Search results for: psychological survey
5669 Analysis of Generation Z and Perceptions of Conscious Consumption in the Light of Primary Data
Authors: Mónika Garai-Fodor, Nikoett Huszak
In the present study, we investigate the cognitive aspects of conscious consumer behaviour among Generation Z members. In our view, conscious consumption can greatly help to foster social responsibility, environmental and health-conscious behaviour, and ethical consumerism. We believe that it is an important educational task to promote and reinforce consumer behaviour among young people that increases and creates community value. In this study, we analysed the dimensions of young people's conscious consumer behaviour and its manifestation in concrete forms of behaviour, purchasing, and consumer decisions. As a result of a survey conducted through a snowball sampling procedure, the responses of 200 respondents who are members of Generation Z were analysed. The research analysed young people's perceptions and opinions of conscious living and their perceptions of self-conscious consumer behaviour. The primary research used a pre-tested standardised online questionnaire. Data were evaluated using bivariate and multivariate analyses in addition to descriptive statistics. The research presents results that are valid for the sample, and we plan to continue with a larger sample survey and extend it to other generations. Our main objective is to analyse what conscious living means to young people, what behavioural elements they associate with it, and what activities they themselves undertake in this context.Keywords: generation Z, conscious consumption, primary research, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 415668 Cultural Notion of Mental Health and Role of Local Deities: A Case Study of North-Western Himalaya
Authors: Randhir Singh Ranta
The attempt to achieve and maintain an optimum state of health has always drilled the human mind and consequently, a number of healing systems have evolved around the world. Communities have contrived procedures to alleviate the wearisome condition arising out of ailments, using their own system, which differ from one community to another. Each culture has evolved a viewpoint regarding the cause of disease and the same is embedded in their belief systems. In India, the elementary proposition of mental health is within the community. From the theoretical perspective, the individual obeying and adhering to the institution of village deity represents the two changeovers i.e. from biological to psychological and from psychological to spiritual. In order to understand the cultural notion of mental health and role of local deities, a study was conducted in North-western Himalaya with a purpose to study the belief system of people in context of institution of village deity and establish a relationship between religiosity and general well-being among the believers. An effort was made to compare the mental health status of people facing psychosomatic disorders with the normal. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used for the purpose. Case studies were made to have an understanding of nature of mental and behavioural disorders and the role of institutions of local deities in managing the same. The results revealed that mountain communities have firm beliefs in local deities. A significant difference was found on the scores of belief and wellbeing, and a positive correlation was found between the belief assessment and general wellbeing.Keywords: culture notion, mental health, healing system, deities
Procedia PDF Downloads 3275667 Single Stage Holistic Interventions: The Impact on Well-Being
Authors: L. Matthewman, J. Nowlan
Background: Holistic or Integrative Psychology emphasizes the interdependence of physiological, spiritual and psychological dynamics. Studying “wholeness and well-being” from a systems perspective combines innovative psychological science interventions with Eastern orientated healing wisdoms and therapies. The literature surrounding holistic/integrative psychology focuses on multi-stage interventions in attempts to enhance the mind-body experiences of well-being for participants. This study proposes a new single stage model as an intervention for UG/PG students, time-constrained workplace employees and managers/leaders for improved well-being and life enhancement. The main research objective was to investigate participants’ experiences of holistic and mindfulness interventions for impact on emotional well-being. The main research question asked was if single stage holistic interventions could impact on psychological well-being. This is of consequence because many people report that a reason for not taking part in mind-body or wellness programmes is that they believe that they do not have sufficient time to engage in such pursuits. Experimental Approach: The study employed a mixed methods pre-test/post-test research design. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and interpretative phenomenological analysis. Purposive sampling methods were employed. An adapted mindfulness measurement questionnaire (MAAS) was administered to 20 volunteer final year UG student participants prior to the single stage intervention and following the intervention. A further post-test longitudinal follow-up took place one week later. Intervention: The single stage model intervention consisted of a half hour session of mindfulness, yoga stretches and head and neck massage in the following sequence: Mindful awareness of the breath, yoga stretches 1, mindfulness of the body, head and neck massage, mindfulness of sounds, yoga stretches 2 and finished with pure awareness mindfulness. Results: The findings on the pre-test indicated key themes concerning: “being largely unaware of feelings”, “overwhelmed with final year exams”, “juggling other priorities” , “not feeling in control”, “stress” and “negative emotional display episodes”. Themes indicated on the post-test included: ‘more aware of self’, ‘in more control’, ‘immediately more alive’ and ‘just happier’ compared to the pre-test. Themes from post-test 2 indicated similar findings to post-test 1 in terms of themes. but on a lesser scale when scored for intensity. Interestingly, the majority of participants reported that they would now seek other similar interventions in the future and would be likely to engage with a multi-stage intervention type on a longer-term basis. Overall, participants reported increased psychological well-being after the single stage intervention. Conclusion: A single stage one-off intervention model can be effective to help towards the wellbeing of final year UG students. There is little indication to suggest that this would not be generalizable to others in different areas of life and business. However this study must be taken with caution due to low participant numbers. Implications: Single stage one-off interventions can be used to enhance peoples’ lives who might not otherwise sign up for a longer multi-stage intervention. In addition, single stage interventions can be utilized to help participants progress onto longer multiple stage interventions. Finally, further research into one stage well-being interventions is encouraged.Keywords: holistic/integrative psychology, mindfulness, well-being, yoga
Procedia PDF Downloads 3535666 Patient Perspectives on Telehealth During the Pandemic in the United States
Authors: Manal Sultan Alhussein, Xiang Michelle Liu
