Search results for: psychological survey
6299 A Generation Outside: Afghan Refugees in Greece 2003-2016
Authors: Kristina Colovic, Mari Janikian, Nikolaos Takis, Fotini-Sonia Apergi
A considerable number of Afghan asylum seekers in Greece are still waiting for answers about their future and status for personal, social and societal advancement. Most have been trapped in a stalemate of continuously postponed or temporarily progressed levels of integration into the EU/Greek process of asylum. Limited quantitative research exists investigating the psychological effects of long-term displacement among Afghans refugees in Greece. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors that are associated with and predict psychological distress symptoms among this population. Data from a sample of native Afghan nationals (N > 70) living in Greece for approximately the last ten years will be collected from May to July 2016. Criteria for participation include the following: being 18 years of age or older, and emigration from Afghanistan to Greece from 2003 onwards (i.e., long-term refugees or part of the 'old system of asylum'). Snowball sampling will be used to recruit participants, as this is considered the most effective option when attempting to study refugee populations. Participants will complete self-report questionnaires, consisting of the Afghan Symptom Checklist (ASCL), a culturally validated measure of psychological distress, the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL-BREF), an adapted version of the Comprehensive Trauma Inventory-104 (CTI-104), and a modified Psychological Acculturation Scale. All instruments will be translated in Greek, through the use of forward- and back-translations by bilingual speakers of English and Greek, following WHO guidelines. A pilot study with 5 Afghan participants will take place to check for discrepancies in understanding and for further adapting the instruments as needed. Demographic data, including age, gender, year of arrival to Greece and current asylum status will be explored. Three different types of analyses (descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, and multivariate linear regression) will be used in this study. Descriptive findings for respondent demographics, psychological distress symptoms, traumatic life events and quality of life will be reported. Zero-order correlations will assess the interrelationships among demographic, traumatic life events, psychological distress, and quality of life variables. Lastly, a multivariate linear regression model will be estimated. The findings from the study will contribute to understanding the determinants of acculturation, distress and trauma on daily functioning for Afghans in Greece. The main implications of the current study will be to advocate for capacity building and empower communities through effective program evaluation and design for mental health services for all refugee populations in Greece.Keywords: Afghan refugees, evaluation, Greece, mental health, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 2896298 Coping Strategies Used by Pregnant Women in India to Overcome the Psychological Impact of COVID-19
Authors: Harini Atturu, Divyani Byagari, Bindhu Rani Thumkunta, Sahitya Bammidi, Manasa Badveli
Introduction: Biological, psychological and social domains influence the outcomes of pregnancy. The COVID19 pandemic had a significant effect on the psychological and social domains of pregnant women all over the world. Everyone has inherent coping mechanisms which ultimately determine the actual impact of such external stimulus on outcomes of pregnancy. This study aims to understand the coping strategies used by pregnant women to overcome the psychological impact of the first wave of the COVID 19 pandemic. Methods: Institutional ethics permission was sought. All pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in the institution during September 2020 were included in the study. Brief-COPE, a self-rated questionnaire, was provided to understand the coping strategies used by them. The Questionnaire consists of 28 questions that fall into 14 themes. These 14 themes were mapped into four domains consisting of Approaching coping (APC) styles, Avoidant Coping (AVC) styles, Humor and Religion. The results were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. Factor analysis was performed to identify themes that are most frequently used. Results: 162 pregnant women were included in the study. The majority of the women were aged between 18 and 30 (90.1%). 60.9% of the respondents were having their first pregnancy and were in the 2nd trimester (59.6%). The majority of them were living in the city (74%), belonged to the middle class (77.6%) and were not working (70.1%). 56 respondents (34.6%) reported that they had contact with suspected or Covid positive patients. Many were worried that their pregnancy might be complicated (43%), their baby may contract COVID (45%) and their family members could get COVID during the hospital visits for antenatal check-ups. 33.6% of women admitted missing their regular antenatal check-ups because of the above concerns. All respondents used various coping strategies to overcome the psychological impact of COVID 19. Out of the 4 coping strategies, participants scored high on Religion with a mean of 5.471.45 followed by Approaching Coping (APC) styles (5.131.25), Humor (4.592.07) and Avoidant Coping (AVC) styles (4.130.88). Religion as a coping strategy scored high for all respondents irrespective of age, parity, trimester, social and employment status. Exploratory Factor analysis revealed two cluster groups that explained 68% of the variance, with Component 1 contributing to 58.9% and component 2 contributing 9.13% of the variance. Humor, Acceptance, Planning, and Religion were the top 4 factors that showed strong loadings. Conclusion: Most of the pregnant women were worried about the negative impact of COVID 19 on the outcomes of their pregnancy. Religion and Approaching coping styles seem to be the predominant coping strategies used by them. Interventionists and policymakers should consider these factors while providing support to such women.Keywords: coping strategies, pregnancy, COVID-19, brief-COPE
Procedia PDF Downloads 1366297 Effect of Access to Finance on Innovation and Productivity of SMEs in Nigeria: Evidence from the World Bank Enterprise Survey
Authors: Abidemi C. Adegboye, Samuel Iweriebor
The primary link between financial institutions and economic performance is the provision of resources by these institutions to businesses in order to drive enterprise expansion, sustainability, and development. In this study, the role of access to finance in driving innovations and productivity in Nigerian SMEs is investigated using the World Bank Enterprise Survey (ES) dataset. Innovation is defined based on the ES analysis using five compositions including product, method, organisational, use of foreign-licensed technology, and spending on R&D. The study considers finance in terms of source in meeting investment needs and in terms of access. Moreover, finance access is categorized as external and internal to a firm with each having different implications. The research methodology adopted a survey analysis based on the 2014 World Bank Enterprise Survey of 19 states in Nigeria. The survey comprised over 10,000 manufacturing and services firms, both at the small scale and medium scale levels. The logit estimation technique is used to estimate the relationships in the study. The results from the empirical analysis show that in general, access to finance drives SME innovation in Nigeria. In particular, ease of accessing bank loans and credit is shown to be the strongest positive force in driving all types of innovation among SMEs in Nigeria. In the same vein, the type of finance source for investment matters in terms of how it affects innovation: it is shown that both internal and external sources improve investment in product, process, and organisational innovation, but only external financing has effect on R&D spending and use of foreign licensed technology. Overall spending on R&D is only driven by access to external finance by the SMEs. For productivity, the results show that while structure of financing investment improves productivity, increased access to finance may actually lead to productivity decline among SMEs in Nigeria. There is a need for the financial system to evolve structures to increase fund availability to SMEs in Nigeria, especially for the purpose of innovation investment.Keywords: access to finance, financing investment, innovation, productivity, SMEs
