Search results for: South Algeria
1146 Comparison of Different Techniques to Estimate Surface Soil Moisture
Authors: S. Farid F. Mojtahedi, Ali Khosravi, Behnaz Naeimian, S. Adel A. Hosseini
Land subsidence is a gradual settling or sudden sinking of the land surface from changes that take place underground. There are different causes of land subsidence; most notably, ground-water overdraft and severe weather conditions. Subsidence of the land surface due to ground water overdraft is caused by an increase in the intergranular pressure in unconsolidated aquifers, which results in a loss of buoyancy of solid particles in the zone dewatered by the falling water table and accordingly compaction of the aquifer. On the other hand, exploitation of underground water may result in significant changes in degree of saturation of soil layers above the water table, increasing the effective stress in these layers, and considerable soil settlements. This study focuses on estimation of soil moisture at surface using different methods. Specifically, different methods for the estimation of moisture content at the soil surface, as an important term to solve Richard’s equation and estimate soil moisture profile are presented, and their results are discussed through comparison with field measurements obtained from Yanco1 station in south-eastern Australia. Surface soil moisture is not easy to measure at the spatial scale of a catchment. Due to the heterogeneity of soil type, land use, and topography, surface soil moisture may change considerably in space and time.Keywords: artificial neural network, empirical method, remote sensing, surface soil moisture, unsaturated soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 3591145 Effectiveness of ISSR Technique in Revealing Genetic Diversity of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Representing Various Parts of the World
Authors: Mohamed El-Shikh
Phaseolus vulgaris L. is the world’s second most important bean after soybeans; used for human food and animal feed. It has generally been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cancer and diseases of digestive tract. The effectiveness of ISSR in achievement of the genetic diversity among 60 common bean accessions; represent various germplasms around the world was investigated. In general, the studied Phaseolus vulgaris accessions were divided into 2 major groups. All of the South-American accessions were separated into the second major group. These accessions may have different genetic features that are distinct from the rest of the accessions clustered in the major group. Asia and Europe accessions (1-20) seem to be more genetically similar (99%) to each other as they clustered in the same sub-group. The American and African varieties showed similarities as well and clustered in the same sub-tree group. In contrast, Asian and American accessions No. 22 and 23 showed a high level of genetic similarities, although these were isolated from different regions. The phylogenetic tree showed that all the Asian accessions (along with Australian No. 59 and 60) were similar except Indian and Yemen accessions No. 9 and 20. Only Netherlands accession No. 3 was different from the rest of European accessions. Morocco accession No. 52 was genetically different from the rest of the African accessions. Canadian accession No. 44 seems to be different from the other North American accessions including Guatemala, Mexico and USA.Keywords: phylogenetic tree, Phaseolus vulgaris, ISSR technique, genetics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4091144 Effects of Transtheoretical Model in Obese and Overweight Women Nutritional Behavior Change and Lose Weight
Authors: Abdmohammad Mousavi, Mohsen Shams, Mehdi Akbartabar Toori, Ali Mousavizadeh, Mohammad Ali Morowatisharifabad
The effectiveness of Transtheoretical Model (TTM) on nutritional behavior change and lose weight has been subject to questions by some studies. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nutritional behavior change and lose weight interventions based on TTM in obese and overweight women. This experimental study that was a 8 months trial nutritional behavior change and weight loss program based on TTM with two conditions and pre–post intervention measurements weight mean. 299 obese and overweight 20-44 years old women were selected from two health centers include training (142) and control (157) groups in Yasuj, a city in south west of Iran. Data were analyzed using paired T-test and One–Way ANOVA tests. In baseline, adherence with nutritional healthy behavior in training group(9.4%) compare with control(38.8%) were different significantly(p=.003), weight mean of training(Mean=78.02 kg, SD=11.67) compared with control group(Mean=77.23 kg, SD=10.25) were not (P=.66). In post test, adherence with nutritional healthy behavior in training group(70.1%) compare with control (37.4%) were different significantly (p=.000), weight mean of training (Mean=74.65 kg, SD=10.93, p=.000) compare with pre test were different significantly and control (Mean=77.43 kg, SD=10.43, p=.411) were not. The training group has lost 3.37 kg weight, whereas the control group has increased .2 kg weight. These results supported the applicability of the TTM for women weight lose intervention.Keywords: nutritional behavior, Transtheoretical Model, weight lose, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 4851143 Inversion of Gravity Data for Density Reconstruction
Authors: Arka Roy, Chandra Prakash Dubey
Inverse problem generally used for recovering hidden information from outside available data. Vertical component of gravity field we will be going to use for underneath density structure calculation. Ill-posing nature is main obstacle for any inverse problem. Linear regularization using Tikhonov formulation are used for appropriate choice of SVD and GSVD components. For real time data handle, signal to noise ratios should have to be less for reliable solution. In our study, 2D and 3D synthetic model with rectangular grid are used for gravity field calculation and its corresponding inversion for density reconstruction. Fine grid also we have considered to hold any irregular structure. Keeping in mind of algebraic ambiguity factor number of observation point should be more than that of number of data point. Picard plot is represented here for choosing appropriate or main controlling Eigenvalues for a regularized solution. Another important study is depth resolution plot (DRP). DRP are generally used for studying how the inversion is influenced by regularizing or discretizing. Our further study involves real time gravity data inversion of Vredeforte Dome South Africa. We apply our method to this data. The results include density structure is in good agreement with known formation in that region, which puts an additional support of our method.Keywords: depth resolution plot, gravity inversion, Picard plot, SVD, Tikhonov formulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2141142 A Review of Common Tropical Culture Trees
