Search results for: cluster head election
782 A New Bound on the Average Information Ratio of Perfect Secret-Sharing Schemes for Access Structures Based on Bipartite Graphs of Larger Girth
Authors: Hui-Chuan Lu
In a perfect secret-sharing scheme, a dealer distributes a secret among a set of participants in such a way that only qualified subsets of participants can recover the secret and the joint share of the participants in any unqualified subset is statistically independent of the secret. The access structure of the scheme refers to the collection of all qualified subsets. In a graph-based access structures, each vertex of a graph G represents a participant and each edge of G represents a minimal qualified subset. The average information ratio of a perfect secret-sharing scheme realizing a given access structure is the ratio of the average length of the shares given to the participants to the length of the secret. The infimum of the average information ratio of all possible perfect secret-sharing schemes realizing an access structure is called the optimal average information ratio of that access structure. We study the optimal average information ratio of the access structures based on bipartite graphs. Based on some previous results, we give a bound on the optimal average information ratio for all bipartite graphs of girth at least six. This bound is the best possible for some classes of bipartite graphs using our approach.Keywords: secret-sharing scheme, average information ratio, star covering, deduction, core cluster
Procedia PDF Downloads 362781 Increasing the Forecasting Fidelity of Current Collection System Operating Capability by Means of Contact Pressure Simulation Modelling
Authors: Anton Golubkov, Gleb Ermachkov, Aleksandr Smerdin, Oleg Sidorov, Victor Philippov
Current collection quality is one of the limiting factors when increasing trains movement speed in the rail sector. With the movement speed growth, the impact forces on the current collector from the rolling stock and the aerodynamic influence increase, which leads to the spread in the contact pressure values, separation of the current collector head from the contact wire, contact arcing and excessive wear of the contact elements. The upcoming trend in resolving this issue is the use of the automatic control systems providing stabilization of the contact pressure value. The present paper considers the features of the contemporary automatic control systems of the current collector’s pressure; their major disadvantages have been stated. A scheme of current collector pressure automatic control has been proposed, distinguished by a proactive influence on undesirable effects. A mathematical model of contact strips wearing has been presented, obtained in accordance with the provisions of the central composition rotatable design program. The analysis of the obtained dependencies has been carried out. The procedures for determining the optimal current collector pressure on the contact wire and the pressure control principle in the pneumatic drive have been described.Keywords: contact strip, current collector, high-speed running, program control, wear
Procedia PDF Downloads 145780 Indian Brands Speak Through Colors That Is ‘Culturally Vibrant’
Authors: Ranjana Dani
Brand communication narratives in India has evolved today to reflect the vibrant and intriguing tone of voice inspired by a rich cultural heritage while addressing the culturally alert attitude of the contemporary global Indian. Brands are strongly associated with the organization's values, vision, and mission and portray this through specific ‘look and feel’ and ‘tone of voice’. It is within the brand’s visual language that COLOUR has evolved to become a most powerful weapon in the designer’s arsenal. Color is big business in Brand Design! A brand is a ‘collection of perceptions’, meaningful brand connect is about striving to occupy head and heart space in consumers. The persona of the young Indian reflects a deep attachment to cultural roots as seen through the characteristic of ‘Indie Pride,’ blended with the ambitious, aspirational traits of a modern ‘global citizen’.Studies on ‘Color Perceptions’ indicate a trend that amplifies this, and hence brands reflect a GLOCAL palette, a Global and Local Blend. This paper establishes this through case studies that expand the inspirations, selection processes, and use of innovative color palettes crafted by some dynamic brand designers. This throws light on the role of color as it generates visual impact and recall for successful brands.Keywords: colour palettes, brand design and business, cultural context, colour perceptions, glocal, contemporaneity
Procedia PDF Downloads 76779 Magnetization Studies and Vortex Phase Diagram of Oxygenated YBa₂Cu₃₋ₓAlₓO₆₊δ Single Crystal
Authors: Ashna Babu, Deepshikha Jaiswal Nagar
Cuprate high-temperature superconductors (HTSCs) have been immensely studied during the past few decades because of their structure which is described as a superlattice of superconducting CuO₂ layers. In particular, YBa₂Cu₃O₆₊δ (YBCO), with its critical temperature of 93 K, has received the most attention due to its well-defined metal stoichiometry and variable oxygen content that determines the carrier doping level. Substitution of metal ions at the Cu site is known to increase the critical current density without destroying superconductivity in YBCO. The construction of vortex phase diagrams is very important for such doped YBCO materials both from a fundamental perspective as well as from a technological perspective. By measuring field-dependent magnetization on annealed single crystals of Al-doped YBCO, YBa₂Cu₃₋ₓAlₓO₆₊δ (Al-YBCO), we were able to observe a second magnetization peak anomaly (SMP) in a very large part of the phase diagram. We were also able to observe the SMP anomaly in temperature-dependent magnetization measurements, the first observation to our knowledge. Critical current densities were calculated using Bean’s critical state model, flux jumps associated with symmetry reorientation of vortex lattice were studied, the oxygen cluster distribution was also analysed, and by incorporating all observations, we made a vortex phase diagram for oxygenated Al-YBCO single crystal.Keywords: oxygen deficient clusters, second magnetization peak anomaly, flux jumps, vortex phase diagram
