Search results for: artificial animal intelligence
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3785

Search results for: artificial animal intelligence

2915 The Confounding Role of Graft-versus-Host Disease in Animal Models of Cancer Immunotherapy: A Systematic Review

Authors: Hami Ashraf, Mohammad Heydarnejad


Introduction: The landscape of cancer treatment has been revolutionized by immunotherapy, offering novel therapeutic avenues for diverse cancer types. Animal models play a pivotal role in the development and elucidation of these therapeutic modalities. Nevertheless, the manifestation of Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) in such models poses significant challenges, muddling the interpretation of experimental data within the ambit of cancer immunotherapy. This study is dedicated to scrutinizing the role of GVHD as a confounding factor in animal models used for cancer immunotherapy, alongside proposing viable strategies to mitigate this complication. Method: Employing a systematic review framework, this study undertakes a comprehensive literature survey including academic journals in PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases and conference proceedings to collate pertinent research that delves into the impact of GVHD on animal models in cancer immunotherapy. The acquired studies undergo rigorous analysis and synthesis, aiming to assess the influence of GVHD on experimental results while identifying strategies to alleviate its confounding effects. Results: Findings indicate that GVHD incidence significantly skews the reliability and applicability of experimental outcomes, occasionally leading to erroneous interpretations. The literature surveyed also sheds light on various methodologies under exploration to counteract the GVHD dilemma, thereby bolstering the experimental integrity in this domain. Conclusion: GVHD's presence critically affects both the interpretation and validity of experimental findings, underscoring the imperative for strategies to curtail its confounding impacts. Current research endeavors are oriented towards devising solutions to this issue, aiming to augment the dependability and pertinence of experimental results. It is incumbent upon researchers to diligently consider and adjust for GVHD's effects, thereby enhancing the translational potential of animal model findings to clinical applications and propelling progress in the arena of cancer immunotherapy.

Keywords: graft-versus-host disease, cancer immunotherapy, animal models, preclinical model

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2914 Improving the Gain of a Multiband Antenna by Adding an Artificial Magnetic Conductor Metasurface

Authors: Amira Bousselmi


This article presents a PIFA antenna designed for geolocation applications (GNSS) operating on 1.278 GHz, 2.8 GHz, 5.7 GHz and 10 GHz. To improve the performance of the antenna, an artificial magnetic conductor structure (AMC) was used. Adding the antenna with AMC resulted in a measured gain of 4.78 dBi. The results of simulations and measurements are presented. CST Microwave Studio is used to design and compare antenna performance. An antenna design methodology, design and characterization of the AMC surface are described as well as the simulated and measured performances of the AMC antenna are then discussed. Finally, in Section V, there is a conclusion.

Keywords: antenna multiband, global navigation system, AMC, Galeleo

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2913 Optimal Cropping Pattern in an Irrigation Project: A Hybrid Model of Artificial Neural Network and Modified Simplex Algorithm

Authors: Safayat Ali Shaikh


Software has been developed for optimal cropping pattern in an irrigation project considering land constraint, water availability constraint and pick up flow constraint using modified Simplex Algorithm. Artificial Neural Network Models (ANN) have been developed to predict rainfall. AR (1) model used to generate 1000 years rainfall data to train the ANN. Simulation has been done with expected rainfall data. Eight number crops and three types of soil class have been considered for optimization model. Area under each crop and each soil class have been quantified using Modified Simplex Algorithm to get optimum net return. Efficacy of the software has been tested using data of large irrigation project in India.

