Search results for: lower and middle Siwaliks
5749 The Effect of Undernutrition on Sputum Culture Conversion and Treatment Outcomes among People with Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Fasil Wagnew, Kerri Viney, Kefyalew Addis Alene, Matthew Kelly, Darren Gray
Background: Undernutrition is a risk factor for tuberculosis (TB), including poor treatment outcomes. However, evidence regarding the effect of undernutrition on TB treatment outcomes is not well understood. We aimed to evaluate the effect of undernutrition on sputum culture conversion and treatment outcomes among people with multi-drug resistance (MDR)-TB. Methods: We searched for publications in the Medline, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science databases without restrictions on geography or year of publication. We conducted a random-effect meta-analysis to estimate the effects of undernutrition on sputum culture conversion and treatment outcomes. Two reviewers independently assessed the study eligibility, extracted the necessary information, and assessed the risk of bias. Depending on the nature of the data, odds ratio (OR) and hazard ratio (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to summarize the effect estimates. Potential publication bias was checked using funnel plots and Egger’s tests. Results: Of 2358 records screened, 59 studies comprising a total of 31,254 people with MDR-TB were included. Undernutrition was significantly associated with a lower sputum culture conversion rate (HR 0·7, 95% CI 0·6–0·9, I2=67·1%) and a higher rate of mortality (OR 2·9, 95%CI 2·1–3·8, I2=23·7%) and unfavourable treatment outcomes (OR 1·8, 95%CI 1·5–2·0, I2=72·7%). There was no statistically significant publication bias in the included studies. Three studies were low, forty-two studies were moderate, and fourteen studies were high quality. Interpretations: Undernutrition was significantly associated with unfavourable treatment outcomes, including mortality and lower sputum culture conversion among people with MDR-TB. These findings have implications for supporting targeted nutritional interventions alongside standardised second-line TB drugs.Keywords: undernutrition, MDR-TB, sputum culture conversion, treatment outcomes, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1565748 Influence of Geologic and Geotechnical Dataset Resolution on Regional Liquefaction Assessment of the Lower Wairau Plains
Authors: Omer Altaf, Liam Wotherspoon, Rolando Orense
The Wairau Plains are located in the northeast of the South Island of New Zealand, with alluvial deposits of fine-grained silts and sands combined with low-lying topography suggesting the presence of liquefiable deposits over significant portions of the region. Liquefaction manifestations were observed in past earthquakes, including the 1848 Marlborough and 1855 Wairarapa earthquakes, and more recently during the 2013 Lake Grassmere and 2016 Kaikōura earthquakes. Therefore, a good understanding of the deposits that may be susceptible to liquefaction is important for land use planning in the region and to allow developers and asset owners to appropriately address their risk. For this purpose, multiple approaches have been employed to develop regional-scale maps showing the liquefaction vulnerability categories for the region. After applying semi-qualitative criteria linked to geologic age and deposit type, the higher resolution surface mapping of geomorphologic characteristics encompassing the Wairau River and the Opaoa River was used for screening. A detailed basin geologic model developed for groundwater modelling was analysed to provide a higher level of resolution than the surface-geology based classification. This is used to identify the thickness of near-surface gravel deposits, providing an improved understanding of the presence or lack of potentially non-liquefiable crust deposits. This paper describes the methodology adopted for this project and focuses on the influence of geomorphic characteristics and analysis of the detailed geologic basin model on the liquefaction classification of the Lower Wairau Plains.Keywords: liquefaction, earthquake, cone penetration test, mapping, liquefaction-induced damage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1765747 Social Studies Teachers Experiences in Teaching Spatial Thinking in Social Studies Classrooms in Kuwait: Exploratory Study
Authors: Huda Alazmi
Social studies educational research has, so far, devoted very little attention towards spatial thinking in classroom teaching. To help address such paucity, this study explores the spatial thinking instructional experiences of middle school social studies teachers in Kuwait. The goal is to learn their teaching practices and assess teacher understanding for the spatial thinking concept to enable future improvements. Using a qualitative study approach, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews to examine the relevant experiences of 14 social studies teachers. The findings revealed three major themes: (1) concepts of space, (2) tools of representation, and (3) spatial reasoning. These themes illustrated how social studies teachers focus predominantly upon simple concepts of space, using multiple tools of representation, but avoid addressing critical spatial reasoning. The findings help explain the current situation while identifying weaker areas for further analysis and improvement.Keywords: spatial thinking, concepts of space, spatial representation, spatial reasoning
Procedia PDF Downloads 795746 Soft Robotic Exoskeletal Glove with Single Motor-Driven Tendon-Based Differential Drive
Authors: M. Naveed Akhter, Jawad Aslam, Omer Gillani
To aid and rehabilitate increasing number of patients suffering from spinal cord injury (SCI) and stroke, a lightweight, wearable, and 3D printable exoskeletal glove has been developed. Unlike previously developed metal or fabric-based exoskeletons, this research presents the development of soft exoskeletal glove made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). The drive mechanism consists of a single motor-driven antagonistic tendon to perform extension or flexion of middle and index finger. The tendon-based differential drive has been incorporated to allow for grasping of irregularly shaped objects. The design features easy 3D-printability with TPU without a need for supports. The overall weight of the glove and the actuation unit is approximately 500g. Performance of the glove was tested on a custom test-bench with integrated load cells, and the grip strength was tested to be around 30N per finger while grasping objects of irregular shape.Keywords: 3D printable, differential drive, exoskeletal glove, rehabilitation, single motor driven
Procedia PDF Downloads 1445745 Next Generation of Tunnel Field Effect Transistor: NCTFET
Authors: Naima Guenifi, Shiromani Balmukund Rahi, Amina Bechka
