Search results for: biodegradation behavior
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4497

Search results for: biodegradation behavior

3687 Mechanistic Studies of Compacted and Sintered Rock Salt

Authors: Claudia H. Swanson, Jens Günster


This research addresses the densification via compaction and sintering of naturally occurring rock salt which was motivated by the fact that in a saline environment rock salt is thermodynamically stable and does show a mechanical behavior compatible to the surrounding host material. The sintering of rock salt powder compacts was systematically investigated using temperature and pressure as variables for the sinter process. The behavior of rock salt showed segregations of anhydrite, CaSO4 - the major impurity found in rock salt, to the grain boundaries between individual sodium chloride crystals. Powder compacts treated with lower pressures lost those anhydrite segregates over time while high pressure treated compacts remained with anhydrite segregates. The density reached in this study is 2.008 g cm-3 corresponding to a density of 92.5 % of the theoretical value. This high density is making the sintering a promising technique for rock salt as applications in underground appropriate environment.

Keywords: rock salt, sinter, anhydrite, nuclear safety

Procedia PDF Downloads 489
3686 An Criterion to Minimize FE Mesh-Dependency in Concrete Plate Subjected to Impact Loading

Authors: Kwak, Hyo-Gyung, Gang, Han Gul


In the context of an increasing need for reliability and safety in concrete structures under blast and impact loading condition, the behavior of concrete under high strain rate condition has been an important issue. Since concrete subjected to impact loading associated with high strain rate shows quite different material behavior from that in the static state, several material models are proposed and used to describe the high strain rate behavior under blast and impact loading. In the process of modelling, in advance, mesh dependency in the used finite element (FE) is the key problem because simulation results under high strain-rate condition are quite sensitive to applied FE mesh size. It means that the accuracy of simulation results may deeply be dependent on FE mesh size in simulations. This paper introduces an improved criterion which can minimize the mesh-dependency of simulation results on the basis of the fracture energy concept, and HJC (Holmquist Johnson Cook), CSC (Continuous Surface Cap) and K&C (Karagozian & Case) models are examined to trace their relative sensitivity to the used FE mesh size. To coincide with the purpose of the penetration test with a concrete plate under a projectile (bullet), the residual velocities of projectile after penetration are compared. The correlation studies between analytical results and the parametric studies associated with them show that the variation of residual velocity with the used FE mesh size is quite reduced by applying a unique failure strain value determined according to the proposed criterion.

Keywords: high strain rate concrete, penetration simulation, failure strain, mesh-dependency, fracture energy

Procedia PDF Downloads 522
3685 Child Molesters’ Perceptions of Their Abusive Behavior in a Greek Prison

Authors: Polychronis Voultsos, Theodora Pandelidou, Alexandra K. Tsaroucha


Aim: To explore child molesters' perceptions of their sexually offensive behavior in Greece. To our knowledge, there is a relative research gap on this topic. Method: A prospective qualitative study using in-depth interviews with eight child molesters who were convicted and imprisoned in a Greek prison. The research was conducted in May 2022. Results: Child molesters' cognitive distortions including justifications, rationalizations and minimizations emerged from our data analysis (content analysis). Importantly, child molesters. adopted a particularly daring ‘role reversal’. Participants reported themselves as being ‘victims’. They said that the children (namely, their victims) were the ones who made the first move and got them in the mood for having sex with the children. Furthermore, we discuss our results in the context of the existing international academic literature on the area of this research. Conclusions: Child molesters' different cognitive distortions emerged from our data analysis, with ‘role reversal’ being prevalent.

Keywords: child molesters, sex offenders, cognitive distortions, Greece

Procedia PDF Downloads 125
3684 Finite Element Analysis of RC Frames with Retrofitted Infill Walls

Authors: M. Ömer Timurağaoğlu, Adem Doğangün, Ramazan Livaoğlu


The evaluation of performance of infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frames has been a significant challenge for engineers. The strengthening of infill walls has been an important concern to enhance the behavior of RC infilled frames. The aim of this study is to investigate the behaviour of retrofitted infill walls of RC frames using finite element analysis. For this purpose, a one storey, one bay infilled and strengthened infilled RC frame which have the same geometry and material properties with the frames tested in laboratory are modelled using different analytical approaches. A fibrous material is used to strengthen infill walls and frame. As a consequence, the results of the finite element analysis were evaluated of whether these analytical approaches estimate the behavior or not. To model the infilled and strengthened infilled RC frames, a finite element program ABAQUS is used. Finally, data obtained from the nonlinear finite element analysis is compared with the experimental results.

