Search results for: higher order thinking skills
25208 The Effectiveness of Communication Skills Using Transactional Analysis on the Dimensions of Marital Intimacy: An Experimental Study
Authors: Mehravar Javid, James Sexton, S. Taridashti, Joseph Dorer
Objective: Intimacy is among the most important factors in marital relationships and includes different aspects. Communication skills can enable couples to promote their intimacy. This experimental study was conducted to measure the effectiveness of communication skills using Transactional Analysis (TA) on various dimensions of marital intimacy. Method: The participants in this study were female teachers. Analysis of covariance was recruited in the experimental group (n =15) and control group (n =15) with pre-test and post-test. Random assignment was applied. The experimental group received the Transactional Analysis training program for 9 sessions of 2 hours each week. The instrument was the Marital Intimacy Questionnaire, with 87 items and 9 subscales. Result: The findings suggest that training in Transactional Analysis significantly increased the total score of intimacy except spiritual intimacy on the post-test. Discussion: According to the obtained data, it is concluded that communication skills using Transactional Analysis (TA) training could increase intimacy and improve marital relationships. The study highlights the differential effects on emotional, rational, sexual, and psychological intimacy compared to physical, social/recreational, and relational intimacy over a 9-week period.Keywords: communication skills, intimacy, marital relationships, transactional analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 9725207 The Impact of Project-Based Learning under Representative Minorities Students
Authors: Shwadhin Sharma
As there has been increasing focus on the shorter attention span of the millennials students, there is a relative absence of instructional tools on behavioral assessments in learning information technology skills within the information systems field and textbooks. This study uses project-based learning in which students gain knowledge and skills related to information technology by working on an extended project that allows students to find a real business problem design information systems based on information collected from the company and develop an information system that solves the problem of the company. Eighty students from two sections of the same course engage in the project from the first week of the class till the sixteenth week of the class to deliver a small business information system that allows them to employ all the skills and knowledge that they learned in the class into the systems they are creating. Computer Information Systems related courses are often difficult to understand and process especially for the Under Representative Minorities students who have limited computer or information systems related (academic) experiences. Project-based learning demands constant attention of the students and forces them to apply knowledge learned in the class to a project that helps retaining knowledge. To make sure our assumption is correct, we started with a pre-test and post-test to test the students learning (of skills) based on the project. Our test showed that almost 90% of the students from the two sections scored higher in post-test as compared to pre-test. Based on this premise, we conducted a further survey that measured student’s job-search preparation, knowledge of data analysis, involved with the course, satisfaction with the course, student’s overall reaction the course and students' ability to meet the traditional learning goals related to the course.Keywords: project-based learning, job-search preparation, satisfaction with course, traditional learning goals
Procedia PDF Downloads 20625206 The Arabic Literary Text, between Proficiency and Pedagogy
Authors: Abdul Rahman M. Chamseddine, Mahmoud El-ashiri
In the field of language teaching, communication skills are essential for the learner to achieve, however, these skills, in general, might not support the comprehension of some texts of literary or artistic nature like poetry. Understanding sentences and expressions is not enough to understand a poem; other skills are needed in order to understand the special structure of a text which literary meaning is inapprehensible even when the lingual meaning is well comprehended. And then there is the need for many other components that surpass one text to other similar texts that can be understood through solid traditions, which do not form an obstacle in the face of change and progress. This is not exclusive to texts that are classified as a literary but it is also the same with some daily short phrases and indicatively charged expressions that can be classified as literary or bear a taste of literary nature.. it can be found in Newpapers’ titles, TV news reports, and maybe football commentaries… the need to understand this special lingual use – described as literary – is highly important to understand this discourse that can be generally classified as very far from literature. This work will try to explore the role of the literary text in the language class and the way it is being covered or dealt with throughout all levels of acquiring proficiency. It will also attempt to survery the position of the literary text in some of the most important books for teaching Arabic around the world. The same way grammar is needed to understand the language, another (literary) grammar is also needed for understanding literature.Keywords: language teaching, Arabic, literature, pedagogy, language proficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 27225205 Thinking Historiographically in the 21st Century: The Case of Spanish Musicology, a History of Music without History
Authors: Carmen Noheda
This text provides a reflection on the way of thinking about the study of the history of music by examining the production of historiography in Spain at the turn of the century. Based on concepts developed by the historical theorist Jörn Rüsen, the article focuses on the following aspects: the theoretical artifacts that structure the interpretation of the limits of writing the history of music, the narrative patterns used to give meaning to the discourse of history, and the orientation context that functions as a source of criteria of significance for both interpretation and representation. This analysis intends to show that historical music theory is not only a means to abstractly explore the complex questions connected to the production of historical knowledge, but also a tool for obtaining concrete images about the intellectual practice of professional musicologists. Writing about the historiography of contemporary Spanish music is a task that requires both a knowledge of the history that is being written and investigated, as well as a familiarity with current theoretical trends and methodologies that allow for the recognition and definition of the different tendencies that have arisen in recent decades. With the objective of carrying out these premises, this project takes as its point of departure the 'immediate historiography' in relation to Spanish music at the beginning of the 21st century. The hesitation that Spanish musicology has shown in opening itself to new anthropological and sociological approaches, along with its rigidity in the face of the multiple shifts in dynamic forms of thinking about history, have produced a standstill whose consequences can be seen in the delayed reception of the historiographical revolutions that have emerged in the last century. Methodologically, this