Telehealth is an advanced technology using digital information and telecommunication facilities that provide access to health services from a distance. It slows the transmission factor of COVID-19, especially for elderly patients and patients with chronic diseases during the pandemic. Therefore, understanding patient perspectives on telehealth services and the factors impacting their option of telehealth service will shed light on the measures that healthcare providers can take to improve the quality of telehealth services. This study aimed to evaluate perceptions of telehealth services among different patient groups and explore various aspects of telehealth utilization in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey distributed via social media platforms was used to collect research data. In addition to the descriptive statistics, both correlation and regression analyses were conducted to test research hypotheses. The empirical results highlighted that the factors such as accessibility to telehealth services and the type of specialty clinics that the patients required play important roles in the effectiveness of telehealth services they received. However, the results found that patients’ waiting time to receive telehealth services and their annual income did not significantly influence their desire to select receiving healthcare services via telehealth. The limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.Keywords: telehealth, patient satisfaction, pandemic, healthcare, survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 1145665 The Impact of Website Quality on Customers' Usage and Purchasing Intentions: The Case of Airlines and Online Travel Agencies
Authors: Nermin A. Morsy, Amany N. Beshay
The tourism industry has seen considerable transformations due to the emergency of e-commerce. For instance, airlines are increasingly dependent on achieving online sales instead of their traditional platform. Online travel agencies’ (OTAs) websites have been able to reach a broader range of customers and generate more revenue. Therefore, website quality plays an important role in attaining website effectiveness. It is now considered as a critical factor in attracting customers' attention and build loyalty. Customers are more likely to visit and purchase at websites that exhibit highly desirable qualities. A user-friendly website can help tourists find their target information easily and make decisions quickly. This research focuses on analyzing the impact of airline and OTAs’ websites quality on the actual customer usage and purchase intentions. An online survey was distributed among internet users to assess the various dimensions of website quality in the context of online booking and their effect on customer’s usage and purchase intentions. The data from the survey was analyzed statistically using correlation, t-tests and other statistical tests. Results revealed the direct impact of website quality on customer usage and purchase intentions.Keywords: airlines, OTAs, purchasing intention, website quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1795664 Application of a Generalized Additive Model to Reveal the Relations between the Density of Zooplankton with Other Variables in the West Daya Bay, China
Authors: Weiwen Li, Hao Huang, Chengmao You, Jianji Liao, Lei Wang, Lina An
Zooplankton are a central issue in the ecology which makes a great contribution to maintaining the balance of an ecosystem. It is critical in promoting the material cycle and energy flow within the ecosystems. A generalized additive model (GAM) was applied to analyze the relationships between the density (individuals per m³) of zooplankton and other variables in West Daya Bay. All data used in this analysis (the survey month, survey station (longitude and latitude), the depth of the water column, the superficial concentration of chlorophyll a, the benthonic concentration of chlorophyll a, the number of zooplankton species and the number of zooplankton species) were collected through monthly scientific surveys during January to December 2016. GLM model (generalized linear model) was used to choose the significant variables’ impact on the density of zooplankton, and the GAM was employed to analyze the relationship between the density of zooplankton and the significant variables. The results showed that the density of zooplankton increased with an increase of the benthonic concentration of chlorophyll a, but decreased with a decrease in the depth of the water column. Both high numbers of zooplankton species and the overall total number of zooplankton individuals led to a higher density of zooplankton.Keywords: density, generalized linear model, generalized additive model, the West Daya Bay, zooplankton
Procedia PDF Downloads 1535663 Psycho-Social Problems Faced by Transgenders in Pakistani Society: A Qualitative Study
In the social, behavioral, and medical sciences, and particularly in Pakistani popular culture and political discourse, transgender issues are a relatively recent subject of research. The present study aimed to explore the lived experiences related to psycho-social issues faced by transgenders in Pakistani society. In this qualitative study, phenomenology research design was used. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used for data collection, and in-depth interviews were conducted with N= 8 transgenders belonging to Lahore city, Pakistan. All interviews were audio recorded and transcribed properly. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to generate results in terms of themes. The results of the current study revealed different major themes, such as psychological, social, and financial problems. Several emergent and sub-themes were also generated, such as insomnia, suicidal ideation, stress, physical abuse, social rejection, discrimination at work workplace, fewer job opportunities, and harassment. Current studies indicate that transgender suffer from different problems and struggle hard for their daily living. It was concluded that there should be a step taken at the government level for the betterment of this community. The findings of the present study can help out transgender communities and activists uncover their problems and empower transgender individuals through education, skill development, and opportunities for growth. Their abilities can be utilized by providing education, polishing their skills, and employment opportunities. The data provides the knowledge that there should be strategies at the family, society and government level for the betterment of transgenders.Keywords: psychological issues, social issues, financial issues, transgender, Pakistani society
Procedia PDF Downloads 385662 Establishing a Strategic Agenda for Online MBA Program: A Case Study
Authors: Turkyh Alotibi, Ghadah Obeid Alrasheed, Afaf Saad Alshaibani, Moneerah Obeid Alrasheed
This study explores factors that influence MBA enrolment and investigates strategic prerequisites for developing a viable online MBA program at Alfaisal University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It compares students’ perspectives about online MBA against the face-to-face on-site MBA program. With the self-administered online survey tool, we collected data from 52 first- and second-year MBA students enrolled at Alfaisal University for the 2021 Fall Semester. The data from the survey questionnaire, distributed at the university’s College of Business, reports that approximately 60% of MBA students prefer face-to-face, in-person courses. Their preference for considering an online MBA, primarily rests on two factors, the university’s ranking (68% would enroll for an online MBA program offered by Harvard Business School) and 34.07% for the program timing (timetable). Alfaisal University’s outstanding ranking makes it viable to offer an online MBA either independently or in collaboration with other internationally reputed business schools. The paper contains useful insights to set “the strategic agenda for Online MBA program” in no accredited University but with a good reputation. The information from the case study could be useful for supporting the strategic intent to start an Online MBA program in Saudi Arabia.Keywords: online MBA, online education demand, university management, course evaluation, blended learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1275661 Traffic Safety and Risk Assessment Model by Analysis of Questionnaire Survey: A Case Study of S. G. Highway, Ahmedabad, India
