcare and industry sectors.Keywords: energy-efficient, fog computing, IoT, telehealth
Procedia PDF Downloads 8818673 A Study on the Coefficient of Transforming Relative Lateral Displacement under Linear Analysis of Structure to Its Real Relative Lateral Displacement
Authors: Abtin Farokhipanah
In recent years, analysis of structures is based on ductility design in contradictory to strength design in surveying earthquake effects on structures. ASCE07-10 code offers to intensify relative drifts calculated from a linear analysis with Cd which is called (Deflection Amplification Factor) to obtain the real relative drifts which can be calculated using nonlinear analysis. This lateral drift should be limited to the code boundaries. Calculation of this amplification factor for different structures, comparing with ASCE07-10 code and offering the best coefficient are the purposes of this research. Following our target, short and tall building steel structures with various earthquake resistant systems in linear and nonlinear analysis should be surveyed, so these questions will be answered: 1. Does the Response Modification Coefficient (R) have a meaningful relation to Deflection Amplification Factor? 2. Does structure height, seismic zone, response spectrum and similar parameters have an effect on the conversion coefficient of linear analysis to real drift of structure? The procedure has used to conduct this research includes: (a) Study on earthquake resistant systems, (b) Selection of systems and modeling, (c) Analyzing modeled systems using linear and nonlinear methods, (d) Calculating conversion coefficient for each system and (e) Comparing conversion coefficients with the code offered ones and concluding results.Keywords: ASCE07-10 code, deflection amplification factor, earthquake engineering, lateral displacement of structures, response modification coefficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 35418672 A Statistical Energy Analysis Model of an Automobile for the Prediction of the Internal Sound Pressure Level
Authors: El Korchi Ayoub, Cherif Raef
Interior noise in vehicles is an essential factor affecting occupant comfort. Over recent decades, much work has been done to develop simulation tools for vehicle NVH. At the medium high-frequency range, the statistical energy analysis method (SEA) shows significant effectiveness in predicting noise and vibration responses of mechanical systems. In this paper, the evaluation of the sound pressure level (SPL) inside an automobile cabin has been performed numerically using the statistical energy analysis (SEA) method. A test car cabin was performed using a monopole source as a sound source. The decay rate method was employed to obtain the damping loss factor (DLF) of each subsystem of the developed SEA model. These parameters were then used to predict the sound pressure level in the interior cabin. The results show satisfactory agreement with the directly measured SPL. The developed SEA vehicle model can be used in early design phases and allows the engineer to identify sources contributing to the total noise and transmission paths. Procedia PDF Downloads 9118671 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Rural Life
Authors: Triza Edwar Fawzi Deif
In the process of urbanization in China, new rural construction is on the ascendant, which is becoming more and more popular. Under the driving effect of rural urbanization, the house pattern and tectonic methods of traditional vernacular houses have shown great differences from the family structure and values of contemporary peasant families. Therefore, it is particularly important to find a prototype, form and strategy to make a balance between the traditional memory and modern functional requirements. In order for research to combine the regional culture with modern life, under the situation of the current batch production of new rural residences, Badie village, in Zhejiang province, is taken as the case. This paper aims to put forward a prototype which can not only meet the demand of modern life but also ensure the continuation of traditional culture and historical context for the new rural dwellings design. This research not only helps to extend the local context in the construction of the new site but also contributes to the fusion of old and new rural dwellings in the old site construction. Through the study and research of this case, the research methodology and results can be drawn as reference for the new rural construction in other areas.Keywords: steel slag, co-product, primary coating, steel aggregate capital, rural areas, rural planning, rural governance village, design strategy, new rural dwellings, regional context, regional expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 5818670 Identification of Factors Affecting Labor Productivity in Construction Projects of Iran
Authors: Elham Dehghan, A. Shirzadi Javid, Mohsen Tadayon