Keywords: finite element analysis, infilled RC frames, infill wall, strengthening

Procedia PDF Downloads 531
3683 Reliability and Validity Examinations of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): One of the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment

Authors: Zhidong Zhang, Zhi-Chao Zhang


In this study, three Chinese versions of the Achenbach systems of empirically based assessment (ASEBA) scales were used to examine adolescent psychological and behavioral problems. These three scales are CBCL, TRF, and YSR. In order to further understand the robustness of these scales, their reliability and construct validity have been examined. Each scale consists of about 113 items plus relevant background variables. These 113 items were further classified into 8 psychological and behavioral problems: emotionally reactive, anxious/depressed, somatic complaints, withdrawn, attention problems, aggressive behavior, social problems, thought problems, and association problems. The study explored the item and construct correlation relations and the correlations between the corresponding constructs among three scales. The results indicated that the associations between item and constructs varied. The construct validities were very robust.

Keywords: ASEBA, construct validity, psychological and behavioral problems, reliability

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3682 Effect of Transition Metal Addition on Aging Behavior of Invar Alloy

Authors: Young Sik Kim, Tae Kwon Ha


High strength Fe-36Ni-base Invar alloys containing Al contents up to 0.3 weight per cent were cast into ingots and thermodynamic equilibrium during solidification has been investigated in this study. From the thermodynamic simulation using Thermo-Calc®, it has been revealed that equilibrium phases which can be formed are two kinds of MC-type precipitates, MoC, and M2C carbides. The mu phase was also expected to form by addition of aluminum. Microstructure observation revealed the coarse precipitates in the as-cast ingots, which was non-equilibrium phase and could be resolved by the successive heat treatment. With increasing Al contents up to 0.3 wt.%, tensile strength of Invar alloy increased as 1400MPa after cold rolling and thermal expansion coefficient increased significantly. Cold rolling appeared to dramatically decrease thermal expansion coefficient.

Keywords: Invar alloy, transition metals, phase equilibrium, aging behavior, microstructure, hardness

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3681 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Behavior of Children and Autism

Authors: Sara Fayez Fawzy Mikhael


Inclusive education services for students with Autism remains in its early developmental stages in Thailand. Despite many more children with autism are attending schools since the Thai government introduced the Education Provision for People with Disabilities Act in 2008, the services students with autism and their families receive are generally lacking. This quantitative study used Attitude and Preparedness to Teach Students with Autism Scale (APTSAS) to investigate 110 primary school teachers’ attitude and preparedness to teach students with autism in the general education classroom. Descriptive statistical analysis of the data found that student behavior was the most significant factor in building teachers’ negative attitudes students with autism. The majority of teachers also indicated that their pre-service education did not prepare them to meet the learning needs of children with autism in particular, those who are non-verbal. The study is significant and provides direction for enhancing teacher education for inclusivity in Thailand.

Keywords: attitude, autism, teachers, thailandsports activates, movement skills, motor skills

Procedia PDF Downloads 103
3680 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Autism Attitude and Skills

Authors: Samwail Fahmi Francis Yacoub


Inclusive education services for students with Autism remains in its early developmental stages in Thailand. Despite many more children with autism are attending schools since the Thai government introduced the Education Provision for People with Disabilities Act in 2008, the services students with autism and their families receive are generally lacking. This quantitative study used Attitude and Preparedness to Teach Students with Autism Scale (APTSAS) to investigate 110 primary school teachers’ attitude and preparedness to teach students with autism in the general education classroom. Descriptive statistical analysis of the data found that student behavior was the most significant factor in building teachers’ negative attitudes students with autism. The majority of teachers also indicated that their pre-service education did not prepare them to meet the learning needs of children with autism in particular, those who are non-verbal. The study is significant and provides direction for enhancing teacher education for inclusivity in Thailand.

Keywords: attitude, autism, teachers, movement skills, motor skills, children, behavior.

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3679 Microstructure and High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Cast 310S Alloy

Authors: Jung-Ho Moon, Myung-Gon Yoon, Tae Kwon Ha


High temperature deformation behavior of cast 310S stainless steel has been investigated in this study by performing tensile and compression tests at temperatures from 900 to 1200°C. Rectangular ingots of which the dimensions were 350×350×100 in millimeter were cast using vacuum induction melting. Phase equilibrium was calculated using the FactSage®, thermodynamic software and database. Thermal expansion coefficient was also measured on the ingot in the temperature range from room temperature to 1200°C. Tensile strength of cast 310S stainless steel was 9 MPa at 1200°C, which is a little higher than that of a wrought 310S. With temperature decreased, tensile strength increased rapidly and reached up to 72 MPa at 900°C. Elongation also increased with temperature decreased. Microstructure observation revealed that σ phase was precipitated along the grain boundary and within the matrix over 1200°C, which is detrimental to high temperature elongation.

