Search results for: access control system
26583 Distributed Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Multiple Interconnected Intersections
Authors: Zhiyuan Du, Baisravan Hom Chaudhuri, Pierluigi Pisu
In connected vehicle systems where wireless communication is available among the involved vehicles and intersection controllers, it is possible to design an intersection coordination strategy that leads the connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) travel through the road intersections without the conventional traffic light control. In this paper, we present a distributed coordination strategy for the CAVs at multiple interconnected intersections that aims at improving system fuel efficiency and system mobility. We present a distributed control solution where in the higher level, the intersection controllers calculate the road desired average velocity and optimally assign reference velocities of each vehicle. In the lower level, every vehicle is considered to use model predictive control (MPC) to track their reference velocity obtained from the higher level controller. The proposed method has been implemented on a simulation-based case with two-interconnected intersection network. Additionally, the effects of mixed vehicle types on the coordination strategy has been explored. Simulation results indicate the improvement on vehicle fuel efficiency and traffic mobility of the proposed method.Keywords: connected vehicles, automated vehicles, intersection coordination systems, multiple interconnected intersections, model predictive control
Procedia PDF Downloads 35726582 Copper Coil Heat Exchanger Performance for Greenhouse Heating: An Experimental and Theoretical Study
Authors: Maha Bakkari, R.Tadili
The present work is a study of the performance of a solar copper coil heating system in a greenhouse microclimate. Our system is based on the circulation of a Heat transfer fluid, which is water in our case, in a closed loop under the greenhouse's roof in order to store heat all day, and then this heat will supply the greenhouse during the night. In order to evaluate our greenhouse, we made an experimental study in two identical greenhouses, where the first one is equipped with a heating system and the second (without heating) is used for control. The heating system allows the establishment of the thermal balance and determines the mass of water necessary for the process in order to ensure its functioning during the night. The results obtained showed that this solar heating system and the climatic parameters inside the experimental greenhouse were improved, and it presents a significant gain compared to a controlled greenhouse without a heating system. This research is one of the solutions that help to reduce the greenhouse effect of the planet Earth, a problem that worries the world.Keywords: solar energy, energy storage, greenhouse, environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 8126581 Determinants of Access to Finance to All Enterprise
Authors: Dilang Thouk Tharjiath
This study seeks to examine determinants of access to finance: the case of micro and small enterprises in bonga town. It identifies the sector as the key to unlocking the economic potentials of the country. For the achievement of the objective of the study simple random and stratified sampling has been used to select 179 respondents, primary and secondary data were used, primary data were collected through face to face interview and preparing questionnaire and secondary data were collected through reviewing firms record and reports, quantitative research approach were used and the data obtained were analyzed using descriptive research design. Access to finance is one of the key obstacles of MSE’s not only when starting the business project but also when operating. Identifying the major determinants of access to finance is therefore quite crucial. Based on descriptive result the financiers specially formal financiers tend to grant credit easily for enterprises which are located near to town, having operators with higher educational level, experienced and with a positive attitudes towards or fulfill their lending procedures, and a firm having collateralized asset, prepare business plan, maintain accounting practice ,large and old enough. Finally the study recommended that As Educational level of entrepreneurs has significant effect on access to credit from bank and the managers or owners education level is low in Bonga town the concerned bodies of both the government and non-governmental institutions in collaboration with Bonga town MSE development office are recommended to create awareness and facilitate the provision of additional training for those with lower educational level.Keywords: credit, entrepreneur, enterprise, manager
Procedia PDF Downloads 9226580 Geographic Differences in Access to HIV Prevention Services and Care among Sexual Minority Men in Puerto Rico
Authors: William Coburn, Dylan Hauchard, Amel Naouali
Background: The nature of the HIV epidemic in Puerto Rico (PR) is less understood than in the continental U.S. There is evidence to suggest that there are differences in health care access based on geographical location, such that rural areas are less underserved and have less immediate access to HIV prevention resources. Methods: The current study consists of a cross-sectional online survey of self-reporting HIV-negative sexual minority men (SMM) residing in PR. Results: In this sample, there were no differences between urban and rural-based services for SMM. However, more than half of the sample reported that they have never disclosed their gender identity and sexual practices to a physician. Conclusion: HIV is a significant public health concern affecting Latinos/Hispanics in the U.S. Findings in this paper can have implications for HIV prevention services in PR specifically, as few studies have directly focused on the impact of HIV and health care services in PR outside of the continental U.S.Keywords: HIV, Puerto Rico, infectious diseases , public health
Procedia PDF Downloads 23326579 Judicial Control in a Context of the Concept of Legal Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Authors: G. A. Kuanaliyeva, G. T. Aigarinova, G. K. Shulanbekova
