Search results for: electrical characteristics of capacitive touchscreen
8114 Hydraulic Characteristics of the Tidal River Dongcheon in Busan City
Authors: Young Man Cho, Sang Hyun Kim
Even though various management practices such as sediment dredging were attempted to improve water quality of Dongcheon located in Busan, the environmental condition of this stream was deteriorated. Therefore, Busan metropolitan city had pumped and diverted sea water to upstream of Dongcheon for several years. This study explored hydraulic characteristics of Dongcheon to configure the best management practice for ecological restoration and water quality improvement of a man-made urban stream. Intensive field investigation indicates that average flow velocities at depths of 20% and 80% from the water surface ranged 5 to 10 cm/s and 2 to 5 cm/s, respectively. Concentrations of dissolved oxygen for all depths were less than 0.25 mg/l during low tidal period. Even though density difference can be found along stream depth, density current seems rarely generated in Dongcheon. Short period of high tidal portion and shallow depths are responsible for well-mixing nature of Doncheon.Keywords: hydraulic, tidal river, density current, sea water
Procedia PDF Downloads 2258113 Parameters of Minimalistic Mosque in India within Minimalism
Authors: Hafila Banu
Minimalism is a postmodern style movement which emerged in the 50s of the twentieth century, but it was rapidly growing in the years of 60s and 70s. Minimalism is defined as the concept of minimizing distractions from what is truly valuable or essential. On the same grounds, works of minimalism offer a direct view at and raises questions about the true nature of the subject or object inviting the viewer to consider it for it for the real shape, a thought, a movement reminding us to focus on what is really important. The Architecture of Minimalism is characterized by an economy with materials , focusing on building quality with considerations for ‘essences’ as light, form, detail of material, texture, space and scale, place and human conditions . The research of this paper is mainly into the basis of designing a minimalistic mosque in India while analysing the parameters for the design from the matching characteristics of Islamic architecture in specific to a mosque and the minimalism. Therefore, the paper is about the mosque architecture and minimalism and of their underlying principles, matching characteristics and design goals.Keywords: Islamic architecture, minimalism, minimalistic mosque, mosque in India
Procedia PDF Downloads 1978112 Electrical Geophysical and Physiochemical Assessment of the Impact of Environmental Pollution on the Groundwater Potential of a Waste Land fill at Tudun Murtala in Nassarawa Local Government Area, Kano State, Nigeria
Authors: Abubakar Maitama Yusuf Hotoro, Olokpo Israel Olofu, Yusuf U. Tarauni, Mudassir A. Umar, Aliyu A, Dahiru Garba Diso, Usman H. Jamoh, M. Sale
The study assessed the impact of environmental pollution on groundwater potential at Tudun Murtala waste land fill using electrical resistivity, induced polarization and Physiochemical methods. The study area is located between latitude 12.023678N and longitude 8.573676 E. Geophysical data were collected at maximum length of 140m along twelve profiles using ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000. Results from the Geophysical analysis showed that the profiles were underlain by three lithological layers; the top layer consisting of Loamy and Sand soils, alluvium, granite, shale and sandstone. The second and third layers were predominantly made of weathered and fractured basements respectively. The potential groundwater water bearing zones of the study area occurred at VES2, VES4, VES5, VES6 and VES7. The thicknesses of the sounding points were found to be 20.8m at VES2; 25.2m at VES4; 13.2m at VES5; 50.8m at VES6 and 13.3m at VES7. The corresponding depths for the sounding points were 20.8m at VES2; 27.9m at VES4; 26.7m at VES5; 51.6m at VES6 and 24.9m at VES7 respectively. The Physiochemical study of selected groundwater samples assessed parameters such as the Electrical Conductivity, EC (288dS/m to 1365dS/m), TDS (170.8mg/L to 820mg/L) Pb (0.546mg/l to 0.629mg/l), Cu (-0.001mg/l to 0.004mg/l), and Cd (0.031mg/l to 0.092mg/l). The physiochemical results showed that the groundwater around the dumpsite may have been contaminated, especially in Dumpsite Hole 1 and Hole 2 at VES4 and VES6 respectively. There are indications for suspected leachate mitigation around the two VES points. Even though, the pH values of 6.4 and 6.2 at the two sounding points were considered to be within the permissible pH range (6.5 to 6.8). The values of other elements present in the groundwater for the samples at other VES points were found to be above permissible WHO and Nigerian Standards for Drinking Water.Keywords: resistivity induced polarization, chargeability, landfill, leachate, contamination
Procedia PDF Downloads 628111 Influence of Building Orientation and Post Processing Materials on Mechanical Properties of 3D-Printed Parts
Authors: Raf E. Ul Shougat, Ezazul Haque Sabuz, G. M. Najmul Quader, Monon Mahboob
Since there are lots of ways for building and post processing of parts or models in 3D printing technology, the main objective of this research is to provide an understanding how mechanical characteristics of 3D printed parts get changed for different building orientations and infiltrates. Tensile, compressive, flexure, and hardness test were performed for the analysis of mechanical properties of those models. Specimens were designed in CAD software, printed on Z-printer 450 with five different build orientations and post processed with four different infiltrates. Results show that with the change of infiltrates or orientations each of the above mechanical property changes and for each infiltrate the highest tensile strength, flexural strength, and hardness are found for such orientation where there is the lowest number of layers while printing.Keywords: 3D printing, building orientations, infiltrates, mechanical characteristics, number of layers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2808110 Working Conditions, Motivation and Job Performance of Hotel Workers
Authors: Thushel Jayaweera
