Search results for: personalized medicine application
8696 Accelerating Decision-Making in Oil and Gas Wells: 'A Digital Transformation Journey for Rapid and Precise Insights from Well History Data'
Authors: Linung Kresno Adikusumo, Ivan Ramos Sampe Immanuel, Liston Sitanggang
An excellent, well work program in the oil and gas industry can have numerous positive business impacts, contributing to operational efficiency, increased production, enhanced safety, and improved financial performance. In summary, an excellent, well work program not only ensures the immediate success of specific projects but also has a broader positive impact on the overall business performance and reputation of the oil and gas company. It positions the company for long-term success in a competitive and dynamic industry. Nevertheless, a number of challenges were encountered when developing a good work program, such as the poor quality and lack of integration of well documentation, the incompleteness of the well history, and the low accessibility of well documentation. As a result, the well work program was delivered less accurately, plus well damage was managed slowly. Our solution implementing digital technology by developing a web-based database and application not only solves those issues but also provides an easy-to-access report and user-friendly display for management as well as engineers to analyze the report’s content. This application aims to revolutionize the documentation of well history in the field of oil and gas exploration and production. The current lack of a streamlined and comprehensive system for capturing, organizing, and accessing well-related data presents challenges in maintaining accurate and up-to-date records. Our innovative solution introduces a user-friendly and efficient platform designed to capture well history documentation seamlessly.Keywords: digital, drilling, well work, application
Procedia PDF Downloads 788695 The Evaluation of Surface Integrity during Machining of Inconel 718 with Various Laser Assistance Strategies
Authors: Szymon Wojciechowski, Damian Przestacki, Tadeusz Chwalczuk
The paper is focused on the evaluation of surface integrity formed during turning of Inconel 718 with the application of various laser assistance strategies. The primary objective of the work was to determine the relations between the applied machining strategy and the obtained surface integrity, in order to select the effective cutting conditions allowing the obtainment of high surface quality. The carried out experiment included the machining of Inconel 718 in the conventional turning conditions, as well as during the continuous laser assisted machining and sequential laser assistance. The surface integrity was evaluated by the measurements of machined surface topographies, microstructures and the microhardness. Results revealed that surface integrity of Inconel 718 is strongly affected by the selected machining strategy. The significant improvement of the surface roughness formed during machining of Inconel 718, can be reached by the application of simultaneous laser heating and cutting (LAM).Keywords: Inconel 718, laser assisted machining, surface integrity, turning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2838694 Challenges That People with Autism and Caregivers Face in Public Environments
Authors: Andrei Pomana, Graham Brewer
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that affects verbal and non-verbal communication, behaviour and sensory processing. As a result, people on the autism spectrum have a difficult time when confronted with environments that have high levels of sensory stimulation. This is often compounded by the inability to properly communicate their wants and needs to caregivers. The capacity for people with autism to integrate depends on their ability to at least tolerate highly stimulating public environments for short periods of time. The overall challenges that people on the spectrum and their caregivers face need to be established in order to properly create and assess methods to mitigate the effects of high stimulus public spaces. The paper aims to identify the challenges that people on the autism spectrum and their caregivers face in typical public environments. Nine experienced autism therapists have participated in a semi-structured interview regarding the challenges that people with autism and their caregivers face in public environments. The qualitative data shows that the unpredictability of events and the high sensory stimulation present in public environments, especially auditory, are the two biggest contributors to the difficulties that people on the spectrum face. If the stimuli are not removed in a short period of time, uncontrollable behaviours or 'meltdowns' can occur, which leave the person incapacitated and unable to respond to any outside input. Possible solutions to increase integration in public spaces for people with autism revolve around removing unwanted sensory stimulus, creating personalized barriers for certain stimuli, equipping people with autism with better tools to communicate their needs or to orient themselves to a safe location and providing a predictable pattern of events that would prepare individuals for tasks ahead of time.Keywords: autism, built environment, meltdown, public environment, sensory processing disorders
Procedia PDF Downloads 1658693 Development of ELF Passive Shielding Application Using Magnetic Aqueous Substrate
Authors: W. N. L. Mahadi, S. N. Syed Zin, W. A. R. Othman, N. A. Mohd Rasyid, N. Jusoh
Public concerns on Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure have been elongated since the last few decades. Electrical substations and high tension rooms (HT room) in commercial buildings were among the contributing factors emanating ELF magnetic fields. This paper discussed various shielding methods conventionally used in mitigating the ELF exposure. Nevertheless, the standard methods were found to be impractical and incapable of meeting currents shielding demands. In response to that, remarkable researches were conducted in effort to invent novel methods which is more convenient and efficient such as magnetic aqueous shielding or paint, textiles and papers shielding. A mitigation method using magnetic aqueous substrate in shielding application was proposed in this paper for further investigation. using Manganese Zinc Ferrite (Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4). The magnetic field and flux distribution inside the aqueous magnetic material are evaluated to optimize shielding against ELF-EMF exposure, as to mitigate its exposure.Keywords: ELF shielding, magnetic aqueous substrate, shielding effectiveness, passive shielding, magnetic material
