Search results for: general translation
4202 Preliminary Results on a Maximum Mean Discrepancy Approach for Seizure Detection
Authors: Boumediene Hamzi, Turky N. AlOtaiby, Saleh AlShebeili, Arwa AlAnqary
We introduce a data-driven method for seizure detection drawing on recent progress in Machine Learning. The method is based on embedding probability measures in a high (or infinite) dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) where the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) is computed. The MMD is metric between probability measures that are computed as the difference between the means of probability measures after being embedded in an RKHS. Working in RKHS provides a convenient, general functional-analytical framework for theoretical understanding of data. We apply this approach to the problem of seizure detection.Keywords: kernel methods, maximum mean discrepancy, seizure detection, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2384201 Emotion Detection in a General Human-Robot Interaction System Optimized for Embedded Platforms
Authors: Julio Vega
Expression recognition is a field of Artificial Intelligence whose main objectives are to recognize basic forms of affective expression that appear on people’s faces and contributing to behavioral studies. In this work, a ROS node has been developed that, based on Deep Learning techniques, is capable of detecting the facial expressions of the people that appear in the image. These algorithms were optimized so that they can be executed in real time on an embedded platform. The experiments were carried out in a PC with a USB camera and in a Raspberry Pi 4 with a PiCamera. The final results shows a plausible system, which is capable to work in real time even in an embedded platform.Keywords: python, low-cost, raspberry pi, emotion detection, human-robot interaction, ROS node
Procedia PDF Downloads 1304200 Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria: Issues and Challenges
Authors: Maikudi Umar
This paper conceived Vocational and Technical Education as those aspects of educational process, in addition to general education leading to acquisition of practical skills, attitudes as well as basic scientific knowledge as it relates to occupations in various sectors of the economic and social life. The paper therefore viewed Vocational and Technical education as those aspects of educational training designed to provide the recipient with the skills abilities and understanding needed for efficient performance in chosen occupational carrier for self reliance. The paper also examined some major inhibitions to the attainment of self reliance through VTE. The paper also recommended a change of attitudes by governments in Nigeria by providing adequate equipment so as to meet up with the challenges.Keywords: vocational education, technical education, skills and self reliance, issues and challenges
Procedia PDF Downloads 4804199 The Role of ICT for Income Inequality: The Model and the Simulations
Authors: Shoji Katagiri
This paper is to clarify the relationship between ICT and income inequality. To do so, we develop the general equilibrium model with ICT investment, obtain the equilibrium solutions, and then simulate the model with these solutions for some OECD countries. As a result, generally, during the corresponding periods we confirm that the relationship between ICT investment and income inequality is positive. In this mode, the increment of the ratio of ICT investment to the aggregated investment in stock enhances the capital’s share of income, and finally leads to income inequality such as the increase of the share of the top decile income. Although we confirm the positive relationship between ICT investment and income inequality, the upward trend for that relationship depends on the values of parameters for the making use of the simulations and these parameters are not deterministic in the magnitudes on the calculated results for the simulations.Keywords: ICT, inequality, capital accumulation, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2224198 A Proposal of Local Indentation Techniques for Mechanical Property Evaluation
Authors: G. B. Lim, C. H. Jeon, K. H. Jung
General light metal alloys are often developed in the material of transportation equipment such as automobiles and aircraft. Among the light metal alloys, magnesium is the lightest structural material with superior specific strength and many attractive physical and mechanical properties. However, magnesium alloys were difficult to obtain the mechanical properties at warm temperature. The aims of present work were to establish an analytical relation between mechanical properties and plastic flow induced by local indentation. An experimental investigation of the local strain distribution was carried out using a specially designed local indentation equipment in conjunction with ARAMIS based on digital image correlation method.Keywords: indentation, magnesium, mechanical property, lightweight material, ARAMIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4944197 Quantum Dynamics for General Time-Dependent Three Coupled Oscillators
Authors: Salah Menouar, Sara Hassoul
