Search results for: cross coupling matrix
6026 Modelling of Creep in a Thick-Walled Cylindrical Vessel Subjected to Internal Pressure
Authors: Tejeet Singh, Ishvneet Singh, Vinay Gupta
The present study focussed on carrying out the creep analysis in an isotropic thick-walled composite cylindrical pressure vessel composed of aluminium matrix reinforced with silicon-carbide in particulate form. The creep behaviour of the composite material has been described by the threshold stress based creep law. The value of stress exponent appearing in the creep law was selected as 3, 5 and 8. The constitutive equations were developed using well known von-Mises yield criteria. Models were developed to find out the distributions of creep stresses and strain rate in thick-walled composite cylindrical pressure vessels under internal pressure. In order to obtain the stress distributions in the cylinder, the equilibrium equation of the continuum mechanics and the constitutive equations are solved together. It was observed that the radial stress, tangential stress and axial stress increases along with the radial distance. The cross-over was also obtained almost at the middle region of cylindrical vessel for tangential and axial stress for different values of stress exponent. The strain rates were also decreasing in nature along the entire radius.Keywords: creep, composite, cylindrical vessel, internal pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 5776025 Improvement of the Q-System Using the Rock Engineering System: A Case Study of Water Conveyor Tunnel of Azad Dam
Authors: Sahand Golmohammadi, Sana Hosseini Shirazi
Because the status and mechanical parameters of discontinuities in the rock mass are included in the calculations, various methods of rock engineering classification are often used as a starting point for the design of different types of structures. The Q-system is one of the most frequently used methods for stability analysis and determination of support systems of underground structures in rock, including tunnel. In this method, six main parameters of the rock mass, namely, the rock quality designation (RQD), joint set number (Jn), joint roughness number (Jr), joint alteration number (Ja), joint water parameter (Jw) and stress reduction factor (SRF) are required. In this regard, in order to achieve a reasonable and optimal design, identifying the effective parameters for the stability of the mentioned structures is one of the most important goals and the most necessary actions in rock engineering. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationships between the parameters of a system and how they interact with each other and, ultimately, the whole system. In this research, it has attempted to determine the most effective parameters (key parameters) from the six parameters of rock mass in the Q-system using the rock engineering system (RES) method to improve the relationships between the parameters in the calculation of the Q value. The RES system is, in fact, a method by which one can determine the degree of cause and effect of a system's parameters by making an interaction matrix. In this research, the geomechanical data collected from the water conveyor tunnel of Azad Dam were used to make the interaction matrix of the Q-system. For this purpose, instead of using the conventional methods that are always accompanied by defects such as uncertainty, the Q-system interaction matrix is coded using a technique that is actually a statistical analysis of the data and determining the correlation coefficient between them. So, the effect of each parameter on the system is evaluated with greater certainty. The results of this study show that the formed interaction matrix provides a reasonable estimate of the effective parameters in the Q-system. Among the six parameters of the Q-system, the SRF and Jr parameters have the maximum and minimum impact on the system, respectively, and also the RQD and Jw parameters have the maximum and minimum impact on the system, respectively. Therefore, by developing this method, we can obtain a more accurate relation to the rock mass classification by weighting the required parameters in the Q-system.Keywords: Q-system, rock engineering system, statistical analysis, rock mass, tunnel
Procedia PDF Downloads 736024 Implementing Quality Function Deployment Tool for a Customer Driven New Product Development in a Kuwait SME
Authors: Asma AlQahtani, Jumana AlHadad, Maryam AlQallaf, Shoug AlHasan
New product development (NPD) is the complete process of bringing a new product to the customer by integrating the two broad divisions; one involving the idea generation, product design and detail engineering; and the other involving market research and marketing analysis. It is a common practice for companies to undertake some of these tasks simultaneously (concurrent engineering) and also consider them as an ongoing process (continuous development). The current study explores the framework and methodology for a new product development process utilizing the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) tool for bringing the customer opinion into the product development process. An elaborate customer survey with focus groups in the region was carried out to ensure that customer requirements are integrated into new products as early as the design stage including identifying the recognition of need for the new product. A QFD Matrix (House of Quality) was prepared that links customer requirements to product engineering requirements and a feasibility study and risk assessment exercise was carried out for a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in Kuwait for development of the new product. SMEs in Kuwait, particularly in manufacturing sector are mainly focused on serving the local demand, and often lack of product quality adversely affects the ability of the companies to compete on a regional/global basis. Further, lack of focus on identifying customer requirements often deters SMEs to envisage the idea of a New Product Development. The current study therefore focuses in utilizing QFD Matrix right from the conceptual design to detail design and to some extent, extending the link this to design of the manufacturing system. The outcome of the project resulted in a development of the prototype for a new molded product which can ensure consistency between the customer’s requirements and the measurable characteristics of the product. The Engineering Economics and Cost studies were also undertaken to analyse the viability of the new product, the results of which was also linked to the successful implementation of the initial QFD Matrix.Keywords: Quality Function Deployment, QFD Matrix, new product development, NPD, Kuwait SMEs, prototype development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4166023 Michel Foucault’s Docile Bodies and The Matrix Trilogy: A Close Reading Applied to the Human Pods and Growing Fields in the Films
