Search results for: post combustion CO2 capture
5099 Determining the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Reducing the Psychopathic Deviance of Criminals
Authors: Setareh Gerayeli
The present study tries to determine the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in reducing the psychopathic deviance of employed criminals released from prison. The experimental method was used in this study, and the statistical population included employed criminals released from prison in Mashhad. Thirty offenders were selected randomly as the samples of the study. The MMPI-2 was used to collect data in the pre-test and post-test stages. The behavioral therapy was conducted on the experimental group during fourteen two and a half hour sessions, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data analysis was conducted by using covariance. The results showed there is a significant difference between the post-test mean scores of the two groups. The findings suggest that dialectical behavior therapy is effective in reducing psychopathic deviance.Keywords: criminals, dialectical behavior therapy, psychopathic deviance, prison
Procedia PDF Downloads 2325098 Reduction of Nitrogen Monoxide with Carbon Monoxide from Gas Streams by 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/Activated Carbon
Authors: K. L. Pan, M. B. Chang
Nitrogen oxides (NOₓ) is regarded as one of the most important air pollutants. It not only causes adverse environmental effects but also harms human lungs and respiratory system. As a post-combustion treatment, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) possess the highest NO removal efficiency ( ≥ 85%), which is considered as the most effective technique for removing NO from gas streams. However, injection of reducing agent such as NH₃ is requested, and it is costly and may cause secondary pollution. Reduction of NO with carbon monoxide (CO) as reducing agent has been previously investigated. In this process, the key step involves the NO adsorption and dissociation. Also, the high performance mainly relies on the amounts of oxygen vacancy on catalyst surface and redox ability of catalyst, because oxygen vacancy can activate the N-O bond to promote its dissociation. Additionally, perfect redox ability can promote the adsorption of NO and oxidation of CO. Typically, noble metals such as iridium (Ir), platinum (Pt), and palladium (Pd) are used as catalyst for the reduction of NO with CO; however, high cost has limited their applications. Recently, transition metal oxides have been investigated for the reduction of NO with CO, especially CuₓOy, CoₓOy, Fe₂O₃, and MnOₓ are considered as effective catalysts. However, deactivation is inevitable as oxygen (O₂) exists in the gas streams because active sites (oxygen vacancies) of catalyst are occupied by O₂. In this study, Cu-Ce-Fe-Co is prepared and supported on activated carbon by impregnation method to form 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon catalyst. Generally, addition of activated carbon on catalyst can bring several advantages: (1) NO can be effectively adsorbed by interaction between catalyst and activated carbon, resulting in the improvement of NO removal, (2) direct NO decomposition may be achieved over carbon associated with catalyst, and (3) reduction of NO could be enhanced by a reducing agent over carbon-supported catalyst. Therefore, 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon may have better performance for reduction of NO with CO. Experimental results indicate that NO conversion achieved with 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon reaches 83% at 150°C with 300 ppm NO and 10,000 ppm CO. As temperature is further increased to 200°C, 100% NO conversion could be achieved, implying that 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon prepared has good activity for the reduction of NO with CO. In order to investigate the effect of O₂ on reduction of NO with CO, 1-5% O₂ are introduced into the system. The results indicate that NO conversions still maintain at ≥ 90% with 1-5% O₂ conditions at 200°C. It is worth noting that effect of O₂ on reduction of NO with CO could be significantly improved as carbon is used as support. It is inferred that carbon support can react with O₂ to produce CO₂ as O₂ exists in the gas streams. Overall, 10% wt. Cu-Ce-Fe-Co/activated carbon is demonstrated with good potential for reduction of NO with CO, and possible mechanisms will be elucidated in this paper.Keywords: nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), carbon monoxide (CO), reduction of NO with CO, carbon material, catalysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2565097 A Deep Learning Approach to Real Time and Robust Vehicular Traffic Prediction
Authors: Bikis Muhammed, Sehra Sedigh Sarvestani, Ali R. Hurson, Lasanthi Gamage
Vehicular traffic events have overly complex spatial correlations and temporal interdependencies and are also influenced by environmental events such as weather conditions. To capture these spatial and temporal interdependencies and make more realistic vehicular traffic predictions, graph neural networks (GNN) based traffic prediction models have been extensively utilized due to their capability of capturing non-Euclidean spatial correlation very effectively. However, most of the already existing GNN-based traffic prediction models have some limitations during learning complex and dynamic spatial and temporal patterns due to the following missing factors. First, most GNN-based traffic prediction models have used static distance or sometimes haversine distance mechanisms between spatially separated traffic observations to estimate spatial correlation. Secondly, most GNN-based traffic prediction models have not incorporated environmental events that have a major impact on the normal traffic states. Finally, most of the GNN-based models did not use an attention mechanism to focus on only important traffic observations. The objective of this paper is to study and make real-time vehicular traffic predictions while incorporating the effect of weather conditions. To fill the previously mentioned gaps, our prediction model uses a real-time driving distance between sensors to build a distance matrix or spatial adjacency matrix and capture spatial correlation. In addition, our prediction model considers the effect of six types of weather conditions and has an attention mechanism in both spatial and temporal data aggregation. Our prediction model efficiently captures the spatial and temporal correlation between traffic events, and it relies on the graph attention network (GAT) and Bidirectional bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) plus attention layers and is called GAT-BILSTMA.Keywords: deep learning, real time prediction, GAT, Bi-LSTM, attention
Procedia PDF Downloads 735096 Recent Legal Changes in Turkish Commercial Law to Be a Part of International Markets and Their Results
Authors: Ibrahim Arslan
Since 1984, Turkey has experienced a significant transformation in legal and economic matters. The most consequential examples of this transformation in recent years are the renewal of the Commercial Code and the Check Act. Nowadays, the commercial activity is not limited within the boundaries of the country; on the contrary, as required by the global economy, it has an international dimension. For this reason, unlike some other legal principles, the rules regulating the commercial life should be compatible with the international standards as much as possible. Otherwise the development possibility in the global markets will be limited. The Check Act has been adopted in 2009 and the Commercial Code has been adopted in 2011. The Commercial Code has been entered into force on 1 July 2012. The international dimension of check is in-disputable for it is based on the Geneva Convention. However, the Turkish business life has created a unique application of this legal tool. This application is called “post-date” checks. Indeed the majority of the checks being used in the market are post-dated checks. The holders of these checks have waited the date written on the check for presentation and collection. Thus, the actual situation has occurred. This actual situation has been legitimized via Check Act No. 5941 and post dated checks have gained a legal status. In the preparation of the new the Turkish Commercial Code one of the goals is "to ensure that the Turkish commercial law becomes a part of the international market". To achieve this goal, significant changes have been made especially concerning the independent external audition of the corporations, the board structure and public disclosure regulations. These changes aim to facilitate the internationalization of Turkish corporations as well as intensification of foreign direct investments through foreign capital. Although the target has been determined this way, after the adoption but five days before the entry into force of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, a law made backward going alterations concerning independent external audition and public disclosure regulations. Turkish Commercial Code has been currently in force with its altered status. Both the regulations in the Check Act as well as the changes in the Commercial Code are not compatible with the goals introduced by rationale “to ensure Turkish commercial law to be a part of the international market” as such.Keywords: Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, Turkish Check Act, “post-date” checks, legal changes