essay is underpinned by Rüsen’s notion of the disciplinary matrix, which is an important contribution to the understanding of historiography. Combined with his parallel conception of differing paradigms of historiography, it is useful for analyzing the present-day forms of thinking about the history of music. Following these theories, the article will in the first place address the characteristics and identification of present historiographical currents in Spanish musicology to thereby carry out an analysis based on the theories of Rüsen. Finally, it will establish some considerations for the future of musical historiography, whose atrophy has not only fostered the maintenance of an ingrained positivist tradition, but has also implied, in the case of Spain, an absence of methodological schools and an insufficient participation in international theoretical debates. An update of fundamental concepts has become necessary in order to understand that thinking historically about music demands that we remember that subjects are always linked by reciprocal interdependencies that structure and define what it is possible to create. In this sense, the fundamental aim of this research departs from the recognition that the history of music is embedded in the conditions that make it conceivable, communicable and comprehensible within a society.Keywords: historiography, Jörn Rüssen, Spanish musicology, theory of history of music
Procedia PDF Downloads 19125204 The Management of Media Literacy Development for Thai Students
Authors: Supranee Wattanasin
The purpose of this research was to enhance student’s media literacy. The process was divided into 4 periods: the first phase was to hold the meeting for 100 representatives from various institutions in Thailand; the second phase allowed them to design activities to be used in their institutions; the third implemented activities to reach other target groups; and the last phase was to summarize results. It was found that the participants had clear understanding on media literacy. They knew well about the media. In other words, they knew the difference between creative media and bad ones. Students could use analytical process when searching for information. Thus, the project enabled the students to use analytical thinking skills in designing new activities. Therefore, they could creatively integrate Thai folk song with short movies and cartoons. To increase students’ media literacy, there should be chances for them to gain first-hand experience.Keywords: media literacy, mechanism development, youth, project radio-television
Procedia PDF Downloads 25825203 Flipping the Script: Opportunities, Challenges, and Threats of a Digital Revolution in Higher Education
Authors: James P. Takona
In a world that is experiencing sharp digital transformations guided by digital technologies, the potential of technology to drive transformation and evolution in the higher is apparent. Higher education is facing a paradigm shift that exposes susceptibilities and threats to fully online programs in the face of post-Covid-19 trends of commodification. This historical moment is likely to be remembered as a critical turning point from analog to digital degree-focused learning modalities, where the default became the pivot point of competition between higher education institutions. Fall 2020 marks a significant inflection point in higher education as students, educators, and government leaders scrutinize higher education's price and value propositions through the new lens of traditional lecture halls versus multiple digitized delivery modes. Online education has since tiled the way for a pedagogical shift in how teachers teach and students learn. The incremental growth of online education in the west can now be attributed to the increasing patronage among students, faculty, and institution administrators. More often than not, college instructors assume paraclete roles in this learning mode, while students become active collaborators and no longer passive learners. This paper offers valuable discernments into the threats, challenges, and opportunities of a massive digital revolution in servicing degree programs. To view digital instruction and learning demands for instructional practices that revolve around collaborative work, engaging students in learning activities, and an engagement that promotes active efforts to solicit strong connections between course activities and expected learning pace for all students. Appropriate digital technologies demand instructors and students need prior solid skills. Need for the use of digital technology to support instruction and learning, intelligent tutoring offers great promise, and failures at implementing digital learning may not improve outcomes for specific student populations. Digital learning benefits students differently depending on their circumstances and background and those of the institution and/or program. Students have alternative options, access to the convenience of learning anytime and anywhere, and the possibility of acquiring and developing new skills leading to lifelong learning.Keywords: digi̇tized learning, digital education, collaborative work, high education, online education, digitize delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 9325202 Developing a Moodle Course for Translation Theory and Methodology: The Importance of Theory in Translation Studies and Its Application
Authors: Antonia Tsaknaki
There are many and divergent views on how the science of translation should be taught in academic institutions or colleges, meaning as an independent study area or as part of Linguistics, Literature or Foreign Languages Departments. A much more debated issue refers to the question of whether translation theory should be included in syllabuses and study programs or the focus should be solely on practicing the profession, that is translating texts. This dissertation examines prevailing views on the significance of translation theory in translation studies in order to design an open course on moodle. Taking into account that there is a remarkable percentage of translation professionals who are self-taught without having any specific studies, the course aims at helping either translation students or professional translators familiarize with concepts, methods and problem-solving strategies that are considered necessary during the process. It is organized in four modules where the learner is guided through a series of topics (register, equivalence, decision-making, level of naturalness, Skopos theory etc); after completing these topics, they are given assignments (further reading) and texts to work on in order to practice the skills obtained. The course does not focus on a specific language pair and therefore is suitable for every individual who needs a theoretical background to boost their performance or for institutions seeking to save classroom time but not at the expense of learners’ skills.Keywords: MOOCs, moodle, online learning, open courses, translation, translation theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 14725201 Improving Academic Literacy in the Secondary History Classroom
Authors: Wilhelmina van den Berg