Keywords: stainless steel, STS 310S, high temperature deformation, microstructure, mechanical properties

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3678 College Students’ Multitasking and Its Causes

Authors: Huey-Wen Chou, Shuo-Heng Liang


This study focuses on studying college students’ multitasking with cellphones/laptops during lectures. In-class multitasking behavior is defined as the activities students engaged that are irrelevant to learning. This study aims to understand if students' learning engagement affects students' multitasking as well as to investigate the causes or motivations that contribute to the occurrence of multitasking behavior. Survey data were collected and analyzed by PLS method and multiple regression to test the research model and hypothesis. Major results include: 1. Students' multitasking motivation positively predicts students’ in-class multitasking. 2. Factors affecting multitasking in class, including efficiency, entertainment and social needs, significantly impact on multitasking. 3. Polychronic personality traits will positively predict students’ multitasking. 4. Students' classroom learning engagement negatively predicts multitasking. 5. Course attributes negatively predict student learning engagement and positively predict student multitasking.

Keywords: engagement, monochronic personality, multitasking, learning, personality traits

Procedia PDF Downloads 134
3677 Involving Children in Creating a Healthy Environment in Low Socioeconomic Position (SEP) Neighborhoods in the Netherlands: A Participatory Action Research (PAR) Project.

Authors: Lisa Wilderink, Ingrid Bakker, Albertine J. Schuit, Jacob C. Seidell, Carry M. Renders


To ensure that health behavior interventions for children living in low socioeconomic position (SEP) neighborhoods are in line with children’s wishes and needs, participation of the children in the development, implementation, and evaluation is crucial. In this paper, we show how children living in three low-SEP neighborhoods in the Netherlands can be involved in Participatory Action Research (PAR) and what influences this participation process. The Photovoice method was used and provided comprehensive information from the children’s perspectives. With the help of the community workers, the children identified feasible actions. This paper shows that it is possible to involve children from low SEP neighborhoods in a meaningful way. We found that it is important to constantly discuss the process with participants, start with a concrete question or problem and adapt the project to the local context and skills of participants

Keywords: children, healthy behavior, participatory action research, socioeconomic health inequalities

Procedia PDF Downloads 282
3676 The Coexistence of Quality Practices and Frozen Concept in R and D Projects

Authors: Ayala Kobo-Greenhut, Amos Notea, Izhar Ben-Shlomo


In R&D projects, there is no doubt about the need to change a current concept to an alternative one over time (i.e., concept leaping). Concept leaping is required since with most R&D projects uncertainty is present as they take place in dynamic environments. Despite the importance of concept leaping when needed, R&D teams may fail to do so (i.e., frozen concept). This research suggests a possible reason why frozen concept happens in the framework of quality engineering and control engineering. We suggest that frozen concept occurs since concept determines the derived plan and its implementation may be considered as equivalent to a closed-loop process, and is subject to the problem of not recognizing gaps as failures. We suggest that although implementing quality practices into an R&D project’s routine has many advantages, it intensifies the frozen concept problem since working according to quality practices relates to exploitation of learning behavior, while leaping to a new concept relates to exploring learning behavior.

Keywords: closed loop, control engineering, design, leaping, frozen concept, quality engineering, quality practices

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3675 Experimental Characterization of the AA7075 Aluminum Alloy Using Hot Shear Tensile Test

Authors: Trunal Bhujangrao, Catherine Froustey, Fernando Veiga, Philippe Darnis, Franck Girot Mata


The understanding of the material behavior under shear loading has great importance for a researcher in manufacturing processes like cutting, machining, milling, turning, friction stir welding, etc. where the material experiences large deformation at high temperature. For such material behavior analysis, hot shear tests provide a useful means to investigate the evolution of the microstructure at a wide range of temperature and to improve the material behavior model. Shear tests can be performed by direct shear loading (e.g. torsion of thin-walled tubular samples), or appropriate specimen design to convert a tensile or compressive load into shear (e.g. simple shear tests). The simple shear tests are straightforward and designed to obtained very large deformation. However, many of these shear tests are concerned only with the elastic response of the material. It is becoming increasingly important to capture a plastic response of the material. Plastic deformation is significantly more complex and is known to depend more heavily on the strain rate, temperature, deformation, etc. Besides, there is not enough work is done on high-temperature shear loading, because of geometrical instability occurred during the plastic deformation. The aim of this study is to design a new shear tensile specimen geometry to convert the tensile load into dominant shear loading under plastic deformation. Design of the specimen geometry is based on FEM. The material used in this paper is AA7075 alloy, tested quasi statically under elevated temperature. Finally, the microstructural changes taking place during

Keywords: AA7075 alloy, dynamic recrystallization, edge effect, large strain, shear tensile test

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3674 The Advertising Channels Affecting to Consumer Purchasing Decisions: Case Study of Hair-Care Market in Thailand

Authors: Narong Anurak


This study aimed to find out the hair-care purchasing behavior at hypermarkets and to investigate two factors, package design and advertising channels, that influenced hair-care purchasing behavior. The subjects of the study consisted of 100 housewives aged between 20-60 who usually shopped at Big C Tiwanon. They were selected by accidental sampling, and were asked to complete a questionnaire. The main findings of the survey were that the majority of respondents regarding their brand selection of hair-care products, they gave priority to the product quality followed by a reasonable price, and fragrance, respectively. Besides, more than half of the respondents had brand loyalty while the rest were attracted by an attractive package design and advertising promotion campaigns. The respondents who were attracted by the package design said that the information on the labels influenced their purchasing decision the most, and television was a medium that best reached them as well.

