Search results for: paired dominating set
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 474

Search results for: paired dominating set

474 Upper Bounds on the Paired Domination Number of Cubic Graphs

Authors: Bin Sheng, Changhong Lu


Let G be a simple undirected graph with no isolated vertex. A paired dominating set of G is a dominating set which induces a subgraph that has a perfect matching. The paired domination number of G, denoted by γₚᵣ(G), is the size of its smallest paired dominating set. Goddard and Henning conjectured that γₚᵣ(G) ≤ 4n/7 holds for every graph G with δ(G) ≥ 3, except the Petersen Graph. In this paper, we prove this conjecture for cubic graphs.

Keywords: paired dominating set, upper bound, cubic graphs, weight function

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473 Introduction to Paired Domination Polynomial of a Graph

Authors: Puttaswamy, Anwar Alwardi, Nayaka S. R.


One of the algebraic representation of a graph is the graph polynomial. In this article, we introduce the paired-domination polynomial of a graph G. The paired-domination polynomial of a graph G of order n is the polynomial Dp(G, x) with the coefficients dp(G, i) where dp(G, i) denotes the number of paired dominating sets of G of cardinality i and γpd(G) denotes the paired-domination number of G. We obtain some properties of Dp(G, x) and its coefficients. Further, we compute this polynomial for some families of standard graphs. Further, we obtain some characterization for some specific graphs.

Keywords: domination polynomial, paired dominating set, paired domination number, paired domination polynomial

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472 Introduction to Transversal Pendant Domination in Graphs

Authors: Nayaka S.R., Putta Swamy, Purushothama S.


Let G=(V, E) be a graph. A dominating set S in G is a pendant dominating set if < S > contains a pendant vertex. A pendant dominating set of G which intersects every minimum pendant dominating set in G is called a transversal pendant dominating set. The minimum cardinality of a transversal pendant dominating set is called the transversal pendant domination number of G, denoted by γ_tp(G). In this paper, we begin to study this parameter. We calculate γ_tp(G) for some families of graphs. Furthermore, some bounds and relations with other domination parameters are obtained for γ_tp(G).

Keywords: dominating set, pendant dominating set, pendant domination number, transversal pendant dominating set, transversal pendant domination number

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471 Location-Domination on Join of Two Graphs and Their Complements

Authors: Analen Malnegro, Gina Malacas


Dominating sets and related topics have been studied extensively in the past few decades. A dominating set of a graph G is a subset D of V such that every vertex not in D is adjacent to at least one member of D. The domination number γ(G) is the number of vertices in a smallest dominating set for G. Some problems involving detection devices can be modeled with graphs. Finding the minimum number of devices needed according to the type of devices and the necessity of locating the object gives rise to locating-dominating sets. A subset S of vertices of a graph G is called locating-dominating set, LD-set for short, if it is a dominating set and if every vertex v not in S is uniquely determined by the set of neighbors of v belonging to S. The location-domination number λ(G) is the minimum cardinality of an LD-set for G. The complement of a graph G is a graph Ḡ on same vertices such that two distinct vertices of Ḡ are adjacent if and only if they are not adjacent in G. An LD-set of a graph G is global if it is an LD-set of both G and its complement Ḡ. The global location-domination number λg(G) is defined as the minimum cardinality of a global LD-set of G. In this paper, global LD-sets on the join of two graphs are characterized. Global location-domination numbers of these graphs are also determined.

Keywords: dominating set, global locating-dominating set, global location-domination number, locating-dominating set, location-domination number

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470 The End a Two-Party Hegemony

Authors: Mary Chidiebere Asoya


The dominance of two parties in multiparty democracies is a phenomenon that has come to be taken for granted. It has led to deepening corruption and redundant governance in many countries as politicians in the two dominating parties are aware of and exploit the fact that power must rotate between the two parties. As a result, politicians in two dominating parties can hobnob and frequently inter-marry between the two parties in a way that appears to suggest they are running a single dominating party. This paper explores what could end this hegemony by projecting a third party into the limelight. The argument is that long-standing frustration with corruption and increasing revolutionary tendencies could move voters away from the two dominating parties, ending the dominance of the parties. The case study is the February 25, 2023, Presidential elections in Nigeria.

Keywords: democracy, political party, election, nigeria, political science

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469 Minimum Vertices Dominating Set Algorithm for Secret Sharing Scheme

Authors: N. M. G. Al-Saidi, K. A. Kadhim, N. A. Rajab


Over the past decades, computer networks and data communication system has been developing fast, so, the necessity to protect a transmitted data is a challenging issue, and data security becomes a serious problem nowadays. A secret sharing scheme is a method which allows a master key to be distributed among a finite set of participants, in such a way that only certain authorized subsets of participants to reconstruct the original master key. To create a secret sharing scheme, many mathematical structures have been used; the most widely used structure is the one that is based on graph theory (graph access structure). Subsequently, many researchers tried to find efficient schemes based on graph access structures. In this paper, we propose a novel efficient construction of a perfect secret sharing scheme for uniform access structure. The dominating set of vertices in a regular graph is used for this construction in the following way; each vertex represents a participant and each minimum independent dominating subset represents a minimal qualified subset. Some relations between dominating set, graph order and regularity are achieved, and can be used to demonstrate the possibility of using dominating set to construct a secret sharing scheme. The information rate that is used as a measure for the efficiency of such systems is calculated to show that the proposed method has some improved values.