Procedia PDF Downloads 3606296 Psycho-Social Predictors of Health-Related Quality of Life among Persons Living with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: A. C. Obosi, H. O. Osinowo, L. I. Okeke
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one among other prostate diseases with an increasing public health concern. The prevalence and increased psychological distress of BPH among men negatively impact on their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Although several biomedical factors have been implicated in poor HRQoL among people with BPH, there is a dearth of research on the psychosocial factors predicting HRQoL among them especially in developing climes. This study, therefore, examined the psychosocial (knowledge, perceived stigma, depression, anxiety, perceived social support and illness acceptance) predictors of health-related quality of life among persons living with BPH in Ibadan, Nigeria. Biopsychosocial model and Health-related Quality of life guided this study which utilized ex-post facto design. Eighty-seven males living with BPH were purposively selected and actively participated in the study. Participants’ mean age was 61.77 ± 15.80 years. A standardized questionnaire comprising Socio-demographics and measures of health-related quality of life (α = 0.47); knowledge (α = 0.72); psychological distress (α = 0.95); perceived social support (α = 0.96) and Illness acceptance (α = 0.89) scales was utilized in the study. Data were content analysed, while bivariate correlation, hierarchical multiple regression and t-test for independent samples were computed at p < 0.05. Results revealed that 42.5% of the respondents reported poor HRQoL. Furthermore, age, length of illness, perceived stigma, depression, anxiety, knowledge, perceived social support and illness acceptance jointly predicted HRQoL significantly (R2=0.33, F(9,75)=4.05) and accounted for 33% variance in the total observed variance on HRQoL, while Illness acceptance (β=0.43), anxiety (β=-0.54), and perceived social support (β=0.16) had significant independent contributions to the observed variance on HRQoL. Illness acceptance, knowledge, perceived social support and psychological distress such as anxiety, depression and perceived stigma are important predictors of HRQoL. Therefore, it was recommended that urgent psychological intervention targeted at improving the quality of life of these persons be undertaken.Keywords: benign prostatic hyperplasia, Health-related quality of life, prostate disorders, psychosocial factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 2216295 The Test of Memory Malingering and Offence Severity
Authors: Kenji Gwee
In Singapore, the death penalty remains in active use for murder and drug trafficking of controlled drugs such as heroin. As such, the psychological assessment of defendants can often be of high stakes. The Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) is employed by government psychologists to determine the degree of effort invested by defendants, which in turn inform on the veracity of overall psychological findings that can invariably determine the life and death of defendants. The purpose of this study was to find out if defendants facing the death penalty were more likely to invest less effort during psychological assessment (to fake bad in hopes of escaping the death sentence) compared to defendants facing lesser penalties. An archival search of all forensic cases assessed in 2012-2013 by Singapore’s designated forensic psychiatric facility yielded 186 defendants’ TOMM scores. Offence severity, coded into 6 rank-ordered categories, was analyzed in a one-way ANOVA with TOMM score as the dependent variable. There was a statistically significant difference (F(5,87) = 2.473, p = 0.038). A Tukey post-hoc test with Bonferroni correction revealed that defendants facing lower charges (Theft, shoplifting, criminal breach of trust) invested less test-taking effort (TOMM = 37.4±12.3, p = 0.033) compared to those facing the death penalty (TOMM = 46.2±8.1). The surprising finding that those facing death penalties actually invested more test taking effort than those facing relatively minor charges could be due to higher levels of cooperation when faced with death. Alternatively, other legal avenues to escape the death sentence may have been preferred over the mitigatory chance of a psychiatric defence.Keywords: capital sentencing, offence severity, Singapore, Test of Memory Malingering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4366294 Students' Perceptions and Gender Relationships towards the Mobile Learning in Polytechnic Mukah Sarawak (Malaysia)
Authors: Habsah Mohamad Sabli, Mohammad Fardillah Wahi
The main aim of this research study is to better understand and measure students' perceptions towards the effectiveness of mobile learning. This paper reports on the results of a survey of three hundred nineteen students at Polytechnic Mukah Sarawak (PMU) about their perception to the use of mobile technology in education. An analysis of the quantitative survey findings is presented focusing on the ramification for mobile-learning (m-learning) practices in higher learning and teaching environments. In this paper we present our research findings about the level of perception and gender correlations with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness using M-Learning in learning activities among students in Polytechnic Mukah (PMU). Based on gender respondent, were 150 female (47.0%) and 169 male (53.0%). The survey findings further revealed that perception of students are in moderately high and agree for using m-learning. The perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness is significant with weak correlations between students to adapt m-learning for active learning activities. The outcome of this research can benefit the decision makers of higher institution in Mukah Sarawak regard to way to enhance m-learning and promote effective teaching and learning activities as well as strengthening the quality of learning delivery.Keywords: M-learning, student attitudes, student perception, mobile technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 5036293 Exploration of Professional Skepticism among Entry-level Auditors in China from Psychological and Cultural Perspectives
Authors: Sammy Xiaoyan Ying