Procedia PDF Downloads 5328692 Vector Control of Two Five Phase PMSM Connected in Series Powered by Matrix Converter Application to the Rail Traction
Authors: S. Meguenni, A. Djahbar, K. Tounsi
Electric railway traction systems are complex; they have electrical couplings, magnetic and solid mechanics. These couplings impose several constraints that complicate the modeling and analysis of these systems. An example of drive systems, which combine the advantages of the use of multiphase machines, power electronics and computing means, is mono convert isseur multi-machine system which can control a fully decoupled so many machines whose electric windings are connected in series. In this approach, our attention especially on modeling and independent control of two five phase synchronous machine with permanent magnet connected in series and fed by a matrix converter application to the rail traction (bogie of a locomotive BB 36000).Keywords: synchronous machine, vector control Multi-machine/ Multi-inverter, matrix inverter, Railway traction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3748691 Clinical and Etiological Particularities of Infectious Uveitis in HIV+ and HIV- Patients in the Internal Medicine Department
Authors: N. Jait, M. Maamar, H. Khibri, H. Harmouche, N. Mouatssim, W. Ammouri, Z. Tazimezaelek, M. Adnaoui
Introduction: Uveitis presents with inflammation of the uvea, intraocular, of heterogeneous etiology and presentation. The objective of our study is to describe the clinical and therapeutic characteristics of infectious uveitis in HIV+ and HIV- patients. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at the internal medicine department of CHU Ibn Sina in Rabat over a period of 12 years (2010–2021), collecting 42 cases of infectious uveitis. Results: 42 patients were identified. 34% (14 cases) had acquired immunosuppression (9 cases: 22% had HIV infection and 12% were on chemotherapy), and 66% were immunocompetent. The M/F sex ratio was 1.1. The average age was 39 years old. Uveitis revealed HIV in a single case; 8/9 patients have already been followed, their average viral load is 3.4 log and an average CD4 count is 356/mm³. The revealing functional signs were: ocular redness (27%), decreased visual acuity (63%), visual blurring (40%), ocular pain (18%), scotoma (13%), and headaches (4%). The uveitis was site: anterior (30%), intermediate (6%), posterior (32%), and pan-uveitis (32%); unilateral in 80% of patients and bilateral in 20%. The etiologies of uveitis in HIV+ were: 3 cases of CMV, 2 cases of toxoplasmosis, 1 case of tuberculosis, 1 case of HSV, 1 case of VZV, and 1 case of syphilis. Etiologies of immunocompetent patients: tuberculosis (41%), toxoplasmosis (18%), syphilis (15%), CMV infection (4 cases: 10%), HSV infection (4 cases: 10%) , lepromatous uveitis (1 case: 2%), VZV infection (1 case: 2%), a locoregional infectious cause such as dental abscess (1 case: 2%), and one case of borreliosis (3% ). 50% of tuberculous uveitis was of the pan-uveitis type, 75% of the uveitis by toxoplasmosis was of the posterior type. Uveitis was associated with other pathologies in 2 seropositive cases (cerebral vasculitis, multifocal tuberculosis). A specific treatment was prescribed in all patients. The initial evolution was favorable in 67%, including 12% HIV+. 11% presented relapses of the same seat during uveitis of the toxoplasmic, tuberculous and herpetic type. 47% presented complications, of which 4 patients were HIV+: 3 retinal detachments; 7 Retinal hemorrhages. 6 unilateral blindness (including 2 HIV+ patients). Conclusion: In our series, the etiologies of infectious uveitis differ between HIV+ and HIV- patients. In HIV+ patients most often had toxoplasmosis and CMV, while HIV - patients mainly presented with tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis. The association between HIV and uveitis is undetermined, but HIV infection was an independent risk factor for uveitis.Keywords: uveitis, HIV, immunosuppression, infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 948690 Synthesis and Optimization of Bio Metal-Organic Framework with Permanent Porosity
Authors: Tia Kristian Tajnšek, Matjaž Mazaj, Nataša Zabukovec Logar
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with their specific properties and the possibility of tuning the structure represent excellent candidates for use in the biomedical field. Their advantage lies in large pore surfaces and volumes, as well as the possibility of using bio-friendly or bioactive constituents. So-called bioMOFs are representatives of MOFs, which are constructed from at least one biomolecule (metal, a small bioactive molecule in metal clusters and/or linker) and are intended for bio-application (usually in the field of medicine; most commonly drug delivery). When designing a bioMOF for biomedical applications, we should adhere to some guidelines for an improved toxicological profile of the material. Such as (i) choosing an endogenous/nontoxic metal, (ii) GRAS (generally recognized as safe) linker, and (iii) nontoxic solvents. Design and synthesis of bioNICS-1 (bioMOF of National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia – 1) consider all these guidelines. Zinc (Zn) was chosen as an endogenous metal with an agreeable recommended daily intake (RDI) and LD50 value, and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) was chosen as a GRAS and active linker. With these building blocks, we have synthesized a bioNICS-1 material. The synthesis was done in ethanol using a solvothermal method. The synthesis protocol was further optimized in three separate ways. Optimization of (i) synthesis parameters to improve the yield of the synthesis, (ii) input reactant ratio and addition of specific modulators for production of larger crystals, and (iii) differing of the heating source (conventional, microwave and ultrasound) to produce nano-crystals. With optimization strategies, the synthesis yield was increased. Larger crystals were prepared for structural analysis with the use of a proper species and amount of modulator. Synthesis protocol was adjusted to different heating sources, resulting in the production of nano-crystals of bioNICS-1 material. BioNICS-1 was further activated in ethanol and structurally characterized, resolving the crystal structure of new material.Keywords: ascorbic acid, bioMOF, MOF, optimization, synthesis, zinc ascorbate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1438689 Gastric Foreign Bodies in Dogs
