Search results for: intensity rate
8695 Aerobic Capacity Outcomes after an Aerobic Exercise Program with an Upper Body Ergometer in Diabetic Amputees
Authors: Cecilia Estela Jiménez Pérez Campos
Introduction: Amputation comes from a series of complications in diabetic persons; at that point, of the illness evolution they have a deplored aerobic capacity. Adding to that, cardiac rehabs programs are almost base in several activities in a standing position. The cardiac rehabilitation programs have to improve for them, based on scientific advice. Objective: Evaluation of aerobic capacity of diabetic amputee after an aerobic exercise program, with upper limb ergometer. Methodology: The design is longitudinal, prospective, comparative and no randomized. We include all diabetic pelvic limb amputees, who assist to the cardiac rehabilitation. We made 2 groups: an experimental and a control group. The patients did the exercise testing, with the author’s design protocol. The experimental group completed 24 exercise sessions (3 sessions/week), with an intensity determined with the training heart rate. At the end of 8 weeks period, the subjects did a second exercise test. Results: Both groups were a homogeneous sample in age (experimental n=15) 57.6+12.5 years old and (control n=8) 52.5+8.0 years old, sex, occupation, education and economic features. (square chi) (p=0.28). The initial aerobic capacity was similar in both groups. And the aerobic capacity accomplishes after the program was statistically greater in the experimental group than in the control one. The final media VO2peak (mlO2/kg/min) was experimental (17.1+3.8), control (10.5+3.8), p=0.001. (t student). Conclusions: The aerobic capacity improved after an arm ergometer exercise program and the quality of life improve too, in diabetic amputees. So this program is fundamental in diabetic amputee’s rehabilitation management.Keywords: aerobic fitness, metabolic equivalent (MET), oxygen output, upper limb ergometer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2358694 Characteristics and Drivers of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from China’s Manufacturing Industry: A Threshold Analysis
Only a handful of literature have used to non-linear model to investigate the influencing factors of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in China’s manufacturing sectors. And there is a limit in investigating quantitatively and systematically the mechanism of correlation between economic development and GHG emissions considering inherent differences among manufacturing sub-sectors. Considering the sectorial characteristics, the manufacturing sub-sectors with various impacts of output on GHG emissions may be explained by different development modes in each manufacturing sub-sector, such as investment scale, technology level and the level of international competition. In order to assess the environmental impact associated with any specific level of economic development and explore the factors that affect GHG emissions in China’s manufacturing industry during the process of economic growth, using the threshold Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence and Technology (STIRPAT) model, this paper investigated the influence impacts of GHG emissions for China’s manufacturing sectors of different stages of economic development. A data set from 28 manufacturing sectors covering an 18-year period was used. Results demonstrate that output per capita and investment scale contribute to increasing GHG emissions while energy efficiency, R&D intensity and FDI mitigate GHG emissions. Results also verify the nonlinear effect of output per capita on emissions as: (1) the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis is supported when threshold point RMB 31.19 million is surpassed; (2) the driving strength of output per capita on GHG emissions becomes stronger as increasing investment scale; (3) the threshold exists for energy efficiency with the positive coefficient first and negative coefficient later; (4) the coefficient of output per capita on GHG emissions decreases as R&D intensity increases. (5) FDI shows a reduction in elasticity when the threshold is compassed.Keywords: China, GHG emissions, manufacturing industry, threshold STIRPAT model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4298693 Study and Analysis of the Factors Affecting Road Safety Using Decision Tree Algorithms
Authors: Naina Mahajan, Bikram Pal Kaur
The purpose of traffic accident analysis is to find the possible causes of an accident. Road accidents cannot be totally prevented but by suitable traffic engineering and management the accident rate can be reduced to a certain extent. This paper discusses the classification techniques C4.5 and ID3 using the WEKA Data mining tool. These techniques use on the NH (National highway) dataset. With the C4.5 and ID3 technique it gives best results and high accuracy with less computation time and error rate.Keywords: C4.5, ID3, NH(National highway), WEKA data mining tool
Procedia PDF Downloads 3398692 Optimal Sequential Scheduling of Imperfect Maintenance Last Policy for a System Subject to Shocks
Authors: Yen-Luan Chen
Maintenance has a great impact on the capacity of production and on the quality of the products, and therefore, it deserves continuous improvement. Maintenance procedure done before a failure is called preventive maintenance (PM). Sequential PM, which specifies that a system should be maintained at a sequence of intervals with unequal lengths, is one of the commonly used PM policies. This article proposes a generalized sequential PM policy for a system subject to shocks with imperfect maintenance and random working time. The shocks arrive according to a non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) with varied intensity function in each maintenance interval. As a shock occurs, the system suffers two types of failures with number-dependent probabilities: type-I (minor) failure, which is rectified by a minimal repair, and type-II (catastrophic) failure, which is removed by a corrective maintenance (CM). The imperfect maintenance is carried out to improve the system failure characteristic due to the altered shock process. The sequential preventive maintenance-last (PML) policy is defined as that the system is maintained before any CM occurs at a planned time Ti or at the completion of a working time in the i-th maintenance interval, whichever occurs last. At the N-th maintenance, the system is replaced rather than maintained. This article first takes up the sequential PML policy with random working time and imperfect maintenance in reliability engineering. The optimal preventive maintenance schedule that minimizes the mean cost rate of a replacement cycle is derived analytically and determined in terms of its existence and uniqueness. The proposed models provide a general framework for analyzing the maintenance policies in reliability theory.Keywords: optimization, preventive maintenance, random working time, minimal repair, replacement, reliability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2788691 Parametric Influence and Optimization of Wire-EDM on Oil Hardened Non-Shrinking Steel
