Search results for: Fluid Structural Interaction
1402 The Role of the Constructivist Learning Theory and Collaborative Learning Environment on Wiki Classroom and the Relationship between Them
Authors: Ibraheem Alzahrani
This paper seeks to discover the relationship between both the social constructivist learning theory and the collaborative learning environment. This relationship can be identified through given an example of the learning environment. Due to wiki characteristics, wiki can be used to understand the relationship between constructivist learning theory and collaborative learning environment. However, several evidences will come in this paper to support the idea of why wiki is the suitable method to explore the relationship between social constructivist theory and the collaborative learning and their role in learning. Moreover, learning activities in wiki classroom will be discussed in this paper to find out the result of the learners' interaction in the classroom groups, which will be through two types of communication; synchronous and asynchronous.
Keywords: Social constructivist, collaborative, environment, wiki, activities.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 30491401 The Effect of the Tool Geometry and Cutting Conditions on the Tool Deflection and Cutting Forces
In this paper by measuring the cutting forces the effect of the tool shape and qualifications (sharp and worn cutting tools of both vee and knife edge profile) and cutting conditions (depth of cut and cutting speed) in the turning operation on the tool deflection and cutting force is investigated. The workpiece material was mild steel and the cutting tool was made of high speed steel. Cutting forces were measured by a dynamometer (type P.E.I. serial No 154). The dynamometer essentially consisted of a cantilever structure which held the cutting tool. Deflection of the cantilever was measured by an L.V.D.T (Mercer 122) deflection indicator. No cutting fluid was used during the turning operations. A modern CNC lathe machine (Okuma LH35-N) was used for the tests. It was noted that worn vee profile tools tended to produce a greater increase in the vertical force component than the axial component, whereas knife tools tended to show a more pronounced increase in the axial component.Keywords: Cutting force, Tool deflection, Turning, Cuttingconditions.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 33541400 Voluntary Information of Intellectual Capital Disclosed Online by Public Spanish Universities
Authors: Yolanda Ramírez, Ángel Tejada, Agustín Baidez
The purpose of this paper is to examine the quality of voluntary intellectual capital disclosure by public Spanish universities on their websites. To this end, a content analysis was used to analyze the websites of 50 public Spanish universities i 2016. The results of this study show that human capital was the most disclosed category with relational capital being the least frequently disclosed in Spain. However, the quality of structural capital disclosures was higher than relational and human capital. Finally, most IC disclosures were narrative in nature.
Keywords: Intellectual capital, quality disclosure, websites, universities, Spain.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 6191399 A Methodology to Virtualize Technical Engineering Laboratories: MastrLAB-VR
Authors: Ivana Scidà, Francesco Alotto, Anna Osello
Due to the importance given today to innovation, the education sector is evolving thanks digital technologies. Virtual Reality (VR) can be a potential teaching tool offering many advantages in the field of training and education, as it allows to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills using an immersive experience in less time than the traditional educational process. These assumptions allow to lay the foundations for a new educational environment, involving and stimulating for students. Starting from the objective of strengthening the innovative teaching offer and the learning processes, the case study of the research concerns the digitalization of MastrLAB, High Quality Laboratory (HQL) belonging to the Department of Structural, Building and Geotechnical Engineering (DISEG) of the Polytechnic of Turin, a center specialized in experimental mechanical tests on traditional and innovative building materials and on the structures made with them. The MastrLAB-VR has been developed, a revolutionary innovative training tool designed with the aim of educating the class in total safety on the techniques of use of machinery, thus reducing the dangers arising from the performance of potentially dangerous activities. The virtual laboratory, dedicated to the students of the Building and Civil Engineering Courses of the Polytechnic of Turin, has been projected to simulate in an absolutely realistic way the experimental approach to the structural tests foreseen in their courses of study: from the tensile tests to the relaxation tests, from the steel qualification tests to the resilience tests on elements at environmental conditions or at characterizing temperatures. The research work proposes a methodology for the virtualization of technical laboratories through the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM), starting from the creation of a digital model. The process includes the creation of an independent application, which with Oculus Rift technology will allow the user to explore the environment and interact with objects through the use of joypads. The application has been tested in prototype way on volunteers, obtaining results related to the acquisition of the educational notions exposed in the experience through a virtual quiz with multiple answers, achieving an overall evaluation report. The results have shown that MastrLAB-VR is suitable for both beginners and experts and will be adopted experimentally for other laboratories of the University departments.