Authors: Victoria Tobi Dada, Emmanuel Dada
Culture trees are notable agricultural system in the tropical region of the world because of its great contribution to the economy of this region. Plantation agriculture such as oil palm, cocoa, cashew and rubber are the dominant agricultural trees in the tropical countries with the at least mean annual rainfall of 1500mm and 280c temperature. The study examines the review developmental trend in the common tropical culture trees. The study shows that global area of land occupied by rubber plantation increased from 9464276 hectares to 11739333 hectares between year 2010 and 2017, while oil palm cultivated land area increased from 1851278 in 2010 hectares to 2042718 hectares in 2013 across 35 countries. Global cashew plantation cultivation are dominated by West Africa with 44.8%, South-Eastern Asia with 32.9% and Sothern Asia with 13.8%, while the remaining 8.5% of the cultivated land area were distributed among six other tropical countries of the world. Cocoa cultivation and production globally are dominated by five West African countries, Indonesia and Brazil. The study revealed that notable tropical culture trees have not study together to determine their spatial distribution.Keywords: culture trees, tropical region, cultivated area, spatial distribution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041141 Healing in Lourdes: Qualitative Research with Pilgrims and Their Carers
Authors: Emmylou Rahtz, Sarah Goldingay, Sara Warber, Ann Arbor, Paul Dieppe
Introduction: Lourdes is a Catholic, Marian healing venue in South West France. Many miraculous cures have been attributed to visits there. In addition, many visitors seem to experience improvements in health and wellbeing, in the absence of a cure of disease. We wanted to investigate that phenomenon. Methods: We spent 10 days in Lourdes in 2017, carrying out ethnographic research, talking to many visitors, and carrying out formal, recorded interviews with several pilgrims, doctors, nurses, helpers, and priests. Results: Profound experiences and improvements in health and wellbeing were commonly reported. A number of ‘noetic’ experiences were also described. The paper will illustrate these phenomena. In addition, many participants in the research talked about why being in Lourdes was so beneficial to them. The community spirit, ethos of prayer, flow, synchronicity, and ability to find new meaning for life’s ills were cited as likely reasons. Conclusions: We believe that the ‘real miracle’ of Lourdes is the fact that of the many hundreds of thousands of people who go there each year, many find great benefit in health and wellbeing. It is likely that this is due to the ethos of the place, the community spirit, non-judgmental approach and loving acceptance of all aspects of humanity. Acknowledgments: We thank the BIAL foundation for generous funding of this research, and Dr. Alessandro de Franciscis and his team for facilitating our work, as well as all those who participated.Keywords: healing, miracles, noetic experiences, wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471140 Profiling, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Acacia decurrens (Willd) an Invasive South Africa Tree
Authors: Joe Modise, Bamidel Joseph Okoli, Nas Molefe, Imelda Ledwaba
The present study describes the chemical profile and antioxidant potential of the stem bark of Acacia decurrens. The methanol fraction of A. decurrens stem bark gave the highest yield (20 %), while the hexane fraction had the lowest yield (0.2 %). The GC-MS spectra of the hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions confirm the presence of fifty two major compounds and the ICP-OES analysis of the stem bark was found to contain Co(0.41), Zn(1.75), Mn(3.69), Ca(8.67), Ni(10.54), Mg(12.98), Cr(24.38), K(47.88), Fe(154.62) ppm; which is an indication of hyper-accumulation capacity. The UV-Visible spectra of showed four absorption maxima for hexane fraction at 665 (0.028), 410 (0.116), 335 (0.278) and 250 (0.007) nm, three for chloroform fraction at 665 (0.028), 335 (0.278) and 250 (0.007) nm , three for ethyl acetate fraction at 665 (0.070), 390 (0.648) and 345 (0.663) nm and three for methanol fraction at 385 (0.508), 310 (0.886) and 295 (0.899) nm respectively. Quantitative phytochemical screening indicated that the alkaloid (0.6-3.3) % and saponins (5.1-8.6) % contents of the various fractions were significantly lower than the tannin (30.9-55.8) mg TAE/g, steroid(13.92-41.2) %, phenol (40.6-65.5) mgGAE/g and flavonoids (210.2 -284.9) mg RUE/g contents. The antioxidant activity of the fractions was analysed by different methods and revealed good to moderate antioxidant potential with different IC50 values viz. (42.2-49.6) mg/mL for ABTS and (37.8-75.0) μg/ml for DPPH respectively, compared to standard antioxidants. Based on obtained results, the A.decurrens stem bark fractions can be a source of safe, sustainable natural antioxidant drug and can be exploited as a source of controlled green-heavy metal cleaner.Keywords: Acacia decurrens, antioxidant, DPPH, ABTS, hyperaccumulation, Menstruum, ICP-OES, GC-MS, UV/visible
Procedia PDF Downloads 3271139 Breast Cancer Risk is Predicted Using Fuzzy Logic in MATLAB Environment
Authors: S. Valarmathi, P. B. Harathi, R. Sridhar, S. Balasubramanian
Machine learning tools in medical diagnosis is increasing due to the improved effectiveness of classification and recognition systems to help medical experts in diagnosing breast cancer. In this study, ID3 chooses the splitting attribute with the highest gain in information, where gain is defined as the difference between before the split versus after the split. It is applied for age, location, taluk, stage, year, period, martial status, treatment, heredity, sex, and habitat against Very Serious (VS), Very Serious Moderate (VSM), Serious (S) and Not Serious (NS) to calculate the gain of information. The ranked histogram gives the gain of each field for the breast cancer data. The doctors use TNM staging which will decide the risk level of the breast cancer and play an important decision making field in fuzzy logic for perception based measurement. Spatial risk area (taluk) of the breast cancer is calculated. Result clearly states that Coimbatore (North and South) was found to be risk region to the breast cancer than other areas at 20% criteria. Weighted value of taluk was compared with criterion value and integrated with Map Object to visualize the results. ID3 algorithm shows the high breast cancer risk regions in the study area. The study has outlined, discussed and resolved the algorithms, techniques / methods adopted through soft computing methodology like ID3 algorithm for prognostic decision making in the seriousness of the breast cancer.Keywords: ID3 algorithm, breast cancer, fuzzy logic, MATLAB
