Search results for: feeling driven to work
14877 Optimal Investment and Consumption Decision for an Investor with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Stochastic Interest Rate Model through Utility Maximization
Authors: Silas A. Ihedioha
In this work; it is considered that an investor’s portfolio is comprised of two assets; a risky stock which price process is driven by the geometric Brownian motion and a risk-free asset with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Stochastic interest rate of return, where consumption, taxes, transaction costs and dividends are involved. This paper aimed at the optimization of the investor’s expected utility of consumption and terminal return on his investment at the terminal time having power utility preference. Using dynamic optimization procedure of maximum principle, a second order nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) (the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation HJB) was obtained from which an ordinary differential equation (ODE) obtained via elimination of variables. The solution to the ODE gave the closed form solution of the investor’s problem. It was found the optimal investment in the risky asset is horizon dependent and a ratio of the total amount available for investment and the relative risk aversion coefficient.Keywords: optimal, investment, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, utility maximization, stochastic interest rate, maximum principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 22514876 Leading to Attract, Retain, Motivate, Inspire your Employees to Peak Performance
Authors: David Suson
In today's work environment, it becomes harder and harder to attract top talent, motivate them to achieve your goals, create a collaborative work environment and then retain them. It is especially challenging when you have remote employees, manage virtually, have different personalities, ages, work ethics and especially when there is a lure of better opportunities elsewhere. Leaders want results. All the strategies and tactics in the world won't make a difference if your people don't execute and "follow you into battle". The key to better leadership is motivating your teams to want to execute, want to work harder, want to work as a team, all while improving morale. Anyone can force employees by threatening them. This session teaches a 180-degree approach. Objectives/Outcomes: 1. Learn the 3 ways this leadership approach differs from traditional leadership, 2. Use a simple process to increase engagement and loyalty, 3. Implement strategies to drive performance. The approach being taught inspires, motivates, engages, and helps to attract better employees.Keywords: leadership, success, communication, skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 13414875 Working with Children and Young People as a much Neglected Area of Education within the Social Studies Curriculum in Poland
Authors: Marta Czechowska-Bieluga
Social work education in Poland focuses mostly on developing competencies that address the needs of individuals and families affected by a variety of life's problems. As a result of the ageing of the Polish population, much attention is equally devoted to adults, including the elderly. However, social work with children and young people is the area of education which should be given more consideration. Social work students are mostly trained to cater to the needs of families and the competencies aimed to respond to the needs of children and young people do not receive enough attention and are only offered as elective classes. This paper strives to review the social work programmes offered by the selected higher education institutions in Poland in terms of social work training aimed at helping children and young people to address their life problems. The analysis conducted in this study indicates that university education for social work focuses on training professionals who will provide assistance only to adults. Due to changes in the social and political situation, including, in particular, changes in social policy implemented for the needy, it is necessary to extend this area of education to include the specificity of the support for children and young people; especially, in the light of the appearance of new support professions within the area of social work. For example, family assistants, whose task is to support parents in performing their roles as guardians and educators, also assist children. Therefore, it becomes necessary to equip social work professionals with competencies which include issues related to the quality of life of underage people living in families. Social work curricula should be extended to include the issues of child and young person development and the patterns governing this phase of life.Keywords: social work education, social work programmes, social worker, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 29114874 Contextual Meaning of Work and its Sociological Significance among the Yoruba People in Nigeria
Authors: Aroge Stephen Talabi
Work is a term that appears to be very common in usage and occurrence the world over. The meanings attached to it and what it implies equally appears to be that common and somewhat similar in description by individuals and groups as derivatives of their contexts. Work is generally seen as the exertion of efforts and the application of knowledge and skills to achieve different purposes comprising of earning a living, making money, prestige, achievement, recognition, companionship and other satisfactions. The paper examined the general meanings of work from the perspectives of various religions. It situated these meanings by drawing on the sociological significance of work among the Yoruba. It established work as social control for a reorientation in peoples approach to work. The Yoruba people of the Western Nigeria share, to a great extent, in common conceptualization and application of work as they believe and understand that their individual and community existence and living are contingent on work participation. The contextual meaning and sociological significance of work as investigated in this paper show that the Yorubas concept of work is daily applied variously in both their material and non-material cultural undertakings to influence individual and group for effective participation in productive ventures for overall social well-being. The Yoruba use all forms of training method which could be adopted by adult educators as pathways to increase individual’s work participation and to improve productivity in work organizations.The paper found out that in the Yoruba socio cultural milieu, the meanings, conceptions and the importance attached to work are used as method of inculcating in members of society the spirit of commitment and hard-work and the advantages thereof. Yoruba contexts of work are geared towards enhancement of commitment, diligence and improved productivity on-the-job behaviour. The paper, therefore, submits that using the Yoruba’s conceptions of work could enhance commitment on the parts of all those engaged in production of goods and services. The paper also suggests that the Yoruba principle and perception and application of work could be used as one of the training techniques in industrial education, which is a major aspect of adult education programmes for inculcating ethics in the workplace. Thus, effort should be made to embrace the Yoruba conception and tenet of work by all stakeholders such as the workers, group (Union), managers and the society at large. Such principles and tenet of work should be included in industrial education curriculum.Keywords: work, contextual meaning, sociological significance, Yoruba-people, social milieu, productivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 44314873 Challenge Appraisal Job, Hindrance Appraisal Job, and Negative Work-Life Interaction with the Mediating Role of Distress: A Survey on Sabah Public Secondary School Teachers