Authors: Julian Iliev
The recent release of The Matrix Resurrections persuaded many film scholars that The Matrix trilogy had lost its appeal and its concepts were largely outdated. This study examines the human pods and growing fields in the trilogy. Their functionality is compared to Michel Foucault’s concept of docile bodies: linking fictional and contemporary worlds. This paradigm is scrutinized through surveillance literature. The analogy brings to light common elements of hidden surveillance practices in technologies. The comparison illustrates the effects of body manipulation portrayed in the movies and their relevance with contemporary surveillance practices. Many scholars have utilized a close reading methodology in film studies (J.Bizzocchi, J.Tanenbaum, P.Larsen, S. Herbrechter, and Deacon et al.). The use of a particular lens through which media text is examined is an indispensable factor that needs to be incorporated into the methodology. The study spotlights both scenes from the trilogy depicting the human pods and growing fields. The functionality of the pods and the fields compare directly with Foucault’s concept of docile bodies. By utilizing Foucault’s study as a lens, the research will unearth hidden components and insights into the films. Foucault recognizes three disciplines that produce docile bodies: 1) manipulation and the interchangeability of individual bodies, 2) elimination of unnecessary movements and management of time, and 3) command system guaranteeing constant supervision and continuity protection. These disciplines can be found in the pods and growing fields. Each body occupies a single pod aiding easier manipulation and fast interchangeability. The movement of the bodies in the pods is reduced to the absolute minimum. Thus, the body is transformed into the ultimate object of control – minimum movement correlates to maximum energy generation. Supervision is exercised by wiring the body with numerous types of cables. This ultimate supervision of body activity reduces the body’s purpose to mere functioning. If a body does not function as an energy source, then it’s unplugged, ejected, and liquefied. The command system secures the constant supervision and continuity of the process. To Foucault, the disciplines are distinctly different from slavery because they stop short of a total takeover of the bodies. This is a clear difference from the slave system implemented in the films. Even though their system might lack sophistication, it makes up for it in the elevation of functionality. Further, surveillance literature illustrates the connection between the generation of body energy in The Matrix trilogy to the generation of individual data in contemporary society. This study found that the three disciplines producing docile bodies were present in the portrayal of the pods and fields in The Matrix trilogy. The above comparison combined with surveillance literature yields insights into analogous processes and contemporary surveillance practices. Thus, the constant generation of energy in The Matrix trilogy can be equated to the consistent data generation in contemporary society. This essay shows the relevance of the body manipulation concept in the Matrix films with contemporary surveillance practices.Keywords: docile bodies, film trilogies, matrix movies, michel foucault, privacy loss, surveillance
Procedia PDF Downloads 936022 Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Graphene-Reinforced AlSi10Mg Matrix Composite Produced by Powder Bed Fusion Process
Authors: Jitendar Kumar Tiwari, Ajay Mandal, N. Sathish, A. K. Srivastava
Since the last decade, graphene achieved great attention toward the progress of multifunction metal matrix composites, which are highly demanded in industries to develop energy-efficient systems. This study covers the two advanced aspects of the latest scientific endeavor, i.e., graphene as reinforcement in metallic materials and additive manufacturing (AM) as a processing technology. Herein, high-quality graphene and AlSi10Mg powder mechanically mixed by very low energy ball milling with 0.1 wt. % and 0.2 wt. % graphene. Mixed powder directly subjected to the powder bed fusion process, i.e., an AM technique to produce composite samples along with bare counterpart. The effects of graphene on porosity, microstructure, and mechanical properties were examined in this study. The volumetric distribution of pores was observed under X-ray computed tomography (CT). On the basis of relative density measurement by X-ray CT, it was observed that porosity increases after graphene addition, and pore morphology also transformed from spherical pores to enlarged flaky pores due to improper melting of composite powder. Furthermore, the microstructure suggests the grain refinement after graphene addition. The columnar grains were able to cross the melt pool boundaries in case of the bare sample, unlike composite samples. The smaller columnar grains were formed in composites due to heterogeneous nucleation by graphene platelets during solidification. The tensile properties get affected due to induced porosity irrespective of graphene reinforcement. The optimized tensile properties were achieved at 0.1 wt. % graphene. The increment in yield strength and ultimate tensile strength was 22% and 10%, respectively, for 0.1 wt. % graphene reinforced sample in comparison to bare counterpart while elongation decreases 20% for the same sample. The hardness indentations were taken mostly on the solid region in order to avoid the collapse of the pores. The hardness of the composite was increased progressively with graphene content. Around 30% of increment in hardness was achieved after the addition of 0.2 wt. % graphene. Therefore, it can be concluded that powder bed fusion can be adopted as a suitable technique to develop graphene reinforced AlSi10Mg composite. Though, some further process modification required to avoid the induced porosity after the addition of graphene, which can be addressed in future work.Keywords: graphene, hardness, porosity, powder bed fusion, tensile properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1286021 CMOS Positive and Negative Resistors Based on Complementary Regulated Cascode Topology with Cross-Coupled Regulated Transistors
