Search results for: atomic absorption spectrophotometry
1615 Influence of Mass Flow Rate on Forced Convective Heat Transfer through a Nanofluid Filled Direct Absorption Solar Collector
Authors: Salma Parvin, M. A. Alim
The convective and radiative heat transfer performance and entropy generation on forced convection through a direct absorption solar collector (DASC) is investigated numerically. Four different fluids, including Cu-water nanofluid, Al2O3-waternanofluid, TiO2-waternanofluid, and pure water are used as the working fluid. Entropy production has been taken into account in addition to the collector efficiency and heat transfer enhancement. Penalty finite element method with Galerkin’s weighted residual technique is used to solve the governing non-linear partial differential equations. Numerical simulations are performed for the variation of mass flow rate. The outcomes are presented in the form of isotherms, average output temperature, the average Nusselt number, collector efficiency, average entropy generation, and Bejan number. The results present that the rate of heat transfer and collector efficiency enhance significantly for raising the values of m up to a certain range.Keywords: DASC, forced convection, mass flow rate, nanofluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2941614 Heavy Sulphide Material Characterization of Grasberg Block Cave Mine, Mimika, Papua: Implication for Tunnel Development and Mill Issue
Authors: Cahya Wimar Wicaksono, Reynara Davin Chen, Alvian Kristianto Santoso
Grasberg Cu-Au ore deposit as one of the biggest porphyry deposits located in Papua Province, Indonesia produced by several intrusion that restricted by Heavy Sulphide Zone (HSZ) in peripheral. HSZ is the rock that becomes the contact between Grassberg Igneous Complex (GIC) with sedimentary and igneous rock outside, which is rich in sulphide minerals such as pyrite ± pyrrhotite. This research is to obtain the characteristic of HSZ based on geotechnical, geochemical and mineralogy aspect and those implication for daily mining operational activities. Method used in this research are geological and alteration mapping, core logging, FAA (Fire Assay Analysis), AAS (Atomic absorption spectroscopy), RQD (Rock Quality Designation) and rock water content. Data generated from methods among RQD data, mineral composition and grade, lithological and structural geology distribution in research area. The mapping data show that HSZ material characteristics divided into three type based on rocks association, there are near igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and on HSZ area. And also divided based on its location, north and south part of research area. HSZ material characteristic consist of rock which rich of pyrite ± pyrrhotite, and RQD range valued about 25%-100%. Pyrite ± pyrrhotite which outcropped will react with H₂O and O₂ resulting acid that generates corrosive effect on steel wire and rockbolt. Whereas, pyrite precipitation proses in HSZ forming combustible H₂S gas which is harmful during blasting activities. Furthermore, the impact of H₂S gas in blasting activities is forming poison gas SO₂. Although HSZ high grade Cu-Au, however those high grade Cu-Au rich in sulphide components which is affected in flotation milling process. Pyrite ± pyrrhotite in HSZ will chemically react with Cu-Au that will settle in milling process instead of floating.Keywords: combustible, corrosive, heavy sulphide zone, pyrite ± pyrrhotite
Procedia PDF Downloads 3281613 Characterization of Aerosol Droplet in Absorption Columns to Avoid Amine Emissions
Authors: Hammad Majeed, Hanna Knuutila, Magne Hilestad, Hallvard Svendsen
Formation of aerosols can cause serious complications in industrial exhaust gas CO2 capture processes. SO3 present in the flue gas can cause aerosol formation in an absorption based capture process. Small mist droplets and fog formed can normally not be removed in conventional demisting equipment because their submicron size allows the particles or droplets to follow the gas flow. As a consequence of this aerosol based emissions in the order of grams per Nm3 have been identified from PCCC plants. In absorption processes aerosols are generated by spontaneous condensation or desublimation processes in supersaturated gas phases. Undesired aerosol development may lead to amine emissions many times larger than what would be encountered in a mist free gas phase in PCCC development. It is thus of crucial importance to understand the formation and build-up of these aerosols in order to mitigate the problem.Rigorous modelling of aerosol dynamics leads to a system of partial differential equations. In order to understand mechanics of a particle entering an absorber an implementation of the model is created in Matlab. The model predicts the droplet size, the droplet internal variable profiles and the mass transfer fluxes as function of position in the absorber. The Matlab model is based on a subclass method of weighted residuals for boundary value problems named, orthogonal collocation method. The model comprises a set of mass transfer equations for transferring components and the essential diffusion reaction equations to describe the droplet internal profiles for all relevant constituents. Also included is heat transfer across the interface and inside the droplet. This paper presents results describing the basic simulation tool for the characterization of aerosols formed in CO2 absorption columns and gives examples as to how various entering droplets grow or shrink through an absorber and how their composition changes with respect to time. Below are given some preliminary simulation results for an aerosol droplet composition and temperature profiles. Results: As an example a droplet of initial size of 3 microns, initially containing a 5M MEA, solution is exposed to an atmosphere free of MEA. Composition of the gas phase and temperature is changing with respect to time throughout the absorber.Keywords: amine solvents, emissions, global climate change, simulation and modelling, aerosol generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2651612 Physicochemical and Functional significance of Two Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) Cultivars Gola and Surakhi from Pakistan
Authors: Naila Safdar, Faria Riasat, Azra Yasmin
