Search results for: education of civil protection staff
9922 Rough and Tumble Play in Early Years
Authors: Tia Claridge
The aim of this study was to explore whether there are gender differences in how early childhood educators view and facilitate rough and tumble play in England. A qualitative approach was used to carry out semi-structured interviews with female and male early years educators. The key rationale for this study was to examine the significant lack of males working in early years education and the consequent impact this has on pedagogical practice. The findings illustrated that there are some gender differences in educators’ perspectives of rough and tumble play. These include how educators use their own childhood experience to inform their professional practice as well as identifying a need for tailored training to upskill and develop confidence in early years staff with regard to this type of play. The most surprising finding was the influence that urban and rural settings had on educators’ perceptions on weapon play, regardless of gender. Awareness of educator positionality was significant throughout the study for male participants, whereas females rarely commented their own gender. These findings indicate that further research is needed to understand the complex narratives underpinning gender and rough and tumble play.Keywords: rough and tumble play, educators, gender, early years, pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 949921 Game-Based Learning in a Higher Education Course: A Case Study with Minecraft Education Edition
Authors: Salvador Antelmo Casanova Valencia
This study documents the use of the Minecraft Education Edition application to explore immersive game-based learning environments. We analyze the contributions of fourth-year university students who are pursuing a degree in Administrative Computing at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo. In this study, descriptive data and statistical inference are detailed using a quasi-experimental design using the Wilcoxon test. The instruments will provide data validation. Game-based learning in immersive environments necessarily implies greater student participation and commitment, resulting in the study, motivation, and significant improvements, promoting cooperation and autonomous learning.Keywords: game-based learning, gamification, higher education, Minecraft
Procedia PDF Downloads 1639920 Implementing Universal Design for Learning in Social Work Education
Authors: Kaycee Bills
Action research is a method of inquiry useful in solving social problems in social work. This study seeks to address a significant problem: higher education’s use of traditional instructional methods in social work education. Ineffective techniques, such as lecturing, fail to account for students’ variable learning needs. In contrast to traditional pedagogy, universal design for learning (UDL) is a robust framework that '[improves] and [optimizes] teaching and learning for all people' (CAST, 2018), including students with disabilities. For this project, the research team interviewed the UDL and Accessibility Specialist at their institution for two reasons: (1) to learn how to implement UDL practices in their classrooms, and in turn, (2) to motivate other faculty members at their institution to consider enacting UDL principles. A thematic analysis of the interview’s transcript reveals themes relevant to practicing UDL. Implications for future practice, as well as the researcher’s reflections on the research process, are shared in the discussion section.Keywords: disabilities, higher education, inclusive education, universal design for learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1289919 Engaging Students with Special Education Needs through Technology-Enhanced Interactive Activities in Class
Authors: Pauli P.Y. Lai
Students with Special Education Needs (SEN) face many challenges in learning. Various challenges include difficulty in handwriting, slow understanding and assimilation, difficulty in paying attention during class, and lack of communication skills. To engage students with Special Education Needs in class with general students, Blackboard Collaborate is used as a teaching and learning tool to deliver a lecture with interactive activities. Blackboard Collaborate provides a good platform to create and enhance active, collaborative and interactive learning experience whereby the SEN students can easily interact with their general peers and the instructor by using the features of drawing on a virtual whiteboard, file sharing, classroom chatter, breakout room, hand-raising feature, polling, etc. By integrating a blended learning approach with Blackboard Collaborate, the students with Special Education Needs could engage in interactive activities with ease in class. Our research aims at exploring and discovering the use of Blackboard Collaborate for inclusive education based on a qualitative design with in-depth interviews. Being served in a general education environment, three university students with different kinds of learning disabilities have participated in our study. All participants agreed that functions provided by Blackboard Collaborate have enhanced their learning experiences and helped them learn better. Their academic performances also showed that SEN students could perform well with the help of technology. This research studies different aspects of using Blackboard Collaborate to create an inclusive learning environment for SEN students.Keywords: blackboard collaborate, enhanced learning experience, inclusive education, special education needs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1359918 Interactive IoT-Blockchain System for Big Data Processing
Authors: Abdallah Al-ZoubI, Mamoun Dmour