This article is devoted to judicial control in criminal legal proceedings of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the light of the new Concept of legal policy till 2020. In article the general characteristic and concept of judicial control, and also its signs and types are considered. Different views of scientists are analyzed. Foreign experiment on application of judicial control is given. The author states also the point sight on this problem and gives the definition to concept of judicial control. The code of criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK Criminal Procedure Code) doesn't consolidate concept of judicial control. The author in article suggests making change and addition to the existing Code of criminal procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan by definition of judicial control. The decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 24, 2009 No. 858 approved the Concept of legal policy of the Republic for the period from 2010 to 2020. The new Concept of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, defines prospects of development of national legal system of the country on the following decade. The concept of legal policy completely mentions also institute of judicial control. Since finding of the independence by Kazakhstan the set of laws, including the rights directed on providing, freedoms and a legitimate interest of citizens was accepted. Certainly, in any country, whatever democratic it was, there are problems to human rights. However, it is obvious that Kazakhstan strongly intends to guarantee all Republic of Kazakhstan proclaimed in the Constitution the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Our country seeks for creation of the constitutional state, tries to provide a guarantee from various arbitrariness in activity of competent government bodies, officials. In the concept of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan it is specified: "...priority of development of the criminal procedure right there is a further consecutive realization of the fundamental principles of the criminal legal proceedings directed on protection of the rights and freedoms of the person". Judicial control just also is such guarantee.Keywords: rights and freedoms of the person, concept, legal policy, court, judicial control
Procedia PDF Downloads 49626578 Chat-Based Online Counseling for Enhancing Wellness of Undergraduates with Emotional Crisis Tendency
Authors: Arunya Tuicomepee
During the past two decades, there have been the increasing numbers of studies on online counseling, especially among adolescents who are familiar with the online world. This can be explained by the fact that via this channel enables easier access to the young, who may not be ready for face-to-face service, possibly due to uneasiness to reveal their personal problems with a stranger, the feeling that their problems are to be shamed, or the need to protect their images. Especially, the group of teenagers prone to suicide or despair, who tend to keep things to or isolate from the society to themselves, usually prefer types of services that require no face-to-face encounter and allow their anonymity, such as online services. This study aimed to examine effectiveness of chat-based online counseling for enhancing wellness of undergraduates with emotional crisis tendency. Experimental with pretest-posttest control group design was employed. Participants were 47 undergraduates (10 males and 37 females) with high emotional crisis tendency. They were randomly assigned to experimental group (24 students) and control group (23 students). Participants in the experimental group received a 60-minute, 4-sessions of individual chat-based online counseling led by counselor. Those in control group received no counseling session. Instruments were the Emotional Crisis Scale and Wellness Scales. Two-way mixed-design multivariate analysis of variance was used for data analysis. Finding revealed that the posttest scores on wellness of those in the experimental group were higher than the scores of those in the control group. The posttest scores on emotional crisis tendency of those in the experimental group were lower than the scores of those in the control group. Hence, this study suggests chat-based online counseling services can become a helping source that increasing more adolescents would recognize and turn to in the future and that will receive more attention.Keywords: chat-based online counseling, emotional crisis, undergraduate student, wellness
Procedia PDF Downloads 24226577 Effective Wind-Induced Natural Ventilation in a Residential Apartment Typology
Authors: Tanvi P. Medshinge, Prasad Vaidya, Monisha E. Royan
In India, cooling loads in residential sector is a major contributor to its total energy consumption. Due to the increasing cooling need, the market penetration of air-conditioners is further expected to rise. Natural Ventilation (NV), however, possesses great potential to save significant energy consumption especially for residential buildings in moderate climates. As multifamily residential apartment buildings are designed by repetitive use of prototype designs, deriving individual NV based design prototype solutions for a combination of different wind incidence angles and orientations would provide significant opportunity to address the rise in cooling loads by residential sector. This paper presents the results of NV performance of a selected prototype apartment design with a cluster of four units in Pune, India, and an attempt to improve the NV performance through design modifications. The water table apparatus, a physical modelling tool, is used to study the flow patterns and simulate wind-induced NV performance. Quantification of NV performance is done by post processing images captured from video recordings in terms of percentage of area with good and poor access to ventilation. NV performance of the existing design for eight wind incidence angles showed that of the cluster of four units, the windward units showed good access to ventilation for all rooms, and the leeward units had lower access to ventilation with the bedrooms in the leeward units having the least access. The results showed improved performance in all the units for all wind incidence angles to more than 80% good access to ventilation. Some units showed an additional improvement to more than 90% good access to ventilation. This process of design and performance evaluation improved some individual units from 0% to 100% for good access to ventilation. The results demonstrate the ease of use and the power of the water table apparatus for performance-based design to simulate wind induced NV.Keywords: fluid dynamics, prototype design, natural ventilation, simulations, water table apparatus, wind incidence angles