Keywords: advertising channels, consumer purchasing decisions, hair-care market, package design

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3673 Simulation of Dynamic Behavior of Seismic Isolators Using a Parallel Elasto-Plastic Model

Authors: Nicolò Vaiana, Giorgio Serino


In this paper, a one-dimensional (1d) Parallel Elasto- Plastic Model (PEPM), able to simulate the uniaxial dynamic behavior of seismic isolators having a continuously decreasing tangent stiffness with increasing displacement, is presented. The parallel modeling concept is applied to discretize the continuously decreasing tangent stiffness function, thus allowing to simulate the dynamic behavior of seismic isolation bearings by putting linear elastic and nonlinear elastic-perfectly plastic elements in parallel. The mathematical model has been validated by comparing the experimental force-displacement hysteresis loops, obtained testing a helical wire rope isolator and a recycled rubber-fiber reinforced bearing, with those predicted numerically. Good agreement between the simulated and experimental results shows that the proposed model can be an effective numerical tool to predict the forcedisplacement relationship of seismic isolators within relatively large displacements. Compared to the widely used Bouc-Wen model, the proposed one allows to avoid the numerical solution of a first order ordinary nonlinear differential equation for each time step of a nonlinear time history analysis, thus reducing the computation effort, and requires the evaluation of only three model parameters from experimental tests, namely the initial tangent stiffness, the asymptotic tangent stiffness, and a parameter defining the transition from the initial to the asymptotic tangent stiffness.

Keywords: base isolation, earthquake engineering, parallel elasto-plastic model, seismic isolators, softening hysteresis loops

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3672 Environmental Photodegradation of Tralkoxydim Herbicide and Its Formulation in Natural Waters

Authors: María José Patiño-Ropero, Manuel Alcamí, Al Mokhtar Lamsabhi, José Luis Alonso-Prados, Pilar Sandín-España


Tralkoxydim, commercialized under different trade names, among them Splendor® (25% active ingredient), is a cyclohexanedione herbicide used in wheat and barley fields for the post-emergence control of annual winter grass weeds. Due to their physicochemical properties, herbicides belonging to this family are known to be susceptible to reaching natural waters, where different degradation pathways can take place. Photolysis represents one of the main routes of abiotic degradation of these herbicides in water. This transformation pathway can lead to the formation of unknown by-products, which could be more toxic and/or persistent than the active substances themselves. Therefore, there is a growing need to understand the science behind such dissipation routes, which is key to estimating the persistence of these compounds and ensuring the accurate assessment of environmental behavior. However, to our best knowledge, any information regarding the photochemical behavior of tralkoxydim under natural conditions in an aqueous environment has not been available till now in the literature. This work has focused on investigating the photochemical behavior of tralkoxydim herbicide and its commercial formulation (Splendor®) in the ultrapure, river and spring water using simulated solar radiation. Besides, the evolution of detected degradation products formed in the samples has been studied. A reversed-phase HPLC-DAD (high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector) method was developed to evaluate the kinetic evolution and to obtain the half-lives. In both cases, the degradation rates of active ingredient tralkoxydim in natural waters were lower than in ultrapure water following the order; river water < spring water < ultrapure water, and with first-order half-life values of 5.1 h, 2.7 h and 1.1 h, respectively. These findings indicate that the photolytical behavior of active ingredients is largely affected by the water composition, and these components can exert an internal filter effect. In addition, tralkoxydim herbicide and its formulation showed the same half-lives for each one of the types of water studied, showing that the presence of adjuvants in the commercial formulation has not any effect on the degradation rates of the active ingredient. HPLC-MS (high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry) experiments were performed to study the by-products deriving from the photodegradation of tralkoxydim in water. Accordingly, three compounds were tentatively identified. These results provide a better understanding of the tralkoxydim herbicide behavior in natural waters and its fate in the environment.