Procedia PDF Downloads 70778 Phylogenetic Analyses of Newcastle Disease Virus Isolated from Unvaccinated Chicken Flocks in Kyrgyzstan from 2015 to 2016
Authors: Giang Tran Thi Huong, Hieu Dong Van, Tung Dao Duy, Saadanov Iskender, Isakeev Mairambek, Tsutomu Omatsu, Yukie Katayama, Tetsuya Mizutani, Yuki Ozeki, Yohei Takeda, Haruko Ogawa, Kunitoshi Imai
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is a contagious viral disease of the poultry industry and other birds throughout the world. At present, very little is known about molecular epidemiological data regarding the causes of ND outbreak in commercial poultry farms in Kyrgyzstan. In the current study, the NDV isolated from the one out of three samples from the unvaccinated flock was confirmed as NDV. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this NDV strain is clustered in the Class II subgenotype VIId, and closely related to the Chinese NDV isolate. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the isolated NDV strain has an origin different from the 4 NDV strains previously identified in Kyrgyzstan. According to the mean death time (MDT: 61.1 h) and a multibasic amino acid (aa) sequence at the F0 proteolytic cleavage site (¹¹²R-R-Q-K-R-F¹¹⁷), the NDV isolate was determined as mesogenic strain. Several mutations in the neutralizing epitopes (notably, ³⁴⁷E→K) and the global head were observed in the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of the current isolate. The present study represents the molecular characterization of the coding gene region of NDV in Kyrgyzstan. Additionally, further study will be investigated on the antigenic characterization using monoclonal antibody.Keywords: Kyrgyzstan, Newcastle disease, genotype, genome characterization
Procedia PDF Downloads 143777 The Construction of Knowledge and Social Wisdom on Local Community in the Process of Disaster Management
Authors: Oman Sukmana
Geographically, Indonesia appears to be disaster-prone areas, whether for natural, nonnatural (man-made), or social disasters. This study aimed to construct the knowledge and social wisdom on the local community in the process of disaster management after the eruption of Mt. Kelud. This study, moreover, encompassed two major concerns: (1) the construction of knowledge and social wisdom on the local community in the process of disaster management after the eruption of Mt. Kelud; (2) the conceptual framework of disaster management on the basis of knowledge and social wisdom on the local community. The study was conducted by means of qualitative approach. The data were analyzed by using the qualitative-descriptive technique. The data collection techniques used in this study were in-depth interview, focus group discussion, observation, and documentation. It was conducted at Pandansari Village, Sub-district Ngantang, District Malang as the most at risk area of Mt. Kelud’s eruption. The purposive sampling was applied ad hoc to select the respondents including: the apparatus of Pandansari Village, the local figures of Pandansari Village, the Chief and Boards of the Forum of Disaster Risk Reduction (FPRB), the Head of Malang Regional Disaster Management Agency, and other agencies. The findings of this study showed that the local community has already possessed the adequate knowledge and social wisdom to overcome the disaster. Through the social wisdom, the local community could predict the potential eruption.Keywords: knowledge, social and local wisdom, disaster management
Procedia PDF Downloads 371776 An Improved Parallel Algorithm of Decision Tree
Authors: Jiameng Wang, Yunfei Yin, Xiyu Deng
Parallel optimization is one of the important research topics of data mining at this stage. Taking Classification and Regression Tree (CART) parallelization as an example, this paper proposes a parallel data mining algorithm based on SSP-OGini-PCCP. Aiming at the problem of choosing the best CART segmentation point, this paper designs an S-SP model without data association; and in order to calculate the Gini index efficiently, a parallel OGini calculation method is designed. In addition, in order to improve the efficiency of the pruning algorithm, a synchronous PCCP pruning strategy is proposed in this paper. In this paper, the optimal segmentation calculation, Gini index calculation, and pruning algorithm are studied in depth. These are important components of parallel data mining. By constructing a distributed cluster simulation system based on SPARK, data mining methods based on SSP-OGini-PCCP are tested. Experimental results show that this method can increase the search efficiency of the best segmentation point by an average of 89%, increase the search efficiency of the Gini segmentation index by 3853%, and increase the pruning efficiency by 146% on average; and as the size of the data set increases, the performance of the algorithm remains stable, which meets the requirements of contemporary massive data processing.Keywords: classification, Gini index, parallel data mining, pruning ahead
Procedia PDF Downloads 124775 Equation for Predicting Inferior Vena Cava Diameter as a Potential Pointer for Heart Failure Diagnosis among Adult in Azare, Bauchi State, Nigeria
Authors: M. K. Yusuf, W. O. Hamman, U. E. Umana, S. B. Oladele
Background: Dilatation of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is used as the ultrasonic diagnostic feature in patients suspected of congestive heart failure. The IVC diameter has been reported to vary among the various body mass indexes (BMI) and body shape indexes (ABSI). Knowledge of these variations is useful in precision diagnoses of CHF by imaging scientists. Aim: The study aimed to establish an equation for predicting the ultrasonic mean diameter of the IVC among the various BMI/ABSI of inhabitants of Azare, Bauchi State-Nigeria. Methodology: Two hundred physically healthy adult subjects of both sexes were classified into under, normal, over, and obese weights using their BMIs after selection using a structured questionnaire following their informed consent for an abdominal ultrasound scan. The probe was placed on the midline of the body, halfway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus, with the marker on the probe directed towards the patient's head to obtain a longitudinal view of the IVC. The maximum IVC diameter was measured from the subcostal view using the electronic caliper of the scan machine. The mean value of each group was obtained, and the results were analysed. Results: A novel equation {(IVC Diameter = 1.04 +0.01(X) where X= BMI} has been generated for determining the IVC diameter among the populace. Conclusion: An equation for predicting the IVC diameter from individual BMI values in apparently healthy subjects has been established.Keywords: equation, ultrasonic, IVC diameter, body adiposities
