Search results for: programming languages
727 Clarifier Dialogue Interface to resolve linguistic ambiguities in E-Learning Environment
Authors: Dalila Souilem, Salma Boumiza, Abdelkarim Abdelkader
The Clarifier Dialogue Interface (CDI) is a part of an online teaching system based on human-machine communication in learning situation. This interface used in the system during the learning action specifically in the evaluation step, to clarify ambiguities in the learner's response. The CDI can generate patterns allowing access to an information system, using the selectors associated with lexical units. To instantiate these patterns, the user request (especially learner’s response), must be analyzed and interpreted to deduce the canonical form, the semantic form and the subject of the sentence. For the efficiency of this interface at the interpretation level, a set of substitution operators is carried out in order to extend the possibilities of manipulation with a natural language. A second approach that will be presented in this paper focuses on the object languages with new prospects such as combination of natural language with techniques of handling information system in the area of online education. So all operators, the CDI and other interfaces associated to the domain expertise and teaching strategies will be unified using FRAME representation form.Keywords: dialogue, e-learning, FRAME, information system, natural language
Procedia PDF Downloads 381726 Using Synonymy in Translation of Hemingway’s 'A Farewell to Arms' from English into Albanian
Authors: Miranda Enesi, Helena Grillo Mukli
The English word-stock is extremely rich in synonyms which can be largely accounted for by the abundant borrowing. Translation problems encountered by translators in general are usually ‘transfer problems’. They face more difficulties in the interpretation of meaning from the source language text than lexical differences between languages. The aim of the study is to inspect the various strategies used in translating from English into Albanian specific words in the ‘A Farwell to arms’ novel. For this purpose, examples translated from English into Albanian were examined. The Albanian equivalents have shown that various strategies were used in order to overcome the problem of rendering words and expressions into the target language. Employed strategies were synonymy, modulation, transposition, calque and word for word translation. In addition, this paper shows that the strategy of translating using synonymy is mostly used. In this paper, an attempt is made to examine the nature of contextual synonymy in order to investigate its problematic nature regarding translation. Types of synonymy are analyzed and then examples from English and Albanian versions are provided to examine the overlap between them.Keywords: equivalence, literal translation, paraphrasing, transfer problems, synonymy
Procedia PDF Downloads 175725 Cooperative Jamming for Implantable Medical Device Security
Authors: Kim Lytle, Tim Talty, Alan Michaels, Jeff Reed
Implantable medical devices (IMDs) are medically necessary devices embedded in the human body that monitor chronic disorders or automatically deliver therapies. Most IMDs have wireless capabilities that allow them to share data with an offboard programming device to help medical providers monitor the patient’s health while giving the patient more insight into their condition. However, serious security concerns have arisen as researchers demonstrated these devices could be hacked to obtain sensitive information or harm the patient. Cooperative jamming can be used to prevent privileged information leaks by maintaining an adequate signal-to-noise ratio at the intended receiver while minimizing signal power elsewhere. This paper uses ray tracing to demonstrate how a low number of friendly nodes abiding by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmission regulations can enhance IMD communication security in an office environment, which in turn may inform how companies and individuals can protect their proprietary and personal information.Keywords: implantable biomedical devices, communication system security, array signal processing, ray tracing
Procedia PDF Downloads 114724 The Integration and Automation of EDA Tools in an Integrated Circuit Design Environment
Authors: Rohaya Abdul Wahab, Raja Mohd Fuad Tengku Aziz, Nazaliza Othman, Sharifah Saleh, Nabihah Razali, Rozaimah Baharim, M. Hanif M. Nasir
This paper will discuss how EDA tools are integrated and automated in an Integrated Circuit Design Environment. Some of the problems face in our current environment is that users need to configure manually on the library paths, start-up files and project directories. Certain manual processes that happen between the users and applications can be automated but they must be transparent to the users. For example, the users can run the applications directly after login without knowing the library paths and start-up files locations. The solution to these problems is to automate the processes using standard configuration files which will benefit the users and EDA support. This paper will discuss how the implementation is done to automate the process using scripting languages such as Perl, Tcl, Scheme and Shell Script. These scripting tools are great assets for design engineers to build a robust and powerful design flow and this technique is widely used to integrate all the tools together.Keywords: EDA tools, Integrated Circuits, scripting, integration, automation
Procedia PDF Downloads 326723 Pragmatic Discoursal Study of Hedging Constructions in English Language
Authors: Mohammed Hussein Ahmed, Bahar Mohammed Kareem
