Search results for: forward kinematics
742 China’s Participation in WorldSkills Competition for 14 Years: Experience, Problems and Prospects
Authors: Wang Di, Luo Shengqiang, Chen Yanjie
Vocational skill competition is an effective means to test and improve the quality of engineering education personnel training and provides a high-level practice platform for practical teaching in engineering education. Since China participated in the WorldSkills Competition in 2011, it has achieved very good results in the past 14 years. This study provides a group portrait of China's participation in the WorldSkills Competition, including competitors, competition managers and, Chinese laborers, etc. Meanwhile, through in-depth research on the basic process of launching the WorldSkills Competition in China, the experience and main problems of China's participation in skills competition are summarized. Including China's remarkable practices in institutional mechanisms, team management, promoting world skills development, and boosting social equity and gender equality, it puts forward specific ideas for developing countries to strengthen engineering education and participate in skills competitions. Centering on the value concept of a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by China, we envision how to reinforce skills development in China and take concrete actions to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Keywords: WorldSkills competition, engineering education, TVET, Chinese experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 17741 On Figuring the City Characteristics and Landscape in Overall Urban Design: A Case Study in Xiangyang Central City, China
Authors: Guyue Zhu, Liangping Hong
Chinese overall urban design faces a large number of problems such as the neglect of urban characteristics, generalization of content, and difficulty in implementation. Focusing on these issues, this paper proposes the main points of shaping urban characteristics in overall urban design: focuses on core problems in city function and scale, landscape pattern, historical culture, social resources and modern city style and digs the urban characteristic genes. Then, we put forward “core problem location and characteristic gene enhancement” as a kind of overall urban design technical method. Firstly, based on the main problems in urban space as a whole, for the operability goal, the method extracts the key genes and integrates into the multi-dimension system in a targeted manner. Secondly, hierarchical management and guidance system is established which may be in line with administrative management. Finally, by converting the results, action plan is drawn up that can be dynamically implemented. Based on the above idea and method, a practical exploration has been performed in the case of Xiangyang central city.Keywords: city characteristics, overall urban design, planning implementation, Xiangyang central city
Procedia PDF Downloads 150740 Effect of Minimalist Footwear on Running Economy Following Exercise-Induced Fatigue
Authors: Jason Blair, Adeboye Adebayo, Mohamed Saad, Jeannette M. Byrne, Fabien A. Basset
Running economy is a key physiological parameter of an individual’s running efficacy and a valid tool for predicting performance outcomes. Of the many factors known to influence running economy (RE), footwear certainly plays a role owing to its characteristics that vary substantially from model to model. Although minimalist footwear is believed to enhance RE and thereby endurance performance, conclusive research reports are scarce. Indeed, debates remain as to which footwear characteristics most alter RE. The purposes of this study were, therefore, two-fold: (a) to determine whether wearing minimalist shoes results in better RE compared to shod and to identify relationships with kinematic and muscle activation patterns; (b) to determine whether changes in RE with minimalist shoes are still evident following a fatiguing bout of exercise. Well-trained male distance runners (n=10; 29.0 ± 7.5 yrs; 71.0 ± 4.8 kg; 176.3 ± 6.5 cm) partook first in a maximal O₂ uptake determination test (VO₂ₘₐₓ = 61.6 ± 7.3 ml min⁻¹ kg⁻¹) 7 days prior to the experimental sessions. Second, in a fully randomized fashion, an RE test consisting of three 8-min treadmill runs in shod and minimalist footwear were performed prior to and following exercise induced fatigue (EIF). The minimalist and shod conditions were tested with a minimum of 7-day wash-out period between conditions. The RE bouts, interspaced by 2-min rest periods, were run at 2.79, 3.33, and 3.89 m s⁻¹ with a 1% grade. EIF consisted of 7 times 1000 m at 94-97% VO₂ₘₐₓ interspaced with 3-min recovery. Cardiorespiratory, electromyography (EMG), kinematics, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate were measured throughout the experimental sessions. A significant main speed effect on RE (p=0.001) and stride frequency (SF) (p=0.001) was observed. The pairwise comparisons showed that running at 2.79 m s⁻¹ was less economic compared to 3.33, and 3.89 m s⁻¹ (3.56 ± 0.38, 3.41 ± 0.45, 3.40 ± 0.45 ml O₂ kg⁻¹ km⁻¹; respectively) and that SF increased as a function of speed (79 ± 5, 82 ± 5, 84 ± 5 strides min⁻¹). Further, EMG analyses revealed that root mean square EMG significantly increased as a function of speed for all muscles (Biceps femoris, Gluteus maximus, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis anterior, Vastus lateralis). During EIF, the statistical analysis revealed a significant main effect of time on lactate production (from 2.7 ± 5.7 to 11.2 ± 6.2 mmol L⁻¹), RPE scores (from 7.6 ± 4.0 to 18.4 ± 2.7) and peak HR (from 171 ± 30 to 181 ± 20 bpm), expect for the recovery period. Surprisingly, a significant main footwear effect was observed on running speed during intervals (p=0.041). Participants ran faster with minimalist shoes compared to shod (3:24 ± 0:44 min [95%CI: 3:14-3:34] vs. 3:30 ± 0:47 min [95%CI: 3:19-3:41]). Although EIF altered lactate production and RPE scores, no other effect was noticeable on RE, EMG, and SF pre- and post-EIF, except for the expected speed effect. The significant footwear effect on running speed during EIF was unforeseen but could be due to shoe mass and/or heel-toe-drop differences. We also cannot discard the effect of speed on foot-strike pattern and therefore, running performance.Keywords: exercise-induced fatigue, interval training, minimalist footwear, running economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 248739 Protection and Renewal Strategies of Historical Blocks from the Perspective of “Staged Authenticity”