Authors: Kittipong Tripetch, Nobuhiko Nakano
Two types of floating active resistors based on a complementary regulated cascode topology with cross-coupled regulated transistors are presented in this paper. The first topology is a high swing complementary regulated cascode active resistor. The second topology is a complementary common gate with a regulated cross coupled transistor. The small-signal input resistances of the floating resistors are derived. Three graphs of the input current versus the input voltage for different aspect ratios are designed and plotted using the Cadence Spectre 0.18-µm Rohm Semiconductor process. The total harmonic distortion graphs are plotted for three different aspect ratios with different input-voltage amplitudes and different input frequencies. From the simulation results, it is observed that a resistance of approximately 8.52 MΩ can be obtained from supply voltage at ±0.9 V.Keywords: floating active resistor, complementary common gate, complementary regulated cascode, current mirror
Procedia PDF Downloads 2596020 Derivation of Neutrino Mass Parameters from the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Authors: Sabin Stoica
In this paper the theoretical challenges in the study of neutrinoless double beta decay are reviewed. Then, new upper limits of the neutrino mass parameters in the case of three isotopes are derived; 48Ca, 76Ge, and 82Se, assuming two possible mechanisms of occurrence of this nuclear process, namely the exchange of i) light left-handed neutrinos and ii) heavy right-handed neutrinos, between two nucleons inside the nucleus. The derivation is based on accurate calculations of the phase space factors and nuclear matrix elements performed with new high-performance computer codes, which are described in more detail in recent publications. These results are useful both for a better understanding of the scale of neutrino absolute mass and for the planning of future double beta decay experiments.Keywords: double beta decay, neutrino properties, nuclear matrix elements, phase space factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 6016019 Operational Matrix Method for Fuzzy Fractional Reaction Diffusion Equation
Authors: Sachin Kumar
Fuzzy fractional diffusion equation is widely useful to depict different physical processes arising in physics, biology, and hydrology. The motive of this article is to deal with the fuzzy fractional diffusion equation. We study a mathematical model of fuzzy space-time fractional diffusion equation in which unknown function, coefficients, and initial-boundary conditions are fuzzy numbers. First, we find out a fuzzy operational matrix of Legendre polynomial of Caputo type fuzzy fractional derivative having a non-singular Mittag-Leffler kernel. The main advantages of this method are that it reduces the fuzzy fractional partial differential equation (FFPDE) to a system of fuzzy algebraic equations from which we can find the solution of the problem. The feasibility of our approach is shown by some numerical examples. Hence, our method is suitable to deal with FFPDE and has good accuracy.Keywords: fractional PDE, fuzzy valued function, diffusion equation, Legendre polynomial, spectral method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2036018 Community Based Heritage Tourism in the Old City of Nazareth
Authors: Alon Gelbman, Daniel Laven
The paper focuses on a case study of a small-scale heritage tourism venture that seeks to influence tourism development in Nazareth’s old city. This is an exploratory case study that uses qualitative research methods including extensive participant observation and in-depth interviews with the venture’s senior management group and selected employees. Study findings indicate a model of the relationship between community-based tourism development, heritage, and peace-building in a city that has experienced a wide range of cross-cultural conflicts. This model represents an alternative view to the notion that heritage serves to enhance differences and dissonance between different cultural groups. In contrast, findings from this study suggest that heritage in the form of tourism; can help create shared interests between different communities in settings characterized by cross-cultural conflict. This model represents an alternative view to the notion that heritage serves to enhance differences and dissonance between different cultural groups. In contrast, findings from this study suggest that heritage in the form of tourism; can help create shared interests between different communities in settings characterized by cross-cultural conflict.Keywords: cultural heritage tourism, tourism and peace, community-based tourism, sustainable tourism, cross-cultural conflict, Nazareth historic city
Procedia PDF Downloads 4326017 Testing Ammonia Borane for Multilayer Aprons in Nuclear Medicine as a Promising Non-toxic, Lightweight, Hydrogen Rich Material and to Enhance the Efficiency of Aprons for Workers Who Deal with Neutrons Radiation in Nuclear Medicine
Authors: Wed Othman Alghamdi
The current study aims to find a non-toxic, low density, hydrogen-rich material that can be used in aprons without causing health issues for nuclear medical workers that could hinder their work and negatively affect patients. Five samples were tested in terms of fast neutron removal cross-section(C21H25ClO5, C2H4, LiH,H3NBH3,MgH2) mathematically using computer program called Phy-x/PSD it is a computer program designed to calculate the fast neutron removal cross section, and it was obtained that ammonia borane (𝐻3𝑁𝐵𝐻3) with a density of 0.78 (g/ cm3) ,And it containment of the three most important elements that play a major role in protection shields, which are (hydrogen, boron, nitrogen), Hydrogen works as a moderator that slows neutrons and turn them into thermal neutrons, boron and nitrogen both have the largest neutron absorption cross section. Ammonia borane has the highest fast neutron removal cross-section with the value of (0.122959317985393cm-1) and the least for polyethylene (𝐶2𝐻4) with the value of (0.0838038707225853 cm-1) which made the ammonia borane a better candidate than polyethylene and other compounds that have been tasted in previous research for multi-layer aprons in nuclear medicine, and may approve a proper protection against the hazard radiations that its produced in nuclear medicine filed by several ways, due to it is low density and non-toxicity.Keywords: aprons, radiation, non-toxic, nuclear medicine, neutrons
