Search results for: bending moment
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1368

Search results for: bending moment

588 Thickness Effect on Concrete Fracture Toughness K1c

Authors: Benzerara Mohammed, Redjel Bachir, Kebaili Bachir


The cracking of the concrete is a more crucial problem with the development of the complex structures related to technological progress. The projections in the knowledge of the breaking process make it possible today for better prevention of the risk of the fracture. The breaking strength brutal of a quasi-fragile material like the concrete called Toughness, is measured by a breaking value of the factor of intensity of the constraints K1C for which the crack is propagated, it is an intrinsic property of material. Many studies reported in the literature treating of the concrete were carried out on specimens which are in fact inadequate compared to the intrinsic characteristic to identify. We started from this established fact, in order to compare the evolution of the parameter of toughness K1C measured by calling upon ordinary concrete specimens of three prismatics geometries different (10*10*84) cm³ and (5*20*120) cm³ &(12*20*120) cm³ containing from the side notches various depths simulating of the cracks was set up. The notches are carried out using triangular pyramidal plates into manufactured out of sheet coated placed at the centre of the specimens at the time of the casting, then withdrawn to leave the trace of a crack. The tests are carried out in 3 points bending test in mode 1 of fracture, by using the techniques of mechanical fracture. The evolution of the parameter of toughness K1C measured with the three geometries specimens gives almost the same results. They are acceptable and return in the beach of the results determined by various researchers (toughness of the ordinary concrete turns to the turn of the 1 MPa √m). These results inform us about the presence of an economy on the level of the geometrie specimen (5*20*120) cm³, therefore to use plates specimens later if one wants to master the toughness of this material complexes, astonishing but always essential that is the concrete.

Keywords: elementary representative volume, concrete, fissure, toughness

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587 The Material Behavior in Curved Glulam Beam of Jabon Timber

Authors: Erma Desmaliana, Saptahari Sugiri


Limited availability of solid timber in large dimensions becomes a problem. The demands of timbers in Indonesia is more increasing compared to its supply from natural forest. It is associated with the issues of global warming and environmental preservation. The uses of timbers from HTI (Industrial Planting Forest) and HTR (Society Planting Forest), such as Jabon, is an alternative source that required to solve these problems. Having shorter lifespan is the benefit of HTI/HTR timbers, although they are relatively smaller in dimension and lower in strength. Engineering Wood Product (EWP) such as glulam (glue-laminated) timber, is required to overcome their losses. Glulam is fabricated by gluing the wooden planks that having a thickness of 20 to 45 mm with an adhesive material and a certain pressure. Glulam can be made a curved beam, is one of the advantages, thus making it strength is greater than a straight beam. This paper is aimed to know the material behavior of curved glue-laminated beam of Jabon timber. Preliminary methods was to gain physical and mechanical properties, and glue spread strength of Jabon timber, which following the ASTM D-143 standard test method. Dimension of beams were 50 mm wide, 760 mm span, 50 mm thick, and 50 mm rise. Each layer of Jabon has a thickness of 5 mm and is glued with polyurethane. Cold press will be applied to beam laminated specimens for more than 5 hours. The curved glue-laminated beams specimens will be tested about the bending behavior. This experiments aims to obtain the increasing of load carrying capacity and stiffness of curved glulam beam.

Keywords: curved glulam beam, HTR&HTI, load carrying, strength

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586 Modeling the Elastic Mean Free Path of Electron Collision with Pyrimidine: The Screen Corrected Additivity Rule Method

Authors: Aouina Nabila Yasmina, Chaoui Zine El Abiddine


This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the elastic mean free path (EMFP) of electrons colliding with pyrimidine, a precursor to the pyrimidine bases in DNA, employing the Screen Corrected Additivity Rule (SCAR) method. The SCAR method is introduced as a novel approach that combines classical and quantum mechanical principles to elucidate the interaction of electrons with pyrimidine. One of the most fundamental properties characterizing the propagation of a particle in the nuclear medium is its mean free path. Knowledge of the elastic mean free path is essential to accurately predict the effects of radiation on biological matter, as it contributes to the distances between collisions. Additionally, the mean free path plays a role in the interpretation of almost all experiments in which an excited electron moves through a solid. Pyrimidine, the precursor of the pyrimidine bases of DNA, has interesting physicochemical properties, which make it an interesting molecule to study from a fundamental point of view. These include a relatively large dipole polarizability and dipole moment and an electronic charge cloud with a significant spatial extension, which justifies its choice in this present study.

Keywords: elastic mean free path, elastic collision, pyrimidine, SCAR

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585 Tracking Filtering Algorithm Based on ConvLSTM

Authors: Ailing Yang, Penghan Song, Aihua Cai


The nonlinear maneuvering target tracking problem is mainly a state estimation problem when the target motion model is uncertain. Traditional solutions include Kalman filtering based on Bayesian filtering framework and extended Kalman filtering. However, these methods need prior knowledge such as kinematics model and state system distribution, and their performance is poor in state estimation of nonprior complex dynamic systems. Therefore, in view of the problems existing in traditional algorithms, a convolution LSTM target state estimation (SAConvLSTM-SE) algorithm based on Self-Attention memory (SAM) is proposed to learn the historical motion state of the target and the error distribution information measured at the current time. The measured track point data of airborne radar are processed into data sets. After supervised training, the data-driven deep neural network based on SAConvLSTM can directly obtain the target state at the next moment. Through experiments on two different maneuvering targets, we find that the network has stronger robustness and better tracking accuracy than the existing tracking methods.

