Search results for: NDE techniques
5921 Machine Learning Techniques in Seismic Risk Assessment of Structures
Authors: Farid Khosravikia, Patricia Clayton
The main objective of this work is to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various machine learning techniques in two key steps of seismic hazard and risk assessment of different types of structures. The first step is the development of ground-motion models, which are used for forecasting ground-motion intensity measures (IM) given source characteristics, source-to-site distance, and local site condition for future events. IMs such as peak ground acceleration and velocity (PGA and PGV, respectively) as well as 5% damped elastic pseudospectral accelerations at different periods (PSA), are indicators of the strength of shaking at the ground surface. Typically, linear regression-based models, with pre-defined equations and coefficients, are used in ground motion prediction. However, due to the restrictions of the linear regression methods, such models may not capture more complex nonlinear behaviors that exist in the data. Thus, this study comparatively investigates potential benefits from employing other machine learning techniques as statistical method in ground motion prediction such as Artificial Neural Network, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine. The results indicate the algorithms satisfy some physically sound characteristics such as magnitude scaling distance dependency without requiring pre-defined equations or coefficients. Moreover, it is shown that, when sufficient data is available, all the alternative algorithms tend to provide more accurate estimates compared to the conventional linear regression-based method, and particularly, Random Forest outperforms the other algorithms. However, the conventional method is a better tool when limited data is available. Second, it is investigated how machine learning techniques could be beneficial for developing probabilistic seismic demand models (PSDMs), which provide the relationship between the structural demand responses (e.g., component deformations, accelerations, internal forces, etc.) and the ground motion IMs. In the risk framework, such models are used to develop fragility curves estimating exceeding probability of damage for pre-defined limit states, and therefore, control the reliability of the predictions in the risk assessment. In this study, machine learning algorithms like artificial neural network, random forest, and support vector machine are adopted and trained on the demand parameters to derive PSDMs for them. It is observed that such models can provide more accurate estimates of prediction in relatively shorter about of time compared to conventional methods. Moreover, they can be used for sensitivity analysis of fragility curves with respect to many modeling parameters without necessarily requiring more intense numerical response-history analysis.Keywords: artificial neural network, machine learning, random forest, seismic risk analysis, seismic hazard analysis, support vector machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1065920 Surgical Applied Anatomy: Alive and Kicking
Authors: Jake Hindmarch, Edward Farley, Norman Eizenberg, Mark Midwinter
There is a need to bring the anatomical knowledge of medical students up to the standards required by surgical specialties. Contention exists amongst anatomists, clinicians, and surgeons about the standard of anatomical knowledge medical students need. The aim of this study was to explore the standards which the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons are applying knowledge of anatomy. Furthermore, to align medical school teaching to what the surgical profession requires from graduates.: The 2018 volume of the ANZ Journal of Surgery was narrowed down to 254 articles by applying the search term “Anatomy”. The main topic was then extracted from each paper. The content of the paper was assessed for ‘novel description’ or ‘application’ of anatomical knowledge’ and classified accordingly. The majority of papers with an anatomical focus was from the general surgery specialty, which focused on surgical techniques, outcomes and management. Vascular surgery had the highest percentage of papers with a novel description and application of anatomy. Cardiothoracic and paediatric surgery had no papers with a novel description of anatomy. Finally, a novel application of anatomy was the main focus of each speciality. Firstly, a high proportion of novel applications and descriptions of anatomy are in general surgery. Secondly, vascular surgery had the largest proportion of novel application and description of anatomy, namely due to the rise of therapeutic imaging and endovascular techniques. Finally, all disciplines demonstrated a trend towards having a higher proportion of novel application of anatomical knowledgeKeywords: anatomical knowledge, anatomy, surgery, novel anatomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1195919 Investigation of the Effects of Processing Parameters on Pla Based 3D Printed Tensile Samples
Authors: Saifullah Karimullah
Additive manufacturing techniques are becoming more common with the latest technological advancements. It is composed to bring a revolution in the way products are designed, planned, manufactured, and distributed to end users. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) based 3D printing is one of those promising aspects that have revolutionized the prototyping processes. The purpose of this design and study project is to design a customized laboratory-scale FDM-based 3D printer from locally available sources. The primary goal is to design and fabricate the FDM-based 3D printer. After the fabrication, a tensile test specimen would be designed in Solid Works or [Creo computer-aided design (CAD)] software. A .stl file is generated of the tensile test specimen through slicing software and the G-codes are inserted via a computer for the test specimen to be printed. Different parameters were under studies like printing speed, layer thickness and infill density of the printed object. Some parameters were kept constant such as temperature, extrusion rate, raster orientation etc. Different tensile test specimens were printed for a different sets of parameters of the FDM-based 3d printer. The tensile test specimen were subjected to tensile tests using a universal testing machine (UTM). Design Expert software has been used for analyses, So Different results were obtained from the different tensile test specimens. The best, average and worst specimen were also observed under a compound microscope to investigate the layer bonding in between.Keywords: additive manufacturing techniques, 3D printing, CAD software, UTM machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1045918 Technique for Online Condition Monitoring of Surge Arresters
Authors: Anil S. Khopkar, Kartik S. Pandya