Authors: Naglaa A. Abd Elkader, Haithem A. Farghali
The present study carried out on fifteen clinical cases of different species of dogs which admitted to surgical clinic of veterinary medicine with different symptoms (Acute vomiting, hematemesis and anorexia). There was diagnostic march which including plain radiograph and endoscopic examination. Treatment was including surgical interference and endoscopic retrieval followed by medicinal treatment. This study was aimed the detection of different foreign bodies by the most suitable method according to the type of the foreign bodies.Keywords: stomach, endoscopy, foreign bodies, dogs
Procedia PDF Downloads 4188688 Pre-harvest Application of Nutrients on Quality and Storability of Litchi CV Bombai
Authors: Nazmin Akter, Tariqul Islam, Abu Sayed
Food loss and waste have become critical global issues, with approximately one-third of the world's food production being wasted. Among the various food products, horticultural fruits and vegetables are especially susceptible to loss due to their relatively short shelf lives. Litchi (Litchi chinensis) is one of Bangladesh's most important horticultural fruits. But the problem with this fruit is its short shelf life by losing weight faster after harvest. The experiment was carried out at Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200 Bangladesh during 2020-2021. The objective of this experiment was to see the impact of nutrients viz., urea (1%), calcium chloride (1%), borax (1%), and their combinations on fruit quality and shelf life of litchi cv. Bombai. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. Two sprays of each treatment were applied from the last week of May to June (at 20-day intervals). The results indicated that all the treatments significantly improved the quality parameters of litchi fruits as compared to the control. In terms of physicochemical characteristics fruit weight (20.30g), fruit volume (20m ml), and pulp percent (17.14) were found maximum with minimum stone percent (11.09) with the application of urea 1% + borax 1%+ calcium chloride 1%. Maximum TSS (19.62oBrix), TSS/acidity ratio (24.57), maximum ascorbic acid (45.19 mg/100 g pulp), and minimum acidity (0.80%) were reported with the application of T6 (Urea 1% + borax 1%+ calcium chloride 1%) treatments whereas fruits treated with urea 1% + borax 1% gave maximum total sugars (26.64%) and reducing sugars (19.19%) as compared to control. In the case of storage characters, application of Urea 1% + borax 1%+ calcium chloride 1% resulted in a minimum physiological loss in weight (6.11%), (8.41%), and (10.65%) for 2 days, 4 days, and 6 days respectively. In conclusion, to obtain better quality and increased storage period of litchi fruits, two sprays of urea, borax, and calcium chloride (1%) could be used during the fruit growth and development period at fortnightly intervals.Keywords: litchi chinensis, preharvest, quality, shelf life, postharvest
Procedia PDF Downloads 718687 Application of Basic Principles of Educational Administration for the Enhancement of Senior Secondary School Principals in Kano State Nigeria
Authors: Ibrahim Auwal
This study focuses on senior secondary education towards the development of younger generation in general terms, and specifically for the enhancement of senior secondary school principals. Investigation was made to correlate between principals’ application of basic principles of educational administration and principals’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Kano State. The instrument used to collect relevant data was self designed Observation Inventory for School Principals (OISP). The observation inventory items were scrutinized by experts from the School of Education Federal College of Education Kano to ascertain the contents validity, and the reliability coefficient was 0.83. Using purposive sampling technique, 30 schools were chosen from 85 senior secondary schools in Kano state and 30 principals were deliberately sampled due to their small number. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r) Coefficient was used to test the hypothesis generated for the study. The results of the analysis showed that principals’ application of basic principles of educational administration was significantly correlated with principals’ productivity and it promote the performance of the students. Based on the findings, it was recommended that, government should in as much as possible encourage school principals to obtain degrees in relevant and specialized areas in education specifically educational administration and planning so as to get all the necessary knowledge and skills of leader ship procedures that will definitely promote teachers morale, improve students’ academic performance and enhances principals’ productivity in senior secondary schools in Kano State.Keywords: principles of educational administration, principals of senior secondary schools, Kano, educational sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 4948686 The Effect on Some Plant Traits of Cutting Frequency Applied in Species of Grass
Authors: Mehmet Ali Avcı, Medine Çopur Doğrusöz