Keywords: by-products, natural waters, photodegradation, tralkoxydim herbicide

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3671 Effect of Surface Treatments on the Cohesive Response of Nylon 6/silica Interfaces

Authors: S. Arabnejad, D. W. C. Cheong, H. Chaobin, V. P. W. Shim


Debonding is the one of the fundamental damage mechanisms in particle field composites. This phenomenon gains more importance in nano composites because of the extensive interfacial region present in these materials. Understanding the debonding mechanism accurately, can help in understanding and predicting the response of nano composites as the interface deteriorates. The small length scale of the phenomenon makes the experimental characterization complicated and the results of it, far from real physical behavior. In this study the damage process in nylon-6/silica interface is examined through Molecular Dynamics (MD) modeling and simulations. The silica has been modeled with three forms of surfaces – without any surface treatment, with the surface treatment of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and with Hexamethyldisilazane (HMDZ) surface treatment. The APTES surface modification used to create functional groups on the silica surface, reacts and form covalent bonds with nylon 6 chains while the HMDZ surface treatment only interacts with both particle and polymer by non-bond interaction. The MD model in this study uses a PCFF force field. The atomic model is generated in a periodic box with a layer of vacuum on top of the polymer layer. This layer of vacuum is large enough that assures us from not having any interaction between particle and substrate after debonding. Results show that each of these three models show a different traction separation behavior. However, all of them show an almost bilinear traction separation behavior. The study also reveals a strong correlation between the length of APTES surface treatment and the cohesive strength of the interface.

Keywords: debonding, surface treatment, cohesive response, separation behaviour

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3670 Prediction of Solidification Behavior of Al Alloy in a Cube Mold Cavity

Authors: N. P. Yadav, Deepti Verma


This paper focuses on the mathematical modeling for solidification of Al alloy in a cube mould cavity to study the solidification behavior of casting process. The parametric investigation of solidification process inside the cavity was performed by using computational solidification/melting model coupled with Volume of fluid (VOF) model. The implicit filling algorithm is used in this study to understand the overall process from the filling stage to solidification in a model metal casting process. The model is validated with past studied at same conditions. The solidification process are analyzed by including the effect of pouring velocity and temperature of liquid metal, effect of wall temperature as well natural convection from the wall and geometry of the cavity. These studies show the possibility of various defects during solidification process.

Keywords: buoyancy driven flow, natural convection driven flow, residual flow, secondary flow, volume of fluid

Procedia PDF Downloads 417
3669 A Study of Human Communication in an Internet Community

Authors: Andrew Laghos


The Internet is a big part of our everyday lives. People can now access the internet from a variety of places including home, college, and work. Many airports, hotels, restaurants and cafeterias, provide free wireless internet to their visitors. Using technologies like computers, tablets, and mobile phones, we spend a lot of our time online getting entertained, getting informed, and communicating with each other. This study deals with the latter part, namely, human communication through the Internet. People can communicate with each other using social media, social network sites (SNS), e-mail, messengers, chatrooms, and so on. By connecting with each other they form virtual communities. Regarding SNS, types of connections that can be studied include friendships and cliques. Analyzing these connections is important to help us understand online user behavior. The method of Social Network Analysis (SNA) was used on a case study, and results revealed the existence of some useful patterns of interactivity between the participants. The study ends with implications of the results and ideas for future research.

Keywords: human communication, internet communities, online user behavior, psychology

Procedia PDF Downloads 498
3668 Effectiveness of the Use of Polycarboxylic Ether Superplasticizers in High Performance Concrete Containing Silica Fume

Authors: Alya Harichane, Badreddine Harichane


The incorporation of polycarboxylate ether superplasticizer (PCE) and silica fume (SF) in high-performance concretes (HPC) leads to the achievement of remarkable rheological and mechanical improvements. In the fresh state, PCEs are adsorbed on cement particles and dispersants, in turn promoting the workability of the concrete. Silica fume enables a very well compacted concrete to be obtained, which is characterized by high mechanical parameters in its hardened state. Some PCEs are incompatible with silica fume, which can result in the loss of slump and in poor rheological behavior. The main objective of the research is the study of the influence of three types of PCEs, which all have a different molecular architecture, on the rheological and mechanical behavior of high-performance concretes containing 10% of SF as a partial replacement of cement. The results show that the carboxylic density of PCE has an influence on its compatibility with SF.

Keywords: polycarboxylate-ether superplasticizer, rheology, compressive strength, high-performance concrete, silica fume

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3667 Applied Behavior Analysis and Speech Language Pathology Interprofessional Practice to Support Autistic Children with Complex Communication Needs

Authors: Kimberly Ho, Maeve Donnelly


In this paper, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) and Board Certified Behavior Analysts® (BCBA) with a combined professional experience of almost 50 years will discuss their experiences working with individuals on the autism spectrum. Some autistic children require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to meet their communication needs. These learners present with unique strengths and challenges, often requiring intervention from a team of professionals to generalize skills across environments. Collaboration between SLPs and BCBAs will be discussed in terms of strengths and challenges. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) will be defined and explained in the context of the treatment of learners on the autism spectrum with complex communication needs (CCN). The requirement for collaboration will be discussed by the governing boards for both BCBAs and SLPs. The strengths of each discipline will be compared along with difficulties faced when professionals experience disciplinary centrism. The challenges in teaching autistic learners with CCN will be reviewed. Case studies will be shared in which BCBAs and SLPs engage in interprofessional practice to support autistic children who use AAC to participate in a social skills group. Learner outcomes will be shared and assessed through both an SLP and BCBA perspective. Finally, ideas will be provided to promote the interprofessional practice, including establishing a shared framework, avoiding professional jargon and moving towards common terminology, and focusing on the data to ensure the efficacy of treatment.