Procedia PDF Downloads 5191138 Performance Assessment of Recycled Alum Sludge in the Treatment of Textile Industry Effluent in South Africa
Authors: Tony Ngoy Mbodi, Christophe Muanda
Textile industry is considered as one of the most polluting sectors in terms of effluent volume of discharge and wastewater composition, such as dye, which represents an environmental hazard when discharged without any proper treatment. A study was conducted to investigate the capability of the use of recycled alum sludge (RAS) as an alternative treatment for the reduction of colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH adjustment from dye based synthetic textile industry wastewater. The coagulation/flocculation process was studied for coagulants of Alum:RAS ratio of, 1:1, 2:1, 1:2 and 0:1. Experiments on treating the synthetic wastewater using membrane filtration and adsorption with corn cobs were also conducted. Results from the coagulation experiment were compared to those from adsorption with corn cobs and membrane filtration experiments conducted on the same synthetic wastewater. The results of the RAS experiments were also evaluated against standard guidelines for industrial effluents treated for discharge purposes in order to establish its level of compliance. Based on current results, it can be concluded that reusing the alum sludge as a low-cost material pretreatment method into the coagulation/flocculation process can offer some advantages such as high removal efficiency for disperse dye and economic savings on overall treatment of the industry wastewater.Keywords: alum, coagulation/flocculation, dye, recycled alum sludge, textile wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531137 Social Inclusion Challenges in Indigenous Communities: Case of the Baka Pygmies Community of Cameroon
Authors: Igor Michel Gachig, Samanta Tiague
Baka ‘Pygmies’ is an indigenous community living in the rainforest region of Cameroon. This community is known to be poor and marginalized from the political, economic and social life, regardless of sedentarization and development efforts. In fact, the social exclusion of ‘Pygmy’ people prevents them from gaining basic citizen’s rights, among which access to education, land, healthcare, employment and justice. In this study, social interactions, behaviors, and perceptions were considered. An interview guide and focus group discussions were used to collect data. A sample size of 97 was used, with 60 Baka Pygmies and 37 Bantus from two Baka-Bantu settlements/villages of the south region of Cameroon. The data were classified in terms of homogenous, exhaustive and exclusive categories. This classification has enabled factors explaining social exclusion in the Baka community to be highlighted using content analysis. The study shows that (i) limited access to education, natural resources and care in modern healthcare organizations, and (ii) different views on the development expectations and integration approaches both highlight the social exclusion in the Baka ‘Pygmies’ community. Therefore, an effective and adequate social integration of ‘Pygmies’ based on cultural peculiarities and identity, as well as reduction of disparities and improvement of their access to education should be of major concern to the government and policy makers.Keywords: development, indigenous people, integration, social exclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381136 A New Development Pathway And Innovative Solutions Through Food Security System
Authors: Osatuyi Kehinde Micheal
There is much research that has contributed to an improved understanding of the future of food security, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. A pathway was developed by using a local community kitchen in Muizenberg in western cape province, cape town, south Africa, a case study to map out the future of food security in times of crisis. This kitchen aims to provide nutritious, affordable, plant-based meals to our community. It is also a place of diverse learning, sharing, empowering the volunteers, and growth to support the local economy and future resilience by sustaining our community kitchen for the community. This document contains an overview of the story of the community kitchen on how we create self-sustainability as a new pathway development to sustain the community and reduce Zero hunger in the regional food system. This paper describes the key elements of how we respond to covid-19 pandemic by sharing food parcels and creating 13 soup kitchens across the community to tackle the immediate response to covid-19 pandemic and agricultural systems by growing home food gardening in different homes, also having a consciousness Dry goods store to reduce Zero waste and a local currency as an innovation to reduce food crisis. Insights gained from our article and outreach and their value in how we create adaptation, transformation, and sustainability as a new development pathway to solve any future problem crisis in the food security system in our society.Keywords: sustainability, food security, community development, adapatation, transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 791135 Investigation of Heavy Metals and Nitrate Level in Drinking Water and the Side Effects on Public Health in the Capital City of Iran
Authors: Iman Nazari, Behrouz Shaabani, Ali Ramouz