Procedia PDF Downloads 2955095 A Scoping Study and Stakeholder Consultation on Mental Health Determinants among Arab Immigrants and Refugees in North America
Authors: Sarah Elshahat, Tina Moffat
Suboptimal mental health is a considerable global public health challenge that leads to considerable inequalities worldwide. Newcomers are at elevated risk for developing mental health issues as a result of social exclusion, stigmatization, racism, unequal employment opportunities, and discrimination. The problem can be especially serious amongst Arabic-speaking immigrants and refugees (ASIR) whose mental wellness may have already been affected by exposure to political violence, persecution, hunger or war in their countries of origin. A scoping review was conducted to investigate pre- and post-migration mental health determinants amongst ASIR in North America (the U.S. and Canada), who are a rapidly growing population in both regions. Pertinent peer-reviewed papers and grey literature were located through a systematic search of five electronic databases (Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Anthropology Plus, and Sociology Database). A stakeholder consultation was implemented to validate the analyzed findings of the included 44 studies. About 80% of the studies were carried out in the US, underscoring a lack of Canadian ASIR-mental health research. A gap in qualitative, mixed-method, and longitudinal research was detected, where approximately two-thirds of the studies adopted a cross-sectional method. Pre-migration determinants of mental health were related to the political unrest, violence and armed conflict in the Arab world, increasing post-traumatic stress disorder and psychological distress levels among ASIR. English language illiteracy and generational variations in acculturation patterns were major post-migration mental health triggering factors. Exposure to domestic violence, stigmatization, poverty, racialization, and harassment were significant post-migration mental health determinants that stem from social inequalities, triggering depression, and distress amongst ASIR. Family conflicts linked to child-rearing and gendered norms were considered as both pre- and post-migration mental health triggering factors. Most post-migration mental health protective factors were socio-culturally related and included the maintenance of positive ethnic identity, faith, family support, and community cohesion. Individual resilience, articulated as self-esteem and hope, was a significant negative predictor of depression and psychological distress among ASIR. Community-engaged, mixed-methods, and longitudinal studies are required to address the current gap in mental health research among ASIR in North America. A more thorough determination of potential mental health triggers and protective factors would help inform the development of mental wellness and resilience-promoting programs that are culturally sensitive to ASIR. On the policy level, the Health in All Policies framework of the World Health Organization can be potentially useful for addressing social and health inequalities among ASIR, reducing mental health challenges.Keywords: depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological distress, resilience
Procedia PDF Downloads 1385094 Modeling and Simulation of Primary Atomization and Its Effects on Internal Flow Dynamics in a High Torque Low Speed Diesel Engine
Authors: Muteeb Ulhaq, Rizwan Latif, Sayed Adnan Qasim, Imran Shafi
Diesel engines are most efficient and reliable in terms of efficiency, reliability and adaptability. Most of the research and development up till now have been directed towards High-Speed Diesel Engine, for Commercial use. In these engines objective is to optimize maximum acceleration by reducing exhaust emission to meet international standards. In high torque low-speed engines the requirement is altogether different. These types of Engines are mostly used in Maritime Industry, Agriculture industry, Static Engines Compressors Engines etc. Unfortunately due to lack of research and development, these engines have low efficiency and high soot emissions and one of the most effective way to overcome these issues is by efficient combustion in an engine cylinder, the fuel spray atomization process plays a vital role in defining mixture formation, fuel consumption, combustion efficiency and soot emissions. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the fuel spray characteristics and atomization process is of a great importance. In this research, we will examine the effects of primary breakup modeling on the spray characteristics under diesel engine conditions. KH-ACT model is applied to cater the effect of aerodynamics in an engine cylinder and also cavitations and turbulence generated inside the injector. It is a modified form of most commonly used KH model, which considers only the aerodynamically induced breakup based on the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. Our model is extensively evaluated by performing 3-D time-dependent simulations on Open FOAM, which is an open source flow solver. Spray characteristics like Spray Penetration, Liquid length, Spray cone angle and Souter mean diameter (SMD) were validated by comparing the results of Open Foam and Matlab. Including the effects of cavitation and turbulence enhances primary breakup, leading to smaller droplet sizes, decrease in liquid penetration, and increase in the radial dispersion of spray. All these properties favor early evaporation of fuel which enhances Engine efficiency.Keywords: Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, open foam, primary breakup, souter mean diameter, turbulence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2125093 Trade Policy Incentives and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Authors: Emmanuel Dele Balogun
This paper analyzes, using descriptive statistics and econometrics data which span the period 1981 to 2014 to gauge the effects of trade policy incentives on economic growth in Nigeria. It argues that the provided incentives penalize economic growth during pre-trade liberalization eras, but stimulated a rapid increase in total factor productivity during the post-liberalization period of 2000 to 2014. The trend analysis shows that Nigeria maintained high tariff walls in economic regulation eras which became low in post liberalization era. The protections were in favor of infant industries, which were mainly appendages of multinationals but against imports of competing food and finished consumer products. The trade openness index confirms the undue exposure of Nigeria’s economy to the vagaries of international market shocks; while banking sector recapitalization and new listing of telecommunications companies deepened the financial markets in post-liberalization era. The structure of economic incentives was biased in favor of construction, trade and services, but against the real sector despite protectionist policies. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) estimates show that the Nigerian economy suffered stagnation in pre-liberalization eras, but experienced rapid growth rates in post-liberalization eras. The regression results relating trade policy incentives to TFP growth rate yielded a significant but negative intercept suggesting that a non-interventionist policy could be detrimental to economic progress, while protective tariff which limits imports of competing products could spur productivity gains in domestic import substitutes beyond factor growth with market liberalization. The main constraint to the effectiveness of trade policy incentives is the failure of benefiting industries to leverage on the domestic factor endowments of the nation. This paper concludes that there is the need to review the current economic transformation strategies urgently with a view to provide policymakers with a better understanding of the most viable options that could make for rapid success.Keywords: economic growth, macroeconomic incentives, total factor productivity, trade policies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3235092 Primary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Topical Analgesia Post Haemorrhoidectomy
