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1321 Exploring Hydrogen Embrittlement and Fatigue Crack Growth in API 5L X52 Steel Pipeline Under Cyclic Internal Pressure
Authors: Omar Bouledroua, Djamel Zelmati, Zahreddine Hafsi, Milos B. Djukic
Transporting hydrogen gas through the existing natural gas pipeline network offers an efficient solution for energy storage and conveyance. Hydrogen generated from excess renewable electricity can be conveyed through the API 5L steel-made pipelines that already exist. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for the transportation of hydrogen through existing gas pipelines. Therefore, numerical and experimental tests are required to verify and ensure the mechanical integrity of the API 5L steel pipelines that will be used for pressurized hydrogen transportation. Internal pressure loading is likely to accelerate hydrogen diffusion through the internal pipe wall and consequently accentuate the hydrogen embrittlement of steel pipelines. Furthermore, pre-cracked pipelines are susceptible to quick failure, mainly under a time-dependent cyclic pressure loading that drives fatigue crack propagation. Meanwhile, after several loading cycles, the initial cracks will propagate to a critical size. At this point, the remaining service life of the pipeline can be estimated, and inspection intervals can be determined. This paper focuses on the hydrogen embrittlement of API 5L steel-made pipeline under cyclic pressure loading. Pressurized hydrogen gas is transported through a network of pipelines where demands at consumption nodes vary periodically. The resulting pressure profile over time is considered a cyclic loading on the internal wall of a pre-cracked pipeline made of API 5L steel-grade material. Numerical modeling has allowed the prediction of fatigue crack evolution and estimation of the remaining service life of the pipeline. The developed methodology in this paper is based on the ASME B31.12 standard, which outlines the guidelines for hydrogen pipelines.Keywords: hydrogen embrittlement, pipelines, transient flow, cyclic pressure, fatigue crack growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 921320 Study of Information Technology Support to Knowledge Sharing in Social Enterprises
Authors: Maria Granados
Information technology (IT) facilitates the management of knowledge in organisations through the effective leverage of collective experience and knowledge of employees. This supports information processing needs, as well as enables and facilitates sense-making activities of knowledge workers. The study of IT support for knowledge management (KM) has been carried out mainly in larger organisations where resources and competitive conditions can trigger the use of KM. However, there is still a lack of understanding on how IT can support the management of knowledge under different organisational settings influenced by: constant tensions between social and economic objectives, more focus on sustainability than competiveness, limited resources, and high levels of democratic participation and intrinsic motivations among employees. All these conditions are presented in Social Enterprises (SEs), which are normally micro and small businesses that trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, and the environment. Thus, their importance to society and economies is increasing. However, there is still a need for more understanding of how these organisations operate, perform, innovate and scale-up. This knowledge is crucial to design and provide accurate strategies to enhance the sector and increase its impact and coverage. To obtain a conceptual and empirical understanding of how IT can facilitate KM in the particular organisational conditions of SEs, a quantitative study was conducted with 432 owners and senior members of SEs in UK, underpinned by 21 interviews. The findings demonstrated how IT was supporting more the recovery and storage of necessary information in SEs, and less the collaborative work and communication among enterprise members. However, it was established that SEs were using cloud solutions, web 2.0 tools, Skype and centralised shared servers to manage informally their knowledge. The possible impediments for SEs to support themselves more on IT solutions can be linked mainly to economic and human constraints. These findings elucidate new perspectives that can contribute not only to SEs and SE supporters, but also to other businesses.Keywords: social enterprises, knowledge management, information technology, collaboration, small firms
Procedia PDF Downloads 2701319 Effect of Aging Time and Mass Concentration on the Rheological Behavior of Vase of Dam
Authors: Hammadi Larbi
Water erosion, the main cause of the siltation of a dam, is a natural phenomenon governed by natural physical factors such as aggressiveness, climate change, topography, lithology, and vegetation cover. Currently, a vase from certain dams is released downstream of the dikes during devastation by hydraulic means. The vases are characterized by complex rheological behaviors: rheofluidification, yield stress, plasticity, and thixotropy. In this work, we studied the effect of the aging time of the vase in the dam and the mass concentration of the vase on the flow behavior of a vase from the Fergoug dam located in the Mascara region. In order to test the reproducibility of results, two replicates were performed for most of the experiments. The flow behavior of the vase studied as a function of storage time and mass concentration is analyzed by the Herschel Bulkey model. The increase in the aging time of the vase in the dam causes an increase in the yield stress and the consistency index of the vase. This phenomenon can be explained by the adsorption of the water by the vase and the increase in volume by swelling, which modifies the rheological parameters of the vase. The increase in the mass concentration in the vase leads to an increase in the yield stress and the consistency index as a function of the concentration. This behavior could be explained by interactions between the granules of the vase suspension. On the other hand, the increase in the aging time and the mass concentration of the vase in the dam causes a reduction in the flow index of the vase. The study also showed an exponential decrease in apparent viscosity with the increase in the aging time of the vase in the dam. If a vase is allowed to age long enough for the yield stress to be close to infinity, its apparent viscosity is also close to infinity; then the apparent viscosity also tends towards infinity; this can, for example, subsequently pose problems when dredging dams. For good dam management, it could be then deduced to reduce the dredging time of the dams as much as possible.Keywords: vase of dam, aging time, rheological behavior, yield stress, apparent viscosity, thixotropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 311318 Analysis of Pressure Drop in a Concentrated Solar Collector with Direct Steam Production
Authors: Sara Sallam, Mohamed Taqi, Naoual Belouaggadia
