Search results for: gender specific data
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Search results for: gender specific data

31134 A Modular Framework for Enabling Analysis for Educators with Different Levels of Data Mining Skills

Authors: Kyle De Freitas, Margaret Bernard


Enabling data mining analysis among a wider audience of educators is an active area of research within the educational data mining (EDM) community. The paper proposes a framework for developing an environment that caters for educators who have little technical data mining skills as well as for more advanced users with some data mining expertise. This framework architecture was developed through the review of the strengths and weaknesses of existing models in the literature. The proposed framework provides a modular architecture for future researchers to focus on the development of specific areas within the EDM process. Finally, the paper also highlights a strategy of enabling analysis through either the use of predefined questions or a guided data mining process and highlights how the developed questions and analysis conducted can be reused and extended over time.

Keywords: educational data mining, learning management system, learning analytics, EDM framework

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31133 Acute Poisoning Based on Age and Gender Caused by Pharmaceuticals and Therapies That Influence the Nervous System

Authors: Ragy Raafat Gaber Attaalla


Background: We looked at acute poisonings brought on by illegal drugs and pharmaceuticals that influence the nervous system at Assiut University Hospitals. Methods: Between January 2010 and December 2015, we conducted a retrospective examination of patient records from the largest tertiary toxicology referral center in Assiut. We examined the frequency, pattern, and distribution of ages and genders of acute nervous system agent poisoning. Results: 29,083 individuals total—16,657 (57.27%) males and 12,426 (42.73%) females—were included in the current study. Men's and women's median ages were 29 and 26, respectively (p < 0.0001). 10,326 (83.10%) women and 12,071 (72.47%) men under 40 were present (p < 0.001). 44.10% of cases had a history of poisoning, and the majority of cases (69.38% in men and 79.00% in women, p<0.001) were purposeful. Between various age groups and nervous system agents, there were notable variations in the ratios of men and women. The most often used agent for women was alprazolam, whereas methadone was more popular for men. Overall, there was a rising tendency in acute poisoning associated with alcohol and opioids used to treat addiction disorders, but a declining trend with benzodiazepines and antidepressants. Conclusion: Addiction to methadone was widespread, particularly in young males, and the majority of these cases were self-inflicted. Alprazolam and clonazepam poisoning most commonly affect women and males in the 20–29 age range, respectively. Opium was utilized by men over 30 and women over 60. Over half of the deaths were related to illicit narcotics, with opium being the most common. This research could raise awareness and lead to the development of gender- and age-specific local programs for education and prevention.

Keywords: acute poisonings, illegal drugs, pharmaceuticals, nerve system

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31132 Sentence Variation in Academic Writing: A Contrastive Study of the Variation of Sentence Types between Male and Female ESL Writers

Authors: Fatima Muhammad Shitu


This paper focuses on the variation of sentence types in English academic writing. The major focus is on whether variation in sentence types can be attributable to the linguistic and most of all the gender of the writers. The objective of this paper is to analyze the sentence types produced by Male and Female ESL writers and to determine whether writers vary the frequency and use of sentence types across the text depending on the rhetorical choices of the writers to construct identity. This study is hinged on the functionalist approach to analyzing academic writing in use. For the purpose of this study, a corpus of 20 academic papers was created and the use of sentences types was analyzed. The data for the study was collated using percentages. In this case, the number of occurrences of the different sentence types were analyzed, calculated and then converted to percentages for each group i.e., male and female ESL writers. The results from these analyses were compared and contrasted in order to determine whether Male and Female ESL writer vary their sentence types, and, or employed the same or different sentence types in their texts. The conclusion is that Male and Female ESL writers not only vary in their use of sentence types in academic writings but also differ.

Keywords: sentence variation, ESL, gender, academic writing

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31131 I Post Therefore I Am! Construction of Gendered Identities in Facebook Communication of Pakistani Male and Female Users

Authors: Rauha Salam


In Pakistan, over the past decade, the notion of what counts as a true ‘masculine and feminine’ behaviour has become more complicated with the inspection of social media. Given its strong religious and socio-cultural norms, patriarchal values are entrenched in the local and cultural traditions of the Pakistani society and regulate the social value of gender. However, the increasing use of internet among Pakistani men and women, especially in the form of social media uses by the youth, is increasingly becoming disruptive and challenging to the strict modes of behavioural monitoring and control both at familial and state level. Facebook, being the prime social media communication platform in Pakistan, provide its users a relatively ‘safe’ place to embrace how they want to be perceived by their audience. Moreover, the availability of an array of semiotic resources (e.g. the videos, audios, visuals and gifs) on Facebook makes it possible for the users to create a virtual identity that allows them to describe themselves in detail. By making use of Multimodal Discourse Analysis, I aimed to investigate how men and women in Pakistan construct their gendered identities multimodally (visually and linguistically) through their Facebook posts and how these semiotic modes are interconnected to communicate specific meanings. In case of the female data, the analysis showed an ambivalence as females were found to be conforming to the existing socio-cultural norms of the society and they were also employing social media platforms to deviate from traditional gendered patterns and to voice their opinions simultaneously. Similarly, the male data highlighted the reproduction of the prevalent cultural models of masculinity. However, there were instances in the data that showed a digression from the standard norms and there is a (re)negotiation of the traditional patriarchal representations.