Through intentionally developing the Register Continuum and the Functional Model of Language in the secondary history classroom, teachers can effectively build a teaching and learning cycle geared towards literacy improvement and EAL differentiation. Developing an understanding of and engaging students in the field, tenor, and tone of written and spoken language, allows students to build the foundation for greater academic achievement due to integrated literacy skills in the history classroom. Building a variety of scaffolds during lessons within these models means students can improve their academic language and communication skills.Keywords: academic language, EAL, functional model of language, international baccalaureate, literacy skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 6325200 A Program Based on Artistic and Musical Activities to Acquire Some Educational Concepts for Children with Learning Difficulties
Authors: Ahmed Amin Mousa, Huda Mazeed, Eman Saad
The study aims to identify the extent of the effectiveness of the artistic formation program using some types of pastes to reduce the hyperactivity of the kindergarten child. The researcher has discussed the effectiveness of the artistic program using some types of pastes in reducing the hyperactivity of the kindergarten child. The research sample included 120 children of ages between 5 to 6 years old from the five schools for special needs section learning disability, Cairo Province. The study used the empirical like curriculum which depends on designing one group using the before and after application measurement for the group to validate the fidelity of both the hypothesis and the effectiveness of the program. The variables of the study were specified as follows; artistic formation program using paper Mache as an independent variable and its effect on skills of kindergarten child with learning disabilities as a subsequent variable. The researchers depended on applying a group of artistic formation program using pulp melding skills for kindergarten children with learning disabilities. The tools of the study, designed by the researcher, included: recording card used for recording the Effective program using pulp molding skills for kindergarten children with learning disabilities during practicing the artistic formation activity. In additional, there was a program using pulp molding skills for kindergarten children with learning disabilities. The results proved the effectiveness of the program using pulp molding skills for kindergarten children with learning disabilities.Keywords: artistic program, developing skills, kindergarten, children, learning disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 16025199 Improving Literacy Level Through Digital Books for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Authors: Majed A. Alsalem
In our contemporary world, literacy is an essential skill that enables students to increase their efficiency in managing the many assignments they receive that require understanding and knowledge of the world around them. In addition, literacy enhances student participation in society improving their ability to learn about the world and interact with others and facilitating the exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge. Therefore, literacy needs to be studied and understood in its full range of contexts. It should be seen as social and cultural practices with historical, political, and economic implications. This study aims to rebuild and reorganize the instructional designs that have been used for deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students to improve their literacy level. The most critical part of this process is the teachers; therefore, teachers will be the center focus of this study. Teachers’ main job is to increase students’ performance by fostering strategies through collaborative teamwork, higher-order thinking, and effective use of new information technologies. Teachers, as primary leaders in the learning process, should be aware of new strategies, approaches, methods, and frameworks of teaching in order to apply them to their instruction. Literacy from a wider view means acquisition of adequate and relevant reading skills that enable progression in one’s career and lifestyle while keeping up with current and emerging innovations and trends. Moreover, the nature of literacy is changing rapidly. The notion of new literacy changed the traditional meaning of literacy, which is the ability to read and write. New literacy refers to the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate, and create information using a range of digital technologies. The term new literacy has received a lot of attention in the education field over the last few years. New literacy provides multiple ways of engagement, especially to those with disabilities and other diverse learning needs. For example, using a number of online tools in the classroom provides students with disabilities new ways to engage with the content, take in information, and express their understanding of this content. This study will provide teachers with the highest quality of training sessions to meet the needs of DHH students so as to increase their literacy levels. This study will build a platform between regular instructional designs and digital materials that students can interact with. The intervention that will be applied in this study will be to train teachers of DHH to base their instructional designs on the notion of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory. Based on the power analysis that has been done for this study, 98 teachers are needed to be included in this study. This study will choose teachers randomly to increase internal and external validity and to provide a representative sample from the population that this study aims to measure and provide the base for future and further studies. This study is still in process and the initial results are promising by showing how students have engaged with digital books.Keywords: deaf and hard of hearing, digital books, literacy, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 49125198 Implementation of the Quality Management System and Development of Organizational Learning: Case of Three Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Morocco
Authors: Abdelghani Boudiaf
The profusion of studies relating to the concept of organizational learning shows the importance that has been given to this concept in the management sciences. A few years ago, companies leaned towards ISO 9001 certification; this requires the implementation of the quality management system (QMS). In order for this objective to be achieved, companies must have a set of skills, which pushes them to develop learning through continuous training. The results of empirical research have shown that implementation of the QMS in the company promotes the development of learning. It should also be noted that several types of learning are developed in this sense. Given the nature of skills development is normative in the context of the quality demarche, companies are obliged to qualify and improve the skills of their human resources. Continuous training is the keystone to develop the necessary learning. To carry out continuous training, companies need to be able to identify their real needs by developing training plans based on well-defined engineering. The training process goes obviously through several stages. Initially, training has a general aspect, that is to say, it focuses on topics and actions of a general nature. Subsequently, this is done in a more targeted and more precise way to accompany the evolution of the QMS and also to make the changes decided each time (change of working method, change of practices, change of objectives, change of mentality, etc.). To answer our problematic we opted for the method of qualitative research. It should be noted that the case study method crosses several data collection techniques to explain and understand a phenomenon. Three cases of companies were studied as part of this research work using different data collection techniques related to this method.Keywords: changing mentalities, continuing training, organizational learning, quality management system, skills development