Tunnel FET is one of the most suitable alternatives FET devices for conventional CMOS technology for low-power electronics and applications. Due to its lower subthreshold swing (SS) value, it is a strong follower of low power applications. It is a quantum FET device that follows the band to band (B2B) tunneling transport phenomena of charge carriers. Due to band to band tunneling, tunnel FET is suffering from a lower switching current than conventional metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). For improvement of device features and limitations, the newly invented negative capacitance concept of ferroelectric material is implemented in conventional Tunnel FET structure popularly known as NC TFET. The present research work has implemented the idea of high-k gate dielectric added with ferroelectric material on double gate Tunnel FET for implementation of negative capacitance. It has been observed that the idea of negative capacitance further improves device features like SS value. It helps to reduce power dissipation and switching energy. An extensive investigation for circularity uses for digital, analog/RF and linearity features of double gate NCTFET have been adopted here for research work. Several essential designs paraments for analog/RF and linearity parameters like transconductance(gm), transconductance generation factor (gm/IDS), its high-order derivatives (gm2, gm3), cut-off frequency (fT), gain-bandwidth product (GBW), transconductance generation factor (gm/IDS) has been investigated for low power RF applications. The VIP₂, VIP₃, IMD₃, IIP₃, distortion characteristics (HD2, HD3), 1-dB, the compression point, delay and power delay product performance have also been thoroughly studied.Keywords: analog/digital, ferroelectric, linearity, negative capacitance, Tunnel FET, transconductance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1965744 The Importance of Fruit Trees for Prescribed Burning in a South American Savanna
Authors: Rodrigo M. Falleiro, Joaquim P. L. Parime, Luciano C. Santos, Rodrigo D. Silva
The Cerrado biome is the most biodiverse savanna on the planet. Located in central Brazil, its preservation is seriously threatened by the advance of intensive agriculture and livestock. Conservation Units and Indigenous Lands are increasingly isolated and subject to mega wildfires. Among the characteristics of this savanna, we highlight the high rate of primary biomass production and the reduced occurrence of large grazing animals. In this biome, the predominant fauna is more dependent on the fruits produced by the dicotyledonous species in relation to other tropical savannas. Fire is a key element in the balance between mono and dicotyledons or between the arboreal and herbaceous strata. Therefore, applying fire regimes that maintain the balance between these strata without harming fruit production is essential in the conservation strategies of Cerrado's biodiversity. Recently, Integrated Fire Management has started to be implemented in Brazilian protected areas. As a result, management with prescribed burns has increasingly replaced strategies based on fire exclusion, which in practice have resulted in large wildfires, with highly negative impacts on fruit and fauna production. In the Indigenous Lands, these fires were carried out respecting traditional knowledge. The indigenous people showed great concern about the effects of fire on fruit plants and important animals. They recommended that the burns be carried out between April and May, as it would result in a greater production of edible fruits ("fruiting burning"). In other tropical savannas in the southern hemisphere, the preferential period tends to be later, in the middle of the dry season, when the grasses are dormant (June to August). However, in the Cerrado, this late period coincides with the flowering and sprouting of several important fruit species. To verify the best burning season, the present work evaluated the effects of fire on flowering and fruit production of theByrsonima sp., Mouriri pusa, Caryocar brasiliense, Anacardium occidentale, Pouteria ramiflora, Hancornia speciosa, Byrsonima verbascifolia, Anacardium humille and Talisia subalbens. The evaluations were carried out in the field, covering 31 Indigenous Lands that cover 104,241.18 Km², where 3,386 prescribed burns were carried out between 2015 and 2018. The burning periods were divided into early (carried out during the rainy season), modal or “fruiting” (carried out during the transition between seasons) and late (carried out in the middle of the dry season, when the grasses are dormant). The results corroborate the traditional knowledge, demonstrating that the modal burns result in higher rates of reproduction and fruit production. Late burns showed intermediate results, followed by early burns. We conclude that management strategies based mainly on forage production, which are usually applied in savannas populated by grazing ungulates, may not be the best management strategy for South American savannas. The effects of fire on fruit plants, which have a particular phenologicalsynchronization with the fauna cycle, also need to be observed during the prescription of burns.Keywords: cerrado biome, fire regimes, native fruits, prescribed burns
Procedia PDF Downloads 2185743 Reconciling the Modern Standard Arabic with the Local Dialects in Writing Literary Texts
Authors: Ahmed M. Ghaleb, Ehab S. Al-Nuzaili
This paper attempts to shed light on the question of the choice between standard Arabic and the vernacular in writing literary texts. Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) has long been the formal language of writing education, administration, and media, shred across the Arab countries. In the mid-20th century, some writers have begun to write their literary works in local dialects claiming that they can be more realistic. On the other hand, other writers have opposed this new trend as it can be a threat to the Standard Arabic or MSA that unify all Arabs. However, some other writers, like Tawfiq al-Hakim, Hamed Damanhouri, Najib Mahfouz, and Hanna Mineh, attempted to solve this problem by using what W. M. Hutchins called a 'hybrid language', a middle language between the standard and the vernacular. It is also termed 'a third language'. The paper attempts to examine some of the literary texts in which a combination of the standard and the colloquial is employed. Thus, the paper attempts to find out a solution by proposing a third language, a form that can combine the MSA and the colloquial, and the possibility of using it in writing literary texts. Therefore, the paper can bridge the gap between the different levels of Arabic.Keywords: modern standard arabic, dialect or vernacular, diglossia, third language
Procedia PDF Downloads 1295742 Business Challenges and Opportunities of Mobile Applications for Equity Trading in India
Authors: Helee Dave
Globalization has helped in the growth and change of the Indian economy to a great extent. The purchasing power of Indians has increased. IT Infrastructure has considerably improved in India. There is an increase in the usage of smartphones. The smartphones facilitate all sorts of work now a day, from getting groceries to planning a tour; it is just one click away. Similar is the case with equity trading. The traders in equity market can now deal with their stocks through mobile applications eliminating the middle man. The traders do not have an option but to open a dematerialization account with the banks which are compulsory enough irrespective of their mode of transaction that is online or offline. Considering that India is a young country having more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and 65% of its population below the age of 35; this youth is comfortable with the usage of smartphones. The banking industry is also providing a virtual platform supporting equity market industry. Yet equity trading through online applications is at an infant stage. This paper primarily attempts to understand challenges and opportunities faced by equity trading through mobile apps in India.Keywords: BPO, business process outsourcing, de-materialization account, equity, ITES, information technology enabled services
