Search results for: ornamental plants
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2572

Search results for: ornamental plants

742 A Case Study of Coalface Workers' Attitude towards Occupational Health and Safety Key Performance Indicators

Authors: Gayan Mapitiya


Maintaining good occupational health and safety (OHS) performance is significant at the coalface, especially in industries such as mining, power, and construction. Coalface workers are vulnerable to high OHS risks such as working at heights, working with mobile plants and vehicles, working with underground and above ground services, chemical emissions, radiation hazards and explosions at everyday work. To improve OHS performance of workers, OHS key performance indicators (KPIs) (for example, lost time injuries (LTI), serious injury frequency rate (SIFR), total reportable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) and number of near misses) are widely used by managers in making OHS business decisions such as investing in safety equipment and training programs. However, in many organizations, workers at the coalface hardly see any relevance or value addition of OHS KPIs to their everyday work. Therefore, the aim of the study was to understand why coalface workers perceive that OHS KPIs are not practically relevant to their jobs. Accordingly, this study was conducted as a qualitative case study focusing on a large electricity and gas firm in Australia. Semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted with selected coalface workers to gather data on their attitude towards OHS KPIs. The findings of the study revealed that workers at the coalface generally have no understanding of the purpose of KPIs, the meaning of each KPI, origin of KPIs, and how KPIs are correlated to organizational performance. Indeed, KPIs are perceived as ‘meaningless obstacles’ imposed on workers by managers without a rationale. It is recommended to engage coalface workers (a fair number of representatives) in both KPIs setting and revising processes while maintaining a continuous dialogue between workers and managers in regards OHS KPIs.

Keywords: KPIs, coalface, OHS risks, case-study

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741 Depletion Behavior of Potassium by Continuous Cropping Using Rice as a Test Crop

Authors: Rafeza Begum, Mohammad Mokhlesur Rahman, Safikul Moula, Rafiqul Islam


Potassium (K) is crucial for healthy soil and plant growth. However, K fertilization is either disregarded or poorly underutilized in Bangladesh agriculture, despite the great demand for crops. This could eventually result in a significant depletion of the soil's potassium reserves, irreversible alteration of the minerals that contain potassium, and detrimental effects on crop productivity. Soil K mining in Bangladesh is a worrying problem, and we need to evaluate it thoroughly and find remedies. A pot culture experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) using eleven soil series of Bangladesh in order to see the depletion behaviour of potassium (K) by continuous cropping using rice (var. Iratom-24) as the test crop. The soil series were Ranishankhail, Kaonia. Sonatala, Silmondi, Gopalpur, Ishurdi, Sara, Kongsha, Nunni, Lauta and Amnura on which four successive rice plants (45 days duration) were raised with (100 ppm K) or without addition of potassium. Nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and zinc were applied as basal to all pots. Potassium application resulted in higher dry matter yield, increased K concentration and uptake in all the soils compared with no K treatment; which gradually decreased in the subsequent harvests. Furthermore, plant takes up K not only from exchangeable pool but also from non-exchangeable sites and a minimum replenishment of K from the soil reserve was observed. Continuous cropping has resulted in the depletion of available K of the soil. The result indicated that in order to sustain higher crop yield under intensive cultivation, the addition of potash fertilizer is necessary.

Keywords: potassium, exchangeable pool, depletion behavior., Soil series

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740 An Efficient Tool for Mitigating Voltage Unbalance with Reactive Power Control of Distributed Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems

Authors: Malinwo Estone Ayikpa


With the rapid increase of grid-connected PV systems over the last decades, genuine challenges have arisen for engineers and professionals of energy field in the planning and operation of existing distribution networks with the integration of new generation sources. However, the conventional distribution network, in its design was not expected to receive other generation outside the main power supply. The tools generally used to analyze the networks become inefficient and cannot take into account all the constraints related to the operation of grid-connected PV systems. Some of these constraints are voltage control difficulty, reverse power flow, and especially voltage unbalance which could be due to the poor distribution of single-phase PV systems in the network. In order to analyze the impact of the connection of small and large number of PV systems to the distribution networks, this paper presents an efficient optimization tool that minimizes voltage unbalance in three-phase distribution networks with active and reactive power injections from the allocation of single-phase and three-phase PV plants. Reactive power can be generated or absorbed using the available capacity and the adjustable power factor of the inverter. Good reduction of voltage unbalance can be achieved by reactive power control of the PV systems. The presented tool is based on the three-phase current injection method and the PV systems are modeled via an equivalent circuit. The primal-dual interior point method is used to obtain the optimal operating points for the systems.

Keywords: Photovoltaic system, Primal-dual interior point method, Three-phase optimal power flow, Voltage unbalance

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739 Effect of Biostimulants on Downstream Processing of Endophytic Fungi Hosted in Aromatic Plant, Ocimum basicilium

Authors: Kanika Chowdhary, Satyawati Sharma


Endophytic microbes are hosted inside plants in a symbiotic and hugely benefitting relationship. Exploring agriculturally beneficial endophytes is quite a prospective field of research. In the present work fungal endophytes associated with aromatic plant Ocimum basicilium L. were investigated for biocontrol potential. The anti-plant pathogenic activity of fungal endophytes was tested against causal agent of stem rot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. 75 endophytic fungi were recovered through culture-dependent approach. Fungal identification was performed both microscopically and by rDNA ITS sequencing. Curvuaria lunata (Sb-6) and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sb-8) inhibited 86% and 72% mycelia growth of S. sclerotinia on Sabouraud dextrose agar medium at 7.4 pH. Small-scale fermentation was carried out on sterilised oatmeal grain medium. In another set of experiment, fungi were grown in oatmeal grain medium amended with certain biostimulants such as aqueous seaweed extract (10% v/w); methanolic seaweed extract (5% v/w); cow urine (20% v/w); biochar (10% w/w) in triplicate along with control of each to ascertain the degree of metabolic difference and anti-plant pathogenic activity induced. Phytochemically extracts of both the fungal isolates showed the presence of flavanoids, phenols, tannins, alkaloids and terpenoids. Ethylacetate extract of C. lunata and C. lindemuthianum suppressed S. sclerotinia conidial germination at IC50 values of 0.514± 0.02 and 0.913± 0.04 mg/ml. Therefore, fungal endophytes of O. basicilium are highly promising bio-resource agent, which can be developed further for sustainable agriculture.