Professional skepticism remains one of the most important and controversial topics in auditing. This study examines the influence of client cooperativeness and fraud risk on judgments of professional skepticism among Chinese entry-level auditors in the context of evaluation of client-provided audit evidence. Given that the essence of auditors’ PS rests on distrust of clients, this study invokes trust-related theories from psychological and cultural perspectives. Specifically, invoking psychology theories of trust concerning positive relationship between risk and distrust, this study hypothesizes that professional skepticism is likely to be positively associated with client fraud risk. The results support the hypothesis and show that lower (higher) levels of client fraud risk lead to lower (higher) levels of professional skepticism. Furthermore, drawing on analysis of relationship between cooperation and trust, with particular reference to guanxi dynamics in the Chinese culture, this study hypothesizes that professional skepticism is likely to be negatively associated with client cooperativeness. The results support the hypothesis and show that higher (lower) levels of client cooperativeness lead to lower (higher) levels of professional skepticism. The findings may assist audit firms and auditing educators in improving training and education programs and enhancing entry-level auditors’ abilities to maintain professional skepticism. Also, practitioners and regulators may benefit from increasing awareness of psychological factors in influencing professional skepticism.Keywords: audit judgment, Chinese culture, entry-level auditor, professional skepticism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2926292 Cyber Security Situational Awareness among Students: A Case Study in Malaysia
Authors: Yunos Zahri, Ab Hamid R. Susanty, Ahmad Mustaffa
This paper explores the need for a national baseline study on understanding the level of cyber security situational awareness among primary and secondary school students in Malaysia. The online survey method was deployed to administer the data collection exercise. The target groups were divided into three categories: Group 1 (primary school aged 7-9 years old), Group 2 (primary school aged 10-12 years old), and Group 3 (secondary school aged 13-17 years old). A different questionnaire set was designed for each group. The survey topics/areas included Internet and digital citizenship knowledge. Respondents were randomly selected from rural and urban areas throughout all 14 states in Malaysia. A total of 9,158 respondents participated in the survey, with most states meeting the minimum sample size requirement to represent the country’s demographics. The findings and recommendations from this baseline study are fundamental to develop teaching modules required for children to understand the security risks and threats associated with the Internet throughout their years in school. Early exposure and education will help ensure healthy cyber habits among millennials in Malaysia.Keywords: cyber security awareness, cyber security education, cyber security, school students
Procedia PDF Downloads 3026291 Comprehensive Expert and Social Assessment of the Urban Environment of Almaty in the Process of Training Master's and Doctoral Students on Architecture and Urban Planning
Authors: Alexey Abilov
The article highlights the experience of training master's and doctoral students at Satbayev University by preparing their course works for disciplines "Principles of Sustainable Architecture", "Energy Efficiency in Urban planning", "Urban planning analysis, "Social foundations of Architecture". The purpose of these works is the acquisition by students of practical skills necessary in their future professional activities, which are achieved through comprehensive assessment of individual sections of the Almaty urban environment. The methodology of student’s researches carried out under the guidance of the author of this publication is based on an expert assessment of the territory through its full-scale survey, analysis of project documents and statistical data, as well as on a social assessment of the territory based on the results of a questionnaire survey of residents. A comprehensive qualitative and quantitative assessment of the selected sites according to the criteria of the quality of the living environment also allows to formulate specific recommendations for designers who carry out a pre-project analysis of the city territory in the process of preparing draft master plans and detailed planning projects.Keywords: urban environment, expert/social assessment of the territory, questionnaire survey, comprehensive approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 756290 Experiences of 529 Donor-Conceived Adults: Disclosure, Using a Donor, Donating
Authors: Wendy Kramer
How and when a donor-conceived person (DCP) learns about their conception significantly affects their experiences and choices, including whether they'd consider using a donor or donating their own gametes. Objective: We sought to identify factors that positively and negatively impact the experience of being a DCP. We sought to determine if DCP would consider utilizing donor gametes themselves, if unable to conceive spontaneously and if DCP were likely to be donors themselves. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey of adult DCP was disseminated to members of the Donor Sibling Registry. The survey consisted of 31 items, including whether experience as DCP was positive or negative, the willingness to use donor gametes if spontaneous conception was not an option, and questions regarding donating gametes. Results: 529 people (81.7% female) completed the survey, the median age was 28 years (range 18-77 years), and 94.7% were conceived via donor sperm. Most felt "neutral" (31.6%), "positive" (26.3%) or "very positive" (20.8%) about being a DCP regardless of donor type. While most found out about being a DCP after age 18 (63.4%), those with a positive experience were more likely to "have always known" (40.7%). Conclusions: People conceived by donor-assisted reproduction are more likely to have neutral to overall positive feelings surrounding their conception if they are told at a very young age about their donor-conceived origins by a family member. The majority of DCPs are willing to adopt but would not consider using donated gametes themselves if unable to conceive spontaneously. DCPs are not likely to become donors themselves despite the majority of DCP having a high positive feeling regarding being donor-conceived.Keywords: donor conception, sperm donation, oocyte donation, donor-conceived people, infertility
Procedia PDF Downloads 1686289 A Lung Cancer Patient Grief Counseling Nursing Experience
Authors: Syue-Wen Lin