Procedia PDF Downloads 666016 Acquisition of Overt Pronoun Constraint in L2 Turkish by Adult Korean Speakers
Authors: Oktay Cinar
The aim of this study is to investigate the acquisition of Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC) by adult Korean L2 Turkish speakers in order to find out how constraints regulating the syntax of null and overt subjects are acquired. OPC is claimed to be a universal feature of all null subject languages restricting the co-indexation between overt embedded pronoun and quantified or wh-question antecedents. However, there is no such restriction when the embedded subject is null or the antecedent is a referential subject. Considered as a principle of Universal Grammar (UG), OPC knowledge of L2 speakers has been widely tested with different language pairs. In the light of previous studies on OPC, it can be argued that L2 learners display early sensitivity to OPC constraints during their interlanguage grammar development. Concerning this, the co-indexation between overt embedded pronoun o (third person pronoun) and referential matrix subject is claimed to be controversial in Turkish, which poses problems with the universality of OPC. However, the current study argues against this claim by providing evidence from advanced Korean speakers that OPC is universal to all null subject languages and OPC knowledge can be accessed with direct access to UG. In other words, the performances of adult Korean speakers on the syntax of null and overt subjects are tested to support this claim. In order to test this, OPC task is used. 15 advanced speakers and a control group of adult native Turkish participants are instructed to determine the co-reference relationship between the subject of embedded clause, either overt pronominal o or null, and the subject of the matrix clause, either quantified pronoun and wh-question or referential antecedent. They are asked to select the interpretation of the embedded subject, either as the same person as in the matrix subject or another person who is not the same person in the matrix subject. These relations are represented with four conditions, and each condition has four questions (16 questions in total). The results claim that both control group and Korean L2 Turkish speakers display sensitivity to all constraints that OPC has, which suggests that OPC works in Turkish as well.Keywords: adult Korean speakers, binding theory, generative second language acquisition, overt pronoun constraint
Procedia PDF Downloads 3116015 Energy Management System Based on Voltage Fluctuations Minimization for Droop-Controlled Islanded Microgrid
Authors: Zahra Majd, Mohsen Kalantar
Power management and voltage regulation is one of the most important issues in microgrid (MG) control and scheduling. This paper proposes a multiobjective scheduling formulation that consists of active power costs, voltage fluctuations summation, and technical constraints of MG. Furthermore, load flow and reserve constraints are considered to achieve proper voltage regulation. A modified Jacobian matrix is presented for calculating voltage variations and Mont Carlo simulation is used for generating and reducing scenarios. To convert the problem to a mixed integer linear program, a linearization procedure for nonlinear equations is presented. The proposed model is applied to a typical low-voltage MG and two different cases are investigated. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed model.Keywords: microgrid, energy management system, voltage fluctuations, modified Jacobian matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 926014 Synergistic Effect between Titanium Oxide and Silver Nanoparticles in Polymeric Binary Systems
Authors: Raquel C. A. G. Mota, Livia R. Menezes, Emerson O. da Silva
Both silver nanoparticles and titanium dioxide have been extensively used in tissue engineering since they’ve been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and present a bactericide effect when added to a polymeric matrix. In this work, the focus is on fabricating binary systems with both nanoparticles so that the synergistic effect can be investigated. The systems were tested by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Fourier-Transformed Infrared (FTIR), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD), and had both their bioactivity and bactericide effect tested. The binary systems presented different properties than the individual systems, enhancing both the thermal and biological properties as was to be expected. The crystallinity was also affected, as indicated by the finding of the DSC and XDR techniques, and the NMR showed a good dispersion of both nanoparticles in the polymer matrix. These findings indicate the potential of combining TiO₂ and silver nanoparticles in biomedicine.Keywords: metallic nanoparticles, nanotechnology, polymer nanocomposites, polymer science
Procedia PDF Downloads 1346013 Degradation of Irradiated UO2 Fuel Thermal Conductivity Calculated by FRAPCON Model Due to Porosity Evolution at High Burn-Up
Authors: B. Roostaii, H. Kazeminejad, S. Khakshournia
The evolution of volume porosity previously obtained by using the existing low temperature high burn-up gaseous swelling model with progressive recrystallization for UO2 fuel is utilized to study the degradation of irradiated UO2 thermal conductivity calculated by the FRAPCON model of thermal conductivity. A porosity correction factor is developed based on the assumption that the fuel morphology is a three-phase type, consisting of the as-fabricated pores and pores due to intergranular bubbles whitin UO2 matrix and solid fission products. The predicted thermal conductivity demonstrates an additional degradation of 27% due to porosity formation at burn-up levels around 120 MWd/kgU which would cause an increase in the fuel temperature accordingly. Results of the calculations are compared with available data.Keywords: irradiation-induced recrystallization, matrix swelling, porosity evolution, UO₂ thermal conductivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2986012 A Cross-Cultural Approach for Communication with Biological and Non-Biological Intelligences
Authors: Thomas Schalow