Keywords: endophytic fungi, ocimum basicilium, sclerotinia sclerotiorum, biostimulants

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738 Polyhouse Farming: An Integrated Approach to Organic Farming

Authors: Promila Dahiya, Kiran Singh


Indian agriculture has come a long way from being an era of frequent droughts and vulnerability to food shortages to becoming a significant exporter of agricultural commodities. Polyhouses are essentially microcosms aimed at providing physical environment suitable for the survival and growth of plants with high degree of temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide. The present study was conducted in 21 districts of Haryana State to review Polyhouse farming is an alternative farming in Haryana State to fulfil the needs of population byminimum use of land, water and energy. The information regarding number, area and type of polyhouses and subsidy provided by Govt. of India and Haryana on polyhouse farming was collected from respective district horticulture offices of Haryana State. Four different types of polyhouses were studied during work viz., Hitechnology polyhouse (Hi-tech), Anti-Insect Net Shade House (AINSH), Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse (NVPH) and Walk-In-Tunnel (WIT).In study it was found that in walk-in-tunnel (WIT) and natural ventilated polyhouses (NVPH) the temperature was 69.54% and 52.29% higher and the humidity was 96.37% and 85.19 % higher in comparison to open farming in the months of January and May. No significant different was found in temperature, humidity, dust, solar radiation and CO2 level between open and anti insect net shade house (AINH). In Hi-tech polyhouse, the environment was totally controlled by computer and was not found to much strenuous. Health status of workers was checked by doctor, and it was found that in polyhouse farming workers were more prone to problems of allergy and asthma.

Keywords: polyhouse, unfavorable climate, walk-in-tunnel, psychological aspect

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737 Effects of Saline Groundwater on Crop Yield of Bitter-Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) under Drip System of Irrigation

Authors: Kamran Baksh Soomro, Amin Talei, Sina Alaghmand


Water scarcity has exacerbated in the last couple of decades; it is incumbent on agriculture to maximize the use of water of all qualities. The drip irrigation system practice has shown a vast increase in profit and research interests in the last two decades. However, the application of this system is still limited. The two years field experiment was conducted with three replications at Malir, Karachi (a semi-arid region) in Pakistan. The aim was to evaluate the effects of two qualities of irrigation water IT1 (EC 0.56 dS.m⁻¹) and IT2 (EC 2.89 dS.m⁻¹) on water use efficiency. To achieve the aim, bitter gourd was grown under the drip irrigation system in 2016-17. The uniformity co-efficient (UC) ranged from 93 to 96%. Water use efficiency, of 1.60 and 1.21 kg.m⁻³ under IT1 was recorded higher in season 1 and 2. Using t-test at 5% significance level, the crop yield was higher in both seasons under IT1 compared to IT2. Using pairwise t-test at 5% significance level, the parameters related with the quality of fruit, like length, weight, and diameter, were higher in IT1 than IT2 in all plants; and in both seasons. A correlational study was also conducted to observe the trends in the variables associated with both irrigation treatments for the two seasons. Results showed that most of the parameters exhibited a similar linear trend in both the seasons. The study concluded that bitter gourd crop could be grown successfully in sandy loam using drip irrigation system, supplying saline ground-water. The sustainable use of saline irrigation water should be utilized for vegetable cultivation to meet the food demand in the rural areas of Pakistan.

Keywords: uniformity co-efficient, water use efficiency, drip irrigation, ground-water, t-test, correlation

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736 Collagen Scaffold Incorporated with Macrotyloma uniflorum Plant Extracts as a–Burn/Wound Dressing Material, in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation

Authors: Thangavelu Muthukumar, Thotapalli Parvathaleswara Sastry


Collagen is the most abundantly available connective tissue protein, which is being used as a biomaterial for various biomedical applications. Presently, fish wastes are disposed improperly which is causing serious environmental pollution resulting in offensive odour. Fish scales are promising source of Type I collagen. Medicinal plants have been used since time immemorial for treatment of various ailments of skin and dermatological disorders especially cuts, wounds, and burns. Developing biomaterials from the natural sources which are having wound healing properties within the search of a common man is the need of hour, particularly in developing and third world countries. With these objectives in view we have developed a wound dressing material containing fish scale collagen (FSC) incorporated with Macrotyloma uniflorum plant extract (PE). The wound dressing composite was characterized for its physiochemical properties using conventional methods. SEM image revealed that the composite has fibrous and porous surface which helps in transportation of oxygen as well as absorbing wound fluids. The biomaterial has shown 95% biocompatibility with required mechanical strength and has exhibited antimicrobial properties. This biomaterial has been used as a wound dressing material in experimental wounds of rats. The healing pattern was evaluated by macroscopic observations, panimetric studies, biochemical, histopathological observations. The results showed faster healing pattern in the wounds treated with CSPE compared to the other composites used in this study and untreated control. These experiments clearly suggest that CSPE can be used as wound/burn dressing materials.

Keywords: collagen, wound dressing, Macrotyloma uniflorum, burn dressing

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735 Evaluation of the Biological Activities of Chrysin as an Important Perspective in the Treatment of Infectious and Cancer Diseases

Authors: Sajjad Jafari, Reza Akbari


Background and Aim: Chrysin, a flavonoid compound found in medicinal plants, honey, and propolis, has potential biological activities that make it an important perspective in the treatment of infectious and cancer diseases. The aim of this review study is to evaluate the biological activities of chrysin in the treatment of infectious and cancer diseases. Material and Methods: The present study is a review study that searched reputable scientific databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science from 2000 to 2023 using keywords such as antimicrobial, antifungal, chrysin, anticancer, antioxidants, and infectious diseases. The researchers examined 25 articles to determine the biological activities of chrysin. Results: Chrysin has high inhibitory or lethal activities on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Enterococcus faeces. It also has anti-biofilm effects and antifungal effects on strains such as Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. Chrysin also has anticancer effects on various cancers, including colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, and MCF-7 cancer, which have been confirmed in vitro and in vivo. Conclusion: Chrysin has the potential as an important therapeutic option in the treatment of infectious and cancer diseases. Its high antimicrobial and anticancer activities, combined with its low toxicity in nanoparticle form, make it a promising candidate for further clinical trials. The production of anti-microbial and anti-cancer drugs from natural substances, such as chrysin, is a valuable contribution to the field of medicine.