Keywords: artificial neural network, large irrigation project, modified simplex algorithm, optimal cropping pattern

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2912 Multimodal Optimization of Density-Based Clustering Using Collective Animal Behavior Algorithm

Authors: Kristian Bautista, Ruben A. Idoy


A bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm inspired by the theory of collective animal behavior (CAB) was integrated to density-based clustering modeled as multimodal optimization problem. The algorithm was tested on synthetic, Iris, Glass, Pima and Thyroid data sets in order to measure its effectiveness relative to CDE-based Clustering algorithm. Upon preliminary testing, it was found out that one of the parameter settings used was ineffective in performing clustering when applied to the algorithm prompting the researcher to do an investigation. It was revealed that fine tuning distance δ3 that determines the extent to which a given data point will be clustered helped improve the quality of cluster output. Even though the modification of distance δ3 significantly improved the solution quality and cluster output of the algorithm, results suggest that there is no difference between the population mean of the solutions obtained using the original and modified parameter setting for all data sets. This implies that using either the original or modified parameter setting will not have any effect towards obtaining the best global and local animal positions. Results also suggest that CDE-based clustering algorithm is better than CAB-density clustering algorithm for all data sets. Nevertheless, CAB-density clustering algorithm is still a good clustering algorithm because it has correctly identified the number of classes of some data sets more frequently in a thirty trial run with a much smaller standard deviation, a potential in clustering high dimensional data sets. Thus, the researcher recommends further investigation in the post-processing stage of the algorithm.

Keywords: clustering, metaheuristics, collective animal behavior algorithm, density-based clustering, multimodal optimization

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2911 A Survey of Response Generation of Dialogue Systems

Authors: Yifan Fan, Xudong Luo, Pingping Lin


An essential task in the field of artificial intelligence is to allow computers to interact with people through natural language. Therefore, researches such as virtual assistants and dialogue systems have received widespread attention from industry and academia. The response generation plays a crucial role in dialogue systems, so to push forward the research on this topic, this paper surveys various methods for response generation. We sort out these methods into three categories. First one includes finite state machine methods, framework methods, and instance methods. The second contains full-text indexing methods, ontology methods, vast knowledge base method, and some other methods. The third covers retrieval methods and generative methods. We also discuss some hybrid methods based knowledge and deep learning. We compare their disadvantages and advantages and point out in which ways these studies can be improved further. Our discussion covers some studies published in leading conferences such as IJCAI and AAAI in recent years.

Keywords: deep learning, generative, knowledge, response generation, retrieval

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2910 User Experience and Impact of AI Features in AutoCAD

Authors: Sarah Alnafea, Basmah Alalsheikh, Hadab Alkathiri


For over 30 years, AutoCAD, a powerful CAD software developed by Autodesk, has been an imperative need for design in industries such as engineering, building, and architecture. With the emerge of advanced technology, AutoCAD has undergone a revolutionary change with the involvement of artificial intelligence capabilities that have enhanced the productivity and efficiency at work and quality in the design for the users. This paper investigates the role AI in AutoCAD, especially in intelligent automation, generative design, automated design ideas, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. To identify further, A survey among users was also conducted to assess the adoption and satisfaction of AI features and identify areas for improvement. The Competitive standing of AutoCAD is further crosschecked against other AI-enabled CAD software packages, including SolidWorks, Fusion 360, and Rhino.In this paper, an overview of the current impacts of AI in AutoCAD is given, along with some recommendations for the future road of AI development to meet users’ requirements

Keywords: artificail inteligence, natural language proccesing, intelligent automation, generative design

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2909 Identifying Confirmed Resemblances in Problem-Solving Engineering, Both in the Past and Present

Authors: Colin Schmidt, Adrien Lecossier, Pascal Crubleau, Philippe Blanchard, Simon Richir