Procedia PDF Downloads 3125741 Enhancing Greenhouse Productivity and Energy Efficiency Through UV-IR Reflective Coatings and Dust Mitigation: A Case Study in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Tayirjan Taylor Isimjan, Essam Jamea, Muien Qaryouti
The demand for efficient greenhouse production is escalating, necessitating continuous improvements in controlled plant growth environments. Central to maximizing growth are critical light-related factors, including quantity, quality, and geometric distribution of intercepted radiation. This becomes particularly crucial in regions like the Middle East, characterized by high solar radiation and dusty atmospheric conditions. Existing greenhouse technologies often rely on additional expensive equipment to manage light conditions effectively. In this study, we propose a distinct approach employing functional coatings to mitigate dust and block UV and IR radiation, thereby conserving energy and enhancing productivity. By combining UV-IR reflective coatings with dust mitigation strategies, we aim to address both environmental challenges and energy consumption issues faced by greenhouse agriculture in Saudi Arabia.Keywords: greenhouse, UV-IR reflective coatings, dust mitigation, energy efficiency, productivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 635740 Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using Geographic Information System and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: A Case Study in Bagmati River Basin
Authors: Hritik Bhattarai, Vivek Dumre, Ananya Neupane, Poonam Koirala, Anjali Singh
The availability of clean and reliable groundwater is essential for the sustainment of human and environmental health. Groundwater is a crucial resource that contributes significantly to the total annual supply. However, over-exploitation has depleted groundwater availability considerably and led to some land subsidence. Determining the potential zone of groundwater is vital for protecting water quality and managing groundwater systems. Groundwater potential zones are marked with the assistance of Geographic Information System techniques. During the study, a standard methodology was proposed to determine groundwater potential using an integration of GIS and AHP techniques. When choosing the prospective groundwater zone, accurate information was generated to get parameters such as geology, slope, soil, temperature, rainfall, drainage density, and lineament density. However, identifying and mapping potential groundwater zones remains challenging due to aquifer systems' complex and dynamic nature. Then, ArcGIS was incorporated with a weighted overlay, and appropriate ranks were assigned to each parameter group. Through data analysis, MCDA was applied to weigh and prioritize the different parameters based on their relative impact on groundwater potential. There were three probable groundwater zones: low potential, moderate potential, and high potential. Our analysis showed that the central and lower parts of the Bagmati River Basin have the highest potential, i.e., 7.20% of the total area. In contrast, the northern and eastern parts have lower potential. The identified potential zones can be used to guide future groundwater exploration and management strategies in the region.Keywords: groundwater, geographic information system, analytic hierarchy processes, multi-criteria decision analysis, Bagmati
Procedia PDF Downloads 1055739 Numerical Modeling on the Vehicle Interior Noise Produced by Rain-the-Roof Excitation
Authors: Zilong Peng, Jun Fan
With the improvement of the living standards, the requirement on the acoustic comfort of the vehicle interior environment is becoming higher. The rain-the-roof producing interior noise is a common phenomenon for the vehicle, which usually discourages the conversation, especially for the heavy rain. This paper presents some numerical results about the rain-the-roof noise. The impact of each water drop is modeled as a short pulse, and the excitation locations on the roof are generated randomly. The vehicle body is simplified to a box closed with some certain-thickness shells. According to the main frequency components of the rain excitation, the analyzing frequency range is divided as low, high and middle frequency domains, which makes the vehicle body are modeled using finite element method (FEM), statistical energy analysis (SEA) and hybrid FE-SEA method, respectively. Furthermore, the effect of spatial distribution density and size of the rain on the sound pressure level are also discussed. These results may provide a guide for designing a more silent vehicle in the special weather.Keywords: rain-the-roof noise, vehicle, finite element method, statistical energy analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2035738 Complementary and Traditional Medicine in Turkey
Authors: Hüseyin Biçer
The purpose of this study is an explanation of using and expectation traditional and complementary medicine in Turkey in terms of regionally, cultural and social. Due to geopolitics position, at the intersection of the Middle East, Africa and Europe, Turkey has historically hosted many civilizations and cultures, and hosts many religions at the same time and therefore is very open to intercultural interaction. For this reason, the traditional medicine of Turkey contains traces of many civilizations rather than a traditional medicine of its own. In Turkey, complementary and traditional medicine are used actively. The aim of the study is to measure whether the patients have ever taken traditional medicine as a caretaker or for the supportive treatment of their diseases, and as a result, their expectations. This cross-sectional, paper-based survey study was conducted in 27 state hospitals and 29 family medicine clinics in seven geographical regions of Turkey. Patients who had an appointment in the waiting rooms that day were included. 77.4% of the patients participating in the study stated that they used traditional medicine at least 5 times in their life, 27.6% stated that traditional medicine was sufficient in some diseases, and 36.8% stated that traditional treatment was a part of normal treatment. Both faith and cultural approaches in Turkey always keep traditional medicine close to drugs. Another danger, apart from traditional medicine drugs that can interact with drugs, is that patients find it sufficient to use traditional and complementary medicine alone.Keywords: complementary medicine, traditional medicine, medicine in Turkey, alternative medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2585737 Algorithm Optimization to Sort in Parallel by Decreasing the Number of the Processors in SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) Systems
Authors: Ali Hosseini
Paralleling is a mechanism to decrease the time necessary to execute the programs. Sorting is one of the important operations to be used in different systems in a way that the proper function of many algorithms and operations depend on sorted data. CRCW_SORT algorithm executes ‘N’ elements sorting in O(1) time on SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) computers with n^2/2-n/2 number of processors. In this article having presented a mechanism by dividing the input string by the hinge element into two less strings the number of the processors to be used in sorting ‘N’ elements in O(1) time has decreased to n^2/8-n/4 in the best state; by this mechanism the best state is when the hinge element is the middle one and the worst state is when it is minimum. The findings from assessing the proposed algorithm by other methods on data collection and number of the processors indicate that the proposed algorithm uses less processors to sort during execution than other methods.Keywords: CRCW, SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) computers, parallel computers, number of the processors