Keywords: chrysin, antimicrobial, anticancer, infectious diseases

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734 Modeling of Virtual Power Plant

Authors: Muhammad Fanseem E. M., Rama Satya Satish Kumar, Indrajeet Bhausaheb Bhavar, Deepak M.


Keeping the right balance of electricity between the supply and demand sides of the grid is one of the most important objectives of electrical grid operation. Power generation and demand forecasting are the core of power management and generation scheduling. Large, centralized producing units were used in the construction of conventional power systems in the past. A certain level of balance was possible since the generation kept up with the power demand. However, integrating renewable energy sources into power networks has proven to be a difficult challenge due to its intermittent nature. The power imbalance caused by rising demands and peak loads is negatively affecting power quality and dependability. Demand side management and demand response were one of the solutions, keeping generation the same but altering or rescheduling or shedding completely the load or demand. However, shedding the load or rescheduling is not an efficient way. There comes the significance of virtual power plants. The virtual power plant integrates distributed generation, dispatchable load, and distributed energy storage organically by using complementing control approaches and communication technologies. This would eventually increase the utilization rate and financial advantages of distributed energy resources. Most of the writing on virtual power plant models ignored technical limitations, and modeling was done in favor of a financial or commercial viewpoint. Therefore, this paper aims to address the modeling intricacies of VPPs and their technical limitations, shedding light on a holistic understanding of this innovative power management approach.

Keywords: cost optimization, distributed energy resources, dynamic modeling, model quality tests, power system modeling

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733 Antibacterial Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Salvia Officinalis and, Mentha Pulegium on Three Strains of Streptococcus Mutants, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and, Actinomyces Viscosus Dental Caries in-vitro

Authors: H. Nabahat, E. Amiri, F. AzaditalabDavoudabadi, N. Zaeri


Tooth decay is one of the most common forms of oral and dental illness in the world, which causes huge costs of treatment, especially in high-risk groups such as people with oral dry mouth, prevention and control of it are very important. The use of traditional treatments such as extraction of drugs from medicinal plants is of paramount importance to Iran and the international community as well. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the antibacterial effect of the extract of Salvia officinalis and Mentha pulegium, which are the most commonly used drugs in the treatment of oral and teeth bacterial (Streptococcus mutant, Lactobacillus rhamnosis, and Actinomyces viscosis) in vitro method. In this experimental study, two herbs of Salvia and Mentha were prepared by maceration of hydroalcoholic extract, and the antibacterial effect was evaluated by broth macro dilution on streptococcal mutagen bacteria, lactobacillus rhamnosis, and viscose actinomycosis. The results were analyzed by the Whitney Mann test (P > 0.05). The results showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the salmonella extract for Streptococcus mutan were 6.25 and 12.5 μg/ml, respectively, for lactobacillus of 1.56 and 3.12 μg/ml, respectively, and for actinomycosis viscose, The order of 12.5 and 100 μg/ml was obtained. As a result, broth macro dilution showed that both extracts of Salvia and Mentha had an inhibitory effect on all three species of bacteria. This effect for Salvia was significantly (P < 0.05) more than Mentha and was within the concentration range of both the extracts and had a bactericidal effect on all three bacteria.

Keywords: antibacterial effect, dental bacteria, herbal extracts , salvia officinalis, mentha pulegium

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732 Progressive Collapse of Cooling Towers

Authors: Esmaeil Asadzadeh, Mehtab Alam


Well documented records of the past failures of the structures reveals that the progressive collapse of structures is one of the major reasons for dramatic human loss and economical consequences. Progressive collapse is the failure mechanism in which the structure fails gradually due to the sudden removal of the structural elements. The sudden removal of some structural elements results in the excessive redistributed loads on the others. This sudden removal may be caused by any sudden loading resulted from local explosion, impact loading and terrorist attacks. Hyperbolic thin walled concrete shell structures being an important part of nuclear and thermal power plants are always prone to such terrorist attacks. In concrete structures, the gradual failure would take place by generation of initial cracks and its propagation in the supporting columns along with the tower shell leading to the collapse of the entire structure. In this study the mechanism of progressive collapse for such high raised towers would be simulated employing the finite element method. The aim of this study would be providing clear conceptual step-by-step descriptions of various procedures for progressive collapse analysis using commercially available finite element structural analysis software’s, with the aim that the explanations would be clear enough that they will be readily understandable and will be used by practicing engineers. The study would be carried out in the following procedures: 1. Provide explanations of modeling, simulation and analysis procedures including input screen snapshots; 2. Interpretation of the results and discussions; 3. Conclusions and recommendations.

Keywords: progressive collapse, cooling towers, finite element analysis, crack generation, reinforced concrete

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731 Determination of Antioxidant Activity in Raphanus raphanistrum L.

Authors: Esma Hande Alıcı, Gülnur Arabacı


Antioxidants are compounds or systems that can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged. The anti-oxidative effectiveness of these compounds depends on their chemical characteristics and physical location within a food (proximity to membrane phospholipids, emulsion interfaces, or in the aqueous phase). Antioxidants (e.g., flavonoids, phenolic acids, tannins, vitamin C, vitamin E) have diverse biological properties, such as antiinflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and anti-atherosclerotic effects, reduce the incidence of coronary diseases and contribute to the maintenance of gut health by the modulation of the gut microbial balance. Plants are excellent sources of antioxidants especially with their high content of phenolic compounds. Raphanus raphanistrum L., the wild radish, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. It grows in Asia and Mediterranean region. It has been introduced into most parts of the world. It spreads rapidly, and is often found growing on roadsides or in other places where the ground has been disturbed. It is an edible plant, in Turkey its fresh aerial parts are mostly consumed as a salad with olive oil and lemon juice after boiled. The leaves of the plant are also used as anti-rheumatic in traditional medicine. In this study, we determined the antioxidant capacity of two different solvent fractions (methanol and ethyl acetate) obtained from Raphanus raphanistrum L. plant leaves. Antioxidant capacity of the plant was introduced by using three different methods: DPPH radical scavenging activity, CUPRAC (Cupric Ion Reducing Antioxidant Capacity) activity and Reducing power activity.