Authors: Abhijitsinh Gohil, Kaushal Wadhvaniya, Kuldipsinh Jadeja
Road Safety is a multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional issue. An effective model can assess the risk associated with highway safety. A questionnaire survey is very essential to identify the events or activities which are causing unsafe condition for traffic on an urban highway. A questionnaire of standard questions including vehicular, human and infrastructure characteristics can be made. Responses from the age wise group of road users can be taken on field. Each question or an event holds a specific risk weightage, which contributes in creating an inappropriate and unsafe flow of traffic. The probability of occurrence of an event can be calculated from the data collected from the road users. Finally, the risk score can be calculated by considering the risk factor and the probability of occurrence of individual event and addition of all risk score for the individual event will give the total risk score of a particular road. Standards for risk score can be made and total risk score can be compared with the standards. Thus road can be categorized based on risk associated and traffic safety on it. With this model, one can assess the need for traffic safety improvement on a given road, and qualitative data can be analysed.Keywords: probability of occurrence, questionnaire, risk factor, risk score
Procedia PDF Downloads 3415660 Understanding Ambivalent Behaviors of Social Media Users toward the 'Like' Function: A Social Capital Perspective
The 'Like' function in social media platforms represents the immediate responses of social media users to postings and other users. A large number of 'likes' is often attributed to fame, agreement, and support from others that many users are proud of and happy with. However, what 'like' implies exactly in social media context is still in discussion. Some argue that it is an accurate parameter of the preferences of social media users, whereas others refute that it is merely an instant reaction that is volatile and vague. To address this gap, this study investigates how social media users perceive the 'like' function and behave differently based on their perceptions. This study posits the following arguments. First, 'like' is interpreted as a quantified form of social capital that resides in social media platforms. This incarnated social capital rationalizes the attraction of people to social media and belief that social media platforms bring benefits to their relationships with others. This social capital is then conceptualized into cognitive and emotive dimensions, where social capital in the cognitive dimension represents the awareness of the 'likes' quantitatively, whereas social capital in the emotive dimension represents the receptions of the 'likes' qualitatively. Finally, the ambivalent perspective of the social media users on 'like' (i.e., social capital) is applied. This view rationalizes why social media users appreciate the reception of 'likes' from others but are aware that those 'likes' can distort the actual responses of other users by sending erroneous signals. The rationale on this ambivalence is based on whether users perceive social media as private or public spheres. When social media is more publicized, the ambivalence is more strongly observed. By combining the ambivalence and dimensionalities of the social capital, four types of social media users with different mechanisms on liking behaviors are identified. To validate this work, a survey with 300 social media users is conducted. The analysis results support most of the hypotheses and confirm that people have ambivalent perceptions on 'like' as a social capital and that perceptions influence behavioral patterns. The implication of the study is clear. First, this study explains why social media users exhibit different behaviors toward 'likes' in social media. Although most of the people believe that the number of 'likes' is the simplest and most frank measure of supports from other social media users, this study introduces the users who do not trust the 'likes' as a stable and reliable parameter of social media. In addition, this study links the concept of social media openness to explain the different behaviors of social media users. Social media openness has theoretical significance because it defines the psychological boundaries of social media from the perspective of users.Keywords: ambivalent attitude, like function, social capital, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 2425659 Challenges and Opportunities in Modelling Energy Behavior of Household in Malaysia
Authors: Zuhaina Zakaria, Noraliza Hamzah, Siti Halijjah Shariff, Noor Aizah Abdul Karim
The residential sector in Malaysia has become the single largest energy sector accounting for 21% of the entire energy usage of the country. In the past 10 years, a number of energy efficiency initiatives in the residential sector had been undertaken by the government including. However, there is no clear evidence that the total residential energy consumption has been reduced substantially via these strategies. Household electrical appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, lighting and televisions are used depending on the consumers’ activities. The behavior of household occupants played an important role in energy consumption and influenced the operation of the physical devices. Therefore, in order to ensure success in energy efficiency program, it requires not only the technological aspect but also the consumers’ behaviors component. This paper focuses on the challenges and opportunities in modelling residential consumer behavior in Malaysia. A field survey to residential consumers was carried out and responses from the survey were analyzed to determine the consumers’ level of knowledge and awareness on energy efficiency. The analyses will be used in determining a right framework to explain household energy use intentions and behavior. These findings will be beneficial to power utility company and energy regulator in addressing energy efficiency related issues.Keywords: consumer behavior theories, energy efficiency, household occupants, residential consumer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3335658 Cognition in Crisis: Unravelling the Link Between COVID-19 and Cognitive-Linguistic Impairments
Authors: Celine Davis
The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, which has detrimental respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological effects impacting over one million lives in the United States. New researches has emerged indicating long-term neurologic consequences in those who survive COVID-19 infections, including more than seven million Americans and another 27 million people worldwide. These consequences include attentional deficits, memory impairments, executive function deficits and aphasia-like symptoms which fall within the purview of speech-language pathology. The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a comprehensive annual survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. The NHIS is one of the most significant sources of health-related data in the country and has been conducted since 1957. The longitudinal nature of the study allows for analysis of trends in various variables over the years, which can be essential for understanding societal changes and making treatment recommendations. This current study will utilize NHIS data from 2020-2022 which contained interview questions specifically related to COVID-19. Adult cases of individuals between the ages of 18-50 diagnosed with COVID-19 in the United States during 2020-2022 will be identified using the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Multiple regression analysis of self-reported data confirming COVID-19 infection status and challenges with concentration, communication, and memory will be performed. Latent class analysis will be utilized to identify subgroups in the population to indicate whether certain demographic groups have higher susceptibility to cognitive-linguistic deficits associated with COVID-19. Completion of this study will reveal whether there is an association between confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis and heightened incidence of cognitive deficits and subsequent implications, if any, on activities of daily living. This study is distinct in its aim to utilize national survey data to explore the relationship between confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis and the prevalence of cognitive-communication deficits with a secondary focus on resulting activity limitations. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this will be the first large-scale epidemiological study investigating the associations between cognitive-linguistic deficits, COVID-19 and implications on activities of daily living in the United States population. These findings will highlight the need for targeted interventions and support services to address the cognitive-communication needs of individuals recovering from COVID-19, thereby enhancing their overall well-being and functional outcomes.Keywords: cognition, COVID-19, language, limitations, memory, NHIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 545657 The Hypoglycemic Grab Back (HOGG): Preparing Hypo-Screen-Bags to Streamline the Time-Consuming Process of Administering Glucose Systemic Correction
Authors: Mai Ali
Background: Preparing Hypo-screen-bags in advance streamlines the time-consuming process of administering glucose systemic correction. Additionally, Hypo-Screen Grab Bags are widely adopted in UK hospitals. Aim: The aim of the study is to improve hypoglycemia screening efficiency and equipment accessibility by streamlining item access to grab bag restocking staff. Methodology: The study centered on neonatal wards at LGI & St. James Neonatal Unit and related units. A web-based survey was conducted to evaluate local practices, gathering 21 responses from relevant general staff. The survey outcomes: (1) The demand for accessible grab bags is evident for smoother processes. (2) The potential to enhance efficiency through improved preparation of hypo-screen grab bags. Intervention: A Hypo-Screen Grab Bag was designed, including checklists for stocked items and required samples. Medical staff oversee restocking after use. Conclusion: The study successfully improved hypoglycemia screening efficiency and aided junior staff with accessible supplies and a user-friendly checklist.Keywords: neonatal hypoglycemia, grab bag, hypo-screening, junior staff
Procedia PDF Downloads 635656 Medication Side Effects: Implications on the Mental Health and Adherence Behaviour of Patients with Hypertension
Authors: Irene Kretchy, Frances Owusu-Daaku, Samuel Danquah
Hypertension is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and a major cause of death and disability worldwide. This study examined whether psychosocial variables influenced patients’ perception and experience of side effects of their medicines, how they coped with these experiences and the impact on mental health and medication adherence to conventional hypertension therapies. Methods: A hospital-based mixed methods study, using quantitative and qualitative approaches was conducted on hypertensive patients. Participants were asked about side effects, medication adherence, common psychological symptoms, and coping mechanisms with the aid of standard questionnaires. Information from the quantitative phase was analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The interviews from the qualitative study were audio-taped with a digital audio recorder, manually transcribed and analyzed using thematic content analysis. The themes originated from participant interviews a posteriori. Results: The experiences of side effects – such as palpitations, frequent urination, recurrent bouts of hunger, erectile dysfunction, dizziness, cough, physical exhaustion - were categorized as no/low (39.75%), moderate (53.0%) and high (7.25%). Significant relationships between depression (x 2 = 24.21, P < 0.0001), anxiety (x 2 = 42.33, P < 0.0001), stress (x 2 = 39.73, P < 0.0001) and side effects were observed. A logistic regression model using the adjusted results for this association are reported – depression [OR = 1.9 (1.03 – 3.57), p = 0.04], anxiety [OR = 1.5 (1.22 – 1.77), p = < 0.001], and stress [OR = 1.3 (1.02 – 1.71), p = 0.04]. Side effects significantly increased the probability of individuals to be non-adherent [OR = 4.84 (95% CI 1.07 – 1.85), p = 0.04] with social factors, media influences and attitudes of primary caregivers further explaining this relationship. The personal adoption of medication modifying strategies, espousing the use of complementary and alternative treatments, and interventions made by clinicians were the main forms of coping with side effects. Conclusions: Results from this study show that contrary to a biomedical approach, the experience of side effects has biological, social and psychological interrelations. The result offers more support for the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to healthcare where all forms of expertise are incorporated into health provision and patient care. Additionally, medication side effects should be considered as a possible cause of non-adherence among hypertensive patients, thus addressing this problem from a Biopsychosocial perspective in any intervention may improve adherence and invariably control blood pressure.Keywords: biopsychosocial, hypertension, medication adherence, psychological disorders
Procedia PDF Downloads 3725655 Survey on the Use of Anti-ticks in Cattle by Breeders in the Department of Korhogo
Authors: Coulibaly Fatoumata, Seme Kpassi, Aboly Nicolas, Ccoulibaly Zonzereke
Introduction and Objective: Microbial resistance is nowadays a major public health problem. In the perspective of a better understanding of the resistance of ticks against acaricides, a study was conducted in the Department of Korhogo. The general objective was to verify the knowledge and skills of breeders on the use of acaricides and contribute to reducing the impact of ticks on livestock productivity. Methodology: To carry out the work, a cross-sectional survey was conducted using elaborate questionnaires, followed by specific interviews with livestock stakeholders in the Korhogo sub-prefecture. Results: The results showed that in the study area, cattle breeders, the majority of whom (58.06%) are Ivorians, use anti-ticks without strict compliance with recommendations of the instructions and standards for use. 68% of them performed under-dosed treatments, and 32% an over-dosed treatment. The most common method for treating cattle against ticks was spraying. Conclusion: Despite the use of tick repellents by these breeders, tick-borne diseases still persist. This could be explained by the misuse of the products (under dosage and overdose), which can cause harmful effects or even resistance of certain ticks. It is, therefore important to respect the normal dosage of the products used as well as the methods of use (bath, spray, pour-on, etc.). In order to minimize the problems of resistance, awareness is necessary among breeders for the proper use of acaricidal products as well as all other drugs.Keywords: ticks, resistance, anti-tick, cattle, korhogo
Procedia PDF Downloads 805654 A Survey of Key Challenges of Adopting Agile in Global Software Development: A Case Study with Malaysia Perspective
Authors: Amna Batool
