Search results for: manning’s equation for open channel flow
10038 Hydro-Sedimentological Evaluation in Itajurú Channel–Araruama Lagoon-Rj, Due Superelevation of the Sea Level by Climate Change
Authors: Paulo José Sigaúque, Paulo Rosman
The Itajurú channel, located in the Eastern side of the Araruama lagoon, Rio de Janeiro state, is the one who makes the connection between Araruama lagoon and the sea. It is important to understand the hydrodynamic circulation of the location and effects of the sedimentological processes, and also estimate of the hydrodynamic and sedimentological processes in the future after the sea level change due to effects of climate change. This work presents results of a study about sediments dynamics in the Araruama lagoon focusing on the Itajurú channel region considering the present mean sea level and a foreseen sea level rise of 0.5 meters due to climate changes. The study was conducted with the aid of computer modeling for hydrodynamic and morphodynamic in SisBaHiA®. The results indicate that Araruama lagoon is composed by two hydrodynamics compartments; one is dominated by the action of the tide between the entrance of the channel and the strait of Perynas, and another one by the action of wind in narrow region between strait of Perynas and western extreme of the lagoon. With sea level rise, the magnitude of current velocities and flow rates is increased and consequently flow of sediment transport from upstream to downstream of Itajurú channel is increased and has more effect in the bridge Feliciano Sodré.Keywords: hydrodinamic, superelevation, sea level, climate change
Procedia PDF Downloads 30710037 Numerical Investigations of Unstable Pressure Fluctuations Behavior in a Side Channel Pump
Authors: Desmond Appiah, Fan Zhang, Shouqi Yuan, Wei Xueyuan, Stephen N. Asomani
The side channel pump has distinctive hydraulic performance characteristics over other vane pumps because of its generation of high pressure heads in only one impeller revolution. Hence, there is soaring utilization and application in the fields of petrochemical, food processing fields, automotive and aerospace fuel pumping where high heads are required at low flows. The side channel pump is characterized by unstable flow because after fluid flows into the impeller passage, it moves into the side channel and comes back to the impeller again and then moves to the next circulation. Consequently, the flow leaves the side channel pump following a helical path. However, the pressure fluctuation exhibited in the flow greatly contributes to the unwanted noise and vibration which is associated with the flow. In this paper, a side channel pump prototype was examined thoroughly through numerical calculations based on SST k-ω turbulence model to ascertain the pressure fluctuation behavior. The pressure fluctuation intensity of the 3D unstable flow dynamics were carefully investigated under different working conditions 0.8QBEP, 1.0 QBEP and 1.2QBEP. The results showed that the pressure fluctuation distribution around the pressure side of the blade is greater than the suction side at the impeller and side channel interface (z=0) for all three operating conditions. Part-load condition 0.8QBEP recorded the highest pressure fluctuation distribution because of the high circulation velocity thus causing an intense exchanged flow between the impeller and side channel. Time and frequency domains spectra of the pressure fluctuation patterns in the impeller and the side channel were also analyzed under the best efficiency point value, QBEP using the solution from the numerical calculations. It was observed from the time-domain analysis that the pressure fluctuation characteristics in the impeller flow passage increased steadily until the flow reached the interrupter which separates low-pressure at the inflow from high pressure at the outflow. The pressure fluctuation amplitudes in the frequency domain spectrum at the different monitoring points depicted a gentle decreasing trend of the pressure amplitudes which was common among the operating conditions. The frequency domain also revealed that the main excitation frequencies occurred at 600Hz, 1200Hz, and 1800Hz and continued in the integers of the rotating shaft frequency. Also, the mass flow exchange plots indicated that the side channel pump is characterized with many vortex flows. Operating conditions 0.8QBEP, 1.0 QBEP depicted less and similar vortex flow while 1.2Q recorded many vortex flows around the inflow, middle and outflow regions. The results of the numerical calculations were finally verified experimentally. The performance characteristics curves from the simulated results showed that 0.8QBEP working condition recorded a head increase of 43.03% and efficiency decrease of 6.73% compared to 1.0QBEP. It can be concluded that for industrial applications where the high heads are mostly required, the side channel pump can be designed to operate at part-load conditions. This paper can serve as a source of information in order to optimize a reliable performance and widen the applications of the side channel pumps.Keywords: exchanged flow, pressure fluctuation, numerical simulation, side channel pump
Procedia PDF Downloads 13710036 Modelling of Meandering River Dynamics in Colombia: A Case Study of the Magdalena River
Authors: Laura Isabel Guarin, Juliana Vargas, Philippe Chang
