Search results for: supercooling point
4008 A Four-Step Ortho-Rectification Procedure for Geo-Referencing Video Streams from a Low-Cost UAV
Authors: B. O. Olawale, C. R. Chatwin, R. C. D. Young, P. M. Birch, F. O. Faithpraise, A. O. Olukiran
Ortho-rectification is the process of geometrically correcting an aerial image such that the scale is uniform. The ortho-image formed from the process is corrected for lens distortion, topographic relief, and camera tilt. This can be used to measure true distances, because it is an accurate representation of the Earth’s surface. Ortho-rectification and geo-referencing are essential to pin point the exact location of targets in video imagery acquired at the UAV platform. This can only be achieved by comparing such video imagery with an existing digital map. However, it is only when the image is ortho-rectified with the same co-ordinate system as an existing map that such a comparison is possible. The video image sequences from the UAV platform must be geo-registered, that is, each video frame must carry the necessary camera information before performing the ortho-rectification process. Each rectified image frame can then be mosaicked together to form a seamless image map covering the selected area. This can then be used for comparison with an existing map for geo-referencing. In this paper, we present a four-step ortho-rectification procedure for real-time geo-referencing of video data from a low-cost UAV equipped with multi-sensor system. The basic procedures for the real-time ortho-rectification are: (1) Decompilation of video stream into individual frames; (2) Finding of interior camera orientation parameters; (3) Finding the relative exterior orientation parameters for each video frames with respect to each other; (4) Finding the absolute exterior orientation parameters, using self-calibration adjustment with the aid of a mathematical model. Each ortho-rectified video frame is then mosaicked together to produce a 2-D planimetric mapping, which can be compared with a well referenced existing digital map for the purpose of georeferencing and aerial surveillance. A test field located in Abuja, Nigeria was used for testing our method. Fifteen minutes video and telemetry data were collected using the UAV and the data collected were processed using the four-step ortho-rectification procedure. The results demonstrated that the geometric measurement of the control field from ortho-images are more reliable than those from original perspective photographs when used to pin point the exact location of targets on the video imagery acquired by the UAV. The 2-D planimetric accuracy when compared with the 6 control points measured by a GPS receiver is between 3 to 5 meters.Keywords: geo-referencing, ortho-rectification, video frame, self-calibration
Procedia PDF Downloads 4784007 On the Application of Heuristics of the Traveling Salesman Problem for the Task of Restoring the DNA Matrix
Authors: Boris Melnikov, Dmitrii Chaikovskii, Elena Melnikova
The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a well-known optimization problem that seeks to find the shortest possible route that visits a set of points and returns to the starting point. In this paper, we apply some heuristics of the TSP for the task of restoring the DNA matrix. This restoration problem is often considered in biocybernetics. For it, we must recover the matrix of distances between DNA sequences if not all the elements of the matrix under consideration are known at the input. We consider the possibility of using this method in the testing of distance calculation algorithms between a pair of DNAs to restore the partially filled matrix.Keywords: optimization problems, DNA matrix, partially filled matrix, traveling salesman problem, heuristic algorithms
Procedia PDF Downloads 1514006 The Revival of Asakusa Entertainment Streets and Social Conflicts Since Its Inceptive Point, the Post-war Time
Authors: Seung Oh, Satoshi Okada
Today, religious organizations that have long existed alongside local people are being challenged by social changes in the districts they control. The influence of religious organizations is declining everywhere as locals seeking diversity and economic benefits become more interested in developing projects that attract investors and increase market value instead of opting for conservation. Religions whose moral and philosophical stance rejects materialism have a limited capacity to act as agents of local development in modern society. However, in Tokyo, the city’s oldest temple, Senso-Ji played a vital role in the local development of Asakusa, as an entertainment district while nevertheless retaining the area’s traditional character, despite almost complete destruction caused by the Tokyo air raids. The temple played a vigorous role as a mediator between the community and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a spokesman for common interests. This research, therefore, examines the social conflicts that Senso-Ji has confronted with regard to the pressures of development of Asakusa on the one hand, and the legitimacy of perpetuating its traditional religious and cultural role in local society on the other. First, this article examines Senso-Ji’s place in society based on its location in the history of Japanese Buddhism, which existed to offer spiritual and practical help to the ordinary people, and to investigate its social legitimacy as a local stakeholder and historical institution. Second, this paper considers the impact of the social changes that Asakusa had undergone during the Meiji and Taisho eras, by examining the social conflicts and changes in the Asakusa entertainment district, taking the Tokyo Air Raids as the Inceptive Point (IP). Third, it reconsiders how Senso-Ji responded to today’s growth-oriented local developments, as proposed by Tokyo’s Metropolitan planning authorities along lines commonly seen in all cities. Studying the role of Senso-Ji in the development of Asakusa can serve as a case study to justify the involvement of religious institutions in local issues and as a useful and practical example of progressive development which nevertheless permitted conservation of traditional features, as a result of pressure from social groups in a way that may be useful for other places facing similar problems.Keywords: Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Preservation, Conservation, Social Science
Procedia PDF Downloads 274005 Three-Level Converters Back-To-Back DC Bus Control for Torque Ripple Reduction of Induction Motor
Authors: T. Abdelkrim, K. Benamrane, B. Bezza, Aeh Benkhelifa, A. Borni
This paper proposes a regulation method of back-to-back connected three-level converters in order to reduce the torque ripple in induction motor. First part is dedicated to the presentation of the feedback control of three-level PWM rectifier. In the second part, three-level NPC voltage source inverter balancing DC bus algorithm is presented. A theoretical analysis with a complete simulation of the system is presented to prove the excellent performance of the proposed technique.Keywords: back-to-back connection, feedback control, neutral-point balance, three-level converter, torque ripple
Procedia PDF Downloads 4974004 Specification Requirements for a Combined Dehumidifier/Cooling Panel: A Global Scale Analysis
Authors: Damien Gondre, Hatem Ben Maad, Abdelkrim Trabelsi, Frédéric Kuznik, Joseph Virgone