Procedia PDF Downloads 3125736 Numerical Study of a Butterfly Valve for Vibration Analysis and Reduction
Authors: Malik I. Al-Amayreh, Mohammad I. Kilani, Ahmed S. Al-Salaymeh
This works presents a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of a butterfly valve used to control the flow of combustible gas mixture in an industrial process setting. The work uses CFD simulation to analyze the flow characteristics in the vicinity of the valve, including the velocity distributions, streamlines and path lines. Frequency spectrum of the pressure pulsations downstream the valves, and the vortex shedding allow predicting the torque fluctuations acting on the valve shaft and the possibility of generating mechanical vibration and resonance. These fluctuations are due to aerodynamic torque resulting from fluid turbulence and vortex shedding in the valve vicinity. The valve analyzed is located in a pipeline between two opposing 90o elbows, which exposes the valve and the surrounding structure to the turbulence generated upstream and downstream the elbows at either end of the pipe. CFD simulations show that the best location for the valve from a vibration point of view is in the middle of the pipe joining the elbows.Keywords: butterfly valve vibration analysis, computational fluid dynamics, fluid flow circuit design, fluctuation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4365735 Combined Effect of Gluten-Free Superfoods and by-Products from Ecuador to Evaluate the Functional and Sensory Properties of Breadmaking
Authors: Andrea Vasquez, Pedro Maldonado-Alvarado
In general, 'gluten-free' foods like breadmaking products provide functional or nutraceutical benefits for the consumer's health and increased their demand on the market. In Ecuador, there is an overproduction of superfoods, and the food by-products are undervalued. For the first time, to the author's best knowledge, gluten-free bread mixtures from quinoa and banana flour, cassava starch, lupine flour (LF), or whey protein (WP) with hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and transglutaminase (TG) were evaluated on their functional and sensory properties. Free amino groups and thiols, rheology, and electrophoresis SDS PAGE were performed to analyze the crosslinking of TG at different concentrations with HC or PL proteins. Dough characterization, pasting properties were evaluated, respectively, by a MIXOLAB and a rheometer with a pasting cell. The texture, porosity, and loaf volume were characterized using a texturometer, ImageJ software, and breadmaking ability, respectively. Finally, a breadmaking aptitude and sensorial bread acceptability were performed. A significant decrease in the content of free amino groups (0.16 to 0.11 and 0.46 to 0.36 mM/mg of protein) and free thiol groups (0.37 to 0.21 and 1.79 to 1.32 mM/mg protein) was observed when 1.0% and 0.5% TG were added to LF and WP, respectively. In apparent viscosity analysis, the action of TG on HC proteins changes their viscosity, while the viscosity of LF is not modified by TG. Results of electrophoresis in PL showed bands of higher molecular weight of different fragments of proteins with 1% TG. Formulation with 59.8, 39.9, 160.8, 6.0, 1.0, and 1.5% of, respectively, QF, BF, CS, LF or WP, TG, and HPMC had the best properties in dough parameters, pasting parameters (lower pasting temperature and higher peak viscosity), best crumb structure, lower crumb hardness and higher loaf volume (2.24 and 2.28 mL/g). All the loaves of bread were acceptable in baking aptitude and general acceptability.Keywords: breadmaking, gluten-free, superfoods, by-products, Ecuador
Procedia PDF Downloads 1355734 Clinical Parameters Response to Low Level Laser Versus Monochromatic Near Infrared Photo Energy in Diabetic Patient with Peripheral Neuropathy
Authors: Abeer Ahmed Abdehameed
Background: Diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSP) is one of the most common micro vascular complications of type 2 diabetes. Loss of sensation is thought to contribute to lake of static and dynamic stability and increased risk of falling. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of low level laser (LLL) and monochromatic near infrared photo energy (MIRE) on pain , cutaneous sensation, static stability and index of lower limb blood flow in diabetic with peripheral neuropathy. Methods: Forty subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy were recruited for study. They were divided into two groups: The ( MIRE) group that included (20) patients and (LLL) group included (20) patients. All patients in the study had been subjected to various physical assessment procedures including pain, cutaneous sensation, Doppler flow meter and static stability assessments. The baseline measurements were followed by treatment sessions that conducted twice a week for 6 successive weeks. Results: The statistical analysis of the data had revealed significant improvement of the pain in both groups, with significant improvement in cutaneous sensation and static balance in (MIRE) group compared to (LLL) group; on the other hand results showed no significant differences on lower limb blood flow in both groups. Conclusion: Low level laser and monochromatic near infrared therapy can improve painful symptoms in patients with diabetic neuropathy. On the other hand (MIRE) is useful in improving cutaneous sensation and static stability in patients with diabetic neuropathy.Keywords: diabetic neuropathy, doppler flow meter, low level laser, monochromatic near infrared photo energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3145733 Law and Literature: The Testimony in Pedro Casaldaliga's Poetic
Authors: Eliziane Navarro
It is intended, in this study, from some poems from the work of the poet and Bishop of São Félix do Araguaia-MT Brazil Dom Pedro Casaldáliga, to analyze his poetics from the perspective of the environmental law. In his work, Casaldáliga made a considerable manifest against the oppression experienced especially by Xavante people inside the constryside of the state of Mato Grosso when some government programs benefited a large number of landowners in instead of that minority as a power and control self-affirmation process. The attention which Casaldáliga dismissed to the cause of indigenous eviction of their land called Maraiwatsede resulted in numerous death threats against the poet who was not silenced in face of the landowners’ grievances. His voice contributed significantly to the process of land returning to the indigenous people. Because of the international pressure, the Italian company AGIP, owner of the land, tried to return it to the hands of the indigenous, unfortunately, in the middle of the process, the land was occupied by politicians and big landowners of the region. Another objective of this research is to check the connection of his testimonial literature with the actual legal context of the state in the 50s and also to analyze his poetry as a complaint that led the cause of the state's indigenous to the Eco 92 discussion in Rio de Janeiro.Keywords: law and literature, Brazil, indigenous, Pedro Casaldáliga
Procedia PDF Downloads 2135732 Haematology and Serum Biochemical Profile of Laying Chickens Reared on Deep Litter System with or without Access to Grass or Legume Pasture under Humid Tropical Climate
Authors: E. Oke, A. O. Ladokun, J. O. Daramola, O. M. Onagbesan