The dynamic of time-dependent three coupled oscillators is studied through an approach based on decoupling of them using the unitary transformation method. From a first unitary transformation, the Hamiltonian of the complicated original system is transformed to an equal but a simple one associated with the three coupled oscillators of which masses are unity. Finally, we diagonalize the matrix representation of the transformed hamiltonian by using a unitary matrix. The diagonalized Hamiltonian is just the same as the Hamiltonian of three simple oscillators. Through these procedures, the coupled oscillatory subsystems are completely decoupled. From this uncouplement, we can develop complete dynamics of the whole system in an easy way by just examining each oscillator independently. Such a development of the mechanical theory can be done regardless of the complication of the parameters' variations.Keywords: schrödinger equation, hamiltonian, time-dependent three coupled oscillators, unitary transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1004196 An Unusual Case of Extensive, Unilateral, Idiopathic Dental Resorption
Authors: Ceri McIntosh
A 25-year-old male was referred to the Maxillofacial department by his general dental practitioner with a complaint of mobile teeth. Medically he was well though he took mirtazapine for anxiety. He was found to have had previous extractions of the lower right second premolar and first molar, with grade 2 mobility of the upper right first and second molars and lower right lateral incisor. Radiographically there was significant external root resorption of these teeth, which were subsequently extracted. Over the next 18 months, the resorption continued around multiple teeth on the right side, and when the mobile teeth were removed, they showed no remaining root, including loss of coronal dentine, leaving only an enamel shell. No cause has been identified either histologically or in the patient’s blood work. A review of relevant literature will be included in this case report.Keywords: case report, idiopathic resorption, idiopathic root resorption, external resorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 804195 Innovation Environments: A Comparison between Mexico and BRICS
Authors: Peña Aguilar Juan M., Arriaga Barrera H., Velázquez Alejos Miguel, Genis Ernesto, Valencia Pérez L. R., Bermúdez Peña M. Carmen
To give a general view of the innovation environments is the aim of this paper, we pretend to make an analysis between Mexico and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa- countries belonging to the group of five major emerging economies). The comparison takes by reference a set of various indicators that directly or indirectly affect innovation in a positive or negative way. Firstly, a research to obtain the values of each of the indicators was conducted, considering the main primary sources, then, within a set of radial charts is presented the resulting values of each nation and a comparison between them. Finally, a description of the gaps between Mexico and the BRICS were established, including the areas of opportunity for MexicoKeywords: innovation, triple helix, comparison, Mexico and BRICS
Procedia PDF Downloads 3544194 Retrospective Study on the Impacts of Age, Gender, Economic Status, Education Level and Drug Availability in Public Hospital on Seeking Care of Dermatological Condition in Rwanda
Authors: Uwizera Egide
Introduction: Dermatological conditions are one of the most burdensome diseases in our health system. Global studies suggest that around 1 in 3 people gets a skin disease at a certain point in their life, though this does not necessarily guarantee the urge to consult. For a high-ranking disease, it is surprising how there is not enough data to support its effect on the economy and the general health system impact. It is for that reason that this study’s aim is to identify the burden of dermatological conditions in Rwanda so as to have a general picture of what our population is going through in regards to dermatological conditions. Methods: We used a cross sectional retrospective study. Data were obtained from patient’s information recorded in an open clinic at CHUB in a period of six months from July to December of the year 2021. Results: The study had a total of 4600 patients who attended dermatology service in a period of six months from July to December of the year 2021. We found a list of 102 dermatological diseases that presented at variable rates. The most prevalent disease was atopic dermatitis, at a rate of 23%. About 90% of presented conditions had only one choice of treatment from the hospital pharmacy. Most patients who presented were between 18-35 years old and with a predominance of the female gender; the level of education was either secondary or University Degree in our study, 65.4% of patients who presented were female; the majority, around 45% were between 18-35 years old, mostly being single 56%. The majority came from Southern province as it is the location of the hospital. The insurance mostly used was community-based health insurance with 63.8%, followed by RSSB with 18.5%, MS/UR, and other private insurances. The frequency of group drugs prescribed among all dermatological medications, steroids were the most commonly given medications at a rate of 39%, followed by emollients, antibiotics, and antifungal. The drugs prescribed were mostly available in the pharmacy of CHUB, with 60% and 40% being found in pharmacies outside the hospital. Conclusion: Dermatological conditions are prevalent in all age groups and distributed through all socioeconomic classes. About 9.2% of patient who consulted CHUB in 2021 presented one Dermatological condition of which 40 % of prescribed medications is never found in Hospital urging a need to buy medication in private pharmacies with more expenses and a risk of not complying on prescribed medication if in case they can’t afford paying them outside the CHUB. This finding urges a need to avail all essential dermatological drugs in hospital pharmacies to allow our patients to get them for the proper compliance of prescribed drugs in the management of skin diseases.Keywords: atopic dermatitis, CHUB (centre hopitalier univerisitaire de butare), dermatological condition, fungal infections
