Search results for: steel slag powder
1959 The Effects of Dimethyl Adipate (DMA) on Coated Diesel Engine
Authors: Hanbey Hazar
An experimental study is conducted to evaluate the effects of using blends of diesel fuel with dimethyl adipate (DMA) in proportions of 2%, 6/%, and 12% on a coated engine. In this study, cylinder, piston, exhaust and inlet valves which are combustion chamber components have been coated with a ceramic material. Cylinder, exhaust and inlet valves of the diesel engine used in the tests were coated with ekabor-2 commercial powder, which is a ceramic material, to a thickness of 50 µm, by using the boriding method. The piston of a diesel engine was coated in 300 µm thickness with bor-based powder by using plasma coating method. Due to thermal barrier coating, the diesel engine's hazardous emission values decreased.Keywords: diesel engine, dimethyl adipate (DMA), exhaust emissions, coating
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751958 The Impact of Steel Connections on the Fire Resistance of Composite Buildings
Authors: Shuyuan Lin, Zhaohui Huang, Mizi Fan
In the majority of previous research into modelling large scale composite floor subjected to fire, the beam-to-column and beam-to-beam connections were assumed to behave either as pinned or rigid for simplicity, and the vertical shear and axial tension failures of the connection were not taken into account. We have recently developed robust two-noded connection models for modeling endplate and partial endplate steel connections under fire conditions. The main objective of this research is to systematically investigate the impact of the connections of protected beams, on the tensile membrane actions of supported floor slabs in which the failures of the connections, such as, axial tension, vertical shear and bending are accounted for. The models developed have very good numerical stability under a static solver condition, and can be used for large scale modelling of composite buildings in fire.Keywords: fire, steel structure, component-based model, beam-to-column connections
Procedia PDF Downloads 4501957 Synthesis of Mg/B Containing Compound in a Modified Microwave Oven
Authors: Gülşah Çelik Gül, Figen Kurtuluş
Magnesium containing boron compounds with hexagonal structure have been drawn much attention due to their superconductive nature. The main target of this work is new modified microwave oven by on our own has an ability about passing through a gas in the oven medium for attainment of oxygen-free compounds such as c-BN. Mg containing boride was synthesized by modified-microwave method under nitrogen atmosphere using amorphous boron and magnesium source in appropriate molar ratio. Microwave oven with oxygen free environment has been modified to aimed to obtain magnesium boride without oxygen. Characterizations were done by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Mg containing boride, generally named magnesium boride, with amorphous character without oxygen is obtained via designed microwave oven system.Keywords: magnesium containing boron compounds, modified microwave synthesis, powder X-ray diffraction, FTIR
Procedia PDF Downloads 3741956 Evaluation of Flexural Cracking Width of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams
Authors: Touhami Tahenni
Excessively wide cracks are harmful to the serviceability of reinforced concrete (RC) beams and may lead to durability problems in the longer term. They also reduce the rigidity of RC sections, rendering the tensile concrete ineffective structurally. To reduce the negative effects of cracks, steel fibers are added to concrete mixes in the same manner as aggregates. In the present work, steel fibers reinforced concrete (SFRC) beams, made of normal strength and high strength concretes, were tested in a four-point bending test using a digital image correlation technique. The beams had different volume fractions of fibres and different aspect ratios (fiber length/fiber diameter). The evaluation of flexural cracking widths was determined using Gom-Aramis software. The experimental crack widths were compared with theoretical values predicted by the technical document of Rilem TC 162-TDF. The model proposed in this document seems to be the only one that considers the efficiency of steel fibres in restraining the crack widths. However, the model of Rilem takes into account only the aspect ratio of steel fibres to predict the crack width of SFRC beams. It has been reported in several pieces of research that the contribution of steel fibres to the limitation of flexural cracking widths is based on three essential parameters namely, the volume fraction, the orientation and the aspect ratio of fibres. Referring to the literature on the flexural cracking behavior of SFRC beams and the experimental observations of the present work, a correction of the Rilem model by the introduction of these parameters in the formula is proposed. The crack widths predicted by the new empirical model were compared with the experimental results and assessed against other test data on SFRC beams taken from the literature. The modified Rilem model gives better results and is found more satisfactory in predicting the crack widths of fibres concrete.Keywords: stee fibres, reinforced concrete, flexural cracking, tensile strength, crack width
Procedia PDF Downloads 971955 Improving Concrete Properties with Fibers Addition
Authors: E. Mello, C. Ribellato, E. Mohamedelhassan
This study investigated the improvement in concrete properties with addition of cellulose, steel, carbon and PET fibers. Each fiber was added at four percentages to the fresh concrete, which was moist-cured for 28-days and then tested for compressive, flexural and tensile strengths. Changes in strength and increases in cost were analyzed. Results showed that addition of cellulose caused a decrease between 9.8% and 16.4% in compressive strength. This range may be acceptable as cellulose fibers can significantly increase the concrete resistance to fire, and freezing and thawing cycles. Addition of steel fibers to concrete increased the compressive strength by up to 20%. Increases 121.5% and 80.7% were reported in tensile and flexural strengths respectively. Carbon fibers increased flexural and tensile strengths by up to 11% and 45%, respectively. Concrete strength properties decreased after the addition of PET fibers. Results showed that improvement in strength after addition of steel and carbon fibers may justify the extra cost of fibers.Keywords: concrete, compressive strength, fibers, flexural strength, tensile strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 4431954 Application of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of High Tensile Steel Strands in Post-Tensioned Slabs