In performance evaluation literature, there has been no investigation indicating the impact of job characteristics, working conditions and motivation on the job performance among the hotel workers in Britain. This study tested the relationship between working conditions (physical and psychosocial working conditions) and job performance (task and contextual performance) with motivators (e.g. recognition, achievement, the work itself, the possibility for growth and work significance) as the mediating variable. A total of 254 hotel workers in 25 hotels in Bristol, United Kingdom participated in this study. Working conditions influenced job performance and motivation moderated the relationship between working conditions and job performance. Poor workplace conditions resulted in decreasing employee performance. The results point to the importance of motivators among hotel workers and highlighted that work be designed to provide recognition and sense of autonomy on the job to enhance job performance of the hotel workers. These findings have implications for organizational interventions aimed at increasing employee job performance.Keywords: hotel workers, working conditions, motivation, job characteristics, job performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 5998109 Evaluation of Aquifer Protective Capacity and Soil Corrosivity Using Geoelectrical Method
Authors: M. T. Tsepav, Y. Adamu, M. A. Umar
A geoelectric survey was carried out in some parts of Angwan Gwari, an outskirt of Lapai Local Government Area on Niger State which belongs to the Nigerian Basement Complex, with the aim of evaluating the soil corrosivity, aquifer transmissivity and protective capacity of the area from which aquifer characterisation was made. The G41 Resistivity Meter was employed to obtain fifteen Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding data along profiles in a square grid network. The data were processed using interpex 1-D sounding inversion software, which gives vertical electrical sounding curves with layered model comprising of the apparent resistivities, overburden thicknesses and depth. This information was used to evaluate longitudinal conductance and transmissivities of the layers. The results show generally low resistivities across the survey area and an average longitudinal conductance variation from 0.0237Siemens in VES 6 to 0.1261 Siemens in VES 15 with almost the entire area giving values less than 1.0 Siemens. The average transmissivity values range from 96.45 Ω.m2 in VES 4 to 299070 Ω.m2 in VES 1. All but VES 4 and VES14 had an average overburden greater than 400 Ω.m2, these results suggest that the aquifers are highly permeable to fluid movement within, leading to the possibility of enhanced migration and circulation of contaminants in the groundwater system and that the area is generally corrosive.Keywords: geoelectric survey, corrosivity, protective capacity, transmissivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3398108 Collapse Surface Definition of Clayey Sands
Authors: Omid Naeemifar, Ibrahim Naeimifar, Roza Rahbari
It has been shown that a certain collapse surface may be defined for loose sands in the three dimensional space in which the sample sand experiences collapse and instability leading to an unsteady and strain-softening behaviour. The unsteady state due to collapse surface may lead to such phenomena in the sand as liquefaction and flow behaviour during undrained loading. Investigating the existence of the collapse surface in Firoozkooh 161 sand and its different clay mixtures with various plasticities, the present study aims to carry out an in-depth investigation of the effects of clay percent and its plasticity on the clayey sand behaviours. The results obtained indicate that collapse surface characteristics largely depend on fine percent and its plasticity. Interesting findings are also reported in this paper on the effects of fine sand percent and its plasticity on the behavioural characteristics and liquefaction potential of clayey sands.Keywords: critical state, collapse surface, liquefaction, clayey sand
Procedia PDF Downloads 2988107 Analyzing the Characteristics and Shifting Patterns of Creative Hubs in Bandung
Authors: Fajar Ajie Setiawan, Ratu Azima Mayangsari, Bunga Aprilia
The emergence of creative hubs around the world, including in Bandung, was primarily driven by the needs of collaborative-innovative spaces for creative industry activities such as the Maker Movement and the Coworking Movement. These activities pose challenges for identification and formulation of sets of indicators for modeling creative hubs in Bandung to help stakeholders in formulating strategies. This study intends to identify their characteristics. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach comparing three concepts of creative hub categorization and integrating them into a single instrument to analyze 12 selected creative hubs. Our results showed three new functions of creative hubs in Bandung: (1) cultural, (2) retail business, and (3) community network. Results also suggest that creative hubs in Bandung are commonly established for networking and community activities. Another result shows that there was a shifting pattern of creative hubs before the 2000s and after the 2000s, which also creates a hybrid group of creative hubs.Keywords: creative industry, creative hubs, Ngariung, Bandung
Procedia PDF Downloads 1788106 Atomic Scale Storage Mechanism Study of the Advanced Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Authors: Xi Wang, Yoshio Bando
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) can deliver high levels of energy storage density and offer long operating lifetimes, but their power density is too low for many important applications. Therefore, we developed some new strategies and fabricated novel electrodes for fast Li transport and its facile synthesis including N-doped graphene-SnO2 sandwich papers, bicontinuous nanoporous Cu/Li4Ti5O12 electrode, and binder-free N-doped graphene papers. In addition, by using advanced in-TEM, STEM techniques and the theoretical simulations, we systematically studied and understood their storage mechanisms at the atomic scale, which shed a new light on the reasons of the ultrafast lithium storage property and high capacity for these advanced anodes. For example, by using advanced in-situ TEM, we directly investigated these processes using an individual CuO nanowire anode and constructed a LIB prototype within a TEM. Being promising candidates for anodes in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), transition metal oxide anodes utilizing the so-called conversion mechanism principle typically suffer from