Lychee is an emerging fruit crop in Pakistan. Two famous cultivars of lychee, Gola and Surakhi, were collected from Khanpur Orchard, Pakistan and their whole fruit (including peel, pulp and seed) was investigated for pomological features and therapeutic activities. Both cultivars differ in shape and size with Gola having large size (3.27cm length, 2.36cm width) and more flesh to seed ratio (8.65g). FTIR spectroscopy and phytochemical tests confirmed presence of different bioactive compounds like phenol, flavonoids, quinones, anthraquinones, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, in both lychee fruits. Atomic absorption spectroscopy indicated an increased amount of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and calcium in Gola and Surakhi fruits. Small amount of trace metals, zinc and copper, were also detected in lychee fruit, while heavy metals lead, mercury, and nickel were absent. These two lychee cultivars were also screened for antitumor activity by Potato disc assay with maximum antitumor activity shown by aqueous extract of Surakhi seed (77%) followed by aqueous extract of Gola pulp (74%). Antimicrobial activity of fruit parts was checked by agar well diffusion method against six bacterial strains Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus sp. MB083, and Bacillus sp. MB141. Highest antimicrobial activity was shown by methanolic extract of Gola pulp (27mm ± 0.70) and seed (19.5mm ± 0.712) against Enterococcus faecalis. DPPH scavenging assay revealed highest antioxidant activity by aqueous extract of Gola peel (98.10%) followed by n-hexane extract of Surakhi peel (97.73%). Results obtained by reducing power assay also corroborated with the results of DPPH scavenging activity.Keywords: antimicrobial evaluation, antitumor assay, gola, phytoconstituents, reactive oxygen species, Surakhi
Procedia PDF Downloads 4081611 Simulation of Reflection Loss for Carbon and Nickel-Carbon Thin Films
Authors: M. Emami, R. Tarighi, R. Goodarzi
Maximal radar wave absorbing cannot be achieved by shaping alone. We have to focus on the parameters of absorbing materials such as permittivity, permeability, and thickness so that best absorbing according to our necessity can happen. The real and imaginary parts of the relative complex permittivity (εr' and εr") and permeability (µr' and µr") were obtained by simulation. The microwave absorbing property of carbon and Ni(C) is simulated in this study by MATLAB software; the simulation was in the frequency range between 2 to 12 GHz for carbon black (C), and carbon coated nickel (Ni(C)) with different thicknesses. In fact, we draw reflection loss (RL) for C and Ni-C via frequency. We have compared their absorption for 3-mm thickness and predicted for other thicknesses by using of electromagnetic wave transmission theory. The results showed that reflection loss position changes in low frequency with increasing of thickness. We found out that, in all cases, using nanocomposites as absorbance cannot get better results relative to pure nanoparticles. The frequency where absorption is maximum can determine the best choice between nanocomposites and pure nanoparticles. Also, we could find an optimal thickness for long wavelength absorbing in order to utilize them in protecting shields and covering.Keywords: absorbing, carbon, carbon nickel, frequency, thicknesses
Procedia PDF Downloads 1891610 Sequential Padding: A Method to Improve the Impact Resistance in Body Armor Materials
Authors: Ankita Srivastava, Bhupendra S. Butola, Abhijit Majumdar
Application of shear thickening fluid (STF) has been proved to increase the impact resistance performance of the textile structures to further use it as a body armor material. In the present research, STF was applied on Kevlar woven fabric to make the structure lightweight and flexible while improving its impact resistance performance. It was observed that getting a fair amount of add-on of STF on Kevlar fabric is difficult as Kevlar fabric comes with a pre-coating of PTFE which hinders its absorbency. Hence, a method termed as sequential padding is developed in the present study to improve the add-on of STF on Kevlar fabric. Contrary to the conventional process, where Kevlar fabric is treated with STF once using any one pressure, in sequential padding method, the Kevlar fabrics were treated twice in a sequential manner using combination of two pressures together in a sample. 200 GSM Kevlar fabrics were used in the present study. STF was prepared by adding PEG with 70% (w/w) nano-silica concentration. Ethanol was added with the STF at a fixed ratio to reduce viscosity. A high-speed homogenizer was used to make the dispersion. Total nine STF treated Kevlar fabric samples were prepared by using varying combinations and sequences of three levels of padding pressure {0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 bar). The fabrics were dried at 80°C for 40 minutes in a hot air oven to evaporate ethanol. Untreated and STF treated fabrics were tested for add-on%. Impact resistance performance of samples was also tested on dynamic impact tester at a fixed velocity of 6 m/s. Further, to observe the impact resistance performance in actual condition, low velocity ballistic test with 165 m/s velocity was also performed to confirm the results of impact resistance test. It was observed that both add-on% and impact energy absorption of Kevlar fabrics increases significantly with sequential padding process as compared to untreated as well as single stage padding process. It was also determined that impact energy absorption is significantly better in STF treated Kevlar fabrics when 1st padding pressure is higher, and 2nd padding pressure is lower. It is also observed that impact energy absorption of sequentially padded Kevlar fabric shows almost 125% increase in ballistic impact energy absorption (40.62 J) as compared to untreated fabric (18.07 J).The results are owing to the fact that the treatment of fabrics at high pressure during the first padding is responsible for uniform distribution of STF within the fabric structures. While padding with second lower pressure ensures the high add-on of STF for over-all improvement in the impact resistance performance of the fabric. Therefore, it is concluded that sequential padding process may help to improve the impact performance of body armor materials based on STF treated Kevlar fabrics.Keywords: body armor, impact resistance, Kevlar, shear thickening fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2421609 Analysis of Active Compounds in Thai Herbs by near Infrared Spectroscopy
Authors: Chaluntorn Vichasilp, Sutee Wangtueai
This study aims to develop a new method to detect active compounds in Thai herbs (1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) in mulberry leave, anthocyanin in Mao and curcumin in turmeric) using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRs). NIRs is non-destructive technique that rapid, non-chemical involved and low-cost determination. By NIRs and chemometrics technique, it was found that the DNJ prediction equation conducted with partial least square regression with cross-validation had low accuracy R2 (0.42) and SEP (31.87 mg/100g). On the other hand, the anthocyanin prediction equation showed moderate good results (R2 and SEP of 0.78 and 0.51 mg/g) with Multiplication scattering correction at wavelength of 2000-2200 nm. The high absorption could be observed at wavelength of 2047 nm and this model could be used as screening level. For curcumin prediction, the good result was obtained when applied original spectra with smoothing technique. The wavelength of 1400-2500 nm was created regression model with R2 (0.68) and SEP (0.17 mg/g). This model had high NIRs absorption at a wavelength of 1476, 1665, 1986 and 2395 nm, respectively. NIRs showed prospective technique for detection of some active compounds in Thai herbs.Keywords: anthocyanin, curcumin, 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), near infrared spectroscopy (NIRs)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3821608 Preparation of Carbon Monoliths from PET Waste and Their Use in Solar Interfacial Water Evaporation