Keywords: antioxidant activity, antioxidant capacity, Raphanis raphanistrum L., wild radish

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730 Assessment of Phytoremediation of Pb-Anthracene Co-Contaminated Soils Using Vetiveira zizanioides, Heianthus annuus L., Zea mays and Glycine max

Authors: O. U. Nwosu, C. O. Osuagwu, N. Nnawugwu, C. T. Amanze


Phytoremediation is a green and sustainable approach to decontaminate and restore contaminated sites while maintaining the biological activity and physical structure of soils. A pot experiment was conducted for a period of 70 days to evaluate the remediation potentials of Vetiveira zizanioides, Heianthus annuus L., Zea mays, and Glycine max in concurrent removal of anthracene and Pb in co-contaminated soil. Sandy loam soils were polluted with Pb chloride salt and anthracene at three different levels (50mg/kg of Pb, 100mg/kg of Pb, and 100mg/kg of Pb+100mg/kg of anthracene) and laid out in a completely randomized design with three replicates. Shoot dry matter weight was significantly reduced (p≤0.05) in comparison to control treatments by 33%, 32%, 40%, and 6.7% when exposed to 100mg kg⁻¹ of Pb, respectively in G.max, H.annuus, Z.mays, and vetiver. There was 42%, 41%, 48%, and 7.1% growth inhibition of shoot dry matter weight of G.max, H.annuus, Z.mays, and vetiver relative to control treatments when 100 mg Pb kg⁻¹ was mixed with 100 mgkg⁻¹ anthracene. Root and shoot metal concentration in G.max, H.annuus, Z.mays, and vetiver increased with increasing concentration of Pb. Translocation factor (TF < 1) obtained for G.max, Z.mays, and vetiver suggests that these plant species predominantly retain Pb in the root portion, while the TF value (TF≥1) obtained for H.annuus suggests that it predominantly retains Pb in the shoot portion. The extractable anthracene decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.05) in soil planted with G.max, H.annuus, Z.mays, and vetiver, as well as in pots without plants. This accounted for 53% to 71% of anthracene dissipation in planted soil and 40% dissipation in unplanted soil. This result suggested that the plant species used are a promising candidate for phytoremediation.

Keywords: phytoremediation, heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbon, co-contaminated soil

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729 Extraction and Analysis of Anthocyanins Contents from Different Stage Flowers of the Orchids Dendrobium Hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul

Authors: Orose Rugchati, Khumthong Mahawongwiriya


Dendrobium hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul has become one of the important commercial commodities in Thailand agricultural industry worldwide, either as potted plants or as cut flowers due to the attractive color produced in flower petals. Anthocyanins are the main flower pigments and responsible for the natural attractive display of petal colors. These pigments play an important role in functionality, such as to attract animal pollinators, classification, and grading of these orchids. Dendrobium hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul has been collected from local area farm in different stage flowers (F1, F2-F5, and F6). Anthocyanins pigment were extracted from the fresh flower by solvent extraction (MeOH–TFA 99.5:0.5v/v at 4ºC) and purification with ethyl acetate. The main anthocyanins components are cyanidin, pelargonidin, and delphinidin. Pure anthocyanin contents were analysis by UV-Visible spectroscopy technique at λ max 535, 520 and 546 nm respectively. The anthocyanins contents were converted in term of monomeric anthocyanins pigment (mg/L). The anthocyanins contents of all sample were compared with standard pigments cyanidin, pelargonidin and delphinidin. From this experiment is a simple extraction and analysis anthocyanins content in different stage of flowers results shown that monomeric anthocyanins pigment contents of different stage flowers (F1, F2-F5 and F6 ): cyanidin – 3 – glucoside (mg/l) are 0.85+0.08, 24.22+0.12 and 62.12+0.6; Pelargonidin 3,5-di- glucoside(mg/l) 10.37+0.12, 31.06+0.8 and 81.58+ 0.5; Delphinidin (mg/l) 6.34+0.17, 18.98+0.56 and 49.87+0.7; and the appearance of extraction pure anthocyanins in L(a, b): 2.71(1.38, -0.48), 1.06(0.39,-0.66) and 2.64(2.71,-3.61) respectively. Dendrobium Hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul could be used as a source of anthocyanins by simple solvent extraction and stage of flowers as a guideline for the prediction amount of main anthocyanins components are cyanidin, pelargonidin, and delphinidin could be application and development in quantities, and qualities with the advantage for food pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Keywords: analysis, anthocyanins contents, different stage flowers, Dendrobium Hybrid cv. Ear-Sakul

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728 Effect of Ocimum americanum Water Extract on Antioxidant System in Rat

Authors: Pornrut Rabintossaporn, Suphaket Saenthaweesuk, Amornnat Thuppia, Nuntiya Somparn


Several dietary and herbal plants have been shown to possess cytoprotective and antioxidant effects with various mechanisms of action. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant effects and its mechanism of aqueous leaves extract of Ocimum americanum (OA), commonly known as American basil or 'hoary basil', in rat. The extract was screened for its phytochemical contents and antioxidant activity in vitro. Moreover, the extract was studied in rats to evaluate its effects in vivo. Rats were orally administered with the extract at the dose of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg for 28 days. Phytochemical screening of plant extracts revealed the presence of alkaloid, cardiac glycosides, tannin and steroid compounds. The extract contained phenolic compounds 36.91 ± 0.66 mg of gallic acid equivalents per gram OA extract. The free radical scavenging activity assessed by DPPH assay gave IC50 of 41.27 ± 1.86 µg/mL, which is relatively lower than that of BHT with IC50 of 12.34 ± 1.14µg/mL. In the animals, the extract was well tolerated by the animals throughout the 28 days of study as shown by normal serum levels AST, ALP, ALT, BUN and Cr as well as normal histology of liver and pancreatic and kidney tissue. The protein expression of antioxidant enzymes, γ-glutamylcysteine ligase (γ-GCL) in liver was significantly increased compared with normal control. Consistent with the induction of γ-GCL protein expression significantly reduction of serum oxidative stress marker malondialdehyde (MDA) was found in rat treated with OA extract compared with control. Taken together, this study provides evidence that Ocimum americanum exhibits direct antioxidant properties and can induce cytoprotective enzyme in vivo.