Authors: Gaurav Sancheti
This study presents an impacting approach of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in determining the quantity of High Tensile Steel (HTS) strands required in post-tensioned (PT) slabs. Various PT slab configurations were generated by varying the span and depth of the slab. For each of these slab configurations, quantity of required HTS strands were recorded. ANNs with backpropagation algorithm and varying architectures were developed and their performance was evaluated in terms of Mean Square Error (MSE). The recorded data for the quantity of HTS strands was used as a feeder database for training the developed ANNs. The networks were validated using various validation techniques. The results show that the proposed ANNs have a great potential with good prediction and generalization capability.Keywords: artificial neural networks, back propagation, conceptual design, high tensile steel strands, post tensioned slabs, validation techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 2221953 Behavior Study of Concrete-Filled Thin-Walled Square Hollow Steel Stub Columns
Authors: Mostefa Mimoune
Test results on concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under axial compression are presented. The study was mainly focused on square hollow section SHS columns; 27 columns were tested. The main experimental parameters considered were the thickness of the tube, columns length and cross section sizes. Existing design codes and theoretical model were used to predict load-carrying capacities of composite section to compare the accuracy of the predictions by using the recommendations of DTR-BC (Algerian code), CSA (Canadian standard), AIJ, EC4, DBJ, AISC, BS and EC4. Experimental results indicate that the studied parameters have significant influence on both the compressive load capacity and the column failure mode. All codes used in the comparison, provide higher resistance compared to those of tests. Equation method has been suggested to evaluate the axial capacity of the composite section seem to be in agreement with tests.Keywords: axial loading, composite section, concrete-filled steel tubes, square hollow section
Procedia PDF Downloads 3791952 Biobased Toughening Filler for Polylactic Acid from Ultrafine Fully Vulcanized Powder Natural Rubber Grafted with Polymethylmethacrylate
Authors: Panyawutthi Rimdusit, Krittapas Charoensuk, Sarawut Rimdusit
A biobased toughening filler for polylactic acid (PLA) based on natural rubber is developed in this work. Deproteinized natural rubber (DPNR) was modified by grafting polymerization with methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA) and further crosslinked by e-beam irradiation and spray drying process to achieve ultrafine full vulcanized powdered natural rubber grafted with polymethylmethacrylate (UFPNRg-PMMA) to solves in the challenges of incompatibility between natural rubber and PLA. Intriguingly, UFPNR-g-PMMA revealed outstanding and unique properties with minimal particle aggregation. The average particle size of rubber powder obtained from UFPNR-g-PMMA at PMMA grafting content of 20 phr reduced to 3.3±1.2 µm, compared to that of neat UFPNR of 5.3±2.3 µm which also showed partial particle aggregation. It is also found that the impact strength of the filled PLA was enhanced to 33.4±5.6 kJ/m2 at PLA/UFPNR-gPMMA 20 wt% compared to neat PLA of 9.6±3 kJ/m2. The thermal degradation temperature of the PLA composites was enhanced with increasing UFPNR-g-PMMA content without affecting the glass transition temperature of the composites. The fracture surface of PLA/ UFPNR-g-PMMA suggested internal cavitation and crazes are the main effects of rubber toughening PLA with substantial interfacial interaction between the filler and the matrix.Keywords: natural rubber, ultrafine fully vulcanized powder rubber, polylactic acid, polymer composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 141951 An Investigation of Foam Glass Production from Sheet Glass Waste and SiC Foaming Agent
Authors: Aylin Sahin, Recep Artir, Mustafa Kara
Foam glass is a remarkable material with having incomparable properties like low weight, rigidity, high thermal insulation capacity and porous structure. In this study, foam glass production was investigated with using glass powder from sheet glass waste and SiC powder as foaming agent. Effects of SiC powders and sintering temperatures on foaming process were examined. It was seen that volume expansions (%), cellular structures and pore diameters of obtained foam glass samples were highly depending on composition ratios and sintering temperature. The study showed that various foam glass samples having with homogenous closed porosity, low weight and low thermal conductivity were achieved by optimizing composition ratios and sintering temperatures.Keywords: foam glass, foaming, waste glass, silicon carbide
Procedia PDF Downloads 3871950 Effect of the Alloying Elements on Mechanical Properties of TWIP Steel
Authors: Yuksel Akinay, Fatih Hayat
The influence of the alloying element on mechanical properties and micro structures of the Fe-22Mn-0.6C-0,6Si twinning induced plasticity (TWIP) steel were investigated at different temperatures. This composition was fabricated by a vacuum induction melting method. This steel was homogenized at 1200◦C for 8h. After heat treatment it was hot-rolled at 1100◦C to 6 mm thickness. The hot rolled plates were cold rolled to 3 mm and annealed at 700 800 and 900 °C for 60 and 150 minute and then air-cooled. X-ray diffractometry (XRD), optic microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), hardness and tensile tests were used to analyse the relationship between mechanical properties and micro structure after annealing process. The results show that, the excellent mechanical properties were obtained after heat treatment process. The tensile strength of material was decreased and the ductility of material was improved with increasing annealing temperature. Ni element were increased the mechanical resistance of specimens and because of carbide precipitation the hardness of specimen annealed at 700 C is higher than others.Keywords: high manganese, heat treatment, SEM, XRD, cold-rolling
Procedia PDF Downloads 5041949 Mechanical Properties of D2 Tool Steel Cryogenically Treated Using Controllable Cooling
Authors: A. Rabin, G. Mazor, I. Ladizhenski, R. Shneck, Z.