This study has been carried out in the Selcuk University, Department of Fields Crops Research and Application Greenhouse. 4 different grass genotypes (1 Lolium perenne L., 1 Poa trivialis L., 1 Festuca ovina L., and 1 Festuca arundinacea Scheb.) have been used in the application. It has been done with four repetition according to design of random parcel test. The research have been started with the implementation of 3 clones to each pot of each kind on 07.12.2009. It has been processed normally. When the plants have filled % 80 of the pot and have grown to the height of 7-10 cm, 5 cm has cut. After the first cutting, there have been applied 4 cutting frequency within the periods of 5, 10, 15, 20 days. Number of tillers, the degree of filling the bottom, the height of plant, the length of leaf and the width of the leaf have been measured. This procedure have been repeated in once a-five-day-periods, once a-ten-day-periods, once a-fifteen-day-periods, once a-twenty-day-periods, the data have been taken, and it has completed in 60 days. All the plants in the pots have been reaped from the 5cm height on 16.08.2010. The first measures have been taken for each quality. It is aimed to set the effects of different cutting frequency on the some grass kinds’ some plant characteristics.Keywords: cutting frequency, Festuca, Lolium, Poa
Procedia PDF Downloads 3388685 Smart Irrigation System
Authors: Levent Seyfi, Ertan Akman, Tuğrul C. Topak
In this study, irrigation automation with electronic sensors and its control with smartphones were aimed. In this context, temperature and soil humidity measurements of the area irrigated were obtained by temperature and humidity sensors. A micro controller (Arduino) was utilized for accessing values of these parameters and controlling the proposed irrigation system. The irrigation system could automatically be worked according to obtained measurement values. Besides, a GSM module used together with Arduino provided that the irrigation system was in connection to smartphones. Thus, the irrigation system can be remotely controlled. Not only can we observe whether the irrigation system is working or not via developed special android application but also we can see temperature and humidity measurement values. In addition to this, if desired, the irrigation system can be remotely and manually started or stopped regardless of measured sensor vales thanks to the developed android application. In addition to smartphones, the irrigation system can be alternatively controlled via the designed website ( smartphone, Android Operating System, sensors, irrigation System, arduino
Procedia PDF Downloads 6168684 Internet of Things Networks: Denial of Service Detection in Constrained Application Protocol Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Authors: Adamu Abdullahi, On Francisca, Saidu Isah Rambo, G. N. Obunadike, D. T. Chinyio
The paper discusses the potential threat of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in the Internet of Things (IoT) networks on constrained application protocols (CoAP). As billions of IoT devices are expected to be connected to the internet in the coming years, the security of these devices is vulnerable to attacks, disrupting their functioning. This research aims to tackle this issue by applying mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative for feature selection, extraction, and cluster algorithms to detect DoS attacks in the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) using the Machine Learning Algorithm (MLA). The main objective of the research is to enhance the security scheme for CoAP in the IoT environment by analyzing the nature of DoS attacks and identifying a new set of features for detecting them in the IoT network environment. The aim is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the MLA in detecting DoS attacks and compare it with conventional intrusion detection systems for securing the CoAP in the IoT environment. Findings: The research identifies the appropriate node to detect DoS attacks in the IoT network environment and demonstrates how to detect the attacks through the MLA. The accuracy detection in both classification and network simulation environments shows that the k-means algorithm scored the highest percentage in the training and testing of the evaluation. The network simulation platform also achieved the highest percentage of 99.93% in overall accuracy. This work reviews conventional intrusion detection systems for securing the CoAP in the IoT environment. The DoS security issues associated with the CoAP are discussed.Keywords: algorithm, CoAP, DoS, IoT, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 818683 A New Design Methodology for Partially Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip
Authors: Roukaya Dalbouchi, Abdelkrin Zitouni
In this paper, we propose a novel design methodology for Dynamic Partial Reconfigurable (DPR) system. This type of system has the property of being able to be modified after its design and during its execution. The suggested design methodology is generic in terms of granularity, number of modules, and reconfigurable region and suitable for any type of modern application. It is based on the interconnection between several design stages. The recommended methodology represents a guide for the design of DPR architectures that meet compromise reconfiguration/performance. To validate the proposed methodology, we use as an application a video watermarking. The comparison result shows that the proposed methodology supports all stages of DPR architecture design and characterized by a high abstraction level. It provides a dynamic/partial reconfigurable architecture; it guarantees material efficiency, the flexibility of reconfiguration, and superior performance in terms of frequency and power consumption.Keywords: dynamically reconfigurable system, block matching algorithm, partial reconfiguration, motion vectors, video watermarking
Procedia PDF Downloads 958682 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Electronic Response Systems in Technology-Oriented Classes
Authors: Ahmad Salman
Electronic Response Systems such as Kahoot, Poll Everywhere, and Google Classroom are gaining a lot of popularity when surveying audiences in events, meetings, and classroom. The reason is mainly because of the ease of use and the convenience these tools bring since they provide mobile applications with a simple user interface. In this paper, we present a case study on the effectiveness of using Electronic Response Systems on student participation and learning experience in a classroom. We use a polling application for class exercises in two different technology-oriented classes. We evaluate the effectiveness of the usage of the polling applications through statistical analysis of the students performance in these two classes and compare them to the performances of students who took the same classes without using the polling application for class participation. Our results show an increase in the performances of the students who used the Electronic Response System when compared to those who did not by an average of 11%.Keywords: Interactive Learning, Classroom Technology, Electronic Response Systems, Polling Applications, Learning Evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1298681 Efficient Internal Generator Based on Random Selection of an Elliptic Curve