This study is concerned with the pragmatic discoursal study of hedging constructions in English language. Hedging is a mitigated word used to lessen the impact of the utterance uttered by the speakers. Hedging could be either adverbs, adjectives, verbs and sometimes it may consist of clauses. It aims at finding out the extent to which speakers and participants of the discourse use hedging constructions during their conversations. The study also aims at finding out whether or not there are any significant differences in the types and functions of the frequency of hedging constructions employed by male and female. It is hypothesized that hedging constructions are frequent in English discourse more than any other languages due to its formality and that the frequency of the types and functions are influenced by the gender of the participants. To achieve the aims of the study, two types of procedures have been followed: theoretical and practical. The theoretical procedure consists of presenting a theoretical background of hedging topic which includes its definitions, etymology and theories. The practical procedure consists of selecting a sample of texts and analyzing them according to an adopted model. A number of conclusions will be drawn based on the findings of the study.Keywords: hedging, pragmatics, politeness, theoretical
Procedia PDF Downloads 588722 The Effect of Using Computer-Assisted Translation Tools on the Translation of Collocations
Authors: Hassan Mahdi
The integration of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools in translation creates several opportunities for translators. However, this integration is not useful in all types of English structures. This study aims at examining the impact of using CAT tools in translating collocations. Seventy students of English as a foreign language participated in this study. The participants were divided into three groups (i.e., CAT tools group, Machine Translation group, and the control group). The comparison of the results obtained from the translation output of the three groups demonstrated the improvement of translation using CAT tools. The results indicated that the participants who used CAT tools outscored the participants who used MT, and in turn, both groups outscored the control group who did not use any type of technology in translation. In addition, there was a significant difference in the use of CAT for translation different types of collocations. The results also indicated that CAT tools were more effective in translation fixed and medium-strength collocations than weak collocations. Finally, the results showed that CAT tools were effective in translation collocations in both types of languages (i.e. target language or source language). The study suggests some guidelines for translators to use CAT tools.Keywords: machine translation, computer-assisted translation, collocations, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 193721 Feature-Based Summarizing and Ranking from Customer Reviews
Authors: Dim En Nyaung, Thin Lai Lai Thein
Due to the rapid increase of Internet, web opinion sources dynamically emerge which is useful for both potential customers and product manufacturers for prediction and decision purposes. These are the user generated contents written in natural languages and are unstructured-free-texts scheme. Therefore, opinion mining techniques become popular to automatically process customer reviews for extracting product features and user opinions expressed over them. Since customer reviews may contain both opinionated and factual sentences, a supervised machine learning technique applies for subjectivity classification to improve the mining performance. In this paper, we dedicate our work is the task of opinion summarization. Therefore, product feature and opinion extraction is critical to opinion summarization, because its effectiveness significantly affects the identification of semantic relationships. The polarity and numeric score of all the features are determined by Senti-WordNet Lexicon. The problem of opinion summarization refers how to relate the opinion words with respect to a certain feature. Probabilistic based model of supervised learning will improve the result that is more flexible and effective.Keywords: opinion mining, opinion summarization, sentiment analysis, text mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 332720 A Scalable Media Job Framework for an Open Source Search Engine
Authors: Pooja Mishra, Chris Pollett
This paper explores efficient ways to implement various media-updating features like news aggregation, video conversion, and bulk email handling. All of these jobs share the property that they are periodic in nature, and they all benefit from being handled in a distributed fashion. The data for these jobs also often comes from a social or collaborative source. We isolate the class of periodic, one round map reduce jobs as a useful setting to describe and handle media updating tasks. As such tasks are simpler than general map reduce jobs, programming them in a general map reduce platform could easily become tedious. This paper presents a MediaUpdater module of the Yioop Open Source Search Engine Web Portal designed to handle such jobs via an extension of a PHP class. We describe how to implement various media-updating tasks in our system as well as experiments carried out using these implementations on an Amazon Web Services cluster.Keywords: distributed jobs framework, news aggregation, video conversion, email
Procedia PDF Downloads 299719 Chinese Sentence Level Lip Recognition
Authors: Peng Wang, Tigang Jiang
