Search results for: collaborative economy
2390 Organisational Factors and Total Quality Management Practice in Nigeria Manufacturing Industry: Evidence from Honeywell Flour Mills Plc
Authors: Cornelius Femi Popoola
Nigerian manufacturing industry, particularly the flour producing firms play vital roles in Nigerian economy. This sector’s quality management practice is given a little attention along with organizational factors that hinder successful practice of total quality management which needs to be documented. Honeywell Flour Mills Plc operate in Nigeria with an appreciable number of products that serves this sector of the economy. Internal-external disposition of the company and total quality practice of the company deserve some elucidations. Hence, this study examined the influence of organizational factors on total quality management practice of Nigerian manufacturing industry, using Honeywell Flour Mills Plc as a case study. The study employed the correlational type of descriptive survey research design. The population consisted of 656 staff of Honeywell Flour Mills Plc, out of which 235 members were selected through scientific sampling method developed by Paler-Calmorin and Calmorin. A total of 235 copies of questionnaires titled 'Organisational Factors and Total Quality Management Practices (QF-TQM) Questionnaire' were administered with a response rate of 66 copies returned. The following variables were applied internal organisational factors (IOFs), external organizational factors (EOFs) and total quality management (TQM). Data generated were analysed using frequency distribution and regression analysis at 0.05 level. The findings revealed that IOFs positively and significantly related with TQM (r = .147**, N= 64, P(.000) < .01). Also, EOFs negatively and significantly related with TQM (r = -.117, N= 64, P(.000) < .01). Findings showed that internal and external organizational factors jointly influenced TQM practiced in F₍₂,₆₁₎=22.250; R²=.629; Adj.R²=.603; P(.000) < .05). The study concluded that organizational factors are determinants of TQM practice in Nigerian manufacturing industry. It is recommended that both internal and external organizational factors influencing TQM practices should be considered in the development of TQM strategies.Keywords: external organizational factors, internal organisational factors, Nigerian manufacturing industry, total quality management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3112389 A Framework for Defining Innovation Districts: A Case Study of 22@ Barcelona
Authors: Arnault Morisson
Innovation districts are being implemented as urban regeneration strategies in cities as diverse as Barcelona (Spain), Boston (Massachusetts), Chattanooga (Tennessee), Detroit (Michigan), Medellin (Colombia), and Montréal (Canada). Little, however, is known about the concept. This paper aims to provide a framework to define innovation districts. The research methodology is based on a qualitative approach using 22@ Barcelona as a case study. 22@ Barcelona was the first innovation district ever created and has been a model for the innovation districts of Medellin (Colombia) and Boston (Massachusetts) among others. Innovation districts based on the 22@ Barcelona’s model can be defined as top-down urban innovation ecosystems designed around four multilayered and multidimensional models of innovation: urban planning, productive, collaborative, and creative, all coordinated under strong leadership, with the ultimate objectives to accelerate the innovation process and competitiveness of a locality. Innovation districts aim to respond to a new economic paradigm in which economic production flows back to cities.Keywords: innovation ecosystem, governance, technology park, urban planning, urban policy, urban regeneration
Procedia PDF Downloads 3742388 Solar-Plasma Reactors for a Zero-Emission Economy
Authors: Dassou Nagassou
Recent increase in frequency and severity of climatic impacts throughout the world has put a particular emphasis on the urgency to address the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. The latter, mainly composed of carbon dioxide are responsible for the global warming of planet earth. Despite efforts to transition towards a zero-emission economy, manufacturing industries, electricity generation power plants, and transportation sectors continue to encounter challenges which hinder their progress towards a full decarbonization. The growing energy demand from both developed and under-developed economies exacerbates the situation and as a result, more carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere. This situation imposes a lot of constraints on industries which are involved i.e., manufacturing industries, transportation, and electricity generation which must navigate the stringent environmental regulations in order to remain profitable. Existing solutions such as energy efficiencies, green materials (life cycle analysis), and many more have fallen short to address the problem due to their inadaptation to existing infrastructures, low efficiencies, and prohibitive costs. The proposed technology exploits the synergistic interaction between solar radiation and plasma to boost a direct decomposition of the molecules of carbon dioxide while producing alternative fuels which can be used to sustain on-site high-temperature processes via 100% solar energy harvesting in the form of photons and electricity. The advantages of this technology and its ability to be easily integrated into existing systems make it appealing for the industry which can now afford to fast track on the path towards full decarbonization, thanks to the solar plasma reactor. Despite the promising experimental results which proved the viability of this concept, solar-plasma reactors require further investigations to understand the synergistic interactions between plasma and solar radiation for a potential technology scale-up.Keywords: solar, non-equilibrium, plasma, reactor, greenhouse-gases, solar-fuels
Procedia PDF Downloads 592387 Dutch Disease and Industrial Development: An Investigation of the Determinants of Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria
Authors: Kayode Ilesanmi Ebenezer Bowale, Dominic Azuh, Busayo Aderounmu, Alfred Ilesanmi
There has been a debate among scholars and policymakers about the effects of oil exploration and production on industrial development. In Nigeria, there were many reforms resulting in an increase in crude oil production in the recent past. There is a controversy on the importance of oil production in the development of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. Some scholars claim that oil has been a blessing to the development of the manufacturing sector, while others regard it as a curse. The objective of the study is to determine if empirical analysis supports the presence of Dutch Disease and de-industrialisation in the Nigerian manufacturing sector between 2019- 2022. The study employed data that were sourced from World Development Indicators, Nigeria Bureau of Statistics, and the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin on manufactured exports, manufacturing employment, agricultural employment, and service employment in line with the theory of Dutch Disease using the unit root test to establish their level of stationarity, Engel and Granger cointegration test to check their long-run relationship. Autoregressive. Distributed Lagged bound test was also used. The Vector Error Correction Model will be carried out to determine the speed of adjustment of the manufacturing export and resource movement effect. The results showed that the Nigerian manufacturing industry suffered from both direct and indirect de-industrialisation over the period. The findings also revealed that there was resource movement as labour moved away from the manufacturing sector to both the oil sector and the services sector. The study concluded that there was the presence of Dutch Disease in the manufacturing industry, and the problem of de-industrialisation led to the crowding out of manufacturing output. The study recommends that efforts should be made to diversify the Nigerian economy. Furthermore, a conducive business environment should be provided to encourage more involvement of the private sector in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors of the economy.Keywords: Dutch disease, resource movement, manufacturing sector performance, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 812386 Blue Economy and Marine Mining