Authors: Xu Yingqiang, Wang Zhongde
In the age of stock development, the contradiction between the protection and development of historical blocks in China has become increasingly prominent, among which how to reconcile the contradiction between tourists and local residents and inherit urban culture is an important proposition. Based on this, this paper introduces the theory of " staged authenticity ", combs its development process and related research progress, constructs an analysis and research model of historical blocks based on the theory of " staged authenticity ", and puts forward the protection and renewal strategy of historical blocks from the perspective of " staged authenticity ", which provides theoretical basis for coordinating the tourism-residence contradiction and protecting urban characteristics in the protection and renewal of historical blocks. The research holds that we should pay attention to the important value of "curtain" space, rationally arrange "curtain" and divide "foreground" and "background"; extract "props" from real history and culture to restore the authenticity of "stage" scenes; clever arrangement of tour streamline, so that all scenes are connected in series rhythmically; make the "actors" perform interactively in the "foreground" space, so as to enhance the "audience" sense of scene substitution.Keywords: historic block, protection and renewal, staged authenticity, curtain
Procedia PDF Downloads 66738 Characteristics of Elastic Tracked-Crawler Based on Worm-Rack Mechanism
Authors: Jun-ya Nagase
There are many pipes such as a water pipe and a gas pipe in a chemical plant and house. It is possible to prevent accidents by these inspections. However, many pipes are very narrow and it is difficult for people to inspect directly. Therefore, development of a robot that can move in narrow pipe is necessary. A wheel movement type robot, a snake-like robot and a multi-leg robot are all described in the relevant literature as pipe inspection robots that are currently studied. Among them, the tracked crawler robot can travel by traversing uneven ground flexibly with a crawler belt attached firmly to the ground surface. Although conventional crawler robots have high efficiency and/or high ground-covering ability, they require a comparatively large space to move. In this study, a cylindrical crawler robot based on worm-rack mechanism, which does not need large space to move and which has high ground-covering ability, is proposed. Experiments have demonstrated smooth operation and a forward movement of the robot by application of voltage to the motor. In addition, performance tests show that it can propel itself in confined spaces. This paper reports the structure, drive mechanism, prototype, and experimental evaluation.Keywords: tracked-crawler, pipe inspection robot, worm-rack mechanism, amoeba locomotion
Procedia PDF Downloads 431737 The Truism of the True and Fair View of Auditor’s Report
Authors: Ofuan James Ilaboya, Okhae J. Ibhadode
The objective of this paper is to theoretically examine the truism of the “true and fair view” in the context of financial reporting. The paper examines the concepts such as true, fair, true and fair view, problems of true and fair view, the origin/history of true and fair view, review of attributes and key issues relating to true and fair view. The methodological approach adopted in this paper is library-based research, focusing on the review of relevant and related extant literature. The findings based on the review of relevant and related literature is suggestive of the fact that the true and fair concept in financial reporting environment is contentious. The study concludes that given the circumstances as chronicled on this paper, it is evident that the truism of the true and fair view of the auditor’s opinion is under serious threat. The way forward may be for the auditor to certify the accuracy and the correctness of the financial statement. While this position being canvassed here may help to substantially bridge the age-long expectation gap, it may as well require an upward review of the current audit fee structure in order to be able to operationalize the onerous task of certifying the accuracy and correctness of the financial statement. This position is contentious and will require a robust consideration which is not within the purview of the present review.Keywords: fiduciary duty, financial statement, true and correct, true and fair
Procedia PDF Downloads 135736 Physics of Black Holes. A Closed Cycle of Transformation of Matter in the Universe
Authors: Igor V. Kuzminov
The proposed article is a development of the topics of gravity, the inverse temperature dependence of gravity, the action of the inverse temperature dependence of gravity, and the second law of thermodynamics, dark matter, the identity of gravity, inertial forces, and centrifugal forces. All interaction schemes are built on the basis of Newton's laws of classical mechanics and Rutherford's planetary model of the structure of the atom. The basis of all constructions is the gyroscopic effect of rotation of all particles of the atomic structure. In this case, interatomic and intermolecular bonds are accepted as the static part of the gyroscope, and the rotation of an electron in an atom is accepted as the dynamic part. The structure of the planet Earth is accepted as a model of the structure of the Black Hole. Namely, gravitational and thermodynamic phenomena in the structure of the planet Earth are accepted as a model. Based on this model, assumptions are made about the processes inside the Black Hole. Moreover, a version is put forward, a scheme of a closed cycle of transformation of matter in the Universe.Keywords: black hole, gravity, inverse temperature dependence of gravitational forces, second law of thermodynamics, gyroscopic effect, dark matter
Procedia PDF Downloads 29735 Randomness in Cybertext: A Study on Computer-Generated Poetry from the Perspective of Semiotics
Authors: Hongliang Zhang