The hardness and hardenability of AISI D2 cold work tool steel with conventional quenching (CQ), deep cryogenic quenching (DCQ) and rapid deep cryogenic quenching heat treatments caused by temporary porous coating based on magnesium sulfate was investigated. Each of the cooling processes was examined from the perspective of the full process efficiency, heat flux in the austenite-martensite transformation range followed by characterization of the temporary porous layer made of magnesium sulfate using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), surface and core hardness and hardenability using Vickr’s hardness technique. The results show that the cooling rate (CR) at the austenite-martensite transformation range have a high influence on the hardness of the studied steel.Keywords: AISI D2, controllable cooling, magnesium sulfate coating, rapid cryogenic heat treatment, temporary porous layer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371948 On Influence of Web Openings Presence on Structural Performance of Steel and Concrete Beams
Authors: Jakub Bartus, Jaroslav Odrobinak
In general, composite steel and concrete structures present an effective structural solution utilizing the full potential of both materials. As they have numerous advantages on the construction side, they can greatly reduce the overall cost of construction, which has been the main objective of the last decade, highlighted by the current economic and social crisis. The study represents not only an analysis of composite beams’ behavior having web openings but emphasizes the influence of these openings on the total strain distribution at the level of the steel bottom flange as well. The major investigation was focused on a change in structural performance with respect to various layouts of openings. Examining this structural modification, an improvement of load carrying capacity of composite beams was a prime objective. The study is divided into analytical and numerical parts. The analytical part served as an initial step into the design process of composite beam samples, in which optimal dimensions and specific levels of utilization in individual stress states were taken into account. The numerical part covered the discretization of the preset structural issue in the form of a finite element (FE) model using beam and shell elements accounting for material non–linearities. As an outcome, several conclusions were drawn describing and explaining the effect of web opening presence on the structural performance of composite beams.Keywords: beam, steel flange, total strain, web opening
Procedia PDF Downloads 791947 Stability of Essential Oils in Pang-Rum by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Authors: K. Jarmkom, P. Eakwaropas, W. Khobjai, S. Techaeoi
Ancient Thai perfumed powder was used as a fragrance for clothing, food, and the body. Plant-based natural Thai perfume products are known as Pang-Rum. The objective of this study was to evaluate the stability of essential oils after six months of incubation. The chemical compositions were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), in terms of the qualitative composition of the isolated essential oil. The isolation of the essential oil of natural products by incubate sample for 5 min at 40 ºC is described. The volatile components were identified by percentage of total peak areas comparing their retention times of GC chromatograph with NIST mass spectral library. The results show no significant difference in the seven chromatograms of perfumed powder (Pang-Rum) both with binder and without binder. Further identification was done by GC-MS. Some components of Pang-Rum with/without binder were changed by temperature and time.Keywords: GC-MS analysis, essential oils, stability, Pang-Rum
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721946 Impact of Alkaline Activator Composition and Precursor Types on Properties and Durability of Alkali-Activated Cements Mortars
Authors: Sebastiano Candamano, Antonio Iorfida, Patrizia Frontera, Anastasia Macario, Fortunato Crea
Alkali-activated materials are promising binders obtained by an alkaline attack on fly-ashes, metakaolin, blast slag among others. In order to guarantee the highest ecological and cost efficiency, a proper selection of precursors and alkaline activators has to be carried out. These choices deeply affect the microstructure, chemistry and performances of this class of materials. Even if, in the last years, several researches have been focused on mix designs and curing conditions, the lack of exhaustive activation models, standardized mix design and curing conditions and an insufficient investigation on shrinkage behavior, efflorescence, additives and durability prevent them from being perceived as an effective and reliable alternative to Portland. The aim of this study is to develop alkali-activated cements mortars containing high amounts of industrial by-products and waste, such as ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and ashes obtained from the combustion process of forest biomass in thermal power plants. In particular, the experimental campaign was performed in two steps. In the first step, research was focused on elucidating how the workability, mechanical properties and shrinkage behavior of produced mortars are affected by the type and fraction of each precursor as well as by the composition of the activator solutions. In order to investigate the microstructures and reaction products, SEM and diffractometric analyses have been carried out. In the second step, their durability in harsh environments has been evaluated. Mortars obtained using only GGBFS as binder showed mechanical properties development and shrinkage behavior strictly dependent on SiO2/Na2O molar ratio of the activator solutions. Compressive strengths were in the range of 40-60 MPa after 28 days of curing at ambient temperature. Mortars obtained by partial replacement of GGBFS with metakaolin and forest biomass ash showed lower compressive strengths (≈35 MPa) and shrinkage values when higher amount of ashes were used. By varying the activator solutions and binder composition, compressive strength up to 70 MPa associated with shrinkage values of about 4200 microstrains were measured. Durability tests were conducted to assess the acid and thermal resistance of the different mortars. They all showed good resistance in a solution of 5%wt of H2SO4 also after 60 days of immersion, while they showed a decrease of mechanical properties in the range of 60-90% when exposed to thermal cycles up to 700°C.Keywords: alkali activated cement, biomass ash, durability, shrinkage, slag