Keywords: maneuvering target, state estimation, Kalman filter, LSTM, self-attention

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584 Direct Displacement-Based Design Procedure for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Structures

Authors: Haleh Hamidpour


Since the seismic damageability of structures is controlled by the inelastic deformation capacities of structural elements, seismic design of structure based on force analogy methods is not appropriate. In recent year, the basic approach of design codes have been changed from force-based approach to displacement-based. In this regard, a Direct Displacement-Based Design (DDBD) and a Performance-Based Plastic Design (PBPD) method are proposed. In this study, the efficiency of these two methods on seismic performance of structures is evaluated through a sample 12-story reinforced concrete moment frame. The building is designed separately based on the DDBD and the PBPD methods. Once again the structure is designed by the traditional force analogy method according to the FEMA P695 regulation. Different design method results in different structural elements. Seismic performance of these three structures is evaluated through nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analysis. The results show that the displacement-based design methods accommodate the intended performance objectives better than the traditional force analogy method.

Keywords: direct performance-based design, ductility demands, inelastic seismic performance, yield mechanism

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583 The Relationship between Body Esteem and Self-Esteem with Sport-Confidence Students

Authors: Saeid Motevalli, Siti Fatimah Azzahrah Binti Abd Mutalib, Mohd Sahandri Ghani Hamzah, Hazalizah Hamzah


The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between body esteem and self-esteem with sport-confidence among university students. This study was conducted by using the descriptive and correlational study design. Meanwhile, the method involved in this study was the online survey method. The population of the sample are mainly Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) students only which 120 participants were selected by cluster sampling method from two faculties named Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia (FPM) and Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Kejurulatihan (FSSKJ). The instrument used in this study was The Body-Esteem Scale (BES) by Franzoi and Shields (1984), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) by Rosenberg (1965) and the Vealey’s Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory (TSCI) by (Vealey, 1986). The results of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient showed that there was a positive and moderate correlation between students’ body-esteem and sport-confidence and a negative and low correlation between students’ self-esteem and sport-confidence. Likewise, based on the entry method used all two predictor variables were significant in explaining sport confidence among UPSI students. In conclusion, it can be said that students’ sport-confidence affected by students’ self-esteem and body-esteem.

Keywords: body esteem, self-esteem, sport-confidence, students

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582 A Comparative Study of Adjustment Problems of Freshmen and Senior Year Students

Authors: Shimony Agrawal


In this continually evolving world, change is the most imperative component of our identity. The term alteration alludes to degree by which an individual adapts to inward strains, needs, clashes and can bring coordination between his internal requests and those forced by the external world. Adjustment is a way of managing various demands of life. . Entering school is a defining moment for school first year recruits in their adulthood. The progress from school to school can be rationally and in addition physically troubling. Students deal with a unique amount of stressors when they enter college. Introductory months of school are loaded with apprehension and attempting to fit in the new condition. Colleges and schools should ensure their understudies are balanced in the new condition by giving help at whatever point vital.. The main objective of the study was a comparative analysis of adjustment level with respect to overall adjustment level, gender and living environment. This research has been conducted using Adjustment Inventory for College Students (AICS). The total population is comprised of 240 college-going students. The data majority of the population scored poorly on Emotional Adjustment. Also, female students faced more adjustment problems as compared to male students. However, no significant change was noticed in living environment of the students.

Keywords: adjustment, college students, freshmen year, senior year

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581 A Modified Refined Higher Order Zigzag Theory for Stress Analysis of Hybrid Composite Laminates

Authors: Dhiraj Biswas, Chaitali Ray


A modified refined higher order zigzag theory has been developed in this paper in order to compute the accurate interlaminar stresses within hybrid laminates. Warping has significant effect on the mechanical behaviour of the laminates. To the best of author(s)’ knowledge the stress analysis of hybrid laminates is not reported in the published literature. The present paper aims to develop a new C0 continuous element based on the refined higher order zigzag theories considering warping effect in the formulation of hybrid laminates. The eight noded isoparametric plate bending element is used for the flexural analysis of laminated composite plates to study the performance of the proposed model. The transverse shear stresses are computed by using the differential equations of stress equilibrium in a simplified manner. A computer code has been developed using MATLAB software package. Several numerical examples are solved to assess the performance of the present finite element model based on the proposed higher order zigzag theory by comparing the present results with three-dimensional elasticity solutions. The present formulation is validated by comparing the results obtained from the relevant literature. An extensive parametric study has been carried out on the hybrid laminates with varying percentage of materials and angle of orientation of fibre content.