Keywords: Facebook, Gendered Identities, Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Pakistan

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31130 Loneliness and Depression in Relation to Latchkey Situation

Authors: Samaneh Sadat Fattahi Massoom, Hossein Salimi Bajestani


The study examines loneliness and depression in students who regularly care for themselves after school (latchkey students) in Mashhad and compares them with parent supervised students using a causal-comparative research method. The 270 participants, aged 7 -13, were selected using convenience and cluster random-assignment sampling. Independent t-test results showed significant differences between loneliness (-4.32, p ≤ 0.05) and depression (-3.02, p ≤0.05) among latchkey and non-latchkey students. Using the Pearson correlation test, significant correlation between depression and loneliness among latchkey students was also discovered (r=0.59, p ≤ 0.05). However, regarding non latchkey students, no significant difference between loneliness and depression was observed (r= 0.02. p ≥ 0.05). Multiple regression results also showed that depression variance can be determined by gender (22%) and loneliness (34%). The findings of this study, specifically the significant difference between latchkey and non-latchkey children regarding feelings of loneliness and depression, carries clear implications for parents. It can be concluded that mothers who spend most of their time working out of the house and devoid their children of their presence in the home may cause some form of mental distress like loneliness and depression. Moreover, gender differences affect the degree of these psychological disorders.

Keywords: loneliness, depression, self-care students, latchkey and non-latchkey students, gender

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31129 Analysis of Feminist Translation in Subtitling from Arabic into English: A Case Study

Authors: Ghada Ahmed


Feminist translation is one of the strategies adopted in the field of translation studies when a gendered content is being rendered from one language to another, and this strategy has been examined in previous studies on written texts. This research, however, addresses the practice of feminist translation in audiovisual texts that are concerned with the screen, dialogue, image and visual aspects. In this thesis, the objectives are studying feminist translation and its adaptation in subtitling from Arabic into English. It addresses the connections between gender and translation as one domain and feminist translation practices with particular consideration of feminist translation strategies in English subtitles. It examines the visibility of the translator throughout the process, assuming that feminist translation is a product directed by the translator’s feminist position, culture, and ideology as a means of helping unshadow women. It also discusses how subtitling constraints impact feminist translation and how the image that has a narrative value can be integrated into the content of the English subtitles. The reasons for conducting this research project are to study language sexism in English and look into Arabic into English gendered content, taking into consideration the Arabic cultural concepts that may lose their connotations when they are translated into English. This research is also analysing the image in an audiovisual text and its contribution to the written dialogue in subtitling. Thus, this research attempts to answer the following questions: To what extent is there a form of affinity between a gendered content and translation? Is feminist translation an act of merely working on a feminist text or feminising the language of any text, by incorporating the translator’s ideology? How can feminist translation practices be applied in an audiovisual text? How likely is it to adapt feminist translation looking into visual components as well as subtitling constraints? Moreover, the paper searches into the fields of gender and translation; feminist translation, language sexism, media studies, and the gap in the literature related to feminist translation practice in visual texts. For my case study, the "Speed Sisters" film has been chosen so as to analyze its English subtitles for my research. The film is a documentary that was produced in 2015 and directed by Amber Fares. It is about five Palestinian women who try to break the stereotypes about women, and have taken their passion about car-racing forward to be the first all-women car-racing driving team in the Middle East. It tackles the issue of gender in both content and language and this is reflected in the translation. As the research topic is semiotic-channelled, the choice for the theoretical approaches varies and combines between translation studies, audiovisual translation, gender studies, and media studies. Each of which will contribute to understanding a specific field of the research and the results will eventually be integrated to achieve the intended objectives in a way that demonstrates rendering a gendered content in one of the audiovisual translation modes from a language into another.

Keywords: audiovisual translation, feminist translation, films gendered content, subtitling conventions and constraints

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31128 Short-Term Effects of Extreme Temperatures on Cause Specific Cardiovascular Admissions in Beijing, China

Authors: Deginet Aklilu, Tianqi Wang, Endwoke Amsalu, Wei Feng, Zhiwei Li, Xia Li, Lixin Tao, Yanxia Luo, Moning Guo, Xiangtong Liu, Xiuhua Guo


Extreme temperature-related cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become a growing public health concern. However, the impact of temperature on the cause of specific CVDs has not been well studied in the study area. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of temperature on cause-specific cardiovascular hospital admissions in Beijing, China. We obtained data from 172 large general hospitals from the Beijing Public Health Information Center Cardiovascular Case Database and China. Meteorological Administration covering 16 districts in Beijing from 2013 to 2017. We used a time-stratified case crossover design with a distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) to derive the impact of temperature on CVD in hospitals back to 27 days on CVD admissions. The temperature data were stratified as cold (extreme and moderate ) and hot (moderate and extreme ). Within five years (January 2013-December 2017), a total of 460,938 (male 54.9% and female 45.1%) CVD admission cases were reported. The exposure-response relationship for hospitalization was described by a "J" shape for the total and cause-specific. An increase in the six-day moving average temperature from moderate hot (30.2 °C) to extreme hot (36.9 °C) resulted in a significant increase in CVD admissions of 16.1%(95% CI = 12.8%-28.9%). However, the effect of cold temperature exposure on CVD admissions over a lag time of 0-27 days was found to be non significant, with a relative risk of 0.45 (95% CI = 0.378-0.55) for extreme cold (-8.5 °C)and 0.53 (95% CI = 0.47-0.60) for moderate cold (-5.6 °C). The results of this study indicate that exposure to extremely high temperatures is highly associated with an increase in cause-specific CVD admissions. These finding may guide to create and raise awareness of the general population, government and private sectors regarding on the effects of current weather conditions on CVD.