Keywords: antioxidant, γ-glutamylcysteine ligase, MDA, Ocimum americanum

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727 Prediction of Solanum Lycopersicum Genome Encoded microRNAs Targeting Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Authors: Muhammad Shahzad Iqbal, Zobia Sarwar, Salah-ud-Din


Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) belongs to the genus Tospoviruses (family Bunyaviridae). It is one of the most devastating pathogens of tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) and heavily damages the crop yield each year around the globe. In this study, we retrieved 329 mature miRNA sequences from two microRNA databases (miRBase and miRSoldb) and checked the putative target sites in the downloaded-genome sequence of TSWV. A consensus of three miRNA target prediction tools (RNA22, miRanda and psRNATarget) was used to screen the false-positive microRNAs targeting sites in the TSWV genome. These tools calculated different target sites by calculating minimum free energy (mfe), site-complementarity, minimum folding energy and other microRNA-mRNA binding factors. R language was used to plot the predicted target-site data. All the genes having possible target sites for different miRNAs were screened by building a consensus table. Out of these 329 mature miRNAs predicted by three algorithms, only eight miRNAs met all the criteria/threshold specifications. MC-Fold and MC-Sym were used to predict three-dimensional structures of miRNAs and further analyzed in USCF chimera to visualize the structural and conformational changes before and after microRNA-mRNA interactions. The results of the current study show that the predicted eight miRNAs could further be evaluated by in vitro experiments to develop TSWV-resistant transgenic tomato plants in the future.

Keywords: tomato spotted wild virus (TSWV), Solanum lycopersicum, plant virus, miRNAs, microRNA target prediction, mRNA

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726 Improving Tower Grounding and Insulation Level vs. Line Surge Arresters for Protection of Subtransmission Lines

Authors: Navid Eghtedarpour, Mohammad Reza Hasani


Since renewable wind power plants are usually installed in mountain regions and high-level lands, they are often prone to lightning strikes and their hazardous effects. Although the transmission line is protected using guard wires in order to prevent the lightning surges to strike the phase conductors, the back-flashover may also occur due to tower footing resistance. A combination of back-flashover corrective methods, tower-footing resistance reduction, insulation level improvement, and line arrester installation, are analyzed in this paper for back-flashover rate reduction of a double-circuit 63 kV line in the south region of Fars province. The line crosses a mountain region in some sections with a moderate keraunic level, whereas tower-footing resistance is substantially high at some towers. Consequently, an exceptionally high back-flashover rate is recorded. A new method for insulation improvement is studied and employed in the current study. The method consists of using a composite-type creepage extender in the string. The effectiveness of this method for insulation improvement of the string is evaluated through the experimental test. Simulation results besides monitoring the one-year operation of the 63-kV line show that due to technical, practical, and economic restrictions in operated sub-transmission lines, a combination of corrective methods can lead to an effective solution for the protection of transmission lines against lightning.

Keywords: lightning protection, BF rate, grounding system, insulation level, line surge arrester

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725 Positive effect of Cu2+ and Ca2+ on the Thermostability of Bambara Groundnut Peroxidase A6, and its Catalytic Efficiency Toward the Oxidation of 3,3,5,5 -Tetramethyl Benzidine

Authors: Yves Mann Elate Lea Mbassi, Marie Solange Evehe Bebandoue, Wilfred Fon Mbacham


Improving the catalytic performance of enzymes has been a long-standing theme of analytical biochemistry research. Induction of peroxidase activity by metals is a common reaction in higher plants. We thought that this increase in peroxidase activity may be due, on the one hand, to the stimulation of the gene expression of these enzymes but also to a modification of their chemical reactivity following the binding of some metal ions on their active site. We tested the effect of some metal salts (MgCl₂, MnCl₂, ZnCl₂, CaCl₂ and CuSO₄) on the activity and thermostability of peroxidase A6, a thermostable peroxidase that we discovered and purified in a previous study. The chromogenic substrate used was 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine. Of all the metals tested for their effect on A6, only magnesium and copper had a significant effect on the activity of the enzyme at room temperature. The Mann-Whitney test shows a slight inhibitory effect of activity by the magnesium salt (P = 0.043), while the activity of the enzyme is 5 times higher in the presence of the copper salt (P = 0.002). Moreover, the thermostability of peroxidase A6 is increased when calcium and copper salts are present. The activity in the presence of CaCl₂ is 8 times higher than the residual activity of the enzyme alone after incubation at 80°C for 10 min and 35 times higher in the presence of CuSO4 under the same conditions. In addition, manganese and zinc salts slightly reduce the thermostability of the enzyme. The activity and structural stability of peroxidase A6 can clearly be activated by Cu₂+, which therefore enhance the oxidation of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine, which was used in this study as a chromogenic substrate. Ca₂+ likely has a more stabilizing function for the catalytic site.

Keywords: peroxidase activity, copper ions, calcium ions, thermostability

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724 A Preliminary Exploration of the German Federal Government's Energy Crisis from the Processes of Decision Entrapment Behavior: The Case of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Shutdowns

Authors: Chia Han Lee


Without energy, the economy would grind to a halt. Germany's prosperity and security depend on a reliable and affordable energy supply. In recent years, Germany's energy policy has undergone major changes. Due to the sharp turn in energy, Germany cannot extend the service of nuclear power plants and can only find a rapid transition energy source: natural gas for a limited time. This study attempts to use processes of decision entrapment behavior and document analysis to explain research questions. Through primary and secondary information such as official reports, parliamentary minutes, media interview records, and speech records, the author sorted out the important events experienced by the three coalition governments (Gerhard Schröder, Angela Merkel, and Olaf Scholz) and the relationship between Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 with primary and secondary sources. Also, compare it with the processes of decision entrapment behavior, which designed in this study, and divide it into four stages to explore its key elements one by one. In this regard, the following conclusions are drawn: First, from the perspective of processes of decision entrapment behavior, Merkel’s government firmly believes that she can overcome difficulties because of her past experience in crisis management capabilities. However, the outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia was beyond Merkel's planning. Second, in the face of the crisis, the Scholz’s government increased the import of natural gas from other countries and began to import liquefied natural gas to make up for the energy gap of Russian natural gas.