Authors: Andrea Alfaro Barajas, Arturo I. Martinez
3D photothermal structure of carbon was synthesized using PET bottles waste and sodium chloride through controlled carbonization. Characterization techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, BET, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, and mechanical compression were carried out. The carbon showed physical integrity > 90%, an absorbance > 90% between 300-1000nm of the solar spectrum, and a high specific surface area from 450 to 620 m2/g. The X-ray was employed to examine the phase structure; the obtained pattern shows an amorphous material. A higher intensity of band D with respect to band G was confirmed by Raman Spectroscopy. C-OH, COOH, C-O, and C-C bonds were obtained from the deconvolution of the high-resolution C1s orbital. Macropores of 160 to 180µm and micropores of 0.5 to 2nm were observed by SEM and TEM images, respectively. Such combined characteristics of carbon confer efficient evaporation of water under 1 sun irradiation > 60%.Keywords: solar-absorber, carbon, water-evaporation, interfacial
Procedia PDF Downloads 1511607 Effect of Chemical Modification of Functional Groups on Copper(II) Biosorption by Brown Marine Macroalgae Ascophyllum nodosum
Authors: Luciana P. Mazur, Tatiana A. Pozdniakova, Rui A. R. Boaventura, Vitor J. P. Vilar
The principal mechanism of metal ions sequestration by brown algae involves the formation of complexes between the metal ion and functional groups present on the cell wall of the biological material. To understand the role of functional groups on copper(II) uptake by Ascophyllum nodosum, some functional groups were chemically modified. The esterification of carboxylic groups was carried out by suspending the biomass in a methanol/HCl solution under stirring for 48 h and the blocking of the sulfonic groups was performed by repeating the same procedure for 4 cycles of 48 h. The methylation of amines was conducted by suspending the biomass in a formaldehyde/formic acid solution under shaking for 6 h and the chemical modification of sulfhydryl groups on the biomass surface was achieved using dithiodipyridine for 1 h. Equilibrium sorption studies for Cu2+ using the raw and esterified algae were performed at pH 2.0 and 4.0. The experiments were performed using an initial copper concentration of 300 mg/L and algae dose of 1.0 g/L. After reaching the equilibrium, the metal in solution was quantified by atomic absorption spectrometry. The biological material was analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Potentiometric Titration techniques for functional groups identification and quantification, respectively. The results using unmodified algae showed that the maximum copper uptake capacity at pH 4.0 and 2.0 was 1.17 and 0.52 mmol/g, respectively. At acidic pH values most carboxyl groups are protonated and copper sorption suffered a significant reduction of 56%. Blocking the carboxylic, sulfonic, amines and sulfhydryl functional groups, copper uptake decreased by 24/26%, 69/81%, 1/23% and 40/27% at pH 2.0/4.0, respectively, when compared to the unmodified biomass. It was possible to conclude that the carboxylic and sulfonic groups are the main functional groups responsible for copper binding (>80%). This result is supported by the fact that the adsorption capacity is directly related to the presence of carboxylic groups of the alginate polymer, and the second most abundant acidic functional group in brown algae is the sulfonic acid of fucoidan that contributes, to a lower extent, to heavy metal binding, particularly at low pH.Keywords: biosorption, brown marine macroalgae, copper, ion-exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 3271606 Properties of Compressed Earth Blocks Enhanced with Clay Pozzolana
Authors: Humphrey Danso, Seth Adu
The high cost of cement and its greenhouse effect on the environment have led to the use of alternative building materials in the production of block and bricks. This study seeks to investigate the properties of compressed earth blocks (CEBs) enhanced with clay pozzolana. CEBs of size 290 × 140 × 100 mm were prepared with 10, 20 and 30 % weight of clay pozzolana. The CEBs were compressed at a constant pressure of 5 MPa and cured for 28 days. The blocks, after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of curing were tested for density, water absorption, compressive strength and erosion. It was found that amount of pozzolana content did not have much influence on blocks’ density. There was a decline in water absorption of the stabilised blocks ranged between 32.8% and 252.2% over the unstabilised blocks. The highest compressive strength (3.75MPa) of the stabilized blocks was achieved at 28th day of curing with 30% clay pozzolana content, which showed an improvement of 116.8% strength over the unstabilised blocks. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant difference in the erosion resistance between the stabilized blocks and the unstabilised blocks. The study concludes that the inclusion of the clay pozzolana increased the properties of the CEBs, and therefore recommended for use in the building of houses.Keywords: clay pozzolana, compressed earth blocks (CEBs), compressive strength, erosion test
Procedia PDF Downloads 2821605 Nanoprecipitation with Ultrasonication for Enhancement of Oral Bioavailability of Fursemide: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Study in Rat Model
Authors: Malay K. Das, Bhanu P. Sahu
Furosemide is a weakly acidic diuretic indicated for treatment of edema and hypertension. It has very poor solubility but high permeability through stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Due to its limited solubility it has poor and variable oral bioavailability of 10-90%. The aim of this study was to enhance the oral bioavailability of furosemide by preparation of nanosuspensions. The nanosuspensions were prepared by nanoprecipitation with sonication using DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) as a solvent and water as an antisolvent (NA). The prepared nanosuspensions were sterically stabilized with polyvinyl acetate (PVA).These were characterized for particle size, ζ potential, polydispersity index, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern and release behavior. The effect of nanoprecipitation on oral bioavailability of furosemide nanosuspension was studied by in vitro dissolution and in vivo absorption study in rats and compared to pure drug. The stable nanosuspension was obtained with average size range of the precipitated nanoparticles between 150-300 nm and was found to be homogenous showing a narrow polydispersity index of 0.3±0.1. DSC and XRD studies indicated that the crystalline furosemide drug was converted to amorphous form upon precipitation into nanoparticles. The release profiles of nanosuspension formulation showed up to 81.2% release in 4 h. The in vivo studies on rats revealed a significant increase in the oral absorption of furosemide in the nanosuspension compared to pure drug. The AUC0→24 and Cmax values of nanosuspension were approximately 1.38 and 1.68-fold greater than that of pure drug, respectively. Furosemide nanosuspension showed 20.06±0.02 % decrease in systolic blood pressure compared to 13.37±0.02 % in plain furosemide suspension, respectively. The improved oral bioavailability and pharmacodynamics effect of furosemide may be due to the improved dissolution of furosemide in simulated gastric fluid which results in enhanced oral systemic absorption of furosemide from stomach region where it has better permeability.Keywords: furosemide, nanosuspension, bioavailability enhancement, nanoprecipitation, oral drug delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 5731604 Ultra Broad Emission from Fe Doped Carbon Quantum Dots