Keywords: admission, Beijing, cardiovascular diseases, distributed lag non linear model, temperature

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31127 Big Data: Appearance and Disappearance

Authors: James Moir


The mainstay of Big Data is prediction in that it allows practitioners, researchers, and policy analysts to predict trends based upon the analysis of large and varied sources of data. These can range from changing social and political opinions, patterns in crimes, and consumer behaviour. Big Data has therefore shifted the criterion of success in science from causal explanations to predictive modelling and simulation. The 19th-century science sought to capture phenomena and seek to show the appearance of it through causal mechanisms while 20th-century science attempted to save the appearance and relinquish causal explanations. Now 21st-century science in the form of Big Data is concerned with the prediction of appearances and nothing more. However, this pulls social science back in the direction of a more rule- or law-governed reality model of science and away from a consideration of the internal nature of rules in relation to various practices. In effect Big Data offers us no more than a world of surface appearance and in doing so it makes disappear any context-specific conceptual sensitivity.

Keywords: big data, appearance, disappearance, surface, epistemology

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31126 A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of Selected Marvel Comics

Authors: Onaza Ajmal


The purpose of the study is to explore the power relations linguistically and visually with reference to the representation of gender, race, violence, and empowerment through male characters and female superheroes from the two selected Marvel comics, Ms. Marvel (2014) and Captain Marvel (2019-). The study also aims to elaborate on the different cultural backgrounds of female superheroes and their choices and behaviors concerning the male characters. Moreover, it also seeks to explore whether the female superheroes reassert or resists the established gender roles. Using the tenets of critical discourse analysis (CDA) and feminist critical discourse analysis (FCDA) by Lazar (2005), the study analyzed the power relations from a feminist viewpoint. The linguistic analysis of textual features such as ‘adjectives’, ‘lexical items’, ‘metaphors’, and ‘use of pronouns’, etc., found in the selected comics is carried out under the framework of CDA given by Fairclough (1989). Kress and van Leeuwen's model of reading images (2006) are used to analyze the visual images in this study. The findings of the study show that despite the empowering nature of female superheroes, the unequal power relations between male and female characters are established linguistically and visually, which further sustains and reinforces the racial and patriarchal gender ideologies in the selected comics. Moreover, it is recommended that the female representations in the feminist themes of empowerment with respect to the Pakistani female superheroes should also be explored for further research.

Keywords: feminist critical discourse analysis, patriarchal gender ideology, power relations, superhero comics

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31125 Reducing Sexism Promotes Female Navy with Agreeableness Personality Traits to Increases Bystander Attitudes Towards Sexual Harassment

Authors: Chia-Chun Wu, Pei-Shan Lee


Gender equality is an important issue in the workplace today. This study aimed to explore whether female naval with agreeableness personality traits can increase bystander attitudes towards sexual harassment by reducing sexism. A total of 281 female navalin Taiwan participated in this study and completed the BFI-10 scale and questionnaires on sexism and bystander attitudes towards sexual harassment. Path analysis was performed using AMOS 23 version. The results demonstrated that female naval with an agreeableness personality predicted bystander attitudes towards sexual harassment, and when sexism was reduced, it was more helpful to increase bystander attitudes toward sexual harassment. These results informed the perspectives of female naval. It is suggested that when promoting gender equality in the military in the future, people with agreeableness personality can be selected to attend gender equality courses to improve bystander attitudes towards sexual harassment. This provided the Navy with strategies to reduce the probability of sexual harassment.

Keywords: semism, agreeableness, female, bystander attitude

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31124 A Feminist Historical Institutional Approach and Gender Participation in Queensland Politics

Authors: Liz van Acker, Linda Colley


Political processes are shaped by the gendered culture of parliaments. This paper examines how the institution of parliament has been affected by the changing number of women in politics. In order to understand how and why gender change occurs, the paper employs a feminist historical institutionalism approach. It argues that while it is difficult to change the gendered nature of political institutions, it is possible, from a gender perspective, to understand the processes of change both formally and informally. Increasing women’s representation has been a slow process which has not occurred without political struggles. A broadly defined ‘feminist historical institutionalism’ has critiqued existing approaches to institutions and combined historical institutional analysis with tools of gender to enhance our understanding of institutional processes and change. The paper examines the gendered rules, norms, and practices that influence institutional design choices and processes. Institutions such as Parliament often are able to adjust to women’s entry and absorb them without too much interruption. Exploring the hidden aspects to informal institutions involves identifying unspoken and accepted norms that may guide decision-making – exposing and questioning the gender status quo. This paper examines the representation of women in the Queensland Parliament, Australia. It places the Queensland experience in historical context, as well as in the national and international context. The study is interesting, given that its gender representation has rocketed from one of the worst performing states in 2012 to one of the best performing in 2015 with further improvements in 2017. The state currently has a re-elected female Premier, a female Deputy Premier and a female-dominated cabinet – in fact, Queensland was the first ministry in Australia to have a majority of women in its Cabinet. However, it is unnecessary to dig far below these headlines to see that this is uncharacteristic of its history: progress towards this current position has been slow and patchy. The paper finds that matters such as the glass ceiling and the use of quotas explain women’s recent success in Queensland politics.