Keywords: autism, cross disciplinary collaboration, augmentative and alternative communication, generalization

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3666 The Impact of Enzymatic Treatments on the Pasting Behavior and Its Reflection on Stalling and Quality of Bread

Authors: Sayed Mostafa, Mohamed Shebl


The problem of bread stalling is still one of the most troubling problems for those interested in manufacturing bakery products, as increasing the freshness period of bread is considered one of the most important factors that help encourage this industry due to its important role in reducing expected losses. Therefore, this study aims to improve the quality of pan bread and increase its freshness period by enzymatic treatments, including maltogenic α-amylase (MAA), amyloglucosidase (AGS), glucoseoxidase (GOX) and phospholipase (PhL). Rheological and pasting behavior of wheat flour were estimated in addition to the physical, texture, and sensory parameters of the final product. The addition of MAA resulted in a decrease in peak viscosity, breakdown, setback, and pasting temperature. The addition of MAA also led to a reduction in falling number values. Enzymatic treatments (MAA and PhL) exhibited higher alkaline water retention capacity of pan bread compared to untreated pan bread (control) throughout different storage periods. Furthermore, other enzymes displayed varying effects on bread quality; for instance, AGS enhanced the crust color, while a high concentration of GOX improved the specific volume of the bread. Conclusion: The research findings demonstrate that the enzymatic treatments can significantly improve its quality attributes, such as specific volume, increase the alkaline water retention capacity with lower hardness value, which reflects bread freshness during storage periods, and improve sensory characteristics.

Keywords: anti-stalling agents, enzymatic treatments, maltogenic α-amylase, amyloglucosidase, glucoseoxidase, phospholipase, pasting behavior, wheat flour

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3665 Evaluation of Drained Shear Strength of Bentonite-Sand Mixtures

Authors: Navid Khayat


Drained shear strength of saturated soils is fully understood. Shear strength of unsaturated soils is usually expressed in terms of soil suction. Evaluation of shear strength of compacted mixtures of sand-bentonite at optimum water content is main purpose of this research. To prepare the required samples, first, bentonite and sand are mixed in 10, 30, 50 and 70 percent by dry weight and then compacted at the proper optimum water content according to the standard proctor test. The samples were sheared in direct shear machine. Stress-strain relationship of samples indicated a ductile behavior. Most of the samples showed a dilatancy behavior during the shear and the tendency for dilatancy increased with the increase in sand proportion. The results show that with the increase in percentage of sand a decrease in cohesion intercept c' for mixtures and an increase in the angle of internal friction Φ’is observed.

Keywords: bentonite, sand, drained shear strength, cohesion intercept

Procedia PDF Downloads 320
3664 Investigate and Solving Analytically at Vibrational structures (In Arched Beam to Bridges) by New Method “AGM”

Authors: M. R. Akbari, P. Soleimani, R. Khalili, Sara Akbari


Analyzing and modeling the vibrational behavior of arched bridges during the earthquake in order to decrease the exerted damages to the structure is a very hard task to do. This item has been done analytically in the present paper for the first time. Due to the importance of building arched bridges as a great structure in the human being civilization and its specifications such as transferring vertical loads to its arcs and the lack of bending moments and shearing forces, this case study is devoted to this special issue. Here, the nonlinear vibration of arched bridges has been modeled and simulated by an arched beam with harmonic vertical loads and its behavior has been investigated by analyzing a nonlinear partial differential equation governing the system. It is notable that the procedure has been done analytically by AGM (Akbari, Ganji Method). Furthermore, comparisons have been made between the obtained results by numerical Method (rkf-45) and AGM in order to assess the scientific validity.

Keywords: new method (AGM), arched beam bridges, angular frequency, harmonic loads

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3663 Studying the Intercalation of Low Density Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites after Different UV Exposures

Authors: Samir Al-Zobaidi


This study attempts to understand the effect of different UV irradiation methods on the intercalation of LDPE/MMT nanocomposites, and its molecular behavior at certain isothermal crystallization temperature. Three different methods of UV exposure were employed using single composition of LDPE/MMT nanocomposites. All samples were annealed for 5 hours at a crystallization temperature of 100°C. The crystallization temperature was chosen to be at large supercooling temperature to ensure quick and complete crystallization. The raw material of LDPE consisted of two stable monoclinic and orthorhombic phases according to XRD results. The thermal behavior of both phases acted differently when UV exposure method was changed. The monoclinic phase was more dependent on the method used compared to the orthorhombic phase. The intercalation of clay, as well as, the non-isothermal crystallization temperature, has also shown a clear dependency on the type of UV exposure. A third phase that is thermally less stable was also observed. Its respond to UV irradiation was greater since it contains low molecular weight entities which make it more vulnerable to any UV exposure.