the severe capacity fading during the 1st cycle of lithiation–delithiation. Also we report on the atomistic insights of the GN energy storage as revealed by in situ TEM. The lithiation process on edges and basal planes is directly visualized, the pyrrolic N "hole" defect and the perturbed solid-electrolyte-interface (SEI) configurations are observed, and charge transfer states for three N-existing forms are also investigated. In situ HRTEM experiments together with theoretical calculations provide a solid evidence that enlarged edge {0001} spacings and surface "hole" defects result in improved surface capacitive effects and thus high rate capability and the high capacity is owing to short-distance orderings at the edges during discharging and numerous surface defects; the phenomena cannot be understood previously by standard electron or X-ray diffraction analyses.Keywords: in-situ TEM, STEM, advanced anode, lithium-ion batteries, storage mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 3528105 A Study on Architectural Characteristics of Traditional Iranian Ordinary Houses in Mashhad, Iran
Authors: Rana Daneshvar Salehi
In many Iranian cities including Mashhad, the capital of Razavi Khorasan Province, ordinary samples of domestic architecture on a small scale is not considered as heritage. While the principals of house formation are respected in all traditional Iranian houses; from moderate to great ones. During the past decade, Mashhad has lost its identity, and has become a modern city. Identifying it as the capital of the Islamic Culture in 2017 by ISESCO and consequently looking for new developments and transfiguration caused to demolish a large number of traditional modest habitation. For this reason, the present paper aims to introduce the three undiscovered houses with the historical and monumental values located in the oldest neighborhoods of Mashhad which have been neglected in the cultural heritage field. The preliminary phase of this approach will be a measured survey to identify the significant characteristics of selected dwellings and understand the challenges through focusing on building form, orientation, room function, space proportion and ornamental elements’ details. A comparison between the case studies and the wealthy domestically buildings presents that a house belongs to inhabitants with an average income could introduce the same accurate, regular, harmonic and proportionate design which can be found in the great mansions. It reveals that an ordinary traditional house can be regarded as valuable construction not only for its historical characteristics but also for its aesthetical and architectural features that could avoid further destructions in the future.Keywords: traditional ordinary house, architectural characteristic, proportion, heritage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1468104 Effect of Injection Pressure and Fuel Injection Timing on Emission and Performance Characteristics of Karanja Biodiesel and its Blends in CI Engine
Authors: Mohan H., C. Elajchet Senni
In the present of high energy consumption in every sphere of life, renewable energy sources are emerging as alternative to conventional fuels for energy security, mitigating green house gas emission and climate change. There has been a world wide interest in searching for alternatives to petroleum derived fuels due to their depletion as well as due to the concern for the environment. Vegetable oils have capability to solve this problem because they are renewable and lead to reduction in environmental pollution. But high smoke emission and lower thermal efficiency are the main problems associated with the use of neat vegetable oils in diesel engines. In the present work, performance, combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine fuelled with 20% by vol. methyl esters mixed with Karanja seed Oil, and Fuel injection pressures of 200 bar and 240 bar, injection timings (21°,23° and 25° BTDC) and Proportion B20 diesel respectively. Vegetable oils have capability to solve this problem because they are renewable and lead to reduction in environmental pollution. But, high smoke emission and lower thermal efficiency are the main problems associated with the use of neat vegetable oils in diesel engines. In the present work, performance, combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine fuelled with 20% by vol. methyl esters mixed with Karanja seed Oil, and Fuel injection pressures of 200 bar and 240 bar ,Injection timings (21°,23° and 25° BTDC) and Proportion B20 diesel respectively. Various performance, combustion and emission characteristics such as thermal efficiency, and brake specific fuel consumption, maximum cylinder pressure, instantaneous heat release, cumulative heat release with respect to crank angle, ignition lag, combustion duration, HC, NOx, CO, exhaust temperature and smoke intensity were measured.Keywords: karanja oil, injection pressure, injection timing, karanja oil methyl ester
Procedia PDF Downloads 2918103 Vibration Energy Harvesting from Aircraft Structure Using Piezoelectric Transduction
Authors: M. Saifudin Ahmed Atique, Santosh Paudyal, Caixia Yang
In an aircraft, a great portion of energy is wasted due to its inflight structural vibration. Structural components vibrate due to aeroelastic instabilities, gust perturbations and engine rotation at very high rpm. Energy losses due to mechanical vibration can be utilized by harvesting energy from aircraft structure as electrical energy. This harvested energy can be stored in battery panels built into aircraft fuselage and can be used to power inflight auxiliary accessories i.e., lighting and entertainment systems. Moreover, this power can be used for wireless Structural Health Monitoring System (SHM) for aircraft and as an excellent replacement of aircraft Ground Power Unit (GPU)/Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) during passenger onboard time to power aircraft cabin accessories to reduce aircraft ground operation cost significantly. In this paper, we propose the design of a noble aircraft wing in which Piezoelectric panels placed under the composite skin of aircraft wing will generate electrical charges from any inflight aerodynamics or mechanical vibration and store it into battery to power auxiliary inflight systems/accessories as per requirement. Experimental results show that a well-engineered piezoelectric energy harvester based aircraft wing can produce adequate energy to support in-flight lighting and auxiliary cabin accessories.Keywords: vibration energy, aircraft wing, piezoelectric material, inflight accessories