Solar thermal power plants using parabolic trough collectors (PTC) are currently a powerful technology for generating electricity. Most of these solar power plants use thermal oils as heat transfer fluid. The latter is heated in the solar field and transfers the heat absorbed in an oil-water heat exchanger for the production of steam driving the turbines of the power plant. Currently, we are seeking to develop PTCs with direct steam generation (DSG). This process consists of circulating water under pressure in the receiver tube to generate steam directly into the solar loop. This makes it possible to reduce the investment and maintenance costs of the PTCs (the oil-water exchangers are removed) and to avoid the environmental risks associated with the use of thermal oils. The pressure drops in these systems are an important parameter to ensure their proper operation. The determination of these losses is complex because of the presence of the two phases, and most often we limit ourselves to describing them by models using empirical correlations. A comparison of these models with experimental data was performed. Our calculations focused on the evolution of the pressure of the liquid-vapor mixture along the receiver tube of a PTC-DSG for pressure values and inlet flow rates ranging respectively from 3 to 10 MPa, and from 0.4 to 0.6 kg/s. The comparison of the numerical results with experience allows us to demonstrate the validity of some models according to the pressures and the flow rates of entry in the PTC-DSG receiver tube. The analysis of these two parameters’ effects on the evolution of the pressure along the receiving tub, shows that the increase of the inlet pressure and the decrease of the flow rate lead to minimal pressure losses.Keywords: direct steam generation, parabolic trough collectors, Ppressure drop, empirical models
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431317 Ultrasound-Assisted Sol – Gel Synthesis of Nano-Boehmite for Biomedical Purposes
Authors: Olga Shapovalova, Vladimir Vinogradov
Among many different sol – gel matrices only alumina can be successfully parenteral injected in the human body. And this is not surprising, because boehmite (aluminium oxyhydroxide) is the metal oxide approved by FDA and EMA for intravenous and intramuscular administrations, and also has been using for a longtime as adjuvant for producing of many modern vaccines. In our earlier study, it has been shown, that denaturation temperature of enzymes entrapped in sol-gel boehmite matrix increases for 30 – 60 °С with preserving of initial activity. It makes such matrices more attractive for long-term storage of non-stable drugs. In current work we present ultrasound-assisted sol-gel synthesis of nano-boehmite. This method provides bio-friendly, very stable, highly homogeneous alumina sol with using only water and aluminium isopropoxide as a precursor. Many parameters of the synthesis were studied in details: time of ultrasound treatment, US frequency, surface area, pore and nanoparticle size, zeta potential and others. Here we investigated the dependence of stability of colloidal sols and textural properties of the final composites as a function of the time of ultrasonic treatment. Chosen ultrasonic treatment time was between 30 and 180 minutes. Surface area, average pore diameter and total pore volume of the final composites were measured by surface and pore size analyzer Nova 1200 Quntachrome. It was shown that the matrices with ultrasonic treatment time equal to 90 minutes have the biggest surface area 431 ± 24 m2/g. On the other had such matrices have a smaller stability in comparison with the samples with ultrasonic treatment time equal to 120 minutes that have the surface area 390 ± 21 m2/g. It was shown that the stable sols could be formed only after 120 minutes of ultrasonic treatment, otherwise the white precipitate of boehmite is formed. We conclude that the optimal ultrasonic treatment time is 120 minutes.Keywords: boehmite matrix, stabilisation, ultrasound-assisted sol-gel synthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2671316 Cognitive Science Based Scheduling in Grid Environment
Authors: N. D. Iswarya, M. A. Maluk Mohamed, N. Vijaya
Grid is infrastructure that allows the deployment of distributed data in large size from multiple locations to reach a common goal. Scheduling data intensive applications becomes challenging as the size of data sets are very huge in size. Only two solutions exist in order to tackle this challenging issue. First, computation which requires huge data sets to be processed can be transferred to the data site. Second, the required data sets can be transferred to the computation site. In the former scenario, the computation cannot be transferred since the servers are storage/data servers with little or no computational capability. Hence, the second scenario can be considered for further exploration. During scheduling, transferring huge data sets from one site to another site requires more network bandwidth. In order to mitigate this issue, this work focuses on incorporating cognitive science in scheduling. Cognitive Science is the study of human brain and its related activities. Current researches are mainly focused on to incorporate cognitive science in various computational modeling techniques. In this work, the problem solving approach of human brain is studied and incorporated during the data intensive scheduling in grid environments. Here, a cognitive engine is designed and deployed in various grid sites. The intelligent agents present in CE will help in analyzing the request and creating the knowledge base. Depending upon the link capacity, decision will be taken whether to transfer data sets or to partition the data sets. Prediction of next request is made by the agents to serve the requesting site with data sets in advance. This will reduce the data availability time and data transfer time. Replica catalog and Meta data catalog created by the agents assist in decision making process.Keywords: data grid, grid workflow scheduling, cognitive artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3951315 Security Report Profiling for Mobile Banking Applications in Indonesia Based on OWASP Mobile Top 10-2016
Authors: Bambang Novianto, Rizal Aditya Herdianto, Raphael Bianco Huwae, Afifah, Alfonso Brolin Sihite, Rudi Lumanto
The mobile banking application is a type of mobile application that is growing rapidly. This is caused by the ease of service and time savings in making transactions. On the other hand, this certainly provides a challenge in security issues. The use of mobile banking can not be separated from cyberattacks that may occur which can result the theft of sensitive information or financial loss. The financial loss and the theft of sensitive information is the most avoided thing because besides harming the user, it can also cause a loss of customer trust in a bank. Cyberattacks that are often carried out against mobile applications are phishing, hacking, theft, misuse of data, etc. Cyberattack can occur when a vulnerability is successfully exploited. OWASP mobile Top 10 has recorded as many as 10 vulnerabilities that are most commonly found in mobile applications. In the others, android permissions also have the potential to cause vulnerabilities. Therefore, an overview of the profile of the mobile banking application becomes an urgency that needs to be known. So that it is expected to be a consideration of the parties involved for improving security. In this study, an experiment has been conducted to capture the profile of the mobile banking applications in Indonesia based on android permission and OWASP mobile top 10 2016. The results show that there are six basic vulnerabilities based on OWASP Mobile Top 10 that are most commonly found in mobile banking applications in Indonesia, i.e. M1:Improper Platform Usage, M2:Insecure Data Storage, M3:Insecure Communication, M5:Insufficient Cryptography, M7:Client Code Quality, and M9:Reverse Engineering. The most permitted android permissions are the internet, status network access, and telephone read status.Keywords: mobile banking application, OWASP mobile top 10 2016, android permission, sensitive information, financial loss
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421314 Rrelationship Between Intrauterine Growth Retardation and TORCH Infections in Neonates
Authors: Seyed Saeid Nabavi