The computer based lip reading method of different languages cannot be universal. At present, for the research of Chinese lip reading, whether the work on data sets or recognition algorithms, is far from mature. In this paper, we study the Chinese lipreading method based on machine learning, and propose a Chinese Sentence-level lip-reading network (CNLipNet) model which consists of spatio-temporal convolutional neural network(CNN), recurrent neural network(RNN) and Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss function. This model can map variable-length sequence of video frames to Chinese Pinyin sequence and is trained end-to-end. More over, We create CNLRS, a Chinese Lipreading Dataset, which contains 5948 samples and can be shared through github. The evaluation of CNLipNet on this dataset yielded a 41% word correct rate and a 70.6% character correct rate. This evaluation result is far superior to the professional human lip readers, indicating that CNLipNet performs well in lipreading.Keywords: lipreading, machine learning, spatio-temporal, convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 128718 Error Analysis of the Pronunciation of English Consonants and Arabic Consonants by Egyptian Learners
Authors: Marwa A. Nasser
This is an empirical study that provides an investigation of the most significant errors of Egyptian learners in producing English consonants and Arabic consonants, and advice on how these can be remedied. The study adopts a descriptive approach and the analysis is based on audio recordings of two groups of people. The first group includes six volunteers of Egyptian learners belonging to the English Department at Faculty of Women who learn English as a foreign language. The other group includes six Egyptian learners who are studying Tajweed (how to recite Quran correctly). The audio recordings were examined, and sounds were analyzed in an attempt to highlight the most common error done by the learners while reading English or reading (or reciting) Quran. Results show that the two groups of learners have problems with certain phonemic contrasts. Both groups share common errors although both languages are different and not related (e.g. pre-aspiration of fortis stops, incorrect articulation of consonants and velarization of certain sounds).Keywords: consonant articulations, Egyptian learners of English, Egyptian learners of Quran, empirical study, error analysis, pronunciation problems
Procedia PDF Downloads 270717 Teaching Italian Sign Language in Higher Education
Authors: Maria Tagarelli De Monte
Since its formal recognition in 2021, Italian Sign Language (LIS) and interpreters’ education has become a topic for higher education in Italian universities. In April 2022, Italian universities have been invited to present their proposals to create sign language courses for interpreters’ training for both LIS and tactile LIS. As a result, a few universities have presented a three-year course leading candidate students from the introductory level to interpreters. In such a context, there is an open debate not only on the fact that three years may not be enough to prepare skillful interpreters but also on the need to refer to international standards in the definition of the training path to follow. Among these, are the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages and Dublin’s descriptors. This contribution will discuss the potentials and the challenges given by LIS training in academic settings, by comparing traditional studies to the requests coming from universities. Particular attention will be given to the use of CEFR as a reference document for the Italian Sign Language Curriculum. Its use has given me the chance to reflect on how LIS can be taught in higher education, and the adaptations that need to be addressed to respect the visual-gestural nature of sign language and the formal requirements of academic settings.Keywords: Italian sign language, higher education, sign language curriculum, interpreters education, CEFR
Procedia PDF Downloads 46716 A Mathematical Model for a Two-Stage Assembly Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem with Batch Delivery System
Authors: Saeedeh Ahmadi Basir, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Mohammad Namakshenas
Manufacturers often dispatch jobs in batches to reduce delivery costs. However, sending several jobs in batches can have a negative effect on other scheduling-related objective functions such as minimizing the number of tardy jobs which is often used to rate managers’ performance in many manufacturing environments. This paper aims to minimize the number of weighted tardy jobs and the sum of delivery costs of a two-stage assembly flow-shop problem in a batch delivery system. We present a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model to solve the problem. As this is an MILP model, the commercial solver (the CPLEX solver) is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution for large-size problems at a reasonable amount of time. We present several numerical examples to confirm the accuracy of the model.Keywords: scheduling, two-stage assembly flow-shop, tardy jobs, batched delivery system
Procedia PDF Downloads 461715 A Method for Reduction of Association Rules in Data Mining
Authors: Diego De Castro Rodrigues, Marcelo Lisboa Rocha, Daniela M. De Q. Trevisan, Marcos Dias Da Conceicao, Gabriel Rosa, Rommel M. Barbosa