Authors: Fani Sakellariadou
The Blue Economy includes all marine-based and marine-related activities. They correspond to established, emerging as well as unborn ocean-based industries. Seabed mining is an emerging marine-based activity; its operations depend particularly on cutting-edge science and technology. The 21st century will face a crisis in resources as a consequence of the world’s population growth and the rising standard of living. The natural capital stored in the global ocean is decisive for it to provide a wide range of sustainable ecosystem services. Seabed mineral deposits were identified as having a high potential for critical elements and base metals. They have a crucial role in the fast evolution of green technologies. The major categories of marine mineral deposits are deep-sea deposits, including cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts, polymetallic nodules, phosphorites, and deep-sea muds, as well as shallow-water deposits including marine placers. Seabed mining operations may take place within continental shelf areas of nation-states. In international waters, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) has entered into 15-year contracts for deep-seabed exploration with 21 contractors. These contracts are for polymetallic nodules (18 contracts), polymetallic sulfides (7 contracts), and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts (5 contracts). Exploration areas are located in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, the Indian Ocean, the Mid Atlantic Ridge, the South Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. Potential environmental impacts of deep-sea mining include habitat alteration, sediment disturbance, plume discharge, toxic compounds release, light and noise generation, and air emissions. They could cause burial and smothering of benthic species, health problems for marine species, biodiversity loss, reduced photosynthetic mechanism, behavior change and masking acoustic communication for mammals and fish, heavy metals bioaccumulation up the food web, decrease of the content of dissolved oxygen, and climate change. An important concern related to deep-sea mining is our knowledge gap regarding deep-sea bio-communities. The ecological consequences that will be caused in the remote, unique, fragile, and little-understood deep-sea ecosystems and inhabitants are still largely unknown. The blue economy conceptualizes oceans as developing spaces supplying socio-economic benefits for current and future generations but also protecting, supporting, and restoring biodiversity and ecological productivity. In that sense, people should apply holistic management and make an assessment of marine mining impacts on ecosystem services, including the categories of provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services. The variety in environmental parameters, the range in sea depth, the diversity in the characteristics of marine species, and the possible proximity to other existing maritime industries cause a span of marine mining impact the ability of ecosystems to support people and nature. In conclusion, the use of the untapped potential of the global ocean demands a liable and sustainable attitude. Moreover, there is a need to change our lifestyle and move beyond the philosophy of single-use. Living in a throw-away society based on a linear approach to resource consumption, humans are putting too much pressure on the natural environment. Applying modern, sustainable and eco-friendly approaches according to the principle of circular economy, a substantial amount of natural resource savings will be achieved. Acknowledgement: This work is part of the MAREE project, financially supported by the Division VI of IUPAC. This work has been partly supported by the University of Piraeus Research Center.Keywords: blue economy, deep-sea mining, ecosystem services, environmental impacts
Procedia PDF Downloads 852385 Engine with Dual Helical Crankshaft System Operating at an Overdrive Gear Ratio
Authors: Anierudh Vishwanathan
This paper suggests a new design of the crankshaft system that would help to use a low revving engine for applications requiring the use of a high revving engine operating at the same power by converting the extra or unnecessary torque obtained from a low revving engine into angular velocity of the crankshaft of the engine hence, improve the fuel economy of the vehicle because of the fact that low revving engines run more effectively on lean air fuel mixtures accompanied with less wear and tear of the engine due to lesser rubbing of the piston rings with the cylinder walls. If the crankshaft with the proposed design is used in a low revving engine, then it will give the same torque and speed as that given by a high revving engine operating at the same power but the new engine will give better fuel economy. Hence the new engine will give the benefits of a low revving engine as well as a high revving engine. The proposed crankshaft design will be achieved by changing the design of the crankweb in such a way that it functions both as a counterweight as well as a helical gear that can transfer power to the secondary gear shaft which will be incorporated in the crankshaft system. The crankshaft and the secondary gear shaft will be operating at an overdrive ratio. The crankshaft will now be a two shaft system instead of a single shaft system. The newly designed crankshaft will be mounted on the bearings instead of being connected to the flywheel of the engine. This newly designed crankshaft will transmit power to the secondary shaft which will rotate the flywheel and then the rotary motion will be transmitted to the transmission system as usual. In this design, the concept of power transmission will be incorporated in the crankshaft system. In the paper, the crankshaft and the secondary shafts have been designed in such a way that at any instant of time only half the number of crankwebs will be meshed with the secondary shaft. For example, during one revolution of the crankshaft, if for the first half of revolution; first, second, seventh and eighth crankwebs are meshing with the secondary shaft then for the next half revolution, third, fourth, fifth and sixth crankwebs will mesh with the secondary shaft. This paper also analyses the proposed crankshaft design for safety against fatigue failure. Finite element analysis of the crankshaft has been done and the resultant stresses have been calculated.Keywords: low revving, high revving, secondary shaft, partial meshing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2692384 Semantic Platform for Adaptive and Collaborative e-Learning