Labor productivity is very important and gained special concerns among professionals in the construction industry, worldwide. Productivity improvements on labors achieve higher cost savings with minimal investment. Due to the fact that profit margins are small on construction projects, cost savings associated with productivity are crucial to become a successful contractor. This research program studies and highlights the factors affecting labor productivity in Iranian construction industry. A questionnaire was used to gather the relevant data from respondents who involve in managing various types of projects in wide areas in Iran. It involved ranking 57 predefined factors divided into 5 categories: Human/Labor; Financial; Management; Equipments/Materials and Environmental. Total 62 feedbacks were analyzed through the Relative Importance Index (RII) technique. The top ten factors affecting construction labor productivity in Iran are: 1) Professional capability of contractor project manager, 2) skills of contractor’s project management team, 3) professional capability of owner project manager, 4) professional capability of Consulting Project manager, 5) discipline working, 6) delay payments by the owner, 7) material shortages, 8) delays in delivery of materials, 9) turnover power of the owner, 10) poor site management. Recommendations have been made in the study to address these factors. The research has direct benefits to key stakeholders in Iranian construction industry.Keywords: Iranian construction projects, labor, productivity, relative importance index
Procedia PDF Downloads 26418669 Positive Behaviour Management Strategies: An Action Research Conducted in a Kindergarten Classroom in Remote Regional Queensland
Authors: Suxiang Yu
As an early childhood teacher in a socially and economically highly disadvantaged suburb in regional QLD, the author endeavors to find out effective positive approaches to behavior management for a classroom that is overwhelmed with challenging behaviors. After evaluating the first-hand data collected from the action research, the author summarizes a few innovative, positive behavior management strategies. The research also implies that behavior management opportunities are actually great social and emotional teachable moments, and by tapping into those teachable moments effectively, the teacher and children will have a closer relationship.Keywords: action research, behavior management, classroom strategies, social and emotional teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 17018668 Two-Stage Anaerobic Digester for Biogas Production from Sewage Sludge: A Case Study in One of Kuwait’s Wastewater Treatment Plant
Authors: Abdullah Almatouq, Abdulla Abusam, Hussain Hussain, Mishari Khajah, Hussain Abdullah, Rashed Al-Yaseen, Mariam Al-Jumaa, Farah Al-Ajeel, Mohammad Aljassam
Due to the high demand for energy from unsustainable resources in Kuwait, the Kuwaiti government has focused recently on using sustainable resources for energy, such as solar and wind energy. In addition, sludge which is generated as a by-product of physical, chemical, and biological processes during wastewater treatment, can be used as a substrate to generate energy through anaerobic digestion. Kuwait’s wastewater treatment plants produce more than 1.7 million m3 of sludge per year, and this volume is accumulated in the treatment plants without any treatment. Therefore, a pilot-scale (3 m3) two-stage anaerobic digester was constructed in one of the largest treatment plants in Kuwait. The reactor was operated in batch mode, and the hydraulic retention time varied between 14 – 27 days. The main of this study is to evaluate the technical feasibility of a two-stage anaerobic digester for sludge treatability and energy generation in Kuwait. The anaerobic digester achieved a total biogas production of 37 m3, and the highest value of daily biogas production was 0.4 m3/day. The methane content ranged between 50 % and 66 %, and the other gases were as follows: CO2 20 %, H2S 13 %, and 1 % O2. The generated biogas was used on-site for cooking and lighting. In some batches, low C/N was noticed, and that lead to maintaining the concentration of CH4 between 50%-55%. In conclusion, an anaerobic digester is an environmentally friendly technology that can be applied in Kuwait, and the obtained results support the scale-up of the process in all the treatment plants.Keywords: wastewater, metahne, biogas production potential, anaerobic digestion
Procedia PDF Downloads 11718667 Health and Greenhouse Gas Emission Implications of Reducing Meat Intakes in Hong Kong
Authors: Cynthia Sau Chun Yip, Richard Fielding
High meat and especially red meat intakes are significantly and positively associated with a multiple burden of diseases and also high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study investigated population meat intake patterns in Hong Kong. It quantified the burden of disease and GHG emission outcomes by modeling to adjust Hong Kong population meat intakes to recommended healthy levels. It compared age- and sex-specific population meat, fruit and vegetable intakes obtained from a population survey among adults aged 20 years and over in Hong Kong in 2005-2007, against intake recommendations suggested in the Modelling System to Inform the Revision of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE-2011-MS) technical document. This study found that meat and meat alternatives, especially red meat intakes among Hong Kong males aged 20+ years and over are significantly higher than recommended. Red meat intakes among females aged 50-69 years and other meat and alternatives intakes among aged 20-59 years are also higher than recommended. Taking the 2005-07 age- and sex-specific population meat intake as baselines, three counterfactual scenarios of adjusting Hong Kong adult population meat intakes to AGHE-2011-MS and Pre-2011 AGHE recommendations by the year 2030 were established. Consequent energy intake gaps were substituted with additional legume, fruit and vegetable intakes. To quantify the consequent