Search results for: sol-gel synthesis
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2170

Search results for: sol-gel synthesis

1060 Principles of Municipal Sewage Sludge Bioconversion into Biomineral Fertilizer

Authors: K. V. Kalinichenko, G. N. Nikovskaya


The efficiency of heavy metals removal from sewage sludge in bioleaching with heterotrophic, chemoautotrophic (sulphur-oxidizing) sludge cenoses and chemical leaching (in distilled water, weakly acidic or alkaline medium) was compared. The efficacy of heavy metals removal from sewage sludge varied from 83 % (Zn) up to 14 % (Cr) and followed the order: Zn > Mn > Cu > Ni > Co > Pb > Cr. The advantages of metals bioleaching process at heterotrophic metabolism was shown. A new process for bioconversation of sewage sludge into fertilizer at middle temperature after partial heavy metals removal was developed. This process is based on enhancing vital ability of heterotrophic microorganisms by adding easily metabolized nutrients and synthesis of metabolites by growing sludge cenoses. These metabolites possess the properties of heavy metals extractants and flocculants which provide sludge flocks sedimentation and concentration. The process results in biomineral fertilizer with immobilized sludge bioelements with prolonged action. The fertilizer obtained satisfied the EU limits for the sewage sludge of agricultural utilization. High efficiency of the biomineral fertilizers obtained has been demonstrated in vegetation experiments.

Keywords: fertilizer, heavy metals, leaching, sewage sludge

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1059 Global Pandemic of Chronic Diseases: Public Health Challenges to Reduce the Development

Authors: Benjamin Poku


Purpose: The purpose of the research is to conduct systematic reviews and synthesis of existing knowledge that addresses the growing incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases across the world and its impact on public health in relation to communicable diseases. Principal results: A careful compilation and summary of 15-20 peer-reviewed publications from reputable databases such as PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and other peer-reviewed journals indicate that the Global pandemic of Chronic diseases (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) have become a greater public health burden in proportion as compared to communicable diseases. Significant conclusions: Given the complexity of the situation, efforts and strategies to mitigate the negative effect of the Global Pandemic on chronic diseases within the global community must include not only urgent and binding commitment of all stakeholders but also a multi-sectorial long-term approach to increase the public health educational approach to meet the increasing world population of over 8 billion people and also the aging population as well to meet the complex challenges of chronic diseases.

Keywords: pandemic, chronic disease, public health, health challenges

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1058 Optimization of Multiplier Extraction Digital Filter On FPGA

Authors: Shiksha Jain, Ramesh Mishra


One of the most widely used complex signals processing operation is filtering. The most important FIR digital filter are widely used in DSP for filtering to alter the spectrum according to some given specifications. Power consumption and Area complexity in the algorithm of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter is mainly caused by multipliers. So we present a multiplier less technique (DA technique). In this technique, precomputed value of inner product is stored in LUT. Which are further added and shifted with number of iterations equal to the precision of input sample. But the exponential growth of LUT with the order of FIR filter, in this basic structure, makes it prohibitive for many applications. The significant area and power reduction over traditional Distributed Arithmetic (DA) structure is presented in this paper, by the use of slicing of LUT to the desired length. An architecture of 16 tap FIR filter is presented, with different length of slice of LUT. The result of FIR Filter implementation on Xilinx ISE synthesis tool (XST) vertex-4 FPGA Tool by using proposed method shows the increase of the maximum frequency, the decrease of the resources as usage saving in area with more number of slices and the reduction dynamic power.

Keywords: multiplier less technique, linear phase symmetric FIR filter, FPGA tool, look up table

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1057 Gold Nanoparticle: Synthesis, Characterization, Clinico-Pathological, Pathological and Bio-Distribution Studies in Rabbits

Authors: M. M. Bashandy, A. R. Ahmed, M. El-Gaffary, Sahar S. Abd El-Rahman


This study evaluated the acute toxicity and tissue distribution of intravenously administered gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in male rabbits. Rabbits were exposed to single dose of AuNPs (300 µg/ kg). Toxic effects were assessed via general behavior, hematological parameters, serum biochemical parameters and histopathological examination of various rabbits’ organs. Tissue distribution of AuNPs was evaluated at a dose of 300 µg/ kg in male rabbit. Inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine gold concentrations in tissue samples collected at predetermined time intervals. After one week, AuNPs exerted no obvious acute toxicity in rabbits. However, inflammatory reactions in lung and liver cells were induced in rabbits treated at the300 µg/ kg dose level. The highest gold levels were found in the spleen, followed by liver, lungs and kidneys. These results indicated that AuNPs could be distributed extensively to various tissues in the body, but primarily in the spleen and liver.

Keywords: gold nanoparticles, toxicity, pathology, hematology, liver function, kidney function

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1056 Design, Molecular Modeling, Synthesize, and Biological Evaluation of Some Dual Inhibitors of Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase (sEH) and Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2)

Authors: Elham Rezaee, Sayyed Abbas Tabatabai


Dual inhibition of COX-2 and sEH enzymes represents one of the distinct pharmaceutical approaches for the treatment of inflammation, pain, cancers, and other diseases. The discovery of these inhibitors for treatment is a great deal of attention because of some advantages such as increased efficacy, a promising safety profile, ease of formulation, and better target engagement. In this research, based on the structure-activity relationship of COX-2 and sEH inhibitors, some amide derivatives with oxadiazole and dihydropyrimidinone rings against sEH and COX-2 enzymes were developed. The designed compounds showed high affinity to the active site of both enzymes in docking studies and were synthesized in good yield and characterized by IR, Mass, 1HNMR, and 13CNMR. All of the novel compounds exhibited considerable in-vitro sEH and COX-2 inhibitory activities in comparison with 12-(3-Adamantan-1-yl-ureido)- dodecanoic acid and celecoxib (a potent urea-based sEH inhibitor and selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, respectively). Ethyl 6-methyl-4-(4-(4-(methylsulfonyl)benzamido)phenyl)-2-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate was found to be the most selective COX-2 inhibitor (COX-2/COX-1 ratio: 683) with IC50 value of 2.1 nM targeting sEH enzyme.