Introduction:The widespread availability of artificial intelligence, exemplified by Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) relying on large language models (LLM), has caused a seismic shift in the realm of knowledge. Everyone now has the capacity to swiftly learn how these models can either serve them well or not. Today, conversational AI like ChatGPT is grounded in neural transformer models, a significant advance in natural language processing facilitated by the emergence of renowned LLMs constructed using neural transformer architecture. Inventiveness of an LLM : OpenAI's GPT-3 stands as a premier LLM, capable of handling a broad spectrum of natural language processing tasks without requiring fine-tuning, reliably producing text that reads as if authored by humans. However, even with an understanding of how LLMs respond to questions asked, there may be lurking behind OpenAI’s seemingly endless responses an inventive model yet to be uncovered. There may be some unforeseen reasoning emerging from the interconnection of neural networks here. Just as a Soviet researcher in the 1940s questioned the existence of Common factors in inventions, enabling an Under standing of how and according to what principles humans create them, it is equally legitimate today to explore whether solutions provided by LLMs to complex problems also share common denominators. Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) : We will revisit some fundamentals of TRIZ and how Genrich ALTSHULLER was inspired by the idea that inventions and innovations are essential means to solve societal problems. It's crucial to note that traditional problem-solving methods often fall short in discovering innovative solutions. The design team is frequently hampered by psychological barriers stemming from confinement within a highly specialized knowledge domain that is difficult to question. We presume ChatGPT Utilizes TRIZ 40. Hence, the objective of this research is to decipher the inventive model of LLMs, particularly that of ChatGPT, through a comparative study. This will enhance the efficiency of sustainable innovation processes and shed light on how the construction of a solution to a complex problem was devised. Description of the Experimental Protocol : To confirm or reject our main hypothesis that is to determine whether ChatGPT uses TRIZ, we will follow a stringent protocol that we will detail, drawing on insights from a panel of two TRIZ experts. Conclusion and Future Directions : In this endeavor, we sought to comprehend how an LLM like GPT addresses complex challenges. Our goal was to analyze the inventive model of responses provided by an LLM, specifically ChatGPT, by comparing it to an existing standard model: TRIZ 40. Of course, problem solving is our main focus in our endeavours.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, Triz, ChatGPT, inventiveness, problem-solving

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2908 Analysis of Q-Learning on Artificial Neural Networks for Robot Control Using Live Video Feed

Authors: Nihal Murali, Kunal Gupta, Surekha Bhanot


Training of artificial neural networks (ANNs) using reinforcement learning (RL) techniques is being widely discussed in the robot learning literature. The high model complexity of ANNs along with the model-free nature of RL algorithms provides a desirable combination for many robotics applications. There is a huge need for algorithms that generalize using raw sensory inputs, such as vision, without any hand-engineered features or domain heuristics. In this paper, the standard control problem of line following robot was used as a test-bed, and an ANN controller for the robot was trained on images from a live video feed using Q-learning. A virtual agent was first trained in simulation environment and then deployed onto a robot’s hardware. The robot successfully learns to traverse a wide range of curves and displays excellent generalization ability. Qualitative analysis of the evolution of policies, performance and weights of the network provide insights into the nature and convergence of the learning algorithm.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, q-learning, reinforcement learning, robot learning

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2907 Deep Neural Network Approach for Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Mayank Raj, V. G. Narendra


Ever since the DARPA challenge on autonomous vehicles in 2005, there has been a lot of buzz about ‘Autonomous Vehicles’ amongst the major tech giants such as Google, Uber, and Tesla. Numerous approaches have been adopted to solve this problem, which can have a long-lasting impact on mankind. In this paper, we have used Deep Learning techniques and TensorFlow framework with the goal of building a neural network model to predict (speed, acceleration, steering angle, and brake) features needed for navigation of autonomous vehicles. The Deep Neural Network has been trained on images and sensor data obtained from the dataset. A heatmap was used to check for correlation among the features, and finally, four important features were selected. This was a multivariate regression problem. The final model had five convolutional layers, followed by five dense layers. Finally, the calculated values were tested against the labeled data, where the mean squared error was used as a performance metric.

Keywords: autonomous vehicles, deep learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence

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2906 Utilizing Federated Learning for Accurate Prediction of COVID-19 from CT Scan Images

Authors: Jinil Patel, Sarthak Patel, Sarthak Thakkar, Deepti Saraswat


Recently, the COVID-19 outbreak has spread across the world, leading the World Health Organization to classify it as a global pandemic. To save the patient’s life, the COVID-19 symptoms have to be identified. But using an AI (Artificial Intelligence) model to identify COVID-19 symptoms within the allotted time was challenging. The RT-PCR test was found to be inadequate in determining the COVID status of a patient. To determine if the patient has COVID-19 or not, a Computed Tomography Scan (CT scan) of patient is a better alternative. It will be challenging to compile and store all the data from various hospitals on the server, though. Federated learning, therefore, aids in resolving this problem. Certain deep learning models help to classify Covid-19. This paper will have detailed work of certain deep learning models like VGG19, ResNet50, MobileNEtv2, and Deep Learning Aggregation (DLA) along with maintaining privacy with encryption.