Agile methodology is the current most popular technique in software development projects. Agile methods in software development bring optimistic impact on software performances, quality and customer satisfaction. There are some organizations and small-medium enterprises adopting agile into their local software development projects as well as in distributed software development projects. Adopting agile methods in local software development projects is valuable. However, agile global software deployment needs an attention. There are different key challenges in agile global software development that need to resolve and enhance the global software development cycles. The proposed systematic literature review investigates all key challenges of agile in global software development. Moreover, a quantitative methodology (an actual survey) targeted to present a real case scenario of these particular key challenges faced by one of the software houses that is BestWeb Malaysia. The outcomes of systematic literature and the results of quantitative methodology are compared with each other to evaluate if the key challenges pointed out in systematic review still exist. The proposed research and its exploratory results can assist small medium enterprises to avoid these challenges by adopting the best practices in their global software development projects. Moreover, it is helpful for novice researchers to get valuable information altogether.Keywords: agile software development, ASD challenges, agile global software development, challenges in agile global software development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1585653 Comparative Evaluation of Equity Indicators in the Matikiw Community-Based Forest Management Project in Pakil, Laguna and the Minayutan and Bacong Sigsigan Community-Based Forest Management Project in Famy, Laguna
Authors: Katherine Arquio
Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) is one of the integrative programs that slowly turned the course of forest management from traditional corporate to community-based practice resulting to people empowerment. As such, one of its goals is to promote socio-economic welfare among the people in the community in which social equity is included. This study aims to look at the equity aspect of the program, particularly if there are equity differences between two CBFM sites- Matikiw in Pakil, Laguna and Minayutan and Bacong Sigsigan in Famy, Laguna. Equity indicators were identified first, since these will be the basis of the questions that will be asked on the survey, after this, the survey proper was conducted, and finally, the analysis. Two tailed t-test was used as statistical tool since the difference between the two sites is the focus of the study. Statistical analysis was done through the use of STATA program, a statistical software. There were 32 indicators identified and results showed that, out of these indicators, only 13 were found significantly different between the two. The 13 indicators were significantly observed only in Matikiw; the other 19 indicators were commonly observed in both areas and are conducive as equity indicators for the CBFM program.Keywords: social equity, CBFM, social forestry, equity indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 3845652 Adolescents Psychological Well Being in Relation to Bullying/CB Victimization: The Mediating Effect of Resilience and Self-Concept
Authors: Dorit Olenik-Shemesh, Tali Heiman
Aggressive peer behaviors, particularly bullying and cyberbullying (CB) victimization during adolescence, are strongly and consistently linked to decreased levels of subjective well-being, potentially hindering a healthy and consistent developmental process. These negative effects might be expressed in emotional, physical, and behavioral difficulties. Adolescents victims of bullying/CB present more depressive moods, more loneliness, and more suicidal thoughts, while adolescents who had never been victims of bullying and CB acts present higher levels of well-being. These difficulties in their lives may be both a consequence of and a partial explanation for bullying/CB victimization. Interpersonal behavior styles and psychosocial factors may interact to create a vicious cycle in which adolescents place themselves at risk, which might explain the reduced well-being reported among victims. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, almost no study has examined the effect of two key variables in adolescents' lives, resilience and self-concept, in the relationship between bullying/CB victimization and low levels of psychological well-being among adolescents. Resilience is defined as the individual's capacity of maintaining stable functioning and make adjustments in the face of adversity; a capacity that promotes efficiently coping with environmental stressors and protects from psycho-social difficulties when facing various challenges. Self-concept relates to the way we perceive ourselves, influenced by many forces, including our interactions with the surroundings; a collection of beliefs about oneself. Accordingly, the current study has examined the possible mediating effect of these two main positive personal variables, resilience, and self-concept, through a mediation model analysis. 507 middle school students aged 11–16 (53% boys, 47% girls) completed questionnaires regarding bullying and CB behaviors, psychological well-being, resilience, and self-concept. A mediation model analysis was performed, whereas the hypothesized mediation model was accepted in full. More specifically, it was found that both self-concept and resilience mediated the relationship between bullying/CB victimization and a sense of well-being. High levels of both variables might buffer against a potential decrease in well-being associated with youth bullying/CB victimization. No gender differences were found, except a small stronger effect of resilience on well-being for boys. The study results suggest focusing on specific personal positive variables when developing youth intervention programs, creating an infrastructure for new programs that address increasing resilience and self-concept in schools and family-school contexts. Such revamped programs could diminish bullying/CB acts and the harmful negative implications for youth well-being. Future studies that will incorporate longitudinal data may further deepen the understanding of these examined relationships.Keywords: adolescents, well being, bullying/CB victimization, resilience, self-concept
Procedia PDF Downloads 125651 Ethical Challenges for Journalists in Times of Fake News and Hate Speech: A Survey with German Journalists
Authors: Laura C. Solzbacher, Caja Thimm
Journalists worldwide have been confronted with a variety of ethical challenges over the last years. Because of massive changes in media technology and the public sphere, especially online journalism has trouble to uphold the fundamental values of journalism. In particular, the increasing amount of fake news and hate speech puts journalists under more and more pressure. In order to understand better how journalists judge this development and how they adapt in their daily work, a survey with journalists in Germany was carried out. 303 professional journalists participated in an online questionnaire. Results show that 65% underline that economic pressure grows and nearly the same number describe a change in the role of journalists in society. Furthermore, 61% agree that they put more time into research to secure their work against accusations of fabricating fake news. Interestingly, over 60% see a change in the role of journalists in society. The majority (85%) confirms that print journalism has to give way for online platforms and that the influence of social media for journalism grows (75%). Half of the surveyed advocate for more personalized public activism on part of journalists, such as appearance in talk shows and public talks. The results of the study will be discussed in light of the ongoing debate on ethical standards as a condition for a sustainable and trustworthy digital public sphere.Keywords: ethics, fake news, journalism, public sphere
