Search results for: video tracking
1116 CERD: Cost Effective Route Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: Anuradha Banerjee
A mobile ad hoc network is an infrastructure less network, where nodes are free to move independently in any direction. The nodes have limited battery power; hence, we require energy efficient route discovery technique to enhance their lifetime and network performance. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient route discovery technique CERD that greatly reduces the number of route requests flooded into the network and also gives priority to the route request packets sent from the routers that has communicated with the destination very recently, in single or multi-hop paths. This does not only enhance the lifetime of nodes but also decreases the delay in tracking the destination.Keywords: ad hoc network, energy efficiency, flooding, node lifetime, route discovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 3481115 The Flipped Classroom Used in Business Curricula
Authors: Hedia Mhiri Sellami
This case study used the principles of the flipped classroom (FC) in courses dealing with the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in three business curricula. The FC was used because our first goal is to devote more time to practice the theoretical concepts, so, before the class session, students had to watch videos introducing the concept they will learn. The videos weren't designed for our course, they are on Youtube and correspond to real cases of the ICT use in companies. This choice was also made in order to meet our second goal; it was to motivate students by showing them that the aspects covered by the course are very useful in the business. This case study reinforced the positive reputation of the FC as it was globally appreciated by our students. Beside, we managed to achieve our objectives relating to the motivation and application of concepts studied.Keywords: flipped classroom, business, ICT, video, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2911114 Distributed Listening in Intensive Care: Nurses’ Collective Alarm Responses Unravelled through Auditory Spatiotemporal Trajectories
Authors: Michael Sonne Kristensen, Frank Loesche, James Foster, Elif Ozcan, Judy Edworthy
Auditory alarms play an integral role in intensive care nurses’ daily work. Most medical devices in the intensive care unit (ICU) are designed to produce alarm sounds in order to make nurses aware of immediate or prospective safety risks. The utilisation of sound as a carrier of crucial patient information is highly dependent on nurses’ presence - both physically and mentally. For ICU nurses, especially the ones who work with stationary alarm devices at the patient bed space, it is a challenge to display ‘appropriate’ alarm responses at all times as they have to navigate with great flexibility in a complex work environment. While being primarily responsible for a small number of allocated patients they are often required to engage with other nurses’ patients, relatives, and colleagues at different locations inside and outside the unit. This work explores the social strategies used by a team of nurses to comprehend and react to the information conveyed by the alarms in the ICU. Two main research questions guide the study: To what extent do alarms from a patient bed space reach the relevant responsible nurse by direct auditory exposure? By which means do responsible nurses get informed about their patients’ alarms when not directly exposed to the alarms? A comprehensive video-ethnographic field study was carried out to capture and evaluate alarm-related events in an ICU. The study involved close collaboration with four nurses who wore eye-level cameras and ear-level binaural audio recorders during several work shifts. At all time the entire unit was monitored by multiple video and audio recorders. From a data set of hundreds of hours of recorded material information about the nurses’ location, social interaction, and alarm exposure at any point in time was coded in a multi-channel replay-interface. The data shows that responsible nurses’ direct exposure and awareness of the alarms of their allocated patients vary significantly depending on work load, social relationships, and the location of the patient’s bed space. Distributed listening is deliberately employed by the nursing team as a social strategy to respond adequately to alarms, but the patterns of information flow prompted by alarm-related events are not uniform. Auditory Spatiotemporal Trajectory (AST) is proposed as a methodological label to designate the integration of temporal, spatial and auditory load information. As a mixed-method metrics it provides tangible evidence of how nurses’ individual alarm-related experiences differ from one another and from stationary points in the ICU. Furthermore, it is used to demonstrate how alarm-related information reaches the individual nurse through principles of social and distributed cognition, and how that information relates to the actual alarm event. Thereby it bridges a long-standing gap in the literature on medical alarm utilisation between, on the one hand, initiatives to measure objective data of the medical sound environment without consideration for any human experience, and, on the other hand, initiatives to study subjective experiences of the medical sound environment without detailed evidence of the objective characteristics of the environment.Keywords: auditory spatiotemporal trajectory, medical alarms, social cognition, video-ethography
Procedia PDF Downloads 1911113 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Use for Emergency Purpose
Authors: Shah S. M. A., Aftab U.