Authors: James Jin, Weisi Xia, Runzhe Gao, Alain Vandal, Darren Svirkis, Andrew Hill
Background: Post-haemorrhoidectomy pain is concerned by patients/clinicians. Minimizing the postoperation pain is highly interested clinically. Combinations of topical cream targeting three hypothesised post-haemorrhoidectomy pain mechanisms were developed and their effectiveness were evaluated. Specifically, a multi-centred double-blinded randomized clinical trial (RCT) was conducted in adults undergoing excisional haemorrhoidectomy. The primary analysis was conveyed on the data collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the combinations of topical cream targeting three hypothesized pain mechanisms after the operations. Methods: 192 patients were randomly allocated to 4 arms (each arm has 48 patients), and each arm was provided with pain cream 10% metronidazole (M), M and 2% diltiazem (MD), M with 4% lidocaine (ML), or MDL, respectively. Patients were instructed to apply topical treatments three times a day for 7 days, and record outcomes for 14 days after the operations. The primary outcome was VAS pain on day 4. Covariates and models were selected in the blind review stage. Multiple imputations were applied for the missingness. LMER, GLMER models together with natural splines were applied. Sandwich estimators and Wald statistics were used. P-values < 0.05 were considered as significant. Conclusions: The addition of topical lidocaine or diltiazem to metronidazole does not add any benefit. ML had significantly better pain and recovery scores than combination MDL. Multimodal topical analgesia with ML after haemorrhoidectomy could be considered for further evaluation. Further trials considering only 3 arms (M, ML, MD) might be worth exploring.Keywords: RCT, primary analysis, multiple imputation, pain scores, haemorrhoidectomy, analgesia, lmer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1215091 “Thou Shalt Surely Die”: A Game Theory Analysis of the Book of Genesis
Authors: Bo Kampmann Walther
This essay examines the narratives of the Book of Genesis through the lens of game theory, a mathematical framework for analyzing strategic interactions among rational actors. By treating key figures in Genesis as players in a game, this analysis sheds light on their decisions and the resulting consequences. Focusing primarily on the story of Adam and Eve, the essay utilizes concepts such as game state, saddle point, optimal strategy, and Nash equilibrium to explore the dynamics at play and scrutinize the existence of two kinds of game rules in Genesis: one being global and post-Fall oriented, the other being local and relegated to life in the Garden. The serpent's intervention and the subsequent actions of Adam and Eve are modeled as strategic moves, revealing the complexities and shifts in the game state from harmony in Eden to a world marked by toil and mortality post-Fall.Keywords: game theory, Genesis, strategy, saddle point, nash equilibrium, New Game State
Procedia PDF Downloads 455090 “Chasing Hope”: Parents’ Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder Children in Kazakhstan
Authors: Sofiya An, Akbota Kanderzhanova, Assel Akhmetova, Faye Foster, Chee K. Chan
Healthcare, education and social support for children with autism in Kazakhstan has been evolving and transforming over the last three decades. There is still limited knowledge of the use of complementary and alternative medicine by families caring for autistic children in this post-Soviet region. An exploratory qualitative focus group study of Kazakhstani families was carried out to capture and understand their experiences of using complementary and alternative (CAM) medicine. A total of six focus groups were conducted in five cities across the country including Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Kyzylorda, Karaganda and Taraz. The perceived factors driving the availability, choice, and use of complementary and alternative medicine by families of autistic children in the country were distilled and evaluated. The data collected was analyzed using a framework analysis and themes and subthemes were developed. Two major themes stood out. The first was the “unmet needs”, which relates to the predisposing factors that motivate parents to CAM uptake, and the second was the “chasing hope”, which relates to the enabling factors that facilitate parents’ uptake of CAM. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a latent underlying motivation underscoring these two themes as well. Parents of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children in Kazakhstan have to deal with many challenges when seeking treatment for their children with ASD. They are prepared and resort to try out whatever CAM interventions available. The motivation and rationale of choice of use is driven by the lack of options and the hope of any potential positive outcome rather than from rational decisions based on efficacy or the evidence-based data of CAM. Parents get desperate and are willing to try CAM regardless of and independent of their cultural and belief systems and they do not want to miss out just in case it might work. This study also gives an international and cross-cultural perspective on the motives, choice and practice of parents with ASD children using CAM in Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, Central Asia, complementary and alternative medicine, cross-cultural perspective, qualitative research
Procedia PDF Downloads 1465089 A Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Urban Landscape Greenway– A Case Study of the Taiyuan Greenway in Taichung City
Authors: A. Yu-Chen Chien, B. Ying-Ju Su
Greenway is a type of linear park which links the planar parklands and connects the open spaces. In the urban environment, except for providing open spaces with recreational function as well as effectively improve the appearance of the surrounding environment, greenway and parkland also creates benefits to the social and psychological aspects of human. In 2014, the statistics of The Ministry of Home Affairs show that citizens in Taichung enjoy the green area at an average of 4.27 square kilometers per person. How to use the existing green space system effectively and enhance the quality of leisure life thus become the major issues today. The study here points out that greenway and parkland and other open spaces are closely related to the daily life of urban residents. Whether the operation could be executed in accordance with the design is our major concern. To explore the issue, we implemented the Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Taiyuan Greenway in Taichung City. In 1956, Taichung city carried out the urban plan according to Howard’s concept about “Garden City” and built the Taiyuan greenway to restrain the urban expansion. 50-year past, due to the population growth and new demands, the government started to reconstruct the program. It is a three stage modification project of “The Townspace Renaissance project in Taiwan” since 2009, of which the greenway construction is the main point. In this research, we mainly focus on the third stage of this program to investigate the user’s preference and degree of satisfaction based on the Post-Occupancy Evaluation about the finished, unfinished, and undergoing construction sectors as well as facilities. We collected and analyzed the data based on the questionnaires and explored the possible facts that might have affected the degree of satisfaction about the greenway modification project based on the chi-square test. We hope to inspect the purpose of the demonstration projects and provide reference to the Taichung government for the modification planning and the greenway design in the future.Keywords: greenway, landscape greenway, post-occupancy evaluation, Taichung city
Procedia PDF Downloads 3325088 Photobiomodulation Activates WNT/β-catenin Signaling for Wound Healing in an in Vitro Diabetic Wound Model
Authors: Dimakatso B. Gumede, Nicolette N. Houreld