Procedia PDF Downloads 11025197 Analyzing e-Leadership Literature in Applying an e-Leadership Model for Community College Leaders of Hybrid Remote Teams
Authors: Lori Timmis
The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated significant organizational change in employee turnover, retirements, and burnout exacerbated by enrollment declines in higher education, especially community colleges. To counter this downturn, community college leaders must thoughtfully examine meaningful work opportunities to retain an engaged and productive workforce. Higher education led fully remote teams during the pandemic, which highlighted the benefits and weaknesses of building and leading remote teams. Hybrid remote teams offer possibility to reimagine community college structures, though leading remote teams requires specific e-leadership competencies. This paper examines the literature of studies on e-leadership conducted during the pandemic and from several higher education studies, pre-pandemic, against an e-leadership competency framework. The e-leadership studies conducted pre-pandemic and from the pandemic complement the e-leadership competency framework, comprising six e-leadership competencies performed via information technology communications, which provides community college (and higher education) leaders to consider hybrid remote team structures and the necessary leadership skills to lead hybrid remote teams.Keywords: community college, e-leadership, great resignation, hybrid remote teams
Procedia PDF Downloads 10025196 The Research on Human Resource Management Problem of Turkish Fast Food Company
Authors: Mai Maitiaili Tuerdi
Turkey is one of the countries in which fast food service is growing increasingly in the world. The emergence of KFC and McDonald's to Turkish market is affecting every aspects of local fast-food services. The Turkey's famous catering companies named "Simit Sarayi" and "Güllüoğlu" are famous for accepting the Western fast food management service and skills in order to increase their market share. Also, they have created their unique management skills in this field. In this paper, through empirical and comparative study method we will analyze the famous Turkish local fast-food companies and western human resource management. We will argue how to create and adapt the human resource management while the company is economically and socially growing.Keywords: human resources management, Turkey, fast food, management
Procedia PDF Downloads 34825195 Multidimensional Poverty and Child Cognitive Development
Authors: Bidyadhar Dehury, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty
According to the Right to Education Act of India, education is the fundamental right of all children of age group 6-14 year irrespective of their status. Using the unit level data from India Human Development Survey (IHDS), we tried to understand the inter-relationship between the level of poverty and the academic performance of the children aged 8-11 years. The level of multidimensional poverty is measured using five dimensions and 10 indicators using Alkire-Foster approach. The weighted deprivation score was obtained by giving equal weight to each dimension and indicators within the dimension. The weighted deprivation score varies from 0 to 1 and grouped into four categories as non-poor, vulnerable, multidimensional poor and sever multidimensional poor. The academic performance index was measured using three variables reading skills, math skills and writing skills using PCA. The bivariate and multivariate analysis was used in the analysis. The outcome variable was ordinal. So the predicted probabilities were calculated using the ordinal logistic regression. The predicted probabilities of good academic performance index was 0.202 if the child was sever multidimensional poor, 0.235 if the child was multidimensional poor, 0.264 if the child was vulnerable, and 0.316 if the child was non-poor. Hence, if the level of poverty among the children decreases from sever multidimensional poor to non-poor, the probability of good academic performance increases.Keywords: multidimensional poverty, academic performance index, reading skills, math skills, writing skills, India
Procedia PDF Downloads 59525194 Data-Focused Digital Transformation for Smart Net-Zero Cities: A Systems Thinking Approach
Authors: Farzaneh Mohammadi Jouzdani, Vahid Javidroozi, Monica Mateo Garcia, Hanifa Shah
The emergence of developing smart net-zero cities in recent years has attracted significant attention and interest from worldwide communities and scholars as a potential solution to the critical requirement for urban sustainability. This research-in-progress paper aims to investigate the development of smart net-zero cities to propose a digital transformation roadmap for smart net-zero cities with a primary focus on data. Employing systems thinking as an underpinning theory, the study advocates for the necessity of utilising a holistic strategy for understanding the complex interdependencies and interrelationships that characterise urban systems. The proposed methodology will involve an in-depth investigation of current data-driven approaches in the smart net-zero city. This is followed by utilising predictive analysis methods to evaluate the holistic impact of the approaches on moving toward a Smart net-zero city. It is expected to achieve systemic intervention followed by a data-focused and systemic digital transformation roadmap for smart net-zero, contributing to a more holistic understanding of urban sustainability.Keywords: smart city, net-zero city, digital transformation, systems thinking, data integration, data-driven approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 2525193 The Effectiveness of Spouses' Communication Skills Training on Reducing Emotional Harassment and Adjusting Marital Expectations: Married Iranian Women
Authors: Seyed Ali Kimiaei, Reza Pishghadam, Fatemeh Hajizadeh, Marjan Entezari
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Minnesota Spouses Communication Skills Program on reducing emotional harassment and adjusting the marital expectations of married women. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with waiting list group and follow-up period. The statistical population of the study consisted of married women referring to counseling and psychology centers in Mashhad, from which 30 people were selected as a sample by examining the entry criteria and questionnaire scores, and randomly divided into two experimental groups (15 people) and the waiting list group (15 people) were replaced. The experimental group was given 8 sessions of communication skills program of spouses. The emotional harassment and marital expectations questionnaire was used to collect data. The results showed a significant difference between the experimental group and the waiting list group, so that the communication skills training of the spouses reduced emotional harassment and adjusted marital expectations, and these effects continued in the follow-up period. Therefore, we can conclude that teaching the husband's communication skills program in the Minnesota method reduces emotional harassment and modifies women's marital expectations.Keywords: spouses communication skills program, emotional harassment, marital expectations, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 13225192 Deliberate Learning and Practice: Enhancing Situated Learning Approach in Professional Communication Course
Authors: Susan Lee