Keywords: federated learning, COVID-19, CT-scan, homomorphic encryption, ResNet50, VGG-19, MobileNetv2, DLA

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2905 A Hybrid Distributed Algorithm for Multi-Objective Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Authors: Aydin Teymourifar, Gurkan Ozturk


In this paper, a hybrid distributed algorithm has been suggested for multi-objective dynamic flexible job shop scheduling problem. The proposed algorithm is high level, in which several algorithms search the space on different machines simultaneously also it is a hybrid algorithm that takes advantages of the artificial intelligence, evolutionary and optimization methods. Distribution is done at different levels and new approaches are used for design of the algorithm. Apache spark and Hadoop frameworks have been used for the distribution of the algorithm. The Pareto optimality approach is used for solving the multi-objective benchmarks. The suggested algorithm that is able to solve large-size problems in short times has been compared with the successful algorithms of the literature. The results prove high speed and efficiency of the algorithm.

Keywords: distributed algorithms, apache-spark, Hadoop, flexible dynamic job shop scheduling, multi-objective optimization

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2904 Estimating Solar Irradiance on a Tilted Surface Using Artificial Neural Networks with Differential Outputs

Authors: Hsu-Yung Cheng, Kuo-Chang Hsu, Chi-Chang Chan, Mei-Hui Tseng, Chih-Chang Yu, Ya-Sheng Liu


Photovoltaics modules are usually not installed horizontally to avoid water or dust accumulation. However, the measured irradiance data on tilted surfaces are rarely available since installing pyranometers with various tilt angles induces high costs. Therefore, estimating solar irradiance on tilted surfaces is an important research topic. In this work, artificial neural networks (ANN) are utilized to construct the transfer model to estimate solar irradiance on tilted surfaces. Instead of predicting tilted irradiance directly, the proposed method estimates the differences between the horizontal irradiance and the irradiance on a tilted surface. The outputs of the ANNs in the proposed design are differential values. The experimental results have shown that the proposed ANNs with differential outputs can substantially improve the estimation accuracy compared to ANNs that estimate the titled irradiance directly.

Keywords: photovoltaics, artificial neural networks, tilted irradiance, solar energy

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2903 Prediction of Wind Speed by Artificial Neural Networks for Energy Application

Authors: S. Adjiri-Bailiche, S. M. Boudia, H. Daaou, S. Hadouche, A. Benzaoui


In this work the study of changes in the wind speed depending on the altitude is calculated and described by the model of the neural networks, the use of measured data, the speed and direction of wind, temperature and the humidity at 10 m are used as input data and as data targets at 50m above sea level. Comparing predict wind speeds and extrapolated at 50 m above sea level is performed. The results show that the prediction by the method of artificial neural networks is very accurate.

Keywords: MATLAB, neural network, power low, vertical extrapolation, wind energy, wind speed

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2902 Application of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of High Tensile Steel Strands in Post-Tensioned Slabs

Authors: Gaurav Sancheti


This study presents an impacting approach of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in determining the quantity of High Tensile Steel (HTS) strands required in post-tensioned (PT) slabs. Various PT slab configurations were generated by varying the span and depth of the slab. For each of these slab configurations, quantity of required HTS strands were recorded. ANNs with backpropagation algorithm and varying architectures were developed and their performance was evaluated in terms of Mean Square Error (MSE). The recorded data for the quantity of HTS strands was used as a feeder database for training the developed ANNs. The networks were validated using various validation techniques. The results show that the proposed ANNs have a great potential with good prediction and generalization capability.

