Search results for: teaching English to young learners
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 7101

Search results for: teaching English to young learners

1401 Role of mHealth in Effective Response to Disaster

Authors: Mohammad H. Yarmohamadian, Reza Safdari, Nahid Tavakoli


In recent years, many countries have suffered various natural disasters. Disaster response continues to face the challenges in health care sector in all countries. Information and communication management is a significant challenge in disaster scene. During the last decades, rapid advances in information technology have led to manage information effectively and improve communication in health care setting. Information technology is a vital solution for effective response to disasters and emergencies so that if an efficient ICT-based health information system is available, it will be highly valuable in such situation. Of that, mobile technology represents a nearly computing technology infrastructure that is accessible, convenient, inexpensive and easy to use. Most projects have not yet reached the deployment stage, but evaluation exercises show that mHealth should allow faster processing and transport of patients, improved accuracy of triage and better monitoring of unattended patients at a disaster scene. Since there is a high prevalence of cell phones among world population, it is expected the health care providers and managers to take measures for applying this technology for improvement patient safety and public health in disasters. At present there are challenges in the utilization of mhealth in disasters such as lack of structural and financial issues in our country. In this paper we will discuss about benefits and challenges of mhealth technology in disaster setting considering connectivity, usability, intelligibility, communication and teaching for implementing this technology for disaster response.

Keywords: information technology, mhealth, disaster, effective response

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1400 The Effect of Psychosomatic Aspects of Endometriosis on Marital Relationships and Quality of Life: A Review Study

Authors: Farzaneh Askari, Jila Ganji, Sedigheh Hasani Moghadam


Background and Aim: Endometriosis has been reported as one of the most common chronic gynecological conditions characterized by physical and psychological complications. Given that the impact of this disease on marital relationships and quality of life is multidimensional, the present review study aimed to reflect on the effect of psychosomatic aspects of endometriosis on marital relationships and quality of life. Materials and Methods: A narrative review methodology using keywords determined by the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus was adopted in this study. For this purpose, the databases of ScienceDirect, Scientific Information Database (SID), Google Scholar, and PubMed were searched by means of key terms including endometriosis, marital relationships, physical complications, psychological complications, and quality of life in English and Persian from 2005 to 2020. At the end of the search, 38 articles were retrieved, and ultimately a total number of 16 studies were recruited for this review. Results: A review of the selected articles demonstrated that endometriosis could affect marital relationships and quality of life among couples featuring in three different categories, i.e. “category I: physical health dimension” (chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, cramps but not period, reduction and loss of fertility), “category II: sexual health dimension” (no sexual intercourse, dyspareunia, lack of sexual satisfaction), and “category III: psychosocial health dimension” (negative self-esteem, low energy, sense of loneliness, depression, social isolation, insufficient sleep, marital distress, divorce and marriage breakdown, inability to work and socialize). Conclusion: In general, it is suggested to pay particular attention to psychosomatic aspects of marital problems in patients affected with endometriosis. Accordingly, implementing educational and counseling strategies to minimize the complications of this disease can provide the grounds for improving marital relationships and maintaining the quality of life in these patients.

Keywords: Endometriosis, marital relationships, psychosomatic complications, quality of life

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1399 Water Droplet Impact on Vibrating Rigid Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Authors: Jingcheng Ma, Patricia B. Weisensee, Young H. Shin, Yujin Chang, Junjiao Tian, William P. King, Nenad Miljkovic


Water droplet impact on surfaces is a ubiquitous phenomenon in both nature and industry. The transfer of mass, momentum and energy can be influenced by the time of contact between droplet and surface. In order to reduce the contact time, we study the influence of substrate motion prior to impact on the dynamics of droplet recoil. Using optical high speed imaging, we investigated the impact dynamics of macroscopic water droplets (~ 2mm) on rigid nanostructured superhydrophobic surfaces vibrating at 60 – 300 Hz and amplitudes of 0 – 3 mm. In addition, we studied the influence of the phase of the substrate at the moment of impact on total contact time. We demonstrate that substrate vibration can alter droplet dynamics, and decrease total contact time by as much as 50% compared to impact on stationary rigid superhydrophobic surfaces. Impact analysis revealed that the vibration frequency mainly affected the maximum contact time, while the amplitude of vibration had little direct effect on the contact time. Through mathematical modeling, we show that the oscillation amplitude influences the possibility density function of droplet impact at a given phase, and thus indirectly influences the average contact time. We also observed more vigorous droplet splashing and breakup during impact at larger amplitudes. Through semi-empirical mathematical modeling, we describe the relationship between contact time and vibration frequency, phase, and amplitude of the substrate. We also show that the maximum acceleration during the impact process is better suited as a threshold parameter for the onset of splashing than a Weber-number criterion. This study not only provides new insights into droplet impact physics on vibrating surfaces, but develops guidelines for the rational design of surfaces to achieve controllable droplet wetting in applications utilizing vibration.

Keywords: contact time, impact dynamics, oscillation, pear-shape droplet

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1398 Examining How Teachers’ Backgrounds and Perceptions for Technology Use Influence on Students’ Achievements

Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Amanda Resendez


This study is to examine how teachers’ perspective on education technology use in their class influence their students’ achievement. The authors hypothesized that teachers’ perspective can directly or indirectly influence students’ learning, performance, and achievements. In this study, a questionnaire entitled, Teacher’s Perspective on Educational Technology, was delivered to 63 teachers and 1268 students’ mathematics and reading achievement records were collected. The questionnaire consists of four parts: a) demographic variables, b) attitudes on technology integration, c) outside factor affecting technology integration, and d) technology use in the classroom. Kruskal-Wallis and hierarchical regression analysis techniques were used to examine: 1) the relationship between the demographic variables and teachers’ perspectives on educational technology, and 2) how the demographic variables were causally related to students’ mathematics and reading achievements. The study found that teacher demographics were significantly related to the teachers’ perspective on educational technology with p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 separately. These teacher demographical variables included the school district, age, gender, the grade currently teach, teaching experience, and proficiency using new technology. Further, these variables significantly predicted students’ mathematics and reading achievements with p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 separately. The variations of R² are between 0.176 and 0.467. That means 46.7% of the variance of a given analysis can be explained by the model.

