Search results for: extreme flow
5084 Beyond the “Breakdown” of Karman Vortex Street
Authors: Ajith Kumar S., Sankaran Namboothiri, Sankrish J., SarathKumar S., S. Anil Lal
A numerical analysis of flow over a heated circular cylinder is done in this paper. The governing equations, Navier-Stokes, and energy equation within the Boussinesq approximation along with continuity equation are solved using hybrid FEM-FVM technique. The density gradient created due to the heating of the cylinder will induce buoyancy force, opposite to the direction of action of acceleration due to gravity, g. In the present work, the flow direction and the direction of buoyancy force are taken as same (vertical flow configuration), so that the buoyancy force accelerates the mean flow past the cylinder. The relative dominance of the buoyancy force over the inertia force is characterized by the Richardson number (Ri), which is one of the parameter that governs the flow dynamics and heat transfer in this analysis. It is well known that above a certain value of Reynolds number, Re (ratio of inertia force over the viscous forces), the unsteady Von Karman vortices can be seen shedding behind the cylinder. The shedding wake patterns could be seriously altered by heating/cooling the cylinder. The non-dimensional shedding frequency called the Strouhal number is found to be increasing as Ri increases. The aerodynamic force coefficients CL and CD are observed to change its value. In the present vertical configuration of flow over the cylinder, as Ri increases, shedding frequency gets increased and suddenly drops down to zero at a critical value of Richardson number. The unsteady vortices turn to steady standing recirculation bubbles behind the cylinder after this critical Richardson number. This phenomenon is well known in literature as "Breakdown of the Karman Vortex Street". It is interesting to see the flow structures on further increase in the Richardson number. On further heating of the cylinder surface, the size of the recirculation bubble decreases without loosing its symmetry about the horizontal axis passing through the center of the cylinder. The separation angle is found to be decreasing with Ri. Finally, we observed a second critical Richardson number, after which the the flow will be attached to the cylinder surface without any wake behind it. The flow structures will be symmetrical not only about the horizontal axis, but also with the vertical axis passing through the center of the cylinder. At this stage, there will be a "single plume" emanating from the rear stagnation point of the cylinder. We also observed the transition of the plume is a strong function of the Richardson number.Keywords: drag reduction, flow over circular cylinder, flow control, mixed convection flow, vortex shedding, vortex breakdown
Procedia PDF Downloads 4045083 Desired Flow of Radioactive Materials from Logistics Service Quality Perspective
Authors: Tuğçe Yavaş Akış
In recent years, due to an increased use of radioactive materials, radioactive sources are constantly being transported via air, road and ocean ways for medical, industrial, research etc. purposes throughout the world. The quantity of radioactive materials transported all around the world varies from negligible quantities in shipments of consumer products to very large quantities in shipments of irradiated nuclear fuel. Radioactive materials have been less attractive for social science researchers in literature. In this study, it is aimed to discover desired flow of radioactive materials from logistics service quality (LSQ) perspective. In doing so, case study approach will be employed by using secondary data collected from one of the world’s leading transportation companies’ customer care system reports. Movement of radioactive cargoes containing IR-192 and logistics process will be analyzed with the help of logistics service quality dimensions. Based on the case study that will be conducted, interaction between dimensions, the importance of each dimension in desired flow, and their relevance with desired flow of radioactive materials will be explained. This study will bring out the desired flow of radioactive materials transportation and be a guide for all other companies, employees and researchers.Keywords: logistics service quality, LSQ dimension , radioactive material, transportation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2405082 Drag Reduction of Base Bleed at Various Flight Conditions
Authors: Man Chul Jeong, Hyoung Jin Lee, Sang Yoon Lee, Ji Hyun Park, Min Wook Chang, In-Seuck Jeung
This study focus on the drag reduction effect of the base bleed at supersonic flow. Base bleed is the method which bleeds the gas on the tail of the flight vehicle and reduces the base drag, which occupies over 50% of the total drag in any flight speed. Thus base bleed can reduce the total drag significantly, and enhance the total flight range. Drag reduction ratio of the base bleed is strongly related to the mass flow rate of the bleeding gas. Thus selecting appropriate mass flow rate is important. However, since the flight vehicle has various flight speed, same mass flow rate of the base bleed can have different drag reduction effect during the flight. Thus, this study investigates the effect of the drag reduction depending on the flight speed by numerical analysis using STAR-CCM+. The analysis model is 155mm diameter projectile with boat-tailed shape base. Angle of the boat-tail is chosen previously for minimum drag coefficient. Numerical analysis is conducted for Mach 2 and Mach 3, with various mass flow rate, or the injection parameter I, of the bleeding gas and the temperature of the bleeding gas, is fixed to 300K. The results showed that I=0.025 has the minimum drag at Mach 2, and I=0.014 has the minimum drag at Mach 3. Thus as the Mach number is higher, the lower mass flow rate of the base bleed has more effect on drag reduction.Keywords: base bleed, supersonic, drag reduction, recirculation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4175081 Numerical Flow Simulation around HSP Propeller in Open Water and behind a Vessel Wake Using RANS CFD Code
Authors: Kadda Boumediene, Mohamed Bouzit