Overvoltage in power systems is a phenomenon that cannot be avoided. However, it can be controlled to a certain extent. Power system equipment is to be protected against overvoltage to avoid system failure. Metal Oxide Surge Arresters (MOSA) are connected to the system for the protection of the power system against overvoltages. The MOSA will behave as an insulator under normal working conditions, where it offers a conductive path under voltage conditions. MOSA consists of zinc oxide elements (ZnO Blocks), which have non-linear V-I characteristics. ZnO blocks are connected in series and fitted in ceramic or polymer housing. This degrades due to the aging effect under continuous operation. Degradation of zinc oxide elements increases the leakage current flowing from the surge arresters. This Increased leakage current results in the increased temperature of the surge arrester, which further decreases the resistance of zinc oxide elements. As a result, leakage current increases, which again increases the temperature of a MOSA. This creates thermal runaway conditions for MOSA. Once it reaches the thermal runaway condition, it cannot return to normal working conditions. This condition is a primary cause of premature failure of surge arresters, as MOSA constitutes a core protective device for electrical power systems against transients. It contributes significantly to the reliable operation of the power system network. Hence, the condition monitoring of surge arresters should be done at periodic intervals. Online and Offline condition monitoring techniques are available for surge arresters. Offline condition monitoring techniques are not very popular as they require removing surge arresters from the system, which requires system shutdown. Hence, online condition monitoring techniques are very popular. This paper presents the evaluation technique for the surge arrester condition based on the leakage current analysis. Maximum amplitude of total leakage current (IT), Maximum amplitude of fundamental resistive leakage current (IR) and maximum amplitude of third harmonic resistive leakage current (I3rd) have been analyzed as indicators for surge arrester condition monitoring.Keywords: metal oxide surge arrester (MOSA), over voltage, total leakage current, resistive leakage current
Procedia PDF Downloads 675917 Methods for Restricting Unwanted Access on the Networks Using Firewall
Authors: Bhagwant Singh, Sikander Singh Cheema
This paper examines firewall mechanisms routinely implemented for network security in depth. A firewall can't protect you against all the hazards of unauthorized networks. Consequently, many kinds of infrastructure are employed to establish a secure network. Firewall strategies have already been the subject of significant analysis. This study's primary purpose is to avoid unnecessary connections by combining the capability of the firewall with the use of additional firewall mechanisms, which include packet filtering and NAT, VPNs, and backdoor solutions. There are insufficient studies on firewall potential and combined approaches, but there aren't many. The research team's goal is to build a safe network by integrating firewall strength and firewall methods. The study's findings indicate that the recommended concept can form a reliable network. This study examines the characteristics of network security and the primary danger, synthesizes existing domestic and foreign firewall technologies, and discusses the theories, benefits, and disadvantages of different firewalls. Through synthesis and comparison of various techniques, as well as an in-depth examination of the primary factors that affect firewall effectiveness, this study investigated firewall technology's current application in computer network security, then introduced a new technique named "tight coupling firewall." Eventually, the article discusses the current state of firewall technology as well as the direction in which it is developing.Keywords: firewall strategies, firewall potential, packet filtering, NAT, VPN, proxy services, firewall techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 1035916 Evaluating the Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques in the South African Built Environment
Authors: Peter Adekunle, Clinton Aigbavboa, Matthew Ikuabe, Opeoluwa Akinradewo
The future of machine learning (ML) in building may seem like a distant idea that will take decades to materialize, but it is actually far closer than previously believed. In reality, the built environment has been progressively increasing interest in machine learning. Although it could appear to be a very technical, impersonal approach, it can really make things more personable. Instead of eliminating humans out of the equation, machine learning allows people do their real work more efficiently. It is therefore vital to evaluate the factors influencing the implementation and challenges of implementing machine learning techniques in the South African built environment. The study's design was one of a survey. In South Africa, construction workers and professionals were given a total of one hundred fifty (150) questionnaires, of which one hundred and twenty-four (124) were returned and deemed eligible for study. Utilizing percentage, mean item scores, standard deviation, and Kruskal-Wallis, the collected data was analyzed. The results demonstrate that the top factors influencing the adoption of machine learning are knowledge level and a lack of understanding of its potential benefits. While lack of collaboration among stakeholders and lack of tools and services are the key hurdles to the deployment of machine learning within the South African built environment. The study came to the conclusion that ML adoption should be promoted in order to increase safety, productivity, and service quality within the built environment.Keywords: machine learning, implementation, built environment, construction stakeholders
Procedia PDF Downloads 1335915 Biosensor Technologies in Neurotransmitters Detection
Authors: Joanna Cabaj, Sylwia Baluta, Karol Malecha
Catecholamines are vital neurotransmitters that mediate a variety of central nervous system functions, such as motor control, cognition, emotion, memory processing, and endocrine modulation. Dysfunctions in catecholamine neurotransmission are induced in some neurologic and neuropsychiatric diseases. Changeable neurotransmitters level in biological fluids can be a marker of several neurological disorders. Because of its significance in analytical techniques and diagnostics, sensitive and selective detection of neurotransmitters is increasingly attracting a lot of attention in different areas of bio-analysis or biomedical research. Recently, optical techniques for the detection of catecholamines have attracted interests due to their reasonable cost, convenient control, as well as maneuverability in biological environments. Nevertheless, with the observed need for a sensitive and selective catecholamines sensor, the development of a convenient method for this neurotransmitter is still at its basic level. The manipulation of nanostructured materials in conjunction with biological molecules has led to the development of a new class of hybrid-modified enzymatic sensors in which both enhancement of charge transport and biological activity preservation may be obtained. Immobilization of biomaterials on electrode surfaces is the crucial step in fabricating electrochemical as well as optical biosensors and bioelectronic devices. Continuing systematic investigation in manufacturing of enzyme–conducting sensitive systems, here is presented a convenient fluorescence as well as electrochemical sensing strategy for catecholamines detection.Keywords: biosensors, catecholamines, fluorescence, enzymes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1135914 Ultrasonic Evaluation of Periodic Rough Inaccessible Surfaces from Back Side
