Search results for: development of communication in Iran
19954 Issues and Influences in Academic Choices among Communication Students in Oman
Authors: Bernard Nnamdi Emenyeonu
The study of communication as a fully-fledged discipline in institutions of higher education in the Sultanate of Oman is relatively young. Its evolution is associated with Oman's Renaissance beginning from 1970, which ushered in an era of modernization in which education, industrialization, expansion, and liberalization of the mass media, provision of infrastructure, and promotion of multilateral commercial ventures were considered among the top priorities of national development plans. Communication studies were pioneered by the sole government university, Sultan Qaboos University, in the 1990s, but so far, the program is taught in Arabic only. In recognition of the need to produce professionals suitably equipped to fit into the expanding media establishments in the Sultanate as well as the widening global market, the government decided to establish programs in which communication would be taught in English language. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education, six Colleges of Applied Sciences were established in Oman in 2007. These colleges offer a 4-year Bachelor degree program in communication studies that comprises six areas of specialization: Advertising, Digital Media, International Communication, Journalism, Media Management and Public Relations. Over the years, a trend has emerged where students tend to flock to particular specializations such as Public Relations and Digital Media, while others, such as Advertising and Journalism, continue to draw the least number of students. In some instances, some specializations have had to be frozen due to the dire lack of interest among new students. It has also been observed that female students are more likely to be more biased in choice of specializations. It was therefore the task of this paper to establish, through a survey and focus group interviews, the factors that influence choice of communication studies as well as particular specializations, among Omani Communication Studies undergraduates. Results of the study show that prior to entering into the communication studies program, the majority of students had no idea of what the field entailed. Whatever information they had about communication studies was sourced from friends and relatives rather than more reliable sources such as career fairs or guidance counselors. For the most part, the choice of communication studies as a major was also influenced by factors such as family, friends and prospects for jobs. Another significant finding is the strong association between gender and choice of specializations within the program, with females flocking to digital media while males tended to prefer public relations. Reasons for specialization preferences dwelt strongly on expectations of a good GPA and the promise of a good salary after graduation. Regardless of gender, most students identified careers in news reporting, public relations and advertising as unsuitable for females. Teaching and program presentation were identified as the most suitable for females. Based on these and other results, the paper not only examined the social and cultural factors that are likely to have influenced the respondent's attitude to communication studies, but also discussed the implication for curriculum development and career development in a developing society such as Oman.Keywords: career choice, communication specialization, media education, Oman
Procedia PDF Downloads 23619953 Value of Willingness to Pay for a Quality-Adjusted Life Years Gained in Iran; A Modified Chained-Approach
Authors: Seyedeh-Fariba Jahanbin, Hasan Yusefzadeh, Bahram Nabilou, Cyrus Alinia, Cyrus Alinia
Background: Due to the lack of a constant Willingness to Pay per one additional Quality Adjusted Life Years gained based on the preferences of Iran’s general public, the cost-efectiveness of health system interventions is unclear and making it challenging to apply economic evaluation to health resources priority setting. Methods: We have measured this cost-efectiveness threshold with the participation of 2854 individuals from fve provinces, each representing an income quintile, using a modifed Time Trade-Of-based Chained-Approach. In this online-based empirical survey, to extract the health utility value, participants were randomly assigned to one of two green (21121) and yellow (22222) health scenarios designed based on the earlier validated EQ-5D-3L questionnaire. Results: Across the two health state versions, mean values for one QALY gain (rounded) ranged from $6740-$7400 and $6480-$7120, respectively, for aggregate and trimmed models, which are equivalent to 1.35-1.18 times of the GDP per capita. Log-linear Multivariate OLS regression analysis confrmed that respondents were more likely to pay if their income, disutility, and education level were higher than their counterparts. Conclusions: In the health system of Iran, any intervention that is with the incremental cost-efectiveness ratio, equal to and less than 7402.12 USD, will be considered cost-efective.Keywords: willingness to Pay, QALY, chained-approach, cost-efectiveness threshold, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 8719952 E-government Status and Impact on Development in the Arab Region
Authors: Sukaina Al-Nasrawi, Maysoun Ibrahim
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have affected recent public administration and governance. Electronic Government (e-government) services were developed to simplify government procedures and improve interaction with citizens on one hand and to create new governance models to empower citizens and involve them in the decision-making process while increasing transparency on another hand. It is worth noting that efficient governance models enable sustainable development at the social and economic levels. Currently, the status of e-government national strategies and implementation programs vary from one country to another. This variance in the development levels of e-government initiatives and applications noted the digital divide between countries of the same region, thereby highlighting the difficulty to reach regional integration. Many Arab countries realized the need for a well-articulated e-government strategy and launched national e-government initiatives. In selected Arab countries, the focus of e-government initiatives and programs shifted from the provision of services to advanced concepts such as open data initiatives. This paper aims at over viewing the e-government achievements of Arab countries and areas for enhancement, and share best practices in the area.of the best e-government programmes from the Arab region the world. It will also shed the light on the impact of the information society in general and e-government, in specific, on the social and economic development in the Arab region.Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), services, e-government, development, Arab region, digital divide, citizens