Authors: Massra M. Sabeima, Myriam lamolle, Mohamedade Farouk Nanne
Adapting the learning resources of an e-learning system to the characteristics of the learners is an important aspect to consider when designing an adaptive e-learning system. However, this adaptation is not a simple process; it requires the extraction, analysis, and modeling of user information. This implies a good representation of the user's profile, which is the backbone of the adaptation process. Moreover, during the e-learning process, collaboration with similar users (same geographic province or knowledge context) is important. Productive collaboration motivates users to continue or not abandon the course and increases the assimilation of learning objects. The contribution of this work is the following: we propose an adaptive e-learning semantic platform to recommend learning resources to learners, using ontology to model the user profile and the course content, furthermore an implementation of a multi-agent system able to progressively generate the learning graph (taking into account the user's progress, and the changes that occur) for each user during the learning process, and to synchronize the users who collaborate on a learning object.Keywords: adaptative learning, collaboration, multi-agent, ontology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1762383 Assisting Dating of Greek Papyri Images with Deep Learning
Authors: Asimina Paparrigopoulou, John Pavlopoulos, Maria Konstantinidou
Dating papyri accurately is crucial not only to editing their texts but also for our understanding of palaeography and the history of writing, ancient scholarship, material culture, networks in antiquity, etc. Most ancient manuscripts offer little evidence regarding the time of their production, forcing papyrologists to date them on palaeographical grounds, a method often criticized for its subjectivity. By experimenting with data obtained from the Collaborative Database of Dateable Greek Bookhands and the PapPal online collections of objectively dated Greek papyri, this study shows that deep learning dating models, pre-trained on generic images, can achieve accurate chronological estimates for a test subset (67,97% accuracy for book hands and 55,25% for documents). To compare the estimates of these models with those of humans, experts were asked to complete a questionnaire with samples of literary and documentary hands that had to be sorted chronologically by century. The same samples were dated by the models in question. The results are presented and analysed.Keywords: image classification, papyri images, dating
Procedia PDF Downloads 792382 Impact of Social Crisis on Property Market Performance and Evolving Strategy for Improved Property Transactions in Crisis Prone Environment: A Case Study of North Eastern Nigeria
Authors: Abdur Raheem, Ado Yakub
Urban violence in the form of ethnic and religious conflicts have been on the increase in many African cities in the recent years of which most of them are the result of intense and bitter competition for political power, the control of limited economic, social and environmental resources. In Nigeria, the emergence of the Boko Haram insurgency in most parts of the north eastern parts have ignited violence, bloodshed, refuge exodus and internal migration. Not only do the persistent attacks of the sect create widespread insecurity and fear, it has also stifled normal processes of trade and investments most especially real property investment which is acclaimed to accelerate the economic cycle, thus the need to evolve strategies for an improved property market in such areas. This paper, therefore, examines the impact of these social crisis on effective and efficient utilization of real properties as a resource towards the development of the economy, using a descriptive analysis approach where particular emphasis was based on trends in residential housing values; volume of estimated property transactions and real estate investment decisions by affected individuals. Findings indicate that social crisis in the affected areas have been a clog on the wheels of property development and investment as properties worth hundreds of millions have been destroyed thereby having great impact on property values. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to include the need to strategically continue investing in property during such times, the need for Nigerian government to establish an active conflict monitoring and management unit for prompt response, encourage community and neighbourhood policing to ameliorate security challenges in Nigeria.Keywords: social crisis, property market, economy, resources, north-eastern Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 3232381 Impact of Agricultural Infrastructure on Diffusion of Technology of the Sample Farmers in North 24 Parganas District, West Bengal
Authors: Saikat Majumdar, D. C. Kalita
The Agriculture sector plays an important role in the rural economy of India. It is the backbone of our Indian economy and is the dominant sector in terms of employment and livelihood. Agriculture still contributes significantly to export earnings and is an important source of raw materials as well as of demand for many industrial products particularly fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural implements and a variety of consumer goods, etc. The performance of the agricultural sector influences the growth of Indian economy. According to the 2011 Agricultural Census of India, an estimated 61.5 percentage of rural populations are dependent on agriculture. Proper Agricultural infrastructure has the potential to transform the existing traditional agriculture into a most modern, commercial and dynamic farming system in India through its diffusion of technology. The rate of adoption of modern technology reflects the progress of development in agricultural sector. The adoption of any improved agricultural technology is also dependent on the development of road infrastructure or road network. The present study was consisting of 300 sample farmers out which 150 samples was taken from the developed area and rest 150 samples was taken from underdeveloped area. The samples farmers under develop and underdeveloped areas were collected by using Multistage Random Sampling procedure. In the first stage, North 24 Parganas District have been selected purposively. Then from the district, one developed and one underdeveloped block was selected randomly. In the third phase, 10 villages have been selected randomly from each block. Finally, from each village 15 sample farmers was selected randomly. The extents of adoption of technology in different areas were calculated through various parameters. These are percentage area under High Yielding Variety Cereals, percentage area under High Yielding Variety pulses, area under hybrids vegetables, irrigated area, mechanically operated area, amount spent on fertilizer and pesticides, etc. in both developed and underdeveloped areas of North 24 Parganas District, West Bengal. The percentage area under High Yielding Variety Cereals in the developed and underdeveloped areas was 34.86 and 22.59. 42.07 percentages and 31.46 percentages for High Yielding Variety pulses respectively. In the case the area under irrigation it was 57.66 and 35.71 percent while for the mechanically operated area it was 10.60 and 3.13 percent respectively in developed and underdeveloped areas of North 24 Parganas district, West Bengal. It clearly showed that the extent of adoption of technology was significantly higher in the developed area over underdeveloped area. Better road network system helps the farmers in increasing his farm income, farm assets, cropping intensity, marketed surplus and the rate of adoption of new technology. With this background, an attempt is made in this paper to study the impact of Agricultural Infrastructure on the adoption of modern technology in agriculture in North 24 Parganas District, West Bengal.Keywords: agricultural infrastructure, adoption of technology, farm income, road network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1022380 Responding of Vertical Gardens and Green Facades in Urban Design to the Global Environmental Impacts and the Call for Greening in Urban Spaces