The use of chance procedures and randomizers in poetry-writing can be traced back to surrealist works, which, by appealing to Sigmund Freud's theories, were still logocentrism. In the 1960s, random permutation and combination were extensively used by the Oulipo, John Cage and Jackson Mac Low, which further deconstructed the metaphysical presence of writing. Today, the randomly-generated digital poetry has emerged as a genre of cybertext which should be co-authored by readers. At the same time, the classical theories have now been updated by cybernetics and media theories. N· Katherine Hayles put forward the concept of ‘the floating signifiers’ by Jacques Lacan to be the ‘the flickering signifiers’ , arguing that the technology per se has become a part of the textual production. This paper makes a historical review of the computer-generated poetry in the perspective of semiotics, emphasizing that the randomly-generated digital poetry which hands over the dual tasks of both interpretation and writing to the readers demonstrates the intervention of media technology in literature. With the participation of computerized algorithm and programming languages, poems randomly generated by computers have not only blurred the boundary between encoder and decoder, but also raises the issue of human-machine. It is also a significant feature of the cybertext that the productive process of the text is full of randomness.Keywords: cybertext, digital poetry, poetry generator, semiotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 175734 Determination of Aquifer Geometry Using Geophysical Methods: A Case Study from Sidi Bouzid Basin, Central Tunisia
Authors: Dhekra Khazri, Hakim Gabtni
Because of Sidi Bouzid water table overexploitation, this study aims at integrating geophysical methods to determinate aquifers geometry assessing their geological situation and geophysical characteristics. However in highly tectonic zones controlled by Atlassic structural features with NE-SW major directions (central Tunisia), Bouguer gravimetric responses of some areas can be as much dominated by the regional structural tendency, as being non-identified or either defectively interpreted such as the case of Sidi Bouzid basin. This issue required a residual gravity anomaly elaboration isolating the Sidi Bouzid basin gravity response ranging between -8 and -14 mGal and crucial for its aquifers geometry characterization. Several gravity techniques helped constructing the Sidi Bouzid basin's residual gravity anomaly, such as Upwards continuation compared to polynomial regression trends and power spectrum analysis detecting deep basement sources at (3km), intermediate (2km) and shallow sources (1km). A 3D Euler Deconvolution was also performed detecting deepest accidents trending NE-SW, N-S and E-W with depth values reaching 5500 m and delineating the main outcropping structures of the study area. Further gravity treatments highlighted the subsurface geometry and structural features of Sidi Bouzid basin over Horizontal and vertical gradient, and also filters based on them such as Tilt angle and Source Edge detector locating rooted edges or peaks from potential field data detecting a new E-W lineament compartmentalizing the Sidi Bouzid gutter into two unequally residual anomaly and subsiding domains. This subsurface morphology is also detected by the used 2D seismic reflection sections defining the Sidi Bouzid basin as a deep gutter within a tectonic set of negative flower structures, and collapsed and tilted blocks. Furthermore, these structural features were confirmed by forward gravity modeling process over several modeled residual gravity profiles crossing the main area. Sidi Bouzid basin (central Tunisia) is also of a big interest cause of the unknown total thickness and the undefined substratum of its siliciclastic Tertiary package, and its aquifers unbounded structural subsurface features and deep accidents. The Combination of geological, hydrogeological and geophysical methods is then of an ultimate need. Therefore, a geophysical methods integration based on gravity survey supporting available seismic data through forward gravity modeling, enhanced lateral and vertical extent definition of the basin's complex sedimentary fill via 3D gravity models, improved depth estimation by a depth to basement modeling approach, and provided 3D isochronous seismic mapping visualization of the basin's Tertiary complex refining its geostructural schema. A subsurface basin geomorphology mapping, over an ultimate matching between the basin's residual gravity map and the calculated theoretical signature map, was also displayed over the modeled residual gravity profiles. An ultimate multidisciplinary geophysical study of the Sidi Bouzid basin aquifers can be accomplished via an aeromagnetic survey and a 4D Microgravity reservoir monitoring offering temporal tracking of the target aquifer's subsurface fluid dynamics enhancing and rationalizing future groundwater exploitation in this arid area of central Tunisia.Keywords: aquifer geometry, geophysics, 3D gravity modeling, improved depths, source edge detector
Procedia PDF Downloads 285733 Being a Teacher in Higher Education: Techne or Praxis
Authors: Thi V. S. Nguyen, Kevin Laws
This study investigates the construction of higher education teachers’ roles from the perspectives of participants in a compulsory teachers’ professional development for Vietnamese higher education teachers. Constructivist grounded theory was used as methodology and analysis of the study. Fifteen program participants were semi-structured interviewed before they started the professional development program for higher education teachers. Five trainers of the program were interviewed and documents related to teachers’ standards in Vietnam were analysed to supplement participants’ perspectives. Standards and roles of higher education teachers emerged as two categories grounded from data. Standard category involves moral and professional criteria, whereas roles of higher education teachers category consists of specific roles related to guiding student learning, and advising their academic, moral and social activities. A model of higher education teachers’ conceptions of their roles in a Vietnamese context addressing both professional (techne) and moral (praxis) responsibilities is constructed from this study. A discussion on teachers’ roles in higher education is put forward and insightful implications for the design and possible restructure of teachers’ professional development for early career higher education teachers is suggested.Keywords: higher education teachers' roles and standards, moral roles, teachers' professional development, teachers' conceptions of their roles