Keywords: COX-2, dual inhibitors, sEH, synthesis

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1055 Microwave Assisted Sol-gel Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanocrystalline Zirconia

Authors: Farzana Majid, Mahwish Bashir, Ammara, Attia Falak


Zirconia nanoparticles have gained significant attention due to their excellent mechanical strength, thermal properties, biocompatibility, and catalytic activity. Tetragonal zirconia holds the greatest efficacy for surgical implants and coatings when it comes to the three zirconia phases (monoclinic, tetragonal, and cubic). However, its stability at higher temperatures and transformation to the monoclinic phase upon cooling are challenging. In this research, zirconia nanoparticles were prepared using microwave-assisted sol-gel method with varying microwave powers (100 W, 300 W, 500 W, 700 W, & 900 W). Organic stabilizing agent, i.e., eggshell powder, was used to stabilize the tetragonal phase. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed the phase-pure tetragonal zirconia, corroborating the XRD data. Optical properties, including the optical bandgap, were studied using UV/Visible and PL spectroscopies. The synthesized ZrO2 nanoparticles exhibited excellent photocatalytic degradation efficiency in the degradation of methylene blue (MB) dye under UV irradiation. The findings demonstrate the potential of these ZrO2 nanoparticles as a viable alternative photocatalyst for the efficient degradation of various dyes in contaminated water.

Keywords: zirconia nanoparticles, sol-gel, photocataylsis, wter purification

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1054 Spectroscopic Characterization Approach to Study Ablation Time on Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesis by Laser Ablation Technique

Authors: Suha I. Al-Nassar, K. M. Adel, F. Zainab


This work was devoted for producing ZnO nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation (PLA) of Zn metal plate in the aqueous environment of cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) using Q-Switched Nd:YAG pulsed laser with wavelength= 1064 nm, Rep. rate= 10 Hz, Pulse duration= 6 ns and laser energy 50 mJ. Solution of nanoparticles is found stable in the colloidal form for a long time. The effect of ablation time on the optical and structure of ZnO was studied is characterized by UV-visible absorption. UV-visible absorption spectrum has four peaks at 256, 259, 265, 322 nm for ablation time (5, 10, 15, and 20 sec) respectively, our results show that UV–vis spectra show a blue shift in the presence of CTAB with decrease the ablation time and blue shift indicated to get smaller size of nanoparticles. The blue shift in the absorption edge indicates the quantum confinement property of nanoparticles. Also, FTIR transmittance spectra of ZnO2 nanoparticles prepared in these states show a characteristic ZnO absorption at 435–445cm^−1.

Keywords: zinc oxide nanoparticles, CTAB solution, pulsed laser ablation technique, spectroscopic characterization

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1053 The Application of Active Learning to Develop Creativity in General Education

Authors: Chalermwut Wijit


This research is conducted in order to 1) study the result of applying “Active Learning” in general education subject to develop creativity 2) explore problems and obstacles in applying Active Learning in general education subject to improve the creativity in 1780 undergraduate students who registered this subject in the first semester 2013. The research is implemented by allocating the students into several groups of 10 -15 students and assigning them to design the activities for society under the four main conditions including 1) require no financial resources 2) practical 3) can be attended by every student 4) must be accomplished within 2 weeks. The researcher evaluated the creativity prior and after the study. Ultimately, the problems and obstacles from creating activity are evaluated from the open-ended questions in the questionnaires. The study result states that overall average scores on students’ ability increased significantly in terms of creativity, analytical ability and the synthesis, the complexity of working plan and team working. It can be inferred from the outcome that active learning is one of the most efficient methods in developing creativity in general education.

Keywords: creative thinking, active learning, general education, social sustainability

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1052 Synthesis and Characterization of Polypyrrole-Coated Non-Conducting Cellulosic Substrate and Modified by Copper Oxide

Authors: A. Hamam, D. Oukil, A. Dib, L. Makhloufi


The aim of this work is to synthesize modified Polypyrrole films (PPy) containing nanoparticles of copper oxides onto a non conducting cellulosic substrate. Firstly, the chemical polymerization of polypyrrole onto cellulosic substrate is carried out using FeCl3 as an oxidant and Pyrrole as monomer. Different parameters were optimized (monomer concentration, duration of the experiment, nature of supporting electrolyte, temperature, etc.) in order to obtain films with different thickness and different morphologies. Thickness and topography of different PPy deposits were estimated by a profilometer apparatus. The electrochemical reactivity of the obtained electrodes were tested by cyclic voltammetry technique (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Secondly, the modification of the PPy film surface by incorporation of copper oxide nanonoparticles is conducted by applying a galvanostatic procedure from CuCl2 solution. Surface characterization has been carried out using scanning microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The analysis showed the presence of the copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO) in the polymer films with dimensions less than 50 nm.