GHG emission outcomes associated with Hong Kong meat intakes, Cradle-to-ready-to-eat lifecycle assessment emission outcome modelling was used. Comparative risk assessment of burden of disease model was used to quantify the health outcomes. This study found adjusting meat intakes to recommended levels could reduce Hong Kong GHG emission by 17%-44% when compared against baseline meat intake emissions, and prevent 2,519 to 7,012 premature deaths in males and 53 to 1,342 in females, as well as multiple burden of diseases when compared to the baseline meat intake scenario. Comparing lump sum meat intake reduction and outcome measures across the entire population, and using emission factors, and relative risks from individual studies in previous co-benefit studies, this study used age- and sex-specific input and output measures, emission factors and relative risks obtained from high quality meta-analysis and meta-review respectively, and has taken government dietary recommendations into account. Hence evaluations in this study are of better quality and more reflective of real life practices. Further to previous co-benefit studies, this study pinpointed age- and sex-specific population and meat-type-specific intervention points and leverages. When compared with similar studies in Australia, this study also showed that intervention points and leverages among populations in different geographic and cultural background could be different, and that globalization also globalizes meat consumption emission effects. More regional and cultural specific evaluations are recommended to promote more sustainable meat consumption and enhance global food security.Keywords: burden of diseases, greenhouse gas emissions, Hong Kong diet, sustainable meat consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 31218666 Water Irrigation in the Chlef Region Using Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Authors: T. Tahri, H. Zahloul, K. E. Meddah, H. Lazergue
This paper presents a theoretical study that leads to the design of a photovoltaic pumping system to irrigate six hectares of oranges in the valley of Chlef using the software "PVSYST". It was shown that the site of Chlef presents a favorable climate to this type of energy with an irradiation of over 5 kWh/m2/day, and significant resources underground water. Another very important coincidence still promotes the use of this type of energy for pumping water in Chlef is that the demand for water, especially in agriculture, peaked in hot and dry where it is precisely when one has access to the maximum of solar energy.Keywords: solar energy, irradiation, water pumping, design, Valley of Chlef
Procedia PDF Downloads 25118665 Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Electricity and Hydrogen Production in an Urban Environment
Authors: Same Noel Ngando, Yakub Abdulfatai Olatunji
Renewable energy micro-grids, such as those powered by solar or wind energy, are often intermittent in nature. This means that the amount of energy generated by these systems can vary depending on weather conditions or other factors, which can make it difficult to ensure a steady supply of power. To address this issue, energy storage systems have been developed to increase the reliability of renewable energy micro-grids. Battery systems have been the dominant energy storage technology for renewable energy micro-grids. Batteries can store large amounts of energy in a relatively small and compact package, making them easy to install and maintain in a micro-grid setting. Additionally, batteries can be quickly charged and discharged, allowing them to respond quickly to changes in energy demand. However, the process involved in recycling batteries is quite costly and difficult. An alternative energy storage system that is gaining popularity is hydrogen storage. Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrier that can be produced from renewable energy sources such as solar or wind. It can be stored in large quantities at low cost, making it suitable for long-distance mass storage. Unlike batteries, hydrogen does not degrade over time, so it can be stored for extended periods without the need for frequent maintenance or replacement, allowing it to be used as a backup power source when the micro-grid is not generating enough energy to meet demand. When hydrogen is needed, it can be converted back into electricity through a fuel cell. Energy consumption data is got from a particular residential area in Daegu, South Korea, and the data is processed and analyzed. From the analysis, the total energy demand is calculated, and different hybrid energy system configurations are designed using HOMER Pro (Hybrid Optimization for Multiple Energy Resources) and MATLAB software. A techno-economic and environmental comparison and life cycle assessment (LCA) of the different configurations using battery and hydrogen as storage systems are carried out. The various scenarios included PV-hydrogen-grid system, PV-hydrogen-grid-wind, PV-hydrogen-grid-biomass, PV-hydrogen-wind, PV-hydrogen-biomass, biomass-hydrogen, wind-hydrogen, PV-battery-grid-wind, PV- battery -grid-biomass, PV- battery -wind, PV- battery -biomass, and biomass- battery. From the analysis, the least cost system for the location was the PV-hydrogen-grid system, with a net present cost of about USD 9,529,161. Even though all scenarios were environmentally friendly, taking into account the recycling cost and pollution involved in battery systems, all systems with