Authors: Chanh Nghia Nguyen, Yu Kurokawa, Hirotsugu Inoue
The surface roughness is an important parameter for evaluating the quality of material surfaces since it affects functions and performance of industrial components. Although stylus and optical techniques are commonly used for measuring the surface roughness, they are applicable only to accessible surfaces. In practice, surface roughness measurement from the back side is sometimes demanded, for example, in inspection of safety-critical parts such as inner surface of pipes. However, little attention has been paid to the measurement of back surface roughness so far. Since back surface is usually inaccessible by stylus or optical techniques, ultrasonic technique is one of the most effective among others. In this research, an ultrasonic pulse-echo technique is considered for evaluating the pitch and the height of back surface having periodic triangular profile as a very first step. The pitch of the surface profile is measured by applying the diffraction grating theory for oblique incidence; then the height is evaluated by numerical analysis based on the Kirchhoff theory for normal incidence. The validity of the proposed method was verified by both numerical simulation and experiment. It was confirmed that the pitch is accurately measured in most cases. The height was also evaluated with good accuracy when it is smaller than a half of the pitch because of the approximation in the Kirchhoff theory.Keywords: back side, inaccessible surface, periodic roughness, pulse-echo technique, ultrasonic NDE
Procedia PDF Downloads 2755913 Signal Processing Techniques for Adaptive Beamforming with Robustness
Authors: Ju-Hong Lee, Ching-Wei Liao
Adaptive beamforming using antenna array of sensors is useful in the process of adaptively detecting and preserving the presence of the desired signal while suppressing the interference and the background noise. For conventional adaptive array beamforming, we require a prior information of either the impinging direction or the waveform of the desired signal to adapt the weights. The adaptive weights of an antenna array beamformer under a steered-beam constraint are calculated by minimizing the output power of the beamformer subject to the constraint that forces the beamformer to make a constant response in the steering direction. Hence, the performance of the beamformer is very sensitive to the accuracy of the steering operation. In the literature, it is well known that the performance of an adaptive beamformer will be deteriorated by any steering angle error encountered in many practical applications, e.g., the wireless communication systems with massive antennas deployed at the base station and user equipment. Hence, developing effective signal processing techniques to deal with the problem due to steering angle error for array beamforming systems has become an important research work. In this paper, we present an effective signal processing technique for constructing an adaptive beamformer against the steering angle error. The proposed array beamformer adaptively estimates the actual direction of the desired signal by using the presumed steering vector and the received array data snapshots. Based on the presumed steering vector and a preset angle range for steering mismatch tolerance, we first create a matrix related to the direction vector of signal sources. Two projection matrices are generated from the matrix. The projection matrix associated with the desired signal information and the received array data are utilized to iteratively estimate the actual direction vector of the desired signal. The estimated direction vector of the desired signal is then used for appropriately finding the quiescent weight vector. The other projection matrix is set to be the signal blocking matrix required for performing adaptive beamforming. Accordingly, the proposed beamformer consists of adaptive quiescent weights and partially adaptive weights. Several computer simulation examples are provided for evaluating and comparing the proposed technique with the existing robust techniques.Keywords: adaptive beamforming, robustness, signal blocking, steering angle error
Procedia PDF Downloads 1255912 Energy Efficient Lighting in Educational Buildings through the Example of a High School in Istanbul
Authors: Nihan Gurel Ulusan
It is obvious that electrical energy, which is an inseparable part of modern day’s human and also the most important power source of our age, should be generated on a level that will suffice the nation’s requirements. The electrical energy used for a sustainable architectural design should be reduced as much as possible. Designing the buildings as energy efficient systems which aim at reducing the artificial illumination loads has been a current subject of our times as a result of concepts gaining importance like conscious consumption of energy sources, environment-friendly designs and sustainability. Reducing the consumption of electrical energy regarding the artificial lighting carries great significance, especially in the volumes which are used all day long like the educational buildings. Starting out with such an aim in this paper, the educational buildings are explored in terms of energy efficient lighting. Firstly, illumination techniques, illumination systems, light sources, luminaries, illumination controls and 'efficient energy' usage in lighting are mentioned. In addition, natural and artificial lighting systems used in educational buildings and also the spaces building up these kind buildings are examined in terms of energy efficient lighting. Lastly, the illumination properties of the school sample chosen for this study, Kağıthane Anadolu Lisesi, a typical high school in Istanbul, is observed. Suggestions are made in order to improve the system by evaluating the illumination properties of the classes with the survey carried out with the users.Keywords: educational buildings, energy efficient, illumination techniques, lighting
Procedia PDF Downloads 2835911 Resilient Machine Learning in the Nuclear Industry: Crack Detection as a Case Study
Authors: Anita Khadka, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple
There is a dramatic surge in the adoption of machine learning (ML) techniques in many areas, including the nuclear industry (such as fault diagnosis and fuel management in nuclear power plants), autonomous systems (including self-driving vehicles), space systems (space debris recovery, for example), medical surgery, network intrusion detection, malware detection, to name a few. With the application of learning methods in such diverse domains, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of everyday modern human life. To date, the predominant focus has been on developing underpinning ML algorithms that can improve accuracy, while factors such as resiliency and robustness of algorithms have been largely overlooked. If an adversarial attack is able to compromise the learning method or data, the consequences can be fatal, especially but not exclusively in safety-critical applications. In this paper, we present an in-depth analysis of five adversarial attacks and three defence methods on a crack detection ML model. Our analysis shows that it can be dangerous to adopt machine learning techniques in security-critical areas such as the nuclear industry without rigorous testing since they may be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. While common defence methods can effectively defend against different attacks, none of the three considered can provide protection against all five adversarial attacks analysed.Keywords: adversarial machine learning, attacks, defences, nuclear industry, crack detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1595910 Teaching and Learning Jazz Improvisation Using Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