This paper posits the need to take a cross-cultural approach to communication with non-human cultures and intelligences in order to meet the following three imminent contingencies: communicating with sentient biological intelligences, communicating with extraterrestrial intelligences, and communicating with artificial super-intelligences. The paper begins with a discussion of how intelligence emerges. It disputes some common assumptions we maintain about consciousness, intention, and language. The paper next explores cross-cultural communication among humans, including non-sapiens species. The next argument made is that we need to become much more serious about communicating with the non-human, intelligent life forms that already exist around us here on Earth. There is an urgent need to broaden our definition of communication and reach out to the other sentient life forms that inhabit our world. The paper next examines the science and philosophy behind CETI (communication with extraterrestrial intelligences) and how it has proven useful, even in the absence of contact with alien life. However, CETI’s assumptions and methodology need to be revised and based on the cross-cultural approach to communication proposed in this paper if we are truly serious about finding and communicating with life beyond Earth. The final theme explored in this paper is communication with non-biological super-intelligences using a cross-cultural communication approach. This will present a serious challenge for humanity, as we have never been truly compelled to converse with other species, and our failure to seriously consider such intercourse has left us largely unprepared to deal with communication in a future that will be mediated and controlled by computer algorithms. Fortunately, our experience dealing with other human cultures can provide us with a framework for this communication. The basic assumptions behind intercultural communication can be applied to the many types of communication envisioned in this paper if we are willing to recognize that we are in fact dealing with other cultures when we interact with other species, alien life, and artificial super-intelligence. The ideas considered in this paper will require a new mindset for humanity, but a new disposition will prepare us to face the challenges posed by a future dominated by artificial intelligence.Keywords: artificial intelligence, CETI, communication, culture, language
Procedia PDF Downloads 3596011 Effects of Two Cross Focused Intense Laser Beams On THz Generation in Rippled Plasma
Authors: Sandeep Kumar, Naveen Gupta
Terahertz (THz) generation has been investigated by beating two cosh-Gaussian laser beams of the same amplitude but different wavenumbers and frequencies through rippled collisionless plasma. The ponderomotive force is operative which is induced due to the intensity gradient of the laser beam over the cross-section area of the wavefront. The electrons evacuate towards a low-intensity regime, which modifies the dielectric function of the medium and results in cross focusing of cosh-Gaussian laser beams. The evolution of spot size of laser beams has been studied by solving nonlinear Schrodinger wave equation (NLSE) with variational technique. The laser beams impart oscillations to electrons which are enhanced with ripple density. The nonlinear oscillatory motion of electrons gives rise to a nonlinear current density driving THz radiation. It has been observed that the periodicity of the ripple density helps to enhance the THz radiation.Keywords: rippled collisionless plasma, cosh-gaussian laser beam, ponderomotive force, variational technique, nonlinear current density
Procedia PDF Downloads 2016010 Delivery Service and Online-and-Offline Purchasing for Collaborative Recommendations on Retail Cross-Channels
Authors: S. H. Liao, J. M. Huang
The delivery service business model is the final link in logistics for both online-and-offline businesses. The online-and-offline business model focuses on the entire customer purchasing process online and offline, placing greater emphasis on the importance of data to optimize overall retail operations. For the retail industry, it is an important task of information and management to strengthen the collection and investigation of consumers' online and offline purchasing data to better understand customers and then recommend products. This study implements two-stage data mining analytics for clustering and association rules analysis to investigate Taiwanese consumers' (n=2,209) preferences for delivery service. This process clarifies online-and-offline purchasing behaviors and preferences to find knowledge profiles/patterns/rules for cross-channel collaborative recommendations. Finally, theoretical and practical implications for methodology and enterprise are presented.Keywords: delivery service, online-and-offline purchasing, retail cross-channel, collaborative recommendations, data mining analytics
Procedia PDF Downloads 336009 Cross- Cultural Cooperation and Innovation: An Exploration of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Europe
Authors: Yongsheng Guo, Shuchao Li
This study explores Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe and the cross-cultural cooperation between Chinese and European managers. The aim of this research is to shed light on the phenomenon of investments in developed countries from an emerging market and to gain insights into the cooperation process. A grounded theory approach is adopted, and 46 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 case companies in Germany and 13 case companies in the UK. Grounded theory models are developed from primary data and interview quotes are used to support the themes. The interviewees perceived differences between the two parties in cultural traits, management concepts, knowledge structure and resource endowment between the two parties. Chinese and European partners can take advantage of different resources and cooperate in innovative ways to improve corporate performance. Moreover, both parties appreciate different ethical and cultural characteristics and complement each other to develop a combined organizational culture. This study proposes an ethical and cultural diversity theory in international management arguing that a team with diversified values and behaviors may be more excited and motivated. This study suggests that “resource complement” and “cross-cultural cooperation” might be an advantage for international investment. Firms are encouraged to open their minds and cooperate with partners with different resources and cultures. The authorities may review the FDI policies to reduce social and political barriers.Keywords: cross-culture, FDI, cooperation, innovation, China, Europe