Procedia PDF Downloads 1598102 Feeding Cost, Growth Performance, Meat and some Carcass Characteristics for Algerian “Hamra” Lambs
Authors: Kaddour Ziani, Méghit Boumédiène Khaled
Forty Hamra single non-castrated male lambs were included in the present study. Traits analyzed were weighted at birth (BW) every 20 days. At 99.15±1.07 days old, the animals were weaned, then divided in two identical groups: control and experimental lambs (n=20) according to their live weight; 24.63±0.47 and 24.35±0.64 Kg respectively. During 59 days, two varieties of feed were given to assess the growth performance. The feeding system consisted of supplying a commercial concentrate (corn based) for control lambs. However, a similar amount of experimental concentrate (barley based) was given to the experimental ones. Both diets were supplemented with 200g straw of barley/animal/ration. 10 lambs fed with experimental concentrate were slaughtered at 37.85±0.78 Kg live weight. The growth performance, the diet cost, and some of the carcass and meat characteristics were evaluated. Chemical analysis of both given diets showed an elevated crude fibre content in the commercial concentrate. However, the experimental concentrate contained higher amounts of calcium. Both groups grew at a similar rate (p > 0.05) and showed the same final body weight. Concerning the cost of the given diet, a significant difference has been found (p ≤ 0.001), between both diets. This could affect the price of the produced meat. The dressing percentage was 46.65%, with 2.49% of carcass shrink. Furthermore, an interesting percentage of total muscle was obtained (63.73%) with a good carcass conformation scoring 9.56. Compared to other breed sheep, “Hamra” carcass could be considered as the most valuable economically.Keywords: Carcass characteristics, feeding cost, growth performance, Hamra lamb, meat
Procedia PDF Downloads 3028101 Racial Diversity in Founding Ownership Teams and Business Performance in New Firms
Authors: Cedric Herring, Loren Henderson, Hayward Derrick Horton, Melvin Thomas
This paper asks whether business startups benefit from having racially diverse founding ownership teams. Using nationally representative data from the Kauffman Firm Survey, the analysis examines the relationship between the racial diversity of the founding ownership teams of business startups and their net worth, revenue, debt, and profits. The analysis shows that, net of firm characteristics and human capital characteristics, startups with racially diverse founding teams have higher net worth, lower debt, and greater profits than their non-diverse counterparts. The racial diversity of ownership teams is not, however, related to startup firms’ revenues, net of other factors. The implications of these findings are explored.Keywords: racial diversity, business startups, founding ownership teams, diversity and business performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3778100 Effect of Blade Shape on the Performance of Wells Turbine for Wave Energy Conversion
Authors: Katsuya Takasaki, Manabu Takao, Toshiaki Setoguchi
Effect of 3-dimensional (3D) blade on the turbine characteristics of Wells turbine for wave energy conversion has been investigated experimentally by model testing under steady flow conditions in the study, in order to improve the peak efficiency and the stall characteristics. The aim of the use of 3D blade is to prevent flow separation on the suction surface near the tip. The chord length is constant with radius and the blade profile changes gradually from mean radius to tip. The proposed blade profiles in the study are NACA0015 from hub to mean radius and NACA0025 at the tip. The performances of Wells turbine with 3D blades has been compared with those of the original Wells turbine, i.e. the turbine with 2-dimensional (2D) blades. As a result, it was concluded that although the peak efficiency of Wells turbine can be improved by the use of the proposed 3D blade, its blade does not overcome the weakness of stalling.Keywords: fluid machinery, ocean engineering, stall, wave energy conversion, wells turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3068099 Dielectric Properties in Frequency Domain of Main Insulation System of Printed Circuit Board
Authors: Xize Dai, Jian Hao, Claus Leth Bak, Gian Carlo Montanari, Huai Wang
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is a critical component applicable to power electronics systems, especially for high-voltage applications involving several high-voltage and high-frequency SiC/GaN devices. The insulation system of PCB is facing more challenges from high-voltage and high-frequency stress that can alter the dielectric properties. Dielectric properties of the PCB insulation system also determine the electrical field distribution that correlates with intrinsic and extrinsic aging mechanisms. Hence, investigating the dielectric properties in the frequency domain of the PCB insulation system is a must. The paper presents the frequency-dependent, temperature-dependent, and voltage-dependent dielectric properties, permittivity, conductivity, and dielectric loss tangents of PCB insulation systems. The dielectric properties mechanisms associated with frequency, temperature, and voltage are revealed from the design perspective. It can be concluded that the dielectric properties of PCB in the frequency domain show a strong dependence on voltage, frequency, and temperature. The voltage-, frequency-, and temperature-dependent dielectric properties are associated with intrinsic conduction behavior and polarization patterns from the perspective of dielectric theory. The results may provide some reference for the PCB insulation system design in high voltage, high frequency, and high-temperature power electronics applications.Keywords: electrical insulation system, dielectric properties, high voltage and frequency, printed circuit board
Procedia PDF Downloads 968098 Delineation of Oil – Polluted Sites in Ibeno LGA, Nigeria, Using Geophysical Techniques
Authors: Ime R. Udotong, Justina I. R. Udotong, Ofonime U. M. John