Authors: Pan Lee Ching, Chua Bee Seok
The experience of negative work-life interaction often confronted with work related stress includes workload. The appraisal of challenge and hindrance jobs depend on the type of workload to stimulate stress response. Nevertheless, the effects of challenge and hindrance jobs on distress and negative work-life interaction are scarcely explored. Thus, research objective was to examine the relationship among challenge appraisal job (qualitative workload), hindrance appraisal job (quantitative workload), and negative work-life interaction with the mediating role of distress. A survey with random sampling method was performed on current serving public secondary school teachers in Sabah. Collected data showed 447 respondents completed three questionnaires, namely Challenge-hindrance Appraisal Scale, Stress Professional Positive and Negative Questionnaire, and Survey Work-home Interaction-Nijmegan. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse mediation effect. Results showed distress fully mediates the relationship between challenge appraisal job (qualitative workload) and negative work-life interaction. The indirect effect was significant and negative. While distress partially mediates the relationship between hindrance appraisal job (quantitative workload) and negative work-life interaction. The indirect effect was significant and positive. The study implied that challenge appraisal job could be a positive resource for teacher to facilitate work and life, whereas hindrance appraisal job could disengage the facilitation. Hence, strengthen challenge appraisal job and control hindrance appraisal job could curb distress at work and underpin life interaction among the teachers.Keywords: challenge-hindrance job, distress, work-life, workload
Procedia PDF Downloads 19314872 Modern Work Modules in Construction Practice
Authors: Robin Becker, Nane Roetmann, Manfred Helmus
Construction companies lack junior staff for construction management. According to a nationwide survey of students, however, the profession lacks attractiveness. The conflict between the traditional job profile and the current desires of junior staff for contemporary and flexible working models must be resolved. Increasing flexibility is essential for the future viability of small and medium-sized enterprises. The implementation of modern work modules can help here. The following report will present the validation results of the developed work modules in construction practice.Keywords: modern construction management, construction industry, work modules, shortage of junior staff, sustainable personnel management, making construction management more attractive, working time model
Procedia PDF Downloads 8614871 The Nursing Profession in Algeria between Humane Treatment and Work Environment Problems - A Field Study
Authors: Bacha Zakaria
This study aimed to investigate the reality of humane treatment and work environment problems for nurses in public hospitals and their repercussions on the patients arriving there. In this curve, our field study was based on a sample of nurses in Algiers hospitals estimated at 100 nurses. The questionnaire prepared by the two researchers was applied face to face with the nurses, and after obtaining and analyzing the data, we concluded the most important results: The presence of many problems in the work environment, such as work pressures, lack of appreciation, verbal and physical violence, risk of infection, poor salary and incentives, working during fatigue, administrative problems etc. And accordingly, The embodiment of humane dealing with patients requires providing a humane work environment for nurses and dealing with them humanely so that they embody positive behaviors while dealing with patients.Keywords: nursing, future, family-focused care, health equity
Procedia PDF Downloads 9314870 Nazik Al-Malaika and Nostalgic approach
Authors: sulmaz Mozaffari
Nostalgia is one of the hot-debated issues in critical psychology which has been translated as the yearning or gloom in Persian. It is defined as the regret of the sweet past and the contrast of the present with the past. The feeling of alienation and being remote from the home, remembering death, the regret of childhood and youth, separation of the beloved, remembering the glorious era of history, desire for the ancient times, and the hope for Utopia are considered as its components. Nazik Al-Malaika, a contemporary poet of Arabic literature, has depicted some shapes and dimensions of sympathy, regret and anguish in her poems. Utilizing a nostalgic approach to the past, this paper has reflected upon love, memories of childhood and youth and hope for Utopia "and also aimed at explaining each one's manifestations through a comparative perspective.Keywords: Nazik al-malaika, poem, nostalgia, personal memory, collective memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 41014869 Comparative Analysis of Real and Virtual Garment Fit
Authors: Kristina Ancutiene
The goal of this research is to perform comparative analysis between the virtual fit of the woman's dress and the fit on a real person. The dress fitting was done using mechanical and structural parameters of the 100 % linen fabric and using Modaris_3D_Fit software (CAD Lectra). The dress was also sawn after which garment fit differences of real and virtual dress was researched. Four respondents whose figures were similar were used to evaluate the ease and strain deformations of the real and virtual dress. The scores that were given by the respondents wearing the real dress were compared to the ease and strain results that were given by the software. The main result was that respondents feel similar to the virtual stretch deformations but their ease feeling is not always matching the virtual ones. The results may be influenced by psychological factors and different understanding about purpose of garment.Keywords: virtual garment, 3D CAD, garment fit, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 34614868 Factors Contributing to Work Stress Among Nurses in Hadiya Zone’s Public Hospitals, Central Ethiopia, in 2023
Authors: Asnakech Zekiwos
