Search results for: acetic acid bacteria
3150 Effect of a Mixture of Phenol, O-Cresol, P-Cresol, and M-Cresol on the Nitrifying Process in a Sequencing Batch Reactor
Authors: Adriana Sosa, Susana Rincon, Chérif Ben, Diana Cabañas, Juan E. Ruiz, Alejandro Zepeda
The complex chemical composition (mixtures of ammonium and recalcitrant compounds) of the effluents from the chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries represents a challenge in their biological treatment. This treatment involves nitrification process that can suffer an inhibition due to the presence of aromatic compounds giving as a result the decrease of the process efficiency. The inhibitory effects on nitrification in the presence of aromatic compounds have already been studied; however a few studies have considered the presence of phenolic compounds in the form of mixtures, which is the form that they are present in real context. For this reason, we realized a kinetic study on the nitrifying process in the presence of different concentrations of a mixture of phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol and p-cresol (0 - 320 mg C/L) in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). Firstly, the nitrifying process was evaluated in absence of the phenolic mixture (control 1) in a SBR with 2 L working volume and 176 mg/L of nitrogen of microbial protein. Total oxidation of initial ammonium (efficiency; ENH4+ of 100 %) to nitrate (nitrifying yield; YNO3- of 0.95) were obtained with specific rates of ammonium consumption (qN-NH4+) and nitrate production (qN-NO3-) (of 1.11 ± 0.04 h-1 and 0.67 h-1 ± 0.11 respectively. During the phase of acclimation with 40 mg C/L of the phenolic mixture, an inhibitory effect on the nitrifying process was observed, provoking a decrease in ENH4+ and YNO3- (11 and 54 % respectively) as well as in the specific rates (89 y 46 % respectively), being the ammonia oxidizing bacteria (BAO) the most affected. However, in the next cycles without the phenolic mixture (control 2), the nitrifying consortium was able to recover its nitrifying capacity (ENH4+ = 100% and YNO3-=0.98). Afterwards the SBR was fed with 10 mg C/L of the phenolic mixture, obtaining and ENH4+ of 100%, YNO3- and qN-NH4+ 0.62 ± 0.006 and 0.13 ± 0.004 respectively, while the qN-NO3- was 0.49 ± 0.007. Moreover, with the increase of the phenolic concentrations (10-160 mg C/L) and the number of cycles the nitrifying consortium was able to oxidize the ammonia with ENH4+ of 100 % and YNO3- close to 1. However a decrease in the values of the nitrification specific rates and increase in the oxidation in phenolic compounds (70 to 94%) were observed. Finally, in the presence of 320 mg C/L, the nitrifying consortium was able to simultaneously oxidize the ammonia (ENH4+= 100%) and the phenolic mixture (p-cresol>phenol>m-cresol>o-cresol) being the o-cresol the most recalcitrant compound. In all the experiments the use of a SBR allowed a respiratory adaptation of the consortium to oxidize the phenolic mixture achieving greater adaptation of the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) than in the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB).Keywords: cresol, inhibition, nitrification, phenol, sequencing batch reactor
Procedia PDF Downloads 3633149 Functionalization of Sanitary Pads with Probiotic Paste
Authors: O. Sauperl, L. Fras Zemljic
The textile industry is gaining increasing importance in the field of medical materials. Therefore, presented research is focused on textile materials for external (out-of-body) use. Such materials could be various hygienic textile products (diapers, tampons, sanitary napkins, incontinence products, etc.), protective textiles and various hospital linens (surgical covers, masks, gowns, cloths, bed linens, etc.) wound pillows, bandages, orthopedic socks, etc. Function of tampons and sanitary napkins is not only to provide protection during the menstrual cycle, but their function can be also to take care of physiological or pathological vaginal discharge. In general, women's intimate areas are against infection protected by a low pH value of the vaginal flora. High pH inhibits the development of harmful microorganisms, as it is difficult to be reproduced in an acidic environment. The normal vaginal flora in healthy women is highly colonized by lactobacilli. The lactic acid produced by these organisms maintains the constant acidity of the vagina. If the balance of natural protection breaks, infections can occur. In the market, there exist probiotic tampons as a medical product supplying the vagina with beneficial probiotic lactobacilli. But, many users have concerns about the use of tampons due to the possible dry-out of the vagina as well as the possible toxic shock syndrome, which is the reason that they use mainly sanitary napkins during the menstrual cycle. Functionalization of sanitary napkins with probiotics is, therefore, interesting in regard to maintain a healthy vaginal flora and to offer to users added value of the sanitary napkins in the sense of health- and environmentally-friendly products. For this reason, the presented research is oriented in functionalization of the sanitary napkins with the probiotic paste in order to activate the lactic acid bacteria presented in the core of the functionalized sanitary napkin at the time of the contact with the menstrual fluid. In this way, lactobacilli could penetrate into vagina and by maintaining healthy vaginal flora to reduce the risk of vaginal disorders. In regard to the targeted research problem, the influence of probiotic paste applied onto cotton hygienic napkins on selected properties was studied. The aim of the research was to determine whether the sanitary napkins with the applied probiotic paste may assure suitable vaginal pH to maintain a healthy vaginal flora during the use of this product. Together with this, sorption properties of probiotic functionalized sanitary napkins were evaluated and compared to the untreated one. The research itself was carried out on the basis of tracking and controlling the input parameters, currently defined by Slovenian producer (Tosama d.o.o.) as the most important. Successful functionalization of sanitary pads with the probiotic paste was confirmed by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Results of the methods used within the presented research show that the absorption of the pads treated with probiotic paste deteriorates compared to non-treated ones. The coating shows a 6-month stability. Functionalization of sanitary pads with probiotic paste is believed to have a commercial potential for lowering the probability of infection during the menstrual cycle.Keywords: functionalization, probiotic paste, sanitary pads, textile materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 1923148 Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)/Graphene Microparticles Having a Core/Shell Structure Prepared with Carboxylated Graphene as a Pickering Stabilizer
Authors: Gansukh Erdenedelger, Doljinsuren Sukhbaatar, Trung Dung Dao, Byeong-Kyu Lee, Han Mo Jeong
Two kinds of carboxylated thermally reduced graphenes (C-TRGs) having different lateral sizes are examined as a Pickering stabilizer in the suspension polymerization of methyl methacrylate. The size and the shape of the prepared composite particles are irregular due to agglomeration, more evidently when the larger C-TRG is used. In addition, C-TRG is distributed not only on the surface but also inside the composite particles. It indicates that the C-TRG alone is not a stable Pickering agent. However, a very small dosage of acrylic acid remedies all these issues, because acrylic acid interacts with C-TRG and synergizes the stabilizing effect. The compression molded composite of the core/shell poly(methyl methacrylate)/C-TRG particles exhibits a very low percolation threshold of electrical conductivity of 0.03 vol%. It demonstrates that the C-TRG shells of the composite particles effectively form a segregated conductive network throughout the composite.Keywords: pickering, graphene, polymerization, PMMA