The use of association rules algorithms within data mining is recognized as being of great value in the knowledge discovery in databases. Very often, the number of rules generated is high, sometimes even in databases with small volume, so the success in the analysis of results can be hampered by this quantity. The purpose of this research is to present a method for reducing the quantity of rules generated with association algorithms. Therefore, a computational algorithm was developed with the use of a Weka Application Programming Interface, which allows the execution of the method on different types of databases. After the development, tests were carried out on three types of databases: synthetic, model, and real. Efficient results were obtained in reducing the number of rules, where the worst case presented a gain of more than 50%, considering the concepts of support, confidence, and lift as measures. This study concluded that the proposed model is feasible and quite interesting, contributing to the analysis of the results of association rules generated from the use of algorithms.Keywords: data mining, association rules, rules reduction, artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 162714 Difficulties in Teaching and Learning English Pronunciation in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Authors: Majno Ajbani
Difficulties in teaching and learning English pronunciation in Sindh province, Pakistan Abstract Sindhi language is widely spoken in Sindh province, and it is one of the difficult languages of the world. Sindhi language has fifty-two alphabets which have caused a serious issue in learning and teaching of English pronunciation for teachers and students of Colleges and Universities. This study focuses on teachers’ and students’ need for extensive training in the pronunciation that articulates the real pronunciation of actual words. The study is set to contribute in the sociolinguistic studies of English learning communities in this region. Data from 200 English teachers and students was collected by already tested structured questionnaire. The data was analysed using SPSS 20 software. The data analysis clearly demonstrates the higher range of inappropriate pronunciations towards English learning and teaching. The anthropogenic responses indicate 87 percentages teachers and students had an improper pronunciation. This indicates the substantial negative effects on academic and sociolinguistic aspects. It is suggested an improper speaking of English, based on rapid changes in geopolitical and sociocultural surroundings.Keywords: alphabets, pronunciation, sociolinguistic, anthropogenic, imprudent, malapropos
Procedia PDF Downloads 396713 Transformer Design Optimization Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Authors: Zakir Husain
Main objective of a power transformer design optimization problem requires minimizing the total overall cost and/or mass of the winding and core material by satisfying all possible constraints obligatory by the standards and transformer user requirement. The constraints include appropriate limits on winding fill factor, temperature rise, efficiency, no-load current and voltage regulation. The design optimizations tasks are a constrained minimum cost and/or mass solution by optimally setting the parameters, geometry and require magnetic properties of the transformer. In this paper, present the above design problems have been formulated by using genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) on the MATLAB platform. The importance of the presented approach is stems for two main features. First, proposed technique provides reliable and efficient solution for the problem of design optimization with several variables. Second, it guaranteed to obtained solution is global optimum. This paper includes a demonstration of the application of the genetic programming GP technique to transformer design.Keywords: optimization, power transformer, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing technique (SA)
Procedia PDF Downloads 584712 Modeling and Simulation Frameworks for Cloud Computing Environment: A Critical Evaluation
Authors: Abul Bashar
The recent surge in the adoption of cloud computing systems by various organizations has brought forth the challenge of evaluating their performance. One of the major issues faced by the cloud service providers and customers is to assess the ability of cloud computing systems to provide the desired services in accordance to the QoS and SLA constraints. To this end, an opportunity exists to develop means to ensure that the desired performance levels of such systems are met under simulated environments. This will eventually minimize the service disruptions and performance degradation issues during the commissioning and operational phase of cloud computing infrastructure. However, it is observed that several simulators and modelers are available for simulating the cloud computing systems. Therefore, this paper presents a critical evaluation of the state-of-the-art modeling and simulation frameworks applicable to cloud computing systems. It compares the prominent simulation frameworks in terms of the API features, programming flexibility, operating system requirements, supported services, licensing needs and popularity. Subsequently, it provides recommendations regarding the choice of the most appropriate framework for researchers, administrators and managers of cloud computing systems.Keywords: cloud computing, modeling framework, performance evaluation, simulation tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 503711 Recurrent Neural Networks with Deep Hierarchical Mixed Structures for Chinese Document Classification
Authors: Zhaoxin Luo, Michael Zhu