Keywords: german research, nord stream gas pipeline, energy policy, processes of decision entrapment behavior

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723 Phenological and Molecular Genetic Diversity Analysis among Saudi durum Wheat Landraces

Authors: Naser B. Almari, Salem S. Alghamdi, Muhammad Afzal, Mohamed Helmy El Shal


Wheat landraces are a rich genetic resource for boosting agronomic qualities in breeding programs while also providing diversity and unique adaptation to local environmental conditions. These genotypes have grown increasingly important in the face of recent climate change challenges. This research aimed to look at the genetic diversity of Saudi Durum wheat landraces using morpho-phenological and molecular data. The principal components analysis (PCA) analysis recorded 78.47 % variance and 1.064 eigenvalues for the first six PCs of the total, respectively. The significant characters contributed more to the diversity are the length of owns at the tip relative to the length of the ear, culm: glaucosity of the neck, flag leaf: glaucosity of the sheath, flag leaf: anthocyanin coloration of auricles, plant: frequency of plants with recurved flag leaves, ear: length, and ear: shape in profile in the PC1. The significant wheat genotypes contributed more in the PC1 (8, 14, 497, 650, 569, 590, 594, 598, 600, 601, and 604). The cluster analysis recorded an 85.42 cophenetic correlation among the 22 wheat genotypes and grouped the genotypes into two main groups. Group, I contain 8 genotypes, however, the 2nd group contains 12 wheat genotypes, while two genotypes (13 and 497) are standing alone in the dendrogram and unable to make a group with any one of the genotypes. The second group was subdivided into two subgroups. The genotypes (14, 602, and 600) were present in the second sub-group. The genotypes were grouped into two main groups. The first group contains 17 genotypes, while the second group contains 3 (8, 977, and 594) wheat genotypes. The genotype (602) was standing alone and unable to make a group with any wheat genotype. The genotypes 650 and 13 also stand alone in the first group. Using the Mantel test, the data recorded a significant (R2 = 0.0006) correlation (phenotypic and genetic) among 22 wheat durum genotypes.

Keywords: durum wheat, PCA, cluster analysis, SRAP, genetic diversity

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722 Graphene Based Materials as Novel Membranes for Water Desalination and Boron Separation

Authors: Francesca Risplendi, Li-Chiang Lin, Jeffrey C. Grossman, Giancarlo Cicero


Desalination is one of the most employed approaches to supply water in the context of a rapidly growing global water shortage. However, the most popular water filtration method available is the reverse osmosis (RO) technique, still suffers from important drawbacks, such as a large energy demands and high process costs. In addition some serious limitations have been recently discovered, among them, the boron problem seems to have a critical meaning. Boron has been found to have a dual effect on the living systems on Earth and the difference between boron deficiency and boron toxicity levels is quite small. The aim of this project is to develop a new generation of RO membranes based on porous graphene or reduced graphene oxide (rGO) able to remove salts from seawater and to reduce boron concentrations in the permeate to the level that meets the drinking or process water requirements, by means of a theoretical approach based on density functional theory and classical molecular dynamics. Computer simulations have been employed to investigate the relationship between the atomic structure of nanoporous graphene or rGO monolayer and its membrane properties in RO applications (i.e. water permeability and resilience at RO pressures). In addition, an emphasis has been given to multilayer nanoporous rGO and rGO flakes based membranes. By means of non-equilibrium MD simulations, we investigated the water transport mechanism permeating through such multilayer membrane focusing on the effect of slit widths and sheet geometries. These simulations allowed us to establish the implications of these graphene based materials as promising membrane properties for desalination plants and as boron filtration.

Keywords: boron filtration, desalination, graphene membrane, reduced graphene oxide membrane

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721 Land-Use Suitability Analysis for Merauke Agriculture Estates

Authors: Sidharta Sahirman, Ardiansyah, Muhammad Rifan, Edy-Melmambessy


Merauke district in Papua, Indonesia has a strategic position and natural potential for the development of agricultural industry. The development of agriculture in this region is being accelerated as part of Indonesian Government’s declaration announcing Merauke as one of future national food barns. Therefore, land-use suitability analysis for Merauke need to be performed. As a result, the mapping for future agriculture-based industries can be done optimally. In this research, a case study is carried out in Semangga sub district. The objective of this study is to determine the suitability of Merauke land for some food crops. A modified agro-ecological zoning is applied to reach the objective. In this research, land cover based on satellite imagery is combined with soil, water and climate survey results to come up with preliminary zoning. Considering the special characteristics of Merauke community, the agricultural zoning maps resulted based on those inputs will be combined with socio-economic information and culture to determine the final zoning map for agricultural industry in Merauke. Examples of culture are customary rights of local residents and the rights of local people and their own local food patterns. This paper presents the results of first year of the two-year research project funded by The Indonesian Government through MP3EI schema. It shares the findings of land cover studies, the distribution of soil physical and chemical parameters, as well as suitability analysis of Semangga sub-district for five different food plants.

Keywords: agriculture, agro-ecological, Merauke, zoning

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720 Contact Toxicity Effects of Different Formulations of Artemisia Absinthium Extracts on Rose Aphid

Authors: Maryam Atapour


Chemical pesticides, which are widely used in agriculture, cause problems such as soil and water pollution, reducing biodiversity and creating pest resistance. These problems have led to increased attention to alternative and more sustainable methods such as natural-based pesticides. Herbal pesticides have been developed based on essential oils or extracts from different parts of plants, such as leaves, roots, and flowers. Herbal pesticides are compatible with the environment and can be used in integrated pest management programs. Despite the many benefits, herbal pesticides, especially essential oil-based compounds, have low durability in the environment, and their production costs are high, so the use of herbal extracts with appropriate formulations is more justified in all aspects. In the current study and based on the results of previous studies, aqueous and 70% ethanolic extract of Artemisia absinthium L. was prepared by the percolation method and formulated as an emulsion and water-soluble powder. To produce powder formulation, 20% maltodextrin was used with the spray-dryer method. Different concentrations of these compounds were sprayed on bushes infected with rose aphid Macrosiphum rosae (L.). Sampling was done randomly and the percentage of aphids’ mortality was checked. The results showed that the use of different concentrations of ethanolic extracts created a significant difference in the mortality rate of aphids, while water-soluble powder formulation caused less mortality. The current results showed that the extract of this plant has practical usability to control aphids, and with the appropriate formulation, it can be used as a good alternative to chemical pesticides.

Keywords: contact toxicity, formulation, extract, aphid, Artemisia absinthium.