Procedia PDF Downloads 2983147 Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies of Lead Adsorption on Activated Carbon Derived from Mangrove Propagule Waste by Phosphoric Acid Activation
Authors: Widi Astuti, Rizki Agus Hermawan, Hariono Mukti, Nurul Retno Sugiyono
The removal of lead ion (Pb2+) from aqueous solution by activated carbon with phosphoric acid activation employing mangrove propagule as precursor was investigated in a batch adsorption system. Batch studies were carried out to address various experimental parameters including pH and contact time. The Langmuir and Freundlich models were able to describe the adsorption equilibrium, while the pseudo first order and pseudo second order models were used to describe kinetic process of Pb2+ adsorption. The results show that the adsorption data are seen in accordance with Langmuir isotherm model and pseudo-second order kinetic model.Keywords: activated carbon, adsorption, equilibrium, kinetic, lead, mangrove propagule
Procedia PDF Downloads 1673146 Effect of Acid-Basic Treatments of Lingocellulosic Material Forest Wastes Wild Carob on Ethyl Violet Dye Adsorption
Authors: Abdallah Bouguettoucha, Derradji Chebli, Tariq Yahyaoui, Hichem Attout
The effect of acid -basic treatment of lingocellulosic material (forest wastes wild carob) on Ethyl violet adsorption was investigated. It was found that surface chemistry plays an important role in Ethyl violet (EV) adsorption. HCl treatment produces more active acidic surface groups such as carboxylic and lactone, resulting in an increase in the adsorption of EV dye. The adsorption efficiency was higher for treated of lingocellulosic material with HCl than for treated with KOH. Maximum biosorption capacity was 170 and 130 mg/g, for treated of lingocellulosic material with HCl than for treated with KOH at pH 6 respectively. It was also found that the time to reach equilibrium takes less than 25 min for both treated materials. The adsorption of basic dye (i.e., ethyl violet or basic violet 4) was carried out by varying some process parameters, such as initial concentration, pH and temperature. The adsorption process can be well described by means of a pseudo-second-order reaction model showing that boundary layer resistance was not the rate-limiting step, as confirmed by intraparticle diffusion since the linear plot of Qt versus t^0.5 did not pass through the origin. In addition, experimental data were accurately expressed by the Sips equation if compared with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The values of ΔG° and ΔH° confirmed that the adsorption of EV on acid-basic treated forest wast wild carob was spontaneous and endothermic in nature. The positive values of ΔS° suggested an irregular increase of the randomness at the treated lingocellulosic material -solution interface during the adsorption process.Keywords: adsorption, isotherm models, thermodynamic parameters, wild carob
Procedia PDF Downloads 2783145 Production of Biodiesel from Melon Seed Oil Using Sodium Hydroxide as a Catalyst
Authors: Ene Rosemary Ndidiamaka, Nwangwu Florence Chinyere
The physiochemical properties of the melon seed oil was studied to determine its potentials as viable feed stock for biodisel production. The melon seed was extracted by solvent extraction using n-hexane as the extracting solvent. In this research, methanol was the alcohol used in the production of biodiesel, although alcohols like ethanol, propanol may also be used. Sodium hydroxide was employed for the catalysis. The melon seed oil was characterized for specific gravity, pH, ash content, iodine value, acid value, saponification value, peroxide value, free fatty acid value, flash point, viscosity, and refractive index using standard methods. The melon seed oil had very high oil content. Specific gravity and flash point of the oil is satisfactory. However, moisture content of the oil exceeded the stipulated ASRTM standard for biodiesel production. The overall results indicates that the melon seed oil is suitable for single-stage transesterification process to biodiesel production.Keywords: biodiesel, catalyst, melon seed, transesterification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3693144 Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Fresh Vegetables Retailed in Eastern Spain
Authors: Miguel García-Ferrús, Yolanda Domínguez, M Angeles Castillo, M Antonia Ferrús, Ana Jiménez-Belenguer
Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health concern worldwide, and it is now regarded as a critical issue within the "One Health" approach that affects human and animal health, agriculture, and environmental waste management. This concept focuses on the interconnected nature of human, animal and environmental health, and WHO highlights zoonotic diseases, food safety, and antimicrobial resistance as three particularly relevant areas for this framework. Fresh vegetables are garnering attention in the food chain due to the presence of pathogens and because they can act as a reservoir for Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria (ARB) and Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARG). These fresh products are frequently consumed raw, thereby contributing to the spread and transmission of antibiotic resistance. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the microbiological quality, the prevalence of ARB, and their role in the dissemination of ARG in fresh vegetables intended for human consumption. For this purpose, 102 samples of fresh vegetables (30 lettuce, 30 cabbage, 18 strawberries and 24 spinach) from different retail establishments in Valencia (Spain) have been analyzed to determine their microbiological quality and their role in spreading ARB and ARG. The samples were collected and examined according to standardized methods for total viable bacteria, coliforms, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. Isolation was made in culture media supplemented with antibiotics (cefotaxime and meropenem). A total of 239 strains resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics (Third-Generation Cephalosporins and Carbapenems) were isolated. Thirty Gram-negative isolates were selected and biochemically identified or partial sequencing of 16S rDNA. Their sensitivity to 12 antibiotic discs was determined using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion technique to different therapeutic groups. To determine the presence of ARG, PCR assays for the direct sample and selected isolate DNA were performed for main expanded spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-, carbapenemase-encoding genes and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes. From the total samples, 68% (24/24 spinach, 28/30 lettuce and 17/30 cabbage) showed total viable bacteria levels over the accepted standard 10(2)-10(5) cfu/g range; and 48% (24/24 spinach, 19/30 lettuce and 6/30) showed coliforms levels over the accepted standard 10(2)-10(4) cfu/g range. In 9 samples (3/24 spinach, 3/30 lettuce, 3/30 cabbage; 9/102 (9%)) E. coli levels were higher than the standard 10(3) cfu/g limit. Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella and STEC have not been detected. Six different bacteria species were isolated from samples. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (64%) was the prevalent species, followed by Acinetobacter pitii (14%) and Burkholderia cepacia (7%). All the isolates were resistant to at least one tested antibiotic, including meropenem (85%) and ceftazidime (46%). Of the total isolates, 86% were multidrug-resistant and 68% were ESBL productors. Results of PCR showed the presence of resistance genes to beta-lactams blaTEM (4%) and blaCMY-2 (4%), to carbapenemes blaOXA-48 (25%), blaVIM (7%), blaIMP (21%) and blaKPC (32%), and to quinolones QnrA (7%), QnrB (11%) and QnrS (18%). Thus, fresh vegetables harboring ARB and ARG constitute a potential risk to consumers. Further studies must be done to detect ARG and how they propagate in non-medical environments.Keywords: ESBL, β-lactams, resistances, fresh vegetables.
