Search results for: flywheel energy storage
8644 Image Compression Using Block Power Method for SVD Decomposition
Authors: El Asnaoui Khalid, Chawki Youness, Aksasse Brahim, Ouanan Mohammed
In these recent decades, the important and fast growth in the development and demand of multimedia products is contributing to an insufficient in the bandwidth of device and network storage memory. Consequently, the theory of data compression becomes more significant for reducing the data redundancy in order to save more transfer and storage of data. In this context, this paper addresses the problem of the lossless and the near-lossless compression of images. This proposed method is based on Block SVD Power Method that overcomes the disadvantages of Matlab's SVD function. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a better compression performance compared with the existing compression algorithms that use the Matlab's SVD function. In addition, the proposed approach is simple and can provide different degrees of error resilience, which gives, in a short execution time, a better image compression.Keywords: image compression, SVD, block SVD power method, lossless compression, near lossless
Procedia PDF Downloads 3888643 Influence of Coatings on Energy Conservation in Construction Industry
Authors: Nancy Sakr, Mohamed Abou-Zeid
World energy consumption has increased rapidly in the past few years. Due to population growth, total energy consumption is increasing; a large amount of energy is wasted on the cooling and heating processes in buildings. However, using thermal heating management can minimize costs, heat consumption and create a management system for the heat insulation for buildings. This concept is being implemented through different approaches. Based on analysis and research, there is evidence in the energy consumption before and after testing and applying construction approaches for thermal heating management in building units. This investigation addresses the evaluation of the influence of external coatings on energy consumption. Coatings are considered one of the smart effective available approaches for energy efficiency. Unfortunately, this approach is not widely applied in the construction industry. It needs more data to prove effectiveness and credibility between people to use it as a smart thermal insulation approach. Two precedents have been analyzed in order to monitor buildings’ heat exposure, and how the buildings will be affected by thermal insulation materials. Data sheets from chemical companies which produce similar coatings are compared with the usual products and the protective thermal products.Keywords: energy consumption, building envelope, thermal insulation, protective coatings
Procedia PDF Downloads 1448642 Energy Conservation Strategies of Buildings in Hot, Arid Region: Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Authors: M. H. Shwehdi, S. Raja Mohammad
Recently energy savings have become more pronounced as a result of the world financial crises as well the unstable oil prices. Certainly all entities needs to adapt Energy Conservation and Management Strategies due to high monthly consumption of their spread locations and advancements of its telecom systems. These system improvements necessitate the establishment of more exchange centers as well provide energy savings. This paper investigates the impact of HVAC System Characteristics, Operational Strategies, the impact of Envelope Thermal Characteristics, and energy conservation measures. These are classified under three types of measures i.e. Zero-Investment; Low-Investment and High-Investment Energy Conservation Measures. The study shows that the Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) pertaining to the HVAC system characteristics and operation represent the highest potential for energy reduction, attention should be given to window thermal and solar radiation characteristics when large window areas are used. The type of glazing system needs to be carefully considered in the early design phase of future buildings. Paper will present the thermal optimization of different size centers in the two hot-dry and hot-humid Saudi Arabian city of Al Khobar, East province.Keywords: energy conservation, optimization, thermal design, intermittent operation, exchange centers, hot-humid climate, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4528641 Methodological Approach for Historical Building Retrofit Based on Energy and Cost Analysis in the Different Climatic Zones
Authors: Selin Guleroglu, Ilker Kahraman, E. Selahattin Umdu
In today’s world, the building sector has a significant impact on primary energy consumption and CO₂ emissions. While new buildings must have high energy performance as indicated by the Energy Performance Directive in Buildings (EPBD), published by the European Union (EU), the energy performance of the existing buildings must also be enhanced with cost-efficient methods. Turkey has a high historical building density similar to south European countries, and the high energy consumption is the main contributor in the energy consumptioın of Turkey, which is rather higher than European counterparts. Historic buildings spread around Turkey for four main climate zones covering very similar climate characteristics to both the north and south European countries. The case study building is determined as the most common building type in Turkey. This study aims to investigate energy retrofit measures covering but not limited to passive and active measures to improve the energy performance of the historical buildings located in different climatic zones within the limits of preservation of the historical value of the building as a crucial constraint. Passive measures include wall, window, and roof construction elements, and active measures HVAC systems in retrofit scenarios. The proposed methodology can help to reach up to 30% energy saving based on primary energy consumption. DesignBuilder, an energy simulation tool, is used to determine the energy performance of buildings with suggested retrofit measures, and the Net Present Value (NPV) method is used for cost analysis of them. Finally, the most efficient energy retrofit measures for all buildings are determined by analyzing primary energy consumption and the cost performance of them. Results show that heat insulation, glazing type, and HVAC system has an important role in energy saving. Also, it found that these parameters have a different positive or negative effect on building energy consumption in different climate zones. For instance, low e glazing has a positive impact on the energy performance of the building in the first zone, while it has a negative effect on the building in the forth zone. Another important result is applying heat insulation has minimum impact on building energy performance compared to other zones.Keywords: energy performance, climatic zones, historic building, energy retrofit measures, NPV