Authors: Esraa Mohamed Ezzat Ramadan Elkhaiary, Ayah Mohamed Ezzat Ramadan Elkhaiary, Ahmed Yehia Ismaiel
Vertical lawn is crucial for the development of the constructed surroundings’ sustainability. Their implementation is also ecologically and aesthetically ideal as a good enough architectural characteristic that enhancements facades. Furthermore, their exploitation ends in a power-conscious design that prevents densely populated city areas in Cairo from transforming right into a deteriorated natural environment. After collaborative studies and analysis, it concluded that installing the vertical garden will not simply enhance urban spaces and informal settlements’ homes aesthetically but also offer an excellent role version to the metropolis in how future buildings can be constructed with vertical gardens established. Most significantly, it will enhance the general public consciousness of the inexperienced functions of the vertical garden to the constructing customers and visitors.Keywords: vertical gardens, green facades, urban rehabilitation, urban spaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 722379 Study for Establishing a Concept of Underground Mining in a Folded Deposit with Weathering
Authors: Chandan Pramanik, Bikramjit Chanda
Large metal mines operated with open-cast mining methods must transition to underground mining at the conclusion of the operation; however, this requires a period of a difficult time when production convergence due to interference between the two mining methods. A transition model with collaborative mining operations is presented and established in this work, based on the case of the South Kaliapani Underground Project, to address these technical issues of inadequate production security and other mining challenges during the transition phase and beyond. By integrating the technology of the small-scale Drift and Fill method and Highly productive Sub Level Open Stoping at deep section, this hybrid mining concept tries to eliminate major bottlenecks and offers an optimized production profile with the safe and sustainable operation. Considering every geo-mining aspect, this study offers a genuine and precise technical deliberation for the transition from open pit to underground mining.Keywords: drift and fill, geo-mining aspect, sublevel open stoping, underground mining method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1002378 Enhancing Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes by the Implementation of Flipped Learning Instruction: A Qualitative Study
Authors: Badriah Algarni
The pedagogy of ‘flipped learning’ is a form of blended instruction which is gaining widespread attention throughout the world. However, there is a lack of research concerning teachers’ professional development (TPD) in teachers who use flipping. The aim of this study was, therefore, to identify teachers’ perspectives on their experience of flipped PD. The study used a qualitative approach. Purposive sampling recruited nineteen teachers who participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data. Overall, the teachers reported feeling more confident in their knowledge and skills after participating in flipped TPD. The analysis of the interview data revealed five overarching themes:1) increased engagement with the content; 2) better use of resources; 3) a social, collaborative environment; 4) exchange of practices and experiences; and 5) valuable online activities. These findings can encourage educators, policymakers, and trainers to consider flipped TPD as a form of PD to promote the building of teachers’ knowledge and stimulate reflective practices to improve teaching and learning practices.Keywords: engagement, flipped learning, teachers’ professional development, collaboration
Procedia PDF Downloads 972377 Political Economy on the Recent Labor Condition in the Philippines: A Literature Review
Authors: Lloyd B. Ranises
The Philippine labor force has been affected by the pandemic recently. The situation was added by the high inflation rate, which makes matter worse. Since the Philippines has a new government after the 2022 national election, the labor condition under the previous government has been passed on to the new one. To understand the labor challenges the present government faces, this study revisits the labor conditions and responses of the previous government from 2016 to 2022. Thus, this study reviews the labor force of the Philippines within the time frame. It explores the challenges in the labor market and examines government policy. This study uses secondary sources in tracing the labor conditions and government actions that addressed them. The Literatures are consolidated to see its relevance to the new government’s labor policy. This study found that the labor force had a sluggish growth earlier until 2018 and thrived on but was affected by the pandemic. By 2020, the National Capital Region’s labor force dropped, although, after which, it begins to thrive again, showing recovery. However, its composition is much more complex. Cognitive skill is high in demand that requires tertiary education. But the production of goods and services is low in the scientific workforce in addition to the mismatch between position and profession. Moreover, Philippine labor has poor female participation. In addition to these complexities, the agricultural rural areas have high underemployment, which implies surplus labor of low skill. Overseas employment, on the other, is significant to the decrease in domestic production. The major responses of the previous government, by far, have been focused on the minimum wage increase and the social services and health insurance, which are appropriate to the post-pandemic needs. Yet still, some issues are unattended. This study concludes that the previous government’s policy needs to be fleshed out substantially. It necessitates that the new administration shall consider encompassing all aspects of the Philippine labor force to sustain and strengthen the economy of the country.Keywords: cognitive skills, minimum wage, national capital region, underemployment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1122376 Design of the Ubiquitous Cloud Learning Management System
Authors: Panita Wannapiroon, Noppadon Phumeechanya, Sitthichai Laisema