Keywords: polypyrrole, modified electrode, cellulosic substrate, copper oxide

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1051 Control of Microbial Pollution Using Biodegradable Polymer

Authors: Mahmoud H. Abu Elella, Riham R. Mohamed, Magdy W. Sabaa


Introduction: Microbial pollution is global problem threatening the human health. It is resulted by pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and other pathogenic strains. They cause a dangerous effect on human health, so great efforts have been exerted to produce new and effective antimicrobial agents. Nowadays, natural polysaccharides, such as chitosan and its derivatives are used as antimicrobial agents. The aim of our work is to synthesize of a biodegradable polymer such as N-quaternized chitosan (NQC) then Characterization of NQC by using different analysis techniques such as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and using it as an antibacterial agent against different pathogenic bacteria. Methods: Synthesis of NQC using dimethylsulphate. Results: FTIR technique exhibited absorption peaks of NQC, SEM images illustrated that surface of NQC was smooth and antibacterial results showed that NQC had a high antibacterial effect. Discussion: NQC was prepared and it was proved by FTIR technique and SEM images antibacterial results exhibited that NQC was an antibacterial agent.

Keywords: antimicrobial agent, N-quaternized chitosan chloride, silver nanocomposites, sodium polyacrylate

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1050 Development of Column-Filters of Sulfur Limonene Polysulfide to Mercury Removal from Contaminated Effluents

Authors: Galo D. Soria, Jenny S. Casame, Eddy F. Pazmino


In Ecuador, mining operations have significantly impacted water sources. Artisanal mining extensively relies in mercury amalgamation. Mercury is a neurotoxic substance even at low concentrations. The objective of this investigation is to exploit Hg-removal capacity of sulfur-limonene polysulfide (SLP), which is a low-cost polymer, in order to prepare granular media (sand) coated with SLP to be used in laboratory scale column-filtration systems. Preliminary results achieved 85% removal of Hg⁺⁺ from synthetic effluents using 20-cm length and 5-cm diameter columns at 119m/day average pore water velocity. During elution of the column, the SLP-coated sand indicated that Hg⁺⁺ is permanently fixed to the collector surface, in contrast, uncoated sand showed reversible retention in Hg⁺⁺ in the solid phase. Injection of 50 pore volumes decreased Hg⁺⁺ removal to 46%. Ongoing work has been focused in optimizing the synthesis of SLP and the polymer content in the porous media coating process to improve Hg⁺⁺ removal and extend the lifetime of the column-filter.

Keywords: column-filter, mercury, mining, polysulfide, water treatment

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1049 Synthesis of Brominated Pyrazoline Derived from Chalcone and Its Antimicrobial Activity

Authors: Annisa I. Reza, Jasril Karim


Despite the availability of antimicrobial agents in the market, the urge to study and find other chemical compounds with the better potential of replacing them still tempting the scientists. This experiment is in the aim to explore a novel brominated pyrazoline ring which was made from intermediate chalcone as a candidate to answer the challenge. Using green chemistry approach by microwave irradiation from domestic oven, both known chalcone and 5-(2-bromophenyl)-3-(naphthalen-1-yl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole were successfully synthesized. Pyrazoline’s structure was confirmed based on UV, IR, ¹H-NMR, ¹³C-NMR and MS and together with its intermediate were examined against some microorganisms (Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans) under agar diffusion method. The results collected during experiment revealed that both tested compounds showed weak activity on B.subtilis which was proven by a zone of inhibitions, while there was no zone of inhibitions observed in E. coli and C. albicans. This is suggested because of the bulky structure around pyrazoline could not provide the main ring to interact with microbial’s cell wall. The study shows that the proposed compound had the low capability as a promising antimicrobial agent, yet it still enriches the information about pyrazoline ring.

Keywords: antimicrobial, chalcone, microwave irradiation, pyrazoline

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1048 Heterogeneous Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue by Montmorillonite/CuxCd1-xs Nanomaterials

Authors: Horiya Boukhatem, Lila Djouadi, Hussein Khalaf, Rufino Manuel Navarro Yerga, Fernando Vaquero Gonzalez


Heterogeneous photo catalysis is an alternative method for the removal of organic pollutants in water. The photo excitation of a semi-conductor under ultra violet (UV) irradiation entails the production of hydroxyl radicals, one of the most oxidative chemical species. The objective of this study is the synthesis of nano materials based on montmorillonite and CuxCd1-xS with different Cu concentration (0.3 < x < 0.7) and their application in photocatalysis of a cationic dye: methylene blue. The synthesized nano materials and montmorillonite were characterized by fourier transform infrared (FTIR). Test results of photo catalysis of methylene blue under UV-Visible irradiation show that the photoactivity of nano materials montmorillonite/ CuxCd1-xS increase with the increasing of Cu concentration and it is significantly higher compared to that of sodium montmorillonite alone. The application of the kinetic model of Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) to the photocatalytic test results showed that the reaction rate obeys to the first-order kinetic model.

Keywords: heterogeneous photo catalysis, methylene blue, montmorillonite, nano material

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1047 Synthesis, Growth, Characterization and Quantum Chemical Investigations of an Organic Single Crystal: 2-Amino- 4-Methylpyridinium Quinoline- 2-Carboxylate