The spectrum of IoT devices is becoming widely diversified, entering almost all possible fields and finding applications in industry, health, finance, logistics, education, to name a few. The IoT active endpoint sensors and devices exceeded the 12 billion mark in 2021 and are expected to reach 27 billion in 2025, with over $34 billion in total market value. This sheer rise in numbers and use of IoT devices bring with it considerable concerns regarding data storage, analysis, manipulation and protection. IoT Blockchain-based systems have recently been proposed as a decentralized solution for large-scale data storage and protection. COVID-19 has actually accelerated the desire to utilize IoT devices as it impacted both demand and supply and significantly affected several regions due to logistic reasons such as supply chain interruptions, shortage of shipping containers and port congestion. An IoT-blockchain system is proposed to handle big data generated by a distributed network of sensors and controllers in an interactive manner. The system is designed using the Ethereum platform, which utilizes smart contracts, programmed in solidity to execute and manage data generated by IoT sensors and devices. such as Raspberry Pi 4, Rasbpian, and add-on hardware security modules. The proposed system will run a number of applications hosted by a local machine used to validate transactions. It then sends data to the rest of the network through InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and Ethereum Swarm, forming a closed IoT ecosystem run by blockchain where a number of distributed IoT devices can communicate and interact, thus forming a closed, controlled environment. A prototype has been deployed with three IoT handling units distributed over a wide geographical space in order to examine its feasibility, performance and costs. Initial results indicated that big IoT data retrieval and storage is feasible and interactivity is possible, provided that certain conditions of cost, speed and thorough put are met.Keywords: IoT devices, blockchain, Ethereum, big data
Procedia PDF Downloads 1509917 Evaluating the Extent of Student Utilization of Library Books and Electronic Resources: A Case Study of Gani Belo Library at Federal College of Education, Osiele, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
Authors: Soyele Esther Kelechi
The study examined assessing student level of utilization of library books and electronic resources: a case study of Gani Belo library, Federal College of Education, Osiele, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. A mixed research method was adopted for the study, a purposive sampling method was used in selecting 1,000 students, with 200 students from each of the five schools in the college. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire designed by the researcher, which assessed library book usage, satisfaction with electronic services, and the extent of library automation. Additionally, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 10 library staff and 10 faculty members. The data collected were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of frequency distributions and percentages, and content analysis was used for the interviews. The findings reveal that more than half of the library clientele visit the library once a month, and this is because they see the library primarily for reading and assignments. Respondents expressed satisfaction with the library collections and general services, not with electronic services. The study also identified that the library's automation is only partially complete, primarily due to the lack of a Local Area Network (LAN) connection. However, measures are underway to achieve full automation. The study concluded that rapid adaptation to technological advancements is crucial for maximizing the use of librariess ICT facilities and electronic services, and the study recommends libraries should prioritize the implementation of electronic services and ICT facilities to ensure uninterrupted access to e-library and automated services, thereby attracting and retaining more users.Keywords: academic libraries, changing needs of user's electronic services, library collections, library services
Procedia PDF Downloads 29916 The Use of Allelopathic Influences of Auxiliary Plants in the Bioproduction of Tomatoes
Authors: Demur Bakuradze, Mzia Beruashvili
It is known that bioactive compounds that are secreted by allelopathic plants sown with the main culture and are natural phytotoxic substances can be used as natural pesticides that, unlike synthetic agrochemicals, are less likely to disrupt the global ecosystem. Alternative plant protection approaches to date include components of integrated pest management programs and natural plant protection tools. Every year, more and more evidence is given on the successful use of these means, including allelopathic compounds in plant protection against pests. Proper use of these interactions between plants and other organisms can become a serious alternative to synthetic pesticides. Due to the relevance of the issue, the purpose of the study was to study the impact of some companion allelopathic plants on the Tomato culture (variety ‘Kharisgula’) on the test plot of the Tsilkani Base Bioagricultural Service of the Agricultural Research Center (East Georgia) and the village of Kharagauli. The study was conducted in 2023-2024 with methods adopted in organic agriculture and plant protection. Various companion plants were studied: Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), Imeretian saffron or marigold (Tagetes patula L.) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) (variety ‘Tsanava’) affects tomato culture in mixed crops. It was established that when sowing basil in rows and on the perimeter, the yield in the Tsilkani increased by 39.7%, and in Sagandzile - 42.8%. In the case of Imeretian saffron, economic efficiency in Tsilkani reached 29.5%, in Sagandzile - 28.5%, while the difference in the bean variant with the control was 31.7% in Tsilkani, and in Sagandzile - 23.8%. The study also found that when sowing aromatic plants (basil, marigold) with tomato, the number and spread of pests is quite decreasing compared to the control. In particular, the number of green vegetable bugs (Nezara viridula L.) decreased by 59.4% compared to control.Keywords: allelopathy, companion planting, tomato, bioproduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 219915 The Power of a Vulnerable State: The Rights Revolution and the Emergence of Human Resources Management Departments
Authors: Soheila Ghanbari