Procedia PDF Downloads 3261945 Effect of Wind Braces to Earthquake Resistance of Steel Structures
Authors: H. Gokdemir
All structures are subject to vertical and lateral loads. Under these loads, structures make deformations and deformation values of structural elements mustn't exceed their capacity for structural stability. Especially, lateral loads cause critical deformations because of their random directions and magnitudes. Wind load is one of the lateral loads which can act in any direction and any magnitude. Although wind has nearly no effect on reinforced concrete structures, it must be considered for steel structures, roof systems and slender structures like minarets. Therefore, every structure must be able to resist wind loads acting parallel and perpendicular to any side. One of the effective methods for resisting lateral loads is assembling cross steel elements between columns which are called as wind bracing. These cross elements increases lateral rigidity of a structure and prevent exceeding of deformation capacity of the structural system. So, this means cross elements are also effective in resisting earthquake loads too. In this paper; Effects of wind bracing to earthquake resistance of structures are studied. Structure models (with and without wind bracing) are generated and these models are solved under both earthquake and wind loads with different seismic zone parameters. It is concluded by the calculations that; in low-seismic risk zones, wind bracing can easily resist earthquake loads and no additional reinforcement for earthquake loads is necessary. Similarly; in high-seismic risk zones, earthquake cross elements resist wind loads too.Keywords: wind bracings, earthquake, steel structures, vertical and lateral loads
Procedia PDF Downloads 4711944 Production of Chromium Matrix Composite Reinforced by WC by Powder Metallurgy
Authors: Ahmet Yonetken, Ayhan Erol
Intermetallic materials advanced technology materials that have outstanding mechanical and physical properties for high temperature applications. Especially creep resistance, low density and high hardness properties stand out in such intermetallics. The microstructure, mechanical properties of %80Cr-%10Ti and %10WC powders were investigated using specimens produced by tube furnace sintering at 1000-1400°C temperature. A composite consisting of ternary additions, a metallic phase, Ti,Cr and WC have been prepared under Ar shroud and then tube furnace sintered. XRD, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), were investigated to characterize the properties of the specimens. Experimental results carried out for composition %80Cr-%10Ti and %10WC at 1400°C suggest that the best properties as 292HV and 5,34g/cm3 density were obtained at 1400°C.Keywords: ceramic-metal, composites, powder metallurgy, sintering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4711943 Fundamental Natural Frequency of Chromite Composite Floor System
Authors: Farhad Abbas Gandomkar, Mona Danesh
This paper aims to determine Fundamental Natural Frequency (FNF) of a structural composite floor system known as Chromite. To achieve this purpose, FNFs of studied panels are determined by development of Finite Element Models (FEMs) in ABAQUS program. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) code in Steel Design Guide Series 11, presents a fundamental formula to calculate FNF of a steel framed floor system. This formula has been used to verify results of the FEMs. The variability in the FNF of the studied system under various parameters such as dimensions of floor, boundary conditions, rigidity of main and secondary beams around the floor, thickness of concrete slab, height of composite joists, distance between composite joists, thickness of top and bottom flanges of the open web steel joists, and adding tie beam perpendicular on the composite joists, is determined. The results show that changing in dimensions of the system, its boundary conditions, rigidity of main beam, and also adding tie beam, significant changes the FNF of the system up to 452.9%, 50.8%, -52.2%, %52.6%, respectively. In addition, increasing thickness of concrete slab increases the FNF of the system up to 10.8%. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that variation in rigidity of secondary beam, height of composite joist, and distance between composite joists, and thickness of top and bottom flanges of open web steel joists insignificant changes the FNF of the studied system up to -0.02%, -3%, -6.1%, and 0.96%, respectively. Finally, the results of this study help designer predict occurrence of resonance, comfortableness, and design criteria of the studied system.Keywords: Fundamental Natural Frequency, Chromite Composite Floor System, Finite Element Method, low and high frequency floors, Comfortableness, resonance.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4571942 Iron Oxide Reduction Using Solar Concentration and Carbon-Free Reducers
Authors: Bastien Sanglard, Simon Cayez, Guillaume Viau, Thomas Blon, Julian Carrey, Sébastien Lachaize