The analysis and study of Open Channel flow dynamics for River applications has been based on flow modelling using discreet numerical models based on hydrodynamic equations. The overall spatial characteristics of rivers, i.e. its length to depth to width ratio generally allows one to correctly disregard processes occurring in the vertical or transverse dimensions thus imposing hydrostatic pressure conditions and considering solely a 1D flow model along the river length. Through a calibration process an accurate flow model may thus be developed allowing for channel study and extrapolation of various scenarios. The Magdalena River in Colombia is a large river basin draining the country from South to North with 1550 km with 0.0024 average slope and 275 average width across. The river displays high water level fluctuation and is characterized by a series of meanders. The city of La Dorada has been affected over the years by serious flooding in the rainy and dry seasons. As the meander is evolving at a steady pace repeated flooding has endangered a number of neighborhoods. This study has been undertaken in pro of correctly model flow characteristics of the river in this region in order to evaluate various scenarios and provide decision makers with erosion control measures options and a forecasting tool. Two field campaigns have been completed over the dry and rainy seasons including extensive topographical and channel survey using Topcon GR5 DGPS and River Surveyor ADCP. Also in order to characterize the erosion process occurring through the meander, extensive suspended and river bed samples were retrieved as well as soil perforation over the banks. Hence based on DEM ground digital mapping survey and field data a 2DH flow model was prepared using the Iber freeware based on the finite volume method in a non-structured mesh environment. The calibration process was carried out comparing available historical data of nearby hydrologic gauging station. Although the model was able to effectively predict overall flow processes in the region, its spatial characteristics and limitations related to pressure conditions did not allow for an accurate representation of erosion processes occurring over specific bank areas and dwellings. As such a significant helical flow has been observed through the meander. Furthermore, the rapidly changing channel cross section as a consequence of severe erosion has hindered the model’s ability to provide decision makers with a valid up to date planning tool.Keywords: erosion, finite volume method, flow dynamics, flow modelling, meander
Procedia PDF Downloads 31910035 Effects of Magnetic Field Strength on Fluid Flow Behavior in a Constricted Channel
Authors: Ashkan Javadzadegan, Aitak Javadzadegan, Babak Fakhim
One of possible ways to retard movement of fluid is through applying an external magnetic field. In this regard, this study is focused on the effect of a uniform transverse magnetic field on fluid flow behavior inside a channel with a local symmetric constriction. Also, Ellis Non-Newtonian model is implemented to address the effects of shear-dependent viscosity. According to the results, the flow separation downstream of the constriction can be controlled by applying an external magnetic field and/or manipulating the shear-thinning degree of fluid. It is also demonstrated that pressure drop increases by an increase in the strength of the magnetic field.Keywords: magnetic field, non-Newtonian, separation, shear thinning
Procedia PDF Downloads 43410034 The Analysis of a Reactive Hydromagnetic Internal Heat Generating Poiseuille Fluid Flow through a Channel
Authors: Anthony R. Hassan, Jacob A. Gbadeyan
In this paper, the analysis of a reactive hydromagnetic Poiseuille fluid flow under each of sensitized, Arrhenius and bimolecular chemical kinetics through a channel in the presence of heat source is carried out. An exothermic reaction is assumed while the concentration of the material is neglected. Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) together with Pade Approximation is used to obtain the solutions of the governing nonlinear non – dimensional differential equations. Effects of various physical parameters on the velocity and temperature fields of the fluid flow are investigated. The entropy generation analysis and the conditions for thermal criticality are also presented.Keywords: chemical kinetics, entropy generation, thermal criticality, adomian decomposition method (ADM) and pade approximation
Procedia PDF Downloads 46410033 Three-Dimensional CFD Modeling of Flow Field and Scouring around Bridge Piers
Authors: P. Deepak Kumar, P. R. Maiti
In recent years, sediment scour near bridge piers and abutment is a serious problem which causes nationwide concern because it has resulted in more bridge failures than other causes. Scour is the formation of scour hole around the structure mounted on and embedded in erodible channel bed due to the erosion of soil by flowing water. The formation of scour hole around the structures depends upon shape and size of the pier, depth of flow as well as angle of attack of flow and sediment characteristics. The flow characteristics around these structures change due to man-made obstruction in the natural flow path which changes the kinetic energy of the flow around these structures. Excessive scour affects the stability of the foundation of the structure by the removal of the bed material. The accurate estimation of scour depth around bridge pier is very difficult. The foundation of bridge piers have to be taken deeper and to provide sufficient anchorage length required for stability of the foundation. In this study, computational model simulations using a 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model were conducted to examine the mechanism of scour around a cylindrical pier. Subsequently, the flow characteristics around these structures are presented for different flow conditions. Mechanism of scouring phenomenon, the formation of vortex and its consequent effect is discussed for a straight channel. Effort was made towards estimation of scour depth around bridge piers under different flow conditions.Keywords: bridge pier, computational fluid dynamics, multigrid, pier shape, scour
Procedia PDF Downloads 29710032 Entropy Generation of Unsteady Reactive Hydromagnetic Generalized Couette Fluid Flow of a Two-Step Exothermic Chemical Reaction Through a Channel
Authors: Rasaq Kareem, Jacob Gbadeyan
In this study, analysis of the entropy generation of an unsteady reactive hydromagnetic generalized couette fluid flow of a two-step exothermic chemical reaction through a channel with isothermal wall temperature under the influence of different chemical kinetics namely: Sensitized, Arrhenius and Bimolecular kinetics was investigated. The modelled nonlinear dimensionless equations governing the fluid flow were simplified and solved using the combined Laplace Differential Transform Method (LDTM). The effects of fluid parameters associated with the problem on the fluid temperature, entropy generation rate and Bejan number were discussed and presented through graphs.Keywords: couette, entropy, exothermic, unsteady