The prediction of the flow around marine propellers and vessel hulls propeller interaction is one of the challenges of Computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD has emerged as a potential tool in recent years and has promising applications. The objective of the current study is to predict the hydrodynamic performances of HSP marine propeller in open water and behind a vessel. The unsteady 3-D flow was modeled numerically along with respectively the K-ω standard and K-ω SST turbulence models for steady and unsteady cases. The hydrodynamic performances such us a torque and thrust coefficients and efficiency show good agreement with the experiment results.Keywords: seiun maru propeller, steady, unstead, CFD, HSP
Procedia PDF Downloads 3075080 Comparison of Volume of Fluid Model: Experimental and Empirical Results for Flows over Stacked Drop Manholes
Authors: Ramin Mansouri
The manhole is one of the types of structures that are installed at the site of change direction or change in the pipe diameter or sewage pipes as well as in step slope areas to reduce the flow velocity. In this study, the flow characteristics of hydraulic structures in a manhole structure have been investigated with a numerical model. In this research, the types of computational grid coarse, medium, and fines have been used for simulation. In order to simulate flow, k-ε model (standard, RNG, Realizable) and k-w model (standard SST) are used. Also, in order to find the best wall conditions, two types of standard and non-equilibrium wall functions were investigated. The turbulent model k-ε has the highest correlation with experimental results or all models. In terms of boundary conditions, constant speed is set for the flow input boundary, the output pressure is set in the boundaries which are in contact with the air, and the standard wall function is used for the effect of the wall function. In the numerical model, the depth at the output of the second manhole is estimated to be less than that of the laboratory and the output jet from the span. In the second regime, the jet flow collides with the manhole wall and divides into two parts, so hydraulic characteristics are the same as large vertical shaft hydraulic characteristics. In this situation, the turbulence is in a high range since it can be seen more energy loss in it. According to the results, energy loss in numerical is estimated at 9.359%, which is more than experimental data.Keywords: manhole, energy, depreciation, turbulence model, wall function, flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 835079 Numerical Study of a 6080HP Open Drip Proof (ODP) Motor
Authors: Feng-Hisang Lai
CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) is conducted to numerically study the flow and heat transfer features of a two-pole, 6,080HP, 60Hz, 3,150V open drip-proof (ODP) motor. The stator and rotor cores in this high voltage induction motor are segmented with the use of spacers for cooling purposes, which leads to difficulties in meshing when the entire system is to be simulated. The system is divided into 4 parts, meshed separately and then combined using interfaces. The deviation between the CFD and experimental results in temperature and flow rate is less than 10%. The internal flow is further examined and a final design is proposed to reduce the winding temperature by 10 degrees.Keywords: CFD, open drip proof, induction motor, cooling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1975078 A Computational Analysis of Gas Jet Flow Effects on Liquid Aspiration in the Collison Nebulizer
Authors: James Q. Feng
Pneumatic nebulizers (as variations based on the Collison nebulizer) have been widely used for producing fine aerosol droplets from a liquid material. As qualitatively described by many authors, the basic working principle of those nebulizers involves utilization of the negative pressure associated with an expanding gas jet to syphon liquid into the jet stream, then to blow and shear into liquid sheets, filaments, and eventually droplets. But detailed quantitative analysis based on fluid mechanics theory has been lacking in the literature. The purpose of present work is to investigate the nature of negative pressure distribution associated with compressible gas jet flow in the Collison nebulizer by a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, using an OpenFOAM® compressible flow solver. The value of the negative pressure associated with a gas jet flow is examined by varying geometric parameters of the jet expansion channel adjacent to the jet orifice outlet. Such an analysis can provide valuable insights into fundamental mechanisms in liquid aspiration process, helpful for effective design of the pneumatic atomizer in the Aerosol Jet® direct-write system for micro-feature, high-aspect-ratio material deposition in additive manufacturing.Keywords: collison nebulizer, compressible gas jet flow, liquid aspiration, pneumatic atomization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1815077 Mathematical Analysis of Variation in Inlet Shock Wave Angle on Specific Impulse of Scramjet Engine
Authors: Shrikant Ghadage
Study of shock waves generated in the Scramjet engine is typically restricted to pressure, temperature, density, entropy and Mach number variation across the shock wave. The present work discusses the impact of inlet shock wave angles on the specific impulse of the Scramjet engine. A mathematical analysis has done for the isentropic hypersonic flow of air flowing through a Scramjet with hydrogen fuel at an altitude of 30 km. Analysis has been done in order to get optimum shock wave angle to achieve maximum impulse. Since external drag has excluded from the analysis, the losses due to friction are not considered for the present analysis. When Mach number of the airflow at the entry of the nozzle reaches unity, then that flow is choked. This condition puts limitations on increasing the inlet shock wave angle. As inlet shock wave angle increases, speed of the flow entering into the nozzle decreases, which results in an increase in the specific impulse of the engine. When the speed of the flow at the entry of the nozzle reduces below sonic speed, then there is no further increase in the specific impulse of the engine. Here the Conclusion is the thrust and specific impulse of a scramjet engine, which increases gradually with an increase in inlet shock wave angle up to the condition when airflow speed reaches sonic velocity at the exit of the combustor. In addition to that, variation in drag force at the inlet of the scramjet and variation in hypersonic flow conditions at every stage of the scramjet also studied in order to understand variation on flow characteristics with respect to flow deflection angle. Essentially, it helps in designing inlet profile for the Scramjet engine to achieve optimum specific impulse.Keywords: hypersonic flow, scramjet, shock waves, specific impulse, mathematical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1705076 The Proposal of Modification of California Pipe Method for Inclined Pipe