Keywords: Building Information Modelling, digital learning, education, virtual laboratory, virtual reality.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 8481398 Customer Knowledge and Service Development, the Web 2.0 Role in Co-production
Authors: Roberto Boselli, Mirko Cesarini, Mario Mezzanzanica
The paper is concerned with relationships between SSME and ICTs and focuses on the role of Web 2.0 tools in the service development process. The research presented aims at exploring how collaborative technologies can support and improve service processes, highlighting customer centrality and value coproduction. The core idea of the paper is the centrality of user participation and the collaborative technologies as enabling factors; Wikipedia is analyzed as an example. The result of such analysis is the identification and description of a pattern characterising specific services in which users collaborate by means of web tools with value co-producers during the service process. The pattern of collaborative co-production concerning several categories of services including knowledge based services is then discussed.Keywords: Service Interaction Patterns, Services Science, Web2.0 tools, Service Development Process.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 17311397 Eccentric Loading of CFDST Columns
Authors: Trevor N. Haas, Alexander Koen
Columns have traditionally been constructed of reinforced concrete or structural steel. Much attention was allocated to estimate the axial capacity of the traditional column sections to the detriment of other forms of construction. Other forms of column construction such as Concrete Filled Double Skin Tubes received little research attention, and almost no attention when subjected to eccentric loading. This paper investigates the axial capacity of columns when subjected to eccentric loading. The experimental axial capacities are compared to other established theoretical formulae on concentric loading to determine a possible relationship. The study found a good correlation between the reduction in axial capacity for different column lengths and hollow section ratios.
Keywords: CSDST, CFST, Axial Capacity.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 31841396 Structural and Electrical Properties of BNT-BT0.08 Ceramics Processed by Spark Plasma Sintering
Authors: Ciceron Berbecaru, Marin Cernea, Gheorghe Virgil Aldica, Roxana Trusca
(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 doped with 8 mol % BaTiO3 powder (BNT-BT0.08), prepared by sol-gel method was compacted and sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) process. The influence of SPS temperature on the densification of BNT-BT0.08 ceramic was investigated. Starting from sol-gel nanopowder of BNT-BT containing 8 mol % BaTiO3 with an average particles size of about 30 nm, were obtained ceramics with density around 98 % of the theoretical density value when the SPS temperature used was about 850 °C. The average grain size of the resulting ceramics was 80 nm. The BNT-BT0.08 ceramic sample obtained by SPS method has shown good electric properties at various frequencies.Keywords: (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 doped with BaTiO3, Spark PlasmaSintering (SPS), dielectric properties
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 25491395 Characteristics of Successful Sales Interaction in B2B Sales Meetings
Authors: A. Alamäki, T. Kaski
The value co-creation has gained much attention in sales research, but less is known about how salespeople and customers interact in the authentic business to business (B2B) sales meetings. The study presented in this paper empirically contributes to existing research by presenting authentic B2B sales meetings that were video recorded and analyzed using observation and qualitative content analysis methods. This paper aims to study key elements of successful sales interactions between salespeople and customers/ buyers. This study points out that salespeople are selling value rather than the products or services themselves, which are only enablers in realizing business benefits. Therefore, our findings suggest that promoting and easing open discourse is an essential part of a successful sales encounter. A better understanding of how salespeople and customers successfully interact would help salespeople to develop their interpersonal sales skills.
Keywords: Personal selling, Relationship, Sales Management, Value Co-Creation.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 36541394 Representing Uncertainty in Computer-Generated Forces
Authors: Ruibiao J. Guo, Brad Cain, Pierre Meunier
The Integrated Performance Modelling Environment (IPME) is a powerful simulation engine for task simulation and performance analysis. However, it has no high level cognition such as memory and reasoning for complex simulation. This article introduces a knowledge representation and reasoning scheme that can accommodate uncertainty in simulations of military personnel with IPME. This approach demonstrates how advanced reasoning models that support similarity-based associative process, rule-based abstract process, multiple reasoning methods and real-time interaction can be integrated with conventional task network modelling to provide greater functionality and flexibility when modelling operator performance.Keywords: Computer-Generated Forces, Human Behaviour Representation, IPME, Modelling and Simulation, Uncertainty Reasoning
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 21201393 Component Criticality Importance Measures in Thermal Power Plants Design
Authors: Smajo Bisanovic, Mensur Hajro, Mersiha Samardzic
This paper presents quantitative component criticality importance indices applicable for identifying and ranking critical components in the phase of thermal power plants design. Identifying critical components for power plant reliability provides one important input to decision-making and guidance throughout the development project. The study of components criticality importance indices to several characteristic structural schemes of conventional thermal power plant is presented and discussed.