The use of a radiant cooling solution would enable to lower cooling needs which is of great interest when the demand is initially high (hot climate). But, radiant systems are not naturally compatibles with humid climates since a low-temperature surface leads to condensation risks as soon as the surface temperature is close to or lower than the dew point temperature. A radiant cooling system combined to a dehumidification system would enable to remove humidity for the space, thereby lowering the dew point temperature. The humidity removal needs to be especially effective near the cooled surface. This requirement could be fulfilled by a system using a single desiccant fluid for the removal of both excessive heat and moisture. This task aims at providing an estimation of the specification requirements of such system in terms of cooling power and dehumidification rate required to fulfill comfort issues and to prevent any condensation risk on the cool panel surface. The present paper develops a preliminary study on the specification requirements, performances and behavior of a combined dehumidifier/cooling ceiling panel for different operating conditions. This study has been carried using the TRNSYS software which allows nodal calculations of thermal systems. It consists of the dynamic modeling of heat and vapor balances of a 5m x 3m x 2.7m office space. In a first design estimation, this room is equipped with an ideal heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification system so that the room temperature is always maintained in between 21◦C and 25◦C with a relative humidity in between 40% and 60%. The room is also equipped with a ventilation system that includes a heat recovery heat exchanger and another heat exchanger connected to a heat sink. Main results show that the system should be designed to meet a cooling power of 42W.m−2 and a desiccant rate of 45 gH2O.h−1. In a second time, a parametric study of comfort issues and system performances has been achieved on a more realistic system (that includes a chilled ceiling) under different operating conditions. It enables an estimation of an acceptable range of operating conditions. This preliminary study is intended to provide useful information for the system design.Keywords: dehumidification, nodal calculation, radiant cooling panel, system sizing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1774003 Report of Happiness in the Iranian Educational System: A Qualitative Research
Authors: Babak Shamshiri, Najme Dastouri
The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of happiness in the Iranian educational system from the perspective of students, teachers and educational administrators. This research is done in qualitative paradigm. Data collection is done by in-depth interview method. Research participants were selected purposively according to sampling rules, with maximum variation and reaching the saturation point. According to most participants in this study, schools in Iran are not usually happy. This lack of happiness is associated with and related to the educational system, curriculum, teaching method, physical environment of schools and their facilities.Keywords: happiness, Iran, educational system, qualitative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 2294002 Extraction of Nutraceutical Bioactive Compounds from the Native Algae Using Solvents with a Deep Natural Eutectic Point and Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction
Authors: Seyedeh Bahar Hashemi, Alireza Rahimi, Mehdi Arjmand
Food is the source of energy and growth through the breakdown of its vital components and plays a vital role in human health and nutrition. Many natural compounds found in plant and animal materials play a special role in biological systems and the origin of many such compounds directly or indirectly is algae. Algae is an enormous source of polysaccharides and have gained much interest in human flourishing. In this study, algae biomass extraction is conducted using deep eutectic-based solvents (NADES) and Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). The aim of this research is to extract bioactive compounds including total carotenoid, antioxidant activity, and polyphenolic contents. For this purpose, the influence of three important extraction parameters namely, biomass-to-solvent ratio, temperature, and time are studied with respect to their impact on the recovery of carotenoids, and phenolics, and on the extracts’ antioxidant activity. Here we employ the Response Surface Methodology for the process optimization. The influence of the independent parameters on each dependent is determined through Analysis of Variance. Our results show that Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) for 50 min is the best extraction condition, and proline:lactic acid (1:1) and choline chloride:urea (1:2) extracts show the highest total phenolic contents (50.00 ± 0.70 mgGAE/gdw) and antioxidant activity [60.00 ± 1.70 mgTE/gdw, 70.00 ± 0.90 mgTE/gdw in 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2.2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS)]. Our results confirm that the combination of UAE and NADES provides an excellent alternative to organic solvents for sustainable and green extraction and has huge potential for use in industrial applications involving the extraction of bioactive compounds from algae. This study is among the first attempts to optimize the effects of ultrasonic-assisted extraction, ultrasonic devices, and deep natural eutectic point and investigate their application in bioactive compounds extraction from algae. We also study the future perspective of ultrasound technology which helps to understand the complex mechanism of ultrasonic-assisted extraction and further guide its application in algae.Keywords: natural deep eutectic solvents, ultrasound-assisted extraction, algae, antioxidant activity, phenolic compounds, carotenoids
Procedia PDF Downloads 1824001 Effects of a Head Mounted Display Adaptation on Reaching Behaviour: Implications for a Therapeutic Approach in Unilateral Neglect
Authors: Taku Numao, Kazu Amimoto, Tomoko Shimada, Kyohei Ichikawa
Background: Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is a common syndrome following damage to one hemisphere of the brain (usually the right side), in which a patient fails to report or respond to stimulation from the contralesional side. These symptoms are not due to primary sensory or motor deficits, but instead, reflect an inability to process input from that side of their environment. Prism adaptation (PA) is a therapeutic treatment for USN, wherein a patient’s visual field is artificially shifted laterally, resulting in a sensory-motor adaptation. However, patients with USN also tend to perceive a left-leaning subjective vertical in the frontal plane. The traditional PA cannot be used to correct a tilt in the subjective vertical, because a prism can only polarize, not twist, the surroundings. However, this can be accomplished using a head mounted display (HMD) and a web-camera. Therefore, this study investigated whether an HMD system could be used to correct the spatial perception of USN patients in the frontal as well as the horizontal plane. We recruited healthy subjects in order to collect data for the refinement of USN patient therapy. Methods: Eight healthy subjects sat on a chair wearing a HMD (Oculus rift DK2), with a web-camera (Ovrvision) displaying a 10 degree leftward rotation and a 10 degree counter-clockwise rotation along the frontal plane. Subjects attempted to point a finger at one of four targets, assigned randomly, a total of 48 times. Before and after the intervention, each subject’s body-centre judgment (BCJ) was tested by asking them to point a finger at a touch panel straight in front of their xiphisternum, 10 times sight unseen. Results: Intervention caused the location pointed to during the BCJ to shift 35 ± 17 mm (Ave ± SD) leftward in the horizontal plane, and 46 ± 29 mm downward in the frontal plane. The results in both planes were significant by paired-t-test (p<.01). Conclusions: The results in the horizontal plane are consistent with those observed following PA. Furthermore, the HMD and web-camera were able to elicit 3D effects, including in both the horizontal and frontal planes. Future work will focus on applying this method to patients with and without USN, and investigating whether subject posture is also affected by the HMD system.Keywords: head mounted display, posture, prism adaptation, unilateral spatial neglect