Procedia PDF Downloads 1768640 Highlighting of the Factors and Policies affecting CO2 Emissions level in Malaysian Transportation Sector
Authors: Siti Indati Mustapa, Hussain Ali Bekhet
Global CO2 emission and increasing fuel consumption to meet energy demand requirement has become a threat in recent decades. Effort to reduce the CO2 emission is now a matter of priority in most countries of the world including Malaysia. Transportation has been identified as the most intensive sector of carbon-based fuels and achievement of the voluntary target to meet 40% carbon intensity reduction set at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) means that the emission from the transport sector must be reduced accordingly. This posed a great challenge to Malaysia and effort has to be made to embrace suitable and appropriate energy policy for sustainable energy and emission reduction of this sector. The focus of this paper is to analyse the trends of Malaysia’s energy consumption and emission of four different transport sub-sectors (road, rail, aviation and maritime). Underlying factors influencing the growth of energy consumption and emission trends are discussed. Besides, technology status towards energy efficiency in transportation sub-sectors is presented. By reviewing the existing policies and trends of energy used, the paper highlights prospective policy options towards achieving emission reduction in the transportation sector.Keywords: CO2 emissions, transportation sector, fuel consumption, energy policy, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4688639 Relay-Augmented Bottleneck Throughput Maximization for Correlated Data Routing: A Game Theoretic Perspective
Authors: Isra Elfatih Salih Edrees, Mehmet Serdar Ufuk Türeli
In this paper, an energy-aware method is presented, integrating energy-efficient relay-augmented techniques for correlated data routing with the goal of optimizing bottleneck throughput in wireless sensor networks. The system tackles the dual challenge of throughput optimization while considering sensor network energy consumption. A unique routing metric has been developed to enable throughput maximization while minimizing energy consumption by utilizing data correlation patterns. The paper introduces a game theoretic framework to address the NP-complete optimization problem inherent in throughput-maximizing correlation-aware routing with energy limitations. By creating an algorithm that blends energy-aware route selection strategies with the best reaction dynamics, this framework provides a local solution. The suggested technique considerably raises the bottleneck throughput for each source in the network while reducing energy consumption by choosing the best routes that strike a compromise between throughput enhancement and energy efficiency. Extensive numerical analyses verify the efficiency of the method. The outcomes demonstrate the significant decrease in energy consumption attained by the energy-efficient relay-augmented bottleneck throughput maximization technique, in addition to confirming the anticipated throughput benefits.Keywords: correlated data aggregation, energy efficiency, game theory, relay-augmented routing, throughput maximization, wireless sensor networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 848638 Development and Analysis of Multigeneration System by Using Combined Solar and Geothermal Energy Resources
Authors: Muhammad Umar Khan, Mahesh Kumar, Faraz Neakakhtar
Although industrialization marks to the economy of a country yet it increases the pollution and temperature of the environment. The world is now shifting towards green energy because the utilization of fossil fuels is resulting in global warming. So we need to develop systems that can operate on renewable energy resources and have low heat losses. The combined solar and geothermal multigeneration system can solve this issue. Rather than making rankine cycle purely a solar-driven, heat from solar is used to drive vapour absorption cycle and reheated to generate power using geothermal reservoir. The results are displayed by using Engineering Equation Solver software, where inputs are varied to optimize the energy and exergy efficiencies of the system. The cooling effect is 348.2 KW, while the network output is 23.8 MW and reducing resultant emission of 105553 tons of CO₂ per year. This eco-friendly multigeneration system is capable of eliminating the use of fossil fuels and increasing the geothermal energy efficiency.Keywords: cooling effect, eco-friendly, green energy, heat loses, multigeneration system, renewable energy, work output
Procedia PDF Downloads 2668637 Feasibility of Two Positive-Energy Schools in a Hot-Humid Tropical Climate: A Methodological Approach
Authors: Shashwat, Sandra G. L. Persiani, Yew Wah Wong, Pramod S. Kamath, Avinash H. Anantharam, Hui Ling Aw, Yann Grynberg