Keywords: feminist historical institutional approach, glass ceiling, quotas, women’s participation in politics

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31123 Does Women Involvement in Politics Decrease Corruption? A Context Based Approach to the Corruption Rate Index of ASEAN Countries

Authors: Lu Anne A. Godinez, May Claudine I. Gador, Preacious G. Gumolon, Louiechi Von R. Mendoza, Neil Bryan N. Moninio


Gender equality and women empowerment is the third of eight Millennium Development Goals. Understanding corruption’s linkages to gender equality issues and how it impacts women’s empowerment is part of the broader process of advancing women’s rights and understanding the gender dimensions of democratic governance. Taking a long view of political (corruption index) and the social (women empowerment) dimension — a view from 2015 to 2030, a context based forecast was conducted to forecast the ASEAN corruption index in the next 15 years, answering the question: “Does women political involvement decrease corruption rate index of ASEAN countries in the next 15 years?” The study have established that there will be an increase women political involvement in the ASEAN countries in the next 15 years that will cause a drop on corruption rate index. There will be a significant decline on corruption rate index in 2030. This change entails reform not only in the political aspect of progress, but to the social aspect as well. Finally, the political aspect is increasing at a constant rate however a double or triple increase of the social aspect is seen to be the key solution for corruption.

Keywords: women, women political involvement, corruption, gender equity index, economic participation, educational attainment, political empowerment, control of corruption, regulatory quality, rule of law, voice and accountability government effectiveness, political stability and corruption perception index

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31122 The Influence of Cultural Perceptions in the Preference and Choice of STEM Programs

Authors: Priscilla Adoley Moffat


This study explored perceptions rooted in and acquired from the cultures of many developing countries and how they impact applicants’ preferences and choices of STEM programs. The context of developing countries was chosen for this study because gender role socialization continues to maintain an important place in most of these cultures. This study’s relevance rests in the fact that, as the world takes steps to encourage and promote the choice and study of STEM programs, especially among females, there is a need for efforts towards understanding various cultural perceptions towards some programs of study, particularly STEM programs, which have diverse gender attributions in many developing cultures. Also, as the world strives to achieve gender equity in education, such a study comes in handy, as it provides a useful understanding of the underlying cultural factors that affect study program preferences of applicants, particularly in developing countries like Ghana as well as others in Africa. The study analyzed the admission application data of five public universities in Ghana. 1600 randomly-sampled final-year students of 32 randomly-selected senior high schools from the 16 regions of Ghana were interviewed. Since parents and teachers often guide and influence the study program choices of applicants, the study examined the perceptions of 180 teachers and 360 parents. The study found, among other things, that STEM programs are commonly perceived to pose much more difficulty to females than they do to males. As a result, many female applicants are discouraged from choosing these programs. While nursing programs are perceived more as programs for females, with the justification that females are better caregivers, males are perceived to be better medical doctors, engineers, and computer technicians. Thus, many females are less encouraged to choose Technology and Engineering programs.

Keywords: culture, perceptions, STEM, choice, preference

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31121 Incidence of Iron Deficiency Anemia Among the Children with Febrile Seizures

Authors: Samina Nazli, Nadia Qamar, Quratulain, Akasha, Saman Jamal


Objective: The objective is to determine the frequency of iron deficiency anemia among children having febrile seizures. A descriptive Cross-Sectional Study was done in the Pediatric Unit of Allama Iqbal Memorial Teaching Hospital Sialkot from September 2020 to February 2021. Material & Methods: A total of 70 children were studied aged six months to 10 years, with either gender presenting with febrile seizures. All data of the patients was documented, including demographic data like age, gender, residential area, educational status, socioeconomic status and clinical findings at the time of presentation like fever, fits and duration of symptoms etc. Blood hemoglobin and ferritin levels were tested for each patient to evaluate iron deficiency anemia. Results: There were 65.7% male and 34.3% female cases in this study. The age range of the patients was 6 months to 10 years, with a mean age of 4.36 ± 2.71 years. Most of the children (60%) were below three years of age. Most children belonged to low and middle socioeconomic status with a frequency of 42.8% and 45.7%, respectively. Iron deficiency anemia was found in 38.6% of cases. The majority of the mothers were illiterate (65%). There were 44.3% cases from rural areas and 55.7% from urban areas. Conclusion: Iron deficiency anemia is a common problem among children with febrile seizures, younger than 03 years and belonging to rural areas. Illiterate mothers are an important risk factor for iron deficiency anemia in their children.