Procedia PDF Downloads 986008 Stability of Hybrid Stochastic Systems
Authors: Manlika Ratchagit
This paper is concerned with robust mean square stability of uncertain stochastic switched discrete time-delay systems. The system to be considered is subject to interval time-varying delays, which allows the delay to be a fast time-varying function and the lower bound is not restricted to zero. Based on the discrete Lyapunov functional, a switching rule for the robust mean square stability for the uncertain stochastic discrete time-delay system is designed via linear matrix inequalities. Finally, some examples are exploited to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.Keywords: robust mean square stability, discrete-time stochastic systems, hybrid systems, interval time-varying delays, Lyapunov functional, linear matrix inequalities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4876007 Determination of Rare Earth Element Patterns in Uranium Matrix for Nuclear Forensics Application: Method Development for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Measurements
Authors: Bernadett Henn, Katalin Tálos, Éva Kováss Széles
During the last 50 years, the worldwide permeation of the nuclear techniques induces several new problems in the environmental and in the human life. Nowadays, due to the increasing of the risk of terrorism worldwide, the potential occurrence of terrorist attacks using also weapon of mass destruction containing radioactive or nuclear materials as e.g. dirty bombs, is a real threat. For instance, the uranium pellets are one of the potential nuclear materials which are suitable for making special weapons. The nuclear forensics mainly focuses on the determination of the origin of the confiscated or found nuclear and other radioactive materials, which could be used for making any radioactive dispersive device. One of the most important signatures in nuclear forensics to find the origin of the material is the determination of the rare earth element patterns (REE) in the seized or found radioactive or nuclear samples. The concentration and the normalized pattern of the REE can be used as an evidence of uranium origin. The REE are the fourteen Lanthanides in addition scandium and yttrium what are mostly found together and really low concentration in uranium pellets. The problems of the REE determination using ICP-MS technique are the uranium matrix (high concentration of uranium) and the interferences among Lanthanides. In this work, our aim was to develop an effective chemical sample preparation process using extraction chromatography for separation the uranium matrix and the rare earth elements from each other following some publications can be found in the literature and modified them. Secondly, our purpose was the optimization of the ICP-MS measuring process for REE concentration. During method development, in the first step, a REE model solution was used in two different types of extraction chromatographic resins (LN® and TRU®) and different acidic media for environmental testing the Lanthanides separation. Uranium matrix was added to the model solution and was proved in the same conditions. Methods were tested and validated using REE UOC (uranium ore concentrate) reference materials. Samples were analyzed by sector field mass spectrometer (ICP-SFMS).Keywords: extraction chromatography, nuclear forensics, rare earth elements, uranium
Procedia PDF Downloads 3106006 New Results on Stability of Hybrid Stochastic Systems
Authors: Manlika Rajchakit
This paper is concerned with robust mean square stability of uncertain stochastic switched discrete time-delay systems. The system to be considered is subject to interval time-varying delays, which allows the delay to be a fast time-varying function and the lower bound is not restricted to zero. Based on the discrete Lyapunov functional, a switching rule for the robust mean square stability for the uncertain stochastic discrete time-delay system is designed via linear matrix inequalities. Finally, some examples are exploited to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.Keywords: robust mean square stability, discrete-time stochastic systems, hybrid systems, interval time-varying delays, lyapunov functional, linear matrix inequalities
Procedia PDF Downloads 4316005 Corrosion Behaviour of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Matrix Hybrid Composite Reinforced with Cassava Peel Ash and Silicon Carbide
Authors: B. Oji, O. Olaniran
The prospect of improving the corrosion property of Al 6063 alloy based hybrid composites reinforced with cassava peel ash (CPA) and silicon carbide (SiC) is the target of this research. It seeks to determine the viability of using locally sourced material (CPA) as a complimentary reinforcement for SiC to produce low cost high performance aluminum matrix composite. The CPA was mixed with the SiC in the ratios 0:1, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 and 1:0 for 8 wt % reinforcement in the produced composites by double stir-casting method. The microstructures of the composites were studied before and after corrosion using the scanning electron microscopy which reveals the matrix (dark region) and eutectic phase (lamellar region). The corrosion rate was studied in accordance with ASTM G59-97 (2014) using an AutoLab potentiostat (Versa STAT 400) with versaSTUDIO electrochemical software which analyses the results obtained. The result showed that Al 6063 alloy exhibited good corrosion resistance in 0.3M H₂SO₄ and 3.5 wt. % NaCl solutions with sample C containing the 25% wt CPA showing the highest resistance to corrosion with corrosion rate of 0.0046 mmpy as compared to the control sample which has a value of 13.233 mmpy. Sample B, D, E, and F also showed a corrosion rate of 3.9502, 2.6903, 2.1223, and 5.7344 mmpy which indicated a better corrosion rate than the control in the acidic environment. The corrosion rate in the saline medium shows that sample E with 75% wt CPA has the lowest corrosion rate of 0.0422 mmpy as compared to the control sample with 0.0873 mmpy corrosion rate.Keywords: Al-Mg-Si alloy, AutoLab potentiostat, Cassava Peel Ash, CPA, hybrid composite, stir-cast method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1276004 Estimation of Endogenous Brain Noise from Brain Response to Flickering Visual Stimulation Magnetoencephalography Visual Perception Speed