Achieving zero-energy targets in existing buildings is known to be a difficult task, hence targets are addressed at new buildings almost exclusively. Although these ultra-efficient case-studies remain essential to develop future technologies and drive the concepts of Zero-energy, the immediate need to cut the consumption of the existing building stock remains unaddressed. This work aims to present a reliable and straightforward methodology for assessing the potential of energy-efficient upgrading in existing buildings. Public Singaporean school buildings, characterized by low energy use intensity and large roof areas, were identified as potential objects for conversion to highly-efficient buildings with a positive energy balance. A first study phase included the development of a detailed energy model for two case studies (a primary and a secondary school), based on the architectural drawings provided, site-visits and calibrated using measured end-use power consumption of different spaces. The energy model was used to demonstrate compliances or predict energy consumption of proposed changes in the two buildings. As complete energy monitoring is difficult and substantially time-consuming, short-term energy data was collected in the schools by taking spot measurements of power, voltage, and current for all the blocks of school. The figures revealed that the bulk of the consumption is attributed in decreasing order of magnitude to air-conditioning, plug loads, and lighting. In a second study-phase, a number of energy-efficient technologies and strategies were evaluated through energy-modeling to identify the alternatives giving the highest energy saving potential, achieving a reduction in energy use intensity down to 19.71 kWh/m²/y and 28.46 kWh/m²/y for the primary and the secondary schools respectively. This exercise of field evaluation and computer simulation of energy saving potential aims at a preliminary assessment of the positive-energy feasibility enabling future implementation of the technologies on the buildings studied, in anticipation of a broader and more widespread adoption in Singaporean schools.Keywords: energy simulation, school building, tropical climate, zero energy buildings, positive energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1508636 3D Writing on Photosensitive Glass-Ceramics
Authors: C. Busuioc, S. Jinga, E. Pavel
Optical lithography is a key technique in the development of sub-5 nm patterns for the semiconductor industry. We have already reported that the best results obtained with respect to direct laser writing process on active media, such as glass-ceramics, are achieved only when the energy of the laser radiation is absorbed in discrete quantities. Further, we need to clarify the role of active centers concentration in silver nanocrystals natural generation, as well as in fluorescent rare-earth nanostructures formation. As a consequence, samples with different compositions were prepared. SEM, AFM, TEM and STEM investigations were employed in order to demonstrate that few nm width lines can be written on fluorescent photosensitive glass-ceramics, these being efficient absorbers. Moreover, we believe that the experimental data will lead to the best choice in terms of active centers amount, laser power and glass-ceramic matrix.Keywords: glass-ceramics, 3D laser writing, optical disks, data storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3008635 A Hybrid Simulation Approach to Evaluate Cooling Energy Consumption for Public Housings of Subtropics
Authors: Kwok W. Mui, Ling T. Wong, Chi T. Cheung
Cooling energy consumption in the residential sector, different from shopping mall, office or commercial buildings, is significantly subject to occupant decisions where in-depth investigations are found limited. It shows that energy consumptions could be associated with housing types. Surveys have been conducted in existing Hong Kong public housings to understand the housing characteristics, apartment electricity demands, occupant’s thermal expectations, and air–conditioning usage patterns for further cooling energy-saving assessments. The aim of this study is to develop a hybrid cooling energy prediction model, which integrated by EnergyPlus (EP) and artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate cooling energy consumption in public residential sector. Sensitivity tests are conducted to find out the energy impacts with changing building parameters regarding to external wall and window material selection, window size reduction, shading extension, building orientation and apartment size control respectively. Assessments are performed to investigate the relationships between cooling demands and occupant behavior on thermal environment criteria and air-conditioning operation patterns. The results are summarized into a cooling energy calculator for layman use to enhance the cooling energy saving awareness in their own living environment. The findings can be used as a directory framework for future cooling energy evaluation in residential buildings, especially focus on the occupant behavioral air–conditioning operation and criteria of energy-saving incentives.Keywords: artificial neural network, cooling energy, occupant behavior, residential buildings, thermal environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1698634 Vibration Energy Harvesting from Aircraft Structure Using Piezoelectric Transduction
Authors: M. Saifudin Ahmed Atique, Santosh Paudyal, Caixia Yang
In an aircraft, a great portion of energy is wasted due to its inflight structural vibration. Structural components vibrate due to aeroelastic instabilities, gust perturbations and engine rotation at very high rpm. Energy losses due to mechanical vibration can be utilized by harvesting energy from aircraft structure as electrical energy. This harvested energy can be stored in battery panels built into aircraft fuselage and can be used to power inflight auxiliary accessories i.e., lighting and entertainment systems. Moreover, this power can be used for wireless Structural Health Monitoring System (SHM) for aircraft and as an excellent replacement of aircraft Ground Power Unit (GPU)/Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) during passenger onboard time to power aircraft cabin accessories to reduce aircraft ground operation cost significantly. In this paper, we propose the design of a noble aircraft wing in which Piezoelectric panels placed under the composite skin of aircraft wing will generate electrical charges from any inflight aerodynamics or mechanical vibration and store it into battery to power auxiliary inflight systems/accessories as per requirement. Experimental results show that a well-engineered piezoelectric energy harvester based aircraft wing can produce adequate energy to support in-flight lighting and auxiliary cabin accessories.Keywords: vibration energy, aircraft wing, piezoelectric material, inflight accessories
Procedia PDF Downloads 1598633 Bimetallic Silver-Platinum Core-Shell Nanoparticles Formation and Spectroscopic Analysis
Authors: Mangaka C. Matoetoe, Fredrick O. Okumu