Procedia PDF Downloads 2804000 Sedimentological and Petrographical Studies on the Cored samples from Bentiu Formation Muglad Basin
Authors: Yousif M. Makeen
This study presents the results of the sedimentological and petrographical analyses on the cored samples from the Bentiu Formation. The cored intervals consist of thick beds of sandstone, which are sometimes intercalated with beds of fine-grained sandstone and, in a minor case, with a siltstone bed. Detailed sedimentological facies analysis revealed the presence of six facies types, which can be clarified in order of their great percentage occurrences as follows: (i) Massive sandstone, (ii) Planar cross-bedded sandstone, (iii) Trough cross-bedded sandstone, (iv) Fine laminated sandstone (v) Fine laminated siltstone and (vi) Horizontally parted sandstone. The petrographical analyses under the plane polarized microscope and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) for the sandstone lithofacies types that exist within the cored intervals allowed classifying these lithofacies into Kaolinitic Subfeldspathic Arenites. Among the detrital components, quartz grains are the most abundant (mainly monocrystalline quartz), followed by feldspars, micas, detrital and authigenic clays, and carbonaceous debris. However, traces of lithic fragments, iron oxides and heavy minerals were observed in some of the analyzed samples, where they occur in minor amounts. Kaolinite is present mainly as an authigenic component in most of the analyzed samples, while quartz overgrowths occur in variable amounts in most of the investigated samples. Carbonates (calcite & siderite) are present in considerable amounts. The grain roundness in most of the investigated sandstone samples ranges from well-rounded to round, and, in fewer samples, is sub-angular to angular. Most of the sandstone samples are moderately compacted and display point, concavo-convex and long grain contacts, whereas the sutured grain contacts, which reflect a higher degree of compaction, are relatively observed in lesser amounts, while the float grain contact has also been observed in minor quantity. Pore types in the analyzed samples are dominantly primary and secondary interparticle forms. Point-counted porosity values range from 19.6% to 30%. Average pore sizes are highly variable and range from 20 to 350 microns. Pore interconnectivity ranges from good to very good.Keywords: sandstone, sedimentological facies, porosity, quartz overgrowths
Procedia PDF Downloads 523999 Comparison of Early Post-operative Outcomes of Cardiac Surgery Patients Who Have Had Blood Transfusion Based on Fixed Cut-off Point versus of Change in Percentage of Basic Hematocrit Levels
Authors: Khosro Barkhordari, Fateme Sadr, Mina Pashang
Back ground: Blood transfusion is one of the major issues in cardiac surgery patients. Transfusing patients based on fixed cut-off points of hemoglobin is the current protocol in most institutions. The hemoglobin level of 7- 10 has been suggested for blood transfusion in cardiac surgery patients. We aimed to evaluate if blood transfusion based on change in percentage of hematocrit has different outcomes. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we investigated the early postoperative outcome of cardiac surgery patients who received blood transfusions at Tehran Heart Center Hospital, IRAN. We reviewed and analyzed the basic characteristics and clinical data of 700 patients who met our exclusion and inclusion criteria. The two groups of blood transfused patients were compared, those who have 30-50 percent decrease in basal hematocrit versus those with 10 -29 percent decrease. Results: This is ongoing study, and the results would be completed in two weeks after analysis of the date. Conclusion: Early analysis has shown no difference in early post-operative outcomes between the two groups, but final analysis will be completed in two weeks. 1-Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Tehran Heart Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN 2- Department of Research, Tehran Heart Center, Tehran, IRAN Quantitative variables were compared using the Student t-test or the Mann‐Whitney U test, as appropriate, while categorical variables were compared using the χ2 or the Fisher exact test, as required. Our intention was to compare the early postoperative outcomes between the two groups, which include 30 days mortality, Length of ICU stay, Length of hospital stay, Intubation time, Infection rate, acute kidney injury, and respiratory complications. The main goal was to find if transfusing blood based on changes in hematocrit from a basal level was better than to fixed cut-off point regarding early post-operative outcomes. This has not been studied enough and may need randomized control trials.Keywords: post-operative, cardiac surgery, outcomes, blood transfusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 863998 Behaviour of an RC Circuit near Extreme Point
Authors: Tribhuvan N. Soorya
Charging and discharging of a capacitor through a resistor can be shown as exponential curve. Theoretically, it takes infinite time to fully charge or discharge a capacitor. The flow of charge is due to electrons having finite and fixed value of charge. If we carefully examine the charging and discharging process after several time constants, the points on q vs t graph become discrete and curve become discontinuous. Moreover for all practical purposes capacitor with charge (q0-e) can be taken as fully charged, as it introduces an error less than one part per million. Similar is the case for discharge of a capacitor, where the capacitor with the last electron (charge e) can be taken as fully discharged. With this, we can estimate the finite value of time for fully charging and discharging a capacitor.Keywords: charging, discharging, RC Circuit, capacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4433997 Statistical Study and Simulation of 140 Kv X– Ray Tube by Monte Carlo
Authors: Mehdi Homayouni, Karim Adinehvand, Bakhtiar Azadbakht
In this study, we used Monte Carlo code (MCNP4C) that is a general method, for simulation, electron source and electric field, a disc source with 0.05 cm radius in direct of anode are used, radius of disc source show focal spot of X-ray tube that here is 0.05 cm. In this simulation, the anode is from tungsten with 18.9 g/cm3 density and angle of the anode is 18°. We simulated X-ray tube for 140 kv. For increasing of speed data acquisition, we use F5 tally. With determination the exact position of F5 tally in the program, outputs are acquired. In this spectrum the start point is about 0.02 Mev, the absorption edges are about 0.06 Mev and 0.07 Mev, and average energy is about 0.05 Mev.Keywords: X-spectrum, simulation, Monte Carlo, tube
Procedia PDF Downloads 7233996 Impact of Electric Vehicles on Energy Consumption and Environment
Authors: Amela Ajanovic, Reinhard Haas
Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered as an important means to cope with current environmental problems in transport. However, their high capital costs and limited driving ranges state major barriers to a broader market penetration. The core objective of this paper is to investigate the future market prospects of various types of EVs from an economic and ecological point of view. Our method of approach is based on the calculation of total cost of ownership of EVs in comparison to conventional cars and a life-cycle approach to assess the environmental benignity. The most crucial parameters in this context are km driven per year, depreciation time of the car and interest rate. The analysis of future prospects it is based on technological learning regarding investment costs of batteries. The major results are the major disadvantages of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are the high capital costs, mainly due to the battery, and a low driving range in comparison to conventional vehicles. These problems could be reduced with plug-in hybrids (PHEV) and range extenders (REXs). However, these technologies have lower CO₂ emissions in the whole energy supply chain than conventional vehicles, but unlike BEV they are not zero-emission vehicles at the point of use. The number of km driven has a higher impact on total mobility costs than the learning rate. Hence, the use of EVs as taxis and in car-sharing leads to the best economic performance. The most popular EVs are currently full hybrid EVs. They have only slightly higher costs and similar operating ranges as conventional vehicles. But since they are dependent on fossil fuels, they can only be seen as energy efficiency measure. However, they can serve as a bridging technology, as long as BEVs and fuel cell vehicle do not gain high popularity, and together with PHEVs and REX contribute to faster technological learning and reduction in battery costs. Regarding the promotion of EVs, the best results could be reached with a combination of monetary and non-monetary incentives, as in Norway for example. The major conclusion is that to harvest the full environmental benefits of EVs a very important aspect is the introduction of CO₂-based fuel taxes. This should ensure that the electricity for EVs is generated from renewable energy sources; otherwise, total CO₂ emissions are likely higher than those of conventional cars.Keywords: costs, mobility, policy, sustainability,
Procedia PDF Downloads 2263995 Concepts of Creation and Destruction as Cognitive Instruments in World View Study
Authors: Perizat Balkhimbekova
Evolutionary changes in cognitive world view taking place in the last decades are followed by changes in perception of the key concepts which are related to the certain lingua-cultural sphere. Also, such concepts reflect the person’s attitude to essential processes in the sphere of concepts, e.g. the opposite operations like creation and destruction. These changes in people’s life and thinking are displayed in a language world view. In order to open the maintenance of mental structures and concepts we should use language means as observable results of people’s cognitive activity. Semantics of words, free phrases and idioms should be considered as an authoritative source of information concerning concepts. The regularized set of concepts in people consciousness forms the sphere of concepts. Cognitive linguistics widely discusses the sphere of concepts as its crucial category defining it as the field of knowledge which is made of concepts. It is considered that a sphere of concepts comprises the various types of association and forms conceptual fields. As a material for the given research, the data from Russian National Corpus and British National Corpus were used. In is necessary to point out that data provided by computational studies, are intrinsic and verifiable; so that we have used them in order to get the reliable results. The procedure of study was based on such techniques as extracting of the context containing concepts of creation|destruction from the Russian National Corpus (RNC), and British National Corpus (BNC); analyzing and interpreting of those context on the basis of cognitive approach; finding of correspondence between the given concepts in the Russian and English world view. The key problem of our study is to find the correspondence between the elements of world view represented by opposite concepts such as creation and destruction. Findings: The concept of "destruction" indicates a process which leads to full or partial destruction of an object. In other words, it is a loss of the object primary essence: structures, properties, distinctive signs and its initial integrity. The concept of "creation", on the contrary, comprises positive characteristics, represents the activity aimed at improvement of the certain object, at the creation of ideal models of the world. On the other hand, destruction is represented much more widely in RNC than creation (1254 cases of the first concept by comparison to 192 cases for the second one). Our hypothesis consists in the antinomy represented by the aforementioned concepts. Being opposite both in respect of semantics and pragmatics, and from the point of view of axiology, they are at the same time complementary and interrelated concepts.Keywords: creation, destruction, concept, world view
Procedia PDF Downloads 3463994 An Improved Photovolatic System Balancer Architecture
Authors: Chih-Chiang Hua, Yi-Hsiung Fang, Cyuan-Jyun Wong
An improved PV balancer for photovoltaic applications is proposed in this paper. The proposed PV balancer senses the voltage and current of PV module and adjusts the output voltage of converter. Thus, the PV system can implement maximum power point tracking (MPPT) independently for each module whether it is under shading, different irradiation or degradation of PV cell. In addition, the cost of PV balancer can be reduced due to the low power rating of converter. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed system, two PV balancers are designed and verified through simulation under different shading conditions. The proposed PV balancers can provide more energy than the traditional PV balancer.Keywords: MPPT, partial shading, PV System, converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 2923993 Mesenteric Ischemia Presenting as Acalculous Cholecystitis: A Case Review of a Rare Complication and Aberrant Anatomy
Authors: Joshua Russell, Omar Zubair, Reuben Ndegwa
Introduction: Mesenteric ischemia is an uncommon condition that can be challenging to diagnose in the acute setting, with the potential for significant morbidity and mortality. Very rarely has acute acalculous cholecystitis been described in the setting of mesenteric ischemia. Case: This was the case in a 78-year-old male, who initially presented with clinical and radiological evidence of small bowel obstruction, thought likely secondary to malignancy. The patient had a 6-week history of anorexia, worsening lower abdominal pain, and ~30kg of unintentional weight loss over a 12-month period and a CT- scan demonstrated a transition point in the distal ileum. The patient became increasingly hemodynamically unstable and peritonitic, and an emergency laparotomy was performed. Intra-operatively, however, no obvious transition point was identified, and instead, the gallbladder was markedly gangrenous and oedematous, consistent with acalculous cholecystitis. An open total cholecystectomy was subsequently performed. The patient was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit post-operatively and continued to deteriorate over the proceeding 48 hours, with two re-look laparotomies demonstrating progressively worsening bowel ischemia, initially in the distribution of the superior mesenteric artery and then the coeliac trunk. On review, the patient was found