Search results for: event sequence
1468 Social Implementation of Information Sharing Road Safety Measure in South-East Asia
Authors: Hiroki Kikuchi, Atsushi Fukuda, Hirokazu Akahane, Satoru Kobayakawa, Tuenjai Fukuda, Takeru Miyokawa
According to WHO reports, fatalities by road traffic accidents in many countries of South-East Asia region especially Thailand and Malaysia are increasing year by year. In order to overcome these serious problems, both governments are focusing on road safety measures. In response, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have begun active support based on the experiences to reduce the number of fatalities in road accidents in Japan in the past. However, even if the successful road safety measures in Japan is adopted in South-East Asian countries, it is not sure whether it will work well or not. So, it is necessary to clarify the issues and systematize the process for the implementation of road safety measures in South-East Asia. On the basis of the above, this study examined the applicability of "information sharing traffic safety measure" which is one of the successful road safety measures in Japan to the social implementation of road safety measures in South-East Asian countries. The "Information sharing traffic safety measure" is carried out traffic safety measures by stakeholders such as residents, administration, and experts jointly. In this study, we extracted the issues of implementation of road safety measures under local context firstly. This is clarifying the particular issues with its implementation in South-East Asian cities. Secondly, we considered how to implement road safety measures for solving particular issues based on the method of "information sharing traffic safety measure". In the implementation method, the location of the occurrence of a dangerous event was extracted based on the “HIYARI-HATTO” data which were obtained from the residents. This is because it is considered that the implementation of the information sharing traffic safety measure focusing on the location where the dangerous event occurs leads to the reduction of traffic accidents. Also, the target locations for the implementation of measures differ for each city. In Penang, we targeted the intersections in the downtown, while in Suphan Buri, we targeted mainly traffic control on the intercity highway. Finally, we proposed a method for implementing traffic safety measures. For Penang, we proposed a measure to improve the signal phase and showed the effect of the measure on the micro traffic simulation. For Suphan Buri, we proposed the suitable measures for the danger points extracted by collecting the “HIYARI-HATTO” data of residents to the administration. In conclusion, in order to successfully implement the road safety measure based on the "information sharing traffic safety measure", the process for social implementation of the road safety measures should be consistent and carried out repeatedly. In particular, by clarifying specific issues based on local context in South-East Asian countries, the stakeholders, not only such as government sectors but also local citizens can share information regarding road safety and select appropriate countermeasures. Finally, we could propose this approach to the administration that had the authority.Keywords: information sharing road safety measure, social implementation, South-East Asia, HIYARI-HATTO
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501467 Modeling of Dam Break Flood Wave Propagation Using HEC-RAS 2D and GIS: A Case Study of Taksebt Dam in Algeria
Authors: Abdelghani Leghouchi
This study aims to predict the consequences associated with the propagation of the flood wave that may occur after the failure of the Taksebt dam and suggest an efficient emergency action plan (EAP) for mitigation purposes. To achieve the objectives of this study, the hydrodynamic model HEC-RAS 2D was used for the flood routing of the dam break wave, which gave an estimate of the hydraulic characteristics downstream the Taksebt dam. Geospatial analysis of the simulation results conducted in a Geographic information system (GIS) environment showed that many residential areas are considered to be in danger in case of the Taksebt dam break event. Based on the obtained results, an emergency actions plan was suggested to moderate the causalities in the downstream area at risk. Overall, the present study showed that the integration of 2D hydraulic modeling and GIS provides great capabilities in providing realistic view of the dam break wave propagation that enhances assessing the associated risks and proposing appropriate mitigation measures.Keywords: taksebt dam, dam break, wave propagation time, HEC-RAS 2D
Procedia PDF Downloads 1121466 Passive Attenuation with Multiple Resonator Rings for Musical Instruments Equalization
Authors: Lorenzo Bonoldi, Gianluca Memoli, Abdelhalim Azbaid El Ouahabi
In this paper, a series of ring-shaped attenuators utilizing Helmholtz and quarter wavelength resonators in variable, fixed, and combined configurations have been manufactured using a 3D printer. We illustrate possible uses by incorporating such devices into musical instruments (e.g. in acoustic guitar sound holes) and audio speakers with a view to controlling such devices tonal emissions without electronic equalization systems. Numerical investigations into the transmission loss values of these ring-shaped attenuators using finite element method simulations (COMSOL Multiphysics) have been presented in the frequency range of 100– 1000 Hz. We compare such results for each attenuator model with experimental measurements using different driving sources such as white noise, a maximum-length sequence (MLS), square and sine sweep pulses, and point scans in the frequency domain. Finally, we present a preliminary discussion on the comparison of numerical and experimental results.Keywords: equaliser, metamaterials, musical, instruments
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751465 A Deep Learning Based Integrated Model For Spatial Flood Prediction
Authors: Vinayaka Gude Divya Sampath
The research introduces an integrated prediction model to assess the susceptibility of roads in a future flooding event. The model consists of deep learning algorithm for forecasting gauge height data and Flood Inundation Mapper (FIM) for spatial flooding. An optimal architecture for Long short-term memory network (LSTM) was identified for the gauge located on Tangipahoa River at Robert, LA. Dropout was applied to the model to evaluate the uncertainty associated with the predictions. The estimates are then used along with FIM to identify the spatial flooding. Further geoprocessing in ArcGIS provides the susceptibility values for different roads. The model was validated based on the devastating flood of August 2016. The paper discusses the challenges for generalization the methodology for other locations and also for various types of flooding. The developed model can be used by the transportation department and other emergency response organizations for effective disaster management.Keywords: deep learning, disaster management, flood prediction, urban flooding
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491464 Assessing Social Vulnerability and Policy Adaption Application Responses Based on Landslide Risk Map