After the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted, federal policy transformed employment rights. Equal employment opportunity law, legislation for occupational safety and health, and regulations for fringe benefits were established to ensure that employees have rights to equal protection, health and safety, and the benefits guaranteed by employers. In research analyzing data from 279 organizations over time, it was discovered that legal changes prompted organizations to establish personnel, antidiscrimination, safety, and benefits departments to ensure compliance. However, as the process of institutionalization advanced, middle managers began to separate these fresh offices from policy and rationalize them solely in economic terms as a component of the new human resources management model. This common occurrence is seen in the United States, where the Constitution represents government control of business as unlawful. It could potentially clarify the extended lack of a state theory in organizational analysis and shed light on a puzzle pointed out by state theorists: the federal state is weak in terms of administration but strong in terms of norms.Keywords: management, state, human, resources, employment
Procedia PDF Downloads 559914 International Student Recruitment in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of the Countries in the Middle East
Authors: Ali Arabkheradmand, Enayat A. Shabani, Shabnam Ranjbar Nikkhoo
Historical and ancestral bonds of the countries in the Middle East have led to similarities in culture and context of their societies. In addition, economic resources, such as the oil industry, have generally been an integrative point in the region. Higher education of a country is influenced by different national and international factors and regarding the mentioned bonds, it is inviting to study the development of the countries of the Middle East in higher education and draw some practical implications which can be used in the educational policy-making of the region. This review includes a data analysis on the population of international students in the countries of the Middle East. As its second objective, a review study on the successful countries, that is those which host the highest number of international students and the strategies they have developed to reach this state among the countries of the region has been conducted. Suggestions are made as to the strategies in higher education systems of these countries which could prove useful and practical in the development of internationalization of higher education in the region, specifically with regard to the recruitment of international students.Keywords: internationalization of higher education, international student recruitment, Middle East countries, educational policy making
Procedia PDF Downloads 3899913 Night Patrolling Robot for Suspicious Activity Detection
Authors: Amruta Amune, Rohit Agrawal, Yashashree Shastri, Syeda Zarah Aiman, Rutuja Rathi, Vaishnav Suryawanshi, Sameer Sumbhe
Every human being needs a sense of security. The requirement for security has risen in proportion with the population growth. However, because of a scarcity of resources, effective protection is not possible. It costs a lot of money to get appropriate security that not many can handle or afford. The goal of the study was to find a solution to the issue by developing a system capable of providing strong protection at a very low cost when long-term benefits are taken into account. The objective was to design and develop a robot that could travel around and survey the region and inform the command center if anything unusual was found. The system will be controlled manually on the server to find out its workplace's paths. The system is outfitted with a camera so that it can be used to capture built-in live video of the attacker and display it on the server.Keywords: night patrolling, node MCU, server, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 1599912 Insider Fraud and its Risks to FinTechs
Authors: Claire Maillet
Insider fraud, including its various forms such as employee fraud or internal fraud, is a major financial crime threat whereby an employee defrauds (or attempts to defraud) their current, prospective or past employer. ‘Employee’ covers anyone employed by the company, including contractors, agency workers, directors and part time staff. Insider fraud is even more of a concern given the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, which have generated multiple opportunities to commit insider fraud. Insider fraud is something that is not necessarily thought of as a significant financial crime; Without the face-to-face, ‘over the shoulder’ capabilities of staff being able to keep an eye on their employees, there is a heightened reliance on trust and transparency. With this, naturally, comes an increased risk of insider fraud. Given that the number of FinTechs is on the rise and there is a significant lack of empirically based solutions for reducing insider fraud, these are gaps in the research space that this thesis aims to fill. Finally, Kassem (2022) notes that “academic research plays a crucial role in raising awareness about fraud and researching effective methods for countering it”. Thus, this thesis may be used as an opportune tool to provide an extensive list of controls spanning detection, deterrence and prevention, that are recommended to be implemented to help combat the insider threat.Keywords: insider fraud, internal fraud, pandemic, Covid-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 259911 The Musical Imagination: Re-Imagining a Sound Education through Musical Boundary Play
Authors: Michael J. Cutler
This paper presents what musical boundary play can look like when beginning music learners work with professional musicians with an emphasis on composition. Music education can be re-imagined through the lenses of boundary objects and boundary play by engaging non-professional musicians in collaborative sound creation, improvisation and composition along with professional musicians. To the author’s best knowledge, no similar study exists on boundary objects and boundary play in music education. The literature reviewed for this paper explores the epistemological perspectives connected to music education and situates musical boundary play as an alternative approach to the more prevalent paradigms of music education in K-12 settings. A qualitative multiple-case study design was chosen to seek an in-depth understanding of the role of boundary objects and musical boundary play. The constant comparative method was utilized in analyzing and interpreting the data resulting in the development of effective, transferable theory. The study gathered relevant data using audio and video recordings of musical boundary play, artifacts, interviews, and observations. Findings from this study offer insight into the development of a more inclusive music education and yield a pedagogical framework for music education based on musical boundary play. Through the facilitation of musical boundary play, it is possible for music learners to experience musical sound creation, improvisation and composition in the same way an instrumentalist or vocalist would without the acquisition of complex component operations required to play a traditional instrument or sing in a proficient manner.Keywords: boundary play, boundary objects, music education, music pedagogy, musical boundary play