Procedia PDF Downloads 51710031 Analysis of Joint Source Channel LDPC Coding for Correlated Sources Transmission over Noisy Channels
Authors: Marwa Ben Abdessalem, Amin Zribi, Ammar Bouallègue
In this paper, a Joint Source Channel coding scheme based on LDPC codes is investigated. We consider two concatenated LDPC codes, one allows to compress a correlated source and the second to protect it against channel degradations. The original information can be reconstructed at the receiver by a joint decoder, where the source decoder and the channel decoder run in parallel by transferring extrinsic information. We investigate the performance of the JSC LDPC code in terms of Bit-Error Rate (BER) in the case of transmission over an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, and for different source and channel rate parameters. We emphasize how JSC LDPC presents a performance tradeoff depending on the channel state and on the source correlation. We show that, the JSC LDPC is an efficient solution for a relatively low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) channel, especially with highly correlated sources. Finally, a source-channel rate optimization has to be applied to guarantee the best JSC LDPC system performance for a given channel.Keywords: AWGN channel, belief propagation, joint source channel coding, LDPC codes
Procedia PDF Downloads 35810030 Static Properties of Ge and Sr Isotopes in the Cluster Model
Authors: Mohammad Reza Shojaei, Mahdeih Mirzaeinia
We have studied the cluster structure of even-even stable isotopes of Ge and Sr. The Schrodinger equation has been solved using the generalized parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov method with a phenomenological potential. This potential is the sum of the attractive Yukawa-like potential, a Manning-Rosen-type potential, and the repulsive Yukawa potential for interaction between the cluster and the core. We have shown that the available experimental data of the first rotational band energies can be well described by assuming a binary system of the α cluster and the core and using an analytical solution. Our results were consistent with experimental values. Hence, this model can be applied to study the other even-even isotopesKeywords: cluser model, NU method, ge and Sr, potential central
Procedia PDF Downloads 7710029 Estimation of Implicit Colebrook White Equation by Preferable Explicit Approximations in the Practical Turbulent Pipe Flow
Authors: Itissam Abuiziah
In several hydraulic systems, it is necessary to calculate the head losses which depend on the resistance flow friction factor in Darcy equation. Computing the resistance friction is based on implicit Colebrook-White equation which is considered as the standard for the friction calculation, but it needs high computational cost, therefore; several explicit approximation methods are used for solving an implicit equation to overcome this issue. It follows that the relative error is used to determine the most accurate method among the approximated used ones. Steel, cast iron and polyethylene pipe materials investigated with practical diameters ranged from 0.1m to 2.5m and velocities between 0.6m/s to 3m/s. In short, the results obtained show that the suitable method for some cases may not be accurate for other cases. For example, when using steel pipe materials, Zigrang and Silvester's method has revealed as the most precise in terms of low velocities 0.6 m/s to 1.3m/s. Comparatively, Halland method showed a less relative error with the gradual increase in velocity. Accordingly, the simulation results of this study might be employed by the hydraulic engineers, so they can take advantage to decide which is the most applicable method according to their practical pipe system expectations.Keywords: Colebrook–White, explicit equation, friction factor, hydraulic resistance, implicit equation, Reynolds numbers
Procedia PDF Downloads 18810028 A Rotating Facility with High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Particle Image Velocimetry System to Investigate the Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow
Authors: Ruquan You, Haiwang Li, Zhi Tao
A time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) system is developed to investigate the boundary layer flow with the effect of rotating Coriolis and buoyancy force. This time-resolved PIV system consists of a 10 Watts continuous laser diode and a high-speed camera. The laser diode is able to provide a less than 1mm thickness sheet light, and the high-speed camera can capture the 6400 frames per second with 1024×1024 pixels. The whole laser and the camera are fixed on the rotating facility with 1 radius meters and up to 500 revolutions per minute, which can measure the boundary flow velocity in the rotating channel with and without ribs directly at rotating conditions. To investigate the effect of buoyancy force, transparent heater glasses are used to provide the constant thermal heat flux, and then the density differences are generated near the channel wall, and the buoyancy force can be simulated when the channel is rotating. Due to the high temporal and spatial resolution of the system, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) can be developed to analyze the characteristic of the turbulent boundary layer flow at rotating conditions. With this rotating facility and PIV system, the velocity profile, Reynolds shear stress, spatial and temporal correlation, and the POD modes of the turbulent boundary layer flow can be discussed.Keywords: rotating facility, PIV, boundary layer flow, spatial and temporal resolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 18210027 Verification and Application of Finite Element Model Developed for Flood Routing in Rivers
Authors: A. L. Qureshi, A. A. Mahessar, A. Baloch