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719 Rapid Classification of Soft Rot Enterobacteriaceae Phyto-Pathogens Pectobacterium and Dickeya Spp. Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning

Authors: George Abu-Aqil, Leah Tsror, Elad Shufan, Shaul Mordechai, Mahmoud Huleihel, Ahmad Salman


Pectobacterium and Dickeya spp which negatively affect a wide range of crops are the main causes of the aggressive diseases of agricultural crops. These aggressive diseases are responsible for a huge economic loss in agriculture including a severe decrease in the quality of the stored vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is important to detect these pathogenic bacteria at their early stages of infection to control their spread and consequently reduce the economic losses. In addition, early detection is vital for producing non-infected propagative material for future generations. The currently used molecular techniques for the identification of these bacteria at the strain level are expensive and laborious. Other techniques require a long time of ~48 h for detection. Thus, there is a clear need for rapid, non-expensive, accurate and reliable techniques for early detection of these bacteria. In this study, infrared spectroscopy, which is a well-known technique with all its features, was used for rapid detection of Pectobacterium and Dickeya spp. at the strain level. The bacteria were isolated from potato plants and tubers with soft rot symptoms and measured by infrared spectroscopy. The obtained spectra were analyzed using different machine learning algorithms. The performances of our approach for taxonomic classification among the bacterial samples were evaluated in terms of success rates. The success rates for the correct classification of the genus, species and strain levels were ~100%, 95.2% and 92.6% respectively.

Keywords: soft rot enterobacteriaceae (SRE), pectobacterium, dickeya, plant infections, potato, solanum tuberosum, infrared spectroscopy, machine learning

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718 Studies on Efficacy of Some Acaricidal Molecules against Mites in Polyhouse Capsicum

Authors: P. N. Guru, C. S. Patil


The experiment was conducted during Kharif 2016 at Hingoni, Ahmednagar (dist.), Maharashtra (India) to evaluate the novel molecules of acaricides against mites in polyhouse capsicum. The study was planned with randomized block design (RBD) and included nine treatments replicated thrice with 30 m² each plot size. The crop (var. Bachata) was raised according to the standard package of practices except plant protection measures. The molecules viz., spiromesifen 22.9SC (95 gm a.i. ha⁻¹), fenpyroximate 5EC (15 gm a.i. ha⁻¹), hexythiazox 5.45EC (15 gm a.i. ha⁻¹), diafenthiuron 50WP (300 gm a.i. ha⁻¹), chlorfenapyr 10SC (75 gm a.i. ha⁻¹) were compared with a standard acaricide, dicofol 18.5EC (500 gm a.i. ha⁻¹) and biopesticides like Verticillium lecanii (2 g/l), Metarhizium anisopliae (2 g/l) and Neem oil 10,000ppm (2ml/l). In total three sprays were given after 30, 50 and 70 days after transplanting (DAT) at an interval of 20 days. The insecticidal solutions were prepared in water by diluting required concentration of chemical and applied using knapsack sprayer with hollow cone nozzle @ 500L of solution per hectare. The mites were counted per 4 cm² in three leaves from randomly selected five plants in each plot at 1 day before treatment (precount) and 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 days after treatment. The results revealed that fenpyroximate 5EC found best by recording significantly least mite population (2.72/4 cm² leaf area) followed by hexythiazox 5.45EC and spiromesifen 22.9SC (3.78 and 3.82 per 4 cm² leaf area, respectively) and followed by remaining treatments chlorfenapyr 10SC (4.13/4 cm² leaf area), diafenthiuron 50WP (4.32/4 cm² leaf area), and dicofol 18.5EC (4.48/4 cm² leaf area). Among the biopesticides tested Neem oil and Verticillium lecanii were found to be superior to Metarhizium anisopliae. Overall, newer molecules like fenpyroximate, hexythiazox, spiromesifen, diafenthiuron, and Chlorfenapyr can be used for the effective management of mites under polyhouse capsicum.

Keywords: acaricides, capsicum, mites, spiromesifen

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717 Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carotenoids from Tangerine Peel Using Ostrich Oil as a Green Solvent and Optimization of the Process by Response Surface Methodology

Authors: Fariba Tadayon, Nika Gharahgolooyan, Ateke Tadayon, Mostafa Jafarian


Carotenoid pigments are a various group of lipophilic compounds that generate the yellow to red colors of many plants, foods and flowers. A well-known type of carotenoids which is pro-vitamin A is β-carotene. Due to the color of citrus fruit’s peel, the peel can be a good source of different carotenoids. Ostrich oil is one of the most valuable foundations in many branches of industry, medicine, cosmetics and nutrition. The animal-based ostrich oil could be considered as an alternative and green solvent. Following this study, wastes of citrus peel will recycle by a simple method and extracted carotenoids can increase properties of ostrich oil. In this work, a simple and efficient method for extraction of carotenoids from tangerine peel was designed. Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) showed significant effect on the extraction rate by increasing the mass transfer rate. Ostrich oil can be used as a green solvent in many studies to eliminate petroleum-based solvents. Since tangerine peel is a complex source of different carotenoids separation and determination was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In addition, the ability of ostrich oil and sunflower oil in carotenoid extraction from tangerine peel and carrot was compared. The highest yield of β-carotene extracted from tangerine peel using sunflower oil and ostrich oil were 75.741 and 88.110 (mg/L), respectively. Optimization of the process was achieved by response surface methodology (RSM) and the optimal extraction conditions were tangerine peel powder particle size of 0.180 mm, ultrasonic intensity of 19 W/cm2 and sonication time of 30 minutes.

Keywords: β-carotene, carotenoids, citrus peel, ostrich oil, response surface methodology, ultrasound-assisted extraction

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716 Water Treatment Using Eichhornia crassipes and Avifauna Control in The "La Mansión" Pond

Authors: Milda A. Cruz-Huaranga, Natalí Carbo-Bustinza, Javier Linkolk López-Gonzales, K. Depaz, Gina M. Tito T., Soledad Torres-Calderón