Keywords: secret sharing scheme, dominating set, information rate, access structure, rank

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468 Some Codes for Variants in Graphs

Authors: Sofia Ait Bouazza


We consider the problem of finding a minimum identifying code in a graph. This problem was initially introduced in 1998 and has been since fundamentally connected to a wide range of applications (fault diagnosis, location detection …). Suppose we have a building into which we need to place fire alarms. Suppose each alarm is designed so that it can detect any fire that starts either in the room in which it is located or in any room that shares a doorway with the room. We want to detect any fire that may occur or use the alarms which are sounding to not only to not only detect any fire but be able to tell exactly where the fire is located in the building. For reasons of cost, we want to use as few alarms as necessary. The first problem involves finding a minimum domination set of a graph. If the alarms are three state alarms capable of distinguishing between a fire in the same room as the alarm and a fire in an adjacent room, we are trying to find a minimum locating domination set. If the alarms are two state alarms that can only sound if there is a fire somewhere nearby, we are looking for a differentiating domination set of a graph. These three areas are the subject of much active research; we primarily focus on the third problem. An identifying code of a graph G is a dominating set C such that every vertex x of G is distinguished from other vertices by the set of vertices in C that are at distance at most r≥1 from x. When only vertices out of the code are asked to be identified, we get the related concept of a locating dominating set. The problem of finding an identifying code (resp a locating dominating code) of minimum size is a NP-hard problem, even when the input graph belongs to a number of specific graph classes. Therefore, we study this problem in some restricted classes of undirected graphs like split graph, line graph and path in a directed graph. Then we present some results on the identifying code by giving an exact value of upper total locating domination and a total 2-identifying code in directed and undirected graph. Moreover we determine exact values of locating dominating code and edge identifying code of thin headless spider and locating dominating code of complete suns.

Keywords: identiying codes, locating dominating set, split graphs, thin headless spider

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467 An Algorithm to Find Fractional Edge Domination Number and Upper Fractional Edge Domination Number of an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graph

Authors: Karunambigai Mevani Govindasamy, Sathishkumar Ayyappan


In this paper, we formulate the algorithm to find out the dominating function parameters of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs(IFG). The methodology we adopted here is converting any physical problem into an IFG, and that has been transformed into Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrix. Using Linear Program Solver software (LiPS), we found the defined parameters for the given IFG. We obtained these parameters for a path and cycle IFG. This study can be extended to other varieties of IFG. In particular, we obtain the definition of edge dominating function, minimal edge dominating function, fractional edge domination number (γ_if^') and upper fractional edge domination number (Γ_if^') of an intuitionistic fuzzy graph. Also, we formulated an algorithm which is appropriate to work on LiPS to find fractional edge domination number and upper fractional edge domination number of an IFG.

Keywords: fractional edge domination number, intuitionistic fuzzy cycle, intuitionistic fuzzy graph, intuitionistic fuzzy path

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466 Potential for Biological Control of Postharvest Fungal Rot of White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) Tubers in Storage with Trichoderma harzianum

Authors: Victor Iorungwa Gwa, Ebenezer Jonathan Ekefan


Potential of Trichoderma harzianum for biological control of postharvest fungal rot of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) tubers in storage was studied. Pathogenicity test revealed the susceptibility of healthy looking yam tubers to Aspergillus niger, Botryodiplodia theobromae, and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonganae after fourteen days of inoculation. Treatments comprising A. niger, B. theobromae, and F. oxysporum each paired with T. harzianum and were arranged in completely randomized design and stored for five months. Experiments were conducted between December 2015 and April 2016 and December 2016 and April 2017. Results showed that tubers treated with the pathogenic fungi alone caused mean percentage rot of between 6.67 % (F. oxysporum) and 22.22 % (A. niger) while the paired treatments produced only between 2.22 % (T. harzianum by F. oxysporum) and 6.67 % (T. harzianum by A. niger). In the second year of storage, mean percentage rot was found to be between 13.33 % (F. oxysporum) and 28.89 % (A. niger) while in the paired treatment rot was only between 6.67 % (F. oxysporum) and 8.89% (A. niger). Tubers treated with antagonist alone produced 0.00 % and 2.22 % in the first and second year, respectively. Result revealed that there was a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) in mean percentage rot between the first year and the second year except where B. theobromae was inoculated alone, A. niger and T. harzianum paired and B. theobromae and T. harzianum paired. The most antagonised fungus in paired treatment for both years was F. oxysporum f. sp. melonganae, while the least antagonised, was A. niger and B. theobromae. It is, therefore, concluded that T. harzianum has potentials to control rot causing pathogens of yam tubers in storage. This can compliment or provide better alternative ways of reducing rot in yam tubers than by the use of chemical fungicides which are not environmentally friendly.

Keywords: biological control, fungal rot, postharvest, Trichoderma harzianum, white yam

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465 Multiple Version of Roman Domination in Graphs

Authors: J. C. Valenzuela-Tripodoro, P. Álvarez-Ruíz, M. A. Mateos-Camacho, M. Cera