to have an aberrant right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. The extent of ischemia was considered non-survivable, and the patient was palliated. Discussion: Multiple theories currently exist for the underlying pathophysiology of acalculous cholecystitis, including biliary stasis, sepsis, and ischemia. This case lends further support to ischemia as the underlying etiology of acalculous cholecystitis. This is particularly the case when considered in the context of the patient’s aberrant right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery, which occurs in 11-14% of patients. Conclusion: This case report adds further insight to the debate surrounding the pathophysiology of acalculous cholecystitis. It also presents acalculous cholecystitis as a complication of mesenteric ischemia that should always be considered, especially in the elderly patient and in the context of relatively common anatomical variations. Furthermore, the case brings to attention the importance of maintaining dynamic working diagnoses in the setting of evolving pathophysiology and clinical presentations.Keywords: acalculous cholecystitis, anatomical variation, general surgery, mesenteric ischemia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1923992 Simulation of 140 Kv X– Ray Tube by MCNP4C Code
Authors: Amin Sahebnasagh, Karim Adinehvand, Bakhtiar Azadbakht
In this study, we used Monte Carlo code (MCNP4C) that is a general method, for simulation, electron source and electric field, a disc source with 0.05 cm radius in direct of anode are used, radius of disc source show focal spot of x-ray tube that here is 0.05 cm. In this simulation, anode is from tungsten with 18.9 g/cm3 density and angle of anode is 180. we simulated x-ray tube for 140 kv. For increasing of speed data acquisition we use F5 tally. With determination the exact position of F5 tally in program, outputs are acquired. In this spectrum the start point is about 0.02 Mev, the absorption edges are about 0.06 Mev and 0.07 Mev and average energy is about 0.05 Mev.Keywords: x-spectrum, simulation, Monte Carlo, MCNP4C code
Procedia PDF Downloads 6463991 Readability Facing the Irreducible Otherness: Translation as a Third Dimension toward a Multilingual Higher Education
Authors: Noury Bakrim
From the point of view of language morphodynamics, interpretative Readability of the text-result (the stasis) is not the external hermeneutics of its various potential reading events but the paradigmatic, semantic immanence of its dynamics. In other words, interpretative Readability articulates the potential tension between projection (intentionality of the discursive event) and the result (Readability within the syntagmatic stasis). We then consider that translation represents much more a metalinguistic conversion of neurocognitive bilingual sub-routines and modular relations than a semantic equivalence. Furthermore, the actualizing Readability (the process of rewriting a target text within a target language/genre) builds upon the descriptive level between the generative syntax/semantic from and its paradigmatic potential translatability. Translation corpora reveal the evidence of a certain focusing on the positivist stasis of the source text at the expense of its interpretative Readability. For instance, Fluchere's brilliant translation of Miller's Tropic of cancer into French realizes unconsciously an inversion of the hierarchical relations between Life Thought and Fable: From Life Thought (fable) into Fable (Life Thought). We could regard the translation of Bernard Kreiss basing on Canetti's work die englischen Jahre (les annees anglaises) as another inversion of the historical scale from individual history into Hegelian history. In order to describe and test both translation process and result, we focus on the pedagogical practice which enables various principles grounding in interpretative/actualizing Readability. Henceforth, establishing the analytical uttering dynamics of the source text could be widened by other practices. The reversibility test (target - source text) or the comparison with a second translation in a third language (tertium comparationis A/B and A/C) point out the evidence of an impossible event. Therefore, it doesn't imply an uttering idealistic/absolute source but the irreducible/non-reproducible intentionality of its production event within the experience of world/discourse. The aim of this paper is to conceptualize translation as the tension between interpretative and actualizing Readability in a new approach grounding in morphodynamics of language and Translatability (mainly into French) within literary and non-literary texts articulating theoretical and described pedagogical corpora.Keywords: readability, translation as deverbalization, translation as conversion, Tertium Comparationis, uttering actualization, translation pedagogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1663990 The Framework of System Safety for Multi Human-in-The-Loop System
Authors: Hideyuki Shintani, Ichiro Koshijima
In Cyber Physical System (CPS), if there are a large number of persons in the process, a role of person in CPS might be different comparing with the one-man system. It is also necessary to consider how Human-in-The-Loop Cyber Physical Systems (HiTLCPS) ensure safety of each person in the loop process. In this paper, the authors discuss a system safety framework with an illustrative example with STAMP model to clarify what point for safety should be considered and what role of person in the should have.Keywords: cyber-physical-system, human-in-the-loop, safety, STAMP model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3263989 Sustainable Organization for Sustainable Strategy: An Empirical Evidence
Authors: Lucia Varra, Marzia Timolo
The interest of scholars towards corporate sustainability has strengthened in recent years in parallel with the growing need to undertake paths of cultural and organizational change, as a way for greater competitiveness and stakeholders’ satisfaction. In fact, studies on the business sustainability, while on the one hand have integrated the three dimensions of sustainability that existed for some time in the economic approaches (economic, environmental and social dimensions), on the other hand did not give rise to an organic construct that puts together the aspects of strategic management with corporate social responsibility and even less with the organizational issues. Therefore some important questions remain open: Which organizational structure and which operational mechanisms are coherent or propitious to a sustainability strategy? Existing studies appear to be fragmented, although some aspects have shared importance: knowledge management, human resource, management, leadership, innovation, etc. The construction of a model of sustainable organization that supports the sustainability strategy no longer seems to be postponed, as is its connection with the main practices of measuring corporate social responsibility performance. The paper aims to identify the organizational characteristics of a sustainable corporate. To this end, from a theoretical point of view the work examines the main existing literary contributions and, from a practical point of view, it presents a business case referring to a service organization that for years has undertaken the sustainability strategy. This paper is divided into two parts: the first part concerns a review of the main articles on the strategic management topic and the main organizational issues raised by the literature, such as knowledge management, leadership, innovation, etc.; later, a modeling of the main variables examined by scholars and an integration of these with the international measurement standards of CSR is proposed. In the second part, using the methodology of the case study company, the hypotheses and the structure of the proposed model that aims to integrate the strategic issues with the organizational aspects and measurement of sustainability performance, are applied to an Italian company, which has some organizational and human resource management interventions are in place to align strategic decisions with the structure and operating mechanisms of the structure. The case presented supports the hypotheses of the model.Keywords: CSR, strategic management, sustainable leadership, sustainable human resource management, sustainable organization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1033988 Sustainable Development as a Part of Development and Foreign Trade in Turkey