Procedia PDF Downloads 2705650 Academic Major, Gender, and Perceived Helpfulness Predict Help-Seeking Stigma
Authors: Tran Tran
Mental health issues are prevalent among Vietnamese undergraduate students, and they are greatly exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic for this population. While there is empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of therapy on mental health issues among college students, the rates of Vietnamese college students seeking professional mental health services were alarmingly low. Multiple factors can prevent those in need from finding support. The Internalized Stigma Model posits that public stigma directly affects intentions to seek psychological help via self-stigma and attitudes toward seeking help. However, little research has focused on what factors can predict public stigma toward seeking professional psychological support, especially among this population. A potential predictor is academic majors since academic majors can influence undergraduate students' perceptions, attitudes, and intentions. A study suggested that students who have completed two or more psychology courses have a more positive attitude toward seeking care for mental health issues and reduced stigma, which might be attributed to increased mental health literacy. In addition, research has shown that women are more likely to utilize mental health services and have lower stigma than men. Finally, studies have also suggested that experience of mental health services can increase endorsement of perceived need and lower stigma. Thus, it is expected that perceived helpfulness from past service uses can reduce stigma. This study aims to address this gap in the literature and investigate which factors can predict public stigma, specifically academic major, gender, and perceived helpfulness, potentially suggesting an avenue of prevention and ultimately improving the well-being of Vietnamese college students. The sample includes 408 undergraduate students (Mage = 20.44; 80.88% female) Hanoi city, Vietnam. Participants completed a pen-and-paper questionnaire. Students completed the Stigma Scale for Receiving Psychological Help, which yielded a mean public stigma score. Participants also completed a measurement assessing their perceived helpfulness of their university’s counseling center, which included eight subscales: future self-development, learning issues, career counseling, medical and health issues, mental health issues, conflicts between teachers and students, conflicts between parents and students, and interpersonal relationships. Items were summed to create a composite perceived helpfulness score. Finally, participants provided demographic information. This included gender, which was dichotomized between female and other. Additionally, it included academic major, which was also similarly dichotomized between psychology and other (e.g., natural science, social science, and pedagogy & social work). Linear relationships between public stigma and gender, academic major, and perceived helpfulness were analyzed individually with a regression model. Findings suggested that academic major, gender, and perceived counseling center's helpfulness predicted stigma against seeking professional psychological help. Specifically, being a psychology major predicted lower levels of public stigma (β = -.25, p < .001). Additionally, gender female predicted lower levels of public stigma (β = -.11, p < .05). Lastly, higher levels of perceived helpfulness of the counseling center also predicted lower levels of public stigma (β = -.16, p < .01). The study’s results offer potential intervention avenues to help reduce stigma and increase well-being for Vietnamese college students.Keywords: stigma, vietnamese college students, counseling services, help-seeking
Procedia PDF Downloads 905649 In Search of a Safe Haven-Sexual Violence Leading to a Change of Sexual Orientation
Authors: Medagedara Kaushalya Sewwandi Supun Gunarathne
This research explores the underlying motivations and consequences of individuals changing their sexual orientation as a response to sexual violence. The primary objective of the study is to unravel the psychological, emotional, and social factors that drive individuals, akin to Celie in Alice Walker’s ‘The Color Purple’, to contemplate and undergo changes in their sexual orientation following the trauma of sexual violence. Through an analytical and qualitative approach, the study employs in-depth textual and thematic analyses to scrutinize the complex interplay between sexual orientation and violence within the selected text. Through a close examination of Celie’s journey and experiences, the study reveals that her decision to switch sexual orientation arises from a desire for a more favorable and benevolent relationship driven by the absence of safety and refuge in her previous relationships. By establishing this bond between sexual orientation and violence, the research underscores how sexual violence can lead individuals to opt for a change in their sexual orientation. The findings highlight Celie’s transformation as a means to seek solace and security, thus concluding that sexual violence can prompt individuals to alter their sexual orientation. The ensuing discussion explores the implications of these findings, encompassing psychological, emotional, and social consequences, as well as the societal and cultural factors influencing the perception of sexual orientation. Additionally, it sheds light on the challenges and stigma faced by those who undergo such transformations. By comprehending the complex relationship between sexual violence and the decision to change sexual orientation, as exemplified by Celie in ‘The Color Purple’, a deeper understanding of the experiences of survivors who seek a safe haven through altering their sexual orientation can be attained.Keywords: sexual violence, sexual orientation, refuge, transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 805648 Perceptions of Academic Staff on the Influences of Librarians and Working Colleagues Towards the Awareness and Use of Electronic Databases in Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina
Authors: Lawal Kado
This paper investigates the perceptions of academic staff at Umaru Musa Yar’adua University regarding the influences of librarians and working colleagues on the awareness and use of electronic databases. The study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of these influences and suggest strategies to improve the usage of electronic databases. Research aim: The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of academic staff on the influence of librarians and working colleagues towards the awareness and use of electronic databases in Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina. Methodology: The study adopts a quantitative method and survey research design. The survey questionnaire is distributed to 110 respondents selected through simple random sampling from a population of 523 academic staff. The collected data is analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. Findings: The study reveals a high level of general awareness of electronic databases in the university, largely influenced by librarians and colleagues. Librarians have played a crucial role in making academic staff aware of the available databases. The sources of information for awareness include colleagues, social media, e-mails from the library, and internet searching. Theoretical importance: This study contributes to the literature by examining the perceptions of academic staff, which can inform policymakers and stakeholders in developing strategies to maximize the use of electronic databases. Data collection and analysis procedures: The data is collected through a survey questionnaire that utilizes the Likert scaling technique. The closed-ended questions are analyzed using SPSS 23. Question addressed: The paper addresses the question of how librarians and working colleagues influence the awareness and use of electronic databases among academic staff. Conclusion: The study concludes that the influence of librarians and working colleagues significantly contributes to the awareness and use of electronic databases among academic staff. The paper recommends the establishment of dedicated departments or units for marketing library resources to further promote the usage of electronic databases.Keywords: awareness, electronic databases, academic staff, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, social influence