Regarding to the dramatic rise of cancer prevalence of cancers in Iran and also base on the investigations around environmental factors which causes cancer, The air and water pollution is in high level in Iran’s capital city this issue motivated us to start an investigation on concentration of heavy metals and nitrate in Tehran’s Tap water, additionally we investigated the effects of this contaminations on public health, it is clear that heavy metals and also nitrate are causes cancers directly and indirectly, we divided the city to four districts: (1) North, (2) East, (3) West, (4) South and totally collected over 30 samples from noted districts, we obvious difference in concentrations, after a study we founded the reasons of this difference, the old distribution system, non-standard sewage disposal system, travel up from contaminated rains, releasing industrial wastes waters without any pretreatment, the most important one is the old distribution system, Tehran is an old city hence distribution system is old too we know that the old water pipes were built from alloys which containing several of this harmful heavy metals, releasing of this heavy metals from pipes to the tap water is one of the most Important reasons, as the result we presented the concentrations by districts and the alternatives to decreasing the level of this contaminations.Keywords: water quality, heavy metals, drinking water, environmental toxinology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2931134 Social Support in the Tradition for Pregnant Mother Care In East Nusa Tenggara
Authors: Sri Widati, Ira Nurmala
The Se’i Tradition was considered to contribute highly to the high maternal mortality rate in South Amanuban, East Nusa Tenggara. This tradition is still preserved due to the social support that has influenced the decision to carry out the Se’i to pregnant women and post-partum women. The purpose of this study is to analyze this social support towards the Se’i Tradition on pregnant women in East Nusa Tenggara. This research was an explorative study with in-depth interviews, observations, and focus group discussions (FGD) in collecting the data. This study showed that emotional support towards Se’i was commonly given by families, specifically by the mother-in laws. Instrumental support was shown by the husbands and the traditional midwives who helped delivered the babies. Informational support was found on the pregnant women and their mother-in laws. Appraisal support was given by all the neighbors and relatives of the pregnant women by telling how comfortable it was to go through this tradition which eventually affected those women to carry it out themselves. The Se’i Tradition is still carried out and mostly supported by the relatives of the pregnant women. The first recommendation of this study is to suggest people to only follow the suggestions from the local health staff to give birth in the local health centers and not to do the tradition anymore. The second recommendation is to urge the government to give support in the form of transportation facilities for pregnant women to reach the local health staff.Keywords: the Se’i tradition, social support, pregnant women, maternal mortality, post-partum women
Procedia PDF Downloads 5301133 Interoperability Maturity Models for Consideration When Using School Management Systems in South Africa: A Scoping Review
Authors: Keneilwe Maremi, Marlien Herselman, Adele Botha
The main purpose and focus of this paper are to determine the Interoperability Maturity Models to consider when using School Management Systems (SMS). The importance of this is to inform and help schools with knowing which Interoperability Maturity Model is best suited for their SMS. To address the purpose, this paper will apply a scoping review to ensure that all aspects are provided. The scoping review will include papers written from 2012-2019 and a comparison of the different types of Interoperability Maturity Models will be discussed in detail, which includes the background information, the levels of interoperability, and area for consideration in each Maturity Model. The literature was obtained from the following databases: IEEE Xplore and Scopus, the following search engines were used: Harzings, and Google Scholar. The topic of the paper was used as a search term for the literature and the term ‘Interoperability Maturity Models’ was used as a keyword. The data were analyzed in terms of the definition of Interoperability, Interoperability Maturity Models, and levels of interoperability. The results provide a table that shows the focus area of concern for each Maturity Model (based on the scoping review where only 24 papers were found to be best suited for the paper out of 740 publications initially identified in the field). This resulted in the most discussed Interoperability Maturity Model for consideration (Information Systems Interoperability Maturity Model (ISIMM) and Organizational Interoperability Maturity Model for C2 (OIM)).Keywords: interoperability, interoperability maturity model, school management system, scoping review
Procedia PDF Downloads 2091132 Vocational and Technical Educators’ Acceptance and Use of Digital Learning Environments Beyond Working Hours: Implications for Work-Life Balance and the Role of Integration Preference
Authors: Jacinta Ifeoma Obidile
Teachers (vocational and technical educators inclusive) use Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for tasks outside of their normal working hours. This expansion of work duties to non-work time challenges their work-life balance. However, there has been inconsistency in the results on how these relationships correlate. This, therefore, calls for further research studies to examine the moderating mechanisms of such relationships. The present study, therefore, ascertained how vocational and technical educators’ technology acceptance relates to their work-related ICT use beyond their working hours and work-life balance, as well as how their integration affects these relationships. The population of the study comprised 320 Vocational and Technical Educators from the Southeast geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Data were collected from the respondents using the structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated by three experts. The reliability of the study was conducted using 20 vocational and technical educators from the South who were not part of the population. The overall reliability coefficient of 0.81 was established using Cronbach’s alpha method. The data collected was analyzed using Structural equation modeling. Findings, among others, revealed that vocational and technical educators’ work-life balance was mediated by increased digital learning environment use after work hours, although reduced by social influence.Keywords: vocational and technical educators, digital learning environment, working hours, work-life balance, integration preference
Procedia PDF Downloads 671131 First 1000 Days of Life: Mothers' Economic Hardship of Caring for Their Babies
Authors: Athena Pedro, Laura Bradfield, Mike Dare, Zandile Bantwana, Ashley Nayman