Objective: This article explores the nursing experience of a 64-year-old female lung cancer patient who underwent a thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy and treatment. The patient has a history of diabetes. The nursing process included cancer treatment, postoperative pain management, wound care and healing, and family grief counseling. Methods: The nursing period is from March 11 to March 15, 2024. During this time, strict aseptic wound dressing procedures and advanced wound care techniques are employed to promote wound healing and prevent infection. Postoperatively, due to the development of aspiration pneumonia and worsening symptoms, re-intubation was necessary. Given the patient's advanced cancer and deteriorating condition, the nursing team provided comprehensive grief counseling and care tailored to both the patient's physical and psychological needs, as well as the emotional needs of the family. Considering the complexity of the patient's condition, including advanced cancer, palliative care was also integrated into the overall nursing process to alleviate discomfort and provide psychological support. Results: Using Gordon's Functional Health Patterns for assessment, including evaluating the patient's medical history, physical assessment, and interviews, to provide individualized nursing care, it is important to collect data that will help understand the patient's physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. The interprofessional critical care team collaborates with the hospice team to help understand the psychological state of the patient's family and develop a comprehensive approach to care. Family meetings should be convened, and support should be provided to patients during the final stages of their lives. Additionally, the combination of cancer care, pain management, wound care, and palliative care ensures comprehensive support for the patient throughout her recovery, thereby improving her quality of life. Conclusion: Lung cancer and aspiration pneumonia present significant challenges to patients, and the nursing team not only provides critical care but also addresses individual patient needs through cancer care, pain management, wound care, and palliative care interventions. These measures have effectively improved the quality of life of patients, provided compassionate palliative care to terminally ill patients, and allowed them to spend the last mile of their lives with their families. Nursing staff work closely with families to develop comprehensive care plans to ensure patients receive high-quality medical care as well as psychological support and a comfortable recovery environment.Keywords: grief counseling, lung cancer, palliative care, nursing experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 306288 Importance of Standards in Engineering and Technology Education
Authors: Ahmed S. Khan, Amin Karim
During the past several decades, the economy of each nation has been significantly affected by globalization and technology. Government regulations and private sector standards affect a majority of world trade. Countries have been working together to establish international standards in almost every field. As a result, workers in all sectors need to have an understanding of standards. Engineering and technology students must not only possess an understanding of engineering standards and applicable government codes, but also learn to apply them in designing, developing, testing and servicing products, processes and systems. Accreditation Board for Engineering & Technology (ABET) criteria for engineering and technology education require students to learn and apply standards in their class projects. This paper is a follow-up of a 2006-2009 NSF initiative awarded to IEEE to help develop tutorials and case study modules for students and encourage standards education at college campuses. It presents the findings of a faculty/institution survey conducted through various U.S.-based listservs representing the major engineering and technology disciplines. The intent of the survey was to the gauge the status of use of standards and regulations in engineering and technology coursework and to identify benchmark practices. In light of survey findings, recommendations are made to standards development organizations, industry, and academia to help enhance the use of standards in engineering and technology curricula.Keywords: standards, regulations, ABET, IEEE, engineering, technology curricula
Procedia PDF Downloads 2896287 Physiotherapy Assessment of People with Neurological Conditions in Australia: A National Survey of Clinical Practice
Authors: Jill Garner, Belinda Lange, Sheila Lennon, Maayken van den Berg
Currently, there are approximately one billion people worldwide affected by a neurological condition. Many of whom are assessed and treated by a physiotherapist in a variety of settings. There is a lack of consensus in the literature related to what is clinically assessed by physiotherapists in people with neurological conditions. This study aimed to explore assessment in people with neurological conditions, including how health care setting, experience, and therapeutic approach, may influence neurological assessment. A national survey targeted Australian physiotherapists who assess adults with neurological conditions as part of their clinical practice. The survey consisted of 39 questions and was distributed to physiotherapists through the Australian Physiotherapy Association, and Chief Allied Health Officers across Australia and advertised on the National Neurological Physiotherapy Facebook page. In total, 395 respondents consented to the survey from all states within Australia. Most respondents were female (85.4%) with a mean (SD) age of 35.7 years. Respondents reported working clinically in acute, community, outpatients, and community settings. Stroke was the most assessed condition (58.0%). There is variability in domains assessed by Australian physiotherapists, with common inclusions of balance, muscle strength, gait, falls and safety, function, goal setting, range of movement, pain, coordination, activity tolerance, postural alignment and symmetry and upper limb. There is little evidence to support what physiotherapists assess in practice, in different settings, and in different states within Australia and not enough information to develop a decision tree regarding what is important for assessment in different settings. Further research is needed to explore this area and develop a consensus around best practices.Keywords: physiotherapy, neurological, assessment, domains
Procedia PDF Downloads 956286 Risk Identification of Investment Feasibility in Indonesia’s Toll Road Infrastructure Investment
Authors: Christo Februanto Putra
This paper presents risk identification that affects investment feasibility on toll road infrastructure in Indonesia using qualitative methods survey based on the expert practitioner in investor, contractor, and state officials. The problems on infrastructure investment in Indonesia, especially on KPBU model contract, is many risk factors in the investment plan is not calculated in detail thoroughly. Risk factor is a value used to provide an overview of the risk level assessment of an event which is a function of the probability of the occurrence and the consequences of the risks that arise. As results of the survey which is to show which risk factors impacts directly to the investment feasibility and rank them by their impacts on the investment.Keywords: risk identification, indonesia toll road, investment feasibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 2806285 Research on Teachers’ Perceptions on the Usability of Classroom Space: Analysis of a Nation-Wide Questionnaire Survey in Japan
Authors: Masayuki Mori