hydrogen as a storage system produced better results. In conclusion, hydrogen is becoming a very prominent energy storage solution for renewable energy micro-grids. It is easier to store compared with electric power, so it is suitable for long-distance mass storage. Hydrogen storage systems have several advantages over battery systems, including flexibility, long-term stability, and low environmental impact. The cost of hydrogen storage is still relatively high, but it is expected to decrease as more hydrogen production, and storage infrastructure is built. With the growing focus on renewable energy and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, hydrogen is expected to play an increasingly important role in the energy storage landscape.Keywords: renewable energy systems, microgrid, hydrogen production, energy storage systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 9418664 Livestock Production in Vietnam: Technical Efficiency and Productivity Performance Based on Regional Differences
Authors: Diep Thanh Tung
This study aims to measure technical efficiency and examine productivity performance of livestock production in regions of Vietnam based on a panel data of 2008–2012. After four years, although there are improvements in efficiency of some regions, low technical efficiency, poor performance of productivity and its compositions are dominant features in almost regions. Households which much depend on livestock income in agricultural income or agricultural income in total income are more vulnerable than the others in term of livestock production.Keywords: data envelopment analysis, meta-frontier, Malmquist, technical efficiency, livestock production
Procedia PDF Downloads 70618663 Soil Reinforcement by Stone Columns
Authors: Saou Mohamed Amine
The construction industry has been identified as a user of substantial amount of materials and energy resources that has an enormous impact on environment. The energy efficient in refurbishment project is being considered as one of the approaches to achieve sustainability in construction industry. The increasing concern for environment has made building owners and designers to incorporate the energy efficiency features into their building projects.Keywords: construction industry, design team attributes, energy efficient performance, refurbishment projects characteristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 43318662 Muscle and Cerebral Regional Oxygenation in Preterm Infants with Shock Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Authors: Virany Diana, Martono Tri Utomo, Risa Etika
Background: Shock is one severe condition that can be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Preterm infants are very susceptible to shock caused by many complications such as asphyxia, patent ductus arteriosus, intra ventricle haemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, persistent pulmonal hypertension of the newborn, and septicaemia. Limited hemodynamic monitoring for early detection of shock causes delayed intervention and comprises the outcomes. Clinical parameters still used in neonatal shock detection, such as Capillary Refill Time, heart rate, cold extremity, and urine production. Blood pressure is most frequently used to evaluate preterm's circulation, but hypotension indicates uncompensated shock. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is known as a noninvasive tool for monitoring and detecting the state of inadequate tissue perfusion. Muscle oxygen saturation shows decreased cardiac output earlier than systemic parameters of tissue oxygenation when cerebral regional oxygen saturation is still stabilized by autoregulation. However, to our best knowledge, until now, no study has analyzed the decrease of muscle oxygen regional saturation (mRSO₂) and the ratio of muscle and cerebral oxygen regional saturation (mRSO₂/cRSO₂) by NIRS in preterm with shock. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the decrease of mRSO₂ and ratio of muscle to cerebral oxygen regional saturation (mRSO₂/cRSO₂) by NIRS in preterm with shock. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on preterm infants with 28-34 weeks gestational age, admitted to the NICU of Dr. Soetomo Hospital from November to January 2022. Patients were classified into two groups: shock and non-shock. The diagnosis of shock is based on clinical criteria (tachycardia, prolonged CRT, cold extremity, decreased urine production, and MAP Blood Pressure less than GA in weeks). Measurement of mRSO₂ and cRSO₂ by NIRS was performed by the doctor in charge when the patient came to NICU. Results: We enrolled 40 preterm infants. The initial conventional hemodynamic parameter as the basic diagnosis of shock showed significant differences in all variables. Preterm with shock had higher mean HR (186.45±1.5), lower MAP (29.8±2.1), and lower SBP (45.1±4.28) than non-shock children, and most had a prolonged CRT. The patients’ outcome was not a significant difference between shock and non-shock patients. The mean mRSO₂ in the shock and non-shock groups were 33,65 ± 11,32 vs. 69,15 ± 3,96 (p=0.001), and the mean ratio mRSO₂/cRSO₂ 0,45 ± 0,12 vs. 0,84 ± 0,43 (p=0,001), were significantly different. The mean cRSO₂ in the shock and non-shock groups were 71,60 ± 4,90 vs. 81,85 ± 7,85 (p 0.082), not significantly different. Conclusion: The decrease of mRSO₂ and ratio of mRSO₂/cRSO₂ can differentiate between shock and non-shock in the preterm infant when cRSO₂ is still normal.Keywords: preterm infant, regional muscle oxygen saturation, regional cerebral oxygen saturation, NIRS, shock