The objective of this study was to improve water quality in the “La Mansión” pond in order to irrigate green spaces on the Peruvian Union University campus (Lima, Peru) using the aquatic species Eichhornia Crassipes. Furthermore, tree trimming and cleaning activities were performed that reduced water pollution caused by organic deposits and feathers from wild birds. The impaired waterbody is located on the campus of the Peruvian Union University, 580 meters above sea level, with a volume of 6,405.336 m3, an area of 3,050.16 m2, 256.81 m perimeter, and 0.12 m3/s input flow. Seven 1.8 m2 floating systems were implemented, with 12 common water hyacinth plants in each system. Before implementing this system, a water quality analysis was performed to analyse the physical-chemical, microbiological, and organoleptic parameters. The pre-analysis revealed the pond’s critical condition, with electrical conductivity: 556 mg/l; phosphate: < 0.5; pH: 7.06; total solids: 412 mg/l; arsenic: <0.01; lead: 0.115; BOD5: 14; COD: 16.94; dissolved oxygen: 13; total coliforms: 24000 MCL/100 ml; and thermo-tolerant coliforms: 11000 MCL/100 ml. After implementing the system, the following results were obtained: EC: 495 mg/l; DO:9.2 mg/l; TS: 235 mg/l; BOD5: 7.7; COD: 8.47; Pb: 0.001 mg/l; TC: 460 MCL/100 ml; FC: 240 MCL/100 ml. Thus, we confirmed that the system is 78.79% efficient regarding the Peruvian ECA (Environmental Quality Standards) established for water according to DS #015-2015-MINAM. Therefore, the water is suitable for plant irrigation. Finally, we concluded that treating wastewater with the species Eichhornia Crassipes is efficient since an improvement was achieved in the impaired waterbody.

Keywords: Eichhornia crassipes, plantlets, cleaning, impaired waterbody, pond

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715 Analysis of Exploitation Damages of the Frame Scaffolding

Authors: A. Robak, M. Pieńko, E. Błazik-Borowa, J. Bęc, I. Szer


The analyzes and classifications presented in the article were based on the research carried out in year 2016 and 2017 on a group of nearly one hundred scaffoldings assembled and used on construction sites in different parts of Poland. During scaffolding selection process efforts were made to maintain diversification in terms of parameters such as scaffolding size, investment size, type of investment, location and nature of conducted works. This resulted in the research being carried out on scaffoldings used for church renovation in a small town or attached to the facades of classic apartment blocks, as well as on scaffoldings used during construction of skyscrapers or facilities of the largest power plants. This variety allows to formulate general conclusions about the technical condition of used frame scaffoldings. Exploitation damages of the frame scaffolding elements were divided into three groups. The first group includes damages to the main structural components, which reduce the strength of the scaffolding elements and hence the whole structure. The qualitative analysis of these damages was made on the basis of numerical models that take into account the geometry of the damage and on the basis of computational nonlinear static analyzes. The second group focuses on exploitation damages such as the lack of a pin on the guardrail bolt which may cause an imminent threat to people using scaffolding. These are local damages that do not affect the bearing capacity and stability of the whole structure but are very important for safe use. The last group consider damages that reduce only aesthetic values and do not have direct impact on bearing capacity and safety of use. Apart from qualitative analyzes the article will present quantitative analyzes showing how frequently given type of damage occurs.

Keywords: scaffolding, damage, safety, numerical analysis

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714 Distribution of Gamma-Radiation Levels in Core Sediment Samples in Gulf of İzmir, Eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey

Authors: D. Kurt, İ. F. Barut, Z. Ü. Yümün, E. Kam


After development of the industrial revolution, industrial plants and settlements have spread widely on the sea coasts. This concentration also brings environmental pollution in the sea. This study focuses on the Gulf of İzmir where is located in West of Turkey and it is a fascinating natural gulf of the Eastern Aegean Sea. Investigating marine current sediment is extremely important to detect pollution. Natural radionuclides’ pollution of the marine environment which is also known as a significant environmental anxiety. Ground drilling cores (the depth of each sediment is variant) were collected from the Gulf of İzmir’s four different locations which were Karşıyaka, İnciraltı, Çeşmealtı and Bayraklı. These sediment cores were put in preserving bags with weight around 1 kg, and they were dried at room temperature in a week for moisture removal. Then, they were sieved with 1 mm sieve holes, and finally these powdered samples were relocation to polyethylene Marinelli beakers of 100 ml versions. Each prepared sediment was waited to reach radioactive equilibrium between uranium and thorium for 40 days. Gamma spectrometry measurements were settled using a HPG (High- Purity Germanium) semiconductor detector. Semiconductor detectors are very good at separating power of the energy, they are easily able to differentiate peaks that are pretty close to each other. That is why, gamma spectroscopy’s usage is common for the determination of the activities of U - 238, Th - 232, Ra - 226, Cr - 137 and K - 40 in Bq kg⁻¹. In this study, the results display that the average concentrations of activities’ values are in respectively; 2.2 ± 1.5 Bq/ kg⁻¹, 0.98 ± 0.02 Bq/ kg⁻¹, 8 ± 0.96 Bq/ kg⁻¹, 0.93 ± 0.14 Bq/ kg⁻¹, and 76.05 ± 0.93 Bq/ kg⁻¹. The outcomes of the study are able to be used as a criterion for forthcoming research and the obtained data would be pragmatic for radiological mapping of the precise areas.

Keywords: gamma, Gulf of İzmir (Eastern Aegean Sea-Turkey), natural radionuclides, pollution

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713 Research on the Aeration Systems’ Efficiency of a Lab-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant

Authors: Oliver Marunțălu, Elena Elisabeta Manea, Lăcrămioara Diana Robescu, Mihai Necșoiu, Gheorghe Lăzăroiu, Dana Andreya Bondrea


In order to obtain efficient pollutants removal in small-scale wastewater treatment plants, uniform water flow has to be achieved. The experimental setup, designed for treating high-load wastewater (leachate), consists of two aerobic biological reactors and a lamellar settler. Both biological tanks were aerated by using three different types of aeration systems - perforated pipes, membrane air diffusers and tube ceramic diffusers. The possibility of homogenizing the water mass with each of the air diffusion systems was evaluated comparatively. The oxygen concentration was determined by optical sensors with data logging. The experimental data was analyzed comparatively for all three different air dispersion systems aiming to identify the oxygen concentration variation during different operational conditions. The Oxygenation Capacity was calculated for each of the three systems and used as performance and selection parameter. The global mass transfer coefficients were also evaluated as important tools in designing the aeration system. Even though using the tubular porous diffusers leads to higher oxygen concentration compared to the perforated pipe system (which provides medium-sized bubbles in the aqueous solution), it doesn’t achieve the threshold limit of 80% oxygen saturation in less than 30 minutes. The study has shown that the optimal solution for the studied configuration was the radial air diffusers which ensure an oxygen saturation of 80% in 20 minutes. An increment of the values was identified when the air flow was increased.

Keywords: flow, aeration, bioreactor, oxygen concentration

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