Authors: Z. A. Ahmad, R. C. Omar, I. Z. Baharuddin, R. Roslan
Assessments of social vulnerability, carried out holistically, can provide an important guide to the planning process and to decisions on resource allocation at various levels, and can help to raise public awareness of geo-hazard risks. The assessments can help to provide answers for basic questions such as the human vulnerability at the geo-hazard prone or disaster areas causing health damage, economic loss, loss of natural heritage and vulnerability impact of extreme natural hazard event. To overcome these issues, integrated framework for assessing the increasing human vulnerability to environmental changes caused by geo-hazards will be introduced using an indicator from landslide risk map that is related to agent based modeling platform. The indicators represent the underlying factors, which influence a community’s ability to deal with and recover from the damage associated with geo-hazards. Scope of this paper is particularly limited to landslides.Keywords: social, vulnerability, geo-hazard, methodology, indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 2861463 From Victim to Ethical Agent: Oscar Wilde's The Ballad of Reading Gaol as Post-Traumatic Writing
Authors: Mona Salah El-Din Hassanein
Faced with a sudden, unexpected, and overwhelming event, the individual's normal cognitive processing may cease to function, trapping the psyche in "speechless terror", while images, feelings and sensations are experienced with emotional intensity. Unable to master such situation, the individual becomes a trauma victim who will be susceptible to traumatic recollections like intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and repetitive re-living of the primal event in a way that blurs the distinction between past and present, and forecloses the future. Trauma is timeless, repetitious, and contagious; a trauma observer could fall prey to "secondary victimhood". Central to the process of healing the psychic wounds in the aftermath of trauma is verbalizing the traumatic experience (i.e., putting it into words) – an act which provides a chance for assimilation, testimony, and reevaluation. In light of this paradigm, this paper proposes a reading of Oscar Wilde's The Ballad of Reading Gaol, written shortly after his release from prison, as a post-traumatic text which traces the disruptive effects of the traumatic experience of Wilde's imprisonment for homosexual offences and the ensuing reversal of fortune he endured. Post-traumatic writing demonstrates the process of "working through" a trauma which may lead to the possibility of ethical agency in the form of a "survivor mission". This paper draws on fundamental concepts and key insights in literary trauma theory which is characterized by interdisciplinarity, combining the perspectives of different fields like critical theory, psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, history, and social studies. Of particular relevance to this paper are the concepts of "vicarious traumatization" and "survivor mission", as The Ballad of Reading Gaol was written in response to Wilde's own prison trauma and the indirect traumatization he experienced as a result of witnessing the execution of a fellow prisoner whose story forms the narrative base of the poem. The Ballad displays Wilde's sense of mission which leads him to recognize the social as well as ethical implications of personal tragedy. Through a close textual analysis of The Ballad of Reading Gaol within the framework of literary trauma theory, the paper aims to: (a) demonstrate how the poem's thematic concerns, structure and rhetorical figures reflect the structure of trauma; (b) highlight Wilde's attempts to come to terms with the effects of the cataclysmic experience which transformed him into a social outcast; and (c) show how Wilde manages to transcend the victim status and assumes the role of ethical agent to voice a critique of the Victorian penal system and the standards of morality underlying the cruelties practiced against wrong doers and to solicit social action.Keywords: ballad of reading of reading, post-traumatic writing, trauma theory, Wilde
Procedia PDF Downloads 1871462 Taxonomic Classification for Living Organisms Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors: Saed Khawaldeh, Mohamed Elsharnouby, Alaa Eddin Alchalabi, Usama Pervaiz, Tajwar Aleef, Vu Hoang Minh
Taxonomic classification has a wide-range of applications such as finding out more about the evolutionary history of organisms that can be done by making a comparison between species living now and species that lived in the past. This comparison can be made using different kinds of extracted species’ data which include DNA sequences. Compared to the estimated number of the organisms that nature harbours, humanity does not have a thorough comprehension of which specific species they all belong to, in spite of the significant development of science and scientific knowledge over many years. One of the methods that can be applied to extract information out of the study of organisms in this regard is to use the DNA sequence of a living organism as a marker, thus making it available to classify it into a taxonomy. The classification of living organisms can be done in many machine learning techniques including Neural Networks (NNs). In this study, DNA sequences classification is performed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) which is a special type of NNs.Keywords: deep networks, convolutional neural networks, taxonomic classification, DNA sequences classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 4441461 Working Memory and Audio-Motor Synchronization in Children with Different Degrees of Central Nervous System's Lesions
Authors: Anastasia V. Kovaleva, Alena A. Ryabova, Vladimir N. Kasatkin
Background: The most simple form of entrainment to a sensory (typically auditory) rhythmic stimulus involves perceiving and synchronizing movements with an isochronous beat with one level of periodicity, such as that produced by a metronome. Children with pediatric cancer usually treated with chemo- and radiotherapy. Because of such treatment, psychologists and health professionals declare cognitive and motor abilities decline in cancer patients. The purpose of our study was to measure working memory characteristics with association with audio-motor synchronization tasks, also involved some memory resources, in children with different degrees of central nervous system lesions: posterior fossa tumors, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and healthy controls. Methods: Our sample consisted of three groups of children: children treated for posterior fossa tumors (PFT-group, n=42, mean age 12.23), children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL-group, n=11, mean age 11.57) and neurologically healthy children (control group, n=36, mean age 11.67). Participants were tested for working memory characteristics with Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). Pattern recognition memory (PRM) and spatial working memory (SWM) tests were applied. Outcome measures of PRM test include the number and percentage of correct trials and latency (speed of participant’s response), and