Authors: Wojciech Dąbrowski, Joanna Bąk, Laurent Solliec
Nowadays technical and technological progress and constant development of methods and devices applied to sanitary engineering is indispensable. Issues related to sanitary engineering involve flow measurements for water and wastewater. The precise measurement is very important and pivotal for further actions, like monitoring. There are many methods and techniques of flow measurement in the area of sanitary engineering. Weirs and flumes are well–known methods and common used. But also there are alternative methods. Some of them are very simple methods, others are solutions using high technique. The old–time method combined with new technique could be more useful than earlier. Paper describes substitute method of flow gauging (California pipe method) and proposal of modification of this method used for inclined pipe. Examination of possibility of improving and developing old–time methods is direction of the investigation.Keywords: California pipe, sewerage, flow rate measurement, water, wastewater, improve, modification, hydraulic monitoring, stream
Procedia PDF Downloads 4385075 Prediction of Trailing-Edge Noise under Adverse-Pressure Gradient Effect
Authors: Li Chen
For an aerofoil or hydrofoil in high Reynolds number flows, broadband noise is generated efficiently as the result of the turbulence convecting over the trailing edge. This noise can be related to the surface pressure fluctuations, which can be predicted by either CFD or empirical models. However, in reality, the aerofoil or hydrofoil often operates at an angle of attack. Under this situation, the flow is subjected to an Adverse-Pressure-Gradient (APG), and as a result, a flow separation may occur. This study is to assess trailing-edge noise models for such flows. In the present work, the trailing-edge noise from a 2D airfoil at 6 degree of angle of attach is investigated. Under this condition, the flow is experiencing a strong APG, and the flow separation occurs. The flow over the airfoil with a chord of 300 mm, equivalent to a Reynold Number 4x10⁵, is simulated using RANS with the SST k-ɛ turbulent model. The predicted surface pressure fluctuations are compared with the published experimental data and empirical models, and show a good agreement with the experimental data. The effect of the APG on the trailing edge noise is discussed, and the associated trailing edge noise is calculated.Keywords: aero-acoustics, adverse-pressure gradient, computational fluid dynamics, trailing-edge noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 3375074 Impact of Pulsing and Trickle Flow on Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds in Waste Water at High Pressure
Authors: Safa'a M. Rasheed, Saba A. Gheni, Wadood T. Mohamed
Phenolic compounds are the most carcinogenic pollutants in waste water in effluents of refineries and pulp industry. Catalytic wet air oxidation is an efficient industrial treatment process to oxidize phenolic compounds into unharmful organic compounds. Mode of flow of the fluid to be treated is a dominant factor in determining effectiveness of the catalytic process. The present study aims to obtain a mathematical model describing the conversion of phenolic compounds as a function of the process variables; mode of flow (trickling and pulsing), temperature, pressure, along with a high concentration of phenols and a platinum supported alumina catalyst. The model was validated with the results of experiments obtained in a fixed bed reactor. High pressure and temperature were employed at 8 bar and 140 °C. It has been found that conversion of phenols is highly influenced by mode of flow and the change is caused by changes occurred in hydrodynamic regime at the time of pulsing flow mode, thereby a temporal variation in wetting efficiency of platinum prevails; which in turn increases and/or decreases contact time with phenols in wastewater. The model obtained was validated with experimental results, and it is found that the model is a good agreement with the experimental results.Keywords: wastewater, phenol, pulsing flow, wet oxidation, high pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1375073 Variable Renewable Energy Droughts in the Power Sector – A Model-based Analysis and Implications in the European Context
Authors: Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth
The continuous integration of variable renewable energy sources (VRE) in the power sector is required for decarbonizing the European economy. Power sectors become increasingly exposed to weather variability, as the availability of VRE, i.e., mainly wind and solar photovoltaic, is not persistent. Extreme events, e.g., long-lasting periods of scarce VRE availability (‘VRE droughts’), challenge the reliability of supply. Properly accounting for the severity of VRE droughts is crucial for designing a resilient renewable European power sector. Energy system modeling is used to identify such a design. Our analysis reveals the sensitivity of the optimal design of the European power sector towards VRE droughts. We analyze how VRE droughts impact optimal power sector investments, especially in generation and flexibility capacity. We draw upon work that systematically identifies VRE drought patterns in Europe in terms of