It is imperative in today’s world to get a real time information about different emergency situation occurred in the environment. Helicopters are mostly used to access places which are hard to access in emergencies like earthquake, floods, bridge failure or in any other disasters conditions. Use of helicopters are considered more costly to properly collect the data. Therefore a new technique has been introduced in this research to promptly collect data using drones. The drone designed in this research is based on trial and error experimental work with objective to construct an economical drone. Locally available material have been used for this purpose. And a mobile camera were also attached to prepare video during the flight. It was found that within very limited resources the result were quite successful.Keywords: UAV, real time, camera, disasters
Procedia PDF Downloads 2391112 Gesture-Controlled Interface Using Computer Vision and Python
Authors: Vedant Vardhan Rathour, Anant Agrawal
The project aims to provide a touchless, intuitive interface for human-computer interaction, enabling users to control their computer using hand gestures and voice commands. The system leverages advanced computer vision techniques using the MediaPipe framework and OpenCV to detect and interpret real time hand gestures, transforming them into mouse actions such as clicking, dragging, and scrolling. Additionally, the integration of a voice assistant powered by the Speech Recognition library allows for seamless execution of tasks like web searches, location navigation and gesture control on the system through voice commands.Keywords: gesture recognition, hand tracking, machine learning, convolutional neural networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 181111 Digital Image Forensics: Discovering the History of Digital Images
Authors: Gurinder Singh, Kulbir Singh
Digital multimedia contents such as image, video, and audio can be tampered easily due to the availability of powerful editing softwares. Multimedia forensics is devoted to analyze these contents by using various digital forensic techniques in order to validate their authenticity. Digital image forensics is dedicated to investigate the reliability of digital images by analyzing the integrity of data and by reconstructing the historical information of an image related to its acquisition phase. In this paper, a survey is carried out on the forgery detection by considering the most recent and promising digital image forensic techniques.Keywords: Computer Forensics, Multimedia Forensics, Image Ballistics, Camera Source Identification, Forgery Detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 2501110 Pion/Muon Identification in a Nuclear Emulsion Cloud Chamber Using Neural Networks
Authors: Kais Manai
The main part of this work focuses on the study of pion/muon separation at low energy using a nuclear Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) made of lead and nuclear emulsion films. The work consists of two parts: particle reconstruction algorithm and a Neural Network that assigns to each reconstructed particle the probability to be a muon or a pion. The pion/muon separation algorithm has been optimized by using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the ECC and tested on real data. The algorithm allows to achieve a 60% muon identification efficiency with a pion misidentification smaller than 3%.Keywords: nuclear emulsion, particle identification, tracking, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 5091109 The Collaborative Advocacy Work of Language Teachers
Authors: Sora Suh, Catherine Michener
This paper examines the collaborative forms of advocacy that a group of four public school teachers took for their emergent bilingual students in one public school district. While teacher advocacy takes many forms in and out of the classroom, much advocacy work is done by individuals and less by collective action. As a result, individual teachers risk isolation or marginalization in their school contexts when they advocate for immigrant youth. This paper is intended to contribute to the documentation and understanding of teachers’ advocacy work as a collaborative act in teacher education research. The increase of ELs in US classrooms and a corresponding lack of teacher preparation to meet the needs of ELs has motivated the training of educators in linguistically responsive education (e.g., ESL, sheltered English instruction [SEI], bilingual education). Drawing from educational theories of linguistically responsive teaching for preparing educators, we trace the linguistically responsive advocacy work of the teachers. The paper is a multiple case study that tracks how teachers’ discussions on advocacy during a teacher preparation program leading to collaborative actions in their daily teaching lives in and out of school. Data collected includes online discussion forums on the topic of advocacy, course assignments on the topic of advocacy, video-audio recordings of classroom teaching observations, and video-audio recordings of individual and focus group interviews. The findings demonstrate that the teachers’ understanding of advocacy developed through collaborative partnerships formed in the teacher preparation program and grew into active forms of collaborative advocacy in their teaching practice in and out of school. The teachers formed multi-level and collaborative partnerships with teachers, families, community members, policymakers from the local government, and educational researchers to advocate for their emergent bilingual students