Procedia PDF Downloads 883143 Protective Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine and Alpha Lipoic Acid on Rats Chronically Exposed to Cadmium Chloride
Authors: S. El Ballal, H. El Sabbagh, M. Abd El Gaber, A. Eisa, A. Al Gamal
Cadmium is one of the most harmful heavy metals able to induce severe injury. In this study, sixty four male Sprague Dawley rats weighing (70-80 gm) were used. Rats were divided into 4 groups each group of 16 rats. Group A: served as control and received commercial ration and distilled water Group B: cadmium chloride was administered orally in water at dose of 300 ppm cadmium (560 mg/L as CdCl2). Group C: Animals received cadmium in drinking water in addition to administration of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) orally at a dose of 150 mg/kg body weight, equivalent to 1500 ppm in food. Group D: Animals received cadmium in drinking water in addition to administration of alpha lipoic acid (ALA) orally at a dose of 150 mg/kg body weight, equivalent to 1500 ppm in food. The experiment was continued for 2 months. Collection of blood and tissue samples was performed at 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks. Blood sample were collected for serum biochemical analysis including malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidants, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total protein, albumin, urea and uric acid. Tissue specimens were collected for histopathological examination including liver, kidney, brain and testis. Histopathological examination revealed that cadmium choloride induces pathological alterations which increased in severity with time. The use of NAC and ALA can ameliorate toxic effect of CdCl2. The results showed significant decrease MDA and significant increase total antioxidants in group C and D compared to group B, Liver enzymes include AST and ALT showed significant decrease. Regarding to results of total protein and albumin, they revealed significant increase. Urea and uric acid showed significant decrease. From our study we conclude that NAC and ALA have protective effect against cadmium toxicity.Keywords: ALA, cadmium, histopathology, NAC
Procedia PDF Downloads 3383142 Phytoremediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Soil and Recovery of Valuable Arsenic Products
Authors: Valentine C. Eze, Adam P. Harvey
Contamination of groundwater and soil by heavy metals and metalloids through anthropogenic activities and natural occurrence poses serious environmental challenges globally. A possible solution to this problem is through phytoremediation of the contaminants using hyper-accumulating plants. Conventional phytoremediation treats the contaminated hyper-accumulator biomass as a waste stream which adds no value to the heavy metal(loid)s decontamination process. This study investigates strategies for remediation of soil contaminated with arsenic and the extractive chemical routes for recovery of arsenic and phosphorus from the hyper-accumulator biomass. Pteris cretica ferns species were investigated for their uptake of arsenic from soil containing 200 ± 3ppm of arsenic. The Pteris cretica ferns were shown to be capable of hyper-accumulation of arsenic, with maximum accumulations of about 4427 ± 79mg to 4875 ± 96mg of As per kg of the dry ferns. The arsenic in the Pteris cretica fronds was extracted into various solvents, with extraction efficiencies of 94.3 ± 2.1% for ethanol-water (1:1 v/v), 81.5 ± 3.2% for 1:1(v/v) methanol-water, and 70.8 ± 2.9% for water alone. The recovery efficiency of arsenic from the molybdic acid complex process 90.8 ± 5.3%. Phosphorus was also recovered from the molybdic acid complex process at 95.1 ± 4.6% efficiency. Quantitative precipitation of Mg₃(AsO₄)₂ and Mg₃(PO₄)₂ occurred in the treatment of the aqueous solutions of arsenic and phosphorus after stripping at pH of 8 – 10. The amounts of Mg₃(AsO₄)₂ and Mg₃(PO₄)₂ obtained were 96 ± 7.2% for arsenic and 94 ± 3.4% for phosphorus. The arsenic nanoparticles produced from the Mg₃(AsO₄)₂ recovered from the biomass have the average particles diameter of 45.5 ± 11.3nm. A two-stage reduction process – a first step pre-reduction of As(V) to As(III) with L-cysteine, followed by NaBH₄ reduction of the As(III) to As(0), was required to produced arsenic nanoparticles from the Mg₃(AsO₄)₂. The arsenic nanoparticles obtained are potentially valuable for medical applications, while the Mg₃(AsO₄)₂ could be used as an insecticide. The phosphorus contents of the Pteris cretica biomass was recovered as phosphomolybdic acid complex and converted to Mg₃(PO₄)₂, which could be useful in productions of fertilizer. Recovery of these valuable products from phytoremediation biomass would incentivize and drive commercial industries’ participation in remediation of contaminated lands.Keywords: phytoremediation, Pteris cretica, hyper-accumulator, solvent extraction, molybdic acid process, arsenic nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 3183141 An Investigation of How Salad Rocket May Provide Its Own Defence Against Spoilage Bacteria
Authors: Huda Aldossari
Members of the Brassicaceae family, such as rocket species, have high concentrations of glucosinolates (GLSs). GSLs and isothiocyanates (ITCs), the product of GLSs hydrolysis, are the most influential compounds that affect flavour in rocket species. Aside from their contribution to the flavour, GSLs and ITCs are of particular interest due to their potential ability to inhibit the growth of human pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli O157. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of glucosinolate compounds in rocket extracts was obtained by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC–MS).Each individual component of non-volatile GLSs and ITCs was isolated by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) fractionation. The identity and purity of each fraction were confirmed using Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). The separation of glucosinolates in the complex rocket extractions was performed by optimizing a HPLC fractionation method through changing the mobile phase composition, solvent gradient, and the flow rate. As a result, six glucosinolates compounds (Glucosativin, 4-Methoxyglucobrassicin, Glucotropaeolin GTP, Glucoiberin GIB, Diglucothiobenin, and Sinigrin) have been isolated, identified and quantified in the complex samples. This step aims to evaluate the antibacterial activity of glucosinolates and their enzymatic hydrolysis against bacterial growth of E.coli k12. Therefore, fractions from this study will be used to determine the most active compounds by investigating the efficacy of each component of GLSs and ITCs at inhibiting bacterial growth.Keywords: rocket, glucosinolates, E.coli k12., HPLC fractionatio
Procedia PDF Downloads 983140 Bioflocculation Using the Purified Wild Strain of P. aeruginosa Culture in Wastewater Treatment
Authors: Mohammad Hajjartabar, Tahereh Kermani Ranjbar