Authors: Mustapha Benssalah, Mustapha Djeddou, Karim Drouiche
The random number generation (RNG) presents a significant importance for the security and the privacy of numerous applications, such as RFID technology and smart cards. Since, the quality of the generated bit sequences is paramount that a weak internal generator for example, can directly cause the entire application to be insecure, and thus it makes no sense to employ strong algorithms for the application. In this paper, we propose a new pseudo random number generator (PRNG), suitable for cryptosystems ECC-based, constructed by randomly selecting points from several elliptic curves randomly selected. The main contribution of this work is the increasing of the generator internal states by extending the set of its output realizations to several curves auto-selected. The quality and the statistical characteristics of the proposed PRNG are validated using the Chi-square goodness of fit test and the empirical Special Publication 800-22 statistical test suite issued by NIST.Keywords: PRNG, security, cryptosystem, ECC
Procedia PDF Downloads 4458680 Phytoextraction of Copper and Zinc by Willow Varieties in a Pot Experiment
Authors: Muhammad Mohsin, Mir Md Abdus Salam, Pertti Pulkkinen, Ari Pappinen
Soil and water contamination by heavy metals is a major challenging issue for the environment. Phytoextraction is an emerging, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient technology in which plants are used to eliminate pollutants from the soil and water. We aimed to assess the copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) removal efficiency by two willow varieties such as Klara (S. viminalis x S. schwerinii x S. dasyclados) and Karin ((S.schwerinii x S. viminalis) x (S. viminalis x S.burjatica)) under different soil treatments (control/unpolluted, polluted, lime with polluted, wood ash with polluted). In 180 days of pot experiment, these willow varieties were grown in a highly polluted soil collected from Pyhasalmi mining area in Finland. The lime and wood ash were added to the polluted soil to improve the soil pH and observe their effects on metals accumulation in plant biomass. The Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ELAN 6000 ICP-EOS, Perkin-Elmer Corporation) was used in this study to assess the heavy metals concentration in the plant biomass. The result shows that both varieties of willow have the capability to accumulate the considerable amount of Cu and Zn varying from 36.95 to 314.80 mg kg⁻¹ and 260.66 to 858.70 mg kg⁻¹, respectively. The application of lime and wood ash substantially affected the stimulation of the plant height, dry biomass and deposition of Cu and Zn into total plant biomass. Besides, the lime application appeared to upsurge Cu and Zn concentrations in the shoots and leaves in both willow varieties when planted in polluted soil. However, wood ash application was found more efficient to mobilize the metals in the roots of both varieties. The study recommends willow plantations to rehabilitate the Cu and Zn polluted soils.Keywords: heavy metals, lime, phytoextraction, wood ash, willow
Procedia PDF Downloads 2398679 Integrating Blockchain and Internet of Things Platforms: An Empirical Study on Immunization Cold Chain
Authors: Fawzia Abujalala, Asma Elmangoush, Majdi Ashibani
The adoption of Blockchain technology introduces the possibility to decentralize cold chain systems. This adaptation enhances them to be more efficient, accessible, verifiable, and data security. Additionally, the Internet of Things (IoT) concept is considered as an added-value to various application domains. Cargo tracking and cold chain are a few to name. However, the security of the IoT transactions and integrated devices remains one of the key challenges to the IoT application’s success. Consequently, Blockchain technology and its consensus protocols have been used to solve many information security problems. In this paper, the researchers discussed the advantages of integrating Blockchain technology into IoT platform to improve security and provide an overview of existing literature on integrating Blockchain and IoT platforms. Then, presented the immunization cold chain solution as a use-case that could apply to any critical goods based on integrating hyperledger fabric platform and IoT platform.Keywords: blockchain, hyperledger fabric, internet of things, security, traceability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1498678 Motivating Factors of Mobile Device Applications toward Learning
Authors: Yen-Mei Lee
Mobile learning (m-learning) has been applied in the education field not only because it is an alternative to web-based learning but also it possesses the ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning features. However, most studies focus on the technology-related issue, such as usability and functionality instead of addressing m-learning from the motivational perspective. Accordingly, the main purpose of the current paper is to integrate critical factors from different motivational theories and related findings to have a better understand the catalysts of an individual’s learning motivation toward m-learning. The main research question for this study is stated as follows: based on different motivational perspectives, what factors of applying mobile devices as medium can facilitate people’s learning motivations? Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT), Malone and Lepper’s taxonomy of intrinsic motivation theory, and different types of motivation concepts were discussed in the current paper. In line with the review of relevant studies, three motivating factors with five essential elements are proposed. The first key factor is autonomy. Learning on one’s own path and applying personalized format are two critical elements involved in the factor of autonomy. The second key factor is to apply a build-in instant feedback system during m-learning. The third factor is creating an interaction system, including communication and collaboration spaces. These three factors can enhance people’s learning motivations when applying mobile devices as medium toward learning. To sum up, in the currently proposed paper, with different motivational perspectives to discuss the m-learning is different from previous studies which are simply focused on the technical or functional design. Supported by different motivation theories, researchers can clearly understand how the mobile devices influence people’s leaning motivation. Moreover, instructional designers and educators can base on the proposed factors to build up their unique and efficient m-learning environments.Keywords: autonomy, learning motivation, mobile learning (m-learning), motivational perspective
Procedia PDF Downloads 1828677 Modelling of Recovery and Application of Low-Grade Thermal Resources in the Mining and Mineral Processing Industry
Authors: S. McLean, J. A. Scott
The research topic is focusing on improving sustainable operation through recovery and reuse of waste heat in process water streams, an area in the mining industry that is often overlooked. There are significant advantages to the application of this topic, including economic and environmental benefits. The smelting process in the mining industry presents an opportunity to recover waste heat and apply it to alternative uses, thereby enhancing the overall process. This applied research has been conducted at the Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations smelter site, in particular on the water cooling towers. The aim was to determine and optimize methods for appropriate recovery and subsequent upgrading of thermally low-grade heat lost from the water cooling towers in a manner that makes it useful for repurposing in applications, such as within an acid plant. This would be valuable to mining companies as it would be an opportunity to reduce the cost of the process, as well as decrease environmental impact and primary fuel usage. The waste heat from the cooling towers needs to be upgraded before it can be beneficially applied, as lower temperatures result in a decrease of the number of potential applications. Temperature and flow rate data were collected from the water cooling towers at an acid plant over two years. The research includes process control strategies and the development of a model capable of determining if the proposed heat recovery technique is economically viable, as well as assessing any environmental impact with the reduction in net energy consumption by the process. Therefore, comprehensive cost and impact analyses are carried out to determine the best area of application for the recovered waste heat. This method will allow engineers to easily identify the value of thermal resources available to them and determine if a full feasibility study should be carried out. The rapid scoping model developed will be applicable to any site that generates large amounts of waste heat. Results show that heat pumps are an economically viable solution for this application, allowing for reduced cost and CO₂ emissions.Keywords: environment, heat recovery, mining engineering, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1118676 Study the Effect of Dermal Application of Stone Hair Dye on Experimental Animals
Authors: Hatem Abdel Moniem Ahmed, Ragaa Mohamed Abdel Maaboud, Heba A. Mubarak
A commercially available Stone Hair Dye (SHD) was spread in Upper Egypt and used for dying woman's hair. Paraphenyl-diamine (PPD) is the main component of SHD and reported as a toxic substance. This work aims to study the systemic effects induced in experimental animals as a result of dermal application of SHD. 21 rats were divided into three groups, and doses of SHD and PPD were applied according to body weight (25 mg/100 g body weight) for 90 days. The results revealed that insignificant decrease in RBC count and Hb level, but there were significant increases in the WBC count, AST, ALT, GPT, and total protein while creatinine level was insignificantly increased. Hepatocytes showed a lot of degenerative changes in the form of vacuolated cytoplasm and irregular deeply stained nuclei with vascular congestion and lymphocytic infiltration, while renal affection indicated the occurrence of atrophy of glomerular capillaries, hyperplasia, and widening of bowman space.Keywords: PPD, SHD, rats and histology, biochemistry and hematology
Procedia PDF Downloads 4538675 The Experience of Head Nurse: Phenomenological Research of Implementing Islamic Leadership Style in Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital
Authors: Jamaludin Tarkim, Yoga Teguh Guntara, Maftuhah
Islamic leadership style is model of leadership style applied by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Islamic leadership style is applied, namely Syura (deliberation), ‘Adl bil qisth (justice, with equality), and Hurriyyah al-kalam (freedom of expression) and along with the values of Islam in the Islamic leadership style. This research aims to gain an overview of the experience of Head Nurse in the implementation of Islamic leadership style. This research is a qualitative one with descriptive phenomenology design through in-depth interviews. Participants were occupied as Head Nurse at the Hospital room Syarif Hidayatullah, set directly (purposive) with the principle of suitability (appropriateness) and sufficiency (adequacy). Retrieval of data and research conducted during the month of June 2014. Data collected in the form of recording in-depth interviews and analysis with Collazi method. This research identified four themes Syura (deliberation);‘Adl bil qisth (justice, with equality); Hurriyyah al-kalam (freedom of expression) and along with the values of Islam in the Islamic leadership style. The results of this research can provide a review of the Head Room experience in the application of Islamic leadership style at Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital already skilled leadership during the process, but the application is still not maximized. Required further research on in-depth exploration of how to get more comprehensive results from room Head Nurse experience in the application of Islamic leadership style, as well as subsequent researchers can choose a wider scope and complex so get more complete data.Keywords: experience, Islamic leadership style, head nurse, nursing management