Procedia PDF Downloads 1194193 The Unique Journeys from Different Pasts to Multiple Presents in the Work of the Pritzker Prize Laureates of 2010-2020
Authors: Christakis Chatzichristou Kyriakos Miltiadou, Konstantinos Gounaridis
The paper discusses how the Pritzker Prize Laureates of the last decade themselves identify the various ways different aspects or interpretations of the past have influenced their design methodologies. As the recipients of what is considered to be the most prestigious award in architecture, these architects are worth examining not only because of their exemplary work but also because of the strong influence they have on architectural culture in general. Rather than attempting to interpret their projects, the methodology chosen focuses on what the architects themselves have to say on the subject. The research aims at, and, as the tabular form of the findings shows, also succeeds in revealing the numerous and diverse ways different aspects of what is termed as the Past can potentially enrich contemporary design practices.Keywords: design methodology, Pritzker Prize Laureates, past, culture, tradition
Procedia PDF Downloads 464192 Understanding the Underutilization of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Children and Adolescents
Authors: Carlos M. Goncalves, Luisa Duarte, Teresa Cartaxo
The aim of this work was to understand the reasons behind the underutilization of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the younger population and raise possible solutions. We conducted a non-systematic review of literature throughout a search on PubMed, using the terms ‘children’, ‘adolescents’ and ‘electroconvulsive’, ‘therapy’. Candidate articles written in languages other than English were excluded. Articles were selected according to title and/or abstract’s content relevance, resulting in a total of 5 articles. ECT is a recognized effective treatment in adults for several psychiatric conditions. As in adults, ECT in children and adolescents is proven most beneficial in the treatment of severe mood disorders, catatonia, and, to a lesser extent, schizophrenia. ECT in adults has also been used to treat autism’s self-injurious behaviours, Tourette’s syndrome and resistant first-episode schizophrenia disorder. Despite growing evidence on its safety and effectiveness in children and adolescents, like those found in adults, ECT remains a controversial and underused treatment in patients this age, even when it is clearly indicated. There are various possible reasons to this; limited awareness among professionals (lack of knowledge and experience among child psychiatrists), stigmatic public opinion (despite positive feedback from patients and families, there is an unfavourable and inaccurate representation in the media, contributing to a negative public opinion), legal restrictions and ethical controversies (restrictive regulations such as a minimum age for administration), lack of randomized trials (the currently available studies are retrospective, with small size samples, and most of the publications are either case reports or case series). This shows the need to raise awareness and knowledge, not only for mental health professionals, but also to the general population, through the media, regarding indications, methods and safety of ECT in order to provide reliable information to the patient and families. Large-scale longitudinal studies are also useful to further demonstrate the efficacy and safety of ECT and can aid in the formulation of algorithms and guidelines as without these changes, the availability of ECT to the younger population will remain restricted by regulations and social stigma. In conclusion, these results highlight that lack of adequate knowledge and accurate information are the most important factors behind the underutilization of ECT in younger population. Mental healthcare professionals occupy a cornerstone position; if data is given by a well-informed healthcare professional instead of the media, general population (including patients and their families) will probably regard the procedure in a more favourable way. So, the starting point should be to improve health care professional’s knowledge and experience on this choice of treatment.Keywords: adolescents, children, electroconvulsive, therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1254191 The Relationship between Selfesteem, Social Support, and Mental Health among High School Students in Iran
Authors: Mohsen Shahbakhti
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between self-esteem, social support and mental health in a sample of government high school students in Eshtehard city in Alborz Province in Iran. Three hundred and eleven students (boys) were included in this study. All participants completed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS -12), and Self-Esteem Scale (SS-10). The results revealed that self-esteem was positively associated with social support. Self-esteem and social support negatively associated with psychological distress. Self-esteem and social support to influence on mental health.Keywords: self-esteem, social support, mental health, high school students
Procedia PDF Downloads 4864190 Solving Momentum and Energy Equation by Using Differential Transform Techniques
Authors: Mustafa Ekici