P. aeruginosa EF2 was isolated and identified from human infection sources before in our previous study. The present study was performed to determine the characteristics and activity role of bioflocculant produced by the bacterium in flocculation of the wastewater active sludge treatment. The bacterium was inoculated and then was grown in an orbital shaker at 250 rpm for 5 days at 35 °C under TSB and peptone water media. After incubation period, culture broths of the bacterial strain was collected and washed. The concentration of the bacteria was adjusted. For the extraction of the bacterial bioflocculant, culture was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 20 min at 4 °C to remove bacterial cells. Supernatant was decanted and pellet containing bioflocculant was dried at 105 °C to a constant weight according to APHA, 2005. The chemical composition of the extracted bioflocculant from the bacterial sample was then analyzed. Wastewater active sludge sample obtained from aeration tank from one of wastewater treatment plants in Tehran, was first mixed thoroughly. After addition of bioflocculant, improvements in floc density were observed with an increase in bioflocculant. The results of this study strongly suggested that the extracted bioflucculant played a significant role in flocculation of the wastewater sample. The use of wild bacteria and nutrient regulation techniques instead of genetic manipulation opens wide investigation area in the future to improve wastewater treatment processes. Also this may put a new path in front of us to attain and improve the more effective bioflocculant using the purified microbial culture in wastewater treatment.Keywords: wastewater treatment, P. aeruginosa, sludge treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1563139 Isotopes Used in Comparing Indigenous and International Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Varieties
Authors: Raluca Popescu, Diana Costinel, Elisabeta-Irina Geana, Oana-Romina Botoran, Roxana-Elena Ionete, Yazan Falah Jadee 'Alabedallat, Mihai Botu
Walnut production is high in Romania, different varieties being cultivated dependent on high yield, disease resistance or quality of produce. Walnuts have a highly nutritional composition, the kernels containing essential fatty acids, where the unsaturated fraction is higher than in other types of nuts, quinones, tannins, minerals. Walnut consumption can lower the cholesterol, improve the arterial function and reduce inflammation. The purpose of this study is to determine and compare the composition of walnuts of indigenous and international varieties all grown in Romania, in order to identify high-quality indigenous varieties. Oil has been extracted from the nuts of 34 varieties, the fatty acids composition and IV (iodine value) being afterwards measured by NMR. Furthermore, δ13C of the extracted oil had been measured by IRMS to find specific isotopic fingerprints that can be used in authenticating the varieties. Chemometrics had been applied to the data in order to identify similarities and differences between the varieties. The total saturated fatty acids content (SFA) varied between n.d. and 23% molar, oleic acid between 17 and 35%, linoleic acid between 38 and 59%, linolenic acid between 8 and 14%, corresponding to iodine values (IV - total amount of unsaturation) ranging from 100 to 135. The varieties separated in four groups according to the fatty acids composition, each group containing an international variety, making possible the classification of the indigenous ones. At both ends of the unsaturation spectrum, international varieties had been found.Keywords: δ13C-IRMS, fatty acids composition, 1H-NMR, walnut varieties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3153138 Chromium-Leaching Study of Cements in Various Environments
Authors: Adriana Estokova, Lenka Palascakova, Martina Kovalcikova
Cement is a basic material used for building construction. Chromium as an indelible non-volatile trace element of raw materials occurs in cement clinker in the trivalent or hexavalent form. Hexavalent form of chromium is harmful and allergenic having very high water solubility and thus can easily come into contact with the human skin. The paper is aimed at analyzing the content of total chromium in Portland cements and leaching rate of hexavalent chromium in various leachants: Deionized water, Britton-Robinson buffer, used to simulate the natural environment, and hydrochloric acid (HCl). The concentration of total chromium in Portland cement samples was in a range from 173.2 to 218.5 mg/kg. The content of dissolved hexavalent chromium ranged 0.23-3.19, 2.0-5.78 and 8.88-16.25 mg/kg in deionized water, Britton-Robinson solution and hydrochloric acid, respectively. The calculated leachable fraction of Cr(VI) from cement samples was observed in the range 0.1--7.58 %.Keywords: environment, cement, chromium, leaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 2783137 The Molecular Analysis of Effect of Phytohormones and Spermidine on Tomato Growth under Biotic Stress
Authors: Rumana Keyani, Haleema Sadia, Asia Nosheen, Rabia Naz, Humaira Yasmin, Sidra Zahoor
Tomato is a significant crop of the world and is one of the staple foods of Pakistan. A vast number of plant pathogens from simple viruses to complex parasites cause diseases in tomatoes but fungal infection in our country is quite high. Sometimes the symptoms are too harsh destroying the crop altogether. Countries like our own with continuously increasing massive population and limited resources cannot afford such an economic loss. There is an array of morphological, genetic, biochemical and molecular processes involved in plant resistance mechanisms to biotic stress. The study of different metabolic pathways like Jasmonic acid (JA) pathways and most importantly signaling molecules like ROS/RNS and their redoxin enzymes i.e. TRX and NRX is crucial to disease management, contributing to healthy plant growth. So, improving tolerance in crop plants against biotic stresses is a dire need of our country and world as whole. In the current study, fungal pathogenic strains Alternaria solani and Rhizoctonia solani were used to inoculate tomatoes to check the defense responses of tomato plant against these pathogens at molecular as well as phenotypic level with jasmonic acid and spermidine pretreatment. All the growth parameters (root and shoot length, dry and weight root, shoot weight measured 7 days post-inoculation, exhibited that infection drastically declined the growth of the plant whereas jasmonic acid and spermidine assisted the plants to cope up with the infection. Thus, JA and Spermidine treatments maintained comparatively better growth factors. Antioxidant assays and expression analysis through real time quantitative PCR following time course experiment at 24, 48 and 72 hours intervals also exhibited that activation of JA defense genes and a polyamine Spermidine helps in mediating tomato responses against fungal infection when used alone but the two treatments combined mask the effect of each other.Keywords: fungal infection, jasmonic acid defence, tomato, spermidine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1283136 Impact Modified Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber/Poly(Lactic) Acid Composite
Authors: Mohammad D. H. Beg, John O. Akindoyo, Suriati Ghazali, Abdullah A. Mamun