Authors: Anitha Kandasamy, Thirumurugan Ramaiah


Interestingly, organic materials exhibit large optical nonlinearity with quick responses and having the flexibility of molecular tailoring using computational modelling and favourable synthetic methodologies. Pyridine based organic compounds and carboxylic acid contained aromatic compounds play a crucial role in crystal engineering of NCS complexes that displays admirable optical nonlinearity with fast response and favourable physicochemical properties such as low dielectric constant, wide optical transparency and large laser damage threshold value requires for optoelectronics device applications. Based on these facts, it was projected to form an acentric molecule of π-conjugated system interaction with appropriately replaced electron donor and acceptor groups for achieving higher SHG activity in which quinoline-2-carboyxlic acid is chosen as an electron acceptor and capable of acting as an acid as well as a base molecule, while 2-amino-4-methylpyridine is used as an electron donor and previously employed in numerous proton transfer complexes for synthesis of NLO materials for optoelectronic applications. 2-amino-4-mehtylpyridinium quinoline-2-carboxylate molecular complex (2AQ) is having π-donor-acceptor groups in which 2-amino-4-methylpyridine donates one of its electron to quinoline -2-carboxylic acid thereby forming a protonated 2-amino-4-methyl pyridinium moiety and mono ionized quinoline-2-carboxylate moiety which are connected via N-H…O intermolecular interactions with non-centrosymmetric crystal packing arrangement at microscopic scale is accountable to the enhancement of macroscopic second order NLO activity. The 2AQ crystal was successfully grown by a slow evaporation solution growth technique and its structure was determined in orthorhombic crystal system with acentric, P212121, space group. Hirshfeld surface analysis reveals that O…H intermolecular interactions primarily contributed with 31.0 % to the structural stabilization of 2AQ. The molecular structure of title compound has been confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR spectral studies. The vibrational modes of functional groups present in 2AQ have been assigned by using FTIR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. The grown 2AQ crystal exhibits high optical transparency with lower cut-off wavelength (275 nm) within the region of 275-1500 nm. The laser study confirmed that 2AQ exhibits high SHG efficiency of 12.6 times greater than that of KDP. TGA-DTA analysis revealed that 2AQ crystal had a thermal stability of 223 °C. The low dielectric constant and low dielectric loss at higher frequencies confirmed good crystalline nature with fewer defects of grown 2AQ crystal. The grown crystal exhibits soft material and positive photoconduction behaviour. Mulliken atomic distribution and FMOs analysis suggested that the strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding which lead to the enhancement of NLO activity. These properties suggest that 2AQ crystal is a suitable material for optoelectronic and laser frequency conversion applications.

Keywords: crystal growth, NLO activity, proton transfer complex, quantum chemical investigation

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1046 Predictive Output Feedback Linearization for Safe Control of Collaborative Robots

Authors: Aliasghar Arab


Autonomous robots interacting with humans, as safety-critical nonlinear control systems, are complex closed-loop cyber-physical dynamical machines. Keeping these intelligent yet complicated systems safe and smooth during their operations is challenging. The aim of the safe predictive output feedback linearization control synthesis is to design a novel controller for smooth trajectory following while unsafe situations must be avoided. The controller design should obtain a linearized output for smoothness and invariance to a safety subset. Inspired by finite-horizon nonlinear model predictive control, the problem is formulated as constrained nonlinear dynamic programming. The safety constraints can be defined as control barrier functions. Avoiding unsafe maneuvers and performing smooth motions increases the predictability of the robot’s movement for humans when robots and people are working together. Our results demonstrate the proposed output linearization method obeys the safety constraints and, compared to existing safety-guaranteed methods, is smoother and performs better.

Keywords: robotics, collaborative robots, safety, autonomous robots

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1045 A Luminescence Study of Bi³⁺ Codoping on Eu³⁺ Doped YPO₄

Authors: N. Yaiphaba, Elizabeth C. H.


YPO₄ nanoparticles codoped with Eu³⁺(5 at.%) and Bi³⁺(0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20 at.%) have been prepared in poly acrylic acid (PAA)-H₂O medium by hydrothermal synthesis by maintaining a temperature of 180oC. The crystalline structure of as-prepared and 500oC annealed samples transforms from tetragonal (JCPDS-11-0254) to hexagonal phase (JCPDS-42-0082) with increasing concentration of Bi³⁺ ions. However, 900oC annealed samples exhibit tetragonal structure. The crystallite size of the particles varies from 19-50 nm. The luminescence intensity increases at lower concentration of Bi³⁺ ions and then decreases with increasing Bi3+ ion concentrations. The luminescence intensity further increases on annealing at 500oC and 900oC. Further, 900oC annealed samples show sharp increase in luminescence intensity. Moreover, the samples follow bi-exponential decay indicating energy transfer from donor to the activator or non-uniform distribution of ions in the samples. The samples on excitation at 318 nm exhibit near white emission while at 394 nm excitation show emission in the red region. The as-prepared samples are redispersible and have potential applications in display devices, metal ion sensing, biological labelling, etc.

Keywords: charge transfer, sensitizer, activator, annealing

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1044 Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Barium-Europium (III) Silicate Systems