Procedia PDF Downloads 925647 Studies on Pesticide Usage Pattern and Farmers Knowledge on Pesticide Usage and Technologies in Open Field and Poly House Conditions
Authors: B. Raghu, Shashi Vemuri, Ch. Sreenivasa Rao
The survey on pesticide use pattern was carried out by interviewing farmers growing chill in open fields and poly houses based on the questionnaire prepared to assess their knowledge and practices on crop cultivation, general awareness on pesticide recommendations and use. Education levels of poly house farmers are high compared to open field farmers, where 57.14% poly house farmers are high school educated, whereas 35% open field farmers are illiterates. Majority farmers use nursery of 35 days and grow in <0.5 acre poly house in summer and rabi and < 1 acre in open field during kharif. Awareness on pesticide related issues is varying among poly house and open field farmers with some commonality, where 28.57% poly house farmers know about recommended pesticides while only 10% open field farmers are aware of this issue. However, in general, all farmers contact pesticide dealer for recommendations, poly house farmers prefer to contact scientists (35.71%) and open field farmers prefer to contact agricultural officers (33.33). Most farmers are unaware about pesticide classification and toxicity symbols on packing. Farmers are aware about endosulfan ban, but only 21.42% poly house and 11.66% open field farmers know about ban of monocrotofos on vegetables. Very few farmers know about pesticide residues and related issues, but know washing helps to reduce contamination.Keywords: open field, pesticide usage, polyhouses, residues survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 4695646 Effects of Handheld Video Games on Interpersonal Relationships: A Two-Wave Panel Study on Elementary School Students
Authors: Kanae Suzuki
Handheld video games are popular communication tools among Japanese elementary school students today. This study aims to examine the effects of the use of handheld video games on interpersonal relationships of the students in real and virtual worlds. A two-wave panel survey was conducted for students of ten elementary schools at an interval of approximately six months. The survey questionnaire included questions about the average amount of time spent playing a handheld video game during the past one month, the frequency of communication with players during game play, and the interpersonal relationships, such as the number of real and virtual friends the students have. A multiple regression model was constructed for 324 students to examine causal relationships. The results indicated that the more frequently the students communicated with other players while playing games, the number of the real friends tended to increase. In contrast, no significant effect of the total time spent playing games was found on interpersonal relationships. The findings suggested that communication during game play is an important factor for improving interpersonal relationships of this age group.Keywords: communication, real friend, social adjustment, virtual friend
Procedia PDF Downloads 4925645 The Evolution of Amazon Alexa: From Voice Assistant to Smart Home Hub
Authors: Abrar Abuzaid, Maha Alaaeddine, Haya Alesayi
This project is centered around understanding the usage and impact of Alexa, Amazon's popular virtual assistant, in everyday life. Alexa, known for its integration into devices like Amazon Echo, offers functionalities such as voice interaction, media control, providing real-time information, and managing smart home devices. Our primary focus is to conduct a straightforward survey aimed at uncovering how people use Alexa in their daily routines. We plan to reach out to a wide range of individuals to get a diverse perspective on how Alexa is being utilized for various tasks, the frequency and context of its use, and the overall user experience. The survey will explore the most common uses of Alexa, its impact on daily life, features that users find most beneficial, and improvements they are looking for. This project is not just about collecting data but also about understanding the real-world applications of a technology like Alexa and how it fits into different lifestyles. By examining the responses, we aim to gain a practical understanding of Alexa's role in homes and possibly in workplaces. This project will provide insights into user satisfaction and areas where Alexa could be enhanced to meet the evolving needs of its users. It’s a step towards connecting technology with everyday life, making it more accessible and user-friendlyKeywords: Amazon Alexa, artificial intelligence, smart speaker, natural language processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 635644 Iranian English as Foreign Language Teachers' Psychological Well-Being across Gender: During the Pandemic
Authors: Fatemeh Asadi Farsad, Sima Modirkhameneh
The purpose of this study was to explore the pattern of Psychological Well-Being (PWB) of Iranian male and female EFL teachers during the pandemic. It was intended to see if such a drastic change in the context and mode of teaching affects teachers' PWB. Furthermore, the possible difference between the six elements of PWB of Iranian EFL male vs. female teachers during the pandemic was investigated. The other purpose was to find out the EFL teachers’ perceptions of any modifications, and factors leading to such modifications in their PWB during pandemic. For the purpose of this investigation, a total of 81 EFL teachers (59 female, 22 male) with an age range of 25 to 35 were conveniently sampled from different cities in Iran. Ryff’s PWB questionnaire was sent to participant teachers through online platforms to elicit data on their PWB. As for their perceptions on the possible modifications and the factors involved in PWB during pandemic, a set of semi-structured interviews were run among both sample groups. The findings revealed that male EFL teachers had the highest mean on personal growth, followed by purpose of life, and self-acceptance and the lowest mean on environmental mastery. With a slightly similar pattern, female EFL teachers had the highest mean on personal growth, followed by purpose in life, and positive relationship with others with the lowest mean on environmental mastery. However, no significant difference was observed between the male and female groups’ overall means on elements of PWB. Additionally, participants perceived that their anxiety level in online classes altered due to factors like (1) Computer literacy skills, (2) Lack of social communications and interactions with colleagues and students, (3) Online class management, (4) Overwhelming workloads, and (5) Time management. The study ends with further suggestions as regards effective online teaching preparation considering teachers PWB, especially at severe situations such as covid-19 pandemic. The findings offer to determine the reformations of educational policies concerning enhancing EFL teachers’ PWB through computer literacy courses and stress management courses. It is also suggested that to proactively support teachers’ mental health, it is necessary to provide them with advisors and psychologists if possible for free. Limitations: One limitation is the small number of participants (81), suggesting that future replications should include more participants for reliable findings. Another limitation is the gender imbalance, which future studies should address to yield better outcomes. Furthermore, Limited data gathering tools suggest using observations, diaries, and narratives for more insights in future studies. The study focused on one model of PWB, calling for further research on other models in the literature. Considering the wide effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, future studies should consider additional variables (e.g., teaching experience, age, income) to understand Iranian EFL teachers’ vulnerabilities and strengths better.Keywords: online teaching, psychological well-being, female and male EFL teachers, pandemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 475643 A Preliminary Investigation on Factors that Influence Malaysian Road User’s Close Following Behaviour