by planning advocacy events such as new family orientations for emergent bilinguals, professional development for general education teachers on the topic of linguistically responsive instruction, and family nights hosted by the district. The paper’s findings present types of advocacy work in which teachers engage (pedagogical, curricular, out-of-school work) and provide evidence of collaborative advocacy work by a group of engaged educators. The paper highlights the increased agency and effective advocacy of teachers through teacher education and collaborative partnerships and suggests a need for more research on collaborative forms of teacher advocacy for emergent bilinguals.Keywords: language education, teacher advocacy, language instruction, teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1171108 Gacha Games Economy: A Case Study of Arknights
Authors: Amirhossen Zare Rahvard
Freemium games based on the gacha mechanic have proven highly successful in recent years - games with simple graphics and simple gameplay systems but with a highly profitable market. Attempts at developing gacha games have even been made in Iran. Since gacha games are both profitable and easy to develop, they seem to be a suitable starting point for establishing a video game market in underdeveloped countries. This article aims to review the gacha games' approach to gaining revenue by studying the case of Arknights game in order to draw an outline of how simple games have led to great markets.Keywords: gacha games, game’s economy, underdeveloped countries and games, arkngihts
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271107 Model Predictive Control of Three Phase Inverter for PV Systems
Authors: Irtaza M. Syed, Kaamran Raahemifar
This paper presents a model predictive control (MPC) of a utility interactive three phase inverter (TPI) for a photovoltaic (PV) system at commercial level. The proposed model uses phase locked loop (PLL) to synchronize TPI with the power electric grid (PEG) and performs MPC control in a dq reference frame. TPI model consists of boost converter (BC), maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control, and a three leg voltage source inverter (VSI). Operational model of VSI is used to synthesize sinusoidal current and track the reference. Model is validated using a 35.7 kW PV system in Matlab/Simulink. Implementation and results show simplicity and accuracy, as well as reliability of the model.Keywords: model predictive control, three phase voltage source inverter, PV system, Matlab/simulink
Procedia PDF Downloads 5961106 Online Early Childhood Monitoring and Evaluation of Systems in Underprivileged Communities: Tracking Growth and Progress in Young Children's Ability Levels
Authors: Lauren Kathryn Stretch
A study was conducted in the underprivileged setting of Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa in order to monitor the progress of learners whose teachers receive training through the Early Inspiration Training Programme. Through tracking children’s growth & development, the effectiveness of the practitioner-training programme, which focuses on empowering women from underprivileged communities in South Africa, was analyzed. The aim was to identify impact & reach and to assess the effectiveness of this intervention programme through identifying impact on children’s growth and development. A Pre- and Post-Test was administered on about 850 young children in Pre-Grade R and Grade R classes in order to understand children’s ability level & the growth that would be evident as a result of effective teacher training. A pre-test evaluated the level of each child’s abilities, including physical-motor development, language, and speech development, cognitive development including visual perceptual skills, social-emotional development & play development. This was followed by a random selection of the classes of children into experimental and control groups. The experimental group’s teachers (practitioners) received 8-months of training & intervention, as well as mentorship & support. After the 8-month training programme, children from the experimental & control groups underwent post-assessment. The results indicate that the impact of effective practitioner training and enhancing a deep understanding of stimulation on young children, that this understanding is implemented in the classroom, highlighting the areas of growth & development in the children whose teachers received additional training & support, as compared to those who did not receive additional training. Monitoring & Evaluation systems not only track children’s ability levels, but also have a core focus on reporting systems, mentorship and providing ongoing support. As a result of the study, an Online Application (for Apple or Android Devices) was developed which is used to track children’s growth via age-appropriate assessments. The data is then statistically analysed to provide direction for relevant & impactful intervention. The App also focuses on effective reporting strategies, structures, and implementation to support organizations working with young children & maximize on outcomes.Keywords: early childhood development, developmental child assessments, online application, monitoring and evaluating online
Procedia PDF Downloads 1951105 Compensatory Neuro-Fuzzy Inference (CNFI) Controller for Bilateral Teleoperation