Procedia PDF Downloads 23026576 Neural Network Supervisory Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control of the Pressurized Water Reactor Core Power Load Following Operation
Authors: Derjew Ayele Ejigu, Houde Song, Xiaojing Liu
This work presents the particle swarm optimization trained neural network (PSO-NN) supervisory proportional integral derivative (PID) control method to monitor the pressurized water reactor (PWR) core power for safe operation. The proposed control approach is implemented on the transfer function of the PWR core, which is computed from the state-space model. The PWR core state-space model is designed from the neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, and reactivity models using perturbation around the equilibrium value. The proposed control approach computes the control rod speed to maneuver the core power to track the reference in a closed-loop scheme. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to train the neural network (NN) and to tune the PID simultaneously. The controller performance is examined using integral absolute error, integral time absolute error, integral square error, and integral time square error functions, and the stability of the system is analyzed by using the Bode diagram. The simulation results indicated that the controller shows satisfactory performance to control and track the load power effectively and smoothly as compared to the PSO-PID control technique. This study will give benefit to design a supervisory controller for nuclear engineering research fields for control application.Keywords: machine learning, neural network, pressurized water reactor, supervisory controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 15726575 The Impact of CO2 on Learning and Memory Duration of Bombus terrestris
Authors: Gholizadeh F. F., Goldansaz S. H., Bandani A. R., A. Ashouri
This study aimed to investigate the direct effects of increasing carbon dioxide (CO₂) concentration on the behavior of Bombus terrestris bumblebees in laboratory conditions to understand the outcomes of the augmentation of this gas in the Earth's atmosphere on the decline of populations of these pollinators. Learning and memory duration of bumblebees were evaluated as two main behavioral factors in social insects at different concentrations of CO₂. In both series of experiments, the behavior of bees under the influence of CO₂ changes compared to the control. Insects kept at high CO₂ concentrations learn less than control bees and spend more time identifying and navigating to discover their food source and access time (nectar consumption). These results showed that bees maybe lose some of their food resources due to poorer identification and act weaker on searching due to less memory and avoiding the enemy in higher CO₂ concentration. Therefore, CO₂ increasing concentration can be one of the reasons for the decline of these pollinating insects' populations by negatively affecting their fitness.Keywords: Bombus terrestris, CO₂, learning, memory duration
Procedia PDF Downloads 18026574 Optimal Design for SARMA(P,Q)L Process of EWMA Control Chart
Authors: Yupaporn Areepong
The main goal of this paper is to study Statistical Process Control (SPC) with Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control chart when observations are serially-correlated. The characteristic of control chart is Average Run Length (ARL) which is the average number of samples taken before an action signal is given. Ideally, an acceptable ARL of in-control process should be enough large, so-called (ARL0). Otherwise it should be small when the process is out-of-control, so-called Average of Delay Time (ARL1) or a mean of true alarm. We find explicit formulas of ARL for EWMA control chart for Seasonal Autoregressive and Moving Average processes (SARMA) with Exponential white noise. The results of ARL obtained from explicit formula and Integral equation are in good agreement. In particular, this formulas for evaluating (ARL0) and (ARL1) be able to get a set of optimal parameters which depend on smoothing parameter (λ) and width of control limit (H) for designing EWMA chart with minimum of (ARL1).Keywords: average run length, optimal parameters, exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), control chart
Procedia PDF Downloads 56026573 Provision of Basic Water and Sanitation Services in South Africa through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant Programme
Authors: Elkington Sibusiso Mnguni
Although South Africa has made good progress in providing basic water and sanitation services to its citizens, there is still a large section of the population that has no access to these services. This paper reviews the performance of the government’s municipal infrastructure grant programme in providing basic water and sanitation services which are part of the constitutional requirements to the citizens. The method used to gather data and information was a desk top study which sought to review the progress made in rolling out the programme. The successes and challenges were highlighted and possible solutions were identified that can accelerate the elimination of the remaining backlogs and improve the level of service to the citizens. Currently, approximately 6.5 million citizens are without access to basic water services and approximately 10 million are without access to basic sanitation services.Keywords: grant, municipal infrastructure, sanitation, services, water