Keywords: teacher's perception of technology use, mathematics achievement, reading achievement, Kruskal-Wallis test, hierarchical regression analysis

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1397 Spoken Subcorpus of the Kazakh Language: History, Content, Methodology

Authors: Kuralay Bimoldaevna Kuderinova, Beisenkhan Samal


The history of creating a linguistic corpus in Kazakh linguistics begins only in 2016. Though within this short period of time, the linguistic corpus has become a national corpus and its several subcorpora, namely historical, cultural, spoken, dialectological, writers’ subcorpus, proverbs subcorpus and poetic texts subcorpus, have appeared and are working effectively. Among them, the spoken corpus has its own characteristics. The Kazakh language is one of the languages belonging to the Kypchak-Nogai group of Turkic peoples. The Kazakh language is a language that, as a part of the former Soviet Union, was directly influenced by the Russian language and underwent major changes in its spoken and written forms. After the Republic of Kazakhstan gained independence, the Kazakh language received the status of the state language in 1991. However, today, the prestige of the Russian language is still higher than that of the Kazakh language. Therefore, the direct influence of the Russian language on the structure, style, and vocabulary of the Kazakh language continues. In particular, it can be said that the national practice of the spoken language is disappearing, as the spoken form of Kazakh is not used in official gatherings and events of state importance. In this regard, it is very important to collect and preserve examples of spoken language. Recording exemplary spoken texts, converting them into written form, and providing their audio along with orphoepic explanations will serve as a valuable tool for teaching and learning the Kazakh language. Therefore, the report will cover interesting aspects and scientific foundations related to the creation, content, and methodology of the oral subcorpus of the Kazakh language.

Keywords: spoken corpus, Kazakh language, orthoepic norm, LLM

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1396 A Brief of Survey on Use of Videoconferencing in Teaching during Quarantine Conducted in Sao Paulo

Authors: Fernanda Laureti T. Ferreira, Kazuo Nishimoto


This paper presents a summary of the experience on videoconferencing tools that have been used to teach regular classes during this pandemic period in educational institutions in São Paulo, which tools and applications are most used and the challenges related to this mode of delivery. At this moment, the massive online education is not a choice of students or a structured development of education system, but a solution that emerged to attend urgent needs and it presents the opportunity to teach and learning available for the most students in this single time of social isolation that forced among others, this significant change for education, students, teachers, institutions and families. Distance education enables synchronous and asynchronous mode classes, and even though the current circumstances generate discomfort and uncertainty, on the other hand, there is a chance to promote a 'learning to learn'. The videoconference is a preferred choice of schools because synchronous mode to give more interaction between a group of students and teachers, but this mode requires specifics teacher competencies and skills, in addition to equipment and provision of adequate internet signal for all participants of the process. The approach is making use of known technical information about video conference tools and the results of search answered by a group of students, teachers, schools, and parents. The results presented refer to the perspectives of students and parents as respondents.

Keywords: distance education, interaction on education, online classes, synchronous e-learning, videoconference

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1395 Immigration in British Southern Cameroons from 2016 to 2020

Authors: Geraldine Ambe


Cameroon is a country in a country in Central Africa. Before the first World War, Germany colonized Cameroon, including some parts of Gabon, Chad, Nigeria, and the Central African Republic. After the war, the United Nations divided most of the colony into Britain and France. In 1960, Eastern Cameroon (‘La Republique du Cameroon’) gained its independence from France while British Southern Cameroons obtained its independence from Britain. The two entities agreed to live together as a federal state officially called the Federal Republic of Cameroon. In 1962, the name of the name of the country was changed from the Federal Republic of Cameroon to the United Republic of Cameroon, while the Prime Minister of Western Cameroon was moved to Yaounde. In 1984, President Paul Biya singlehandedly changed the name to the Republic of Cameroon, implying that Southern Cameroon is not recognized in the union again. From the words of Am Cohen, the two territories came together to form a federal government with one currency, one army, and one foreign policy like states in the United States of America. However, the name Republic of Cameroon (‘La Republique du Cameroun’) does not recognize BSC, and this is exactly what has been practiced: politics of exclusion and excessive centralization in Yaounde. In 2016, teachers and Lawyers started strikes to call the attention of the government on the inhalation of the English culture/people. They were greeted with guns, causing the radicalization of the youths. The civil society came together to form a union to address the issues facing the people, and the government took their leaders and sentenced them to live imprisonment. The consequence was a civil war with nobody to dialogue with. Out of Cameroon, more than half a million people from BSC have been taking dangerous trips through the air, land, and sea. In the jungles and the deserts, the snow of Europe, these people have been seen for the last 4 years. This paper will present some personalities, political fractions, and their stands of decentralization, federalism, and independence as the war continues. The paper will further look at the consequence of this crisis on migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Keywords: British Southern Cameroons, decolonization, Second World War, dialogue, civil war, immigration

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1394 Translation and Adaptation of the Assessment Instrument “Kiddycat” for European Portuguese

Authors: Elsa Marta Soares, Ana Rita Valente, Cristiana Rodrigues, Filipa Gonçalves