Procedia PDF Downloads 9218661 A Novel Approach for Energy Utilisation in a Pyrolysis Plant
Authors: S. Murugan, Bohumil Horak
Pyrolysis is one of the possible technologies to derive energy from waste organic substances. In recent years, pilot level and demonstrated plants have been installed in few countries. The heat energy lost during the process is not effectively utilized resulting in less savings of energy and money. This paper proposes a novel approach to integrate a combined heat and power unit(CHP) and reduce the primary energy consumption in a tyre pyrolysis pilot plant. The proposal primarily uses the micro combined heat and power concept that will help to produce both heat and power in the process.Keywords: pyrolysis, waste tyres, waste plastics, biomass, waste heat
Procedia PDF Downloads 32818660 JENOSYS: Application of a Web-Based Online Energy Performance Reporting Tool for Government Buildings in Malaysia
Authors: Norhayati Mat Wajid, Abdul Murad Zainal Abidin, Faiz Fadzil, Mohd Yusof Aizad Mukhtar
One of the areas that present an opportunity to reduce the national carbon emission is the energy management of public buildings. To our present knowledge, there is no easy-to-use and centralized mechanism that enables the government to monitor the overall energy performance, as well as the carbon footprint, of Malaysia’s public buildings. Therefore, the Public Works Department Malaysia, or PWD, has developed a web-based energy performance reporting tool called JENOSYS (JKR Energy Online System), which incorporates a database of utility account numbers acquired from the utility service provider for analysis and reporting. For test case purposes, 23 buildings under PWD were selected and monitored for their monthly energy performance (in kWh), carbon emission reduction (in tCO₂eq) and utility cost (in MYR), against the baseline. This paper demonstrates the simplicity with which buildings without energy metering can be monitored centrally and the benefits that can be accrued by the government in terms of building energy disclosure and concludes with the recommendation of expanding the system to all the public buildings in Malaysia.Keywords: energy-efficient buildings, energy management systems, government buildings, JENOSYS
Procedia PDF Downloads 17518659 An Analysis of Packaging Materials for an Energy-Efficient Wrapping System
Authors: John Sweeney, Martin Leeming, Raj Thaker, Cristina L. Tuinea-Bobe
Shrink wrapping is widely used as a method for secondary packaging to assemble individual items, such as cans or other consumer products, into single packages. This method involves conveying the packages into heated tunnels and so has the disadvantages that it is energy-intensive, and, in the case of aerosol products, potentially hazardous. We are developing an automated packaging system that uses stretch wrapping to address both these problems, by using a mechanical rather than a thermal process. In this study, we present a comparative study of shrink wrapping and stretch wrapping materials to assess the relative capability of candidate stretch wrap polymer film in terms of mechanical response. The stretch wrap materials are of oriented polymer and therefore elastically anisotropic. We are developing material constitutive models that include both anisotropy and nonlinearity. These material models are to be incorporated into computer simulations of the automated stretch wrapping system. We present results showing the validity of these models and the feasibility of applying them in the simulations.Keywords: constitutive model, polymer, mechanical testing, wrapping system
Procedia PDF Downloads 29518658 Proposals for the Thermal Regulation of Buildings in Algeria: A New Energy Label for Social Housing
Authors: Marco Morini, Nicolandrea Calabrese, Dario Chello
Despite the international commitment of Algeria towards the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the country, the internal energy demand has been continuously growing during the last decade due to the substantial increase of population and of living conditions, which in turn has led to an unprecedented expansion of the residential building sector. The thermal building regulation is the technical document that establishes the calculation framework for the thermal performance of buildings in Algeria, setting up minimum obligatory targets for the thermal performance of new buildings. An update of this regulation is due in the coming years, and this paper discusses some proposals in this regard, with the aim to improve the energy efficiency of the building sector, particularly with regard to social housing. In particular, it proposes a methodology for drafting an energy performance label of new Algerian residential buildings, moving from the results of the thermal compliance verification and sizing of technical systems as defined in the RTB. Such an energy performance label – whose calculation method is briefly described in the paper – aims to raise citizens' awareness of the benefits of energy efficiency. It can represent the first step in a process of integrating technical installations into the calculation of the energy performance of buildings in Algeria.Keywords: building, energy certification, energy efficiency, social housing, international cooperation, Mediterranean region
Procedia PDF Downloads 14618657 Data-Driven Decision Making: A Reference Model for Organizational, Educational and Competency-Based Learning Systems