Procedia PDF Downloads 14426572 Digital Media Use and Access among Rural Youth in South Africa: The Prospects for Female Empowerment
Authors: Fulufhelo Oscar Makananise
Digital technologies have played a significant role in bridging the information gap between the haves and the have nots in society. In developing countries such as South Africa, historically marginalised groups such as women in rural communities have an opportunity to use digital technologies to network among themselves as well as interact with their government, thereby enhancing prospects for poverty eradication, political participation, community development and democracy. However, the extent to which these goals can be achieved in a developing context through harnessing digital technologies is not quite clear, particularly given the fact that access to these technologies is not evenly distributed and the fact that women’s access to digital technologies is hampered by factors that go beyond the question of infrastructure. Informed by the technological dependency theory, this paper is about how female youth in rural South Africa are deploying digital media tools for socio-economic empowerment. In particular, the study investigated the extent to which female youth in Limpopo province, South Africa access and use digital media platforms and gadgets and the extent to which those technologies are breaking down barriers that stand in the way of female youth empowerment. Data were gathered using a self-administered questionnaire disseminated to selected 100 female youth in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The data were analysed using SPSS version 9, and the results were analysed using descriptive statistics. The paper argues that wider and constant access to digital media by female youth in rural areas is indicative of the great potential for empowering female youth in rural areas through harnessing digital media. The study established that the majority of female youth had access to digital media technologies and used them to share valuable information among themselves. The study further established that female youth are active users of digital media in South Africa, which is the significant driver for socio-economic empowerment.Keywords: digital technologies, empowerment, female youth, South Africa, survey, technological dependency
Procedia PDF Downloads 13326571 Vibration Control of a Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composites Beam Resting on Elastic Foundation
Authors: Gholamhosein Khosravi, Mohammad Azadi, Hamidreza Ghezavati
In this paper, vibration of a nonlinear composite beam is analyzed and then an active controller is used to control the vibrations of the system. The beam is resting on a Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundation. The composite beam is reinforced by single walled carbon nanotubes. Using the rule of mixture, the material properties of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composites (FG-CNTRCs) are determined. The beam is cantilever and the free end of the beam is under follower force. Piezoelectric layers are attached to the both sides of the beam to control vibrations as sensors and actuators. The governing equations of the FG-CNTRC beam are derived based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory Lagrange- Rayleigh-Ritz method. The simulation results are presented and the effects of some parameters on stability of the beam are analyzed.Keywords: carbon nanotubes, vibration control, piezoelectric layers, elastic foundation
Procedia PDF Downloads 27226570 Temperature Control and Thermal Management of Cylindrical Lithium Batteries Using Phase Change Materials (PCMs)
Authors: S. M. Sadrameli, Y. Azizi
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have shown to be one of the most reliable energy storage systems for electric cars in the recent years. Ambient temperature has a significant impact on the performance, lifetime, safety and cost of such batteries. Increasing the temperature degrade the lithium batteries more quickly while working at low-temperature environment results reducing the power and energy capability of the system. A thermal management system has been designed and setup in laboratory scale for controlling the temperature at optimum conditions using PEG-1000 with the melting point in the range of 33-40 oC as a phase change material. Aluminum plates have been installed in the PCM to increase the thermal conductivity and increasing the heat transfer rate. Experimental tests have been run at different discharge rates and ambient temperatures to investigate the effects of temperature on the efficiency of the batteries. The comparison has been made between the system of 6 batteries with and without PCM and the results show that PCM with aluminum plates decrease the surface temperature of the batteries that would result better performance and longer lifetime of the batteries.Keywords: lithium-ion batteries, phase change materials, thermal management, temperature control
Procedia PDF Downloads 34226569 Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Civil Engineering
Authors: Naci Büyükkaracığan
Artificial neural networks (ANN) is an electrical model based on the human brain nervous system and working principle. Artificial neural networks have been the subject of an active field of research that has matured greatly over the past 55 years. ANN now is used in many fields. But, it has been viewed that artificial neural networks give better results in particular optimization and control systems. There are requirements of optimization and control system in many of the area forming the subject of civil engineering applications. In this study, the first artificial intelligence systems are widely used in the solution of civil engineering systems were examined with the basic principles and technical aspects. Finally, the literature reviews for applications in the field of civil engineering were conducted and also artificial intelligence techniques were informed about the study and its results.Keywords: artificial neural networks, civil engineering, Fuzzy logic, statistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 41526568 Numerical Solving Method for Specific Dynamic Performance of Unstable Flight Dynamics with PD Attitude Control