Authors: A. Isahakyan, A. Terzyan, V. Stepanyan, N. Zulumyan, H. Beglaryan


The involvement of silica hydrogel derived from serpentine minerals (Mg(Fe))6[Si4O10](OH)8 as a source of silicon dioxide in SiO2–NaOH–BaCl2–H2O system results in precipitating via one-hour stirring of boiling suspension such intermediates that on heating up to 800 °C crystallize into the product composed of barium ortho- Ba2SiO4 and metasilicates BaSiO3. Based on the positive results, this approach has been decided to be adapted to inserting europium (III) ions into the structure of the synthesized compounds. Intermediates previously precipitated in silica hydrogel–NaOH–BaCl2–Eu(NO3)3 system via one-hour stirring at room temperature underwent one-hour heat-treatment at different temperatures (6001200 °C). Prior to calcination, the suspension produced in the mixer was heated on a boiling-water bath until a powder-like sample was obtained. When the silica hydrogel was metered, SiO2 content in the silica hydrogel that is 5.8 % was taken into consideration in order to guaranty the molar ratios of both SiO2 to BaO and SiO2 to Na2O equal to 1:2. BaCl2 and Eu(NO3)3 reagents were weighted so that the formation of appropriate compositions was guaranteed. Samples including various concentrations of Eu3+ ions (1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 6.35, 8.65, 10, 17.5, 18.75 and 20 mol%) were synthesized by the described method. Luminescence excitation, emission spectra of the products were recorded on the Agilent Cary Eclipes fluorescence spectrophotometer using Agilent Xenon flash lamp (80 Hz) as the excitation source (scanning rate=30 nm/min, excitation and emission slits width=5 nm, excitation filter set to auto, emission filter set to auto and PMT detector Voltage=800 V). Prior to optical properties measurements, each of the powder samples was put in the solid sample-holder. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) measurements were made on the SmartLab SE diffractometer. Emission spectra recorded for all the samples at an excitation wavelength of 394 nm exhibit peaks centered at around 536, 555, 587, 614, 653, 690 and 702.5 nm. The most intensive emission peak is observed at 614nm due to 5D0→7F2 of europium (III) ions transition. Luminescence intensity achieves its maximum for Eu3+ 17.5 mol% and heat-treatment at 1200 °C. The XRPD patterns revealed that the diffraction peaks recorded for this sample are identical to NaBa6Nd(SiO4)4 reflections. As Nd-containing reagents were not involved into the synthesis, the maximum luminescent intensity is most likely to be conditioned by NaBa6Eu(SiO4)4 formation whose reflections are not available in the ICDD-JCPDS database of crystallographic 2024. Up to Eu3+ 2.5 mol% the samples demonstrate the phases corresponding to Ba2SiO4 and BaSiO3 standards. Subsequent increasing of europium (III) concentration in the system leads to NaBa6Eu(SiO4)4 formation along with Ba2SiO4 and BaSiO3. NaBa6Eu(SiO4)4 share gradually increases and starting from 17.5 mol% and more NaBa6Eu(SiO4)4 phase is only registered. Thus, the variation of europium (III) concentration in silica hydrogel–NaOH–BaCl2–Eu(NO3)3 system allows producing by the precipitation method the products composed of europium (III)-doped Ba2SiO4 and BaSiO3 and/or NaBa6Eu(SiO4)4 distinguished by different luminescent properties. The work was supported by the Science Committee of RA, in the frames of the research projects № 21T-1D131 and № 21SCG-1D013.

Keywords: europium (III)-doped barium ortho- Ba2SiO4 and metasilicates BaSiO₃, NaBa₆Eu(SiO₄)₄, luminescence, precipitation method

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1043 The Book of Lies: The Christian Bible's Colonialism over and Appropriation of Occultism

Authors: Samantha Huff


This research seeks to examine the relationship between occultism and the traditional religion of Christianity. The focus of this particular project is to deconstruct occultism and occult religion: how it develops, where it is applied, how and when it is applied. The next step is to make connections between the structure of occultism and the structure of Christianity. Do Christianity and the Occult appear, textually, the same way? What does that mean culturally? This project seeks to examine the historical similarities of occultism and Christianity practices and tradition, and how, as a whole, Christianity appropriates and colonializes occultism through examination into the Christian Bible and popular occult texts: The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley and The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Through examining occultism and Christianity and applying it to popular cultural theories (Ritual Space by Nick Couldry, Muted Group Theory by Shirley Ardener, and Mythologies by Roland Barethes), it is entirely possible to see how Christianity appropriates occultism and uses their stronghold on society as a means to colonialize occult traditions and practices.

Keywords: appropriation, Christianity, colonialism, cultural theory, muted group theory, mythologies, occultism, ritual space

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1042 Non-Equilibrium Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Magnetic FeCoPt Nanocrystalline Alloys

Authors: O. Crisan, A. D. Crisan, I. Mercioniu, R. Nicula, F. Vasiliu


FePt-based systems are currently under scrutiny for their possible use as future materials for perpendicular magnetic recording. Another possible application is in the field of permanent magnets without rare-earths, magnets that are capable to operate at higher temperatures than the classic Nd-Fe-B magnets. Within this work, FeCoPt alloys prepared by rapid solidification from the melt are structurally and magnetically characterized. Extended transmission electron microscopy analysis shows the high degree of L10 ordering. X-ray diffraction is used to characterize the phase structure and to obtain the structural parameters of interest for L10 ordering. Co-existence of hard CoFePt and CoPt L10 phases with the soft fcc FePt phase is obtained within a refined microstructure made of alternatively disposed grains of around 5 to 20 nm in size. Magnetic measurements show increased remanence close to the parent L10 FePt phase and not so high coercivity due to the significant presence of the soft magnetic constituent phase. A Curie temperature of about 820K is reported for the FeCoPt alloy.

Keywords: melt-spinning, FeCoPt alloys, high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM), ordered L10 structure

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1041 Ordered Mesoporous WO₃-TiO₂ Nanocomposites for Enhanced Xylene Gas Detection

Authors: Vijay K. Tomer, Ritu Malik, Satya P. Nehra, Anshu Sharma


Highly ordered mesoporous WO₃-TiO₂ nanohybrids with large intrinsic surface area and highly ordered pore channels were synthesized using mesoporous silica, KIT-6 as hard template using a nanocasting strategy. The nanohybrid samples were characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques including X-ray diffraction, Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms, and high resolution transmission electron microscope. The nanohybrids were tested for detection of important indoor Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) including acetone, ethanol, n-butanol, toluene, and xylene. The sensing result illustrates that the nanocomposite sensor was highly responsive towards xylene gas at relatively lower operating temperature. A rapid response and recovery time, highly linear response and excellent stability in the concentration ranges from 1 to 100 ppm was observed for xylene gas. It is believed that the promising results of this study can be utilized in the synthesis of ordered mesoporous nanostructures which can extend its configuration for the development of new age e-nose type sensors with enhanced gas-sensing performance.