Background: Stress in nursing refers to the reactions nurses experience when faced with work demands that exceed their knowledge, skills, or ability to cope. Nursing, as a profession, is particularly susceptible to work-related stress. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 405 randomly selected nurses working in Hadiya Zone Public Hospitals from March 1 to 30, 2023. Data were collected using a pre-tested self-administered questionnaire. The data were entered using Epi-data version 3.1 and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with the level of work stress. Variables with a p-value <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: In this study, 56% (95% CI 50.9-61.2) of the participants reported being stressed in their work. Several factors were found to be associated with work stress, including being female (AOR=1.94, 95% CI 1.19-3.16), rotating shifts (AOR=2.06, 95% CI 1.31-3.25), working in the intensive care unit (AOR=3.42, 95% CI 1.20-9.73), and having post-basic training (AOR=0.55, 95% CI 0.34-0.92). Conclusion: The study revealed a high level of work stress among nurses in the study area. The zonal health unit takes measures to address work stress by providing job orientation during the hiring process, rotation, and on-the-job training to help nurses cope with and manage stressful events. Stress in public hospitals and among nurses is an important issue that needs attention.Keywords: stress, nurses, public hospitals, expanded stress scale
Procedia PDF Downloads 9614867 A TgCNN-Based Surrogate Model for Subsurface Oil-Water Phase Flow under Multi-Well Conditions
Authors: Jian Li
The uncertainty quantification and inversion problems of subsurface oil-water phase flow usually require extensive repeated forward calculations for new runs with changed conditions. To reduce the computational time, various forms of surrogate models have been built. Related research shows that deep learning has emerged as an effective surrogate model, while most surrogate models with deep learning are purely data-driven, which always leads to poor robustness and abnormal results. To guarantee the model more consistent with the physical laws, a coupled theory-guided convolutional neural network (TgCNN) based surrogate model is built to facilitate computation efficiency under the premise of satisfactory accuracy. The model is a convolutional neural network based on multi-well reservoir simulation. The core notion of this proposed method is to bridge two separate blocks on top of an overall network. They underlie the TgCNN model in a coupled form, which reflects the coupling nature of pressure and water saturation in the two-phase flow equation. The model is driven by not only labeled data but also scientific theories, including governing equations, stochastic parameterization, boundary, and initial conditions, well conditions, and expert knowledge. The results show that the TgCNN-based surrogate model exhibits satisfactory accuracy and efficiency in subsurface oil-water phase flow under multi-well conditions.Keywords: coupled theory-guided convolutional neural network, multi-well conditions, surrogate model, subsurface oil-water phase
Procedia PDF Downloads 8714866 Attitudes toward Work-Life Balance among Japanese Youth
Authors: Tomoko Adachi
Although, thirty years have passed since the enactment of Equal Employment Opportunity Law, contemporary Japanese citizens still have difficulties in balancing work and life responsibilities. Not a few women give up their professional career after childbirth, meanwhile, men spend longer hours at work and have minimal time for their families. One of the reasons should be attributed to the traditional gender role ideas which have been entrenched even among younger generations. In an attempt to explore the psychological factors which enable work-life balance, the current study investigated attitudes of Japanese youth toward work-life balance and their relationships with gender role attitudes. Participants were 948 Japanese (165 men and 783 women) with the average age of 19.60 (SD=1.18). As for measure, a scale developed and modified by the author was used to assess attitudes toward work-life balance and Short form of the Scale of Egalitarian Sex Role Attitudes (SESRA-S) was used to assess traditional vs. egalitarian gender role attitudes. The results showed clear gender differences as follows. First, examination of attitudes toward work-life balance showed that more than 90% of men preferred to continue their work without child care interruption. Meanwhile, women showed various attitudes, with around 50% wanted to have child care interruption, 40% wanted to continue working without it, while, 10% wanted to work until childbirth. Secondly, gender comparison of egalitarian gender role attitudes showed that women possessed equal ideas on gender roles than men. Thirdly, relationships between gender role attitudes and attitudes for work-life balance were examined. No significant relationship between the two was found among men, which implies that regardless of the gender role attitudes, most of the men thought that continuing work without child care interruption was the ideal path for them. On the other hand, the effects of gender role attitudes were apparent among women, showing that women with egalitarian attitudes preferred to continue their professional career even after childbirth. The present study revealed gender difference in the idea about work-life balance with men possessing traditional ideas of 'men should be a bread winner'. Implications for support on young adults to reconcile work and family responsibilities were discussed.Keywords: career path, gender role attitudes, work-life balance, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 52014865 A Data-Driven Compartmental Model for Dengue Forecasting and Covariate Inference
Authors: Yichao Liu, Peter Fransson, Julian Heidecke, Jonas Wallin, Joacim Rockloev
Dengue, a mosquito-borne viral disease, poses a significant public health challenge in endemic tropical or subtropical countries, including Sri Lanka. To reveal insights into the complexity of the dynamics of this disease and study the drivers, a comprehensive model capable of both robust forecasting and insightful inference of drivers while capturing the co-circulating of several virus strains is essential. However, existing studies mostly focus on only one aspect at a time and do not integrate and carry insights across the siloed approach. While mechanistic models are developed to capture immunity dynamics, they are often oversimplified and lack integration of all the diverse drivers of disease transmission. On the other hand, purely data-driven methods lack constraints imposed by immuno-epidemiological processes, making them prone to overfitting and inference bias. This research presents a hybrid model that combines machine learning techniques with mechanistic modelling to overcome the limitations of existing approaches. Leveraging eight years of newly reported dengue case data, along with socioeconomic factors, such as human mobility, weekly climate data from 2011 to 2018, genetic data detecting the introduction and presence of new strains, and estimates of seropositivity for different districts in Sri Lanka, we derive a data-driven vector (SEI) to human (SEIR) model across 16 regions in Sri Lanka at the weekly time scale. By conducting ablation studies, the lag effects allowing delays up to 12 weeks of time-varying climate factors were determined. The model demonstrates superior predictive performance over a pure machine learning approach when considering lead times of 5 and 10 weeks on data withheld from model fitting. It further reveals several interesting interpretable findings of drivers while adjusting for the dynamics and influences of immunity and introduction of a new strain. The study uncovers strong influences of socioeconomic variables: population density, mobility, household income and rural vs. urban population. The study reveals substantial sensitivity to the diurnal temperature range and precipitation, while mean temperature and humidity appear less important in the study location. Additionally, the model indicated sensitivity to vegetation index, both max and average. Predictions on testing data reveal high model accuracy. Overall, this study advances the knowledge of dengue transmission in Sri Lanka and demonstrates the importance of incorporating hybrid modelling techniques to use biologically informed model structures with flexible data-driven estimates of model parameters. The findings show the potential to both inference of drivers in situations of complex disease dynamics and robust forecasting models.Keywords: compartmental model, climate, dengue, machine learning, social-economic