In natural languages, there are always complex semantic hierarchies. Obtaining the feature representation based on these complex semantic hierarchies becomes the key to the success of the model. Several RNN models have recently been proposed to use latent indicators to obtain the hierarchical structure of documents. However, the model that only uses a single-layer latent indicator cannot achieve the true hierarchical structure of the language, especially a complex language like Chinese. In this paper, we propose a deep layered model that stacks arbitrarily many RNN layers equipped with latent indicators. After using EM and training it hierarchically, our model solves the computational problem of stacking RNN layers and makes it possible to stack arbitrarily many RNN layers. Our deep hierarchical model not only achieves comparable results to large pre-trained models on the Chinese short text classification problem but also achieves state of art results on the Chinese long text classification problem.Keywords: nature language processing, recurrent neural network, hierarchical structure, document classification, Chinese
Procedia PDF Downloads 69710 Generative AI: A Comparison of Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Networks and Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Networks with Gaussian Copula in Generating Synthetic Data with Synthetic Data Vault
Authors: Lakshmi Prayaga, Chandra Prayaga. Aaron Wade, Gopi Shankar Mallu, Harsha Satya Pola
Synthetic data generated by Generative Adversarial Networks and Autoencoders is becoming more common to combat the problem of insufficient data for research purposes. However, generating synthetic data is a tedious task requiring extensive mathematical and programming background. Open-source platforms such as the Synthetic Data Vault (SDV) and Mostly AI have offered a platform that is user-friendly and accessible to non-technical professionals to generate synthetic data to augment existing data for further analysis. The SDV also provides for additions to the generic GAN, such as the Gaussian copula. We present the results from two synthetic data sets (CTGAN data and CTGAN with Gaussian Copula) generated by the SDV and report the findings. The results indicate that the ROC and AUC curves for the data generated by adding the layer of Gaussian copula are much higher than the data generated by the CTGAN.Keywords: synthetic data generation, generative adversarial networks, conditional tabular GAN, Gaussian copula
Procedia PDF Downloads 84709 A Recognition Method of Ancient Yi Script Based on Deep Learning
Authors: Shanxiong Chen, Xu Han, Xiaolong Wang, Hui Ma
Yi is an ethnic group mainly living in mainland China, with its own spoken and written language systems, after development of thousands of years. Ancient Yi is one of the six ancient languages in the world, which keeps a record of the history of the Yi people and offers documents valuable for research into human civilization. Recognition of the characters in ancient Yi helps to transform the documents into an electronic form, making their storage and spreading convenient. Due to historical and regional limitations, research on recognition of ancient characters is still inadequate. Thus, deep learning technology was applied to the recognition of such characters. Five models were developed on the basis of the four-layer convolutional neural network (CNN). Alpha-Beta divergence was taken as a penalty term to re-encode output neurons of the five models. Two fully connected layers fulfilled the compression of the features. Finally, at the softmax layer, the orthographic features of ancient Yi characters were re-evaluated, their probability distributions were obtained, and characters with features of the highest probability were recognized. Tests conducted show that the method has achieved higher precision compared with the traditional CNN model for handwriting recognition of the ancient Yi.Keywords: recognition, CNN, Yi character, divergence
Procedia PDF Downloads 166708 Emotiv EPOC BCI Matrix Speller Based on Single Emokey
Authors: S. M. Abdullah Al Mamun
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is an excellent area for the researchers to make daily life more simple and fast. Necessary hardware equipments for any BCI are generally expensive and not affordable for most of the people. Emotiv is one of the solutions for this problem, which can provide electroencephalograph (EEG) signal and explain the brain activities. BCI virtual speller was one of the important applications for the people who have lost their hand or speaking ability because of diseases or unexpected accident. In this paper, a matrix speller has been designed for the first time for Bengali speaking people around the world. Bengali is one of the most commonly spoken languages. Among them, a lot of disabled person will be able to express their desire in their mother tongue. This application is also usable for the social networks and daily life communications. For this virtual keyboard, the well-known matrix speller method with column flashing is applied and controlled by single Emokey only. Emokey is a great feature which translates emotional state for application inputs. In this paper, it is presented that the ITR (Information Transfer Rate) were 29.4 bits/min and typing speed achieved up to 7.43 char/per min.Keywords: brain computer interface, Emotiv EPOC, EEG, virtual keyboard, matrix speller
Procedia PDF Downloads 309707 The Istrian Istrovenetian-Croatian Bilingual Corpus
Authors: Nada Poropat Jeletic, Gordana Hrzica