Natural convection is a basic process which is important in a wide variety of practical applications. In essence, a heated fluid expands and rises from buoyancy due to decreased density. Numerous papers have been written on natural or mixed convection in vertical ducts heated on the side. These equations have been proved to be valuable tools for the modelling of many phenomena such as fluid dynamics. Finding solutions to such equations or system of equations are in general not an easy task. We propose a method, which is called differential transform method, of solving a non-linear equations and compare the results with some of the other techniques. Illustrative examples shows that the results are in good agreement.Keywords: differential transform method, momentum, energy equation, boundry value problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 4624189 Zoledronic Acid with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Advanced Breast Cancer Prospective Study 2011–2014
Authors: S. Sakhri
Background: The use of Zoledronic acid (ZA) is an established place in the treatment of malignant tumors with a predilection for the skeleton of interest (in particular metastasis). Although the main target of Zoledronic acid was osteoclasts, there are preclinical data suggest that Zoledronic acid may have an antitumor effect on cells other than osteoclasts, including tumor cells. Antitumor activity, including the inhibition of tumor cell growth and the induction of apoptosis of tumor cells, inhibition of tumor cell adhesion and invasion, and anti-angiogenic effects have been demonstrated. Methods. From (2012 to 2014), 438 patients were included respondents the inclusion criteria, respectively. This is a prospective study over a 4 year period. Of all patients (N=438), 432 received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Zoledronic acid. The primary end point was the pathologic complete response in advancer breast cancer stage. The secondary end point is to evaluate Clinical response according to RECIST criteria; estimate the bone density before and at the end of chemotherapy in women with locally advanced breast cancer, Toxicity Evaluation and Overall survival using Kaplan-Meier and log test. Result: The Objective response rate was 97% after (C4) with 3% stabilizations and 99, 3% of which 0.7% C8 after stabilization. The clinical complete response was 28% after C4 respectively, and 46.8% after C8, the pathologic complete response rate was 40.13% according to the classification Sataloff. We observed that the pathologic complete response rate was the most raised in the group including Her2 (luminal Her2 and Her2) the lowest in the triple negative group as classified by Sataloff. We found that the pCR is significantly higher in the age group (35-50 years) with 53.17%. Those who have more than 50 years in 2nd place with 27.7% and the lower in young woman 35 years pCR was 19%, not statistically significant, -The pCR was also in favor of the menopausal group in 51, 4%, and 48, 55% for non-menopausal women. The average duration of overall survival was also significantly in the subgroup (Luminal -Her2, Her2) compared with triple negative. It is 47.18 months in the luminal group vs. 38.95 in the triple negative group. -Was observed in our study a difference in quality of life between (C1) was the admission of the patient, and after (C8), we found an increase in general signs and a deterioration in the psychological state C1, in contrast to the C8 these general signs and mental status improves, up to 12, and 24 months. Conclusion The results of this study suggest that the addition of ZA to néoadjuvant CT has potential anti-cancer benefit in patients (Luminal -Her2, Her2) compared with triple negative with or without menopause status.Keywords: HER2+, RH+, breast cancer, tyrosine kinase
Procedia PDF Downloads 2114188 Process Modeling and Problem Solving: Connecting Two Worlds by BPMN
Authors: Gionata Carmignani, Mario G. C. A. Cimino, Franco Failli
Business Processes (BPs) are the key instrument to understand how companies operate at an organizational level, taking an as-is view of the workflow, and how to address their issues by identifying a to-be model. In last year’s, the BP Model and Notation (BPMN) has become a de-facto standard for modeling processes. However, this standard does not incorporate explicitly the Problem-Solving (PS) knowledge in the Process Modeling (PM) results. Thus, such knowledge cannot be shared or reused. To narrow this gap is today a challenging research area. In this paper we present a framework able to capture the PS knowledge and to improve a workflow. This framework extends the BPMN specification by incorporating new general-purpose elements. A pilot scenario is also presented and discussed.Keywords: business process management, BPMN, problem solving, process mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4144187 The Relationship between School Belonging, Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement in Tabriz High School Students
Authors: F. Pari, E. Fathiazar, T. Hashemi, M. Pari
The present study aimed to examine the role of self-efficacy and school belonging in the academic achievement of Tabriz high school students in grade 11. Therefore, using a random cluster method, 377 subjects were selected from the whole students of Tabriz high schools. They filled in the School Belonging Questionnaire (SBQ) and General Self-Efficacy Scale. Data were analyzed using correlational as well as multiple regression methods. Findings demonstrate self-efficacy and school belonging have significant roles in the prediction of academic achievement. On the other hand, the results suggest that considering the gender variable there is no significant difference between self-efficacy and school belonging. On the whole, cognitive approaches could be effective in the explanation of academic achievement.Keywords: school belonging, self-efficacy, academic achievement, high school