There has been a growing interest on the effects of access to pasture on poultry health status. However, there is a paucity of data on the relative benefits of grass and legume pastures. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of rearing systems {deep litter system (DL), deep litter with access to legumes (LP) or grass (GP) pastures} haematology and serum chemistry of ISA Brown layers. The study involved the use of two hundred and forty 12 weeks old pullets. The birds were reared until 60 weeks of age. Eighty birds were assigned to each treatment; each treatment had four replicates of 20 birds each. Blood samples (2.5 ml) were collected from the wing vein of two birds per replicate and serum chemistry and haematological parameters were determined. The results showed that there were no significant differences between treatments in all the parameters considered at 18 weeks of age. At 24 weeks old, the percentage of heterophyl (HET) in DL and LP were similar but higher than that of GP. The ratio of H:L was higher (P<0.05) in DL than those of LP and GP while LP and GP were comparable. At week 38 of age, the percentage of PCV in the birds in LP and GP were similar but the birds in DL had significantly lower level than that of GP. In the early production phase, serum total protein of the birds in LP was similar to that of GP but higher (P<0.05) than that of DL. At the peak production phase (week 38), the total protein in GP and DL were similar but significantly lower than that of LP. The albumin level in LP was greater (P<0.05) than GP but similar to that of DL. In the late production phase, the total protein in LP was significantly higher than that of DL but similar to that of GP. It was concluded that rearing chickens in either grass or legume pasture did not have deleterious effects on the health of laying chickens but improved some parameters including blood protein and HET/lymphocyte.Keywords: rearing systems, stylosanthes, cynodon serum chemistry, haematology, hen
Procedia PDF Downloads 3275731 Improving Early Detection, Diagnosis And Intervention For Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Cross-sectional Survey In China
Authors: Yushen Dai, Tao Deng, Miaoying Chen, Baoqin Huang, Yan Ji, Yongshen Feng, Shaofei Liu, Dongmei Zhong, Tao Zhang, Lifeng Zhang
Background: Detection and diagnosis are prerequisites for early interventions in the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, few studies have focused on this topic. Aim: This study aims to characterize the timing from symptom detection to intervention in children with ASD and to identify the potential predictors of early detection, diagnosis, and intervention. Methods and procedures: A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 314 parents of children with ASD in Guangzhou, China. Outcomes and Results: This study found that most children (76.24%) were diagnosed within one year after detection, and 25.8% of them did not receive the intervention after diagnosis. Predictors to ASD diagnosis included ASD-related symptoms identified at a younger age, more serious symptoms, and initial symptoms with abnormal development and sensory anomalies. ASD-related symptoms observed at an older age, initial symptoms with the social deficit, sensory anomalies, and without language impairment, parents as the primary caregivers, family with lower income and less social support utilization increased the odds of the time lag between detection and diagnosis. Children whose fathers had a lower level of education were less likely to receive the intervention. Conclusions and Implications: The study described the time for detection, diagnosis, and interventions of children with ASD. Findings suggest that the ASD-related symptoms, the timing at which symptoms first become a concern, primary caregivers’ roles, father’s educational level, and the family economic status should be considered when offering support to improve early detection, diagnosis, and intervention. Helping children and their families take full advantage of support is also important.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, child, detection, diagnosis, intervention, social support
Procedia PDF Downloads 935730 The Influence of Concrete Pictorial Abstract Teaching Approach on Students' Concepts Understanding and Retention in Mathematics in Rwandan Lower Secondary Schools
Authors: Emmanuel Iyamuremye, Irenee Ndayambaje
This study investigated the influence of Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) teaching approach on mathematics achievement based on a sample of eighth-grade students (N = 10,345) from the Rwandan Lower Secondary School quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group of 2019 (RLSQES19). Key aspects studied included mathematics concept understanding and mathematics concept retention and how these are influenced by teacher's teaching approach. Specifically, the study aimed to a.) investigate students' concept understanding and concept retention in mathematics when exposed to CPA approach and to those exposed to non-CPA approach before and after the intervention, and b.) ascertain the significant difference between the performance of the students exposed to CPA approach and those exposed to non-CPA approach in terms of post-test scores and retention test scores. Two groups (control and experimental) undergone pre-test, post-test, and retention test. The assignment of control and experimental group among senior two classes from 10 schools was done randomly. The materials used to determine the performance of the students is a teacher-made test. Descriptive statistics and ANCOVA were used for the analysis of the study. For determining the improvement in concept understanding of mathematics, Hakes methods of calculating gain were used to analyze the pre-test and post test score. The level of performance of the two groups in the pre-test is below average level. During the post-test and retention test, the performance of students in non-CPA group is on average level, and students in CPA group are on above average level. Hakes methods of calculating gain revealed higher significant performance in the post-test and retention test of CPA group of students than non-CPA group of students.Keywords: concept understanding, concept retention, performance, teaching approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1275729 Evaluation of the Relation between Serum and Saliva Levels of Sodium and Glucose in Healthy Referred Patients to Tabriz Faculty of Dentistry
Authors: Samaneh Nazemi, Ayla Bahramian, Marzieh Aghazadeh