The purpose of the research was to explore mother’s unique experience and knowledge of mothering in the first 1000 day of their child’s life, from birth to age 2. The study used a qualitative research methodology with an exploratory research design. A sample of 12 mothers was used, comprising different racial backgrounds from low income areas in the Western Cape. The data was collected by means of semi-structured, in-depth interviews, which were transcribed verbatim, analysed using Braun’s and Clark’s (2006) six phases of thematic analysis. Some of the findings revealed that the mothers who participated in the study were consistently unable to feed their children and themselves due to profound and extreme situations of poverty, stress, and lack of infrastructural support. These mothers residing in low-income communities are not adequately supported both financially and socially and are often unable to meet the needs of their infants within the first 1000 days. Given the consequential nature of this period, it is imperative that mothers are able to access such support. Single mothers especially are in need of social and financial support. Appropriate interventions are required to assist mothers generally but more specifically, mothers who have children within the first 1000 days of life. By implementing appropriate interventions to address these needs, it will assist mothers to ensure optimal developmental growth of their children. This will positively impact the developmental trajectory of children in South Africa.Keywords: caring, economic hardship, first one thousand days, mothers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1341130 Effects of Bulblet Induction Medium on Bulb Size and Weight of Endemic Fritillaria aurea Schoot after Treatment with Putrescine for Different Durations of Time
Authors: Suleyman Kizil, Khalid Mahmood Khavar
Fritillaria aurea Schott is an important horticultural crop with high economic potential for the ornamental plant industry and is endemic to the Central and South-Eastern Anatolian regions of Türkiye. This study reports an experiment conducted under in vitro conditions to improve the weight and diameter of the in vitro regenerated bulblets. The micro bulblets used in this study were obtained from callus induced on half-sliced bulblets cultured on MS medium containing 0.1 mg L⁻¹ NAA + 0.05 TDZ (R₁ medium) and 0.1 mg L⁻¹ NAA + 0.10 mg L⁻¹ TDZ (R₂ medium). Thereafter, the micro bulblets obtained from here were treated with 50 mg L⁻¹ putrescine, (tetramethylenediamine) for 3, 5, and 7 weeks. The putrescine treatment has a significant effect on the increase in diameter and weight of bulblets when compared to initial diameters, irrespective of the treatment periods and seed germination medium. When the duration of putrescine in weeks was compared, 7 weeks of treatments with putrescine were more conducive for induction in bulblet weight compared to 3 and 5 weeks treatment periods. Maximum seed weight of 0.52 grams was noted on 7 weeks of putrescine treated bulblets regenerated on 0.1 mg L⁻¹ TDZ. This strategy to increase bulb weight and diameter could be positively used to conserve and multiply this beautiful ornamental and endemic plant species.Keywords: Fritillaria aurea, bulblet, diameter, weight, micropropagation, polyamine
Procedia PDF Downloads 311129 Holding the Stick from the Middle: The European Union's Attempt to Balance Between Its Inward and Outward Building Resilience Approach in Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis
Authors: Lina Aleassa
When the EU launched the European Union Global strategy in 2016, state and societal resilience to the EU's East and South was a main priority, and it was a ‘Governing Principle’ when responding to crises, including its migration crisis of 2015. Yet, with the launching of the EU strategic compass in 2022, after the return of high-intensity war, namely the Ukrainian war, the emphasis became on the EU’s own resilience. Consequently, this can be interpreted as a shift from outward building resilience into inward-building resilience. However, this paper argues that the EU effort is not a shift but rather an attempt to balance between building the EU's own resilience and its neighbors’ resilience. Thus, the main question of this paper is about the EU’s balance between building its own resilience and building the resilience of its neighbors in the case of Jordan in response to crises. To answer this question, this article attempts an in-depth analysis considering the case of displacement from Syria and the Ukrainian war focuses on the EU’s approach to building its own resilience and building resilience in its neighborhood through the EU’s refugee cooperation with Jordan, one of the key regional hosts of Syrian refugees. Textual analysis of secondary data of various texts from official European and Jordanian websites, news reports, and scholarly literature on resilience, as well as document analysis of different EU and the EU-Jordan policies, including their bilateral and multilateral agreements, will be examined to trace the EU's effort to maintain a balance between building its own resilience in its neighbor’s resilience.Keywords: inward approach, outward approach, resilience, Syrian refugee crisis
Procedia PDF Downloads 21128 Key Drivers Motivating Prospective International Students to Study Abroad and Their Attitude to University Rankings
Authors: Dasha Karzunina, Laura Bridgestock
Our oral presentation will be based on our qualitative and quantitative findings into motivations and challenges faced by international and UK students when choosing a university abroad. The insight was gathered through a series of over 60 focus groups held with prospective university students all over the world, including masters and PhD applicants. We spoke to students face-to-face in Latin America, North American, India, China, South East Asia and the major European cities. A survey was carried out alongside, to gather additional insight on their priorities and attitudes to universities’ reputation, collecting over 1,800 responses. The session’s aims are to break down some of the myths about the perspectives of international students and inform university leaders interested in recruiting more highly talented students from abroad and those currently working with international students. As a provider of one of the most demanded resources in higher education, QS World University Rankings, we specialize in understanding universities’ performance, their institutional brand and the impact of rankings on student recruitment. We therefore feel we are well placed to carry out and present this research. We hope for our findings to act as a bridge between bright students and their future universities abroad. We intend for our session to be interactive and so are happy to go into more depth on any of the destinations we visited, depending on what the audience is most interested in and which questions we receive.Keywords: international student recruitment, market research, rankings, study abroad