Background: The assessment of feelings and attitudes of preschool children in relation to stuttering is crucial. Negative experiences can lead to anxiety, worry or frustration. To avoid the worsening of attitudes and feelings related to stuttering, it is important the early detection in order to intervene as soon as possible through an individualized intervention plan. Then it is important to have Portuguese instruments that allow this assessment. Aims: The aim of the present study is to realize the translation and adaptation of the Communication Attitude Test for Children in Preschool Age and Kindergarten (KiddyCat) for EP. Methodology: For the translation and adaptation process, a methodological study was carried out with the following steps: translation, back translation, assessment by a committee of experts and pre-test. This abstract describes the results of the first two phases of this process. The translation was accomplished by two bilingual individuals without experience in health and any knowledge about the instrument. One of them was an English teacher and the other one a Translator. The back-translation was conducted by two Senior Class Teachers that live in United Kingdom without any knowledge in health and about the instrument. Results and Discussion: In translation there were differences in semantic equivalences of various expressions and concepts. A discussion between the two translators, mediated by the researchers, allowed to achieve the consensus version of the translated instrument. Taking into account the original version of KiddyCAT the results demonstrated that back-translation versions were similar to the original version of this assessment instrument. Although the back-translators used different words, they were synonymous, maintaining semantic and idiomatic equivalences of the instrument’s items. Conclusion: This project contributes with an important resource that can be used in the assessment of feelings and attitudes of preschool children who stutter. This was the first phase of the research; expert panel and pretest are being developed. Therefore, it is expected that this instrument contributes to an holistic therapeutic intervention, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

Keywords: assessment, feelings and attitudes, preschool children, stuttering

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1393 Operative versus Non-Operative Treatment of Scaphoid Non-Union in Children: A Case Presentation and Review of the Literature

Authors: Ilja Käch, Abdul R. Jandali, Nadja Zechmann-Müller


Introduction: We discuss the treatment of two young male patients suffering from scaphoid non-union after a traumatic scaphoid fracture. The currently propagated techniques for treating a scaphoid non-union in children are either the operative reconstruction of the scaphoid or the conservative treatment with splinting in a scaphoid cast. Cases: In the first case, we operated on a 13 years old male patient with a posttraumatic scaphoid non-union in the middle third with a humpback deformity. We resected the middle third of the scaphoid and grafted the defect with an iliac crest bone, and the DISI-Deformity was reduced. Fixation was performed with K-Wires and immobilisation in a scaphoid cast. In the second case a 13 years old male patient also with a posttraumatic scaphoid non-union in the middle third and humpback deformity, DISI-deformity, was treated conservatively. Immobilisation in a scaphoid cast for four months was performed. Results: Operative: One year postoperatively the patient achieved a painless free arc of motion. Flexion/Extension 70/0/60°, Radial-/Ulnarduction 30/0/30° and Pro-/Supination 90/0/90°. The computer tomogram showed complete consolidation and bony fusion of the iliac crest bone. Conservative: Six to eight months after conservative treatment the patient demonstrated painless motion and AROM Flexion/Extension 80/0/80°, Radial-/Ulnarduction and Pro-/Supination in maximum range. Complete consolidation in the computer tomogram with persistent humpback- and DISI deformity. Conclusion: In the literature, both techniques are described, either the operative scaphoid reconstruction or the conservative treatment with splinting. In our cases, both the operative and conservative treatments showed comparable good results. However, the humpback- and DISI deformity can only be addressed with a surgical approach.

Keywords: scaphoid, non-union, trauma, operative vs. non operative

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1392 Exploring Bidirectional Encoder Representations from the Transformers’ Capabilities to Detect English Preposition Errors

Authors: Dylan Elliott, Katya Pertsova


Preposition errors are some of the most common errors created by L2 speakers. In addition, improving error correction and detection methods remains an open issue in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This research investigates whether the bidirectional encoder representations from the transformers model (BERT) have the potential to correct preposition errors accurately enough to be useful in error correction software. This research finds that BERT performs strongly when the scope of its error correction is limited to preposition choice. The researchers used an open-source BERT model and over three hundred thousand edited sentences from Wikipedia, tagged for part of speech, where only a preposition edit had occurred. To test BERT’s ability to detect errors, a technique known as multi-level masking was used to generate suggestions based on sentence context for every prepositional environment in the test data. These suggestions were compared with the original errors in the data and their known corrections to evaluate BERT’s performance. The suggestions were further analyzed to determine if BERT more often agreed with the judgements of the Wikipedia editors. Both the untrained and fined-tuned models were compared. Finetuning led to a greater rate of error-detection which significantly improved recall, but lowered precision due to an increase in false positives or falsely flagged errors. However, in most cases, these false positives were not errors in preposition usage but merely cases where more than one preposition was possible. Furthermore, when BERT correctly identified an error, the model largely agreed with the Wikipedia editors, suggesting that BERT’s ability to detect misused prepositions is better than previously believed. To evaluate to what extent BERT’s false positives were grammatical suggestions, we plan to do a further crowd-sourcing study to test the grammaticality of BERT’s suggested sentence corrections against native speakers’ judgments.

Keywords: BERT, grammatical error correction, preposition error detection, prepositions

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1391 How Context and Problem Based Learning Effects Students Behaviors in Teaching Thermodynamics

Authors: Mukadder Baran, Mustafa Sözbilir


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the applicabillity of the Context- and Problem-Based Learning (CPBL) in general chemistry course to the subject of “Thermodynamics” but also the influence of CPBL on students’ achievement, retention of knowledge, their interest, attitudes, motivation and problem-solving skills. The study group included 13 freshman students who were selected with the sampling method appropriate to the purpose among those taking the course of General Chemistry within the Program of Medical Laboratory Techniques at Hakkari University. The application was carried out in the Spring Term of the academic year of 2012-2013. As the data collection tool, Lesson Observation form were used. In the light of the observations held, it was revealed that CPBL increased the students’ intragroup and intergroup communication skills as well as their self-confidence and developed their skills in time management, presentation, reporting, and technology use; and that they were able to relate chemistry to daily life. Depending on these findings, it could be suggested that the area of use of CPBL be widened; that seminars related to constructive methods be organized for teachers. In this way, it is believed that students will not be passive in the group any longer. In addition, it was concluded that in order to avoid the negative effects of the socio-cultural structure on the education system, research should be conducted in places where there is socio-cultural obstacles, and appropriate solutions should be suggested and put into practice.