This paper presents a new adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller equipped with compensatory fuzzy control (CNFI) in order to not only adjusts membership functions but also to optimize the adaptive reasoning by using a compensatory learning algorithm. The proposed control structure includes both CNFI controllers for which one is used to control in force the master robot and the second one for controlling in position the slave robot. The experimental results obtained, show a fairly high accuracy in terms of position and force tracking under free space motion and hard contact motion, what highlights the effectiveness of the proposed controllers.Keywords: compensatory fuzzy, neuro-fuzzy, control adaptive, teleoperation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3261104 Development of an Interagency Crime Management System for Nigeria’s Law Enforcement Agencies
Authors: Muhammad Abba Jallo, Fred Fudah Moveh
This study addresses the challenges faced by Nigerian law enforcement agencies due to the lack of an integrated crime management system. While various agencies use ICT-based systems, the absence of interoperability creates barriers to effective collaboration and information sharing. The research proposes the development of an Interagency Crime Management System (ICMS), which integrates the Crime Management Systems (CMS) of different agencies through an Application Program Interface (API). The system is designed to allow all law enforcement agencies to input data using a standardized format, improving crime tracking, reporting, and management across Nigeria. This paper details the design and implementation process, highlighting the benefits of enhanced collaboration for crime management.Keywords: crime management, Nigeria, law enforcement, ICT
Procedia PDF Downloads 231103 Optical-Based Lane-Assist System for Rowing Boats
Authors: Stephen Tullis, M. David DiDonato, Hong Sung Park
Rowing boats (shells) are often steered by a small rudder operated by one of the backward-facing rowers; the attention required of that athlete then slightly decreases the power that that athlete can provide. Reducing the steering distraction would then increase the overall boat speed. Races are straight 2000 m courses with each boat in a 13.5 m wide lane marked by small (~15 cm) widely-spaced (~10 m) buoys, and the boat trajectory is affected by both cross-currents and winds. An optical buoy recognition and tracking system has been developed that provides the boat’s location and orientation with respect to the lane edges. This information is provided to the steering athlete as either: a simple overlay on a video display, or fed to a simplified autopilot system giving steering directions to the athlete or directly controlling the rudder. The system is then effectively a “lane-assist” device but with small, widely-spaced lane markers viewed from a very shallow angle due to constraints on camera height. The image is captured with a lightweight 1080p webcam, and most of the image analysis is done in OpenCV. The colour RGB-image is converted to a grayscale using the difference of the red and blue channels, which provides good contrast between the red/yellow buoys and the water, sky, land background and white reflections and noise. Buoy detection is done with thresholding within a tight mask applied to the image. Robust linear regression using Tukey’s biweight estimator of the previously detected buoy locations is used to develop the mask; this avoids the false detection of noise such as waves (reflections) and, in particular, buoys in other lanes. The robust regression also provides the current lane edges in the camera frame that are used to calculate the displacement of the boat from the lane centre (lane location), and its yaw angle. The interception of the detected lane edges provides a lane vanishing point, and yaw angle can be calculated simply based on the displacement of this vanishing point from the camera axis and the image plane distance. Lane location is simply based on the lateral displacement of the vanishing point from any horizontal cut through the lane edges. The boat lane position and yaw are currently fed what is essentially a stripped down marine auto-pilot system. Currently, only the lane location is used in a PID controller of a rudder actuator with integrator anti-windup to deal with saturation of the rudder angle. Low Kp and Kd values decrease unnecessarily fast return to lane centrelines and response to noise, and limiters can be used to avoid lane departure and disqualification. Yaw is not used as a control input, as cross-winds and currents can cause a straight course with considerable yaw or crab angle. Mapping of the controller with rudder angle “overall effectiveness” has not been finalized - very large rudder angles stall and have decreased turning moments, but at less extreme angles the increased rudder drag slows the boat and upsets boat balance. The full system has many features similar to automotive lane-assist systems, but with the added constraints of the lane markers, camera positioning, control response and noise increasing the challenge.Keywords: auto-pilot, lane-assist, marine, optical, rowing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321102 Spectrum of Dry Eye Disease in Computer Users of Manipur India
Authors: Somorjeet Sharma Shamurailatpam, Rabindra Das, A. Suchitra Devi