Procedia PDF Downloads 2371127 Grid Based Traffic Vulnerability Model Using Betweenness Centrality for Urban Disaster Management Information
Authors: Okyu Kwon, Dongho Kang, Byungsik Kim, Seungkwon Jung
We propose a technique to measure the impact of loss of traffic function in a particular area to surrounding areas. The proposed method is applied to the city of Seoul, which is the capital of South Korea, with a population of about ten million. Based on the actual road network in Seoul, we construct an abstract road network between 1kmx1km grid cells. The link weight of the abstract road network is re-adjusted considering traffic volume measured at several survey points. On the modified abstract road network, we evaluate the traffic vulnerability by calculating a network measure of betweenness centrality (BC) for every single grid cells. This study analyzes traffic impacts caused by road dysfunction due to heavy rainfall in urban areas. We could see the change of the BC value in all other grid cells by calculating the BC value once again when the specific grid cell lost its traffic function, that is, when the node disappeared on the grid-based road network. The results show that it is appropriate to use the sum of the BC variation of other cells as the influence index of each lattice cell on traffic. This research was supported by a grant (2017-MOIS31-004) from Fundamental Technology Development Program for Extreme Disaster Response funded by Korean Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS).Keywords: vulnerability, road network, beweenness centrality, heavy rainfall, road impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 951126 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in E-Procurement: A Case Study of Agricultural Company in Vietnam
Authors: D. T. Tran, H. P. Tran, L. G. Hoang, V. N. H. Bui, Q. T. Nguyen, A. K. Das
This paper provides some insight information about a current situation of e-procurement implementation in Vietnam, including opportunities and challenges. A case study of Phuc Thien Company which is classified as a medium enterprise in the country, specialising on animal feed production. Since the technological development rapidly changes, companies have implemented advanced technologies in supply chain management to increase efficiency and gain collaboration amidst partners in their manufacturing and development activities. The findings of this research reveal strengths and ongoing weaknesses when Phuc Thien company internally implemented eProcurement system. Although cost savings, visibility of payment and speedy procurement process are one of the largest benefits of eProcurement implementation, the company faces greater hurdles, such as employee capability to use technology and their resistance to change, that overshadow everything else. In terms of governmental policy, the adaptation of e-invoicing has commenced since June 2015 in Vietnam, legal regulations and administrative framework related to e-Procurement carries various ambiguous in its content and extremely fragment. Hence, this adds a great burden to enterprises in general and Phuc Thien in particular in view of creating higher competitive advantage for animal feed industry in Vietnam as well as South East Asia region.Keywords: procurement, e-procurement, animal feed industry, efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 3361125 Behavioral Stages of Change in Calorie Balanced Dietary Intake; Effects of Decisional Balance and Self–Efficacy in Obese and Overweight Women
Authors: Abdmohammad Mousavi, Mohsen Shams, Mehdi Akbartabar Toori, Ali Mousavizadeh, Mohammad Ali Morowatisharifabad
Introduction: The effectiveness of Transtheoretical Model constructs on dietary behavior change has been subject to questions by some studies. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between self–efficacy and decisional balance as mediator variables and transfer obese and overweight women among the stages of behavior change of calorie balanced dietary intake. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 448 obese and overweight 20-44 years old women were selected from three health centers in Yasuj, a city in south west of Iran. Anthropometric data were measured using standard techniques. Demographic, stages of change, self-efficacy and decisional balance data were collected by questionnaires and analyzed using One–Way ANOVA and Generalized Linear Models tests. Results: Demographic and anthropometric variables were not different significantly in different stages of change related to calorie intake except the pre-high school level of education (P=.047, OR=502, 95% CI= .255 ~ .990). Mean scores of Self-efficacy ( F(4.425)= 27.09, P= .000), decisional balance (F(4.394), P= .004), and pros (F(4.430)=5.33, P=000) were different significantly in five stages of change. However, the cons did not show a significant change in this regard (F(4.400)=1.83, P=.123). Discussion: Women movement through the stages of changes for calorie intake behavior can be predicted by self efficacy, decisional balance and pros.Keywords: transtheoretical model, stages of change, self efficacy, decisional balance, calorie intake, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 4291124 Seismic Microzonation Analysis for Damage Mapping of the 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake, Indonesia
Authors: Fathul Mubin, Budi E. Nurcahya