Procedia PDF Downloads 8614864 Method to Find a ε-Optimal Control of Stochastic Differential Equation Driven by a Brownian Motion
Authors: Francys Souza, Alberto Ohashi, Dorival Leao
We present a general solution for finding the ε-optimal controls for non-Markovian stochastic systems as stochastic differential equations driven by Brownian motion, which is a problem recognized as a difficult solution. The contribution appears in the development of mathematical tools to deal with modeling and control of non-Markovian systems, whose applicability in different areas is well known. The methodology used consists to discretize the problem through a random discretization. In this way, we transform an infinite dimensional problem in a finite dimensional, thereafter we use measurable selection arguments, to find a control on an explicit form for the discretized problem. Then, we prove the control found for the discretized problem is a ε-optimal control for the original problem. Our theory provides a concrete description of a rather general class, among the principals, we can highlight financial problems such as portfolio control, hedging, super-hedging, pairs-trading and others. Therefore, our main contribution is the development of a tool to explicitly the ε-optimal control for non-Markovian stochastic systems. The pathwise analysis was made through a random discretization jointly with measurable selection arguments, has provided us with a structure to transform an infinite dimensional problem into a finite dimensional. The theory is applied to stochastic control problems based on path-dependent stochastic differential equations, where both drift and diffusion components are controlled. We are able to explicitly show optimal control with our method.Keywords: dynamic programming equation, optimal control, stochastic control, stochastic differential equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 18914863 Geodesign Application for Bio-Swale Design: A Data-Driven Design Approach for a Case Site in Ottawa Street North in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Authors: Adele Pierre, Nadia Amoroso
Changing climate patterns are resulting in increased in storm severity, challenging traditional methods of managing stormwater runoff. This research compares a system of bioswales to existing curb and gutter infrastructure in a post-industrial streetscape of Hamilton, Ontario. Using the geodesign process, including rule-based set parameters and an integrated approach combining geospatial information with stakeholder input, a section of Ottawa St. North was modelled to show how green infrastructure can ease the burden on aging, combined sewer systems. Qualitative data was gathered from residents of the neighbourhood through field notes, and quantitative geospatial data through GIS and site analysis. Parametric modelling was used to generate multiple design scenarios, each visualizing resulting impacts on stormwater runoff along with their calculations. The selected design scenarios offered both an aesthetically pleasing urban bioswale street-scape system while minimizing and controlling stormwater runoff. Interactive maps, videos and the 3D model were presented for stakeholder comment via ESRI’s (Environmental System Research Institute) web-scene. The results of the study demonstrate powerful tools that can assist landscape architects in designing, collaborating and communicating stormwater strategies.Keywords: bioswale, geodesign, data-driven and rule-based design, geodesign, GIS, stormwater management
Procedia PDF Downloads 18214862 Need of More Social Work Students to Work in Aging Fields
Authors: Mbita Mbao
Social work programs are grappling with changing students’ attitudes about working with older adults. Our study aimed to understand whether adding a guest speaker working in the field into weekly content would influence students’ attitudes about working with older adults. We conducted an exploratory study using a cross-sectional design with a pre and post-test to answer our question. Eighteen MSW students were enrolled in the ‘Social Work with Older Adults’ course, and 17 students completed the pre-posttests. Willingness to work with older adults was measured using the ‘Willingness to Work with Elderly People Scale (WEPS)’. Guest speakers were recruited from local area agencies on aging. A significant finding was a statistically significant (t= −3.31, p < .01) increase from pre- (M = 3.59, SD = 1.54) to post-test (M = 4.88, SD = 1.22) scores for the item, ‘My professors advise me to consider aged care career.’ In addition, there were statistically significant pre to post-test differences for all items of ‘Perceived Behavioral Control’ and ‘Intention toward working with older adults’ reflecting competence, training, skills, and capabilities to work with older adults, suggesting guest speakers may play a crucial role as influential sources to positively shape students’ attitudes and intentions toward working with older adults.Keywords: guest speakers, workforce, aging, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 2514861 An Entropy Based Novel Algorithm for Internal Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Muhammad R. Ahmed, Mohammed Aseeri
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of low-cost and multi functional resources constrain nodes that communicate at short distances through wireless links. It is open media and underpinned by an application driven technology for information gathering and processing. It can be used for many different applications range from military implementation in the battlefield, environmental monitoring, health sector as well as emergency response of surveillance. With its nature and application scenario, security of WSN had drawn a great attention. It is known to be valuable to variety of attacks for the construction of nodes and distributed network infrastructure. In order to ensure its functionality especially in malicious environments, security mechanisms are essential. Malicious or internal attacker has gained prominence and poses the most challenging attacks to WSN. Many works have been done to secure WSN from internal attacks but most of it relay on either training data set or predefined threshold. Without a fixed security infrastructure a WSN needs to find the internal attacks is a challenge. In this paper we present an internal attack detection method based on maximum entropy model. The final experimental works showed that the proposed algorithm does work well at the designed level.Keywords: internal attack, wireless sensor network, network security, entropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 45614860 Event Driven Dynamic Clustering and Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Ashok V. Sutagundar, Sunilkumar S. Manvi