Metal nanoparticles have attracted a great interest in scientific research and industrial applications, owing to their unique large surface area-to-volume ratios and quantum-size effects. Supported metal nanoparticles play a pivotal role in areas such as nanoelectronics, energy storage and as catalysts for the sustainable production of fuels and chemicals. Monometallics (Ag, Pt) and Silver-platinum (Ag-Pt) bimetallic (BM) nanoparticles (NPs) with a mole fraction (1:1) were prepared by reduction / co-reduction of hexachloroplatinate and silver nitrate with sodium citrate. The kinetics of the nanoparticles formation was monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometry. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy were used for size, film morphology as well as elemental composition study. Fast reduction processes was noted in Ag NPs (0.079 s-1) and Ag-Pt NPs 1:1 (0.082 s-1) with exception of Pt NPs (0.006 s-1) formation. The UV-visible spectra showed characteristic peaks in Ag NPs while the Pt NPs and Ag-Pt NPs 1:1 had no observable absorption peaks. UV visible spectra confirmed chemical reduction resulting to formation of NPs while TEM images depicted core-shell arrangement in the Ag-Pt NPs 1:1 with particle size of 20 nm. Monometallic Ag and Pt NPs reported particle sizes of 60 nm and 2.5 nm respectively. The particle size distribution in the BM NPs was found to directly depend on the concentration of Pt NPs around the Ag core. EDX elemental composition analysis of the nanoparticle suspensions confirmed presence of the Ag and Pt in the Ag-Pt NPs 1:1. All the spectroscopic analysis confirmed the successful formation of the nanoparticles.Keywords: kinetics, morphology, nanoparticles, platinum, silver
Procedia PDF Downloads 4018632 Behavior of Pet Packaging on Quality Characteristics of an Algerian Virgin Olive Oil Under Various Conditions of Storage
Authors: Hamitri-Guerfi Fatiha, Mekimene Lekhder, Madani Khodir, Youyou Ahcene
Virgin olive oil is appreciated by consumers, the quality of the oil is regulated by the international olive oil council depends on its chemical composition, so, the correct packing conditions are a prerequisite to preserve oil color, flavor, and nutriments, from production to consumption. The contact of food with various materials of packaging, since the production, until their consumption constitutes one of the essential aspects of food safety (directive 76/833/CEE). In Algeria, plastic bottles, although, they are economic and light are largely used at packaging olive oil but not used in other countries. This is due to migration phenomena that can occur from these materials. Thus, the goal of this work is to examine the physicochemical behavior of the couple packaging plastic-oil during their exposure to three temperatures corresponding to the conditions of storage applied in Algeria. Like, it is difficult to compare blowers of bottles which are heavy engineering, it comes out from this study that the effect of heat, the absorption of water, the constraints of storage of acidity, as well as the composition of oil, the PET bottles showed a remarkable structural instability, this defect of quality was confirmed by the analysis of morphology by electronic scan microscopy. These bottles present a total migration significantly higher than the threshold of acceptance. Moreover, a metal contamination of oil by its packaging was confirmed by the spectroscopy of atomic absorption and a microanalysis. The differences observed between the results of the microanalysis applied and the mechanical characterizations of the various bottles are reported, showing the reality of the container-contents exchanges.Keywords: interaction, stability, pet, virgin olive oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4618631 Investigating Cloud Forensics: Challenges, Tools, and Practical Case Studies
Authors: Noha Badkook, Maryam Alsubaie, Samaher Dawood, Enas Khairullah
Cloud computing has introduced transformative benefits in data storage and accessibility while posing unique forensic challenges. This paper explores cloud forensics, focusing on investigating and analyzing evidence from cloud environments to address issues such as unauthorized data access, manipulation, and breaches. The research highlights the practical use of open-source forensic tools like Autopsy and Bulk Extractor in real-world scenarios, including unauthorized data sharing via Google Drive and the misuse of personal cloud storage for sensitive information leaks. This work underscores the growing importance of robust forensic procedures and accessible tools in ensuring data security and accountability in cloud ecosystems.Keywords: cloud forensic, tools, challenge, autopsy, bulk extractor
Procedia PDF Downloads 188630 Analysis of Energy Required for the Massive Incorporation of Electric Buses in the City of Ambato - Ecuador
Authors: Paola Quintana, Angélica Vaca, Sebastián Villacres, Henry Acurio
Ecuador through the Organic Law of Energy Efficiency establishes that "Starting in the year 2025, all vehicles that are incorporated into the urban and inter-parroquial public transport service must only be electric”, this marks a foundation for the introduction of electric mobility in the country. The present investigation is based on developing an analysis and projection of the Energy Required for the incorporation of electric buses for public passenger transport in the city of Ambato-Ecuador, taking into account the useful life of the vehicle fleet, number of existing vehicles and analysis of transport routes in the study city. The energy demand based on the vehicular dynamics is analyzed, determination of equations for the calculation of force in the wheel since it is considered a variable of slope due to the fact that this has a great incidence in the autonomy when speaking of electric mobility, later the energy analysis applied to public transport routes, finally a projection of the energy requirement is made based on the change of public transport units according to their useful life.Keywords: public transport, electric mobility, energy, ecuador
Procedia PDF Downloads 908629 Simulation and Study of the Effect of Paint Mineral Coating on Energy Saving
Authors: A. A. Azemati, H. Hosseini