Authors: Graham Wood
The 20th Century saw the introduction of many new approaches to music making, including the structured and academic study of jazz improvisation. The rise of many school and tertiary jazz programs was rapid and quickly spread around the globe in a matter of decades. It could be said that the curriculum taught in these new programs was often developed in an ad-hoc manner due to the lack of written literature in this new and rapidly expanding area and the vastly different pedagogical principles when compared to classical music education that was prevalent in school and tertiary programs. There is widespread information regarding the theory and techniques used by jazz improvisers, but methods to practice these concepts in order to achieve the best outcomes for students and teachers is much harder to find. This research project explores the authors’ experiences as a studio jazz piano teacher, ensemble teacher and classroom improvisation lecturer over fifteen years and suggests an alignment with Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains. This alignment categorizes the different tasks that need to be taught and practiced in order for the teacher and the student to devise a well balanced and effective practice routine and for the teacher to develop an effective teaching program. These techniques have been very useful to the teacher and the student to ensure that a good balance of cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills are taught to the students in a range of learning contexts.Keywords: bloom, education, jazz, learning, music, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 2585909 Short Answer Grading Using Multi-Context Features
Authors: S. Sharan Sundar, Nithish B. Moudhgalya, Nidhi Bhandari, Vineeth Vijayaraghavan
Automatic Short Answer Grading is one of the prime applications of artificial intelligence in education. Several approaches involving the utilization of selective handcrafted features, graphical matching techniques, concept identification and mapping, complex deep frameworks, sentence embeddings, etc. have been explored over the years. However, keeping in mind the real-world application of the task, these solutions present a slight overhead in terms of computations and resources in achieving high performances. In this work, a simple and effective solution making use of elemental features based on statistical, linguistic properties, and word-based similarity measures in conjunction with tree-based classifiers and regressors is proposed. The results for classification tasks show improvements ranging from 1%-30%, while the regression task shows a stark improvement of 35%. The authors attribute these improvements to the addition of multiple similarity scores to provide ensemble of scoring criteria to the models. The authors also believe the work could reinstate that classical natural language processing techniques and simple machine learning models can be used to achieve high results for short answer grading.Keywords: artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, natural language processing, text mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1335908 Histochemical Localization of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Evaluation of Two Staining Techniques in a Tertiary Hospital in Calabar, Nigeria
Authors: Imeobong Joseph Inyang, Aniekan-Augusta Okon Eyo, Abel William Essien
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the known human carcinogens. The presence of HBsAg in liver tissues indicates active viral replication. More than 85% of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) cases occur in countries with increased rates of chronic HBV infection. An evaluation study to determine the relationship between positivity for HBsAg and development of HCC and its distribution between age and gender of subjects was done. Shikata Orcein and Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) staining techniques were performed on liver sections. A total of 50 liver tissue specimens comprising 38 biopsy and 12 post-mortem specimens were processed. Thirty-five of the 50 specimens were positive for HBsAg with Orcein stain whereas only 16 were positive with H&E stain, and these were also positive with Orcein stain, giving an HBsAg prevalence of 70.0% (35/50). The prevalence of HCC in the study was 56.0% (28/50), of which 21 (75.0%) cases were positive for HBsAg, 18 (64.3%) were males while 10 (35.7%) were females distributed within the age range of 20-70 years. The highest number of HBsAg positive HCC cases, 7/21 (33.3%) occurred in the age group 40-49 years. There was no relationship in the pattern of distribution of HCC between age and gender using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.0474; P < 0.05). HBV infection predisposed to HCC. Orcein technique was more specific and is therefore recommended for screening of liver tissues where facilities for immunohistochemistry are inaccessible.Keywords: Hepatitis B. surface antigen, hepatocellular carcinoma, orcein, pathology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3165907 ADA Tool for Satellite InSAR-Based Ground Displacement Analysis: The Granada Region
Authors: M. Cuevas-González, O. Monserrat, A. Barra, C. Reyes-Carmona, R.M. Mateos, J. P. Galve, R. Sarro, M. Cantalejo, E. Peña, M. Martínez-Corbella, J. A. Luque, J. M. Azañón, A. Millares, M. Béjar, J. A. Navarro, L. Solari
Geohazard prone areas require continuous monitoring to detect risks, understand the phenomena occurring in those regions and prevent disasters. Satellite interferometry (InSAR) has come to be a trustworthy technique for ground movement detection and monitoring in the last few years. InSAR based techniques allow to process large areas providing high number of displacement measurements at low cost. However, the results provided by such techniques are usually not easy to interpret by non-experienced users hampering its use for decision makers. This work presents a set of tools developed in the framework of different projects (Momit, Safety, U-Geohaz, Riskcoast) and an example of their use in the Granada Coastal area (Spain) is shown. The ADA (Active Displacement Areas) tool have been developed with the aim of easing the management, use and interpretation of InSAR based results. It provides a semi-automatic extraction of the most significant ADAs through the application ADAFinder tool. This tool aims to support the exploitation of the European Ground Motion Service (EU-GMS), which will provide consistent, regular and reliable information regarding natural and anthropogenic ground motion phenomena all over Europe.Keywords: ground displacements, InSAR, natural hazards, satellite imagery