measures of SWM include errors, strategy, and latency. In the synchronization tests, the instruction was to tap out a regular beat (40, 60, 90 and 120 beats per minute) in synchrony with the rhythmic sequences that were played. This meant that for the sequences with an isochronous beat, participants were required to tap into every auditory event. Variations of inter-tap-intervals and deviations of children’s taps from the metronome were assessed. Results: Analysis of variance revealed the significant effect of group (ALL, PFT and control) on such parameters as short-term PRM, SWM strategy and errors. Healthy controls demonstrated more correctly retained elements, better working memory strategy, compared to cancer patients. Interestingly that ALL patients chose the bad strategy, but committed significantly less errors in SWM test then PFT and controls did. As to rhythmic ability, significant associations of working memory were found out only with 40 bpm rhythm: the less variable were inter-tap-intervals of the child, the more elements in memory he/she could retain. The ability to audio-motor synchronization may be related to working memory processes mediated by the prefrontal cortex whereby each sensory event is actively retrieved and monitored during rhythmic sequencing. Conclusion: Our results suggest that working memory, tested with appropriate cognitive methods, is associated with the ability to synchronize movements with rhythmic sounds, especially in sub-second intervals (40 per minute).Keywords: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), audio-motor synchronization, posterior fossa tumor, working memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 3001460 Gamification to Enhance Learning Using Gagne's Learning Model
Authors: M. L. McLain, R. Sreelakshmi, Abhishek, Rajeshwaran, Bhavani Rao, Kamal Bijlani, R. Jayakrishnan
Technology enhanced learning has brought drastic changes in the field of education in the modern world. In this study we explore a novel way to improve how high school students learn by building a serious game that uses a pedagogical model developed by Robert Gagne. By integrating serious game with principles of Gagne’s learning model can provide engaging and meaningful instructions to students. The game developed in this study is a waste sorting game that can easily and succinctly demonstrate the principles of this learning model. All the tasks in the game that the player has to accomplish correspond to Gagne’s “Nine Events of Learning”. A quiz is incorporated in order to get data on the progress made by the player in understanding the concept and as well as to assess them. Additionally, an experimental study was conducted which demonstrates that game based learning using Gagne’s event is more effective than a traditional classroom setup.Keywords: game based learning, sorting and recycling of waste, Gagne’s learning model, e-Learning, technology enhanced learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 6321459 Incorporating Information Gain in Regular Expressions Based Classifiers
Authors: Rosa L. Figueroa, Christopher A. Flores, Qing Zeng-Treitler
A regular expression consists of sequence characters which allow describing a text path. Usually, in clinical research, regular expressions are manually created by programmers together with domain experts. Lately, there have been several efforts to investigate how to generate them automatically. This article presents a text classification algorithm based on regexes. The algorithm named REX was designed, and then, implemented as a simplified method to create regexes to classify Spanish text automatically. In order to classify ambiguous cases, such as, when multiple labels are assigned to a testing example, REX includes an information gain method Two sets of data were used to evaluate the algorithm’s effectiveness in clinical text classification tasks. The results indicate that the regular expression based classifier proposed in this work performs statically better regarding accuracy and F-measure than Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes for both datasets.Keywords: information gain, regular expressions, smith-waterman algorithm, text classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211458 Modeling Football Penalty Shootouts: How Improving Individual Performance Affects Team Performance and the Fairness of the ABAB Sequence
Authors: Pablo Enrique Sartor Del Giudice
Penalty shootouts often decide the outcome of important soccer matches. Although usually referred to as ”lotteries”, there is evidence that some national teams and clubs consistently perform better than others. The outcomes are therefore not explained just by mere luck, and therefore there are ways to improve the average performance of players, naturally at the expense of some sort of effort. In this article we study the payoff of player performance improvements in terms of the performance of the team as a whole. To do so we develop an analytical model with static individual performances, as well as Monte Carlo models that take into account the known influence of partial score and round number on individual performances. We find that within a range of usual values, the team performance improves above 70% faster than individual performances do. Using these models, we also estimate that the new ABBA penalty shootout ordering under test reduces almost all the known bias in favor of the first-shooting team under the current ABAB system.Keywords: football, penalty shootouts, Montecarlo simulation, ABBA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631457 High Impact Biosratigraphic Study Of Amama-1 and Bara-1 Wells In Parts of Anambra Basin
Authors: J. O. Njoku, G. C. Soronnadi-ononiwu, E. J. Acrra, C. C. Agoha, T. C. Anyawu
The High Impact Biostratigrapgic Study of parts of Anambra basin was carried out using samples from two exploration wells (Amama-1 and Bara-1), Amama-1 (219M–1829M) and Bara-1 (317M-1594M). Palynological and Paleontological analyses were carried out on 100 ditch cutting samples. The faunal and floral succession were of terrestrial and marine origin as described and logged. The well penetrated four stratigraphic units in Anambra Basin (the Nkporo, Mamu, Ajali and Nsukka) the wells yielded well preserved formanifera and palynormorphs. The well yielded 53 species of foram and 69 species of palynomorphs, with 12 genera Bara-1 (25 Species of foram and 101 species of palynormorphs). Amama-1permitted the recognition of 21 genera with 31 formainiferal assemblage zones, 32 pollen and 37 spores assemblage zones, and dinoflagellate cyst, biozonation, ranging from late Campanian – early Paleocene. Bara-1 yielded (60 pollen, 41 spore assemblage zone and 18 dinoflagellate cyst).The zones, in stratigraphically ascending order for the foraminifera and palynomorphs are as follows. Amama Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian –Maastrichtian (695 – 1829m) Biozone B-Morozovella velascoensis zone: Early Paleocene(165–695m) Bara-1 Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian(1512m) Biozone B-Bolivina afra, B. explicate zone: Maastrichtian (634–1204m) Biozone C - Indeterminate (305 – 634m) palynomorphs Amama-1 A.Ctenolophonidites costatus zone:Early Maastrichtian (1829m) B-Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (1274m) Constructipollenites ineffectus Zone: Early Paleocene(695m) Bara-1 Droseridites senonicus Zone: Late Campanian (994– 1600m) B. Ctenolophonidites costatus Zone: Early Maastrichtian (713–994m) C. Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (305 –713m) The paleo – environment of deposition were determined to range from non-marine to outer netritic. A detailed categorization of the palynormorphs into terrestrially derived palynormorphs and marine derived palynormorphs based on the distribution of three broad vegetational types; mangrove, fresh water swamps and hintherland communities were used to evaluate sea level fluctuations with respect to sediments deposited in the basins and linked with a particular depositional system tract. Amama-1 recorded 4 maximum flooding surface(MFS) at depth 165-1829, dated b/w 61ma-76ma and three sequence boundary(SB) at depth1048m - 1533m and 1581 dated b/w 634m - 1387m, dated 69.5ma - 82ma and four sequence boundary(SB) at 552m-876m, dated 68ma-77.5ma respectively. The application of ecostratigraphic description is characterised by the prominent expansion of the hinterland component consisting of the Mangrove to Lowland Rainforest and Afromontane – Savannah vegetation.Keywords: formanifera, palynomorphs. campanian, maastritchian, ecostratigraphic, anambra
Procedia PDF Downloads 161456 TMIF: Transformer-Based Multi-Modal Interactive Fusion for Rumor Detection
Authors: Jiandong Lv, Xingang Wang, Cuiling Shao
The rapid development of social media platforms has made it one of the important news sources. While it provides people with convenient real-time communication channels, fake news and rumors are also spread rapidly through social media platforms, misleading the public and even causing bad social impact in view of the slow speed and poor consistency of artificial rumor detection. We propose an end-to-end rumor detection model-TIMF, which captures the dependencies between multimodal data based on the interactive attention mechanism, uses a transformer for cross-modal feature sequence mapping and combines hybrid fusion strategies to obtain decision results. This paper verifies two multi-modal rumor detection datasets and proves the superior performance and early detection performance of the proposed model.Keywords: hybrid fusion, multimodal fusion, rumor detection, social media, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2501455 Co-Movement between Financial Assets: An Empirical Study on Effects of the Depreciation of Yen on Asia Markets
Authors: Yih-Wenn Laih
In recent times, the dependence and co-movement among international financial markets have become stronger than in the past, as evidenced by commentaries in the news media and the financial sections of newspapers. Studying the co-movement between returns in financial markets is an important issue for portfolio management and risk management. The realization of co-movement helps investors to identify the opportunities for international portfolio management in terms of asset allocation and pricing. Since the election of the new Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, in November 2012, the yen has weakened against the US dollar from the 80 to the 120 level. The policies, known as “Abenomics,” are to encourage private investment through a more aggressive mix of monetary and fiscal policy. Given the close economic relations and competitions among Asia markets, it is interesting to discover the co-movement relations, affected by the depreciation of yen, between stock market of Japan and 5 major Asia stock markets, including China, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. Specifically, we devote ourselves to measure the co-movement of stock markets between Japan and each one of the 5 Asia stock markets in terms of rank correlation coefficients. To compute the coefficients, return series of each stock market is first fitted by a skewed-t GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) model. Secondly, to measure the dependence structure between matched stock markets, we employ the symmetrized Joe-Clayton (SJC) copula to calculate the probability density function of paired skewed-t distributions. The joint probability density function is then utilized as the scoring scheme to optimize the sequence alignment by dynamic programming method. Finally, we compute the rank correlation coefficients (Kendall's and Spearman's ) between matched stock markets based on their aligned sequences. We collect empirical data of 6 stock indexes from Taiwan Economic Journal. The data is sampled at a daily frequency covering the period from January 1, 2013 to July 31, 2015. The empirical distributions of returns indicate fatter tails than the normal distribution. Therefore, the skewed-t distribution and SJC copula are appropriate for characterizing the data. According to the computed Kendall’s τ, Korea has the strongest co-movement relation with Japan, followed by Taiwan, China, and Singapore; the weakest is Hong Kong. On the other hand, the Spearman’s ρ reveals that the strength of co-movement between markets with Japan in decreasing order are Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. We explore the effects of “Abenomics” on Asia stock markets by measuring the co-movement relation between Japan and five major Asia stock markets in terms of rank correlation coefficients. The matched markets are aligned by a hybrid method consisting of GARCH, copula and sequence alignment. Empirical experiments indicate that Korea has the strongest co-movement relation with Japan. The strength of China and Taiwan are better than Singapore. The Hong Kong market has the weakest co-movement relation with Japan.Keywords: co-movement, depreciation of Yen, rank correlation, stock market
Procedia PDF Downloads 2311454 Phylogenetic Relationships of the Malaysian Primates Cercopithecine Based on COI Gene Sequences
Authors: B. M. Md-Zain, N. A. Rahman, M. A. B. Abdul-Latiff, W. M. R. Idris
We conducted molecular research to portray phylogenetic relationships of Malaysian primates particularly in the genus of Macaca. We have sequenced cytochrome C oxidase subunit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA of several individuals from M. fascicularis and M. arctoides. PCR amplifications were performed and COI DNA sequences were aligned using ClustalW. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using distance analyses by employing neighbor-joining algorithm (NJ). We managed to sequence 700 bp of COI DNA sequences. The tree topology showed that M. fascicularis did not clump based on phyleogeography division in Peninsular Malaysia. Individuals from Negeri Sembilan merged together with samples from Perak and Penang into one clade. In addition, phylogenetic analyses indicated that M. arctoides was classified into sinica group instead of fascicularis group supported by genetic distance data. COI gene is an effective locus to clarify phylogenetic position of M. arctoides but not in discriminating M. fascicularis population in Peninsular Malaysia.Keywords: cercopithecine, long-tailed macaque, Macaca fascicularis, Macaca arctoides
Procedia PDF Downloads 3571453 Genomic Adaptation to Local Climate Conditions in Native Cattle Using Whole Genome Sequencing Data