Procedia PDF Downloads 1289910 The Project Management for Quality Services in Special Education Schools
Authors: Aysegul Salikutluk, Zehra Altinay, Gokmen Dagli, Fahriye Altinay
The aim of the study is to reveal the performance of special education schools as regards the service quality and management within the school culture. The project management and school climate are the fundamental elements for the quality in organisations. Having strategic plans, activities and funded projects improve service quality and satisfaction for the families who have children with disabilities. The research has qualitative nature, self-reports were used to examine the perceptions of teachers upon project management and school climate for service quality. The results show that special education schools' teachers are aware of essence of school climate and flow of communication for service quality and project management.Keywords: disability, education, service quality, project management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2729909 Examining the European Central Bank's Marginal Attention to Human Rights Concerns during the Eurozone Crisis through the Lens of Organizational Culture
Authors: Hila Levi
Respect for human rights is a fundamental element of the European Union's (EU) identity and law. Surprisingly, however, the protection of human rights has been significantly restricted in the austerity programs ordered by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) (often labeled 'the Troika') in return for financial aid to the crisis-hit countries. This paper focuses on the role of the ECB in the crisis management. While other international financial institutions, such as the IMF or the World Bank, may opt to neglect human rights obligations, one might expect a greater respect of human rights from the ECB, which is bound by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, this paper argues that ECB officials made no significant effort to protect human rights or strike an adequate balance between competing financial and human rights needs while coping with the crisis. ECB officials were preoccupied with the need to stabilize the economy and prevent a collapse of the Eurozone, and paid only marginal attention to human rights concerns in the design and implementation of Troikas' programs. This paper explores the role of Organizational Culture (OC) in explaining this marginalization. While International Relations (IR) research on Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) behavior has traditionally focused on external interests of powerful member states, and on national and economic considerations, this study focuses on particular institutions' internal factors and independent processes. OC characteristics have been identified in OC literature as an important determinant of organizational behavior. This paper suggests that cultural characteristics are also vital for the examination of IGOs, and particularly for understanding the ECB's behavior during the crisis. In order to assess the OC of the ECB and the impact it had on its policies and decisions during the Eurozone crisis, the paper uses the results of numerous qualitative interviews conducted with high-ranking officials and staff members of the ECB involved in the crisis management. It further reviews primary sources of the ECB (such as ECB statutes, and the Memoranda of Understanding signed between the crisis countries and the Troika), and secondary sources (such as the report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Austerity measures and economic, social, and cultural rights). It thus analyzes the interaction between the ECBs culture and the almost complete absence of human rights considerations in the Eurozone crisis resolution scheme. This paper highlights the importance and influence of internal ideational factors on IGOs behavior. From a more practical perspective, this paper may contribute to understanding one of the obstacles in the process of human rights implementation in international organizations, and provide instruments for better protection of social and economic rights.Keywords: European central bank, eurozone crisis, intergovernmental organizations, organizational culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 1559908 Preparing K-12 Practitioners for Diversity and Use of Evidence-Based Practices and Strategies in Teaching Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Authors: Inuusah Mahama
The study focused on the importance of diversity and the use of evidence-based practices and strategies in teaching learners with ASD. The study employed a mixed-methods design, including surveys, interviews, and observations. A total of 500 K-12 practitioners participated in the study, including teachers, administrators, and support staff. The study sought to investigate the current understanding and knowledge level of K-12 practitioners regarding diversity, evidence-based practices, and strategies for teaching learners with ASD. The study also examined the challenges that K-12 practitioners face in preparing learners with ASD and the resources they require to improve their practice. The results indicated that K-12 practitioners in Ghana have limited knowledge and skills in teaching learners with ASD, particularly in using evidence-based practices and strategies. Therefore, there is a need for providing training and professional development opportunities for K-12 practitioners, developing and implementing evidence-based practices and strategies, and increasing awareness of ASD and the need for effective teaching strategies. This would go a long way to improve the quality of education for learners with ASD in Ghana and ultimately lead to better outcomes for these students.Keywords: autism, practitioners, diversity, evidence-based practises