Energy, delay and bandwidth are the prime issues of wireless sensor network (WSN). Energy usage optimization and efficient bandwidth utilization are important issues in WSN. Event triggered data aggregation facilitates such optimal tasks for event affected area in WSN. Reliable delivery of the critical information to sink node is also a major challenge of WSN. To tackle these issues, we propose an event driven dynamic clustering and data aggregation scheme for WSN that enhances the life time of the network by minimizing redundant data transmission. The proposed scheme operates as follows: (1) Whenever the event is triggered, event triggered node selects the cluster head. (2) Cluster head gathers data from sensor nodes within the cluster. (3) Cluster head node identifies and classifies the events out of the collected data using Bayesian classifier. (4) Aggregation of data is done using statistical method. (5) Cluster head discovers the paths to the sink node using residual energy, path distance and bandwidth. (6) If the aggregated data is critical, cluster head sends the aggregated data over the multipath for reliable data communication. (7) Otherwise aggregated data is transmitted towards sink node over the single path which is having the more bandwidth and residual energy. The performance of the scheme is validated for various WSN scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of aggregation time, cluster formation time and energy consumed for aggregation.Keywords: wireless sensor network, dynamic clustering, data aggregation, wireless communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 45214859 Defining the Vibrancy of the Temple Square: A Case of Car Street Udupi, Karnataka
Authors: Nivedhitha Venkatakrishnan
Walking down busy temple streets in India is an experience in lifetime. Especially the temple streets are one of the most energetic places not only because of the divinity but also because of the streets itself which provides place for people to relax, meet, shop, linger, just walk around these activities create a set of experience which results in memories that lasts longer. Thinking of any temple street in India the image that comes to anyone’s mind are the elegantly sculpted Gopurams (Gateway) that depicts the craftsmanship and the history of the place, people taking a holy dip in the water, the aroma of the agarbathi’s, flowers with the divine Vedic chants and the sound of the temple bell flock of pigeons flying from the niches of the Gopuram with the sun in the backdrop. It gives a feeling of impulse energy that brings in life to these streets. Any temple street with even any one factor missing would look dead. This will be amiss in the essence in the scene of one’s experiences. These Temple Streets traditionally cater not only for religious purpose but to a wide range of activities. A vibrant street that facilitates such activities are preferred by the public any day. The research seeks to understand and find out the definition of Vibrancy in Indian Context. What is Vibrancy? What brings in the feeling of Vibrancy/Liveliness/Energy? Is it the Built structure and the city? Or is it the people? Or is it the Activity? Or is it Built structure – city – People – Activity put together brings the sense of Vibrancy to a place? How to define Vibrancy? Is it measurable? For which a case of Car Street Udupi, Karnataka is taken. The research is carried out in two stages. ‘Stage One’ makes use of ethnographic fieldwork as a basic method, complimented by structured field observations using a behavioral mapping procedure of the streets. Stage Two’ utilizes surveys that collected. This stage seeks to understand what design characteristics and furniture arrangements are associated with stationary, social and gathering activities of people by each cultural group and all groups collectively. The main conclusion from this research is that retail activities remain the main concern of people in cultural streets. Management and higher-level planning of retail activities on the streets could encourage and motivate possible Shops to enrich the trade variety of the street that provides a means for social and cultural diversity. In addition to business activities, spatial design characteristics are found to have an influence on people’s behavior and activity. The findings of this research suggest that retail and business activities, together with the design and skillful management of the public areas, could support a wider range of static and social activities among people of various ethnic backgrounds.Keywords: activity, liveliness, temple street, vibrancy
Procedia PDF Downloads 15914858 Interpretation and Prediction of Geotechnical Soil Parameters Using Ensemble Machine Learning
Authors: Goudjil kamel, Boukhatem Ghania, Jlailia Djihene
This paper delves into the development of a sophisticated desktop application designed to calculate soil bearing capacity and predict limit pressure. Drawing from an extensive review of existing methodologies, the study meticulously examines various approaches employed in soil bearing capacity calculations, elucidating their theoretical foundations and practical applications. Furthermore, the study explores the burgeoning intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and geotechnical engineering, underscoring the transformative potential of AI- driven solutions in enhancing predictive accuracy and efficiency.Central to the research is the utilization of cutting-edge machine learning techniques, including Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), XGBoost, and Random Forest, for predictive modeling. Through comprehensive experimentation and rigorous analysis, the efficacy and performance of each method are rigorously evaluated, with XGBoost emerging as the preeminent algorithm, showcasing superior predictive capabilities compared to its counterparts. The study culminates in a nuanced understanding of the intricate dynamics at play in geotechnical analysis, offering valuable insights into optimizing soil bearing capacity calculations and limit pressure predictions. By harnessing the power of advanced computational techniques and AI-driven algorithms, the paper presents a paradigm shift in the realm of geotechnical engineering, promising enhanced precision and reliability in civil engineering projects.Keywords: limit pressure of soil, xgboost, random forest, bearing capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2514857 Virtual Team Performance: A Transactive Memory System Perspective
Authors: Belbaly Nassim