Keywords: nanohybrids, response, sensor, VOCs, xylene

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1040 MIL-88b(Fe)-MOF Grafted Carbon Dot Nanocomposites as Effective Photocatalysts for Fenton-Like Photodegradation of Amphotericin B and Naproxen Under Visible Light Irradiation

Authors: Payam Hayati, Fateme Firoozbakht, Gholamhassan Azimi, Shahram Tangestaninejad


The synthesis of a photocatalytic adsorbent involved the integration of carbon dots (CD) into a metal-organic framework (MOF) of MIL-88B(Fe) using the solvothermal technique. Characterization of the resulting CD@MIL-88B(Fe) was conducted using various analytical methods, including X-ray-based microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, UV–Vis, FT-IR, DRS, TGA, and photoluminescence (PL) analysis. The adsorbent demonstrated significant photocatalytic activity, achieving up to 92% and 90% removal of amphotericin B (AmB) and naproxen (Nap) from aqueous solutions under visible light, with an RSD value of around 5%. The study explored the factors influencing the degradation of pharmaceuticals and determined the optimal conditions for the process, including pH values of 3 and 4 for AmB and Nap, a photocatalyst concentration of 0.2 g L-1, and an H2O2 concentration ranging from 40 to 50 mM. Reactive oxidative species such as ⋅OH and ⋅O2 were identified through the examination of different scavengers. Additionally, the adsorption isotherm and kinetic studies revealed that the synthesized photocatalyst functions as an effective adsorbent, with maximum adsorption capacities of 42.5 and 121.5 mg g-1 for AmB and Nap, while also serving as a photocatalytic agent for removal purposes.

Keywords: fenton-like degradation, metal-organic frameworks, heterogenous photocatalysts, naproxen

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1039 Synthesis and Study of Structural, Morphological, and Electrochemical Properties of Ceria co-doped for SOFC Applications

Authors: Fatima Melit, Nedjemeddine Bounar


Polycrystalline samples of Ce1-xMxO2-δ (x=0.1, 0.15, 0.2)(M=Gd, Y) were prepared by solid-state chemical reaction from mixtures of pre-dried oxides powders of CeO2, Gd2O3 and Y2O3 in the appropriate stoichiometric ratio to explore their use as solid electrolytes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). Their crystal structures and ionic conductivities were characterised by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and AC complex impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The XRD analyses confirm that all the resulting synthesised co-doped cerium oxide powders are single-phase and crystallise in the cubic structure system with the space group Fm3m. On the one hand, the lattice parameter (a ) of the phases increases with increasing Gd content; on the other hand, with increasing Y-substitution rate, the latter decreases. The results of complex impedance conductivity measurements have shown that doping has a remarkable effect on conductivity. The co-doped cerium phases showed significant ionic conductivity values, making these materials excellent candidates for solid oxide electrolytes at intermediate temperatures.

Keywords: electrolyte, Ceria, X-ray diffraction, EIS, SEM, SOFC

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1038 Development of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Active Gelatin Based Hydrogels for Label Free Detection of Bio-Analytes

Authors: Zahra Khan


Hydrogels are a macromolecular network of hydrophilic copolymers with physical or chemical cross-linking structures with significant water uptake capabilities. They are a promising substrate for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) as they are both flexible and biocompatible materials. Conventional SERS-active substrates suffer from limitations such as instability and inflexibility, which restricts their use in broader applications. Gelatin-based hydrogels have been synthesised in a facile and relatively quick method without the use of any toxic cross-linking agents. Composite gel material was formed by combining the gelatin with simple polymers to enhance the functional properties of the gel. Gold nanoparticles prepared by a reproducible seed-mediated growth method were combined into the bulk material during gel synthesis. After gel formation, the gel was submerged in the analyte solution overnight. SERS spectra were then collected from the gel using a standard Raman spectrometer. A wide range of analytes was successfully detected on these hydrogels showing potential for further optimization and use as SERS substrates for biomedical applications.

Keywords: gelatin, hydrogels, flexible materials, SERS

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1037 Awareness Creation of Benefits of Antitrypsin-Free Nutraceutical Biopowder for Increasing Human Serum Albumin Synthesis as Possible Adjunct for Management of MDRTB or MDRTB-HIV Patients