Procedia PDF Downloads 2215906 Cognitive Approach at the Epicenter of Creative Accounting in Cameroonian Companies: The Relevance of the Psycho-Sociological Approach and the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance
Authors: Romuald Temomo Wamba, Robert Wanda
The issue of creative accounting in the psychological and sociological framework has been a mixed subject for over 60 years. The objective of this article is to ensure the existence of creative accounting in Cameroonian entities on the one hand and to understand the strategies used by audit agents to detect errors, omissions, irregularities, or inadequacies in the financial state; optimization techniques used by account preparers to strategically bypass texts on the other hand. To achieve this, we conducted an exploratory study using a cognitive approach, and the data analysis was performed by the software 'decision explorer'. The results obtained challenge the authors' cognition (manifest latent and deceptive behavior). The tax inspectors stress that the entities in Cameroon do not derogate from the rules of piloting in the financial statements. Likewise, they claim a change in current income and net income through depreciation, provisions, inventories, and the spreading of charges over long periods. This suggests the suspicion or intention of manipulating the financial statements. As for the techniques, the account preparers manage the accruals at the end of the year as the basis of the practice of creative accounting. Likewise, management accounts are more favorable to results management.Keywords: creative accounting, sociocognitive approach, psychological and sociological approach, cognitive dissonance theory, cognitive mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 1935905 Predicting Stack Overflow Accepted Answers Using Features and Models with Varying Degrees of Complexity
Authors: Osayande Pascal Omondiagbe, Sherlock a Licorish
Stack Overflow is a popular community question and answer portal which is used by practitioners to solve technology-related challenges during software development. Previous studies have shown that this forum is becoming a substitute for official software programming languages documentation. While tools have looked to aid developers by presenting interfaces to explore Stack Overflow, developers often face challenges searching through many possible answers to their questions, and this extends the development time. To this end, researchers have provided ways of predicting acceptable Stack Overflow answers by using various modeling techniques. However, less interest is dedicated to examining the performance and quality of typically used modeling methods, and especially in relation to models’ and features’ complexity. Such insights could be of practical significance to the many practitioners that use Stack Overflow. This study examines the performance and quality of various modeling methods that are used for predicting acceptable answers on Stack Overflow, drawn from 2014, 2015 and 2016. Our findings reveal significant differences in models’ performance and quality given the type of features and complexity of models used. Researchers examining classifiers’ performance and quality and features’ complexity may leverage these findings in selecting suitable techniques when developing prediction models.Keywords: feature selection, modeling and prediction, neural network, random forest, stack overflow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1325904 Sustainability and Clustering: A Bibliometric Assessment
Authors: Fernanda M. Assef, Maria Teresinha A. Steiner, David Gabriel F. Barros
Review researches are useful in terms of analysis of research problems. Between the types of review documents, we commonly find bibliometric studies. This type of application often helps the global visualization of a research problem and helps academics worldwide to understand the context of a research area better. In this document, a bibliometric view surrounding clustering techniques and sustainability problems is presented. The authors aimed at which issues mostly use clustering techniques, and, even which sustainability issue would be more impactful on today’s moment of research. During the bibliometric analysis, we found ten different groups of research in clustering applications for sustainability issues: Energy; Environmental; Non-urban planning; Sustainable Development; Sustainable Supply Chain; Transport; Urban Planning; Water; Waste Disposal; and, Others. And, by analyzing the citations of each group, we discovered that the Environmental group could be classified as the most impactful research cluster in the area mentioned. Now, after the content analysis of each paper classified in the environmental group, we found that the k-means technique is preferred for solving sustainability problems with clustering methods since it appeared the most amongst the documents. The authors finally conclude that a bibliometric assessment could help indicate a gap of researches on waste disposal – which was the group with the least amount of publications – and the most impactful research on environmental problems.Keywords: bibliometric assessment, clustering, sustainability, territorial partitioning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1095903 Backward-Facing Step Measurements at Different Reynolds Numbers Using Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry
Authors: Maria Amelia V. C. Araujo, Billy J. Araujo, Brian Greenwood
The flow over a backward-facing step is characterized by the presence of flow separation, recirculation and reattachment, for a simple geometry. This type of fluid behaviour takes place in many practical engineering applications, hence the reason for being investigated. Historically, fluid flows over a backward-facing step have been examined in many experiments using a variety of measuring techniques such as laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), hot-wire anemometry, particle image velocimetry or hot-film sensors. However, some of these techniques cannot conveniently be used in separated flows or are too complicated and expensive. In this work, the applicability of the acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV) technique is investigated to such type of flows, at various Reynolds numbers corresponding to different flow regimes. The use of this measuring technique in separated flows is very difficult to find in literature. Besides, most of the situations where the Reynolds number effect is evaluated in separated flows are in numerical modelling. The ADV technique has the advantage in providing nearly non-invasive measurements, which is important in resolving turbulence. The ADV Nortek Vectrino+ was used to characterize the flow, in a recirculating laboratory flume, at various Reynolds Numbers (Reh = 3738, 5452, 7908 and 17388) based on the step height (h), in order to capture different flow regimes, and the results compared to those obtained using other measuring techniques. To compare results with other researchers, the step height, expansion ratio and the positions upstream and downstream the step were reproduced. The post-processing of the AVD records was performed using a customized numerical code, which implements several filtering techniques. Subsequently, the