Procedia PDF Downloads 72774 The Behaviour of Laterally Loaded Piles Installed in the Sand with Enlarged Bases
Authors: J. Omer, H. Haroglu
Base enlargement in piles was invented to enhance pile resistance in downward loading, but the contribution of an enlarged base to the lateral load resistance of a pile has not been fully exploited or understood. This paper presents a laboratory investigation of the lateral capacity and deformation response of small-scale steel piles with enlarged bases installed in dry sand. Static loading tests were performed on 24 model piles having different base-to-shaft diameter ratios. The piles were installed in a box filled with dry sand, and lateral loads were applied to the pile tops using a pulley system. The test piles had shaft diameters of 20 mm, 16 mm, and 10 mm; base diameters of 900 mm, 700 mm, and 500 mm. As a control, a pile without base enlargement was tested to allow comparisons with the enlarged base piles. Incremental maintained loads were applied until pile failure approached while recording pile head deflections with high-precision dial gauges. The results showed that the lateral capacity increased with an increase in base diameter, albeit by different percentages depending on the shaft diameters and embedment length in the sand. There was always an increase in lateral capacity with increasing embedment length. Also, it was observed that an enlarged pile base had deflected less at a given load when compared to the control pile. Therefore, the research demonstrated the benefits of lateral capacity and stability of enlarging a pile base.Keywords: pile foundations, enlarged base, lateral loading
Procedia PDF Downloads 158773 The Design of a Mixed Matrix Model for Activity Levels Extraction and Sub Processes Classification of a Work Project (Case: Great Tehran Electrical Distribution Company)
Authors: Elham Allahmoradi, Bahman Allahmoradi, Ali Bonyadi Naeini
Complex systems have many aspects. A variety of methods have been developed to analyze these systems. The most efficient of these methods should not only be simple, but also provide useful and comprehensive information about many aspects of the system. Matrix methods are considered the most commonly methods used to analyze and design systems. Each matrix method can examine a particular aspect of the system. If these methods are combined, managers can access to more comprehensive and broader information about the system. This study was conducted in four steps. In the first step, a process model of a real project has been extracted through IDEF3. In the second step, activity levels have been attained by writing a process model in the form of a design structure matrix (DSM) and sorting it through triangulation algorithm (TA). In the third step, sub-processes have been obtained by writing the process model in the form of an interface structure matrix (ISM) and clustering it through cluster identification algorithm (CIA). In the fourth step, a mixed model has been developed to provide a unified picture of the project structure through the simultaneous presentation of activities and sub-processes. Finally, the paper is completed with a conclusion.Keywords: integrated definition for process description capture (IDEF3) method, design structure matrix (DSM), interface structure matrix (ism), mixed matrix model, activity level, sub-process
Procedia PDF Downloads 494772 Measuring the Height of a Person in Closed Circuit Television Video Footage Using 3D Human Body Model
Authors: Dojoon Jung, Kiwoong Moon, Joong Lee
The height of criminals is one of the important clues that can determine the scope of the suspect's search or exclude the suspect from the search target. Although measuring the height of criminals by video alone is limited by various reasons, the 3D data of the scene and the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage are matched, the height of the criminal can be measured. However, it is still difficult to measure the height of CCTV footage in the non-contact type measurement method because of variables such as position, posture, and head shape of criminals. In this paper, we propose a method of matching the CCTV footage with the 3D data on the crime scene and measuring the height of the person using the 3D human body model in the matched data. In the proposed method, the height is measured by using 3D human model in various scenes of the person in the CCTV footage, and the measurement value of the target person is corrected by the measurement error of the replay CCTV footage of the reference person. We tested for 20 people's walking CCTV footage captured from an indoor and an outdoor and corrected the measurement values with 5 reference persons. Experimental results show that the measurement error (true value-measured value) average is 0.45 cm, and this method is effective for the measurement of the person's height in CCTV footage.Keywords: human height, CCTV footage, 2D/3D matching, 3D human body model
Procedia PDF Downloads 248771 The Effect of Intimate Partner Violence on Child Abuse in South Korea: Focused on the Moderating Effects of Patriarchal Attitude and Informal Social Control
Authors: Hye Lin Yang, Clifton R. Emery
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of intimate partner violence on child abuse, whether patriarchal attitude and informal social control moderate the relationship between intimate partner violence and child abuse. This study was conducted with data from The Seoul Families and Neighborhoods Study (SFNS). The SFNS is a representative random probability 3-stage cluster sample of 541 cohabiting couples in Seoul, South Korea collected in 2012. To verify research models, Random effect analysis were used. All analyses were performed using the Stata program. Results: Crucial findings are the following. First, intimate partner violence showed a significantly positive relationship with Child abuse. Second, there are significant moderating effects of informal social control on intimate partner violence - child abuse. Third, there are significant moderating effects of patriarchal attitude on intimate partner violence - child abuse. In other words, Patriarchal attitude is a significant risk factor of child abuse and informal social control is a significant Protection factor of child abuse. Based on results, the policy and practical implications for preventing child abuse, promoting informal social control were discussed.Keywords: Intimate partner violence, child abuse, informal social control, patriarchal attitude