Keywords: chemistry, education, science, context-based learning

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1390 Communication Anxiety in Nigerian Students Studying English as a Foreign Language: Evidence from Colleges of Education Sector

Authors: Yasàlu Haruna


In every transaction, the use of language is central regardless of form or complexity if any meaning is expected to be harvested therefrom. Students constituting a population group in the learning landscape of Nigeria occupy a central position with a propensity to excel or otherwise in the context of communication, especially in the learning process and social interaction. The nature or quantum of anxiety or confidence in speaking a second language is not only peculiar to societies where the second language is not an official language but to a degree, the linguistic gap created by adoption and adaptation syndrome manifests in created anxiety or lack of confidence especially where mastery of a spoken language becomes a major challenge. This paper explores the manner in which linguistic complexity and cultural barriers combine to widen the adaptation and adoption gap. In much the same way, typical issues of pronouncement, intonation and accent difficulties are vital variables that explain the root cause of anxiety. Using a combination of primary and secondary sources of data expressed in questionnaires, key informant interviews and other available data, the paper concludes that the non-integration of anxiety possibility into the education delivery framework has left a lot to be needed in cultivating second language speakers among students of Nigerian Colleges of Education. In addition, cultural barriers and the absence of integration interfaces in the course of learning within and outside the classroom contribute to further widening the gap. Again, colleagues/mates/conversation partners' mastery of a second language remains a contributory factor largely due to the quality of the preparatory school system in many parts of the country. The paper recommends that national policies and frameworks must be reviewed to consider integration windows where culture and conversation partner deficiencies can be remedied through educational events such as debates, quizzes and symposia; improvements can be attained while commercial advertisements are tailored towards seeking for adoption of second language in commerce and major cultural activities.

Keywords: cultural barriers, integration, college of education and adaptation, second language

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1389 Cellular Senescence and Neuroinflammation Following Controlled Cortical Impact Traumatic Brain Injury in Juvenile Mice

Authors: Zahra F. Al-Khateeb, Shenel Shekerzade, Hasna Boumenar, Siân M. Henson, Jordi L. Tremoleda, A. T. Michael-Titus


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of disability and death in young adults and also increases the risk ofneurodegeneration. The mechanisms linking moderate to severe TBI to neurodegeneration are not known. It has been proposed that cellular senescence inductionpost-injury could amplify neuroinflammation and induce long-term changes. The impact of these processes after injury to an immature brain has not been characterised yet. We carried out a controlled cortical impact injury (CCI) in juvenile 1 month-old male CD1 mice. Animals were anesthetised and received a unilateral CCI injury. The sham group received anaesthesia and had a craniotomy. A naïve group had no intervention. The brain tissue was analysed at 5 days and 35 days post-injury using immunohistochemistry and markers for microglia, astrocytes, and senescence. Compared tonaïve animals, injured mice showed an increased microglial and astrocytic reaction early post-injury, as reflected in Iba1 and GFAP markers, respectively; the GFAP increase persisted in the later phase. The senescence analysis showed a significant increase inγH2AX-53BP1 nuclear foci, 8-oxoguanine, p19ARF, p16INK4a, and p53 expression in naïve vs. sham groups and naïve vs. CCI groups, at 5 dpi. At 35 days, the difference was no longer statistically significant in all markers. The injury induced a decrease p21 expression vs. the naïve group, at 35 dpi. These results indicate the induction of a complex senescence response after immature brain injury. Some changes occur early and may reflect the activation/proliferation of non-neuronal cells post-injury that had been hindered, whereas changes such as p21 downregulation may reflect a delayed response and pro-repair processes.

Keywords: cellular senescence, traumatic brain injury, brain injury, controlled cortical impact

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1388 Exploring the Barriers Regarding Safe Discussions about Menopausal Symptom Management, As Perceived or Experienced by Pre-menopausal and Menopausal Women

Authors: Karish Thavabalan, Aman Sutaria, Alistair Ovenell, Annabelle Parkhouse, Numan Baydemir, Theodore Lally


Background: Open discussions surrounding menopause are often associated with stigma, with many women feeling uncomfortable engaging in them with friends, colleagues, and healthcare professionals. Though the barriers regarding safe discussions of symptom management experienced by menopausal women are well documented, existing research offers little insight into whether these were shared by pre-menopausal women. This study aimed to explore the barriers regarding safe discussions about menopausal symptom management as perceived or experienced by pre-menopausal and menopausal women. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted over a 2-month period (March 2022 - April 2022) under the auspices of Imperial College Business School, London, UK. Snowball sampling was used to recruit both menopausal (age 45-70) and pre-menopausal participants (age <45) and sampling continued until data saturation was achieved. Sixteen semi-structured online interviews were conducted, and transcripts were thematically analyzed following Braun and Clarke’s six-step methodology. Results: A total of 7 higher themes regarding safe discussion of menopausal symptom management were identified by both pre-menopausal and menopausal women, including: “ineffective coping mechanisms,” “perceived onus to self-endure,” “lack of workplace support,” “poor knowledge of management approaches,” “poor healthcare infrastructure,” “poor support from friends and family,” “lack of knowledge and interest from a young age.” Conclusion: Identifying the barriers regarding safe discussion helped to highlight which areas require the most significant intervention. Alongside tackling the barriers, menopausal women face, ultimately, there is a pertinent need to address the lack of insight into menopause from a younger age and to encourage earlier discussions so as to not propagate the cycle of stigma.