In 2004, it was introduced the concept of Roman domination in graphs. This concept was initially inspired and related to the defensive strategy of the Roman Empire. An undefended place is a city so that no legions are established on it, whereas a strong place is a city in which two legions are deployed. This situation may be modeled by labeling the vertices of a finite simple graph with labels {0, 1, 2}, satisfying the condition that any 0-vertex must be adjacent to, at least, a 2-vertex. Roman domination in graphs is a variant of classic domination. Clearly, the main aim is to obtain such labeling of the vertices of the graph with minimum cost, that is to say, having minimum weight (sum of all vertex labels). Formally, a function f: V (G) → {0, 1, 2} is a Roman dominating function (RDF) in the graph G = (V, E) if f(u) = 0 implies that f(v) = 2 for, at least, a vertex v which is adjacent to u. The weight of an RDF is the positive integer w(f)= ∑_(v∈V)▒〖f(v)〗. The Roman domination number, γ_R (G), is the minimum weight among all the Roman dominating functions? Obviously, the set of vertices with a positive label under an RDF f is a dominating set in the graph, and hence γ(G)≤γ_R (G). In this work, we start the study of a generalization of RDF in which we consider that any undefended place should be defended from a sudden attack by, at least, k legions. These legions can be deployed in the city or in any of its neighbours. A function f: V → {0, 1, . . . , k + 1} such that f(N[u]) ≥ k + |AN(u)| for all vertex u with f(u) < k, where AN(u) represents the set of active neighbours (i.e., with a positive label) of vertex u, is called a [k]-multiple Roman dominating functions and it is denoted by [k]-MRDF. The minimum weight of a [k]-MRDF in the graph G is the [k]-multiple Roman domination number ([k]-MRDN) of G, denoted by γ_[kR] (G). First, we prove that the [k]-multiple Roman domination decision problem is NP-complete even when restricted to bipartite and chordal graphs. A problem that had been resolved for other variants and wanted to be generalized. We know the difficulty of calculating the exact value of the [k]-MRD number, even for families of particular graphs. Here, we present several upper and lower bounds for the [k]-MRD number that permits us to estimate it with as much precision as possible. Finally, some graphs with the exact value of this parameter are characterized.

Keywords: multiple roman domination function, decision problem np-complete, bounds, exact values

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464 The Triad Experience: Benefits and Drawbacks of the Paired Placement of Student Teachers in Physical Education

Authors: Todd Pennington, Carol Wilkinson, Keven Prusak


Traditional models of student teaching practices typically involve the placement of a student teacher with an experienced mentor teacher. However, due to the ever-decreasing number of quality placements, an alternative triad approach is the paired placement of student teachers with one mentor teacher in a community of practice. This study examined the paired-placement of student teachers in physical education to determine the benefits and drawbacks after a 14-week student teaching experience. PETE students (N = 22) at a university in the United States were assigned to work in a triad with a student teaching partner and a mentor teacher, making up eleven triads for the semester. The one exception was a pair that worked for seven weeks at an elementary school and then for seven weeks at a junior high school, thus having two mentor teachers and participating in two triads. A total of 12 mentor teachers participated in the study. All student teachers and mentor teachers volunteered and agreed to participate. The student teaching experience was structured so that students engaged in: (a) individual teaching (one teaching the lesson with the other observing), (b) co-planning, and (c) peer coaching. All students and mentor teachers were interviewed at the conclusion of the experience. Using interview data, field notes, and email response data, the qualitative data was analyzed using the constant comparative method. The benefits of the paired placement experience emerged into three categories (a) quality feedback, (b) support, and (c) collaboration. The drawbacks emerged into four categories (a) unrealistic experience, (b) laziness in preparation, (c) lack of quality feedback, and (d) personality mismatch. Recommendations include: providing in-service training prior to student teaching to optimize the triad experience, ongoing seminars throughout the experience specifically designed for triads, and a hybrid model of paired placement for the first half of student teaching followed by solo student teaching for the second half of the experience.

Keywords: community of practice, paired placement, physical education, student teaching

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463 The Influence of the Laws of Ergonomics on the Design of High-Rise Buildings

Authors: Valery A. Aurov, Maria D. Bausheva, Elena V. Uliyanova


The problems of sustainability of contemporary high-rise buildings now demand an altogether new approach, which corresponds with the laws of dialectics. We should imply the principle “going from mega-object to the so called mezzo-object.” So the scientists have arrived at the conclusion that a contemporary “skyscraper” must not increase in height but develop horizontal space axes which unite a complex of high-rise buildings into a single composition. This is necessary both for safety issues and increasing skyscrapers’ functioning qualities. As a result, architects single out a quality unit in a dominating group of high-rise constructions and make a conclusion about the influence of visual fields on the designing parameters of this group.

Keywords: design, high-rise buildings, skyscrapers, sustainability, visual fields, dominating group, regulations, design recommendations

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462 Estimating the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve from Clustered Data and Case-Control Studies

Authors: Yalda Zarnegarnia, Shari Messinger


Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves have been widely used in medical research to illustrate the performance of the biomarker in correctly distinguishing the diseased and non-diseased groups. Correlated biomarker data arises in study designs that include subjects that contain same genetic or environmental factors. The information about correlation might help to identify family members at increased risk of disease development, and may lead to initiating treatment to slow or stop the progression to disease. Approaches appropriate to a case-control design matched by family identification, must be able to accommodate both the correlation inherent in the design in correctly estimating the biomarker’s ability to differentiate between cases and controls, as well as to handle estimation from a matched case control design. This talk will review some developed methods for ROC curve estimation in settings with correlated data from case control design and will discuss the limitations of current methods for analyzing correlated familial paired data. An alternative approach using Conditional ROC curves will be demonstrated, to provide appropriate ROC curves for correlated paired data. The proposed approach will use the information about the correlation among biomarker values, producing conditional ROC curves that evaluate the ability of a biomarker to discriminate between diseased and non-diseased subjects in a familial paired design.

Keywords: biomarker, correlation, familial paired design, ROC curve

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461 Institional Logics and Individual Actors: What Can an Organizational Change Agent Do?