Authors: Sadife Güngör, Sevilay Konya
Sustainable development is an economic development scope which covers the economic growth included environmental factors. With the help of economic development, the needs of the future generations are going to be met the needs. As it is aimed the environmental conscious, sustainable development focuses on decreasing the damage of natural sources. From this point of view, while sustainable development is environmentally conscious, it also improving the life standards of individuals. The relationship between development and foreign trade on sustainable development is theoretically searched in this study. In the second part, sustainable development at world and EU is searched and in the last part, the sustainability of trade and development in Turkey is stated.Keywords: development, sustainable development, foreign trade, Turkey
Procedia PDF Downloads 4643987 Effect of Operative Stabilization on Rib Fracture Healing in Porcine Experimental Model: A Pilot Study
Authors: Maria Stepankova, Lucie Vistejnova, Pavel Klein, Tereza Blassova, Marketa Slajerova, Radek Sedlacek, Martin Bartos, Jaroslav Chlupac
Background: Clinical outcome benefits of the segment rib fracture surgical therapy are well known and follow from better stabilization of the chest wall. Despite this, some authors still incline to conservative therapy and point out to possible rib fracture healing failure in connection with the bone vascular supply disturbance caused by metal plate implantation. This suggestion met neither experimental nor clinical verification and remains the object of discussion. In our pilot study we investigated the titanium plate fixation effect on the rib fracture healing in porcine model and its histological, biomechanical and radiological aspects. Materials and Method: Two porcine models (experimental group) underwent the operative chest wall stabilization with a titanium plate implantation after osteotomy. Two other porcine models (control group) were treated conservatively after osteotomy. Three weeks after surgery, all animals were sacrificed, treated ribs were explanted and the histological analysis, µCT imaging and biomechanical testing of the calluses tissue were performed. Results: In µCT imaging, experimental group showed a higher cortical bone volume compared to the control group. Histological analysis using the non-decalcified bone tissue blocks demonstrated more maturated callus with higher newly-formed osseous tissue ratio in experimental group in comparison to controls. In contrast, no significant differences in bone blood vessels supply in both groups were observed. This finding suggests that the bone blood supply in experimental group was not impaired. Biomechanical analysis using 3-point bending test demonstrated significantly higher bending stiffness and the maximum force in experimental group. Conclusion: Based on our observation, it could be concluded, that the titanium plate fixation of the rib fractures leads to faster bone callus maturation whereas does not cause the vascular supply impairment after 3 weeks and thus has a beneficial effect on the rib fracture healing.Keywords: bone vascular supply, chest wall stabilization, fracture healing, histological analysis, titanium plate implantation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1413986 The Effect of Symmetry on the Perception of Happiness and Boredom in Design Products
Authors: Michele Sinico
The present research investigates the effect of symmetry on the perception of happiness and boredom in design products. Three experiments were carried out in order to verify the degree of the visual expressive value on different models of bookcases, wall clocks, and chairs. 60 participants directly indicated the degree of happiness and boredom using 7-point rating scales. The findings show that the participants acknowledged a different value of expressive quality in the different product models. Results show also that symmetry is not a significant constraint for an emotional design project.Keywords: product experience, emotional design, symmetry, expressive qualities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1483985 The Underground Ecosystem of Credit Card Frauds
Authors: Abhinav Singh
Point Of Sale (POS) malwares have been stealing the limelight this year. They have been the elemental factor in some of the biggest breaches uncovered in past couple of years. Some of them include • Target: A Retail Giant reported close to 40 million credit card data being stolen • Home Depot : A home product Retailer reported breach of close to 50 million credit records • Kmart: A US retailer recently announced breach of 800 thousand credit card details. Alone in 2014, there have been reports of over 15 major breaches of payment systems around the globe. Memory scrapping malwares infecting the point of sale devices have been the lethal weapon used in these attacks. These malwares are capable of reading the payment information from the payment device memory before they are being encrypted. Later on these malwares send the stolen details to its parent server. These malwares are capable of recording all the critical payment information like the card number, security number, owner etc. All these information are delivered in raw format. This Talk will cover the aspects of what happens after these details have been sent to the malware authors. The entire ecosystem of credit card frauds can be broadly classified into these three steps: • Purchase of raw details and dumps • Converting them to plastic cash/cards • Shop! Shop! Shop! The focus of this talk will be on the above mentioned points and how they form an organized network of cyber-crime. The first step involves buying and selling of the stolen details. The key point to emphasize are : • How is this raw information been sold in the underground market • The buyer and seller anatomy • Building your shopping cart and preferences • The importance of reputation and vouches • Customer support and replace/refunds These are some of the key points that will be discussed. But the story doesn’t end here. As of now the buyer only has the raw card information. How will this raw information be converted to plastic cash? Now comes in picture the second part of this underground economy where-in these raw details are converted into actual cards. There are well organized services running underground that can help you in converting these details into plastic cards. We will discuss about this technique in detail. At last, the final step involves shopping with the stolen cards. The cards generated with the stolen details can be easily used to swipe-and-pay for purchased goods at different retail shops. Usually these purchases are of expensive items that have good resale value. Apart from using the cards at stores, there are underground services that lets you deliver online orders to their dummy addresses. Once the package is received it will be delivered to the original buyer. These services charge based on the value of item that is being delivered. The overall underground ecosystem of credit card fraud works in a bulletproof way and it involves people working in close groups and making heavy profits. This is a brief summary of what I plan to present at the talk. I have done an extensive research and have collected good deal of material to present as samples. Some of them include: • List of underground forums • Credit card dumps • IRC chats among these groups • Personal chat with big card sellers • Inside view of these forum owners. The talk will be concluded by throwing light on how these breaches are being tracked during investigation. How are credit card breaches tracked down and what steps can financial institutions can build an incidence response over it.Keywords: POS mawalre, credit card frauds, enterprise security, underground ecosystem