Keywords: hybrid laminate, Interlaminar stress, refined higher order zigzag theory, warping effect

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580 Effect of Nanoparticle Addition in the Urea-Formaldehyde Resin on the Formaldehyde Emission from MDF

Authors: Sezen Gurdag, Ayse Ebru Akin


There is a growing concern all over the world on the health effect of the formaldehyde emission coming from the adhesive used in the MDF production. In this research, we investigated the effect of nanoparticle addition such as nanoclay and halloysite into urea-formadehyde resin on the total emitted formaldehyde from MDF plates produced using the resin modified as such. First, the curing behavior of the resin was studied by monitoring the pH, curing time, solid content, density and viscosity of the modified resin in comparison to the reference resin with no added nanoparticle. The dosing of the nanoparticle in the dry resin was kept at 1wt%, 3wt% or 5wt%. Consecutively, the resin was used in the production of 50X50 cm MDF samples using laboratory scale press line with full automation system. Modulus of elasticity, bending strength, internal bonding strength, water absorption were also measured in addition to the main interested parameter formaldehyde emission levels which is determined via spectrometric technique following an extraction procedure. Threshold values for nanoparticle dosing levels were determined to be 5wt% for both nanoparticles. However, the reinforcing behavior was observed to be occurring at different levels in comparison to the reference plates with each nanoparticle such that the level of reinforcement with nanoclay was shown to be more favorable than the addition of halloysite due to higher surface area available with the former. In relation, formaldehyde emission levels were observed to be following a similar trend where addition of 5wt% nanoclay into the urea-formaldehyde adhesive helped decrease the formaldehyde emission up to 40% whereas addition of halloysite at its threshold level demonstrated as the same level, i.e., 5wt%, produced an improvement of 18% only.

Keywords: halloysite, nanoclay, fiberboard, urea-formaldehyde adhesive

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579 Effect of Naphtha on the Composition of a Heavy Crude, in Addition to a Cycle Steam Stimulation Process

Authors: A. Guerrero, A. Leon, S. Munoz, M. Sandoval


The addition of solvent to cyclic steam stimulation is done in order to reduce the solvent-vapor ratio at late stages of the process, the moment in which this relationship increases significantly. The study of the use of naphtha in addition to the cyclic steam stimulation has been mainly oriented to the effect it achieves on the incremental recovery compared to the application of steam only. However, the effect of naphtha on the reactivity of crude oil components under conditions of cyclic steam stimulation or if its effect is the only dilution has not yet been considered, to author’s best knowledge. The present study aims to evaluate and understand the effect of naphtha and the conditions of cyclic steam stimulation, on the remaining composition of the improved oil, as well as the main mechanisms present in the heavy crude - naphtha interaction. Tests were carried out with the system solvent (naphtha)-oil (12.5° API, 4216 cP @ 40° C)- steam, in a batch micro-reactor, under conditions of cyclic steam stimulation (250-300 °C, 400 psi). The characterization of the samples obtained was carried out by MALDI-TOF MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) and NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) techniques. The results indicate that there is a rearrangement of the microstructure of asphaltenes, resulting in a decrease in these and an increase in lighter components such as resins.

Keywords: composition change, cyclic steam stimulation, interaction mechanism, naphtha

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578 Fabrication and Analysis of Simplified Dragonfly Wing Structures Created Using Balsa Wood and Red Prepreg Fibre Glass for Use in Biomimetic Micro Air Vehicles

Authors: Praveena Nair Sivasankaran, Thomas Arthur Ward, Rubentheren Viyapuri


Paper describes a methodology to fabricate a simplified dragonfly wing structure using balsa wood and red prepreg fibre glass. These simplified wing structures were created for use in Biomimetic Micro Air Vehicles (BMAV). Dragonfly wings are highly corrugated and possess complex vein structures. In order to mimic the wings function and retain its properties, a simplified version of the wing was designed. The simplified dragonfly wing structure was created using a method called spatial network analysis which utilizes Canny edge detection method. The vein structure of the wings were carved out in balsa wood and red prepreg fibre glass. Balsa wood and red prepreg fibre glass was chosen due to its ultra- lightweight property and hence, highly suitable to be used in our application. The fabricated structure was then immersed in a nanocomposite solution containing chitosan as a film matrix, reinforced with chitin nanowhiskers and tannic acid as a crosslinking agent. These materials closely mimic the membrane of a dragonfly wing. Finally, the wings were subjected to a bending test and comparisons were made with previous research for verification. The results had a margin of difference of about 3% and thus the structure was validated.