Authors: Nixon Kuruvila, H. V. Ravindra
Wire-cut Electro Discharge Machining (WEDM) is a special form of conventional EDM process in which electrode is a continuously moving conductive wire. The present study aims at determining parametric influence and optimum process parameters of Wire-EDM using Taguchi’s Technique and Genetic algorithm. The variation of the performance parameters with machining parameters was mathematically modeled by Regression analysis method. The objective functions are Dimensional Accuracy (DA) and Material Removal Rate (MRR). Experiments were designed as per Taguchi’s L16 Orthogonal Array (OA) where in Pulse-on duration, Pulse-off duration, Current, Bed-speed and Flushing rate have been considered as the important input parameters. The matrix experiments were conducted for the material Oil Hardened Non Shrinking Steel (OHNS) having the thickness of 40 mm. The results of the study reveals that among the machining parameters it is preferable to go in for lower pulse-off duration for achieving over all good performance. Regarding MRR, OHNS is to be eroded with medium pulse-off duration and higher flush rate. Finally, the validation exercise performed with the optimum levels of the process parameters. The results confirm the efficiency of the approach employed for optimization of process parameters in this study.Keywords: dimensional accuracy (DA), regression analysis (RA), Taguchi method (TM), volumetric material removal rate (VMRR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4118690 Comparing the Apparent Error Rate of Gender Specifying from Human Skeletal Remains by Using Classification and Cluster Methods
Authors: Jularat Chumnaul
In forensic science, corpses from various homicides are different; there are both complete and incomplete, depending on causes of death or forms of homicide. For example, some corpses are cut into pieces, some are camouflaged by dumping into the river, some are buried, some are burned to destroy the evidence, and others. If the corpses are incomplete, it can lead to the difficulty of personally identifying because some tissues and bones are destroyed. To specify gender of the corpses from skeletal remains, the most precise method is DNA identification. However, this method is costly and takes longer so that other identification techniques are used instead. The first technique that is widely used is considering the features of bones. In general, an evidence from the corpses such as some pieces of bones, especially the skull and pelvis can be used to identify their gender. To use this technique, forensic scientists are required observation skills in order to classify the difference between male and female bones. Although this technique is uncomplicated, saving time and cost, and the forensic scientists can fairly accurately determine gender by using this technique (apparently an accuracy rate of 90% or more), the crucial disadvantage is there are only some positions of skeleton that can be used to specify gender such as supraorbital ridge, nuchal crest, temporal lobe, mandible, and chin. Therefore, the skeletal remains that will be used have to be complete. The other technique that is widely used for gender specifying in forensic science and archeology is skeletal measurements. The advantage of this method is it can be used in several positions in one piece of bones, and it can be used even if the bones are not complete. In this study, the classification and cluster analysis are applied to this technique, including the Kth Nearest Neighbor Classification, Classification Tree, Ward Linkage Cluster, K-mean Cluster, and Two Step Cluster. The data contains 507 particular individuals and 9 skeletal measurements (diameter measurements), and the performance of five methods are investigated by considering the apparent error rate (APER). The results from this study indicate that the Two Step Cluster and Kth Nearest Neighbor method seem to be suitable to specify gender from human skeletal remains because both yield small apparent error rate of 0.20% and 4.14%, respectively. On the other hand, the Classification Tree, Ward Linkage Cluster, and K-mean Cluster method are not appropriate since they yield large apparent error rate of 10.65%, 10.65%, and 16.37%, respectively. However, there are other ways to evaluate the performance of classification such as an estimate of the error rate using the holdout procedure or misclassification costs, and the difference methods can make the different conclusions.Keywords: skeletal measurements, classification, cluster, apparent error rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2528689 Main Control Factors of Fluid Loss in Drilling and Completion in Shunbei Oilfield by Unmanned Intervention Algorithm
Authors: Peng Zhang, Lihui Zheng, Xiangchun Wang, Xiaopan Kou