Keywords: febrile seizure, iron deficiency anemia, illetrate mother, low scioeconomic status, febrile siezure

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31120 Factors Affecting the Fear of Insulin Injection and Finger Punching in Individuals Diagnosed with Diabetes

Authors: Gaye Demi̇rtaş Adli


Research: It was conducted to determine the factors affecting the fear of self-injection and self-pricking of fingers of diabetic individuals.The study was conducted as a cross-sectional, relation-seeking, and descriptive study. The study was conducted on 122 patients who had just started insulin therapy. Data were obtained through The Descriptive Patient Form, The Diabetic Self-Injection, and the Fear of Testing Questionnaire Form (D-FISQ). Descriptive statistical methods used in the evaluation of data are the Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, and the Spearman correlation. The factors affecting the scale scores were evaluated with multiple linear regression analysis. The value of P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Study group: 56.6% of the patients are male patients. Fear of self-injection (injection), fear of self-testing (test), and total fear (total) scores of women were found to be statistically higher than men (p<0.001). Age, gender, and pain experience were important variables that affected patients' fear of injections. With a one-unit increase in age, the injection fear score decreased by 0.13 points, and the mean injection fear score of women was 2.11 points higher than that of men. It was determined that the patient's age, gender, living with whom, and blood donation history were important variables affecting the fear of self-testing. It is seen that the fear test score decreases by 0.18 points with an increase in age by one unit, and the fear test scores of women compared to men are on average 3,358 points, the fear test scores of those living alone are 4,711 points compared to those living with family members, and the fear test scores of those who do not donate blood are 2,572 compared to those who donate blood score, it was determined that those with more pain experience were 3,156 points higher on average than those with less fear of injection. As a result, it was seen that the most important factors affecting the fear of insulin injection and finger punching in individuals with diabetes were age, gender, pain experience, living with whom, and blood donation history.

Keywords: diabetes, needle phobia, fear of injection, insulin injection

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31119 The Perils of Flagging Pirates: How Gender, False Consensus and Normative Messages Influence Digital Piracy Intentions

Authors: Kate Whitman, Zahra Murad, Joe Cox, Adam Cox


This study investigates the influence of normative communications on digital piracy intentions. Although descriptive norms are thought to influence behavior, the study examines the potential bias in one's own behavior, leading to false consensus—a phenomenon perpetuating undesirable activities. The research tests the presence of false consensus and the effect of correcting normative predictions on changes in piracy intentions, examining gender differences. Results from a controlled experiment (N = 684) indicate that normative communications, reflecting the "real" norm based on government data (N=5000), increase (decrease) piracy intentions among men (women) underestimating their peers' behavior. Conversely, neither men nor women overestimating their peers' piracy show any notable change in intentions. Considering men consume more illegal content than women, suggesting they pose a higher risk, the study highlights the need for cautious use of normative communications. Therefore, policymakers should minimize the visibility of piracy behavior for effective digital piracy management.

Keywords: digital piracy, false consensus, normative interventions, persuasive messages

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31118 Analysis of Problems Faced by the Female Students in Capacity Enhancing at Intermediate Level in Girls College of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Authors: Uzma Ahmad


hyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) is the most turbulent province of Pakistan, sharing a longborder with Afghanistan. For about four decades, KPK is facing a series of international events. The peak was reached after 9/11when region was labelled as posing a major theatre of militancy and terrorism which was intensified when Tehrik Taliban Pakistan (TTP) began attempts to seize the authority of state. One of the main focus of TTP was to damage and uprooting of female education system and infrastructure in KPK which later became the site of a massacre of school children of Army Public School Peshawar on 16 December 2014.It resulted to the launching of Zarb-e-Azb against the TTP insurgency,casualty and crime rates in the KPKas a whole dropped by 40.0% as compared to 2011–13. All this has badly hampered the female education both in terms of quantity and quality. Malala Yousafzai who is now an advocate of female education has been a victim of Talibans brutality in that area. And thelanguage in which she managed to express herself to the International community is English.Keeping in view the situation, the present project was designed with a sole aim to focus on female students of the area which are few in numbers and to investigate some specific area, where they have been confronting problems in the use of grammar, vocabulary,tenses and organization of ideas in writings. The reasons might be the careless attitude, insufficient reading habits, lack of interest and poor knowledge of English language. The methodology was a descriptive one as it shows the effects of the internal efficiency(independent variables) on an intermediate college’s progress(dependent variables). It was a case study since data was collected from a focused group of 60 female students of arts and humanities at Swabi college at Intermediate level. The ultimate focus was to explore the possibilities of creating a Gender friendly environment for female students. This research has proved how the correct use of English language has given them confidence to move ahead side by side with men and to acknowledge their right of self-determination.

Keywords: capacity building, female education, gender friendly, internal efficiency

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31117 Fijian Women’s Role in Disaster Risk Management: Climate Change

Authors: Priyatma Singh, Manpreet Kaur


Climate change is progressively being identified as a global crisis and this has immediate repercussions for Fiji Islands due to its geographical location being prone to natural disasters. In the Pacific, it is common to find significant differences between men and women, in terms of their roles and responsibilities. In the pursuit of prudent preparedness before disasters, Fijian women’s engagement is constrained due to socially constructed roles and expectation of women here in Fiji. This vulnerability is aggravated by viewing women as victims, rather than as key people who have vital information of their society, economy, and environment, as well as useful skills, which, when recognized and used, can be effective in disaster risk reduction. The focus of this study on disaster management is to outline ways in which Fijian women can be actively engaged in disaster risk management, articulating in decision-making, negating the perceived ideology of women’s constricted roles in Fiji and unveiling social constraints that limit women’s access to practical disaster management strategic plan. This paper outlines the importance of gender mainstreaming in disaster risk reduction and the ways of mainstreaming gender based on a literature review. It analyses theoretical study of academic literature as well as papers and reports produced by various national and international institutions and explores ways to better inform and engage women for climate change per ser disaster management in Fiji. The empowerment of women is believed to be a critical element in constructing disaster resilience as women are often considered to be the designers of community resilience at the local level. Gender mainstreaming as a way of bringing a gender perspective into climate related disasters can be applied to distinguish the varying needs and capacities of women, and integrate them into climate change adaptation strategies. This study will advocate women articulation in disaster risk management, thus giving equal standing to females in Fiji and also identify the gaps and inform national and local Disaster Risk Management authorities to implement processes that enhance gender equality and women’s empowerment towards a more equitable and effective disaster practice.