Procedia PDF Downloads 3004186 ELectromagnetic-Thermal Coupled Analysis of PMSM with Cooling Channel
Authors: Hyun-Woo Jun, Tae-Chul Jeong, Huai-Cong Liu, Ju Lee
The paper presents the electromagnetic-thermal flow coupled analysis of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) which has cooling channel in stator core for forced air cooling. Unlike the general PMSM design, to achieve ohmic loss reduction for high efficiency, cooling channel actively used in the stator core. Equivalent thermal network model was made to analyze the effect of the formation of the additional flow path in the core. According to the shape and position changing of the channel design, electromagnetic-thermal coupled analysis results were reviewed.Keywords: coupled problems, electric motors, equivalent circuits, fluid flow, thermal analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 6204185 A Study on Numerical Modelling of Rigid Pavement: Temperature and Thickness Effect
Authors: Amin Chegenizadeh, Mahdi Keramatikerman, Hamid Nikraz
Pavement engineering plays a significant role to develop cost effective and efficient highway and road networks. In general, pavement regarding structure is categorized in two core group namely flexible and rigid pavements. There are various benefits in application of rigid pavement. For instance, they have a longer life and lower maintenance costs in compare with the flexible pavement. In rigid pavement designs, temperature and thickness are two effective parameters that could widely affect the total cost of the project. In this study, a numerical modeling using Kenpave-Kenslab was performed to investigate the effect of these two important parameters in the rigid pavement.Keywords: rigid pavement, Kenpave, Kenslab, thickness, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 3744184 A Tool to Measure the Usability Guidelines for Arab E-Government Websites
Authors: Omyma Alosaimi, Asma Alsumait
The website developer and designer should follow usability guidelines to provide a user-friendly interface. Using tools to measure usability, the evaluator can evaluate automatically hundreds of links within few minutes. It has the advantage of detecting some violations that only machines can detect. For that using usability evaluating tool is important to find as many violations as possible. There are many websites usability testing tools, but none is developed to measure the usability of e-government website nor Arabic e-government websites. To measure the usability of the Arabic e-government websites, a tool is developed and tested in this paper. A comparison of using a tool specifically developed for e-government websites and general usability testing tool is presented.Keywords: e-government, human computer interaction, usability evaluation, usability guidelines
Procedia PDF Downloads 4234183 Anchorage Effect on Axial Strength of Fiber Reinforced Polymers Confined Rectangular Columns
Authors: Yavuz Yardim
FRP systems have been largely used to improve the performance of structural members, due to their high strength to weight ratio and corrosion resistance. Application of this strengthening procedure in circular columns has resulted quite beneficial in increasing their seismic and axial capacity. Whereas in the rectangular ones, strength enhancement was considerably less due to stress concentration in the corner. In this work three anchorage configurations are tested for their efficiency in increasing the uniformity of confinement pressure in the CFRP strengthened non-circular sections. There is a slight increase in the axial strength of specimens as a general trend. More specifically fan anchorage reached an increase of 17.5% compared to the unanchored specimens. The study shows that uniformity of confining pressure has increased by adding anchorage.Keywords: rectangular columns, FRP, confinement, anchorage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3604182 Effect of Lime Stabilization on E. coli Destruction and Heavy Metal Bioavailability in Sewage Sludge for Agricultural Utilization
Authors: G. Petruzzelli, F. Pedron, M. Grifoni, A. Pera, I. Rosellini, B. Pezzarossa
The addition of lime as Ca(OH)2 to sewage sludge to destroy pathogens (Escherichia coli), was evaluated also in relation to heavy metal bioavailability. The obtained results show that the use of calcium hydroxide at the dose of 3% effectively destroyed pathogens ensuring the stability at high pH values over long period and the duration of the sewage sludge stabilization. In general, lime addition decreased the total extractability of heavy metals indicating a reduced bioavailability of these elements. This is particularly important for a safe utilization in agricultural soils to reduce the possible transfer of heavy metals to the food chain.Keywords: biological sludge, Ca(OH)2, copper, pathogens, sanitation, zinc
Procedia PDF Downloads 4264181 Devising a Paradigm for the Assessment of Guilt across Species
Authors: Trisha S. Malhotra