Procedia PDF Downloads 302770 Face Shield Design with Additive Manufacturing Practice Combating COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: May M. Youssef
This article introduces a design, for additive manufacturing technology, face shield as Personal Protective Equipment from the respiratory viruses such as coronavirus 2. The face shields help to reduce ocular exposure and play a vital role in diverting away from the respiratory COVID-19 air droplets around the users' face. The proposed face shield comprises three assembled polymer parts. The frame with a transparency overhead projector sheet visor is suitable for frontline health care workers and ordinary citizens. The frame design allows tightening the shield around the user’s head and permits rubber elastic straps to be used if required. That ergonomically designed with a unique face mask support used in case of wearing extra protective mask was created using computer aided design (CAD) software package. The finite element analysis (FEA) structural verification of the proposed design is performed by an advanced simulation technique. Subsequently, the prototype model was fabricated by a 3D printing using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) as a globally developed face shield product. This study provides a different face shield designs for global production, which showed to be suitable and effective toward supply chain shortages and frequent needs of personal protective goods during coronavirus disease and similar viruses.Keywords: additive manufacturing, Coronavirus-19, face shield, personal protective equipment, 3D printing
Procedia PDF Downloads 205769 Dissimilarity Measure for General Histogram Data and Its Application to Hierarchical Clustering
Authors: K. Umbleja, M. Ichino
Symbolic data mining has been developed to analyze data in very large datasets. It is also useful in cases when entry specific details should remain hidden. Symbolic data mining is quickly gaining popularity as datasets in need of analyzing are becoming ever larger. One type of such symbolic data is a histogram, which enables to save huge amounts of information into a single variable with high-level of granularity. Other types of symbolic data can also be described in histograms, therefore making histogram a very important and general symbolic data type - a method developed for histograms - can also be applied to other types of symbolic data. Due to its complex structure, analyzing histograms is complicated. This paper proposes a method, which allows to compare two histogram-valued variables and therefore find a dissimilarity between two histograms. Proposed method uses the Ichino-Yaguchi dissimilarity measure for mixed feature-type data analysis as a base and develops a dissimilarity measure specifically for histogram data, which allows to compare histograms with different number of bins and bin widths (so called general histogram). Proposed dissimilarity measure is then used as a measure for clustering. Furthermore, linkage method based on weighted averages is proposed with the concept of cluster compactness to measure the quality of clustering. The method is then validated with application on real datasets. As a result, the proposed dissimilarity measure is found producing adequate and comparable results with general histograms without the loss of detail or need to transform the data.Keywords: dissimilarity measure, hierarchical clustering, histograms, symbolic data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 162768 Airflow Characteristics and Thermal Comfort of Air Diffusers: A Case Study
Authors: Tolga Arda Eraslan
The quality of the indoor environment is significant to occupants’ health, comfort, and productivity, as Covid-19 spread throughout the world, people started spending most of their time indoors. Since buildings are getting bigger, mechanical ventilation systems are widely used where natural ventilation is insufficient. Four primary tasks of a ventilation system have been identified indoor air quality, comfort, contamination control, and energy performance. To fulfill such requirements, air diffusers, which are a part of the ventilation system, have begun to enter our lives in different airflow distribution systems. Detailed observations are needed to assure that such devices provide high levels of comfort effectiveness and energy efficiency. This study addresses these needs. The objective of this article is to observe air characterizations of different air diffusers at different angles and their effect on people by the thermal comfort model in CFD simulation and to validate the outputs with the help of data results based on a simulated office room. Office room created to provide validation; Equipped with many thermal sensors, including head height, tabletop, and foot level. In addition, CFD simulations were carried out by measuring the temperature and velocity of the air coming out of the supply diffuser. The results considering the flow interaction between diffusers and surroundings showed good visual illustration.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, fanger’s model, predicted mean vote, thermal comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 119767 Facial Expression Phoenix (FePh): An Annotated Sequenced Dataset for Facial and Emotion-Specified Expressions in Sign Language
Authors: Marie Alaghband, Niloofar Yousefi, Ivan Garibay