Quantitative research on the main control factors of lost circulation has few considerations and single data source. Using Unmanned Intervention Algorithm to find the main control factors of lost circulation adopts all measurable parameters. The degree of lost circulation is characterized by the loss rate as the objective function. Geological, engineering and fluid data are used as layers, and 27 factors such as wellhead coordinates and WOB are used as dimensions. Data classification is implemented to determine function independent variables. The mathematical equation of loss rate and 27 influencing factors is established by multiple regression method, and the undetermined coefficient method is used to solve the undetermined coefficient of the equation. Only three factors in t-test are greater than the test value 40, and the F-test value is 96.557%, indicating that the correlation of the model is good. The funnel viscosity, final shear force and drilling time were selected as the main control factors by elimination method, contribution rate method and functional method. The calculated values of the two wells used for verification differ from the actual values by -3.036m3/h and -2.374m3/h, with errors of 7.21% and 6.35%. The influence of engineering factors on the loss rate is greater than that of funnel viscosity and final shear force, and the influence of the three factors is less than that of geological factors. Quantitatively calculate the best combination of funnel viscosity, final shear force and drilling time. The minimum loss rate of lost circulation wells in Shunbei area is 10m3/h. It can be seen that man-made main control factors can only slow down the leakage, but cannot fundamentally eliminate it. This is more in line with the characteristics of karst caves and fractures in Shunbei fault solution oil and gas reservoir.Keywords: drilling and completion, drilling fluid, lost circulation, loss rate, main controlling factors, unmanned intervention algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 1138688 Thermodynamically Predicting the Impact of Temperature on the Performance of Drilling Bits as a Function of Time
Authors: Talal Al-Bazali
Air drilling has recently received increasing acceptance by the oil and gas industry due to its unique advantages. The main advantages of air drilling include the higher rate of penetration, less formation damage, lower risk of loss of circulation. However, these advantages cannot be fully realized if thermal effects in air drilling are not well understood and minimized. Due to its high frictional coefficient, low heat conductivity, and high compressibility, air can impact the temperature distribution of bit and thus affect its bit performances. Based on energy and mass balances, a transient thermal model that predicts bit temperature is presented along with numerical solutions in this paper. In addition, several important parameters that influence bit temperature distribution are analyzed. Simulation results show that the bit temperature increases with increasing weight on bit and rotary speed but decreases as the standpipe pressure and flow rate increase. These results can be used to optimize drilling operations and flow parameters for an improved bit performance as shown in this paper.Keywords: air drilling, rate of penetration, temperature, rotary speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 2868687 Effect of Citrulline on the Physical Performance of a Soccer-Specific Exercises in Adult Professional Soccer Players
Authors: Bezuglov Eduard, Ryland Morgans, Talibov Oleg, Kalinin Evgeny, Butovsky Mikhail, Savin Evgeny, Tzgoev Eduard, Artemii Lazarev, Bekzhan Pirmakhanov, Anthony C. Hackney
Currently, there is conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of citrulline for physical performance and post-exercise recovery. Moreover, the vast majority of studies conducted used physically active volunteers from the general population and heterogeneous exercise protocols that are not specific to most sports. A single use of citrulline, regardless of the dose, will not have a significant effect on physical performance and post-exercise recovery in highly trained soccer players performing sport-specific exercises at maximum intensity. To evaluate the effectiveness of a single administration of citrulline at various doses in adult male professional soccer players performing sport-specific exercise at maximum intensity. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study analyzing eighteen soccer players from the top divisions of several European countries. The participants were randomized into three groups of six and performed a field-based soccer-specific test at 115% VO2max for 18-minutes. Comparative analysis of the cardiovascular system, physical activity, subjective perceived fatigue and post-exercise recovery was conducted. There were no statistically significant differences in more than one analyzed parameter. A single application of 3 to 6 grams of citrulline does not affect physical performance, subjective feeling of fatigue and post-exercise recovery in adult professional soccer players who have performed a sport-specific test. Currently, citrulline cannot be recommended for use as a supplement in adult professional soccer playersKeywords: citrulline, performance, recovery, soccer players
Procedia PDF Downloads 998686 Unveiling Special Policy Regime, Judgment, and Taylor Rules in Tunisia
Authors: Yosra Baaziz, Moez Labidi
Given limited research on monetary policy rules in revolutionary countries, this paper challenges the suitability of the Taylor rule in characterizing the monetary policy behavior of the Tunisian Central Bank (BCT), especially in turbulent times. More specifically, we investigate the possibility that the Taylor rule should be formulated as a threshold process and examine the validity of such nonlinear Taylor rule as a robust rule for conducting monetary policy in Tunisia. Using quarterly data from 1998:Q4 to 2013:Q4 to analyze the movement of nominal short-term interest rate of the BCT, we find that the nonlinear Taylor rule improves its performance with the advent of special events providing thus a better description of the Tunisian interest rate setting. In particular, our results show that the adoption of an appropriate nonlinear approach leads to a reduction in the errors of 150 basis points in 1999 and 2009, and 60 basis points in 2011, relative to the linear approach.Keywords: policy rule, central bank, exchange rate, taylor rule, nonlinearity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2968685 Impact of Foreign Debt on Economic Growth of Nigeria
Authors: Gylych Jelilov