Saliva is a clear liquid composed of water, electrolytes, glucose, amylase, glycoproteins, and antimicrobial enzymes. The presence of a wide range of molecules and proteins in saliva has made this fluid valuable in screening for some diseases as well as epidemiological studies. Saliva is easier than serum to collect in large populations. Due to the importance of sodium and glucose levels in many biological processes, this study investigates the relationship between sodium and glucose levels in salivary and serum samples of healthy individuals referring to Tabriz Dental School. This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 40 healthy individuals referred to the Oral Diseases Department of Tabriz Dental School. Serum and saliva samples were taken from these patients according to standard protocols. Data were presented as mean (standard deviation) and frequency (percentage) for quantitative and qualitative variables. Pearson test, paired-samples T-test and SPSS 24 software were used to determine the correlation between serum and salivary levels of these biomarkers. In this study, P less than 0.05% is considered significant. Out of 40 participants in this study, 14 (35%) were male, and 26 (65%) were female. According to the results of this study, the mean salivary sodium (127.53 ml/dl) was lower than the mean serum sodium (141.2725 ml/dl). In contrast, the mean salivary glucose (4.55 ml/dl) was lower than the mean serum glucose (89.7575 ml/dl). The result of paired samples T-test (p-value<0.05) showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean of serum sodium and salivary sodium, as well as between the serum glucose and salivary glucose. Pearson correlation test results showed that there is no significant correlation between serum sodium and salivary sodium (p-value >0.05), but here is a positive correlation between serum glucose and salivary glucose (p-value<0.001). Both serum sodium and glucose were higher than salivary sodium and glucose.In conclusion, this study found that there was not a statistical relationship between salivary glucose and serum glucose and also salivary sodium and serum sodium of healthy individuals. Perhaps salivary samples can’t be used to measure glucose and sodium in these individuals.Keywords: glucose, saliva, serum, sodium
Procedia PDF Downloads 2565728 Effect of Two Types of Shoe Insole on the Dynamics of Lower Extremities Joints in Individuals with Leg Length Discrepancy during Stance Phase of Walking
Authors: Mansour Eslami, Fereshte Habibi
Limb length discrepancy (LLD), or anisomeric, is defined as a condition in which paired limbs are noticeably unequal. Individuals with LLD during walking use compensatory mechanisms to dynamically lengthen the short limb and shorten the long limb to minimize the displacement of the body center of mass and consequently reduce body energy expenditure. Due to the compensatory movements created, LLD greater than 1 cm increases the odds of creating lumbar problems and hip and knee osteoarthritis. Insoles are non-surgical therapies that are recommended to improve the walking pattern, pain and create greater symmetry between the two lower limbs. However, it is not yet clear what effect insoles have on the variables related to injuries during walking. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of internal and external heel lift insoles on pelvic kinematic in sagittal and frontal planes and lower extremity joint moments in individuals with mild leg length discrepancy during the stance phase of walking. Biomechanical data of twenty-eight men with structural leg length discrepancy of 10-25 mm were collected while they walked under three conditions: shoes without insole (SH), with internal heel lift insoles (IHLI) in shoes, and with external heal lift insole (EHLI). The tests were performed for both short and long legs. The pelvic kinematic and joint moment were measured with a motion capture system and force plate. Five walking trials were performed for each condition. The average value of five successful trials was used for further statistical analysis. Repeated measures ANCOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test were used for between-group comparisons (p ≤ 0.05). In both internal and external heel lift insoles (IHLI, EHLI), there was a significant decrease in the peak values of lateral and anterior pelvic tilts of the long leg, hip, and knee moments of a long leg and ankle moment of short leg (p ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, significant increases in peak values of lateral and anterior pelvic tilt of short leg in IHLI and EHLI were observed as compared to Shoe (SH) condition (p ≤ 0.01). In addition, a significant difference was observed between the IHLI and EHLI conditions in peak anterior pelvic tilt of long leg and plantar flexor moment of short leg (p=0.04; p= 0.04 respectively). Our findings indicate that both IHLI and EHLI can play an important role in controlling excessive pelvic movements in the sagittal and frontal planes in individuals with mild LLD during walking. Furthermore, the EHLI may have a better effect in preventing musculoskeletal injuries compared to the IHLI.Keywords: kinematic, leg length discrepancy, shoe insole, walking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1195727 A Computational Investigation of Knocking Tendency in a Hydrogen-Fueled SI Engine
Authors: Hammam Aljabri, Hong G. Im
Hydrogen is a promising future fuel to support the transition of the energy sector toward carbon neutrality. The direct utilization of H2 in Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) is possible, and this technology faces mainly two challenges; high NOx emissions and severe knocking at mid to high loads. In this study, we numerically investigated the potential of H2 combustion in a truck-size engine operated in SI mode. To mitigate the knocking nature of H2 combustion, we have focused on studying the effects of three primary parameters; the compression ratio (CR), the air-fuel ratio, and the spark time. The baseline case was set using a CR of 16.5 and an equivalence ratio of 0.35. In simulations, the auto-ignition tendency was evaluated based on the maximum pressure rise rate and the local pressure fluctuations at the monitoring points set along the wall of the combustion chamber. To mitigate the auto-ignition tendency while enabling a wider range of engine operation, the effect of lowering the compression ratio was assessed. The results indicate that by lowering the compression ratio from 16.5:1 to 12.5:1, an indicated thermal efficiency of 47.5% can be achieved. Aiming to restrain the auto-ignition while maintaining good efficiency, a reduction in the equivalence ratio was examined under different compression ratios. The result indicates that higher compression ratios will require lower equivalence ratios, and due to practical limitations, a lower equivalence ratio of 0.25 was set as the limit. Using a compression ratio of 13.5 combined with an equivalence ratio of 0.3 resulted in an indicated thermal efficiency of 48.6%, that is, at a fixed spark time. It is found that under such lean conditions, the incomplete combustion losses and exhaust losses were high. Thus, advancing the spark time was assessed as a possible solution. The results demonstrated the advantages of advancing the spark time, where an indicated thermal efficiency exceeding 50% was achieved using a compression ratio of 14.5:1 and an equivalence ratio of 0.25.Keywords: hydrogen, combustion, engine knock, SI engine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1305726 Triassic and Liassic Paleoenvironments during the Central Atlantic Magmatique Province (CAMP) Effusion in the Moroccan Coastal Meseta: The Mohammedia-Benslimane-El Gara-Berrechid Basin
Authors: Rachid Essamoud, Abdelkrim Afenzar, Ahmed Belqadi