Authors: Emanuel Koseos
Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM) refers to making decisions that are based on historical data in order to inform practice, develop strategies and implement policies that benefit organizational settings. In educational technology, DDDM facilitates the implementation of differential educational learning approaches such as Educational Data Mining (EDM) and Competency-Based Education (CBE), which commonly target university classrooms. There is a current need for DDDM models applied to middle and secondary schools from a concern for assessing the needs, progress and performance of students and educators with respect to regional standards, policies and evolution of curriculums. To address these concerns, we propose a DDDM reference model developed using educational key process initiatives as inputs to a machine learning framework implemented with statistical software (SAS, R) to provide a best-practices, complex-free and automated approach for educators at their regional level. We assessed the efficiency of the model over a six-year period using data from 45 schools and grades K-12 in the Langley, BC, Canada regional school district. We concluded that the model has wider appeal, such as business learning systems.Keywords: competency-based learning, data-driven decision making, machine learning, secondary schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 17418656 The Display of Environmental Information to Promote Energy Saving Practices: Evidence from a Massive Behavioral Platform
Authors: T. Lazzarini, M. Imbiki, P. E. Sutter, G. Borragan
While several strategies, such as the development of more efficient appliances, the financing of insulation programs or the rolling out of smart meters represent promising tools to reduce future energy consumption, their implementation relies on people’s decisions-actions. Likewise, engaging with consumers to reshape their behavior has shown to be another important way to reduce energy usage. For these reasons, integrating the human factor in the energy transition has become a major objective for researchers and policymakers. Digital education programs based on tangible and gamified user interfaces have become a new tool with potential effects to reduce energy consumption4. The B2020 program, developed by the firm “Économie d’Énergie SAS”, proposes a digital platform to encourage pro-environmental behavior change among employees and citizens. The platform integrates 160 eco-behaviors to help saving energy and water and reducing waste and CO2 emissions. A total of 13,146 citizens have used the tool so far to declare the range of eco-behaviors they adopt in their daily lives. The present work seeks to build on this database to identify the potential impact of adopted energy-saving behaviors (n=62) to reduce the use of energy in buildings. To this end, behaviors were classified into three categories regarding the nature of its implementation (Eco-habits: e.g., turning-off the light, Eco-actions: e.g., installing low carbon technology such as led light-bulbs and Home-Refurbishments: e.g., such as wall-insulation or double-glazed energy efficient windows). General Linear Models (GLM) disclosed the existence of a significantly higher frequency of Eco-habits when compared to the number of home-refurbishments realized by the platform users. While this might be explained in part by the high financial costs that are associated with home renovation works, it also contrasts with the up to three times larger energy-savings that can be accomplished by these means. Furthermore, multiple regression models failed to disclose the expected relationship between energy-savings and frequency of adopted eco behaviors, suggesting that energy-related practices are not necessarily driven by the correspondent energy-savings. Finally, our results also suggested that people adopting more Eco-habits and Eco-actions were more likely to engage in Home-Refurbishments. Altogether, these results fit well with a growing body of scientific research, showing that energy-related practices do not necessarily maximize utility, as postulated by traditional economic models, and suggest that other variables might be triggering them. Promoting home refurbishments could benefit from the adoption of complementary energy-saving habits and actions.Keywords: energy-saving behavior, human performance, behavioral change, energy efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 20118655 The Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Air Quality in the Upper Northern Thailand
Authors: Chakrit Chotamonsak
In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used as regional climate model to dynamically downscale the ECHAM5 Global Climate Model projection for the regional climate change impact on air quality–related meteorological conditions in the upper northern Thailand. The analyses were focused on meteorological variables that potentially impact on the regional air quality such as sea level pressure, planetary boundary layer height (PBLH), surface temperature, wind speed and ventilation. Comparisons were made between the present (1990–2009) and future (2045–2064) climate downscaling results during majority air pollution season (dry season, January-April). Analyses showed that the sea level pressure will be stronger in the future, suggesting more stable atmosphere. Increases in temperature were obvious observed throughout the region. Decreases in surface wind and PBLH were predicted during air pollution season, indicating weaker ventilation rate in this region. Consequently, air quality-related meteorological variables were predicted to change in almost part of the upper northern Thailand, yielding a favorable meteorological condition for pollutant accumulation in the future.Keywords: climate change, climate impact, air quality, air pollution, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 35518654 Analysis of Awareness and Climate Change Impact in Energy Efficiency of Household Appliances