Computer and video display users might complain about Asthenopia, burning, dry eyes etc. The management of dry eyes is often not in the lines of severity. Following systematic evaluation and grading, dry eye disease is one condition that can be practiced at all levels of ophthalmic care. In the present study, different spectrum causing dry eye and prevalence of dry eye disease in computer users of Manipur, India are determined with 600 individuals (300 cases and 300 control). Individuals between 15 and 50 years who used computers for more than 3 hrs a day for 1 year or more were included. Tear break up time (TBUT) and Schirmer’s test were conducted. It shows that 33 (20.4%) out of 164 males and 47 (30.3%) out of 136 females have dry eye. Possible explanation for the observed result is discussed.Keywords: asthenopia, computer vision syndrome, dry eyes, Schirmer's test, TBUT
Procedia PDF Downloads 3751101 An Experiment of Three-Dimensional Point Clouds Using GoPro
Authors: Jong-Hwa Kim, Mu-Wook Pyeon, Yang-dam Eo, Ill-Woong Jang
Construction of geo-spatial information recently tends to develop as multi-dimensional geo-spatial information. People constructing spatial information is also expanding its area to the general public from some experts. As well as, studies are in progress using a variety of devices, with the aim of near real-time update. In this paper, getting the stereo images using GoPro device used widely also to the general public as well as experts. And correcting the distortion of the images, then by using SIFT, DLT, is acquired the point clouds. It presented a possibility that on the basis of this experiment, using a video device that is readily available in real life, to create a real-time digital map.Keywords: GoPro, SIFT, DLT, point clouds
Procedia PDF Downloads 4701100 Restoring Ecosystem Balance in Arid Regions: A Case Study of a Royal Nature Reserve in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Authors: Talal Alharigi, Kawther Alshlash, Mariska Weijerman
The government of Saudi Arabia has developed an ambitious “Vision 2030”, which includes a Green Initiative (i.e., the planting of 10 billion trees) and the establishment of seven Royal Reserves as protected areas that comprise 13% of the total land area. The main objective of the reserves is to restore ecosystem balance and reconnect people with nature. Two royal reserves are managed by The Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Royal Reserve Development Authority, including Imam Abdulaziz bin Mohammed Royal Reserve and King Khalid Royal Reserve. The authority has developed a management plan to enhance the habitat through seed dispersal and the planting of 10 million trees, and to restock wildlife that was once abundant in these arid ecosystems (e.g., oryx, Nubian ibex, gazelles, red-necked ostrich). Expectations are that with the restoration of the native vegetation, soil condition and natural hydrologic processes will improve and lead to further enhancement of vegetation and, over time, an increase in biodiversity of flora and fauna. To evaluate the management strategies in reaching these expectations, a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation program was developed. The main objectives of this program are to (1) monitor the status and trends of indicator species, (2) improve desert ecosystem understanding, (3) assess the effects of human activities, and (4) provide science-based management recommendations. Using a random stratified survey design, a diverse suite of survey methods will be implemented, including belt and quadrant transects, camera traps, GPS tracking devices, and drones. Data will be gathered on biotic parameters (plant and animal diversity, density, and distribution) and abiotic parameters (humidity, temperature, precipitation, wind, air, soil quality, vibrations, and noise levels) to meet the goals of the monitoring program. This case study intends to provide a detailed overview of the management plan and monitoring program of two royal reserves and outlines the types of data gathered which can be made available for future research projects.Keywords: camera traps, desert ecosystem, enhancement, GPS tracking, management evaluation, monitoring, planting, restocking, restoration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181099 Urdu Text Extraction Method from Images
Authors: Samabia Tehsin, Sumaira Kausar
Due to the vast increase in the multimedia data in recent years, efficient and robust retrieval techniques are needed to retrieve and index images/ videos. Text embedded in the images can serve as the strong retrieval tool for images. This is the reason that text extraction is an area of research with increasing attention. English text extraction is the focus of many researchers but very less work has been done on other languages like Urdu. This paper is focusing on Urdu text extraction from video frames. This paper presents a text detection feature set, which has the ability to deal up with most of the problems connected with the text extraction process. To test the validity of the method, it is tested on Urdu news dataset, which gives promising results.Keywords: caption text, content-based image retrieval, document analysis, text extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5171098 Evaluating the Performance of Color Constancy Algorithm
Authors: Damanjit Kaur, Avani Bhatia
Color constancy is significant for human vision since color is a pictorial cue that helps in solving different visions tasks such as tracking, object recognition, or categorization. Therefore, several computational methods have tried to simulate human color constancy abilities to stabilize machine color representations. Two different kinds of methods have been used, i.e., normalization and constancy. While color normalization creates a new representation of the image by canceling illuminant effects, color constancy directly estimates the color of the illuminant in order to map the image colors to a canonical version. Color constancy is the capability to determine colors of objects independent of the color of the light source. This research work studies the most of the well-known color constancy algorithms like white point and gray world.Keywords: color constancy, gray world, white patch, modified white patch