Procedia PDF Downloads 29219951 The Magnetic Susceptibility of the Late Quaternary Loess in North-East of Iran and Its Correlation with Other Palaeoclimatical Parameters
Authors: Fereshteh M. Haskouei, Habib Alimohammadian
Magnetic susceptibility (χ) is operational to identify of late quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles in loess-paleosol sequences. It is well accepted that many loess-paleosol sequences bear witness to cold-dry/warm-humid periods, well known as glacial-interglacial cycles, respectively. For this study, loess-paleosol sequence of north-east of Iran was magnetically investigated. The study area is situated at about 8 km away of Neka city, on the main road of Sari-Behshahr, in Mazandaran Province, north of Iran. The youngest deposits of study area are the late Quaternary wind-blown accumulations. In this study, the total number of 117 samples was collected from loess-paleosols units. After that, the natural remnant magnetization (NRM) and magnetic susceptibility (MS) of the samples were measured. Variation of MS of more than 110 loess samples was plotted to reveal the correlation of the MS and paleoclimatic changes. This study aims reconstruction of climatic changes (glacial-interglacial and stadials-interstadials cycles). To confirm our results we compared MS (χ) and the curves of other investigations in paleoclimatology. This correspondence abled us to recognize worldly events in the study area such as: Younger Dryas, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), deglaciation of Northern Hemisphere etc. The obtained magnetic data indicate that during almost 50 ka, at least two glacial-interglacial periods occurred in north-east of Iran. Further, variation of χ values revealed short period of climatically cycles known as stadials-interstadials. We recognized 4 stadials and a single stadial as colder sub-periods for S0 (recently soil-paleosol) and S2 (lower paleosol), respectively, Moreover, we recognized 6 warmer sub-periods (interstadials) for L1 (upper loess) and one interstadial L2 (lower loess).Keywords: glacial-interglacial cycles, Iran, last glacial maximum (LGM), loess, magnetic susceptibility (χ), Neka, stadials-interstadials sub-periods, younger dryas
Procedia PDF Downloads 12519950 Modified RSA in Mobile Communication
Authors: Nagaratna Rajur, J. D. Mallapur, Y. B. Kirankumar
The security in mobile communication is very different from the internet or telecommunication, because of its poor user interface and limited processing capacity, as well as combination of complex network protocols. Hence, it poses a challenge for less memory usage and low computation speed based security system. Security involves all the activities that are undertaken to protect the value and on-going usability of assets and the integrity and continuity of operations. An effective network security strategies requires identifying threats and then choosing the most effective set of tools to combat them. Cryptography is a simple and efficient way to provide security in communication. RSA is an asymmetric key approach that is highly reliable and widely used in internet communication. However, it has not been efficiently implemented in mobile communication due its computational complexity and large memory utilization. The proposed algorithm modifies the current RSA to be useful in mobile communication by reducing its computational complexity and memory utilization.Keywords: M-RSA, sensor networks, sensor applications, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 34319949 Development of a Journal over 20 Years: Citation Analysis
Authors: Byung Lee, Charles Perschau
This study analyzes the development of a communication journal, the Journal of Advertising Education (JAE) over the past 20 years by examining citations of all research articles there. The purpose of a journal is to offer a stable and transparent forum for the presentation, scrutiny, and discussion of research in a targeted domain. This study asks whether JAE has fulfilled this purpose. The authors and readers who are involved in a journal need to have common research topics of their interest. In the case of the discipline of communication, scholars have a variety of backgrounds beyond communication itself since the social scientific study of communication is a relatively recent development, one that emerged after World War II, and the discipline has been heavily indebted to other social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, social psychology, and political science. When authors impart their findings and knowledge to others, their work is not done in isolation. They have to stand on previous studies, which are listed as sources in the bibliography. Since communication has heavily piggybacked on other disciplines, cited sources should be as diverse as the resources it taps into. This paper analyzes 4,244 articles that were cited by JAE articles in the past 36 issues. Since journal article authors reveal their intellectual linkage by using bibliographic citations, the analysis of citations in journal articles will reveal various networks of relationships among authors, journal types, and fields in an objective and quantitative manner. The study found that an easier access to information sources because of the development of electronic databases and the growing competition among scholars for publication seemed to influence authors to increase the number of articles cited even though some variations existed during the examined period. The types of articles cited have also changed. Authors have