Keywords: disaster risk management, climate change, gender mainstreaming, women empowerment

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31116 Factor Structure of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale: Gender, Age, and Marital Status Differences

Authors: Hamzeh Dodeen


This study aims at examining the effects of item wording effects on the factor structure of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Loneliness Scale: gender, age, and marital status differences. A total of 2374 persons from the UAE participated, representing six different populations (teenagers/elderly, males/females, and married/unmarried). The results of the exploratory factor analysis using principal axis factoring with (oblique) rotation revealed that two factors were extracted from the 20 items of the scale. The nine positively worded items were highly loaded on the first factor, while 10 out of the 11 negatively worded items were highly loaded on the second factor. The two-factor solution was confirmed on the six different populations based on age, gender, and marital status. It has been concluded that the rating of the UCLA scale is affected by a response style related to the item wording.

Keywords: UCLA Loneliness Scale, loneliness, positively worded items, factor structure, negatively worded items

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31115 Socioeconomic Status and Gender Influence on Linguistic Change: A Case Study on Language Competence and Confidence of Multilingual Minority Language Speakers

Authors: Stefanie Siebenhütter


Male and female speakers use language differently and with varying confidence levels. This paper contrasts gendered differences in language use with socioeconomic status and age factors. It specifically examines how Kui minority language use and competence are conditioned by the variable of gender and discusses potential reasons for this variation by examining gendered language awareness and sociolinguistic attitudes. Moreover, it discusses whether women in Kui society function as 'leaders of linguistic change', as represented in Labov’s sociolinguistic model. It discusses whether societal role expectations in collectivistic cultures influence the model of linguistic change. The findings reveal current Kui speaking preferences and give predictions on the prospective language use, which is a stable situation of multilingualism because the current Kui speakers will socialize and teach the prospective Kui speakers in the near future. It further confirms that Lao is losing importance in Kui speaker’s (female’s) daily life.

Keywords: gender, identity construction, language change, minority language, multilingualism, sociolinguistics, social Networks

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31114 Wage Differentiation Patterns of Households Revisited for Turkey in Same Industry Employment: A Pseudo-Panel Approach

Authors: Yasin Kutuk, Bengi Yanik Ilhan


Previous studies investigate the wage differentiations among regions in Turkey between couples who work in the same industry and those who work in different industries by using the models that is appropriate for cross sectional data. However, since there is no available panel data for this investigation in Turkey, pseudo panels using repeated cross-section data sets of the Household Labor Force Surveys 2004-2014 are employed in order to open a new way to examine wage differentiation patterns. For this purpose, household heads are separated into groups with respect to their household composition. These groups’ membership is assumed to be fixed over time such as age groups, education, gender, and NUTS1 (12 regions) Level. The average behavior of them can be tracked overtime same as in the panel data. Estimates using the pseudo panel data would be consistent with the estimates using genuine panel data on individuals if samples are representative of the population which has fixed composition, characteristics. With controlling the socioeconomic factors, wage differentiation of household income is affected by social, cultural and economic changes after global economic crisis emerged in US. It is also revealed whether wage differentiation is changing among the birth cohorts.

Keywords: wage income, same industry, pseudo panel, panel data econometrics

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31113 C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Athar Hussain Memon


Objectives: We tried to determine the frequency of raised C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study of six months study was conducted at Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad from March 2013 to August 2013. All diabetic patients of ≥35 years age of either gender for >01 year duration visited at OPD were evaluated for C-reactive protein and their glycemic status by hemoglobin A1c. The data was analyzed in SPSS and the frequency and percentage were calculated. Results: During six month study period, total 100 diabetic patients were evaluated for C-reactive protein. The majority of patients were from urban areas 75/100 (75%). The mean ±SD for age of patients with diabetes mellitus was 51.63±7.82. The mean age ±SD of patient with raised CRP was 53±7.21. The mean ±SD for HbA1c in patients with raised CRP is 9.55±1.73. The mean random blood sugar level in patients with raised CRP was 247.42 ± 6.62. The majority of subjects were of 50-69 years of age group with female predominance (p=0.01) while the CRP was raised in 70 (70%) patients in relation to age (p=0.02) and gender (p=0.01), respectively. Both HbA1c and CRP were raised in 64.9% (p=0.04) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The mean ±SD of CRP was 5.8±1.21 while for male and female individuals with raised CRP was 3.52±1.22 and 5.7±1.63, respectively. Conclusions: The raised CRP was observed in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, C-reactive protein, hemoglobin A1c, diabetes and metabolism

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31112 Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Menstrual Hygiene of Adolescent Girls Aged 12 to 19 Years Old in Secondary School