Vectrino noise level was evaluated by computing the power spectral density for the stream-wise horizontal velocity component. The normalized mean stream-wise velocity profiles, skin-friction coefficients and reattachment lengths were obtained for each Reh. Turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds shear stresses and normal Reynolds stresses were determined for Reh = 7908. An uncertainty analysis was carried out, for the measured variables, using the moving block bootstrap technique. Low noise levels were obtained after implementing the post-processing techniques, showing their effectiveness. Besides, the errors obtained in the uncertainty analysis were relatively low, in general. For Reh = 7908, the normalized mean stream-wise velocity and turbulence profiles were compared directly with those acquired by other researchers using the LDV technique and a good agreement was found. The ADV technique proved to be able to characterize the flow properly over a backward-facing step, although additional caution should be taken for measurements very close to the bottom. The ADV measurements showed reliable results regarding: a) the stream-wise velocity profiles; b) the turbulent shear stress; c) the reattachment length; d) the identification of the transition from transitional to turbulent flows. Despite being a relatively inexpensive technique, acoustic Doppler velocimetry can be used with confidence in separated flows and thus very useful for numerical model validation. However, it is very important to perform adequate post-processing of the acquired data, to obtain low noise levels, thus decreasing the uncertainty.Keywords: ADV, experimental data, multiple Reynolds number, post-processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1495902 Design of Cylindrical Crawler Robot Inspired by Amoeba Locomotion
Authors: Jun-ya Nagase
Recently, the need of colonoscopy is increasing because of the rise of colonic disorder including cancer of the colon. However, current colonoscopy depends on doctor's skill strongly. Therefore, a large intestine endoscope that does not depend on the techniques of a doctor with high safety is required. In this research, we aim at development a novel large intestine endoscope that can realize safe insertion without specific techniques. A wheel movement type robot, a snake-like robot and an earthworm-like robot are all described in the relevant literature as endoscope robots that are currently studied. Among them, the tracked crawler robot can travel by traversing uneven ground flexibly with a crawler belt attached firmly to the ground surface. Although conventional crawler robots have high efficiency and/or high ground-covering ability, they require a comparatively large space to move. In this study, a small cylindrical crawler robot inspired by amoeba locomotion, which does not need large space to move and which has high ground-covering ability, is proposed. In addition, we developed a prototype of the large intestine endoscope using the proposed crawler mechanism. Experiments have demonstrated smooth operation and a forward movement of the robot by application of voltage to the motor. This paper reports the structure, drive mechanism, prototype, and experimental evaluation.Keywords: tracked-crawler, endoscopic robot, narrow path, amoeba locomotion.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3845901 Incorporation of Copper for Performance Enhancement in Metal-Oxides Resistive Switching Device and Its Potential Electronic Application
Authors: B. Pavan Kumar Reddy, P. Michael Preetam Raj, Souri Banerjee, Souvik Kundu
In this work, the fabrication and characterization of copper-doped zinc oxide (Cu:ZnO) based memristor devices with aluminum (Al) and indium tin oxide (ITO) metal electrodes are reported. The thin films of Cu:ZnO was synthesized using low-cost and low-temperature chemical process. The Cu:ZnO was then deposited onto ITO bottom electrodes using spin-coater technique, whereas the top electrode Al was deposited utilizing physical vapor evaporation technique. Ellipsometer was employed in order to measure the Cu:ZnO thickness and it was found to be 50 nm. Several surface and materials characterization techniques were used to study the thin-film properties of Cu:ZnO. To ascertain the efficacy of Cu:ZnO for memristor applications, electrical characterizations such as current-voltage (I-V), data retention and endurance were obtained, all being the critical parameters for next-generation memory. The I-V characteristic exhibits switching behavior with asymmetrical hysteresis loops. This work imputes the resistance switching to the positional drift of oxygen vacancies associated with respect to the Al/Cu:ZnO junction. Further, a non-linear curve fitting regression techniques were utilized to determine the equivalent circuit for the fabricated Cu:ZnO memristors. Efforts were also devoted in order to establish its potentiality for different electronic applications.Keywords: copper doped, metal-oxides, oxygen vacancies, resistive switching
Procedia PDF Downloads 1625900 Evaluation and Assessment of Bioinformatics Methods and Their Applications
Authors: Fatemeh Nokhodchi Bonab
Bioinformatics, in its broad sense, involves application of computer processes to solve biological problems. A wide range of computational tools are needed to effectively and efficiently process large amounts of data being generated as a result of recent technological innovations in biology and medicine. A number of computational tools have been developed or adapted to deal with the experimental riches of complex and multivariate data and transition from data collection to information or knowledge. These bioinformatics tools are being evaluated and applied in various medical areas including early detection, risk assessment, classification, and prognosis of cancer. The goal of these efforts is to develop and identify bioinformatics methods with optimal sensitivity, specificity, and predictive capabilities. The recent flood of data from genome sequences and functional genomics has given rise to new field, bioinformatics, which combines elements of biology and computer science. Bioinformatics is conceptualizing biology in terms of macromolecules (in the sense of physical-chemistry) and then applying "informatics" techniques (derived from disciplines such as applied maths, computer science, and statistics) to understand and organize the information associated with these molecules, on a large-scale. Here we propose a definition for this new field and review some of the research that is being pursued, particularly in relation to transcriptional regulatory systems.Keywords: methods, applications, transcriptional regulatory systems, techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 1285899 Computer-Aided Classification of Liver Lesions Using Contrasting Features Difference
Authors: Hussein Alahmer, Amr Ahmed