Situated learning principles are adopted in the design of the module, professional communication, in its iteration of tasks and assignments to create a learning environment that simulates workplace reality. The success of situated learning is met when students are able to transfer and apply their skills beyond the classroom, in their personal life, and workplace. The learning process should help students recognize the relevance and opportunities for application. In the module’s learning component on negotiation, cases are created based on scenarios inspired by industry practices. The cases simulate scenarios that students on the course may encounter when they enter the workforce when they take on executive roles in the real estate sector. Engaging in the cases has enhanced students’ learning experience as they apply interpersonal communication skills in negotiation contexts of executives. Through the process of case analysis, role-playing, and peer feedback, students are placed in an experiential learning space to think and act in a deliberate manner not only as students but as professionals they will graduate to be. The immersive skills practices enable students to continuously apply a range of verbal and non-verbal communication skills purposefully as they stage their negotiations. The theme in students' feedback resonates with their awareness of the authentic and workplace experiences offered through visceral role-playing. Students also note relevant opportunities for the future transfer of the skills acquired. This indicates that students recognize the possibility of encountering similar negotiation episodes in the real world and realize they possess the negotiation tools and communication skills to deliberately apply them when these opportunities arise outside the classroom.Keywords: deliberate practice, interpersonal communication skills, role-play, situated learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 21625191 Integration of STEM Education in Quebec, Canada – Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: B. El Fadil, R. Najar
STEM education is promoted by many scholars and curricula around the world, but it is not yet well established in the province of Quebec in Canada. In addition, effective instructional STEM activities and design methods are required to ensure that students and teachers' needs are being met. One potential method is the Engineering Design Process (EDP), a methodology that emphasizes the importance of creativity and collaboration in problem-solving strategies. This article reports on a case study that focused on using the EDP to develop instructional materials by means of making a technological artifact to teach mathematical variables and functions at the secondary level. The five iterative stages of the EDP (design, make, test, infer, and iterate) were integrated into the development of the course materials. Data was collected from different sources: pre- and post-questionnaires, as well as a working document dealing with pupils' understanding based on designing, making, testing, and simulating. Twenty-four grade seven (13 years old) students in Northern Quebec participated in the study. The findings of this study indicate that STEM activities have a positive impact not only on students' engagement in classroom activities but also on learning new mathematical concepts. Furthermore, STEM-focused activities have a significant effect on problem-solving skills development in an interdisciplinary approach. Based on the study's results, we can conclude, inter alia, that teachers should integrate STEM activities into their teaching practices to increase learning outcomes and attach more importance to STEM-focused activities to develop students' reflective thinking and hands-on skills.Keywords: engineering design process, motivation, stem, integration, variables, functions
Procedia PDF Downloads 8925190 A Study of Mental Health of Wife of Patients with HIV+ and Effects of Life Skills on Promotion of Their Mental Health
Authors: Ali Karimi, Shabnam Karimifam, Amirhosein Karimi, Farahnaz Pournavvab
Researches have emphasis on the important role of psychosocial support and appropriate interventions for individuals that involved in serious physical and psychological problems . Patients with AIDS are often discussed in studies, but sometimes the psychological conditions of the people who live with them are ignored. In the present study, while paying attention to the spouses of AIDS patients, the role of supportive interventions has been investigated. the other word , Researchers Show that life skills training causes significant improvement in the mean scores of mothers physical health , mental health, social relationship and ultimately quality of life in the experimental group . The purpose of this study is determine of mental health of Twenty-one wives of patients with HIV+ In Shiraz ( city in sought of Iran) and effects of life skills on promotion of their mental health . Sampling was systematic randomize . These women were selected and invited to the training program based on their husbands' file numbers, who were selected to the counseling center for people with AIDS. first , they filled out GHQ questionnaires . Then , the life skills training for 8 sessions were taught for these women . Results indicated that Psychological condition of wife of patients with HIV+ was not appropriate . Scores of most them were above of cut of point of questionnaires .T test was done . worse scores were Assigned to anxiety and weakness in social functions . In the other hand , life skills have been effective significantly only in social functions of women . Scores of research’s participants in anxiety , depression and total test score were enhanced , but have not been significant . In the main of article , researchers have discussed why life skills training does not have much effect on some emotional problems .Despite the fact that life skills training had a positive effect on these spouses, but due to the stress of women with AIDS spouses, life skills training did not show much effectiveness, and for outstanding effects, there is a need for individual psychological treatments and broader social support.Keywords: Hiv, aids, social suport, life skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 7325189 Relationships between Motor Skills and Self-Perceived Athletic Competence in a Sample of Primary School Children
Authors: Cristina-Corina Bențea, Teodora-Mihaela Iconomescu, Laurențiu-Gabriel Talaghir, Claudiu Mereuță, Anamaria Berdilă
The study aims to examine the relationships between motor abilities, self-evaluation of athletic competence, and demographic characteristics in a sample of late-childhood participants. Defined as physical elements that enable the movements, motor skills are classified according to movement precision as gross and fine motor skills. Across their development, children enhance their ability to coordinate the limbs to produce different actions. In educational settings, they perform various instructional activities that involve the improvement of their athletic prowess and are taught how to strengthen their gross and fine motor abilities. Also, in relation to their activities, children tend to evaluate themselves differently across the various domains of their life. Starting from childhood, athletic competence is one of the area-specific evaluations of competence that refers to one’s ability to do well at sports, including outdoor games. Method: The sample consisted of fifty-eight primary school children, thirty girls, and twenty-eight boys, with ages between 8-10 years. The Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency was used to assess both gross and fine motor skills in eight specific areas (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral coordination, balance, running speed and agility, upper-limb coordination, strength). Athletic competence self-perceived was assessed with one of the six subscales of the Self-Perception Profile for Children. Results: Were examined both the relationships between each motor skills scale and subscales and between motor skills and general self-perceived athletic competence. Results indicated correlations between the athletic competence and four motor skills subscales depending on the gender and age of the children. The findings of the study were discussed related to the possibility to improve children's physical proficiency in educational settings according to the level of self-perceived athletic competence.Keywords: gross motor skills, fine motor skills, athletic competence, self-evaluation, children, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 8525188 Students’ and Clinical Supervisors’ Experiences of Occupational Therapy Practice Education: A Structured Critical Review