Background: Many infants with intrauterine growth disorder are screened for TORCH infections. This action has no economic justification in terms of the imposed costs. In this regard, due to the research gap in this field, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between intrauterine growth disorder and TORCH infection in neonates referred to Milad hospital in 2019 and 2020. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 41IUGR newborns were selected and evaluated based on diagnostic and clinical studies in Milad Hospital in 2019 and 2020. TORCH results found in IgG and IgM antibody titer assay were tested in mother and infant. Antibody titers of toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, and syphilis were determined in cases, and other variables were compared. The collected data were entered in SPSS software 25 and analyzed at a significant level of 0.05 using the statistical tests of Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Shapiro–Wilk, chi-square, and Mann–Whitney. Results: Most of the IUGR infants studied were girls (68.3%), Gravida and Parity were reported to be 68.3% and 80%, respectively, in the study. Mean weight, APGAR score, and neonatal gestational age are reported as 1710.62±334.43 g, 7.71±1.47, and 35.7+ 1.98 weeks, respectively. Most of the newborns were born by cesarean section (92.7%). TORCH infection was reported in three patients, 7.3%. The mean gestational age of IUGR infants with TORCH infection was reported to be less than other babies with IUGR. Therefore, the mean gestational age of subjects with TORCH infection was 33±1.4 weeks and in others 35.94±1.91 weeks (p-value = 0.038). No significant relationship between TORCH infection and gender, gravidity, and parity of newborns was found (p-value > 0.05). Conclusion: TORCH infection was reported in 3 patients( 7.3%). No significant relationship between TORCH infection and gender, gravidity, and parity of newborns was found. p-value > 0.05Keywords: congenital infection, intrauterine growth restriction, TORCH infections, neonates
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331313 Crooked Wood: Finding Potential in Local Hardwood
Authors: Livia Herle
A large part of the Principality of Liechtenstein is covered by forest. Three-quarters of this forest is defined as protective due to the alpine landscape of the country, which is deteriorating the quality of the wood. Nevertheless, the forest is one of the most important sources of raw material. However, out of the wood harvested annually in Liechtenstein, about two-thirds are used directly as an energy source, drastically shortening up the carbon storage cycle of wood. Furthermore, due to climate change, forest structures are changing. Predictions for the forest in Liechtenstein have stated that the spruce will mostly vanish in low altitudes, only being able to survive in the higher regions. In contrast, hardwood species will experience a rise, resulting in a more mixed forest. Thus, the main research focus will be put upon the potential of hardwood as well as prolonging the lifespan of a timber log before ending up as an energy source. An analysis of the local occurrence of hardwood species and their quality will serve as a tool to implement this knowledge upon constructional solutions. As a system that works with short spam timber and thus qualifies for the regional conditions of hardwood, reciprocal frame systems will be further investigated. These can be defined as load-bearing structures with only two beams connecting at a time, avoiding complex joining situations. Furthermore, every beam is mutually supporting. This allows the usage of short pieces of preferably massive wood. As a result, the system permits for an easy assembly but also disassembly. To promote a more circular application of wood, possible cascading scenarios of the structural solutions will be added. In a workshop at the School of Architecture of the University of Liechtenstein in the Sommer Semester 2024, prototypes in 1:1 of reciprocal frame systems using only local hardwood will help as a tool to further test the theoretical analyses.Keywords: hardwood, cascading wood, reciprocal frames, crooked wood, forest structures, climate change
Procedia PDF Downloads 781312 Simulation-Based Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality and Comfort Control in Non-Residential Buildings
Authors: Torsten Schwan, Rene Unger
Simulation of thermal and electrical building performance more and more becomes part of an integrative planning process. Increasing requirements on energy efficiency, the integration of volatile renewable energy, smart control and storage management often cause tremendous challenges for building engineers and architects. This mainly affects commercial or non-residential buildings. Their energy consumption characteristics significantly distinguish from residential ones. This work focuses on the many-objective optimization problem indoor air quality and comfort, especially in non-residential buildings. Based on a brief description of intermediate dependencies between different requirements on indoor air treatment it extends existing Modelica-based building physics models with additional system states to adequately represent indoor air conditions. Interfaces to corresponding HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system and control models enable closed-loop analyzes of occupants' requirements and energy efficiency as well as profitableness aspects. A complex application scenario of a nearly-zero-energy school building shows advantages of presented evaluation process for engineers and architects. This way, clear identification of air quality requirements in individual rooms together with realistic model-based description of occupants' behavior helps to optimize HVAC system already in early design stages. Building planning processes can be highly improved and accelerated by increasing integration of advanced simulation methods. Those methods mainly provide suitable answers on engineers' and architects' questions regarding more exuberant and complex variety of suitable energy supply solutions.Keywords: indoor air quality, dynamic simulation, energy efficient control, non-residential buildings
Procedia PDF Downloads 2331311 Energy Production with Closed Methods
Authors: Bujar Ismaili, Bahti Ismajli, Venhar Ismaili, Skender Ramadani
In Kosovo, the problem with the electricity supply is huge and does not meet the demands of consumers. Older thermal power plants, which are regarded as big environmental polluters, produce most of the energy. Our experiment is based on the production of electricity using the closed method that does not affect environmental pollution by using waste as fuel that is considered to pollute the environment. The experiment was carried out in the village of Godanc, municipality of Shtime - Kosovo. In the experiment, a production line based on the production of electricity and central heating was designed at the same time. The results are the benefits of electricity as well as the release of temperature for heating with minimal expenses and with the release of 0% gases into the atmosphere. During this experiment, coal, plastic, waste from wood processing, and agricultural wastes were used as raw materials. The method utilized in the experiment allows for the release of gas through pipes and filters during the top-to-bottom combustion of the raw material in the boiler, followed by the method of gas filtration from waste wood processing (sawdust). During this process, the final product is obtained - gas, which passes through the carburetor, which enables the gas combustion process and puts into operation the internal combustion machine and the generator and produces electricity that does not release gases into the atmosphere. The obtained results show that the system provides energy stability without environmental pollution from toxic substances and waste, as well as with low production costs. From the final results, it follows that: in the case of using coal fuel, we have benefited from more electricity and higher temperature release, followed by plastic waste, which also gave good results. The results obtained during these experiments prove that the current problems of lack of electricity and heating can be met at a lower cost and have a clean environment and waste management.Keywords: energy, heating, atmosphere, waste, gasification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2361310 The Sustainable Governance of Aquifer Injection Using Treated Coal Seam Gas Water in Queensland, Australia: Lessons for Integrated Water Resource Management