Liver cancer is one of the common diseases that cause the death. Early detection is important to diagnose and reduce the incidence of death. Improvements in medical imaging and image processing techniques have significantly enhanced interpretation of medical images. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems based on these techniques play a vital role in the early detection of liver disease and hence reduce liver cancer death rate. This paper presents an automated CAD system consists of three stages; firstly, automatic liver segmentation and lesion’s detection. Secondly, extracting features. Finally, classifying liver lesions into benign and malignant by using the novel contrasting feature-difference approach. Several types of intensity, texture features are extracted from both; the lesion area and its surrounding normal liver tissue. The difference between the features of both areas is then used as the new lesion descriptors. Machine learning classifiers are then trained on the new descriptors to automatically classify liver lesions into benign or malignant. The experimental results show promising improvements. Moreover, the proposed approach can overcome the problems of varying ranges of intensity and textures between patients, demographics, and imaging devices and settings.Keywords: CAD system, difference of feature, fuzzy c means, lesion detection, liver segmentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3265898 Detecting Earnings Management via Statistical and Neural Networks Techniques
Authors: Mohammad Namazi, Mohammad Sadeghzadeh Maharluie
Predicting earnings management is vital for the capital market participants, financial analysts and managers. The aim of this research is attempting to respond to this query: Is there a significant difference between the regression model and neural networks’ models in predicting earnings management, and which one leads to a superior prediction of it? In approaching this question, a Linear Regression (LR) model was compared with two neural networks including Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN). The population of this study includes 94 listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) market from 2003 to 2011. After the results of all models were acquired, ANOVA was exerted to test the hypotheses. In general, the summary of statistical results showed that the precision of GRNN did not exhibit a significant difference in comparison with MLP. In addition, the mean square error of the MLP and GRNN showed a significant difference with the multi variable LR model. These findings support the notion of nonlinear behavior of the earnings management. Therefore, it is more appropriate for capital market participants to analyze earnings management based upon neural networks techniques, and not to adopt linear regression models.Keywords: earnings management, generalized linear regression, neural networks multi-layer perceptron, Tehran stock exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 4245897 Performance Enhancement of Autopart Manufacturing Industry Using Lean Manufacturing Strategies: A Case Study
Authors: Raman Kumar, Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan, Chander Shekhar Verma
Today, the manufacturing industries respond rapidly to new demands and compete in this continuously changing environment, thus seeking out new methods allowing them to remain competitive and flexible simultaneously. The aim of the manufacturing organizations is to reduce manufacturing costs and wastes through system simplification, organizational potential, and proper infrastructural planning by using modern techniques like lean manufacturing. In India, large number of medium and large scale manufacturing industries has successfully implemented lean manufacturing techniques. Keeping in view the above-mentioned facts, different tools will be involved in the successful implementation of the lean approach. The present work is focused on the auto part manufacturing industry to improve the performance of the recliner assembly line. There is a number of lean manufacturing tools available, but the experience and complete knowledge of manufacturing processes are required to select an appropriate tool for a specific process. Fishbone diagrams (scrap, inventory, and waiting) have been drawn to identify the root cause of different. Effect of cycle time reduction on scrap and inventory is analyzed thoroughly in the case company. Results have shown that there is a decrease in inventory cost by 7 percent after the successful implementation of the lean tool.Keywords: lean tool, fish-bone diagram, cycle time reduction, case study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1285896 Lip Localization Technique for Myanmar Consonants Recognition Based on Lip Movements
Authors: Thein Thein, Kalyar Myo San
Lip reading system is one of the different supportive technologies for hearing impaired, or elderly people or non-native speakers. For normal hearing persons in noisy environments or in conditions where the audio signal is not available, lip reading techniques can be used to increase their understanding of spoken language. Hearing impaired persons have used lip reading techniques as important tools to find out what was said by other people without hearing voice. Thus, visual speech information is important and become active research area. Using visual information from lip movements can improve the accuracy and robustness of a speech recognition system and the need for lip reading system is ever increasing for every language. However, the recognition of lip movement is a difficult task because of the region of interest (ROI) is nonlinear and noisy. Therefore, this paper proposes method to detect the accurate lips shape and to localize lip movement towards automatic lip tracking by using the combination of Otsu global thresholding technique and Moore Neighborhood Tracing Algorithm. Proposed method shows how accurate lip localization and tracking which is useful for speech recognition. In this work of study and experiments will be carried out the automatic lip localizing the lip shape for Myanmar consonants using the only visual information from lip movements which is useful for visual speech of Myanmar languages.Keywords: lip reading, lip localization, lip tracking, Moore neighborhood tracing algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3535895 Score to Screen: A Study of Emotional and Dramatic Elevation in Films Through Mychael Danna’s Scores
Authors: Namrata Hangala
This paper dives into the powerful intersection between film music and storytelling and how it elevates the visuals while primarily focusing on Mychael Danna’s compositions for the study. Danna, an Academy Award-winning composer, is known for his brilliant ability to mix non-Western and culturally rich instruments with minimalist techniques. This unique approach forms the backbone of the analysis here. We take a close look at key scenes from films like Life of Pi, Moneyball, The Good Dinosaur, and Little Miss Sunshine, where Danna’s music plays a crucial role in shaping the story. By breaking down how these scores impact the scenes emotionally and dramatically, we can see how his music becomes part of the narrative itself. The paper blends different approaches to get to the heart of this scene-by-scene breakdowns, music theory, audience survey, and even insights directly from Danna. It discusses how his scores deepen the emotional connection and give more weight to the visual storytelling. The research also dives into the use of leitmotifs, cultural authenticity, and how his music can psychologically impact the viewer, making the story even more powerful. This study reveals how film music, especially Danna’s, doesn’t just sit in the background. It’s often the driving force behind the emotional and narrative core of the film, anchoring the visuals and shaping the way the viewers experience the story.Keywords: ethnomusicology, psychological impact, film scores, cultural music, compositional techniques, emotional storytelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 165894 Reinforcement Learning Optimization: Unraveling Trends and Advancements in Metaheuristic Algorithms