Keywords: LDPE/MMt nanocomposites, crystallization, UV irradiation, intercalation

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3662 The Impact of Employee's Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility on Job Satisfaction: Corporate Sector of Pakistan

Authors: Binish Ahmed


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is regarded as voluntary behaviors that contribute to the social welfare based on the concept of sustainable development. The corporations should not only stress on their economic and business outcomes but also pay attention to their effect on the society and environment. It could attract investors and customers, as well as maintain a positive interaction with the government. In spite of the broad diffusion, and its potential significance to employees' perspective, CSR is now examined and has built-in Organizational Behavior (OB), and Human Resource Management (HRM) look into the broad structure of relationship between employees' perspective, work attitudes and behavior to improve the research on CSR. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of employees’ perception of CSR on work attitudes and behaviors of employees. A conceptual framework is proposed, based on the literature and practices. The research would conduct the primary data survey of convenient sampling from the employees and managers-using detailed questionnaire- to address the following questions. The survey of 180 respondents of age greater than 20 having at least six-month experience from companies based in Karachi are source of data. The application of professional empirical models for data analysis and interpretation are source to draw the conclusion. 1. What are the dynamics of CSR in an organization? Why is it important to have a CSR department? What sort of business approach are CSR activities practiced? Do CSR activities improve the quality of life of workplace? And, how it linked with welfare of society? 2. How the positive job attitude and behavior does encourage the employees about the perception of CSR? How is it linked with the job satisfaction? What is the relationship between employees’ perception of CSR and job satisfaction?

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work behaviors

Procedia PDF Downloads 179
3661 Empirical Examination of High Performance Work System, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizen Behavior: A Mediation of Model of Vietnam Organizations

Authors: Giang Vu, Duong Nguyen, Yuan-Ling Chen


Vietnam is a fast developing country with highly economic growth, and Vietnam organizations strive to utilize high performance work system (HPWS) in reinforcing employee in-role performance. HPWS, a bundle of human resource (HR) practices, are composed of eight sets of HR practices, namely selective staffing, extensive training, internal mobility, employment security, clear job description, result-oriented appraisal, incentive reward, and participation. However, whether HPWS stimulate employee extra-role behaviors remains understudied in a booming economic context. In this study, we aim to investigate organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in a Vietnam context and, as a central issue, disentangle how HPWS elicits in employee OCB. On the other hand, recently, a deliberation of so-called 'black-box' HPWS issue has explored the role of employee commitment, suggesting that organizational commitment is a compelling source of employee OCB. We draw upon social exchange theory to predict that when employees perceive the organizational investment, like HPWS, in heightening their abilities, knowledge, and motivation, they are more likely to pay back with commitment; consequently, they will take initiatives in OCB. Hence, we hypothesize an individual level framework, in which organizational commitment mediates the positive relationship between HPWS and OCB. We collected data on HPWS, organizational commitment, OCB, and demographic variables, all at line managers of Vietnamese firms in Hanoi and Hochiminh. We conclude with research findings, implications, and future research suggestions.

Keywords: high performance work system, organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment, Vietnam

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3660 Generative Behaviors and Psychological Well-Being in Mexican Elders

Authors: Ana L. Gonzalez-Celis, Edgardo Ruiz-Carrillo, Karina Reyes-Jarquin, Margarita Chavez-Becerra


Since recent decades, the aging has been viewed from a more positive perspective, where is not only about losses and damage, but also about being on a stage where you can enjoy life and live with well-being and quality of life. The challenge to feel better is to find those resources that seniors have. For that reason, psychological well-being has shown interest in the study of the affect and life satisfaction (hedonic well-being), while from a more recent tradition, focus on the development of capabilities and the personal growth, considering both as the main indicators of the quality of life. A resource that can be used in the later age is generativity, which refers to the ability of older people to develop and grow through activities that contribute with the improvement of the context in which they live and participate. In this way the generative interest is understood as a favourable attitude that contribute to the common benefit while strengthening and enriching the social institutions, to ensure continuity between generations and social development. On the other hand, generative behavior, differentiating from generative interest, is the expression of that attitude reflected in activities that make a social contribution and a benefit for generations to come. Hence the purpose of the research was to test if there is an association between the generative behaviour type and the psychological well-being with their dimensions. For this reason 188 Mexican adults from 60 to 94 years old (M = 69.78), 67% women, 33% men, completed two instruments: The Ryff’s Well-Being Scales to measure psychological well-being with 39 items with two dimensions (Hedonic and Eudaimonic well-being), and the Loyola’s Generative Behaviors Scale, grouped in five categories: Knowledge transmitted to the next generation, things to be remember, creativity, be productive, contribution to the community, and responsibility of other people. In addition, the socio-demographic data sheet was tested, and self-reported health status. The results indicated that the psychological well-being and its dimensions were significantly associated with the presence of generative behavior, where the level of well-being was higher when the frequency of some generative behaviour excelled; finding that the behavior with greater psychological well-being (M = 81.04, SD = 8.18) was "things to be remembered"; while with greater hedonic well-being (M = 73.39, SD = 12.19) was the behavior "responsibility of other people"; and with greater Eudaimonic well-being (M = 84.61, SD = 6.63), was the behavior "things to be remembered”. The most important findings highlight the importance of generative behaviors in adulthood, finding empirical evidence that the generativity in the last stage of life is associated with well-being. However, by finding differences in the types of generative behaviors at the level of well-being, is proposed the idea that generativity is not situated as an isolated construct, but needs other contextualized and related constructs that can simultaneously operate at different levels, taking into account the relationship between the environment and the individual, encompassing both the social and psychological dimension.