frequency, duration, and seasonality, as well as the cross-regional and cross-technological correlation of most extreme drought periods. Based on their analysis, the authors provide a selection of relevant historical weather years representing different grades of VRE drought severity. These weather years will serve as input for the capacity expansion model for the European power sector used in this analysis (DIETER). We additionally conduct robustness checks varying policy-relevant assumptions on capacity expansion limits, interconnections, and level of sector coupling. Preliminary results illustrate how an imprudent selection of weather years may cause underestimating the severity of VRE droughts, flawing modeling insights concerning the need for flexibility. Sub-optimal European power sector designs vulnerable to extreme weather can result. Using relevant weather years that appropriately represent extreme weather events, our analysis identifies a resilient design of the European power sector. Although the scope of this work is limited to the European power sector, we are confident that our insights apply to other regions of the world with similar weather patterns. Many energy system studies still rely on one or a limited number of sometimes arbitrarily chosen weather years. We argue that the deliberate selection of relevant weather years is imperative for robust modeling results.Keywords: energy systems, numerical optimization, variable renewable energy sources, energy drought, flexibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 755072 Optical Flow Localisation and Appearance Mapping (OFLAAM) for Long-Term Navigation
Authors: Daniel Pastor, Hyo-Sang Shin
This paper presents a novel method to use optical flow navigation for long-term navigation. Unlike standard SLAM approaches for augmented reality, OFLAAM is designed for Micro Air Vehicles (MAV). It uses an optical flow camera pointing downwards, an IMU and a monocular camera pointing frontwards. That configuration avoids the expensive mapping and tracking of the 3D features. It only maps these features in a vocabulary list by a localization module to tackle the loss of the navigation estimation. That module, based on the well-established algorithm DBoW2, will be also used to close the loop and allow long-term navigation in confined areas. That combination of high-speed optical flow navigation with a low rate localization algorithm allows fully autonomous navigation for MAV, at the same time it reduces the overall computational load. This framework is implemented in ROS (Robot Operating System) and tested attached to a laptop. A representative scenarios is used to analyse the performance of the system.Keywords: vision, UAV, navigation, SLAM
Procedia PDF Downloads 6075071 Generation Transcritical Flow Influenced by Dissipation over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
The transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle for negative forcing amplitude (hole) that generation upstream and downstream, connected by an unsteady solution, is examined. In the weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive regime, the problem is formulated in the forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers framework. This is done by including the influence of the viscosity of the fluid beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The results show that the influence of viscosity is crucial in determining various wave properties, including the amplitudes of solitary waves in the upstream and downstream directions, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results are presented for transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. In general, the outcomes are not qualitatively similar to those from the forced Korteweg-de–Vries equation when the value of the viscous is small, interesting differences emerge as the magnitude of the value of viscous increases.Keywords: Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation, soliton, transcritical flow, viscous flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 525070 Adaptation Mechanisms of the Polyextremophile Natranaerobius Thermophilus to Saline-Alkaline-Hermal Environments
Authors: Qinghua Xing, Xinyi Tao, Haisheng Wang, Baisuo Zhao
The first true anaerobic, halophilic alkali thermophile, Natranaerobius thermophilus DSM 18059T, serves as a valuable model for studying cellular adaptations to saline, alkaline and thermal extremes. To uncover the adaptive strategies employed by N. thermophilus in coping with these challenges, we conducted a comprehensive iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis under different conditions of salinity (3.5 M vs. 2.5 M Na+), pH (pH 9.6 vs. pH 8.6), and temperature (52°C vs. 42°C). The increased intracellular accumulation of glycine betaine, through both synthesis and transport, plays a critical role in N. thermophilus' adaptation to these combined stresses. Under all three stress conditions, the up-regulation of Trk family proteins responsible for K+ transport is observed. Intracellular K+ concentration rises in response to salt and pH levels. Multiple types of Na+/H+ antiporter (NhaC family, Mrp family and CPA family) and a diverse range of FOF1-ATP synthase are identified as vital components for maintaining ionic balance under different stress conditions. Importantly, proteins involved in amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, ABC transporters, signaling and chemotaxis, as well as biological macromolecule repair and protection, exhibited significant up-regulation in response to these extreme conditions. These metabolic pathways emerge as critical factors in N. thermophilus' adaptation mechanisms under extreme environmental stress. To validate the proteomic data, ddPCR analysis confirmed changes in mRNA expression, thereby corroborating the up-regulation and down-regulation patterns of 19 co-up-regulated and 36 key proteins under saline, alkaline and thermal stresses. This research enriches our understanding of the complex regulatory systems that enable polyextremophiles to survive in combined extreme conditions.Keywords: polyextremophiles, natranaerobius thermophilus, saline- alkaline- thermal stresses, combined extremes