In this study, composites were fabricated from oil palm empty fruit bunch fiber and poly(lactic) acid by extrusion followed by injection moulding. Surface of the fiber was pre-treated by ultrasound in an alkali medium and treatment efficiency was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and Fourier transforms infrared spectrometer (FTIR). Effect of fiber treatment on composite was characterized by tensile strength (TS), tensile modulus (TM) and impact strength (IS). Furthermore, biostrong impact modifier was incorporated into the treated fiber composite to improve its impact properties. Mechanical testing showed an improvement of up to 23.5% and 33.6% respectively for TS and TM of treated fiber composite above untreated fiber composite. On the other hand incorporation of impact modifier led to enhancement of about 20% above the initial IS of the treated fiber composite.Keywords: fiber treatment, impact modifier, natural fibers, ultrasound
Procedia PDF Downloads 4923135 Organic Waste Valorization for Biodiesel Production: Chemical and Biological Approach
Authors: Meha Alouini, Wissem Mnif, Yasmine Souissi
This work will be conducted within the framework of the environmental sustainable development. It involves waste recovering into biodiesel fuel. Low cost feedstocks such as waste of frying oil and animal fats have been utilized to replace refined vegetable oil for biodiesel production. Biodiesel which refers to fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) was carried out by both chemical and enzymatic reaction of transesterification. In order to compare the two studied reactions the obtained biodiesel was characterized by determining its esters content and its fuel properties according to the European standard EN 14214. It was noted that the chemical method gave the product with the best physical property. But the biological one was found more effective for obtaining important ester content. Thus it would be interesting to optimize the enzymatic pathway of production of biodiesel to obtain a better property of biodiesel.Keywords: biodiesel, fatty acid methyl esters, transesterification, waste frying oil, waste beef fat
Procedia PDF Downloads 5013134 Effect of Probiotic Feeding on Weight Gain, Blood Biochemical and Hematological Indices of Crossbred Dairy Goat Kids
Authors: Claire B. Salvedia, Enrico P. Supangco, Francisco B. Eligado, Renato Sa Vega, Antonio A. Rayos
The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of probiotic feeding on weight gain, blood biochemical and hematological indices of crossbred dairy goat kids. Sixteen (16) crossbred Anglo-Nubian x Saanen dairy goat kids, 3 to 4 months old, ranging from 19 to 23kg were randomly assigned into four treatments fed with 5x109 cfu/ml probiotic supplements; Treatment 1 – control; Treatment 2 – lactic acid bacteria (L. plantarum BS and P. acidilactici 3G3); treatment 3 – S. cerevisiae 2030; Treatment 4 – multi-strain probiotics (L. plantarum BS, P. acidilactici 3G3, and S.cerevisiae 2030). Feed ration provided daily for each of the experimental animals were composed of 1kg mixed concentrate feed ((Leucaena leucocephala dried leaves and pollard), and 4 kg fresh Pennisetum purpureum and Gliciridia sepium leaves (50:50). The experimental feeding trial lasted for 9 weeks. Result revealed that treatments fed with probiotics had significantly (P≤0.05) higher weight gain compared to the control. Significant effect on plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and triglyceride were noted during 30th and 60th day of probiotic feeding. White blood cell counts were significantly affected by probiotic feeding during the 60th day. Concentrations of glucose and cholesterol remained unchanged throughout the experimental period. The findings suggests, under the condition of the experiment, that live probiotic feeding could have a significant role in improving weight gain and metabolism of crossbred dairy goat kids.Keywords: probiotics, weight gain, blood biochemical indices, crossbred dairy goat kids
Procedia PDF Downloads 4943133 A New Approach on the Synthesis of Zinc Borates by Ultrasonic Method and Determination of the Zinc Oxide and Boric Acid Optimum Molar Ratio
Authors: A. Ersan, A. S. Kipcak, M. Yildirim, A. M. Erayvaz, E. M. Derun, S. Piskin, N. Tugrul
Zinc borates are used as a multi-functional flame retardant additive for its high dehydration temperature. In this study, a new method of ultrasonic mixing was used in the synthesis of zinc borates. The reactants of zinc oxide (ZnO) and boric acid (H3BO3) were used at the constant reaction parameters of 90°C reaction temperature and 55 min of reaction time. Several molar ratios of ZnO:H3BO3 (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5) were conducted for the determination of the optimum reaction ratio. Prior to the synthesis, the characterization of the synthesized zinc borates were made by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). From the results Zinc Oxide Borate Hydrate [Zn3B6O12.3.5H2O], were synthesized optimum at the molar ratio of 1:3, with a reaction efficiency of 95.2%.Keywords: zinc borates, ultrasonic mixing, XRD, FT-IR, reaction efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3513132 Stubble and Senesced Leaves Are the Primary Sites of Ice Nucleation Activity in Wheat
Authors: Amanuel Bekuma, Rebecca Swift, Sarah Jackson, Ben Biddulph
Economic loss to frost damage is increasing over the past years in the Western Australian Wheatbelt. Agronomic, genetic, and climatic works have still found a weak correlation between temperature and frost damage. One possibility that has not been explored within the Australian cropping system is whether ice nucleation active bacteria (INB) either present in situ on crop residue or introduced by rainfall could be responsible for the increased sensitivity of cereal plants to frost at different stages of development. This study investigated upper and lower leaf canopy, stubble, and soil as a potential site of ice nucleation activity (INA) and tracked the changes in INA during the plant development. We found that older leaves of wheat are the primary sites of ice nucleation (-4.7 to -6.3°C) followed by stubble (-5.7 to -6.7°C) which increases the risk of frost damage during heading and flowering (the most susceptible stages). However, healthy and green upper canopy leaves (flag and flag-2) and the soil have lower INA (< -11°C) during the frost-sensitive stage of wheat. We anticipate the higher INA on the stubble and older leaves to be due to the presence of biologically active ice-nucleating bacteria (INB), known to cause frost injury to sensitive plants at -5°C. Stubble retained or applied during the growing season further exacerbates additional frost risk by potentially increasing the INB load. The implications of the result for stubble and frost risk management in a frost-prone landscape will be discussed.Keywords: frost, ice-nucleation-activity, stubble, wheat
Procedia PDF Downloads 1383131 Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance Using Biodegradable Polymer Composites of Mof-5 for Efficient and Sustained Delivery of Cephalexin and Metronidazole
Authors: Anoff Anim, Lila Mahmound, Maria Katsikogianni, Sanjit Nayak