Authors: Meltem Ucal
It is obvious that with limited resources and increasing of energy consumption from day to day, increase in amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will increase risk of climate change. The objective of “Raising Awareness in Energy Efficiency of Household Appliances and Climate Change” paper is to make the connection between climate change and energy saving to be understood. First of all, research and evaluation aiming improvement of women’s behaviors of purchasing and using household appliances and also educate next generations who will be faced risks of climate change, with their mothers will be done.Keywords: energy efficiency, climate change, wareness, household appliences, econometrics model, logit model
Procedia PDF Downloads 35318653 A Geogpraphic Overview about Offshore Energy Cleantech in Portugal
Authors: Ana Pego
Environmental technologies were developed for decades. Clean technologies emerged a few years ago. In these perspectives, the use of cleantech technologies has become very important due the fact of new era of environmental feats. As such, the market itself has become more competitive, more collaborative towards a better use of clean technologies. This paper shows the importance of clean technologies in offshore energy sector in Portuguese market, its localization and its impact on economy. Clean technologies are directly related with renewable cluster and concomitant with economic and social resource optimization criteria, geographic aspects, climate change and soil features. Cleantech is related with regional development, socio-technical transitions in organisations. There are an economical and social combinations which allow specialisation of regions in activities, higher employment, reduce of energy costs, local knowledge spillover and, business collaboration and competitiveness. The methodology used will be quantitative (IO matrix for Portugal 2013) and qualitative (questionnaires to stakeholders). The mix of both methodologies will confirm whether the use of technologies will allow a positive impact on economic and social variables used on this model. It is expected a positive impact on Portuguese economy both in investment and employment taking in account the localization of offshore renewable activities. This means that the importance of offshore renewable investment in Portugal has a few points which should be pointed out: the increase of specialised employment, localization of specific activities in territory, and increase of value added in certain regions. The conclusion will allow researchers and organisation to compare the Portuguese model to other European regions in order to a better use of natural and human resources.Keywords: cleantech, economic impact, localisation, territory dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 22818652 A New Smart Plug for Home Energy Management
Authors: G. E. Kiral, O. Elma, A. T. Ince, B. Vural, U. S. Selamogullari, M. Uzunoglu
Energy is an indispensable resource to meet the needs of people. Depending on the needs of people, the correct and efficient use of electrical energy has became important nowadays. Besides the need for the electrical energy is also increasing with the rapidly developing technology and continuously changing living standards. Due to the depletion of energy sources and increased demand for electricity, efficient energy use is an important research topic. Recently, ideas like smart cities, smart buildings and smart homes have been widely used under smart grid concept. With smart grid infrastructure, it will be possible to monitor electrical demand of a residential customer and control each electricity generation center for more efficient energy flow. The smallest component of the smart grid can be considered as smart homes. Better utilization of the electrical grid can be achieved through the communication of the smart home with both other customers in the grid and appliances in the house itself since generation can effectively be scheduled by having more precise demand data. Smart Plugs are used for the communication with the household appliances in the house. Smart Plug is an intermediate control element, which can be mounted on the existing outlet, and thus can be used to monitor the energy consumption of the plugged device and also can provide on/off control energy remotely. This study proposes a Smart Plug for energy monitoring and energy management. Proposed design is composed of five subsystems: micro controller embedded system with communication system, metering circuitry, power supply and switching circuitry. The developed smart plug offers efficient use of electrical energy.Keywords: energy efficiency, home energy management, smart home, smart plug
Procedia PDF Downloads 73018651 Stability Analysis of DC Microgrid with Varying Supercapacitor Operating Voltages
Authors: Annie B. V., Anu A. G., Harikumar R.