The need to develop clean production processes is a key challenge of any industry. Steel and iron industries are particularly concerned since they emit 6.8% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. One key step of the process is the high-temperature reduction of iron ore using coke, leading to large amounts of CO2 emissions. One route to decrease impacts is to get rid of fossil fuels by changing both the heat source and the reducer. The present work aims at investigating experimentally the possibility to use concentrated solar energy and carbon-free reducing agents. Two sets of experimentations were realized. First, in situ X-ray diffraction on pure and industrial powder of hematite was realized to study the phase evolution as a function of temperature during reduction under hydrogen and ammonia. Secondly, experiments were performed on industrial iron ore pellets, which were reduced by NH3 or H2 into a “solar furnace” composed of a controllable 1600W Xenon lamp to simulate and control the solar concentrated irradiation of a glass reactor and of a diaphragm to control light flux. Temperature and pressure were recorded during each experiment via thermocouples and pressure sensors. The percentage of iron oxide converted to iron (called thereafter “reduction ratio”) was found through Rietveld refinement. The power of the light source and the reduction time were varied. Results obtained in the diffractometer reaction chamber show that iron begins to form at 300°C with pure Fe2O3 powder and 400°C with industrial iron ore when maintained at this temperature for 60 minutes and 80 minutes, respectively. Magnetite and wuestite are detected on both powders during the reduction under hydrogen; under ammonia, iron nitride is also detected for temperatures between400°C and 600°C. All the iron oxide was converted to iron for a reaction of 60 min at 500°C, whereas a conversion ratio of 96% was reached with industrial powder for a reaction of 240 min at 600°C under hydrogen. Under ammonia, full conversion was also reached after 240 min of reduction at 600 °C. For experimentations into the solar furnace with iron ore pellets, the lamp power and the shutter opening were varied. An 83.2% conversion ratio was obtained with a light power of 67 W/cm2 without turning over the pellets. Nevertheless, under the same conditions, turning over the pellets in the middle of the experiment permits to reach a conversion ratio of 86.4%. A reduction ratio of 95% was reached with an exposure of 16 min by turning over pellets at half time with a flux of 169W/cm2. Similar or slightly better results were obtained under an ammonia reducing atmosphere. Under the same flux, the highest reduction yield of 97.3% was obtained under ammonia after 28 minutes of exposure. The chemical reaction itself, including the solar heat source, does not produce any greenhouse gases, so solar metallurgy represents a serious way to reduce greenhouse gas emission of metallurgy industry. Nevertheless, the ecological impact of the reducers must be investigated, which will be done in future work.Keywords: solar concentration, metallurgy, ammonia, hydrogen, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381941 Improving Inelastic Capacity of Cold-Formed Steel Beams Using Slotted Blotted Connection
Authors: Marzie Shahini, Alireza Bagheri Sabbagh, Rasoul Mirghaderi, Paul C. Davidson
The focus of this paper is to incorporating the slotted bolted connection into the cold-formed steel (CFS) beams with aim of increasing inelastic bending capacity through bolt slip. An extensive finite element analysis was conducted on the through plate CFS bolted connections which are equipped with the slotted hole. The studied parameters in this paper included the following: CFS beam section geometry, the value of slip force, CFS beam thickness. The numerical results indicate that CFS slotted bolted connection exhibit higher inelastic capacity in terms of ductility compare to connection with standards holes. Moreover, the effect of slip force was analysed by comparing the moment-rotation curves of different models with different slip force value. As a result, as the slip force became lower, there was a tendency for the plastic strain to extend from the CFS member to the connection region.Keywords: slip-critical bolted connection, inelastic capacity, slotted holes, cold-formed steel, bolt slippage, slip force
Procedia PDF Downloads 4311940 Reduction and Smelting of Magnetic Fraction Obtained by Magnetic-Gravimetric-Separation (MGS) of Electric Arc Furnace Dust
Authors: Sara Scolari, Davide Mombelli, Gianluca Dall'Osto, Jasna Kastivnik, Gašper Tavčar, Carlo Mapelli
The EIT Raw Materials RIS-DustRec-II project aims to transform Electric Arc Furnace Dust (EAFD) into a valuable resource by overcoming the challenges associated with traditional recycling approaches. EAFD, a zinc-rich industrial by-product typically recycled by the Waelz process, contains complex oxides such as franklinite (ZnFe₂O₄), which hinder the efficient extraction of zinc, by also introducing other valuable elements (Fe, Ni, Cr, Cu, …) in the slag. The project aims to develop a multistage multidisciplinary approach to separate EAFD into two streams: a magnetic and non-magnetic one. In this paper the production of self-reducing briquettes from the magnetic stream of EAFD with a reducing agent, aiming to drive carbothermic reduction and recover iron as a usable alloy, was investigated. Research was focused on optimizing the magnetic and subsequent gravimetric separation (MGS) processes, followed by high-temperature smelting to evaluate reduction efficiency and phase separation. The characterization of selected two different raw EAFD samples and their magnetic-gravitational separation to isolate zinc- and iron-rich fractions was performed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The iron-enriched concentrates