Authors: Jacqui Robertson
The sustainable governance of groundwater is of the utmost importance in an arid country like Australia. Groundwater has been relied on by our agricultural and pastoral communities since the State was settled by European colonialists. Nevertheless, the rapid establishment of a coal seam gas (CSG) industry in Queensland, Australia, has had extensive impacts on the pre-existing groundwater users. Managed aquifer recharge of important aquifers in Queensland, Australia, using treated coal seam gas produced water has been used to reduce the impacts of CSG development in Queensland Australia. However, the process has not been widely adopted. Negative environmental outcomes are now acknowledged as not only engineering, scientific or technical problems to be solved but also the result of governance failures. An analysis of the regulatory context for aquifer injection using treated CSG water in Queensland, Australia, using Ostrom’s Common Pool Resource (CPR) theory and a ‘heat map’ designed by the author, highlights the importance of governance arrangements. The analysis reveals the costs and benefits for relevant stakeholders of artificial recharge of groundwater resources in this context. The research also reveals missed opportunities to further active management of the aquifer and resolve existing conflicts between users. The research illustrates the importance of strategically and holistically evaluating innovations in technology that impact water resources to reveal incentives that impact resource user behaviors. The paper presents a proactive step that can be adapted to support integrated water resource management and sustainable groundwater development.Keywords: managed aquifer recharge, groundwater regulation, common-pool resources, integrated water resource management, Australia
Procedia PDF Downloads 2391309 Power Energy Management For A Grid-Connected PV System Using Rule-Base Fuzzy Logic
Authors: Nousheen Hashmi, Shoab Ahmad Khan
Active collaboration among the green energy sources and the load demand leads to serious issues related to power quality and stability. The growing number of green energy resources and Distributed-Generators need newer strategies to be incorporated for their operations to keep the power energy stability among green energy resources and micro-grid/Utility Grid. This paper presents a novel technique for energy power management in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic with energy storage system under set of constraints including weather conditions, Load Shedding Hours, Peak pricing Hours by using rule-based fuzzy smart grid controller to schedule power coming from multiple Power sources (photovoltaic, grid, battery) under the above set of constraints. The technique fuzzifies all the inputs and establishes fuzzify rule set from fuzzy outputs before defuzzification. Simulations are run for 24 hours period and rule base power scheduler is developed. The proposed fuzzy controller control strategy is able to sense the continuous fluctuations in Photovoltaic power generation, Load Demands, Grid (load Shedding patterns) and Battery State of Charge in order to make correct and quick decisions.The suggested Fuzzy Rule-based scheduler can operate well with vague inputs thus doesn’t not require any exact numerical model and can handle nonlinearity. This technique provides a framework for the extension to handle multiple special cases for optimized working of the system.Keywords: photovoltaic, power, fuzzy logic, distributed generators, state of charge, load shedding, membership functions
Procedia PDF Downloads 4801308 Integrated Design of Froth Flotation Process in Sludge Oil Recovery Using Cavitation Nanobubbles for Increase the Efficiency and High Viscose Compatibility
Authors: Yolla Miranda, Marini Altyra, Karina Kalmapuspita Imas
Oily sludge wastes always fill in upstream and downstream petroleum industry process. Sludge still contains oil that can use for energy storage. Recycling sludge is a method to handling it for reduce the toxicity and very probable to get the remaining oil around 20% from its volume. Froth flotation, a common method based on chemical unit for separate fine solid particles from an aqueous suspension. The basic composition of froth flotation is the capture of oil droplets or small solids by air bubbles in an aqueous slurry, followed by their levitation and collection in a froth layer. This method has been known as no intensive energy requirement and easy to apply. But the low efficiency and unable treat the high viscosity become the biggest problem in froth flotation unit. This study give the design to manage the high viscosity of sludge first and then entering the froth flotation including cavitation tube on it to change the bubbles into nano particles. The recovery in flotation starts with the collision and adhesion of hydrophobic particles to the air bubbles followed by transportation of the hydrophobic particle-bubble aggregate from the collection zone to the froth zone, drainage and enrichment of the froth, and finally by its overflow removal from the cell top. The effective particle separation by froth flotation relies on the efficient capture of hydrophobic particles by air bubbles in three steps. The important step is collision. Decreasing the bubble particles will increasing the collision effect. It cause the process more efficient. The pre-treatment, froth flotation, and cavitation tube integrated each other. The design shows the integrated unit and its process.Keywords: sludge oil recovery, froth flotation, cavitation tube, nanobubbles, high viscosity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3811307 Correction Factors for Soil-Structure Interaction Predicted by Simplified Models: Axisymmetric 3D Model versus Fully 3D Model
Authors: Fu Jia
The effects of soil-structure interaction (SSI) are often studied using axial-symmetric three-dimensional (3D) models to avoid the high computational cost of the more realistic, fully 3D models, which require 2-3 orders of magnitude more computer time and storage. This paper analyzes the error and presents correction factors for system frequency, system damping, and peak amplitude of structural response computed by axisymmetric models, embedded in uniform or layered half-space. The results are compared with those for fully 3D rectangular foundations of different aspect ratios. Correction factors are presented for a range of the model parameters, such as fixed-base frequency, structure mass, height and length-to-width ratio, foundation embedment, soil-layer stiffness and thickness. It is shown that the errors are larger for stiffer, taller and heavier structures, deeper foundations and deeper soil layer. For example, for a stiff structure like Millikan Library (NS response; length-to-width ratio 1), the error is 6.5% in system frequency, 49% in system damping and 180% in peak amplitude. Analysis of a case study shows that the NEHRP-2015 provisions for reduction of base shear force due to SSI effects may be unsafe for some structures and need revision. The presented correction factor diagrams can be used in practical design and other applications.Keywords: 3D soil-structure interaction, correction factors for axisymmetric models, length-to-width ratio, NEHRP-2015 provisions for reduction of base shear force, rectangular embedded foundations, SSI system frequency, SSI system damping