Bilingual conversational corpora represent a meaningful and the most comprehensive data source for investigating the genuine contact phenomena in non-monitored bi-lingual speech productions. They can be particularly useful for bilingual research since some features of bilingual interaction can hardly be accessed with more traditional methodologies (e.g., elicitation tasks). The method of language sampling provides the resources for describing language interaction in a bilingual community and/or in bilingual situations (e.g. code-switching, amount of languages used, number of languages used, etc.). To capture these phenomena in genuine communication situations, such sampling should be as close as possible to spontaneous communication. Bilingual spoken corpus design is methodologically demanding. Therefore this paper aims at describing the methodological challenges that apply to the corpus design of the conversational corpus design of the Istrian Istrovenetian-Croatian Bilingual Corpus. Croatian is the first official language of the Croatian-Italian officially bilingual Istria County, while Istrovenetian is a diatopic subvariety of Venetian, a longlasting lingua franca in the Istrian peninsula, the mother tongue of the members of the Italian National Community in Istria and the primary code of informal everyday communication among the Istrian Italophone population. Within the CLARIN infrastructure, TalkBank is being used, as it provides relevant procedures for designing and analyzing bilingual corpora. Furthermore, it allows public availability allows for easy replication of studies and cumulative progress as a research community builds up around the corpus, while the tools developed within the field of corpus linguistics enable easy retrieval and analysis of information. The method of language sampling employed is kept at the level of spontaneous communication, in order to maximise the naturalness of the collected conversational data. All speakers have provided written informed consent in which they agree to be recorded at a random point within the period of one month after signing the consent. Participants are administered a background questionnaire providing information about the socioeconomic status and the exposure and language usage in the participants social networks. Recording data are being transcribed, phonologically adapted within a standard-sized orthographic form, coded and segmented (speech streams are being segmented into communication units based on syntactic criteria) and are being marked following the CHAT transcription system and its associated CLAN suite of programmes within the TalkBank toolkit. The corpus consists of transcribed sound recordings of 36 bilingual speakers, while the target is to publish the whole corpus by the end of 2020, by sampling spontaneous conversations among approximately 100 speakers from all the bilingual areas of Istria for ensuring representativeness (the participants are being recruited across three generations of native bilingual speakers in all the bilingual areas of the peninsula). Conversational corpora are still rare in TalkBank, so the Corpus will contribute to BilingBank as a highly relevant and scientifically reliable resource for an internationally established and active research community. The impact of the research of communities with societal bilingualism will contribute to the growing body of research on bilingualism and multilingualism, especially regarding topics of language dominance, language attrition and loss, interference and code-switching etc.Keywords: conversational corpora, bilingual corpora, code-switching, language sampling, corpus design methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 146706 Forming Form, Motivation and Their Biolinguistic Hypothesis: The Case of Consonant Iconicity in Tashelhiyt Amazigh and English
Authors: Noury Bakrim
When dealing with motivation/arbitrariness, forming form (Forma Formans) and morphodynamics are to be grasped as relevant implications of enunciation/enactment, schematization within the specificity of language as sound/meaning articulation. Thus, the fact that a language is a form does not contradict stasis/dynamic enunciation (reflexivity vs double articulation). Moreover, some languages exemplify the role of the forming form, uttering, and schematization (roots in Semitic languages, the Chinese case). Beyond the evolutionary biosemiotic process (form/substance bifurcation, the split between realization/representation), non-isomorphism/asymmetry between linguistic form/norm and linguistic realization (phonetics for instance) opens up a new horizon problematizing the role of Brain – sensorimotor contribution in the continuous forming form. Therefore, we hypothesize biotization as both process/trace co-constructing motivation/forming form. Henceforth, referring to our findings concerning distribution and motivation patterns within Berber written texts (pulse based obstruents and nasal-lateral levels in poetry) and oral storytelling (consonant intensity clustering in quantitative and semantic/prosodic motivation), we understand consonant clustering, motivation and schematization as a complex phenomenon partaking in patterns of oral/written iconic prosody and reflexive metalinguistic representation opening the stable form. We focus our inquiry on both Amazigh and English clusters (/spl/, /spr/) and iconic consonant iteration in [gnunnuy] (to roll/tumble), [smummuy] (to moan sadly or crankily). For instance, the syllabic structures of /splaeʃ/ and /splaet/ imply an anamorphic representation of the state of the world: splash, impact on aquatic surfaces/splat impact on the ground. The pair has stridency and distribution as distinctive features which specify its phonetic realization (and a part of its meaning) /ʃ/ is [+ strident] and /t/ is [+ distributed] on the vocal tract. Schematization is then a process relating both physiology/code as an arthron vocal/bodily, vocal/practical shaping of the motor-articulatory system, leading to syntactic/semantic thematization (agent/patient roles in /spl/, /sm/ and other clusters or the tense uvular /qq/ at the initial position in Berber). Furthermore, the productivity of serial syllable sequencing in Berber points out different expressivity forms. We postulate two Components of motivated formalization: i) the process of memory paradigmatization relating to sequence modeling under sensorimotor/verbal specific categories (production/perception), ii) the process of phonotactic selection - prosodic unconscious/subconscious distribution by virtue of iconicity. Basing on multiple tests including a questionnaire, phonotactic/visual recognition and oral/written reproduction, we aim at patterning/conceptualizing consonant schematization and motivation among EFL and Amazigh (Berber) learners and speakers integrating biolinguistic hypotheses.Keywords: consonant motivation and prosody, language and order of life, anamorphic representation, represented representation, biotization, sensori-motor and brain representation, form, formalization and schematization