Procedia PDF Downloads 575069 Angiogenesis and Blood Flow: The Role of Blood Flow in Proliferation and Migration of Endothelial Cells
Authors: Hossein Bazmara, Kaamran Raahemifar, Mostafa Sefidgar, Madjid Soltani
Angiogenesis is formation of new blood vessels from existing vessels. Due to flow of blood in vessels, during angiogenesis, blood flow plays an important role in regulating the angiogenesis process. Multiple mathematical models of angiogenesis have been proposed to simulate the formation of the complicated network of capillaries around a tumor. In this work, a multi-scale model of angiogenesis is developed to show the effect of blood flow on capillaries and network formation. This model spans multiple temporal and spatial scales, i.e. intracellular (molecular), cellular, and extracellular (tissue) scales. In intracellular or molecular scale, the signaling cascade of endothelial cells is obtained. Two main stages in development of a vessel are considered. In the first stage, single sprouts are extended toward the tumor. In this stage, the main regulator of endothelial cells behavior is the signals from extracellular matrix. After anastomosis and formation of closed loops, blood flow starts in the capillaries. In this stage, blood flow induced signals regulate endothelial cells behaviors. In cellular scale, growth and migration of endothelial cells is modeled with a discrete lattice Monte Carlo method called cellular Pott's model (CPM). In extracellular (tissue) scale, diffusion of tumor angiogenic factors in the extracellular matrix, formation of closed loops (anastomosis), and shear stress induced by blood flow is considered. The model is able to simulate the formation of a closed loop and its extension. The results are validated against experimental data. The results show that, without blood flow, the capillaries are not able to maintain their integrity.Keywords: angiogenesis, endothelial cells, multi-scale model, cellular Pott's model, signaling cascade
Procedia PDF Downloads 4255068 Bubble Growth in a Two Phase Upward Flow in a Miniature Tube
Authors: R. S. Hassani, S. Chikh, L. Tadrist, S. Radev
A bubbly flow in a vertical miniature tube is analyzed theoretically. The liquid and gas phase are co-current flowing upward. The gas phase is injected via a nozzle whose inner diameter is 0.11mm and it is placed on the axis of the tube. A force balance is applied on the bubble at its detachment. The set of governing equations are solved by use of Mathematica software. The bubble diameter and the bubble generation frequency are determined for various inlet phase velocities represented by the inlet mass quality. The results show different behavior of bubble growth and detachment depending on the tube size.Keywords: two phase flow, bubble growth, mini-channel, generation frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 4345067 Flow Separation Control on an Aerofoil Using Grooves
Authors: Neel K. Shah
Wind tunnel tests have been performed at The University of Manchester to investigate the impact of surface grooves of a trapezoidal planform on flow separation on a symmetrical aerofoil. A spanwise array of the grooves has been applied around the maximum thickness location of the upper surface of an NACA-0015 aerofoil. The aerofoil has been tested in a two-dimensional set-up in a low-speed wind tunnel at an angle of attack (AoA) of 3° and a chord-based Reynolds number (Re) of ~2.7 x 105. A laminar separation bubble developed on the aerofoil at low AoA. It has been found that the grooves shorten the streamwise extent of the separation bubble by shedding a pair of counter-rotating vortices. However, the increase in leading-edge suction due to the shorter bubble is not significant since the creation of the grooves results in a decrease of surface curvature and an increase in blockage (increase in surface pressure). Additionally, the increased flow mixing by the grooves thickens the boundary layer near the trailing edge of the aerofoil also contributes to this limitation. As a result of these competing effects, the improvement in the pressure-lift and pressure-drag coefficients are small, i.e., by ~1.30% and ~0.30%, respectively, at 3° AoA. Crosswire anemometry shows that the grooves increase turbulence intensity and Reynolds stresses in the wake, thus indicating an increase in viscous drag.Keywords: aerofoil flow control, flow separation, grooves, vortices
Procedia PDF Downloads 3155066 Generation Solitary Waves for Viscous Flow over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
This study investigates the transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography under negative forcing amplitude (hole), which generates upstream and downstream flows connected by an unsteady solution. This phenomenon is formulated by a forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers model, considering weak nonlinearity and weak dispersion by accounting for the fluid’s viscosity beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The findings highlight that viscosity significantly affects various wave characteristics, such as the amplitudes of solitary waves both upstream and downstream, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results apply to transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. Generally, when the viscosity is low, the results differ qualitatively from those predicted by the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation, with notable variations arising as viscosity increases.Keywords: Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers’ equation, soliton, viscous flow, transcritical (resonant) flow, solitary waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 55065 Investigating the Effect of Different Design Factors on the Required Length of the Ambient Air Vaporizer
Authors: F. S. Alavi