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a complication of diabetes mellitus (DM), a metabolic disease caused by insulin resistance or insufficiency, resulting in hyperglycaemia and low-grade chronic inflammation. Current therapies for treating DFUs include wound debridement, glycaemic control, and wound dressing. However, these therapies are moderately effective as there is a recurrence of these ulcers and an increased risk of lower limb amputations. Photobiomodulation (PBM), which is the application of non-invasive low-level light for wound healing at the spectrum of 660-1000 nm, has shown great promise in accelerating the healing of chronic wounds. However, its underlying mechanisms are not clearly defined. Studies have indicated that PBM induces wound healing via the activation of signaling pathways that are involved in tissue repair, such as the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). However, other signaling pathways, such as the WNT/β-catenin pathway, which is also critical for wound repair, have not been investigated. This study aimed to elucidate if PBM at 660 nm and a fluence of 5 J/cm² activates the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway for wound healing in a diabetic cellular model. Human dermal fibroblasts (WS1) were continuously cultured high-glucose (26.5 mM D-glucose) environment to create a diabetic cellular model. A central scratch was created in the diabetic model to ‘wound’ the cells. The diabetic wounded (DW) cells were thereafter irradiated at 660 nm and a fluence of 5 J/cm². Cell migration, gene expression and protein assays were conducted at 24- and 48-h post-PBM. The results showed that PBM at 660 nm and a fluence of 5 J/cm² significantly increased cell migration in diabetic wounded cells at 24-h post-PBM. The expression of CTNNB1, ACTA2, COL1A1 and COL3A1 genes was also increased in DW cells post-PBM. Furthermore, there was increased cytoplasmic accumulation and nuclear localization of β-catenin at 24 h post-PBM. The findings in this study demonstrate that PBM activates the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway by inducing the accumulation of β-catenin in diabetic wounded cells, leading to increased cell migration and expression of wound repair markers. These results thus indicate that PBM has the potential to improve wound healing in diabetic ulcers via activation of the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway.Keywords: wound healing, diabetic ulcers, photobiomodulation, WNT/β-catenin, signalling pathway
Procedia PDF Downloads 415087 Stationary Gas Turbines in Power Generation: Past, Present and Future Challenges
Authors: Michel Moliere
In the next decades, the thermal power generation segment will survive only if it achieves deep mutations, including drastical abatements of CO2 emissions and strong efficiency gains. In this challenging perspective, stationary gas turbines appear as serious candidates to lead the energy transition. Indeed, during the past decades, these turbomachines have made brisk technological advances in terms of efficiency, reliability, fuel flex (including the combustion of hydrogen), and the ability to hybridize with regenrables. It is, therefore, timely to summarize the progresses achieved by gas turbines in the recent past and to examine what are their assets to face the challenges of the energy transition.Keywords: energy transition, gas turbines, decarbonization, power generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2105086 Accuracy of a 3D-Printed Polymer Model for Producing Casting Mold
Authors: Ariangelo Hauer Dias Filho, Gustavo Antoniácomi de Carvalho, Benjamim de Melo Carvalho
The work´s purpose was to evaluate the possibility of manufacturing casting tools utilizing Fused Filament Fabrication, a 3D printing technique, without any post-processing on the printed part. Taguchi Orthogonal array was used to evaluate the influence of extrusion temperature, bed temperature, layer height, and infill on the dimensional accuracy of a 3D-Printed Polymer Model. A Zeiss T-SCAN CS 3D Scanner was used for dimensional evaluation of the printed parts within the limit of ±0,2 mm. The mold capabilities were tested with the printed model to check how it would interact with the green sand. With little adjustments in the 3D model, it was possible to produce rapid tools without the need for post-processing for iron casting. The results are important for reducing time and cost in the development of such tools.Keywords: additive manufacturing, Taguchi method, rapid tooling, fused filament fabrication, casting mold
Procedia PDF Downloads 1455085 Ramadan as a Model of Intermittent Fasting: Effects on Gut Hormones, Appetite and Body Composition in Diabetes vs. Controls
Authors: Turki J. Alharbi, Jencia Wong, Dennis Yue, Tania P. Markovic, Julie Hetherington, Ted Wu, Belinda Brooks, Radhika Seimon, Alice Gibson, Stephanie L. Silviera, Amanda Sainsbury, Tanya J. Little
Fasting has been practiced for centuries and is incorporated into the practices of different religions including Islam, whose followers intermittently fast throughout the month of Ramadan. Thus, Ramadan presents a unique model of prolonged intermittent fasting (IF). Despite a growing body of evidence for a cardio-metabolic and endocrine benefit of IF, detailed studies of the effects of IF on these indices in type 2 diabetes are scarce. We studied 5 subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and 7 healthy controls (C) at baseline (pre), and in the last week of Ramadan (post). Fasting circulating levels of glucose, HbA1c and lipids, as well as body composition (with DXA) and resting energy expenditure (REE) were measured. Plasma gut hormone levels and appetite responses to a mixed meal were also studied. Data are means±SEM. Ramadan decreased total fat mass (-907±92 g, p=0.001) and trunk fat (-778±190 g, p=0.014) in T2DM but not in controls, without any reductions in lean mass or REE. There was a trend towards a decline in plasma FFA in both groups. Ramadan had no effect on body weight, glycemia, blood pressure, or plasma lipids in either group. In T2DM only, the area under the curve for post-meal plasma ghrelin concentrations increased after Ramadan (pre:6632±1737 vs. post:9025±2518 pg/ml.min-1, p=0.045). Despite this increase in orexigenic ghrelin, subjective appetite scores were not altered by Ramadan. Meal-induced plasma concentrations of the satiety hormone pancreatic polypeptide did not change during Ramadan, but were higher in T2DM compared to controls (post: C: 23486±6677 vs. T2DM: 62193±6880 pg/ml.min-1, p=0.003. In conclusion, Ramadan, as a model for IF appears to have more favourable effects on body composition in T2DM, without adverse effects on metabolic control or subjective appetite. These data suggest that IF may be particularly beneficial in T2DM as a nutritional intervention. Larger studies are warranted.Keywords: type 2 diabetes, obesity, intermittent fasting, appetite regulating hormones
Procedia PDF Downloads 3125084 Fashion Consumption for Fashion Innovators: A Study of Fashion Consumption Behavior of Innovators and Non-Innovators
Authors: Vaishali P. Joshi, Pallav Joshi
The objective of this study is to examine the differences fashion innovators and non-fashion innovators in their fashion consumption behavior in terms of their pre-purchase behavior, purchase behavior and post purchase behavior. The questionnaire was distributed to a female college student for data collection for achieving the objective of the first part of the study. Question-related to fashion innovativeness and fashion consumption behavior was asked. The sample was comprised of 81 college females ages 18 through 30 who were attending Business Management degree. A series of attitude questions was used to categorize respondents on the Innovativeness Scale. 32 respondents with a score of 21 and above were designated as Fashion innovators and the remainder (49) as Non-fashion innovators. Findings showed that there exist significant differences between innovators and non-innovators in their fashion consumption behavior. Data was analyzed through frequency distribution table. Many differences were found in the behavior of innovators and non-innovators in terms of their pre-purchase, actual purchase, and post-purchase behavior.Keywords: fashion, innovativeness, consumption behavior, purchase
Procedia PDF Downloads 5615083 By Removing High-Performance Aerobic Scope Phenotypes, Capture Fisheries May Reduce the Resilience of Fished Populations to Thermal Variability and Compromise Their Persistence into the Anthropocene.