Authors: Rugang Tian
In this study, we generated whole-genome sequence (WGS) data from110 native cattle. Together with whole-genome sequences from world-wide cattle populations, we estimated the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of different cattle populations. Our findings revealed clustering of cattle groups in line with their geographic locations. We identified noticeable genetic diversity between indigenous cattle breeds and commercial populations. Among all studied cattle groups, lower genetic diversity measures were found in commercial populations, however, high genetic diversity were detected in some local cattle, particularly in Rashoki and Mongolian breeds. Our search for potential genomic regions under selection in native cattle revealed several candidate genes related with immune response and cold shock protein on multiple chromosomes such as TRPM8, NMUR1, PRKAA2, SMTNL2 and OXR1 that are involved in energy metabolism and metabolic homeostasis.Keywords: cattle, whole-genome, population structure, adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 761452 Graphical User Interface Testing by Using Deep Learning
Authors: Akshat Mathur, Sunil Kumar Khatri
This paper presents brief about how the use of Artificial intelligence in respect to GUI testing can reduce workload by using DL-fueled method. This paper also discusses about how graphical user interface and event driven software testing can derive benefits from the use of AI techniques. The use of AI techniques not only reduces the task and work load but also helps in getting better output than manual testing. Although results are same, but the use of Artifical intelligence techniques for GUI testing has proven to provide ideal results. DL-fueled framework helped us to find imperfections of the entire webpage and provides test failure result in a score format between 0 and 1which signifies that are test meets it quality criteria or not. This paper proposes DL-fueled method which helps us to find the genuine GUI bugs and defects and also helped us to scale the existing labour-intensive and skill-intensive methodologies.Keywords: graphical user interface, GUI, artificial intelligence, deep learning, ML technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1791451 Plasmonic Biosensor for Early Detection of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Combined with Enzyme Amplification
Authors: Monisha Elumalai, Joana Guerreiro, Joana Carvalho, Marta Prado
DNA biosensors popularity has been increasing over the past few years. Traditional analytical techniques tend to require complex steps and expensive equipment however DNA biosensors have the advantage of getting simple, fast and economic. Additionally, the combination of DNA biosensors with nanomaterials offers the opportunity to improve the selectivity, sensitivity and the overall performance of the devices. DNA biosensors are based on oligonucleotides as sensing elements. These oligonucleotides are highly specific to complementary DNA sequences resulting in the hybridization of the strands. DNA biosensors are not only an advantage in the clinical field but also applicable in numerous research areas such as food analysis or environmental control. Zebra Mussels (ZM), Dreissena polymorpha are invasive species responsible for enormous negative impacts on the environment and ecosystems. Generally, the detection of ZM is made when the observation of adult or macroscopic larvae's is made however at this stage is too late to avoid the harmful effects. Therefore, there is a need to develop an analytical tool for the early detection of ZM. Here, we present a portable plasmonic biosensor for the detection of environmental DNA (eDNA) released to the environment from this invasive species. The plasmonic DNA biosensor combines gold nanoparticles, as transducer elements, due to their great optical properties and high sensitivity. The detection strategy is based on the immobilization of a short base pair DNA sequence on the nanoparticles surface followed by specific hybridization in the presence of a complementary target DNA. The hybridization events are tracked by the optical response provided by the nanospheres and their surrounding environment. The identification of the DNA sequences (synthetic target and probes) to detect Zebra mussel were designed by using Geneious software in order to maximize the specificity. Moreover, to increase the optical response enzyme amplification of DNA might be used. The gold nanospheres were synthesized and characterized by UV-visible spectrophotometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The obtained nanospheres present the maximum localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) peak position are found to be around 519 nm and a diameter of 17nm. The DNA probes modified with a sulfur group at one end of the sequence were then loaded on the gold nanospheres at different ionic strengths and DNA probe concentrations. The optimal DNA probe loading will be selected based on the stability of the optical signal followed by the hybridization study. Hybridization process leads to either nanoparticle dispersion or aggregation based on the presence or absence of the target DNA. Finally, this detection system will be integrated into an optical sensing platform. Considering that the developed device will be used in the field, it should fulfill the inexpensive and portability requirements. The sensing devices based on specific DNA detection holds great potential and can be exploited for sensing applications in-loco.Keywords: ZM DNA, DNA probes, nicking enzyme, gold nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 2481450 A First Order Shear Deformation Theory Approach for the Buckling Behavior of Nanocomposite Beams
Authors: P. Pramod Kumar, Madhu Salumari, V. V. Subba Rao
Due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, carbon nanotube (CNTs) reinforced polymer composites are being considered as one of the most promising nanocomposites which can improve the performance when used in structural applications. The buckling behavior is one of the most important parameter needs to be considered in the design of structural members like beams and plates. In the present paper, the elastic constants of CNT reinforced polymer composites are evaluated by using Mori-Tanaka micromechanics approach. Knowing the elastic constants, an analytical study is being conducted to investigate the buckling behavior of nanocomposites for different CNT volume fractions at different boundary conditions using first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The effect of stacking sequence and CNT radius on the buckling of beam has also been presented. This study is being conducted primarily with an intension to find the stiffening effect of CNTs when used in polymer composites as reinforcement.Keywords: CNT, buckling, micromechanics, FSDT
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791449 Terrorism in German and Italian Press Headlines: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors
Authors: Silvia Sommella