Flood wave propagation in river channel flow can be enunciated by nonlinear equations of motion for unsteady flow. However, it is difficult to find analytical solution of these complex non-linear equations. Hence, verification of the numerical model should be carried out against field data and numerical predictions. This paper presents the verification of developed finite element model applying for unsteady flow in the open channels. The results of a proposed model indicate a good matching with both Preissmann scheme and HEC-RAS model for a river reach of 29 km at both sites (15 km from upstream and at downstream end) for discharge hydrographs. It also has an agreeable comparison with the Preissemann scheme for the flow depth (stage) hydrographs. The proposed model has also been applying to forecast daily discharges at 400 km downstream from Sukkur barrage, which demonstrates accurate model predictions with observed daily discharges. Hence, this model may be utilized for predicting and issuing flood warnings about flood hazardous in advance.Keywords: finite element method, Preissmann scheme, HEC-RAS, flood forecasting, Indus river
Procedia PDF Downloads 50510026 Thermal Performance of a Pair of Synthetic Jets Equipped in Microchannel
Authors: J. Mohammadpour, G. E. Lau, S. Cheng, A. Lee
Numerical study was conducted using two synthetic jet actuators attached underneath a micro-channel. By fixing the oscillating frequency and diaphragm amplitude, the effects on the heat transfer within the micro-channel were investigated with two synthetic jets being in-phase and 180° out-of-phase at different orifice spacing. There was a significant benefit identified with two jets being 180° out-of-phase with each other at the orifice spacing of 2 mm. By having this configuration, there was a distinct pattern of vortex forming which disrupts the main channel flow as well as promoting thermal mixing at high velocity within the channel. Therefore, this configuration achieved higher cooling performance compared to the other cases studied in terms of the reduction in the maximum temperature and cooling uniformity in the silicon wafer.Keywords: synthetic jets, microchannel, electronic cooling, computational fluid dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 19910025 Unequal Error Protection of VQ Image Transmission System
Authors: Khelifi Mustapha, A. Moulay lakhdar, I. Elawady
We will study the unequal error protection for VQ image. We have used the Reed Solomon (RS) Codes as Channel coding because they offer better performance in terms of channel error correction over a binary output channel. One such channel (binary input and output) should be considered if it is the case of the application layer, because it includes all the features of the layers located below and on the what it is usually not feasible to make changes.Keywords: vector quantization, channel error correction, Reed-Solomon channel coding, application
Procedia PDF Downloads 36510024 Condition Monitoring for Twin-Fluid Nozzles with Internal Mixing
Authors: C. Lanzerstorfer
Liquid sprays of water are frequently used in air pollution control for gas cooling purposes and for gas cleaning. Twin-fluid nozzles with internal mixing are often used for these purposes because of the small size of the drops produced. In these nozzles the liquid is dispersed by compressed air or another pressurized gas. In high efficiency scrubbers for particle separation, several nozzles are operated in parallel because of the size of the cross section. In such scrubbers, the scrubbing water has to be re-circulated. Precipitation of some solid material can occur in the liquid circuit, caused by chemical reactions. When such precipitations are detached from the place of formation, they can partly or totally block the liquid flow to a nozzle. Due to the resulting unbalanced supply of the nozzles with water and gas, the efficiency of separation decreases. Thus, the nozzles have to be cleaned if a certain fraction of blockages is reached. The aim of this study was to provide a tool for continuously monitoring the status of the nozzles of a scrubber based on the available operation data (water flow, air flow, water pressure and air pressure). The difference between the air pressure and the water pressure is not well suited for this purpose, because the difference is quite small and therefore very exact calibration of the pressure measurement would be required. Therefore, an equation for the reference air flow of a nozzle at the actual water flow and operation pressure was derived. This flow can be compared with the actual air flow for assessment of the status of the nozzles.Keywords: condition monitoring, dual flow nozzles, flow equation, operation data
Procedia PDF Downloads 26610023 Data-Driven Analysis of Velocity Gradient Dynamics Using Neural Network
Authors: Nishant Parashar, Sawan S. Sinha, Balaji Srinivasan
We perform an investigation of the unclosed terms in the evolution equation of the velocity gradient tensor (VGT) in compressible decaying turbulent flow. Velocity gradients in a compressible turbulent flow field influence several important nonlinear turbulent processes like cascading and intermittency. In an attempt to understand the dynamics of the velocity gradients various researchers have tried to model the unclosed terms in the evolution equation of the VGT. The existing models proposed for these unclosed terms have limited applicability. This is mainly attributable to the complex structure of the higher order gradient terms appearing in the evolution equation of VGT. We investigate these higher order gradients using the data from direct numerical simulation (DNS) of compressible decaying isotropic turbulent flow. The gas kinetic method aided with weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme (WENO) based flow- reconstruction is employed to generate DNS data. By applying neural-network to the DNS data, we map the structure of the unclosed higher order gradient terms in the evolution of the equation of the VGT with VGT itself. We validate our findings by performing alignment based study of the unclosed higher order gradient terms obtained using the neural network with the strain rate eigenvectors.Keywords: compressible turbulence, neural network, velocity gradient tensor, direct numerical simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 17010022 Numerical Flow Simulation around HSP Propeller in Open Water and behind a Vessel Wake Using RANS CFD Code