In this study, MATLAB engineering software was used in order to model an industrial Ambient Air Vaporizer (AAV), considering combined convection and conduction heat transfers from the fins and the tube. The developed theoretical model was then used to investigate the effects of various design factors such as gas flow rate, ambient air temperature, fin thickness and etc. on total vaporizer ‘s length required. Cryogenic liquid nitrogen was selected as an input fluid, in all cases. According to the results, increasing the inlet fluid flow rate has direct linear effect on the total required length of vaporizer. Vaporizer’s required length decreases by increasing the size of fin radius or size of fin thickness. The dependency of vaporizer’s length on fin thickness’ size reduces at higher values of thickness and gradually converge to zero. For low flow rates, internal convection heat transfer coefficient depends directly on gas flow rate but it becomes constant, independent on flow rate after a specific value. As the ambient air temperature increases, the external heat transfer coefficient also increases and the total required length of vaporizer decreases.Keywords: heat exchanger, modeling, heat transfer, design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1155064 Improved Structure and Performance by Shape Change of Foam Monitor
Authors: Tae Gwan Kim, Hyun Kyu Cho, Young Hoon Lee, Young Chul Park
Foam monitors are devices that are installed on cargo tank decks to suppress cargo area fires in oil tankers or hazardous chemical ship cargo ships. In general, the main design parameter of the foam monitor is the distance of the projection through the foam monitor. In this study, the relationship between flow characteristics and projection distance, depending on the shape was examined. Numerical techniques for fluid analysis of foam monitors have been developed for prediction. The flow pattern of the fluid varies depending on the shape of the flow path of the foam monitor, as the flow losses affecting projection distance were calculated through numerical analysis. The basic shape of the foam monitor was an L shape designed by N Company. The modified model increased the length of the flow path and used the S shape model. The calculation result shows that the L shape, which is the basic shape, has a problem that the force is directed to one side and the vibration and noise are generated there. In order to solve the problem, S-shaped model, which is a change model, was used. As a result, the problem is solved, and the projection distance from the nozzle is improved.Keywords: CFD, foam monitor, projection distance, moment
Procedia PDF Downloads 3445063 Possibilities of Psychodiagnostics in the Context of Highly Challenging Situations in Military Leadership
Authors: Markéta Chmelíková, David Ullrich, Iva Burešová
The paper maps the possibilities and limits of diagnosing selected personality and performance characteristics of military leadership and psychology students in the context of coping with challenging situations. Individuals vary greatly inter-individually in their ability to effectively manage extreme situations, yet existing diagnostic tools are often criticized mainly for their low predictive power. Nowadays, every modern army focuses primarily on the systematic minimization of potential risks, including the prediction of desirable forms of behavior and the performance of military commanders. The context of military leadership is well known for its life-threatening nature. Therefore, it is crucial to research stress load in the specific context of military leadership for the purpose of possible anticipation of human failure in managing extreme situations of military leadership. The aim of the submitted pilot study, using an experiment of 24 hours duration, is to verify the possibilities of a specific combination of psychodiagnostic to predict people who possess suitable equipment for coping with increased stress load. In our pilot study, we conducted an experiment of 24 hours duration with an experimental group (N=13) in the bomb shelter and a control group (N=11) in a classroom. Both groups were represented by military leadership students (N=11) and psychology students (N=13). Both groups were equalized in terms of study type and gender. Participants were administered the following test battery of personality characteristics: Big Five Inventory 2 (BFI-2), Short Dark Triad (SD-3), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), and Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS-P). This test battery was administered only once at the beginning of the experiment. Along with this, they were administered a test battery consisting of the Test of Attention (d2) and the Bourdon test four times overall with 6 hours ranges. To better simulate an extreme situation – we tried to induce sleep deprivation - participants were required to try not to fall asleep throughout the experiment. Despite the assumption that a stay in an underground bomb shelter will manifest in impaired cognitive performance, this expectation has been significantly confirmed in only one measurement, which can be interpreted as marginal in the context of multiple testing. This finding is a fundamental insight into the issue of stress management in extreme situations, which is crucial for effective military leadership. The results suggest that a 24-hour stay in a shelter, together with sleep deprivation, does not seem to simulate sufficient stress for an individual, which would be reflected in the level of cognitive performance. In the context of these findings, it would be interesting in future to extend the diagnostic battery with physiological indicators of stress, such as: heart rate, stress score, physical stress, mental stress ect.Keywords: bomb shelter, extreme situation, military leadership, psychodiagnostic
Procedia PDF Downloads 915062 Prediction of Solidification Behavior of Al Alloy in a Cube Mold Cavity
Authors: N. P. Yadav, Deepti Verma