Facial expressions are important parts of both gesture and sign language recognition systems. Despite the recent advances in both fields, annotated facial expression datasets in the context of sign language are still scarce resources. In this manuscript, we introduce an annotated sequenced facial expression dataset in the context of sign language, comprising over 3000 facial images extracted from the daily news and weather forecast of the public tv-station PHOENIX. Unlike the majority of currently existing facial expression datasets, FePh provides sequenced semi-blurry facial images with different head poses, orientations, and movements. In addition, in the majority of images, identities are mouthing the words, which makes the data more challenging. To annotate this dataset we consider primary, secondary, and tertiary dyads of seven basic emotions of "sad", "surprise", "fear", "angry", "neutral", "disgust", and "happy". We also considered the "None" class if the image’s facial expression could not be described by any of the aforementioned emotions. Although we provide FePh as a facial expression dataset of signers in sign language, it has a wider application in gesture recognition and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) systems.Keywords: annotated facial expression dataset, gesture recognition, sequenced facial expression dataset, sign language recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 160766 Identifying Neighborhoods at Potential Risk of Food Insecurity in Rural British Columbia
Authors: Amirmohsen Behjat, Aleck Ostry, Christina Miewald, Bernie Pauly
Substantial research has indicated that socioeconomic and demographic characteristics’ of neighborhoods are strong determinants of food security. The aim of this study was to develop a Food Insecurity Neighborhood Index (FINI) based on the associated socioeconomic and demographic variables to identify the areas at potential risk of food insecurity in rural British Columbia (BC). Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique was used to calculate the FINI for each rural Dissemination Area (DA) using the food security determinant variables from Canadian Census data. Using ArcGIS, the neighborhoods with the top quartile FINI values were classified as food insecure. The results of this study indicated that the most food insecure neighborhood with the highest FINI value of 99.1 was in the Bulkley-Nechako (central BC) area whereas the lowest FINI with the value of 2.97 was for a rural neighborhood in the Cowichan Valley area. In total, 98.049 (19%) of the rural population of British Columbians reside in high food insecure areas. Moreover, the distribution of food insecure neighborhoods was found to be strongly dependent on the degree of rurality in BC. In conclusion, the cluster of food insecure neighbourhoods was more pronounced in Central Coast, Mount Wadington, Peace River, Kootenay Boundary, and the Alberni-Clayoqout Regional Districts.Keywords: neighborhood food insecurity index, socioeconomic and demographic determinants, principal component analysis, Canada census, ArcGIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 169765 The Employees' Classification Method in the Space of Their Job Satisfaction, Loyalty and Involvement
Authors: Svetlana Ignatjeva, Jelena Slesareva
The aim of the study is development and adaptation of the method to analyze and quantify the indicators characterizing the relationship between a company and its employees. Diagnostics of such indicators is one of the most complex and actual issues in psychology of labour. The offered method is based on the questionnaire; its indicators reflect cognitive, affective and connotative components of socio-psychological attitude of employees to be as efficient as possible in their professional activities. This approach allows measure not only the selected factors but also such parameters as cognitive and behavioural dissonances. Adaptation of the questionnaire includes factor structure analysis and suitability analysis of phenomena indicators measured in terms of internal consistency of individual factors. Structural validity of the questionnaire was tested by exploratory factor analysis. Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Factor analysis allows reduce dimension of the phenomena moving from the indicators to aggregative indexes and latent variables. Aggregative indexes are obtained as the sum of relevant indicators followed by standardization. The coefficient Cronbach's Alpha was used to assess the reliability-consistency of the questionnaire items. The two-step cluster analysis in the space of allocated factors allows classify employees according to their attitude to work in the company. The results of psychometric testing indicate possibility of using the developed technique for the analysis of employees’ attitude towards their work in companies and development of recommendations on their optimization.Keywords: involved in the organization, loyalty, organizations, method
Procedia PDF Downloads 358764 Occurrence of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), on Maize in Katsina State, Nigeria and preliminary study of its Developmental Characteristics under Laboratory Conditions
Authors: Ibrahim Sani, Suleiman Mohammed., Salisu Sulaiman, Aminu Musa
The fall army worm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) has recently become one of the major threats to maize production in the world. It is native to tropical and subtropical America and began to spread to many African and a few Asian Countries. A survey for the observation of infestation and collection of fall armyworm was conducted in field planted with maize in the northern part of Katsina state. Eggs and immature stages were collected, place in a plastic container and brought to the laboratory for observation and study of developmental stages. FAW was identified based on the morphological characteristics, i.e. the “Y” inverted shape on the head capsule and the patterns of black spots on the abdominal segments (square and trapezoidal forms). Different growing stage of maize are affected by fall armyworm, but the damage is greatest during the early growing phase of corn. Heavy infestation on the leaves also cause defoliation. Four developmental stages (eggs larvae, pupae and adults) of the FAW were studied when fed with young corn under laboratory conditions. Furthermore, effective scouting or monitoring of FAW could be practice at early stage of growth of maize.Keywords: infestation, katsina, maize, fall armyworm
Procedia PDF Downloads 78763 Isolation and Identification of Cytotoxic Compounds from Fruticose Lichen Roccella montagnei, and It’s in Silico Docking Study against CDK-10