Procedia PDF Downloads 939907 A Novel Microcontroller Based Islanding Protection of Distributed Generation Systems
Authors: Saeid Jalilzadeh, Majid Pakdel
The customer demand for better power quality and higher reliability has forced the power industry to use distributed generations (DGs) such as wind power and photo voltaic arrays. Islanding is a phenomenon occurs when a power grid becomes electrically isolated from the power system and the distribution system is energized by distributed generators. It is necessary to disconnect all distributed generators immediately after islanding occurrence. Therefore a DG system should have the capability to detect islanding phenomena. In this paper, a novel micro controller based relay for anti-islanding protection of a typical DG system is proposed. The simulation results using Proteus software verify the proper operation and effectiveness of the proposed protective relay.Keywords: islanding, distributed generation (DG), protective relay, micro controller, proteus software
Procedia PDF Downloads 5879906 Maintenance Management Practice for Building
Authors: Harold Jideofor Nnachetam
Maintenance management in Nigeria Polytechnic faced many issues due to poor service delivery, inadequate finance, and poor maintenance plan and maintenance backlogs. The purpose of this study is to improve the conventional method practices which tend to be ineffective in Nigeria Polytechnic. The case study was conducted with eight Polytechnics in Nigeria. The selected Polytechnic is based on conventional method practices and its major problems, attempt to implement computerized technology and the willingness of staff to share their experiences. All feedbacks from respondents through semi-structured interview were recorded using video camera and transcribed verbatim. The overall findings of this research indicated; poor service delivery, inadequate financial, poor maintenance planning and maintenance backlogs. There is also need to overcome less man power competencies of maintenance management practices which existed with all eight Polytechnics. In addition, the study also found that the Polytechnics still use conventional maintenance management processes in managing building facility condition. As a result, the maintenance management staff was not able to improve the maintenance management performance at the Polytechnics. The findings are intended to be used for maintenance management practices at Nigeria Polytechnics in order to provide high-quality of building facility with safe and healthy environments.Keywords: maintenance management, conventional method, maintenance management system, Nigeria polytechnic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3239905 Voices of Youth: Contributing to Healthy Teens
Authors: Christa Beyers
Investing in the health of youth is essential for the well-being of society. If youth do not live a healthy life, the future of the global workforce and overall development of adolescents looks bleak given the challenges posed in this developmental stage. The idea of sexuality education at home and in our schools is a controversial and contentious subject, as many parents and teachers do not hold the same beliefs as to what content should be taught. Despite high incidence of HIV and STD infections, early school dropout and teen pregnancies, sexuality education has still not been given the recognition or importance it deserves. By giving youth a voice can lead to both behavioural and policy changes. This article is based on a literature review of sex and sexuality education from a social studies approach. This article argues that adults tend to teach from their own perspective, which does not meet the needs of youth, thereby ignoring the social aspects of sexual behaviour.Keywords: sexuality education, adolescents, communication, cycle of socialization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1989904 Control Algorithm Design of Single-Phase Inverter For ZnO Breakdown Characteristics Tests
Authors: Kashif Habib, Zeeshan Ayyub
ZnO voltage dependent resistor was widely used as components of the electrical system for over-voltage protection. It has a wide application prospect in superconducting energy-removal, generator de-excitation, overvoltage protection of electrical & electronics equipment. At present, the research for the application of ZnO voltage dependent resistor stop, it uses just in the field of its nonlinear voltage current characteristic and overvoltage protection areas. There is no further study over the over-voltage breakdown characteristics, such as the combustion phenomena and the measure of the voltage/current when it breakdown, and the affect to its surrounding equipment. It is also a blind spot in its application. So, when we do the feature test of ZnO voltage dependent resistor, we need to design a reasonable test power supply, making the terminal voltage keep for sine wave, simulating the real use of PF voltage in power supply conditions. We put forward the solutions of using inverter to generate a controllable power. The paper mainly focuses on the breakdown characteristic test power supply of nonlinear ZnO voltage dependent resistor. According to the current mature switching power supply technology, we proposed power control system using the inverter as the core. The power mainly realize the sin-voltage output on the condition of three-phase PF-AC input, and 3 control modes (RMS, Peak, Average) of the current output. We choose TMS320F2812M as the control part of the hardware platform. It is used to convert the power from three-phase to a controlled single-phase sin-voltage through a rectifier, filter, and inverter. Design controller produce SPWM, to get the controlled voltage source via appropriate multi-loop control strategy, while execute data acquisition and display, system protection, start logic control, etc. The TMS320F2812M is able to complete the multi-loop control quickly and can be a good completion of the inverter output control.Keywords: ZnO, multi-loop control, SPWM, non-linear load
Procedia PDF Downloads 3259903 Competition Law as a “Must Have” Course in Legal Education
Authors: Noemia Bessa Vilela, Jose Caramelo Gomes