During the Early Mesozoic, the northwestern part of the African continent was affected by initial fracturing associated with the early stages of the opening of the Central Atlantic (Atlantic Rift). During this rifting phase, the Moroccan Meseta experienced an extensive tectonic regime. This extension favored the formation of a set of rift-type basins, including the Mohammedia-Benslimane-ElGara-Berrechid basin. Thus, it is essential to know the nature of the deposits in this basin and their evolution over time as well as their relationship with the basaltic effusion of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). These deposits are subdivided into two large series: The Lower clay-salt series attributed to the Triassic and the Upper clay-salt series attributed to the Liassic. The two series are separated by the Upper Triassic-Lower Liassic basaltic complex. The detailed sedimentological analysis made it possible to characterize four mega-sequences, fifteen types of facies and eight architectural elements and facies associations in the Triassic series. A progressive decrease observed in paleo-slope over time led to the evolution of the paleoenvironment from a proximal system of alluvial fans to a braided fluvial style, then to an anastomosed system. These environments eventually evolved into an alluvial plain associated with a coastal plain where playa lakes, mudflats and lagoons had developed. The pure and massive halitic facies at the top of the series probably indicate an evolution of the depositional environment towards a shallow subtidal environment. The presence of these evaporites indicates a climate that favored their precipitation, in this case, a fairly hot and humid climate. The sedimentological analysis of the supra-basaltic part shows that during the Lower Liassic, the paleopente after basaltic effusion remained weak with distal environments. The faciological analysis revealed the presence of four major sandstone, silty, clayey and evaporitic lithofacies organized in two mega-sequences: the sedimentation of the first rock-salt mega-sequence took place in a brine depression system free, followed by saline mudflats under continental influences. The upper clay mega-sequence displays facies documenting sea level fluctuations from the final transgression of the Tethys or the opening Atlantic. Saliferous sedimentation is therefore favored from the Upper Triassic, but experienced a sudden rupture by the emission of basaltic flows which are interstratified in the azoic salt clays of very shallow seas. This basaltic emission which belongs to the CAMP would come from a fissural volcanism probably carried out through transfer faults located in the NW and SE of the basin. Their emplacement is probably subaquatic to subaerial. From a chronological and paleogeographic point of view, this main volcanism, dated between the Upper Triassic and the Lower Liassic (180-200 MA), is linked to the fragmentation of Pangea and managed by a progressive expansion triggered in the West in close relation with the initial phases of Central Atlantic rifting and seems to coincide with the major mass extinction at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary.Keywords: Basalt, CAMP, Liassic, sedimentology, Triassic, Morocco
Procedia PDF Downloads 755725 Temperature Control and Comfort Level of Elementary School Building with Green Roof in New Taipei City, Taiwan
Authors: Ying-Ming Su, Mei-Shu Huang
To mitigate the urban heat island effect has become a global issue facing the challenge of climate change. Through literature reviews, plant photosynthesis can reduce the carbon dioxide and mitigate the urban heat island effect relatively. Because there are not enough open space and park, green roof has become an important policy in Taiwan. We selected elementary school buildings in northern New Taipei City as research subjects since elementary school is asked priority to build green roof and important educational place to promote green roof concept. Testo 175-H1 recording device was used to record the temperature and humidity difference between roof surface and interior space below roof with and without green roof for the long-term. We also use questionnaire to investigate the awareness of comfort level of green roof and sensation of teachers and students of the elementary school. The results indicated the temperature of roof without greening was higher than that with greening about 2°C. But sometimes during noontime, the temperature of green roof was higher than that of non-green roof related to the character of the accumulation and dissipation of heat of greening probably. The temperature of interior space below green roof was normally lower than that without green roof about 1°C showed that green roof could lower the temperature. The humidity of the green roof was higher than the one without greening also indicated that green roof retained water better. Teachers liked to combine green roof concept in the curriculum, students wished all classes can take turns to maintain the green roof. Teachers and students that school had integrated green roof concept in the curriculum were more willing to participate in the maintenance work of green roof. Teachers and students who may access and touch the green roof can be more aware of the green roof benefit. We suggest architect to increase the accessibility and visibility of green roof, such as a part of the activity space. This idea can be a reference of the green roof curriculum design.Keywords: comfort level, elementary school, green roof, heat island effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 4165724 Total Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Assessment of Mass Timber Buildings in the US
Authors: Hongmei Gu, Shaobo Liang, Richard Bergman
With current worldwide trend in designs to have net-zero emission buildings to mitigate climate change, widespread use of mass timber products, such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), or Nail Laminated Timber (NLT) or Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT) in buildings have been proposed as one approach in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Consequentially, mass timber building designs are being adopted more and more by architectures in North America, especially for mid- to high-rise buildings where concrete and steel buildings are currently prevalent, but traditional light-frame wood buildings are not. Wood buildings and their associated wood products have tended to have lower environmental impacts than competing energy-intensive materials. It is common practice to conduct life cycle assessments (LCAs) and life cycle cost analyses on buildings with traditional structural materials like concrete and steel in the building design process. Mass timber buildings with lower environmental impacts, especially GHG emissions, can contribute to the Net Zero-emission goal for the world-building sector. However, the economic impacts from CLT mass timber buildings still vary from the life-cycle cost perspective and environmental trade-offs associated with GHG emissions. This paper quantified the Total Life Cycle Cost and cradle-to-grave GHG emissions of a pre-designed CLT mass timber building and compared it to a functionally-equivalent concrete building. The Total life cycle Eco-cost-efficiency is defined in this study and calculated to discuss the trade-offs for the net-zero emission buildings in a holistic view for both environmental and economic impacts. Mass timber used in buildings for the United States is targeted to the materials from the nation’s sustainable managed forest in order to benefit both national and global environments and economies.Keywords: GHG, economic impact, eco-cost-efficiency, total life-cycle costs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1415723 Post-Discharge Oral Nutritional Supplements Following Gastric Cancer Surgery: A systematic Review
Authors: Mohammad Mohammadi, Mohammad Pashmchi