Keywords: menopause, safe discussion, symptom management, stigma

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1387 Association between Physical Composition, Swimming Performance and Somatotype of Male Competitive Swimmers of Age Group 10-13 Years

Authors: Ranjit Singh


Body fat % lean body mass and body type play vital role in sports performance. A sports person who is having optional body composition can show its performance flawlessly whereas other who is not physical fit may be more prone to injury. Competitive swimming is an association of plethora of aspects like morphological, physiological, biochemical, biomechanical and psychological. The primary key of the present research is to examine the correlation among selected morphological dimensions such as height, weight, body fat%, lean body mass, somatotype and swimming performance. The present study also focused to investigate by potential deficiencies if any and to find out remedial measures to curb the training stresses. Thirty (age group 10-14 years) swimmers undergoing training under skilled and professional coaches were selected in the present study. The morphological variables and performance criterion like 50 meter swimming time and speed were calculated by using standard training methodology. Correlation coefficient among body composition, somatotype and performance variables were assessed by using standard statistical package SPSS. Mean height, weight, fat% and lean body mass of the present group is 150.97±8.68 cm, 44.0±9.34 kg., 15.97±4.42 % and 37.10±8.77 kg respectively. Somatotype of the young swimmers of this research is revealed ectomorphic mesomorph. The analysis of the results Illustrated that swimming performance is significantly correlated (p<0.05) with height, body weight, mesomorphoic component and lean body mass. Body fat is significantly and negatively correlated (p<0.05) with mesomorphic component, lean body mass and swimming speed. From this present study, it can be concluded that along with techniques and tactics other the physical attributes also play significant role in swimming performance which can help the swimmers to excel in higher level of competition and swimmers having improved morphological qualities can ultimately perform well.

Keywords: body fat, mass, mesomorphic component, somatotype

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1386 Integration of Big Data to Predict Transportation for Smart Cities

Authors: Sun-Young Jang, Sung-Ah Kim, Dongyoun Shin


The Intelligent transportation system is essential to build smarter cities. Machine learning based transportation prediction could be highly promising approach by delivering invisible aspect visible. In this context, this research aims to make a prototype model that predicts transportation network by using big data and machine learning technology. In detail, among urban transportation systems this research chooses bus system.  The research problem that existing headway model cannot response dynamic transportation conditions. Thus, bus delay problem is often occurred. To overcome this problem, a prediction model is presented to fine patterns of bus delay by using a machine learning implementing the following data sets; traffics, weathers, and bus statues. This research presents a flexible headway model to predict bus delay and analyze the result. The prototyping model is composed by real-time data of buses. The data are gathered through public data portals and real time Application Program Interface (API) by the government. These data are fundamental resources to organize interval pattern models of bus operations as traffic environment factors (road speeds, station conditions, weathers, and bus information of operating in real-time). The prototyping model is designed by the machine learning tool (RapidMiner Studio) and conducted tests for bus delays prediction. This research presents experiments to increase prediction accuracy for bus headway by analyzing the urban big data. The big data analysis is important to predict the future and to find correlations by processing huge amount of data. Therefore, based on the analysis method, this research represents an effective use of the machine learning and urban big data to understand urban dynamics.

Keywords: big data, machine learning, smart city, social cost, transportation network

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1385 The Power of Story in Demonstrating the Story of Power

Authors: Marianne Vardalos


Many students are returning to school after years of rich, lived experiences as parents, employees, volunteers, and in various other roles outside the university. While in the workforce or at home raising a family, they have gained authentic, personal observations of the power dynamics referred to as racism, classism, sexism, heteronormativity, and ableism. Encouraging your students to apply their own realities to course material that interrogates power structures and privilege not only facilitates student learning and understanding but also reveals that you, as a teacher, respect the experiences of your students as valuable and valid teaching tools. Though there is general recognition of the pedagogical value of having students share their experiences, facilitating such discussion can be a harrowing challenge for faculty. Additionally, for some students, the classroom can be very strange and too intimidating to share personal stories of injustice or inequality. In larger classroom settings, an attempt to integrate story-telling can turn into a cacophony of emotional testimonials. Not wanting to lose control of the class and feeling unqualified to respond to students' emotional confessions from their past, educators are often tempted to minimize the personal comments of students and avoid altogether an impromptu free-for-all. Knowing how and when to draw on the personal experience of your students involves a systematic plan for eliciting the most useful information at the right time. The trick is to design methods that induce student self-reflection in a way that is relevant to the course material and to then effectively incorporate these methods into lesson plans.

Keywords: pedagogy, story-telling, power and inequality, hierarchies of power

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1384 A Semiotic Approach to Vulnerability in Conducting Gesture and Singing Posture

Authors: Johann Van Niekerk


The disciplines of conducting (instrumental or choral) and of singing presume a willingness toward an open posture and, in many cases, demand it for effective communication and technique. Yet, this very openness, with the "spread-eagle" gesture as an extreme, is oftentimes counterintuitive for musicians and within the trajectory of human evolution. Conversely, it is in this very gesture of "taking up space" that confidence-gaining techniques such as the popular "power pose" are based. This paper consists primarily of a literature review, exploring the topics of physical openness and vulnerability, considering the semiotics of the "spread-eagle" and its accompanying letter X. A major finding of this research is the discrepancy between evolutionary instinct towards physical self-protection and “folding in” and the demands of the discipline of physical and gestural openness, expansiveness and vulnerability. A secondary finding is ways in which encouragement of confidence-gaining techniques may be more effective in obtaining the required results than insistence on vulnerability, which is influenced by various cultural contexts and socialization. Choral conductors and music educators are constantly seeking ways to promote engagement and healthy singing. Much of the information and direction toward this goal is gleaned by students from conducting gestures and other pedagogies employed in the rehearsal. The findings of this research provide yet another avenue toward reaching the goals required for sufficient and effective teaching and artistry on the part of instructors and students alike.

Keywords: conducting, gesture, music, pedagogy, posture, vulnerability

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1383 Reflective Thinking and Experiential Learning – A Quasi-Experimental Quanti-Quali Response to Greater Diversification of Activities, Greater Integration of Student Profiles