Ibeno, Nigeria hosts the operational base of Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (MPNU), a subsidiary of ExxonMobil and the current highest oil and condensate producer in Nigeria. Besides MPNU, other oil companies operate onshore, on the continental shelf and deep offshore of the Atlantic Ocean in Ibeno, Nigeria. This study was designed to delineate oil polluted sites in Ibeno, Nigeria using geophysical methods of electrical resistivity (ER) and ground penetrating radar (GPR). Results obtained revealed that there have been hydrocarbon contaminations of this environment by past crude oil spills as observed from high resistivity values and GPR profiles which clearly show the distribution, thickness and lateral extent of hydrocarbon contamination as represented on the radargram reflector tones. Contaminations were of varying degrees, ranging from slight to high, indicating levels of substantial attenuation of crude oil contamination over time. Moreover, the display of relatively lower resistivities of locations outside the impacted areas compared to resistivity values within the impacted areas and the 3-D Cartesian images of oil contaminant plume depicted by red, light brown and magenta for high, low and very low oil impacted areas, respectively confirmed significant recent pollution of the study area with crude oil.Keywords: electrical resistivity, geophysical investigations, ground penetrating radar, oil-polluted sites
Procedia PDF Downloads 4188097 Preliminary Geophysical Assessment of Soil Contaminants around Wacot Rice Factory Argungu, North-Western Nigeria
Authors: A. I. Augie, Y. Alhassan, U. Z. Magawata
Geophysical investigation was carried out at wacot rice factory Argungu north-western Nigeria, using the 2D electrical resistivity method. The area falls between latitude 12˚44′23ʺN to 12˚44′50ʺN and longitude 4032′18′′E to 4032′39′′E covering a total area of about 1.85 km. Two profiles were carried out with Wenner configuration using resistivity meter (Ohmega). The data obtained from the study area were modeled using RES2DIVN software which gave an automatic interpretation of the apparent resistivity data. The inverse resistivity models of the profiles show the high resistivity values ranging from 208 Ωm to 651 Ωm. These high resistivity values in the overburden were due to dryness and compactness of the strata that lead to consolidation, which is an indication that the area is free from leachate contaminations. However, from the inverse model, there are regions of low resistivity values (1 Ωm to 18 Ωm), these zones were observed and identified as clayey and the most contaminated zones. The regions of low resistivity thereby indicated the leachate plume or the highly leachate concentrated zones due to similar resistivity values in both clayey and leachate. The regions of leachate are mainly from the factory into the surrounding area and its groundwater. The maximum leachate infiltration was found at depths 1 m to 15.9 m (P1) and 6 m to 15.9 m (P2) vertically, as well as distance along the profiles from 67 m to 75 m (P1), 155 m to 180 m (P1), and 115 m to 192 m (P2) laterally.Keywords: contaminant, leachate, soil, groundwater, electrical, resistivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1618096 Layout Design Optimization of Spars under Multiple Load Cases of the High-Aspect-Ratio Wing
Authors: Yu Li, Jingwu He, Yuexi Xiong
The spar layout will affect the wing’s stiffness characteristics, and irrational spar arrangement will reduce the overall bending and twisting resistance capacity of the wing. In this paper, the active structural stiffness design theory is used to match the stiffness-center axis position and load-cases under the corresponding multiple flight conditions, in order to achieve better stiffness properties of the wing. The combination of active stiffness method and principle of stiffness distribution is proved to be reasonable supplying an initial reference for wing designing. The optimized layout of spars is eventually obtained, and the high-aspect-ratio wing will have better stiffness characteristics.Keywords: active structural stiffness design theory, high-aspect-ratio wing, flight load cases, layout of spars
Procedia PDF Downloads 3238095 Chemical Synthesis and Microwave Sintering of SnO2-Based Nanoparticles for Varistor Films
Authors: Glauco M. M. M. Lustosa, João Paulo C. Costa, Leinig Antônio Perazolli, Maria Aparecida Zaghete
SnO2 has electrical conductivity due to the excess of electrons and structural defects, being its electrical behavior highly dependent on sintering temperature and chemical composition. The addition of metals modifiers into the crystalline structure can improve and controlling the behavior of some semiconductor oxides that can therefore develop different applications such as varistors (ceramic with non-ohmic behavior between current and voltage, i.e. conductive during normal operation and resistive during overvoltage). The polymeric precursor method, based on the complexation reaction between metal ion and policarboxylic acid and then polymerized with ethylene glycol, was used to obtain nanopowders ceramic. The metal immobilization reduces its segregation during the decomposition of the polyester resulting in a crystalline oxide with high chemical homogeneity. The preparation of films from ceramics nanoparticles using electrophoretic deposition method (EPD) brings prospects for a new generation of smaller size devices with easy integration technology. EPD allows to control time and current and therefore it can have control of the thickness, surface roughness and the film density, quickly and with low production costs. The sintering process is key to control size and grain boundary density of the film. In this step, there is the diffusion of metals that promote densification and control of intrinsic defects or change these defects which will form and modify the potential barrier in the grain boundary. The use of microwave oven for sintering is an advantageous process due to the fast and homogeneous heating rate, promoting the diffusion and densification without irregular grain growth. This research was done a comparative study of sintering temperature by use of zinc as modifier agent to verify the influence on sintering step aiming to promote densification and grain growth, which influences the potential barrier formation and then changed the electrical behavior. SnO2-nanoparticles were obtained with 1 %mol of ZnO + 0.05 %mol of Nb2O5 (SZN), deposited as film through EPD (voltage 2 kV, time of 10 min) on Si/Pt substrate. Sintering was made in a microwave oven at 800, 900 and 1000 °C. For complete coverage of the substrate by nanoparticles with low surface roughness and uniform thickness was added 0.02 g of solid iodine in