This study is the research and development which is intended to: 1) design the ubiquitous cloud learning management system and: 2) assess the suitability of the design of the ubiquitous cloud learning management system. Its methods are divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 is the design of the ubiquitous cloud learning management system, phase 2 is the assessment of the suitability of the design the samples used in this study are work done by 25 professionals in the field of Ubiquitous cloud learning management systems and information and communication technology in education selected using the purposive sampling method. Data analyzed by arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the ubiquitous cloud learning management system consists of 2 main components which are: 1) the ubiquitous cloud learning management system server (u-Cloud LMS Server) including: cloud repository, cloud information resources, social cloud network, cloud context awareness, cloud communication, cloud collaborative tools, and: 2) the mobile client. The result of the system suitability assessment from the professionals is in the highest range.Keywords: learning management system, cloud computing, ubiquitous learning, ubiquitous learning management system
Procedia PDF Downloads 5232375 Ready Student One! Exploring How to Build a Successful Game-Based Higher Education Course in Virtual Reality
Authors: Robert Jesiolowski, Monique Jesiolowski
Today more than ever before, we have access to new technologies which provide unforeseen opportunities for educators to pursue in online education. It starts with an idea, but that needs to be coupled with the right team of experts willing to take big risks and put in the hard work to build something different. An instructional design team was empowered to reimagine an Introduction to Sociology university course as a Game-Based Learning (GBL) experience utilizing cutting edge Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The result was a collaborative process that resulted in a type of learning based in Game theory, Method of Loci, and VR Immersion Simulations to promote deeper retention of core concepts. The team deconstructed the way that university courses operated, in order to rebuild the educational process in a whole learner-centric manner. In addition to a review of the build process, this paper will explore the results of in-course surveys completed by student participants.Keywords: higher education, innovation, virtual reality, game-based learning, loci method
Procedia PDF Downloads 962374 NiFe-Type Catalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) Electrolyzers
Authors: Boldin Roman, Liliana Analía Diaz
As the hydrogen economy continues to expand, reducing energy consumption and emissions while stimulating economic growth, the development of efficient and cost-effective hydrogen production technologies is critical. Among various methods, anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysis stands out due to its potential for using non-noble metal catalysts. The exploration and enhancement of non-noble metal catalysts, such as NiFe-type catalysts, are pivotal for the advancement of AEM technology, ensuring its commercial viability and environmental sustainability. NiFe-type catalysts were synthesized through electrodeposition and characterized both electrochemically and physico-chemically. Various supports, including Ni foam and Ni mesh, were used as porous transport layers (PTLs) to evaluate the effective catalyst thickness and the influence of the PTL in a 5 cm² AEM electrolyzer. This methodological approach allows for a detailed assessment of catalyst performance under operational conditions typical of industrial hydrogen production. The study revealed that electrodeposited non-noble multi-metallic catalysts maintain stable performance as anodes in AEM water electrolysis. NiFe-type catalysts demonstrated superior activity, with the NiFeCoP alloy outperforming others by delivering the lowest overpotential and the highest current density. Furthermore, the use of different PTLs showed significant effects on the electrochemical behavior of the catalysts, indicating that PTL selection is crucial for optimizing performance and efficiency in AEM electrolyzers. Conclusion: The research underscores the potential of non-noble metal catalysts in enhancing efficiency and reducing the costs of AEM electrolysers. The findings highlight the importance of catalyst and PTL optimization in developing scalable and economically viable hydrogen production technologies. Continued innovation in this area is essential for supporting the growth of the hydrogen economy and achieving sustainable energy solutions.Keywords: AEMWE, electrocatalyst, hydrogen production, water electrolysis.
Procedia PDF Downloads 312373 Human Capital Development: A Pivotal for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries
Authors: Yusuf Ismaila
The developing countries are characterized by inefficient production systems and unequal distribution of wealth. Developing countries are largely populated, yet under developed. This can be attributed partly to the unplanned efforts towards the development of human capital through education and training. In the developed nations a huge attention is accorded to indices such as life expectancy, literacy, infant mortality, education, and the efficient delivery of social services. This is the reason why many developing countries have been scored low by the United Nations in terms of its human development indicators. The population growth continued to expand far beyond the rate of economic growth, a situation that gave rise to increasing poverty. This paper examines the effect of selected human development indicators on the economic development. Thus human capital development is one of the fundamental solutions to enter the international arena. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were used to demonstrate the effect of selected human capital indices and related literatures were also reviewed for exposition of the human capital concept. It was found that there are no conscious efforts in human capital planning. This has therefore resulted to continuing dwindling of production system and poverty. Recommendations made to redress the situation include that human capital development should be planned and adequately funded in line with the needs of the economy and by applying international standards. Specifically, developing countries must invest necessary resources in developing human capital which tend to have a great impact on sustainable development. Information about the labour market should improve while government policy should favour labour mobility. HCD strategy must focus on improving the skills of the workforce, reducing the cost of doing business and making available the resources business needs to compete and thrive in a fast globalizing economy. There should be regular interaction of planners, employers and builders of human capital to facilitate the process of meaningful national development.Keywords: economic development, human capital, economic growth, developing countries
Procedia PDF Downloads 4342372 The Impact of FDI on Economic Growth in Algeria
Authors: Mohammed Yagoub
The new orientation to the market economy sponsored by the Algeria government in the early Nineties of the last century, and its desire to develop investment mechanisms and the promotion of development recently, the access into a partnership with the European Union, and the forthcoming accession to the World Trade Organization, foreign direct investment makes one of the most important means of opening up to foreign markets and bring technology and interact with globalization, this article we will discuss the impact of FDI on economic growth in the Algerian.Keywords: economic, development, markets, FDI, displacement, globalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3632371 Scientific Recommender Systems Based on Neural Topic Model