Authors: Lauren A. Bailey, Amber R. Childs, Nicola C. James, Murray I. Duncan, Alexander Winkler, Warren M. Potts
For the persistence of fished populations in the Anthropocene, it is critical to predict how fished populations will respond to the coupled threats of exploitation and climate change for adaptive management. The resilience of fished populations will depend on their capacity for physiological plasticity and acclimatization in response to environmental shifts. However, there is evidence for the selection of physiological traits by capture fisheries. Hence, fish populations may have a limited scope for the rapid expansion of their tolerance ranges or physiological adaptation under fishing pressures. To determine the physiological vulnerability of fished populations in the Anthropocene, the metabolic performance was compared between a fished and spatially protected Chrysoblephus laticeps population in response to thermal variability. Individual aerobic scope phenotypes were quantified using intermittent flow respirometry by comparing changes in energy expenditure of each individual at ecologically relevant temperatures, mimicking variability experienced as a result of upwelling and downwelling events. The proportion of high and low-performance individuals were compared between the fished and spatially protected population. The fished population had limited aerobic scope phenotype diversity and fewer high-performance phenotypes, resulting in a significantly lower aerobic scope curve across low (10 °C) and high (24 °C) thermal treatments. The performance of fished populations may be compromised with predicted future increases in cold upwelling events. This requires the conservation of the physiologically fittest individuals in spatially protected areas, which can recruit into nearby fished areas, as a climate resilience tool.Keywords: climate change, fish physiology, metabolic shifts, over-fishing, respirometry
Procedia PDF Downloads 1295082 Post-Harvest Biopreservation of Fruit and Vegetables with Application of Lactobacillus Strains
Authors: Judit Perjessy, Zsolt Zalan, Ferenc Hegyi, Eniko Horvath-Szanics, Krisztina Takacs, Andras Nagy, Adel Klupacs, Erika Koppany-Szabo, Zhirong Wang, Kaituo Wang, Muying Du, Jianquan Kan
The post-harvest diseases cause great economic losses in the fruit and vegetables; the prevention of these deterioration has great importance. Against the fungi, which cause most of the diseases, are extensively used the fungicides. However, there are increasing consumer concerns over the presence of pesticide residues in food. An alternative and in recent years, increasingly studied method for the prevention of the diseases is biocontrol, where antagonistic microorganisms are used for the control of fungi. The genera of Lactobacillus is well known and extensively studied, but its applicability as biocontrol agents in post-harvest preservation of fruit and vegetables is poorly investigated. However these bacteria can be found on the surface of the plants and have great antimicrobial activity. In our study we have investigated the chitinase activity, the antifungal effect and the applicability of several Lactobacillus strains to select potential biocontrol agents. We investigated the determination of the environmental parameters of a gene (encoding chitinase) expression and we also investigated the relationship between actual antifungal activity and potential chitinase activity. Mixed cultures were also developed to enhance the antifungal activity and determined the optimal mold spore and bacteria concentration ratio for the appropriate efficacy. Five Lactobacillus strains (L. acidophilus N2, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus B397, L. sp. 2231, L. sake subsp. sake 2471, L. buchneri 1145) possess chitinase-coding gene from the 43 investigated Lactobacillus strains. Proteins with similar molecular weight and separation properties like bacterial chitinases were detected from these strains, which also possess chitin-binding property. Nevertheless, they were inactive, lacks the chitinolytic activity. In point of the cumulative activity of inhibition, our results showed that certain strains were statistically significant in a positive direction compared to other strains, e.g., L. rhamnosus VT1 and L. Casey 154 have shown great general antifungal effect against 11 molds from the genera Penicillium and Botrytis and isolated from spoiled fruit and vegetables. Also, some mixed cultures (L. rhamnosus VT1 - L. Plantarum 299v) showed significant antifungal effects against the indigenous molds on the surface of apple fruit during the industrial storage experiment. Thus, they could be promising for post-harvest biopreservation.Keywords: biocontrol, chitinase, Lactobacillus, post-harvest
Procedia PDF Downloads 1555081 Predictors of Clinical Failure After Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery During the Initial Learning Curve
Authors: Daniel Scherman, Daniel Madani, Shanu Gambhir, Marcus Ling Zhixing, Yingda Li
Objective: This study aims to identify clinical factors that may predict failed endoscopic lumbar spine surgery to guide surgeons with patient selection during the initial learning curve. Methods: This is an Australasian prospective analysis of the first 105 patients to undergo lumbar endoscopic spine decompression by 3 surgeons. Modified MacNab outcomes, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Visual Analogue Score (VAS) scores were utilized to evaluate clinical outcomes at 6 months postoperatively. Descriptive statistics and Anova t-tests were performed to measure statistically significant (p<0.05) associations between variables using GraphPad Prism v10. Results: Patients undergoing endoscopic lumbar surgery via an interlaminar or transforaminal approach have overall good/excellent modified MacNab outcomes and a significant reduction in post-operative VAS and ODI scores. Regardless of the anatomical location of disc herniations, good/excellent modified MacNab outcomes and significant reductions in VAS and ODI were reported post-operatively; however, not in patients with calcified disc herniations. Patients with central and foraminal stenosis overall reported poor/fair modified MacNab outcomes. However, there were significant reductions in VAS and ODI scores post-operatively. Patients with subarticular stenosis or an associated spondylolisthesis reported good/excellent modified MacNab outcomes and significant reductions in VAS and ODI scores post-operatively. Patients with disc herniation and concurrent degenerative stenosis had generally poor/fair modified MacNab outcomes. Conclusion: The outcomes of endoscopic spine surgery are encouraging, with a low complication and reoperation rate. However, patients with calcified disc herniations, central canal stenosis or a disc herniation with concurrent degenerative stenosis present challenges during the initial learning curve and may benefit from traditional open or other minimally invasive techniques.Keywords: complications, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar endoscopic spine surgery, predictors of failed endoscopic spine surgery
Procedia PDF Downloads 1555080 Utilization of Learning Resources in Enhancing the Teaching of Science and Technology Courses in Post Primary Institutions in Nigeria
Authors: Isah Mohammed Patizhiko