Keywords: Component criticality importance measures, discrete event, reliability, thermal power plant.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 25291392 Research of Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics of Nonlinear Oscillations of the Interface of Two-Layered Liquid
Authors: Win Ko Ko, A. N. Temnov
The problem of nonlinear oscillations of a two-layer liquid completely filling a limited volume is considered. Using two basic asymmetric harmonics excited in two mutually perpendicular planes, ordinary differential equations of nonlinear oscillations of the interface of a two-layer liquid are investigated. In this paper, hydrodynamic coefficients of linear and nonlinear problems in integral relations were determined. As a result, the instability regions of forced oscillations of a two-layered liquid in a cylindrical tank occurring in the plane of action of the disturbing force are constructed, as well as the dynamic instability regions of the parametric resonance for different ratios of densities of the upper and lower liquids depending on the amplitudes of liquids from the excitations frequencies. Steady-state regimes of fluid motion were found in the regions of dynamic instability of the initial oscillation form. The Bubnov-Galerkin method is used to construct instability regions for approximate solution of nonlinear differential equations.
Keywords: Hydrodynamic coefficients, instability region, nonlinear oscillations, resonance frequency, two-layered liquid.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 5681391 Serious Game for Autism Children: Review of Literature
Authors: Helmi Adly Mohd Noor, Faaizah Shahbodin, Naim Che Pee
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a pervasive developmental disorder which affects individuals with varying degrees of impairment. Currently, there has been ample research done in serious game for autism children. Although serious games are traditionally associated with software developments, developing them in the autism field involves studying the associated technology and paying attention to aspects related to interaction with the game. Serious Games for autism cover matters related to education, therapy for communication, psychomotor treatment and social behavior enhancement. In this paper, a systematic review sets out the lines of development and research currently being conducted into serious games which pursue some form of benefit in the field of autism. This paper includes a literature review of relevant serious game developments since in year 2007 and examines new trends.
Keywords: Serious Game, Autism, Education, Therapy
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 74821390 Conceptual Design of Aeroelastic Demonstrator for Whirl Flutter Simulation
Authors: J. Cecrdle, J. Malecek
This paper deals with the conceptual design of the new aeroelastic demonstrator for the whirl flutter simulation. The paper gives a theoretical background of the whirl flutter phenomenon and describes the events of the whirl flutter occurrence in the aerospace practice. The second part is focused on the experimental research of the whirl flutter on aeroelastic similar models. Finally the concept of the new aeroelastic demonstrator is described. The demonstrator represents the wing and engine of the twin turboprop commuter aircraft including a driven propeller. It allows the changes of the main structural parameters influencing the whirl flutter stability characteristics. It is intended for the experimental investigation of the whirl flutter in the wind tunnel. The results will be utilized for validation of analytical methods and software tools.Keywords: aeroelasticity, flutter, whirl flutter, W-WING demonstrator
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 31021389 Haptics Enabled Offline AFM Image Analysis
Authors: Bhatti A., Nahavandi S., Hossny M.