All law student are familiarized, in the first years of their bachelor of laws with the concepts of “public goods” and “ private goods”; often, such legal concept does not exactly match such economic concept, and there are consequences are some sort of confusion being created. The list of goods that follow under each category is not exhaustive, nor are students given proper mechanisms to acknowledge that some legal fields can, on its own, be considered as a “public good”; this is the case of Competition. Legal authors consider that “competition law is used to promote public interest” and, as such, it is a “public good”; in economics theory, Competition is the first public good in a market economy, as the enabler of allocation efficiency. Competition law is the legal tool to support the proper functioning of the market economy and democracy itself. It is fact that Competition Law only applies to economic activities, still, competition is object of private litigation as an integral part of Public Law. Still, regardless of the importance of Competition Law in the economic activity and market regulation, most student complete their studies in law, join the Bar Associations and engage in their professional activities never having been given sufficient tools to deal with the increasing demands of a globalized world. The lack of knowledge of economics, market functioning and the mechanisms at their reach in order to ensure proper realization of their duties as lawyers/ attorneys-at-law would be tackled if Competition Law would be included as part of the curricula of Law Schools. Proper teaching of Competition Law would combine the foundations of Competition Law, doctrine, case solving and Case Law study. Students should to understand and apply the analytical model. Special emphasis should be given to EU Competition Law, namely the TFEU Articles 101 to 106. Damages Directive should also be part of the curriculum. Students must in the first place acquire and master the economic rationale as competition and the world of competition law are the cornerstone of sound and efficient market. The teaching of Competition Law in undergraduate programs in Law would contribute to fulfill the potential of the students who will deal with matters related to consumer protection, economic and commercial law issues both in private practice and as in-house lawyers for companies.Keywords: higher education, competition law, legal education, law, market economy, industrial economics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1459902 The Determination of Stress Experienced by Nursing Undergraduate Students during Their Education
Authors: Gülden Küçükakça, Şefika Dilek Güven, Rahşan Kolutek, Seçil Taylan
Objective: Nursing students face with stress factors affecting academic performance and quality of life as from first moments of their educational life. Stress causes health problems in students such as physical, psycho-social, and behavioral disorders and might damage formation of professional identity by decreasing efficiency of education. In addition to determination of stress experienced by nursing students during their education, it was aimed to help review theoretical and clinical education settings for bringing stress of nursing students into positive level and to raise awareness of educators concerning their own professional behaviors. Methods: The study was conducted with 315 students studying at nursing department of Semra and Vefa Küçük Health High School, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University in the academic year of 2015-2016 and agreed to participate in the study. “Personal Information Form” prepared by the researchers upon the literature review and “Nursing Education Stress Scale (NESS)” were used in this study. Data were assessed with analysis of variance and correlation analysis. Results: Mean NESS Scale score of the nursing students was estimated to be 66.46±16.08 points. Conclusions: As a result of this study, stress level experienced by nursing undergraduate students during their education was determined to be high. In accordance with this result, it can be recommended to determine sources of stress experienced by nursing undergraduate students during their education and to develop approaches to eliminate these stress sources.Keywords: stress, nursing education, nursing student, nursing education stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 4699901 Physical Education Effect on Sports Science Analysis Technology
Authors: Peter Adly Hamdy Fahmy
The aim of the study was to examine the effects of a physical education program on student learning by combining the teaching of personal and social responsibility (TPSR) with a physical education model and TPSR with a traditional teaching model, these learning outcomes involving self-learning. -Study. Athletic performance, enthusiasm for sport, group cohesion, sense of responsibility and game performance. The participants were 3 secondary school physical education teachers and 6 physical education classes, 133 participants with students from the experimental group with 75 students and the control group with 58 students, and each teacher taught the experimental group and the control group for 16 weeks. The research methods used surveys, interviews and focus group meetings. Research instruments included the Personal and Social Responsibility Questionnaire, Sports Enthusiasm Scale, Group Cohesion Scale, Sports Self-Efficacy Scale, and Game Performance Assessment Tool. Multivariate analyzes of covariance and repeated measures ANOVA were used to examine differences in student learning outcomes between combining the TPSR with a physical education model and the TPSR with a traditional teaching model. The research findings are as follows: 1) The TPSR sports education model can improve students' learning outcomes, including sports self-efficacy, game performance, sports enthusiasm, team cohesion, group awareness and responsibility. 2) A traditional teaching model with TPSR could improve student learning outcomes, including sports self-efficacy, responsibility, and game performance. 3) The sports education model with TPSR could improve learning outcomes more than the traditional teaching model with TPSR, including sports self-efficacy, sports enthusiasm, responsibility and game performance. 4) Based on qualitative data on teachers' and students' learning experience, the physical education model with TPSR significantly improves learning motivation, group interaction and sense of play. The results suggest that physical education with TPSR could further improve learning outcomes in the physical education program. On the other hand, the hybrid model curriculum projects TPSR - Physical Education and TPSR - Traditional Education are good curriculum projects for moral character education that can be used in school physics.Keywords: approach competencies, physical, education, teachers employment, graduate, physical education and sport sciences, SWOT analysis character education, sport season, game performance, sport competence