In 2006, a large earthquake ever occurred in the province of Yogyakarta, which caused considerable damage. This is the basis need to investigate the seismic vulnerability index in around of the earthquake zone. This research is called microzonation of earthquake hazard. This research has been conducted at the site and surrounding of Prambanan Temple, includes homes and civil buildings. The reason this research needs to be done because in the event of an earthquake in 2006, there was damage to the temples at Prambanan temple complex and its surroundings. In this research, data collection carried out for 60 minutes using three component seismograph measurements at 165 points with spacing of 1000 meters. The data recorded in time function were analyzed using the spectral ratio method, known as the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR). Results from this analysis are dominant frequency (Fg) and maximum amplification factor (Ag) are used to obtain seismic vulnerability index. The results of research showed the dominant frequency range from 0.5 to 30 Hz and the amplification is in interval from 0.5 to 9. Interval value for seismic vulnerability index is 0.1 to 50. Based on distribution maps of seismic vulnerability index and impact of buildings damage seemed for suitability. For further research, it needs to survey to the east (klaten) and south (Bantul, DIY) to determine a full distribution maps of seismic vulnerability index.Keywords: amplification factor, dominant frequency, microzonation analysis, seismic vulnerability index
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971123 Student Perceptions on Administrative Support in the Delivering of Open Distance Learning Programmes – A Case Study
Authors: E. J. Spamer, J. M. Van Zyl, MHA Combrinck
The Unit for Open Distance Learning (UODL) at the North-West University (NWU), South Africa was established in 2013 with its main function to deliver open distance learning (ODL) programmes to approximately 30 000 students from the Faculties of Education Sciences, Health Sciences, Theology and Arts and Culture. Quality operational and administrative processes are key components in the delivery of these programmes and they need to function optimally for students to be successful in their studies. Operational and administrative processes include aspects such as applications, registration, dissemination of study material, availability of electronic platforms, the management of assessment, and the dissemination of important information. To be able to ensure and enhance quality during these processes, it is vital to determine students’ perceptions with regards to these mentioned processes. A questionnaire was available online and also distributed to the 63 tuition centres. The purpose of this research was to determine the perceptions of ODL students from NWU regarding operational and administrative processes. 1903 students completed and submitted the questionnaire. The data was quantitatively analysed and discussed. Results indicated that the majority of students are satisfied with the operational and administrative processes; however, the results also indicated some areas that need improvement. The data gathered is important to identify strengths and areas for improvement and form part of a bigger strategy of qualitative assurance at the UODL.Keywords: administrative support, ODL programmes, quantitative study, students' perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721122 Improving Perceptual Reasoning in School Children through Chess Training
Authors: Ebenezer Joseph, Veena Easvaradoss, S. Sundar Manoharan, David Chandran, Sumathi Chandrasekaran, T. R. Uma
Perceptual reasoning is the ability that incorporates fluid reasoning, spatial processing, and visual motor integration. Several theories of cognitive functioning emphasize the importance of fluid reasoning. The ability to manipulate abstractions and rules and to generalize is required for reasoning tasks. This study, funded by the Cognitive Science Research Initiative, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, analyzed the effect of 1-year chess training on the perceptual reasoning of children. A pretest–posttest with control group design was used, with 43 (28 boys, 15 girls) children in the experimental group and 42 (26 boys, 16 girls) children in the control group. The sample was selected from children studying in two private schools from South India (grades 3 to 9), which included both the genders. The experimental group underwent weekly 1-hour chess training for 1 year. Perceptual reasoning was measured by three subtests of WISC-IV INDIA. Pre-equivalence of means was established. Further statistical analyses revealed that the experimental group had shown statistically significant improvement in perceptual reasoning compared to the control group. The present study clearly establishes a correlation between chess learning and perceptual reasoning. If perceptual reasoning can be enhanced in children, it could possibly result in the improvement of executive functions as well as the scholastic performance of the child.Keywords: chess, cognition, intelligence, perceptual reasoning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3591121 Numerical Modelling of Dust Propagation in the Atmosphere of Tbilisi City in Case of Western Background Light Air
Authors: N. Gigauri, V. Kukhalashvili, A. Surmava, L. Intskirveli, L. Gverdtsiteli
Tbilisi, a large city of the South Caucasus, is a junction point connecting Asia and Europe, Russia and republics of the Asia Minor. Over the last years, its atmosphere has been experienced an increasing anthropogenic load. Numerical modeling method is used for study of Tbilisi atmospheric air pollution. By means of 3D non-linear non-steady numerical model a peculiarity of city atmosphere pollution is investigated during background western light air. Dust concentration spatial and time changes are determined. There are identified the zones of high, average and less pollution, dust accumulation areas, transfer directions etc. By numerical modeling, there is shown that the process of air pollution by the dust proceeds in four stages, and they depend on the intensity of motor traffic, the micro-relief of the city, and the location of city mains. In the interval of time 06:00-09:00 the intensive growth, 09:00-15:00 a constancy or weak decrease, 18:00-21:00 an increase, and from 21:00 to 06:00 a reduction of the dust concentrations take place. The highly polluted areas are located in the vicinity of the city center and at some peripherical territories of the city, where the maximum dust concentration at 9PM is equal to 2 maximum allowable concentrations. The similar investigations conducted in case of various meteorological situations will enable us to compile the map of background urban pollution and to elaborate practical measures for ambient air protection.Keywords: air pollution, dust, numerical modeling, urban
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881120 Assessment of Land Surface Temperature Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Authors: R. Vidhya, M. Navamuniyammal M. Sivakumar, S. Reeta