Authors: Kadda Boumediene, Mohamed Bouzit
The prediction of the flow around marine propellers and vessel hulls propeller interaction is one of the challenges of Computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD has emerged as a potential tool in recent years and has promising applications. The objective of the current study is to predict the hydrodynamic performances of HSP marine propeller in open water and behind a vessel. The unsteady 3-D flow was modeled numerically along with respectively the K-ω standard and K-ω SST turbulence models for steady and unsteady cases. The hydrodynamic performances such us a torque and thrust coefficients and efficiency show good agreement with the experiment results.Keywords: seiun maru propeller, steady, unstead, CFD, HSP
Procedia PDF Downloads 30710021 Numerical Analysis of Laminar Mixed Convection within a Complex Geometry
Authors: Y. Lasbet, A. L. Boukhalkhal, K. Loubar
The study of mixed convection is, usually, focused on the straight channels in which the onset of the mixed convection is well defined as function of the ratio between Grashof number and Reynolds number, Gr/Re. This is not the case for a complex channel wherein the mixed convection is not sufficiently examined in the literature. Our paper focuses on the study of the mixed convection in a complex geometry in which our main contribution reveals that the critical value of the ratio Gr/Re for the onset of the mixed convection increases highly in the type of geometry contrary to the straight channel. Furthermore, the accentuated secondary flow in this geometry prevents the thermal stratification in the flow and consequently the buoyancy driven becomes negligible. To perform these objectives, a numerical study in complex geometry for several values of the ratio Gr/Re with prescribed wall heat flux (H2), was realized by using the CFD code.Keywords: complex geometry, heat transfer, laminar flow, mixed convection, Nusselt number
Procedia PDF Downloads 49510020 Design and Validation of a Darrieus Type Hydrokinetic Turbine for South African Irrigation Canals Experimentally and Computationally
Authors: Maritz Lourens Van Rensburg, Chantel Niebuhr
Utilizing all available renewable energy sources is an ever-growing necessity, this includes a newfound interest into hydrokinetic energy systems, which open the door to installations where conventional hydropower shows no potential. Optimization and obtaining high efficiencies are key in these installations. In this study a vertical axis Darrieus hydrokinetic turbine is designed and constructed to address certain drawbacks experience by axial flow horizontal axis turbines in an irrigation channel. Many horizontal axis turbines have been well developed and optimized to have high efficiencies but depending on the conditions experienced in an open channel, the performance of these turbines may be adversely affected. The study analyses how the designed vertical axis turbine addresses the problems experienced by a horizontal axis turbine while still achieving a satisfactory efficiency. To be able to optimize the vertical axis turbine, a computational fluid dynamics model was validated to the experimental results obtained from the power generated from a test turbine installation operating at various rotational speeds. It was found that an accurate validated model can be obtained through validation of generated power output.Keywords: hydrokinetic, Darrieus, computational fluid dynamics, vertical axis turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 11610019 Thermal Analysis for Darcy Forchheimer Effect with Hybrid Ferro Fluid Flow
Authors: Behzad Ali Khan, M. Zubair Akbar Qureshi
The article analyzes the Darcy Forchheimer 2D Hybrid ferrofluid. The flow of a Hybrid ferrofluid is made due to an unsteady porous channel. The classical liquid water is treated as a based liquid. The flow in the permeable region is characterized by the Darcy-Forchheimer relation. Heat transfer phenomena are studied during the flow. The transformation of a partial differential set of equations into a strong ordinary differential frame is formed through appropriate variables. The numerical Shooting Method is executed for solving the simplified set of equations. In addition, a numerical analysis (ND-Solve) is utilized for the convergence of the applied technique. The influence of some flow model quantities like Pr (Prandtle number), r (porous medium parameter), F (Darcy-porous medium parameter), Re (Reynolds number), Pe (Peclet number) on velocity and temperature field are scrutinized and studied through sketches. Certain physical factors like f ''(η) (skin friction coefficient) and θ^'(η) (rate of heat transfer) are first derived and then presented through tables.Keywords: darcy forcheimer, hybrid ferro fluid, porous medium, porous channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 17410018 Modeling of Turbulent Flow for Two-Dimensional Backward-Facing Step Flow
Authors: Alex Fedoseyev