Keywords: artificial neural networks, back propagation, conceptual design, high tensile steel strands, post tensioned slabs, validation techniques

Procedia PDF Downloads 222
2901 DURAFILE: A Collaborative Tool for Preserving Digital Media Files

Authors: Santiago Macho, Miquel Montaner, Raivo Ruusalepp, Ferran Candela, Xavier Tarres, Rando Rostok


During our lives, we generate a lot of personal information such as photos, music, text documents and videos that link us with our past. This data that used to be tangible is now digital information stored in our computers, which implies a software dependence to make them accessible in the future. Technology, however, constantly evolves and goes through regular shifts, quickly rendering various file formats obsolete. The need for accessing data in the future affects not only personal users but also organizations. In a digital environment, a reliable preservation plan and the ability to adapt to fast changing technology are essential for maintaining data collections in the long term. We present in this paper the European FP7 project called DURAFILE that provides the technology to preserve media files for personal users and organizations while maintaining their quality.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital preservation, social search, digital preservation plans

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2900 Smoker Recognition from Lung X-Ray Images Using Convolutional Neural Network

Authors: Moumita Chanda, Md. Fazlul Karim Patwary


Smoking is one of the most popular recreational drug use behaviors, and it contributes to birth defects, COPD, heart attacks, and erectile dysfunction. To completely eradicate this disease, it is imperative that it be identified and treated. Numerous smoking cessation programs have been created, and they demonstrate how beneficial it may be to help someone stop smoking at the ideal time. A tomography meter is an effective smoking detector. Other wearables, such as RF-based proximity sensors worn on the collar and wrist to detect when the hand is close to the mouth, have been proposed in the past, but they are not impervious to deceptive variables. In this study, we create a machine that can discriminate between smokers and non-smokers in real-time with high sensitivity and specificity by watching and collecting the human lung and analyzing the X-ray data using machine learning. If it has the highest accuracy, this machine could be utilized in a hospital, in the selection of candidates for the army or police, or in university entrance.

Keywords: CNN, smoker detection, non-smoker detection, OpenCV, artificial Intelligence, X-ray Image detection

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2899 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Behavior of Children and Autism

Authors: Sara Fayez Fawzy Mikhael


Inclusive education services for students with Autism remains in its early developmental stages in Thailand. Despite many more children with autism are attending schools since the Thai government introduced the Education Provision for People with Disabilities Act in 2008, the services students with autism and their families receive are generally lacking. This quantitative study used Attitude and Preparedness to Teach Students with Autism Scale (APTSAS) to investigate 110 primary school teachers’ attitude and preparedness to teach students with autism in the general education classroom. Descriptive statistical analysis of the data found that student behavior was the most significant factor in building teachers’ negative attitudes students with autism. The majority of teachers also indicated that their pre-service education did not prepare them to meet the learning needs of children with autism in particular, those who are non-verbal. The study is significant and provides direction for enhancing teacher education for inclusivity in Thailand.

Keywords: attitude, autism, teachers, thailandsports activates, movement skills, motor skills

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2898 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Autism Attitude and Skills

Authors: Samwail Fahmi Francis Yacoub


Inclusive education services for students with Autism remains in its early developmental stages in Thailand. Despite many more children with autism are attending schools since the Thai government introduced the Education Provision for People with Disabilities Act in 2008, the services students with autism and their families receive are generally lacking. This quantitative study used Attitude and Preparedness to Teach Students with Autism Scale (APTSAS) to investigate 110 primary school teachers’ attitude and preparedness to teach students with autism in the general education classroom. Descriptive statistical analysis of the data found that student behavior was the most significant factor in building teachers’ negative attitudes students with autism. The majority of teachers also indicated that their pre-service education did not prepare them to meet the learning needs of children with autism in particular, those who are non-verbal. The study is significant and provides direction for enhancing teacher education for inclusivity in Thailand.

Keywords: attitude, autism, teachers, movement skills, motor skills, children, behavior.