Keywords: dragonfly wings, simplified, Canny edge detection, balsa wood, red prepreg, chitin, chitosan, tannic acid

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577 In-situ Monitoring of Residual Stress Behavior-Temperature Profiles in Transparent Polyimide/Tetrapod Zinc Oxide Whisker Composites

Authors: Ki-Ho Nam, Haksoo Han


Tetrapod zinc oxide whiskers (TZnO-Ws) were successfully synthesized by a thermal oxidation method. A series of transparent polyimide (PI)/TZnO-W composites were successfully synthesized via a solution-blending method. The structural and morphological features of TZnO-Ws and PI/TZnO-W composites were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), wide-angle X-Ray diffraction (WAXD), and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). Dynamic stress behaviors were investigated in-situ during thermal imidization of the soft-baked PI/TZnO-W composite precursor and thermally cured composite films using a thin film stress analyzer (TFSA) by wafer bending technique. The PI/TZnO-W composite films exhibited an optical transparency greater than 80% at 550 nm (≤ 0.5 wt% TZnO-W content), a low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and enhanced glass transition temperature. However, the thermal decomposition temperature decreased as the TZnO-W content increased. The water diffusion coefficient and water uptake of the PI/TZNO-W composite films were obtained by best fits to a Fickian diffusion model. The water resistance capacity of PI was greatly enhanced and moisture diffusion in the pure PI was retarded by incorporating the TZnO-W. The PI composite films based on TZNO-W resultantly may have potential applications in optoelectronic manufacturing processes as a flexible transparent substrate.

Keywords: polyimide (PI), tetrapod ZnO whisker (TZnO-W), transparent, dynamic stress behavior, water resistance

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576 Low-Temperature Fabrication of Reaction Bonded Composites, Based on Sic and (Sic+B4C) Mixture, Infiltrated with Si-Al Alloy

Authors: Helen Dilman, Eyal Oz, Shmuel Hayun, Nahum Frage


The conventional approach for manufacturing silicon carbide and boron carbide reaction bonded composites is based on infiltrating a ceramic porous preform with molten silicon. The relatively high melting temperature of the silicon infiltrating medium is a drawback of the process. The present contribution is concerned with an approach that allows obtaining reaction bonded composites by pressure-less infiltration at a significantly lower (850-1000oC) temperature range. This approach was applied for the fabrication of fully dense SiC/(Si-Al) and (SiC+B4C)/(Si-Al) composites. The key feature of the approach is based on using Si alloys with low melting temperature and the Mg-vapor atmosphere, under which an adequate wetting between ceramics and liquid alloys for the infiltration process is achieved. In the first set of the experiments ceramic performs compacted from multimodal SiC powders (with the green density of about 27 vol. %) without free carbon addition were infiltrated by Si-20%Al alloy at 950oC. In the second set, 19 vol. % of a fine boron carbide powder was added to SiC powders as a source of carbon. The green density of the SiC-B4C preforms was about 23-25 vol. %. In both cases, successful infiltration was achieved and the composites were fully dense. The density of the composites was about 3g/cm3. For the SiC based composites the hardness value was 750±150HV, Young modulus-280GPa and bending strength-240±30MPa. These values for (SiC-B4C)/(Si-Al) composites (1460±200HV, 317GPa and 360±20MPa) were significantly higher due to the formation of novel ceramics phases. Microstructural characteristics of the composites and their phase composition will be discussed.

Keywords: boron carbide, composites, infiltration, low temperatures, silicon carbide

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575 Regionalization of IDF Curves with L-Moments for Storm Events

Authors: Noratiqah Mohd Ariff, Abdul Aziz Jemain, Mohd Aftar Abu Bakar


The construction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves is one of the most common and useful tools in order to design hydraulic structures and to provide a mathematical relationship between rainfall characteristics. IDF curves, especially those in Peninsular Malaysia, are often built using moving windows of rainfalls. However, these windows do not represent the actual rainfall events since the duration of rainfalls is usually prefixed. Hence, instead of using moving windows, this study aims to find regionalized distributions for IDF curves of extreme rainfalls based on storm events. Homogeneity test is performed on annual maximum of storm intensities to identify homogeneous regions of storms in Peninsular Malaysia. The L-moment method is then used to regionalized Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution of these annual maximums and subsequently. IDF curves are constructed using the regional distributions. The differences between the IDF curves obtained and IDF curves found using at-site GEV distributions are observed through the computation of the coefficient of variation of root mean square error, mean percentage difference and the coefficient of determination. The small differences implied that the construction of IDF curves could be simplified by finding a general probability distribution of each region. This will also help in constructing IDF curves for sites with no rainfall station.

Keywords: IDF curves, L-moments, regionalization, storm events

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574 Periodic Change in the Earth’s Rotation Velocity

Authors: Sung Duk Kim, Kwan U. Kim, Jin Sim, Ryong Jin Jang


The phenomenon of seasonal variations in the Earth’s rotation velocity was discovered in the 1930s when a crystal clock was developed and analyzed in a quantitative way for the first time between 1955 and 1968 when observation data of the seasonal variations was analyzed by an atomic clock. According to the previous investigation, atmospheric circulation is supposed to be a factor affecting the seasonal variations in the Earth’s rotation velocity in many cases, but the problem has not been solved yet. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to apply dynamics to consider the Earth’s spatial motion, rotation, and change of shape of the Earth (movement of materials in and out of the Earth and change of the Earth’s figure) at the same time and in interrelation to the accuracy of post-Newtonian approximation regarding the Earth body as a system of mass points because the stability of the Earth’s rotation angular velocity is in the range of 10⁻⁸~10⁻⁹. For it, the equation was derived, which can consider the 3 kinds of motion above mentioned at the same time by taking the effect of the resultant external force on the Earth’s rotation into account in a relativistic way to the accuracy of post-Newtonian approximation. Therefore, the equation has been solved to obtain the theoretical values of periodic change in the Earth’s rotation velocity, and they have been compared with the astronomical observation data so to reveal the cause for the periodic change in the Earth’s rotation velocity.