By using an adequate paint in buildings, energy consumption can be decreased. In this research, a range of wall paints in different climatic conditions has been investigated to observe its effect on energy consumption. In the current study, the researchers have investigated the effect of different parameters including climatic condition, absorption coefficient, and thermal loads on paint coating. In order to study these effects, heating and cooling loads of a typical building with different color paints have been calculated. The effect of building paint in different climatic condition was studied and a comparison was drawn between paints and painting coats with inorganic micro particles in temperate climate to obtain optimized energy consumption.Keywords: climate, energy consumption, inorganic, painting coats
Procedia PDF Downloads 2908628 Optimization of the Rain Harvest Using Multi-Purpose Valley Tanks
Authors: Ahmad Hashad
Valley tanks are a kind of rain harvest which is used as ground water storage to overcome drought seasons in some countries. This research displays the rain harvest evolution and introduces some ideas to develop the valley tanks to be more than water storage. These ideas developed the current valley tanks design to become an integrated renaissance project. The suggested design has some changes making it different than the traditional design of valley tanks. These changes allow for the new design to be more flexible for adding additional capacity, water purification units and water pumping units. The suggested valley tanks project will be designed based on studying the rainfall and evaporation rates, as well as land topography and designed agricultural map linked to seasons of rain and drought.Keywords: valley tanks, rain harvest, volatile nature, integrated renaissance project
Procedia PDF Downloads 2508627 Investigation on Machine Tools Energy Consumptions
Authors: Shiva Abdoli, Daniel T.Semere
Several researches have been conducted to study consumption of energy in cutting process. Most of these researches are focusing to measure the consumption and propose consumption reduction methods. In this work, the relation between the cutting parameters and the consumption is investigated in order to establish a generalized energy consumption model that can be used for process and production planning in real production lines. Using the generalized model, the process planning will be carried out by taking into account the energy as a function of the selected process parameters. Similarly, the generalized model can be used in production planning to select the right operational parameters like batch sizes, routing, buffer size, etc. in a production line. The description and derivation of the model as well as a case study are given in this paper to illustrate the applicability and validity of the model.Keywords: process parameters, cutting process, energy efficiency, Material Removal Rate (MRR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5008626 Development of Energy Benchmarks Using Mandatory Energy and Emissions Reporting Data: Ontario Post-Secondary Residences
Authors: C. Xavier Mendieta, J. J McArthur
Governments are playing an increasingly active role in reducing carbon emissions, and a key strategy has been the introduction of mandatory energy disclosure policies. These policies have resulted in a significant amount of publicly available data, providing researchers with a unique opportunity to develop location-specific energy and carbon emission benchmarks from this data set, which can then be used to develop building archetypes and used to inform urban energy models. This study presents the development of such a benchmark using the public reporting data. The data from Ontario’s Ministry of Energy for Post-Secondary Educational Institutions are being used to develop a series of building archetype dynamic building loads and energy benchmarks to fill a gap in the currently available building database. This paper presents the development of a benchmark for college and university residences within ASHRAE climate zone 6 areas in Ontario using the mandatory disclosure energy and greenhouse gas emissions data. The methodology presented includes data cleaning, statistical analysis, and benchmark development, and lessons learned from this investigation are presented and discussed to inform the development of future energy benchmarks from this larger data set. The key findings from this initial benchmarking study are: (1) the importance of careful data screening and outlier identification to develop a valid dataset; (2) the key features used to develop a model of the data are building age, size, and occupancy schedules and these can be used to estimate energy consumption; and (3) policy changes affecting the primary energy generation significantly affected greenhouse gas emissions, and consideration of these factors was critical to evaluate the validity of the reported data.Keywords: building archetypes, data analysis, energy benchmarks, GHG emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 3088625 Harnessing the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources to Reduce Fossil Energy Consumption in the Wastewater Treatment Process
Authors: Hen Friman
Various categories of aqueous solutions are discharged within residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial structures. To safeguard public health and preserve the environment, it is imperative to subject wastewater to treatment processes that eliminate pathogens (such as bacteria and viruses), nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus), and other compounds. Failure to address untreated sewage accumulation can result in an array of adverse consequences. Israel exemplifies a special case in wastewater management. Appropriate wastewater treatment significantly benefits sectors such as agriculture, tourism, horticulture, and industry. Nevertheless, untreated sewage in settlements lacking proper sewage collection or transportation networks remains an ongoing and substantial threat. Notably, the process of wastewater treatment entails substantial energy consumption. Consequently, this study explores the integration of solar energy as a renewable power source within the wastewater treatment framework. By incorporating renewable energy sources into the process, costs can be minimized, and decentralized facilities can be established even in areas lacking adequate infrastructure for traditional treatment methods.Keywords: renewable energy, solar energy, innovative, wastewater treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1108624 Preservation of Traditional Algerian Sausage Against Microbial Activity by the Garlic (Allium Sativum L.)