Authors: Asha Bhardwaj, Pushpendu Biswas
Carbon Dots (CDs) are known to be absorbing in the UV and emitting in the blue to visible region [1-2]. As CDs have high bio compatibility, high emission efficiency, are environment friendly and are nontoxic in nature, they are a material of great importance for various biomedical as well as optoelectronic applications [3-6]. For bioimaging and photothermal therapy in cancer treatment CDs should be highly photostable, show interaction with NIR band [3], show quick excretion from the body and have high Quantum yields. NIR I stands for emission in the 650-950 nm region and NIR II stands for emission in the 1000-1700 nm range [4]. Penetration depth of NIR II is larger than that of NIR-1 or visible light [5]. Also, it shows heating effect which is beneficial for selective ablation of cancer cells while not harming the healthy cells. Therefore, efforts are being made by the scientific community to synthesize CDs which emit in the NIR II region. Here we report CDs emitting in all the three regions (Visible, NIR I and NIR II) of electromagnetic spectra ranging from 300-1150 nm. Wide range emissive CDs and Fe doped CDs are prepared by a one-step hydrothermal method. Fe concentration has been increased in steps to assess the contribution from Fe incorporation in the CD lattice [6]. The CDs emit in three wavelength ranges, from 300-600 nm, 600-800 nm (NIR I) and 900 – 1150 nm (NIR II). Such kind of broad emission behaviour in single system carbon dots is being reported for the first time. Further excitation wavelength (λex) dependent emission characteristics reveal that the emission peak wavelength values are unaffected by the changing excitation wavelength in the visible region. Also, NIR I and NIR II emission is observed only for 300 and 310 nm excitation, hinting towards two photon and three photon emission [4]. Emission from 650- 1150 nm is not observed for λex > 310 nm. Additionally, as expected the absorption spectra also ranges from 250-600 nm, as compared to commonly observed blue or UV absorption in CDs. The exquisite ultra-wide range emitting nontoxic CDs can find application not only as broad band emitters but also in photothermal therapy for cancer cell theranostics.Keywords: Broad Emission, absorption, Carbon dots, NIR Emission
Procedia PDF Downloads 91603 Enhancing Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production: Modification of TiO₂ by Coupling with Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Authors: Saud Hamdan Alshammari
Photocatalytic water splitting to produce hydrogen (H₂) has obtained significant attention as an environmentally friendly technology. This process, which produces hydrogen from water and sunlight, represents a renewable energy source. Titanium dioxide (TiO₂) plays a critical role in photocatalytic hydrogen production due to its chemical stability, availability, and low cost. Nevertheless, TiO₂'s wide band gap (3.2 eV) limits its visible light absorption and might affect the effectiveness of the photocatalytic. Coupling TiO₂ with other semiconductors is a strategy that can enhance TiO₂ by narrowing its band gap and improving visible light absorption. This paper studies the modification of TiO₂ by coupling it with another semiconductor such as CdS nanoparticles using a reflux reactor and autoclave reactor that helps form a core-shell structure. Characterization techniques, including TEM and UV-Vis spectroscopy, confirmed successful coating of TiO₂ on CdS core, reduction of the band gap from 3.28 eV to 3.1 eV, and enhanced light absorption in the visible region. These modifications are attributed to the heterojunction structure between TiO₂ and CdS.The essential goal of this study is to improve TiO₂ for use in photocatalytic water splitting to enhance hydrogen production. The core-shell TiO₂@CdS nanoparticles exhibited promising results, due to band gap narrowing and improved light absorption. Future work will involve adding Pt as a co-catalyst, which is known to increase surface reaction activity by enhancing proton adsorption. Evaluation of the TiO₂@CdS@Pt catalyst will include performance assessments and hydrogen productivity tests, considering factors such as effective shapes and material ratios. Moreover, the study could be enhanced by studying further modifications to the catalyst and displaying additional performance evaluations. For instance, doping TiO₂ with metals such as nickel (Ni), iron (Fe), and cobalt (Co) and non-metals such as nitrogen (N), carbon (C), and sulfur (S) could positively influence the catalyst by reducing the band gap, enhancing the separation of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and increasing the surface area, respectively. Additionally, to further improve catalytic performance, examining different catalyst morphologies, such as nanorods, nanowires, and nanosheets, in hydrogen production could be highly beneficial. Optimizing photoreactor design for efficient photon delivery and illumination will further enhance the photocatalytic process. These strategies collectively aim to overcome current challenges and improve the efficiency of hydrogen production via photocatalysis.Keywords: hydrogen production, photocatalytic, water spliiting, semiconductor, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 231602 Effect of Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnS Thin Films Obtained by Chemical Bath Deposition in Acidic Medium
Authors: Hamid Merzouk, Dajhida Talantikite, Amel Tounsi
Thin films of ZnS have been deposited by chemical route into acidic medium. The deposition time fixed at 5 hours, and the bath temperature varied from 80° C to 95°C with an interval of 5°C. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV/ visible spectrophotometry, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) have been used to study the effect of temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnS thin films. The XRD spectrum of the ZnS layer obtained shows an increase of peaks intensity of ZnS with increasing bath temperature. The study of optical properties exhibit good transmittance (60–80% in the visible region), and the band gap energy of the ZnS thin film decrease from 3.71 eV to 3.64 eV while the refractive index (n) increase with increasing temperature bath. The FTIR analyze confirm our studies and show characteristics bands of vibration of Zn-S.Keywords: ZnS thin films, XRD spectra, optical gap, XRD