Authors: Paulo Sérgio Ribeiro de Araújo Bogas


Although several studies have assumed (at least implicitly) that learners' approaches to learning develop into deeper approaches to higher education, there appears to be no clear theoretical basis for this assumption and no empirical evidence. As a scientific contribution to this discussion, a pedagogical intervention of a quasi-experimental nature was developed, with a mixed methodology, evaluating the intervention within a single curricular unit of Marketing, using cases based on real challenges of brands, business simulation, and customer projects. Primary and secondary experiences were incorporated in the intervention: the primary experiences are the experiential activities themselves; the secondary experiences result from the primary experience, such as reflection and discussion in work teams. A diversified learning relationship was encouraged through the various connections between the different members of the learning community. The present study concludes that in the same context, the student's responses can be described as students who reinforce the initial deep approach, students who maintain the initial deep approach level, and others who change from an emphasis on the deep approach to one closer to superficial. This typology did not always confirm studies reported in the literature, namely, whether the initial level of deep processing would influence the superficial and the opposite. The result of this investigation points to the inclusion of pedagogical and didactic activities that integrate different motivations and initial strategies, leading to the possible adoption of deep approaches to learning since it revealed statistically significant differences in the difference in the scores of the deep/superficial approach and the experiential level. In the case of real challenges, the categories of “attribution of meaning and meaning of studied” and the possibility of “contact with an aspirational context” for their future professional stand out. In this category, the dimensions of autonomy that will be required of them were also revealed when comparing the classroom context of real cases and the future professional context and the impact they may have on the world. Regarding the simulated practice, two categories of response stand out: on the one hand, the motivation associated with the possibility of measuring the results of the decisions taken, an awareness of oneself, and, on the other hand, the additional effort that this practice required for some of the students.

Keywords: experiential learning, higher education, mixed methods, reflective learning, marketing

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1382 Enhance Engineering Learning Using Cognitive Simulator

Authors: Lior Davidovitch


Traditional training based on static models and case studies is the backbone of most teaching and training programs of engineering education. However, project management learning is characterized by dynamics models that requires new and enhanced learning method. The results of empirical experiments evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of using cognitive simulator as a new training technique are reported. The empirical findings are focused on the impact of keeping and reviewing learning history in a dynamic and interactive simulation environment of engineering education. The cognitive simulator for engineering project management learning had two learning history keeping modes: manual (student-controlled), automatic (simulator-controlled) and a version with no history keeping. A group of industrial engineering students performed four simulation-runs divided into three identical simple scenarios and one complicated scenario. The performances of participants running the simulation with the manual history mode were significantly better than users running the simulation with the automatic history mode. Moreover, the effects of using the undo enhanced further the learning process. The findings indicate an enhancement of engineering students’ learning and decision making when they use the record functionality of the history during their engineering training process. Furthermore, the cognitive simulator as educational innovation improves students learning and training. The practical implications of using simulators in the field of engineering education are discussed.

Keywords: cognitive simulator, decision making, engineering learning, project management

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1381 Development and Validation for Center-Based Learning in Teaching Science

Authors: Julie Berame


The study probed that out of eight (8) lessons in Science Six have been validated, lessons 1-3 got the descriptive rating of very satisfactory and lessons 4-8 got the descriptive rating of outstanding based on the content analysis of the prepared CBL lesson plans. The evaluation of the lesson plans focused on the three main features such as statements of the lesson objectives, lesson content, and organization and effectiveness. The study used developmental research procedure that contained three phases, namely: Development phase consists of determining the learning unit, lesson plans, creation of the table of specifications, exercises/quizzes, and revision of the materials; Evaluation phase consists of the development of experts’ assessment checklist, presentation of checklist to the adviser, comments and suggestions, and final validation of the materials; and try-out phase consists of identification of the subject, try-out of the materials using CBL strategy, administering science attitude questionnaire, and statistical analysis to obtain the data. The findings of the study revealed that the relevance and usability of CBL lessons 1 and 2 in terms of lesson objective, lesson content, and organization and effectiveness got the rating of very satisfactory (4.4) and lessons 3-8 got the rating of outstanding (4.7). The lessons 1-8 got the grand rating of outstanding (4.6). Additionally, results showed that CBL strategy helped foster positive attitude among students and achieved effectiveness in psychomotor learning objectives.

Keywords: development, validation, center-based learning, science

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1380 Prevalence and Associated Factors with Burnout Among Secondary School Teachers in the City of Cotonou in Benin in 2022

Authors: Antoine Vikkey Hinson, Ranty Jolianelle Dassi, Menonli Adjobimey, Rose Mikponhoue, Paul Ayelo


Introduction: The psychological hardship of the teaching profession maintains a chronic stress that inevitably evolves into burnout (BO) in the absence of adequate preventive measures. The objective of this study is to study the prevalence and factors associated with burnout among secondary school teachers in the city of Cotonou in 2022. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with an analytical aim and prospective data collection that took place over a period of 2 months, from July 19 to August 19 and from October 1 to October 31, 2022. Sampling was done using a three-stage probability sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using R 4.1.1 software. Bivariate logistic regression was used to identify associated factors. The significance level chosen was 5% (p < 0.05). Results: A total of 270 teachers were included in the study, of whom 208 (77.00%) were men. The mean age of the workers was 38.03 ± 8.30 years. According to the Maslach Burnout Inventory, 58.51% of the teachers had burnout, with 41.10% of teachers in emotional exhaustion, 27.40% in depersonalization and 21.90% in loss of personal accomplishment. The severity of the syndrome was low to moderate in almost all teachers. The occurrence of BO was associated with), not practicing sports (ORa= 2,38 [1,32; 4,28]), jobs training (ORa= 1,86 [1,04; 3,34]) and an imbalance of effort/reward (ORa= 5,98 [2,24;15,98]). Conclusion: The prevalence of BO is high among secondary school teachers in the city of Cotonou. A larger scale study, including research on its consequences on the teacher and the learner, is necessary in order to act quickly to implement a prevention program.