Current advancements in nanotechnology are dependent on the capabilities that can enable nano-scientists to extend their eyes and hands into the nano-world. For this purpose, a haptics (devices capable of recreating tactile or force sensations) based system for AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) is proposed. The system enables the nano-scientists to touch and feel the sample surfaces, viewed through AFM, in order to provide them with better understanding of the physical properties of the surface, such as roughness, stiffness and shape of molecular architecture. At this stage, the proposed work uses of ine images produced using AFM and perform image analysis to create virtual surfaces suitable for haptics force analysis. The research work is in the process of extension from of ine to online process where interaction will be done directly on the material surface for realistic analysis.Keywords: Haptics, AFM, force feedback, image analysis.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 15101388 Weka Based Desktop Data Mining as Web Service
Authors: Sujala.D.Shetty, S.Vadivel, Sakshi Vaghella
Data mining is the process of sifting through large volumes of data, analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information. One of the widely used desktop applications for data mining is the Weka tool which is nothing but a collection of machine learning algorithms implemented in Java and open sourced under the General Public License (GPL). A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine to machine interaction over a network using SOAP messages. Unlike a desktop application, a web service is easy to upgrade, deliver and access and does not occupy any memory on the system. Keeping in mind the advantages of a web service over a desktop application, in this paper we are demonstrating how this Java based desktop data mining application can be implemented as a web service to support data mining across the internet.Keywords: desktop application, Weka mining, web service
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 40851387 3D CFD Simulation of Thermal Hydraulic Performances on Louvered Fin Automotive Heat Exchangers
Authors: S. Ben Saad, F. Ayad, H. Damotte
This study deals with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) studies of the interactions between the air flow and louvered fins which equipped the automotive heat exchangers. 3D numerical simulation results are obtained by using the ANSYS Fluent 13.0 code and compared to experimental data. The paper studies the effect of louver angle and louver pitch geometrical parameters, on overall thermal hydraulic performances of louvered fins. The comparison between CFD simulations and experimental data show that established 3-D CFD model gives a good agreement. The validation agrees, with about 7% of deviation respectively of friction and Colburn factors to experimental results. As first, it is found that the louver angle has a strong influence on the heat transfer rate. Then, louver angle and louver pitch variation of the louvers and their effects on thermal hydraulic performances are studied. In addition to this study, it is shown that the second half of the fin takes has a significant contribution on pressure drop increase without any increase in heat transfer.Keywords: CFD simulations, automotive heat exchanger, performances.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 29921386 Alteration of Bone Strength in Osteoporosis of Mouse Femora: Computational Study Based on Micro CT Images
Authors: Changsoo Chon, Sangkuy Han, Donghyun Seo, Jihyung Park, Bokku Kang, Hansung Kim, Keyoungjin Chun, Cheolwoong Ko
The purpose of the study is to develop a finite element model based on 3D bone structural images of Micro-CT and to analyze the stress distribution for the osteoporosis mouse femora. In this study, results of finite element analysis show that the early osteoporosis of mouse model decreased a bone density in trabecular region; however, the bone density in cortical region increased.
Keywords: Micro-CT, finite element analysis, osteoporosis, bone strength.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 17041385 Transient Solution of an Incompressible Viscous Flow in a Channel with Sudden Expansion/Contraction
Authors: Durga C. Dalal, Swapan K. Pandit
In this paper, a numerical study has been made to analyze the transient 2-D flows of a viscous incompressible fluid through channels with forward or backward constriction. Problems addressed include flow through sudden contraction and sudden expansion channel geometries with rounded and increasingly sharp reentrant corner. In both the cases, numerical results are presented for the separation and reattachment points, streamlines, vorticity and flow patterns. A fourth order accurate compact scheme has been employed to efficiently capture steady state solutions of the governing equations. It appears from our study that sharpness of the throat in the channel is one of the important parameters to control the strength and size of the separation zone without modifying the general flow patterns. The comparison between the two cases shows that the upstream geometry plays a significant role on vortex growth dynamics.Keywords: Forward and backward constriction, HOC scheme, Incompressible viscous flows, Separation and reattachment points.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 16981384 Oriented Strandboard-GEOGYPTM Underlayment - A Novel Composite Flooring System
Authors: B. Noruziaan, A. Shvarzman, R. Leahy
An innovative flooring underlayment was produced and tested. The composite system is made of common OSB boards and a layer of eco-friendly non-cement gypsum based material (GeoGypTM). It was found that the shear bond between the two materials is sufficient to secure the composite interaction between the two. The very high compressive strength and relatively high tensile strength of the non-cement based component together with its high modulus of elasticity provides enough strength and stiffness for the composite product to cover wider spacing between the joists. The initial findings of this study indicate that with joist spacing as wide as 800 mm, the flooring system provides enough strength without compromising the serviceability requirements of the building codes.
Keywords: Composite, floor deck, gypsum based, lumber joist, non-cement, oriented strandboard, shear bond.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 18331383 Effect of Mass Transfer on MHD Mixed Convective Flow along Inclined Porous Plate with Thermodiffusion
Authors: Md. Nasir Uddin, M. A. Alim, M. M. K. Chowdhury
The effect of mass transfer on MHD mixed convective flow along inclined porous plate with thermodiffusion have been analyzed on the basis of boundary layer approximations. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and dense, and a uniform magnetic field is applied normal to the direction of the flow. A Similarity transformation is used to transform the problem under consideration into coupled nonlinear boundary layer equations which are then solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta sixth-order integration scheme together with Nachtsheim-Swigert shooting iteration technique. The behavior of velocity, temperature, concentration, local skin-friction, local Nusselt number and local Sherwood number for different values of parameters have been computed and the results are presented graphically, and analyzed thereafter. The validity of the numerical methodology and the results are questioned by comparing the findings obtained for some specific cases with those available in the literature, and a comparatively good agreement is reached.