Procedia PDF Downloads 4393984 Characterization, Replication and Testing of Designed Micro-Textures, Inspired by the Brill Fish, Scophthalmus rhombus, for the Development of Bioinspired Antifouling Materials
Authors: Chloe Richards, Adrian Delgado Ollero, Yan Delaure, Fiona Regan
Growing concern about the natural environment has accelerated the search for non-toxic, but at the same time, economically reasonable, antifouling materials. Bioinspired surfaces, due to their nano and micro topographical antifouling capabilities, provide a hopeful approach to the design of novel antifouling surfaces. Biological organisms are known to have highly evolved and complex topographies, demonstrating antifouling potential, i.e. shark skin. Previous studies have examined the antifouling ability of topographic patterns, textures and roughness scales found on natural organisms. One of the mechanisms used to explain the adhesion of cells to a substrate is called attachment point theory. Here, the fouling organism experiences increased attachment where there are multiple attachment points and reduced attachment, where the number of attachment points are decreased. In this study, an attempt to characterize the microtopography of the common brill fish, Scophthalmus rhombus, was undertaken. Scophthalmus rhombus is a small flatfish of the family Scophthalmidae, inhabiting regions from Norway to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. They reside in shallow sandy and muddy coastal areas at depths of around 70 – 80 meters. Six engineered surfaces (inspired by the Brill fish scale) produced by a 2-photon polymerization (2PP) process were evaluated for their potential as an antifouling solution for incorporation onto tidal energy blades. The micro-textures were analyzed for their AF potential under both static and dynamic laboratory conditions using two laboratory grown diatom species, Amphora coffeaeformis and Nitzschia ovalis. The incorporation of a surface topography was observed to cause a disruption in the growth of A. coffeaeformis and N. ovalis cells on the surface in comparison to control surfaces. This work has demonstrated the importance of understanding cell-surface interaction, in particular, topography for the design of novel antifouling technology. The study concluded that biofouling can be controlled by physical modification, and has contributed significant knowledge to the use of a successful novel bioinspired AF technology, based on Brill, for the first time.Keywords: attachment point theory, biofouling, Scophthalmus rhombus, topography
Procedia PDF Downloads 1083983 Outpatient Pelvic Nerve and Muscle Treatment Reduces Pain and Improves Functionality for Patients with Chronic Pelvic Pain and Erectile Dysfunction
Authors: Allyson Augusta Shrikhande, Alexa Rains, Tayyaba Ahmed, Marjorie Mamsaang, Rakhi Vyas, Janaki Natarajan, Erika Moody, Christian Reutter, Kimberlee Leishear, Yogita Tailor, Sandra Sandhu-Restaino, Lora Liu, Neha James, Rosemarie Filart
Characterized by consistent difficulty getting and keeping an erection firm enough for intercourse, Erectile Dysfunction may affect up to 15% of adult men. Although awareness and access to treatment have improved in recent years, many patients do not actively seek diagnosis or treatment due to the stigma surrounding this condition. Patients who do seek treatment are often dissatisfied by the efficacy of the medication. The condition inhibits patients’ quality of life by worsening mental health and relationships. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of an outpatient neuromuscular treatment protocol in treating the symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain and Erectile Dysfunction, improving pain and function. 56 patients ages 20-79 presented to an outpatient clinic for treatment of pelvic pain and Erectile Dysfunction symptoms. These symptoms had persisted for an average of 4 years. All patients underwent external ultrasound-guided hydro-dissection technique targeted at pelvic peripheral nerves in combination with pelvic floor musculature trigger-point injections. To measure the effects of this treatment, a five question Erectile Dysfunction questionnaire was completed by each patient at their first visit to a clinic and three months after treatment began. Answers were summed for a total score of 5-25, with a higher score indicating optimal function. The average score before treatment was 14.125 (SD 5.411) (a=0.05; CI 12.708-15.542), which increased by 18% to an average of 16.625 (SD 6.423) (a=0.05; CI 14.943-18.307) after treatment (P=0.0004). Secondary outcome variables included a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to measure pelvic pain intensity and the Functional Pelvic Pain Scale (FPPS) to measure function across multiple areas. VAS scores reduced by 51% after three months. Before treatment, the mean VAS score was 5.87, and the posttreatment mean VAS score was 2.89. Pelvic pain functionality improved by 34% after three months. Pretreatment FPPS scores averaged at 7.48, decreasing to 4.91 after treatment. These results indicate that this unique treatment was very effective at relieving pain and increasing function for patients with Erectile Dysfunction.Keywords: chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction, nonsurgical, outpatient, trigger point injections
Procedia PDF Downloads 913982 The Use of Random Set Method in Reliability Analysis of Deep Excavations
Authors: Arefeh Arabaninezhad, Ali Fakher
Since the deterministic analysis methods fail to take system uncertainties into account, probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods are suggested. Geotechnical analyses are used to determine the stress and deformation caused by construction; accordingly, many input variables which depend on ground behavior are required for geotechnical analyses. The Random Set approach is an applicable reliability analysis method when comprehensive sources of information are not available. Using Random Set method, with relatively small number of simulations compared to fully probabilistic methods, smooth extremes on system responses are obtained. Therefore random set approach has been proposed for reliability analysis in geotechnical problems. In the present study, the application of random set method in reliability analysis of deep excavations is investigated through three deep excavation projects which were monitored during the excavating process. A finite element code is utilized for numerical modeling. Two expected ranges, from different sources of information, are established for each input variable, and a specific probability assignment is defined for each range. To