Search results for: paradigm shift
1442 A Parallel Algorithm for Solving the PFSP on the Grid
Authors: Samia Kouki
Solving NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems by exact search methods, such as Branch-and-Bound, may degenerate to complete enumeration. For that reason, exact approaches limit us to solve only small or moderate size problem instances, due to the exponential increase in CPU time when problem size increases. One of the most promising ways to reduce significantly the computational burden of sequential versions of Branch-and-Bound is to design parallel versions of these algorithms which employ several processors. This paper describes a parallel Branch-and-Bound algorithm called GALB for solving the classical permutation flowshop scheduling problem as well as its implementation on a Grid computing infrastructure. The experimental study of our distributed parallel algorithm gives promising results and shows clearly the benefit of the parallel paradigm to solve large-scale instances in moderate CPU time.Keywords: grid computing, permutation flow shop problem, branch and bound, load balancing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831441 Memristive Properties of Nanostructured Porous Silicon
Authors: Madina Alimova, Margulan Ibraimov, Ayan Tileu
The paper describes methods for obtaining porous structures with the properties of a silicon-based memristor and explains the electrical properties of porous silicon films. Based on the results, there is a positive shift in the current-voltage characteristics (CVC) after each measurement, i.e., electrical properties depend not only on the applied voltage but also on the previous state. After 3 minutes of rest, the film returns to its original state (reset). The method for obtaining a porous silicon nanofilm with the properties of a memristor is simple and does not require additional effort. Based on the measurement results, the typical memristive behavior of the porous silicon nanofilm is analyzed.Keywords: porous silicon, current-voltage characteristics, memristor, nanofilms
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301440 Critical Success Factors (CSFS) in ERP Implementation at the PP Company: Management and Technology Perspectives
Authors: Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Meivida Medyastanti
This study explores the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for successful ERP implementation at the PP Company, a leading state-owned construction company in Indonesia. The study uses a qualitative - Postmodernist approach through an imaginary dialogue between a CEO and a Technologist to analyze ERP implementation from both managerial and technological perspectives. Key CSFs identified include strong support from top management, clear project scope and objectives, effective change management, employee engagement, data accuracy, and robust IT infrastructure. The study’s findings are synthesized into a CSF model that highlights the importance of aligning ERP systems with business objectives and emphasizes the need for continuous post-implementation support. This model provides a strategic framework that can guide other companies, particularly state-owned enterprises, in navigating ERP implementation, ensuring optimal return on investment, and enhancing organizational efficiency.Keywords: ERP, critical success factors, PT. PP, postmodernist paradigm, management, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 51439 Towards a Secure Storage in Cloud Computing
Authors: Mohamed Elkholy, Ahmed Elfatatry
Cloud computing has emerged as a flexible computing paradigm that reshaped the Information Technology map. However, cloud computing brought about a number of security challenges as a result of the physical distribution of computational resources and the limited control that users have over the physical storage. This situation raises many security challenges for data integrity and confidentiality as well as authentication and access control. This work proposes a security mechanism for data integrity that allows a data owner to be aware of any modification that takes place to his data. The data integrity mechanism is integrated with an extended Kerberos authentication that ensures authorized access control. The proposed mechanism protects data confidentiality even if data are stored on an untrusted storage. The proposed mechanism has been evaluated against different types of attacks and proved its efficiency to protect cloud data storage from different malicious attacks.Keywords: access control, data integrity, data confidentiality, Kerberos authentication, cloud security
Procedia PDF Downloads 3351438 Database Management System for Orphanages to Help Track of Orphans
Authors: Srivatsav Sanjay Sridhar, Asvitha Raja, Prathit Kalra, Soni Gupta
Database management is a system that keeps track of details about a person in an organisation. Not a lot of orphanages these days are shifting to a computer and program-based system, but unfortunately, most have only pen and paper-based records, which not only consumes space but it is also not eco-friendly. It comes as a hassle when one has to view a record of a person as they have to search through multiple records, and it will consume time. This program will organise all the data and can pull out any information about anyone whose data is entered. This is also a safe way of storage as physical data gets degraded over time or, worse, destroyed due to natural disasters. In this developing world, it is only smart enough to shift all data to an electronic-based storage system. The program comes with all features, including creating, inserting, searching, and deleting the data, as well as printing them.Keywords: database, orphans, programming, C⁺⁺