Procedia PDF Downloads 1718674 Effect of Two Different Biochars on Germination and Seedlings Growth of Salad, Cress and Barley
Authors: L. Bouqbis, H.W. Koyro, M. C. Harrouni, S. Daoud, L. F. Z. Ainlhout, C. I. Kammann
The application of biochar to soils is becoming more and more common. Its application which is generally reported to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils, has an indirect effect on soil health and increased crop yields. However, many of the previous results are highly variable and dependent mainly on the initial soil properties, biochar characteristics, and production conditions. In this study, two biochars which are biochar II (BC II) derived from a blend of paper sludge and wheat husks and biochar 005 (BC 005) derived from sewage sludge with a KCl additive, are used, and the physical and chemical properties of BC II are characterized. To determine the potential impact of salt stress and toxic and volatile substances, the second part of this study focused on the effect biochars have on germination of salad (Lactuca sativa L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare), and cress (Lepidium sativum) respectively. Our results indicate that Biochar II showed some unique properties compared to the soil, such as high EC, high content of K, Na, Mg, and low content of heavy metals. Concerning salad and barley germination test, no negative effect of BC II and BC 005 was observed. However, a negative effect of BC 005 at 8% level was revealed. The test of the effect of volatile substances on germination of cress revealed a positive effect of BC II, while a negative effect was observed for BC 005. Moreover, the water holding capacities of biochar-sand mixtures increased with increasing biochar application. Collectively, BC II could be safely used for agriculture and could provide the potential for a better plant growth.Keywords: biochar, phytotoxic tests, seedlings growth, water holding capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2538673 The Application of Lean-Kaizen in Course Plan and Delivery in Malaysian Higher Education Sector
Authors: Nur Aishah Binti Awi, Zulfiqar Khan
Lean-kaizen has always been applied in manufacturing sector since many years ago. What about education sector? This paper discuss on how lean-kaizen can also be applied in education sector, specifically in academic area of Malaysian’s higher education sector. The purpose of this paper is to describe the application of lean kaizen in course plan and delivery. Lean-kaizen techniques have been used to identify waste in the course plan and delivery. A field study has been conducted to obtain the data. This study used both quantitative and qualitative data. The researcher had interviewed the chosen lecturers regarding to the problems of course plan and delivery that they encountered. Secondary data of students’ feedback at the end of semester also has been used to improve course plan and delivery. The result empirically shows that lean-kaizen helps to improve the course plan and delivery by reducing the wastes. Thus, this study demonstrates that lean-kaizen can also help education sector to improve their services as achieved by manufacturing sector.Keywords: course delivery, education, Kaizen, lean
Procedia PDF Downloads 3698672 Fabrication of Tin Oxide and Metal Doped Tin Oxide for Gas Sensor Application
Authors: Goban Kumar Panneer Selvam
In past years, there is lots of death caused due to harmful gases. So its very important to monitor harmful gases for human safety, and semiconductor material play important role in producing effective gas sensors.A novel solvothermal synthesis method based on sol-gel processing was prepared to deposit tin oxide thin films on glass substrate at high temperature for gas sensing application. The structure and morphology of tin oxide were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM analysis of how spheres shape in tin oxide nanoparticles. The structure characterization of tin oxide studied by X-ray diffraction shows 8.95 nm (calculated by sheers equation). The UV visible spectroscopy indicated a maximum absorption band shown at 390 nm. Further dope tin oxide with selected metals to attain maximum sensitivity using dip coating technique with different immersion and sensing characterization are measured.Keywords: tin oxide, gas sensor, chlorine free, sensitivity, crystalline size
Procedia PDF Downloads 1498671 Comparison of the Thermal Characteristics of Induction Motor, Switched Reluctance Motor and Inset Permanent Magnet Motor for Electric Vehicle Application
Authors: Sadeep Sasidharan, T. B. Isha
Modern day electric vehicles require compact high torque/power density motors for electric propulsion. This necessitates proper thermal management of the electric motors. The main focus of this paper is to compare the steady state thermal analysis of a conventional 20 kW 8/6 Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) with that of an Induction Motor and Inset Permanent Magnet (IPM) motor of the same rating. The goal is to develop a proper thermal model of the three types of models for Finite Element Thermal Analysis. JMAG software is used for the development and simulation of the thermal models. The results show that the induction motor is subjected to more heating when used for electric vehicle application constantly, compared to the SRM and IPM.Keywords: electric vehicles, induction motor, inset permanent magnet motor, loss models, switched reluctance motor, thermal analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2268670 SiC Particulate-Reinforced SiC Composites Fabricated by PIP Method Using Highly Concentrated SiC Slurry
Authors: Jian Gu, Sea-Hoon Lee, Jun-Seop Kim