Authors: Abed Hannane, Rouag Noureddine
The present study aims to evaluate the association of fresh garlic (Allium sativum L.) and storage at 4°C in preserving the microbiological, nutritional, and sanitary quality of Merguez-type sausages prepared and sold locally from meat offal. The analysis focused on the evaluation of the microbiological quality of fifteen samples randomly taken from several butcheries in the wilaya of BBA, eastern Algeria. The bacteriological analysis revealed the presence of 6.88.10⁵ CFU/g of total aerobic bacteria, 5.39.10⁵ CFU/g of total coliforms, 2.23.10⁵ CFU/g of fecal coliforms, 2.43.103 CFU/g of Escherichia coli and 1.8.10⁵ CFU/g of coagulase-positive staphylococci, values higher than Algerian standards. The addition of fresh garlic as an antibacterial preservative at concentrations of 0.06, 0.12, 0.18, and 0.24 g/g to ground beef samples and stored in the refrigerator at 4°C for 15 days. The addition of garlic to Merguez made it possible to significantly reduce the presence of different bacterial groups during their refrigerated storage, compared to untreated meat, bringing it below the standards defined in the matter. Thus, the use of garlic as a food additive at a concentration of 0.12 g/g was sufficient to obtain levels according to Algerian standards equal to 1.8.10⁴ CFU/g of total aerobic bacteria, 9.48.10³ CFU/ g of total coliforms, 3.68.10³ UFC/g fecal coliforms, 4.56.10² UFC/g of E.coli 2.39.10⁴ UFC/g of coagulase-positive staphylococci. It is clear that thanks to the addition of garlic to Merguez, the sanitary quality has been improved by reducing the aerobic bacterial load and increasing the shelf life at 4°C.Keywords: antimicrobial effect, garlic, sausage, storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 1008623 Energy Saving Study of Mass Rapid Transit by Optimal Train Coasting Operation
Authors: Artiya Sopharak, Tosaphol Ratniyomchai, Thanatchai Kulworawanichpong
This paper presents an energy-saving study of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) using an optimal train coasting operation. For the dynamic train movement with four modes of operation, including accelerating mode, constant speed or cruising mode, coasting mode, and braking mode are considered in this study. The acceleration rate, the deceleration rate, and the starting coasting point are taken into account the optimal train speed profile during coasting mode with considering the energy saving and acceptable travel time comparison to the based case with no coasting operation. In this study, the mathematical method as a Quadratic Search Method (QDS) is conducted to carry out the optimization problem. A single train of MRT services between two stations with a distance of 2 km and a maximum speed of 80 km/h is taken to be the case study. Regarding the coasting mode operation, the results show that the longer distance of costing mode, the less energy consumption in cruising mode and the less braking energy. On the other hand, the shorter distance of coasting mode, the more energy consumption in cruising mode and the more braking energy.Keywords: energy saving, coasting mode, mass rapid transit, quadratic search method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3028622 Solar Power Generation in a Mining Town: A Case Study for Australia
Authors: Ryan Chalk, G. M. Shafiullah
Climate change is a pertinent issue facing governments and societies around the world. The industrial revolution has resulted in a steady increase in the average global temperature. The mining and energy production industries have been significant contributors to this change prompting government to intervene by promoting low emission technology within these sectors. This paper initially reviews the energy problem in Australia and the mining sector with a focus on the energy requirements and production methods utilised in Western Australia (WA). Renewable energy in the form of utility-scale solar photovoltaics (PV) provides a solution to these problems by providing emission-free energy which can be used to supplement the existing natural gas turbines in operation at the proposed site. This research presents a custom renewable solution for the mining site considering the specific township network, local weather conditions, and seasonal load profiles. A summary of the required PV output is presented to supply slightly over 50% of the towns power requirements during the peak (summer) period, resulting in close to full coverage in the trench (winter) period. Dig Silent Power Factory Software has been used to simulate the characteristics of the existing infrastructure and produces results of integrating PV. Large scale PV penetration in the network introduce technical challenges, that includes; voltage deviation, increased harmonic distortion, increased available fault current and power factor. Results also show that cloud cover has a dramatic and unpredictable effect on the output of a PV system. The preliminary analyses conclude that mitigation strategies are needed to overcome voltage deviations, unacceptable levels of harmonics, excessive fault current and low power factor. Mitigation strategies are proposed to control these issues predominantly through the use of high quality, made for purpose inverters. Results show that use of inverters with harmonic filtering reduces the level of harmonic injections to an acceptable level according to Australian standards. Furthermore, the configuration of inverters to supply active and reactive power assist in mitigating low power factor problems. Use of FACTS devices; SVC and STATCOM also reduces the harmonics and improve the power factor of the network, and finally, energy storage helps to smooth the power supply.Keywords: climate change, mitigation strategies, photovoltaic (PV), power quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1668621 Energy Conversion from Waste Paper Industry Using Fluidized Bed Combustion