This paper investigates the effect of foreign debt on economic growth. Example has been chosen from Africa, Nigeria. By conducting cointegration test we have tested for a long-run relationship between. GDP = Real gross domestic product, EXTDEBT = External debt, INT = Interest rate, CAB = Current account balance, and EXCHR = Real exchange rate over the period 1990 to 2012. It was found out by the study that there is a negative but insignificant relationship between external debt and real gross domestic product. While a positive relationship exists between external debt and economic growth. Also, showed a negative and significant relationship between interest rate and real gross domestic product and there was a positive but insignificant relationship between current account balance and real gross domestic product.Keywords: economic growth, foreign debt, Nigeria, sustainable development, economic stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 4768684 Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course (DOTS) for TB Control Program: A Ten Years Experience
Authors: Solomon Sisay, Belete Mengistu, Woldargay Erku, Desalegne Woldeyohannes
Background: Tuberculosis is still the leading cause of illness in the world which accounted for 2.5% of the global burden of disease, and 25% of all avoidable deaths in developing countries. Objectives: The aim of study was to assess impact of DOTS strategy on tuberculosis case finding and treatment outcome in Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia from 2003 up to 2012 and from 2002 up to 2011, respectively. Methods: Health facility-based retrospective study was conducted. Data were collected and reported in quarterly basis using WHO reporting format for TB case finding and treatment outcome from all DOTS implementing health facilities in all zones of the region to Federal Ministry of Health. Results: A total of 10024 all form of TB cases had been registered between the periods from 2003 up to 2012. Of them, 4100 (40.9%) were smear-positive pulmonary TB, 3164 (31.6%) were smear-negative pulmonary TB and 2760 (27.5%) had extra-pulmonary TB. Case detection rate of smear-positive pulmonary TB had increased from 31.7% to 46.5% from the total TB cases and treatment success rate increased from 13% to 92% with average mean value of being 40.9% (SD= 0.1) and 55.7% (SD=0.28), respectively for the specified year periods. Moreover, the average values of treatment defaulter and treatment failure rates were 4.2% and 0.3%, respectively. Conclusion: It is possible to achieve the recommended WHO target which is 70% of CDR for smear-positive pulmonary TB, and 85% of TSR as it was already been fulfilled the targets for treatments more than 85% from 2009 up to 2011 in the region. However, it requires strong efforts to enhance case detection rate of 40.9% for smear-positive pulmonary TB through implementing alternative case finding strategies.Keywords: Gambella Region, case detection rate, directly observed treatment short-course, treatment success rate, tuberculosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3458683 Improved Performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Using N₂/NH₃ Pretreatment before Passivation
Authors: Yifan Gao
Owing to the high breakdown field, high saturation drift velocity, 2DEG with high density and mobility and so on, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs have been widely used in high-frequency and high-power applications. To acquire a higher power often means higher breakdown voltage and higher drain current. Surface leakage current is usually the key issue affecting the breakdown voltage and power performance. In this work, we have performed in-situ N₂/NH₃ pretreatment before the passivation to suppress the surface leakage and achieve device performance enhancement. The AlGaN/GaN HEMT used in this work was grown on a 3-in. SiC substrate, whose epitaxial structure consists of a 3.5-nm GaN cap layer, a 25-nm Al₀.₂₅GaN barrier layer, a 1-nm AlN layer, a 400-nm i-GaN layer and a buffer layer. In order to analyze the mechanism for the N-based pretreatment, the details are measured by XPS analysis. It is found that the intensity of Ga-O bonds is decreasing and the intensity of Ga-N bonds is increasing, which means with the supplement of N, the dangling bonds on the surface are indeed reduced with the forming of Ga-N bonds, reducing the surface states. The surface states have a great influence on the leakage current, and improved surface states represent a better off-state of the device. After the N-based pretreatment, the breakdown voltage of the device with Lₛ𝒹=6 μm increased from 93V to 170V, which increased by 82.8%. Moreover, for HEMTs with Lₛ𝒹 of 6-μm, we can obtain a peak output power (Pout) of 12.79W/mm, power added efficiency (PAE) of 49.84% and a linear gain of 20.2 dB at 60V under 3.6GHz. Comparing the result with the reference 6-μm device, Pout is increased by 16.5%. Meanwhile, PAE and the linear gain also have a slight increase. The experimental results indicate that using N₂/NH₃ pretreatment before passivation is an attractive approach to achieving power performance enhancement.Keywords: AlGaN/GaN HEMT, N-based pretreatment, output power, passivation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3178682 Analysis of Joint Source Channel LDPC Coding for Correlated Sources Transmission over Noisy Channels
Authors: Marwa Ben Abdessalem, Amin Zribi, Ammar Bouallègue
In this paper, a Joint Source Channel coding scheme based on LDPC codes is investigated. We consider two concatenated LDPC codes, one allows to compress a correlated source and the second to protect it against channel degradations. The original information can be reconstructed at the receiver by a joint decoder, where the source decoder and the channel decoder run in parallel by transferring extrinsic information. We investigate the performance of the JSC LDPC code in terms of Bit-Error Rate (BER) in the case of transmission over an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel, and for different source and channel rate parameters. We emphasize how JSC LDPC presents a performance tradeoff depending on the channel state and on the source correlation. We show that, the JSC LDPC is an efficient solution for a relatively low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) channel, especially with highly correlated sources. Finally, a source-channel rate optimization has to be applied to guarantee the best JSC LDPC system performance for a given channel.Keywords: AWGN channel, belief propagation, joint source channel coding, LDPC codes