more often cited journal articles, periodicals (most of them available online), and web site sources, while decreased their dependence on books, conference papers, and reports. To provide a forum for discussion, a journal needs a common topic or theme. This can be realized when an author writes an article about a topic, and that article is cited and discussed in another article. Thus, the citation of articles in the same journal is vital for a journal to form a forum for discussion. JAE has gradually increased the citations of in-house articles with a few fluctuations over the years. The study also examines not only specific articles that are often cited, but also specific authors often cited. The analysis of citations in journal articles shows how JAE has developed into a full academic journal while offering a communal forum even though the speed of its formation is not as fast as desired probably because of its interdisciplinary nature.Keywords: citation, co-citation, the Journal of Advertising Education, development of a journal
Procedia PDF Downloads 15719948 Synoptic Analysis of a Heavy Flood in the Province of Sistan-Va-Balouchestan: Iran January 2020
Authors: N. Pegahfar, P. Ghafarian
In this research, the synoptic weather conditions during the heavy flood of 10-12 January 2020 in the Sistan-va-Balouchestan Province of Iran will be analyzed. To this aim, reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), NCEP Global Forecasting System (GFS) analysis data, measured data from a surface station together with satellite images from the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) have been used from 9 to 12 January 2020. Atmospheric parameters both at the lower troposphere and also at the upper part of that have been used, including absolute vorticity, wind velocity, temperature, geopotential height, relative humidity, and precipitation. Results indicated that both lower-level and upper-level currents were strong. In addition, the transport of a large amount of humidity from the Oman Sea and the Red Sea to the south and southeast of Iran (Sistan-va-Balouchestan Province) led to the vast and unexpected precipitation and then a heavy flood.Keywords: Sistan-va-Balouchestn Province, heavy flood, synoptic, analysis data
Procedia PDF Downloads 10219947 Geomorphologic Evolution of the Southern Habble-Rud River Basin, North of Iran
Authors: Maryam Jaberi, Siavosh Shayan, Mojtaba Yamani
Habble-Rud River basin (HR), up to 100 km length, one of the largest watersheds which drain into deserts to the north of Central Iran (Dasht-e Kavir). This stream is oblique with the NE-SW trending, flow in the southern range of central Alborz Mountains and the northern border of Central Iran. The end of the ~17 km suddenly change direction and with the southern trending to have a morphology which meanders passes through the Alborz Mountain ridge and flows into the Garmsar plain where it forms one of the largest alluvial fans in Iran, i.e. the vast Garmsar alluvial fan with an area of 476 km2. This study was carried out through morphometric analyses, longitudinal river profiles, and study of geomorpholic evidence such as fluvial terraces, gypsum-salt domes, seismic data, and satellite images. This study aimed to investigate the changes in the pattern of rivers in the southern part of the HR river basin. The southern part of HR river basin located at the southern foothills of the Central Alborz is characterized the thrust faults (Sorkheh-Kalut and Garmsar faults), folds,diapirs and arid climate. The activity of more than 10 salt domes that belong to the Oligocene-Miocene period has considerably influenced the pattern of streams in this region. Dissolution of these domes has not only reduced the quality of water and soil resources, but also has led to the formation of badlands and gullies.Our results indicated that the pattern of rivers in the southern part of HR river basin was influenced by discharge of the HR river in Quaternary, geological structure, subsidence of Central Iran and vertical uplift of Alborz mountain. These agents caused the formation meanders in the southern part of the HR River and evaluation of the seasonal rivers like Shoor-Darre and Garmabsar.Keywords: geomorphologic evaluation, rivers pattern, Habble-Rud River basin, seasonal rivers
Procedia PDF Downloads 50119946 Swot Analysis for Employment of Graduates of Physical Education and Sport Sciences in Iran
Authors: Mohammad Reza Boroumand Devlagh
Employment problem, especially university graduates is the most important challenges in the decade ahead. The purpose of this study is the SWOT analysis for employment of graduates of Physical Education and Sport Sciences in Iran. The sample of this research consist of 115 (35.5 + 8.0 years) of physical education and sport sciences faculty members of higher education institutions, major sport managers and graduates of physical education and sport sciences. Library method, interview and questioners were used to collect data. The questionnaires were made in four parts: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.94. After data collection, means, standard deviation (SD) and percentage were calculated by using SPSS software. Fridman was used for the statical analysis at P < 0.05. The results showed that Employment of graduates of Physical Education and Sport Sciences in Iran Located In the worst position possible (T-W area) in Strategic Position and Action Evaluation Matrix) SPACEM), and there are more weaknesses than strengths (2.02 < 2.5) in internal evaluation and there are more threats than opportunities(2.36 < 2.5) in external evaluation.Keywords: employment, graduate, physical education and sport sciences, SWOT analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 54019945 A Resistant-Based Comparative Study between Iranian Concrete Design Code and Some Worldwide Ones
Authors: Seyed Sadegh Naseralavi, Najmeh Bemani
The design in most counties should be inevitably carried out by their native code such as Iran. Since the Iranian concrete code does not exist in structural design software, most engineers in this country analyze the structures using commercial software but design the structural members manually. This point motivated us to make a communication between Iranian code and some other well-known ones to create facility for the engineers. Finally, this paper proposes the so-called interpretation charts which help specify the position of Iranian code in comparison of some worldwide ones.Keywords: beam, concrete code, strength, interpretation charts