Authors: Miraç Savaş Turhan, Ali Danışman


New institutional theorists in organization theory have used institutional logics perspective to explain the contradictory practices in modern western societies. Accordingly, distinct institutional logics are embedded in central institutions such as the market, state, democracy, family, and religion. Individual and organizational actors and their practices are restricted and guided by institutional logics in a particular field. Through this perspective, actors are assumed to have a situated, embedded, boundedly intentional, and adaptive role against the structure in social, cultural and political context. Since the early 1990's, increasing number of studies has attempted to explain the role of actors in creating, maintaining, and changing institutions. Yet, most of these studies have focused on organizational field-level actors, ignoring the role that can be played by individual actors within organizations. As a result, we have much information about what organizational field level actors can do, but relatively little knowledge about the ability of organizational change agents within organization in relation to institutional orders. This study is an attempt to find out how the ability of individual actors who attempt to change their organization is constrained and shaped by institutional logics dominating the field. We examine this issue in a private school in the Turkish Education field. We first describe dominating institutional logics in the Turkish Education field. Then we conducted in-depth interviews and content analysis in the school. The early results indicate that attempts and actions of organizational change agents are remarkably directed and shaped by the dominating institutional logics in the Turkish Education field.

Keywords: Institutional logics, individual actors, organizational change, organizational change agent

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460 Observationally Constrained Estimates of Aerosol Indirect Radiative Forcing over Indian Ocean

Authors: Sofiya Rao, Sagnik Dey


Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction continues to be one of the largest sources of uncertainty in quantifying the aerosol climate forcing. The uncertainty is increasing from global to regional scale. This problem remains unresolved due to the large discrepancy in the representation of cloud processes in the climate models. Most of the studies on aerosol-cloud-climate interaction and aerosol-cloud-precipitation over Indian Ocean (like INDOEX, CAIPEEX campaign etc.) are restricted to either particular to one season or particular to one region. Here we developed a theoretical framework to quantify aerosol indirect radiative forcing using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol and cloud products of 15 years (2000-2015) period over the Indian Ocean. This framework relies on the observationally constrained estimate of the aerosol-induced change in cloud albedo. We partitioned the change in cloud albedo into the change in Liquid Water Path (LWP) and Effective Radius of Clouds (Reff) in response to an aerosol optical depth (AOD). Cloud albedo response to an increase in AOD is most sensitive in the range of LWP between 120-300 gm/m² for a range of Reff varying from 8-24 micrometer, which means aerosols are most sensitive to this range of LWP and Reff. Using this framework, aerosol forcing during a transition from indirect to semi-direct effect is also calculated. The outcome of this analysis shows best results over the Arabian Sea in comparison with the Bay of Bengal and the South Indian Ocean because of heterogeneity in aerosol spices over the Arabian Sea. Over the Arabian Sea during Winter Season the more absorbing aerosols are dominating, during Pre-monsoon dust (coarse mode aerosol particles) are more dominating. In winter and pre-monsoon majorly the aerosol forcing is more dominating while during monsoon and post-monsoon season meteorological forcing is more dominating. Over the South Indian Ocean, more or less same types of aerosol (Sea salt) are present. Over the Arabian Sea the Aerosol Indirect Radiative forcing are varying from -5 ± 4.5 W/m² for winter season while in other seasons it is reducing. The results provide observationally constrained estimates of aerosol indirect forcing in the Indian Ocean which can be helpful in evaluating the climate model performance in the context of such complex interactions.

Keywords: aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction, aerosol-cloud-climate interaction, indirect radiative forcing, climate model

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459 From the “Movement Language” to Communication Language

Authors: Mahmudjon Kuchkarov, Marufjon Kuchkarov


The origin of ‘Human Language’ is still a secret and the most interesting subject of historical linguistics. The core element is the nature of labeling or coding the things or processes with symbols and sounds. In this paper, we investigate human’s involuntary Paired Sounds and Shape Production (PSSP) and its contribution to the development of early human communication. Aimed at twenty-six volunteers who provided many physical movements with various difficulties, the research team investigated the natural, repeatable, and paired sounds and shape productions during human activities. The paper claims the involvement of Paired Sounds and Shape Production (PSSP) in the phonetic origin of some modern words and the existence of similarities between elements of PSSP with characters of the classic Latin alphabet. The results may be used not only as a supporting idea for existing theories but to create a closer look at some fundamental nature of the origin of the languages as well.

Keywords: body shape, body language, coding, Latin alphabet, merging method, movement language, movement sound, natural sound, origin of language, pairing, phonetics, sound and shape production, word origin, word semantic

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458 Studying the Dynamical Response of Nano-Microelectromechanical Devices for Nanomechanical Testing of Nanostructures

Authors: Mohammad Reza Zamani Kouhpanji


Characterizing the fatigue and fracture properties of nanostructures is one of the most challenging tasks in nanoscience and nanotechnology due to lack of a MEMS/NEMS device for generating uniform cyclic loadings at high frequencies. Here, the dynamic response of a recently proposed MEMS/NEMS device under different inputs signals is completely investigated. This MEMS/NEMS device is designed and modeled based on the electromagnetic force induced between paired parallel wires carrying electrical currents, known as Ampere’s Force Law (AFL). Since this MEMS/NEMS device only uses two paired wires for actuation part and sensing part, it represents highly sensitive and linear response for nanostructures with any stiffness and shapes (single or arrays of nanowires, nanotubes, nanosheets or nanowalls). In addition to studying the maximum gains at different resonance frequencies of the MEMS/NEMS device, its dynamical responses are investigated for different inputs and nanostructure properties to demonstrate the capability, usability, and reliability of the device for wide range of nanostructures. This MEMS/NEMS device can be readily integrated into SEM/TEM instruments to provide real time study of the fatigue and fracture properties of nanostructures as well as their softening or hardening behaviors, and initiation and/or propagation of nanocracks in them.