Virtual teams (VT) initiatives, in which teams are geographically dispersed and communicate via modern computer-driven technologies, have attracted increasing attention from researchers and professionals. The growing need to examine how to balance and optimize VT is particularly important given the exposure experienced by companies when their employees encounter globalization and decentralization pressures to monitor VT performance. Hence, organization is regularly limited due to misalignment between the behavioral capabilities of the team’s dispersed competences and knowledge capabilities and how trust issues interplay and influence these VT dimensions and the effects of such exchanges. In fact, the future success of business depends on the extent to which VTs are managing efficiently their dispersed expertise, skills and knowledge to stimulate VT creativity. Transactive memory system (TMS) may enhance VT creativity using its three dimensons: knowledge specialization, credibility and knowledge coordination. TMS can be understood as a composition of both a structural component residing of individual knowledge and a set of communication processes among individuals. The individual knowledge is shared while being retrieved, applied and the learning is coordinated. TMS is driven by the central concept that the system is built on the distinction between internal and external memory encoding. A VT learns something new and catalogs it in memory for future retrieval and use. TMS uses the role of information technology to explain VT behaviors by offering VT members the possibility to encode, store, and retrieve information. TMS considers the members of a team as a processing system in which the location of expertise both enhances knowledge coordination and builds trust among members over time. We build on TMS dimensions to hypothesize the effects of specialization, coordination, and credibility on VT creativity. In fact, VTs consist of dispersed expertise, skills and knowledge that can positively enhance coordination and collaboration. Ultimately, this team composition may lead to recognition of both who has expertise and where that expertise is located; over time, the team composition may also build trust among VT members over time developing the ability to coordinate their knowledge which can stimulate creativity. We also assess the reciprocal relationship between TMS dimensions and VT creativity. We wish to use TMS to provide researchers with a theoretically driven model that is empirically validated through survey evidence. We propose that TMS provides a new way to enhance and balance VT creativity. This study also provides researchers insight into the use of TMS to influence positively VT creativity. In addition to our research contributions, we provide several managerial insights into how TMS components can be used to increase performance within dispersed VTs.Keywords: virtual team creativity, transactive memory systems, specialization, credibility, coordination
Procedia PDF Downloads 17414856 A Study of Chinese-specific Terms in Government Work Report(2017-2019) from the Perspective of Relevance Theory
Authors: Shi Jiaxin
The Government Work Report is an essential form of document in the government of the People’s Republic of China. It covers all aspects of Chinese society and reflects China’s development strategy and trend. There are countless special terms in Government Work Report. Only by understanding Chinese-specific terms can we understand the content of the Government Work Report. Only by accurately translating the Chinese-specific terms can people come from all across the world know the Chinese government work report and understand China. Relevance theory is a popular theory of cognitive pragmatics. Relevance Translation Theory, which is closely related to Relevance Theory, has crucial and major guiding significance for the translation of Chinese-specific. Through studying Relevance Theory and researching the translation techniques, strategies and applications in the process of translating Chinese-specific terms from the perspective of Relevance Theory, we can understand the meaning and connotation of Chinese-specific terms, then solve various problems in the process of C-E translation, and strengthen our translation ability.Keywords: government work report, Chinese-specific terms, relevance theory, translation
Procedia PDF Downloads 17214855 Using Log Files to Improve Work Efficiency
Authors: Salman Hussam
As a monitoring system to manage employees' time and employers' business, this system (logger) will monitor the employees at work and will announce them if they spend too much time on social media (even if they are using proxy it will catch them). In this way, people will spend less time at work and more time with family.Keywords: clients, employees, employers, family, monitoring, systems, social media, time
Procedia PDF Downloads 49514854 The Influence of Nyerere in Integrating Ubuntu Knowledge and Social Work in Tanzania – A Literature Review
Authors: Meinrad Haule Lembuka
Ubuntu is an African philosophy and model with the meaning of 'humanity to others' or 'care for other’s needs because of the guiding principle of interdependence’ that embraces collective and holistic efforts in development through the human face. The study uses a literature review method reflecting Julius Nyerere’s contributions in realizing Ubuntu and social work practice. Nyerere strived to restore Africa development in the lens of humanism through the values of solidarity, communal participation, compassion, care, justice etc; He later founded developmental social work through Ujamaa model, educational for self reliance and African dignity. Nyerere was against post-colonial syndromes through African socialism that envisioned values and principles of social work to provide social justice, human dignity, social change and social development. Also, he managed to serve the primary mission of the social work profession to enhance human wellbeing and help meet basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty with African Ubuntu practice of equal distribution of resources. Nyerere further endorsed social work legal framework that embraced universal human rights: service, equality, social justice, and human dignity, Importance of human relationship, integrity and competence. Nyerere proved that Indigenous model can work with formal system like Social work profession. In 2014 the National Heritage Council of South Africa (NHC) honored him an Award of African Ubuntu champion. Nyerere strongly upheld to be an ambassador of social work through his remarkably contributions in developmental social work (Ujamaa model), social change, human dignity, equality, social unity and social justice in Africa and globe at large.Keywords: ubuntu, Indiginious knowledge, Indiginious social work, ubuntu social work
Procedia PDF Downloads 10614853 The Double Standard: Ethical Issues and Gender Discrimination in Traditional Western Ethics
Authors: Merina Islam