Procedia PDF Downloads 396732 The Regional Expression of New Rural Dwellings Design in Linhai, Zhejiang: A Case of New Rural Dwellings Design in Badie Village
Authors: Fan Zhang
In the process of urbanization in China, the new rural construction is in the ascendant, which is becoming more and more popular. Under the driving effect of rural urbanization, the house pattern and tectonic methods of traditional vernacular houses have shown great differences from the family structure and values of contemporary peasant families. Therefore, it is particularly important to find a prototype, form and strategy, to make a balance between the traditional memory and modern functional requirements. In order for research to combine the regional culture with modern life, under the situation of the current batch production of new rural residence, Badie village, in Linhai, Zhejiang province, is taken as the case. This paper aims to put forward a prototype which can not only meet the demand of modern life but also ensure the continuation of traditional culture and historical context for the new rural dwellings design. This research not only helps to extend the local context in the construction of the new site but also contributes to the fusion of old and new rural dwellings in the old site construction. Through the study and research of this case, the research methodology and results can be drawn as reference for the new rural construction in other areas.Keywords: badie village, design strategy, new rural dwellings, regional context, regional expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 211731 Optimizing the Passenger Throughput at an Airport Security Checkpoint
Authors: Kun Li, Yuzheng Liu, Xiuqi Fan
High-security standard and high efficiency of screening seem to be contradictory to each other in the airport security check process. Improving the efficiency as far as possible while maintaining the same security standard is significantly meaningful. This paper utilizes the knowledge of Operation Research and Stochastic Process to establish mathematical models to explore this problem. We analyze the current process of airport security check and use the M/G/1 and M/G/k models in queuing theory to describe the process. Then we find the least efficient part is the pre-check lane, the bottleneck of the queuing system. To improve passenger throughput and reduce the variance of passengers’ waiting time, we adjust our models and use Monte Carlo method, then put forward three modifications: adjust the ratio of Pre-Check lane to regular lane flexibly, determine the optimal number of security check screening lines based on cost analysis and adjust the distribution of arrival and service time based on Monte Carlo simulation results. We also analyze the impact of cultural differences as the sensitivity analysis. Finally, we give the recommendations for the current process of airport security check process.Keywords: queue theory, security check, stochatic process, Monte Carlo simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 200730 Driving Mechanism of Urban Sprawl in Chinese Context from the Perspective of Domestic and Overseas Comparison
Authors: Tingke Wu, Yaping Huang
Many cities in China have been experiencing serious urban sprawl since the 1980s, which pose great challenges to a country with scare cultivated land and huge population. Because of different social and economic context and development stage, driving forces of urban sprawl in China are quite different from developed countries. Therefore, it is of great importance to probe into urban sprawl driving mechanism in Chinese context. By a comparison study of the background and features of urban sprawl between China and developed countries, this research establishes an analytical framework for sprawl dynamic mechanism in China. By literature review and analyzing data from national statistical yearbook, it then probes into the driving mechanism and the primary cause of urban sprawl. The results suggest that population increase, economic growth, traffic and information technology development lead to rapid expansion of urban space; defects of land institution and lack of effective guidance give rise to low efficiency of urban land use. Moreover, urban sprawl is ultimately attributed to imperfections of policy and institution. On this basis, this research puts forward several sprawl control strategies in Chinese context.Keywords: China, driving forces, driving mechanism, land institution, urban expansion, urban sprawl
Procedia PDF Downloads 181729 Artificial Neural Network Reconstruction of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Output Profile under Transient Operation
Unbalanced power output from individual cells of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) has direct effects on PEMFC stack performance, in particular under transient operation. In the paper, a multi-layer ANN (Artificial Neural Network) model Radial Basis Functions (RBF) has been developed for predicting cells' output profiles by applying gas supply parameters, cooling conditions, temperature measurement of individual cells, etc. The feed-forward ANN model was validated with experimental data. Influence of relevant parameters of RBF on the network accuracy was investigated. After adequate model training, the modelling results show good correspondence between actual measurements and reconstructed output profiles. Finally, after the model was used to optimize the stack output performance under steady-state and transient operating conditions, it suggested that the developed ANN control model can help PEMFC stack to have obvious improvement on power output under fast acceleration process.Keywords: proton exchange membrane fuel cell, PEMFC, artificial neural network, ANN, cell output profile, transient
Procedia PDF Downloads 170728 Methaheuristic Bat Algorithm in Training of Feed-Forward Neural Network for Stock Price Prediction