Procedia PDF Downloads 489900 The Operating Results of the English General Music Course on the Education Platform
Authors: Shan-Ken Chine
This research aims to a one-year course run of String Music Appreciation, an international online course launched on the British open education platform. It explains how to present music teaching videos with three main features. They are music lesson explanations, instrumental playing demonstrations, and live music performances. The plan of this course is with four major themes and a total of 97 steps. In addition, the paper also uses the testing data provided by the education platform to analyze the performance of learners and to understand the operation of the course. It contains three test data in the statistics dashboard. They are course-run measures, total statistics, and statistics by week. The paper ends with a review of the course's star rating in this one-year run. The result of this course run will be adjusted when it starts again in the future.Keywords: music online courses, MOOCs, ubiquitous learning, string music, general music education
Procedia PDF Downloads 389899 Dynamics of Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Approach and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory in Different Stages of Medical and Allied Health Education
Authors: Ferissa B. Ablola
The two learning theories which were evidently used in medical education include cognitive and sociocultural frameworks. The interplay of different learning theories in education is vital since most of the existing theories have specific focus of development. In addition, a certain theory is best fit with a particular learning outcome and audience profile. The application of learning theories is education is said to be dynamic and becomes more complex with increasing educational level. This systematic review aims to describe the possible shift from integration of cognitive learning theory to employment of socio-cultural approach in medical and health-allied education over the years among students, educators and the learning institution through systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines. In addition, the changes in teaching modality and individual acceptance of the shift of learning framework among cognitive constructivist and social constructivist will also be documented. This present review may serve as baseline information on the connection of two widely used theories in medical education in different year levels. Further, this study emphasizes the significance of the alignment of different learning theories and combination of insights from several educational frameworks, would permit the creation of a teaching/learning design with real theoretical depth. A more inclusive systematic review is necessary to involve more related studies, and exploration of interaction among other learning theories in health and other fields of study is encouraged.Keywords: learning theory, cognitive, sociocultural, medical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 299898 Advancement in Scour Protection with Flexible Solutions: Interpretation of Hydraulic Tests Data for Reno Mattresses in Open Channel Flow
Authors: Paolo Di Pietro, Matteo Lelli, Kinjal Parmar
Water hazards are consistently identified as among the highest global risks in terms of impact. Riverbank protection plays a key role in flood risk management. For erosion control and scour protection, flexible solutions like gabions & mattresses are being used since quite some time now. The efficacy of erosion control systems depends both on the ability to prevent soil loss underneath, as well as to maintain their integrity under the effects of the water flow. The paper presents the results of a research carried out at the Colorado State University on the performance of double twisted wire mesh products, known as Reno Mattresses, used as soil erosion control system. Mattresses were subjected to various flow conditions on a 10m long flume where they were placed on a 0.30 m thick soil layer. The performance against erosion was evaluated by assessing the effect of the stone motion inside the mattress combined with the condition of incipient soil erosion underneath, in relationship to the mattress thickness, the filling stone properties and under variable hydraulic flow regimes. While confirming the stability obtained using a conventional design approach (commonly referred to tractive force theories), the results of the research allowed to introduce a new performance limit based on incipient soil erosion underneath the revetment. Based on the research results, the authors propose to express the shear resistance of mattresses used as soil erosion control system as a function of the size of the filling stones, their uniformity, their unit weight, the thickness of the mattress, and the presence of vertical connecting elements between the mattress lid and bottom.Keywords: Reno Mattress, riverbank protection, hydraulics, full scale tests
Procedia PDF Downloads 279897 Permanent Reduction of Arc Flash Energy to Safe Limit on Line Side of 480 Volt Switchgear Incomer Breaker
Authors: Abid Khan