The feminists have identified the traditional western ethical theories as basically male centered. Feminists are committed to develop a critique showing how the traditional western ethics together with traditional philosophy, irrespective of the claim for gender neutrality, all throughout remained gender-biased. This exclusion of women’s experiences from the moral discourse is justified on the ground that women cannot be moral agents, since they are not rational. By way of entailment, we are thus led to the position that virtues of traditional ethics, so viewed, can nothing but rational and hence male. The ears of traditional Western ethicists have been attuned to male rather than female ethical voices. Right from the Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel and even philosophers like Freud, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and many others the dualism between reason-passion or mind and body started gaining prominence. These, according to them, have either intentionally excluded women or else have used certain male moral experience as the standard for all moral experiences, thereby resulting once again in exclusion of women’s experiences. Men are identified with rationality and hence contrasted with women whose sphere is believed to be that of emotion and feeling. This act of exclusion of women’s experience from moral discourse has given birth to a tradition that emphasizes reason over emotion, universal over the particular, and justice over caring. That patriarchy’s use of gender distinctions in the realm of Ethics has resulted in gender discriminations is an undeniable fact. Hence women’s moral agency is said to have often been denied, not simply by the act of exclusion of women from moral debate or sheer ignorance of their contributions, but through philosophical claims to the effect that women lack moral reason. Traditional or mainstream ethics cannot justify its claim for universality, objectivity and gender neutrality the standards from which were drawn the legitimacy of the various moral maxims or principles of it. Right from the Platonic and Aristotelian period the dualism between reason-passion or mind and body started gaining prominence. Men are identified with rationality and hence contrasted with women whose sphere is believed to be that of emotion and feeling. Through the Association of the masculine values with reason (the feminine with irrational), was created the standard prototype of moral virtues The feminists’ critique of the traditional mainstream Ethics is based on this charge that because of its inherent gender bias, in the name of gender distinctions, Ethics has so far been justifying discriminations. In this paper, attempt would make upon the gender biased-ness of traditional ethics. But Feminists are committed to develop a critique showing how the traditional ethics together with traditional philosophy, irrespective of the claim for gender neutrality, all throughout remained gender-biased. We would try to show to what extent traditional ethics is male centered and consequentially fails to justify its claims for universality and gender neutrality.Keywords: ethics, gender, male-centered, traditional
Procedia PDF Downloads 42814852 Labor Welfare and Social Security
Authors: Shoaib Alvi
Mahatma Gandhi was said “Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men”. Labor welfare is an important fact of Industrial relations. With the growth of industrialization, mechanization and computerization, labor welfare measures have got the fillip. The author believes that Labor welfare includes provisions of various facilities and amenities in and around the work place for the better life of the workers. Labor welfare is, thus, one of the major determinants of industrial relations. It comprises all human efforts the work place for the better life of the worker. The social and economic aspects of the life of the workers have the direct influence on the social and economic development of the nation. Author thinks that there could be multiple objectives in having, labor welfare programme the concern for improving the lot of the workers, a philosophy of humanitarianism or internal social responsibility, a feeling of concern, and caring by providing some of life's basic amenities, besides the basic pay packet. Such caring is supposed to build a sense of loyalty on the part of the employee towards the organization. The author thinks that Social security is the security that the State furnishes against the risks which an individual of small means cannot today, stand up to by himself even in private combination with his fellows. Social security is one of the pillars on which the structure of a welfare state rests, and it constitutes the hardcore of social policy in most countries. It is through social security measures that the state attempts to maintain every citizen at a certain prescribed level below which no one is allowed to fall. According to author, social assistance is a method according to which benefits are given to the needy persons, fulfilling the prescribed conditions, by the government out of its own resources. Author has analyzed and studied the relationship between the labor welfare social security and also studied various international conventions on provisions of social security by International Authorities like United Nations, International Labor Organization, and European Union etc. Author has also studied and analyzed concept of labor welfare and social security schemes of many countries around the globe ex:- Social security in Australia, Social security in Switzerland, Social Security (United States), Mexican Social Security Institute, Welfare in Germany, Social security schemes of India for labor welfare in both organized sector and unorganized sector. In this Research paper, Author has done the study on the Conceptual framework of the Labour Welfare. According to author, labors are highly perishable, which need constant welfare measures for their upgradation and performance in this field. At last author has studied role of trade unions and labor welfare unions and other institutions working for labor welfare, in this research paper author has also identified problems these Unions and labor welfare bodies’ face and tried to find out solutions for the problems and also analyzed various steps taken by the government of various countries around the globe.Keywords: labor welfare, internal social responsibility, social security, international conventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 57714851 Narrative Constructs and Environmental Engagement: A Textual Analysis of Climate Fiction’s Role in Shaping Sustainability Consciousness
Authors: Dean J. Hill
This paper undertakes the task of conducting an in-depth textual analysis of the cli-fi genre. It examines how writing in the genre contributes to expressing and facilitating the articulation of environmental consciousness through the form of narrative. The paper begins by situating cli-fi within the literary continuum of ecological narratives and identifying the unique textual characteristics and thematic preoccupations of this area. The paper unfolds how cli-fi transforms the esoteric nature of climate science into credible narrative forms by drawing on language use, metaphorical constructs, and narrative framing. It also involves how descriptive and figurative language in the description of nature and disaster makes climate change so vivid and emotionally resonant. The work also points out the dialogic nature of cli-fi, whereby the characters and the narrators experience inner disputes in the novel regarding the ethical dilemma of environmental destruction, thus demanding the readers challenge and re-evaluate their standpoints on sustainability and ecological responsibilities. The paper proceeds with analysing the feature of narrative voice and its role in eliciting empathy, as well as reader involvement with the ecological material. In looking at how different narratorial perspectives contribute to the emotional and cognitive reaction of the reader to text, this study demonstrates the profound power of perspective in developing intimacy with the dominating concerns. Finally, the emotional arc of cli-fi narratives, running its course over themes of loss, hope, and resilience, is analysed in relation to how these elements function to marshal public feeling and discourse into action around climate change. Therefore, we can say that the complexity of the text in the cli-fi not only shows the hard edge of the reality of climate change but also influences public perception and behaviour toward a more sustainable future.Keywords: cli-fi genre, ecological narratives, emotional arc, narrative voice, public perception