Authors: Smail Boussaadi, Hassina Aliane
With the rapid growth of scientific literature, it is becoming increasingly challenging for researchers to keep up with the latest findings in their fields. Academic, professional networks play an essential role in connecting researchers and disseminating knowledge. To improve the user experience within these networks, we need effective article recommendation systems that provide personalized content.Current recommendation systems often rely on collaborative filtering or content-based techniques. However, these methods have limitations, such as the cold start problem and difficulty in capturing semantic relationships between articles. To overcome these challenges, we propose a new approach that combines BERTopic (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a state-of-the-art topic modeling technique, with community detection algorithms in a academic, professional network. Experiences confirm our performance expectations by showing good relevance and objectivity in the results.Keywords: scientific articles, community detection, academic social network, recommender systems, neural topic model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1002370 Students’ Perceptions of Mobile Learning: Case Study of Kuwait
Authors: Rana AlHajri, Salah Al-Sharhan, Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan
Mobile learning is a new learning landscape that offers opportunity for collaborative, personal, informal, and students’ centered learning environment. In implementing any learning system such as a mobile learning environment, learners’ expectations should be taken into consideration. However, there is a lack of studies on this aspect, particularly in the context of Kuwait higher education (HE) institutions. This study focused on how students perceive the use of mobile devices in learning. Although m-learning is considered as an effective educational tool in developed countries, it is not yet fully utilized in Kuwait. The study reports on the results of a survey conducted on 623 HE students in Kuwait to a better understand students' perceptions and opinions about the effectiveness of using mobile learning systems. An analysis of quantitative survey data is presented. The findings indicated that Kuwait HE students are very familiar with mobile devices and its applications. The results also reveal that students have positive perceptions of m-learning, and believe that video-based social media applications enhance the teaching and learning process.Keywords: higher education, mobile learning, social media, students’ perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 3702369 Occupational Health Programs for Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining: A Systematic Review for the WHO Global Plan of Action for Workers' Health
Authors: Vivian W. L. Tsang, Karen Lockhart, Samuel Spiegel, Annalee Yassi
Background: Workers in the informal economy often incur exposure to well-documented occupational health hazards. Insufficient attention has been afforded to rigorously evaluating intervention programs to reduce the risks, especially in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM). Objectives: This systematic review, conducted as part of the World Health Organization’s Global Plan of Action for Workers’ Health, sought to assess the state of knowledge on occupational health programs and interventions for the informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) sector, an occupation which directly employs at least 50 million people. Methods: We used a comprehensive search strategy for four well-known databases relevant to health outcomes: PubMed, Engineering Village, OVID Medline, and Web of Science, and employed the PRISMA framework for our analysis. Findings: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria of a primary study focused on assessing the impact of interventions addressing occupational health concerns in ASGM. There were no studies evaluating or even identifying comprehensive occupational health and safety programs for this sector, although target interventions addressing specific hazards exist. Major areas of intervention –education and introduction of mercury-reducing/eliminating technology were identified, and the challenges and limitations of each intervention taken into the assessment. Even for these, however, there was a lack of standardization for measuring outcome or impact, let alone long-term health outcomes for miners and mining communities. Conclusion: There is an urgent need for research on comprehensive occupational health programs addressing the array of hazards faced by artisanal and small-scale miners.Keywords: informal economy, artisanal and small-scale gold mining, occupational health, health and safety, workplace safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1522368 UEFA Super Cup: Economic Effects on Georgian Economy
Authors: Giorgi Bregadze
Tourism is the most viable and sustainable economic development option for Georgia and one of the main sources of foreign exchange earnings. Events are considered as one of the most effective ways to attract foreign visitors to the country, and, recently, the government of Georgia has begun investing in this sector very actively. This article stresses the necessity of research based economic policy in the tourism sector. In this regard, it is of paramount importance to measure the economic effects of the events which are subsidized by taxpayers’ money. The economic effect of events can be analyzed from two perspectives; financial perspective of the government and perspective of economic effects of the tourism administration. The article emphasizes more realistic and all-inclusive focus of the economic effect analysis of the tourism administration as it concentrates on the income of residents and local businesses, part of which generate tax revenues for the government. The public would like to know what the economic returns to investment are. In this article, the methodology used to describe the economic effects of UEFA Super Cup held in Tbilisi, will help to answer this question. Methodology is based on three main principles and covers three stages. Using the suggested methodology article estimates the direct economic effect of UEFA Super cup on Georgian economy. Although the attempt to make an economic effect analysis of the event was successful in Georgia, some obstacles and insufficiencies were identified during the survey. The article offers several recommendations that will help to refine methodology and improve the accuracy of the data. Furthermore, it is very important to receive the correct standard of measurement of events in Georgia. In this caseü non-ethical acts of measurement which are widely utilized by different research companies will not trigger others to show overestimated effects. It is worth mentioning that to author’s best knowledge, this is the first attempt to measure the economic effect of an event held in Georgia.Keywords: biased economic effect analysis, expenditure of local citizens, time switchers and casuals, UEFA super cup
Procedia PDF Downloads 1572367 Valorization of Waste and By-products for Protein Extraction and Functional Properties
Authors: Lorena Coelho, David Ramada, Catarina Nobre, Joaquim Gaião, Juliana Duarte