alcoholic suspension SnO2 to increase particle surface charge. They were also used magneto in EPD system that improved the deposition rate forming a compact film. Using a scanning electron microscope of high resolution (SEM_FEG) it was observed nanoparticles with average size between 10-20 nm, after sintering the average size was 150 to 200 nm and thickness of 5 µm. Also, it was verified that the temperature at 1000 °C was the most efficient in sintering. The best sintering time was also recorded and determined as 40 minutes. After sintering, the films were recovered with Cr3+ ions layer by EPD, then the films were again thermally treated. The electrical characterizations (nonlinear coefficient of 11.4, voltage rupture of ~60 V and leakage current = 4.8x10−6 A), allow considering the new methodology suitable for prepare SnO2-based varistor applied for development of electrical protection devices for low voltage.Keywords: chemical synthesis, electrophoretic deposition, microwave sintering, tin dioxide
Procedia PDF Downloads 2728094 Quantification of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Soil Samples of Electrical Power Substations from Different Cities in Nigeria
Authors: Omasan Urhie Urhie, Adenipekun C. O, Eke W., Ogwu K., Erinle K. O
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that are very toxic; they possess ability to accumulate in soil and in human tissues hence resulting in health issues like birth defect, reproductive disorder and cancer. The air is polluted by PCBs through volatilization and dispersion; they also contaminate soil and sediments and are not easily degraded. Soil samples were collected from a depth of 0-15 cm from three substations (Warri, Ughelli and Ibadan) of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) where old transformers were dumped in Nigeria. Extraction and cleanup of soil samples were conducted using Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) with Pressurized Liquid extraction (PLE). The concentration of PCBs was determined using gsas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Mean total PCB concentrations in the soil samples increased in the order Ughelli ˂ Ibadan˂ Warri, 2.457757ppm Ughelli substation 4.198926ppm, for Ibadan substation and 14.05065ppm at Warri substation. In the Warri samples, PCB-167 was the most abundant at about 30% (4.28086ppm) followed by PCB-157 at about 20% (2.77871), of the total PCB concentrations (14.05065ppm). Of the total PCBs in the Ughelli and Ibadan samples, PCB-156 was the most abundant at about 44% and 40%, respectively. This study provides a baseline report on the presence of PCBs in the vicinity of abandoned electrical power facilities in different cities in Nigeria.Keywords: polychlorintated biphenyls, persistent organic pollutants, soil, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1438093 The Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Compressed Composite Plate in Asymmetrical Arrangement of Layers
Authors: Katarzyna Falkowicz
The work focused on the original concept of a thin-walled plate element with a cut-out, for use as a spring or load-bearing element. The subject of the study were rectangular plates with a cut-out with variable geometrical parameters and with a variable angle of fiber arrangement, made of a carbon-epoxy composite with high strength properties in an asymmetrical arrangement, subjected to uniform compression. The influence of geometrical parameters of the cut-out and the angle of fiber arrangement on the value of critical load of the structure and buckling form was investigated. Uniform thin plates are relatively cheap to manufacture, however due to their low bending stiffness; they can carry relatively small loads. The lowest form of loss of plate stability, which is the bending form, leads to its rapid destruction due to high deflection increases, with a slight increase in compressive load - low rigidity of the structure. However, the stiffness characteristics of the structure change significantly when the work of plate is forcing according to the higher flexural-torsional form of buckling. The plate is able to carry a much higher compressive load while maintaining much stiffer work characteristics in the post-critical range. The calculations carried out earlier show that plates with forced higher form of buckling are characterized by stable, progressive paths of post-critical equilibrium, enabling their use as elastic elements. The characteristics of such elements can be designed in a wide range by changing the geometrical parameters of the cut-out, i.e. height and width as well as by changing the angle of fiber arrangement The commercial ABAQUS program using the finite element method was used to develop the discrete model and perform numerical calculations. The obtained results are of significant practical importance in the design of structures with elastic elements, allowing to achieve the required maintenance characteristics of the device.Keywords: buckling mode, numerical method, unsymmetrical laminates, thin-walled elastic elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 1068092 Experimental Studies of Cyclic Load Resistance of Materials Samples Parts Manufactured by Powder Bed Fusion for Use in Aviation Gas Turbine Engines
Authors: L. Magerramova, M. Volkov, A. Stadnikov, A. Khakimov, D. Slugina, V. Isakov, I. Kabanov
The manufacture of parts of aviation gas turbine engines by additive methods is currently widespread due to the possibility of improving designs. However, the characteristics of the powder materials used in these technologies have not yet been sufficiently studied to our best knowledge. The issue of the resistance of such structures to vibration loads is particularly acute. This paper is devoted to the study of the characteristics of high cycle fatigue of objects (samples and parts) made using additive technologies from modern powder materials of titanium, nickel, and cobalt alloys under high cyclic loading, as well as typical blades of aviation gas turbine engines that experience vibration loads during operation.Keywords: additive manufacture, gas turbine engines, high cycle fatigue, experimental studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 88091 A Study on the Etching Characteristics of High aspect ratio Oxide Etching Using C4F6 Plasma in Inductively Coupled Plasma with Low Frequency Bias
Authors: ByungJun Woo