Authors: Hamad Alhamad, Catriona Khamisha, Emma Green, Yvonne Robb
Introduction: Practice education is a key component of occupational therapy education. This critical review aimed to explore students’ and clinical supervisors’ experiences of practice education, and to make recommendations for research. Method: The literature was systematically searched using five databases. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies were included. Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist for qualitative studies and Mixed Methods Assessment Tool for quantitative and mixed methods studies were used to assess study quality. Findings: Twenty-two studies with high quality scores were included: 16 qualitative, 3 quantitative and 3 mixed methods. Studies were conducted in Australia, Canada, USA and UK. During practice education, students learned professional skills, practical skills, clinical skills and problem-solving skills, and improved confidence and creativity. Supervisors had an opportunity to reflect on their practice and get experience of supervising students. However, clear objectives and expectations for students, and sufficient theoretical knowledge, preparation and resources for supervisors were required. Conclusion: Practice education provides different skills and experiences, necessary to become competent professionals; but some areas of practice education need to improve. Studies in non-western countries are needed to explore the perspectives of students and clinical supervisors in different cultures, to ensure the practice education models adopted are relevant.Keywords: occupational therapy, practice education, fieldwork, students, clinical supervisors
Procedia PDF Downloads 20325187 Skills for Family Support Workforce: A Systematic Review
Authors: Anita Burgund Isakov, Cristina Nunes, Nevenka Zegarac, Ana Antunes
Contemporary societies are facing a noticeable shift in family realities, urging to need for the development of new policies, service, and practice orientation that has application across different sectors who serves families with children across the world. A challenge for the field of family support is diversity in conceptual assumptions and epistemological frameworks. Since many disciplines and professionals are working in the family support field, there is a need to map and gain a deeper insight into the skills for the workforce in this field. Under the umbrella of the COST action 'The Pan-European Family Support Research Network: A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach', a review of the current state of knowledge published from the European studies on family support workforce skills standards is performed. Contributing to the aim of mapping and catalogization of skills standards, key stages of literature review were identified in order to extract and systematize the data. We have considered inclusion and exclusion criteria for this literature review. Inclusion criteria were: a) families living with their children and families using family support services; different methodological approaches were included: qualitative, quantitative, mix method, literature review and theoretical reflections various topic appeared in journals like working with families that are facing difficulties or culturally sensitive practice and relationship-based approaches; b) the dates ranged from 1995 to February 2020. Articles published prior to 1995 were excluded due to modernization of family support services across world; c) the sources and languages included peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals in English. Six databases were searched and once we have extracted all the relevant papers (n=29), we searched the list of reference in each and we found 11 additional papers. In total 40 papers have been extracted from six data basis. Findings could be summarized in: 1) only five countries emerged with production in the specific topic, that is, workforce skills to family support (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and Spain), 2) studies revealed that diverse skills support family topics were investigated, namely the professional support skills to help families of neglected/abused children or in care; the professional support skills to help families with children who suffer from behavioral problems and families with children with disabilities; and the professional support skills to help minority ethnic parents, 3) social workers were the main targeted professionals' studies albeit other child protection workers were studied too, 4) the workforce skills to family support were grouped in three topics: the qualities of the professionals (attitudes and attributes); technical skills, and specific knowledge. The framework of analyses, literature strategy and findings with study limitations will be further discussed. As an implication, this study contributes and advocates for the structuring of a common base for cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary qualification standards for the family support workforce.Keywords: family support, skill standards, systemic review, workforce
Procedia PDF Downloads 11225186 Preparing Education Enter the ASEAN Community: The Case Study of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Authors: Sakapas Saengchai, Vilasinee Jintalikhitdee, Mathinee Khongsatid, Nattapol Pourprasert
This paper studied the preparing education enter the ASEAN Community by the year 2015 the Ministry of Education has policy on ASEAN Charter, including the dissemination of information to create a good attitude about ASEAN, development of students' skills appropriately, development of educational standards to prepare for the liberalization of education in the region and Youth Development as a vital resource in advancing the ASEAN community. Preparing for the liberalization of education Commission on Higher Education (CHE) has prepared Thailand strategic to become ASEAN and support the free trade in higher education service; increasing graduate capability to reach international standards; strengthening higher educational institutions; and enhancing roles of educational institutions in the ASEAN community is main factor in set up long-term education frame 15 years, volume no. 2. As well as promoting Thailand as a center for education in the neighbor countries. As well as development data centers of higher education institutions in the region make the most of the short term plan is to supplement the curriculum in the ASEAN community. Moreover, provides a teaching of English and other languages used in the region, creating partnerships with the ASEAN countries to exchange academics staff and students, research, training, development of joint programs, and system tools in higher education.Keywords: ASEAN community, education, institution, dissemination of information