were then agglomerated into self-reducing briquettes by mixing them with either biochar (olive pomace pyrolyzed at 350 and 750°C and wood chips pyrolyzed at 750 °C) and a Cupola Furnace dust as reducing agents, combined with gelatinized corn starch as a binder. Cylindrical briquettes were produced and cured for 14 days to ensure structural integrity during subsequent thermal treatments. Smelting tests were carried out at 1400 °C in an inert argon atmosphere to assess the metallization efficiency and the separation between metal and slag phases. A carbon/oxides mass ratio of 0.262 (C/(ZnO+Fe₂O₃)) was used in these tests to maintain continuity with previous studies and to standardize reduction conditions. The magnetic and gravimetric separations effectively isolated zinc- and iron-enriched fractions, particularly for one of the two EAFD, where the concentration of Zn in the concentration fraction was reduced by 8 wt.% while Fe reached 45 wt.%. The reduction tests conducted at 1400 °C showed that the chosen carbon/oxides ratio was sufficient for the smelting of the reducible oxides within the briquettes. However, an important limitation became apparent: the amount of carbon, exceeding the stochiometric value, proved to be excessive for the effective coalescence of metal droplets, preventing clear metal-slag separation. To address this, further smelting tests were carried out in an air atmosphere rather than inert conditions to burn off excess carbon. This paper demonstrates the potential of controlled carbothermic reduction for EAFD recycling. By carefully optimizing the C/(ZnO+Fe₂O₃) ratio, the process can maximize metal recovery while achieving better separation of the metal and slag phases. This approach offers a promising alternative to traditional EAFD recycling methods, with further studies recommended to refine the parameters for industrial application.Keywords: biochars, electrical arc furnace dust, metallization, smelting
Procedia PDF Downloads 141939 Experimental Investigation of Cold-Formed Steel-Timber Board Composite Floor Systems
Authors: Samar Raffoul, Martin Heywood, Dimitrios Moutaftsis, Michael Rowell
This paper comprises an experimental investigation into the structural performance of cold formed steel (CFS) and timber board composite floor systems. The tests include a series of small-scale pushout tests and full-scale bending tests carried out using a refined loading system to simulate uniformly distributed constant load. The influence of connection details (screw spacing and adhesives) on floor performance was investigated. The results are then compared to predictions from relevant existing models for composite floor systems. The results of this research demonstrate the significant benefits of considering the composite action of the boards in floor design. Depending on connection detail, an increase in flexural stiffness of up to 40% was observed in the floor system, when compared to designing joists individually.Keywords: cold formed steel joists, composite action, flooring systems, shear connection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1301938 Preparedness for Microbial Forensics Evidence Collection on Best Practice
Authors: Victor Ananth Paramananth, Rashid Muniginin, Mahaya Abd Rahman, Siti Afifah Ismail
Safety issues, scene protection, and appropriate evidence collection must be handled in any bio crime scene. There will be a scene or multi-scene to be cordoned for investigation in any bio-incident or bio crime event. Evidence collection is critical in determining the type of microbial or toxin, its lethality, and its source. As a consequence, from the start of the investigation, a proper sampling method is required. The most significant challenges for the crime scene officer would be deciding where to obtain samples, the best sampling method, and the sample sizes needed. Since there could be evidence in liquid, viscous, or powder shape at a crime scene, crime scene officers have difficulty determining which tools to use for sampling. To maximize sample collection, the appropriate tools for sampling methods are necessary. This study aims to assist the crime scene officer in collecting liquid, viscous, and powder biological samples in sufficient quantity while preserving sample quality. Observational tests on sample collection using liquid, viscous, and powder samples for adequate quantity and sample quality were performed using UV light in this research. The density of the light emission varies upon the method of collection and sample types. The best tools for collecting sufficient amounts of liquid, viscous, and powdered samples can be identified by observing UV light. Instead of active microorganisms, the invisible powder is used to assess sufficient sample collection during a crime scene investigation using various collection tools. The liquid, powdered and viscous samples collected using different tools were analyzed using Fourier transform infrared - attenuate total reflection (FTIR-ATR). FTIR spectroscopy is commonly used for rapid discrimination, classification, and identification of intact microbial cells. The liquid, viscous and powdered samples collected using various tools have been successfully observed using UV light. Furthermore, FTIR-ATR analysis showed that collected samples are sufficient in quantity while preserving their quality.Keywords: biological sample, crime scene, collection tool, UV light, forensic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1961937 Optimization of Steel Moment Frame Structures Using Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Mohammad Befkin, Alireza Momtaz