Authors: Alexander N. Pisarchik, Parth Chholak
Intrinsic brain noise was estimated via magneto-encephalograms (MEG) recorded during perception of flickering visual stimuli with frequencies of 6.67 and 8.57 Hz. First, we measured the mean phase difference between the flicker signal and steady-state event-related field (SSERF) in the occipital area where the brain response at the flicker frequencies and their harmonics appeared in the power spectrum. Then, we calculated the probability distribution of the phase fluctuations in the regions of frequency locking and computed its kurtosis. Since kurtosis is a measure of the distribution’s sharpness, we suppose that inverse kurtosis is related to intrinsic brain noise. In our experiments, the kurtosis value varied among subjects from K = 3 to K = 5 for 6.67 Hz and from 2.6 to 4 for 8.57 Hz. The majority of subjects demonstrated leptokurtic kurtosis (K < 3), i.e., the distribution tails approached zero more slowly than Gaussian. In addition, we found a strong correlation between kurtosis and brain complexity measured as the correlation dimension, so that the MEGs of subjects with higher kurtosis exhibited lower complexity. The obtained results are discussed in the framework of nonlinear dynamics and complex network theories. Specifically, in a network of coupled oscillators, phase synchronization is mainly determined by two antagonistic factors, noise, and the coupling strength. While noise worsens phase synchronization, the coupling improves it. If we assume that each neuron and each synapse contribute to brain noise, the larger neuronal network should have stronger noise, and therefore phase synchronization should be worse, that results in smaller kurtosis. The described method for brain noise estimation can be useful for diagnostics of some brain pathologies associated with abnormal brain noise.Keywords: brain, flickering, magnetoencephalography, MEG, visual perception, perception time
Procedia PDF Downloads 1506003 Electron-Ion Recombination for Photoionized and Collisionally Ionized Plasmas
Authors: Shahin A. Abdel-Naby, Asad T. Hassan
Astrophysical plasma environments can be classified into collisionally ionized (CP) and photoionizedplasmas (PP). In the PP, ionization is caused by an external radiation field, while it is caused by electron collision in the CP. Accurate and reliable laboratory astrophysical data for electron-ion recombination is needed for plasma modeling for low and high-temperatures. Dielectronic recombination (DR) is the dominant recombination process for the CP for most of the ions. When a free electron is captured by an ion with simultaneous excitation of its core, a doubly-exited intermediate state may be formed. The doubly excited state relaxes either by electron emission (autoionization) or by radiative decay (photon emission). DR process takes place when the relaxation occurs to a bound state by a photon emission. DR calculations at low-temperatures are problematic and challenging since small uncertaintiesin the low-energy DR resonance positions can produce huge uncertainties in DR rate coefficients.DR rate coefficients for N²⁺ and O³⁺ ions are calculated using state-of-the-art multi-configurationBreit-Pauli atomic structure AUTOSTRUCTURE collisional package within the generalized collisional-radiative framework. Level-resolved calculations for RR and DR rate coefficients from the ground and metastable initial states are produced in an intermediate coupling scheme associated withn = 0 and n = 1 core-excitations. DR cross sections for these ions are convoluted with the experimental electron-cooler temperatures to produce DR rate coefficients. Good agreements are foundbetween these rate coefficients and theexperimental measurements performed at CRYRING heavy-ionstorage ring for both ions.Keywords: atomic data, atomic process, electron-ion collision, plasmas
Procedia PDF Downloads 986002 Numerical Modeling for Water Engineering and Obstacle Theory
Authors: Mounir Adal, Baalal Azeddine, Afifi Moulay Larbi
Numerical analysis is a branch of mathematics devoted to the development of iterative matrix calculation techniques. We are searching for operations optimization as objective to calculate and solve systems of equations of order n with time and energy saving for computers that are conducted to calculate and analyze big data by solving matrix equations. Furthermore, this scientific discipline is producing results with a margin of error of approximation called rates. Thus, the results obtained from the numerical analysis techniques that are held on computer software such as MATLAB or Simulink offers a preliminary diagnosis of the situation of the environment or space targets. By this we can offer technical procedures needed for engineering or scientific studies exploitable by engineers for water.Keywords: numerical analysis methods, obstacles solving, engineering, simulation, numerical modeling, iteration, computer, MATLAB, water, underground, velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 4656001 Investigation of Mechanical and Tribological Property of Graphene Reinforced SS-316L Matrix Composite Prepared by Selective Laser Melting
Authors: Ajay Mandal, Jitendar Kumar Tiwari, N. Sathish, A. K. Srivastava
A fundamental investigation is performed on the development of graphene (Gr) reinforced stainless steel 316L (SS 316L) metal matrix composite via selective laser melting (SLM) in order to improve specific strength and wear resistance property of SS 316L. Firstly, SS 316L powder and graphene were mixed in a fixed ratio using low energy planetary ball milling. The milled powder is then subjected to the SLM process to fabricate composite samples at a laser power of 320 W and exposure time of 100 µs. The prepared composite was mechanically tested (hardness and tensile test) at ambient temperature, and obtained results indicate that the properties of the composite increased significantly with the addition of 0.2 wt. % Gr. Increment of about 25% (from 194 to 242 HV) and 70% (from 502 to 850 MPa) is obtained in hardness and yield strength of composite, respectively. Raman mapping and XRD were performed to see the distribution of Gr in the matrix and its effect on the formation of carbide, respectively. Results of Raman mapping show the uniform distribution of graphene inside the matrix. Electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) map