Keywords: Earth rotation, moment function, periodic change, seasonal variation, relativistic change

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573 Crystallized Colored Towels Obtained by Special Coloration of Yarns

Authors: Hasan Eskin, Gizem Özmen, A. Nazmi Çeler


When we examine the home textile development process, it follows a parallel line with the other textile products especially in the garment fabrics in terms of raw materials, production technologies and pattern characteristics. As a result, the expectations of people regarding textile, comfort, pattern (texture) and color properties are increasing. One of the places where comfort is most sought after is bath, pool, sea and baths. In addition to the material and technique that make up the physical structure in woven fabrics, color has an impressive importance with its strong effects. Color is the most prominent element in the fabric, and the color and texture are visually reinforcing. Evaluation of color in fabric is a personal phenomenon. Factors that determine color determination in fabric are the amount of color used, color ratio and its relationship with other colors. In this project; Considering the effect of color dimensions on human, we are talking about the crystallized colored towel that we developed in terms of comfort and texture properties. The basis of the effect created in the towel; It is formed by bending the yarn from its own special blend and the harmonious appearance of the natural crystallized rainbow colors with the pattern effect it determines on the warp yarns by using the weft yarns in the weaving. In addition, by using different weaving techniques and colors, alternatives can be created and personalized patterns can be created. One side of the towel determines the properties related to color, while the pile part determines the comfort characteristics with its soft touch and water absorbency.

Keywords: color effect, comfort, towel, weaving technique

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572 An Analysis of the Five Most Used Numerals and a Proposal for the Adoption of a Universally Acceptable Numeral (UAN)

Authors: Mufutau Ayinla Abdul-Yakeen


An analysis of the five most used numerals and a proposal for the adoption of a Universally Acceptable Numerals (UAN), came up as a result of the researchers inquisitiveses of the need for a set of numerals that is universally accepted. The researcher sought for the meaning of the first letter, “Nun”, “ن”, of the first verse of Suratul-Kalam (Chapter of the Pen), the Sixty-Eighth Chapter of the Holy Qur'an. It was observed that there was no universally accepted, economical, explainable, linkable and consistent set of numerals used by all scientists up till the moment of making this enquiry. As a theoretical paper, explanatory method is used to review five of the most used numerals (Tally Marks, Roman Figure, Hindu-Arabic, Arabic, and Chinese) and the urgent need for a universally accepted, economical, explainable, linkable and consistent set of numerals arises. The study discovers: ., I, \, _, L, U, =, C, O, 9, and 1.; to be used as numeral 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively; as a set of universally acceptable, economical, explainable, linkable, sustainable, convertible and consistent set of numerals that originates from Islam. They can be called Islameconumerals or UAN. With UAN, everything dropped, written, drawn and/or scribbled has meaning(s) as postulated by the first verse of Qur'an 68 and everyone can easily document all figures within the shortest period. It is suggested that there should be a discipline called Numeralnomics (Study of optimum utilization of Numerals) and everybody should start using the UAN, now, in order in know their strengths and weaknesses so as to suggest a better and acceptable set of numerals for the interested readers. Similarly study can be conducted for the alphabets.

Keywords: acceptable, economical, explainable, Islameconumerals, numeralnomics

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571 Evaluation of Response Modification Factor and Behavior of Seismic Base-Isolated RC Structures

Authors: Mohammad Parsaeimaram, Fang Congqi


In this paper, one of the significant seismic design parameter as response modification factor in reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with base isolation system was evaluated. The seismic isolation system is a capable approach to absorbing seismic energy at the base and transfer to the substructure with lower response modification factor as compared to non-isolated structures. A response spectrum method and static nonlinear pushover analysis in according to Uniform Building Code (UBC-97), have been performed on building models involve 5, 8, 12 and 15 stories building with fixed and isolated bases consist of identical moment resisting configurations. The isolation system is composed of lead rubber bearing (LRB) was designed with help UBC-97 parameters. The force-deformation behavior of isolators was modeled as bi-linear hysteretic behavior which can be effectively used to create the isolation systems. The obtained analytical results highlight the response modification factor of considered base isolation system with higher values than recommended in the codes. The response modification factor is used in modern seismic codes to scale down the elastic response of structures.

Keywords: response modification factor, base isolation system, pushover analysis, lead rubber bearing, bi-linear hysteretic

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570 Reliability Study of Steel Headed Stud Shear Connector Exposed to Fire

Authors: Idris Haruna Muhammad, Okorie Austine Uche


This paper presents a study on reliability of shear connector exposed to fire situation in accordance with Eurocode 4. The reliability analysis i reliability analysis is based on First Order Second Moment Integration Technique (FOSMIT) using FORM 5. Performance functions for shear connector are derived for normal and under fire condition and their implied safety levels are evaluated. Four (4) design variables which include ultimate tensile strength, diameter of the stud, temperature and span of the steel beam are treated as random variables with their statistical characteristic adopted from literature. Results show that for normal condition the β – value decrease from 7.95 to 5.43 which show it is conservative in safety level for normal condition. Under fire condition, β – value decrease from 2.88 to – 0.32 with corresponding load ratio of 0.2 to 1.2. It was also shown from sensitivity assessment, that the temperature and span of the beam decrease with increase in their β – values while ultimate tensile strength and diameter of the stud increase with increase in their β – values for a given load ratio of 0.2 to 1.2.