This paper focuses on the mathematical modeling for solidification of Al alloy in a cube mould cavity to study the solidification behavior of casting process. The parametric investigation of solidification process inside the cavity was performed by using computational solidification/melting model coupled with Volume of fluid (VOF) model. The implicit filling algorithm is used in this study to understand the overall process from the filling stage to solidification in a model metal casting process. The model is validated with past studied at same conditions. The solidification process are analyzed by including the effect of pouring velocity and temperature of liquid metal, effect of wall temperature as well natural convection from the wall and geometry of the cavity. These studies show the possibility of various defects during solidification process.Keywords: buoyancy driven flow, natural convection driven flow, residual flow, secondary flow, volume of fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 4175061 Effect of Swirling Mixer on the Exhaust Flow in a Diesel SCR Aftertreatment System
Authors: Doo Ki Lee, Kumaresh Selvakumar, Man Young Kim, In Jae Song
The widespread utilization of mixer in selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system marks a remarkable advantage in diesel engines. In the automotive selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system, the de-NOX efficiency can be improved by highly uniform flow with effective turbulent mixing. In this paper, the exhaust pipe is complemented with the swirling mixers of three different vane angles installed at the upstream of the SCR reactor. The attributes of the mixer are established by the variation in flow behavior followed by the drawback owing to the absence of mixer. In particular, the information pertaining to the selection of proper static mixer is provided based on the correlation between the uniformity index (UI) and the pressure drop. The uniform distribution of the flow at the entrance of the SCR reactor aids to determine the configuration which gives high mixing performance and comprehend the function of the mixer.Keywords: pressure drop, selective catalytic reduction, static mixer, turbulent mixing, uniformity index
Procedia PDF Downloads 9375060 Numerical Investigation of Flow Characteristics inside the External Gear Pump Using Urea Liquid Medium
Authors: Kumaresh Selvakumar, Man Young Kim
In selective catalytic reduction (SCR) unit, the injection system is provided with unique dosing pump to govern the urea injection phenomenon. The urea based operating liquid from the AdBlue tank links up directly with the dosing pump unit to furnish appropriate high pressure for examining the flow characteristics inside the liquid pump. This work aims in demonstrating the importance of external gear pump to provide pertinent high pressure and respective mass flow rate for each rotation. Numerical simulations are conducted using immersed solid method technique for better understanding of unsteady flow characteristics within the pump. Parametric analyses have been carried out for the gear speed and mass flow rate to find the behavior of pressure fluctuations. In the simulation results, the outlet pressure achieves maximum magnitude with the increase in rotational speed and the fluctuations grow higher.Keywords: AdBlue tank, external gear pump, immersed solid method, selective catalytic reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2805059 Environmental Related Mortality Rates through Artificial Intelligence Tools
Authors: Stamatis Zoras, Vasilis Evagelopoulos, Theodoros Staurakas
The association between elevated air pollution levels and extreme climate conditions (temperature, particulate matter, ozone levels, etc.) and mental consequences has been, recently, the focus of significant number of studies. It varies depending on the time of the year it occurs either during the hot period or cold periods but, specifically, when extreme air pollution and weather events are observed, e.g. air pollution episodes and persistent heatwaves. It also varies spatially due to different effects of air quality and climate extremes to human health when considering metropolitan or rural areas. An air pollutant concentration and a climate extreme are taking a different form of impact if the focus area is countryside or in the urban environment. In the built environment the climate extreme effects are driven through the formed microclimate which must be studied more efficiently. Variables such as biological, age groups etc may be implicated by different environmental factors such as increased air pollution/noise levels and overheating of buildings in comparison to rural areas. Gridded air quality and climate variables derived from the land surface observations network of West Macedonia in Greece will be analysed against mortality data in a spatial format in the region of West Macedonia. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools will be used for data correction and prediction of health deterioration with climatic conditions and air pollution at local scale. This would reveal the built environment implications against the countryside. The air pollution and climatic data have been collected from meteorological stations and span the period from 2000 to 2009. These will be projected against the mortality rates data in daily, monthly, seasonal and annual grids. The grids will be operated as AI-based warning models for decision makers in order to map the health conditions in rural and urban areas to ensure improved awareness of the healthcare system by taken into account the predicted changing climate conditions. Gridded data of climate conditions, air quality levels against mortality rates will be presented by AI-analysed gridded indicators of the implicated variables. An Al-based gridded warning platform at local scales is then developed for future system awareness platform for regional level.Keywords: air quality, artificial inteligence, climatic conditions, mortality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1165058 The Influence of Educational Board Games on Chinese Learning Motivation and Flow Experience
Authors: Ju May Wen, Chun Hung Lin, Eric Zhi Feng Liu