Procedia PDF Downloads 3588681 ESS Control Strategy for Primary Frequency Response in Microgrid Considering Ramp Rate
Authors: Ho-Jun Jo, Wook-Won Kim, Yong-Sung Kim, Jin-O Kim
The application of ESS (Energy Storage Systems) in the future grids has been the solution of the microgrid. However, high investment costs necessitate accurate modeling and control strategy of ESS to justify its economic viability and further underutilization. Therefore, the reasonable control strategy for ESS which is subjected to generator and usage helps to curtail the cost of investment and operation costs. The rated frequency in power system is decreased when the load is increasing unexpectedly; hence the thermal power is operated at the capacity of only its 95% for the Governor Free (GF) to adjust the frequency as reserve (5%) in practice. The ESS can be utilized with governor at the same time for the frequency response due to characteristic of its fast response speed and moreover, the cost of ESS is declined rapidly to the reasonable price. This paper presents the ESS control strategy to extend usage of the ESS taken account into governor’s ramp rate and reduce the governor’s intervention as well. All results in this paper are simulated by MATLAB.Keywords: micro grid, energy storage systems, ramp rate, control strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3928680 Arsenite Remediation by Green Nano Zero Valent Iron
Authors: Ratthiwa Deewan, Visanu Tanboonchuy
The optimal conditions for green synthesis of zero-valent (G-NZVI) synthesis are investigated in this study using a Box Behnken design. The factors that were used in the study consisted of 3 factors as follows: the iron solution to mango peel extract ratio (1:1-1:3), feeding rate of mango peel extracts (1-5 mL/min), and agitation speed (300-30 rpm). The results showed that the optimization of conditions using the regression model was appropriate. The optimal conditions of the synthesis of G-NZVI for arsenate removal are the iron solution to mango peel extract ratio of 1:1, the feeding rate of mango peel extract at 5 mL/min, and the agitation speed rate of 300 rpm, which was able to arsenate removal of 100%.Keywords: Box Behnken design, arsenate removal, green nano zero valent iron, arsenic
Procedia PDF Downloads 338679 The Potential Effect of Sexual Selection on the Distal Genitalia Variability of the Simultaneously Hermaphroditic Land Snail Helix aperta in Bejaia/Kabylia/Algeria
Authors: Benbellil-Tafoughalt Saida, Tababouchet Meriem
Sexual selection is the most supported explanation for genital extravagance occurring in animals. In promiscuous species, population density, as well as climate conditions, may act on the sperm competition intensity, one of the most important mechanism of post-copulatory sexual selection. The present study is empirical testing of sexual selection's potential role on genitalia variation in the simultanuously hermaphroditic land snail Helixaperta (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora). The purpose was to detect the patterns as well as the origin of the distal genitalia variability and especially to test the potential effect of sexual selection. The study was performed on four populations, H. aperta, different in habitat humidity regimes and presenting variable densities, which were mostly low. The organs of interest were those involved in spermatophore production, reception, and manipulation. We examined whether the evolution of those organs is connected to sperm competition intensity which is traduced by both population density and microclimate humidity. We also tested the hypothesis that those organs evolve in response to shell size. The results revealed remarkable differences in both snails’ size and organs lengths between populations. In most cases, the length of genitalia correlated positively to snails’ body size. Interestingly, snails from the more humid microclimate presented the highest mean weight and shell dimensions comparing to those from the less humid microclimate. However, we failed to establish any relation between snail densities and any of the measured genitalia traits.Keywords: fertilization pouch, helix aperta, land snails, reproduction, sperm storage, spermatheca
Procedia PDF Downloads 1928678 Exploring the Optimum Temperature and Diet for Growth and Gastric Emptying Time of Juvenile Malabar Blood Snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus)
Authors: Sabuj Kanti Mazumder, Mazlan Abd Ghaffar, Simon Kumar Das
In this study, we analyzed the effects of water temperature and diet on the growth properties and gastric emptying period of juvenile Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus) over a 30day experimental period. Fish were collected from a local hatchery of Pulau Ketam, Selangor, Malaysia and immediately transferred to flow-through sea water system and subjected to four different temperatures (22, 26, 30, and 34 °C) and two diets (formulated pellet and shrimp). Body weight gain, food consumption, food conversion ratio, food consumption efficiency, specific growth rate, relative growth rate, daily growth rate, and gastric emptying period were significantly influenced by temperature and diet (P<0.05). The best food conversion ratio was with the shrimp group recorded at 30°C (1.33±0.08). The highest growth rate was observed in the shrimp group at 30°C (3.97±0.57% day-1), and the lowest was observed in the formulated pellet group at 22°C (1.63±0.29% day-1). No significant difference was observed between the groups subjected to temperatures of 26 and 30°C. Similarly, the lowest gastric emptying period was detected in the shrimp group at 30°C (16h), where the proportion of meal residues in the stomach decreased from 100% to less than 8% after 12h of starvation. A significantly longer gastric emptying period was observed in the formulated pellet group at 22°C (28h). Overall, the best results were observed on shrimp group subjected to a 30°C temperature. The data obtained from this study suggest that a shrimp diet fed on L. malabaricus at 30°C will optimize the commercial production of this commercially important fish species.Keywords: aquaculture, diet, digestion rate, growth, Malabar blood snapper