Procedia PDF Downloads 1571437 Emerging Positive Education Interventions for Clean Sport Behavior: A Pilot Study
Authors: Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh, Syasya Firzana Azmi, Haslinda Abdullah, Soh Kim Geok, Aini Azeqa Ma'rof, Hayrol Azril Mohammed Shaffril
The escalating prevalence of doping in sports, casting a shadow over both high-performance and recreational settings, has emerged as a formidable concern, particularly within the realm of young athletes. Doping, characterized by the surreptitious use of prohibited substances to gain a competitive edge, underscores the pressing need for comprehensive and efficacious preventive measures. This study aims to address a crucial void in current research by unraveling the motivations that drive clean adolescent athletes to steadfastly abstain from performance-enhancing substances. In navigating this intricate landscape, the study adopts a positive psychology perspective, investigating into the conditions and processes that contribute to the holistic well-being of individuals and communities. At the heart of this exploration lies the application of the PERMA model, a comprehensive positive psychology framework encapsulating positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments. This model functions as a distinctive lens, dissecting intervention results to offer nuanced insights into the complex dynamics of clean sport behavior. The research is poised to usher in a paradigm shift from conventional anti-doping strategies, predominantly fixated on identifying deficits, towards an innovative approach firmly rooted in positive psychology. The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a positive education intervention program tailored to promote clean sport behavior among Malaysian adolescent athletes. Representing unexplored terrain within the landscape of anti-doping efforts, this initiative endeavors to reshape the focus from deficiencies to strengths. The meticulously crafted pilot study engages thirty adolescent athletes, divided into a control group of 15 and an experimental group of 15. The pilot study serves as the crucible to assess the effectiveness of the prepared intervention package, providing indispensable insights that will meticulously guide the finalization of an all-encompassing intervention program for the main study. The main study adopts a pioneering two-arm randomized control trial methodology, actively involving adolescent athletes from diverse Malaysian high schools. This approach aims to address critical lacunae in anti-doping strategies, specifically calibrated to resonate with the unique context of Malaysian schools. The study, cognizant of the imperative to develop preventive measures harmonizing with the cultural and educational milieu of Malaysian adolescent athletes, aspires to cultivate a culture of clean sport. In conclusion, this research aspires to contribute unprecedented insights into the efficacy of positive education interventions firmly rooted in the PERMA model. By unraveling the intricacies of clean sport behavior, particularly within the context of Malaysian adolescent athletes, the study seeks to introduce transformative preventive methods. The adoption of positive psychology as an avant-garde anti-doping tool represents an innovative and promising approach, bridging a conspicuous gap in scholarly research and offering potential panaceas for the sporting community. As this study unfurls its chapters, it carries the promise not only to enrich our understanding of clean sport behavior but also to pave the way for positive metamorphosis within the realm of adolescent sports in Malaysia.Keywords: positive education interventions, a pilot study, clean sport behavior, adolescent athletes, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 581436 Subjective Realities of Neoliberalized Social Media Natives: Trading Affect for Effect
Authors: Rory Austin Clark
This primary research represents an ongoing two year inductive mixed-methods project endeavouring to unravel the subjective reality of hyperconnected young adults in Western societies who have come of age with social media and smartphones. It is to be presented as well as analyzed and contextualized through a written master’s thesis as well as a documentary/mockumentary meshed with a Web 2.0 app providing the capacity for prosumer, 'audience 2.0' functionality. The media component seeks to explore not only thematic issues via real-life research interviews and fictional narrative but technical issues within the format relating to the quest for intimate, authentic connection as well as compelling dissemination of scholarly knowledge in an age of ubiquitous personalized daily digital media creation and consumption. The overarching hypothesis is that the aforementioned individuals process and make sense of their world, find shared meaning, and formulate notions-of-self in ways drastically different than pre-2007 via hyper-mediation-of-self and surroundings. In this pursuit, research questions have progressed from examining how young adult digital natives understand their use of social media to notions relating to the potential functionality of Web 2.0 for prosocial and altruistic engagement, on and offline, through the eyes of these individuals no longer understood as simply digital natives, but social media natives, and at the conclusion of that phase of research, as 'neoliberalized social media natives' (NSMN). This represents the two most potent macro factors in the paradigmatic shift in NSMS’s worldview, that they are not just children of social media, but of the palpable shift to neoliberal ways of thinking and being in the western socio-cultures since the 1980s, two phenomena that have a reflexive æffective relationship on their perception of figure and ground. This phase also resulted in the working hypothesis of 'social media comparison anxiety' and a nascent understanding of NSMN’s habitus and habitation in a subjective reality of fully converged online/offline worlds, where any phenomena originating in one realm in some way are, or at the very least can be, re-presented or have effect in the other—creating hyperreal reception. This might also be understood through a 'society as symbolic cyborg model', in which individuals have a 'digital essence'-- the entirety of online content that references a single person, as an auric living, breathing cathedral, museum, gallery, and archive of self of infinite permutations and rhizomatic entry and exit points.Keywords: affect, hyperreal, neoliberalism, postmodernism, social media native, subjective reality, Web 2.0