SiC particulate-reinforced SiC ceramic composites (SiCp/SiC) were successfully fabricated using polymer impregnation and pyrolysis (PIP) method. The effects of green density, infiltrated method, pyrolytic temperature, and heating rate on the densification behavior of the composites were investigated. SiCp/SiC particulate reinforced composites with high relative density up to 88.06% were fabricated after 4 PIP cycles using SiC pellets with high green density. The pellets were prepared by drying 62-70 vol.% aqueous SiC slurries, and the maximum relative density of the pellets was 75.5%. The hardness of the as-fabricated SiCp/SiCs was 21.05 GPa after 4 PIP cycles, which value increased to 23.99 GPa after a heat treatment at 2000℃. Excellent mechanical properties, thermal stability, and short processing time render the SiCp/SiC composite as a challenging candidate for the high-temperature application.Keywords: high green density, mechanical property, polymer impregnation and pyrolysis, structural application
Procedia PDF Downloads 1408669 Comparison of the Effectiveness of Communication between the Traditional Lecture and IELS
Authors: Ahmed R. Althobaiti, Malcolm Munro
Communication and effective information exchange within technology has become a crucial part of delivering knowledge to students during the learning process. It enables better understanding, builds trust, respect and increase the knowledge between students. This paper examines the communication between undergraduate students and their lecturers during the Traditional lecture and in using the Interactive Electronic Lecture System (IELS). The IELS is an application that offers a set of components, which support the effective communication between students, themselves and their lecturers. Moreover, this paper highlights the communication skills such as sender, receiver, channel and feedback. It will show how the IELS creates a rich communication environment between its users and how they communicate effectively. To examine and check the effectiveness of communication an experiment has been conducted for groups of users; students and lecturers. The first group communicated during the Traditional lecture while the second group communicated by the IELS application. The result showed that there was an effective communication between the second group more than the first group.Keywords: communication, effective information exchange, lecture, student
Procedia PDF Downloads 4068668 Waste Recovery: A Sustainable Way for Application of Solid Waste from WTP's in Building Materials
Authors: Flavio Araujo, Livia Dias, Fabiolla Lima, Paulo Scalize, Antonio Albuquerque
Water treatment residues (WTR) are solid waste produced during drinking water treatment and have recently been seen as a reusable material. The aim of this research was show how to use the residue generated in a Water Treatment Plant, located in Goiania, Brazil, following the considerations of the law of solid waste to obtain normative parameters and consider sustainable alternatives for reincorporation of the residues in the productive chain for manufacturing various materials construction. In order to reduce the environmental liabilities generated by sanitation companies and discontinue unsustainable forms of disposal. The analyzes performed: Granulometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Diffraction demonstrated the potential application of residues to replace the soil and sand, because it has characteristics compatible with small aggregate and can be used as feedstock for the manufacture of materials as ceramic and soil-cement bricks, mortars, interlocking floors and concrete artifacts.Keywords: residue, sustainable, water treatment plants, WTR, WTP
Procedia PDF Downloads 4958667 Euthanasia with Reference to Defective Newborns: An Analysis
Authors: Nibedita Priyadarsini
It is said that Ethics has a wide range of application which mainly deals with human life and human behavior. All ethical decisions are ultimately concerned with life and death. Both life and death must be considered dignified. Medical ethics with its different topics mostly deals with life and death concepts among which euthanasia is one. Various types of debates continue over Euthanasia long since. The question of putting an end to someone’s life has aroused controversial in legal sphere as well as in moral sphere. To permit or not to permit has remained an enigma the world over. Modern medicine is in the stage of transcending limits that cannot be set aside. The morality of allowing people to die without treatment has become more important as methods of treatment have become more sophisticated. Allowing someone to die states an essential recognition that there is some point in any terminal illness when further curative treatment has no purpose and the patient in such situation should allow dying a natural death in comfort, peace, and dignity, without any interference from medical science and technology. But taking a human life is in general sense is illogical in itself. It can be said that when we kill someone, we cause the death; whereas if we merely let someone die, then we will not be responsible for anyone’s death. This point is often made in connection with the euthanasia cases and which is often debatable. Euthanasia in the pediatric age group involves some important issues that are different from those of adult issues. The main distinction that occurs is that the infants and newborns and young children are not able to decide about their future as the adult does. In certain cases, where the child born with some serious deformities with no hope of recovery, in that cases doctor decide not to perform surgery in order to remove the blockage, and let the baby die. Our aim in this paper is to examine, whether it is ethically justified to withhold or to apply euthanasia on the part of the defective infant. What to do with severely defective infants from earliest time if got to know that they are not going to survive at all? Here, it will deal mostly with the ethics in deciding the relevant ethical concerns in the practice of euthanasia with the defective newborns issues. Some cases in relation to disabled infants and newborn baby will be taken in order to show what to do in a critical condition, that the patient and family members undergoes and under which condition those could be eradicated, if not all but some. The final choice must be with the benefit of the patient.Keywords: ethics, medical ethics, euthanasia, defective newborns
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