Islamic terrorism has gained a lot of media attention in the last years also because of the striking increase of terror attacks since 2014. The main aim of this paper is to illustrate the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism by applying frame semantics and metaphor analysis to German and Italian press headlines of the two online weekly publications Der Spiegel and L’Espresso between 2014 and 2019. This study focuses on how media discourse – through the use of conceptual metaphors – let arise in people a particular reception of the phenomenon of Islamic terrorism and accept governmental strategies and policies, perceiving terrorists as evildoers, as the members of an uncivilised group ‘other’ opposed to the civilised group ‘we’: two groups that are perceived as opposed. The press headlines are analyzed on the basis of the cognitive linguistics, namely Lakoff and Johnson’s conceptualization of metaphor to distinguish between abstract conceptual metaphors and specific metaphorical expressions. The study focuses on the contexts, frames, and metaphors. The method adopted in this study is Konerding’s frame semantics (1993). Konerding carried out on the basis of dictionaries – in particular of the Duden Deutsches Universalwörterbuch (Duden Universal German Dictionary) – in a pilot study of a lexicological work hyperonym reduction of substantives, working exclusively with nouns because hyperonyms usually occur in the dictionary meaning explanations as for the main elements of nominal phrases. The results of Konerding’s hyperonym type reduction is a small set of German nouns and they correspond to the highest hyperonyms, the so-called categories, matrix frames: ‘object’, ‘organism’, ‘person/actant’, ‘event’, ‘action/interaction/communication’, ‘institution/social group’, ‘surroundings’, ‘part/piece’, ‘totality/whole’, ‘state/property’. The second step of Konerding’s pilot study consists in determining the potential reference points of each category so that conventionally expectable routinized predications arise as predictors. Konerding found out which predicators the ascertained noun types can be linked to. For the purpose of this study, metaphorical expressions will be listed and categorized in conceptual metaphors and under the matrix frames that correspond to the particular conceptual metaphor. All of the corpus analyses are carried out using Ant Conc corpus software. The research will verify some previously analyzed metaphors such as TERRORISM AS WAR, A CRIME, A NATURAL EVENT, A DISEASE and will identify new conceptualizations and metaphors about Islamic terrorism, especially in the Italian language like TERRORISM AS A GAME, WARES, A DRAMATIC PLAY. Through the identification of particular frames and their construction, the research seeks to understand the public reception and the way to handle the discourse about Islamic terrorism in the above mentioned online weekly publications under a contrastive analysis in the German and in the Italian language.Keywords: cognitive linguistics, frame semantics, Islamic terrorism, media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751448 Pakistan’s English Language Newspapers, Framing, and Aurat March
Authors: Shiza Nisar
This study examines how editorials in Pakistan’s English-language newspapers represented the Aurat March in Pakistan, which is held on International Women’s Day, 8 March, to reclaim public spaces for women. There was a public outcry against the controversial movement, sparked by the key messages and slogans used to communicate with the masses. This research aims to study non-western news frames used by Pakistan’s leading English-language newspapers—Dawn, The Express Tribune, The News, and The Nation—for the portrayal of Aurat March since 2018. The findings show how these editorials construct and reinforce the concept of feminism being threatened by the dangerous other. This research aims to contribute to the understanding of Pakistan’s elite discourse, which insists that this event is a movement led by females in a male-dominated society to voice their rights and reclaim public spaces; however, this movement is more than just that.Keywords: discourse, Aurat March, media framing, feminist movement, editorials
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281447 Investigating the Online Effect of Language on Gesture in Advanced Bilinguals of Two Structurally Different Languages in Comparison to L1 Native Speakers of L2 and Explores Whether Bilinguals Will Follow Target L2 Patterns in Speech and Co-speech
Authors: Armita Ghobadi, Samantha Emerson, Seyda Ozcaliskan
Being a bilingual involves mastery of both speech and gesture patterns in a second language (L2). We know from earlier work in first language (L1) production contexts that speech and co-speech gesture form a tightly integrated system: co-speech gesture mirrors the patterns observed in speech, suggesting an online effect of language on nonverbal representation of events in gesture during the act of speaking (i.e., “thinking for speaking”). Relatively less is known about the online effect of language on gesture in bilinguals speaking structurally different languages. The few existing studies—mostly with small sample sizes—suggests inconclusive findings: some show greater achievement of L2 patterns in gesture with more advanced L2 speech production, while others show preferences for L1 gesture patterns even in advanced bilinguals. In this study, we focus on advanced bilingual speakers of two structurally different languages (Spanish L1 with English L2) in comparison to L1 English speakers. We ask whether bilingual speakers will follow target L2 patterns not only in speech but also in gesture, or alternatively, follow L2 patterns in speech but resort to L1 patterns in gesture. We examined this question by studying speech and gestures produced by 23 advanced adult Spanish (L1)-English (L2) bilinguals (Mage=22; SD=7) and 23 monolingual English speakers (Mage=20; SD=2). Participants were shown 16 animated motion event scenes that included distinct manner and path components (e.g., "run over the bridge"). We recorded and transcribed all participant responses for speech and segmented it into sentence units that included at least one motion verb and its associated arguments. We also coded all gestures that accompanied each sentence unit. We focused on motion event descriptions as it shows strong crosslinguistic differences in the packaging of motion elements in speech and co-speech gesture in first language production contexts. English speakers synthesize manner and path into a single clause or gesture (he runs over the bridge; running fingers forward), while Spanish speakers express each component separately (manner-only: el corre=he is running; circle arms next to body conveying running; path-only: el cruza el puente=he crosses the bridge; trace finger forward conveying trajectory). We tallied all responses by group and packaging type, separately for speech and co-speech gesture. Our preliminary results (n=4/group) showed that productions in English L1 and Spanish L1 differed, with greater preference for conflated packaging in L1 English and separated packaging in L1 Spanish—a pattern that was also largely evident in co-speech gesture. Bilinguals’ production in L2 English, however, followed the patterns of the target language in speech—with greater preference for conflated packaging—but not in gesture. Bilinguals used separated and conflated strategies in gesture in roughly similar rates in their L2 English, showing an effect of both L1 and L2 on co-speech gesture. Our results suggest that online production of L2 language has more limited effects on L2 gestures and that mastery of native-like patterns in L2 gesture might take longer than native-like L2 speech patterns.Keywords: bilingualism, cross-linguistic variation, gesture, second language acquisition, thinking for speaking hypothesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 761446 High Impact Ecostratigraphic and Biostratigrapgic Study of Amama-1 and Bara-1 Wells in Parts of Anambra Basin