Keywords: burnout, teachers, Maslach burnout inventory, associated factors, Benin

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1379 Evaluating the Effect of Nursing Ethics Education on Nursing Students' Sensitivity and Moral Judgments

Authors: Hsiao Lu Lee


This study was based Quasi-experimental design. The study explored the relationships of nursing ethics education, nursing students’ moral sensitivity and moral judgments in Taiwan. A total of 242 nursing students (NS) participated the study.The proposed teaching nursing ethics from 2 to 16 weeks. Three questionnaires were adopted in this study. First, Demographic of nursing students questionnaire; Second, the questionnaire is Taiwan’s Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses (TMMSQ-SN); Third, Defining Issues Test (DIT). The pre-test data were collected during the first week, and the post-test data was collected during the 17ᵗʰ week of the semester. The purpose of the study is explored evaluating the effect of nursing ethics education on nursing students’ moral sensitivity and moral judgments. The results of the study showed that moral sensitivities and moral judgments have been significantly improved after 16 weeks (Pair-t=--11.10***; Pair-t=-7.393***). Moral sensitivities and moral judgments were significant in the pretest. There was a negative correlation, but there was no correlation between moral sensitivity and moral judgments in the post-test. There was a significant correlation between the moral judgments (DIT)and the hours of work and other ethical courses (r=.28**; r=.015*). Nursing ethics education is necessary for nursing students in Taiwan. The nursing ethics courses are necessary to improve nursing students’ moral sensitivity and moral judgment (DIT).

Keywords: defining issues test, moral judgments, moral sensitivity, nursing ethics education, nursing students

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1378 FisherONE: Employing Distinct Pedagogy through Technology Integration in Senior Secondary Education

Authors: J. Kontoleon, D.Gall, M.Pidskalny


FisherONE offers a distinct pedagogic model for senior secondary education that integrates advanced technology to meet the learning needs of Year 11 and 12 students across Catholic schools in Queensland. As a fully online platform, FisherONE employs pedagogy that combines flexibility with personalized, data-driven learning. The model leverages tools like the MaxHub hybrid interactive system and AI-powered learning assistants to create tailored learning pathways that promote student autonomy and engagement. This paper examines FisherONE’s success in employing pedagogic strategies through technology. Initial findings suggest that students benefit from the blended approach of virtual assessments and real-time support, even as AI-assisted tools remain in the proof-of-concept phase. The study outlines how FisherONE plans to continue refining its educational methods to better serve students in distance learning environments, specifically in challenging subjects like physics. The integration of technology in FisherONE enhances the effectiveness of teaching and learning, addressing common challenges in online education by offering scalable, individualized learning experiences. This approach demonstrates the future potential of technology in education and the role it can play in fostering meaningful student outcomes.

Keywords: AI-assisted learning, innovative pedagogy, personalized learning, senior education, technology in education

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1377 Fecal Prevalence, Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella in Dairy Cattle in Central Ethiopia

Authors: Tadesse Eguale, Ephrem Engdawork, Wondwossen Gebreyes, Dainel Asrat, Hile Alemayehu, John Gunn


Salmonella is one of the major zoonotic pathogens affecting wide range of vertebrates and humans worldwide. Consumption of contaminated dairy products and contact with dairy cattle represent the common sources of non-typhoidal Salmonella infection in humans. Fecal samples were collected from 132 dairy herds in central Ethiopia and cultured for Salmonella to determine the prevalence, serotype distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility. Salmonella was recovered from the feces of at least one cattle in 10(7.6%) of the dairy farms. Out of 1193 fecal samples 30(2.5%) were positive for Salmonella. Large farm size, detection of diarrhea in one or more animals during sampling and keeping animals completely indoor compared to occasional grazing outside were associated with Salmonella positivity of the farms. Farm level prevalence of Salmonella was significantly higher in young animals below 6 months of age compared to other age groups(X2=10.24; p=0.04). Nine different serotypes were isolated. The four most frequently recovered serotypes were S. Typhimurium (23.3%),S. Saintpaul (20%) and S. Kentucky and S. Virchow (16.7%) each. All isolates were resistant or intermediately resistant to at least one of the 18 drugs tested. Twenty-six (86.7%), 20(66.7%), 18(60%), 16(53.3%) of the isolates were resistant to streptomycin, nitrofurantoin, sulfisoxazole and tetracycline respectively. Resistance to 2 drugs was detected in 93.3% of the isolates. Resistance to 3 or more drugs were detected in 21(70%) of the total isolates while multi-drug resistance (MDR) to 7 or more drugs were detected in 12 (40%) of the isolates. The rate of occurrence of MDR in Salmonella strains isolated from dairy farms in Addis Ababa was significantly higher than those isolated from farms outside of Addis Ababa((p= 0.009). The detection of high MDR in Salmonella isolates originating from dairy farms warrants the need for strict pathogen reduction strategy in dairy cattle and spread of these MDR strains to human population.

Keywords: salmonella, antimicrobial resistance, fecal prevalence

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1376 Social Media Data Analysis for Personality Modelling and Learning Styles Prediction Using Educational Data Mining

Authors: Srushti Patil, Preethi Baligar, Gopalkrishna Joshi, Gururaj N. Bhadri


In designing learning environments, the instructional strategies can be tailored to suit the learning style of an individual to ensure effective learning. In this study, the information shared on social media like Facebook is being used to predict learning style of a learner. Previous research studies have shown that Facebook data can be used to predict user personality. Users with a particular personality exhibit an inherent pattern in their digital footprint on Facebook. The proposed work aims to correlate the user's’ personality, predicted from Facebook data to the learning styles, predicted through questionnaires. For Millennial learners, Facebook has become a primary means for information sharing and interaction with peers. Thus, it can serve as a rich bed for research and direct the design of learning environments. The authors have conducted this study in an undergraduate freshman engineering course. Data from 320 freshmen Facebook users was collected. The same users also participated in the learning style and personality prediction survey. The Kolb’s Learning style questionnaires and Big 5 personality Inventory were adopted for the survey. The users have agreed to participate in this research and have signed individual consent forms. A specific page was created on Facebook to collect user data like personal details, status updates, comments, demographic characteristics and egocentric network parameters. This data was captured by an application created using Python program. The data captured from Facebook was subjected to text analysis process using the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count dictionary. An analysis of the data collected from the questionnaires performed reveals individual student personality and learning style. The results obtained from analysis of Facebook, learning style and personality data were then fed into an automatic classifier that was trained by using the data mining techniques like Rule-based classifiers and Decision trees. This helps to predict the user personality and learning styles by analysing the common patterns. Rule-based classifiers applied for text analysis helps to categorize Facebook data into positive, negative and neutral. There were totally two models trained, one to predict the personality from Facebook data; another one to predict the learning styles from the personalities. The results show that the classifier model has high accuracy which makes the proposed method to be a reliable one for predicting the user personality and learning styles.