Flow theory implies that people are persuaded by happiness. By focusing on an activity, people turn a blind eye to external factors. This study explores the influence of educational board games and fundamental Chinese language teaching on students’ learning motivation and flow experience. Fifty-three students studying Chinese language fundamental courses were used in the study. These students were divided into three groups: (1) flash card teaching group; (2) educational original board game teaching group; and (3) educational Chinese board game teaching group. Chinese language teaching was integrated with the educational board game titled ‘Transportation GO.’ The students were observed playing this game as the teacher collected quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was collected from the learning motivation scale and flow experience scale. Qualitative data was collected through observing, recording, and visiting. The first result found that the three groups integrated with Chinese language teaching could maintain students’ high learning motivation and high flow experience. Second, there was no significant difference between the flow experience of the flash card group and the educational original board game group. Third, there was a significant difference in the flow experience and learning motivation of the educational Chinese board game group vs. the other groups. This study suggests that the experimental model can be applied to advanced Chinese language teaching. Apart from oral and literacy skills, the study of educational board games integrated with Chinese language teaching to enforce student writing skills will be continued.Keywords: Chinese language instruction, educational board game, learning motivation, flow experience
Procedia PDF Downloads 1795057 Blood Flow Estimator of the Left Ventricular Assist Device Based in Look-Up-Table: In vitro Tests
Authors: Tarcisio F. Leao, Bruno Utiyama, Jeison Fonseca, Eduardo Bock, Aron Andrade
This work presents a blood flow estimator based in Look-Up-Table (LUT) for control of Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD). This device has been used as bridge to transplantation or as destination therapy to treat patients with heart failure (HF). Destination Therapy application requires a high performance LVAD; thus, a stable control is important to keep adequate interaction between heart and device. LVAD control provides an adequate cardiac output while sustaining an appropriate flow and pressure blood perfusion, also described as physiologic control. Because thrombus formation and system reliability reduction, sensors are not desirable to measure these variables (flow and pressure blood). To achieve this, control systems have been researched to estimate blood flow. LVAD used in the study is composed by blood centrifugal pump, control, and power supply. This technique used pump and actuator (motor) parameters of LVAD, such as speed and electric current. Estimator relates electromechanical torque (motor or actuator) and hydraulic power (blood pump) via LUT. An in vitro Mock Loop was used to evaluate deviations between blood flow estimated and actual. A solution with glycerin (50%) and water was used to simulate the blood viscosity with hematocrit 45%. Tests were carried out with variation hematocrit: 25%, 45% and 58% of hematocrit, or 40%, 50% and 60% of glycerin in water solution, respectively. Test with bovine blood was carried out (42% hematocrit). Mock Loop is composed: reservoir, tubes, pressure and flow sensors, and fluid (or blood), beyond LVAD. Estimator based in LUT is patented, number BR1020160068363, in Brazil. Mean deviation is 0.23 ± 0.07 L/min for mean flow estimated. Larger mean deviation was 0.5 L/min considering hematocrit variation. This estimator achieved deviation adequate for physiologic control implementation. Future works will evaluate flow estimation performance in control system of LVAD.Keywords: blood pump, flow estimator, left ventricular assist device, look-up-table
Procedia PDF Downloads 1875056 Maximizing the Aerodynamic Performance of Wind and Water Turbines by Utilizing Advanced Flow Control Techniques
Authors: Edwin Javier Cortes, Surupa Shaw
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on enhancing the efficiency and performance of wind and water turbines to meet the increasing demand for sustainable energy sources. One promising approach is the utilization of advanced flow control techniques to optimize aerodynamic performance. This paper explores the application of advanced flow control techniques in both wind and water turbines, aiming to maximize their efficiency and output. By manipulating the flow of air or water around the turbine blades, these techniques offer the potential to improve energy capture, reduce drag, and minimize turbulence-induced losses. The paper will review various flow control strategies, including passive and active techniques such as vortex generators, boundary layer suction, and plasma actuators. It will examine their effectiveness in optimizing turbine performance under different operating conditions and environmental factors. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing these techniques in practical turbine designs. It will consider factors such as cost-effectiveness, reliability, and scalability, as well as the potential impact on overall turbine efficiency and lifecycle. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing research and case studies, this paper aims to provide insights into the potential benefits and limitations of advanced flow control techniques for wind and water turbines. It will also highlight areas for future research and development, with the ultimate goal of advancing the state-of-the-art in turbine technology and accelerating the transition towards a more sustainable energy future.Keywords: flow control, efficiency, passive control, active control
Procedia PDF Downloads 725055 Brinkman Flow Past an Impervious Spheroid under Stokesian Assumption
Authors: D. Satish Kumar, T. K. V. Iyengar
In this paper, we study the Brinkman flow, under Stokesian assumption, past an impervious prolate spheroid and obtain the expressions for the velocity and pressure fields in terms of Legendre functions, Associated Legendre functions, prolate radial and angular spheroidal wave functions. We further obtain an expression for the drag experienced by the spheroid and numerically study its variation with respect to the flow parameters and display the results through graphs.Keywords: prolate spheoid, porous medium, stokesian assumption, brinkman model, velocity, pressure, drag
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