Authors: J. O. Njoku, G. C. Soronnadi-Ononiwu, E. J. Acrra, C. C. Agoha, T. C. Anyawu
The high impact ecostratigraphic and biostratigrapgic study of parts of Anambra basin was carried out using samples from two exploration wells (Amama-1 and Bara-1), Amama-1 (219M–1829M) and Bara-1 (317M-1594M). Palynological and paleontological analyses were carried out on 100 ditch-cutting samples. The faunal and floral succession were of terrestrial and marine origin as described and logged. The well penetrated four stratigraphic units in Anambra Basin (the Nkporo, Mamu, Ajali and Nsukka) the wells yielded well preserved formanifera and palynormorphs. The well yielded 53 species of foram and 69 species of palynomorphs, with 12 genera Bara-1 (25 Species of foram and 101 species of palynormorphs). Amama-1 permitted the recognition of 21 genera with 31 formainiferal assemblage zones, 32 pollen and 37 spores assemblage zones, and dinoflagellate cyst, biozonation, ranging from late Campanian – early Paleocene. Bara-1 yielded (60 pollen, 41 spore assemblage zone and 18 dinoflagellate cyst). The zones, in stratigraphically ascending order for the foraminifera and palynomorphs are as follows: Amama Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian –Maastrichtian (695 – 1829m) Biozone B-Morozovella velascoensis zone: Early Paleocene(165–695m) Bara-1 Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian(1512m) Biozone B-Bolivina afra, B. explicate zone: Maastrichtian (634–1204m) Biozone C - Indeterminate (305 – 634m) palynomorphs Amama-1 A. Ctenolophonidites costatus zone: Early Maastrichtian (1829m) B-Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (1274m) Constructipollenites ineffectus Zone: Early Paleocene(695m) Bara-1 Droseridites senonicus Zone: Late Campanian (994– 1600m) B. Ctenolophonidites costatus Zone: Early Maastrichtian (713–994m) C. Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (305 –713m) The paleo-environment of deposition were determined to range from non-marine to outer netritic. A detailed categorization of the palynormorphs into terrestrially derived palynormorphs and marine derived palynormorphs based on the distribution of three broad vegetational types; mangrove, fresh water swamps and hintherland communities were used to evaluate sea level fluctuations with respect to sediments deposited in the basins and linked with a particular depositional system tract. Amama-1 recorded 4 maximum flooding surface(MFS) at depth 165-1829, dated b/w 61ma-76ma and three sequence boundary(SB) at depth1048m - 1533m and 1581 dated b/w 634m - 1387m, dated 69.5ma - 82ma and four sequence boundary(SB) at 552m-876m, dated 68ma-77.5ma respectively. The application of ecostratigraphic description is characterised by the prominent expansion of the hinterland component consisting of the Mangrove to Lowland Rainforest and Afromontane – Savannah vegetation.Keywords: foraminifera, palynomorphs, Campanian, Maastritchian, ecostratigraphic, Anambra
Procedia PDF Downloads 281445 High Impact Ecostratigraphic and Biostratigrapgic Study of Amama-1 and Bara-1 Wells in Parts of Anambra Basin
Authors: J. O. Njoku, G. C. Soronnadi-ononiwu, E. J. Acrra, C. C. Agoha, T. C. Anyawu
The High Impact Ecostratigraphic And Biostratigrapgic Study of parts of Anambra basin was carried out using samples from two exploration wells (Amama-1 and Bara-1), Amama-1 (219M–1829M) and Bara-1 (317M-1594M). Palynological and Paleontological analyses were carried out on 100 ditch cutting samples. The faunal and floral succession were of terrestrial and marine origin as described and logged. The well penetrated four stratigraphic units in Anambra Basin (the Nkporo, Mamu, Ajali and Nsukka) the wells yielded well preserved formanifera and palynormorphs. The well yielded 53 species of foram and 69 species of palynomorphs, with 12 genera Bara-1 (25 Species of foram and 101 species of palynormorphs). Amama-1permitted the recognition of 21 genera with 31 formainiferal assemblage zones, 32 pollen and 37 spores assemblage zones, and dinoflagellate cyst, biozonation, ranging from late Campanian – early Paleocene. Bara-1 yielded (60 pollen, 41 spore assemblage zone and 18 dinoflagellate cyst).The zones, in stratigraphically ascending order for the foraminifera and palynomorphs are as follows. Amama Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian –Maastrichtian (695 – 1829m) Biozone B-Morozovella velascoensis zone: Early Paleocene(165–695m) Bara-1 Biozone A-Globotruncanella havanensis zone: Late Campanian(1512m) Biozone B-Bolivina afra, B. explicate zone: Maastrichtian (634–1204m) Biozone C - Indeterminate (305 – 634m) palynomorphs Amama-1 A.Ctenolophonidites costatus zone:Early Maastrichtian (1829m) B-Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (1274m) Constructipollenites ineffectus Zone: Early Paleocene(695m) Bara-1 Droseridites senonicus Zone: Late Campanian (994– 1600m) B. Ctenolophonidites costatus Zone: Early Maastrichtian (713–994m) C. Retidiporites miniporatus Zone: Late Maastrichtian (305 –713m) The paleo – environment of deposition were determined to range from non-marine to outer netritic. A detailed categorization of the palynormorphs into terrestrially derived palynormorphs and marine derived palynormorphs based on the distribution of three broad vegetational types; mangrove, fresh water swamps and hintherland communities were used to evaluate sea level fluctuations with respect to sediments deposited in the basins and linked with a particular depositional system tract. Amama-1 recorded 4 maximum flooding surface(MFS) at depth 165-1829, dated b/w 61ma-76ma and three sequence boundary(SB) at depth1048m - 1533m and 1581 dated b/w 634m - 1387m, dated 69.5ma - 82ma and four sequence boundary(SB) at 552m-876m, dated 68ma-77.5ma respectively. The application of ecostratigraphic description is characterised by the prominent expansion of the hinterland component consisting of the Mangrove to Lowland Rainforest and Afromontane – Savannah vegetation.Keywords: formanifera, palynomorphs. Campanian, Maastritchian, Ecostratigraphic, Anambra
Procedia PDF Downloads 201444 Investigation and Analysis of Vortex-Induced Vibrations in Sliding Gate Valves Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Authors: Kianoosh Ahadi, Mustafa Ergil