Procedia PDF Downloads 2671306 The Effect of Wet Cooling Pad Thickness and Geometric Configuration to Enhance Evaporative Cooler Saturation Efficiency: A Review
Authors: Biruk Abate
Evaporative cooling occurs when air with high temperature and reduced humidity passes over a wet porous surface and a higher degree of cooling process is achieved for storage of fruits and vegetables due to greater rate of evaporation. The main objective of this reviewed study is to understand the effect of evaporative surface pad thickness and geometric configuration on the saturation efficiency of evaporative cooler and to state some related factors affecting the performance of the system. From this overview, selection of pad thickness and geometrical shape with suitable characteristics of heat and mass transfer and water holding capacity of the pads was reviewed as these parameters are important for saturation efficiency of evaporative cooling. Increasing the cooling pad thickness through increasing the face velocity increases the effectiveness of wet-bulb saturation. Increasing ambient temperature, inlet air speed and ambient air humidity decreases the wet bulb effectiveness and it increases with increasing length of the pad. Increasing the ambient temperature and inlet air velocity decreases the humidity ratio, but increases with increasing ambient air humidity and lengths of the pad. Increasing the temperature-humidity index is possible with increasing ambient temperature, inlet air velocity, ambient air humidity and pad length. Generally, all materials having a higher wetted surface area per unit volume give higher efficiency. Materials with higher thickness increase the wetted surface area for better mix-up of air and water to give higher efficiency for the same shape and this in turn helps to store fruits and vegetables.Keywords: Degree of cooling, heat and mass transfer, evaporative cooling, porous surface
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311305 An Integrated CFD and Experimental Analysis on Double-Skin Window
Authors: Sheam-Chyun Lin, Wei-Kai Chen, Hung-Cheng Yen, Yung-Jen Cheng, Yu-Cheng Chen
Result from the constant dwindle in natural resources, the alternative way to reduce the costs in our daily life would be urgent to be found in the near future. As the ancient technique based on the theory of solar chimney since roman times, the double-skin façade are simply composed of two large glass panels in purpose of daylighting and also natural ventilation in the daytime. Double-skin façade is generally installed on the exterior side of buildings as function as the window, so there’s always a huge amount of passive solar energy the façade would receive to induce the airflow every sunny day. Therefore this article imposes a domestic double-skin window for residential usage and attempts to improve the volume flow rate inside the cavity between the panels by the frame geometry design, the installation of outlet guide plate and the solar energy collection system. Note that the numerical analyses are applied to investigate the characteristics of flow field, and the boundary conditions in the simulation are totally based on the practical experiment of the original prototype. Then we redesign the prototype from the knowledge of the numerical results and fluid dynamic theory, and later the experiments of modified prototype will be conducted to verify the simulation results. The velocities at the inlet of each case are increase by 5%, 45% and 15% from the experimental data, and also the numerical simulation results reported 20% improvement in volume flow rate both for the frame geometry design and installation of outlet guide plate.Keywords: solar energy, double-skin façades, thermal buoyancy, fluid machinery
Procedia PDF Downloads 5001304 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Three Common Equine Thrush Treatments
Authors: A. S. Strait, J. A. Bryk-Lucy, L. M. Ritchie
Thrush is a common disease of ungulates primarily affecting the frog and sulci, caused by the anaerobic bacteria Fusobacterium necrophorum. Thrush accounts for approximately 45.0% of hoof disorders in horses. Prevention and treatment of thrush are essential to prevent horses from developing severe infections and becoming lame. Proper knowledge of hoof care and thrush treatments is crucial to avoid financial costs, unsoundness and lost training time. Research on the effectiveness of numerous commercial and homemade thrush treatments is limited in the equine industry. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of three common thrush treatments for horses: weekly application of Thrush Buster, daily dilute bleach solution spray, or Metronidazole pastes every other day. Cases of thrush diagnosed by a veterinarian or veterinarian-trained researcher were given a score, from 0 to 4, based on the severity of the thrush in each hoof (n=59) and randomly assigned a treatment. Cases were rescored each week of the three-week treatment, and the final and initial scores were compared to determine effectiveness. The thrush treatments were compared with Thrush Buster as the reference at a significance level of α=.05. Binomial Logistic Regression Modeling was performed, finding that the odds of a hoof treated with Metronidazole to be thrush-free was 6.1 times greater than a hoof treated with Thrush Buster (p=0.001), while the odds of a hoof that was treated with bleach to be thrush-free was only 0.97 times greater than a hoof treated with Thrush Buster (p=0.970), after adjustment for treatment week. Of the three treatments utilized in this study, Metronidazole paste applied to the affected areas every other day was the most effective treatment for thrush in horses. There are many other thrush remedies available, and further research is warranted to determine the efficacy of additional treatment options.Keywords: fusobacterium necrophorum, thrush, equine, horse, lameness
Procedia PDF Downloads 1601303 Heavy Metal Contents in Vegetable Oils of Kazakhstan Origin and Life Risk Assessment
Authors: A. E. Mukhametov, M. T. Yerbulekova, D. R. Dautkanova, G. A. Tuyakova, G. Aitkhozhayeva
The accumulation of heavy metals in food is a constant problem in many parts of the world. Vegetable oils are widely used, both for cooking and for processing in the food industry, meeting the main dietary requirements. One of the main chemical pollutants, heavy metals, is usually found in vegetable oils. These chemical pollutants are carcinogenic, teratogenic and immunotoxic, harmful to consumption and have a negative effect on human health even in trace amounts. Residues of these substances can easily accumulate in vegetable oil during cultivation, processing and storage. In this article, the content of the concentration of heavy metal ions in vegetable oils of Kazakhstan production is studied: sunflower, rapeseed, safflower and linseed oil. Heavy metals: arsenic, cadmium, lead and nickel, were determined in three repetitions by the method of flame atomic absorption. Analysis of vegetable oil samples revealed that the largest lead contamination (Pb) was determined to be 0.065 mg/kg in linseed oil. The content of cadmium (Cd) in the largest amount of 0.009 mg/kg was found in safflower oil. Arsenic (As) content was determined in rapeseed and safflower oils at 0.003 mg/kg, and arsenic (As) was not detected in linseed and sunflower oil. The nickel (Ni) content in the largest amount of 0.433 mg/kg was in linseed oil. The heavy metal contents in the test samples complied with the requirements of regulatory documents for vegetable oils. An assessment of the health risk of vegetable oils with a daily consumption of 36 g per day shows that all samples of vegetable oils produced in Kazakhstan are safe for consumption. But further monitoring is needed, since all these metals are toxic and their harmful effects become apparent only after several years of exposure.Keywords: vegetable oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil, safflower oil, toxic metals, food safety, rape oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 1341302 MFCA: An Environmental Management Accounting Technique for Optimal Resource Efficiency in Production Processes