Structural design is the challenging aspect of every project due to limitations in dimensions, functionality of the structure, and more importantly, the allocated budget for construction. This research study aims to investigate the optimized design for three steel moment frame buildings with different number of stories using genetic algorithm code. The number and length of spans, and height of each floor were constant in all three buildings. The design of structures are carried out according to AISC code within the provisions of plastic design with allowable stress values. Genetic code for optimization is produced using MATLAB program, while buildings modeled in Opensees program and connected to the MATLAB code to perform iterations in optimization steps. In the end designs resulted from genetic algorithm code were compared with the analysis of buildings in ETABS program. The results demonstrated that suggested structural elements by the code utilize their full capacity, indicating the desirable efficiency of produced code.Keywords: genetic algorithm, structural analysis, steel moment frame, structural design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201936 Computational Approaches for Ballistic Impact Response of Stainless Steel 304
Authors: A. Mostafa
This paper presents a numerical study on determination of ballistic limit velocity (V50) of stainless steel 304 (SS 304) used in manufacturing security screens. The simulated ballistic impact tests were conducted on clamped sheets with different thicknesses using ABAQUS/Explicit nonlinear finite element (FE) package. The ballistic limit velocity was determined using three approaches, namely: numerical tests based on material properties, FE calculated residual velocities and FE calculated residual energies. Johnson-Cook plasticity and failure criterion were utilized to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the SS 304 under various strain rates, while the well-known Lambert-Jonas equation was used for the data regression for the residual velocity and energy model. Good agreement between the investigated numerical methods was achieved. Additionally, the dependence of the ballistic limit velocity on the sheet thickness was observed. The proposed approaches present viable and cost-effective assessment methods of the ballistic performance of SS 304, which will support the development of robust security screen systems.Keywords: ballistic velocity, stainless steel, numerical approaches, security screen
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651935 Evaluation of Flange Bending Capacity near Member End Using a Finite Element Analysis Approach
Authors: Alicia Kamischke, Souhail Elhouar, Yasser Khodair
The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Specification (360-10) provides equations for calculating the capacity of a W-shaped steel member to resist concentrated forces applied to its flange. In the case of flange local bending, the capacity equations were primarily formulated for an interior point along the member, which is defined to be at a distance larger than ten flange thicknesses away from the member’s end. When a concentrated load is applied within ten flange thicknesses from the member’s end, AISC requires a fifty percent reduction to be applied to the flange bending capacity. This reduction, however, is not supported by any research. In this study, finite element modeling is used to investigate the actual reduction in capacity near the end of such a steel member. The results indicate that the AISC equation for flange local bending is quite conservative for forces applied at less than ten flange thicknesses from the member’s end and a new equation is suggested for the evaluation of available flange local bending capacity within that distance.Keywords: flange local bending, concentrated forces, column, flange capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 6891934 Performance of Modified Wedge Anchorage System for Pre-Stressed FRP Bars
Authors: Othman S. Alsheraida, Sherif El-Gamal
Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) is a composite material with exceptional properties that are capable of replacing conventional steel reinforcement in reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures. However, the main obstacle for their wide use in the pre-stressed concrete application is the anchorage system. Due to the weakness of FRP in the transverse direction, the pre-stressing capacity of FRP bars is limited. This paper investigates the modification of the conventional wedge anchorage system to be used for stressing of FRP bars in pre-stressed applications. Epoxy adhesive material with glass FRP (GFRP) bars and conventional steel wedge were used in this paper. The GFRP bars are encased with epoxy at the anchor zone and the wedge system was used in the pull-out test. The results showed a loading capacity of 47.6 kN which is 69% of the bar ultimate capacity. Additionally, nylon wedge was made with the same dimensions of the steel wedge and tested for GFRP bars without epoxy layer. The nylon wedge showed a loading capacity of 19.7 kN which is only 28.5% of the ultimate bar capacity.Keywords: anchorage, concrete, epoxy, frp, pre-stressed
Procedia PDF Downloads 2961933 Dissipation Capacity of Steel Building with Fiction Pendulum Base-Isolation System
Authors: A. Ras, I. Nait Zerrad, N. Benmouna, N. Boumechra