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2897 Real Estate Trend Prediction with Artificial Intelligence Techniques

Authors: Sophia Liang Zhou


For investors, businesses, consumers, and governments, an accurate assessment of future housing prices is crucial to critical decisions in resource allocation, policy formation, and investment strategies. Previous studies are contradictory about macroeconomic determinants of housing price and largely focused on one or two areas using point prediction. This study aims to develop data-driven models to accurately predict future housing market trends in different markets. This work studied five different metropolitan areas representing different market trends and compared three-time lagging situations: no lag, 6-month lag, and 12-month lag. Linear regression (LR), random forest (RF), and artificial neural network (ANN) were employed to model the real estate price using datasets with S&P/Case-Shiller home price index and 12 demographic and macroeconomic features, such as gross domestic product (GDP), resident population, personal income, etc. in five metropolitan areas: Boston, Dallas, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. The data from March 2005 to December 2018 were collected from the Federal Reserve Bank, FBI, and Freddie Mac. In the original data, some factors are monthly, some quarterly, and some yearly. Thus, two methods to compensate missing values, backfill or interpolation, were compared. The models were evaluated by accuracy, mean absolute error, and root mean square error. The LR and ANN models outperformed the RF model due to RF’s inherent limitations. Both ANN and LR methods generated predictive models with high accuracy ( > 95%). It was found that personal income, GDP, population, and measures of debt consistently appeared as the most important factors. It also showed that technique to compensate missing values in the dataset and implementation of time lag can have a significant influence on the model performance and require further investigation. The best performing models varied for each area, but the backfilled 12-month lag LR models and the interpolated no lag ANN models showed the best stable performance overall, with accuracies > 95% for each city. This study reveals the influence of input variables in different markets. It also provides evidence to support future studies to identify the optimal time lag and data imputing methods for establishing accurate predictive models.

Keywords: linear regression, random forest, artificial neural network, real estate price prediction

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2896 Study of a Crude Oil Desalting Plant of the National Iranian South Oil Company in Gachsaran by Using Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: H. Kiani, S. Moradi, B. Soltani Soulgani, S. Mousavian


Desalting/dehydration plants (DDP) are often installed in crude oil production units in order to remove water-soluble salts from an oil stream. In order to optimize this process, desalting unit should be modeled. In this research, artificial neural network is used to model efficiency of desalting unit as a function of input parameter. The result of this research shows that the mentioned model has good agreement with experimental data.

Keywords: desalting unit, crude oil, neural networks, simulation, recovery, separation

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2895 A Review Paper on Data Security in Precision Agriculture Using Internet of Things

Authors: Tonderai Muchenje, Xolani Mkhwanazi


Precision agriculture uses a number of technologies, devices, protocols, and computing paradigms to optimize agricultural processes. Big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and edge computing are all used to handle the huge amounts of data generated by precision agriculture. However, precision agriculture is still emerging and has a low level of security features. Furthermore, future solutions will demand data availability and accuracy as key points to help farmers, and security is important to build robust and efficient systems. Since precision agriculture comprises a wide variety and quantity of resources, security addresses issues such as compatibility, constrained resources, and massive data. Moreover, conventional protection schemes used in the traditional internet may not be useful for agricultural systems, creating extra demands and opportunities. Therefore, this paper aims at reviewing state of the art of precision agriculture security, particularly in open field agriculture, discussing its architecture, describing security issues, and presenting the major challenges and future directions.

Keywords: precision agriculture, security, IoT, EIDE

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2894 Estimation of Fouling in a Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger Using Artificial Neural Network Approach

Authors: Rania Jradi, Christophe Marvillet, Mohamed Razak Jeday


One of the most frequently encountered problems in industrial heat exchangers is fouling, which degrades the thermal and hydraulic performances of these types of equipment, leading thus to failure if undetected. And it occurs due to the accumulation of undesired material on the heat transfer surface. So, it is necessary to know about the heat exchanger fouling dynamics to plan mitigation strategies, ensuring a sustainable and safe operation. This paper proposes an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach to estimate the fouling resistance in a cross-flow heat exchanger by the collection of the operating data of the phosphoric acid concentration loop. The operating data of 361 was used to validate the proposed model. The ANN attains AARD= 0.048%, MSE= 1.811x10⁻¹¹, RMSE= 4.256x 10⁻⁶ and r²=99.5 % of accuracy which confirms that it is a credible and valuable approach for industrialists and technologists who are faced with the drawbacks of fouling in heat exchangers.