In this study, high-aspect-ratio (HAR) oxide etching characteristics in inductively coupled plasma were investigated using low frequency (2 MHz) bias power with C4F6 gas. An experiment was conducted using CF4/C4F6/He as the mixed gas. A 100 nm (etch area)/500 nm (mask area) line patterns were used, and the etch cross-section and etch selectivity of the amorphous carbon layer thin film were derived using a scanning electron microscope. Ion density was extracted using a double Langmuir probe, and CFx and F neutral species were observed via optical emission spectroscopy. Based on these results, the possibility for HAR oxide etching using C4F6 gas chemistry was suggested in this work. These etching results also indicate that the use of C4F6 gas can significantly contribute to the development of next-generation HAR oxide etching.Keywords: plasma, etching, C4F6, high aspect ratio, inductively coupled plasma
Procedia PDF Downloads 758090 IoT Based Soil Moisture Monitoring System for Indoor Plants
Authors: Gul Rahim Rahimi
The IoT-based soil moisture monitoring system for indoor plants is designed to address the challenges of maintaining optimal moisture levels in soil for plant growth and health. The system utilizes sensor technology to collect real-time data on soil moisture levels, which is then processed and analyzed using machine learning algorithms. This allows for accurate and timely monitoring of soil moisture levels, ensuring plants receive the appropriate amount of water to thrive. The main objectives of the system are twofold: to keep plants fresh and healthy by preventing water deficiency and to provide users with comprehensive insights into the water content of the soil on a daily and hourly basis. By monitoring soil moisture levels, users can identify patterns and trends in water consumption, allowing for more informed decision-making regarding watering schedules and plant care. The scope of the system extends to the agriculture industry, where it can be utilized to minimize the efforts required by farmers to monitor soil moisture levels manually. By automating the process of soil moisture monitoring, farmers can optimize water usage, improve crop yields, and reduce the risk of plant diseases associated with over or under-watering. Key technologies employed in the system include the Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor V1.2 for accurate soil moisture measurement, the Node MCU ESP8266-12E Board for data transmission and communication, and the Arduino framework for programming and development. Additionally, machine learning algorithms are utilized to analyze the collected data and provide actionable insights. Cloud storage is utilized to store and manage the data collected from multiple sensors, allowing for easy access and retrieval of information. Overall, the IoT-based soil moisture monitoring system offers a scalable and efficient solution for indoor plant care, with potential applications in agriculture and beyond. By harnessing the power of IoT and machine learning, the system empowers users to make informed decisions about plant watering, leading to healthier and more vibrant indoor environments.Keywords: IoT-based, soil moisture monitoring, indoor plants, water management
Procedia PDF Downloads 528089 [Keynote Talk]: Morphological Analysis of Continuous Graphene Oxide Fibers Incorporated with Carbon Nanotube and MnCl₂
Authors: Nuray Ucar, Pelin Altay, Ilkay Ozsev Yuksek
Graphene oxide fibers have recently received increasing attention due to their excellent properties such as high specific surface area, high mechanical strength, good thermal properties and high electrical conductivity. They have shown notable potential in various applications including batteries, sensors, filtration and separation and wearable electronics. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have unique structural, mechanical, and electrical properties and can be used together with graphene oxide fibers for several application areas such as lithium ion batteries, wearable electronics, etc. Metals salts that can be converted into metal ions and metal oxide can be also used for several application areas such as battery, purification natural gas, filtration, absorption. This study investigates the effects of CNT and metal complex compounds (MnCl₂, metal salts) on the morphological structure of graphene oxide fibers. The graphene oxide dispersion was manufactured by modified Hummers method, and continuous graphene oxide fibers were produced with wet spinning. The CNT and MnCl₂ were incorporated into the coagulation baths during wet spinning process. Produced composite continuous fibers were analyzed with SEM, SEM-EDS and AFM microscopies and as spun fiber counts were measured.Keywords: continuous graphene oxide fiber, Hummers' method, CNT, MnCl₂
Procedia PDF Downloads 1768088 Precarious Employment Experience; Developing a Precariousness Scale
Authors: Gul Selin Erben
Precariousness can be evaluated as the new employment climate of the neo-liberal employment markets. As the word refers to a new mode of employment experience and working practices, it was felt as a necessity to reveal the basic characteristics of this kind of employment experience. Furthermore, according to the literature, precarious employment practices have some negative outcomes such as alienation, sense of anger, and anomy. Thus, it has quite significant to reveal the conditions' characteristics and practices of precarious employment. This study has the purpose to develop an instrument which measures the precarious employment practices. In order to develop a precariousness scale, the relevant literature was examined, and 30 statements were established as a result of the literature review. The development and validation of the scale were done by a sample of 123 individuals who work in different sectors in İstanbul as a white color employee. Convenience sampling was used as a sampling methodology. Reliability and factor analysis were conducted. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, 3 dimensions were gathered.Keywords: employment, employment experience, precariousness, scale development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1688087 Factors Influencing Paternal Involvement in Childcare: Empirical Evidence from Rural India
Authors: Anu Jose, Sapna Nair