Keywords: Composite steel beam, Fire condition, Shear stud, Sensitivity study

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569 Jurisdiction in International Law

Authors: Hamid Vahidkia


Purview has customarily been considered in worldwide law as simply an address of the rights and powers of states. Conceived in this way, the rules onward serve the imperative work of delimiting (whereas tolerating a few covers of) state administrative specialist – the address of when an individual or occasion may be subject to national direction – a work which is shared with the cognate teach of private worldwide law. This article proposes that the thought and the rules of locale in worldwide law require reconceptualization in light of three advancements. The primary is the developing acknowledgment that in an extend of circumstances, the work out of national locale may, beneath worldwide law, be an address of duty or commitment instead of right. The moment advancement is the expanded acknowledgment that such jurisdictional obligations may, in a few circumstances, be owed not as it were to other states but also to private parties, especially through the rise and fortifying of the teachings of refusal of equity and get to equity. The third improvement is the broadly perceived wonder known as party independence, beneath which private parties in the gracious debate have the control to bestow locale on national courts and to decide themselves which law administers their connections. In combination, these improvements propose the need to reexamine the concept of ward in worldwide law to reflect the more complex substances of a worldwide lawful arrangement beneath which states possess both jurisdictional rights and commitments and are not the elite on-screen characters.

Keywords: international law, jurisdiction, purview, preconceptions, commitment

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568 A Potential Spin-orbit Torque Device Using the Tri-layer Structure

Authors: Chih-Wei Cheng, Wei-Jen Chan, Yu-Han Huang, Yi-Tsung Lin, Yen-Wei Huang, Min-Cheng Chen, Shou-Zen Chang, G. Chern, Yuan-Chieh Tseng


How to develop spin-orbit-torque (SOT) devices with the virtues of field-free, perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), and low switching current is one of the many challenges in spintronics today. We propose a CoFeB/Ta/CoFeB tri-layer antiferromagnetic SOT device that could meet the above requirements. The device’s PMA was developed by adopting CoFeB–MgO interface. The key to the success of this structure is to ensure that (i)changes of the inter-layer coupling(IEC) and CoFeB anisotropy can occur simultaneously; (ii) one of the CoFeB needs to have a slightly tilted moment in the beginning. When sufficient current is given, the SHEreverses the already-tiltedCoFeB, and the other CoFeB can be reversed simultaneously by the IEC with the field-free nature. Adjusting the thickness of Ta can modify the coupling state to reduce the switching current while the field-free nature was preserved. Micromagnetic simulation suggests that the Néel orange peel effect (NOPE) is non-negligible due to interface roughness and coupling effect in the presence of perpendicular anisotropy. Fortunately, the Néel field induced by the NOPE appears to favor the field-free reversal.

Keywords: CoFeB, spin-orbit torque, antiferromagnetic, MRAM, trilayer

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567 Soft Power: Concept and Role in Country Policy

Authors: Talip Turkmen


From the moment the first beats, the first step into the world mankind finds him in a struggle to survive. Most important case to win this fight is power. Power is one of the most common concepts which we encounter in our life. Mainly power is ability to reach desired results on someone else or ability to penetrate into the behavior of others. Throughout history merging technology and changing political trade-offs caused the change of concept of power. Receiving a state of multipolar new world order in the 21st century and increasing impacts of media have narrowed the limits of military power. With increasing globalization and peaceful diplomacy this gap, left by military power, has filled by soft power which has ability to persuade and attract. As concepts of power soft power also has not compromised yet. For that reason it is important to specify, sources of soft power, soft power strategies and limits of soft power. The purpose of this study was to analyze concept of soft power and importance of soft power in foreign relations. This project focuses on power, hard power and soft power relations, sources of soft power and strategies to gain soft power. Datas in this project was acquired from other studies on soft power and foreign relations. This paper was prepared in terms of concept and research techniques. As a result of data gained in this study the one of important topics in international relations is balance between soft power.

Keywords: soft power, foreign policy, national power, hard power

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566 Measure of Pleasure of Drug Users

Authors: Vano Tsertsvadze, Marina Chavchanidze, Lali Khurtsia


Problem of drug use is often seen as a combination of psychological and social problems, but this problem can be considered as economically rational decision in the process of buying pleasure (looking after children, reading, harvesting fruits in the fall, sex, eating, etc.). Before the adoption of the decisions people face to a trade-off - when someone chooses a delicious meal, she takes a completely rational decision, that the pleasure of eating has a lot more value than the pleasure which she will experience after two months diet on the summer beach showing off her beautiful body. This argument is also true for alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Smoking has a negative effect on health, but smokers are not afraid of the threat of a lung cancer after 40 years, more valuable moment is a pleasure from smoking. Our hypothesis - unsatisfied pleasure and frustration, probably determines the risk of dependence on drug abuse. The purpose of research: 1- to determine the relative measure unit of pleasure, which will be used to measure and assess the intensity of various human pleasures. 2- to compare the intensity of the pleasure from different kinds of activity, with pleasures received from drug use. 3- Based on the analysis of data, to identify factors affecting the rational decision making. Research method: Respondents will be asked to recall the greatest pleasure of their life, which will be used as a measure of the other pleasures. The study will use focus groups and structured interviews.