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431435 Hospital Evacuation: Best Practice Recommendations
Authors: Ronald Blough
Hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities are the core of the Health Services sector providing 24/7 medical care to those in need. Any disruption of these important medical services highlights the vulnerabilities in the medical system. An internal or external event can create a catastrophic incident paralyzing the medical services causing the facility to shift into emergency operations with the possibility of evacuation. The hospital administrator and government officials must decide in a very short amount of time whether to shelter in place or evacuate. This presentation will identify best practice recommendations regarding the hospital evacuation decision and response analyzing previous hospital evacuations to encourage hospitals in the region to review or develop their own emergency evacuation plans.Keywords: disaster preparedness, hospital evacuation, shelter-in-place, incident containment, health services vulnerability, hospital resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 3691434 Small Entrepreneurs as Creators of Chaos: Increasing Returns Requires Scaling
Authors: M. B. Neace, Xin GAo
Small entrepreneurs are ubiquitous. Regardless of location their success depends on several behavioral characteristics and several market conditions. In this concept paper, we extend this paradigm to include elements from the science of chaos. Our observations, research findings, literature search and intuition lead us to the proposition that all entrepreneurs seek increasing returns, as did the many small entrepreneurs we have interviewed over the years. There will be a few whose initial perturbations may create tsunami-like waves of increasing returns over time resulting in very large market consequences–the butterfly impact. When small entrepreneurs perturb the market-place and their initial efforts take root a series of phase-space transitions begin to occur. They sustain the stream of increasing returns by scaling up. Chaos theory contributes to our understanding of this phenomenon. Sustaining and nourishing increasing returns of small entrepreneurs as complex adaptive systems requires scaling. In this paper we focus on the most critical element of the small entrepreneur scaling process–the mindset of the owner-operator.Keywords: entrepreneur, increasing returns, scaling, chaos
Procedia PDF Downloads 4561433 The Arabian Financial Framework in the Pre-Islamic Times: Do We Need a New Paradigm
Authors: Fahad Ahmed Qureshi
There were abundant renowned financial markets in Pre-Islamic Arabs. Most of those were patterned and settled during pre-particularized sunshine. Those markets were classified either as vernacular markets helping the neighboring clans, or habitual markets that people sojourned to from all articulations of the Arabian Peninsula, such as Okaz near Mecca. Some of those markets had leading significance due to their geographical positions, such as Prime market of Eden, because of their entanglement in international trade i.e. with the markets of Sub-Continent, Abyssinia, Persia and China. Other markets such as Market of Yamamah annex its gist from being situated on the caravan crossroads. Islamic worldview and Islamic epistemology base of Financial Market’s realistic theory, pragmatic model and operative approach is moderately constrained in terms of its growth. The existent situation only parasol the form of accommodative-modification and splendid-methodologies, which due to depleted and decorous endeavor in explaining Islamic financial market theoretically. This is the demand of time that particular studies should be conduct to magnify the devours in developing theoretical framework for Islamic Financial Market.Keywords: Islam, financial market, history, research, product development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111432 Impact of Meaning in Life on Stress and Psychological Well-Being
Authors: Aisha Bano, Rizwan Nazir
The present study aimed at exploring the impact of meaning in life on psychological well-being and stress among university students. Victor Frankl's paradigm provided the theoretical foundation for this study. A sample of 560 university students was drawn from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. The sample was drawn using stratified random sampling technique. Data were collected using Existence Scale, Warwick-Edinburg Mental Well-Being Scale, and Stress Scale. Results of linear regression analysis reveals that high perception of meaning in life will lead to high psychological well-being and low stress among university students. Non-significant differences are found on meaning in life variable with regard to gender in the sample using t-test. Together these results suggest that meaning in life independent of gender, is a significant predictor of the levels of stress and psychological well-being being directly related to psychological well-being and inversely related to stress levels.Keywords: existential meaning in life, psychological well-being, stress, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 5101431 Vocabulary Paradigm in Learning Romanian As a Foreign Language