This study investigates the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of the usability of classroom space and various elements, including both physical and non-physical, of classroom environments. With the introduction of the GIGA School funding program in Japan in 2019, understanding its impact on learning in classroom space is crucial. The program enabled local educational authorities (LEA) to make it possible to provide one PC/tablet for each student of both elementary and junior high schools. Moreover, at the same time, the program also supported LEA to purchase other electronic devices for educational purposes such as electronic whiteboards, large displays, and real image projectors. A nationwide survey was conducted using random sampling methodology among 100 junior high schools to collect data on classroom space. Of those, 60 schools responded to the survey. The survey covered approximately fifty items, including classroom space size, class size, and educational electronic devices owned. After the data compilation, statistical analysis was used to identify correlations between the variables and to explore the extent to which classroom environment elements influenced teachers’ perceptions. Furthermore, decision tree analysis was applied to visualize the causal relationships between the variables. The findings indicate a significant negative correlation between class size and teachers’ evaluation of usability. In addition to the class size, the way students stored their belongings also influenced teachers’ perceptions. As for the placement of educational electronic devices, the installation of a projector produced a small negative correlation with teachers’ perceptions. The study suggests that while the GIGA School funding program is not significantly influential, traditional educational conditions such as class size have a greater impact on teachers’ perceptions of the usability of classroom space. These results highlight the need for awareness and strategies to integrate various elements in designing the learning environment of the classroom for teachers and students to improve their learning experience.Keywords: classroom space, GIGA School, questionnaire survey, teachers’ perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 266284 A Review of Psychiatric Practices in Issues of Anomalous Experiences
Authors: Prosper Kudzanai Mushauri
In issues of anomalous experiences commonly referred to as madness or mental illness, attempts have been made to deal with it so that people manage to live their lives in a more functional way. It is in this stance that psychiatry has sort of portraying itself as seeking to ameliorate perturbations which individuals live with via nosological systems and use of medicine to anomalous experiences. It is from this hegemony that has led to the untold harm which people living with madness have endured from antique to contemporary life. The paper reflects via a literature review on the history of psychiatry and argues that it is akin to contemporary psychiatry to be involved in iatrogenic acts. As antique psychiatry meddled with gory issues of inhumanity, deceit and mass murders which some of those the contemporary psychiatry has not weaned itself from such diabolical acts. The objective of the paper is to suggest to psychiatry that it has not comported to the mores of psychological ethics. In doing this, the paper hopes that psychiatry will reflect and reform its curricular and praxis so that it comports to ethical standards in psychological science in ameliorating anomalous experiences.Keywords: nosology, psychiatry, madness, diagnosis, eugenics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1646283 Communication of Expected Survival Time to Cancer Patients: How It Is Done and How It Should Be Done
Authors: Geir Kirkebøen
Most patients with serious diagnoses want to know their prognosis, in particular their expected survival time. As part of the informed consent process, physicians are legally obligated to communicate such information to patients. However, there is no established (evidence based) ‘best practice’ for how to do this. The two questions explored in this study are: How do physicians communicate expected survival time to patients, and how should it be done? We explored the first, descriptive question in a study with Norwegian oncologists as participants. The study had a scenario and a survey part. In the scenario part, the doctors should imagine that a patient, recently diagnosed with a serious cancer diagnosis, has asked them: ‘How long can I expect to live with such a diagnosis? I want an honest answer from you!’ The doctors should assume that the diagnosis is certain, and that from an extensive recent study they had optimal statistical knowledge, described in detail as a right-skewed survival curve, about how long such patients with this kind of diagnosis could be expected to live. The main finding was that very few of the oncologists would explain to the patient the variation in survival time as described by the survival curve. The majority would not give the patient an answer at all. Of those who gave an answer, the typical answer was that survival time varies a lot, that it is hard to say in a specific case, that we will come back to it later etc. The survey part of the study clearly indicates that the main reason why the oncologists would not deliver the mortality prognosis was discomfort with its uncertainty. The scenario part of the study confirmed this finding. The majority of the oncologists explicitly used the uncertainty, the variation in survival time, as a reason to not give the patient an answer. Many studies show that patients want realistic information about their mortality prognosis, and that they should be given hope. The question then is how to communicate the uncertainty of the prognosis in a realistic and optimistic – hopeful – way. Based on psychological research, our hypothesis is that the best way to do this is by explicitly describing the variation in survival time, the (usually) right skewed survival curve of the prognosis, and emphasize to the patient the (small) possibility of being a ‘lucky outlier’. We tested this hypothesis in two scenario studies with lay people as participants. The data clearly show that people prefer to receive expected survival time as a median value together with explicit information about the survival curve’s right skewedness (e.g., concrete examples of ‘positive outliers’), and that communicating expected survival time this way not only provides people with hope, but also gives them a more realistic understanding compared with the typical way expected survival time is communicated. Our data indicate that it is not the existence of the uncertainty regarding the mortality prognosis that is the problem for patients, but how this uncertainty is, or is not, communicated and explained.Keywords: cancer patients, decision psychology, doctor-patient communication, mortality prognosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3346282 Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs of Palestine Refugees in Lebanon and Syria
Authors: Cosette Maiky
Background: In the context of the Syrian crisis, the past few years have witnessed an exponential growth in the number of refugee mental health studies, which have essentially focused either on the affected Syrian population and/or host communities. However, the Palestinian communities in the region did not receive sufficient that much of attention. Aim: The study aimed at identifying trends and patterns of mental health and and psychosocial conditions among Palestinian refugees in the context of the Syrian crisis, including the recognition of gaps in appropriate services. Methods: The research model comprised a systematic documentary review, a mapping of available contextual analyses, a quantitative survey, focus group discussions as well as key informant interviews (with relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries). Findings: Content analysis revealed multiple effects of transgenerational transmission of trauma among Palestinian refugees in the context of the Syrian crisis, which showed to be neither linear nor one-dimensional occurrence. In addition to highlights on exposure to traumatic events and psychological sequelae, the review outlines the most prevailing coping mechanisms and essential protective factors. Conclusion: Away from a trauma-centered or symptom-focused exercise, practitioners may take account of the present study to better focus research and intervention methodologies.Keywords: Palestine refugees, Syria crisis, psychosocial, mental health