Authors: M. Dyah Ayu Yuli, S. Faisal Dhio, P. Johandi, P. Muhammad Sofyan
Pulp and paper mills generate various quantities of energy-rich biomass as wastes, depending on technological level, pulp and paper grades and wood quality. These wastes are produced in all stages of the process: wood preparation, pulp and paper manufacture, chemical recovery, recycled paper processing, waste water treatment. Energy recovery from wastes of different origin has become a generally accepted alternative to their disposal. Pulp and paper industry expresses an interest in adapting and integrating advanced biomass energy conversion technologies into its mill operations using Fluidized Bed Combustion. Industrial adoption of these new technologies has the potential for higher efficiency, lower capital cost, and safer operation than conventional operations that burn fossil fuels for energy. Incineration with energy recovery has the advantage of hygienic disposal, volume reduction, and the recovery of thermal energy by means of steam or super heated water that can be used for heating and power generation.Keywords: biomass, fluidized bed combustion, pulp and paper mills, waste
Procedia PDF Downloads 4758620 Energy Efficiency Analysis of Electrical Submersible Pump on Mature Oil Field Offshore Java Sea
Authors: Marda Vidrianto, Tania Surya Utami
Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) is an artificial lift of choice to produce oil on Offshore Java Sea. It is selected based on the production rate capacity and running life expectation. ESP performance in a mature field is highly affected by oil well conditions. The presence of sand, scale, gas, and low influx will create unstable ESP operation hence lowering the run life expectation and system efficiency. This paper reviews the current energy usage and efficiency on every part of the ESP system. The hydraulic and electrical losses, as well as system efficiency for each well, are calculated to identify energy losses and the possibility for improvement. It is shown that high back pressure on the system and low-efficiency pump are the major contributors to energy losses. It was found that optimized production rate and the use of advanced technology on pump and motor unit could improve energy efficiency.Keywords: advance technology, energy efficiency, ESP, mature field, production rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 3428619 Effects of Selected Plant-Derived Nutraceuticals on the Quality and Shelf-Life Stability of Frankfurter Type Sausages during Storage
Authors: Kazem Alirezalu, Javad Hesari, Zabihollah Nemati, Boukaga Farmani
The application of natural plant extracts which are rich in promising antioxidants and antimicrobial ingredients in the production of frankfurter-type sausages addresses consumer demands for healthier, more functional meat products. The effects of olive leaves, green tea and Urtica dioica L. extracts on physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristic of frankfurter-type sausage were investigated during 45 days of storage at 4 °C. The results revealed that pH and phenolic compounds decreased significantly (P < 0.05) in all samples during storage. Sausages containing 500 ppm green tea extract (1.78 mg/kg) showed the lowest TBARS values compared to olive leaves (2.01 mg/kg), Urtica dioica L. (2.26 mg/kg) extracts and control (2.74 mg/kg). Plant extracts significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the count of total mesophilic bacteria, yeast and mold by at least 2 log cycles (CFU/g) than those of control samples. Sensory characteristics of texture showed no difference (P > 0.05) between sausage samples, but sausage containing Urtica dioica L. extract had the highest score regarding flavor, freshness odor, and overall acceptability. Based on the results, sausage containing plant extracts could have a significant impact on antimicrobial activity, antioxidant capacity, sensory score, and shelf life stability of frankfurter-type sausage.Keywords: antimicrobial, antioxidant, frankfurter-type sausage, green tea, olive oil, shelf life, Urtica dioica L.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1928618 Combining Chiller and Variable Frequency Drives
Authors: Nasir Khalid, S. Thirumalaichelvam