of the prepared composite was analyzed under FESEM in order to understand the microstructure and grain orientation. Due to thermal gradient, elongated grains were observed along the building direction, and grains get finer with the addition of Gr. Most of the mechanical components are subjected to several types of wear conditions. Therefore, it is very necessary to improve the wear property of the component, and hence apart from strength and hardness, a tribological property of composite was also measured under dry sliding condition. Solid lubrication property of Gr plays an important role during the sliding process due to which the wear rate of composite reduces up to 58%. Also, the surface roughness of worn surface reduces up to 70% as measured by 3D surface profilometry. Finally, it can be concluded that SLM is an efficient method of fabricating cutting edge metal matrix nano-composite having Gr like reinforcement, which was very difficult to fabricate through conventional manufacturing techniques. Prepared composite has superior mechanical and tribological properties and can be used for a wide variety of engineering applications. However, due to the unavailability of a considerable amount of literature in a similar domain, more experimental works need to perform, such as thermal property analysis, and is a part of ongoing study.Keywords: selective laser melting, graphene, composite, mechanical property, tribological property
Procedia PDF Downloads 1366000 Cognition Technique for Developing a World Music
Authors: Haider Javed Uppal, Javed Yunas Uppal
In today's globalized world, it is necessary to develop a form of music that is able to evoke equal emotional responses among people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Indigenous cultures throughout history have developed their own music cognition, specifically in terms of the connections between music and mood. With the advancements in artificial intelligence technologies, it has become possible to analyze and categorize music features such as timbre, harmony, melody, and rhythm and relate them to the resulting mood effects experienced by listeners. This paper presents a model that utilizes a screenshot translator to convert music from different origins into waveforms, which are then analyzed using machine learning and information retrieval techniques. By connecting these waveforms with Thayer's matrix of moods, a mood classifier has been developed using fuzzy logic algorithms to determine the emotional impact of different types of music on listeners from various cultures.Keywords: cognition, world music, artificial intelligence, Thayer’s matrix
Procedia PDF Downloads 815999 Planning for Sustainable Tourism in Chabahar Coastal Zone Using Swot Analysis
Authors: R. Karami, A. Gharaei
The aim of this study was to investigate ecotourism status in Chabahar coastal zone using swot analysis and strategic planning. Firstly, the current status of region was studied by literature review, field survey and statistical analysis. Then strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) were identified as well as opportunities and threats (external factors) using Delphi Method. Based on the obtained results, the total score of 2.46 in IFE matrix and 2.33 in the EFE matrix represents poor condition related to the internal and external factors respectively. This condition means both external and internal factors have not been utilized properly and the zone needs defensive plan; thus appropriate planning and organizational management practices are required to deal with these factors. Furthermore strategic goals, objectives and action plans in short, medium and long term schedule were formulated in attention to swot analysis.Keywords: tourism, SWOT analysis, strategic planning, Chabahar
Procedia PDF Downloads 5135998 Modeling of Steady State Creep in Thick-Walled Cylinders under Internal Pressure
Authors: Tejeet Singh, Ishavneet Singh
The present study focused on carrying out the creep analysis in an isotropic thick-walled composite cylindrical pressure vessel composed of aluminum matrix reinforced with silicon-carbide in particulate form. The creep behavior of the composite material has been described by the threshold stress based creep law. The values of stress exponent appearing in the creep law were selected as 3, 5 and 8. The constitutive equations were developed using well known von-Mises yield criteria. Models were developed to find out the distributions of creep stress and strain rate in thick-walled composite cylindrical pressure vessels under internal pressure. In order to obtain the stress distributions in the cylinder, the equilibrium equation of the continuum mechanics and the constitutive equations are solved together. It was observed that the radial stress, tangential stress and axial stress increases along with the radial distance. The cross-over was also obtained almost at the middle region of cylindrical vessel for tangential and axial stress for different values of stress exponent. The strain rates were also decreasing in nature along the entire radius.Keywords: steady state creep, composite, cylinder, pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 4205997 Cross-Cultural Variations in Creative Perception Modulate Creative Performance
Authors: Anatoliy Kharkhurin
The study argues that variations in creative performance may be stipulated by cross-cultural differences in perception of the creativity construct. In Experiment 1, 50 Russian and 50 Emirati college students received structured imagination test that requires producing a drawing of an alien creature. In Experiment 2, 53 Russian and 53 Emirati college students (different from Experiment 1) on 5-point Likert-type scale evaluated the level of creativity of the drawings produced in the Experiment I. Repeated-measure ANOVA revealed an interaction between the country where the drawings were produced and the country where they were evaluated. Russians evaluated their country mates’ drawings as more creative than the Emiratis evaluated their country mates’ drawings. Regression analysis revealed that the creativity level of the drawings was positively predicted by the Russians’ evaluation and negatively predicted by the Emiratis’ evaluation. Finally, the evaluation of the drawings by the Russians predicted divergent thinking performance.Keywords: creativity, culture, cross-cultural, perception, production
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