Procedia PDF Downloads 3526281 The Influence of Family of Origin on Children: A Comprehensive Model and Implications for Positive Psychology and Psychotherapy
Authors: Meichen He, Xuan Yang
Background: In the field of psychotherapy, the role of the family of origin is of utmost importance. Over the past few decades, both individual-oriented and family-oriented approaches to child therapy have shown moderate success in reducing children's psychological and behavioral issues. Objective: However, in exploring how the family of origin influences individuals, it has been noted that there is a lack of comprehensive measurement indicators and an absence of an exact model to assess the impact of the family of origin on individual development. Therefore, this study aims to develop a model based on a literature review regarding the influence of the family of origin on children. Specifically, it will examine the effects of factors such as education level, economic status, maternal age, family integration, family violence, marital conflict, parental substance abuse, and alcohol consumption on children's self-confidence and life satisfaction. Through this research, we aim to further investigate the impact of the family of origin on children and provide directions for future research in positive psychology and psychotherapy. Methods: This study will employ a literature review methodology to gather and analyze relevant research articles on the influence of the family of origin on children. Subsequently, we will conduct quantitative analyses to establish a comprehensive model explaining how family of origin factors affect children's psychological and behavioral outcomes. Findings: the research has revealed that family of origin factors, including education level, economic status, maternal age, family integration, family violence, marital conflict, parental drug and alcohol consumption, have an impact on children's self-confidence and life satisfaction. These factors can affect children's psychological well-being and happiness through various pathways. Implications: The results of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the influence of the family of origin on children and provide valuable directions for future research in positive psychology and psychotherapy. This research will enhance awareness of children's psychological well-being and lay the foundation for improving psychotherapeutic methods.Keywords: family of origion, positive psychology, developmental psychology, family education, social psychology, educational psychology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1816280 AI as a Tool Hindering Digital Education
Authors: Justyna Żywiołek, Marek Matulewski
The article presents the results of a survey conducted among students from various European countries. The aim of the study was to understand how artificial intelligence (AI) affects educational processes in a digital environment. The survey covered a wide range of topics, including students' understanding and use of AI, its impact on motivation and engagement, interaction and support issues, accessibility and equity, and data security and privacy concerns. Most respondents admitted having difficulties comprehending the advanced functions of AI in educational tools. Many students believe that excessive use of AI in education can decrease their motivation for self-study and active participation in classes. Additionally, students reported that interaction with AI-based tools is often less satisfying compared to direct contact with teachers. Furthermore, the survey highlighted inequalities in access to advanced AI tools, which can widen the educational gap between students from different economic backgrounds. Students also expressed concerns about the security and privacy of their personal data collected and processed by AI systems. The findings suggest that while AI has the potential to support digital education, significant challenges need to be addressed to make these tools more effective and acceptable for students. Recommendations include increasing training for students and teachers on using AI, providing more interactive and engaging forms of education, and implementing stricter regulations on data protection.Keywords: AI, digital education, education tools, motivation and engagement
Procedia PDF Downloads 296279 Investor’s Psychology in Investment Decision Making in Context of Behavioural Finance
Authors: Jhansi Rani Boda, G. Sunitha
Worldwide, the financial markets are influenced by several factors such as the changes in economic and political processes that occur in the country and the globe, information diffusion and approachability and so on. Yet, the foremost important factor is the investor’s reaction and perception. For an individual investor, decision-making process can be perceived as a continuous process that has significant impact of their psychology while making investment decisions. Behavioral finance relies on research of human and social recognition and emotional tolerance studies to identify and understand the investment decisions. This article aims to report the research of individual investor’s financial behavior in a historical perspective. This article uncovers the investor’s psychology in investment decision making focusing on the investor’s rationality with an explanation of psychological and emotional factors that affect investing. The results of the study are revealed by means of Graphical visualization.Keywords: behavioral finance, psychology, investor’s behavior, psychological and emotional factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 3026278 Tourism Development Analysis According to Offer Improvements: Case of Crikvenica
Authors: Josip Arneric, Antonio Sostaric
Crikvenica is one of the favourite tourist destinations at the Adriatic Sea in Croatia which attracts guests with its natural beauties and is one of the top destinations with the highest number of overnights stays. The main purpose of this research is to determine which elements of tourist offer should be improved to achieve sustainable development of the town of Crikvenica. Namely, the survey results from a random sample have shown that the most common reason of the visits is relaxation and vacation, and that more attention should be given to the following categories: restaurants and the working hours of stores and banks. We have also examined whether or not there is a correlation between an average daily expenditure and the overnight stay. The paper ends with the conclusion and the recommendations on how to improve the tourist offer of Crikvenica in order to increase guest satisfaction and to keep its reputation at a high level.Keywords: tourism development, survey, Crikvenica, management sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 3736277 A Study of Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment of Senior Secondary School Students in District Karnal, Haryana, India
Authors: Rooma Rani