This paper aimed at discussing the important role learning resources play in enhancing the teaching and learning of science and technology courses in post primary institution in Nigeria. The paper highlighted the importance learning resources contributed to the effective understanding of the learners. The use of learning resources in the teaching of these courses will encourage teachers to be more exploratory and the learners to have more understanding. In this paper, different range of learning resources particularly common learning resources (learning resources not design primarily for education purposes) to enrich their teaching. The paper also highlighted how ordinary resource can be turned into an educational resource. Recommendations were proffered in the sourcing of learning resources ie from the market, library, institutions, museums, and dump refuse and concluded that good demonstration on the use of resources will engage the learner’s interest and will develop higher level of conceptual understanding in the learning area.Keywords: enhance, learning, resources, science and technology, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 4005079 Improving Patient Outcomes for Aspiration Pneumonia
Authors: Mary Farrell, Maria Soubra, Sandra Vega, Dorothy Kakraba, Joanne Fontanilla, Moira Kendra, Danielle Tonzola, Stephanie Chiu
Pneumonia is the most common infectious cause of hospitalizations in the United States, with more than one million admissions annually and costs of $10 billion every year, making it the 8th leading cause of death. Aspiration pneumonia is an aggressive type of pneumonia that results from inhalation of oropharyngeal secretions and/or gastric contents and is preventable. The authors hypothesized that an evidence-based aspiration pneumonia clinical care pathway could reduce 30-day hospital readmissions and mortality rates, while improving the overall care of patients. We conducted a retrospective chart review on 979 patients discharged with aspiration pneumonia from January 2021 to December 2022 at Overlook Medical Center. The authors identified patients who were coded with aspiration pneumonia and/or stable sepsis. Secondarily, we identified 30-day readmission rates for aspiration pneumonia from a SNF. The Aspiration Pneumonia Clinical Care Pathway starts in the emergency department (ED) with the initiation of antimicrobials within 4 hours of admission and early recognition of aspiration. Once this is identified, a swallow test is initiated by the bedside nurse, and if the patient demonstrates dysphagia, they are maintained on strict nothing by mouth (NPO) followed by a speech and language pathologist (SLP) referral for an appropriate modified diet recommendation. Aspiration prevention techniques included the avoidance of straws, 45-degree positioning, no talking during meals, taking small bites, placement of the aspiration wrist band, and consuming meals out of the bed in a chair. Nursing education was conducted with a newly created online learning module about aspiration pneumonia. The authors identified 979 patients, with an average age of 73.5 years old, who were diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia on the index hospitalization. These patients were reviewed for a 30-day readmission for aspiration pneumonia or stable sepsis, and mortality rates from January 2021 to December 2022 at Overlook Medical Center (OMC). The 30-day readmission rates were significantly lower in the cohort that received the clinical care pathway (35.0% vs. 27.5%, p = 0.011). When evaluating the mortality rates in the pre and post intervention cohort the authors discovered the mortality rates were lower in the post intervention cohort (23.7% vs 22.4%, p = 0.61) Mortality among non-white (self-reported as non-white) patients were lower in the post intervention cohort (34.4% vs. 21.0% , p = 0.05). Patients who reported as a current smoker/vaper in the pre and post cohorts had increased mortality rates (5.9% vs 22%). There was a decrease in mortality for the male population but an increase in mortality for women in the pre and post cohorts (19% vs. 25%). The authors attributed this increase in mortality in the post intervention cohort to more active smokers, more former smokers, and more being admitted from a SNF. This research identified that implementation of an Aspiration Pneumonia Clinical Care Pathway showed a statistically significant decrease in readmission rates and mortality rates in non-whites. The 30-day readmission rates were lower in the cohort that received the clinical care pathway (35.0% vs. 27.5%, p = 0.011).Keywords: aspiration pneumonia, mortality, quality improvement, 30-day pneumonia readmissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 635078 Impact of the Dog-Technic for D1-D4 and Longitudinal Stroke Technique for Diaphragm on Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) in Asthmatic Patients
Authors: Victoria Eugenia Garnacho-Garnacho, Elena Sonsoles Rodriguez-Lopez, Raquel Delgado-Delgado, Alvaro Otero-Campos, Jesus Guodemar-Perez, Angelo Michelle Vagali, Juan Pablo Hervas-Perez
Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which has always had a drug treatment. Osteopathic treatment that we propose is aimed, seen through a dorsal manipulation (Dog Technic D1-D4) and a technique for diaphragm (Longitudinal Stroke) forced expiratory flow in spirometry changes there are in particular that there is an increase in the volumes of the Peak Flow and Post intervention and effort and that the application of these two techniques together is more powerful if we applied only a Longitudinal (Stroke). Also rating if this type of treatment will have repercussions on breathlessness, a very common symptom in asthma. And finally to investigate if provided vertebra pain decreased after a manipulation. Methods—Participants were recruited between students and professors of the University, aged 18-65, patients (n = 18) were assigned randomly to one of the two groups, group 1 (longitudinal Stroke and manipulation dorsal Dog Technic) and group 2 (diaphragmatic technique, Longitudinal Stroke). The statistical analysis is characterized by the comparison of the main indicator of obstruction of via area PEF (peak expiratory flow) in various situations through the peak flow meter Datospir Peak-10. The measurements were carried out in four phases: at rest, after the stress test, after the treatment, after treatment and the stress test. After each stress test was evaluated, through the Borg scale, the level of Dyspnea on each patient, regardless of the group. In Group 1 in addition to these parameters was calculated using an algometer spinous pain before and after the manipulation. All data were taken at the minute. Results—12 Group 1 (Dog Technic and Longitudinal Stroke) patients responded positively to treatment, there was an increase of 5.1% and 6.1% of the post-treatment PEF and post-treatment, and effort. The results of the scale of Borg by which we measure the level of Dyspnea were positive, a 54.95%, patients noted an improvement in breathing. In addition was confirmed through the means of both groups group 1 in which two techniques were applied was 34.05% more effective than group 2 in which applied only a. After handling pain fell by 38% of the cases. Conclusions—The impact of the technique of Dog-Technic for D1-D4 and the Longitudinal Stroke technique for diaphragm in the volumes of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in asthmatic patients were positive, there was a change of the PEF Post intervention and post-treatment, and effort and showed the most effective group in which only a technique was applied. Furthermore this type of treatment decreased facilitated vertebrae pain and was efficient in the improvement of Dyspnea and the general well-being of the patient.Keywords: ANS, asthma, manipulation, manual therapy, osteopathic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2885077 Ifrs Adoption, Enforcement, and the Value Relevant of Accounting Amounts: The Particular Case of South Africa