Keywords: MEMS/NEMS devices, paired wire actuators and sensors, dynamical response, fatigue and fracture characterization, Ampere’s force law

Procedia PDF Downloads 394
457 Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Spontaneously Occurring Canine Melanoma

Authors: Simona Perga, Chiara Beltramo, Floriana Fruscione, Isabella Martini, Federica Cavallo, Federica Riccardo, Paolo Buracco, Selina Iussich, Elisabetta Razzuoli, Katia Varello, Lorella Maniscalco, Elena Bozzetta, Angelo Ferrari, Paola Modesto


Introduction: Human and canine melanoma have common clinical, histologic characteristics making dogs a good model for comparative oncology. The identification of specific genes and a better understanding of the genetic landscape, signaling pathways, and tumor–microenvironmental interactions involved in the cancer onset and progression is essential for the development of therapeutic strategies against this tumor in both species. In the present study, the differential expression of genes in spontaneously occurring canine melanoma and in paired normal tissue was investigated by targeted RNAseq. Material and Methods: Total RNA was extracted from 17 canine malignant melanoma (CMM) samples and from five paired normal tissues stored in RNA-later. In order to capture the greater genetic variability, gene expression analysis was carried out using two panels (Qiagen): Human Immuno-Oncology (HIO) and Mouse-Immuno-Oncology (MIO) and the miSeq platform (Illumina). These kits allow the detection of the expression profile of 990 genes involved in the immune response against tumors in humans and mice. The data were analyzed through the CLCbio Genomics Workbench (Qiagen) software using the Canis lupus familiaris genome as a reference. Data analysis were carried out both comparing the biologic group (tumoral vs. healthy tissues) and comparing neoplastic tissue vs. paired healthy tissue; a Fold Change greater than two and a p-value less than 0.05 were set as the threshold to select interesting genes. Results and Discussion: Using HIO 63, down-regulated genes were detected; 13 of those were also down-regulated comparing neoplastic sample vs. paired healthy tissue. Eighteen genes were up-regulated, 14 of those were also down-regulated comparing neoplastic sample vs. paired healthy tissue. Using the MIO, 35 down regulated-genes were detected; only four of these were down-regulated, also comparing neoplastic sample vs. paired healthy tissue. Twelve genes were up-regulated in both types of analysis. Considering the two kits, the greatest variation in Fold Change was in up-regulated genes. Dogs displayed a greater genetic homology with humans than mice; moreover, the results have shown that the two kits are able to detect different genes. Most of these genes have specific cellular functions or belong to some enzymatic categories; some have already been described to be correlated to human melanoma and confirm the validity of the dog as a model for the study of molecular aspects of human melanoma.

Keywords: animal model, canine melanoma, gene expression, spontaneous tumors, targeted RNAseq

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456 Engineering of Stable and Improved Electrochemical Activities of Redox Dominating Charge Storage Electrode Materials

Authors: Girish Sambhaji Gund


The controlled nanostructure growth and its strong coupling with the current collector are key factors to achieve good electrochemical performance of faradaic-dominant electroactive materials. We employed binder-less and additive-free hydrothermal and physical vapor doping methods for the synthesis of nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) based compounds nanostructures (NiO, NiCo2O4, NiCo2S4) deposited on different conductive substrates such as carbon nanotube (CNT) on stainless steel, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and N-doped rGO on nickel foam (NF). The size and density of Ni- and Co-based compound nanostructures are controlled through the strong coupling with carbon allotropes on stainless steel and NF substrates. This controlled nanostructure of Ni- and Co-based compounds with carbon allotropes leads to stable faradaic electrochemical reactions at the material/current collector interface and within the electrode, which is consequence of strong coupling of nanostructure with functionalized carbon surface as a buffer layer. Thus, it is believed that the results provide the synergistic approaches to stabilize electrode materials physically and chemically, and hence overall electrochemical activity of faradaic dominating battery-type electrode materials through buffer layer engineering.

Keywords: metal compounds, carbon allotropes, doping, electrochemicstry, hybrid supercapacitor

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455 Engaging Students in Multimedia Constructivist Learning: Analysis of Students' Science Achievement

Authors: Maria Georgiou


This study examined whether there was a statistically significant difference between pretest and posttest achievement scores for students who received multimedia-based instructions in science. The paired samples t-test was used to address the research question and to establish whether there was a significant difference between pretest and posttest scores that may have occurred based on the students’ learning experience with multimedia technology. Findings indicated that there was a significant difference in students’ achievement scores before and after a multimedia-based instruction. Students’ achievement scores were increased by approximately two points, after students received multimedia-based instruction. On a paired samples t-test, a high level of significance was found, p = 0.000. Opportunities to learn with multimedia are more likely to result in sustained improvements in student achievement and a deeper understanding of science content. Multimedia can make learning more active and student-centered and activate student motivation.