By using the baseline data of a randomized cluster trial aiming to understand the effects of social, technological and business innovation on child development in two districts of Tamil Nadu, India, we examine the determinants of father involvement in childcare. While there is a growing literature on the role of fathers in child development and family systems, we particularly look at the effect of the attitude of mother and father towards father's involvement in childcare in rural South India. We find that father's own attitude and the mother's gatekeeping attitude significantly affect the father's behavior when other socio-economic characteristics of the parents are controlled. Further, the results are corroborated using different empirical models in which father involvement is conceptualized into three categories broadly; play, caretaking, and affection. We also examine the other socio-economic characteristics affecting paternal involvement using both quantitative and qualitative methods. For instance, child characteristics such as the age and birth order have a significant influence on the level of paternal involvement. That is, older the child, the more involved the father is and the father gets more involved in childcare of the second child as compared to the first child. The participants of the study included 1516 children of age 0 to 22 months from 1476 households. Results indicate that fathers of households where the mother and the father have less traditional attitude exhibit a higher level of involvement in childcare as opposed to parents having a more traditional attitude towards gender role in parenting. The results of this paper provide a major policy lesson aiming to improve paternal involvement in childcare.Keywords: child development, father involvement, gender, parent’s attitude towards paternal involvement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1518086 Drying Characteristics of Shrimp by Using the Traditional Method of Oven
Authors: I. A. Simsek, S. N. Dogan, A. S. Kipcak, E. Morodor Derun, N. Tugrul
In this study, the drying characteristics of shrimp are studied by using the traditional drying method of oven. Drying temperatures are selected between 60-80°C. Obtained experimental drying results are applied to eleven mathematical models of Alibas, Aghbashlo et al., Henderson and Pabis, Jena and Das, Lewis, Logaritmic, Midilli and Kucuk, Page, Parabolic, Wang and Singh and Weibull. The best model was selected as parabolic based on the highest coefficient of determination (R²) (0.999990 at 80°C) and the lowest χ² (0.000002 at 80°C), and the lowest root mean square error (RMSE) (0.000976 at 80°C) values are compared to other models. The effective moisture diffusivity (Deff) values were calculated using the Fick’s second law’s cylindrical coordinate approximation and are found between 6.61×10⁻⁸ and 6.66×10⁻⁷ m²/s. The activation energy (Ea) was calculated using modified form of Arrhenius equation and is found as 18.315 kW/kg.Keywords: activation energy, drying, effective moisture diffusivity, modelling, oven, shrimp
Procedia PDF Downloads 1928085 Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Structural, Electrical and Photocatalytic Properties of K₀.₅Na₀.₅NbO₃ Lead- Free Ceramics Prepared via Different Synthesis Routes
Authors: Manish Saha, Manish Kumar Niranjan, Saket Asthana
The K₀.₅Na₀.₅NbO₃ (KNN) system has emerged as one of the most promising lead-free piezoelectric over the years. In this work, we perform a comprehensive investigation of electronic structure, lattice dynamics and dielectric/ferroelectric properties of the room temperature phase of KNN by combining ab-initio DFT-based theoretical analysis and experimental characterization. We assign the symmetry labels to KNN vibrational modes and obtain ab-initio polarized Raman spectra, Infrared (IR) reflectivity, Born-effective charge tensors, oscillator strengths etc. The computed Raman spectrum is found to agree well with the experimental spectrum. In particular, the results suggest that the mode in the range ~840-870 cm-¹ reported in the experimental studies is longitudinal optical (LO) with A_1 symmetry. The Raman mode intensities are calculated for different light polarization set-ups, which suggests the observation of different symmetry modes in different polarization set-ups. The electronic structure of KNN is investigated, and an optical absorption spectrum is obtained. Further, the performances of DFT semi-local, metal-GGA and hybrid exchange-correlations (XC) functionals, in the estimation of KNN band gaps are investigated. The KNN bandgap computed using GGA-1/2 and HSE06 hybrid functional schemes are found to be in excellant agreement with the experimental value. The COHP, electron localization function and Bader charge analysis is also performed to deduce the nature of chemical bonding in the KNN. The solid-state reaction and hydrothermal methods are used to prepare the KNN ceramics, and the effects of grain size on the physical characteristics these ceramics are examined. A comprehensive study on the impact of different synthesis techniques on the structural, electrical, and photocatalytic properties of ferroelectric ceramics KNN. The KNN-S prepared by solid-state method have significantly larger grain size as compared to that for KNN-H prepared by hydrothermal method. Furthermore, the KNN-S is found to exhibit higher dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties as compared to KNN-H. On the other hand, the increased photocatalytic activity is observed in KNN-H as compared to KNN-S. As compared to the hydrothermal synthesis, the solid-state synthesis causes an increase in the relative dielectric permittivity (ε^') from 2394 to 3286, remnant polarization (P_r) from 15.38 to 20.41 μC/cm^², planer electromechanical coupling factor (k_p) from 0.19 to 0.28 and piezoelectric coefficient (d_33) from 88 to 125 pC/N. The KNN-S ceramics are also found to have a lower leakage current density, and higher grain resistance than KNN-H ceramic. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of KNN-H is attributed to relatively smaller particle sizes. The KNN-S and KNN-H samples are found to have degradation efficiencies of RhB solution of 20% and 65%, respectively. The experimental study highlights the importance of synthesis methods and how these can be exploited to tailor the dielectric, piezoelectric and photocatalytic properties of KNN. Overall, our study provides several bench-mark important results on KNN that have not been reported so far.Keywords: lead-free piezoelectric, Raman intensity spectrum, electronic structure, first-principles calculations, solid state synthesis, photocatalysis, hydrothermal synthesis
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