Procedia PDF Downloads 52719944 The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Performance of Office Technology Managers
Authors: Sunusi Tijjani
Information and communication technology is an indispensable tool in the performance of office technology managers. Today's offices are automated and equipped with modern office machines that enhances and improve the work of office managers. However, today's office technology managers can process, evaluate, manage and communicate all forms of information using technological devices. Information and Communication Technology is viewed as the process of processing, storing ad dissemination information while office technology managers are trained professional who can effectively operate modern office machines, perform administrative duties and attend meetings to take dawn minute of meetings. This paper examines the importance of information and communication technology toward enhancing the work of office managers. It also stresses the importance of information and communication technology toward proper and accurate record management.Keywords: communication, information, technology, managers
Procedia PDF Downloads 48719943 The Communication Library DIALOG for iFDAQ of the COMPASS Experiment
Authors: Y. Bai, M. Bodlak, V. Frolov, S. Huber, V. Jary, I. Konorov, D. Levit, J. Novy, D. Steffen, O. Subrt, M. Virius
Modern experiments in high energy physics impose great demands on the reliability, the efficiency, and the data rate of Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ). This contribution focuses on the development and deployment of the new communication library DIALOG for the intelligent, FPGA-based Data Acquisition System (iFDAQ) of the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The iFDAQ utilizing a hardware event builder is designed to be able to readout data at the maximum rate of the experiment. The DIALOG library is a communication system both for distributed and mixed environments, it provides a network transparent inter-process communication layer. Using the high-performance and modern C++ framework Qt and its Qt Network API, the DIALOG library presents an alternative to the previously used DIM library. The DIALOG library was fully incorporated to all processes in the iFDAQ during the run 2016. From the software point of view, it might be considered as a significant improvement of iFDAQ in comparison with the previous run. To extend the possibilities of debugging, the online monitoring of communication among processes via DIALOG GUI is a desirable feature. In the paper, we present the DIALOG library from several insights and discuss it in a detailed way. Moreover, the efficiency measurement and comparison with the DIM library with respect to the iFDAQ requirements is provided.Keywords: data acquisition system, DIALOG library, DIM library, FPGA, Qt framework, TCP/IP
Procedia PDF Downloads 31719942 The Perceptions of High School English Home Language Learners on Fostering 21st Century Skills Through the Use of Technology in the Classroom
Authors: Lisa Naudine Parrock, Geoffrey Lautenbach
The changes brought to society by the technological development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution are also reaching the sphere of education and the education system needs to respond. Students need skills such as communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking in order to be successful in the 21st Century, which could be developed through the meaningful use of technology. This study is theorized by the 21st Century Framework for Learning and examines the student perceptions of grade 10 and 11 English Home language learners on how the technology used in their English classroom contributes to the development of 21st Century skills. The researcher adopted a constructivist paradigm and presented findings based on a general qualitative method. The study found that students perceived the use of technology in the classroom positively contributed to their development of communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. Students also perceived technology as contributing to their access to information, a positive classroom atmosphere, heightened engagement in learning and developing skills necessary for their future. In addition, this study highlighted certain pedagogical strategies and digital tools that support the development of 21st Century skills. The findings suggest that the meaningful integration of technology fosters the development of 21st Century skills in grade 10 and 11 learners.Keywords: educational technology, 21st century skills, fourth industrial revolution, affordances of technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 13519941 Study of Regulation and Registration Law of Veterinary Biological Drugs in Iran and Comparison between FDA, EMA and WHO
Authors: Hoda Dehghani, Zahra Dehghani
Considering the obvious growth and variety of veterinary biological product and increase consumption and also the price, it is necessary to establish the rules and serious monitoring of this products which are less expensive than the original products. The scope of this research is the study of comparing the registration criteria and procedures of veterinary biological drugs in the world's leading agencies such as EMA, FDA, and WHO. For this, purpose the rules and regulations for registration of these drugs in prestigious organizations such as the FDA, EMA and WHO were examined and compared with the existing legislation in Iran. Studies show that EMA is the forefront of the compilation and registration of drugs in the world. China is a one of the greatest country in the development of drugs and establishes very closely guidelines with creditable global guidelines, and Now, is the first country to implement the rules codified in the Far East and followed by china, India and, South Korea and Taiwan have taken incorporate the industry's top ranking in Asia. At now, Asia by creating appropriate indicators not only as a powerful center in the field of drug delivery but also as a competitor to the United States is a major source of drug discovery and creation of innovation. the activities such as clinical trials and pharmaceutical investment is the speed of technology on the continent.Keywords: veterinary biological product, regulation of registration, biological products, regularity authorities