Authors: Georgiana Ciobotaru
The vocabulary that foreign students assimilate once they start studying the Romanian language must allow them to develop the linguistic competence of oral and written expression, but also the intercultural one, necessary for their integration into the new socio-cultural environment. Therefore, the familiarization courses with Romanian as a foreign language aim at fundamental language acquisitions in order to obtain the expected level of Romanian language. They also relate differently to the new culture and the new language they come in contact with, having a distinct way of expressing themselves. Foreign students want to continue their university and postgraduate studies at specialized faculties in the country; therefore, they need both a general language for their integration into society and for interaction with others, Romanians or students from countries other than their own, but also from a specialized language that facilitates didactic communication and professional development. The complexity of the vocabulary must thus cover the daily communication needs, but also the subsequent evolution of each one. This paper aims to illustrate the most important semantic fields that students must assimilate in order to crystallize a linguistic identity in the new context of their personal and professional development and to help them cope with the culture shock.Keywords: integration, intercultural, language, linguistic, vocabulary
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971430 The Typology of Social Enterprise: Case Study of Community-Development Enterprise in Indonesia
Authors: Aluisius Pratono, Deddy Marciano, Suyanto Suyanto
The emerging model of community development social enterprise is one of the social enterprise models. However, a precise view of the community development enterprise is still lacking. Hence, this study was aimed at deepening the concept of the community development social enterprise model at the place management and development context. Multiple case studies in Indonesia context were observed to explore the typical criteria of the community development enterprise model in place-making practices. The research paradigm used interpretative approach, which involves dialectic process between the researchers and research participants. This study highlights some principles in the community-development enterprise, which cover an entrepreneurial dimension, social goals, participatory governance, and co-management. The result makes a contribution to conceptual literature occurs at the criteria of social enterprises by highlighting the typology of community development enterprise.Keywords: community development enterprise, social purposes, economic project, participatory governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2601429 Extending the AOP Joinpoint Model for Memory and Type Safety
Authors: Amjad Nusayr
Software security is a general term used to any type of software architecture or model in which security aspects are incorporated in this architecture. These aspects are not part of the main logic of the underlying program. Software security can be achieved using a combination of approaches, including but not limited to secure software designs, third part component validation, and secure coding practices. Memory safety is one feature in software security where we ensure that any object in memory has a valid pointer or a reference with a valid type. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a paradigm that is concerned with capturing the cross-cutting concerns in code development. AOP is generally used for common cross-cutting concerns like logging and DB transaction managing. In this paper, we introduce the concepts that enable AOP to be used for the purpose of memory and type safety. We also present ideas for extending AOP in software security practices.Keywords: aspect oriented programming, programming languages, software security, memory and type safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281428 Navigating Politics of Black Marginalization: A Critical Reflection of the Guardian by John Grisham
Authors: Fayaz Ali Shah, Aleena Shehzad
The incidents of race or racial discrimination is still a part of the advanced and the so-called twenty-first-century America. It not only affects America's society but also greatly influences the third world countries due to the colonial approach by the British and America. Due to this discrimination, hundreds of Blacks in the US have been disappeared or prisoned for crimes they have not committed. The same sort of inequality can be seen in Pakistan due to the discrimination and prejudice by the Pakistani government and militants. Especially the tribal areas of Pakistan have been facing the worst in such situations. Thousands of people have been disappeared since 9/11 due to the adulterous approach by the government and military. The article is an approach to show the still racist view or Black marginalization, on the paradigm of racism, in the novel 'The Guardian' written by John Grisham. Also, it will enlighten readers about Pakistan's military and government approach towards discrimination, which creates great chaos in the country nowadays. The research will be qualitative and will use Critical Race Theory by Delgado and Steffencic for analysis.Keywords: blacks, colonial, discrimination, disappeared, prison
Procedia PDF Downloads 1861427 A Single Country Comparative Contextual Description Study of the Executive Authorities in Austria