This study investigates a generalized hydrodynamic equation (GHE) simplified model for the simulation of turbulent flow over a two-dimensional backward-facing step (BFS) at Reynolds number Re=132000. The GHE were derived from the generalized Boltzmann equation (GBE). GBE was obtained by first principles from the chain of Bogolubov kinetic equations and considers particles of finite dimensions. The GHE has additional terms, temporal and spatial fluctuations, compared to the Navier-Stokes equations (NSE). These terms have a timescale multiplier τ, and the GHE becomes the NSE when $\tau$ is zero. The nondimensional τ is a product of the Reynolds number and the squared length scale ratio, τ=Re*(l/L)², where l is the apparent Kolmogorov length scale, and L is a hydrodynamic length scale. The BFS flow modeling results obtained by 2D calculations cannot match the experimental data for Re>450. One or two additional equations are required for the turbulence model to be added to the NSE, which typically has two to five parameters to be tuned for specific problems. It is shown that the GHE does not require an additional turbulence model, whereas the turbulent velocity results are in good agreement with the experimental results. A review of several studies on the simulation of flow over the BFS from 1980 to 2023 is provided. Most of these studies used different turbulence models when Re>1000. In this study, the 2D turbulent flow over a BFS with height H=L/3 (where L is the channel height) at Reynolds number Re=132000 was investigated using numerical solutions of the GHE (by a finite-element method) and compared to the solutions from the Navier-Stokes equations, k–ε turbulence model, and experimental results. The comparison included the velocity profiles at X/L=5.33 (near the end of the recirculation zone, available from the experiment), recirculation zone length, and velocity flow field. The mean velocity of NSE was obtained by averaging the solution over the number of time steps. The solution with a standard k −ε model shows a velocity profile at X/L=5.33, which has no backward flow. A standard k−ε model underpredicts the experimental recirculation zone length X/L=7.0∓0.5 by a substantial amount of 20-25%, and a more sophisticated turbulence model is needed for this problem. The obtained data confirm that the GHE results are in good agreement with the experimental results for turbulent flow over two-dimensional BFS. A turbulence model was not required in this case. The computations were stable. The solution time for the GHE is the same or less than that for the NSE and significantly less than that for the NSE with the turbulence model. The proposed approach was limited to 2D and only one Reynolds number. Further work will extend this approach to 3D flow and a higher Re.Keywords: backward-facing step, comparison with experimental data, generalized hydrodynamic equations, separation, reattachment, turbulent flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 6110017 Numerical Investigations on the Coanda Effect
Authors: Florin Frunzulica, Alexandru Dumitrache, Octavian Preotu
The Coanda effect consists of the tendency of a jet to remain attached to a sufficiently long/large convex surface. Flows deflected by a curved surface have caused great interest during last fifty years a major interest in the study of this phenomenon is caused by the possibility of using this effect to aircraft with short take-off and landing, for thrust vectoring. It is also used in applications involving mixing two of more fluids, noise attenuation, ventilation, etc. The paper proposes the numerical study of an aerodynamic configuration that can passively amplify the Coanda effect. On a wing flaps with predetermined configuration, a channel is applied between two particular zones, a low-pressure one and a high-pressure another one, respectively. The secondary flow through this channel yields a gap between the jet and the convex surface, maintaining the jet attached on a longer distance. The section altering-based active control of the secondary flow through the channel controls the attachment of the jet to the surface and automatically controls the deviation angle of the jet. The numerical simulations have been performed in Ansys Fluent for a series of wing flaps-channel configurations with varying jet velocity. The numerical results are in good agreement with experimental results.Keywords: blowing jet, CFD, Coanda effect, circulation control
Procedia PDF Downloads 34610016 Effects of Watershed Erosion on Stream Channel Formation
Authors: Tiao Chang, Ivan Caballero, Hong Zhou
Streams carry water and sediment naturally by maintaining channel dimensions, pattern, and profile over time. Watershed erosion as a natural process has occurred to contribute sediment to streams over time. The formation of channel dimensions is complex. This study is to relate quantifiable and consistent channel dimensions at the bankfull stage to the corresponding watershed erosion estimation by the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). Twelve sites of which drainage areas range from 7 to 100 square miles in the Hocking River Basin of Ohio were selected for the bankfull geometry determinations including width, depth, cross-section area, bed slope, and drainage area. The twelve sub-watersheds were chosen to obtain a good overall representation of the Hocking River Basin. It is of interest to determine how these bankfull channel dimensions are related to the soil erosion of corresponding sub-watersheds. Soil erosion is a natural process that has occurred in a watershed over time. The RUSLE was applied to estimate erosions of the twelve selected sub-watersheds where the bankfull geometry measurements were conducted. These quantified erosions of sub-watersheds are used to investigate correlations with bankfull channel dimensions including discharge, channel width, channel depth, cross-sectional area, and pebble distribution. It is found that drainage area, bankfull discharge and cross-sectional area correlates strongly with watershed erosion well. Furthermore, bankfull width and depth are moderately correlated with watershed erosion while the particle size, D50, of channel bed sediment is not well correlated with watershed erosion.Keywords: watershed, stream, sediment, channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 28810015 Modeling of Electrokinetic Mixing in Lab on Chip Microfluidic Devices
Authors: Virendra J. Majarikar, Harikrishnan N. Unni