Authors: Tripti Mishra, Shipra Shukla, Sanjeev Meena, , Ruchi Singh, Mahesh Pal, D. K. Upreti, Dipak Datta
Roccella montagnei belongs to lichen family Roccelleceae growing luxuriantly along the coastal regions of India. As Roccella has been shown to be bioactive, we prepared methanolic extract and assessed its anticancer potential. The methanolic extract showed significant in vitro cytotoxic activity against four human cancer cell lines such as Colon (DLD-1, SW-620), Breast (MCF-7), Head and Neck (FaDu). This prompted us to isolate bioactive compounds through column chromatography. Two compounds Roccellic acid and Everninic acid have been isolated, out of which Everninic acid is reported for the first time. Both the compounds have been tested for in vitro cytotoxic activity in which Roccellic acid showed strong anticancer activity as compared to the Everninic acid. CDK-10 (Cyclin-dependent kinase) contributes to proliferation of cancer cells, and aberrant activity of these kinases has been reported in a wide variety of human cancers. These kinases, therefore, constitute biomarkers of proliferation and attractive pharmacological targets for the development of anticancer therapeutics. Therefore both the isolated compounds were tested for in silico molecular docking study against CDK-10 isomer enzyme to support the cytotoxic activity.Keywords: cytotoxic activity, everninic acid, roccellic acid, R. montagnei
Procedia PDF Downloads 326762 Cooking Attributes of Rice Stored under Varying Temperature and Moisture Regimes
Authors: Lakshmi E. Jayachandran, Manepally Rajkumar, Pavuluri Srinivasa Rao
The objective of this research was to study the changes in eating quality of rice during storage under varying temperature and moisture regimes. Paddy (IR-36) with high amylose content (27%) was stored at a temperature range between 10 to 40°C and moisture content from 9 to 18% (d.b.) for 6 months. Drastic changes in color and parameters representing cooking qualities, cooked rice texture, and surface morphology occurred after 4 months of storage, especially at elevated temperature conditions. Head rice yield was stable throughout the storage except at extreme conditions of temperature and moisture content. Yellowing of rice was prominent at combinations of high temperature and moisture content, both of which had a synergistic effect on the b* values of rice. The cooking time, length expansion ratio and volume expansion ratio of all the rice samples increased with prolonged storage. The texture parameter, primarily, the hardness, cohesiveness, and adhesiveness of cooked rice samples were higher following storage at elevated temperature. Surface morphology was also significantly affected in stored rice as compared to fresh rice. Storage of rice at 10°C with a grain moisture content of 10% for 2 months gave cooked rice samples with good palatability and minimal cooking time. The temperature was found to be the most prominent storage parameter for rough rice, followed by moisture content and storage duration, influencing the quality of rice.Keywords: rice, cooking quality, storage, surface morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 182761 Totally Robotic Gastric Bypass Using Modified Lonroth Technique
Authors: Arun Prasad
Background: Robotic Bariatric Surgery is a good option for the super obese where laparoscopy demands challenging technical skills. Gastric bypass can be difficult due to inability of the robot to work in two quadrants at the same time. Lonroth technique of gastric bypass involves a totally supracolic surgery where all anastomosis are done in one quadrant only. Methods: We have done 78 robotic gastric bypass surgeries using the modified Lonroth technique. The robot is docked above the head of the patient in the midline. Camera port is placed supra umbilically. Two ports are placed on the left side of the patient and one port on the right side of the patient. An assistant port is placed between the camera port and right sided robotic port for use of stapler. Gastric pouch is made first followed by the gastrojejunostomy that is a four layered sutured anastomosis. Jejuno jejunostomy is then performed followed by a leak test and then the jejunum is divided. A 150 cm biliopancreatic limb and a 75 cm alimentary limb are finally obtained. Mesenteric and Petersen’s defects are then closed. Results: All patients had a successful robotic procedure. Mean time taken in the first 5 cases was 130 minutes. This reduced to a mean of 95 minutes in the last five cases. There were no intraoperative or post operative complications. Conclusions: While a hybrid technique of partly laparoscopic and partly robotic gastric bypass has been done at many centres, we feel using the modified Lonroth technique, a totally robotic gastric bypass surgery fully utilizes the potential of robotic bariatric surgery.Keywords: robot, bariatric, totally robotic, gastric bypass
Procedia PDF Downloads 258760 The Relationship between the Use of Social Networks with Executive Functions and Academic Performance in High School Students in Tehran
Authors: Esmail Sadipour
The use of social networks is increasing day by day in all societies. The purpose of this research was to know the relationship between the use of social networks (Instagram, WhatsApp, and Telegram) with executive functions and academic performance in first-year female high school students. This research was applied in terms of purpose, quantitative in terms of data type, and correlational in terms of technique. The population of this research consisted of all female high school students in the first year of district 2 of Tehran. Using Green's formula, the sample size of 150 people was determined and selected by cluster random method. In this way, from all 17 high schools in district 2 of Tehran, 5 high schools were selected by a simple random method and then one class was selected from each high school, and a total of 155 students were selected. To measure the use of social networks, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, the Barclay test (2012) was used for executive functions, and last semester's GPA was used for academic performance. Pearson's correlation coefficient and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that there is a negative relationship between the amount of use of social networks and self-control, self-motivation and time self-management. In other words, the more the use of social networks, the fewer executive functions of students, self-control, self-motivation, and self-management of their time. Also, with the increase in the use of social networks, the academic performance of students has decreased.Keywords: social networks, executive function, academic performance, working memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 97759 Advanced Combinatorial Method for Solving Complex Fault Trees