Procedia PDF Downloads 3211097 Comparative Study of Scheduling Algorithms for LTE Networks
Authors: Samia Dardouri, Ridha Bouallegue
Scheduling is the process of dynamically allocating physical resources to User Equipment (UE) based on scheduling algorithms implemented at the LTE base station. Various algorithms have been proposed by network researchers as the implementation of scheduling algorithm which represents an open issue in Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard. This paper makes an attempt to study and compare the performance of PF, MLWDF and EXP/PF scheduling algorithms. The evaluation is considered for a single cell with interference scenario for different flows such as Best effort, Video and VoIP in a pedestrian and vehicular environment using the LTE-Sim network simulator. The comparative study is conducted in terms of system throughput, fairness index, delay, packet loss ratio (PLR) and total cell spectral efficiency.Keywords: LTE, multimedia flows, scheduling algorithms, mobile computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851096 Effect of MPPT and THD in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System
Authors: Sajjad Yahaghifar
From the end of the last century, the importance and use of renewable energy sources have gained prominence, due not only by the fossil fuels dependence reduction, but mainly by environmental reasons related to climate change and the effects to the humanity. Consequently, solar energy has been arousing interest in several countries for being a technology considered clean, with reduced environmental impact. The output power of photo voltaic (PV) arrays is always changing with weather conditions,i.e., solar irradiation and atmospheric temperature. Therefore, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control to extract maximum power from the PV arrays at real time becomes indispensable in PV generation system. This paper Study MPPT and total harmonic distortion (THD) in the city of Tabriz, Iran with the grid-connected PV system as distributed generation.Keywords: MPPT, THD, grid-connected, PV system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3981095 Spatial Ecology of an Endangered Amphibian Litoria Raniformis within Modified Tasmanian Landscapes
Authors: Timothy Garvey, Don Driscoll
Within Tasmania, the growling grass frog (Litoria raniformis) has experienced a rapid contraction in distribution. This decline is primarily attributed to habitat loss through landscape modification and improved land drainage. Reductions in seasonal water-sources have placed increasing importance on permanent water bodies for reproduction and foraging. Tasmanian agricultural and commercial forestry landscapes often feature small artificial ponds, utilized for watering livestock and fighting wildfires. Improved knowledge of how L. raniformis may be exploiting anthropogenic ponds is required for improved conservation management. We implemented telemetric tracking in order to evaluate the spatial ecology of L. raniformis (n = 20) within agricultural and managed forestry sites, with tracking conducted periodically over the breeding season (November/December, January/February, March/April). We investigated (1) potential differences in habitat utilization between agricultural and plantation sites, and (2) the post-breeding dispersal of individual frogs. Frogs were found to remain in close proximity to ponds throughout November/December, with individuals occupying vegetative depauperate water bodies beginning to disperse by January/February. Dispersing individuals traversed exposed plantation understory and agricultural pasture land in order to enter patches of native scrubland. By March/April all individuals captured at minimally vegetated ponds had retreated to adjacent scrub corridors. Animals found in ponds featuring dense riparian vegetation were not recorded to disperse. No difference in behavior was recorded between sexes. Rising temperatures coincided with increased movement by individuals towards native scrub refugia. The patterns of movement reported in this investigation emphasize the significant contribution of manmade water-bodies towards the conservation of L. raniformis within modified landscapes. The use of natural scrubland as cyclical retreats between breeding seasons also highlights the importance of the continued preservation of remnant vegetation corridors. Loss of artificial dams or buffering scrubland in heavily altered landscapes could see the breakdown of the greater L. raniformis meta-population further threatening their regional persistence.Keywords: habitat loss, modified landscapes, spatial ecology, telemetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191094 Strategies by a Teaching Assistant to Support the Classroom Talk of a Child with Communication and Interaction Difficulties in Italy: A Case for Promoting Social Scaffolding Training
Authors: Lorenzo Ciletti, Ed Baines, Matt Somerville