Authors: Rahul Paul, Kedar Nath Das
The field of machine learning (ML) is experiencing rapid development, resulting in a multitude of theoretical advancements and extensive practical implementations across various disciplines. The objective of ML is to facilitate the ability of machines to perform cognitive tasks by leveraging knowledge gained from prior experiences and effectively addressing complex problems, even in situations that deviate from previously encountered instances. Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a prominent subfield within ML and has gained considerable attention in recent times from researchers. This surge in interest can be attributed to the practical applications of RL, the increasing availability of data, and the rapid advancements in computing power. At the same time, optimization algorithms play a pivotal role in the field of ML and have attracted considerable interest from researchers. A multitude of proposals have been put forth to address optimization problems or improve optimization techniques within the domain of ML. The necessity of a thorough examination and implementation of optimization algorithms within the context of ML is of utmost importance in order to provide guidance for the advancement of research in both optimization and ML. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the application of metaheuristic evolutionary optimization algorithms in conjunction with RL to address a diverse range of scientific challenges. Furthermore, this article delves into the various challenges and unresolved issues pertaining to the optimization of RL models.Keywords: machine learning, reinforcement learning, loss function, evolutionary optimization techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 765893 Crowdsourced Economic Valuation of the Recreational Benefits of Constructed Wetlands
Authors: Andrea Ghermandi
Constructed wetlands have long been recognized as sources of ancillary benefits such as support for recreational activities. To date, there is a lack of quantitative understanding of the extent and welfare impact of such benefits. Here, it is shown how geotagged, passively crowdsourced data from online social networks (e.g., Flickr and Panoramio) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques can: (1) be used to infer annual recreational visits to 273 engineered wetlands worldwide; and (2) be integrated with non-market economic valuation techniques (e.g., travel cost method) to infer the monetary value of recreation in these systems. Counts of social media photo-user-days are highly correlated with the number of observed visits in 62 engineered wetlands worldwide (Pearson’s r = 0.811; p-value < 0.001). The estimated, mean willingness to pay for access to 115 wetlands ranges between $5.3 and $374. In 50% of the investigated wetlands providing polishing treatment to advanced municipal wastewater, the present value of such benefits exceeds that of the capital, operation and maintenance costs (lifetime = 45 years; discount rate = 6%), indicating that such systems are sources of net societal benefits even before factoring in benefits derived from water quality improvement and storage. Based on the above results, it is argued that recreational benefits should be taken into account in the design and management of constructed wetlands, as well as when such green infrastructure systems are compared with conventional wastewater treatment solutions.Keywords: constructed wetlands, cultural ecosystem services, ecological engineering, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1325892 The Type II Immune Response in Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Mediated by STAT6 in Murine
Authors: Hager Elsheikh
Context: Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation in the pancreas, which can lead to serious complications if untreated. Both acute and chronic pancreatitis are associated with immune reactions and fibrosis, which further damage the pancreas. The type 2 immune response, primarily driven by alternative activated macrophages (AAMs), plays a significant role in the development of fibrosis. The IL-4/STAT6 pathway is a crucial signaling pathway for the activation of M2 macrophages. Pancreatic fibrosis is induced by dysregulated inflammatory responses and can result in the autodigestion and necrosis of pancreatic acinar cells. Research Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of STAT6, a crucial molecule in the IL-4/STAT6 pathway, on the severity and development of fibrosis during acute and chronic pancreatitis. The research also aims to understand the influence of the JAK/STAT6 signaling pathway on the balance between fibrosis and regeneration in the presence of different macrophage populations. Methodology: The research utilizes murine models of acute and chronic pancreatitis induced by cerulean injection. Animal models will be employed to study the effect of STAT6 knockout on disease severity and fibrosis. Isolation of acinar cells and cell culture techniques will be used to assess the impact of different macrophage populations on wound healing and regeneration. Various techniques such as PCR, histology, immunofluorescence, and transcriptomics will be employed to analyze the tissues and cells. Findings: The research aims to provide insights into the mechanisms underlying tissue fibrosis and wound healing during acute and chronic pancreatitis. By investigating the influence of the JAK/STAT6 signaling pathway and different macrophage populations, the study aims to understand their impact on tissue fibrosis, disease severity, and pancreatic regeneration. Theoretical Importance: This research contributes to our understanding of the role of specific signaling pathways, macrophage polarization, and the type 2 immune response in pancreatitis. It provides insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying tissue fibrosis and the potential for targeted therapies. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: Data will be collected through the use of murine models, isolation and culture of acinar cells, and various experimental techniques such as PCR, histology, immunofluorescence, and transcriptomics. Data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical methods and techniques, and the findings will be interpreted in the context of the research objectives. Conclusion: By investigating the mechanisms of tissue fibrosis and wound healing during acute and chronic pancreatitis, this research aims to enhance our understanding of the disease progression and potential therapeutic targets. The findings have theoretical importance in expanding our knowledge of pancreatic fibrosis and the role of macrophage polarization in the context of the type 2 immune response.Keywords: immunity in chronic diseases, pancreatitis, macrophages, immune response
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