While there exist frameworks to study the induction, manifestation, duration and general nature of emotions like shame, guilt, embarrassment and pride in humans, the same cannot be said for other species. This is because such 'complex' emotions have situational inductions and manifestations that supposedly vary due to differences between and within different species' ethology. This paper looks at the socio-adaptive functions of guilt to posit why this emotion might be observed across varying species. Primarily, the experimental paradigm of guilt-assessment in domesticated dogs is critiqued for lack of ethological consideration in its measurement and analysis. It is argued that a paradigm for guilt-assessment should measure the species-specific prosocial approach behavior instead of the immediate feedback of the 'guilty'. Finally, it is asserted that the origin of guilt is subjective and if it must be studied across a plethora of species, its definition must be tailored to fit accordingly.Keywords: guilt, assessment, dogs, prosocial approach behavior, empathy, species, ethology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3084180 The Implications of Some Social Variables in Increasing the Unemployed in Egypt
Authors: Mohamed Elkhouli
This research sets out to identify some social factors or variables that may need to be controlled in order to decrease the volume of unemployed in Egypt. As well as, it comes to investigate the relationship between a set of social variables and unemployment issue in Egypt in the sake of determining the most important social variables influencing the rise of unemployed during the time series targeted (2002-2012). Highlighting the unemployment issue is becoming an increasingly important topic in all countries throughout the world resulting from expand their globalization efforts. In general, the study tries to determine what the most social priorities are likely to adopt seriously by the Egypt's government in order to solve the unemployed problem. The results showed that the low value for both of small projects and the total value of disbursed social security respectively have significant impact on increasing the No. of unemployed in Egypt, according to the target period by the current study.Keywords: Egypt, social status, unemployment, unemployed
Procedia PDF Downloads 3264179 Terraria AI: YOLO Interface for Decision-Making Algorithms
Authors: Emmanuel Barrantes Chaves, Ernesto Rivera Alvarado
This paper presents a method to enable agents for the Terraria game to evaluate algorithms commonly used in general video game artificial intelligence competitions. The usage of the ‘You Only Look Once’ model in the first layer of the process obtains information from the screen, translating this information into a video game description language known as “Video Game Description Language”; the agents take that as input to make decisions. For this, the state-of-the-art algorithms were tested and compared; Monte Carlo Tree Search and Rolling Horizon Evolutionary; in this case, Rolling Horizon Evolutionary shows a better performance. This approach’s main advantage is that a VGDL beforehand is unnecessary. It will be built on the fly and opens the road for using more games as a framework for AI.Keywords: AI, MCTS, RHEA, Terraria, VGDL, YOLOv5
Procedia PDF Downloads 964178 Testing of Electronic Control Unit Communication Interface
Authors: Petr Šimek, Kamil Kostruk
This paper deals with the problem of testing the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for the specified function validation. Modern ECUs have many functions which need to be tested. This process requires tracking between the test and the specification. The technique discussed in this paper explores the system for automating this process. The paper focuses in its chapter IV on the introduction to the problem in general, then it describes the proposed test system concept and its principle. It looks at how the process of the ECU interface specification file for automated interface testing and test tracking works. In the end, the future possible development of the project is discussed.Keywords: electronic control unit testing, embedded system, test generate, test automation, process automation, CAN bus, ethernet
Procedia PDF Downloads 1134177 Practical Problems as Tools for the Development of Secondary School Students’ Motivation to Learn Mathematics
Authors: M. Rodionov, Z. Dedovets
This article discusses plausible reasoning use for solution to practical problems. Such reasoning is the major driver of motivation and implementation of mathematical, scientific and educational research activity. A general, practical problem solving algorithm is presented which includes an analysis of specific problem content to build, solve and interpret the underlying mathematical model. The author explores the role of practical problems such as the stimulation of students' interest, the development of their world outlook and their orientation in the modern world at the different stages of learning mathematics in secondary school. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of those problems which were systematized and presented in the conclusions.Keywords: mathematics, motivation, secondary school, student, practical problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 2994176 Some Basic Problems for the Elastic Material with Voids in the Case of Approximation N=1 of Vekua's Theory
Authors: Bakur Gulua
In this work, we consider some boundary value problems for the plate. The plate is the elastic material with voids. The state of plate equilibrium is described by the system of differential equations that is derived from three-dimensional equations of equilibrium of an elastic material with voids (Cowin-Nunziato model) by Vekua's reduction method. Its general solution is represented by means of analytic functions of a complex variable and solutions of Helmholtz equations. The problem is solved analytically by the method of the theory of functions of a complex variable.Keywords: the elastic material with voids, boundary value problems, Vekua's reduction method, a complex variable