Authors: Meryl Abigail Lucasan
The purpose of this research paper is to present a Single Country Comparative Contextual Description Study of the Executive Authorities in Austria, focusing with the Federal President, Cabinet members (Federal Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and the other Federal Ministers) and the State Government. In this paper, the roles and powers of the executive authorities of Austria will be enumerated and explained; and the behavior of the executive authorities of Austria will be described in detail. In addition, the researcher will provide a survey that was answered by an Austrian citizen through electronic mail to gain more concrete information about the current political condition in Austria. Based on research, Austria has a remarkable political stability. This paper will develop a conceptual framework or a sample paradigm to represent the political system in Austria, focusing on its states and Executive Authorities in achieving political stability.Keywords: Austrian politics, executive branch of the government, federal government, political stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2651426 The Modern Paradigm Features of Social Management Based on Postindustrial Theory
Authors: Yulia Totskaya
Nowadays, society is in a postindustrial/informational phase of its development. Certain changes have occurred in different parts of society life as a result of the social reality transformations due to the influence of changes in the productive forces. As a result, the personality has received autonomy and independence, as in her or his hands appeared new means of production–information, knowledge, creativity. In such a society, there is a new middle class, which is called meritocratic. It consists of personalities, who are engaged in highly intelligent, creative work; who independently pursue their own well-being and status; who are active in the economic and social spheres. At the forefront there are such qualities as independence, commitment and self-actualization. This modern, intellectual and sovereign personality is no longer in need of care. The role of management has transformed from a paternalistic to the "service", which is aimed at creating the conditions for citizens’ self-realization to meet their needs through the rendering of public services. Such society alterations motivate the need to change the key parameters of social management, which are identified in this article on the basis of the postindustrial society key features.Keywords: informational society, postindustrial society, postindustrial sociality, public services, social management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2771425 Exploring the Inter-firm Collaborating and Supply Chain Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Authors: Fatima Gouiferda
Uncertainty and competitiveness are changing firm’s environment to become more complicated. The competition is moving to supply chain’s level, and firms need to collaborate and innovate to survive. In the current economy, common efforts between organizations and developing new capacities mutually are the key resources in gaining collaborative advantage and enhancing supply chain performance. The purpose of this paper is to explore different practices of collaboration activities that exist in the pharmaceutical industry of Morocco. Also, to inquire how these practices affect supply chain performance. The exploration is based on interpretativism research paradigm. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews from supply chain practitioners. Qualitative data was analyzed via Iramuteq software to explore different themes of the study.The findings include descriptive analysis as a result of data processing using Iramuteq. It also encompasses the content analysis of the themes extracted from interviews.Keywords: inter-firm relationships, collaboration, supply chain innovation, morocco
Procedia PDF Downloads 641424 Positivism Legal Controversy: Dilemma Carok as Madura’s Culture through Indigenous Dispute Settlement in Indonesia
Authors: M. Yasin Al-Arif, Mohammad Faisol Soleh
The Indonesia’s Constitution in Article 18b explained that the state recognizes and respects indigenous peoples and their traditional rights that are guaranteed by the law. Despite already guaranteed its existence; in practice such indigenous law is often considered contrary to positive law by legal experts. It is because of legal positivism paradigm which requires the written law as the main reference for the settlement of legal disputes. Carok’s culture is one of the indigenous cultures of Madura to resolve legal disputes that still thrives until today. Carok’s culture is in outside the legal process, and through a fight between the disputing parties until one dies. On the other hand, the legal positivism does not give place to accommodate Carok as indigenous dispute settlement, until it must be solved through trial. This way of settlement has not been successfully satisfying the indigenous people, thus although it has been done through its verdict in the trial, but Carok still be used by them. From the explanation above, Carok’s culture must be accommodated as the main settlement process and legal process of law as the alternative to the effectiveness of dispute resolution in Madura Indonesia.Keywords: carok, dispute settlement, legal positivism, madura’s culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3461423 Jalal-Ale-Ahmad and ‘Critical Consciousness’: A Comparative Study
Authors: Zohreh Ramin