Procedia PDF Downloads 47225185 Infographics to Identify, Diagnose, and Review Medically Important Microbes and Microbial Diseases: A Tool to Ignite Minds of Undergraduate Medical Students
Authors: Mohan Bilikallahalli Sannathimmappa, Vinod Nambiar, Rajeev Aravindakshan
Background: Image-based teaching-learning module is innovative student-centered andragogy. The objective of our study was to explore medical students’ perception of effectiveness of image-based learning strategy in promoting their lifelong learning skills and evaluate its impact on improving students’ exam grades. Methods: A prospective single-cohort study was conducted on undergraduate medical students of the academic year 2021-22. The image-based teaching-learning module was assessed through pretest, posttest, and exam grades. Students’ feedback was collected through a predesigned questionnaire on a 3-point Likert Scale. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient test. In-Course Exam-4 results were compared with In-Course Exams 1, 2, and 3. Correlation coefficients were worked out wherever relevant to find the impact of the exercise on grades. Data were collected, entered into Microsoft Excel, and statistically analyzed using SPSS version 22. Results: In total, 127 students were included in the study. The posttest scores of the students were significantly high (24.75±) as compared to pretest scores (8.25±). Students’ opinion towards the effectiveness of image-based learning in promoting their lifelong learning skills was overwhelmingly positive (Cronbach’s alpha for all items was 0.756). More than 80% of the students indicated image-based learning was interesting, encouraged peer discussion, and helped them to identify, explore, and revise key information and knowledge improvement. Nearly 70% expressed image-based learning enhanced their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Nine out of ten students recommended image-based learning module for future topics. Conclusion: Overall, Image-based learning was found to be effective in achieving undergraduate medical students learning outcomes. The results of the study are in favor of the implementation of Image-based learning in Microbiology courses. However, multicentric studies are required to authenticate our study findings.Keywords: active learning, knowledge, medical education, microbes, problem solving
Procedia PDF Downloads 7225184 Enhancing Goal Achievement through Improved Communication Skills
An extensive body of research studies suggest that students, teachers, and supervisors can enhance the likelihood of reaching their goals by improving their communication skills. It is highly important to learn how and when to provide different kinds of feedback, e.g. anticipatory, corrective and positive) will gain better result and higher morale. The purpose of this mixed methods research is twofold: 1) To find out what factors affect effective communication among different stakeholders and how these factors affect student learning2) What are the good practices for improving communication among different stakeholders and improve student achievement. This presentation first begins with an introduction to the recent research on Marshall’s Nonviolent Communication Techniques (NVC), including four important components: observations, feelings, needs, requests. These techniques can be effectively applied at all levels of communication. To develop an in-depth understanding of the relationship among different techniques within, this research collected, compared, and combined qualitative and quantitative data to better improve communication and support student learning.Keywords: education, communication, psychology, student learning, language teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 5125183 Symo-syl: A Meta-Phonological Intervention to Support Italian Pre-Schoolers’ Emergent Literacy Skills
Authors: Tamara Bastianello, Rachele Ferrari, Marinella Majorano
The adoption of the syllabic approach in preschool programmes could support and reinforce meta-phonological awareness and literacy skills in children. The introduction of a meta-phonological intervention in preschool could facilitate the transition to primary school, especially for children with learning fragilities. In the present contribution, we want to investigate the efficacy of "Simo-syl" intervention in enhancing emergent literacy skills in children (especially for reading). Simo-syl is a 12 weeks multimedia programme developed for children to improve their language and communication skills and later literacy development in preschool. During the intervention, Simo-syl, an invented character, leads children in a series of meta-phonological games. Forty-six Italian preschool children (i.e., the Simo-syl group) participated in the programme; seventeen preschool children (i.e., the control group) did not participate in the intervention. Children in the two groups were between 4;10 and 5;9 years. They were assessed on their vocabulary, morpho-syntactical, meta-phonological, phonological, and phono-articulatory skills twice: 1) at the beginning of the last year of the preschool through standardised paper-based assessment tools and 2) one week after the intervention. All children in the Simo-syl group took part in the meta-phonological programme based on the syllabic approach. The intervention lasted 12 weeks (three activities per week; week 1: activities focused on syllable blending and spelling and a first approach to the written code; weeks 2-11: activities focused on syllables recognition; week 12: activities focused on vowels recognition). Very few children (Simo-syl group = 21, control group = 9) were tested again (post-test) one week after the intervention. Before starting the intervention programme, the Simo-syl and the control groups had similar meta-phonological, phonological, lexical skills (all ps > .05). One week after the intervention, a significant difference emerged between the two groups in their meta-phonological skills (syllable blending, p = .029; syllable spelling, p = .032), in their vowel recognition ability (p = .032) and their word reading skills (p = .05). An ANOVA confirmed the effect of the group membership on the developmental growth for the word reading task (F (1,28) = 6.83, p = .014, ηp2 = .196). Taking part in the Simo-syl intervention has a positive effect on the ability to read in preschool children.Keywords: intervention programme, literacy skills, meta-phonological skills, syllabic approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 16525182 Analysis of Speaking Skills in Turkish Language Acquisition as a Foreign Language
Authors: Lokman Gozcu, Sule Deniz Gozcu