This paper sets to demonstrate a modeling of electrokinetic mixing employing electroosmotic stationary and time-dependent microchannel using alternate zeta patches on the lower surface of the micromixer in a lab on chip microfluidic device. Electroosmotic flow is amplified using different 2D and 3D model designs with alternate and geometric zeta potential values such as 25, 50, and 100 mV, respectively, to achieve high concentration mixing in the electrokinetically-driven microfluidic system. The enhancement of electrokinetic mixing is studied using Finite Element Modeling, and simulation workflow is accomplished with defined integral steps. It can be observed that the presence of alternate zeta patches can help inducing microvortex flows inside the channel, which in turn can improve mixing efficiency. Fluid flow and concentration fields are simulated by solving Navier-Stokes equation (implying Helmholtz-Smoluchowski slip velocity boundary condition) and Convection-Diffusion equation. The effect of the magnitude of zeta potential, the number of alternate zeta patches, etc. are analysed thoroughly. 2D simulation reveals that there is a cumulative increase in concentration mixing, whereas 3D simulation differs slightly with low zeta potential as that of the 2D model within the T-shaped micromixer for concentration 1 mol/m3 and 0 mol/m3, respectively. Moreover, 2D model results were compared with those of 3D to indicate the importance of the 3D model in a microfluidic design process.Keywords: COMSOL Multiphysics®, electrokinetic, electroosmotic, microfluidics, zeta potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 24210014 Hydrodynamic Characterisation of a Hydraulic Flume with Sheared Flow
Authors: Daniel Rowe, Christopher R. Vogel, Richard H. J. Willden
The University of Oxford’s recirculating water flume is a combined wave and current test tank with a 1 m depth, 1.1 m width, and 10 m long working section, and is capable of flow speeds up to 1 ms−1 . This study documents the hydrodynamic characteristics of the facility in preparation for experimental testing of horizontal axis tidal stream turbine models. The turbine to be tested has a rotor diameter of 0.6 m and is a modified version of one of two model-scale turbines tested in previous experimental campaigns. An Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was used to measure the flow at high temporal resolution at various locations throughout the flume, enabling the spatial uniformity and turbulence flow parameters to be investigated. The mean velocity profiles exhibited high levels of spatial uniformity at the design speed of the flume, 0.6 ms−1 , with variations in the three-dimensional velocity components on the order of ±1% at the 95% confidence level, along with a modest streamwise acceleration through the measurement domain, a target 5 m working section of the flume. A high degree of uniformity was also apparent for the turbulence intensity, with values ranging between 1-2% across the intended swept area of the turbine rotor. The integral scales of turbulence exhibited a far higher degree of variation throughout the water column, particularly in the streamwise and vertical scales. This behaviour is believed to be due to the high signal noise content leading to decorrelation in the sampling records. To achieve more realistic levels of vertical velocity shear in the flume, a simple procedure to practically generate target vertical shear profiles in open-channel flows is described. Here, the authors arranged a series of non-uniformly spaced parallel bars placed across the width of the flume and normal to the onset flow. By adjusting the resistance grading across the height of the working section, the downstream profiles could be modified accordingly, characterised by changes in the velocity profile power law exponent, 1/n. Considering the significant temporal variation in a tidal channel, the choice of the exponent denominator, n = 6 and n = 9, effectively provides an achievable range around the much-cited value of n = 7 observed at many tidal sites. The resulting flow profiles, which we intend to use in future turbine tests, have been characterised in detail. The results indicate non-uniform vertical shear across the survey area and reveal substantial corner flows, arising from the differential shear between the target vertical and cross-stream shear profiles throughout the measurement domain. In vertically sheared flow, the rotor-equivalent turbulence intensity ranges between 3.0-3.8% throughout the measurement domain for both bar arrangements, while the streamwise integral length scale grows from a characteristic dimension on the order of the bar width, similar to the flow downstream of a turbulence-generating grid. The experimental tests are well-defined and repeatable and serve as a reference for other researchers who wish to undertake similar investigations.Keywords: acoustic doppler Velocimeter, experimental hydrodynamics, open-channel flow, shear profiles, tidal stream turbines
Procedia PDF Downloads 8810013 Numerical Simulation of Effect of Various Rib Configurations on Enhancing Heat Transfer of Matrix Cooling Channel
Authors: Seok Min Choi, Minho Bang, Seuong Yun Kim, Hyungmin Lee, Won-Gu Joo, Hyung Hee Cho
The matrix cooling channel was used for gas turbine blade cooling passage. The matrix cooling structure is useful for the structure stability however the cooling performance of internal cooling channel was not enough for cooling. Therefore, we designed the rib configurations in the matrix cooling channel to enhance the cooling performance. The numerical simulation was conducted to analyze cooling performance of rib configured matrix cooling channel. Three different rib configurations were used which are vertical rib, angled rib and c-type rib. Three configurations were adopted in two positions of matrix cooling channel which is one fourth and three fourth of channel. The result shows that downstream rib has much higher cooling performance than upstream rib. Furthermore, the angled rib in the channel has much higher cooling performance than vertical rib. This is because; the angled rib improves the swirl effect of matrix cooling channel more effectively. The friction factor was increased with the installation of rib. However, the thermal performance was increased with the installation of rib in the matrix cooling channel.Keywords: matrix cooling, rib, heat transfer, gas turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 46010012 Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Different Rib Shapes in a Gas Turbine Blade