Procedia PDF Downloads 36419940 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Digital Exclusion: Reconsidering Sustainable Development and Digital Poverty in the Post-Pandemic World
Authors: Serena Clark, Katriona O'Sullivan, Kevin Marshall, Mac MacLachlan
This paper explores the United Nation's sustainable development goals (SDGs) alongside digital poverty and proposes that digital poverty should be a new SDG. The SDGs concentrate on 17 key areas, including economic growth, reducing inequalities, climate action, ending poverty, gender equality, and quality education. Many of the plans to fulfill these goals involve the creation and adaptation of new technologies. As we have seen with COVID-19, access to these technologies has determined communities and societies' ability to respond to these challenges in both developed and developing nations. For example, the transition to online education due to the lockdowns had a detrimental effect on children who did not have access to technology to provide continuity in their educational development. Digitalization and emerging technologies, especially information and communication technologies (ICTs), can help address each goal. Digital poverty and exclusion exacerbate the gap between rich and poor within our societies and internationally, and COVID-19 has further highlighted these issues. Closing this gap can support achieving the SDGs. If access to digital technologies measure society's response and resilience in addressing the challenges the SDGs seek to resolve, should reducing digital poverty be an SDG of its own? This paper will explore this question, arguing that digital poverty should be an independent SDG working alongside and supporting the achievement of the other 17 SDGs.Keywords: digital poverty, digital exclusion, United Nations sustainable development goals, information and communication technologies
Procedia PDF Downloads 14319939 The Interplay between Technology and Culture in Inbound Call Center Industry
Authors: Joseph Reylan Viray, Kriztine R. Viray
Call center conversations, more than the business dimensions that they normally manifest, are interactions between human beings. These are communication exchanges that are packed with psychological, cultural and social dimensions that affect the specific experience of the parties. The increasing development of information and communication technology over the past decades brought about important advantages and corresponding disadvantages in the process of communicational transactions in call center industry. It has been established that the technology is so powerful that it strongly affects, among others, call center business. In the present study, the author explores the interplay between the technology being utilized by the industry and the cultural orientations of both the call center agents and their customers in the process of communication exchanges. Specifically, the paper seeks to (1) describe the interplay between culture and technology in inbound call center industry as it affects the communication exchange of the agents and customers; (2) understand the nature and the dynamics of the call center industry as regards the cultural dimensions of Hofstede; and (3) come up with a simple study where the cross-cultural aspect of the call center industry could be highlighted and could provide necessary knowledge to the stakeholders. Cognizant of the complexity of the topic, the researchers employed Hofstede's cultural dimensions. Likewise, another theory that was used in this study is the Computer Mediated Communication Theory.Keywords: call center industry, culture, Hofstede, CMT, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 35419938 Survey on Securing the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Authors: Kimaya Subhash Gaikwad, S. B. Waykar
The mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is collection of various types of nodes. In MANET various protocols are used for communication. In OLSR protocol, a node is selected as multipoint relay (MPR) node which broadcast the messages. As the MANET is open kind of network any malicious node can easily enter into the network and affect the performance of the network. The performance of network mainly depends on the components which are taking part into the communication. If the proper nodes are not selected for the communication then the probability of network being attacked is more. Therefore, it is important to select the more reliable and secure components in the network. MANET does not have any filtering so that only selected nodes can be used for communication. The openness of the MANET makes it easier to attack the communication. The most of the attack are on the Quality of service (QoS) of the network. This paper gives the overview of the various attacks that are possible on OLSR protocol and some solutions. The papers focus mainly on the OLSR protocol.Keywords: communication, MANET, OLSR, QoS
Procedia PDF Downloads 45119937 An Overview of Adaptive Channel Equalization Techniques and Algorithms
Authors: Navdeep Singh Randhawa
Wireless communication system has been proved as the best for any communication. However, there are some undesirable threats of a wireless communication channel on the information transmitted through it, such as attenuation, distortions, delays and phase shifts of the signals arriving at the receiver end which are caused by its band limited and dispersive nature. One of the threat is ISI (Inter Symbol Interference), which has been found as a great obstacle in high speed communication. Thus, there is a need to provide perfect and accurate technique to remove this effect to have an error free communication. Thus, different equalization techniques have been proposed in literature. This paper presents the equalization techniques followed by the concept of adaptive filter equalizer, its algorithms (LMS and RLS) and applications of adaptive equalization technique.Keywords: channel equalization, adaptive equalizer, least mean square, recursive least square