Keywords: educational data mining, Facebook, learning styles, personality traits

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1375 The Effect of Vertical Integration on Operational Performance: Evaluating Physician Employment in Hospitals

Authors: Gary Young, David Zepeda, Gilbert Nyaga


This study investigated whether vertical integration of hospitals and physicians is associated with better care for patients with cardiac conditions. A dramatic change in the U.S. hospital industry is the integration of hospital and physicians through hospital acquisition of physician practices. Yet, there is little evidence regarding whether this form of vertical integration leads to better operational performance of hospitals. The study was conducted as an observational investigation based on a pooled, cross-sectional database. The study sample comprised over hospitals in the State of California. The time frame for the study was 2010 to 2012. The key performance measure was hospitals’ degree of compliance with performance criteria set out by the federal government for managing patients with cardiac conditions. These criteria relate to the types of clinical tests and medications that hospitals should follow for cardiac patients but hospital compliance requires the cooperation of a hospital’s physicians. Data for this measure was obtained from a federal website that presents performance scores for U.S. hospitals. The key independent variable was the percentage of cardiologists that a hospital employs (versus cardiologists who are affiliated but not employed by the hospital). Data for this measure was obtained from the State of California which requires hospitals to report financial and operation data each year including numbers of employed physicians. Other characteristics of hospitals (e.g., information technology for cardiac care, volume of cardiac patients) were also evaluated as possible complements or substitutes for physician employment by hospitals. Additional sources of data included the American Hospital Association and the U.S. Census. Empirical models were estimated with generalized estimating equations (GEE). Findings suggest that physician employment is positively associated with better hospital performance for cardiac care. However, findings also suggest that information technology is a substitute for physician employment.

Keywords: physician employment, hospitals, verical integration, cardiac care

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1374 Reinforcing Effects of Natural Micro-Particles on the Dynamic Impact Behaviour of Hybrid Bio-Composites Made of Short Kevlar Fibers Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Armor

Authors: Edison E. Haro, Akindele G. Odeshi, Jerzy A. Szpunar


Hybrid bio-composites are developed for use in protective armor through positive hybridization offered by reinforcement of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with Kevlar short fibers and palm wood micro-fillers. The manufacturing process involved a combination of extrusion and compression molding techniques. The mechanical behavior of Kevlar fiber reinforced HDPE with and without palm wood filler additions are compared. The effect of the weight fraction of the added palm wood micro-fillers is also determined. The Young modulus was found to increase as the weight fraction of organic micro-particles increased. However, the flexural strength decreased with increasing weight fraction of added micro-fillers. The interfacial interactions between the components were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The influence of the size, random alignment and distribution of the natural micro-particles was evaluated. Ballistic impact and dynamic shock loading tests were performed to determine the optimum proportion of Kevlar short fibers and organic micro-fillers needed to improve impact strength of the HDPE. These results indicate a positive hybridization by deposition of organic micro-fillers on the surface of short Kevlar fibers used in reinforcing the thermoplastic matrix leading to enhancement of the mechanical strength and dynamic impact behavior of these materials. Therefore, these hybrid bio-composites can be promising materials for different applications against high velocity impacts.

Keywords: hybrid bio-composites, organic nano-fillers, dynamic shocking loading, ballistic impacts, energy absorption

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1373 Music Education for Blacks (Africans) in Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa

Authors: Bernett Nkwayi Mulungo


There are vast community music projects in South African townships, and their courses range from music theory aural practical individual and ensemble lessons on orchestral instruments and recorders – these instruments being primarily “Western”. Despite this relative success – indeed one of the few in the realm of arts in post-apartheid South Africa – what remains troubling is the dominance of western thought (as music theory) and modes of teaching music that maintain the idea of music study as alien in black communities. This identified problem speaks to a significant theme, namely: Arts education for community development, which is my area of interest. Primarily for, it is a timely platform to firmly entrench appreciation, understanding, and, most undoubtedly, the value(s) of the arts to the youth. Drawing on one’s experience as a lecturer in (and graduate from) a South African tertiary institution and as a teacher in a community project, this research will interrogate the content of some of the program(s): from the theoretical material taught in music theory classes to the practical repertoire taught and/or performed. The focal point of this research is on how this content informs or speaks to its intended “beneficiaries” – the African youth. Through these and other considerations, the paper aims to sketch the potentially radical consequences that transformed music education at community and earlier levels will have for higher education music studies in South Africa.

Keywords: decolonization, Africanization, indigenous knowledge, community engagement

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1372 Investigating the Potential of VR in Language Education: A Study of Cybersickness and Presence Metrics

Authors: Sakib Hasn, Shahid Anwar


This study highlights the vital importance of assessing the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire and presence measures as virtual reality (VR) incorporation into language teaching gains popularity. To address user discomfort, which prevents efficient learning in VR environments, the measurement of SSQ becomes crucial. Additionally, evaluating presence metrics is essential to determine the level of engagement and immersion, both crucial for rich language learning experiences. This paper designs a VR-based Chinese language application and proposes a thorough test technique aimed at systematically analyzing SSQ and presence measures. Subjective tests and data analysis were carried out to highlight the significance of addressing user discomfort in VR language education. The results of this study shed light on the difficulties posed by user discomfort in VR language learning and offer insightful advice on how to improve VR language learning applications. Furthermore, the outcome of the research explores ‘VR-based language education,’ ‘inclusive language learning platforms," and "cross-cultural communication,’ highlighting the potential for VR to facilitate language learning across diverse cultural backgrounds. Overall, the analysis results contribute to the enrichment of language learning experiences in the virtual realm and underscore the need for continued exploration and improvement in this field.

Keywords: virtual reality (VR), language education, simulator sickness questionnaire, presence metrics, VR-based Chinese language education

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