Authors: M. W. Sun, Y. Zhang, L. M. Zhang, Z. H. Wang, Z. Q. Chen
In the realm of flight control, the Proportional- Derivative (PD) control is still widely used for the attitude control in practice, particularly for the pitch control, and the attitude dynamics using PD controller should be investigated deeply. According to the empirical knowledge about the unstable flight dynamics, the control parameter combination conditions to generate sole or finite number of closed-loop oscillations, which is a quite smooth response and is more preferred by practitioners, are presented in analytical or numerical manners. To analyze the effects of the combination conditions of the control parameters, the roots of several polynomials are sought to obtain feasible solutions. These conditions can also be plotted in a 2-D plane which makes the conditions be more explicit by using multiple interval operations. Finally, numerical examples are used to validate the proposed methods and some comparisons are also performed.Keywords: attitude control, dynamic performance, numerical solving method, interval, unstable flight dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 58126567 The Study about the New Monitoring System of Signal Equipment of Railways Using Radio Communication
Authors: Masahiko Suzuki, Takashi Kato , Masahiro Kobayashi
In our company, the monitoring system for signal equipment has already implemented. So, we can know the state of signal equipment, sitting in the control room or the maintenance center. But this system was installed over 20 years ago, so it cannot stand the needs such as 'more stable operation', 'broadband data transfer', 'easy construction and easy maintenance'. To satisfy these needs, we studied the monitoring system using radio communication as a new method which can realize the operation in the terrible environment along railroads. In these studies, we have developed the terminals and repeaters based on the ZigBee protocol and have implemented the application using two different radio bands simultaneously. At last, we got the good results from the fundamental examinations using the developed equipment.Keywords: monitoring, radio communication, 2 bands, ZigBee
Procedia PDF Downloads 58826566 Analysis of Legal System of Land Use in Archaeological Sites
Authors: Yen-Sheng Ho
It is important to actively adjust the legal system of land use in archaeological sites and the reward system to meet the needs of modern society and to solve the dilemma of government management. Under the principle of administration according to law and the principle of the clarity of law, human rights, legal orders and legitimate expectation shall be regulated. The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act has many norms related to archaeological sites in Taiwan. However, in practice, the preservation of archaeological sites still encounters many challenges. For instance, some archaeological sites have ‘management and maintenance plans’. The restrictions of land uses are not clearly defined making it difficult to determine how planting types and cultivation methods will impact the underground relics. In addition, there are questions as follows. How to coordinate the ‘site preservation plan’ with the Regional Planning Act and the Urban Planning Act? How to define preservation of land, preservation area and other uses of land or area? How to define land use in practice? How to control land use? After selecting three sites for the case investigation, this study will analyze the site’s land use status and propose the direction of land use and control methods. This study suggests that the prerequisite to limit the use of land is to determine the public interest in the preservation of the site. Another prerequisite is to establish a mechanism for permitting the use of the site and for setting the site preservation and zoning maintenance practices according to the Regional Planning Act, Urban Planning Act and other relevant rules, such as, land use zoning, land use control, land management, land maintenance, regional development and management and etc.Keywords: archaeological site, land use and site preservation plan, regional planning, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 27726565 Efficient Field-Oriented Motor Control on Resource-Constrained Microcontrollers for Optimal Performance without Specialized Hardware
Authors: Nishita Jaiswal, Apoorv Mohan Satpute
The increasing demand for efficient, cost-effective motor control systems in the automotive industry has driven the need for advanced, highly optimized control algorithms. Field-Oriented Control (FOC) has established itself as the leading approach for motor control, offering precise and dynamic regulation of torque, speed, and position. However, as energy efficiency becomes more critical in modern applications, implementing FOC on low-power, cost-sensitive microcontrollers pose significant challenges due to the limited availability of computational and hardware resources. Currently, most solutions rely on high-performance 32-bit microcontrollers or Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) equipped with Floating Point Units (FPUs) and Hardware Accelerated Units (HAUs). These advanced platforms enable rapid computation and simplify the execution of complex control algorithms like FOC. However, these benefits come at the expense of higher costs, increased power consumption, and added system complexity. These drawbacks limit their suitability for embedded systems with strict power and budget constraints, where achieving energy and execution efficiency without compromising performance is essential. In this paper, we present an alternative approach that utilizes optimized data representation and computation techniques on a 16-bit microcontroller without FPUs or HAUs. By carefully optimizing data point formats and employing fixed-point arithmetic, we demonstrate how the precision and computational efficiency required for FOC can be maintained in resource-constrained environments. This approach eliminates the overhead performance associated with floating-point operations and hardware acceleration, providing a more practical solution in terms of cost, scalability and improved execution time efficiency, allowing faster response in motor control applications. Furthermore, it enhances system design flexibility, making it particularly well-suited for applications that demand stringent control over power consumption and costs.Keywords: field-oriented control, fixed-point arithmetic, floating point unit, hardware accelerator unit, motor control systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 2026564 Findings from an Access Improvement Project for Antiretroviral Therapy Uptake through Traditional Birth Attendants at Mother Theresa Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: Daniel Afolayan, Christina Olawepo, Francis Olowookanga, Nguhemen Tingir, Olawale Fadare, John Oko