The unplanned urbanization affects the environment due to pollution, conditions of the atmosphere, decreased vegetation and the pervious and impervious soil surface. Considered to be a cumulative effect of all these impacts is the Urban Heat Island. In this paper, the urban heat island effect is studied for the Chennai city, TamilNadu, South India using satellite remote sensing data. LANDSAT 8 OLI and TIRS DATA acquired on 9th September 2014 were used to Land Surface Temperature (LST) map, vegetation fraction map, Impervious surface fraction, Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Normalized Difference Building Index (NDBI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) map. The relationship among LST, Vegetation fraction, NDBI, NDWI, and NDVI was calculated. The Chennai city’s Urban Heat Island effect is significant, and the results indicate LST has strong negative correlation with the vegetation present and positive correlation with NDBI. The vegetation is the main factor to control urban heat island effect issues in urban area like Chennai City. This study will help in developing measures to land use planning to reduce the heat effects in urban area based on remote sensing derivatives.Keywords: land surface temperature, brightness temperature, emissivity, vegetation index
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751119 Sustainable Manufacturing of Solenoid Valve Housing in Fiji: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Emergy Analysis
Authors: M. Hisham, S. Cabemaiwai, S. Prasad, T. Dauvakatini, R. Ananthanarayanan
A solenoid valve is an important part of many fluid systems. Its purpose is to regulate fluid flow in a machine. Due to the crucial role of the solenoid valve and its design intricacy, it is quite expensive to obtain in Fiji and is not manufactured locally. A concern raised by the local health industry is that the housing of the solenoid valve gets damaged when machines are continuously being used and this part of the valve is very costly to replace due to the lack of availability in Fiji and many other South Pacific region countries. This study explores the agile manufacturing of a solenoid coil housing using the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process. An emergy study was carried out to analyze the feasibility and sustainability of producing the part locally after estimating a Unit Emergy Value (or emergy transformity) of 1.27E+05 sej/j for the electricity in Fiji. The total emergy of the process was calculated to be 3.05E+12 sej, of which a majority was sourced from imported services and materials. Renewable emergy sources contributed to just 16.04% of the total emergy. Therefore, the part is suitable to be manufactured in Fiji with a reasonable quality and a cost of $FJ 2.85. However, the loading on the local environment is found to be significant and therefore, alternative raw materials for the filament like recycled PET should be explored or alternative manufacturing processes may be analyzed before committing to fabricating the part using FDM in its analyzed state.Keywords: emergy analysis, fused deposition modeling, solenoid valve housing, sustainable production
Procedia PDF Downloads 351118 Analysis of the Learners’ Responses of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System: Critical Psychological Perspective
Authors: Mokgadi Moletsane-Kekae, Robert Kananga Mukuna
The study focuses on the analysis of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System’s responses. The purpose of the study is to analyse the participants’ rate responses of the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System with regards to critical psychology approach. The use of critical psychology theory in this study was crucial because it responds to the current inadequate western theory or practice in the field of psychology. The participants were learners in previously disadvantaged school in the Western Cape, South Africa. The study adopted a qualitative approach and a case study design. The study was grounded on interpretivist paradigm. The sample size comprised six learners (three boys and three girls, aged of 14 years) from historically disadvantaged school. The Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System (ARCS) administration procedure, biographical information, semi-structured interviews, and observation were used to collect data. Data was analysed using thematic framework. The study found out that, factors that increased the response rates during the administration of ARCS were, language, seating arrangement, drawing, viewing, and describing. The study recommended that, psychological test designers take into consideration the philosophy or worldviews of the local people for whom the test is designed to minimize low response rates.Keywords: adjusted rorschach comprehensive system, critical psychology, learners, responses
Procedia PDF Downloads 3781117 Jeddah’s Hydraulic Protection Systems and the Management of Flood: An Assessment
Authors: Faouzi Ameur, Atef Belhaj Ali
Located in the South-west of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah is more than a harbor. It is a big city of the Red Sea and the second town of Saudi Arabia, after Riyadh the capital. Jeddah profits from several economic assets due especially to its transit position towards the high sacred places of Islam like Mecca and Medina. During summer, this metropolis is transformed into a political capital and a tourist resort for foreigners and Saudis alike. The city of Jeddah was affected by serious sudden floods; two great ones took place in 2009, and in 2011. The human and material tools were considerable, since these events caused the death to hundreds of people, damaged thousands of buildings built on basins slopes, which, however had the authorizations necessary. To cope with these natural disasters, several urban hydraulic measures were undertaken like building dams and canals to collect surface waters. These urban measures aimed at the protection of inhabitants and belongings against the risks of floods as well as the interception and the drainage of streams. Although these protection measures are important, expensive, and effective, they are no longer enough or effective to cope with the evolution of the natural disasters that the city of Jeddah is constantly exposed to. These protective hydraulic measures did not make it possible to reach risk zero situations. They transferred the damages towards other zones. This paper purports to study the protection network systems in Jeddah and to understand their various impacts during floods on the city and on its inhabitants.Keywords: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, urbanization, hydraulic protection
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