Background: Malnutrition commonly develops and worsens following gastric cancer surgery, particularly after discharge, which is associated with adverse outcomes. Former studies have primarily focused on patients during their hospital stay period, and there is limited evidence regarding the recommendation of nutritional interventions for patients after discharge from the hospital following gastric cancer surgery. This review is aimed to evaluate the efficiency of post-discharge dietary counseling with oral nutritional supplements (ONS), and dietary counseling alone on post-surgical nutritional outcomes in patients undergoing gastric cancer surgery. Methods: The four databases of Embase, PubMed, web of science, and google scholar were searched up to November 2022 for relevant randomized controlled trials. The Cochrane Collaboration’s assessment tool for randomized trials was used to evaluate the quality of studies. Results: Compared to patients who only received dietary counseling, patients who received both dietary counseling and ONS had considerably higher SMI, BMI, and less weight loss and sarcopenia occurrence rate. The patients who had received dietary counseling and ONS had significantly lower risk of chemotherapy intolerance. No differences in the readmission rate between the two groups was found. In terms of the quality of life, concomitant dietary advice and ONS significantly was associated with lower appetite loss and fatigue rate, but there was no difference in the other outcomes between the two groups. Conclusions: Post-discharge dietary advice with ONS following gastric cancer surgery may improve skeletal muscle maintenance, nutritional outcomes, quality of life variables, and chemotherapy tolerance. This evidence supports the recommendation of post-discharge dietary advice with ONS for patients who underwent gastric cancer surgery.Keywords: gastric cancer surgery, oral nutritional supplements, malnutrition, gastric cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 745722 A Case of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Presenting With GI Symptoms and Noted to Have Extranodal Involvement of the Stomach and Colon on Presentation
Authors: Saba Amreen Syeda, Summaiah Asim, Syeda, Hafsa, Essam Quraishi
Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) is a relatively uncommon type of lymphoma that comprises approximately 7 percent of non hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), Classic MCL presents mostly in lymph nodes and occasionally in extranodal sites. About 26 % of MCL is present primarily in the Gastrointestinal tract. While both the upper GI tract and the lower GI tract could be involved, it is rare to present with concurrent upper and lower GI involvement with MCL. We present the case of a 51-year-old Asian Indian male that presented to our clinic with complaints of chronic diarrhea for the last one year, progressively worsening over the past three months. The Patient also reported black stool as well as bright red blood per rectum. Patient reported severe fatigue on minimal exertion. On a physical exam, the patient was noted to have matted lymphadenopathy in the neck. Patient was noted to be anemic with a hemoglobin to be 8 g/dl. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy was performed. EGD showed a large 4 cm ulcer in the gastric antrum with thick heaped up edges. There was bleeding on contact. Colonoscopy showed a large 35 mm multilobulated polyp in the ascending colon, which was biopsied. The patient was also noted to have nodular proctitis in the mid rectum. This was localized and extended to about 5 cm. This area was biopsied as well. Biopsies from the stomach, colon, as well as the rectum, returned with findings of mantle cell lymphoma on pathology. Lymphoid cells in the biopsy were stained strongly positive for CD 20, cyclin D1, and CD 5. There was the absence of stain for CD 3 and CD 10. The IHC stain for CD 23 was negative. Biopsies from neck LAD were obtained and were also positive for MCL. The patient was referred to oncology for staging and treatment.Keywords: mantle cell lymphoma, GI bleed, diarrhea, gastric ulcer, colon polyp
Procedia PDF Downloads 1595721 Nutrient Foramina in the Shaft of Long Bones of Upper Limb
Authors: Madala Venkateswara Rao
The major blood supply to the long bones occurs through the nutrient arteries, which enters through the nutrient foramina. This is the study of nutrient Foramina in the shaft of upper limb long bones taken from the department of Anatomy at Narayana medical college nellore. Nutrient foramina play an important role in nutrition and growth of the bones. Most of the nutrient arteries follow the rule, 'to the elbow I go, from the knee I flee' but they are very variable in position. Their number, location, direction & its importance in the growing end of long bones were studied in the long bones of upper limb. The present study has variations in the position & direction of long bones especially in the radius & ulna, as most of the nutrient foramina are found in anterior surface of upper 1/3rd and middle 1/3rd of these bones. The study of nutrient foramina is not only of academic interest but also in medico-legal practice in relation to their position. Careful observation has also been made on the position of nutrient foramina in relation to upper end of long bones. This study also gives importance of length long bones to know the height of an individual. With the knowledge of variations in the nutrient foramen, placement of internal fixation devices can be appropriately done.Keywords: nutrient artery, nutrient foramina, shaft of long bones, upper limb bones
Procedia PDF Downloads 5025720 Mathematical Anxiety and Misconceptions in Algebra of Grade Vii Students in General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School
Authors: Nessa-Amie T. Peñaflor, Antonio Cinto
This is a descriptive research on the level of math anxiety and mathematics misconceptions in algebra. This research is composed of four parts: (1) analysis of the level of anxiety of the respondents; (2) analysis of the common mathematical misconceptions in algebra; (3) relationship of socio-demographic profile in math anxiety and mathematical misconceptions and (4) analysis of the relationship of math anxiety and misconceptions in algebra. Through the demographic profile questionnaire it was found out that most of the respondents were female. Majority had ages that ranged from 13-15. Most of them had parents who finished secondary education. The biggest portion of Grade Seven students where from families with annual family income ranging from PhP 100, 000 to PhP 299, 999. Most of them came from public school. Mathematics Anxiety Scale for Secondary and Senior Secondary School Students (MAS) and set of 10 open-ended algebraic expressions and polynomials were also administered to determine the anxiety level and the common misconceptions in algebra. Data analysis revealed that respondents had high anxiety in mathematics. Likewise, the common mathematical misconceptions of the Grade Seven students were: combining unlike terms; multiplying the base and exponents; regarding the variable x as 0; squaring the first and second terms only in product of two binomials; wrong meaning attached to brackets; writing the terms next to each other but not simplifying in using the FOIL Method; writing the literal coefficient even if the numerical coefficient is 0; and dividing the denominator by the numerator when the numerical coefficient in the numerator is smaller than the numerical coefficient of the denominator. Results of the study show that the socio-demographic characteristics were not related to mathematics anxiety and misconceptions. Furthermore, students from higher section had high anxiety than those students on the lower section. Thus, belonging to higher or lower section may affect the mathematical misconceptions of the respondents.Keywords: algebra, grade 7 math, math anxiety, math misconceptions
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