Procedia PDF Downloads 146705 A Parallel Implementation of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm within CUDA Architecture
Authors: Selcuk Aslan, Dervis Karaboga, Celal Ozturk
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm is one of the most successful swarm intelligence based metaheuristics. It has been applied to a number of constrained or unconstrained numerical and combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, we presented a parallelized version of ABC algorithm by adapting employed and onlooker bee phases to the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) platform which is a graphical processing unit (GPU) programming environment by NVIDIA. The execution speed and obtained results of the proposed approach and sequential version of ABC algorithm are compared on functions that are typically used as benchmarks for optimization algorithms. Tests on standard benchmark functions with different colony size and number of parameters showed that proposed parallelization approach for ABC algorithm decreases the execution time consumed by the employed and onlooker bee phases in total and achieved similar or better quality of the results compared to the standard sequential implementation of the ABC algorithm.Keywords: Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, GPU computing, swarm intelligence, parallelization
Procedia PDF Downloads 379704 A Comparative Analysis of the Lexicostatics of Usen, Edo and Yoruba
Authors: Mercy Itohan Aruya
This paper focuses on Usen, a speech form enclaved by the Edo communities in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Usen lies at the border between Edo and the Osun state in Nigeria and has a population size of about a hundred and eighty thousand native speakers (2006 population census of Nigeria). Usen, as it is spoken today is highly endangered and it is serious struggling for survival. The aim, therefore, is to ascertain the linguistics status of Usen using a lexicostatical approach. Lexicostatics is a linguistic technique employed in accessing the degree of linguistic divergence or relatedness between two or more languages based on the proportion of cognates. Data for this study were collected from competent native speakers whose ages fall within the range of 40-65. The instrument for this study is the Ibadan 400 word-list of basic items which are collected with of a digital voice recorder. Our major finding in this paper reveals and establishes the facts that Usen speech form is not a dialect but a language of its own. However, Usen is more related to Yoruba than Edo as the degree of relatedness between Usen and Yoruba is 56.14% while that between Usen and Edo is about 21.4% as shown in this research effort.Keywords: Usen, lexicostatistics, cognate words, language status
Procedia PDF Downloads 201703 Exact Energy Spectrum and Expectation Values of the Inverse Square Root Potential Model
Authors: Benedict Ita, Peter Okoi
In this work, the concept of the extended Nikiforov-Uvarov technique is discussed and employed to obtain the exact bound state energy eigenvalues and the corresponding normalized eigenfunctions of the inverse square root potential. With expressions for the exact energy eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions, the expressions for the expectation values of the inverse separation-squared, kinetic energy, and the momentum-squared of the potential are presented using the Hellmann Feynman theorem. For visualization, algorithms written and implemented in Python language are used to generate tables and plots for l-states of the energy eigenvalues and some expectation values. The results obtained here may find suitable applications in areas like atomic and molecular physics, chemical physics, nuclear physics, and solid-state physics.Keywords: Schrodinger equation, Nikoforov-Uvarov method, inverse square root potential, diatomic molecules, Python programming, Hellmann-Feynman theorem, second order differential equation, matrix algebra
Procedia PDF Downloads 24702 Perspectives and Outcomes of a Long and Shorter Community Mental Health Program
Authors: Danielle Klassen, Reiko Yeap, Margo Schmitt-Boshnick, Scott Oddie
The development of the 7-week Alberta Happiness Basics program was initiated in 2010 in response to the need for community mental health programming. This provincial wide program aims to increase overall happiness and reduce negative thoughts and feelings through a positive psychology intervention. While the 7-week program has proven effective, a shortened 4-week program has additionally been developed to address client needs. In this study, participants were interviewed to determine if the 4- and 7-week programs had similar success of producing lasting behavior change at 3, 6, and 9 months post-program. A health quality of life (HQOL) measure was also used to compare the two programs and examine patient outcomes. Quantitative and qualitative analysis showed significant improvements in HQOL and sustainable behavior change for both programs. Findings indicate that the shorter, patient-centered program was effective in increasing happiness and reducing negative thoughts and feelings.Keywords: primary care, mental health, depression, short duration