Procedia PDF Downloads 1294175 Sweepline Algorithm for Voronoi Diagram of Polygonal Sites
Authors: Dmitry A. Koptelov, Leonid M. Mestetskiy
Voronoi Diagram (VD) of finite set of disjoint simple polygons, called sites, is a partition of plane into loci (for each site at the locus) – regions, consisting of points that are closer to a given site than to all other. Set of polygons is a universal model for many applications in engineering, geoinformatics, design, computer vision, and graphics. VD of polygons construction usually done with a reduction to task of constructing VD of segments, for which there are effective O(n log n) algorithms for n segments. Preprocessing – constructing segments from polygons’ sides, and postprocessing – polygon’s loci construction by merging the loci of the sides of each polygon are also included in reduction. This approach doesn’t take into account two specific properties of the resulting segment sites. Firstly, all this segments are connected in pairs in the vertices of the polygons. Secondly, on the one side of each segment lies the interior of the polygon. The polygon is obviously included in its locus. Using this properties in the algorithm for VD construction is a resource to reduce computations. The article proposes an algorithm for the direct construction of VD of polygonal sites. Algorithm is based on sweepline paradigm, allowing to effectively take into account these properties. The solution is performed based on reduction. Preprocessing is the constructing of set of sites from vertices and edges of polygons. Each site has an orientation such that the interior of the polygon lies to the left of it. Proposed algorithm constructs VD for set of oriented sites with sweepline paradigm. Postprocessing is a selecting of edges of this VD formed by the centers of empty circles touching different polygons. Improving the efficiency of the proposed sweepline algorithm in comparison with the general Fortune algorithm is achieved due to the following fundamental solutions: 1. Algorithm constructs only such VD edges, which are on the outside of polygons. Concept of oriented sites allowed to avoid construction of VD edges located inside the polygons. 2. The list of events in sweepline algorithm has a special property: the majority of events are connected with “medium” polygon vertices, where one incident polygon side lies behind the sweepline and the other in front of it. The proposed algorithm processes such events in constant time and not in logarithmic time, as in the general Fortune algorithm. The proposed algorithm is fully implemented and tested on a large number of examples. The high reliability and efficiency of the algorithm is also confirmed by computational experiments with complex sets of several thousand polygons. It should be noted that, despite the considerable time that has passed since the publication of Fortune's algorithm in 1986, a full-scale implementation of this algorithm for an arbitrary set of segment sites has not been made. The proposed algorithm fills this gap for an important special case - a set of sites formed by polygons.Keywords: voronoi diagram, sweepline, polygon sites, fortunes' algorithm, segment sites
Procedia PDF Downloads 1774174 Improving Listening Comprehension for EFL Pre-Intermediate Students through a Blended Learning Strategy
Authors: Heba Mustafa Abdullah
The research aimed at examining the effect of using a suggested blended learning (BL) strategy on developing EFL pre- intermediate students. The study adopted the quasi-experimental design. The sample of the research consisted of a group of 26 EFL pre- intermediate students. Tools of the study included a listening comprehension checklist and a pre-post listening comprehension test. Results were discussed in relation to several factors that affected the language learning process. Finally, the research provided beneficial contributions in relation to manipulating BL strategy with respect to language learning process in general and oral language learning in particular.Keywords: blended learning, english as a foreign language, listening comprehension, oral language instruction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5614173 The Right to Data Portability and Its Influence on the Development of Digital Services
Authors: Roman Bieda
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force on 25 May 2018 which will create a new legal framework for the protection of personal data in the European Union. Article 20 of GDPR introduces a right to data portability. This right allows for data subjects to receive the personal data which they have provided to a data controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit this data to another data controller. The right to data portability, by facilitating transferring personal data between IT environments (e.g.: applications), will also facilitate changing the provider of services (e.g. changing a bank or a cloud computing service provider). Therefore, it will contribute to the development of competition and the digital market. The aim of this paper is to discuss the right to data portability and its influence on the development of new digital services.Keywords: data portability, digital market, GDPR, personal data
Procedia PDF Downloads 477