Authors: José de Jesús Rivero Oliva, Jesús Salomón Llanes, Manuel Perdomo Ojeda, Antonio Torres Valle
Combinatorial explosion is a common problem to both predominant methods for solving fault trees: Minimal Cut Set (MCS) approach and Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). High memory consumption impedes the complete solution of very complex fault trees. Only approximated non-conservative solutions are possible in these cases using truncation or other simplification techniques. The paper proposes a method (CSolv+) for solving complex fault trees, without any possibility of combinatorial explosion. Each individual MCS is immediately discarded after its contribution to the basic events importance measures and the Top gate Upper Bound Probability (TUBP) has been accounted. An estimation of the Top gate Exact Probability (TEP) is also provided. Therefore, running in a computer cluster, CSolv+ will guarantee the complete solution of complex fault trees. It was successfully applied to 40 fault trees from the Aralia fault trees database, performing the evaluation of the top gate probability, the 1000 Significant MCSs (SMCS), and the Fussell-Vesely, RRW and RAW importance measures for all basic events. The high complexity fault tree nus9601 was solved with truncation probabilities from 10-²¹ to 10-²⁷ just to limit the execution time. The solution corresponding to 10-²⁷ evaluated 3.530.592.796 MCSs in 3 hours and 15 minutes.Keywords: system reliability analysis, probabilistic risk assessment, fault tree analysis, basic events importance measures
Procedia PDF Downloads 47758 Gan Nanowire-Based Sensor Array for the Detection of Cross-Sensitive Gases Using Principal Component Analysis
Authors: Ashfaque Hossain Khan, Brian Thomson, Ratan Debnath, Abhishek Motayed, Mulpuri V. Rao
Though the efforts had been made, the problem of cross-sensitivity for a single metal oxide-based sensor can’t be fully eliminated. In this work, a sensor array has been designed and fabricated comprising of platinum (Pt), copper (Cu), and silver (Ag) decorated TiO2 and ZnO functionalized GaN nanowires using industry-standard top-down fabrication approach. The metal/metal-oxide combinations within the array have been determined from prior molecular simulation study using first principle calculations based on density functional theory (DFT). The gas responses were obtained for both single and mixture of NO2, SO2, ethanol, and H2 in the presence of H2O and O2 gases under UV light at room temperature. Each gas leaves a unique response footprint across the array sensors by which precise discrimination of cross-sensitive gases has been achieved. An unsupervised principal component analysis (PCA) technique has been implemented on the array response. Results indicate that each gas forms a distinct cluster in the score plot for all the target gases and their mixtures, indicating a clear separation among them. In addition, the developed array device consumes very low power because of ultra-violet (UV) assisted sensing as compared to commercially available metal-oxide sensors. The nanowire sensor array, in combination with PCA, is a potential approach for precise real-time gas monitoring applications.Keywords: cross-sensitivity, gas sensor, principle component analysis (PCA), sensor array
Procedia PDF Downloads 108757 Investigation of Flow Characteristics of Trapezoidal Side Weir in Rectangular Channel for Subcritical Flow
Authors: Malkhan Thakur, P. Deepak Kumar, P. K. S. Dikshit
In recent years, the hydraulic behavior of side weirs has been the subject of many investigations. Most of the studies have been in connection with specific problems and have involved models. This is perhaps understandable, since a generalized treatment is made difficult by the large number of possible variables to be used to define the problem. A variety of empirical head discharge relationships have been suggested for side weirs. These empirical approaches failed to adequately consider the actual situation, and produced equations applicable only in circumstances virtually identical to those of the experiment. The present investigation is targeted to study to a greater depth the effect of different trapezium angles of a trapezoidal side weir and study of water surface profile in spatially varied flow with decreasing discharge maintaining the main channel flow subcritical. On the basis of experiment, the relationship between upstream Froude number and coefficient of discharge has been established. All the characteristics of spatially varied flow with decreasing discharge have been studied and subsequently formulated. The scope of the present investigation has been basically limited to a one-dimensional model of flow for the purpose of analysis. A formulation has been derived using the theoretical concept of constant specific energy. Coefficient of discharge has been calculated and experimental results were presented.Keywords: weirs, subcritical flow, rectangular channel, trapezoidal side weir
Procedia PDF Downloads 270756 Authenticity of Lipid and Soluble Sugar Profiles of Various Oat Cultivars (Avena sativa)
Authors: Marijana M. Ačanski, Kristian A. Pastor, Djura N. Vujić