Procedia PDF Downloads 2868677 Preparation of Melt Electrospun Polylactic Acid Nanofibers with Optimum Conditions
Authors: Amir Doustgani
Melt electrospinning is a safe and simple technique for the production of micro and nanofibers which can be an alternative to conventional solvent electrospinning. The effects of various melt-electrospinning parameters, including molecular weight, electric field strength, flow rate and temperature on the morphology and fiber diameter of polylactic acid were studied. It was shown that molecular weight was the predominant factor in determining the obtainable fiber diameter of the collected fibers. An orthogonal design was used to examine process parameters. Results showed that molecular weight is the most effective parameter on the average fiber diameter of melt electrospun PLA nanofibers and the flow rate has the less important impact. Mean fiber diameter increased by increasing MW and flow rate, but decreased by increasing electric field strength and temperature. MFD of optimized fibers was below 100 nm and the result of software was in good agreement with the experimental condition.Keywords: fiber formation, processing, spinning, melt blowing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4398676 Potential of Grass Silage as a Source of Nutrients in Poultry Production
Authors: Hamim Abbas, Jean Luc-Hornick, Isabelle Dufrasne
Feed costs constitute over 60% of total expenses in organic layer poultry production, with feed protein supply being a significant concern. Alfalfa-based dehydrated silage pellets are mainly diets composed of leaves (ABSP), which are non-conventional protein sources that could enhance profits by reducing feed costs and ensuring consistent availability. This experiment studied the effects on the performances of Novogen Brown light layers of a commercial control diet replaced with 10% ABSP. After a 21-day trial, this diet (ABSP) has improved the laying rate, yolk color of eggs, feed conversion rate, ω−3 (PUFAs) and ω−6/ω−3 ratio (P<0.05) while the body weight and egg weight were degraded with the substitution of the ABSP in the diet(P>0.05). The laying rate showed a tendency to increase (P=0.06). These findings suggest that ABSP can replace at least 10% of the feed in organic layer diets without compromising production parameters negatively.Keywords: alfalfa, silage, pellet, organic layers
Procedia PDF Downloads 508675 Comparison of hCG and GnRH in Enhancing Pregnancy Rate of Non-Lactating Cycling Brood Mares
Authors: Sanan Raza, Muhammad Younus, Ahmad Yar Qamar, Tariq Abbas, Hamayun Khan, Amanullah Khan
Mares are considered to be seasonally polyestrous animals. The breeding season of mare ranges from March to May in Pakistan. However, fertility problems of mares have been trifling the horse breeders and stud owners since long, and it comes out that the fertility status of mares in Pakistan is relatively lower than the world average. The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of hCG and GnRH in improving pregnancy rate of mares in a transition period of month March and April. A total of n=66 mares showing normal estrus cycles with age ranging 5-12 y, weighing between 400-600 kg, BCS 6 ± 0.5 (1-9) and lactation varied from first to 5th were included in the experiment. These mares were administered PGF2α (75 μg; Dalmazine®, Fatro, Italy; 1 ml; i.m.) and divided into 3 groups. Mares of group 1 (n=22) were administered GnRH (100 μg; Dalmarelin®, Fatro, Italy; 4ml; im) while group 2 (n=22) mares were given hCG (5000 IU; IVF-C, LG Pharma; 1ml; iv). Likewise, mares of group 3 (n=22) were injected normal saline. Each treatment was given, when follicle attained the size of 35mm, keeping in view, the maturity of ovulating follicle at 35mm size and response to each treatment after routine ultrasound examination. All the mares of three groups were bred at 12 and 36 hours of treatment when the follicle reached the size of 35mm measured by ultrasound examination. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography on day 18th and 42nd mating. On day 18th, pregnancy rate was 81.8% for hCG followed by 54.5% for GnRH and 45.5% for control. On day 42nd, pregnancy rate was (47.4%) for hCG which is significantly high (p<0.05) followed by GnRH (31.6%) and control (21.1%). Additionally the pregnancy loss was (25%, 20% respectively) in control and GnRH treated groups; whereas, hCG treated group showed no pregnancy loss (0.00%). Since no embryonic loss has been observed with hCG treatment during current study. Also hCG treated mares were 7.87 times more likely to conceive than controls. There were two times more chances of pregnancy in hCG treated mares than GnRH treated mares Therefore, it is concluded that the use of hCG in breeding season can improve pregnancy rate at a significant level when compared with GnRH hormone.Keywords: mares, ovulation, hCG, pregnancy rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 6238674 Dissociation of CDS from CVA Valuation Under Notation Changes
Authors: R. Henry, J-B. Paulin, St. Fauchille, Ph. Delord, K. Benkirane, A. Brunel
In this paper, the CVA computation of interest rate swap is presented based on its rating. Rating and probability default given by Moody’s Investors Service are used to calculate our CVA for a specific swap with different maturities. With this computation, the influence of rating variation can be shown on CVA. The application is made to the analysis of Greek CDS variation during the period of Greek crisis between 2008 and 2011. The main point is the determination of correlation between the fluctuation of Greek CDS cumulative value and the variation of swap CVA due to change of ratingKeywords: CDS, computation, CVA, Greek crisis, interest rate swap, maturity, rating, swap
Procedia PDF Downloads 3118673 Evaluation of Railway Network and Service Performance Based on Transportation Sustainability in DKI Jakarta
Authors: Nur Bella Octoria Bella, Ayomi Dita Rarasati