Authors: Jean Marie Vianney Ininahazwe, Patrick Bitangumutwenzi


Context: The issue of menstrual hygiene is an entry point for demonstrating the gender-specific nature of the needs of women and adolescent girls. Women and girls around the world face many challenges in managing their periods. They may be deprived of certain basic human rights, including those relating to education, work and health. This work describes the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls from 12 to 19 years at Lake Tanganyika Secondary School. Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study among 384 adolescent girls from Lake Tanganyika secondary school over a period of 2 weeks from September 13 to September 27 and with a purely general objective of describing the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of menstrual hygiene in secondary schools. The study was conducted using a non-probability method and the sampling technique was for convenience. The data collection technique used was the survey by questionnaire and the exploitation of the documentary. The data collection tool used was the questionnaire. Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2.13 and EPI INFO7 software were used for this purpose. Results: We noticed that 55.47% of the participants knew that menstruation is a physiological process; 57.55% of the teenage girls surveyed get their information about menstrual hygiene from their mothers; 75.72% use sanitary napkins and 24.02% use fabrics as protective material; 35.16% of respondents have already lacked sanitary napkins since their menarche; 37.29% are absent from classes due to lack of sanitary napkins; 23.82% use soap and other products to wash.

Keywords: knowledge, attitudes, practices, menstrual hygiene

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31111 The Role of Gender in English Language Acquisition for Chinese Medical Students

Authors: Christopher Celozzi, Sarah Kochav


Our research investigates the numerous challenges faced by Chinese ESL university students enrolled in the medical and related healthcare professional fields. The over-arching research question is how gender influences classroom participation and learning. The second research question addressed is 'what instructional strategies may be utilized to promote student participation and language acquisition?'. Participants’ language ability has been assessed and evaluated in order to facilitate the establishment of a statistical baseline for the subsequent intervention. This research delves deeper into each individual’s personal and academic circumstances, in an effort to reveal any held intrinsic gender beliefs and social identities that may influence learning. Also considered is the impact on learning for a homogenized student population within a uniform, highly structured learning environment. Specially, what is the influence of China’s ‘one-child policy’ on individual learning habits? The impact of their millennial identity and reliance on social media is also examined. A qualitative methodology with a case study approach is employed, with interviews conducted among the participants. Student response to the intervention and selected remediation strategies are documented, analyzed and discussed. The findings of the study may serve to inform educator instructional practice, while advancing the student learner in their pursuit of English competency in highly competitive professions.

Keywords: Chinese students, gender, English, language acquisition

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31110 There Is a Reversal Effect of Relative Age in Elite Senior Athletics: Successful Young Men Are «Early-Born Athletes», While in Adults There Are More «Late-Born» Athletes

Authors: Bezuglov Eduard, Achkasov Evgeniy, Emanov Anton, Shagiakhmetova Larisa, Pirmakhanov Bekzhan, Morgans Ryland


Background: Previous studies have found that there is a wide range of the relative age effect (RAE) in young athletes, which is dependent on age and gender. However, there is currently scant data comparing the prevalence of the RAE in successful athletes across different age groups from the same sport during the same time period. We aimed to compare the prevalence of the RAE in different age groups of successful athletes. Materials and methods: The date of birth of all youth (under 18 years old) and senior (20 years and above) male and female track and field athletes were analyzed. All athletes had entered the World Top 20 rankings in disciplines where performance rules were the same at youth and adult levels. Data were collected from the website www. between 1999 and 2006. Results: A significant prevalence of RAE in successful youth track and field athletes were reported. Early-born (61,1%) and late-born (38,9%) athletes were represented respectively (χ2 = 131,1, p < 0,001, ϖ = 0,24). The RAE is not significant in successful senior track and field athletes. Athletes born in the first half of the year are only 0.4% more prevalent than athletes born in the second half of the year (50,2% and 49,8%, respectively). Olympic Games and World Championship medalists are more often late-born athletes (44,1% and 55,9%, respectively) (p = 0,014, χ2 = 6,1, ϖ = 0,20). Conclusion: The RAE is only prevalent in successful young track and field athletes. The RAE was not observed in successful senior track and field athletes, regardless of gender, in any of the analyzed discipline groups. The RAE reverse was observed in successful senior track and field athletes.

Keywords: relative age effect, track, and field, talent identification, underdog effect

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31109 Exploring Entrepreneurship Intension Aptitude along Gender Lines among Business Decision Students in Nigeria

Authors: Paul O. Udofot, Emem B. Inyang


The study investigated the variability in aptitude amidst interactive effects of several social and environmental factors that could influence individual tendencies to engage in entrepreneurship in Nigeria. Consequently, the study targeted a population having similar backgrounds in type and level of higher education that are tailored toward enterprise management and development in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. A two-stage sampling procedure was used to select 67 respondents. Primarily, the study assessed the salient pattern of entrepreneurship aptitude of respondents, and estimated and analyzed the index against their personal characteristics. Male respondents belonged to two extremes of aptitude index ranges (poor and high). Though female respondents did not exhibit a poor entrepreneurship aptitude index, the incidence percentage of the high index range of entrepreneurship aptitude among male trainees was more than the combined incidence percentage of their female counterparts. Respondents’ backgrounds outside gender presented a serious influence on entrepreneurship uptake likelihood if all situations were normal.