Keywords: Mass transfer, inclined porous plate, MHD, mixed convection, thermodiffusion.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 24441382 Integrating Computer Games with Mathematics Instruction in Elementary School- An Analysis of Motivation, Achievement, and Pupil-Teacher Interactions
Authors: Kuo Hung Huang, Chong-Ji Ke
The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of computer games on the mathematics instruction. First, the research designed and implemented the web-based games according to the content of existing textbook. And the researcher collected and analyzed the information related to the mathematics instruction integrating the computer games. In this study, the researcher focused on the learning motivation of mathematics, mathematics achievement, and pupil-teacher interactions in classroom. The results showed that students under instruction integrating computer games significantly improved in motivation and achievement. The teacher tended to use less direct teaching and provide more time for student-s active learning.Keywords: computer games, mathematics instruction, pupil-teacher interaction, technology-enhanced learning
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 19301381 Stability of Interconnected Systems under Structural Perturbation: Decomposition-Aggregation Approach
Authors: M. Kidouche, H. Habbi, M. Zelmat
In this paper, the decomposition-aggregation method is used to carry out connective stability criteria for general linear composite system via aggregation. The large scale system is decomposed into a number of subsystems. By associating directed graphs with dynamic systems in an essential way, we define the relation between system structure and stability in the sense of Lyapunov. The stability criteria is then associated with the stability and system matrices of subsystems as well as those interconnected terms among subsystems using the concepts of vector differential inequalities and vector Lyapunov functions. Then, we show that the stability of each subsystem and stability of the aggregate model imply connective stability of the overall system. An example is reported, showing the efficiency of the proposed technique.Keywords: Composite system, Connective stability, Lyapunovfunctions.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 15081380 Combined Analysis of Sudoku Square Designs with Same Treatments
Authors: A. Danbaba
Several experiments are conducted at different environments such as locations or periods (seasons) with identical treatments to each experiment purposely to study the interaction between the treatments and environments or between the treatments and periods (seasons). The commonly used designs of experiments for this purpose are randomized block design, Latin square design, balanced incomplete block design, Youden design, and one or more factor designs. The interest is to carry out a combined analysis of the data from these multi-environment experiments, instead of analyzing each experiment separately. This paper proposed combined analysis of experiments conducted via Sudoku square design of odd order with same experimental treatments.Keywords: Sudoku designs, combined analysis, multi-environment experiments, common treatments.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 15411379 Two Spatial Experiments based on Computational Geometry
Authors: Marco Hemmerling
The paper outlines the relevance of computational geometry within the design and production process of architecture. Based on two case studies, the digital chain - from the initial formfinding to the final realization of spatial concepts - is discussed in relation to geometric principles. The association with the fascinating complexity that can be found in nature and its underlying geometry was the starting point for both projects presented in the paper. The translation of abstract geometric principles into a three-dimensional digital design model – realized in Rhinoceros – was followed by a process of transformation and optimization of the initial shape that integrated aesthetic, spatial and structural qualities as well as aspects of material properties and conditions of production.Keywords: Architecture, Computer Aided Architectural Design, 3D-Modeling, Rapid Prototyping, CAD/CAM.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 15971378 Viscosity Model for Predicting the Power Output from Ocean Salinity and Temperature Energy Conversion System (OSTEC) Part 1: Theoretical Formulation
Authors: Ag. S. Abd. Hamid, S. K. Lee, J. Dayou, R. Yusoff, F. Sulaiman
The mixture between two fluids of different salinity has been proven to capable of producing electricity in an ocean salinity energy conversion system known as hydrocratic generator. The system relies on the difference between the salinity of the incoming fresh water and the surrounding sea water in the generator. In this investigation, additional parameter is introduced which is the temperature difference between the two fluids; hence the system is known as Ocean Salinity and Temperature Energy Conversion System (OSTEC). The investigation is divided into two papers. This first paper of Part 1 presents the theoretical formulation by considering the effect of fluid dynamic viscosity known as Viscosity Model and later compares with the conventional formulation which is Density Model. The dynamic viscosity model is used to predict the dynamic of the fluids in the system which in turns gives the analytical formulation of the potential power output that can be harvested.