Authors: Omolola A. Tajelawi, Hari L. Garbharran
Revenue leakages are one of the major challenges manufacturers face in production processes, as most of the input materials that should emanate as products from the lines are lost as waste. Rather than generating income from material input which is meant to end-up as products, losses are further incurred as costs in order to manage waste generated. In addition, due to the lack of a clear view of the flow of resources on the lines from input to output stage, acquiring information on the true cost of waste generated have become a challenge. This has therefore given birth to the conceptualization and implementation of waste minimization strategies by several manufacturing industries. This paper reviews the principles and applications of three environmental management accounting tools namely Activity-based Costing (ABC), Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) in the manufacturing industry and their effectiveness in curbing revenue leakages. The paper unveils the strengths and limitations of each of the tools; beaming a searchlight on the tool that could allow for optimal resource utilization, transparency in production process as well as improved cost efficiency. Findings from this review reveal that MFCA may offer superior advantages with regards to the provision of more detailed information (both in physical and monetary terms) on the flow of material inputs throughout the production process compared to the other environmental accounting tools. This paper therefore makes a case for the adoption of MFCA as a viable technique for the identification and reduction of waste in production processes, and also for effective decision making by production managers, financial advisors and other relevant stakeholders.Keywords: MFCA, environmental management accounting, resource efficiency, waste reduction, revenue losses
Procedia PDF Downloads 3371301 Identification of Risks Associated with Process Automation Systems
Authors: J. K. Visser, H. T. Malan
A need exists to identify the sources of risks associated with the process automation systems within petrochemical companies or similar energy related industries. These companies use many different process automation technologies in its value chain. A crucial part of the process automation system is the information technology component featuring in the supervisory control layer. The ever-changing technology within the process automation layers and the rate at which it advances pose a risk to safe and predictable automation system performance. The age of the automation equipment also provides challenges to the operations and maintenance managers of the plant due to obsolescence and unavailability of spare parts. The main objective of this research was to determine the risk sources associated with the equipment that is part of the process automation systems. A secondary objective was to establish whether technology managers and technicians were aware of the risks and share the same viewpoint on the importance of the risks associated with automation systems. A conceptual model for risk sources of automation systems was formulated from models and frameworks in literature. This model comprised six categories of risk which forms the basis for identifying specific risks. This model was used to develop a questionnaire that was sent to 172 instrument technicians and technology managers in the company to obtain primary data. 75 completed and useful responses were received. These responses were analyzed statistically to determine the highest risk sources and to determine whether there was difference in opinion between technology managers and technicians. The most important risks that were revealed in this study are: 1) the lack of skilled technicians, 2) integration capability of third-party system software, 3) reliability of the process automation hardware, 4) excessive costs pertaining to performing maintenance and migrations on process automation systems, and 5) requirements of having third-party communication interfacing compatibility as well as real-time communication networks.Keywords: distributed control system, identification of risks, information technology, process automation system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401300 Assessing Economic Losses Of 2104 Flood Disaster: A Case Study on Dabong, Kelantan, Malaysia
Authors: Ahmad Hamidi Mohamed, Jamaluddin Othman, Mashitah Suid, Mohd Zaim Mohd Shukri
Floods are considered an annual natural disaster in Kelantan. However, the record-setting flood of 2014 was a 'tsunami-like disaster'. A study has been conducted with the objectives to assess the economic impact of the flood to the resident of Dabong area in Kelantan Darul Naim, Malaysia. This area was selected due to the severity during the flood. The impacts of flood on local people were done by conducting structured interviews with the use of questionnaires. The questionnaire was intended to acquire information on losses faced by Dabong residence. Questionnaires covered various areas of inconveniences suffered with respect to health effects, including illnesses suffered, their intensities, duration and their associated costs. Loss of productivity and quality of life was also assessed. Inquiries were made to Government agencies to obtain relevant statistical data regarding the loss due to the flood tragedy. The data collected by giving formal request to the governmental agencies and formal meetings were done. From the study a staggering amount of losses were calculated. This figure comes from losses of property, Farmers/Agriculture, Traders/Business, Health, Insurance and Governmental losses. Flood brings hardship to the people of Dabong and these losses of home will cause inconveniences to the society. The huge amount of economic loss extracted from this study shows that federal and state government of Kelantan need to find out the cause of the major flood in 2014. Fast and effective measures have to be planned and implemented in flood prone area to prevent same tragedy happens in the future.Keywords: economic impact, flood tragedy, Malaysia, property losses
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711299 Agroecology Techniques in Palestine
Authors: Rima Younis
Agro-ecology is considered one of the agricultural approaches that is spreading across the world due to the practical solutions it provides that are in harmony with nature. These solutions target many agricultural problems, food production issues, and climate change. Agriculture and fertile soil in particular, play a vital role when it comes to food security and climate change. The organic substances, which mainly consist of carbon, in the soil contribute to the ecological system through 4 elements: Resistance to soil erosion, conserving water in soil, increasing soil fertility, and improving the biodiversity in it. Any small changes to the carbon storage in soil have a tremendous impact on both agricultural productivity and the greenhouse gas cycle, which is what agro-ecology aims to achieve. The importance of agro-ecology lies here, as it helps increase organic matter/carbon in the soil, on an ongoing basis, 15-20 times higher than nature’s rate in producing organic matter. Agro-ecology is set to increase the production of crops free of chemicals, develop organic matter, and establish carbon in soil, thus being a factor in limiting climate change, not just mitigating or adapting. Under the events of the rapid increase in population and the need to feed humans, agro-ecology stands in the first place as it surpasses the productivity of chemical agriculture per unit area, according to international and local experience. The introduction of agro-ecology to Palestine started 15 years ago, with modest beginnings faced with a lot of criticism and opposition, but is currently experiencing rapid growth among farmers and is becoming accepted among specialists. Even though the number of agro-ecologist farmers is still small, it reflects a state of turnover into a more sustainable, less polluting agriculture that works on renewing life and the elements of nature.Keywords: toward to solidarity economy, food sovereignty, the introduction of agro-ecology to Palestine, the importance of agro-ecology