Keywords: aptitude, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial orientation, gender divide, intention, trainee

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31108 Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Menstrual Hygiene of Adolescent Girls Aged 12 to 19 Years Old at Lake Tanganyika Lycee

Authors: Yvette Nsabimana, Nadine Misago, Minani Methode


Context: the issue of menstrual hygiene is an entry point for demonstrating the gender-specific nature of the needs of women and adolescent girls. Women and girls around the world face many challenges in managing their periods. They may be deprived of certain basic human rights, including those relating to education, work and health. This work describes the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls from 12 to 19 years of Lake Tanganyika Secondary School. Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study among 384 adolescent girls from Lake Tanganyika secondary school over a period of 2 weeks from September 13 to September 27 and with a purely general objective of describing the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of menstrual hygiene in secondary schools. The study was conducted using a non-probability method and the sampling technique was for convenience. The data collection technique used was the survey by questionnaire and the exploitation of the documentary. The data collection tool used was the questionnaire. Microsoft Word 2013, Microsoft Excel 2.13 and EPI INFO7 software were used for this purpose. Results: We noticed that 55.47% of the participants knew that menstruation is a physiological process; 57.55% of the teenage girls surveyed get their information about menstrual hygiene from their mothers; 75.72% use sanitary napkins and 24.02% use fabrics as protective material; 35.16% of respondents have already lacked sanitary napkins since their menarche; 37.29% are absent from classes due to lack of sanitary napkins; 23.82% use soap and other products to wash.

Keywords: knowledge, attitudes, practices, menstrual hygiene

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31107 Integrating and Evaluating Computational Thinking in an Undergraduate Marine Science Course

Authors: Dana Christensen


Undergraduate students, particularly in the environmental sciences, have difficulty displaying quantitative skills in their laboratory courses. Students spend time sampling in the field, often using new methods, and are expected to make sense of the data they collect. Computational thinking may be used to navigate these new experiences. We developed a curriculum for the marine science department at a small liberal arts college in the Northeastern United States based on previous computational thinking frameworks. This curriculum incorporates marine science data sets with specific objectives and topics selected by the faculty at the College. The curriculum was distributed to all students enrolled in introductory marine science classes as a mandatory module. Two pre-tests and post-tests will be used to quantitatively assess student progress on both content-based and computational principles. Student artifacts are being collected with each lesson to be coded for content-specific and computational-specific items in qualitative assessment. There is an overall gap in marine science education research, especially curricula that focus on computational thinking and associated quantitative assessment. The curricula itself, the assessments, and our results may be modified and applied to other environmental science courses due to the nature of the inquiry-based laboratory components that use quantitative skills to understand nature.

Keywords: marine science, computational thinking, curriculum assessment, quantitative skills

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31106 Comparative Study on Manet Using Soft Computing Techniques

Authors: Amarjit Singh, Tripatdeep Singh Dua, Vikas Attri


Mobile Ad-hoc Network is a combination of several nodes that create dynamically a specific network without using any base infrastructure. In this study all the mobile nodes can depended upon each other to send any data. Mobile host can pick up data and forwarding to their destination path. Basically MANET depend upon their Quality of Service which is highly constraints to the user. To give better services we need to improve the QOS. In these days MANET QOS requirement to use soft computing techniques. These techniques depend upon their specific requirement and which exists using MANET concepts. Using a soft computing techniques various protocol and algorithms may be considered. In this paper, we provide comparative study review of existing work done in MANET using various kind of soft computing techniques. Our review research is based on their specific protocol or algorithm which provide concern solution of QOS need. We discuss about various protocol through which routing in MANET. In Second section we clear the concepts of Soft Computing and their types. In third section we review the MANET using different kind of soft computing techniques work done before. In forth section we need to understand the concept of QoS requirement which exists in MANET and we done comparative study on different protocol used before and last we conclude the purpose of using MANET with soft computing techniques metrics.

Keywords: mobile ad-hoc network, fuzzy improved genetic approach, neural network, routing protocol, wireless mesh network

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31105 “Waving High the Delicate Mistress”: on Feminist Geography and American Identity in the Valley of the Moon

Authors: Yangyang Zhang


In The Valley of the Moon, Jack London implicitly presents the connection between the city and the male, the country and the female, constructing a gender space where the city and the countryside are opposed. But meanwhile, London is constantly dismantling the gender space through the reversed travel map so as to highlight the fluidity and productivity of female space. Under such circumstance, the original gender space has to be reorganized. Through the construction of gendered urban and rural spaces, Jack London presents the national crisis in the process of urbanization of the American West in the late 19th century, while the female-led reversed travel map reproduces the original contribution of the American West to the construction of nationality. In the end, the reorganized neutral space “valley of the moon” reflects the “garden” motif in American national imagination and plays an important role in rebuilding national identity. This research studies the feminist geography and cartography in Jack London's novel The Valley of the Moon and analyzes the gender-politics attribution in the literary geography writing in London's novel on this basis. The research returns to the American historical context at the end of the 19th century, focusing on how London’s feminist geography embodies his sense of nationality and investigating how female-dominated literary cartography reconstructs American identity. This paper takes Literary Cartography, and feminist geography as the ideological guide combines with the discourse of gender politics. comprehensively uses various literary criticism methods such as deconstructionist literary criticism, and new historicism literary criticism, etc., Through the study of Jack London's work, the paper aims to analyse how London constructs a national image by literary geography.

Keywords: American identity, American west, feminist geography, garden motif, the valley of the moon

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