Authors: Vincent Oghenekevbe Olughor, Olusoji Mayowa Ige


Except for a preexisting liver disease and malnutrition, there are no predilections for low serum albumin (SA) levels in humans. At normal reference levels (4.0-6.0g/dl) SA is a universal marker for mortality and morbidity risks assessments where depletion by 1.0g/dl increases mortality risk by 137% and morbidity by 89%.It has 40 known functions contributing significantly to the sustenance of human life. A depletion in SA to <2.2g/dl, in most clinical settings worldwide, leads to loss of oncotic pressure of blood causing clinical manifestations of bipedal Oedema, in which the patients remain conscious. SA also contributes significantly to buffering of blood to a life-sustaining pH of 7.35-7.45. A drop in blood pH to <6.9 will lead to instant coma and death, which can occur after SA continues to deplete after manifestations of bipedal Oedema. In an intervention study conducted in 2014 following the discovery that “SA is depleted during malaria fever”, a Nutraceutical formulated for use as treatment adjunct to prevent SA depletions during malaria to <2.4g/dl after Efficacy testing was found to be satisfactory. There are five known types of Malaria caused by Apicomplexan parasites, Plasmodium: the most lethal being that caused by Plasmodium falciparum causing malignant tertian malaria, in which the fever was occurring every 48 hours coincides with the dumping of malaria-toxins (Hemozoin) into blood, causing contamination: blood must remain sterile. Other Apicomplexan parasites, Toxoplasma and Cryptosporidium, are opportunistic infections of HIV. Separate studies showed SA depletions in MDRTB (multidrug resistant TB), and MDRTB-HIV patients by the same mechanism discovered with malaria and such depletions will be further complicated whenever Apicomplexan parasitic infections co-exist. Both Apicomplexan parasites and the TB parasite belong to the Obligate-group of Parasites, which are parasites that replicate only inside its host; and most of them have capacities to over-consume host nutrients during parasitaemia. In MDRTB patients the body attempts repeatedly to prevent depletions in SA to critical levels in the presence of adequate nutrients and only for a while in MDRTB-HIV patients. These groups of patients will, therefore, benefit from the already tested Nutraceutical in malaria patients. The Nutraceutical bio-Powder was formulated (to BP 1988 specification) from twelve nature-based food-grade nutrients containing all dedicated nutrients for ensuring improved synthesis of Albumin by the liver. The Nutraceutical was administered daily for 38±2days in 23 children, in a prospective phase-2 clinical trial, and its impact on body weight and core blood parameters were documented at the start and end of efficacy testing period. Sixteen children who did not experience malaria-induced depletions of SA had significant SA increase; seven children who experienced malaria-induced depletions of SA had insignificant SA decrease. The Packed Cell Volume Percentage (PCV %), a measure of the Oxygen carrying capacity of blood and the amount of nutrients the body can absorb, increased in both groups. The total serum proteins (SA+ Globulins) increased or decreased within the continuum of normal. In conclusion, MDRTB and MDRTB-HIV patients will benefit from a variant of this Nutraceutical when used as treatment adjunct.

Keywords: antitrypsin-free Nutraceutical, apicomplexan parasites, no predilections for low serum albumin, toxoplasmosis

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1036 Risk Assessment and Management Using Machine Learning Models

Authors: Lagnajeet Mohanty, Mohnish Mishra, Pratham Tapdiya, Himanshu Sekhar Nayak, Swetapadma Singh


In the era of global interconnectedness, effective risk assessment and management are critical for organizational resilience. This review explores the integration of machine learning (ML) into risk processes, examining its transformative potential and the challenges it presents. The literature reveals ML's success in sectors like consumer credit, demonstrating enhanced predictive accuracy, adaptability, and potential cost savings. However, ethical considerations, interpretability issues, and the demand for skilled practitioners pose limitations. Looking forward, the study identifies future research scopes, including refining ethical frameworks, advancing interpretability techniques, and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. The synthesis of limitations and future directions highlights the dynamic landscape of ML in risk management, urging stakeholders to navigate challenges innovatively. This abstract encapsulates the evolving discourse on ML's role in shaping proactive and effective risk management strategies in our interconnected and unpredictable global landscape.

Keywords: machine learning, risk assessment, ethical considerations, financial inclusion

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1035 MindFlow: A Collective Intelligence-Based System for Helping Stress Pattern Diagnosis

Authors: Andres Frederic


We present the MindFlow system supporting the detection and the diagnosis of stresses. The heart of the system is a knowledge synthesis engine allowing occupational health stakeholders (psychologists, occupational therapists and human resource managers) to formulate queries related to stress and responding to users requests by recommending a pattern of stress if one exists. The stress pattern diagnosis is based on expert knowledge stored in the MindFlow stress ontology including stress feature vector. The query processing may involve direct access to the MindFlow system by occupational health stakeholders, online communication between the MindFlow system and the MindFlow domain experts, or direct dialog between a occupational health stakeholder and a MindFlow domain expert. The MindFlow knowledge model is generic in the sense that it supports the needs of psychologists, occupational therapists and human resource managers. The system presented in this paper is currently under development as part of a Dutch-Japanese project and aims to assist organisation in the quick diagnosis of stress patterns.

Keywords: occupational stress, stress management, physiological measurement, accident prevention

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1034 Enhancing Reused Lubricating Oil Performance Using Novel Ionic Liquids Based on Imidazolium Derivatives

Authors: Mohamed Deyab


The global lubricant additives market size was USD 14.35 billion in 2015. The industry is characterized by increasing additive usage in base oil blending for longer service life and performance. These additives improve the viscosity of oil, act as detergents, defoamers, antioxidants, and antiwear agents. Since additives play a significant role in base oil blending and subsequent formulations as they are critical materials in improving specification and performance of oils. Herein, we report on the synthesis and characterization of three imidazolium derivatives and their application as antioxidants, detergents and antiwear agents. The molecular structure and characterizations of these ionic liquids were confirmed by elemental analysis, FTIR, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and 1HNMR spectroscopy. Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), is used to study the degradation and thermal stability of the studied base stock samples. It was found that all the prepared ionic liquids additives have excellent power of dispersion and detergency. The ionic liquids as additives to engine oil reduced the friction (38%) and wear volume (76%) of steel balls. The obtained results show that the ionic liquids have an oxidation inhibitor up to 95%.