Internationally, supporting staff with limited training (Teaching Assistants (TA)) has played a critical role in the education of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Researchers have notably illustrated that TAs support the children’s classroom tasks while teachers manage the whole class. Rarely have researchers investigated the TAs’ support for children’s participation in whole-class or peer-group talk, despite this type of “social support” playing a significant role in children’s whole-class integration and engagement with the classroom curriculum and learning. Social support seems particularly crucial for a large proportion of children with SEND, namely those with communication and interaction difficulties (e.g., autism spectrum conditions and speech impairments). This study explored TA practice and, particularly, TA social support in a rarely examined context (Italy). The Italian case was also selected as it provides TAs, known nationally as “support teachers,” with the most comprehensive training worldwide, thus potentially echoing (effective) nuanced practice internationally. Twelve hours of video recordings of a single TA and a child with communication and interaction difficulties (CID) were made. Video data was converted into frequencies of TA multidimensional support strategies, including TA social support and pedagogical assistance. TA-pupil talk oriented to children’s participation in classroom talk was also analysed into thematic patterns. These multi-method analyses were informed by social scaffolding principles: in particular, the extent to which the TA designs instruction contingently to the child’s communication and interaction difficulties and how their social support fosters the child’s highest responsibility in dealing with whole-class or peer-group talk by supplying the least help. The findings showed that the TA rarely supported the group or whole class participation of the child with CID. When doing so, the TA seemed to highly control the content and the timing of the child’s contributions to the classroom talk by a) interrupting the teacher’s whole class or group conversation to start an interaction between themselves and the child and b) reassuring the child about the correctness of their talk in private conversations and prompting them to raise their hand and intervene in the whole-class talk or c) stopping the child from contributing to the whole-class or peer-group talk when incorrect. The findings are interpreted in terms of their theoretical relation to scaffolding. They have significant implications for promoting social scaffolding in TA training in Italy and elsewhere.Keywords: children with communication and interaction difficulties, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, social scaffolding, teaching assistants, teaching practice, whole-class talk participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 971093 From Prince to Vampire: The Image of Vlad Tepeș Dracula in Popular Culture. Case Study: Castlevania, From Video Game to Netflix Production
Authors: Claudia Horeanu
Ever since the first horror films, Count Dracula, the image inspired mainly by the novel written by Bram Stoker, is an almost indispensable character in popular culture. In the shadow of his vampire image is a Romanian ruler, Vlad Țepeș, from Wallachia, a ruler who was also nicknamed Drăculea. The purpose of this research is to analyze the evolution of the image of Vlad Tepeș/Dracula in popular culture, identifying the reasons and themes associated with this character, and to explore how the figure of Vlad Tepeș/Dracula evolved according to social and political changes in different historical periods. It is also believed that there are elements that have remained constant in the depictions of Vlad the Impaler/Dracula.Keywords: popular culture, dracula, vlad tepes, castlevania, vampire
Procedia PDF Downloads 601092 Algorithmic Skills Transferred from Secondary CSI Studies into Tertiary Education
Authors: Piroska Biró, Mária Csernoch, János Máth, Kálmán Abari
Testing the first year students of Informatics at the University of Debrecen revealed that students start their tertiary studies in programming with a low level of programming knowledge and algorithmic skills. The possible reasons which lead the students to this very unfortunate result were examined. The results of the test were compared to the students’ results in the school leaving exams and to their self-assessment values. It was found that there is only a slight connection between the students’ results in the test and in the school leaving exams, especially at intermediate level. Beyond this, the school leaving exams do not seem to enable students to evaluate their own abilities.Keywords: deep and surface approaches, metacognitive abilities, programming and algorithmic skills, school leaving exams, tracking code
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851091 Comparing Emotion Recognition from Voice and Facial Data Using Time Invariant Features
Authors: Vesna Kirandziska, Nevena Ackovska, Ana Madevska Bogdanova
The problem of emotion recognition is a challenging problem. It is still an open problem from the aspect of both intelligent systems and psychology. In this paper, both voice features and facial features are used for building an emotion recognition system. A Support Vector Machine classifiers are built by using raw data from video recordings. In this paper, the results obtained for the emotion recognition are given, and a discussion about the validity and the expressiveness of different emotions is presented. A comparison between the classifiers build from facial data only, voice data only and from the combination of both data is made here. The need for a better combination of the information from facial expression and voice data is argued.Keywords: emotion recognition, facial recognition, signal processing, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3171090 MigrationR: An R Package for Analyzing Bird Migration Data Based on Satellite Tracking