In Nigeria, traditional birth attendants (TBAs) can play an important role in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. However, their role in improving access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is unclear. Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria (Caritas Nigeria) is an implementing agency supporting increased access to HIV testing and treatment services in Lagos state through health facilities including Mother Theresa Hospital. Despite intra-facility testing and community outreaches, ART uptake at Mother Theresa Hospital, Lagos was low with 6 individuals on antiretroviral drugs 3 months post-activation. This study explored improving access to ART through linkages with TBAs for ART uptake at the facility. Plan-Do-Study-Act model was used. The goal was to improve uptake of ART from 6 to 80 in 5 months (end of project year). Scanning revealed a network of 15 TBAs with potential as satellites for HIV testing. Caritas Nigeria linked the facility with 15 TBAs who were provided with HIV test kits and trained on HIV testing services for provider-initiated testing and outreaches. Weekly reports and referrals of positives were received, tracked and feedback given on testing yield. These TBAs serve individuals of various age and gender at their trado-medical centres. At the end of 5 months, HIV testing increased by 10,575 (78% from TBAs) and HIV positives obtained improved by 77 (44.2% from TBAs). 55 new individuals were enrolled and commenced on ART (61.8% from TBAs). There was a successful linkage of all clients with escort services due to incentives. Total uptake of ART was 61 (76.3% of target). Structured partnerships between TBAs and HIV care and treatment centers should be strengthened to improve access to ART.Keywords: access improvement, antiretroviral therapy, traditional birth attendants, uptake
Procedia PDF Downloads 46026563 Relationship Between Behavioral Inhibition/Approach System, and Perceived Stress, With White Blood Cell In Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Authors: Amin Alvani
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath of neurons in the central nervous system. The present study aimed to investigate the Relationship between behavioral inhibition/approach system (BIS-BAS) and perceived stress (PS) whit control white blood cell (WBC). 60 MS patients (male=36.7, female=63.3%; age range=15-65 participated in the study and completed the demographic questionnaire, the count blood cell (CBC) test, the behavioral Activation and behavioral inhibition scale (BIS-BAS), and the perceived stress Questionnaire (PSS-14). The results revealed that Between of BAS-reward responsiveness (BAS-DR) subscale and PS, in more than MS patient (BIS), there are increase WBC.Keywords: behavioral inhibition/approach system, perceived stress, white blood cell, multiple sclerosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 9126562 Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Employing Teaching Learning Based Optimization
Authors: Anam Gopi
The undesired torque and flux ripple may occur in conventional direct torque control (DTC) induction motor drive. DTC can improve the system performance at low speeds by continuously tuning the regulator by adjusting the Kp, Ki values. In this Teaching Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) is proposed to adjust the parameters (Kp, Ki) of the speed controller in order to minimize torque ripple, flux ripple, and stator current distortion. The TLBO based PI controller has resulted is maintaining a constant speed of the motor irrespective of the load torque fluctuations.Keywords: teaching learning based optimization, direct torque control, PI controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 58526561 Quantum Engine Proposal using Two-level Atom Like Manipulation and Relativistic Motoring Control
Authors: Montree Bunruangses, Sonath Bhattacharyya, Somchat Sonasang, Preecha Yupapin
A two-level system is manipulated by a microstrip add-drop circuit configured as an atom like system for wave-particle behavior investigation when its traveling speed along the circuit perimeter is the speed of light. The entangled pair formed by the upper and lower sideband peaks is bound by the angular displacement, which is given by 0≤θ≤π/2. The control signals associated with 3-peak signal frequencies are applied by the external inputs via the microstrip add-drop multiplexer ports, where they are time functions without the space term involved. When a system satisfies the speed of light conditions, the mass term has been changed to energy based on the relativistic limit described by the Lorentz factor and Einstein equation. The different applied frequencies can be utilized to form the 3-phase torques that can be applied for quantum engines. The experiment will use the two-level system circuit and be conducted in the laboratory. The 3-phase torques will be recorded and investigated for quantum engine driving purpose. The obtained results will be compared to the simulation. The optimum amplification of torque can be obtained by the resonant successive filtering operation. Torque will be vanished when the system is balanced at the stopped position, where |Time|=0, which is required to be a system stability condition. It will be discussed for future applications. A larger device may be tested in the future for realistic use. A synchronous and asynchronous driven motor is also discussed for the warp drive use.Keywords: quantum engine, relativistic motor, 3-phase torque, atomic engine