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551601 Mechanical Performance of Sandwich Square Honeycomb Structure from Sugar Palm Fibre
Authors: Z. Ansari, M. R. M. Rejab, D. Bachtiar, J. P. Siregar
This study focus on the compression and tensile properties of new and recycle square honeycombs structure from sugar palm fibre (SPF) and polylactic acid (PLA) composite. The end data will determine the failure strength and energy absorption for both new and recycle composite. The control SPF specimens were fabricated from short fibre co-mingled with PLA by using a bra-blender set at 180°C and 50 rpm consecutively. The mixture of 30% fibre and 70% PLA were later on the hot press at 180°C into sheets with thickness 3mm consecutively before being assembled into a sandwich honeycomb structure. An INSTRON tensile machine and Abaqus 6.13 software were used for mechanical test and finite element simulation. The percentage of error from the simulation and experiment data was 9.20% and 9.17% for both new and recycled product. The small error of percentages was acceptable due to the nature of the simulation model to be assumed as a perfect model with no imperfect geometries. The energy absorption value from new to recycled product decrease from 312.86kJ to 282.10kJ. With this small decrements, it is still possible to implement a recycle SPF/PLA composite into everyday usages such as a car's interior or a small size furniture.Keywords: failure modes, numerical modelling, polylactic acid, sugar palm fibres
Procedia PDF Downloads 2941600 Characterization of Self-Assembly Behavior of 1-Dodecylamine Molecules on Au (111) Surface
Authors: Wan-Tzu Yen, Yu-Chen Luo, I-Ping Liu, Po-Hsuan Yeh, Sheng-Hsun Fu, Yuh-Lang Lee
Self-assembled characteristics and adsorption performance of 1-dodecylamine molecules on gold (Au) (111) surfaces were characterized via cyclic voltammetry (CV), surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The present study focused on the formation of 1-dodecylamine (DDA) on a gold surface with respect to the ex-situ arrangement of an adlayer on the Au(111) surface, and phase transition at potential dynamics carried out by EC-STM. This study reveals that alkyl amine molecules were formed an adsorption pattern with highly regular “lie down shape” on Au(111) surface, even in an extreme acid system (pH = 1). Acidic electrolyte (HClO₄) could protonate the surface of alkyl amine of a monolayer of the gold surface when potential shifts to negative. The quite stability of 1-dodecylamine on the gold surface maintained the monolayer across the potential window (0.1-0.8V). This transform model was confirmed by EC-STM. In addition, amine-modified Au(111) electrode adlayer used to examine how to affect an electron transfer across an interface using [Fe(CN)₆]³⁻/[Fe(CN)₆]⁴⁻ redox pair containing 0.1 M HClO₄ solution.Keywords: cyclic voltammetry, dodecylamine, gold (Au)(111), scanning tunneling microscopy, self-assembled monolayer, surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1981599 Experimental Determination of Shear Strength Properties of Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregates Using Direct Shear and Triaxial Tests
Authors: Mahsa Shafaei Bajestani, Mahmoud Yazdani, Aliakbar Golshani
Artificial lightweight aggregates have a wide range of applications in industry and engineering. Nowadays, the usage of this material in geotechnical activities, especially as backfill in retaining walls has been growing due to the specific characteristics which make it a competent alternative to the conventional geotechnical materials. In practice, a material with lower weight but higher shear strength parameters would be ideal as backfill behind retaining walls because of the important roles that these parameters play in decreasing the overall active lateral earth pressure. In this study, two types of Light Expanded Clay Aggregates (LECA) produced in the Leca factory are investigated. LECA is made in a rotary kiln by heating natural clay at different temperatures up to 1200 °C making quasi-spherical aggregates with different sizes ranged from 0 to 25 mm. The loose bulk density of these aggregates is between 300 and 700 kN/m3. The purpose of this research is to determine the stress-strain behavior, shear strength parameters, and the energy absorption of LECA materials. Direct shear tests were conducted at five normal stresses of 25, 50, 75, 100, and 200 kPa. In addition, conventional triaxial compression tests were operated at confining pressures of 50, 100, and 200 kPa to examine stress-strain behavior. The experimental results show a high internal angle of friction and even a considerable amount of nominal cohesion despite the granular structure of LECA. These desirable properties along with the intrinsic low density of these aggregates make LECA as a very proper material in geotechnical applications. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that lightweight aggregates may have high energy absorption that is excellent alternative material in seismic isolations.Keywords: expanded clay, direct shear test, triaxial test, shear properties, energy absorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671598 Investigation of Atomic Adsorption on the Surface of BC3 Nanotubes
Authors: S. V. Boroznin, I. V. Zaporotskova, N. P. Polikarpova
Studing of nanotubes sorption properties is very important for researching. These processes for carbon and boron nanotubes described in the high number of papers. But the sorption properties of boron containing nanotubes, susch as BC3-nanotubes haven’t been studied sufficiently yet. In this paper we present the results of theoretical research into the mechanism of atomic surface adsorption on the two types of boron-carbon nanotubes (BCNTs) within the framework of an ionic-built covalent-cyclic cluster model and an appropriately modified MNDO quantum chemical scheme and DFT method using B3LYP functional with 6-31G basis. These methods are well-known and the results, obtained using them, were in good agreement with the experiment. Also we studied three position of atom location above the nanotube surface. These facts suggest us to use them for our research and quantum-chemical calculations. We studied the mechanism of sorption of Cl, O and F atoms on the external surface of single-walled BC3 arm-chair nanotubes. We defined the optimal geometry of the sorption complexes and obtained the values of the sorption energies. Analysis of the band structure suggests that the band gap is insensitive to adsorption process. The electron density is located near atoms of the surface of the tube. Also we compared our results with others, which have been obtained earlier for pure carbon and boron nanotubes. The most stable adsorption complex has been between boron-carbon nanotube and oxygen atom. So, it suggests us to make a research of oxygen molecule adsorption on the BC3 nanotube surface. We modeled five variants of molecule orientation above the nanotube surface. The most stable sorption complex has been defined between the oxygen molecule and nanotube when the oxygen molecule is located above the nanotube surface perpendicular to the axis of the tube.Keywords: Boron-carbon nanotubes, nanostructures, nanolayers, quantum-chemical calculations, nanoengineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3181597 Effect of Rice Husk Ash on Strength and Durability of High Strength High Performance Concrete