The education is really important for the improvement of physical and mental well-being of the school students. It is used to express inner potential, acquire knowledge, develop skills, shape habits, attitudes, values, belief, etc. along with providing strengths and resilience to people to changing situations and allowing them to develop all those capacities which will enable individual to control surrounding environment. Education has a significant effect on the behavior of individuals which helps us in the new situations of everyday life. Educating the child is directing the child’s capacities, attitudes interest, urges, and needs into the most desirable channels. We are the part of 21st century and now a day emotional intelligence is considered more important than intelligence in the success of a person. Success depends on several intelligences and on the control of emotions too. Emotional Intelligence, like general intelligence is the product of one’s heredity and its interaction with his environmental forces. There are certain methods evolved in modern researches. Keeping in view the nature and purpose of the study, the descriptive survey method is preferred. This method is one of the important methods in education research because it describes the current position of the phenomenon under study. The term descriptive survey is generally used for the type of research which proposes to condition of practices of the present time. In the present study, a systematically random sampling method was used to select a representative sample. 50 students were selected from 2 schools. Out of 50 students, 25 were boys and 25 were girls. In the study, a) it has been found a significant difference in the level of adjustment between male and female students; b) it has been found a non-significant difference in the level of emotional intelligence between male and female students; c) it has been found a non-significant relationship between adjustment and emotional intelligence among male students; d) it has been found a significant relationship between adjustment and emotional intelligence among male students. The results of the study indicated that amongst the students those who possess high scores on emotional intelligence tests are high in level of adjustment. Measures should be adopted to improve and sustain the emotional intelligence level of students throughout their studies. Adolescent students are prone to many problems like physical, social and psychological. They need a congenial home atmosphere so that they grow into full-fledged citizens of our country. After understanding these, it helps in the development of personality which leads to a better learning situation and better thinking capacities, in turn, enhances adjustment and achievement along with a better perception of self.Keywords: adjustment, education, emotional intelligence, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 1326276 The Impact of CSR Satisfaction on Employee Commitment
Authors: Silke Bustamante, Andrea Pelzeter, Andreas Deckmann, Rudi Ehlscheidt, Franziska Freudenberger
Many companies increasingly seek to enhance their attractiveness as an employer to bind their employees. At the same time, corporate responsibility for social and ecological issues seems to become a more important part of an attractive employer brand. It enables the company to match the values and expectations of its members, to signal fairness towards them and to increase its brand potential for positive psychological identification on the employees’ side. In the last decade, several empirical studies have focused this relationship, confirming a positive effect of employees’ CSR perception and their affective organizational commitment. The current paper aims to take a slightly different view by analyzing the impact of another factor on commitment: the weighted employee’s satisfaction with the employer CSR. For that purpose, it is assumed that commitment levels are rather a result of the fulfillment or disappointment of expectations. Hence, instead of merely asking how CSR perception affects commitment, a more complex independent variable is taken into account: a weighted satisfaction construct that summarizes two different factors. Therefore, the individual level of commitment contingent on CSR is conceptualized as a function of two psychological processes: (1) the individual significance that an employee ascribes to specific employer attributes and (2) the individual satisfaction based on the fulfillment of expectation that rely on preceding perceptions of employer attributes. The results presented are based on a quantitative survey that was undertaken among employees of the German service sector. Conceptually a five-dimensional CSR construct (ecology, employees, marketplace, society and corporate governance) and a two-dimensional non-CSR construct (company and workplace) were applied to differentiate employer characteristics. (1) Respondents were asked to indicate the importance of different facets of CSR-related and non-CSR-related employer attributes. By means of a conjoint analysis, the relative importance of each employer attribute was calculated from the data. (2) In addition to this, participants stated their level of satisfaction with specific employer attributes. Both indications were merged to individually weighted satisfaction indexes on the seven-dimensional levels of employer characteristics. The affective organizational commitment of employees (dependent variable) was gathered by applying the established 15-items Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). The findings related to the relationship between satisfaction and commitment will be presented. Furthermore, the question will be addressed, how important satisfaction with CSR is in relation to the satisfaction with other attributes of the company in the creation of commitment. Practical as well as scientific implications will be discussed especially with reference to previous results that focused on CSR perception as a commitment driver.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, organizational commitment, employee attitudes/satisfaction, employee expectations, employer brand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2696275 Factors Affecting Green Consumption Behaviors of the Urban Residents in Hanoi, Vietnam
Authors: Phan Thi Song Thuong
This paper uses data from a survey on the green consumption behavior of Hanoi residents in October 2022. Data was gathered from a survey conducted in ten districts in the center of Hanoi, with 393 respondents. The hypothesis focuses on understanding the factors that may affect green consumption behavior, such as demographic characteristics, concerns about the environment and health, people living around, self-efficiency, and mass media. A number of methods, such as the T-test, exploratory factor analysis, and a linear regression model, are used to prove the hypotheses. Accordingly, the results show that gender, age, and education level have separate effects on the green consumption behavior of respondents.Keywords: green consumption, urban residents, environment, sustainable, linear regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1316274 Inquiry of Gender Discrimination in Contrast Emotions: A Study on Perception of Gender of Youth University
Authors: Duygu Alptekin