DKI Jakarta is Indonesia's capital city with the 10th highest congestion rate in the world based on the 2019 traffic index. Other than that based on World Air Quality Report in 2019 showed DKI Jakarta's air pollutant concentrate 49.4 µg and the 5th highest air pollutant in the world. In the urban city nowadays, the mobility rate is high enough and the efficiency for sustainability assessment in transport infrastructure development is needed. This efficiency is the important key for sustainable infrastructure development. DKI Jakarta is nowadays in the process of constructing the railway infrastructure to support the transportation system. The problems appearing are the railway infrastructure networks and the service in DKI Jakarta already planned based on sustainability factors or not. Therefore, the aim of this research is to make the evaluation of railways infrastructure networks performance and services in DKI Jakarta regards on the railway sustainability key factors. Further, this evaluation will be used to make the railway sustainability assessment framework and to offer some of the alternative solutions to improve railway transportation sustainability in DKI Jakarta. Firstly a very detailed literature review of papers that have focused on railway sustainability factors and their improvements of railway sustainability, published in the scientific journal in the period 2011 until 2021. Regarding the sustainability factors from the literature review, further, it is used to assess the current condition of railway infrastructure in DKI Jakarta. The evaluation will be using a Likert rate questionnaire and directed to the transportation railway expert and the passenger. Furthermore, the mapping and evaluation rate based on the sustainability factors will be compared to the effect factors using the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). This research offers the network's performance and service rate impact on the sustainability aspect and the passenger willingness for using the rail public transportation in DKI Jakarta.Keywords: transportation sustainability, railway transportation, sustainability, DKI Jakarta
Procedia PDF Downloads 1658672 Diabatic Flow of Sub-Cooled R-600a Inside a Capillary Tube: Concentric Configuration
Authors: Ravi Kumar, Santhosh Kumar Dubba
This paper presents an experimental study of a diabatic flow of R-600a through a concentric configured capillary tube suction line heat exchanger. The details of experimental facility for testing the diabatic capillary tube with different inlet sub-cooling degree and pressure are discussed. The effect of coil diameter, capillary length, capillary tube diameter, sub-cooling degree and inlet pressure on mass flow rate are presented. The degree of sub-cooling at the inlet of capillary tube is varied from 3-20°C. The refrigerant mass flow rate is scattered up with rising of pressure. A semi-empirical correlation to predict the mass flow rate of R-600a flowing through a diabatic capillary tube is proposed for sub-cooled inlet conditions. The proposed correlation predicts measured data with an error band of ±20 percent.Keywords: diabatic, capillary tube, concentric, R-600a
Procedia PDF Downloads 2058671 Biosorption of Metal Ions from Sarcheshmeh Acid Mine Drainage by Immobilized Bacillus thuringiensis in a Fixed-Bed Column
Authors: V. Khosravi, F. D. Ardejani, A. Aryafar, M. Sedighi
Heavy metals have a damaging impact for the environment, animals and humans due to their extreme toxicity and removing them from wastewaters is a very important and interesting task in the field of water pollution control. Biosorption is a relatively new method for treatment of wastewaters and recovery of heavy metals. In this study, a continuous fixed bed study was carried out by using Bacillus thuringiensis as a biosorbent for the removal of Cu and Mn ions from Sarcheshmeh Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The effect of operating parameters such as flow rate and bed height on the sorption characteristics of B. thuringiensis was investigated at pH 6.0 for each metal ion. The experimental results showed that the breakthrough time decreased with increasing flow rate and decreasing bed height. The data also indicated that the equilibrium uptake of both metals increased with decreasing flow rate and increasing bed height. BDST, Thomas, and Yoon–Nelson models were applied to experimental data to predict the breakthrough curves. All models were found suitable for describing the whole dynamic behavior of the column with respect to flow rate and bed height. In order to regenerate the adsorbent, an elution step was carried out with 1 M HCl and five adsorption-desorption cycles were carried out in continuous manner.Keywords: acid mine drainage, bacillus thuringiensis, biosorption, cu and mn ions, fixed bed
Procedia PDF Downloads 4048670 Charging-Vacuum Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detection Technology in the Application of Space Products Leak Testing and Error Control
Authors: Jijun Shi, Lichen Sun, Jianchao Zhao, Lizhi Sun, Enjun Liu, Chongwu Guo
Because of the consistency of pressure direction, more short cycle, and high sensitivity, Charging-Vacuum helium mass spectrometer leak testing technology is the most popular leak testing technology for the seal testing of the spacecraft parts, especially the small and medium size ones. Usually, auxiliary pump was used, and the minimum detectable leak rate could reach 5E-9Pa•m3/s, even better on certain occasions. Relative error is more important when evaluating the results. How to choose the reference leak, the background level of helium, and record formats would affect the leak rate tested. In the linearity range of leak testing system, it would reduce 10% relative error if the reference leak with larger leak rate was used, and the relative error would reduce obviously if the background of helium was low efficiently, the record format of decimal was used, and the more stable data were recorded.Keywords: leak testing, spacecraft parts, relative error, error control
Procedia PDF Downloads 4568669 Effect of High Intensity Ultrasonic Treatment on the Micro Structure, Corrosion and Mechanical Behavior of ac4c Aluminium Alloy
Authors: A.Farrag Farrag, A. M. El-Aziz Abdel Aziz, W. Khlifa Khlifa