The development of processes that allows the valorization of waste and by-products generated by industries is crucial to promote symbiotic relationships between different sectors and is mandatory to “close the loop” in the circular economy paradigm. In recent years, by-products and waste from agro-food and forestry sector have attracted attention due to their potential application and technical characteristics. The extraction of bio-based active compounds to be reused is in line with the circular bioeconomy concept trends, combining the use of renewable resources with the process’s circularity, aiming the waste reduction and encouraging reuse and recycling. Among different types of bio-based materials, which are being explored and can be extracted, proteins fractions are becoming an attractive new raw material. Within this context, BioTrace4Leather project, a collaboration between two Technological Centres – CeNTI and CTIC, and a company of Tanning and Finishing of Leather – Curtumes Aveneda, aims to develop innovative and biologically sustainable solutions for leather industry and accomplish the market circularity trends. Specifically, it aims to the valorisation of waste and by-products from the tannery industry through proteins extraction and the development of an innovative and biologically sustainable materials. The achieved results show that keratin, gelatine, and collagen fractions can be successfully extracted from hair and leather bovine waste. These products could be reintegrated into the industrial manufacturing process to attain innovative and functional textile and leather substrates. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work has been developed under BioTrace4Leather scope, a project co-funded by Operational Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE) of PORTUGAL2020, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under grant agreement Nº POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039867.Keywords: leather by-products, circular economy, sustainability, protein fractions
Procedia PDF Downloads 1582366 The Cooperative Learning Management in the Course of Principles of Mathematics for Graduate Level
Authors: Komon Paisal
The aim of this research was to create collaborative learning activities in the course of Principles of Mathematics for graduate level by investigating the students’ ability in proving the mathematics principles as well as their attitudes towards the activities. The samples composed of 2 main group; lecturers and students. The lecturers consisted of 3 teachers who taught the course of Principles of Mathematics at Rajabhat Suan Sunandha Unicersity in the academic year 2012. The students consisted of 32 students joining the cooperative learning activities in the subject of Principles of Mathematics in the academic year 2012. The research tools included activity plan for cooperative learning, testing on mathematics with the reliability of 0.8067 and the attitude questionnaires reported by the students. The results showed that: 1) the efficiency of the developed cooperative learning activities was 69.76/ 68.57 which was lower than the set criteria at 70/70. 2) The students joining the cooperative learning activities were able to prove the principles of mathematics at the average of 70%. 3) The students joining the cooperative learning activities reported moderate attitude towards the activities.Keywords: instructional design, pedagogical, teaching strategies, learning strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 2722365 The Impact of Australia's Skilled Migrant Selection System: A Case Study of Japanese Skilled Migrants and Their Families
Authors: Iori Hamada
Australia's skilled migrant selection system is constantly changing its target skills and criteria according to the labour market demands. The government's intention to employ this highly selective market-driven selection system is to better target the skills needed in the economy, enable skilled migrants to be employed in industries that have the highest need, and consequently boost the economy and population. However, migration scholars have called this intention into question, arguing that the system is not making the best use of skilled migrants. This paper investigates the impact of recent reforms in Australian skilled migration system on skilled migrants' employment and related life conditions. Drawing on semi-structured qualitative interviews with Japanese skilled migrants in Australia, it argues that Australia’s skilled migrant selection system guarantees neither skilled migrants' employment nor successful transfer of their skills to the labour market. The findings show that Japanese skilled migrants are often unemployed or under-employed, although they intend to achieve upward occupational mobility. The interview data also reveal that male unemployment or under-employment status prompts some Japanese men to leave Australia and find a job that better matches their skills and qualifications in a new destination. Further, it finds that Japanese male skilled migrants who experience downward occupational mobility tend to continue to take a primary breadwinner role, which affects the distribution of paid and unpaid work within their families. There is a growing body of research investigating skilled migrants’ downward career mobility. However, little has been written on skilled Japanese migrants. Further, the work-family intersection is a 'hot public policy topic' in Australia and elsewhere. Yet, the existing studies focus almost exclusively on non-migrant families. This calls attention to the urgency of assessing the work-family lives of skilled migrants. This study fills these gaps, presenting additional insight into Japanese skilled migrants’ work and family in and beyond Australia.Keywords: Australia, employment, family, Japanese skilled migrants
Procedia PDF Downloads 1162364 Modeling and Analyzing Controversy in Large-Scale Cyber-Argumentation
Authors: Najla Althuniyan
Online discussions take place across different platforms. These discussions have the potential to extract crowd wisdom and capture the collective intelligence from a different perspective. However, certain phenomena, such as controversy, often appear in online argumentation that makes the discussion between participants heated. Heated discussions can be used to extract new knowledge. Therefore, detecting the presence of controversy is an essential task to determine if collective intelligence can be extracted from online discussions. This paper uses existing measures for estimating controversy quantitatively in cyber-argumentation. First, it defines controversy in different fields, and then it identifies the attributes of controversy in online discussions. The distributions of user opinions and the distance between opinions are used to calculate the controversial degree of a discussion. Finally, the results from each controversy measure are discussed and analyzed using an empirical study generated by a cyber-argumentation tool. This is an improvement over the existing measurements because it does not require ground-truth data or specific settings and can be adapted to distribution-based or distance-based opinions.Keywords: online argumentation, controversy, collective intelligence, agreement analysis, collaborative decision-making, fuzzy logic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1172363 The Morphing Avatar of Startup Sales - Destination Virtual Reality
Authors: Sruthi Kannan