Authors: Marjan Golmaryami, Marzieh Behzadi
Recent developments in stock exchange highlight the need for an efficient and accurate method that helps stockholders make better decision. Since stock markets have lots of fluctuations during the time and different effective parameters, it is difficult to make good decisions. The purpose of this study is to employ artificial neural network (ANN) which can deal with time series data and nonlinear relation among variables to forecast next day stock price. Unlike other evolutionary algorithms which were utilized in stock exchange prediction, we trained our proposed neural network with metaheuristic bat algorithm, with fast and powerful convergence and applied it in stock price prediction for the first time. In order to prove the performance of the proposed method, this research selected a 7 year dataset from Parsian Bank stocks and after imposing data preprocessing, used 3 types of ANN (back propagation-ANN, particle swarm optimization-ANN and bat-ANN) to predict the closed price of stocks. Afterwards, this study engaged MATLAB to simulate 3 types of ANN, with the scoring target of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The results may be adapted to other companies stocks too.Keywords: artificial neural network (ANN), bat algorithm, particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), stock exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 549727 Contextualizing Policing in Local Communities: The Way Forward for Ghana Police Service
Authors: Bernard Owusu Asare
This study investigates the implementation and efficacy of community policing within the Ghana Police Service, with a focus on its impact on local communities. Emphasizing the goal of creating safer environments and improving the overall quality of life, the research engages opinion leaders from selected communities in Ghana, as well as members of the police force stationed within these communities. Employing a semi-structured interview guide as the primary research instrument, data collection involves face-to-face interviews conducted at respondents' residences and policing centers. The preliminary findings underscore the pivotal role of collaborative efforts between community elders and police personnel in the successful execution of community policing initiatives. Furthermore, the study identifies gainful employment for the youth as a key determinant of effective policing, highlighting the interconnectedness of socioeconomic factors with law enforcement outcomes. The study further reveals that access to the internet emerges as a factor influencing both policing practices and the overall quality of life within these communities. By contextualizing the dynamics of community policing in the local Ghanaian context, this research aims to contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on effective law enforcement strategies and their impact on community well-being.Keywords: community, policing, police service, Ghana
Procedia PDF Downloads 67726 Isothermal Solid-Phase Amplification System for Detection of Yersinia pestis
Authors: Olena Mayboroda, Angel Gonzalez Benito, Jonathan Sabate Del Rio, Marketa Svobodova, Sandra Julich, Herbert Tomaso, Ciara K. O'Sullivan, Ioanis Katakis
DNA amplification is required for most molecular diagnostic applications but conventional PCR has disadvantages for field testing. Isothermal amplification techniques are being developed to respond to this problem. One of them is the Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) that operates at isothermal conditions without sacrificing specificity and sensitivity in easy-to-use formats. In this work RPA was used for the optical detection of solid-phase amplification of the potential biowarfare agent Yersinia pestis. Thiolated forward primers were immobilized on the surface of maleimide-activated microtitre plates for the quantitative detection of synthetic and genomic DNA, with elongation occurring only in the presence of the specific template DNA and solution phase reverse primers. Quantitative detection was achieved via the use of biotinylated reverse primers and post-amplification addition of streptavidin-HRP conjugate. The overall time of amplification and detection was less than 1 hour at a constant temperature of 37oC. Single-stranded and double-stranded DNA sequences were detected achieving detection limits of 4.04*10-13 M and 3.14*10-16 M, respectively. The system demonstrated high specificity with negligible responses to non-specific targets.Keywords: recombinase polymerase amplification, Yersinia pestis, solid-phase detection, ELONA
Procedia PDF Downloads 304725 Historical Analysis of Nigeria Politics, 1960–2010
Authors: Abdulsalami Muyideen Deji
Nigeria as nation got independence in 1960 from British government which allowed indigenous people to form self-government and rule themselves base on the acceptable laws and orders provided by indigenes. All citizens saw it as a welcome development that gave them opportunity to develop at their own pace. Certainly, this occurred at the first instance up to the first republic of 1963. But things became worse for the country when the first military coup of January 15, 1966 sowed apple of discord between the three major tribes in Nigeria Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo as a result of miscarriage of well-conceived plan of master-minder of that coup Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu. Although, the argument had emanated from different quarters that if Nigeria was given opportunity to develop at the pace it was going at that time probably the Nigeria would have been among developed nation today, but that ill-fated coup was a clog in the wheel of nation’s progress. The base of this argument is that Nigeria achievements after independence still depend on the work of leaders who secure independence and also directed the affairs of nation within that short period of time up till today. Since then Nigeria has been grasping with different system of government, yet, the nation is still far from the solution. This paper will analyze Nigeria politics from independence, offer suggestion on the way forward. The source is strictly base on secondary source from textbook, newspapers, internet and journals.Keywords: politics, government, independence, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 321724 Energy Policy of India: An Assessment of Its Impacts and Way Forward