Procedia PDF Downloads 6526560 A Simple and Efficient Method for Accurate Measurement and Control of Power Frequency Deviation
Authors: S. J. Arif
In the presented technique, a simple method is given for accurate measurement and control of power frequency deviation. The sinusoidal signal for which the frequency deviation measurement is required is transformed to a low voltage level and passed through a zero crossing detector to convert it into a pulse train. Another stable square wave signal of 10 KHz is obtained using a crystal oscillator and decade dividing assemblies (DDA). These signals are combined digitally and then passed through decade counters to give a unique combination of pulses or levels, which are further encoded to make them equally suitable for both control applications and display units. The developed circuit using discrete components has a resolution of 0.5 Hz and completes measurement within 20 ms. The realized circuit is simulated and synthesized using Verilog HDL and subsequently implemented on FPGA. The results of measurement on FPGA are observed on a very high resolution logic analyzer. These results accurately match the simulation results as well as the results of same circuit implemented with discrete components. The proposed system is suitable for accurate measurement and control of power frequency deviation.Keywords: digital encoder for frequency measurement, frequency deviation measurement, measurement and control systems, power systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 37726559 Levels of Digital Health Literacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Females in Regional Australia and its Association with Demographics
Authors: Usma Iftikhar, Khorshed Alam
Background: Digital health platforms and digital health interventions are gaining increasing importance with the shift to online health-seeking behaviour, especially post-Covid. Subsequently, the importance of digital health literacy is increasingly being recognized. With the surge in culturally and linguistically diverse populations in First World countries, especially females, the predictors of digital health access in this population remain elusive. Keeping in view the inadequate digital infrastructure in rural and remote Australia, with lack of specialist services, the determinants of digital access gain even more importance. Objectives: The objective of this research are to measure the digital health literacy levels in this population, including the predictors of digital health literacy like sociodemographics and the correlation between the predictors and digital health literacy levels. Methods: A population-based quantitative survey was carried out in Regional Queensland from Jan 2022- Dec 2023 on culturally and linguistically diverse adult females. Sociodemographics like age, literacy levels, socioeconomic status, access to digital devices were recorded after informed consent. Digital health literacy levels were measured by specially designed questionnaires. The relationship between sociodemographics and digital health literacy levels was estimated by Pearson correlation. Results: Mean DHL was 2.66 + 0.35. There was a negative significant relationship (p<0.005) between demographics like age and access to a digital device with digital health literacy levels. Also observed was a positive significant relationship between literacy levels and proficiency in English. Conclusion: Age, literacy levels and English proficiency are some of the highest predictors of digital health access. This is important because remote areas rely on digital health access due to less developed health infrastructure, including specialist services. Guide for Policy makers to focus on the populations most in need.Keywords: digital health literacy, eHealth literacy, culturally and linguistically diverse, ethnic minorities, regional areas, rural and remote areas
Procedia PDF Downloads 7226558 Law Relating to Health and Health Care: A Systematic Mechanism and Critical Study with Reference to Bangladesh
Authors: MD. Kamruzzaman
As a developing country, Bangladesh has seen an increase in total GDP in recent years. But it can be further improved by developing “Health-Care” (HC) services because it has enormous infrastructure problems all over the country. Bangladesh's HC system is now clearly poised to undergo reform at any process level, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Although the Bangladeshi government is trying to develop the HC sector, due to health corruption in this sector, the improvement has not accelerated yet. For this reason, lots of Bangladeshi people are facing acute diseases. Regarding the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, this research will illustrate the law relating to health and HC to ensure excellent health and well-being. Firstly, this paper investigates health under Bangladeshi law from different perspectives related to the HC system. A massive gap has been investigated in this research after comparing Bangladeshi and international health law (HL). Secondly, a practical scenario is investigated and compared with international HC law. It is evident that the Bangladeshi HC system did not achieve a satisfactory standard level concerning international law. A staggering 70% of Bangladesh's population lives in rural areas, with no restrictions on access to hospitals and clinics. However, it is clear that proper HC infrastructure and some new medical practices are urgently needed to ensure HC quality. Finally, this research provides suggestions for developing a HC system to ensure the health of all Bangladeshi people that needs to be immediately implemented by the Bangladeshi government. This research has practical implications in the HC system for any developing country to maintain their citizen's safety.Keywords: HC system, law relating, bangladeshi HL, international HL, human HC suggestions
Procedia PDF Downloads 7426557 Epicatechin Metabolites and Its Effect on ROS Production in Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells
Authors: Nasiruddin Khan
The action of (-)-epicatechin, a cocoa (Theobroma cacao) flavanol that modulates redox/oxidative stress are contributed mainly to their antioxidant properties. The present study investigates the concentration and time dependent effect of (-)-epicatechin metabolites 3MeEc, 4MeEc, and 4SulEc on the production of ROS on BAEC using L-012, Lucigenin as chemiluminescence dye and XO/HX system. Our result demonstrates that 3MeEc shows significant (P <0.05) lowering effect of ROS production in BAEC with increasing concentration of metabolite while L-012 was used as chemiluminescence dye but not in the case of Lucigenin. In XO/HX system, using L-012 as chemiluminescence dye, 3MeEc and 4MeEc showed significant lowering effect on ROS production with increasing concentration from 100-500nM as compared to the positive control (SOD). When Lucigenin was used as chemiluminescence dye, 3MeEc exerted significant lowering effect with increasing concentration when compared to the positive control (SOD) whereas 4MeEc showed significant lowering effect in ROS production from 250 nM on as compared to positive control. For 4SulEc, a significant lowering effect of ROS production was only observed at 100 and 250 nM. Overall, although each metabolite shows considerable effect, 3MeEc exhibited more pronounced effect on decreasing the production of ROS as compared to other two metabolites.Keywords: epicatechin metabolites, HO-1, Nrf2, ROS
Procedia PDF Downloads 23126556 Using Mobile Phones for M-Learning in Higher Education: A Comparative Study
Authors: Islam Elsayed Hussein Ali, Stefan M. Wagner
Smartphone and tablet computers, as well as other ultra portable devices, have already gained enough critical mass to be considered mainstream devices, being present in the daily lives of millions of higher education students. Many universities throughout the world have already adopted or are planning to adopt mobile technologies in many of their courses as a better way to connect students with the subjects they are studying. These new mobile platforms allow students to access content anywhere/anytime to immerse himself/herself into that content (alone or interacting with teachers or colleagues via web communication forms) and to interact with that content in ways that were not previously possible. This paper plans to provide a thorough overview of the possibilities and consequences of m-learning in higher education environments as a gateway to ubiquitous learning – perhaps the ultimate form of learner engagement, since it allows the student to learn, access and interact with important content in any way or at any time or place he might want so the objective of the study is to examine how the usage of mobile phones for m-learning differs between heavy and light mobile phone users at TU Braunschweig. Heavy mobile phone users are hypothesized to have access to/subscribe to one type of mobile content than light mobile phone users, to have less frequent access to, subscribe to or purchase mobile content within the last year than light mobile phone users, and to pay less money for mobile learning, its content and mobile games than light mobile phone users.Keywords: mobile learning, technologies, applications, higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 41626555 Media Literacy: Information and Communication Technology Impact on Teaching and Learning Methods in Albanian Education System
Authors: Loreta Axhami
Media literacy in the digital age emerges not only as a set of skills to generate true knowledge and information but also as a pedagogy methodology, as a kind of educational philosophy. In addition to such innovations as information integration and communication technologies, media infrastructures, and web usage in the educational system, media literacy enables the change in the learning methods, pedagogy, teaching programs, and school curriculum itself. In this framework, this study focuses on ICT's impact on teaching and learning methods and the degree they are reflected in the Albanian education system. The study is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of scientific research. Referring to the study findings, it results that student’s limited access to the internet in school, focus on the hardcopy textbooks and the role of the teacher as the only or main source of knowledge and information are some of the main factors contributing to the implementation of authoritarian pedagogical methods in the Albanian education system. In these circumstances, the implementation of media literacy is recommended as an apt educational process for the 21st century, which requires a reconceptualization of textbooks as well as the application of modern teaching and learning methods by integrating information and communication technologies.Keywords: authoritarian pedagogic model, education system, ICT, media literacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 14226554 Towards a Complete Automation Feature Recognition System for Sheet Metal Manufacturing
Authors: Bahaa Eltahawy, Mikko Ylihärsilä, Reino Virrankoski, Esko Petäjä
Sheet metal processing is automated, but the step from product models to the production machine control still requires human intervention. This may cause time consuming bottlenecks in the production process and increase the risk of human errors. In this paper we present a system, which automatically recognizes features from the CAD-model of the sheet metal product. By using these features, the system produces a complete model of the particular sheet metal product. Then the model is used as an input for the sheet metal processing machine. Currently the system is implemented, capable to recognize more than 11 of the most common sheet metal structural features, and the procedure is fully automated. This provides remarkable savings in the production time, and protects against the human errors. This paper presents the developed system architecture, applied algorithms and system software implementation and testing.Keywords: feature recognition, automation, sheet metal manufacturing, CAD, CAM
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