A recognized engineering challenge is related to personnel protection from fatal arc flash incident energy in the line side of the 480-volt switchgear incomer breakers during maintenance activities. The incident energy is typically high due to slow fault clearance, and it can be higher than the available personnel protective equipment (PPE) ratings. A fault in this section of the switchgear is cleared by breakers or fuses in the upstream higher voltage system (4160 Volt or higher). The current reflection in the higher voltage upstream system for a fault in the 480-volt switchgear is low, the clearance time is slower, and the inversely proportional incident energy is hence higher. The installation of overcurrent protection at a 480-volt system upstream of the incomer breaker will operate fast enough and trips the upstream higher voltage breaker when a fault develops at the incomer breaker. Therefore, fault current reduction as reflected in the upstream higher voltage system is eliminated. Since the fast overcurrent protection is permanently installed, it is always functional, does not require human interventions, and eliminates exposure to human errors. It is installed at the maintenance activities location, and its operations can be locally monitored by craftsmen during maintenance activities.Keywords: arc flash, mitigation, maintenance switch, energy level
Procedia PDF Downloads 1959896 Intersections and Consequences of the Epistemology and Methodology used in Equity-Related Chemistry Education Research
Authors: Vanessa R. Ralph, Kathryn N. Hosbein, Megan Y. Deshaye, Paulette Vincent-Ruz
The language of the statement “persistent achievement gaps between demographic groups” communicates much about the philosophies inherent to the author. In this synthesis of two flagship journals of Chemistry Education Research: Chemistry Education Research and Practice and the Journal of Chemical Education, the use and investigation of equity was examined by the language, epistemology, and methodologies of the researchers. Findings include a considerable increase in the use and investigation of equity in these journals following the years 2012 and 2020. While an increase in consciousness of equity was apparent, epistemologies were stagnated. The majority reflects a deficit-oriented perspective wherein deficits are attributed to students as a “lack of achievement” inherent to specific “demographic groups” and minimized as “gaps” rather than systemic inequities. The lack of epistemological progress may be the result of reading and citing literature within discipline-based education research, failing to acknowledge the efforts propagated for decades by equity theory advancement in disciplines of sociology and psychology. To envision liberated educational systems across the globe, one must first contend with the biases within.Keywords: liberating education research, philosophy of research, synthesis, review
Procedia PDF Downloads 2059895 Academic Staff Recruitment in Islamic University: A Proposed Holistic Model
Authors: Syahruddin Sumardi, Indra Fajar Alamsyah, Junaidah Hashim
This study attempts to explore and presents a proposed recruitment model in Islamic university which aligned with holistic role. It is a conceptual paper in nature. In turn, this study is designed to utilize exploratory approach. Literature and document review that related to this topic are used as the methods to analyse the content found. Recruitment for any organization is fundamental to achieve its goal effectively. Staffing in universities is vital due to the importance role of lecturers. Currently, Islamic universities still adopt the common process of recruitment for their academic staffs. Whereas, they have own characteristics which are embedded in their institutions. Furthermore, the FCWC (Foundation, Capability, Worldview and Commitment) model of recruitment proposes to suit the holistic character of Islamic university. Further studies are required to empirically validate the concept through systematic investigations. Additionally, measuring this model by a designed means is appreciated. The model provides the map and alternative tool of recruitment for Islamic universities to determine the process of recruitment which can appropriate their institutions. In addition, it also allows stakeholders and policy makers to consider regarding Islamic values that should inculcate in the Islamic higher learning institutions. This study initiates a foundational contribution for an early sequence of research.Keywords: academic staff, Islamic values, recruitment model, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 1709894 Influence of Heliotropium Undulatum on Hepatic Glutathione Conjugating Enzymes System in Acetylhydrazide-Rats
Authors: S. Ameddah, O. Deffa, H. Aissaoui, A. Menad, R. Mekkiou, F. Benayache, S. Benayache
Acetylhydrazide (ACHD) is a metabolite of the anti-tubercular drug isoniazid (INH) that has been implicated in liver damage. This study was designed to evaluate hapatoprotective of n-BuOH extract of Heliotrpium undulatum (HUBE) in ACHD hepatotoxicity in rats. Hepatic damage was induced by administration of ACHD (300 mg/Kg op). The protection was affected by the administration of HUBE (200 mg/Kg op) for 14 days before ACHD administration, caused a decrease in LPO levels and in the transaminase and ALP levels and restored the GSH and its related enzymes (GPx, GST, GR) (50-62 %). Simultaneous administration of HUBE afforded a partial protection in statue of hepatic GSH conjugating enzymes upon administration of ACHD.Keywords: heliotrpium undulatum, acetylhydrazide, glutathione conjugating enzymes, oxydatif stress, heaptoprotectif effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 3129893 Adopting English as a Language of Instruction of STEM in Tunisian Higher Education Institutions: Promises and Challenges
Authors: Mimoun Melliti
This research paper investigates the promises, challenges, and perspectives associated with teaching STEM subjects in English within Tunisian higher education institutions. The study explores the potential benefits of English-medium instruction in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (henceforth STEM) education, with a special focus on enhanced global competitiveness, improved English language proficiency, and increased access to international resources and collaborations. Additionally, it examines the various challenges faced by educators and students, such as language shift/barriers, curriculum adaptation, faculty training, and student support. Through a comprehensive analysis of promises and challenges, this paper aims to provide insights and recommendations for effectively implementing English medium instruction (henceforth EMI) of STEM in Tunisian higher education institutions. The paper concludes with a recommended action plan for the proper introduction of EMI of STEM in Tunisia.Keywords: EMI;, STEM education, EFL, language reforms
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