Authors: Mrinal Saurabh Bhaskar, Rahul E Ravindranathan, Priyangana Borah
Energy plays a key role and as a driving force for economic and social growth for any country. To manage the energy sources and its efficient utilization in different economic sectors, energy policy of a country is critical. The energy performance of a country is measured in Energy Intensity and India’s Energy Intensity due to several policies interventions has reduced from 0.53 toe/1000USD (2010) in the year 2000 to 0.38 toe/1000USD (2010) in the year 2014, which is about 28 per cent reduction. The Government of India has taken several initiates to manage their increasing energy demand and meet the climate change goals defined by them. The major policy milestones in India related to energy are (i) Enactment of Energy Conservation (EC) Act 2001 (ii) Establishment of Bureau of Energy Efficiency 2001 (iii) National Action Plan on Climate Change (iv) Launch of Demand Side Management schemes (v) Amendment of EC Act 2010 (vi) Launch of Perform Achieve and Trade scheme 2012. Through a critical review, this paper highlights the key energy policy interventions by India, its benefits and impact, challenges faced and efforts of the Government to overcome such challenges. Such take away would be helpful for other countries who are proposing to prepare or amend their energy policy for their different economic sectors.Keywords: energy, efficiency, climate, policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 343723 An Overall Evaluation of Food Nanotechnology
Authors: Raana Babadi Fathipour
Nourishment nanotechnology is an range of rising intrigued and opens up a entirety universe of modern conceivable outcomes for the nourishment industry. The essential categories of nanotechnology applications and functionalities right now within the improvement of nourishment bundling incorporate: the enhancement of plastic materials obstructions, the consolidation of dynamic components that can convey utilitarian properties past those of customary dynamic bundling, and the detecting and signaling of significant data. Nano nourishment bundling materials may amplify nourishment life, move forward nourishment security, alarm buyers that nourishment is sullied or ruined, repair tears in bundling, and indeed release preservatives to expand the life of the nourishment within the bundle. Nanotechnology applications within the nourishment industry can be utilized to identify microbes in bundling, or produce stronger flavors and color quality, and security by expanding the obstruction properties. Nanotechnology holds extraordinary guarantee to supply benefits not fair inside nourishment items but too around nourishment items. In reality, nanotechnology presents modern chances for advancement within the nourishment industry at monstrous speed, but instability and wellbeing concerns are moreover developing. EU/WE/global enactment for the direction of nanotechnology in nourishment are scanty. Besides, current enactment shows up unacceptable to nanotechnology specificity.Keywords: nano technology, nano foods, food packaging, nano participle
Procedia PDF Downloads 65722 Creativity in Development of Multimedia Presentation
Authors: Mahathir Sarjan, Ramos Radzly, Noor Baiti Jamaluddin, Mohd Hafiz Zakaria, Hisham Suhadi
Creativity is marked by the ability or power, to produce through imaginative skill and create something anew. The University is one of the great places to improve the talent in imaginative skill. Thus, it is important that for the student have a creativity to adapt the multimedia element in the development of presentation products for learning and teaching the process. The purpose of this study was to identify a creativity of the student in presentation product development. Two hundred seventeen Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) students in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn had chosen as a respondent. This study is to survey the level of creativity which is focused on knowledge, skills, presentation style and character of creative personnel. The level of creativity was measured based on the scale at low, medium and high followed by mean score level. The data collected by questionnaire then analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. The result of the study indicated that the students showed a higher of creativity (mean score in Knowledge = 4.12 and Skills= 4.02). In conjunction with the findings s implications and recommendations were suggested forward like to ensconce the research and improve with a more creativity concept in presentation product of development for learning and teaching the process.Keywords: creativity, technical, vocational education, presentation products and development for learning and teaching process
Procedia PDF Downloads 426721 Discussion about Frequent Adjustment of Urban Master Planning in China: A Case Study of Changshou District, Chongqing City
Authors: Sun Ailu, Zhao Wanmin
Since the reform and opening, the urbanization process of China has entered a rapid development period. In recent years, the authors participated in some projects of urban master planning in China and found a phenomenon that the rapid urbanization area of China is experiencing frequent adjustment process of urban master planning. This phenomenon is not the natural process of urbanization development. It may be caused by different government roles from different levels. Through the methods of investigation, data comparison and case study, this paper aims to explore the reason why the rapid urbanization area is experiencing frequent adjustment of master planning and give some solution strategies. Firstly, taking Changshou district of Chongqing city as an example, this paper wants to introduce the phenomenon about frequent adjustment process in China. And then, discuss distinct roles in the process between national government, provincial government and local government of China. At last, put forward preliminary solutions strategies for this area in China from the aspects of land use, intergovernmental cooperation and so on.Keywords: urban master planning, frequent adjustment, urbanization development, problems and strategies, China