Sustained and controlled delivery of antimicrobial drugs have been largely studied recently using metal organic frameworks (MOFs)and different polymers. However, much attention has not been given to combining both MOFs and biodegradable polymers which would be a good strategy in providing a sustained gradual release of the drugs. Herein, we report a comparative study of the sustained and controlled release of widely used antibacterial drugs, cephalexin and metronidazole, from zinc-based MOF-5 incorporated in biodegradable polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly-lactic glycolic acid (PLGA) membranes. Cephalexin and metronidazole were separately incorporated in MOF-5 post-synthetically, followed by their integration into biodegradable PLGA and PCL membranes. The pristine MOF-5 and the loaded MOFs were thoroughly characterized by FT-IR, SEM, TGA and PXRD. Drug release studies were carried out to assess the release rate of the drugs in PBS and distilled water for up to 48 hours using UV-Vis Spectroscopy. Four bacterial strains from both the Gram-positive and Gram-negative types, Staphylococus aureus, Staphylococuss epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter baumanii, were tested against the pristine MOF, pure drugs, loaded MOFs and the drug-loaded MOF-polymer composites. Metronidazole-loaded MOF-5 composite of PLGA (PLGA-Met@MOF-5) was found to show highest efficiency to inhibit the growth of S. epidermidis compared to the other bacteria strains while maintaining a sustained minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). This study demonstrates that the combination of biodegradable MOF-polymer composites can provide an efficient platform for sustained and controlled release of antimicrobial drugs, and can be a potential strategy to integrate them in biomedical devices.Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, biodegradable polymers, cephalexin, drug release metronidazole, MOF-5, PCL, PLGA
Procedia PDF Downloads 853130 Teicoplanin Derivatives with Antiviral Activity: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation
Authors: Zsolt Szucs, Viktor Kelemen, Son Le Thai, Magdolna Csavas, Erzsebet Roth, Gyula Batta, Annelies Stevaert, Evelien Vanderlinden, Aniko Borbas, Lieve Naesens, Pal Herczegh
The approval of modern glycopeptide antibiotics such as dalbavancin and oritavancin which have excellent activity against Gram-positive bacteria, encouraged our research group to prepare semisynthetic compounds from several members of glycopeptides by various chemical methods. Derivatives from the aglycone of ristocetin, eremomycin, vancomycin and a pseudoaglycon of teicoplanin have been synthesized in a systematic manner. Interestingly, some of the aglycoristocetin derivatives displayed noteworthy anti-influenza activity. More recently our group has been focusing on the modifications of one of the pseudoaglycons of teicoplanin. The reaction of N-ethoxycarbonyl maleimide derivatives with the primary amino function, the copper-catalysed azide-alkyne click reaction and the sulfonylation of the N-terminus were utilized to obtain systematic series of compounds. All substituents provide a more lipophilic character to the new molecules compared to the parent antibiotics, which is known to be favourable for activity against resistant bacteria. Lipoglycopeptides are also known to have antiviral properties, which has been predominantly studied on HIV by others. The structure-activity relationship study of our compounds revealed the influence of a few structural elements on biological activity. In many cases, minimal changes in lipophilicity and structure produced great differences in efficacy and cytotoxicity. In vitro experiments showed that these compounds are not only active against glycopeptide resistant Gram-positive bacteria but in several cases they prevent the infection of cell cultures by different strains of influenza viruses. This is probably related to the inhibition of the viral entry into the host cell nucleus, of which the exact mechanism is unknown. In some instances, reasonably low concentrations were sufficient to observe this effect. Several derivatives were highly cytotoxic at the same time, but some of them displayed a good selectivity index. The antiviral properties of the compounds are not restricted to influenza viruses e.g., some of them showed good activity against Human Coronavirus 229E. This work could potentially lead to the development of antiviral drugs which possess the crucial structural motifs that are needed for antiviral activity, while missing those which contribute to the antibacterial effect.Keywords: antiviral, glycopeptide, semisynthetic, teicoplanin
Procedia PDF Downloads 1583129 Fe Modified Tin Oxide Thin Film Based Matrix for Reagentless Uric Acid Biosensing
Authors: Kashima Arora, Monika Tomar, Vinay Gupta
Biosensors have found potential applications ranging from environmental testing and biowarfare agent detection to clinical testing, health care, and cell analysis. This is driven in part by the desire to decrease the cost of health care and to obtain precise information more quickly about the health status of patient by the development of various biosensors, which has become increasingly prevalent in clinical testing and point of care testing for a wide range of biological elements. Uric acid is an important byproduct in human body and a number of pathological disorders are related to its high concentration in human body. In past few years, rapid growth in the development of new materials and improvements in sensing techniques have led to the evolution of advanced biosensors. In this context, metal oxide thin film based matrices due to their bio compatible nature, strong adsorption ability, high isoelectric point (IEP) and abundance in nature have become the materials of choice for recent technological advances in biotechnology. In the past few years, wide band-gap metal oxide semiconductors including ZnO, SnO₂ and CeO₂ have gained much attention as a matrix for immobilization of various biomolecules. Tin oxide (SnO₂), wide band gap semiconductor (Eg =3.87 eV), despite having multifunctional properties for broad range of applications including transparent electronics, gas sensors, acoustic devices, UV photodetectors, etc., it has not been explored much for biosensing purpose. To realize a high performance miniaturized biomolecular electronic device, rf sputtering technique is considered to be the most promising for the reproducible growth of good quality thin films, controlled surface morphology and desired film crystallization with improved electron transfer property. Recently, iron oxide and its composites have been widely used as matrix for biosensing application which exploits the electron communication feature of Fe, for the detection of various analytes using urea, hemoglobin, glucose, phenol, L-lactate, H₂O₂, etc. However, to the authors’ knowledge, no work is being reported on modifying the electronic properties of SnO₂ by implanting with suitable metal (Fe) to induce the redox couple in it and utilizing it for reagentless detection of uric acid. In present study, Fe implanted SnO₂ based matrix has been utilized for reagentless uric acid biosensor. Implantation of Fe into SnO₂ matrix is confirmed by energy-dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis. Electrochemical techniques have been used to study the response characteristics of Fe modified SnO₂ matrix before and after uricase immobilization. The developed uric acid biosensor exhibits a high sensitivity to about 0.21 mA/mM and a linear variation in current response over concentration range from 0.05 to 1.0 mM of uric acid besides high shelf life (~20 weeks). The Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameter (Km) is found to be relatively very low (0.23 mM), which indicates high affinity of the fabricated bioelectrode towards uric acid (analyte). Also, the presence of other interferents present in human serum has negligible effect on the performance of biosensor. Hence, obtained results highlight the importance of implanted Fe:SnO₂ thin film as an attractive matrix for realization of reagentless biosensors towards uric acid.Keywords: Fe implanted tin oxide, reagentless uric acid biosensor, rf sputtering, thin film