Authors: H. B. Mahmud, Syamsul Bahri, Y. W. Yee, Y. T. Yeap
This paper reports the strength and durability properties of high strength high performance concrete incorporating rice husk ash (RHA) having high silica, low carbon content and appropriate fineness. In this study concrete containing 10%, 15% and 20% RHA as cement replacement and water to binder ratio of 0.25 were investigated. The results show that increasing amount of RHA increases the dosage of superplasticizer to maintain similar workability. Partial replacement of cement with RHA did not increase the early age compressive strength of concrete. However, concrete containing RHA showed higher compressive strength at later ages. The results showed that compressive strength of concrete in the 90-115 MPa range can be obtained at 28 curing days and the durability properties of RHA concrete performed better than that of control concrete. The water absorption of concrete incorporating 15% RHA exhibited the lowest value. The porosity of concrete is consistent with water absorption whereby higher replacement of RHA decreased the porosity of concrete. There is a positive correlation between reducing porosity and increasing compressive strength of high strength high performance concrete. The results also indicate that up to 20% of RHA incorporation could be advantageously blended with cement without adversely affecting the strength and durability properties of concrete.Keywords: compressive strength, durability, high performance concrete, rice husk ash
Procedia PDF Downloads 3461596 Synthesis of Star Compounds Bearing a Porphyrin Core and Cholic Acid Units by Using Click Chemistry: Study of the Optical Properties and Aggregation
Authors: Edgar Aguilar-Ortíz, Nicolas Lévaray, Mireille Vonlanthen, Eric G. Morales-Espinoza, Ernesto Rivera, Xiao Xia Zhu
Four new star compounds bearing a porphyrin core and cholic acid units, (TPPh(Zn) tetra-CA, TPPh(2H) tetra-CA, TPPh(Zn) octa-CA and TPPh(2H) octa-CA), have been synthesized using the Click Chemistry approach, which consist on azide-alkyne couplings. These novel functionalized porphyrins were characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and their structure was confirmed by MALDI-TOF. The optical properties of these compounds were studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. On the other hand, order to evaluate the amphiphilic properties of the cholic acid units combined with the optical response of the porphyrin core, we performed absorption and fluorescence studies in function of the polarity of the environment. It was found that as soon as we increase the polarity of the solvent, the Zn-metallated porphyrins, (TPPh(Zn) tetra-CA and TPPh(Zn) octa-CA), are able to form J aggregates, whereas the free-base porphyrins, TPPh(2H) tetra-CA and TPPh(2H) octa-CA, behaved differently.Keywords: aggregates, amphiphilic, cholic acid, click-chemistry, porphyrin
Procedia PDF Downloads 3071595 Effect of Carbon Black Nanoparticles Additive on the Qualities of Fly Ash Based Geopolymer
Authors: Maryam Kiani
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of carbon black additive on the properties of fly ash-based geopolymer. The geopolymer samples were prepared using fly ash as the primary source material, along with an alkali activator solution and different concentrations of carbon black additive. The effects of carbon black on the geopolymer binder were evaluated by analyzing the compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption, and microstructural properties of the cured samples. The results revealed that the inclusion of carbon black additive significantly enhanced the mechanical properties of the geopolymer binder. The compressive and flexural strengths were found to increase with the addition of carbon black, showing improvements of up to 25% and 15%, respectively. Moreover, the water absorption of the geopolymer samples reduced due to the presence of carbon black, indicating improved resistance against water permeability. Microstructural analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed a more compact and homogenous structure in the geopolymer samples with carbon black. The dispersion of carbon black particles within the geopolymer matrix was observed, suggesting improved interparticle bonding and increased densification. Overall, this study demonstrates the positive impact of carbon black additive on the qualities of fly ash-based geopolymer, emphasizing its potential as an effective enhancer for geopolymer binder applications.Keywords: fly-ash, carbon black, nanotechnology, geopolymer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1131594 Behavior of Castellated Beam Column Due to Cyclic Loads
Authors: Junus Mara, Herman Parung, Jhony Tanijaya, Rudy Djamaluddin
The purpose of this study is to determine the behavior of beam-column sub-assemblages castella due to cyclic loading. Knowing these behaviors can if be analyzed the effectiveness of the concrete filler to reduce the damage and improve capacity of beam castella. Test beam consists of beam castella fabricated from normal beam (CB), castella beams with concrete filler between the flange (CCB) and normal beam (NB) as a comparison. Results showed castella beam (CB) has the advantage to increase the flexural capacity and energy absorption respectively 100.5% and 74.3%. Besides advantages, castella beam has the disadvantage that lowering partial ductility and full ductility respectively 12.6% and 18.1%, decrease resistance ratio 29.5% and accelerate the degradation rate of stiffness ratio 31.4%. By the concrete filler between the beam flange to improve the ability of castella beam, then the beam castella have the ability to increase the flexural capacity of 184.78 %, 217.1% increase energy absorption, increase ductility partial and full ductility respectively 27.9 % and 26 %, increases resistance ratio 52.5% and slow the rate of degradation of the stiffness ratio 55.1 %.Keywords: steel, castella, column beams, cyclic load
Procedia PDF Downloads 4591593 Design of an Acoustic System for Small-Scale Power Plants
Authors: Mohammadreza Judaki, Hosein Mohammadnezhad Shourkaei
Usually, noise generated by industrial units, is a pollution and disturbs people and causes problems for human health and sometimes these units will be closed because they cannot eliminate this pollution. Small-scale power plants usually are built close to residential areas, and noise generated by these power plants is an important factor in choosing their location and their design. Materials used to reduce noise are studied by measuring their absorption and reflection index numerically and experimentally. We can use MIKI model (Yasushi Miki, 1990) to simulate absorption index by using software like Ansys or Soundflow and compare calculation results with experimental simulation data. We consider high frequency sounds of power plant engines octave band diagram because dB value of high frequency noise is more noticeable for human ears. To prove this, in this study we first will study calculating octave band of engines exhausts and then we will study acoustic behavior of materials that we will use in high frequencies and this will give us our optimum noise reduction plan.Keywords: acoustic materials, eliminating engine noise, octave level diagram, power plant noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441592 Mechanical Behaviours of Ti/GFRP/Ti Laminates with Different Surface Treatments of Titanium Sheets