Procedia PDF Downloads 45019936 Bakla Po Ako (I Am Gay): A Case Study on the Communication Styles of Selected Filipino Gays in Disclosing Their Sexual Orientation to Their Parents
Authors: Bryan Christian Baybay, M. Francesca Ronario
This study is intended to answer the question “What are the communication styles of selected Filipino gays in breaking their silence on their sexual orientation to their parents?” In this regard, six cases of Filipino gay disclosures were examined through in-depth interviews. The participants were selected through purposive sampling and snowball technique. The theories, Rhetorical Sensitivity of Roderick Hart and Communicator Style of Robert Norton were used to analyze the gathered data and to give support to the communication attitudes, message processing, message rendering and communication styles exhibited in each disclosure. As secondary data and validation, parents and experts in the field of communication, sociology, and psychology were also interviewed and consulted. The study found that Filipino gays vary in the communication styles they use during the disclosure with their parents. All communication styles: impression-leaving, contentious, open, dramatic, dominant, precise, relaxed, friendly, animated, and communicator image were observed by the gays depending on their motivation, relationship and thoughts contemplated. These results lend ideas for future researchers to look into the communication patterns and/or styles of lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and queers or expand researches on the same subject and the utilization of Social Judgment and Relational Dialectics theories in determining and analyzing LGBTQ communication.Keywords: communication attitudes, communication styles, Filipino gays, self-disclosure, sexual orientation
Procedia PDF Downloads 52719935 Re-Engineering Management Process in IRAN’s Smart Schools
Authors: M. R. Babaei, S. M. Hosseini, S. Rahmani, L. Moradi
Today, the quality of education and training systems and the effectiveness of the education systems of most concern to stakeholders and decision-makers of our country's development in each country. In Iran this is a double issue of concern to numerous reasons; So that governments, over the past decade have hardly even paid the running costs of education. ICT is claiming it has the power to change the structure of a program for training, reduce costs and increase quality, and do education systems and products consistent with the needs of the community and take steps to practice education. Own of the areas that the introduction of information technology has fundamentally changed is the field of education. The aim of this research is process reengineering management in schools simultaneously has been using field studies to collect data in the form of interviews and a questionnaire survey. The statistical community of this research has been the country of Iran and smart schools under the education. Sampling was targeted. The data collection tool was a questionnaire composed of two parts. The questionnaire consists of 36 questions that each question designates one of effective factors on the management of smart schools. Also each question consists of two parts. The first part designates the operating position in the management process, which represents the domain's belonging to the management agent (planning, organizing, leading, controlling). According to the classification of Dabryn and in second part the factors affect the process of managing the smart schools were examined, that Likert scale is used to classify. Questions the validity of the group of experts and prominent university professors in the fields of information technology, management and reengineering of approved and Cronbach's alpha reliability and also with the use of the formula is evaluated and approved. To analyse the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the factors contributing to the rating of (Linkert scale) descriptive statistics (frequency table data, mean, median, mode) was used. To analyse the data using analysis of variance and nonparametric tests and Friedman test, the assumption was evaluated. The research conclusions show that the factors influencing the management process re-engineering smart schools in school performance is affected.Keywords: re-engineering, management process, smart school, Iran's school
Procedia PDF Downloads 24519934 Infection Profile of Patients Undergoing Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation in Tabriz, Iran
Authors: Naser Shagerdi Esmaeli, Mohsen Hamidpour
Background and Objective: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been widely used for treating oncological and hematological diseases. Although HSCT has helped to improve patient survival, the risk of developing an infection during hospitalization is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to analyze the infection profile during hospitalization and the associated risk factors among patients undergoing autologous HSCT at the University Hospital, Shahid Ghazi Tabatabaei Hospital, Tabriz, Iran. Subjects and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on patients undergoing autologous HSCT at a public university hospital. Methods: Patients with febrile neutropenia between 2015 and 2018 were retrospectively evaluated regarding their infection profile and associated risk factors. This survey included: bacterial culture and blood culture on specific media. Results: Infection occurred in 57.2% of 56 patients with febrile neutropenia. The main source of infection was the central venous catheter (25.9%). Infection was chiefly due to Gram-positive bacteria, although Gram-negative-related infections were more severe and caused a higher death rate. Sex, age, skin color, nutritional status, and underlying disease were not associated with the development of infection. Patients with severe mucositis (Grades III and IV) had a higher infection rate (P < 0.001). Patients who developed pulmonary complications during hospitalization had higher infection rates (P = 0.002). Infection was the main cause of death (57.1%) in the study sample. Conclusion: Strategies aimed at reducing infection-related mortality rates among patients undergoing autologous HSCT are necessary.Keywords: hematopoietic stem cell, autologous bone marrow transplantation, infection profile, tabriz, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 12019933 Communication and Devices: Face to Face Communication versus Communication with Mobile Technologies