Procedia PDF Downloads 1813128 Co-Administration Effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid and L-Carnitine on Weight Gain and Biochemical Profile in Diet Induced Obese Rats
Authors: Maryam Nazari, Majid Karandish, Alihossein Saberi
Obesity as a global health challenge motivates pharmaceutical industries to produce anti-obesity drugs. However, effectiveness of these agents is remained unclear. Because of popularity of dietary supplements, the aim of this study was tp investigate the effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and L-carnitine (LC) on serum glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol and weight changes in diet induced obese rats. 48 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: Normal fat diet (n=8), and High fat diet (HFD) (n=32). After eight weeks, the second group which was maintained on HFD until the end of study, was subdivided into four categories: a) 500 mg Corn Oil (as control group), b) 500 mg CLA, c) 200 mg LC, d) 500 mg CLA+ 200 mg LC.All doses are planned per kg body weights, which were administered by oral gavage for four weeks. Body weights were measured and recorded weekly by means of a digital scale. At the end of the study, blood samples were collected for biochemical markers measurement. SPSS Version 16 was used for statistical analysis. At the end of 8th week, a significant difference in weight was observed between HFD and NFD group. After 12 weeks, LC significantly reduced weight gain by 4.2%. Trend of weight gain in CLA and CLA+LC groups was insignificantly decelerated. CLA+LC reduced triglyceride level significantly, but just CLA had significant influence on total cholesterol and insignificant decreasing effect on FBS. Our results showed that an obesogenic diet in a relative short time led to obesity and dyslipidemia which can be modified by LC and CLA to some extent.Keywords: conjugated linoleic acid, high fat diet, L-Carnitine, obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1593127 Histone Deacetylases Inhibitor - Valproic Acid Sensitizes Human Melanoma Cells for alkylating agent and PARP inhibitor
Authors: Małgorzata Drzewiecka, Tomasz Śliwiński, Maciej Radek
The inhibition of histone deacetyles (HDACs) holds promise as a potential anti-cancer therapy because histone and non-histone protein acetylation is frequently disrupted in cancer, leading to cancer initiation and progression. Additionally, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) such as class I HDAC inhibitor - valproic acid (VPA) have been shown to enhance the effectiveness of DNA-damaging factors, such as cisplatin or radiation. In this study, we found that, using of VPA in combination with talazoparib (BMN-637 – PARP1 inhibitor – PARPi) and/or Dacarabazine (DTIC - alkylating agent) resulted in increased DNA double strand break (DSB) and reduced survival (while not affecting primary melanocytes )and proliferation of melanoma cells. Furthermore, pharmacologic inhibition of class I HDACs sensitizes melanoma cells to apoptosis following exposure to DTIC and BMN-637. In addition, inhibition of HDAC caused sensitization of melanoma cells to dacarbazine and BMN-637 in melanoma xenografts in vivo. At the mRNA and protein level histone deacetylase inhibitor downregulated RAD51 and FANCD2. This study provides that combining HDACi, alkylating agent and PARPi could potentially enhance the treatment of melanoma, which is known for being one of the most aggressive malignant tumors. The findings presented here point to a scenario in which HDAC via enhancing the HR-dependent repair of DSBs created during the processing of DNA lesions, are essential nodes in the resistance of malignant melanoma cells to methylating agent-based therapies.Keywords: melanoma, hdac, parp inhibitor, valproic acid
Procedia PDF Downloads 823126 Determination of Some Biochemical Parameters in Women during the First Trimester of Pregnancy (Normal Pregnancy and Missed Miscarriage)
Authors: M. Yahia, N. Chaoui, A. Chaouch, Massinissa Yahia
Our study was designed to determine the metabolic changes of some biochemical parameters (cholesterol, triglyceride, Iron, uric acid, Urea and folic acid) and highlight their changes in 57 women of the region Batna, during the first trimester of pregnancy. This practical work was done with 27 women with missed miscarriage, compared with 30 control subjects of normal pregnant women. The assay results revealed a highly significant difference (P = 0.0006) between the two groups in serum iron (64.00 vs 93.54) and in the rate of folate (6.70 vs 9.22) (P <0.001) but no difference was found regarding the rate of Ca (9.69 vs 10.20), urea (0.19 vs 0.17), UA (33.96 vs 32.76), CH (1.283 vs 1.431), and TG (0.8852 vs 0.8290). The present study indicates that iron deficiency and folate are associated with missed miscarriage, but no direct pathophysiological link has been determined. Further in-depth studies are needed to determine the exact mechanism by which these deficits lead to a missed miscarriage.Keywords: biochemical parameters, pregnant women, missed miscarriage, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 3643125 GC-MS-Based Untargeted Metabolomics to Study the Metabolism of Pectobacterium Strains
Authors: Magdalena Smoktunowicz, Renata Wawrzyniak, Malgorzata Waleron, Krzysztof Waleron
Pectobacterium spp. were previously classified into the Erwinia genus founded in 1917 to unite at that time all Gram-negative, fermentative, nonsporulating and peritrichous flagellated plant pathogenic bacteria. After work of Waldee (1945), on Approved Lists of Bacterial Names and bacteriology manuals in 1980, they were described either under the species named Erwinia or Pectobacterium. The Pectobacterium genus was formally described in 1998 of 265 Pectobacterium strains. Currently, there are 21 species of Pectobacterium bacteria, including Pectobacterium betavasculorum since 2003, which caused soft rot on sugar beet tubers. Based on the biochemical experiments carried out for this, it is known that these bacteria are gram-negative, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, facultatively anaerobic, using gelatin and causing symptoms of soft rot on potato and sugar beet tubers. The mere fact of growing on sugar beet may indicate a metabolism characteristic only for this species. Metabolomics, broadly defined as the biology of the metabolic systems, which allows to make comprehensive measurements of metabolites. Metabolomics, in combination with genomics, are complementary tools for the identification of metabolites and their reactions, and thus for the reconstruction of metabolic networks. The aim of this study was to apply the GC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics to study the metabolism of P. betavasculorum in different growing conditions. The metabolomic profiles of biomass and biomass media were determined. For sample preparation the following protocol was used: extraction with 900 µl of methanol: chloroform: water mixture (10: 3: 1, v: v) were added to 900 µl of biomass from the bottom of the tube and up to 900 µl of nutrient medium from the bacterial biomass. After centrifugation (13,000 x g, 15 min, 4oC), 300µL of the obtained supernatants were concentrated by rotary vacuum and evaporated to dryness. Afterwards, two-step derivatization procedure was performed before GC-MS analyses. The obtained results were subjected to statistical calculations with the use of both uni- and multivariate tests. The obtained results were evaluated using KEGG database, to asses which metabolic pathways are activated and which genes are responsible for it, during the metabolism of given substrates contained in the growing environment. The observed metabolic changes, combined with biochemical and physiological tests, may enable pathway discovery, regulatory inference and understanding of the homeostatic abilities of P. betavasculorum.Keywords: GC-MS chromatograpfy, metabolomics, metabolism, pectobacterium strains, pectobacterium betavasculorum