Procedia PDF Downloads 271701 A Multicriteria Model for Sustainable Management in Agriculture
Authors: Basil Manos, Thomas Bournaris, Christina Moulogianni
The European agricultural policy supports all member states to apply agricultural development plans for the development of their agricultural sectors. A specific measure of the agricultural development plans refers to young people in order to enter into the agricultural sector. This measure helps the participating young farmers in achieving maximum efficiency, using methods and environmentally friendly practices, by altering their farm plans. This study applies a Multicriteria Mathematical Programming (MCDA) model for the young farmers to find farm plans that achieve the maximum gross margin and the minimum environmental impacts (less use of fertilizers and irrigation water). The analysis was made in the region of Central Macedonia, Greece, among young farmers who have participated in the “Setting up Young Farmers” measure during 2007-2010. The analysis includes the implementation of the MCDA model for the farm plans optimization and the comparison of selected environmental indicators with those of the existent situation.Keywords: multicriteria, optimum farm plans, environmental impacts, sustainable management
Procedia PDF Downloads 341700 Determination of Optimum Water Consumptive Using Deficit Irrigation Model for Barely: A Case Study in Arak, Iran
Authors: Mohsen Najarchi
This research was carried out in five fields (5-15 hectares) in Arak located in center of Iran, to determine optimum level of water consumed for Barely in four stages growth (vegetative, yield formation, flowering, and ripening). Actual evapotranspiration was calculated using measured water requirement in the fields. Five levels of water requirement equal to 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 percents formed the treatments. To determine the optimum level of water requirement linear programming was used. The study showed 60 percent water requirement (40 percent deficit irrigation) has been the optimum level of irrigation for winter wheat in four stages of growth. Comparison between all of the treatments indicated above with normal condition (100% water requirement) shows increasing in water use efficiency. Although 40% deficit irrigation treatment lead to decrease of 38% in yield, net benefit was increasing in 11.37%. Furthermore, in comparison with normal condition, 70% of water requirement increased water use efficiency as 30%.Keywords: optimum, deficit irrigation, water use efficiency, evapotranspiration
Procedia PDF Downloads 399699 The Necessity to Standardize Procedures of Providing Engineering Geological Data for Designing Road and Railway Tunneling Projects
Authors: Atefeh Saljooghi Khoshkar, Jafar Hassanpour
One of the main problems of the design stage relating to many tunneling projects is the lack of an appropriate standard for the provision of engineering geological data in a predefined format. In particular, this is more reflected in highway and railroad tunnel projects in which there is a number of tunnels and different professional teams involved. In this regard, comprehensive software needs to be designed using the accepted methods in order to help engineering geologists to prepare standard reports, which contain sufficient input data for the design stage. Regarding this necessity, applied software has been designed using macro capabilities and Visual Basic programming language (VBA) through Microsoft Excel. In this software, all of the engineering geological input data, which are required for designing different parts of tunnels, such as discontinuities properties, rock mass strength parameters, rock mass classification systems, boreability classification, the penetration rate, and so forth, can be calculated and reported in a standard format.Keywords: engineering geology, rock mass classification, rock mechanic, tunnel
Procedia PDF Downloads 81698 Objectives of the Standardization of Technical Terminology Nowadays in Albanian
Authors: Gani Pllana
In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooperation of the scientific-technical language with the standard Albanian language is continuing with a higher intensity than before. We notice a vigor of enrichment in the vocabulary of technical terminology, due to the birth and formation of new fields and subfields of technics, technology, as computing, mechatronics, telemetry, a multitude of concepts many of which, on the one hand, are marked with names of the languages they come from, mainly from English, but on the other hand, they meet their needs with the lexical mother tongue composition (by common words being raised to terms) and with the activation of other layers, such as compound word terms. Thus, for example, in the field of computing, we notice in it the inclusion of the ordinary vocabulary for reproductive reasons, like mi, dritare, flamur, adresë, skedar (Engl: mouse, window, flag, address, file), and along with them, the compound word terms, serving to differentiate relevant concepts, like, adresë e hiperlidhjes, adresë e uebit, adresë relative, adresë virtuale (Engl. address hyperlink, web address, relative address, virtual address) etc.Keywords: common words, Albanian language, technical terminology, standardization
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