Procedia PDF Downloads 3214850 Investigation on the Fire Resistance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete with Natural Fibers
Authors: Dong Zhang, Kang Hai Tan, Aravind Dasari
Increasing concern on environmental sustainability and waste management has driven the construction and building sector towards renewable materials. In this work, we have explored the usage of natural fibers as an alternative to synthetic fibers like polypropylene (PP) in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC). PP fibers are incorporated into concrete to resist explosive thermal spalling of UHPC during a fire exposure scenario. Experimental studies on the effect of natural fiber on the mechanical properties and spalling resistance of UHCP were conducted. The residual mechanical properties of UHPC with natural fibers were tested after heating to different temperatures. Spalling behavior of UHPC with natural fibers is also assessed by heating the samples according to ISO 834 fire curve. A range of analytical, physical and microscopic characterization techniques was also used on the concrete samples before and after being subjected to elevated temperature to investigate the phase and microstructural change of the sample. The findings show that natural fibers are able to improve fire resistance of UHPC. Adding natural fibers can prevent UHPC from spalling at high temperature. This study provides an alternative, which is at low cost and environmentally friendly, to prevent spalling of UHPC.Keywords: high temperature, natural fiber, spalling, ultra-high performance concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 17914849 The Political Biographies of Social Workers: A Qualitative Study of the Political Lives of Social Workers
Authors: Hefin Gwilym
This paper will explore the political biographies of social workers in a neoliberal era. The findings are based on a research project for a successfully completed professional doctorate in social work. The methodology deployed for the research is a combination of constructivist grounded theory and biographical inquiry. The paper will present findings from 14 biographical interviews and will focus on one case study of a participant whose life story is richly informed by political social work. The 14 participants reflect different genders, ethnic identities, cultural and linguistic identities, age and length of social work careers. The participants also reflect different forms of political engagement, such as, as political activists and members of political parties, including parliamentarians. The findings demonstrate how deeply ingrained the social work identity is amongst the participants and how their political identity has remained strongly social democratic in nature despite the many changes in the social work profession since the rise of neoliberalism as a thought collective and policy package. The individual case study will explore the early roots of political identity in the childhood and nurturing years and the interface with subsequent social work and political careers. It will also explore the evolution of the participant’s political identity in the social work career. The case study will also present findings on how the participant has contributed to the political field with policy involvement and initiatives. The presentation will conclude with a discussion on how this particular group of social workers can best contribute to the future direction of the social work profession.Keywords: political social work, political biographies, neoliberal, grounded theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 28214848 Frankie Adams’s Sexuality in the Member of the Wedding: Focusing on Musical References
Authors: Saori Iwatsuka
In The Member of the Wedding, Carson McCullers starts with the words, “It happened,” without telling the reader what happens to a twelve-year-old protagonist, Frankie Adams. The reader feels confused and incomprehensible. However, he or she later realizes that the confusing phrase is connected to the scene where Frankie feels “the thing happened” after listening to the melodic lines of jazz and blues. Yet, the reader cannot really comprehend what happens to Frankie and feels puzzled till the end. And the story ends with Frankie’s words, “I am simply mad about . . .” Implying her queer desire for her new friend Mary Littlejohn, McCullers never tells the reader whom Frankie is mad about. Despite McCullers’s ambiguous way of depicting Frankie’s sexuality, recent critics and reviewers have come to discuss her sexuality as anti-heterosexual because Frankie expresses her hatred for Barney, whom she has had some type of sexual encounter, and feels wrong with her brother Jarvis’s wedding. After giving up her sexual desire for Jarvis’s bride, Janice, Frankie changes her name to Frances, becomes engrossed with Michelangelo, and enjoys reading Tennyson’s poetry with Mary. Michelangelo and Tennyson are well-known homosexual artists, which suggests that Frankie has an anti-heterosexual orientation. As McCullers does not precisely describe Frankie’s sexuality, the reader can only assume it by connecting fragmentary descriptions. However, this discussion is more clarified to show Frankie’s sexuality because analyzing the musical references of jazz and blues and interpreting them from a musicological viewpoint will illuminate it. In her works, McCullers frequently uses musical references and descriptions, which have a significant and psychological impact on the protagonists and portrays their bodily reactions to the impact to reveal what the reader cannot see on the surface. Thus, in this story, too, Frankie’s bodily reaction to music is portrayed to cue her feelings. After seeing the chimney swifts, known as monogamous birds, Frankie feels “a jazz sadness,” quivers her nerves and stiffens her heart. After listening to Berenice’s “dark jazz voice,” Frankie feels dizzy and throws a knife because Berenice’s voice jazzes (excites) her heart that beats in her head. Calming herself, she fantasizes that Jarvis, Jarvis’s bride, Janice, and herself are members of “the we of me.” Then in the evening, listening to the blues and jazz being played by a black horn player somewhere in her neighborhood, Frankie realizes “the thing happened” and discovers “a new feeling.” Following the musical references “jazz” and “blues” and examining them from the viewpoint of musicology and terminology leads the reader to explore what “it” is in “it happened” and what her “new feeling” is when “the thing happened” with the blues tune breaking off. Those discussions will illuminate Frankie’s sexuality. As McCullers does not clearly name her sexuality, this paper uses the word queer to express Frankie’s anti-sexual orientation.Keywords: jazz and blues, musical references, queer sexuality, “we of me”
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