Procedia PDF Downloads 365720 Designing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure to Benefit Historically-Marginalized Residents
Authors: Polly Parkinson, Emma Mecham, Fawn Groves, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Ivonne Santiago
In the rush to meet electric vehicle (EV) adoption goals that address environmental and health concerns, engineering planners and community policy experts cannot separate the socioeconomic and equity factors from transportation needs. Two gaps are identified in existing research: concrete proposals that address affordable micromobility options and provide for needs of community members without cars, and community-engaged research that elevates the concerns and solutions brought forward by historically-marginalized community members. This data analysis from a recent case study in a vulnerable community indicates that because transportation decisions are inextricably linked to health, work, and housing, EV adoption must also address multifaceted human needs. Communities focused on building more electric vehicle charging stations must find ways for lower-income households to also benefit. This research engaged residents in the planning process and resulted in a template for charging stations to advance mobility justice with a range of options that purposefully benefit the whole community.Keywords: community engagement, electric vehicle charging, environmental justice, participatory research, transportation equity
Procedia PDF Downloads 44719 Affective (And Effective) Teaching and Learning: Higher Education Gets Social Again
Authors: Laura Zizka, Gaby Probst
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the way Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have given their courses. From emergency remote where all students and faculty were immediately confined to home teaching and learning, the continuing evolving sanitary situation obliged HEIs to adopt other methods of teaching and learning from blended courses that included both synchronous and asynchronous courses and activities to hy-flex models where some students were on campus while others followed the course simultaneously online. Each semester brought new challenges for HEIs and, subsequently, additional emotional reactions. This paper investigates the affective side of teaching and learning in various online modalities and its toll on students and faculty members over the past three semesters. The findings confirm that students and faculty who have more self-efficacy, flexibility, and resilience reported positive emotions and embraced the opportunities that these past semesters have offered. While HEIs have begun a new semester in an attempt to return to ‘normal’ face-to-face courses, this paper posits that there are lessons to be learned from these past three semesters. The opportunities that arose from the challenge of the pandemic should be considered when moving forward by focusing on a greater emphasis on the affective aspect of teaching and learning in HEIs worldwide.Keywords: effective teaching and learning, higher education, engagement, interaction, motivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 118718 Modification of a Human Powered Lawn Mower
Authors: Akinwale S. O., Koya O. A.
The need to provide ecologically-friendly and effective lawn mowing solution is crucial for the well-being of humans. This study involved the modification of a human-powered lawn mower designed to cut tall grasses in residential areas. This study designed and fabricated a reel-type mower blade system and a pedal-powered test rig for the blade system. It also evaluated the performance of the machine. The machine was tested on some overgrown grass plots at College of Education Staff School Ilesa. Parameters such as theoretical field capacity, field efficiency and effective field capacity were determined from the data gathered. The quality of cut achieved by the unit was also documented. Test results showed that the fabricated cutting system produced a theoretical field capacity of 0.11 ha/h and an effective field capacity of 0.08ha/h. Moreover, the unit’s cutting system showed a substantial improvement over existing reel mower designs in its ability to cut on both the forward and reverse phases of its motion. This study established that the blade system described herein has the capacity to cut tall grasses. Hence, this device can therefore eliminate the need for powered mowers entirely on small residential lawns.Keywords: effective field capacity, field efficiency, theoretical field capacity, quality of cut
Procedia PDF Downloads 148717 Saving Lives: Alternative Approaches to Reducing Gun Violence
Authors: Angie M. Wolf, DeVone Boggan
This paper highlights an innovative and nontraditional violence prevention program that is making a noticeable impact in what was once one of the country’s most violent communities. With unique and tailored strategies, the Operation Peacemaker Fellowship, established in Richmond, California, combines components of evidence-based practices with a community-oriented focus on relationships and mentoring to fill a gap in services and increase community safety. In an effort to highlight these unique strategies and provide a blueprint for other communities with violent crime problems, the authors of this paper hope to clearly delineate how one community is moving forward with vanguard approaches to invest in the lives of young men who once were labeled the communities’ most violent, even the most deadly, youth. The impact of this program is evidenced through the fellows’ own voices as they illuminate the experience of being in the Fellowship. In interviews, fellows’ describe how participating in this program has transformed their lives, and the lives of those they love. The authors of this article spent more than two years researching this Fellowship program in order to conduct an evaluation of it and, ultimately, to demonstrate how this program is a testament to the power of relationship and love combined with evidence-based practices, consequently enriching the lives of youth and the community that embraces them.Keywords: gun violence prevention, high risk youth, law, policing justice
Procedia PDF Downloads 414716 Precise Identification of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats-Induced Mutations via Hidden Markov Model-Based Sequence Alignment