The identification of lipid and soluble sugar components in flour samples of different cultivars belonging to common oat species (Avena sativa L.) was performed: spring oat, winter oat and hulless oat. Fatty acids were extracted from flour samples with n-hexane, and derivatized into volatile methyl esters, using TMSH (trimethylsulfonium hydroxide in methanol). Soluble sugars were then extracted from defatted and dried samples of oat flour with 96% ethanol, and further derivatized into corresponding TMS-oximes, using hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution and BSTFA (N,O-bis-(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide). The hexane and ethanol extracts of each oat cultivar were analyzed using GC-MS system. Lipid and simple sugar compositions are very similar in all samples of investigated cultivars. Chemometric tool was applied to numeric values of automatically integrated surface areas of detected lipid and simple sugar components in their corresponding derivatized forms. Hierarchical cluster analysis shows a very high similarity between the investigated flour samples of oat cultivars, according to the fatty acid content (0.9955). Moderate similarity was observed according to the content of soluble sugars (0.50). These preliminary results support the idea of establishing methods for oat flour authentication, and provide the means for distinguishing oat flour samples, regardless of the variety, from flour samples made of other cereal species, just by lipid and simple sugar profile analysis.Keywords: oat cultivars, lipid composition, soluble sugar composition, GC-MS, chemometrics, authentication
Procedia PDF Downloads 297755 Evaluating Viability of Solar Tubewell Irrigation Technology
Authors: Junaid N. Chauhdary, Bernard A. Engel, Allah Bakhsh
Solar powered tubewells can be a reliable and affordable source of supplying irrigation water compared with electric or diesel operated tubewells due to frequent load shedding and soaring energy prices. A study was conducted on a solar tubewell installed at the Water Management Research Center (WMRC), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad to investigate the viability of a solar powered tubewell in terms of discharge and benefit cost ratio. The tubewell discharge was 50 m3hr-1 with a total dynamic head of 30 m. The depth of bore was 31 m (14 m blind + 17 m screen) with a casing diameter of 15.2 cm (6 inches). A 3-stage submersible pump of 10.2 cm (4 inch) diameter was lowered in the casing to a depth of 22 m. The pump was powered from 21 solar panels of 200 W capacity each. The tubewell peak discharge was observed as 6 and 7 hr day-1 in winter and summer, respectively. The breakeven analysis of the solar tubewell showed that the payback period of the solar tubewell was 1.5 years of its 10 year usable life with an IRR (internal rate of return) of 69 %. The BCR (benefit cost ratio) of the solar tubewell at 2, 4, 6, and 8 percent discount rate were 3.75, 3.45, 3.19 and 2.96, respectively. The NPV (net present value) of the solar tubewell at 2, 4, 6, and 8 % discount rates were 1.89, 1.65, 1.45 and 1.27 million rupees, respectively. These results indicated that the solar powered tubewells are a viable option as well as environmentally friendly and can be adopted by the farmers due to their affordable payback period.Keywords: benefit cost ratio, internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), solar tubewell
Procedia PDF Downloads 210754 Typology of Customers in Fitness Centres
Authors: Josef Voracek, Jan Sima
The main purpose of our study is to state the basic types of fitness customers. This paper aims to create a specific customer typology in today’s fitness centres in the region of Prague. Our suggested typology of Prague fitness centres customers is based on answers to the questions: What are the customers like, what are their preferences, and what kinds of services do they use more often in Prague fitness centres? These are the main aspects of the presented typology. A survey was conducted on a sample of 1004 respondents from 48 fitness centres, which ran during May 2012. We used questionnaires and latent class analysis for the assessment and interpretation of data. Gender was especially the main filter criterion. In the population, there were 522 males and 482 females. Data were analysed using the LCA method. We identified 6 segments of typical customers, of which three are male and three are female. Each segment is influenced primarily by the age of customers, from which we can develop further characteristics, such as education, income, marital status, etc. Male segments use the main workout area above all, whilst female segments use a much wider range of services offered, for example, group exercises, personal training, and cardio theatres. LCA method was found to be the most suitable tool, because cluster analysis is very limited in the forms and numbers of variables and indicators. Models of 3 latent classes for each gender are optimal, as it is demonstrated by entropy indices and matrices of the likelihood of the membership to the classes. A probable weak point of the survey is the selection of fitness centres, because of the market in Prague is really specific.Keywords: customer, fitness, latent class analysis, typology
Procedia PDF Downloads 217753 The Status and Role of Women in Indian IT Industry and Relevant Role and Scope of HRM
Authors: Shivani Kolarkar
Splendid growth in Indian IT has generated women employment on a large scale in India and continues to do it. Indian IT industry has achieved this in spite of total masculine dominance in other Indian engineering industries, where the ratio of women employment is almost negligible as compared to men. Indian IT today proudly enjoys a strong pool of technically educated, intellectual, and skillful women employees. IT industry has encouraged technical education for women in India, to a great extent. The software industry has definitely contributed to developing a positive and dignified role and status of women employees in Indian IT industry. It has promoted women’s social and economic role and status. In spite of all, gender discrimination still persists in Indian IT, also, which is low as compared to other industries, but it is a matter of concern. An Indian woman is bound to carry dual roles which are equally over-stressed for IT women employees. Long working hours, night shifts, work pressures and insufficient safety majors and necessary facilities for women contributes to making her physical-mental life, family and married life troublesome. Which forces her either to cluster at low-end jobs in IT/elsewhere or to sacrifice her career. Nature, role and status of HRM needs to be broadened, deepened and shaped into research-oriented multidimensional perspective in the context of really enhancing role and status of Indian IT women with high appreciation of women employees’ dignity and entity.Keywords: attrition, gender discrimination, HRM, Indian IT, software industry, job satisfaction, safety, technical education, women employment
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