Keywords: Buoyancy, density, frictional head loss, kinetic power, viscosity.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 18711377 Friction Behavior of Wood-Plastic Composites against Uncoated Cemented Carbide
Authors: A. Vilutis, V. Jankauskas
The paper presents the results of the investigation of the dry sliding friction of wood-plastic composites (WPCs) against tungsten carbide-cobalt (WC-Co) hard alloy. The dependence of the dynamic coefficient of friction on the main influencing factors (vertical load, temperature, and sliding distance) was investigated by evaluating their mutual interaction. Multiple regression analysis showed a high polynomial dependence (adjusted R2 > 0.98). The resistance of the composite to thermo-mechanical effects determines how temperature and force factors affect the magnitude of the coefficient of friction. WPC-B composite has the lowest friction and highest resistance compared to WPC-A, while composite and cemented carbide materials wear the least. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), based on elemental composition, provided important insights into the friction process.
Keywords: Friction, composite, carbide, temperature.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 781376 Data Annotation Models and Annotation Query Language
Authors: Neerja Bhatnagar, Benjoe A. Juliano, Renee S. Renner
This paper presents data annotation models at five levels of granularity (database, relation, column, tuple, and cell) of relational data to address the problem of unsuitability of most relational databases to express annotations. These models do not require any structural and schematic changes to the underlying database. These models are also flexible, extensible, customizable, database-neutral, and platform-independent. This paper also presents an SQL-like query language, named Annotation Query Language (AnQL), to query annotation documents. AnQL is simple to understand and exploits the already-existent wide knowledge and skill set of SQL.Keywords: annotation query language, data annotations, data annotation models, semantic data annotations
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 23581375 Modeling Prices of Electricity Futures at EEX
Authors: Robest Flasza, Milan Rippel, Jan Solc
The main aim of this paper is to develop and calibrate an econometric model for modeling prices of long term electricity futures contracts. The calibration of our model is performed on data from EEX AG allowing us to capture the specific features of German electricity market. The data sample contains several structural breaks which have to be taken into account for modeling. We model the data with an ARIMAX model which reveals high correlation between the price of electricity futures contracts and prices of LT futures contracts of fuels (namely coal, natural gas and crude oil). Besides this, also a share price index of representative electricity companies traded on Xetra, spread between 10Y and 1Y German bonds and exchange rate between EUR and USD appeared to have significant explanatory power over these futures contracts on EEX.Keywords: electricity futures, EEX, ARIMAX, emissionallowances
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 20141374 Mathematical Simulation of Acid Concentration Effects during Acid Nitric Leaching of Cobalt from a Mixed Cobalt-Copper Oxide
Authors: Ek Ngoy, A F Mulaba-Bafubiandi
Cobalt was acid nitric leached from a mixed cobaltcopper oxide with variable acid concentration. Resulting experimental data were used to analyze effects of increase in acid concentration, based on a shrinking core model of the process. The mathematical simulation demonstrated that the time rate of the dissolution mechanism is an increasing function of acid concentration. It was also shown that the magnitude of the acid concentration effect is time dependent and the increase in acid concentration is more effective at earlier stage of the dissolution than at later stage. The remaining process parameters are comprehensively affected by acid concentration and their interaction is synergetic.Keywords: Acid effect, Cobalt, Cobalt-copper oxide, Leaching, Simulation
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 18491373 Self-Assembling Hypernetworks for Cognitive Learning of Linguistic Memory
Authors: Byoung-Tak Zhang, Chan-Hoon Park
Hypernetworks are a generalized graph structure representing higher-order interactions between variables. We present a method for self-organizing hypernetworks to learn an associative memory of sentences and to recall the sentences from this memory. This learning method is inspired by the “mental chemistry" model of cognition and the “molecular self-assembly" technology in biochemistry. Simulation experiments are performed on a corpus of natural-language dialogues of approximately 300K sentences collected from TV drama captions. We report on the sentence completion performance as a function of the order of word-interaction and the size of the learning corpus, and discuss the plausibility of this architecture as a cognitive model of language learning and memory.Keywords: Linguistic recall memory, sentence completion task, self-organizing hypernetworks, cognitive learning and memory.
Procedia APA BibTeX Chicago EndNote Harvard JSON MLA RIS XML ISO 690 PDF Downloads 1500