Keywords: constructivist learning, hyperstudio, multimedia, multimedia-based instruction

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454 Effect of Pozzolanic Additives on the Strength Development of High Performance Concrete

Authors: Laura Dembovska, Diana Bajare, Ina Pundiene, Daira Erdmane


The aim of this research is to estimate effect of pozzolanic substitutes and their combination on the hydration heat and final strength of high performance concrete. Ternary cementitious systems with different ratios of ordinary Portland cement, silica fume and calcined clay were investigated. Local illite clay was calcined at temperature 700oC in rotary furnace for 20 min. It has been well recognized that the use of pozzolanic materials such as silica fume or calcined clay are recommended for high performance concrete for reduction of porosity, increasing density and as a consequence raising the chemical durability of the concrete. It has been found, that silica fume has a superior influence on the strength development of concrete, but calcined clay increase density and decrease size of dominating pores. Additionally it was found that the rates of pozzolanic reaction and calcium hydroxide consumption in the silica fume-blended cement pastes are higher than in the illite clay-blended cement pastes, it strongly depends from the amount of pozzolanic substitutes which are used. If the pozzolanic reaction is dominating then amount of Ca(OH)2 is decreasing. The identity and the amount of the phases present were determined from the thermal analysis (DTA) data. The hydration temperature of blended cement pastes was measured during the first 24 hours. Fresh and hardened concrete properties were tested. Compressive strength was determined and differential thermal analysis (DTA) was conducted of specimens at the age of 3, 14, 28 and 56 days.

Keywords: high performance concrete, pozzolanic additives, silica fume, ternary systems

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453 Individual Differences and Paired Learning in Virtual Environments

Authors: Patricia M. Boechler, Heather M. Gautreau


In this research study, postsecondary students completed an information learning task in an avatar-based 3D virtual learning environment. Three factors were of interest in relation to learning; 1) the influence of collaborative vs. independent conditions, 2) the influence of the spatial arrangement of the virtual environment (linear, random and clustered), and 3) the relationship of individual differences such as spatial skill, general computer experience and video game experience to learning. Students completed pretest measures of prior computer experience and prior spatial skill. Following the premeasure administration, students were given instruction to move through the virtual environment and study all the material within 10 information stations. In the collaborative condition, students proceeded in randomly assigned pairs, while in the independent condition they proceeded alone. After this learning phase, all students individually completed a multiple choice test to determine information retention. The overall results indicated that students in pairs did not perform any better or worse than independent students. As far as individual differences, only spatial ability predicted the performance of students. General computer experience and video game experience did not. Taking a closer look at the pairs and spatial ability, comparisons were made on pairs high/matched spatial ability, pairs low/matched spatial ability and pairs that were mismatched on spatial ability. The results showed that both high/matched pairs and mismatched pairs outperformed low/matched pairs. That is, if a pair had even one individual with strong spatial ability they would perform better than pairs with only low spatial ability individuals. This suggests that, in virtual environments, the specific individuals that are paired together are important for performance outcomes. The paper also includes a discussion of trends within the data that have implications for virtual environment education.

Keywords: avatar-based, virtual environment, paired learning, individual differences

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452 Exploration of Sweet Potato Cultivar Markets Availability in North West Province, South Africa

Authors: V. M. Mmbengwa, J. R. M. Mabuso, C. P. Du Plooy, S. Laurrie, H. D. van Schalkwyk


Sweet potato products are necessary for the provision of essential nutrients in every household, regardless of their poverty status. Their consumption appears to be highly influenced by socio-economic factors, such as malnutrition, food insecurity and unemployment. Therefore, market availability is crucial for these cultivars to resolve some of the socio-economic factors. The aim of the study was to investigate market availability of sweet potato cultivars in the North West Province. In this study, both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were used. Qualitative methodology was used to explain the quantitative outcomes of the variables. On the other hand, quantitative results were used to test the hypothesis. The study used SPSS software to analyse the data. Cross-tabulation and Chi-square statistics were used to obtain the descriptive and inferential analyses, respectively. The study found that the Blesbok cultivar is dominating the markets of the North West Province, with the Monate cultivar dominating in the Bojanala Platinum (75 %) and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati (25 %) districts. It is also found that a unit increase in the supply of sweet potato cultivars in both local and district municipal markets is accompanied by a reduced demand of 28 % and 33 % at district and local markets, respectively. All these results were found to be significant at p<0.05. The results further revealed that in four out of nine local municipality markets, the Blesbok cultivar seems to be solely available in those four local municipal markets of North West Province. It can be concluded that Blesbok, relative to other cultivars, is the most commercialised sweet potato variety and that consumers across this Province are highly aware of it. For other cultivars to assume market prominence in this Province, a well-designed marketing campaign for creating awareness may be required. This campaign may be based on nutritional advantages of different cultivars, of which Blesbok is relatively inferior, compared to orange-fleshed sweet potato varieties.

Keywords: cultivar, malnutrition, markets, sweet potato

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451 Effects of Smartphone Social Applications on Elderly People’s Quality of Life

Authors: Seyed Ebrahim Hosseini, Shahbaz Pervez


As people go through aging, maintenance and improvement of the quality of life become more important for them. To know the role of smartphone technology and communications applications on quality of life, a sample group of old people living in Dar-Iran was selected for a quasi-experimental study. The participants were registered senior inhabitants from public health centers in Dar, Iran in 2022. The number of participants was 39. Participants were randomly categorized into intervention and control groups. A validated Persian version of the Control, Autonomy, Self-realisation, Pleasure scale (CASP-19) scale questionnaire was provided for them which answers were used for the quality of life assessment. The paired t-test between pre-and post-test (t= -8.45, p<.00), post-and follow-up-test (t= -2.12, p=.01), and pre-test and the follow-up test (t= -8.27, p<.00) in the intervention group revealed a considerable mean difference. Based on the results of paired t-test for the control group, this was not significant between pre-test and post-test (t= 1.26, p=.15), post-test and follow-up test (t= .33, p=.67) and pre-test and follow-up test (t= 1.85, p=.08) for quality of life. Considering the educational training associated with it, this study aimed at helping families and aging field practitioners to understand the essentiality of modern communication technology teaching in promoting a greater life quality of the elderly’s community.