Authors: Amit Kumar Haldar, Mark Simms, Ian McDevitt, Anthony Comer
Interface properties of fiber metal laminates (FML) affects the integrity and deformation failure modes. In this paper, the mechanical behaviours of Ti/GFRP/Ti laminates were experimentally investigated through low-velocity impact tests. Two different surface treatments of Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloy sheets were prepared to obtain the composite interface properties based on annealing and sandblast surface treatment processes. The deformation failure modes, impact load sustaining ability and energy absorption capacity of FMLs were analysed. The impact load and modulus were shown to be dependent on the surface treatments of Titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) alloy sheets. It was demonstrated that the impact load performance was enhanced when titanium surfaces were annealed and sandblasted. It has also been shown that the values of the strength and energy absorption were slightly higher when the tests conducted at relatively higher loading rate, as a result of the rate-sensitive effects on the damage resistance of the FML.Keywords: fiber metal laminates, metal composite interface, indentation, low velocity impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 1981591 Effect of Different Oils on Quality of Deep-fried Dough Stick
Authors: Nuntaporn Aukkanit
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of oils on chemical, physical, and sensory properties of deep-fried dough stick. Five kinds of vegetable oil which were used for addition and frying consist of: palm oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil, and canola oil. The results of this study showed that using different kinds of oil made significant difference in the quality of deep-fried dough stick. Deep-fried dough stick fried with the rice bran oil had the lowest moisture loss and oil absorption (p≤0.05), but it had some unsatisfactory physical properties (color, specific volume, density, and texture) and sensory characteristics. Nonetheless, deep-fried dough stick fried with the sunflower oil had moisture loss and oil absorption slightly more than the rice bran oil, but it had almost higher physical and sensory properties. Deep-fried dough sticks together with the sunflower oil did not have different sensory score from the palm oil, commonly used for production of deep-fried dough stick. These results indicated that addition and frying with the sunflower oil are appropriate for the production of deep-fried dough stick.Keywords: deep-fried dough stick, palm oil, sunflower oil, rice bran oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 2811590 Processing and Evaluation of Jute Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites
Authors: Mohammad W. Dewan, Jahangir Alam, Khurshida Sharmin
Synthetic fibers (carbon, glass, aramid, etc.) are generally utilized to make composite materials for better mechanical and thermal properties. However, they are expensive and non-biodegradable. In the perspective of Bangladesh, jute fibers are available, inexpensive, and comprising good mechanical properties. The improved properties (i.e., low cost, low density, eco-friendly) of natural fibers have made them a promising reinforcement in hybrid composites without sacrificing mechanical properties. In this study, jute and e-glass fiber reinforced hybrid composite materials are fabricated utilizing hand lay-up followed by a compression molding technique. Room temperature cured two-part epoxy resin is used as a matrix. Approximate 6-7 mm thick composite panels are fabricated utilizing 17 layers of woven glass and jute fibers with different fiber layering sequences- only jute, only glass, glass, and jute alternatively (g/j/g/j---) and 4 glass - 9 jute – 4 glass (4g-9j-4g). The fabricated composite panels are analyzed through fiber volume calculation, tensile test, bending test, and water absorption test. The hybridization of jute and glass fiber results in better tensile, bending, and water absorption properties than only jute fiber-reinforced composites, but inferior properties as compared to only glass fiber reinforced composites. Among different fiber layering sequences, 4g-9j-4g fibers layering sequence resulted in better tensile, bending, and water absorption properties. The effect of chemical treatment on the woven jute fiber and chopped glass microfiber infusion are also investigated in this study. Chemically treated jute fiber and 2 wt. % chopped glass microfiber infused hybrid composite shows about 12% improvements in flexural strength as compared to untreated and no micro-fiber infused hybrid composite panel. However, fiber chemical treatment and micro-filler do not have a significant effect on tensile strength.Keywords: compression molding, chemical treatment, hybrid composites, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591589 Improving the Crashworthiness Characteristics of Long Steel Circular Tubes Subjected to Axial Compression by Inserting a Helical Spring
Authors: Mehdi Tajdari, Farzad Mokhtarnejad, Fatemeh Moradi, Mehdi Najafizadeh
Nowadays, energy absorbing devices have been widely used in all vehicles and moving parts such as railway couches, aircraft, ships and lifts. The aim is to protect these structures from serious damages while subjected to impact loads, or to minimize human injuries while collision is occurred in transportation systems. These energy-absorbing devices can dissipate kinetic energy in a wide variety of ways like friction, facture, plastic bending, crushing, cyclic plastic deformation and metal cutting. On the other hand, various structures may be used as collapsible energy absorbers. Metallic cylindrical tubes have attracted much more attention due to their high stiffness and strength combined with the low weight and ease of manufacturing process. As a matter of fact, favorable crash worthiness characteristics for energy dissipation purposes can be achieved from axial collapse of tubes while they crush progressively in symmetric modes. However, experimental and theoretical results have shown that depending on various parameters such as tube geometry, material properties of tube, boundary and loading conditions, circular tubes buckle in different modes of deformation, namely, diamond and Euler collapsing modes. It is shown that when the tube length is greater than the critical length, the tube deforms in overall Euler buckling mode, which is an inefficient mode of energy absorption and needs to be avoided in crash worthiness applications. This study