In most buildings, according to US Department of Energy Data Book, the electrical consumption attributable to centralized heating and ventilation of air- condition (HVAC) component can be as high as 40-60% of the total electricity consumption for an entire building. To provide efficient energy management for the market today, researchers are finding new ways to develop a system that can save electrical consumption of buildings even more. In this concept paper, a system known as Intelligent Chiller Energy Efficiency (iCEE) System is being developed that is capable of saving up to 25% from the chiller’s existing electrical energy consumption. In variable frequency drives (VFDs), research has found significant savings up to 30% of electrical energy consumption. Together with the VFDs at specific Air Handling Unit (AHU) of HVAC component, this system will save even more electrical energy consumption. The iCEE System is compatible with any make, model or age of centrifugal, rotary or reciprocating chiller air-conditioning systems which are electrically driven. The iCEE system uses engineering principles of efficiency analysis, enthalpy analysis, heat transfer, mathematical prediction, modified genetic algorithm, psychometrics analysis, and optimization formulation to achieve true and tangible energy savings for consumers.Keywords: variable frequency drives, adjustable speed drives, ac drives, chiller energy system
Procedia PDF Downloads 5588617 Sustainable Design Features Implementing Public Rental Housing for Remodeling
Authors: So-Young Lee, Myoung-Won Oh, Soon-Cheol Eom, Yeon-Won Suh
Buildings produce more than one thirds of the total energy consumption and CO₂ emissions. Korean government agency pronounced and initiated Zero Energy Buildings policy for construction as of 2025. The net zero energy design features include passive (daylight, layout, materials, insulation, finishes, etc.) and active (renewable energy sources) elements. The Zero Energy House recently built in Nowon-gu, Korea is provided for 121 households as a public rental housing complex. However most of public rental housing did not include sustainable features which can reduce housing maintaining cost significantly including energy cost. It is necessary to implement net zero design features to the obsolete public rental housing during the remodeling procedure since it can reduce housing cost in long term. The purpose of this study is to investigate sustainable design elements implemented in Net Zero Energy House in Korea and passive and active housing design features in order to apply the sustainable features to the case public rental apartment for remodeling. Housing complex cases in this study are Nowan zero Energy house, Gangnam Bogemjari House, and public rental housings built in more than 20 years in Seoul areas. As results, energy consumption in public rental housing built in 5-years can be improved by exterior surfaces. Energy optimizing in case housing built in more than 20 years can be enhanced by renovated materials, insulation, replacement of windows, exterior finishes, lightings, gardening, water, renewable energy installation, Green IT except for sunlight and layout of buildings. Further life costing analysis is needed for energy optimizing for case housing alternatives.Keywords: affordable housing, remodeling, sustainable design, zero-energy house
Procedia PDF Downloads 1948616 Learning Predictive Models for Efficient Energy Management of Exhibition Hall
Authors: Jeongmin Kim, Eunju Lee, Kwang Ryel Ryu
This paper addresses the problem of predictive control for energy management of large-scaled exhibition halls, where a lot of energy is consumed to maintain internal atmosphere under certain required conditions. Predictive control achieves better energy efficiency by optimizing the operation of air-conditioning facilities with not only the current but also some future status taken into account. In this paper, we propose to use predictive models learned from past sensor data of hall environment, for use in optimizing the operating plan for the air-conditioning facilities by simulating future environmental change. We have implemented an emulator of an exhibition hall by using EnergyPlus, a widely used building energy emulation tool, to collect data for learning environment-change models. Experimental results show that the learned models predict future change highly accurately on a short-term basis.Keywords: predictive control, energy management, machine learning, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2748615 STC Parameters versus Real Time Measured Parameters to Determine Cost Effectiveness of PV Panels
Authors: V. E. Selaule, R. M. Schoeman H. C. Z. Pienaar
Research has shown that solar energy is a renewable energy resource with the most potential when compared to other renewable energy resources in South Africa. There are many makes of Photovoltaic (PV) panels on the market and it is difficult to assess which to use. PV panel manufacturers use Standard Test Conditions (STC) to rate their PV panels. STC conditions are different from the actual operating environmental conditions were the PV panels are used. This paper describes a practical method to determine the most cost effective available PV panel. The method shows that PV panel manufacturer STC ratings cannot be used to select a cost effective PV panel.Keywords: PV orientation, PV panel, PV STC, Solar energy
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