Keywords: Iranian elderly, quality of life, smartphone, social applications, CASP-19

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450 In-Vivo Study of Annacardium occidentale L. Emulgel Extract Using Non-Invasive Probes

Authors: Akhtar Naveed, Kanwal Shahla, Khan HMS, Rasool Fatima, Ijaz Shakeel


The focus of the study was to design, develop and characterize in vivo, a stable Emulgel formulation containing Anacardium occidentale L.(cashew extract) as an active ingredient. The formulation was prepared and kept at 8ºC, 25 ºC, 40ºC and 40ºC±RH for a period of 28 days. During this time period, stability, pH values, conductivity, organoleptic features (color, liquefaction, phase separation) were conducted at the intervals of day 1st, 2nd, 3rd , 7th, 14th and 28th days. In In vivo studies, the test formulation (5% Anacardium occidentale L, extract) and a base formulation (without cashew extract) were prepared and both were applied on cheek areas of healthy human female volunteers, after the skin sensitivity test of each volunteer, for a study period of 8 weeks after getting consent from them. Various parameters of skin like Melanin level, Erythema level, and skin elasticity were measured at regular time intervals. Results of the study were analyzed by statistical techniques i.e. Two Way ANOVA and paired sample t-test. The result showed significant results as the p ≤ 0.05. Findings of paired sample t-test explained that test formulation have profound effects on skin parameters when compared with control formulation.

Keywords: Anacardium occientale L., anti-oxidant, cashew nut, emulgel

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449 Frequency Selective Filters for Estimating the Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Li-Ion Battery

Authors: Arpita Mondal, Aurobinda Routray, Sreeraj Puravankara, Rajashree Biswas


The most difficult part of designing a battery management system (BMS) is battery modeling. A good battery model can capture the dynamics which helps in energy management, by accurate model-based state estimation algorithms. So far the most suitable and fruitful model is the equivalent circuit model (ECM). However, in real-time applications, the model parameters are time-varying, changes with current, temperature, state of charge (SOC), and aging of the battery and this make a great impact on the performance of the model. Therefore, to increase the equivalent circuit model performance, the parameter estimation has been carried out in the frequency domain. The battery is a very complex system, which is associated with various chemical reactions and heat generation. Therefore, it’s very difficult to select the optimal model structure. As we know, if the model order is increased, the model accuracy will be improved automatically. However, the higher order model will face the tendency of over-parameterization and unfavorable prediction capability, while the model complexity will increase enormously. In the time domain, it becomes difficult to solve higher order differential equations as the model order increases. This problem can be resolved by frequency domain analysis, where the overall computational problems due to ill-conditioning reduce. In the frequency domain, several dominating frequencies can be found in the input as well as output data. The selective frequency domain estimation has been carried out, first by estimating the frequencies of the input and output by subspace decomposition, then by choosing the specific bands from the most dominating to the least, while carrying out the least-square, recursive least square and Kalman Filter based parameter estimation. In this paper, a second order battery model consisting of three resistors, two capacitors, and one SOC controlled voltage source has been chosen. For model identification and validation hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) tests have been carried out on a 2.6 Ah LiFePO₄ battery.

Keywords: equivalent circuit model, frequency estimation, parameter estimation, subspace decomposition

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448 Effect of Gravity on the Controlled Cooling of a Steel Block by Impinging Water Jets

Authors: E.K.K. Agyeman, P. Mousseau, A. Sarda, D. Edelin


The uniform and controlled cooling of hot metals by the circulation of water in canals remains a challenge due to the phase change of the water and the high heat fluxes associated with the phase change. This is because, during the cooling process, the phases are not uniformly distributed along the canals with the liquid phase dominating at the entrances of the canals and the gaseous phase dominating towards the exits. The difference in thermal properties between both phases leads to a heterogeneous temperature distribution in the part being cooled. Slowing down the cooling process is also a challenge due to the high heat fluxes associated with the phase change of water. This study investigates the use of multiple water jets for the controlled and homogenous cooling of hot metal parts and the effect of gravity on the effectiveness of the cooling process with a potential application in the cooling of composite forming moulds. A hole is bored at the centre of a steel block along its length. The jets are generated from the holes of a perforated steel pipe which is placed along the centre of the hole bored in the steel block. The evolution of the temperature with respect to time on the external surface of the steel block is measured simultaneously by thermocouples and an infrared camera. Different jet positions are tested in order to identify the jet placement configuration that ensures the most homogenous cooling of the block while the cooling speed is controlled by an intermittent impingement of the jets. In order to study the effect of gravity on the cooling process, a scenario where the jets are oriented in the opposite direction to that of gravity is compared to one where the jets are aligned in the same direction as gravity. It’s observed that orienting the jets in the direction of gravity reduces the effectiveness of the cooling process on the face of the block facing the impinging jets. This is due to the formation of a deeper pool of water due to the effect gravity and of the curved surface of the canal. This deeper pool of water influences the boiling regime characterized by a slower bubble evacuation when compared to the scenario where the jets are opposed to gravity.