Authors: Edward Chamisa, Colin C. Smith, Hamutyinei H. Pamburai, Abdul C. Abdulla
South Africa (SA) adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for listed firms effective 1 January 2005. However, it was not until 2011 that substantial financial reporting enforcement changes were introduced, which were meant to ensure compliance with IFRS. This innovative setting allows us to examine the value relevance of accounting amounts during the (1) pre-IFRS adoption period (2002-2004); (2) post-IFRS adoption, but pre-enforcement changes period (2006-2010); and (3) post-enforcement changes period (2011-2012). The results show that accounting amounts were most value relevant in the post-enforcement changes period (R2, 75.5%) compared to both the pre-IFRS adoption period (adjusted R2 is 24.3%) and the period after IFRS adoption but before enforcement changes (adjusted R2 is 37.5%). Also, during the 2008 financial crisis, the equity book value per share was significantly value relevant (at 1%) but not earnings per share, whereas before the crisis, the opposite was true. We make two important contributions to the literature. First, we identify SA as an innovative setting that allows researchers to examine separately the effects of IFRS adoption and enforcement changes on capital markets and accounting quality. This is a departure from prior studies that are dominated by the European Union setting, where IFRS adoption occurred contemporaneously with enforcement and other regulatory changes. Second, we provide preliminary findings which suggest that while the adoption of IFRS seems to have improved the financial reporting quality of accounting amounts of SA listed firms, its impact appears to be limited unless combined with effective enforcement.Keywords: international financial reporting standards (ifrs), ifrs adoption, financial reporting enforcement, value relevance, price model, equity book value, earnings per share
Procedia PDF Downloads 705076 Religious Reform and Secularism
Authors: Djehich Mohamed Yousri
Religious Reform and Secularism present the title of the research paper (Religious Reform and Secularism) is the subject of this research paper. The researcher proceeded to address it through three main axes, in addition to an introduction and a conclusion that indicated the most important results of the study. Where the first axis dealt with the concept of the secular, while the second axis dealt with religious reform, and we devoted the third axis to discussing the relationship between them. It is a treatment that requires the researcher, at the level of methodology, to critically rethink the concepts of (religious) and (secular), and accompany the radical revisions that have been made in the field of (post-secular) studies in this regard. The paper concluded that caution should be exercised in dealing with the terms "religious reform" and "secularism". There are different and diverse viewpoints on (religious reform) and on (secularism) as well, and therefore it is wrong, according to the perspective of the paper, to deal with either of them as representing one comprehensive, homogeneous, closed and semantically stable category. ) or (secularism) with a set of diverse and divergent points of view from each other, a path that ultimately leads to confusion, confusion, ambiguity and misunderstanding.Keywords: secularism, post-secularism, religious reform, concept of religion, the concept of secularism
Procedia PDF Downloads 805075 Effect of Season on Semen Production of Nubian and Saanen Bucks in Sudan
Authors: E. A. Babiker, S. A. Makawi
The influence of the season (autumn, winter, and summer) on semen production in Nubian and Saanen bucks was studied. Seven mature bucks (4 Nubian and 3 Saanen) were used in this study to prepare semen samples which were collected with an artificial vagina. The samples were extended in Tris-egg yolk-glycerol-glucose extender, frozen, and stored in liquid nitrogen at –196 0C for 48 hours. Straws were thawed in water at –37 0C for 15 seconds before sperm evaluation (post-thaw sperm motility). There was a significant seasonal variation in both semen quantity (volume, concentration, and the total number of spermatozoa per ejaculate) and quality (percentage of sperm motility, percentage of post-thaw sperm motility, and dead spermatozoa). Greater ejaculate volumes were observed during summer and autumn in comparison to winter. Higher values of sperms concentration were observed during autumn, while the lowest sperm concentration values were observed during summer. Higher values of sperm motility were observed during autumn in comparison to summer. Lower values of dead spermatozoa were recorded during autumn, while the highest percentages of dead spermatozoa were observed during summer for the two breeds of bucks. The influence of season on post-thaw sperm motility was significant. Semen frozen during autumn and winter had the highest values, while during summer, lower mean values were observed. The best semen was produced during autumn and winter, while during summer, poor semen quality was recorded.Keywords: season, Nubian, Saanen, semen production, Sudan
Procedia PDF Downloads 1145074 The Effect of Technology- facilitated Lesson Study toward Teacher’s Computer Assisted Language Learning Competencies
Authors: Yi-Ning Chang
With the rapid advancement of technology, it has become crucial for educators to adeptly integrate technology into their teaching and develop a robust Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) competency. Addressing this need, the present study adopted a technology-based Lesson Study approach to assess its impact on the CALL competency and professional capabilities of EFL teachers. Additionally, the study delved into teachers' perceptions of the benefits derived from participating in the creation of technologically integrated lesson plans. The iterative process of technology-based Lesson Study facilitated ample peer discussion, enabling teachers to flexibly design and implement lesson plans that incorporate various technological tools. This 15-week study included 10 in- service teachers from a university of science and technology in the central of Taiwan. The collected data included pre- and post- lesson planning scores, pre- and post- TPACK survey scores, classroom observation forms, designed lesson plans, and reflective essays. The pre- and post- lesson planning and TPACK survey scores were analyzed employing a pair-sampled t test; students’ reflective essays were respectively analyzed applying content analysis. The findings revealed that the teachers’ lesson planning ability and CALL competencies were improved. Teachers perceived a better understanding of integrating technology with teaching subjects, more effective teaching skills, and a deeper understanding of technology. Pedagogical implications and future studies are also discussed.Keywords: CALL, language learning, lesson study, lesson plan