In this study, the event of vibrations caused by vortexes and the distribution of induced hydrodynamic forces due to vortexes on the sliding gate valves has been investigated. For this reason, a sliding valve with the help of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software was simulated in two-dimensional )2D(, where the flow and turbulence equations were solved for three different valve openings (full, half, and 16.7 %) models. The variety of vortexes formed within the vicinity of the valve structure was investigated based on time where the trend of fluctuations and their occurrence regions have been detected. From the gathered solution dataset of the numerical simulations, the pressure coefficient (CP), the lift force coefficient (CL), the drag force coefficient (CD), and the momentum coefficient due to hydrodynamic forces (CM) were examined, and relevant figures were generated were from these results, the vortex-induced vibrations were analyzed.Keywords: induced vibrations, computational fluid dynamics, sliding gate valves, vortexes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201443 Detection of Voltage Sag and Voltage Swell in Power Quality Using Wavelet Transforms
Authors: Nor Asrina Binti Ramlee
Voltage sag, voltage swell, high-frequency noise and voltage transients are kinds of disturbances in power quality. They are also known as power quality events. Equipment used in the industry nowadays has become more sensitive to these events with the increasing complexity of equipment. This leads to the importance of distributing clean power quality to the consumer. To provide better service, the best analysis on power quality is very vital. Thus, this paper presents the events detection focusing on voltage sag and swell. The method is developed by applying time domain signal analysis using wavelet transform approach in MATLAB. Four types of mother wavelet namely Haar, Dmey, Daubechies, and Symlet are used to detect the events. This project analyzed real interrupted signal obtained from 22 kV transmission line in Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The signals will be decomposed through the wavelet mothers. The best mother is the one that is capable to detect the time location of the event accurately.Keywords: power quality, voltage sag, voltage swell, wavelet transform
Procedia PDF Downloads 3731442 The Hyperbolic Smoothing Approach for Automatic Calibration of Rainfall-Runoff Models
Authors: Adilson Elias Xavier, Otto Corrêa Rotunno Filho, Paulo Canedo De Magalhães
This paper addresses the issue of automatic parameter estimation in conceptual rainfall-runoff (CRR) models. Due to threshold structures commonly occurring in CRR models, the associated mathematical optimization problems have the significant characteristic of being strongly non-differentiable. In order to face this enormous task, the resolution method proposed adopts a smoothing strategy using a special C∞ differentiable class function. The final estimation solution is obtained by solving a sequence of differentiable subproblems which gradually approach the original conceptual problem. The use of this technique, called Hyperbolic Smoothing Method (HSM), makes possible the application of the most powerful minimization algorithms, and also allows for the main difficulties presented by the original CRR problem to be overcome. A set of computational experiments is presented for the purpose of illustrating both the reliability and the efficiency of the proposed approach.Keywords: rainfall-runoff models, automatic calibration, hyperbolic smoothing method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491441 Digital Elevation Model Analysis of Potential Prone Flood Disaster Watershed Citarum Headwaters Bandung
Authors: Faizin Mulia Rizkika, Iqbal Jabbari Mufti, Muhammad R. Y. Nugraha, Fadil Maulidir Sube
Flooding is an event of ponding on the flat area around the river as a result of the overflow of river water was not able to be accommodated by the river and may cause damage to the infrastructure of a region. This study aimed to analyze the data of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for information that plays a role in the mapping of zones prone to flooding, mapping the distribution of zones prone to flooding that occurred in the Citarum upstream using secondary data and software (ArcGIS, MapInfo), this assessment was made distribution map of flooding, there were 13 counties / districts dam flood-prone areas in Bandung, and the most vulnerable districts are areas Baleendah-Dayeuhkolot-Bojongsoang-Banjaran. The area has a low slope and the same limits with boundary rivers and areas that have excessive land use, so the water catchment area is reduced.Keywords: mitigation, flood, citarum, DEM
Procedia PDF Downloads 3921440 Time "And" Dimension(s) - Visualizing the 4th and 4+ Dimensions
Authors: Siddharth Rana
As we know so far, there are 3 dimensions that we are capable of interpreting and perceiving, and there is a 4th dimension, called time, about which we don’t know much yet. We, as humans, live in the 4th dimension, not the 3rd. We travel 3 dimensionally but cannot yet travel 4 dimensionally; perhaps if we could, then visiting the past and the future would be like climbing a mountain or going down a road. So far, we humans are not even capable of imagining any higher dimensions than the three dimensions in which we can travel. We are the beings of the 4th dimension; we are the beings of time; that is why we can travel 3 dimensionally; however, if, say, there were beings of the 5th dimension, then they would easily be able to travel 4 dimensionally, i.e., they could travel in the 4th dimension as well. Beings of the 5th dimension can easily time travel. However, beings of the 4th dimension, like us, cannot time travel because we live in a 4-D world, traveling 3 dimensionally. That means to ever do time travel, we just need to go to a higher dimension and not only perceive it but also be able to travel in it. However, traveling to the past is not very possible, unlike traveling to the future. Even if traveling to the past were possible, it would be very unlikely that an event in the past would be changed. In this paper, some approaches are provided to define time, our movement in time to the future, some aspects of time travel using dimensions, and how we can perceive a higher dimension.Keywords: time, dimensions, String theory, relativity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071439 Seizure Effects of FP Bearings on the Seismic Reliability of Base-Isolated Systems
Authors: Paolo Castaldo, Bruno Palazzo, Laura Lodato
This study deals with the seizure effects of friction pendulum (FP) bearings on the seismic reliability of a 3D base-isolated nonlinear structural system, designed according to Italian seismic code (NTC08). The isolated system consists in a 3D reinforced concrete superstructure, a r.c. substructure and the FP devices, described by employing a velocity dependent model. The seismic input uncertainty is considered as a random variable relevant to the problem, by employing a set of natural seismic records selected in compliance with L’Aquila (Italy) seismic hazard as provided from NTC08. Several non-linear dynamic analyses considering the three components of each ground motion have been performed with the aim to evaluate the seismic reliability of the superstructure, substructure, and isolation level, also taking into account the seizure event of the isolation devices. Finally, a design solution aimed at increasing the seismic robustness of the base-isolated systems with FPS is analyzed.Keywords: FP devices, seismic reliability, seismic robustness, seizure
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