Keywords: cross-flow heat exchanger, fouling, estimation, phosphoric acid concentration loop, artificial neural network approach

Procedia PDF Downloads 199
2893 Technology Impact in Learning and Teaching English Language Writing

Authors: Laura Naka


The invention of computer writing programs has changed the way of teaching second language writing. This artificial intelligence engine can provide students with feedback on their essays, on their grammatical and spelling errors, convenient writing and editing tools to facilitate student’s writing process. However, it is not yet proved if this technology is helping students to improve their writing skills. There are several programs that are of great assistance for students concerning their writing skills. New technology provides students with different software programs which enable them to be more creative, to express their opinions and ideas in words, pictures and sounds, but at the end main and most correct feedback should be given by their teachers. No matter how new technology affects in writing skills, always comes from their teachers. This research will try to present some of the advantages and disadvantages that new technology has in writing process for students. The research takes place in the University of Gjakova ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ Faculty of Education-Preschool Program. The research aims to provide random sample response by using questionnaires and observation.

Keywords: English language learning, technology, academic writing, teaching L2.

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2892 Black Swans Public Administration and Informatics

Authors: Anastasis Petrou


Black Swan Theories (BSTs) have existed since the 2nd Century BC. However, problematisation in the interdisciplinary field of Public Administration and Informatics (PA&I) about the impact of Black Swans as rare events in Society is a more recent phenomenon but with a growing, although dispersed, body of research literature. This paper offers a synopsis of core issues and questions raised in PA&I literature about the impacts of rare events in Society, the need for knowledge accumulation and explainability processes about rare events and asks what could help explain the occurrence, severity, heterogeneity, overall impact of Black Swans and the challenges they represent to established scientific methods. The second part of the paper considers how the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) could assist researchers in better explaining rare events in PA&I. However, the research shows that whilst AI use at the start of knowledge accumulation and explainability processes about rare events is beneficial it is also fraught with challenges discussed herein. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research.

Keywords: black swans, public administration, AI, informatics

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2891 Oxygen Transport in Blood Flows Pasts Staggered Fiber Arrays: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study of an Oxygenator in Artificial Lung

Authors: Yu-Chen Hsu, Kuang C. Lin


The artificial lung called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an important medical machine that supports persons whose heart and lungs dysfunction. Previously, investigation of steady deoxygenated blood flows passing through hollow fibers for oxygen transport was carried out experimentally and computationally. The present study computationally analyzes the effect of biological pulsatile flow on the oxygen transport in blood. A 2-D model with a pulsatile flow condition is employed. The power law model is used to describe the non-Newtonian flow and the Hill equation is utilized to simulate the oxygen saturation of hemoglobin. The dimensionless parameters for the physical model include Reynolds numbers (Re), Womersley parameters (α), pulsation amplitudes (A), Sherwood number (Sh) and Schmidt number (Sc). The present model with steady-state flow conditions is well validated against previous experiment and simulations. It is observed that pulsating flow amplitudes significantly influence the velocity profile, pressure of oxygen (PO2), saturation of oxygen (SO2) and the oxygen mass transfer rates (m ̇_O2). In comparison between steady-state and pulsating flows, our findings suggest that the consideration of pulsating flow in the computational model is needed when Re is raised from 2 to 10 in a typical range for flow in artificial lung.

Keywords: artificial lung, oxygen transport, non-Newtonian flows, pulsating flows

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2890 A Nanofi Brous PHBV Tube with Schwann Cell as Artificial Nerve Graft Contributing to Rat Sciatic Nerve Regeneration across a 30-Mm Defect Bridge

Authors: Esmaeil Biazar


A nanofibrous PHBV nerve conduit has been used to evaluate its efficiency based on the promotion of nerve regeneration in rats. The designed conduits were investigated by physical, mechanical and microscopic analyses. The conduits were implanted into a 30-mm gap in the sciatic nerves of the rats. Four months after surgery, the regenerated nerves were evaluated by macroscopic assessments and histology. This polymeric conduit had sufficiently high mechanical properties to serve as a nerve guide. The results demonstrated that in the nanofibrous graft with cells, the sciatic nerve trunk had been reconstructed with restoration of nerve continuity and formatted nerve fibers with myelination. For the grafts especially the nanofibrous conduits with cells, muscle cells of gastrocnemius on the operated side were uniform in their size and structures. This study proves the feasibility of artificial conduit with Schwann cells for nerve regeneration by bridging a longer defect in a rat model.