Procedia PDF Downloads 281298 Advancing Healthcare Access and Efficiency: Objectives of Telecare and Telehealth
Authors: Munachiso A. Muoneke
Telecare and telehealth are transformative innovations that expand healthcare access, improve service efficiency and enhance patient outcomes. This study explores the core objectives of telecare and telehealth, focusing on their role in overcoming geographical and logistical barriers to healthcare delivery. By leveraging digital platforms, remote monitoring tools and virtual consultations, these technologies address the pressing challenges of modern healthcare systems, including provider shortages and escalating costs. The research begins with an overview of telecare and telehealth objectives, highlighting their potential to bridge care gaps in underserved regions. It examines key methodologies, such as the integration of wearable devices, video conferencing and secure patient data platforms, to enhance real-time patient monitoring and personalized care. The study employs case studies and statistical analyses to compare patient outcomes in traditional care versus telehealth enables models. Preliminary findings demonstrate that telecare and telehealth significantly reduce hospital readmissions, improve chronic disease management and foster proactive health engagement. These outcomes emphasize the importance of aligning telehealth initiatives with healthcare policies and infrastructural investments. To conclude, the study lays emphasis on telecare and telehealth as indispensable tools for achieving universal health coverage. By fostering collaboration among healthcare providers, policy makers and technology developers, these innovations hold the potential to create a more accessible, efficient and patient-centered healthcare ecosystem.Keywords: healthcare access and efficiency, remote monitoring, virtual consultations, telecare and telehealth innovations
Procedia PDF Downloads 61297 Investigation of the Physicochemistry in Leaching of Blackmass for the Recovery of Metals from Spent Lithium-Ion Battery
Authors: Alexandre Chagnes
Lithium-ion battery is the technology of choice in the development of electric vehicles. This technology is now mature, although there are still many challenges to increase their energy density while ensuring an irreproachable safety of use. For this goal, it is necessary to develop new cathodic materials that can be cycled at higher voltages and electrolytes compatible with these materials. But the challenge does not only concern the production of efficient batteries for the electrochemical storage of energy since lithium-ion battery technology relies on the use of critical and/or strategic value resources. It is, therefore, crucial to include Lithium-ion batteries development in a circular economy approach very early. In particular, optimized recycling and reuse of battery components must both minimize their impact on the environment and limit geopolitical issues related to tensions on the mineral resources necessary for lithium-ion battery production. Although recycling will never replace mining, it reduces resource dependence by ensuring the presence of exploitable resources in the territory, which is particularly important for countries like France, where exploited or exploitable resources are limited. This conference addresses the development of a new hydrometallurgical process combining leaching of cathodic material from spent lithium-ion battery in acidic chloride media and solvent extraction process. Most of recycling processes reported in the literature rely on the sulphate route, and a few studies investigate the potentialities of the chloride route despite many advantages and the possibility to develop new chemistry, which could get easier the metal separation. The leaching mechanisms and the solvent extraction equilibria will be presented in this conference. Based on the comprehension of the physicochemistry of leaching and solvent extraction, the present study will introduce a new hydrometallurgical process for the production of cobalt, nickel, manganese and lithium from spent cathodic materials.Keywords: lithium-ion battery, recycling, hydrometallurgy, leaching, solvent extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 811296 Regulation Aspects for a Radioisotope Production Installation in Brazil
Authors: Rian O. Miranda, Lidia V. de Sa, Julio C. Suita
The Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN) is the main manufacturer of radiopharmaceuticals in Brazil. The Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN), located at Rio de Janeiro, is one of its main centers of research and production, attending public and private hospitals in the state. This radiopharmaceutical production is used in diagnostic and therapy procedures and allows one and a half million nuclear medicine procedures annually. Despite this, the country is not self-sufficient to meet national demand, creating the need for importation and consequent dependence on other countries. However, IEN facilities were designed in the 60's, and today its structure is inadequate in relation to the good manufacturing practices established by sanitary regulator (ANVISA) and radiological protection leading to the need for a new project. In order to adapt and increase production in the country, a new plant will be built and integrated to the existing facilities with a new 30 MeV Cyclotron that is actually in project detailing process. Thus, it is proposed to survey current CNEN and ANVISA standards for radiopharmaceutical production facilities, as well as the radiological protection analysis of each area of the plant, following good manufacturing practices recommendations adopted nationally besides licensing exigencies for radioactive facilities. In this way, the main requirements for proper operation, equipment location, building materials, area classification, and maintenance program have been implemented. The access controls, interlocks, segregation zones and pass-through boxes integrated into the project were also analyzed. As a result, IEN will in future have the flexibility to produce all necessary radioisotopes for nuclear medicine application, more efficiently by simultaneously bombarding two targets, allowing the simultaneous production of two different radioisotopes, minimizing radiation exposure and saving operating costs.Keywords: cyclotron, legislation, norms, production, radiopharmaceuticals
Procedia PDF Downloads 1361295 Sustainability Assessment of a Deconstructed Residential House
Authors: Atiq U. Zaman, Juliet Arnott