Ultrasonic treatment is a promising process nowadays in the engineering field due to its high efficiency and it is a low-cost process. It enhances mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and homogeneity of the microstructure. In this study, the effect of ultrasonic treatment and several casting conditions on microstructure, hardness and corrosion behavior of AC4C aluminum alloy was examined. Various ultrasonic treatments of the AC4C alloys were carried out to prepare billets for thixocasting process. Treatment temperatures varied from about 630oC and cooled down to under ultrasonic field. Treatment time was about 90s. A 600-watts ultrasonic system with 19.5 kHz and intensity of 170 W/cm2 was used. Billets were reheated to semisolid state and held for 5 minutes at 582 oC and temperatures (soaking) using high-frequency induction system, then thixocasted using a die casting machine. Microstructures of the thixocast parts were studied using optical and SEM microscopes. On the other hand, two samples were conventionally cast and poured at 634 oC and 750 oC. The microstructure showed a globular none dendritic grains for AC4C with the application of UST at 630-582 oC, Less dendritic grains when the sample was conventionally cast without the application of UST and poured at 624 oC and a fully dendritic microstructure When the sample was cast and poured at 750 oC without UST .The ultrasonic treatment during solidification proved that it has a positive influence on the microstructure as it produced the finest and globular grains thus it is expected to increase the mechanical properties of the alloy. Higher values of corrosion resistance and hardness were recorded for the ultrasound-treated sample in comparison to cast one.Keywords: ultrasonic treatment, aluminum alloys, corrosion behaviour, mechanical behaviour, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3548668 Math Word Problems: Context and Achievement
Authors: Irena Smetackova
The important part of school mathematics are word problems which represent the connection between school knowledge and life reality. To find the reasons why students consider word problems to be difficult, it is necessary to take into consideration the motivational settings, besides mathematical knowledge and reading skills. Our goal is to identify whether the familiar or unfamiliar context of math word problem influences solving success rate and if so, whether the reasons are motivational or cognitive. For this purpose, we conducted three steps study in group of fifty pupils 9-10 years old. In the first step, we asked pupils to create ‘the best’ word problems for entered numerical formula. The set of 19 word problems with different contexts were selected. In the second step, pupils were asked to evaluate (without solving) how they like each item and how easy it is for them. The 6 word problems with low preference and low estimated success rate were selected and combined with other 6 problems with high preference and success rate. In the third step, the same pupils were asked to solve the word problems. The analysis showed that pupils attitudes and solving toward word problems varied by the context. The strong gender patterns both in preferred contexts and in estimated success rates were identified however the real success rate did not differ so strongly. The success gap between word problems with and without preferred contexts were stronger than the gap between problems with and without real experience with the context. The hypothesis that motivational factors are more important than cognitive factors was confirmed.Keywords: mathematics, context of reality, motivation, cognition, word problems
Procedia PDF Downloads 1998667 Comparisons of Individual and Group Replacement Policies for a Series Connection System with Two Machines
Authors: Wen Liang Chang, Mei Wei Wang, Ruey Huei Yeh
This paper studies the comparisons of individual and group replacement policies for a series connection system with two machines. Suppose that manufacturer’s production system is a series connection system which is combined by two machines. For two machines, when machines fail within the operating time, minimal repair is performed for machines by the manufacturer. The manufacturer plans to a preventive replacement for machines at a pre-specified time to maintain system normal operation. Under these maintenance policies, the maintenance cost rate models of individual and group replacement for a series connection system with two machines is derived and further, optimal preventive replacement time is obtained such that the expected total maintenance cost rate is minimized. Finally, some numerical examples are given to illustrate the influences of individual and group replacement policies to the maintenance cost rate.Keywords: individual replacement, group replacement, replacement time, two machines, series connection system
Procedia PDF Downloads 4898666 A Survey on Frequency of Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis in Horses in Ahvaz South-West of Iran
Authors: Ali R. Ghadrdan-Mashhadi, Hosein Hamidi-Nejat, Parisa Alizadehnia
Cryptosporidia and Giardia are protozoan parasites that have worldwide distribution and infect a variety of animals. Although, the infection to these parasites rarely caused to illness in horses, but some veterinarian recorded the clinical signs (such as diarrhea and malabsorbtion) especially in foals. In present study, the frequency of Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis in horses in Ahvaz investigated. The feces samples were taken from 100 horses that keep in seven horse breeding clubs, during spring and summer. The ages of horses were from 1 month to 27 years old. Fecal samples were stained by modified Ziehl-Neelsen and Tri-chrome methods. Results were analyzed with Chi-square Test and Fisher’s exact test. The results showed that the rate of infection to Cryptosporidium and Giardia were 18% and 40%, respectively. There weren't significant differences between infection to Cryptosporidium and Giardia with sex, age and fecal constancy. Although, the rate of infection to Cryptosporidium in studied horses is very similar to other studies but it seems, the rate of infection to Giardia is high in compare to other studies were done in the other countries.Keywords: Ahvaz, cryptosporidium, giardia, horse
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