Authors: Nuran Öze
With the rapid changes occurring in the last twenty five years, mobile phone technology has influenced every aspect of life. Technological developments within the Internet and mobile phone areas have not only changed communication practices; it has also changed the everyday life practices of individuals. This article has focused on understanding how people’s communication practices and everyday life practices have changed with the smartphone usage. The study was conducted by using in-depth interview method and the research was conducted on twenty Turkish Cypriots who live in Northern Cyprus. According to the research results, communicating via Internet has rapidly replaced face to face communication in recent years. However, results have changed according to generations. Younger generations can easily adapt themselves to technological changes because they are already gaining everyday life practices right now. However, the older generations practices are already present in their everyday life.Keywords: face to face communication, internet, mobile technologies, north Cyprus
Procedia PDF Downloads 39719932 Structural Challenges of Social Integration of Immigrants in Iran: Investigating the Status of Providing Citizenship and Social Services
Authors: Iman Shabanzadeh
In terms of its geopolitical position, Iran has been one of the main centers of migration movements in the world in recent decades. However, the policy makers' lack of preparation in completing the cycle of social integration of these immigrants, especially the second and third generation, has caused these people to always be prone to leave the country and immigrate to developed and industrialized countries. In this research, the issue of integration of immigrants in Iran from the perspective of four indicators, "Identity Documents", "Access to Banking Services", "Access to Health and Treatment Services" and "Obtaining a Driver's License" will be analyzed. The research method is descriptive-analytical. To collect information, library and document sources in the field of laws and regulations related to immigrants' rights in Iran, semi-structured interviews with experts have been used. The investigations of this study show that none of the residence documents of immigrants in Iran guarantee the full enjoyment of basic citizenship rights for them. In fact, the function of many of these identity documents, such as the census card, educational support card, etc., is only to prevent crossing the border, and none of them guarantee the basic rights of citizenship. Therefore, for many immigrants, the difference between legality and illegality is only in the risk of crossing the border, and this has led to the spread of the habit of illegal presence for them. Despite this, it seems that there is no clear and coherent policy framework around the issue of foreign immigrants in the country. This policy incoherence can be clearly seen in the diversity and plurality of identity and legal documents of the citizens present in the country and the policy maker's lack of planning to integrate and organize the identity of this huge group. Examining the differences and socioeconomic inequalities between immigrants and the native Iranian population shows that immigrants have been poorly integrated into the structures of Iranian society from an economic and social point of view.Keywords: immigrants, social integration, citizen services, structural inequality
Procedia PDF Downloads 4519931 Design, Development by Functional Analysis in UML and Static Test of a Multimedia Voice and Video Communication Platform on IP for a Use Adapted to the Context of Local Businesses in Lubumbashi
Authors: Blaise Fyama, Elie Museng, Grace Mukoma
In this article we present a java implementation of video telephony using the SIP protocol (Session Initiation Protocol). After a functional analysis of the SIP protocol, we relied on the work of Italian researchers of University of Parma-Italy to acquire adequate libraries for the development of our own communication tool. In order to optimize the code and improve the prototype, we used, in an incremental approach, test techniques based on a static analysis based on the evaluation of the complexity of the software with the application of metrics and the number cyclomatic of Mccabe. The objective is to promote the emergence of local start-ups producing IP video in a well understood local context. We have arrived at the creation of a video telephony tool whose code is optimized.Keywords: static analysis, coding complexity metric mccabe, Sip, uml
Procedia PDF Downloads 12019930 Play-Based Approaches to Stimulate Language
Authors: Sherri Franklin-Guy
The emergence of language in young children has been well-documented and play-based activities that support its continued development have been utilized in the clinic-based setting. Speech-language pathologists have long used such activities to stimulate the production of language in children with speech and language disorders via modeling and elicitation tasks. This presentation will examine the importance of play in the development of language in young children, including social and pragmatic communication. Implications for clinicians and educators will be discussed.Keywords: language development, language stimulation, play-based activities, symbolic play
Procedia PDF Downloads 24119929 Women's Concerns in Disasters at Family Level in Iranian Context
Authors: Maryam Nakhaei, Hamid Reza Khankeh, Mitra Moodi, Leila Daddoust
Although individuals (men and women) experience disasters in different ways, because of important women’s roles in the family, we aim to shed more light on their issues in doing family. In this report, we present an overview of the main qualitative and quantitative findings of different projects have been conducted in the regions affected by disaster in Iran. This paper explores women’s needs and experiences after disaster at the family level in 'disaster response behavior', 'personal health' including reproductive health and needs of pregnant women, 'livelihood responsibilities', and 'marital relationships'. This clarification can help not only to ensure that their needs are adequately addressed but also to plan family based strategies which consider their strengths.Keywords: disaster, family, women, Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 32119928 Report of Happiness in the Iranian Educational System: A Qualitative Research