Authors: Naik Nithesh, Andre Rozek
The heat transfer and friction loss performances of a single rib-roughened rectangular cooling channel having four novel rib shapes were evaluated through numerical investigation using Ansys CFX. The investigation was conducted on a rectangular channel of aspect ratio (AR) = 4:1 with rib height to hydraulic diameter ratio (e/Dh) of 0.1 and rib pitch to height ratio (e/P) of 10 at Re = 30,000. The computations were performed by solving the RANS equation using k-ε turbulence model. Fluid flow simulation results of stationery case for different configuration are presented in terms of thermal performance parameter, Nusselt number and friction factor. These parameters indicate that a particular configuration of novel shaped ribs provides better heat transfer characteristics over the conventional 45° ribs. The numerical investigation undertaken in this study indicates an increase in overall efficiency of gas turbine due to increased thermal performance parameter, heat transfer co-efficient and less pumping pressure.Keywords: gas turbine, rib shapes, nusselt number, thermal performance parameter
Procedia PDF Downloads 52010011 Two-Dimensional CFD Simulation of the Behaviors of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles in Channel
Authors: Farhad Aalizadeh, Ali Moosavi
This paper presents a two-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDs) simulation for the steady, particle tracking. The purpose of this paper is applied magnetic field effect on Magnetic Nanoparticles velocities distribution. It is shown that the permeability of the particles determines the effect of the magnetic field on the deposition of the particles and the deposition of the particles is inversely proportional to the Reynolds number. Using MHD and its property it is possible to control the flow velocity, remove the fouling on the walls and return the system to its original form. we consider a channel 2D geometry and solve for the resulting spatial distribution of particles. According to obtained results when only magnetic fields are applied perpendicular to the flow, local particles velocity is decreased due to the direct effect of the magnetic field return the system to its original fom. In the method first, in order to avoid mixing with blood, the ferromagnetic particles are covered with a gel-like chemical composition and are injected into the blood vessels. Then, a magnetic field source with a specified distance from the vessel is used and the particles are guided to the affected area. This paper presents a two-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDs) simulation for the steady, laminar flow of an incompressible magnetorheological (MR) fluid between two fixed parallel plates in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. The purpose of this study is to develop a numerical tool that is able to simulate MR fluids flow in valve mode and determineB0, applied magnetic field effect on flow velocities and pressure distributions.Keywords: MHD, channel clots, magnetic nanoparticles, simulations
Procedia PDF Downloads 36810010 Determination of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Performance in Lattice Geometric Heat Sinks
Authors: Bayram Sahin, Baris Gezdirici, Murat Ceylan, Ibrahim Ates
In this experimental study, the effects of heat transfer and flow characteristics on lattice geometric heat sinks, where high rates of heat removal are required, were investigated. The design parameters were Reynolds number, the height of heat sink (H), horizontal (Sy) and vertical (Sx) distances between heat sinks. In the experiments, the Reynolds number ranged from 4000 to 20000; heat sink heights were (H) 20 mm and 40 mm; the distances (Sy) between the heat sinks in the flow direction were45 mm, 32 mm, 23.3 mm; the distances (Sx) between the heat sinks perpendicular to the flow direction were selected to be 23.3 mm, 12.5 mm and 6 mm. A total of 90 experiments were conducted and the maximum Nusselt number and minimum friction coefficient were targeted. Experimental results have shown that heat sinks in lattice geometry have a significant effect on heat transfer enhancement. Under the different experimental conditions, the highest increase in Nusselt number was 283% while the lowest increase was calculated as 66% as compared with the straight channel results. The lowest increase in the friction factor was also obtained as 173% according to the straight channel results. It is seen that the increase in heat sink height and flow velocity increased the level of turbulence in the channel, leading to higher Nusselt number and friction factor values.Keywords: forced convection, heat transfer enhancement, lattice geometric heat sinks, pressure drop
Procedia PDF Downloads 19110009 Generation Transcritical Flow Influenced by Dissipation over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
The transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over an obstacle for negative forcing amplitude (hole) that generation upstream and downstream, connected by an unsteady solution, is examined. In the weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive regime, the problem is formulated in the forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers framework. This is done by including the influence of the viscosity of the fluid beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The results show that the influence of viscosity is crucial in determining various wave properties, including the amplitudes of solitary waves in the upstream and downstream directions, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results are presented for transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. In general, the outcomes are not qualitatively similar to those from the forced Korteweg-de–Vries equation when the value of the viscous is small, interesting differences emerge as the magnitude of the value of viscous increases.Keywords: Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation, soliton, transcritical flow, viscous flow
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