develops a new method with the aim of improving energy absorption characteristics of long steel circular tubes. Inserting a helical spring into the tubes is proved experimentally to be an efficient solution. In fact when a long tube is subjected to axial compression load, the spring prevents of undesirable Euler or diamond collapsing modes. This is because the spring reinforces the internal wall of tubes and it causes symmetric deformation in tubes. In this research three specimens were prepared and three tests were performed. The dimensions of tubes were selected so that in axial compression load buckling is occurred. In the second and third tests a spring was inserted into tubes and they were subjected to axial compression load in quasi-static and impact loading, respectively. The results showed that in the second and third tests buckling were not happened and the tubes deformed in symmetric modes which are desirable in energy absorption.Keywords: energy absorption, circular tubes, collapsing deformation, crashworthiness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3401588 Using 3-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles to Improve Flexural Properties of E-Glass/Epoxy Grid-Stiffened Composite Panels
Authors: Reza Eslami-Farsani, Hamed Khosravi, Saba Fayazzadeh
Lightweight and efficient structures have the aim to enhance the efficiency of the components in various industries. Toward this end, composites are one of the most widely used materials because of durability, high strength and modulus, and low weight. One type of the advanced composites is grid-stiffened composite (GSC) structures which have been extensively considered in aerospace, automotive, and aircraft industries. They are one of the top candidates for replacing some of the traditional components which are used here. Although there are a good number of published surveys on the design aspects and fabrication of GSC structures, little systematic work has been reported on their material modification to improve their properties, to our knowledge. Matrix modification using nanoparticles is an effective method to enhance the flexural properties of the fibrous composites. In the present study, a silane coupling agent (3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane/3-GPTS) was introduced onto the silica (SiO2) nanoparticle surface and its effects on the three-point flexural response of isogrid E-glass/epoxy composites were assessed. Based on the fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) spectra, it was inferred that the 3-GPTS coupling agent was successfully grafted onto the surface of SiO2 nanoparticles after modification. Flexural test revealed an improvement of 16%, 14%, and 36% in stiffness, maximum load and energy absorption of the isogrid specimen filled with 3 wt.% 3-GPTS/SiO2 compared to the neat one. It would be worth mentioning that in these structures, a considerable energy absorption was observed after the primary failure related to the load peak. Also, 3-GPTMS functionalization had a positive effect on the flexural behavior of the multiscale isogrid composites. In conclusion, this study suggests that the addition of modified silica nanoparticles is a promising method to improve the flexural properties of the grid-stiffened fibrous composite structures.Keywords: isogrid-stiffened composite panels, silica nanoparticles, surface modification, flexural properties, energy absorption
Procedia PDF Downloads 2511587 The Use of Waste Fibers as Reinforcement in Biopolymer Green Composites
Authors: Dalila Hammiche, Lisa Klaai, Amar Boukerrou
Following this trend, natural fiber reinforcements have been gaining importance in the composites sector. The effectiveness of natural fiber–reinforced PLA composite as an alternative material to substitute the non-renewable petroleum-based materials has been examined by researchers. In this study, we investigated the physicochemical, particle size and distribution, and thermal behavior of prickly pear seed flour (PPSF). Then, composites were manufactured with 20% in PPSF. Thermal, morphological, and mechanical properties have been studied, and water absorption tests as well. The characterization of this fiber has shown that cellulose is the majority constituent (30%), followed by hemicellulose (27%). To improve the fiber-matrix adhesion, the PPS was chemically treated with alkali treatment. The addition of PPSF decreases the thermal properties, and the study of the mechanical properties showed that the increase in the fiber content from 0 to 20% increased Young’s modulus. According to the results, the mechanical and thermal behaviors of composites are improved after fiber treatment. However, there is an increase in water absorption of composites compared to the PLA matrix. The moisture sensitivity of natural fiber composites limits their use in structural applications. Degradation of the fiber-matrix interface is likely to occur when the material is subjected to variable moisture conditions.Keywords: biopolymer, composites, alcali treatment, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281586 Advanced Biosensor Characterization of Phage-Mediated Lysis in Real-Time and under Native Conditions
Authors: Radka Obořilová, Hana Šimečková, Matěj Pastucha, Jan Přibyl, Petr Skládal, Ivana Mašlaňová, Zdeněk Farka
Due to the spreading of antimicrobial resistance, alternative approaches to combat superinfections are being sought, both in the field of lysing agents and methods for studying bacterial lysis. A suitable alternative to antibiotics is phage therapy and enzybiotics, for which it is also necessary to study the mechanism of their action. Biosensor-based techniques allow rapid detection of pathogens in real time, verification of sensitivity to commonly used antimicrobial agents, and selection of suitable lysis agents. The detection of lysis takes place on the surface of the biosensor with immobilized bacteria, which has the potential to be used to study biofilms. An example of such a biosensor is surface plasmon resonance (SPR), which records the kinetics of bacterial lysis based on a change in the resonance angle. The bacteria are immobilized on the surface of the SPR chip, and the action of phage as the mass loss is monitored after a typical lytic cycle delay. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a technique for imaging of samples on the surface. In contrast to electron microscopy, it has the advantage of real-time imaging in the native conditions of the nutrient medium. In our case, Staphylococcus aureus was lysed using the enzyme lysostaphin and phage P68 from the familyPodoviridae at 37 ° C. In addition to visualization, AFM was used to study changes in mechanical properties during lysis, which resulted in a reduction of Young’s modulus (E) after disruption of the bacterial wall. Changes in E reflect the stiffness of the bacterium. These advanced methods provide deeper insight into bacterial lysis and can help to fight against bacterial diseases.Keywords: biosensors, atomic force microscopy, surface plasmon resonance, bacterial lysis, staphylococcus aureus, phage P68
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