Procedia PDF Downloads 813124 Horse Chestnut Starch: A Noble Inedible Feedstock Source for Producing Thermoplastic Starch (TPS)
Authors: J. Castaño, S. Rodriguez, C. M. L. Franco
Starch isolated from non-edible A. hippocastanum seeds was characterized and used for preparing starch-based materials. The apparent amylose content of the isolated starch was 33.1%. The size of starch granules ranged from 0.7 to 35µm, and correlated with the shape of granules (spherical, oval and irregular). The chain length distribution profile of amylopectin showed two peaks, at polymerization degree (DP) of 12 and 41-43. Around 53% of branch unit chains had DP in the range of 11-20. A. hippocastanum starch displayed a typical C-type pattern and the maximum decomposition temperature was 317°C. Thermoplastic starch (TPS) prepared from A. hippocastanum with glycerol and processed by melt blending exhibited adequate mechanical and thermal properties. In contrast, plasticized TPS with glycerol:malic acid (1:1) showed lower thermal stability and a pasty and sticky behavior, indicating that malic acid accelerates degradation of starch during processing.Keywords: Aesculus hippocastanum L., amylopectin structure, thermoplastic starch, non-edible source
Procedia PDF Downloads 3773123 Numerical Simulation on Bacteria-Carrying Particles Transport and Deposition in an Open Surgical Wound
Authors: Xiuguo Zhao, He Li, Alireza Yazdani, Xiaoning Zheng, Xinxi Xu
Wound infected poses a serious threat to the surgery on the patient during the process of surgery. Understanding the bacteria-carrying particles (BCPs) transportation and deposition in the open surgical wound model play essential role in protecting wound against being infected. Therefore BCPs transportation and deposition in the surgical wound model were investigated using force-coupling method (FCM) based computational fluid dynamics. The BCPs deposition in the wound was strongly associated with BCPs diameter and concentration. The results showed that the rise on the BCPs deposition was increasing not only with the increase of BCPs diameters but also with the increase of the BCPs concentration. BCPs deposition morphology was impacted by the combination of size distribution, airflow patterns and model geometry. The deposition morphology exhibited the characteristic with BCPs deposition on the sidewall in wound model and no BCPs deposition on the bottom of the wound model mainly because the airflow movement in one direction from up to down and then side created by laminar system constructing airflow patterns and then made BCPs hard deposit in the bottom of the wound model due to wound geometry limit. It was also observed that inertial impact becomes a main mechanism of the BCPs deposition. This work may contribute to next study in BCPs deposition limit, as well as wound infected estimation in surgical-site infections.Keywords: BCPs deposition, computational fluid dynamics, force-coupling method (FCM), numerical simulation, open surgical wound model
Procedia PDF Downloads 2903122 Rooting Out Breast Cancer by Repressing ER Gene Expression: Correlating Bioactivity of Pomegranate Rind with Chemical Constituents Identified by HPLC-MS/MS
Authors: Alaa M. M. Badr Eldin, Marwa I. Ezzat, Mohammed S. Sedeek, Manal S. Afifi, Omar M. Sabry
Cytotoxic activity of the total methanol extract against breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was amazing IC50 at 54 ug/ml. 130 polyphenolic compounds were tentatively identified in pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L.) methanol extract using HPLC-MS/MS technique. The antiestrogenic activity of the polyphenolic constituents found in pomegranate extract was confirmed experimentally in-vitro and by the in-silico molecular docking using gallagic acid, ellagic acid, and Punicalagin as these are considered model compounds confirmed in pomegranate peel extract. The methanolic extract was found to suppress ER, TGF-β, and NF-kB in-vitro gene expression strongly, and that was verified by qPCR and Western Blot gel electrophoresis techniques.Keywords: HPLC-MS/MS, pomegranate, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, ER, TGF-β, NF-kB
Procedia PDF Downloads 1023121 Comparison of Zinc Amino Acid Complex and Zinc Sulfate in Diet for Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer)
Authors: Kanokwan Sansuwan, Orapint Jintasataporn, Srinoy Chumkam
Asian seabass is one of the economically important fish of Thailand and other countries in the Southeast Asia. Zinc is an essential trace metal to fish and vital to various biological processes and function. It is required for normal growth and indispensable in the diet. Therefore, the artificial diets offered to intensively cultivated fish must possess the zinc content required by the animal metabolism for health maintenance and high weight gain rates. However, essential elements must also be in an available form to be utilized by the organism. Thus, this study was designed to evaluate the application of different zinc forms, including organic Zinc (zinc amino acid complex) and inorganic Zinc (zinc sulfate), as feed additives in diets for Asian seabass. Three groups with five replicates of fish (mean weight 22.54 ± 0.80 g) were given a basal diet either unsupplemented (control) or supplemented with 50 mg Zn kg−¹ sulfate (ZnSO₄) or Zinc Amino Acid Complex (ZnAA) respectively. Feeding regimen was initially set at 3% of body weight per day, and then the feed amount was adjusted weekly according to the actual feeding performance. The experiment was conducted for 10 weeks. Fish supplemented with ZnAA had the highest values in all studied growth indicators (weight gain, average daily growth and specific growth rate), followed by fish fed the diets with the ZnSO₄, and lowest in fish fed the diets with the control. Lysozyme and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of fish supplemented with ZnAA were significantly higher compared with all other groups (P < 0.05). Fish supplemented with ZnSO₄ exhibited significant increase in digestive enzyme activities (protease, pepsin and trypsin) compared with ZnAA and the control (P < 0.05). However, no significant differences were observed for RNA and protein in muscle (P > 0.05). The results of the present work suggest that ZnAA are a better source of trace elements for Asian seabass, based on growth performance and immunity indices examined in this study.Keywords: Asian seabass, growth performance, zinc amino acid complex (ZnAA), zinc sulfate (ZnSO₄)
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