One of the most important contributions that Edward Said has had in the realm of critical theory is his insistence on the worldliness of the text and the critic. By this, Said meant that the critic and the text must be considered in their ‘material’ contexts. Foregrounding the substantial role of a critic as embodying what he refers to as ‘critical consciousness’, a true critic, Said maintains, is one who can stand between the ‘dominant culture’ and ‘the totalizing forms of critical systems.’ Considered as one of Iran’s major contemporary intellectuals, Jalal Ale Ahmad is responsible for introducing the idea of ‘Westoxication’ in Iran, constructing a social paradigm of the necessity to return to tradition in contemporary Iran. The present paper intends to study Al-Ahmad’s definition of the orient versus the occident, his criticism of the ‘machination’ of contemporary Iranian society, and his solution to the problem of ‘Westoxication’. The objective of this study is to see whether Ale Ahmad can be considered as embodying the spirit of ‘critical consciousness’ as described by Said as the necessary tool in the hands of an intellectual who is simultaneously attached filitavely to his culture but can detach himself affilitavely through employing critical consciousness.Keywords: Westoxication, filiative, affiliative, machination
Procedia PDF Downloads 1851422 A Framework for Defining Innovation Districts: A Case Study of 22@ Barcelona
Authors: Arnault Morisson
Innovation districts are being implemented as urban regeneration strategies in cities as diverse as Barcelona (Spain), Boston (Massachusetts), Chattanooga (Tennessee), Detroit (Michigan), Medellin (Colombia), and Montréal (Canada). Little, however, is known about the concept. This paper aims to provide a framework to define innovation districts. The research methodology is based on a qualitative approach using 22@ Barcelona as a case study. 22@ Barcelona was the first innovation district ever created and has been a model for the innovation districts of Medellin (Colombia) and Boston (Massachusetts) among others. Innovation districts based on the 22@ Barcelona’s model can be defined as top-down urban innovation ecosystems designed around four multilayered and multidimensional models of innovation: urban planning, productive, collaborative, and creative, all coordinated under strong leadership, with the ultimate objectives to accelerate the innovation process and competitiveness of a locality. Innovation districts aim to respond to a new economic paradigm in which economic production flows back to cities.Keywords: innovation ecosystem, governance, technology park, urban planning, urban policy, urban regeneration
Procedia PDF Downloads 3741421 The One, the Many, and the Doctrine of Divine Simplicity: Variations on Simplicity in Essentialist and Existentialist Metaphysics
Authors: Mark Wiebe
One of the tasks contemporary analytic philosophers have focused on (e.g., Wolterstorff, Alston, Plantinga, Hasker, and Crisp) is the analysis of certain medieval metaphysical frameworks. This growing body of scholarship has helped clarify and prevent distorted readings of medieval and ancient writers. However, as scholars like Dolezal, Duby, and Brower have pointed out, these analyses have been incomplete or inaccurate in some instances, e.g., with regard to analogical speech or the doctrine of divine simplicity (DDS). Additionally, contributors to this work frequently express opposing claims or fail to note substantial differences between ancient and medieval thinkers. This is the case regarding the comparison between Thomas Aquinas and others. Anton Pegis and Étienne Gilson have argued along this line that Thomas’ metaphysical framework represents a fundamental shift. Gilson describes Thomas’ metaphysics as a turn from a form of “essentialism” to “existentialism.” One should argue that this shift distinguishes Thomas from many Analytic philosophers as well as from other classical defenders of the DDS. Moreover, many of the objections Analytic Philosophers make against Thomas presume the same metaphysical principles undergirding the above-mentioned form of essentialism. This weakens their force against Thomas’ positions. In order to demonstrate these claims, it will be helpful to consider Thomas’ metaphysical outlook alongside that of two other prominent figures: Augustine and Ockham. One area of their thinking which brings their differences to the surface has to do with how each relates to Platonic and Neo-Platonic thought. More specifically, it is illuminating to consider whether and how each distinguishes or conceives essence and existence. It is also useful to see how each approaches the Platonic conflicts between essence and individuality, unity and intelligibility. In both of these areas, Thomas stands out from Augustine and Ockham. Although Augustine and Ockham diverge in many ways, both ultimately identify being with particularity and pit particularity against both unity and intelligibility. Contrastingly, Thomas argues that being is distinct from and prior to essence. Being (i.e., Being in itself) rather than essence or form must therefore serve as the ground and ultimate principle for the existence of everything in which being and essence are distinct. Additionally, since change, movement, and addition improve and give definition to finite being, multitude and distinction are, therefore, principles of being rather than non-being. Consequently, each creature imitates and participates in God’s perfect Being in its own way; the perfection of each genus exists pre-eminently in God without being at odds with God’s simplicity, God has knowledge, power, and will, and these and the many other terms assigned to God refer truly to the being of God without being either meaningless or synonymous. The existentialist outlook at work in these claims distinguishes Thomas in a noteworthy way from his contemporaries and predecessors as much as it does from many of the analytic philosophers who have objected to his thought. This suggests that at least these kinds of objections do not apply to Thomas’ thought.Keywords: theology, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy
Procedia PDF Downloads 751420 The Incubation of University Spin-Offs: An Exploratory Study of a Deep Tech Venture
Authors: Jerome D. Donovan
The pandemic has resulted in a dramatic re-consideration of the reliance on international student fees to support university models in Australia. A key resulting initiative for the Australian Federal Government has been shifting the way universities consider their research model, emphasising the importance of commercialising research. This study specifically examines this shift from the perspective of a university spin-off, examining how university support structures and incubation models have assisted in the translation of fundamental research into a high-growth university spin-off. A focused case study approach is adopted in this study, using an auto-ethnographic research method to document the experiences and insights drawn from being a co-founder in a university spin-off in a time where research commercialisation has emerged as a central focus in Australian universities.Keywords: research commercialisation, spin-offs, university incubation, entrepreneurship
Procedia PDF Downloads 821419 The Rise in Popularity of Online Islamic Fashion In Indonesia: An Economic, Political, and Socio-Anthropological Perspective
Authors: Cazadira Fediva Tamzil, Agung Sulthonaulia Utama
The rise in popularity of Indonesian Islamic fashion displayed and sold through social networking sites, especially Instagram, might seem at first glance like a commonplace and localized phenomenon. However, when analyzed critically, it actually reveals the relations between the global and local Indonesian economy, as well as a deep socio-anthropological dimension relating to religion, culture, class, work, identity. Conducted using a qualitative methodology, data collection technique of literature review, and observation of various social networking sites, this research finds four things that lead to the aforementioned conclusion. First, the rise of online Islamic fashion retailers was triggered by the shift in the structure of global and national Indonesian economy as well as the free access of information made possible by democratization in Indonesia and worldwide advances in terms of technology. All of those factors combined together gave birth to a large amount of middle-class Indonesians with high consumer culture and entrepreneurial flair. Second, online Islamic fashion retailers are the new cultural trendsetters in society. All these show how Indonesians are becoming increasingly pious, no longer only adhere to Western conception of luxury and that many are increasingly exploiting Islam commercial and status-acquiring purposes. Third, the online Islamic fashion retailers actually reveal a shift in the conception of ‘work’ – social media has made work no longer only confined to the toiling activities inside factories, but instead something that can be done from any location only through posting online words or pictures that can increase a fashion product’s capital value. Without realizing it, many celebrities and online retailers who promote Islamic fashion through social media on a daily basis are now also ‘semi-free immaterial labors’ – a slight reconceptualization to Tiziana Terranova’s concept of ‘free labor’ and Maurizio Lazzarato’s ‘immaterial labor’, which basically refer to people who create economic value and thus help out capitals from producing immaterial things with only little compensation in return. Fourth, this research also shows that the diversity of Islamic fashion styles being sold on Instagram reflects the polarized identity of Islam in Indonesia. In stark contrast with the theory which states that globalization always leads to the strengthening and unification of identity, this research shows how polarized the Islamic identity in Indonesia really is – even in the face of globalization.Keywords: global economy, Indonesian online Islamic fashion, political relations, socio-anthropology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471418 Agile Succession Planning in the Post-Covid World
Authors: Ashneel Kumar Singh
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically transformed the global workforce, leading to significant challenges in staffing and employment. The shift to remote work, the health risks posed by the virus, and the phenomenon known as ‘The Great Termination’ have all contributed to the disruption of traditional succession planning methods. This paper explores how agile succession planning can be effectively implemented in the post-COVID world to retain top talent and ensure organizational resilience. Through a review of the literature and practical examples, the paper discusses the difficulties of succession planning in the current environment and the importance of adopting an agile approach and offers recommendations for businesses to navigate the complexities of succession planning in a rapidly changing landscape.Keywords: agile succession planning, adopt a culture of continuous learning, create a multi-successor planning approach, the great termination
Procedia PDF Downloads 351417 Corporate Profitability through Effective Supply Chain Performance
Authors: Tareq N. Issa