This study aims to analyze the skills of speaking in the acquisition of Turkish as a foreign language. One of the most important things for the individual who learns a foreign language is to be successful in the oral communication (speaking) skills and to interact in an understandable way. Speech skill requires much more time and effort than other language skills. In this direction, it is necessary to make an analysis of these oral communication skills, which is important in Turkish language acquisition as a foreign language and to draw out a road map according to the result. The aim of this study is to determine the competence and attitudes of speaking competence according to the individuals who learn Turkish as a foreign language and to be considered as speaking skill elements; Grammar, emphasis, intonation, body language, speed, ranking, accuracy, fluency, pronunciation, etc. and the results and suggestions based on these determinations. A mixed method has been chosen for data collection and analysis. A Likert scale (for competence and attitude) was applied to 190 individuals who were interviewed face-to-face (for speech skills) with a semi-structured interview form about 22 participants randomly selected. In addition, the observation form related to the 22 participants interviewed were completed by the researcher during the interview, and after the completion of the collection of all the voice recordings, analyses of voice recordings with the speech skills evaluation scale was made. The results of the research revealed that the speech skills of the individuals who learned Turkish as a foreign language have various perspectives. According to the results, the most inadequate aspects of the participants' ability to speak in Turkish include vocabulary, using humorous elements while speaking Turkish, being able to include items such as idioms and proverbs while speaking Turkish, Turkish fluency respectively. In addition, the participants were found not to feel comfortable while speaking Turkish, to feel ridiculous and to be nervous while speaking in formal settings. There are conclusions and suggestions for the situations that arise after the have been analyses made.Keywords: learning Turkish as a foreign language, proficiency criteria, phonetic (modalities), speaking skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 24325181 Art Street as a Way for Reflective Thinking in the Filed of Adult and Primary Education: Examples of Educational Techniques
Authors: Georgia H. Mega
Art street, a category of artwork displayed in public spaces, has been recognized as a potential tool for promoting reflective thinking in both adult and primary education. Educational techniques that encourage critical and creative thinking, as well as deeper reflection, have been developed and applied in educational curricula. This paper aims to explore the potential of art street in cultivating learners' reflective awareness toward multiculturalism. The main objective of this case study is to investigate the possibilities that art street offers in terms of developing learners' critical reflection, regardless of their age. The study compares two art street works from Greece and Norway, focusing on their common theme of multiculturalism. The study adopts a qualitative methodology, specifically a case study approach. This approach allows for an in-depth analysis of the two selected art street works and their impact on learners' reflective thinking. The study demonstrates that art street can effectively cultivate learners' reflective awareness of multiculturalism. The selected works of art, despite being created by different artists and displayed in different cities, share similar content and convey messages that facilitate reflective dialogue on cultural osmosis. Both adult and primary education approaches utilize the same art street works to achieve reflective awareness. This paper contributes to the existing literature on reflective learning processes by highlighting the potential of art street as a means for encouraging reflective thinking. It builds upon the theoretical frameworks of adult education theorists such as Freire and Mezirow, as well as those of primary education theorists such as Perkins and Project Zero. Data for this study were collected through observation and analysis of two art street works, one from Greece and one from Norway. These works were selected based on their common theme of multiculturalism. Analysis Procedures: The collected data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The researchers examined the content and messages conveyed by the selected art street works and explored their impact on learners' reflective thinking. The central question addressed in this study is whether art street can develop learners' critical reflection toward multiculturalism, regardless of their age. The findings of this study support the notion that art street can effectively cultivate learners' reflective awareness toward multiculturalism. The selected art street works, despite their differences in origin and location, share common themes that encourage reflective dialogue. The use of art street in both adult and primary education approaches showcases its potential as a tool for promoting reflective learning processes. Overall, this paper contributes to the understanding of art street as a means for reflective thinking in the field of adult and primary education.Keywords: art street, educational techniques, multiculturalism, observation of artworks, reflective awareness
Procedia PDF Downloads 7625180 The Happy Workplace Program Promoting Health Literate Workplace in Thai Garment Industry
Authors: Kwanmuang Kaeodumkoeng, Jumnian Junhasobhaga
This action research on the happy workplace program (HWP) promoting health literate workplace (HLW) in Thai Garment Industry Companies aimed to categorize activities promoting HLW and results of HWP in the Thai garment industry. Thirteen program reports purposely selected from sampled companies. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and content analysis. The results showed that the end of the program, the significant higher levels of work skills, life skills, and factors promoting happy workplace were found compared to before the program in all 13 companies. The activities and results of the HWP could be categorized in five steps of implementing an HWP, compared with the attributes of HLW were composed of 1) Leadership promotion; 2) Preparing workforce; 3) Planning, evaluating, and improving; 4) Communicating effectively; and 5) Designing easy to use materials and ensuring easy access.Keywords: happy workplace program, health literate workplace, garment industry, indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 23825179 An iTunes U App for Development of Metacognition Skills Delivered in the Enrichment Program Offered to Gifted Students at the Secondary Level
Authors: Maha Awad M. Almuttairi
This research aimed to measure the impact of the use of a mobile learning (iTunes U) app for the development of metacognition skills delivered in the enrichment program offered to gifted students at the secondary level in Jeddah. The author targeted a group of students on an experimental scale to evaluate the achievement. The research sample consisted of a group of 38 gifted female students. The scale of evaluation of the metacognition skills used to measure the performance of students in the enrichment program was as follows: Satisfaction scale for the assessment of the technique used and the final product form after completion of the program. Appropriate statistical treatment used includes Paired Samples T-Test Cronbach’s alpha formula and eta squared formula. It was concluded in the results the difference of α≤ 0.05, which means the performance of students in the skills of metacognition in favor of using iTunes U. In light of the conclusion of the experiment, a number of recommendations and suggestions were present; the most important benefit of mobile learning applications is to provide enrichment programs for gifted students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as conducting further research on mobile learning and gifted student teaching.Keywords: enrichment program, gifted students, metacognition skills, mobile learning
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