Patriarchal social structure is based on a gender-based discrimination. Due to confrontational nature of discrimination; in a patriarchal society men and women exists in a based on contrasts and inequalities interaction patterns and this situation continues as socio-cultural with dominant gender perception in society. In this context gender perception of youth is a required vision tool for multidimensional understanding and resolving of gender discrimination problem and making projections about future. The aim of the study is explaining the gender discrimination by helping of Ambivalent Sexism Inventory and hostile benevolent sexism which are subdimensions of (ASI). Additionally the sexism perception of youth will be try to analyse ın the context of conflict of conventionalism and modernism. For that purpose survey have carried aout with the participation of students at the Selcuk University and the conclusions revealed that reached ampirically Young people's perceptions about the hierarchy of power revealed between men and women; sexual, economic and occupational segregation by pointing to statements about male-female relationships commitment, guardianship, gratitude, expressions containing highlights the superiority of socio-psychological (ASI) where results are determined by the application. The results of the factor analysis performed in this direction with the detection of the previous studies were evaluated by blending.Keywords: ambivalent sexism inventory, gender discrimination, youth, conventionalism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3336273 Evaluation of Commercials by Psychological Changes in Consumers’ Physiological Characteristics
Authors: Motoki Seguchi, Fumiko Harada, Hiromitsu Shimakawa
There have been many local companies in countryside that carefully produce and sell products, which include crafts and foods produced with traditional methods. These companies are likely to use commercials to advertise their products. However, it is difficult for companies to judge whether the commercials they create are having an impact on consumers. Therefore, to create effective commercials, this study researches what kind of gimmicks in commercials affect what kind of consumers. This study proposes a method for extracting psychological change points from the physiological characteristics of consumers while they are watching commercials and estimating the gimmicks in the commercial that affect consumer engagement. In this method, change point detection is applied to pupil size for estimating gimmicks that affect consumers’ emotional engagement, and to EDA for estimating gimmicks that affect cognitive engagement. A questionnaire is also used to estimate the commercials that influence behavioral engagement. As a result of estimating the gimmicks that influence consumer engagement using this method, it was found that there are some common features among the gimmicks. To influence cognitive engagement, it was found that it was useful to include flashback scenes, messages to be appealed to, the company’s name, and the company’s logos as gimmicks. It was also found that flashback scenes and story climaxes were useful in influencing emotional engagement. Furthermore, it was found that the use of storytelling commercials may or may not be useful, depending on which consumers are desired to take which behaviors. It also estimated the gimmicks that influence consumers for each target and found that the useful gimmicks are slightly different for students and working adults. By using this method, it can understand which gimmicks in the commercial affect which engagement of the consumers. Therefore, the results of this study can be used as a reference for the gimmicks that should be included in commercials when companies create their commercials in the future.Keywords: change point detection, estimating engagement, physiological characteristics, psychological changes, watching commercials
Procedia PDF Downloads 1876272 Creative Means to Address Mental Health in the African American Community: Arts, Advocacy, and Awareness
Authors: Denise F. Brown
This proposal provides an explanation of the content for a Special Topics Course to be offered Spring of 2022. The course will be titled, Creative means to address mental health in the African American Community: Arts, Advocacy, and Awareness. Research shows that African Americans are less likely to seek treatment for mental illnesses. The stigma around mental illness influences negative ideas about having psychological problems within the African American community. Assessments of how African Americans perceive mental illness will also be provided. Current research suggests that understanding mental health is just as important as understanding mental illness. The distinguishment between mental illness and mental health provides a way to not negatively point out mental illness but to better understand that psychological and emotional well-being can be achieved whether a mental illness is present or not. The course will consist of defining mental health and mental illness and then what it means to utilize creative means to become a mental health advocate within the African American community.Keywords: arts, advocacy, black mental health, mental illness
Procedia PDF Downloads 916271 Development and Evaluation of a Psychological Adjustment and Adaptation Status Scale for Breast Cancer Survivors
Authors: Jing Chen, Jun-E Liu, Peng Yue
Objective: The objective of this study was to develop a psychological adjustment and adaptation status scale for breast cancer survivors, and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. Method: 37 breast cancer survivors were recruited in qualitative research; a five-subject theoretical framework and an item pool of 150 items of the scale were derived from the interview data. In order to evaluate and select items and reach a preliminary validity and reliability for the original scale, the suggestions of study group members, experts and breast cancer survivors were taken, and statistical methods were used step by step in a sample of 457 breast cancer survivors. Results: An original 24-item scale was developed. The five dimensions “domestic affections”, “interpersonal relationship”, “attitude of life”, “health awareness”, “self-control/self-efficacy” explained 58.053% of the total variance. The content validity was assessed by experts, the CVI was 0.92. The construct validity was examined in a sample of 264 breast cancer survivors. The fitting indexes of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed good fitting of the five dimensions model. The criterion-related validity of the total scale with PTGI was satisfactory (r=0.564, p<0.001). The internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability were tested. Cronbach’s alpha value (0.911) showed a good internal consistency reliability, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC=0.925, p<0.001) showed a satisfactory test-retest reliability. Conclusions: The scale was brief and easy to understand, was suitable for breast cancer patients whose physical strength and energy were limited.Keywords: breast cancer survivors, rehabilitation, psychological adaption and adjustment, development of scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 5136270 E-Survey: Cancer Treatment with Proton Beam Therapy in USA
Authors: Auj-E Taqaddas
The use of proton beam therapy is increasing globally. It seems to offer dosimetric advantages, especially in paediatric central nervous system (CNS) and brain tumours. A short E-survey was conducted to assess the clinical, technical, and educational resources and strategies employed in the state of the art proton beam therapy (PBT) centres in the USA to determine the current status of proton beam therapy. The study also aimed at finding out which PBT skills are in demand as well as what improvements are needed to ensure efficient treatment planning, delivery, and dosimetry. The study resulted in identifying areas for future research and development and in identifying cancers for which PBT is most suitable compared to other modalities to facilitate the implementation and use of PBT in clinical settings for cancer treatment.Keywords: cancer, intensity modulated proton therapy, proton beam therapy, single field uniform scanning
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