Microgrid (MG) is a self-governing miniature section of the power system. Nowadays the majority of loads and energy storage devices are inherently in DC form. This necessitates a greater scope of research in the various types of energy storage devices in DC microgrids. In a modern power system, DC microgrid is a manageable electric power system usually integrated with renewable energy sources (RESs) and DC loads with the help of power electronic converters. The stability of the DC microgrid mainly depends on the power imbalance. Power imbalance due to the presence of intermittent renewable energy resources (RERs) is supplied by energy storage devices. Battery, supercapacitor, flywheel, etc. are some of the commonly used energy storage devices. Owing to the high energy density provided by the batteries, this type of energy storage system is mainly utilized in all sorts of hybrid energy storage systems. To minimize the stability issues, a Supercapacitor (SC) is usually interfaced with the help of a bidirectional DC/DC converter. SC can exchange power during transient conditions due to its high power density. This paper analyses the stability issues of DC microgrids with hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs) arises from a reduction in SC operating voltage due to self-discharge. The stability of DC microgrid and power management is analyzed with different control strategies.Keywords: DC microgrid, hybrid energy storage system (HESS), power management, small signal modeling, supercapacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 25118650 Energy-Led Sustainability Assessment Approach for Energy-Efficient Manufacturing
Authors: Aldona Kluczek
In recent years, manufacturing processes have interacted with sustainability issues realized in the cost-effective ways that minimalize energy, decrease negative impacts on the environment and are safe for society. However, the attention has been on separate sustainability assessment methods considering energy and material flow, energy consumption, and emission release or process control. In this paper, the energy-led sustainability assessment approach combining the methods: energy Life Cycle Assessment to assess environmental impact, Life Cycle Cost to analyze costs, and Social Life Cycle Assessment through ‘energy LCA-based value stream map’, is used to assess the energy sustainability of the hardwood lumber manufacturing process in terms of technologies. The approach integrating environmental, economic and social issues can be visualized in the considered energy-efficient technologies on the map of an energy LCA-related (input and output) inventory data. It will enable the identification of efficient technology of a given process to be reached, through the effective analysis of energy flow. It is also indicated that interventions in the considered technology should focus on environmental, economic improvements to achieve energy sustainability. The results have indicated that the most intense energy losses are caused by a cogeneration technology. The environmental impact analysis shows that a substantial reduction by 34% can be achieved with the improvement of it. From the LCC point of view, the result seems to be cost-effective, when done at that plant where the improvement is used. By demonstrating the social dimension, every component of the energy of plant labor use in the life-cycle process of the lumber production has positive energy benefits. The energy required to install the energy-efficient technology amounts to 30.32 kJ compared to others components of the energy of plant labor and it has the highest value in terms of energy-related social indicators. The paper depicts an example of hardwood lumber production in order to prove the applicability of a sustainability assessment method.Keywords: energy efficiency, energy life cycle assessment, life cycle cost, social life cycle analysis, manufacturing process, sustainability assessment
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