Keywords: eudaimonic well-being, generativity, hedonic well-being, Mexican elders, psychological well-being

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3659 Impact of Weather Conditions on Non-Food Retailers and Implications for Marketing Activities

Authors: Noriyuki Suyama


This paper discusses purchasing behavior in retail stores, with a particular focus on the impact of weather changes on customers' purchasing behavior. Weather conditions are one of the factors that greatly affect the management and operation of retail stores. However, there is very little research on the relationship between weather conditions and marketing from an academic perspective, although there is some importance from a practical standpoint and knowledge based on experience. For example, customers are more hesitant to go out when it rains than when it is sunny, and they may postpone purchases or buy only the minimum necessary items even if they do go out. It is not difficult to imagine that weather has a significant impact on consumer behavior. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there have been only a few studies that have delved into the purchasing behavior of individual customers. According to Hirata (2018), the economic impact of weather in the United States is estimated to be 3.4% of GDP, or "$485 billion ± $240 billion per year. However, weather data is not yet fully utilized. Representative industries include transportation-related industries (e.g., airlines, shipping, roads, railroads), leisure-related industries (e.g., leisure facilities, event organizers), energy and infrastructure-related industries (e.g., construction, factories, electricity and gas), agriculture-related industries (e.g., agricultural organizations, producers), and retail-related industries (e.g., retail, food service, convenience stores, etc.). This paper focuses on the retail industry and advances research on weather. The first reason is that, as far as the author has investigated the retail industry, only grocery retailers use temperature, rainfall, wind, weather, and humidity as parameters for their products, and there are very few examples of academic use in other retail industries. Second, according to NBL's "Toward Data Utilization Starting from Consumer Contact Points in the Retail Industry," labor productivity in the retail industry is very low compared to other industries. According to Hirata (2018) mentioned above, improving labor productivity in the retail industry is recognized as a major challenge. On the other hand, according to the "Survey and Research on Measurement Methods for Information Distribution and Accumulation (2013)" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the amount of data accumulated by each industry is extremely large in the retail industry, so new applications are expected by analyzing these data together with weather data. Third, there is currently a wealth of weather-related information available. There are, for example, companies such as WeatherNews, Inc. that make weather information their business and not only disseminate weather information but also disseminate information that supports businesses in various industries. Despite the wide range of influences that weather has on business, the impact of weather has not been a subject of research in the retail industry, where business models need to be imagined, especially from a micro perspective. In this paper, the author discuss the important aspects of the impact of weather on marketing strategies in the non-food retail industry.

Keywords: consumer behavior, weather marketing, marketing science, big data, retail marketing

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3658 Electrochemical Behavior of Iron (III) Complexes with Catechol at Different pH

Authors: K. M. Salim Reza, M. Hafiz Mia, M. A. Aziz, M. A. Motin, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Hasem


The redox behavior of Fe (III) in presence of Catechol (Cc) has been carried out in buffer solution of different pH, scan rate, variation of Fe (III) concentration and Cc concentration. Uncoordinated Fe(III) or Cc has been found to undergo reversible electrode reaction whereas coordinated Fe-Cc is irreversible. The peak positions of the voltammogram of Fe- Cc shifted with respect to that of free Fe (III) or Cc and also developed a new peak at 0.12 V. The peak current of Fe-Cc decreases significantly compared with that of free Fe(III) or Cc in the same experimental conditions. These behaviors ascribed the formation of complex of Fe with Cc. The complex was formed either by the addition of Cc into Fe(III) or by the addition of Fe(III) into Cc. The effect of pH of Fe-Cc complex was studied by varying pH from 2 to 8.5. The electro chemical oxidation of Fe-Cc is facilitated in lower pH media. The slope of the plots of anodic peak current, Ep against pH of Fe-Cc complexe is 30 mV, indicates that the oxidation of Fe-Cc complexes proceeded via the 2e−/2H+ processes. The proportionality of the anodic and cathodic peak currents with square root of scan rate of suggests that the peak current of the different complexes at each redox reaction is controlled by diffusion process.

Keywords: cyclic voltammetry, Fe-Cc Complex, pH effect, redox interaction

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