Procedia PDF Downloads 425073 Identity-Based Encryption: A Comparison of Leading Classical and Post-Quantum Implementations in an Enterprise Setting
Authors: Emily Stamm, Neil Smyth, Elizabeth O'Sullivan
In Identity-Based Encryption (IBE), an identity, such as a username, email address, or domain name, acts as the public key. IBE consolidates the PKI by eliminating the repetitive process of requesting public keys for each message encryption. Two of the most popular schemes are Sakai-Kasahara (SAKKE), which is based on elliptic curve pairings, and the Ducas, Lyubashevsky, and Prest lattice scheme (DLP- Lattice), which is based on quantum-secure lattice cryptography. In or- der to embed the schemes in a standard enterprise setting, both schemes are implemented as shared system libraries and integrated into a REST service that functions at the enterprise level. The performance of both schemes as libraries and services is compared, and the practicalities of implementation and application are discussed. Our performance results indicate that although SAKKE has the smaller key and ciphertext sizes, DLP-Lattice is significantly faster overall and we recommend it for most enterprise use cases.Keywords: identity-based encryption, post-quantum cryptography, lattice-based cryptography, IBE
Procedia PDF Downloads 1415072 The Incidence of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Dysfunction Following Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomies: A Single Centre Retrospective Audit in the United Kingdom
Authors: Krupali Mukeshkumar, Jinesh Shah
Background: Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO), used for the correction of mandibular deformities, is a common oral and maxillofacial surgical procedure. Inferior alveolar nerve dysfunction is commonly reported post-operatively by patients as paresthesia or anesthesia. The current literature lacks a consensus on the incidence of inferior alveolar nerve dysfunction as patients are not routinely assessed pre and post-operatively with an objective assessment. The range of incidence varies from 9% to 85% of patients, with some authors arguing that 100% of patients experience nerve dysfunction immediately post-surgery. Systematic reviews have shown a difference between incidence rates at different follow-up periods using objective and subjective methods. Aim: To identify the incidence of inferior alveolar nerve dysfunction following BSSO. Gold standard: Nerve dysfunction incidence rates similar or lower than current literature of 83% day one post-operatively and 18.4% at one year follow up. Setting: A retrospective cross-sectional audit of patients treated between 2017-2019 at the Royal Stoke University Hospital, Maxillofacial and Orthodontic departments. Sample: All patients who underwent a BSSO (with or without le fort one osteotomy) between 2017–2019 were identified from the database. Patients with pre-existing neurosensory disturbance, those who had a genioplasty at the same time and those with no follow-up were excluded. The sample consisted of 121 patients, 37 males and 84 females between the ages of 17-50 years at the time of surgery. Methods: Clinical records of 121 cases were reviewed to assess the age, sex, type of mandibular osteotomy, status of the nerve during the surgical procedure, type of bony split and incidence of nerve dysfunction at follow-up appointments. The surgical procedure was carried out by three Maxillo-facial surgeons and follow-up appointments were carried out in the Orthodontic and Oral and Maxillo-facial departments. Results: 120 patients were treated to correct the mandibular facial deformity and 1 patient was treated for sleep apnoea. Seventeen patients had a mandibular setback and 104 patients had mandibular advancement. 68 patients reported inferior alveolar nerve dysfunction at one week following their surgery. Seventy-six patients had temporary paresthesia present between 2 weeks and 12 months post-surgery. 13 patients had persistent nerve dysfunction at 12 months, of which 1 had a bad bony split during the BSSO. The incidence of nerve dysfunction postoperatively was 6.6% after 1 day, 56.1% at 1 week, 62.8% at 2 weeks, 59.5% between 3-6 weeks, 43.0% between 8-16 weeks and 10.7% at 1 year. Conclusions: The results of this audit show a similar incidence rate to the research gold standard at the one-year follow-up. Future Recommendations: No changes to surgical procedure or technique are indicated, but a need for improved documentation and a standardized approach for assessment of post-operative nerve dysfunction would be beneficial.Keywords: bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, inferior alveolar nerve, mandible, nerve dysfunction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2405071 The Impact of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on Marital Satisfaction in Iranian Couples: The Mediating Role of Sexual and Romantic Relationship Dynamics
Authors: Melika Masjedi
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has a significant impact on the mental health and relationship dynamics of couples, leading to decreased marital satisfaction. This study examines the mediating role of sexual and romantic relationship dynamics in relation to PTSD and marital satisfaction among Iranian couples. Using a sample of 107 participants, quantitative methods were utilized to assess variables such as relationship functioning, PTSD symptom severity, and the influence of sexual and romantic interactions. The findings demonstrate a strong correlation between heightened PTSD symptoms and reduced marital satisfaction, particularly in the domains of intimacy and emotional connection. The study highlights the importance of addressing relational dynamics to improve marital outcomes in PTSD-affected couples.Keywords: intimacy, marital satisfaction, PTSD, relationship dynamics, trauma
Procedia PDF Downloads 245070 Geochemical Investigation of Weathering and Sorting for Tepeköy Sandstones
Authors: M. Yavuz Hüseyinca, Şuayip Küpeli
The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values of Late Eocene-Oligocene aged sandstones that exposed on the eastern edge of Tuz Lake (Central Anatolia, Turkey) range from 49 to 59 with an average of 51. The A-CN-K diagram indicates that sandstones underwent post-depositional K-metasomatism. The original average CIA value before the K-metasomatism is calculated as 55. This value is lower than that of Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and defines a low intense chemical weathering in the source-area. Extrapolation of sandstones back to the plagioclase-alkali feldspar line in the A-CN-K diagram suggests a high average plagioclase to alkali feldspar ratio in the provenance and a composition close to granodiorite. The Zr/Sc and Th/Sc ratios with the Al₂O₃-Zr-TiO₂ space do not show zircon addition that refuse both recycling of sediments and sorting effect. All these data suggest direct and rapid transportation from the source due to topographic uplift and probably arid to semi-arid climate conditions for the sandstones.Keywords: central Anatolia, sandstone, sorting, weathering
Procedia PDF Downloads 378