Authors: Babak Shamshiri, Najme Dastouri
The purpose of this study is to understand the current situation of happiness in the Iranian educational system from the perspective of students, teachers and educational administrators. This research is done in qualitative paradigm. Data collection is done by in-depth interview method. Research participants were selected purposively according to sampling rules, with maximum variation and reaching the saturation point. According to most participants in this study, schools in Iran are not usually happy. This lack of happiness is associated with and related to the educational system, curriculum, teaching method, physical environment of schools and their facilities.Keywords: happiness, Iran, educational system, qualitative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 22919927 A Framework for Railway Passenger Station Site Selection Using Transit-Oriented Development and Urban Regeneration Approaches
Authors: M. Taghavi Zavareh, H. Saremi
Railway transportation is one of the types of transportation systems which, due to the advantages such as the ability to transport a large number of passengers, environmental protection, low energy consumption, and contribution to tourism, has importance. The existence of suitable and accessible stations is one of the requirements that leads to better performance and plays a significant role in the economic, social, political, and cultural development of urban areas. This paper aims to propose a framework for locating railway passenger stations. This research used descriptive-analytical methods and library tools to answer which definitions and theoretical approaches are suitable for the location of railway passenger stations. The results showed that theoretical approaches such as Transit-Oriented Development and Urban Regeneration are of the utmost importance theoretical bases in the field of research. Moreover, we studied three stations in Iran to find out about real trends and criteria in this research. This study also proposed four major criteria including accessibility, development, rail related and economics, and environmental harmony. Ultimately with an emphasis on the proposed criteria, the study concludes that the combination of Transit-Oriented Development and Urban Regeneration is the most suitable framework to locate railway passenger stations.Keywords: railway passenger station, railway station, site selection, transit-oriented development, urban regeneration
Procedia PDF Downloads 27019926 Communication Barriers in Disaster Risk Management
Authors: Pooja Pandey
The role of communication plays an integral part in the management of any disaster, whether natural or human-induced, both require effective and strategic delivery of information. The way any information is conveyed carries the most weight while dealing with the disaster. Hence, integrating communication strategies in disaster risk management (DRM) are extensively acknowledged however, these integration and planning are missing from the practical books. Researchers are continuously exploring integrated DRM and have established substantial vents between research and implementation of the strategies (gaps between science and policy). For this reason, this paper reviews the communication barriers that obstruct effective management of the disaster. Communication between first responders (government agencies, police, medical services) and the public (people directly affected by the disaster) is most critical and lacks proper delivery during a disaster. And these challenges can only be resolved if the foundation of the problem is properly dealt with, which is resolving the issues within the organizations. Through this study, it was found that it is necessary to build the communication gap between the organizations themselves as most of the hindrances occur during the mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery phase of the disaster. The study is concluded with the main aim to review the communication barriers within and at the organizational, technological, and social levels that impact effective DRM. In the end, some suggestions are made to strengthen the knowledge for future improvement in communication between the responders and their organizations.Keywords: communication, organization, barriers, first responders, disaster risk management
Procedia PDF Downloads 30219925 Necessary Steps for Optimizing Electricity Generation Programs from Ahvaz Electricity Plants, Iran
Authors: Sara Zadehomidi
Iran, a geographically arid and semi-arid country, experiences varying levels of rainfall across its territory. Five major and important rivers, namely Karun, Dez, Karkheh, Jarrahi, and Hendijan, are valuable assets of the Khuzestan province. To address various needs, including those of farmers (especially during hot seasons with no rainfall), drinking water requirements, industrial and environmental, and most importantly, electricity production, dams have been constructed on several of these rivers, with some dams still under construction. The outflow of water from dam reservoirs must be managed in a way that not only preserves the reservoir's potential effectively but also ensures the maximum revenue from electricity generation. Furthermore, it should meet the other mentioned requirements. In this study, scientific methods such as optimization using Lingo software were employed to achieve these objectives. The results, when executed and adhering to the proposed electricity production program with Lingo software, indicate a 35.7% increase in electricity sales revenue over a one-year examination period. Considering that several electricity plants are currently under construction, the importance and necessity of utilizing computer systems for expediting and optimizing the electricity generation program planning from electricity plants will become evident in the future.Keywords: Ahvaz, electricity generation programs, Iran, optimizing
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