Use of base isolators in the seismic design of structures has attracted considerable attention in recent years. The major concern in the design of these structures is to have enough lateral stability to resist wind and seismic forces. There are different systems providing such isolation, among them there are friction- pendulum base isolation systems (FPS) which are rather widely applied nowadays involving to both affordable cost and high fundamental periods. These devices are characterised by a stiff resistance against wind loads and to be flexible to the seismic tremors, which make them suitable for different situations. In this paper, a 3D numerical investigation is done considering the seismic response of a twelve-storey steel building retrofitted with a FPS. Fast nonlinear time history analysis (FNA) of Boumerdes earthquake (Algeria, May 2003) is considered for analysis and carried out using SAP2000 software. Comparisons between fixed base, bearing base isolated and braced structures are shown in a tabulated and graphical format. The results of the various alternatives studies to compare the structural response without and with this device of dissipation energy thus obtained were discussed and the conclusions showed the interesting potential of the FPS isolator. This system may to improve the dissipative capacities of the structure without increasing its rigidity in a significant way which contributes to optimize the quantity of steel necessary for its general stability.Keywords: energy dissipation, friction-pendulum system, nonlinear analysis, steel structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2021932 Influence of Structural Cracks on Transport Performance of Reinforced Concrete
Authors: V. A. Okenyi, K. Yang, P. A. M. Basheer
Concrete structures in service are constantly under the influence of load. Microstructural cracks often develop in them and considering those in the marine environment; these microcracks often serve as a means for transportation of harmful fluids into the concrete. This paper studies the influence of flexural tensile stress that structural elements undergo on the transport properties of such concrete in the tensile zone of the structural member. Reinforced concrete beams of 1200mm ⨉ 230mm ⨉ 150mm in dimension in a four-point bending set up were subjected to various levels of the loading required to cause a microcrack width of 100µm. The use of Autoclam permeability tests, sorptivity tests as well as the Permit chloride ion migration tests were employed, and results showed that air permeability, sorptivity and water permeability all increased as the load increased in the concrete tensile zone. For air permeability, an increase in stress levels led to more permeability, and the addition of steel macrofibers had no significant effect until at 75% of stress level where it decreased air permeability. For sorptivity, there was no absorption into concrete when no load was added, but water sorptivity index was high at 75% stress levels and higher in steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). Steel macrofibers produced more water permeability into the concrete at 75% stress level under the 100µm crack width considered while steel macrofibers helped in slightly reducing the migration of chloride into concrete by 8.8% reduction, compared to control samples at 75% stress level. It is clear from this research that load-induced cracking leads to an increase in fluid permeability into concrete and the effect of the addition of steel macrofiber to concrete for durability is not significant under 100µm crack width.Keywords: durability, microcracks, SFRC, stress Level, transport properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311931 Tomato Peels Prevented Margarine and Soya/Sunflower Oils Oxidation
Authors: S. Zidani, A. Benakmoum, A. Mansouri, A. Ammouche
In this research paper, we studied the oxidative stability of table margarine and soya/sunflower oils rich in lycopene with tomato peel powder (TPP). For this 1%, 2%, and 3% (w/w) of TPP was added to oil used in margarine manufacture. Chromatic characteristics of margarine and soya/sunflower oil have been studied using 'Tristimulus Colorimetry' method. The main point of the research was to determine the antioxidant activity and the oxidative resistance of soya/sunflower and margarine with TPP (peroxide index, TBA index, and rancimat test). The sensory and textural properties, overall acceptability of margarine and oil were good, indicating that TPP could be added to oil to produce a margarine enriched in lycopene with excellent stability oxidative.Keywords: tomato peel powder, lycopene, table margarine, soya/sunflower oils, antioxidant activity, stability oxidative
Procedia PDF Downloads 3011930 Utilization of Brachystegia Spiciformis Leaf Powder in the Removal of Nitrates from Wastewaters: An Equilibrium Study
Authors: Isheanesu Hungwe, Munyaradzi Shumba, Tichaona Nharingo
High levels of nitrates in drinking water present a potential risk to human health for it is responsible for methemoglobinemia in infants. It also gives rise to eutrophication of dams and rivers. It is, therefore, important to find ways of compating the increasing amount of nitrates in the environment. This study explored the bioremediation of nitrates from aqueous solution using Brachystegia spiciformis leaf powder (BSLP). The acid treated leaf powder was characterized using FTIR and SEM before and after nitrate biosorption and desorption experiments. Critical biosorption factors, pH, contact time and biomass dosage were optimized as 4, 30 minutes and 10 g/L respectively. The equilibrium data generated from the investigation of the effect of initial nitrate ion concentration fitted the isotherm models in the order Dudinin-Radushkevich < Halsey=Freundlich < Langmuir < Temkin model based on the correlation of determination (R2). The Freundlich’s adsorption intensity and Langmuir’s separation factors revealed the favorability of nitrate ion sorption onto BSLP biomass with maximum sorption capacity of 87.297 mg/g. About 95% of the adsorbed nitrate was removed from the biomass under alkaline conditions (pH 11) proving that the regeration of the biomass, critical in sorption-desorption cycles, was possible. It was concluded that the BSLP was a multifunctional group material characterised by both micropores and macropores that could be effectively utilised in nitrate ion removal from aqueous solutions.Keywords: adsorption, brachystegia spiciformis, methemoglobinemia, nitrates
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