Authors: Xinhai Li, Huidong Tian, Yumin Guo
Bird migration is fantastic natural phenomenon. In recent years, the use of GPS transmitters has generated a vast amount of data, and the Movebank platform has made these data publicly accessible. For researchers, what they need are data analysis tools. Although there are approximately 90 R packages dedicated to animal movement analysis, the capacity for comprehensive processing of bird migration data remains limited. Hence, we introduce a novel package called migrationR. This package enables the calculation of movement speed, direction, changes in direction, flight duration, daily and annual movement distances. Furthermore, it can pinpoint the starting and ending dates of migration, estimate nest site locations and stopovers, and visualize movement trajectories at various time scales. migrationR distinguishes individuals through NMDS (non-metric multidimensional scaling) coordinates based on movement variables such as speed, flight duration, path tortuosity, and migration timing. A distinctive aspect of the package is the development of a hetero-occurrences species distribution model that takes into account the daily rhythm of individual birds across different landcover types. Habitat use for foraging and roosting differs significantly for many waterbirds. For example, White-naped Cranes at Poyang Lake in China typically forage in croplands and roost in shallow water areas. Both of these occurrence types are of equal importance. Optimal habitats consist of a combination of crop lands and shallow waters, whereas suboptimal habitats lack both, which necessitates birds to fly extensively. With migrationR, we conduct species distribution modeling for foraging and roosting separately and utilize the moving distance between crop lands and shallow water areas as an index of overall habitat suitability. This approach offers a more nuanced understanding of the habitat requirements for migratory birds and enhances our ability to analyze and interpret their movement patterns effectively. The functions of migrationR are demonstrated using our own tracking data of 78 White-naped Crane individuals from 2014 to 2023, comprising over one million valid locations in total. migrationR can be installed from a GitHub repository by executing the following command: remotes::install_github("Xinhai-Li/migrationR").Keywords: bird migration, hetero-occurrences species distribution model, migrationR, R package, satellite telemetry
Procedia PDF Downloads 661089 Integrated Gesture and Voice-Activated Mouse Control System
Authors: Dev Pratap Singh, Harshika Hasija, Ashwini S.
The project aims to provide a touchless, intuitive interface for human-computer interaction, enabling users to control their computers using hand gestures and voice commands. The system leverages advanced computer vision techniques using the Media Pipe framework and OpenCV to detect and interpret real-time hand gestures, transforming them into mouse actions such as clicking, dragging, and scrolling. Additionally, the integration of a voice assistant powered by the speech recognition library allows for seamless execution of tasks like web searches, location navigation, and gesture control in the system through voice commands.Keywords: gesture recognition, hand tracking, machine learning, convolutional neural networks, natural language processing, voice assistant
Procedia PDF Downloads 151088 Emerging Methods as a Tool for Obtaining Subconscious Feedback in E-Commerce and Marketplace
Authors: J. Berčík, A. Mravcová, A. Rusková, P. Jurčišin, R. Virágh
The online world is changing every day. With this comes the emergence and development of new business models. One of them is the sale of several types of products in one place. This type of sales in the form of online marketplaces has undergone a positive development in recent years and represents a kind of alternative to brick-and-mortar shopping centres. The main philosophy is to buy several products under one roof. Examples of popular e-commerce marketplaces are Amazon, eBay, and Allegro. Their share of total e-commerce turnover is expected to even double in the coming years. The paper highlights possibilities for testing web applications and online marketplace using emerging methods like stationary eye cameras (eye tracking) and facial analysis (FaceReading).Keywords: emerging methods, consumer neuroscience, e-commerce, marketplace, user experience, user interface
Procedia PDF Downloads 721087 Anatomical Survey for Text Pattern Detection
The ultimate aim of machine intelligence is to explore and materialize the human capabilities, one of which is the ability to detect various text objects within one or more images displayed on any canvas including prints, videos or electronic displays. Multimedia data has increased rapidly in past years. Textual information present in multimedia contains important information about the image/video content. However, it needs to technologically testify the commonly used human intelligence of detecting and differentiating the text within an image, for computers. Hence in this paper feature set based on anatomical study of human text detection system is proposed. Subsequent examination bears testimony to the fact that the features extracted proved instrumental to text detection.Keywords: biologically inspired vision, content based retrieval, document analysis, text extraction
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