Keywords: drug, drug-user, measurement, satisfaction

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565 Continuance Intention to Use E-administration Information Portal by Non-teaching Staff in Selected Universities, Southwest, Nigeria

Authors: Adebayo Muritala Adegbore


The e-administration is increasingly being recognized as an important phenomenon in this 21st century and its place in society both at the public and private levels cannot be downplayed. Of close attention is how these platforms are adopted and used in academia due to academia’s role in shaping the overall development of the society, particularly the administrative activities of the non-teaching staff in universities since much has not been done to find out the continuance intention to use e-administration information portal by non-teaching staff in universities. This study, therefore, investigates the continuance intention to use e-administration of information portals of senior non-teaching staff in selected universities in southwest Nigeria. The study’s design was a correlational survey using simple random sampling to select three hundred and fifty-two (352) senior non-teaching staff in the selected universities. A standardized questionnaire was used for data capturing while data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages, means, and standard deviation for the research questions and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used for the hypothesis. Findings revealed that the continuance intention of senior non-teaching staff to use e-administration information portal is positive (x = 3.13), the university portal is one of the most utilized e-administration tools (83.4%), while there was an inversely significant relationship between continuance intention to use and use of e-administration information portal (r = -.254; p< 0.05; N = 320).

Keywords: e-administration, e-portal, non-teaching staff, information systems, continuance intention, use of e-administration portals

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564 Effects of Internet Addiction on Students’ Academic Performance among Some Tertiary Institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria

Authors: Mujidat Lola Olugbode


This study investigates the effects of internet addiction on academic performance among students in some tertiary institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions and two hypotheses were answered and tested. The population of the study comprised of all students in five tertiary institutions in Oyo State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 2550 participants (respondents) from the institutions used for the study, this constituted the sample for the study. The instruments used for data collection was a self-constructed questionnaire on Internet Addiction and Students Academic Performance (IAASAP). The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.77. Data collected were analyzed using frequency and percentages, Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient (PPMCC) and t-test analysis. The results showed that the students in tertiary institutions in Oyo State were occasionally addicted to internet use. The study also revealed a positive correlation between internet addiction and academic performance. The findings also showed that there was significant difference in the internet addiction between male and female Students. Based on the above findings, the researchers recommended among others that government, educators, parents, counselors, teachers should help redirect the internet use toward academics to ensure greater academic performance.

Keywords: internet, addiction, internet addiction, academic performance, tertiary institution, students

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563 Half-Metallic Ferromagnetism in Ternary Zinc Blende Fe/In0.5Ga0.5 as/in Psuperlattice: First-Principles Study

Authors: N. Berrouachedi, M. Bouslama, S. Rioual, B. Lescop, J. Langlois


Using first-principles calculations within the LSDA (Local Spin Density Approximation) method based on density functional theory (DFT), the electronic structure and magnetic properties of zinc blende Fe/In0.5Ga0.5As/InPsuperlattice are investigated. This compound are found to be half -metallic ferromagnets with a total magnetic moment of 2.25μB per Fe. In addition to this, we reported the DRX measurements of the thick iron sample before and after annealing. One should note, after the annealing treatment at a higher temperature, the disappearance of the peak associated to the Fe(001) plane. In contrast to this report, we observed after the annealing at low temperature the additional peaks attributed to the presence of indium and Fe2As. This suggests a subsequent process consisting in a strong migration of atoms followed with crystallization at the higher temperature.To investigate the origin of magnetism and electronic structure in these zb compounds, we calculated the total and partial DOS of FeInP.One can see that µtotal=4.24µBand µFe=3.27µB in contrast µIn=0.021µB and µP=0.049µB.These results predicted that FeInP compound do belong to the class of zb half metallic HM ferromagnetswith a pseudo gap= 0.93 eVare more promising materials for spintronics devices.