Keywords: sciatic regeneration, Schwann cell, artificial conduit, nanofibrous PHBV, histological assessments

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2889 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights Legislations and Evolution

Authors: Nawal Yacoub Halim Abdelmasih


The link between terrorism and human rights has grown to be a chief challenge in the combat against terrorism around the sector. This is primarily based on the truth that terrorism and human rights are so closely related that after the former starts, the latter is violated. This direct connection is identified in the Vienna Declaration and program of movement adopted by way of the sector Convention on Human Rights in Vienna on June 25, 1993, which acknowledges that acts of terrorism in all their paperwork and manifestations intended to damage the human rights of people. Terrorism, therefore, represents an assault on our maximum fundamental human rights. To this stop, the first part of this article makes a specialty of the connections between terrorism and human rights and seeks to spotlight the interdependence between those two standards. The second part discusses the rising idea of cyberterrorism and its manifestations. An evaluation of the fight against cyberterrorism inside the context of human rights is likewise performed.

Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security.

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2888 Predict Suspended Sediment Concentration Using Artificial Neural Networks Technique: Case Study Oued El Abiod Watershed, Algeria

Authors: Adel Bougamouza, Boualam Remini, Abd El Hadi Ammari, Feteh Sakhraoui


The assessment of sediments being carried by a river is importance for planning and designing of various water resources projects. In this study, Artificial Neural Network Techniques are used to estimate the daily suspended sediment concentration for the corresponding daily discharge flow in the upstream of Foum El Gherza dam, Biskra, Algeria. The FFNN, GRNN, and RBNN models are established for estimating current suspended sediment values. Some statistics involving RMSE and R2 were used to evaluate the performance of applied models. The comparison of three AI models showed that the RBNN model performed better than the FFNN and GRNN models with R2 = 0.967 and RMSE= 5.313 mg/l. Therefore, the ANN model had capability to improve nonlinear relationships between discharge flow and suspended sediment with reasonable precision.

Keywords: artificial neural network, Oued Abiod watershed, feedforward network, generalized regression network, radial basis network, sediment concentration

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2887 Tigers in Film: Past, Present and Future Perspectives

Authors: Farah Benbouabdellah


This research examines the shifting portrayal of tigers in visual media, particularly cinema, to explore how cultural, political, and ecological perspectives influence animal symbolism. Through an interdisciplinary approach combining film studies, anthropology, art history, and material culture, this study investigates tiger representations in static and moving images, from early art forms to 20th-century films. The research highlights how the film has perpetuated, transformed, and politicised tiger imagery across contexts by analysing colonialism, identity, and ecological change themes. With a comprehensive focus on Indian and Western cinema, this study illustrates the tiger's enduring role as a cultural symbol and its impact on visual narratives, exploring techniques in cinematography, audience reception, and narratives that helped shape the animal's iconic status. This research aims to provide a comprehensive view of tiger representations in media, addressing the intersection of animal symbolism and sociocultural values across historical and regional landscapes.

Keywords: tiger representation, visual media, anthropology media, material culture, film studies, comparative analysis

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2886 Development of a Congestion Controller of Computer Network Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithm

Authors: Mary Anne Roa


Congestion in network occurs due to exceed in aggregate demand as compared to the accessible capacity of the resources. Network congestion will increase as network speed increases and new effective congestion control methods are needed, especially for today’s very high speed networks. To address this undeniably global issue, the study focuses on the development of a fuzzy-based congestion control model concerned with allocating the resources of a computer network such that the system can operate at an adequate performance level when the demand exceeds or is near the capacity of the resources. Fuzzy logic based models have proven capable of accurately representing a wide variety of processes. The model built is based on bandwidth, the aggregate incoming traffic and the waiting time. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides not only good utilization but also low packet loss.

Keywords: congestion control, queue management, computer networks, fuzzy logic

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