Keywords: cooling speed, gravity, homogenous cooling, jet impingement

Procedia PDF Downloads 120
447 Recurrent Fevers with Weight Gain - Possible Rapid onset Obesity with Hypoventilation, Hypothalamic Dysfunction and Autonomic Dysregulation Syndrome

Authors: Lee Rui, Rajeev Ramachandran


The approach to recurrent fevers in the paediatric or adolescent age group is not a straightforward one. Causes range from infectious diseases to rheumatological conditions to endocrinopathies, and are usually accompanied by weight loss rather than weight gain. We present an interesting case of a 16-year-old girl brought by her mother to the General Pediatrics Clinic for concerns of recurrent fever paired with significant weight gain over 1.5 years, with no identifiable cause found despite extensive work-up by specialists ranging from Rheumatologists to Oncologists. This case provides a learning opportunity on the approach to weight gain paired with persistent fevers in a paediatric population, one which is not commonly encountered and prompts further evaluation and consideration of less common diagnoses. In a span of 2 years, the girl’s weight had increased from 55 kg at 13 years old (75th centile) to 73.9 kg at 16 years old (>97th centile). About 1 year into her rapid weight gain, she started developing recurrent fevers of documented temperatures > 37.5 – 38.6 every 2-3 days, resulting in school absenteeism when she was sent home after temperature-taking in school found her to be febrile. The rapid onset of weight gain paired with unexplained fevers prompted the treating physician to consider the diagnosis of ROHHAD syndrome. Rapid onset obesity with hypoventilation, hypothalamic dysfunction and autonomic dysregulation (ROHHAD) syndrome is a rare disorder first described in 2007. It is characterized by dysfunction of the autonomic and endocrine system, characterized by hyperphagia and rapid-onset weight gain. This rapid weight gain is classically followed by hypothalamic manifestations with neuroendocrine deficiencies, hypo-ventilatory breathing abnormalities, and autonomic dysregulation. ROHHAD is challenging to diagnose with and diagnosis is made based mostly on clinical judgement. However if truly diagnosed, the condition is characterized by high morbidity and mortality rates. Early recognition of sleep disorders breathing and targeted therapeutic interventions helps limit morbidity and mortality associated with ROHHAD syndrome. This case poses an interesting diagnostic challenge and a diagnosis of ROHHAD has to be considered, given the serious complications that can come with disease progression while conditions such as Munchausen’s or drug fever remain as diagnoses of exclusion until we have exhausted all other possible conditions.

Keywords: pediatrics, endocrine, weight gain, recurrent fever, adolescent

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446 Horizontal Bone Augmentation Using Two Membranes at Dehisced Implant Sites: A Randomized Clinical Study

Authors: Monika Bansal


Background: Placement of dental implant in narrow alveolar ridge is challenging to be treated. GBR procedure is currently most widely used to augment the deficient alveolar ridges and to treat the fenestration and dehiscence around dental implants. Thus, the objectives of the present study were to evaluate as well as compare the clinical performance of collagen membrane and titanium mesh for horizontal bone augmentation at dehisced implant sites. Methods and material: Total 12 single edentulous implant sites with buccal bone deficiency in 8 subjects were equally divided and treated simultaneously with either of the two membranes and DBBM(Bio-Oss) bone graft. Primary outcome measurements in terms of defect height and defect width were made using a calibrated plastic periodontal probe. Re-entry surgery was performed to remeasure the augmented site and to remove Ti-mesh at 6th month. Independent paired t-tests for the inter-group comparison and student-paired t-tests for the intra-group comparison were performed. The differences were considered to be significant at p ≤ 0.05. Results: Mean defect fill with respect to height and width was 3.50 ± 0.54 mm (87%) and 2.33 ± 0.51 mm (82%) for collagen membrane and 3.83 ± 0.75 mm (92%) and 2.50 ± 0.54 mm (88%) for Ti-mesh group respectively. Conclusions: Within the limitation of the study, it was concluded that mean defect height and width after 6 months were statistically significant within the group without significant difference between them, although defect resolution was better in Ti-mesh.

Keywords: collagen membrane, dehiscence, dental implant, horizontal bone, augmentation, ti-mesh

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445 Effect of Hypertension Exercise and Slow Deep Breathing Combination to Blood Pressure: A Mini Research in Elderly Community

Authors: Prima Khairunisa, Febriana Tri Kusumawati, Endah Luthfiana


Background: Hypertension in elderly, caused by cardiovascular system cannot work normally, because the valves thickened and inelastic blood vessels. It causes vasoconstriction of the blood vessels. Hypertension exercise, increase cardiovascular function and the elasticity of the blood vessels. While slow deep breathing helps the body and mind feel relax. Combination both of them will decrease the blood pressure. Objective: To know the effect of hypertension exercise and slow deep breathing combination to blood pressure in elderly. Method: The study conducted with one group pre-post test experimental design. The samples were 10 elderly both male and female in a Village in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The tool was manual sphygmomanometer to measure blood pressure. Result: Based on paired t-test between hypertension exercise and slow deep breathing with systole blood pressure showed sig (2-tailed) was 0.045, while paired t-test between hypertension exercise hypertension exercise and slow deep breathing with diastole blood pressure showed sig (2-tailed) was 0,343. The changes of systole blood pressure were 127.5 mmHg, and diastole blood pressure was 80 mmHg. Systole blood pressure decreases significantly because the average of systole blood pressure before implementation was 135-160 mmHg. While diastole blood pressure was not decreased significantly. It was influenced by the average of diastole blood pressure before implementation of hypertension exercise was not too high. It was between 80- 90 mmHg. Conclusion: There was an effect of hypertension exercise and slow deep breathing combination to the blood pressure in elderly after 6 times implementations.

Keywords: hypertension exercise, slow deep breathing, elderly, blood pressure

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