This paper analyses the various benefits and barriers of residential deconstruction in the context of environmental performance and circular economy based on a case study project in Christchurch, New Zealand. The case study project “Whole House Deconstruction” which aimed, firstly, to harvest materials from a residential house, secondly, to produce new products using the recovered materials, and thirdly, to organize an exhibition for the local public to promote awareness on resource conservation and sustainable deconstruction practices. Through a systematic deconstruction process, the project recovered around 12 tonnes of various construction materials, most of which would otherwise be disposed of to landfill in the traditional demolition approach. It is estimated that the deconstruction of a similar residential house could potentially prevent around 27,029 kg of carbon emission to the atmosphere by recovering and reusing the building materials. In addition, the project involved local designers to produce 400 artefacts using the recovered materials and to exhibit them to accelerate public awareness. The findings from this study suggest that the deconstruction project has significant environmental benefits, as well as social benefits by involving the local community and unemployed youth as a part of their professional skills development opportunities. However, the project faced a number of economic and institutional challenges. The study concludes that with proper economic models and appropriate institutional support a significant amount of construction and demolition waste can be reduced through a systematic deconstruction process. Traditionally, the greatest benefits from such projects are often ignored and remain unreported to wider audiences as most of the external and environmental costs have not been considered in the traditional linear economy.Keywords: circular economy, construction and demolition waste, resource recovery, systematic deconstruction, sustainable waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1831294 Free Secondary Education in Tanzania: Prospects, Challenges, and Proposals
Authors: Yazidu Saidi Mbalamula
Free Basic Education (FBE) policy implementation in Secondary Schools has been one of thrilled undertaking both to the government and household in Tanzania. On the one hand, the government has achieved citizenry acceptance to responsibility and accountability, and on the other hand, the household has been relieved from social costs that were unbearable and deprived many Tanzanians access to basic education and secondary education in particular. Specifically, this study presents a descriptive survey conducted in two districts of Kagera region located at the northern part of Tanzania. Three objectives were pursued to identify achievements realized and challenges in the FBE implementation, and also stakeholders’ proposals were explored on how to improve FBE implementation. A sample of 91 respondents, including school managers, teachers, students, and parents, were involved in the study. Both questionnaires and interviews were used whereby the quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. The results show that implementation of free education policy in secondary schools had far positive impact on the improvement of school management, school attendance, reduced school drop-out, reduced parents-school managers conflicts, and increased enrollment rates. Notwithstanding that, the political machinery remains instrumental to instigate policy reforms in education sector. Nevertheless, the alienating interests of politibureau, often top-down and blanketed by superficial government redness, can hardly be feasible to wield such huge programme given staggering stakeholders’ awareness of the actual requirements and unlatching resources to back up policy implementation. The study recommends that further studies on stakeholders’ conceptions on the FBE and equity of financing of basic education in Tanzania.Keywords: capitation grant, CCM, free basic education, kagera, education policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 721293 The Potential in the Use of Building Information Modelling and Life-Cycle Assessment for Retrofitting Buildings: A Study Based on Interviews with Experts in Both Fields
Authors: Alex Gonzalez Caceres, Jan Karlshøj, Tor Arvid Vik
Life cycle of residential buildings are expected to be several decades, 40% of European residential buildings have inefficient energy conservation measure. The existing building represents 20-40% of the energy use and the CO₂ emission. Since net zero energy buildings are a short-term goal, (should be achieved by EU countries after 2020), is necessary to plan the next logical step, which is to prepare the existing outdated stack of building to retrofit them into an energy efficiency buildings. In order to accomplish this, two specialize and widespread tool can be used Building Information Modelling (BIM) and life-cycle assessment (LCA). BIM and LCA are tools used by a variety of disciplines; both are able to represent and analyze the constructions in different stages. The combination of these technologies could improve greatly the retrofitting techniques. The incorporation of the carbon footprint, introducing a single database source for different material analysis. To this is added the possibility of considering different analysis approaches such as costs and energy saving. Is expected with these measures, enrich the decision-making. The methodology is based on two main activities; the first task involved the collection of data this is accomplished by literature review and interview with experts in the retrofitting field and BIM technologies. The results of this task are presented as an evaluation checklist of BIM ability to manage data and improve decision-making in retrofitting projects. The last activity involves an evaluation using the results of the previous tasks, to check how far the IFC format can support the requirements by each specialist, and its uses by third party software. The result indicates that BIM/LCA have a great potential to improve the retrofitting process in existing buildings, but some modification must be done in order to meet the requirements of the specialists for both, retrofitting and LCA evaluators.Keywords: retrofitting, BIM, LCA, energy efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2221292 Pricing and Economic Benefits of Commercial Insurance Incorporated into Home-based Hospice Care
Authors: Lie-Fen Lin, Tzu-Hsuan Lin, Ching-Heng Lin
Hospice care for terminally ill patients provides not only a better quality of life but also cost-saving benefits. However, the utilization of home-based hospice care (HBH care) remains low even for countries covered by National Health Insurance (NHI) programs in Taiwan. In the current commercial insurance policy, only hospital-based hospice benefits were covered. It may have an influence on the insureds chosen to receive end-of-life care in a hospitalized manner. Thus, how to propose a feasible method to advocate HBH care utilization rate of public health policies is an important issue. A total of 130,219 cancer decedents in the year 2011-2013 from the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) in Taiwan were included in this study. By adding a day volume pays benefits of HBH care as a commercial insurance rider, will provide alternative benefits for the insureds. A multiple-state Markov chain model was incorporated to estimate the transition intensities of patients in different states at the end of their lives (Non-hospice, HBH, hospital-based hospice), and the premiums were estimated. HBH care insurance benefits provide financial support and reduce the burden of care for patients. The rate-making of this product is very sensitive while the utilization rate is rising, especially for high ages. The proposed HBH care insurance is a feasible way to reduce the financial burden, enhance the care quality and family satisfaction of insureds. Meanwhile, insurance companies can participate in advocating a good medical policy to enhance the social image. In addition, the medical costs of NHI can reduce effectively.Keywords: home-based hospice care, commercial insurance, Markov chain model, the day volume pays
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