determine the most influential input variables and subsequently reducing the number of required finite element calculations, sensitivity analysis is carried out. Input data for finite element model are obtained by combining the upper and lower bounds of the input variables. The relevant probability share of each finite element calculation is determined considering the probability assigned to input variables present in these combinations. Horizontal displacement of the top point of excavation is considered as the main response of the system. The result of reliability analysis for each intended deep excavation is presented by constructing the Belief and Plausibility distribution function (i.e. lower and upper bounds) of system response obtained from deterministic finite element calculations. To evaluate the quality of input variables as well as applied reliability analysis method, the range of displacements extracted from models has been compared to the in situ measurements and good agreement is observed. The comparison also showed that Random Set Finite Element Method applies to estimate the horizontal displacement of the top point of deep excavation. Finally, the probability of failure or unsatisfactory performance of the system is evaluated by comparing the threshold displacement with reliability analysis results.Keywords: deep excavation, random set finite element method, reliability analysis, uncertainty
Procedia PDF Downloads 2683981 The Mapping of Pastoral Area as a Basis of Ecological for Beef Cattle in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Authors: Jasmal A. Syamsu, Muhammad Yusuf, Hikmah M. Ali, Mawardi A. Asja, Zulkharnaim
This study was conducted and aimed in identifying and mapping the pasture as an ecological base of beef cattle. A survey was carried out during a period of April to June 2016, in Suppa, Mattirobulu, the district of Pinrang, South Sulawesi province. The mapping process of grazing area was conducted in several stages; inputting and tracking of data points into Google Earth Pro (version, affirmation and confirmation of tracking line visualized by satellite with a variety of records at the point, a certain point and tracking input data into ArcMap Application (ArcGIS version 10.1), data processing DEM/SRTM (S04E119) with respect to the location of the grazing areas, creation of a contour map (a distance of 5 m) and mapping tilt (slope) of land and land cover map-making. Analysis of land cover, particularly the state of the vegetation was done through the identification procedure NDVI (Normalized Differences Vegetation Index). This procedure was performed by making use of the Landsat-8. The results showed that the topography of the grazing areas of hills and some sloping surfaces and flat with elevation vary from 74 to 145 above sea level (asl), while the requirements for growing superior grass and legume is an altitude of up to 143-159 asl. Slope varied between 0 - > 40% and was dominated by a slope of 0-15%, according to the slope/topography pasture maximum of 15%. The range of NDVI values for pasture image analysis results was between 0.1 and 0.27. Characteristics of vegetation cover of pasture land in the category of vegetation density were low, 70% of the land was the land for cattle grazing, while the remaining approximately 30% was a grove and forest included plant water where the place for shelter of the cattle during the heat and drinking water supply. There are seven types of graminae and 5 types of legume that was dominant in the region. Proportionally, graminae class dominated up 75.6% and legume crops up to 22.1% and the remaining 2.3% was another plant trees that grow in the region. The dominant weed species in the region were Cromolaenaodorata and Lantana camara, besides that there were 6 types of floor plant that did not include as forage fodder.Keywords: pastoral, ecology, mapping, beef cattle
Procedia PDF Downloads 3553980 Gender Differences in Attitudes to Technology in Primary Education
Authors: Radek Novotný, Martina Maněnová
This article presents a summary of reviews on gender differences in perception of information and communication technology (ICT) by pupils in primary education. The article outlines the meaning of ICT in primary education then summarizes different studies of the use of ICT in primary education from the point of view of gender. The article also presents the specific differences of gender in the knowledge of modalities of use of specialized digital tools and the perception and value assigned to ICT, accordingly the article provides insight into the background of gender differences in performance in relation to ICT to determinate the complex meaning of pupils attitudes to the ICT.Keywords: ICT in primary education, attitudes to ICT, gender differences, gender and ICT
Procedia PDF Downloads 4853979 Investigation of Deep Eutectic Solvents for Microwave Assisted Extraction and Headspace Gas Chromatographic Determination of Hexanal in Fat-Rich Food
Authors: Birute Bugelyte, Ingrida Jurkute, Vida Vickackaite
The most complicated step of the determination of volatile compounds in complex matrices is the separation of analytes from the matrix. Traditional analyte separation methods (liquid extraction, Soxhlet extraction) require a lot of time and labour; moreover, there is a risk to lose the volatile analytes. In recent years, headspace gas chromatography has been used to determine volatile compounds. To date, traditional extraction solvents have been used in headspace gas chromatography. As a rule, such solvents are rather volatile; therefore, a large amount of solvent vapour enters into the headspace together with the analyte. Because of that, the determination sensitivity of the analyte is reduced, a huge solvent peak in the chromatogram can overlap with the peaks of the analyts. The sensitivity is also limited by the fact that the sample can’t be heated at a higher temperature than the solvent boiling point. In 2018 it was suggested to replace traditional headspace gas chromatographic solvents with non-volatile, eco-friendly, biodegradable, inexpensive, and easy to prepare deep eutectic solvents (DESs). Generally, deep eutectic solvents have low vapour pressure, a relatively wide liquid range, much lower melting point than that of any of their individual components. Those features make DESs very attractive as matrix media for application in headspace gas chromatography. Also, DESs are polar compounds, so they can be applied for microwave assisted extraction. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of applying deep eutectic solvents for microwave assisted extraction and headspace gas chromatographic determination of hexanal in fat-rich food. Hexanal is considered one of the most suitable indicators of lipid oxidation degree as it is the main secondary oxidation product of linoleic acid, which is one of the principal fatty acids of many edible oils. Eight hydrophilic and hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents have been synthesized, and the influence of the temperature and microwaves on their headspace gas chromatographic behaviour has been investigated. Using the most suitable DES, microwave assisted extraction conditions and headspace gas chromatographic conditions have been optimized for the determination of hexanal in potato chips. Under optimized conditions, the quality parameters of the prepared technique have been determined. The suggested technique was applied for the determination of hexanal in potato chips and other fat-rich food.Keywords: deep eutectic solvents, headspace gas chromatography, hexanal, microwave assisted extraction
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