Keywords: reused lubricating oil, waste, petroleum, ionic liquids

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1033 Gender and Older People: Reframing Gender Analysis through Lifecycle Lens

Authors: Supriya Akerkar


The UN Decade on Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) provides a new opportunity to address ageing and gender issues in different societies. The concept of gender has been used to unpack and analyse the power and constructions of gender relations in different societies. Such analysis has been employed and used to inform policy and practices of governments and non-governmental organisations to further gender equalities in their work. Yet, experiences of older women and men are often left out of such mainstream gender analysis, marginalising their existence and issues. This paper argues that new critical analytical tools are needed to capture the realities and issues of interest to older women and men. In particular, it argues that gender analysis needs to integrate analytical concepts of ageing and lifecycle approach in its framework. The paper develops such a framework by critical interrogation of the gender analysis tools that are currently applied for framing gender issues in international development and humanitarian work. Informed by the realities and experiences of older women and men, developed through a synthesis of available literature, the paper will develop a new framework for gender analysis that can be used by governments and non-government organisations in their work to further gender justice across the life cycle.

Keywords: ageing, gender, older people, social inclusion

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1032 Photobleaching Kinetics and Epithelial Distribution of Hexylaminoleuilinate Induced PpIX in Rat Bladder Cancer

Authors: Sami El Khatib, Agnès Leroux, Jean-Louis Merlin, François Guillemin, Marie-Ange D’Hallewin


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment modality based on the cytotoxic effect occurring on the target tissues by interaction of a photosensitizer with light in the presence of oxygen. One of the major advances in PDT can be attributed to the use of topical aminolevulinic (ALA) to induce Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) for the treatment of early stage cancers as well as diagnosis. ALA is a precursor of the heme synthesis pathway. Locally delivered to the target tissue ALA overcomes the negative feedback exerted by heme and promotes the transient formation of PpIX in situ to reach critical effective levels in cells and tissue. Whereas early steps of the heme pathway occur in the cytosol, PpIX synthesis is shown to be held in the mitochondrial membranes and PpIX fluorescence is expected to accumulate in close vicinity of the initial building site and to progressively diffuse to the neighboring cytoplasmic compartment or other lipophylic organelles. PpIX is known to be highly reactive and will be degraded when irradiated with light. PpIX photobleaching is believed to be governed by a singlet oxygen mediated mechanism in the presence of oxidized amino acids and proteins. PpIX photobleaching and subsequent spectral phototransformation were described widely in tumor cells incubated in vitro with ALA solution, or ex vivo in human and porcine mucosa superfused with hexylaminolevulinate (hALA). PpIX photobleaching was also studied in vivo, using animal models such as normal or tumor mice skin and orthotopic rat bladder model. Hexyl aminolevulinate a more potent lipophilic derivative of ALA was proposed as an adjunct to standard cystoscopy in the fluorescence diagnosis of bladder cancer and other malignancies. We have previously reported the effectiveness of hALA mediated PDT of rat bladder cancer. Although normal and tumor bladder epithelium exhibit similar fluorescence intensities after intravesical instillation of two hALA concentrations (8 and 16 mM), the therapeutic response at 8mM and 20J/cm2 was completely different from the one observed at 16mM irradiated with the same light dose. Where the tumor is destroyed, leaving the underlying submucosa and muscle intact after an 8 mM instillation, 16mM sensitization and subsequent illumination results in the complete destruction of the underlying bladder wall but leaves the tumor undamaged. The object of the current study is to try to unravel the underlying mechanism for this apparent contradiction. PpIX extraction showed identical amounts of photosensitizer in tumor bearing bladders at both concentrations. Photobleaching experiments revealed mono-exponential decay curves in both situations but with a two times faster decay constant in case of 16mM bladders. Fluorescence microscopy shows an identical fluorescence pattern for normal bladders at both concentrations and tumor bladders at 8mM with bright spots. Tumor bladders at 16 mM exhibit a more diffuse cytoplasmic fluorescence distribution. The different response to PDT with regard to the initial pro-drug concentration can thus be attributed to the different cellular localization.

Keywords: bladder cancer, hexyl-aminolevulinate, photobleaching, confocal fluorescence microscopy

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1031 Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Small Peptides for Managing Inflammation: Inhibition to Substrate Approach

Authors: Palwinder Singh, Baljit Kaur, Sukhmeet Kaur


Amongst a library of rationally designed small peptides, (H)Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu(OMe) was identified, reducing prostaglandin production of COX-2 with IC50 60 nM vs. 6000 nM for COX-1. The 5 mg Kg-1 dose of this compound rescued albino mice by 80% from capsaicin-induced paw licking and recovered it by 60% from carrageenan-induced inflammation. The mode of action of the compound for targeting COX-2, iNOS, and VGSC was investigated by using substances P, L-arginine, and veratrine, respectively, as the biomarkers. The interactions of the potent compound with COX-2 were supported by the isothermal calorimetry experiments showing Ka 6.10±1.10x104 mol-1 and ΔG -100.3 k J mol-1 in comparison to Ka 0.41x103 ±0.09 mol-1 and ΔG -19.2±0.06 k J mol-1 for COX-1. This compound did not show toxicity up to 2000 mg Kg-1 dose. Furthermore, beyond the conventional mode of working with anti-inflammatory agents through enzyme inhibition, COX-2 was provided with a peptide-based alternate substrate. Proline-centered pentapeptide iso-conformational to arachidonic acid exhibited appreciable selectivity for COX-2 overcoming acetic acid and formalin-induced pain in rats to almost 80% and was treated as a substrate by the enzyme. Hence, we suggest small peptides as highly potent and promising candidates for their further development into an anti-inflammatory drug.

Keywords: small peptides, cyclooxygenase, inflammation, substrate

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