Authors: Jingyuan Hu, Zhandong Liu
CRISPR genome editing technology has transformed molecular biology by accurately targeting and altering an organism’s DNA. Despite the state-of-art precision of CRISPR genome editing, the imprecise mutation outcome and off-target effects present considerable risk, potentially leading to unintended genetic changes. Targeted deep sequencing, combined with bioinformatics sequence alignment, can detect such unwanted mutations. Nevertheless, the classical method, Needleman-Wunsch (NW) algorithm may produce false alignment outcomes, resulting in inaccurate mutation identification. The key to precisely identifying CRISPR-induced mutations lies in determining optimal parameters for the sequence alignment algorithm. Hidden Markov models (HMM) are ideally suited for this task, offering flexibility across CRISPR systems by leveraging forward-backward algorithms for parameter estimation. In this study, we introduce CRISPR-HMM, a statistical software to precisely call CRISPR-induced mutations. We demonstrate that the software significantly improves precision in identifying CRISPR-induced mutations compared to NW-based alignment, thereby enhancing the overall understanding of the CRISPR gene-editing process.Keywords: CRISPR, HMM, sequence alignment, gene editing
Procedia PDF Downloads 54715 Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data: A Review
Authors: Shrey Sharma, Gunjan Kumar Verma
High density electrical prospecting has been widely used in groundwater investigation, civil engineering and environmental survey. For efficient inversion, the forward modeling routine, sensitivity calculation, and inversion algorithm must be efficient. This paper attempts to provide a brief summary of the past and ongoing developments of the method. It includes reviews of the procedures used for data acquisition, processing and inversion of electrical resistivity data based on compilation of academic literature. In recent times there had been a significant evolution in field survey designs and data inversion techniques for the resistivity method. In general 2-D inversion for resistivity data is carried out using the linearized least-square method with the local optimization technique .Multi-electrode and multi-channel systems have made it possible to conduct large 2-D, 3-D and even 4-D surveys efficiently to resolve complex geological structures that were not possible with traditional 1-D surveys. 3-D surveys play an increasingly important role in very complex areas where 2-D models suffer from artifacts due to off-line structures. Continued developments in computation technology, as well as fast data inversion techniques and software, have made it possible to use optimization techniques to obtain model parameters to a higher accuracy. A brief discussion on the limitations of the electrical resistivity method has also been presented.Keywords: inversion, limitations, optimization, resistivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 366714 Enhancing Throughput for Wireless Multihop Networks
Authors: K. Kalaiarasan, B. Pandeeswari, A. Arockia John Francis
Wireless, Multi-hop networks consist of one or more intermediate nodes along the path that receive and forward packets via wireless links. The backpressure algorithm provides throughput optimal routing and scheduling decisions for multi-hop networks with dynamic traffic. Xpress, a cross-layer backpressure architecture was designed to reach the capacity of wireless multi-hop networks and it provides well coordination between layers of network by turning a mesh network into a wireless switch. Transmission over the network is scheduled using a throughput-optimal backpressure algorithm. But this architecture operates much below their capacity due to out-of-order packet delivery and variable packet size. In this paper, we present Xpress-T, a throughput optimal backpressure architecture with TCP support designed to reach maximum throughput of wireless multi-hop networks. Xpress-T operates at the IP layer, and therefore any transport protocol, including TCP, can run on top of Xpress-T. The proposed design not only avoids bottlenecks but also handles out-of-order packet delivery and variable packet size, optimally load-balances traffic across them when needed, improving fairness among competing flows. Our simulation results shows that Xpress-T gives 65% more throughput than Xpress.Keywords: backpressure scheduling and routing, TCP, congestion control, wireless multihop network
Procedia PDF Downloads 519713 The #MeToo Movement in Japan: An Assessment of Long-Term Significance
Authors: Robert O'Mochain
Over seven years have passed since the #MeToo movement first became prominent in Japan. Opinions vary on the degree of success of the movement along with its offshoot campaigns. This chapter suggests that a range of historical factors help to account for the relative lack of success of #MeToo in Japan, but that the gains achieved should also be highlighted. Our interviews with a range of activists provide insights into the nature of #MeToo in Japan and how it should be contextualized in the contemporary landscape of feminist movements here. In spite of the gains that have been made, it remains clear that levels of abuse and of non-reporting remain worryingly high and calls for well-resourced campaigns for ‘Awareness, Prevention, and Response’ are as timely as ever. Surprisingly, a case of sexual abuse involving boys and young men who were the victims of the sexual predator and entertainment mogul, Johnny Kitagawa, may be the clearest sign of change in Japanese society regarding victims of sexual abuse. In the post-#MeToo era, it was possible for these victims to come forward and attain some measure of justice. It was also possible for members of the public to strongly condemn the failures of the mass media journalists who ignored the evidence of sexual abuse for many years. Nevertheless, the case itself does not constitute reliable evidence that conditions have changed significantly for all victims of abuse or that media outlets will live up to their promises about reporting abuse.Keywords: #MeToo, significance, Japan, prevention, response
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