The main pressuring challenges of global competition and high returns have forced businesses to shift their strategic competitive advantage from physical distribution management to integrated logistics management, finally moving into supply chain management. Conventionally, corporate profitability is a function of cost, capital employed, revenue and customer service. This article gives an insight into the effect of supply chain management on each of the above variables. It investigates the impact of the changing levels/ effects of these variables on corporate profitability and the means of measuring supply chain financial effectiveness. Information technology tools form the basis for supply chain optimal performance through alignment of supply chain systems in this ever increasing complexity in business decisions.Keywords: corporate profitability, sypply chain systems, business decisions, competitive advanage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3371416 Online Teaching Methods and Student Satisfaction during a Pandemic
Authors: Anita Kéri
With the outbreak of the global pandemic of COVID-19, online education characterizes today’s higher education. For some higher education institutions (HEIs), the shift from classroom education to online solutions was swift and smooth, and students are continuously asked about their experience regarding online education. Therefore, there is a growing emphasis on student satisfaction with online education, a field that had emerged previously, but has become the center of higher education and research interest today. The aim of the current paper is to give a brief overview of the tools used in the online education of marketing-related classes at the examined university and to investigate student satisfaction with the applied teaching methodologies with the tool of a questionnaire. Results show that students are most satisfied with their teachers’ competences and preparedness, while they are least satisfied with online class quality, where it seems that further steps are needed to be taken.Keywords: netnography, online teaching, pandemic, satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651415 Key Competences in Economics and Business Field: The Employers’ Side of the Story
Authors: Bruno Škrinjarić
Rapid technological developments and increase in organizations’ interdependence on international scale are changing the traditional workplace paradigm. A key feature of knowledge based economy is that employers are looking for individuals that possess both specific academic skills and knowledge, and also capability to be proactive and respond to problems creatively and autonomously. The focus of this paper is workers with Economics and Business background and its goals are threefold: (1) to explore wide range of competences and identify which are the most important to employers; (2) to investigate the existence and magnitude of gap between required and possessed level of a certain competency; and (3) to inquire how this gap is connected with performance of a company. A study was conducted on a representative sample of Croatian enterprises during the spring of 2016. Results show that generic, rather than specific, competences are more important to employers and the gap between the relative importance of certain competence and its current representation in existing workforce is greater for generic competences than for specific. Finally, results do not support the hypothesis that this gap is correlated with firms’ performance.Keywords: competency gap, competency matching, key competences, firm performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3331414 Transforming Personal Healthcare through Patient Engagement: An In-Depth Analysis of Tools and Methods for the Digital Age
Authors: Emily Hickmann, Peggy Richter, Maren Kaehlig, Hannes Schlieter
Patient engagement is a cornerstone of high-quality care and essential for patients with chronic diseases to achieve improved health outcomes. Through digital transformation, possibilities to engage patients in their personal healthcare have multiplied. However, the exploitation of this potential is still lagging. To support the transmission of patient engagement theory into practice, this paper’s objective is to give a state-of-the-art overview of patient engagement tools and methods. A systematic literature review was conducted. Overall, 56 tools and methods were extracted and synthesized according to the four attributes of patient engagement, i.e., personalization, access, commitment, and therapeutic alliance. The results are discussed in terms of their potential to be implemented in digital health solutions under consideration of the “computers are social actors” (CASA) paradigm. It is concluded that digital health can catalyze patient engagement in practice, and a broad future research agenda is formulated.Keywords: chronic diseases, digitalization, patient-centeredness, patient empowerment, patient engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201413 Science School Was Burned: A Case Study of Crisis Management in Thailand
Authors: Proud Arunrangsiwed
This study analyzes the crisis management and image repair strategies during the crisis of Mahidol Wittayanusorn School (MWIT) library burning. The library of this school was burned by a 16-year-old-male student on June 6th, 2010. This student blamed the school that the lesson was difficult, and other students were selfish. Although no one was in the building during the fire, it had caused damage to the building, books and electronic supplies around 130 million bahts (4.4 million USD). This event aroused many discourses arguing about the education system and morality. The strategies which were used during crisis were denial, shift the blame, bolstering, minimization, and uncertainty reduction. The results of using these strategies appeared after the crisis. That was the numbers of new students, who registered for the examination to get into this school in the later years, have remained the same.Keywords: school, crisis management, violence, image repair strategies, uncertainty, burn
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