Keywords: zincblend structure, half metallic ferromagnet, spin moments, total and partial DOS, DRX, Wien2k

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562 MXene-Based Self-Sensing of Damage in Fiber Composites

Authors: Latha Nataraj, Todd Henry, Micheal Wallock, Asha Hall, Christine Hatter, Babak Anasori, Yury Gogotsi


Multifunctional composites with enhanced strength and toughness for superior damage tolerance are essential for advanced aerospace and military applications. Detection of structural changes prior to visible damage may be achieved by incorporating fillers with tunable properties such as two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials with high aspect ratios and more surface-active sites. While 2D graphene with large surface areas, good mechanical properties, and high electrical conductivity seems ideal as a filler, the single-atomic thickness can lead to bending and rolling during processing, requiring post-processing to bond to polymer matrices. Lately, an emerging family of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides, MXenes, has attracted much attention since their discovery in 2011. Metallic electronic conductivity and good mechanical properties, even with increased polymer content, coupled with hydrophilicity make MXenes a good candidate as a filler material in polymer composites and exceptional as multifunctional damage indicators in composites. Here, we systematically study MXene-based (Ti₃C₂) coated on glass fibers for fiber reinforced polymer composite for self-sensing using microscopy and micromechanical testing. Further testing is in progress through the investigation of local variations in optical, acoustic, and thermal properties within the damage sites in response to strain caused by mechanical loading.

Keywords: damage sensing, fiber composites, MXene, self-sensing

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561 Robot Navigation and Localization Based on the Rat’s Brain Signals

Authors: Endri Rama, Genci Capi, Shigenori Kawahara


The mobile robot ability to navigate autonomously in its environment is very important. Even though the advances in technology, robot self-localization and goal directed navigation in complex environments are still challenging tasks. In this article, we propose a novel method for robot navigation based on rat’s brain signals (Local Field Potentials). It has been well known that rats accurately and rapidly navigate in a complex space by localizing themselves in reference to the surrounding environmental cues. As the first step to incorporate the rat’s navigation strategy into the robot control, we analyzed the rats’ strategies while it navigates in a multiple Y-maze, and recorded Local Field Potentials (LFPs) simultaneously from three brain regions. Next, we processed the LFPs, and the extracted features were used as an input in the artificial neural network to predict the rat’s next location, especially in the decision-making moment, in Y-junctions. We developed an algorithm by which the robot learned to imitate the rat’s decision-making by mapping the rat’s brain signals into its own actions. Finally, the robot learned to integrate the internal states as well as external sensors in order to localize and navigate in the complex environment.

Keywords: brain-machine interface, decision-making, mobile robot, neural network

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560 Structural Health Monitoring Method Using Stresses Occurring on Bridge Bearings Under Temperature

Authors: T. Nishido, S. Fukumoto


The functions of movable bearings decline due to corrosion and sediments. As the result, they cannot move or rotate according to the behaviors of girders. Because of the constraints, the bending moments are generated by the horizontal reaction forces and the heights of girders. Under these conditions, the authors obtained the following results by analysis and experiment. Tensile stresses due to the moments occurred at temperature fluctuations. The large tensile stresses on concrete slabs around the bearings caused cracks. Even if concrete slabs are newly replaced, cracks will come out again with function declined bearings. The functional declines of bearings are generally found by using displacement gauges. However the method is not suitable for long-term measurements. We focused on the change in the strains at the bearings and the lower flanges near them at temperature fluctuations. It was found that their strains were particularly large when the movements of the bearings were constrained. Therefore, we developed a long-term health monitoring wireless system with FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors which were attached to bearings and lower flanges. The FBG sensors have the characteristics such as non-electrical influence, resistance to weather, and high strain sensitivity. Such characteristics are suitable for long-term measurements. The monitoring system was inexpensive because it was limited to the purpose of measuring strains and temperature. Engineers can monitor the behaviors of bearings in real time with the wireless system. If an office is away from bridge sites, the system will save traveling time and cost.

Keywords: bridge bearing, concrete slab,  FBG sensor, health monitoring

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559 Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Geocell Reinforcement above Buried Pipes on Surface Settlement and Vertical Pressure

Authors: Waqed H. Almohammed, Mohammed Y. Fattah, Sajjad E. Rasheed


Dynamic traffic loads cause deformation of underground pipes, resulting in vehicle discomfort. This makes it necessary to reinforce the layers of soil above underground pipes. In this study, the subbase layer was reinforced. Finite element software (PLAXIS 3D) was used to in the simulation, which includes geocell reinforcement, vehicle loading, soil layers and Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipe. Geocell reinforcement was modeled using a geogrid element, which was defined as a slender structure element that has the ability to withstand axial stresses but not to resist bending. Geogrids cannot withstand compression but they can withstand tensile forces. Comparisons have been made between the numerical models and experimental works, and a good agreement was obtained. Using the mathematical model, the performance of three different pipes of diameter 600 mm, 800 mm, and 1000 mm, and three different vehicular speeds of 20 km/h, 40 km/h, and 60 km/h, was examined to determine their impact on surface settlement and vertical pressure at the pipe crown for two cases: with and without geocell reinforcement. The results showed that, for a pipe diameter of 600 mm under geocell reinforcement, surface settlement decreases by 94 % when the speed of the vehicle is 20 km/h and by 98% when the speed of the vehicle is 60 km/h. Vertical pressure decreases by 81 % when the diameter of the pipe is 600 mm, while the value decreases to 58 % for a pipe with diameter 1000 mm. The results show that geocell reinforcement causes a significant and positive reduction in surface settlement and vertical stress above the pipe crown, leading to an increase in pipe safety.

Keywords: dynamic loading, finite element, geocell-reinforcement, GRP pipe, PLAXIS 3D, surface settlement

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