Authors: Siti Hikmah Musthar, Ahmad Saifizul, Mohamed Rehan Karim, Jamilah Mohamad, Farah Fazlinda Mohamad
This paper aims to look at the situation of close following behaviour from the introductory phase before conducting a profound investigation and discussion on this subject. Close following behaviour is known as behaviour during when drivers follow front vehicle with headways lower than two-second. As such, the study of close-following is important due to the degree of negative consequences this behaviour can cause commonly identified as rear-end collision especially when road safety is concerned. This paper presents a preliminary results of close-following behaviour among selected respondents (n=515) in Peninsular Malaysia at selected highways and federal roads. Respondents were interviewed with survey questions tending to examine their actual driving behaviour related to close-following and their perception towards the subject of close following. Selected findings (four selected questions) are discussed in this paper of which identified as essential for deliberation (as opposed to other questions in the survey questionnaire) as far as a preliminary discussion is concerned. Through the statistical test of one-way ANOVA, study found that gender of drivers is not significant to influence drivers to close follow but instead, type of vehicle the respondent drives had more significant to influence drivers to have tendency to perform close following behaviour.Keywords: close-following, driver behaviour, rear-end crash, road safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 4215642 Application of Transportation Models for Analysing Future Intercity and Intracity Travel Patterns in Kuwait
Authors: Srikanth Pandurangi, Basheer Mohammed, Nezar Al Sayegh
In order to meet the increasing demand for housing care for Kuwaiti citizens, the government authorities in Kuwait are undertaking a series of projects in the form of new large cities, outside the current urban area. Al Mutlaa City located to the north-west of the Kuwait Metropolitan Area is one such project out of the 15 planned new cities. The city accommodates a wide variety of residential developments, employment opportunities, commercial, recreational, health care and institutional uses. This paper examines the application of comprehensive transportation demand modeling works undertaken in VISUM platform to understand the future intracity and intercity travel distribution patterns in Kuwait. The scope of models developed varied in levels of detail: strategic model update, sub-area models representing future demand of Al Mutlaa City, sub-area models built to estimate the demand in the residential neighborhoods of the city. This paper aims at offering model update framework that facilitates easy integration between sub-area models and strategic national models for unified traffic forecasts. This paper presents the transportation demand modeling results utilized in informing the planning of multi-modal transportation system for Al Mutlaa City. This paper also presents the household survey data collection efforts undertaken using GPS devices (first time in Kuwait) and notebook computer based digital survey forms for interviewing representative sample of citizens and residents. The survey results formed the basis of estimating trip generation rates and trip distribution coefficients used in the strategic base year model calibration and validation process.Keywords: innovative methods in transportation data collection, integrated public transportation system, traffic forecasts, transportation modeling, travel behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 2235641 A Study on Social and Economic Conditions of Street Vendors Using Field Survey Data
Authors: Ruchika Yadav
Street vendors are the integral component of urban economies of the world. They are the distributors of affordable goods and services and provide convenient and accessible retail options to the customers and form a vital part of the social and economic life of a city. A street vendor as an occupation existed for hundreds of years and considered to be as a cornerstone of many cities. In this paper, our objective is to analyze the socio-economic profile of street vendors, identification of their problems and to suggest remedial measures for the betterment based on the observation and suggestions of the street vendors. To conduct this study, primary data has been collected with the help of field survey and direct questionnaire to the respondents in Aligarh City which contains all the information relevant to social and economic conditions. The overall analysis of this study reveals street vendors are the backward sections of the society possess medium to the low-level standard of living due to illiteracy; their working environment and social security issues are not addressed properly. They are unaware of many of the governmental schemes launched for poverty alleviation and their poor accessibility in basic amenities leads to the backward socio-economic status in the society. The results found in this study can be very useful and helping tool for the policymakers to know the socio-economic conditions of the street vendors in detail.Keywords: abject poverty, socio-economic conditions, street vendors, vulnerability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1405640 Invalidation of the Start of Lunar Calendars Based on Sighting of Crescent: A Survey of 101 Years of Data between 1938 and 2038
Authors: Rafik Ouared
The purpose of this paper is to invalidate decisions made by the Islamic conference led at Istanbul in 2016, which had defined two basic criteria to determine the start of the lunar month: (1)they are all based on the sighting of the crescent, be it observed or computed with modern methods, and (2) they've strongly recommended the adoption of the principle of 'unification of sighting', by which any occurrence of sighting anywhere would be applicable everywhere. To demonstrate the invalidation of those statements, a survey of 101 years of data, from 1938 to 2038, have been analyzed to compare the probability density function (PDF) of time difference between different types of fajr and new moon. Two groups of fajr have been considered: the 'natural fajr', which is the very first fajr following new moon, and the 'biased fajr', which is defined by human being inclusively of all chosen definitions. The parametric and non-parametric statistical comparisons between the different groups have shown the all the biased PDFs are significantly different from the unbiased (natural) PDF with probability value (p-value) less than 0.001. The significance level was fixed to 0.05. Conclusion: the on-going reference to sighting of crescent is inducing an significant bias in defining lunar calendar. Therefore, 'natural' calendar would be more applicable requiring a more contextualized revision of issue in fiqh.Keywords: biased fajr, lunar calendar, natural fajr, probability density function, sighting of crescent, time difference between fajr and new moon
Procedia PDF Downloads 212