The ongoing covid pandemic has accelerated digital transformation like never before. The physical barriers brought in as a result of the pandemic are being bridged by digital alternatives. While basic collaborative activities like voice, video calling, screen sharing have been replicated in these alternatives, there are several others that require a more intimate setup. Pitching, showcasing, and providing demonstrations are an integral part of selling strategies for startups. Traditionally these have been in-person engagements, enabling a depth of understanding of the startups’ offerings. In the new normal scenario of virtual-only connects, startups are feeling the brunt of the lack of in-person connections with potential customers and investors. This poster demonstrates how a virtual reality platform has been conceptualized and custom-built for startups to engage with their stakeholders and redefine their selling strategies. This virtual reality platform is intended to provide an immersive experience for startup showcases and offers the nearest possible alternative to physical meetings for the startup ecosystem, thereby opening newer frontiers for entrepreneurial collaborations.Keywords: collaboration, sales, startups, strategy, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 3062362 India’s Energy Transition, Pathways for Green Economy
Authors: B. Sudhakara Reddy
In modern economy, energy is fundamental to virtually every product and service in use. It has been developed on the dependence of abundant and easy-to-transform polluting fossil fuels. On one hand, increase in population and income levels combined with increased per capita energy consumption requires energy production to keep pace with economic growth, and on the other, the impact of fossil fuel use on environmental degradation is enormous. The conflicting policy objectives of protecting the environment while increasing economic growth and employment has resulted in this paradox. Hence, it is important to decouple economic growth from environmental degeneration. Hence, the search for green energy involving affordable, low-carbon, and renewable energies has become global priority. This paper explores a transition to a sustainable energy system using the socio-economic-technical scenario method. This approach takes into account the multifaceted nature of transitions which not only require the development and use of new technologies, but also of changes in user behaviour, policy and regulation. The scenarios that are developed are: baseline business as usual (BAU) as well as green energy (GE). The baseline scenario assumes that the current trends (energy use, efficiency levels, etc.) will continue in future. India’s population is projected to grow by 23% during 2010 –2030, reaching 1.47 billion. The real GDP, as per the model, is projected to grow by 6.5% per year on average between 2010 and 2030 reaching US$5.1 trillion or $3,586 per capita (base year 2010). Due to increase in population and GDP, the primary energy demand will double in two decades reaching 1,397 MTOE in 2030 with the share of fossil fuels remaining around 80%. The increase in energy use corresponds to an increase in energy intensity (TOE/US $ of GDP) from 0.019 to 0.036. The carbon emissions are projected to increase by 2.5 times from 2010 reaching 3,440 million tonnes with per capita emissions of 2.2 tons/annum. However, the carbon intensity (tons per US$ of GDP) decreases from 0.96 to 0.67. As per GE scenario, energy use will reach 1079 MTOE by 2030, a saving of about 30% over BAU. The penetration rate of renewable energy resources will reduce the total primary energy demand by 23% under GE. The reduction in fossil fuel demand and focus on clean energy will reduce the energy intensity to 0.21 (TOE/US$ of GDP) and carbon intensity to 0.42 (ton/US$ of GDP) under the GE scenario. The study develops new ‘pathways out of poverty’ by creating more than 10 million jobs and thus raise the standard of living of low-income people. Our scenarios are, to a great extent, based on the existing technologies. The challenges to this path lie in socio-economic-political domains. However, to attain a green economy the appropriate policy package should be in place which will be critical in determining the kind of investments that will be needed and the incidence of costs and benefits. These results provide a basis for policy discussions on investments, policies and incentives to be put in place by national and local governments.Keywords: energy, renewables, green technology, scenario
Procedia PDF Downloads 2502361 Participatory Monitoring Strategy to Address Stakeholder Engagement Impact in Co-creation of NBS Related Project: The OPERANDUM Case
Authors: Teresa Carlone, Matteo Mannocchi
In the last decade, a growing number of International Organizations are pushing toward green solutions for adaptation to climate change. This is particularly true in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and land planning, where Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) had been sponsored through funding programs and planning tools. Stakeholder engagement and co-creation of NBS is growing as a practice and research field in environmental projects, fostering the consolidation of a multidisciplinary socio-ecological approach in addressing hydro-meteorological risk. Even thou research and financial interests are constantly spread, the NBS mainstreaming process is still at an early stage as innovative concepts and practices make it difficult to be fully accepted and adopted by a multitude of different actors to produce wide scale societal change. The monitoring and impact evaluation of stakeholders’ participation in these processes represent a crucial aspect and should be seen as a continuous and integral element of the co-creation approach. However, setting up a fit for purpose-monitoring strategy for different contexts is not an easy task, and multiple challenges emerge. In this scenario, the Horizon 2020 OPERANDUM project, designed to address the major hydro-meteorological risks that negatively affect European rural and natural territories through the co-design, co-deployment, and assessment of Nature-based Solution, represents a valid case study to test a monitoring strategy from which set a broader, general and scalable monitoring framework. Applying a participative monitoring methodology, based on selected indicators list that combines quantitative and qualitative data developed within the activity of the project, the paper proposes an experimental in-depth analysis of the stakeholder engagement impact in the co-creation process of NBS. The main focus will be to spot and analyze which factors increase knowledge, social acceptance, and mainstreaming of NBS, promoting also a base-experience guideline to could be integrated with the stakeholder engagement strategy in current and future similar strongly collaborative approach-based environmental projects, such as OPERANDUM. Measurement will be carried out through survey submitted at a different timescale to the same sample (stakeholder: policy makers, business, researchers, interest groups). Changes will be recorded and analyzed through focus groups in order to highlight causal explanation and to assess the proposed list of indicators to steer the conduction of similar activities in other projects and/or contexts. The idea of the paper is to contribute to the construction of a more structured and shared corpus of indicators that can support the evaluation of the activities of involvement and participation of various levels of stakeholders in the co-production, planning, and implementation of NBS to address climate change challenges.Keywords: co-creation and collaborative planning, monitoring, nature-based solution, participation & inclusion, stakeholder engagement
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